The Breet Report – Water Issues Rising and It Isn’t Water
The Mirror of Aphrodite
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Ever Wonder What Hate Looks Like?

Well, those questions and more were brilliantly answered by Masaru Emoto in two books titled, "The Hidden Messages in Water" and "Love Thyself: The Message from Water." In these books, Mr. Emoto reveals the results of his various studies conducted with water and controlled experiments with "energy" emittance and its affects.
In his experiments, Mr. Emoto "energized" water with thoughts, feelings, music, prayers and emotions. He sent love to one water sample and hate to another. He played heavy metal music towards one, and then played "Amazing Grace" to another. He sent thoughts of Mother Theresa to one, and thoughts of Adolph Hitler to another. He then froze the water. Once frozen, the water was then sliced and it's crystal formations were viewed under a microscope.
And the results were no less than astounding.
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Human Condition of Selfishness

The ego holds us back in life. At times, it disguises itself as your friend and the temporary satisfaction it provides causes to you further seek to satisfy it. It can become a real beast and once you let it out of the cage and off the leash, good luck reigning it back in. But it can be done. You can - and should - seperate yourself from your ego.
You see, in order to evolve and attain enlightenment, you need to realize that your Ego is seperate from your human side. There's a duality in life, a paradox. Ego is like a split personality that lives within you - and your goal in life should be to successfully seperate yourself from it. Ego is what produces selfishness and drives selfish behaviors. Selfish behaviors are a humans attempt to satiate the ego, to satisfy it.
And that, my friends, is where society and humans run into trouble. We are all so blindly following these days, like cattle being led to the slaughter, that we totally buy into the ego. And once you've bought into your ego, others and society around you will always joyfully encourage you to feed it.
That's why they call us "consumers" folks. We are constantly feeding on others and our environment like a cancer on this earth, gobbling it up and destroying it. Yummy, yummy, yummy. It's a varitable feeding frenzy out there, isn't it? "Oh, this makes me feel good, I only need one but I'll take 10." Or, "I know I owe you money, but I really wanted this new X Box instead." Or, "I'm sorry I was ignorant, but hey, I'm enjoying myself and doing what I want to do."
And those around you are encouraging it, "Yes, that's lovely, why not get 12 instead of 10!" Or, "Hey, you can pay them next week." And, "You have to think of yourself." What they should be saying is, "You have to think FOR yourself." It's easy to say, "Hey, it makes ME feel good. Besides, others are encouraging MY behavior, telling ME to think about ME, and supporting ME in my actions . . . so I'm living for ME, right?"
But, are you really? Ask yourself, "Whose vision of happiness am I actually living?" First, consider the company you keep. Are those around you selfish in nature? Does their behavior, at times, turn you off? Do their self-centered, immature actions or mind sets cause their loved ones to suffer? How do they love their children, grandchildren, spouses and friends? Would you want to emulate them? Stop and take a moment to reflect.
I'm not saying that those around you are bad people, I'm sure they're well meaning. But what YOU need to consider is this. . . are they a follower or a leader? Do they follow the stampeding cattle right over the edge of the mountain cliff? Or do they stand out, maybe even as an oddball of sorts, from the crowd and march to the beat of their own drum?
Because if you're going to follow someone. . . follow their advice and encouragement. . . you'd better make sure you know where the hell your following them too.
Where is their encouragement and advice going to lead you to? Is it going to be to a place that YOU'RE happy with? And where is their encouragement and advice coming from? A place of well-being - or from a cynical place of past experiences? Because the vast majority of people these days, in my eyes at least, are part of the herd heading for the edge of the cliff. You're much better off if you're the slow poke that lags behind and doesn't get it - and maybe even causes trouble every once in a while by ruffling a few feathers and questioning things.
I have found that throughout my life, I have been drawn to eccentricities and eccentric people. Why? All I can say is that I can truly appreciate their "spirit." A free spirit that flys and floats at will - following no one and nothing but their own heart, mind and imagination. I'm generally not drawn to those in vain pursuit of selfish satisfactions. When going through a period in life like that, trapped and earth bound, your light is dimmed. What you generate and emulate - is what you attract back to yourself. Careful, you are always creating your karma.
We've all been there. We've all had to question our lives at some point and ask ourselves, "What am I here for? What would truly make me happy?" If you think on that, you soon come to realize that selfish behaviors and the vain pursuit of constant fulfillment of them - only takes you on a tireless, meaningless course through life making very little progress. It's like meandering along the ocean shore without ever diving into the ocean. Selfishness will never bring you true happiness and will only keep you unfulfilled and earth bound.
When you're selfish, you're pissing around. When your free, you fly.
Are you flying? Or are you pissing around?
Read More......
Professor examines Alberta quakes
Dave Eaton, a geophysics professor, is leading a project that will see a decommissioned station near Priddis upgraded and eight more set up across the province. The equipment will be able to detect earthquakes that humans can't.
Eaton wants to know whether blasting liquids underground to extract natural gas or storing carbon in the earth to reduce greenhouse gas emissions can cause an earthquake.
"Earthquakes have been produced that are just on [the] threshold of causing damage to homes and infrastructure and are felt over a large region. So we would really like to understand the nature of those earthquakes better and really make a more solid connection between the types of fluids being injected and earthquake activity," he said.
The study could have a big impact on the emerging carbon-capture industry in the province. Alberta has set aside $2 billion to fund such projects.
"There's no proof right now of any causal link between CO2 injection and earthquakes, but that's one of the reasons we would like to investigate it more," Eaton said. "We need to be very careful and aware of all the earthquake risks, especially when we are contemplating these sorts of really long-term storage of materials inside the earth."
