It’s 1972. I live with my family on a military base. It’s Memorial Day weekend and the entire base is swathed in displays of patriotism.
24 May - Memorial Day Weekend
Online one sees wonderful topical posts 'vanish into obscurity' as the moment passes and attention wanders on. An E-Card at Care2 reminded me that Memorial Day has returned. Our Remembrance Day on November 11 serves much the same purpose. This time I'm resurrecting several literary picks
for the occasion
In Flanders Fields
Lions Led by Donkeys
Some must wonder why a person convinced war is evil so supports military tradition. That's because the sacrifice of those idealistically enlisting to serve in what they think is an existentialist struggle at risk of their actual continued being should never be denigrated. The role of those who put them in that condition is another matter.
This veers too close to mindless 'patriotism' for easy comfort. I do remember the paternalistic roots of that word : disdain as clear as calling Army regulars 'infant-ry' and using them as 'cannon fodder'. Those families losing young people to such pursuits are more sanguine : organized murder.
The voice of experience : Maj-General Smedley-Butler
War is a Racket
With an analysis like that, the wonder is that we do not see the situation quite differently. How would you know we don't ? Here's one outraged and honest but 'safe' response
When the Generals chose lies over their soldiers' lives
More is going on than meets the eye here, isn't there ?
Foreign Policy as practiced by seven-year-old children
The 'wars' in the Middle East and more are deployments promoted to serve the interests of the populations sending the troops. How accurate is that ?
War and Peace - Understanding War, Winning Our Freedom
Persuasion and Brainwashing Techniques being used on the public today
The bombing of people in their homes and public places is 'justified' by outright lies which paint a fictitious manufactured 'reality' in place of reporting. Even the portrayal of good intentions doesn't stand up under analysis
More George C. Marshall
Bremer's 100 Orders
Lest We Forget.
Vagabond Scholar
"Bad jokes and gay marriage are destroying this country. But torture can save it." –Jon StewartWar and the Denial of Loss
(This post is part of a series on war, and a smaller set of posts for Armistice Day 2009.)Nations wage unnecessary wars because their leaders lack wisdom or conscience, and the checks to force them to act wisely and conscientiously are tragically wanting. However, wars also start – and persist - because of the denial of loss. Scoundrels and fools in positions of power and influence can urge splendid, glorious war in large part because it's unlikely they'll pay the terrible costs. Soldiers, civilians and their loved ones bear those, as always.
The fashionably hawkish and zealously belligerent will blithely lie to the populace (and sometimes themselves) about the necessity of war and its consequences. However, those who bear the greatest costs of war can lie to themselves, too. Ironically, horribly, the victims and survivors can inadvertently perpetuate and sharpen the cruel tragedies of war.
And what do we forget ? War is not the builder but The Destroyer of Worlds.
Millions mark lost WW 1 generation
'The War to End All Wars'
U.S. military interventions since 1890