While things are sorting themselves out, I'll post some updates from other aggregators...of which I have a bunch
As to the unavailable indexes, the list below should cover most material...except, of course, those to the affected server won't work
Opit's Thoughts on Informed Bias
- Reality Check - Iran
- Iran - Selective Outrage - Phony Menace
- Tactics of Terror, Declaring Enemies
- Miscellaney and Iran
- Everyone is Your Enemy
- Oldephartte on Iraq
- Browsing Extermination Campaigns
- Hit 'Em When They're Down
- US _ Russia Disarmament Negotiation - related data
- Channeling Commentary
- Trade, Currency, Atrocity
- Anecdote
- Amanda Marcotte and Memory Lane
- 27 April BlogViews
- Memorial Day Weekend
- 27 April BlogViews
- little indian's historical notes
- Rape of Women as an Instrument of War
- Soda Head
- Democratic Underground
- Peoples ForumExcellent News Site
- bb Forum Today's ThoughtsNot available as of 26 Sept 2009
- Media Policy News
- Nothing but Piano
- Out LoudHistory and Politics
- War Diaries
- SkewzPodcasts - What the Media Missed
- As It HappensCBC Podcasts
- Spark.caCBC Blog Reviewers
- NWO INternet Radio ShowsArchive
- VirbMusic,Photos,Blogs
- What's new in the News
- Free Music Archive
- Wake Up CallBlog Talk Radio
- Concert Vault
- Blog Talk Radio | Pandagon
- Top 10 Places to get Online Radio for free
Empire - Resource Control
- Mine Information Network
- Why societies collapse
- Fanonite
- The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
- Oil Sands Truth
- Seeds of Destruction : the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
- Global Warming, Glacier Pictures
- Transnational
- Oakland Institute - PublicationsFood and Globalization
- How long will it last
- Monsanto and its Philanthropy
- China corners over 90% of market for rare-Earth mineralsSearch 'Peak Minerals'
- Peruvian massacre aimed at opening Amazon to transnationals
- Rich Moy fought mining the Canadian Flathead 30 years
- Flathead WildAquifer Hazard
- Resources and Links on Coal Mining in the North Fork Flathead River BasinWaterton/Glacier
- 'Tyranny of Oil' a gripping, engaging read
- New Arabian Gulf oil pipeline wil detour Hormuz
- Oil : the Cold Black Facts
- AntiMonopoly
- Globalist
- Antifascist Calling
- Social BridgesPakistan : Responsible Corporatism
- Multinational Monitor
- VOX : Basic Principles of Financial Regulation
- IBAs guide Mongolia's sustainable development
- Globalization : What you don't know CAN hurt you
- Corporate Globalization Articles
- Corporate agriculture : Transplanting failure
- Why corporations can lie - and how we can stop it
- Obama administration refuses to disclose 'high haazard' coal dump locations
- theDossier | UK OnlineNews Articles
- the Dossier | UK OnlineCentral Index
- AutoblogGreen
- Green Motor Co. - UKblog
- Autoblog
- Winding Road MagazineNext Autos
- 4Car Home
- EV World
- Microcar Museum
- MyStarCollectorCar
- Reynolds-Alberta Museum
- Trucks World News
- Cars,Bikes,new launches - India
- Gas 2.0
Noam Chomsky
- Humanitarian Imperialism : the new Doctrine of Imperial Right
- Chomsky InfoArticles Page
- Obama's position on Gaza crisis 'approximately the Bush position'
- Noam Chomsky Page
- The torture memos and historical amnesia
- Manufacturing Consent - Excerpts
- 1998 Sudan bombing
- U.S. policy on Iran
- Electronic Privacy Information Center
- Privacy.Org
- On the Identity trail : 2007 Symposium
- The Public Voice
- Privacy International
- Center for Democracy & Technology
- Protecting individual privacy in the struggle against terrorists
- Maddow: New Rules are kicking Patriot Act foes 'right in the teeth'
- NSA surveillance targeted regular citizens and journalists
- Patient Privacy Rights
- Privacy Center
- RConversation
- Echelon
- The Truth about Project Echelon
- NO2id
- We Are Being Watched
- Main Core
- Former Intelligence Agent says Google in bed with CIA
- Keep Your Secrets
- The Big Picture
- LIFE photo archive
- War without comment
- ListFied
- Big Huge Labs
- Flickr Wallpaper Pool
- Israeli security fence and separation wall
- Design Inspiration
- Fun on the Net!
