Canada grow-ops send home values up in smoke
( There's an interesting consequence of criminalizing the growing of a native painkilling botanical...that will grow wild, purifies the soil, and supplied valuable plastics substitutes. )
I drive across the US every year and I can report that there’s been a significant upswing in the blubbergraph. Every truck stop, every diner, every mall offered its tumid diorama of human hippos. We’re talking every age group here – starting with humpty-dumpty adolescents and ascending through the decades to 50-year olds, gigantic, stertorous and grey of countenance.
And it is America. I was just in Paris and in the course of a week Alya and I saw precisely one person – a young woman – who could be classed by a European as very plump. In America she’d be still dreaming of going to ballet school.
The Army Times ran an article this last week by William McMichael citing the latest government stats on America’s fat crisis. One third of the 31 million Americans between 17 and 24 are unqualified for military service because of “physical and medical issues”. Curt Gilroy, the Pentagon’s director of accessions, told the Army Times that “the major component of this is obesity. We have an obesity crisis in the country. There’s no question about it.”
The Pentagon gets its data from the US government’s Centers for Disease Control. The CDC says that 22 years ago 6 per cent of all 18-34 year olds were obese. By 2008 that number had swelled to 23 per cent – one out of four.
In 1987, according to the CDC, about 1 out of 20 18-to 34-year-olds, were obese. In 2008, 22 years later, almost 1 out of 4 — was considered to be obese.
Hence we get the tragic comic spectacle of a political battle over a health “reform” bill which may make it easier for poor Americans to cover the costs of treatment for Type 2 diabetes and the health consequences of consuming prodigious amounts of high-fructose corn syrup. Meanwhile there is no effective political opposition to federal subsidies for the farm policies which have fattened America into macabre absurdity. Cigarettes and booze – both the targets of ferocious public service campaigns -- lag far behind obesity in economic consequence: Roland Storm in one study reported that obesity is “associated with 36 per cent increase in inpatient and outpatient spending and a 77 percent increase in medications, compared with a 21 per cent increase in inpatient and outpatient spending and a 28 per cent increase in medications for current smokers and smaller effects for problem drinkers.
The Pentagon gets its data from the US government’s Centers for Disease Control. The CDC says that 22 years ago 6 per cent of all 18-34 year olds were obese. By 2008 that number had swelled to 23 per cent – one out of four.
In 1987, according to the CDC, about 1 out of 20 18-to 34-year-olds, were obese. In 2008, 22 years later, almost 1 out of 4 — was considered to be obese.
Hence we get the tragic comic spectacle of a political battle over a health “reform” bill which may make it easier for poor Americans to cover the costs of treatment for Type 2 diabetes and the health consequences of consuming prodigious amounts of high-fructose corn syrup. Meanwhile there is no effective political opposition to federal subsidies for the farm policies which have fattened America into macabre absurdity. Cigarettes and booze – both the targets of ferocious public service campaigns -- lag far behind obesity in economic consequence: Roland Storm in one study reported that obesity is “associated with 36 per cent increase in inpatient and outpatient spending and a 77 percent increase in medications, compared with a 21 per cent increase in inpatient and outpatient spending and a 28 per cent increase in medications for current smokers and smaller effects for problem drinkers.
Secret copyright treaty leaks. It's bad. Very bad.
The internet chapter of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a secret copyright treaty whose text Obama's administration refused to disclose due to "national security" concerns, has leaked. It's bad. It says:
Some background on AUI-S: it was founded by a prominent group of Kurdish politicians (including Iraqi President Jalal Talabani) and American neoconservatives. Iraqi deputy Prime Minister Dr. Barham Salih was the prime mover, and the team hired an American, John Agresto, to begin AUIS as chancellor. Agresto had been working in Baghdad with the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) before undertaking the American University project. Agresto has ties to both Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. He used to work with Lynne Cheney at the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).
- * That ISPs have to proactively police copyright on user-contributed material. This means that it will be impossible to run a service like Flickr or YouTube or Blogger, since hiring enough lawyers to ensure that the mountain of material uploaded every second isn't infringing will exceed any hope of profitability.
* That ISPs have to cut off the Internet access of accused copyright infringers or face liability. This means that your entire family could be denied to the internet -- and hence to civic participation, health information, education, communications, and their means of earning a living -- if one member is accused of copyright infringement, without access to a trial or counsel.
* That the whole world must adopt US-style "notice-and-takedown" rules that require ISPs to remove any material that is accused -- again, without evidence or trial -- of infringing copyright. This has proved a disaster in the US and other countries, where it provides an easy means of censoring material, just by accusing it of infringing copyright.
* Mandatory prohibitions on breaking DRM, even if doing so for a lawful purpose (e.g., to make a work available to disabled people; for archival preservation; because you own the copyrighted work that is locked up with DRM)
Inside the American University of Iraq
Some background on AUI-S: it was founded by a prominent group of Kurdish politicians (including Iraqi President Jalal Talabani) and American neoconservatives. Iraqi deputy Prime Minister Dr. Barham Salih was the prime mover, and the team hired an American, John Agresto, to begin AUIS as chancellor. Agresto had been working in Baghdad with the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) before undertaking the American University project. Agresto has ties to both Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. He used to work with Lynne Cheney at the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).
