Let it be known that Rixon Stewart, the editor of this website did not open a Facebook account. The one linked was probably opened in an attempt to discredit or mislead. Ed.
Last updated 09 November 2009 Editorial feedback to: |

Iran charges three detained Americans with espionage The three allegedly strayed into Iran from northern Iraq, which raises the question: Iraq is racked by violence, so what were three Americans doing on a supposed hiking holiday in the north of the country? More ... |

Gilad Atzmon: In Defence of Larry David David is probably the most courageous Jewish comedian of all time. He doesn’t just bring to light to Jewish ugliness, he often embodies this ugliness himself. Includes video link More ... |

![]() | Russia must keep promise to supply missiles: Iran Although the deal was agreed in 2007, the sale of Russia’s ‘game changing’ missile system to Iran has still not been finalised More ... |

Christians – Zionism’s Useful Idiots How Christians are being duped into helping Zionists do their own dirty work More ... |

Home Office covered up immigration risk Official documents reveal that under Tony Blair the government secretly opened Britain’s borders, while pretendeding to control immigration under its so-called “managed migration” policy More ... |

![]() | Smoking Mirrors: November 8th Radio Show and a Little Extemporaneous Dog Poet You have heard the ancient saying that, “it is always darkest before the dawn”. I submit that that is the position in which we find ourselves at this time More ... |

Mike James: Lisbon And The Zionist Nightmare Why I love my people and why I choose to fight More ... |

![]() | Henry Makow: Taliban Still Working for the CIA? As President Obama ponders whether to send more troops to Afghanistan, there is mounting evidence the Taliban is supported by the CIA. If correct, the war is a charade with a hidden agenda More ... |

Mike Adams - Natural News: Associated Press declares war on alternative medicine While the mainstream media won’t mention the downside of psychotropic drugs ( it would anger their advertisers), Associated Press has effectively declared war on alternative medicine More ... |

![]() | Protecting our Children in a World Gone Mad The fact is, by 6th grade these kids' minds are set into the pattern created by the mass media More ... |

75% of young Americans unfit for Military Duty The latest Army statistics show a stunning 75 percent of military-age youth are ineligible to join the military because they are overweight, can't pass entrance exams, have dropped out of high school or had run-ins with the law More ... |

![]() | Includes video link: UK Masonic Criminal Elite Called "Untouchables" The UK is currently being run by a criminal Masonic group who consider themselves beyond the reach of the law, because nominally at least they are the law More ... |

Updated: Conflicting Reports on Fort Hood Shootings Anomalies are emerging in the Fort Hood shootings. Early reports indicate more than one shooter while the lone female cop who confronted the alleged shooter is being hailed as a heroine – just like Jessica Lynch was once More ... |

![]() | Secret report: Iran tested advanced nuclear warhead design "It is breathtaking that Iran could be working on this sort of material," said a European government adviser on nuclear issues More ... |

The Media As Enablers of Government Lies In 1936, New York Times White House correspondent Turner Catledge said that President Roosevelt’s “first instinct was always to lie.” But the Washington press corps covered up Roosevelt’s dishonesty. Since then little has changed More ... |

Timeline: Rothschild's Control of Central Banks In 1838 Amschel Mayer Rothschild is on record as saying: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." What was true then is even more so now as the Rothschild's tighten their grip on global finance More ... |

![]() “Is President Obama losing weight”, ask the dead heads in the mainstream media. When they should be asking ‘Are we Being Set-Up for a Race War?’ |