- Panoramas.dk
- See Canada Live
- Digital Blasphemy
- Michael Pzo
- Interesting
- SiteinspireGraphic Design Sites
- deviantART : where ART meets application!
- deviantART : Wallpaper Club
- Social Wallpapering
- Picnik - Online Photo Editing
- ThinkSketchDesign
- 115 insanely useful photoshop tips and tutorials
- 40+ Beautiful Patterns and Textures for Ornate Backgrounds
- Photoshop Alternatives
Book Reviews
- California Literary Review
- What Should I Read Next?
- Amazon DailyEclectic Articles : Blog
- MyShelf
- The Road to the Horizon
- Rocky Mountain Institute
- Humanitarian Technology Network
- Business and Human Rights Resource Centre
- A National Renewable Ammonia ArchitectureFertilizer
- Responsible China
- Sustainability, Energy Independence and Agricultural Policy
- MAI Watch
- Humanitarian Practice Network
- StartUp Africa
- Cyril's Gleans
- Bao Viet NamIn Vietnamese
- IPS Terra VivaE-Mail news alerts
- News Alert
- Brad deLong's semi-daily journal
- Opit's LinkFest! ( Blogger )
- TF News
- Sideways News
- Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Pakistan - Key Facts
- Sea Level Change 1993-2008
- Climate Change Psychology
- NASA study links severe storm increase, global warming
- Climate Change
- Global climate change student guide
- Flashpoint - Geophysical Links
Pipes - Group RSS
Futurism, SF + ?
- Kurzweil AI
- Daily Galaxy
- Dad 2059's Webzine
- Contrary Brin
- Pag E-news
- edward willett
- justine larbalestier
- SF Canada Members' News
- Weird Things
- Ignorance is Futile
- Cyberpunk Review
- Laura Knight Jadczyk
- Cassiopean Experiment
- SciFi Matters
- Consciousness and Healing
- Samadhi
- Alien Nation
- Energygrid Magazine
- Unexplained Mysteries
- Illuminati News
- Rense
- The relationship between human consciousness and Earth dynamics
- The Crit Data Vaults
- The Anomalist
- UFO Digest
- UFO Mystic
- Fortean Times
- Feminist SF Blog
- Strange Horizons
- Inicio
- Consciousness and the Conscious Universe
- trescx
- Clay and Iron
- Angry Black Woman | Fen Section
Collections forwarded to Blogger
- Readers & Gadgets
- Essay Collections - Opit
- News Services
- Blogs
- Opit OnlineWebsites,Bookmarks and Groups
- Answers,Dictionaries,etc.