Given these facts, it is not surprising that AUI-S functions more like a political tool, rather than as an educational enterprise. That, of course, does not stop its leaders from promoting AUI-S as a real university bent on spreading democracy. Create the appearance of a thriving western-style university in Iraq and then cite it as evidence of Iraq’s progress toward a liberal democracy. That is pretty much the idea. It looks good on paper for both pro-war cheerleaders and Iraqi politicians in power to brag about. However, almost everything about AUI-S – aside from the inept, villainous crowd who run it – is artificial.
According to the AUI-S website and the university’s promotional materials, Iraqi students are required to score a 550 or above on the TOEFL exam in order to enter the undergraduate program. Last semester, this claim was exposed as fraudulent after it was learned that out of the 40 or so undergraduate students at AUI-S only a handful had scored 550. Students were being pushed through and into undergraduate study because, well, they had to be: there had to at least be a show of legitimacy.
When I write “pushed through,” I mean, pushed through AUI-S’s English preparatory program, which is where the great majority of AUI-S students are currently enrolled. Last semester, there were approximately 150 students in this program, compared to the 40 or so undergrads. So, basically, we have a “university” with at least three times as many pre-frosh as frosh. With at least 250 new students entering AUIS this semester, that ratio promises to multiply considerably.
With all of the millions supposedly coming in (toward the end of last semester, Mitchell kept bragging about a new $50 million grant he had pulled in), AUI-Scould have the small class sizes it claims to have, but they simply refuse to hire enough teachers, citing cost concerns, of all things. Our classes – which primarily involve ESL-type instruction – were as large as 20 students per teacher. Ask any experienced ESL teacher if that’s an effective way to conduct a class, especially when, in the case of AUI-S, students of widely different levels inhabit the same class. Again, education is simply not the priority. The result is a lot of overworked, burned-out teachers surrounded by an extremely needy group of students – students who deserve both more teachers and other personnel (like, say, guidance counselors) to meet their needs. Some students have scholarships, but most pay the annual tuition of $10,000, which is an extraordinary sum in that part of the world, as you might imagine.
Americans prove, time and again, how incapable we are of nation-building. Part of it is a lack of genuine willingness, and part is a lack of understanding of what it takes. When we consider reality versus stated claims of fantasy, the American University of Iraq, despite its “soft” intentions, is no exception to the overall failed policy of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq.
( 'Failed Policy' ! : as you could tell by Riverbend's description of the U.S. quelling indigenous policing in the Baghdad Burning excerpt in the last post, the policy is a glorious success at suppressing native - 'democratic' ? - efforts to suppress villainy. )
The Evil Empire
The US government is now so totally under the thumbs of organized interest groups that “our” government can no longer respond to the concerns of the American people who elect the president and the members of the House and Senate. Voters will vent their frustrations over their impotence on the president, which implies a future of one-term presidents. Soon our presidents will be as ineffective as Roman emperors in the final days of that empire.
Obama is already set on the course to a one-term presidency. He promised change, but has delivered none.
In place of health care for Americans, there will be more profits for private insurance companies.
In place of peace there will be more war.
Ambassador Craig Murray, rector of the University of Dundee and until 2004 the UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan, which he describes as a Stalinist totalitarian state courted and supported by the Americans.
As ambassador, Murray saw the MI5 intelligence reports from the CIA that described the most horrible torture procedures. “People were raped with broken bottles, children were tortured in front of their parents until they [the parents] signed a confession, people were boiled alive.”
“Intelligence” from these torture sessions was passed on by the CIA to MI5 and to Washington as proof of the vast al Qaeda conspiracy.
Amb. Murray learned too much and was fired when he vomited it all up. He saw the documents that proved that the motivation for US and UK military aggression in Afghanistan had to do with the natural gas deposits in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The Americans wanted a pipeline that bypassed Russia and Iran and went through Afghanistan. To insure this, an invasion was necessary. The idiot American public could be told that the invasion was necessary because of 9/11 and to save them from “terrorism,” and the utter fools would believe the lie.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration
( Now then...about the use of the word soon instead of now...Organized Interest Groups aren't Organized Crime, however...they get to define 'crime' ! )
The Existentialist Cowboy
Creationist B.S. Exposed
Richard Dawkins was recently issued a challenge --disprove creation in one sentence. I can do that myself. Here it is: If we can see Andromeda --some 2.5 MILLION years distant from earth --then creationism is false!
Andromeda can be seen even with the naked eye; in any case, it takes light from Andromeda some 2.5 MILLION light years to get here and be seen. That we can see these objects with or without telescopes UTTERLY DISPROVES creationism and a 'young Earth' or young universe.
How the Iraq War Destroyed the US Economy
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
Wars reduce the GDP, destroy jobs, reduce productivity, and increase the trade deficit! If wars are 'bad' for the economy, then how are they sold so easily? The quick response: they are sold with focus group tested bullshit!
There's a 'living' in killing, we are told! There is a more opulent living in the commission mass murder which requires the construction of tanks, smart bombs, and fighter jets --the MIC, in other words. But that's all just snake oil for idiots and Republicans!
That wars are good for the economy is just a bald-faced lie cooked up by the defense lobby for whom killing IS a living but only for the shrinking one percent who benefit: the Military/Industrial complex, truly MURDER INC. Fact is war is most often disastrous for the economy.
