What information can remote neural monitoring pick up?
Limit CIA Role To Intelligence

Clinton Administration Counter Terrorism Initiative
Israel Crackdown Puts Liberal Jews on the Spot
How the police have spent years quashing the rights of assembly and free speech

Southern Poverty Law Center
Police State.net
Israel-Palestine security fenceIndicted : former VP Cheney and former Attorney General Gonzales - Private prison profiteers
Torture in American prisons
Torture mentally ill - 9 months solitary confinement naked in filth
- Tasers,torture and terror tactics : America becomes a Police State
- RNC Police State Tactics
- Naomi Wolf warns of police state tactics used against American citizens
- Police State Tactics - 2003 - detaining foreign journalists entering U.S.
- Arrests and Anger : Election 08
- Stark Raving Viking
- Gaza deaths dog Israeli military
- Some influential Muslim groups question FBI's actions
- Prison Murder
- Concerns after 7/7 trial about depth of experience in counter-terror policing
- Congressional Taser hearings
- Incarceration rates : Charts
- Every car journey logged by police
- Photography is not a crime : It's a First Amendment Right
- Obama's support for the new Graham-Liebermann Secrecy Law
- The U.S. Threat to Journalists
- You're on a Battlefield Right Now
- Criminal Justice
- KUBARK: The CIA’s 1963 Torture Manual
Snapshot of Prison Gangs and Youth Gangs in Canada