- Alternative News & Videosi.e. May Not Be Not Paid Nonsense
- Blogs - Politics
- Indexes - Blogs, Portals,Writers' Communities +
- Notable Posts
- Blogging News Sites ( and some MSM )
- Corporate FarmingEnvironment + NWO
- Perception Alterationformerly 'Overton Window'
- Water* - Wealth and PowerEnvironment + NWO
- Magazines
- Context and Intel
- Documents
- Online Library
- Societies
- Mileposts
- Police State
- Curiosities
- Uranium - Mining and 'Depleted''Agent Orange' for the Ages
- Web 2.0 - Tech, tools, tips
- Social Movements
- Not 'P.C.' | NWO
- EnergyEnviro and 'Scorched Earth'
- Education
- Science
- Military
- Health & WellnessEnvironment, Food,Drugs,Meditation
- GreenNews and Groups
Think Tank
- Center for Global Developmentresearch for global prosperity
- New America FoundationIdeas & Analysis
- Pew Research
- Institute for Advanced Strategic and Social Studies
- Foreign Policy in Focus
- Commonwealth Institute
- Open Society Institute
- Parkland Institute
- Rocky Mountain InstituteGreen concerns
- Economic Policy Institute
- Center for American Progress
- In the TanksList of US foreign policy articles
- Foundation Center - Philanthropy News Digest
- Atlantic Council/ New Atlanticist
- Institute for Policy Studies
How to
- Read Music
- Where There is no Dentist
- SurvivalPDF - 676 pages
- How Stuff WorksComputer
- Instructables
- Cool Tools
- Where There is No Doctor
- Troublemakers Website
- Top Tools for Learning
- Backwoods Home Magazine
- 5 Min VideoPediaDIY
- W3 Schoolsweb tutorials
- Small Farms LibraryJourney to Forever Online Library
- Del.icio.us Tags
- How to use Wizz RSS Reader in Firefox
- KidspotParenting Resource - Oz
- Daily DIY
- WIRED How-To Wiki
- WikiHow
- Build it Solar - DIY Projects
- Build a Computer
- Make your own nutritious bread
- Recognize bias in a newspaper article
- Start a website in 6 easy steps
- How to Destroy the Government in 3 Easy Steps
- Soil chemists plant ferns to soak up backyard poisons
- Show me html
- Cruft
- DIY Life
- Skunk Odor Removal for dog and human
- Introducing Euphemisms to Language Learners
- How to Create an Open ID
- Tractical Action - solutions against poverty
- How To Organize Favorites or Bookmarks In Alphabetical Order In IE and Firefox Browser
Socioeconomic Essays
- FeinmanEconomics and Public Policy
- EZ Reading Money Matters
- Building interactive economic models in Excel
- Rajeev DehejiaPublished Works
- Robert Reich's Blog
- Left Economic Advisory PanelUK
- AleaNews
- Greg Mankiw's Blog
- A Fistful of Euros
- The Underlying Fraud in Banking
- February Economic Summary in Graphs
- Recovery.gov
- Creating currency for a resilient local economy
- Islam and Civilization
- Wall Street Watch : Sold Out
- Gaian Democracies : Redefining globalism and people-power
- The Iranian Threat : The Bomb or the Euro ?
- The Proposed Iranian Oil Bourse
- An Economic Road Well Traveled
- Empire Foreclosed ?
- Funny stories in international finance
- Naked Capitalism
- Manipulation : How Financial Markets Really Work
- U.S. Trade Deficit : Are we trading away our economy? 1999
- Price Fixing in Ancient Rome
- American Bankruptcy Blog
- The Paradox of Thrift - for real
- MTEF is The Bayesian Heresy
- SCOTUSblog
- 12 important U.S. laws every blogger needs to know
- American Service Members Protection Act 2002Agreement NOT to hand Americans over to the International Tribunal
- Findlaw : Writs
- Equal Justice Foundation
- United Nations Convention Against Torture
- Cearta.ie-irish for rights
- Canadian Law Blogs
- Infolaw - UK law blogs
- e-Justice Blog
- Bush's Final Legacy - Stealth Tort Reform
- What's Law got to do with it ?
- Copyright law as corporate welfare
- Center for Constitutional Rights
- National Criminal Justice Act ( U.S. )
- Israel - Torture
- The U.S. has 45 year history of torture
- A Small Clique of Legal Extremists...