In fact, most models show that military spending diverts resources from productive uses, such as consumption and investment, and ultimately slows economic growth and reduces employment. In this way, military spending is comparable in most models to any other form of government spending, such as spending on public goods or improving the environment.
Why Democrats Must Change or Perish
Is the GOP a Nazi Party?
( What about the Democratic Party too ? )
How the GOP is Killing America
Craig Murray
The Sinister Dissembling of Jerome A Paris
A contributor to The Daily Kos, Jerome a Paris, has dismissed as "Conspiracy Theory" the notion that US policy in Afghanistan is in any way motivated by a desire to access Central Asian gas reserves via a trans-Afghanistan pipeline. He starts by referencing a Daily Kos entry about me, which he then seeks to "Debunk".
Plainly the infinitely wise Jerome is right, and the whole Trans Afghan Pipeline project is merely a figment of my imagination. Oh, and the imagination of the BBC as well. And the imagination of the Afghan, Pakistani and Turkmen Governments.
Plainly also I only imagined, as British Ambassador, being briefed on the proposed pipeline as a vital Western strategic interest. Equally plainly, I simply imagined all that stuff about the involvement of George Bush and Enron, for which there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
I am very grateful to the wise Jerome for pointing out that Afghanistan is not the only potential route for transiting Central Asian gas while bypassing Russia. Iran is the most ovbious route, but strangely the US is not keen. The other route is through Georgia and Azerbaijan. But Putin has Azerbaijan locked tight against the pipeline. The father of President Aliev of Azerbaijan was Putin's old KGB boss, and the two are very close. While the proposed route as it passes through Georgia is now under Russian military occupation. But of course that is just coincidence. To think anything else would be "Conspiracy theory".
There is a minimum of 15 trillion - yes trillion - dollars of natural gas in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Since 2005, Russian diplomacy has tied up the contracts for Gazprom. Before that the US had more than a foot in the door, and the US knows that what changed once can and will change again. 15 trillion dollars is worth some strategising.
Equally, Jerome's main argument amounts to only this: as it is not currently economic in practice for anybody to be building the pipeline today, therefore it can't be a key part of US strategic thinking. It takes only a few seconds real thought to dismiss that for the trite nonsense it is.
Let me say 15 trillion dollars again. Not to mention the fact that I have been officially briefed that it is the US strategic interest in the region. If you think about it, it would be crazy if it were not.
I have almost certainly a great deal more experience than the glib Jerome, of Central Asia, of Afghanistan, of the workings of government, and of gas pipelines. In 1986, when I started my first overseas posting in Lagos, the first file on my desk was marked "West Africa Gas Pipeline". The WAGP delivered its first gas early this year, 23 years later. A company of which I am Chariman is just commissioning a power station to run off it. The fact little Jerome blogged "Five years ago" that the Trans Afghanistan Pipeline was not a US strategiic interest, and today it is still not built, proves nothing. These are major strategic interests and long term projects.
You can believe that the US is in Afghanistan to search for Osama Bin Laden and to back the "Democratic" Mr Karzai. Or you can believe that this war is about control of resources. The motives of Jerome a Paris are a tiny side issue, but still interesting. Is he just a little fool pre-occupied with his own supposed brilliance? Or is there a sinister reason why he attempts to throw sand in your eyes?
( LOL ! Craig finally has had enough with the Apologists of Empire. Actually, Jerome a Paris was good enough to point out Bush acting against the NPT in an April 2006 post at European Tribune that referred to acts back in - I think - 2003. )
Public Money Goes AWOL
Hat-tip to MPACUK.
Interesting to note that, contrary to the law, the government "War on Terror" neo-con propaganda vehicle The Quilliam Foundation has failed to file any accounts for the last three years (or indeed ever). This despite receiving a great deal of taxpayers' money, mostly to remunerate its cossetted directors.
Let's Render the CIA
Some cheerful news from Italy, where 23 American CIA agents have been convicted of kidnapping over an extraordinary rendition case. There do survive pockets of genuine independent judiciary in Europe.
In the UK, you cannot present someone before a court who was brought there illegally. I know this because I was trying to organise the kidnap of Asil Nadir for the FCO, but the idea had to be abandoned because a then recent ruling by the Law Lords had released an accused who had been kidnapped abroad to bring him to trial.
Does anybody know what the situation is in Italy? Would it not be fun to kidnap one of the CIA agents and render them to jail in Italy? I might give it a go.
We Can Sell Arms To Karimov Again
Virtuallu unnoticed, last week's EU summit lifted the arms embargo and travel ban on the murderous Karimov regime in Uzbekistan. So now British arms manufacturers can sell arms for Karimov to use against his people again. Indeed, British troops may return to Uzbekistan to teach Karimov's thugs "Marksmanship", as they did before the Andijan massacre which killed over 700 peaceful demonstrators in 2005.
Cameron Retreats into a Sinking Pile of Ordure
David Cameron has just ratted on his much trumpeted commitment to a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. The argument that the Treaty is now ratified, does not in fact preclude a referendum. It is perfectly possible to resile from an international treaty; a referendum on whether to resile would be perfectly feasible, but Cameron has not the stomach for that fight with the EU.
