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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, November 6, 2009

6 Nov - A Different Version of 'HealthCare'

castillos en el aireImage by jesuscm via Flickr

rts increased adverse reactions to flu jabs in Tennessee

The Jane Burgermeister website - investigating the swine flu pandemic


a US Judge in New Jersey has ordered a halt to mandatory vaccinations and that the government and drug companies can be held responsible for bad reactions to the vaccines. That alone could stop the hasty rush to vaccinate people as the drug companies who manufactured the vaccine could go bankrupt if large numbers of people become sick from the vaccine and they sue those companies. This link also notes the current strain of swine flu has so far proven to be a rather mild form of the flu, so why was there such an inordinately panicky reaction to vaccinate everyone in the first place? 


Crew of U.S. Navy Ships Develop Swine Flu Symptoms After H1N1 Vaccination

Shipwreck an ecological disaster for southern Madagascar
The Turkish vessel Gulser Ana grounded near Faux Cap in the very south of Madagascar The ship carried 39000 tons of raw Phosphates, 568 tons of fuel, 66 tons of diesel and 8000 litres of lubricant, most of which was slowly released into the Indian Ocean. The accident occurred in a whale reproduction and migratory corridor zone during the migratory season.

The report, co-funded by WWF was prepared by an interdisciplinary team of eight scientists which went to Faux Cap shortly after the accident.

While one to three whales normally beach in the area each year, nine whales beached in September alone, and some beach stretches seem to be real death zones, the report found. Villagers suffer from diseases such as respiratory problems, skin diseases and diarrhoea.
Oil clumps cover the beach 30 km to the east and even further to the west of the shipwreck. People who were hired to clean up the area are not equipped properly and lack clothes protecting them. The collected oil clumps land in plastic bags on the beach where they are likely to burst and cause further damage, the report founds.

Almost half the 40'000 people in the area have been affected by consequences of the shipwreck, the study found with a key impact being the banning of fishing for three months.
Some 25 to 40 percent of the inhabitants depend on fishery as their source of income.

The impacts on marine species are also tragic.

"Like human beings, whales suffer from respiratory problems due to diesel odour. They come to the surface from time to time to breathe, so if they happen to surface through an oil film, this might result in the animal’s death,” Yvette Razafindrakoto, WCS (World Conservation Society) marine mammal specialist said.

Although raw phosphate is not poisonous, a huge amount of it being suddenly released into the ocean can be problematic. The expert team found signs of eutrophication in front of the shipwreck. « Phosphate acts like fertilizer, which leads to an extensive algal bloom. This depletes the oxygen in the surrounding marine environment and could cause the disappearance of species such as fish and molluscs» said Ralison.


Senator Coburn Blocking Vets' Aid - Will You Stand Up To Him?
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Milwaukee Veterans Day Bans Vets for Peace
U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contract Awards
Arlington officials can't get their stories straight
Once again we can see the insanity of it all. When we will learn?
Wednesday, November 04
"Obama, Obama, you are either with them, or with us!"
Some Rants From An Angry Widow
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Tom Coburn Named as Senator Holding up Veterans Bill
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Open Letter to President Obama on Afghanistan
Washington Post features editor punches colleague over 'charticle'
American Conservatives Gaining Traction Again
Tuesday, November 03
The Swine Flu Vaccine Screw-up
Chomsky Says President Obama Continues Bush Policy To Control Middle East Oil
Afghanistan Is a Bad, Stupid War
U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contract Awards
Secretary Shinseki Details Plan to End Homelessness for Veterans
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A Letter For Hillary Clinton
Donna Teresa: Arlington National Cemetery, here, there and everywhere
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Half of US kids will get food stamps, study says
Monday, November 02
Operation Rah-e-Nijat (Freedom Path) in South Waziristan
What Obama Is Up Against
World just learning mystery of Vietnam-era Marine hero
Afghanistan Is a Mess
U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contract Awards
If You Liked Health Care, You'll Love Afghanistan
Aon Reaches Out to Wounded Warriors in Chicago
Israeli Columnist's Indictment of Israel
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Obama resuming GW Bush's "Extraordinary Renditions"
Abdullah Abdullah will not face Karzai in runoff election - Why not? Why not?
Sunday, November 01
New Evidence about Hindu Terrorism
The Impossibility of Being in Afghanistan

CAMPFIRE often returns a Does Not Exist : something that used to bedevil http://opit.wordpress.com : suggested links













Afghanistan must stop the blame game on corruption

It took 51 steps and a $400 bribe to register a vehicle

Who are we fighting and what are we fighting for?