A huge new crop circle appeared close to Manton, near Marlborough in early May. Follow link for more photos and a first hand report from researcher Charles Mallet
Current Headlines
Gilad Atzmon: In Defence of Larry David David is probably the most courageous Jewish comedian of all time. He doesn’t just bring to light to Jewish ugliness, he often embodies this ugliness himself. Includes video link More ... |
Russia must keep promise to supply missiles: Iran Although the deal was agreed in 2007, the sale of Russia’s ‘game changing’ missile system to Iran has still not been finalised More ... |
Christians – Zionism’s Useful Idiots How Christians are being duped into helping Zionists do their own dirty work More ... |
Home Office covered up immigration risk Official documents reveal that under Tony Blair the government secretly opened Britain’s borders, while pretendeding to control immigration under its so-called “managed migration” policy More ... |
Smoking Mirrors: November 8th Radio Show and a Little Extemporaneous Dog Poet You have heard the ancient saying that, “it is always darkest before the dawn”. I submit that that is the position in which we find ourselves at this time More ... |
Mike James: Lisbon And The Zionist Nightmare Why I love my people and why I choose to fight More ... |
Henry Makow: Taliban Still Working for the CIA? As President Obama ponders whether to send more troops to Afghanistan, there is mounting evidence the Taliban is supported by the CIA. If correct, the war is a charade with a hidden agenda More ... |
Mike Adams - Natural News: Associated Press declares war on alternative medicine While the mainstream media won’t mention the downside of psychotropic drugs ( it would anger their advertisers), Associated Press has effectively declared war on alternative medicine More ... |
Protecting our Children in a World Gone Mad The fact is, by 6th grade these kids' minds are set into the pattern created by the mass media More ... |
75% of young Americans unfit for Military Duty The latest Army statistics show a stunning 75 percent of military-age youth are ineligible to join the military because they are overweight, can't pass entrance exams, have dropped out of high school or had run-ins with the law More ... |
Includes video link: UK Masonic Criminal Elite Called "Untouchables" The UK is currently being run by a criminal Masonic group who consider themselves beyond the reach of the law, because nominally at least they are the law More ... |
Updated: Conflicting Reports on Fort Hood Shootings Anomalies are emerging in the Fort Hood shootings. Early reports indicate more than one shooter while the lone female cop who confronted the alleged shooter is being hailed as a heroine – just like Jessica Lynch was once More ... |
Secret report: Iran tested advanced nuclear warhead design "It is breathtaking that Iran could be working on this sort of material," said a European government adviser on nuclear issues More ... |
The Media As Enablers of Government Lies In 1936, New York Times White House correspondent Turner Catledge said that President Roosevelt’s “first instinct was always to lie.” But the Washington press corps covered up Roosevelt’s dishonesty. Since then little has changed More ... |
Timeline: Rothschild's Control of Central Banks In 1838 Amschel Mayer Rothschild is on record as saying: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." What was true then is even more so now as the Rothschild's tighten their grip on global finance More ... |
Essential Reading for Newer Readers
Bilderberg Meeting – Media Should Be Ashamed Why do the Bilderberg meetings receive so little coverage. Victor Thorn examines why, and how, real news is suppressed by the mainstream media More ... |
Does God Play Dice with the Universe? Research into particle physics is revealing a world full of almost magical qualities. Could it be that this mysterious, puzzling world is in fact the world of the spirit – the spiritual world that saints and mystics throughout history have sought to explo More ... |
Recomended Reading: Prophecy I'm going to make a confession. I'm going to put a troubling matter "on the record." I do so with some hesitation, since the business under discussion could ruin whatever small reputation I may have gained, writes Joseph Cannon More ... |
Horrifying US Secret Weaponry Unleashed in Baghdad DU was bad enough, but reports filtering out of Baghdad suggest US forces used a new type of weapon to capture the city. This is the real story behind the fall of Baghdad and it truly is the stuff of nightmares More ... |
"WIPED OFF THE MAP" - The Rumor of the Century How President Ahmadinejad's words were mistranslated and deliberately distorted. So that the term "wiped off the map" has now become synonymous with the Iranian leader’s attitude to Israel – even though he never uttered those words More ... |
Updated December 17, 2004: The Mastermind Behind 911? He recieved hardly any media attention while chief financial officer at the Pentagon, but he might just be THE KEY FIGURE behind the events of 911 More ... |
The Forgotten Holocaust: In 'Eisenhower's Death Camps': A U.S. Prison Guard's Story In Andernach about 50,000 prisoners of all ages were held in an open field surrounded by barbed wire. The men I guarded had no shelter and no blankets; many had no coats. They slept in the mud, wet and cold, with inadequate slit trenches for excrement. More ... |
The Oklahoma City Bombing: 30 Unanswered Questions Timothy McVeigh may have been tried and executed, but there are still too many unanswered questions about the Oklahoma City Bombing More ... |
Affidavit of Richard Tomlinson "I firmly believe that there exist documents held by the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) that would yield important new evidence into the cause and circumstances leading to the death of the Princess of Wales." More ... |
An Intelligence Insider Speaks Out: The true inside facts about the 7/7 London bombings What this website has long suspected has been confirmed. James Casbolt, himself a former MI6 operative, gets the inside story from a disaffected member of British Intelligence on who was really behind the 7/7 bombings and why More ... |
The Origins of Modern Banking It was Thomas Jefferson who said, "banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies". And as Kieron McFadden reveals, he was not being alarmist More ... |
Native American Indian Prophecies Extracts from a talk given by Lee Brown at the 1986 Continental Indigenous Council, Tanana Valley, Fairbanks, Alaska. More ... |