To cover his retreat he unleashed a cloud of rhetorical proposals which have no pactical effect. A "referendum lock" law covering future treaties could simply be undone by any future government, but more practically would be unlikely to be invoked as the Lisbon Treay is designed to allow for amendment, to obviate the need for ratification of further treaties or formal ratification of the amendments,
But more importantly, the "Sovereignty Law" is a non-starter. If it had any meaning, it would require us to resile from the Lisbon, Nice, Amsterdam and other treaties in which sovereignty was given up (or "pooled", as pro-EU jargon has it,) We cannot simply declare that the UK courts are not subject to the European Court of Justice or the European Court of Human Rights, or that the British govenment is not bound by the majority voting provisions of successive EU treaties, without resiling from the treaties that say otherwise. And if we are prepared to do that, the whole argument for not having a referendum on Lisbon fails.
The pretence that the German Constitutional Court sits above the European Court of Justice is a shameful lie. The German Constitutional Court has in fact never tried to strike down a ECJ ruling, a European Commission ruling, or an EU treaty provision. The Cameron ploy is not so much smoke and mirrors, as an effort to hide in a steaming heap of bullshit.
I do not for one second think he believes it himself.
It seems that Cameron is just a shifty snake oil salesman like Blair. Now there's a shock.
( 'Sinking' ? No 'T' ? )
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Combating Anti-Semitism or Shielding Israel?
Submission to the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism
by Joanne Naiman
I am writing this submission as a sociologist, a Jew, and a long-time opponent of all forms of oppression. As a person of Jewish descent, I obviously have a personal interest in seeing anti-Semitism addressed wherever it appears. However, as a social scientist I feel the term is currently being used without much precision.
You describe your mission as an attempt to “confront and combat the global resurgence of Antisemitism” and note that “Antisemitism is widely regarded as at its worst level since the end of the Second World War.” These are certainly strong statements, and, if true, require serious action. However, other than noting that students on certain campuses in Canada are “ridiculed and intimidated,” you provide no other concrete examples. (I will deal with the issue of criticism of Israel at a later point.)
Anti-Semitism can be defined as hostility directed at those of Jewish origin. Like all forms of hostility to ethno-racial groups, anti-Semitism consists of both prejudice, that is, an attitude of dislike or hostility toward people of Jewish background, as well as discrimination, which is the denial of equal treatment or opportunities to these individuals. While these two phenomena are usually connected, they can be distinguished from each other. Prejudice is distasteful and can occasionally lead to hurtful acts – including those of a violent nature. However, discrimination is generally the more serious of the two processes since it will inevitably hurt the victim’s life chances, such as getting a job or finding a place to live.
There is ample evidence to show that in Canada Jews as a group do not regularly face discrimination; in fact, they are one of Canada’s most advantaged minority groups. When examining any of the traditional variables utilized to assess socioeconomic status – such as occupation, education, and income – Jews continually come out at or near the top when compared to other ethno-racial groups. In The Encyclopedia of Canada’s Peoples (1999), Morton Weinfeld notes that “by any criterion, Jews have been successful.” According to Weinfeld, Jews in Canada have low rates of unemployment, have a high number of individuals in “desirable” occupations, have high levels of educational attainment, and “can be numbered among the wealthiest Canadians.” More recently, neither Ornstein (2006) nor Galabuzi (2006) considered Jews to be a disadvantaged group relative to others.
Moreover, the economic and social advantages that have accrued in general to the Jewish community in Canada have also been reflected in what social scientists refer to as an accumulation of social capital. Put simply, those with economic and social advantage are generally able to make important economic and political connections, i.e. to “network” with those who have influence, including those in the media. While one must tread lightly on this reality – given the anti-Semitic stereotypes often expressed about Jews and their excess of power – it would be inaccurate to assume that the Jewish population in Canada has no advantage in this area.
Continued ...
The Karmic Experience with Hints & Tips
Working with the new Ubuntu Karmic (Koala 9.10)is much of a pleasure. My 6 years old ASUS P4P800 hums like a bird on it, though using the 32-bit version only.From power-up to running FireFox on the desktop new Karmic was hands-down faster even: 38 against 92 seconds. Some may find this important. I believe that a safe and secure boot process, when multiple operating systems reside on your hard drives, is where we should look for. I run 4 OS's for example, with Karmic as ' / ' boot installation and Windows for tests in a virtual environment to protect my data. Windows remains Windows, mind you.
Karmic has a simple 'ufw' firewall enabled, which suffices at all to keep badware out. However, it appeared very well possible to / boot from an older ('legacy') Grub with earlier Ubuntu versions into Karmic. I wouldn't recommend this for loss of several seconds from your precious time and the (remote) chance of data losses. GParted can assist in correcting or changingthe new situation.
Although Karmic has an innovative 'Ubuntu Software Center' to find and install software from approved repositories, many users still will continue with Synaptic Package Manager or even the swift Terminal to acquire their software. The latter often posing a riddle for novices when typing or pasting rather esoteric commands to get things done. A somewhat 'hidden feature' can make this easier:
Url movie:
Upon working with Karmic I discovered that its standard-browser FireFox had been upgraded to version 3.5.4. I hurried to add a few efficient Add-ons like the 'extensions': CoLT 2.4.5, DownloadHelper 4.6.4, FastestFox 3.0, GreaseMonkey 0.8.2, Linky 2.7.1, Web Developer 1.1.8 and a very interesting novelty: InterClue 1.6.1.
