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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, November 27, 2009

27 Nov - Things Not 'Mainstream'

Bachalpsee in the morning, Bernese AlpsImage via Wikipedia

Ralph X.

Allan Kardec and the spiritism, English

Read the spirits´ book online, English

Good info about spiritism, English

All things spiritual directory, English

Spiritual center, English

Das Casas André Luis, Português

Enlightenment - The Experience Festival

Latest news 2007-12-26 New Article - Definition of Metaphysics: Idealism
Idealism is the doctrine that whatever exists, or at least everything that can be known to exist, is mental. (Opposed to materialism: &qu...  » Read the article 2007-12-15 New Article - Definition of Metaphysics: Nature Of God
Dictionaries usually describe God as the Supreme Being. Since we cannot put God on a table for a thorough investigation, God and his natu...  » Read the article 2007-12-04 New Article - Definition of Metaphysics: The Existence Of Matter
Our fixed point of reference is the existence of our sense data, and what they are like.   But the existence of the Self, the 'subje...  » Read the article 2007-11-27 New Article - Essence of Meditation: What I Really Want
What I really want is for people who have waited well to know that their wait was worth it, I want those who have been righteous and good...  » Read the article 2007-11-23 New Article - Definition of Metaphysics: Appearance and Reality
The totality of all physical things is matter. "Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable man could...  » Read the article 2007-11-18 New Article - Essence of Meditation: Food For Thought
The teaching which is written on paper is not the true teaching. Written teaching is a kind of food for your brain. Of course, it is nece...  » Read the article 2007-11-12 New Article - Definition of Metaphysics: Nature Of Existence
The general rule we normally accept is: "All things which I perceive/conceive clearly and distinctly are true."   But one ...  » Read the article

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Adapting to protest and adapting to the government's position.

It's an increasingly rare thing these days for an organisation to conduct a review into itself and actually find that not everything is as good as it could be. For that alone, Denis O'Connor and Her Majesty's Inspectors of Constabulary, with their report "[A]dapting to protest", undertaken following the police riot at the G20 protests, deserve recognition. While hardly a blistering assault upon the piecemeal way in which the different forces police protests, it also doesn't pull its punches. O'Connor finds that there are no clear standards regarding the use of force for individual officers when it comes to policing protests; that there is little attention paid to the use by individual officers of batons or "distraction techniques"; that different forces have a different understanding of the "proper use" of public order police powers, as demonstrated by the climate camp protests in 2006 and 2008, and also at the G20; that some forces cannot even provide a "minimal accredited public order command structure"; that training and guidance is out of date; that there is inadequate training in law, especially human rights, and when it comes to the use of Forward Intelligence Teams; and that inappropriate use of public order powers is widespread. ....
It's instructive that the policing of protests is only now considered controversial, mainly because of how the internet and modern media has ensured that the police (and indeed, the protesters themselves) can be held to account. The very officers that are dedicated to control protests that have been amongst the very worst offenders; these officers often seem to be selected not because of their powers of mediation, but because of their very obstinacy, quickness to use of force and general disdain for protesters of every hue....
Every single new power which you give to the police is abused, most recently uncovered that the granting of the power of arrest for any offence has resulted in the taking of DNA profiles to continually enlarge the database, almost certainly by stealth and without any debate. 

One in three victims of family violence is male
Male victims of family violence - perhaps even more so than women - often face barriers to disclosing their abuse. They are likely to be told that there must be something they did to provoke their partner’s violence. They can suffer shame, embarrassment and the social stigma of not being able to protect themselves. They can feel uncertain about where to seek help, or how to seek help.
Alan, another male victim, finally summoned up the courage to talk to someone about his partner’s ongoing sexual abuse. “Who to talk to for advice - family or friends? No way. I looked up the Yellow Pages. The voice answering the phone at the Rape Crisis Centre said, ‘Only women are abused’. I spoke to a doctor. She seemed to listen to my stammering for a few minutes and then while scribbling asked, ‘What are you doing to make her behave that way?’.”

( Sounds about right. I put up with it for years for the sake of my stepdaughter. Any public activity was most likely to result in a female screech that I should stop abusing my wife or the police would be called.
I recall one occasion the shreikee didn't know what to say when I loudly suggested she do just that, and also she should open her eyes to the actual physical activity going on.  Funny how things abruptly quieted down. )

A genetically engineered bacterium makes a greener plastic
a group of researchers led by Lee Sang-yup of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology say they have come up with an even better way to make PLA, using the emerging science of synthetic biology.

As U.S. Probes Radiation at Three Mile Island, Christian Parenti on Enduring “Zombie Nuke Plants” Nationwide

Nukes-3mile-web Federal officials have launched an investigation of a radiation leak at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania on Saturday. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission said about 175 workers were sent home when the contamination was detected. We speak to journalist Christian Parenti, who says “Zombie Nuke Plants” like Three Mile Island should have been closed long time ago, but continue to operate.

Blackwater’s Secret War in Pakistan: Jeremy Scahill Reveals Private Military Firm Operating in Pakistan Under Covert Assassination and Kidnapping Program

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