The Washington Post has posted Hoh’s resignation letter — which has earned the attention of the Oval Office.  Generally, resignation letters from members of the foreign service don’t reach eyeballs in the executive branch because, feh, who cares about such low officials?  But Hoh’s letter is a clear, concise, and cogent summary of the situation America presently faces in Afghanistan..... if the government attempts to justify our war in Afghanistan by claiming we’re fighting terrorists, then why aren’t we invading other countries like Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen?  Hell, Hoh also points out that terrorists have done some planning in Western Europe — why not invade those countries?
Who are we fighting?  What kind of war are we fighting?  And why?
These are basic questions.  If the government and the military cannot answer athem is clearly as Hoh has stated the fundamental problems with the Afghanistan war, then the war becomes a money hole that could sink the American economy.  Worse, soldiers are dying for no good reason.
In short, if these basic questions cannot be answered, then President Obama needs to deny General McChrystal’s request for more troops and bring all the other troops home.

Retrospective from Baghdad Burning : the way it worked in Iraq
The looting and killing of today has changed from the looting and killing in April. In April, it was quite random. Criminals were working alone. Now they’re more organized than the CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority) and the troops combined. No one works alone anymore- they’ve created gangs and armed militias. They pull up to houses in minivans and SUVs, armed with machineguns and sometimes grenades. They barge into the house and demand money and gold. If they don’t find enough, they abduct a child or female and ask for ransom. Sometimes the whole family is killed- sometimes only the male members of the family are killed.

For a while, the men in certain areas began arranging ‘lookouts’. They would gather, every 6 or 7 guys, in a street, armed with Klashnikovs, and watch out for the whole area. They would stop strange cars and ask them what family they were there to visit. Hundreds of looters were caught that way- we actually felt safe for a brief period. Then the American armored cars started patrolling the safer residential areas, ordering the men off the streets- telling them that if they were seen carrying a weapon, they would be treated as criminals.

Most of the gangs, at least the ones in Baghdad, originate from slums on the outskirts of the city. ‘Al-Sadir City’ is a huge, notorious slum with a population of around 1.5 million. The whole place is terrifying. If you lose a car or a person, you will most likely find them there. Every alley is controlled by a different gang and weapons are sold in the streets… they’ll even try out that machinegun you have your eye on, if you pay enough. Americans don’t bother raiding the houses in areas like that… raids are exclusively for decent people who can’t shoot back or attack. Raids are for the poor people in Ramadi, Ba’aquba and Mosul. 

McChrystal Doesn’t Get It—Does Obama?

There are currently around 68,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan. McChrystal’s request would raise that number to around 110,000 troops – the same number as the Soviets had deployed in Afghanistan at the height of their failed military adventure some 20 years ago.

By Sodium, November 5 at 4:39 am #
(Unregistered commenter)
Subject: Some Specific Historical Facts From Afghanistan History.
The central point concerning Afghanistan as the grave yard of empires as Mr. Scott Ritter has written in his outstanding article is expressed in the following 21 words:
“Afghanistan has,over the centuries,earned its reputation as the graveyard of empires. Just ask the Greeks,Mongols,British and Russians.”
Because of the fuss someone sounded like having a typical mindset of the neoconservatives of the already discredited authors of the “Project For A New American Century”,I have found myself compelled to test Mr Scott Ritter’s comments quoted above to satisfy my own curiosity first and see how far the fussy neocon’s contention might be close to the “truth”:
The Greeks in Afghanistan:
Alexander the Great conquered and occupied Afghanistan in 350BC-323BC. He tried bringing the Helenic thought and civilation to Afghanistan as he had successfully done in every empire he conquered before conquering Afghanistan but failed miserably according to:

Afghanistan’s Web Site-@Afghanistan History
Instead,he ended up facing,and I quote,“unrest and bloody revolts become the regime hallmarks”. He withdrew to Babylon,(present day Iraq),where he became very ill and died,either in Iraq or while his military generals were carrying him to get his body back home to Mecadonia,Greec. Till present time,no one knows where Alexander the Great was burried. That is the ultimate fate of the greatness. Tell that to the bravado of the warmongering mindsets. They may learn from the failure and fate of Alexander the Great in that part of the world.
The Mongols in Afghanistan:
I could not find specific information about the Mongols in their conquest of Afghanistan in the 12TH century AD,except that the Mongolian warrior,Genghis Khan used it as a pathway to conquer Persia,(present day Iran),and conquer the residue of the already decaying Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad. Therefore,I leave the details of what happened to Genghis Khan’s conquest of Afghanistan to the professional historians to tell us. There are historical reports which says that Genghis Khan returned to mongolia and died there.His brother Helugo,tookover after Genghis Khan’s death and continued the conquest of the Middle East,including Egypt. At the end he too was forced to abandon the region for the rising new powers: the Fatimide Dynasty and ultimately to the Ottoman Empire until the Empire of Great Britain took over from the decaying Ottoman Empire. Yeah, collapsing empire after collapsing empire has been such the dictate of the sweep of human history. Nothing,nothing remains permanent.

The British in Afghanistan:
In 1839-1842,Great Britain conquered and occupied Afghanistan and established a puppet goverment to serve its commercial interest as connected to the Indian subcontinent. In 1842,an Afghani hero by the name of Akbar Khan and his followers defeated the British,and I quote,“The ferocity was such that 16,500 B-British garrisons with 12,000 support staff and dependents were wiped out. Only one survived,of mixed British-Indian garrison,reaches the fort of Jalalabad on a stumbling pony”. Great Britain was Great Britain and yet was defeated by a rag-tag group of determined Afghani fighters.

The Russians in Afghanistan:
The Marxist Afghani goverment lead by Najibullah was about to collapse because of internal discontent which forced Najibullah to officially request,his patron,the Soviet Union to intervene and help him out. In December of 1979,the Soviet Union responded by invading Afghanistan with about 110,000 Russian troops. Najibullah was assassinated and the Russians tried to rule the rebellious population with no success whatsoever. At the end,the Russians were forced to withdraw in 1989,after losing 28,000 soldiers in 10 years of waste of blood and treasure.

Graveyard? Yes,yes,indeed.

( Note to author : Who put the experienced assassin in charge ? )


Rate This

I’ve been saying this for about eight months.  Now Arianna Huffington says it yesterday.  This is what I’ve been feeling and writing about
Plouffe’s book arrives at a crossroads moment for the administration — exactly one year after the election, and one year before the 2010 midterms. A lot has happened in that year, as the audacity of winning has given way to the timidity of governing.

Not Surprised

Posted November 4, 2009 by Chief
Categories: Domestic Issues


On the ten o’clock version of Countdown last night O’Donnell was interviewing  Howard Fineman whose basic interpretation was that the electorate was upset that the folks on Wall Street that caused the problems with the economy, were still in charge, still getting exorbitant bonuses and being hired by Obama .
While he said it much more succinctly than I could, I have for months been flogging that line.
Obama was
  • not bold enough in his responses
  • hired Wall Street insiders
  • continued far too many of the Bush-era policies
  • lacking in transparency in his policies
  • any health care reform has been much to slow in coming
The voters neither like nor dislike.  They are just disappointed and feel that they have no reason to go to the polls.
 ( The voters, Sir, are obviously more cynical than you. )

The illusion of time: Perceiving the effect before the cause

A novel temporal illusion, in which the cause of an event is perceived to occur after the event itself, provides some insight into the brain mechanisms underlying conscious perception. The illusion, described in the journal Current Biology by a team of researchers from France, suggests that the unconscious representation of a visual object is processed for around one tenth of a second before it enters conscious awareness.

Obesity as a Disorder of Neural Function

One of the most interesting (and most complicated) things about obesity is its very strong neural component.  Now of course at its most basic level, body weight comes down to the balance of energy intake versus energy expenditure.  Unfortunately, many aspects of this energy balance equation are outside the influence of conscious control.  The brain is constantly sensing nutrients like glucose, and hormones like leptin and insulin in order to determine current energy stores, and using this information to adjust energy intake and energy expenditure as needed.  It does this by influencing our hunger and satiety, in order to keep body weight around a chosen set-point, or to return to a set-point after a short-term perturbation (e.g. a crash diet).  So even though an individual may have decided to cut back on their caloric intake and increase their physical activity levels, this is obviously not so easy if their brain is making them feel hungry and lethargic all the time.  As you might expect, research suggests that this neural control of energy intake and energy expenditure plays an extremely important role in obesity, weight maintenance, and weight reduction.