InterClue does what many so long wanted: show what's behind a link on a webpage in a small, but readable pop-up window. "Hover your mouse pointer over the link, and a Linkclue icon will appear", its website tells. A really useful extension of the browser functionality. Test it on this page, if you will. You'll stay on this page, but you will be able to see and manipulate what's behind my links without switching to a new Tab or browser window. You can go into the InterClue widget and perform various tasks, or leave it and the pop-up disappears again. It fails to have the annoying quality of popping-up undeliberately when hovering the mouse-pointer over a link. Hitting its transparent and tiny icon suffices to initialise its function. Recommended.
Hermosas guitarras eléctricas
Blanca experiencia
Caballos en las praderas
Caminando por el bosque
El pequeño venado
Un pato volador
El paso del Otoño
Un gato muy lindo
Hermoso Caballo
Animales peludos
Las Jirafas
Cebra en el campo
Los Alpes de Suiza
A través de las colinas
La neblina y el árbol
El puente y la casa de piedra
Cuarta entrega de la serie Windows 7 (scenes)
Windows 7, Landscapes.
Characters de la versión Windows 7
Windows 7, wallpapers de Arquitectura
Los colores del Otoño
Nuevo Mexico y California by Shephen Baird
Un poco de fantasía en 6 wallpapers gratuitos
Paisajes de California, segunda entrega...
Obama is already set on the course to a one-term presidency. He promised change, but has delivered none.
In place of health care for Americans, there will be more profits for private insurance companies.
In place of peace there will be more war.
Ambassador Craig Murray, rector of the University of Dundee and until 2004 the UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan, which he describes as a Stalinist totalitarian state courted and supported by the Americans.
As ambassador, Murray saw the MI5 intelligence reports from the CIA that described the most horrible torture procedures. “People were raped with broken bottles, children were tortured in front of their parents until they [the parents] signed a confession, people were boiled alive.”
“Intelligence” from these torture sessions was passed on by the CIA to MI5 and to Washington as proof of the vast al Qaeda conspiracy.
Amb. Murray learned too much and was fired when he vomited it all up. He saw the documents that proved that the motivation for US and UK military aggression in Afghanistan had to do with the natural gas deposits in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The Americans wanted a pipeline that bypassed Russia and Iran and went through Afghanistan. To insure this, an invasion was necessary. The idiot American public could be told that the invasion was necessary because of 9/11 and to save them from “terrorism,” and the utter fools would believe the lie.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration
( Now then...about the use of the word soon instead of now...Organized Interest Groups aren't Organized Crime, however...they get to define 'crime' ! )
The Existentialist Cowboy
Creationist B.S. Exposed
Richard Dawkins was recently issued a challenge --disprove creation in one sentence. I can do that myself. Here it is: If we can see Andromeda --some 2.5 MILLION years distant from earth --then creationism is false!
Andromeda can be seen even with the naked eye; in any case, it takes light from Andromeda some 2.5 MILLION light years to get here and be seen. That we can see these objects with or without telescopes UTTERLY DISPROVES creationism and a 'young Earth' or young universe.
How the Iraq War Destroyed the US Economy

Wars reduce the GDP, destroy jobs, reduce productivity, and increase the trade deficit! If wars are 'bad' for the economy, then how are they sold so easily? The quick response: they are sold with focus group tested bullshit!
There's a 'living' in killing, we are told! There is a more opulent living in the commission mass murder which requires the construction of tanks, smart bombs, and fighter jets --the MIC, in other words. But that's all just snake oil for idiots and Republicans!
That wars are good for the economy is just a bald-faced lie cooked up by the defense lobby for whom killing IS a living but only for the shrinking one percent who benefit: the Military/Industrial complex, truly MURDER INC. Fact is war is most often disastrous for the economy.
In fact, most models show that military spending diverts resources from productive uses, such as consumption and investment, and ultimately slows economic growth and reduces employment. In this way, military spending is comparable in most models to any other form of government spending, such as spending on public goods or improving the environment.Why Democrats Must Change or Perish
Is the GOP a Nazi Party?
( What about the Democratic Party too ? )
How the GOP is Killing America
Craig Murray
The Sinister Dissembling of Jerome A Paris
A contributor to The Daily Kos, Jerome a Paris, has dismissed as "Conspiracy Theory" the notion that US policy in Afghanistan is in any way motivated by a desire to access Central Asian gas reserves via a trans-Afghanistan pipeline. He starts by referencing a Daily Kos entry about me, which he then seeks to "Debunk".
Plainly the infinitely wise Jerome is right, and the whole Trans Afghan Pipeline project is merely a figment of my imagination. Oh, and the imagination of the BBC as well. And the imagination of the Afghan, Pakistani and Turkmen Governments.
Plainly also I only imagined, as British Ambassador, being briefed on the proposed pipeline as a vital Western strategic interest. Equally plainly, I simply imagined all that stuff about the involvement of George Bush and Enron, for which there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
I am very grateful to the wise Jerome for pointing out that Afghanistan is not the only potential route for transiting Central Asian gas while bypassing Russia. Iran is the most ovbious route, but strangely the US is not keen. The other route is through Georgia and Azerbaijan. But Putin has Azerbaijan locked tight against the pipeline. The father of President Aliev of Azerbaijan was Putin's old KGB boss, and the two are very close. While the proposed route as it passes through Georgia is now under Russian military occupation. But of course that is just coincidence. To think anything else would be "Conspiracy theory".