- The politics of excusing torture in the name of National Security
- Innocence Project
- What lawyers may learn from trial of police officers in Germany
- Alien & Sedition Acts
- Corporate America's two sets of laws
- Creative Commons
- MarlerblogFood poisoning outbreaks and litigation
- Why Rick Steves believes in the decriminalization of marijuana
On the Political Stage
- Kucinich
- Lords of the BlogUK - House
- High Commissioner for Human RightsUN - OHCHR
- Government of Pakistan
- Government of India
- American Indian Movement
- FrogBlog - NZ Greens
- White House
- CQ PoliticsNew member profiles
Blogging, NewsBlogging
- PerformancingSEO, monetization, tips
- Putting Blogs First
- Livejournal
- 11 copyblogger posts that will change the way you blog
- Writing for reuse
- 10 web analytics tools for tracking your visitors
- Optimize your website for twitter search
- Search Engine Optimization Guide - PDF
- TopFollowFriday
- Blogrolling
- Archetype Writing
- Turn Firefox 3 into a Blogging Toolbox
- 100 Free Web Tools that will make you a better writer
- Top 50 Free Open Courseware Classes to Develop Better Web Sites
- Problogger
- Daily Blog Tips
- Ad Management Plug-Ins and Tutorials for your Website
- 100 Tools for journalists,writers,bloggers
- One Man's Blog
- OpenZine
- Handbook for Bloggers and CyberDissidents
- Silobreaker
- Big Dan's Big Blog
- tools, tutorials, resources, SEO * Home * About * All Posts * Comments * Copyright * Links * Resources Blogging Resources: Search Engines
- King Ping : Publishers' pinging service
- # Ping-O-Matic Manually batch ping feed updates
- # Expression Web Super Preview Cross Browser Testing
- One Cool Site : blogging tips
- Poodwaddle
- How to Create an Open ID
- Psych Wiki
- Water History .Org
- Wikileaks
- Akvopedia - water
- Wikipedia
- Wikimedia
- WikiAnswers
- Wikianswers
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- WikiMatrix
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- ZineWiki
- Open up government data
- Education Blogs by Discipline
- History Commons
- Sunnybrook United
- Walking with Integrity
- Religion Dispatches
- Sojourners
- Websites of Interest from Affirm Sunnybrook
- Welcoming Christian Church Directory Gay & Lesbian Friendly Christian Churches Throughout the World
- Godspace
Top Picks
- Top 50 Websites 2008Time
- Nick Bostrum's Home Page
- Complete 911 Timeline : Sibel Edmonds and Related Scandals
- Iraq Today
Project for the New American Century
- PNAC - Overview
- Blood Money Project
- Afghanistan : Millions facing food shortages,possible starvation in forgotten emergency
- Why do these guys think they can rule the world ?
- Blood Money
- U.S. Financial Aid To Israel
Deaths from military actions
- Iraq
- Vietnam
- iCasualties
- The Iraq Math War
- Casualties in Iraq - 2009
- War Victims Monitor
- DoD War Casualties - PDF
Old favourites
- AmygdalaGary Farber
- Obsidian WingsHilzoy
- Blue Girl Red StateGlobal Citizen
- Skippy the Bush Kangaroo
- Needlenose
- Qu'ran-Bible
- Verbena19
- Economic Objectorvism
- Articles and Answers
- Old BlogsDandelion Salad's list of MySpace blogs
- Our Descent into Madness
- an experiment in ideas
Foreign Policy
- Effects of the U.S. 'Embargo' against CubaA blockade is defined as an act of war
- U.S. has 45 year history of torture
- Office of Foreign Assets Control
- India and Pakistan : Partition Lessons
- Peace of Westphalia
- Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
- Global Paradigms
- Foreign Policy
- Fabius Maximus
- Nuclear Nion-Proliferation Treaty
- Afghanistan's Operation Phoenix
- Principal Tenets of Protestant Christianity
- Bible Study Tools
- Golden Rule : Universal Guide to Enlightened Behaviour
- Wicca : a NeoPagan Earth-centered religion
- Discussion with Tom Usher in Comments
- Former Southern Baptist sought acceptance 'just as I am' and found it in Buddhism
- The Cult Phenomen in the United States
- The Bible's odd ideas of marriage
- Butterflies and Wheels
- Bible Search Engine
- Homosexuality and the Bible
- Related Resources : Gay/Religion info
- Jimmy Carter – Losing My Faith For Equality
- The Apocrypha
SideBar Search
Water Power
Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran - Working for Inter
Working for International Dialogue and Peace
- Updated: Sat, Nov 7 2009 10:48 AM
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IPS Inter Press Service - Politics
IPS, civil society's leading news agency, is an independent voice from the South and for development, delving into globalisation for the stories underneath.