There is a minimum of 15 trillion - yes trillion - dollars of natural gas in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Since 2005, Russian diplomacy has tied up the contracts for Gazprom. Before that the US had more than a foot in the door, and the US knows that what changed once can and will change again. 15 trillion dollars is worth some strategising.
Equally, Jerome's main argument amounts to only this: as it is not currently economic in practice for anybody to be building the pipeline today, therefore it can't be a key part of US strategic thinking. It takes only a few seconds real thought to dismiss that for the trite nonsense it is.
Let me say 15 trillion dollars again. Not to mention the fact that I have been officially briefed that it is the US strategic interest in the region. If you think about it, it would be crazy if it were not.
I have almost certainly a great deal more experience than the glib Jerome, of Central Asia, of Afghanistan, of the workings of government, and of gas pipelines. In 1986, when I started my first overseas posting in Lagos, the first file on my desk was marked "West Africa Gas Pipeline". The WAGP delivered its first gas early this year, 23 years later. A company of which I am Chariman is just commissioning a power station to run off it. The fact little Jerome blogged "Five years ago" that the Trans Afghanistan Pipeline was not a US strategiic interest, and today it is still not built, proves nothing. These are major strategic interests and long term projects.
You can believe that the US is in Afghanistan to search for Osama Bin Laden and to back the "Democratic" Mr Karzai. Or you can believe that this war is about control of resources. The motives of Jerome a Paris are a tiny side issue, but still interesting. Is he just a little fool pre-occupied with his own supposed brilliance? Or is there a sinister reason why he attempts to throw sand in your eyes?
( LOL ! Craig finally has had enough with the Apologists of Empire. Actually, Jerome a Paris was good enough to point out Bush acting against the NPT in an April 2006 post at European Tribune that referred to acts back in - I think - 2003. )
Public Money Goes AWOL
Hat-tip to MPACUK.
Interesting to note that, contrary to the law, the government "War on Terror" neo-con propaganda vehicle The Quilliam Foundation has failed to file any accounts for the last three years (or indeed ever). This despite receiving a great deal of taxpayers' money, mostly to remunerate its cossetted directors.
Let's Render the CIA
Some cheerful news from Italy, where 23 American CIA agents have been convicted of kidnapping over an extraordinary rendition case. There do survive pockets of genuine independent judiciary in Europe.
In the UK, you cannot present someone before a court who was brought there illegally. I know this because I was trying to organise the kidnap of Asil Nadir for the FCO, but the idea had to be abandoned because a then recent ruling by the Law Lords had released an accused who had been kidnapped abroad to bring him to trial.
Does anybody know what the situation is in Italy? Would it not be fun to kidnap one of the CIA agents and render them to jail in Italy? I might give it a go.
We Can Sell Arms To Karimov Again
Virtuallu unnoticed, last week's EU summit lifted the arms embargo and travel ban on the murderous Karimov regime in Uzbekistan. So now British arms manufacturers can sell arms for Karimov to use against his people again. Indeed, British troops may return to Uzbekistan to teach Karimov's thugs "Marksmanship", as they did before the Andijan massacre which killed over 700 peaceful demonstrators in 2005.
Cameron Retreats into a Sinking Pile of Ordure
David Cameron has just ratted on his much trumpeted commitment to a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. The argument that the Treaty is now ratified, does not in fact preclude a referendum. It is perfectly possible to resile from an international treaty; a referendum on whether to resile would be perfectly feasible, but Cameron has not the stomach for that fight with the EU.
To cover his retreat he unleashed a cloud of rhetorical proposals which have no pactical effect. A "referendum lock" law covering future treaties could simply be undone by any future government, but more practically would be unlikely to be invoked as the Lisbon Treay is designed to allow for amendment, to obviate the need for ratification of further treaties or formal ratification of the amendments,
But more importantly, the "Sovereignty Law" is a non-starter. If it had any meaning, it would require us to resile from the Lisbon, Nice, Amsterdam and other treaties in which sovereignty was given up (or "pooled", as pro-EU jargon has it,) We cannot simply declare that the UK courts are not subject to the European Court of Justice or the European Court of Human Rights, or that the British govenment is not bound by the majority voting provisions of successive EU treaties, without resiling from the treaties that say otherwise. And if we are prepared to do that, the whole argument for not having a referendum on Lisbon fails.
The pretence that the German Constitutional Court sits above the European Court of Justice is a shameful lie. The German Constitutional Court has in fact never tried to strike down a ECJ ruling, a European Commission ruling, or an EU treaty provision. The Cameron ploy is not so much smoke and mirrors, as an effort to hide in a steaming heap of bullshit.
I do not for one second think he believes it himself.
It seems that Cameron is just a shifty snake oil salesman like Blair. Now there's a shock.
( 'Sinking' ? No 'T' ? )
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Combating Anti-Semitism or Shielding Israel?
Submission to the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism
by Joanne Naiman
I am writing this submission as a sociologist, a Jew, and a long-time opponent of all forms of oppression. As a person of Jewish descent, I obviously have a personal interest in seeing anti-Semitism addressed wherever it appears. However, as a social scientist I feel the term is currently being used without much precision.
You describe your mission as an attempt to “confront and combat the global resurgence of Antisemitism” and note that “Antisemitism is widely regarded as at its worst level since the end of the Second World War.” These are certainly strong statements, and, if true, require serious action. However, other than noting that students on certain campuses in Canada are “ridiculed and intimidated,” you provide no other concrete examples. (I will deal with the issue of criticism of Israel at a later point.)
Anti-Semitism can be defined as hostility directed at those of Jewish origin. Like all forms of hostility to ethno-racial groups, anti-Semitism consists of both prejudice, that is, an attitude of dislike or hostility toward people of Jewish background, as well as discrimination, which is the denial of equal treatment or opportunities to these individuals. While these two phenomena are usually connected, they can be distinguished from each other. Prejudice is distasteful and can occasionally lead to hurtful acts – including those of a violent nature. However, discrimination is generally the more serious of the two processes since it will inevitably hurt the victim’s life chances, such as getting a job or finding a place to live.
There is ample evidence to show that in Canada Jews as a group do not regularly face discrimination; in fact, they are one of Canada’s most advantaged minority groups. When examining any of the traditional variables utilized to assess socioeconomic status – such as occupation, education, and income – Jews continually come out at or near the top when compared to other ethno-racial groups. In The Encyclopedia of Canada’s Peoples (1999), Morton Weinfeld notes that “by any criterion, Jews have been successful.” According to Weinfeld, Jews in Canada have low rates of unemployment, have a high number of individuals in “desirable” occupations, have high levels of educational attainment, and “can be numbered among the wealthiest Canadians.” More recently, neither Ornstein (2006) nor Galabuzi (2006) considered Jews to be a disadvantaged group relative to others.
Moreover, the economic and social advantages that have accrued in general to the Jewish community in Canada have also been reflected in what social scientists refer to as an accumulation of social capital. Put simply, those with economic and social advantage are generally able to make important economic and political connections, i.e. to “network” with those who have influence, including those in the media. While one must tread lightly on this reality – given the anti-Semitic stereotypes often expressed about Jews and their excess of power – it would be inaccurate to assume that the Jewish population in Canada has no advantage in this area.
Continued ...
by Joanne Naiman
I am writing this submission as a sociologist, a Jew, and a long-time opponent of all forms of oppression. As a person of Jewish descent, I obviously have a personal interest in seeing anti-Semitism addressed wherever it appears. However, as a social scientist I feel the term is currently being used without much precision.
You describe your mission as an attempt to “confront and combat the global resurgence of Antisemitism” and note that “Antisemitism is widely regarded as at its worst level since the end of the Second World War.” These are certainly strong statements, and, if true, require serious action. However, other than noting that students on certain campuses in Canada are “ridiculed and intimidated,” you provide no other concrete examples. (I will deal with the issue of criticism of Israel at a later point.)
Anti-Semitism can be defined as hostility directed at those of Jewish origin. Like all forms of hostility to ethno-racial groups, anti-Semitism consists of both prejudice, that is, an attitude of dislike or hostility toward people of Jewish background, as well as discrimination, which is the denial of equal treatment or opportunities to these individuals. While these two phenomena are usually connected, they can be distinguished from each other. Prejudice is distasteful and can occasionally lead to hurtful acts – including those of a violent nature. However, discrimination is generally the more serious of the two processes since it will inevitably hurt the victim’s life chances, such as getting a job or finding a place to live.
There is ample evidence to show that in Canada Jews as a group do not regularly face discrimination; in fact, they are one of Canada’s most advantaged minority groups. When examining any of the traditional variables utilized to assess socioeconomic status – such as occupation, education, and income – Jews continually come out at or near the top when compared to other ethno-racial groups. In The Encyclopedia of Canada’s Peoples (1999), Morton Weinfeld notes that “by any criterion, Jews have been successful.” According to Weinfeld, Jews in Canada have low rates of unemployment, have a high number of individuals in “desirable” occupations, have high levels of educational attainment, and “can be numbered among the wealthiest Canadians.” More recently, neither Ornstein (2006) nor Galabuzi (2006) considered Jews to be a disadvantaged group relative to others.
Moreover, the economic and social advantages that have accrued in general to the Jewish community in Canada have also been reflected in what social scientists refer to as an accumulation of social capital. Put simply, those with economic and social advantage are generally able to make important economic and political connections, i.e. to “network” with those who have influence, including those in the media. While one must tread lightly on this reality – given the anti-Semitic stereotypes often expressed about Jews and their excess of power – it would be inaccurate to assume that the Jewish population in Canada has no advantage in this area.
Continued ...
The Karmic Experience with Hints & Tips
Working with the new Ubuntu Karmic (Koala 9.10)is much of a pleasure. My 6 years old ASUS P4P800 hums like a bird on it, though using the 32-bit version only.From power-up to running FireFox on the desktop new Karmic was hands-down faster even: 38 against 92 seconds. Some may find this important. I believe that a safe and secure boot process, when multiple operating systems reside on your hard drives, is where we should look for. I run 4 OS's for example, with Karmic as ' / ' boot installation and Windows for tests in a virtual environment to protect my data. Windows remains Windows, mind you.