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( i.e. To remove Karzai from power without seeming to do so ) |
MADRID, Nov 6 (IPS) - The 60,000 tonnes of rubbish collected daily in Spain, equivalent to 1.3 kilos per person, is being managed by more green-friendly methods of recovery and treatment. |
- Posted on: Fri, Nov 6 2009 8:59 AM
BEIJING, Nov 6 (IPS) - For China choosing to act on climate change is not simply agreeing to effect changes in the way its robust economy is being run. Chinese leaders have to choose between two equally unattractive options—put the brakes on growth to choke off pollution and face an array of scary scenarios, from unemployment swell to social unrest. |
- Posted on: Fri, Nov 6 2009 8:59 AM
RAMALLAH, Nov 6 (IPS) - U.S. and Israeli failure to take either Palestinian rights or Israeli settlement expansion seriously has placed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority (PA) in an untenable situation, which could seriously damage peace prospects. |
- Posted on: Fri, Nov 6 2009 8:59 AM
KAMPALA, Nov 6 (IPS) - Uganda is considering an anti-counterfeit bill which analysts say will impair the country’s ability to import and export cheap but effective generic medicines. Activists fear that the bill, once enacted, will deny Ugandans access to safe, effective, quality and affordable generic medication which currently forms the bulk of Uganda’s medicine imports. |
- Posted on: Fri, Nov 6 2009 8:59 AM
- Email This
- Clip/Blog This
SANTIAGO, Nov 5 (IPS) - The second "Latin America and the Millennium Development Goals" Journalism Prize, sponsored by the UNDP and IPS, was awarded Thursday in the Chilean capital in a ceremony addressed by the head of the U.N. agency, Helen Clark. |
- Posted on: Thu, Nov 5 2009 7:18 PM
- Updated: Fri, Nov 6 2009 8:59 AM
CARACAS, Nov 4 (IPS) - The activities of Colombian armed groups across the border in western Venezuela are aggravating the diplomatic conflict between the two governments, which are ideological opposites, and some analysts have begun to wonder just how far the tension will escalate. |
- Posted on: Wed, Nov 4 2009 8:26 PM
WASHINGTON, Nov 4 (IPS) - The U.S. House of Representatives passed a non-binding resolution Tuesday condemning the Goldstone Report on Israeli and Hamas actions taking during the Gaza War as "irredeemably biased" against Israel and calling on U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to oppose any consideration of the report in multilateral fora, such as the United Nations. |
- Posted on: Wed, Nov 4 2009 8:26 PM
WASHINGTON, Nov 4 (IPS) - After two years of work, 20 former presidents of Latin American countries have issued policy recommendations that they hope "will greatly improve the lives and social mobility of Latin America's poor, will produce a new dynamic for economic growth, and will strengthen Latin America's still-fragile democratic institutions". |
- Posted on: Wed, Nov 4 2009 8:26 PM
MEXICO CITY, Nov 4 (IPS) - A case of rights abuses allegedly committed by the Mexican armed forces is coming up for a hearing at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), where it joins a long list of accusations against the army in this Latin American country. |
- Posted on: Wed, Nov 4 2009 8:26 PM
GUATEMALA CITY, Nov 4 (IPS) - Juan Manuel Ardón's bones jut out and his hair is dull and thin: signs of severe malnutrition. He is so weak that he can hardly walk or talk, and the doctors say his weight and stature are those of a six-year-old, rather than 15-year-old, boy. |
- Posted on: Wed, Nov 4 2009 8:26 PM
CARACAS, Nov 4 (IPS) - One Friday at around midnight, on Villaflor Street, a favourite spot for gays and lesbians in the Venezuelan capital, Yonatan Matheus and Omar Marques noticed two Caracas police patrol vans carrying about 20 detainees, most of them very young. |
- Posted on: Wed, Nov 4 2009 8:26 PM