Although Karmic has an innovative 'Ubuntu Software Center' to find and install software from approved repositories, many users still will continue with Synaptic Package Manager or even the swift Terminal to acquire their software. The latter often posing a riddle for novices when typing or pasting rather esoteric commands to get things done. A somewhat 'hidden feature' can make this easier:
Url movie:
Upon working with Karmic I discovered that its standard-browser FireFox had been upgraded to version 3.5.4. I hurried to add a few efficient Add-ons like the 'extensions': CoLT 2.4.5, DownloadHelper 4.6.4, FastestFox 3.0, GreaseMonkey 0.8.2, Linky 2.7.1, Web Developer 1.1.8 and a very interesting novelty: InterClue 1.6.1.

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demand Ottawa's help in fighting Quebec northern development
The plan to open Quebec's north to development includes $19 billion in new energy projects which would add 3,500 megawatts to Hydro-Quebec's grid by 2035 - enough to power roughly 600,000 homes.
But some aboriginal groups contend it will bulldoze their traditional way of life and steamroller their treaty rights.
Five Innu communities boycotted a closed-door meeting hosted by Quebec Natural Resources Minister Nathalie Normandeau in Quebec City on Friday to discuss the project. About 200 people from northern Quebec did attend the gathering.
But Chief Ghislain Picard, head of the powerful Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador, called on Harper to intervene.
The time has come to correct a degrading and unhealthy situation for the development of both First Nations and Canada," he wrote to Harper in a letter that was released Friday.
Charest has described his plan as the biggest construction project in the country. It is estimated that 2,000 jobs per year between 2012 and 2016 would be created at the height of construction.
A key element would involve damming the Romaine River, which would be used for a $6.5-billion hydroelectric project.
After Friday's meeting, Normandeau told reporters the province had established two roundtables. One would deal with development, and the other with aboriginal concerns.
"We're far from a done deal," the minister said. "(It's still) a work in progress."
Environment groups have criticized the project, saying it would create significant problems in the forest land slated to be flooded.
The Innu are threatening to use all the legal means at their disposal to throw a wrench into the plan if their ancestral rights are not respected, although no timetable was given on Friday.
These rights include historical and modern treaties and the right to self-government.
"Our communities are not municipalities," Picard wrote Harper. "Our relationship must be one of nation to nation, government to government."
Picard called on the federal government to intervene to prevent the violation of treaty rights.
He said Ottawa is an "accomplice" with the Quebec government when it lets it "scorn" the rulings of the Supreme Court of Canada on treaty rights as well as accommodation and consultation.
The temporary centre, run by the Safe Harbour Society, opened on Friday in an empty building owned by the City of Red Deer.
Last week, the society was monitoring six people with flu-like symptoms, some of whom were hospitalized, said executive director Kath Hoffman. By this week, that number had risen to 13.
"We did not have 24-hour shelter and we realize with this flu that that's exactly what's necessary for people who are not able to go home and rest up," said Hoffman on CBC Radio's Wildrose.
The new centre will help separate the sick from the healthy and also those going through detox at the society's other three shelters, said Hoffman.
Two staff members will monitor people's symptoms and make sure they are eating properly and staying hydrated.
The shelter, located in a building along the riverbank in Red Deer's industrial area, currently has space for 25 people and can expand if necessary.
"We have earmarked a period of about two months, but we'll evaluate and assess that and keep it going if need be," said Hoffman.
For anyone looking to help, she said the society is most in need of pajamas, slippers and track suits in adult sizes.
Since the H1N1 outbreak in April, 20 Albertans have died of the virus, while 480 have been hospitalized.
Signature of Antimatter Detected in Lightning
Designed to scan the heavens thousands to billions of light-years beyond the solar system, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has now recorded some more down-to-Earth signals. During its first 14 months of operation, the flying observatory has detected 17 gamma-ray flashes associated with terrestrial lightning storms.
During two recent lightning storms, Fermi recorded gamma-ray emissions of a particular energy that could only have been produced by the decay of energetic positrons, the antimatter equivalent of electrons. The observations are the first of their kind for lightning storms.
Friday Rant: "Militant" Atheists and Freedom From Religion
The website Atheism Exposed claims that religion is under attack and that an all out counterinsurgency campaign is needed to defend the godly:
( Sometimes it is incumbent upon one to consider the source : worrying about the good opinion of those whose opinion one considers worth considering ! )
Charest has described his plan as the biggest construction project in the country. It is estimated that 2,000 jobs per year between 2012 and 2016 would be created at the height of construction.
A key element would involve damming the Romaine River, which would be used for a $6.5-billion hydroelectric project.
Signature of Antimatter Detected in Lightning
Designed to scan the heavens thousands to billions of light-years beyond the solar system, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has now recorded some more down-to-Earth signals. During its first 14 months of operation, the flying observatory has detected 17 gamma-ray flashes associated with terrestrial lightning storms.
During two recent lightning storms, Fermi recorded gamma-ray emissions of a particular energy that could only have been produced by the decay of energetic positrons, the antimatter equivalent of electrons. The observations are the first of their kind for lightning storms.
Friday Rant: "Militant" Atheists and Freedom From Religion
The website Atheism Exposed claims that religion is under attack and that an all out counterinsurgency campaign is needed to defend the godly:
( Sometimes it is incumbent upon one to consider the source : worrying about the good opinion of those whose opinion one considers worth considering ! )