NASA on crusade to debunk 2012 apocalypse myths
( The movie isn't even out yet and they're anxious to disprove Niburu. It reminds me of one of the tenets of propaganda : "Lie First!" Just musing - and recalling that you can often present something as fiction because doing so as fact garners a whirlwind of disclaimers. Which isn't to say it's true ! )
Now this is curious. Violet Flame has been flagged as a hazard by Web of Trust...for no obvious reason on casual appraisal. Yet the Spiritual Links page is clear.Aha! Violet Flame is clear of downrating.
( Seeing they have said some of the same things I have risked might say why : likely rated as a hate site for raising questions and snide commentary about corporatist/fascist culture in the USA. Mind, I relate to things like caustic commentary via irony in things as innocuous as Gilbert and Sullivan ...about the UK.( A British Tar is a Soaring Free as a Mountain Bird : not bad for somebody put into service by a Press Gang ) Nor do I exempt the remains of Empire in Canada, Australia for hatemongering...and perhaps India as well. I have not flagged 'me no big chief' for anti-Muslim sentiments : but then, I'd have to do the same for almost all US media ! I have this little perceptual quirk : I think pre-judice [ judging before the facts are in and generalizing ] applies regardless of the target. Interestingly, political prejudice is a formal disinformation technique known as 'Poisoning the Well' - part of the Perception Alteration file : See Paul Levy's 'War on Consciousness' )
Canada’s role in depleted uranium weapons worldwide
The Government of Canada is in non-compliance with the statutes and regulations of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), prohibiting the use of Canadian uranium in depleted uranium (DU) weapons. Moreover, Canada has a bilateral nuclear co-operation agreement with the US, under which uranium exports to the US may only be used for peaceful purposes, and not in weapons. This includes “control over the high enrichment of Canadian uranium and subsequent storage and use of the highly enriched uranium,” a Foreign Affairs document states. The same rules that apply to uranium apply to depleted uranium, according to the CNSC.
DU weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction under international law. Thus Canada may be complicit in the US use of weapons of mass destruction in the 1991 Iraq war I, the 1998 Balkans war, the 2001 war in Afghanistan, and the 2003 Iraq war II, where the British medical journal Lancet estimates that one million civilians have died. In each of these wars, it is likely that depleted uranium in the DU weapons used by the U.S. and the UK comes from Canadian uranium exported to the US and processed in US enrichment plants into depleted uranium and subsequently manufactured into DU weapons.
( Uranium - Mining and 'Depleted')
COOPRADIO.ORG: Depopulation & chronic exposure to radiation with Leuren Moret
When: March 9, 2009
Where: Vancouver COOP RADIO CFRO 102.7 FM
Listen Live:
A conversation with independent scientist Leuren Moret on the effects on the human population and the biosphere of chronic exposure to radiation and an intentional depopulation policy, with a case study of the Irish Sea effect and the Sellafield (U.K.) nuclear power plant.
Increased Risk of Infertility and
Reproductive Cancers!
This article is taken from Namaste Magazine Vol.10 Issue 4.
PO Box 127, Shrewsbury SY3 7WS
Email: Tele: + 44 (0)1743 341303 To subscribe
by Leuren Moret
COOPRADIO.ORG: Canada & DU weapons: 50,000 U.S. soldiers disabled in last 3 months with illegal Canadian uranium in U.S. DU weapons - Update with independent scientist Leuren Moret
When: Monday Jan. 26, 2009 @ Noon - 1 PM PTWhere: Vancouver Coop Radio CFRO 102.7 FM
Listen Live:
A conversation with expert witness Leuren Moret on depleted uranium (DU) weapons, and the impacts they have had on the 1,000,000 disabled U.S. veterans (new Veteran's Administration statistics) from Iraq and Afghanistan, caused largely by Canadian uranium illegally used in U.S. depleted uranium (DU) weapons. This interview addresses the 50,000 new casualties in U.S. military personnel in Iraq/Afghanistan October-December (3 months) of 2008. As of the end of 2008, there are over 400,000 officially medically disabled soldiers, with one expert estimate as high as 1,000,000 medically disabled U.S. soldiers.
Host: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Listen to Audio Archive (MP3) now: SUMMARY & REFERENCES:
INAUGURATION: Will Obama Keep His Promises – close Gitmo, end Iraq war, medical care for soldiers/vets, more war in Afghanistan?
Veterans Ball canceled, organizer missing
• Colonel with cancer in command at inauguration
• Obama preparing order to close Gitmo
• Diplomats, generals join Obama in war meeting
• Obama team rejects Afghan peace plan, German expert reports
Mental Illness: PTSD, violence, murder, cannibalism
• VA diagnosing higher rates of PTSD
• VA confirms 18 vets commit suicide every day
• US to pay $350,000 after suicide of Marine
• 2002: 4 Wives slain in 6 weeks at Fort Bragg
• 2008: Fort Bragg Murders (3 wives slain in short time)
• 2006: A grisly New Orleans Murder Mystery Takes Another Twist: Man accused of killing and mutilating his girlfriend before killing himself was an Iraq war hero (he also cooked and ate her)
• Veteran with PTSD acquitted in robbery case
• Ex-Carson GI pleads guilty in robbery, deaths
• Oral cancer in US soldiers vs. oral sex and Gardasil
• Doctors remove 45 tumours from 26-year-old Dutch Veteran
• States and VA at odds on cancer data
• Study: 1 out of 4 homeless vets are veterans
• Texas A&M Black Hawk crash kills 1, injures 4
• Helo wreckage to remain at A&M into weekend
• Second victim of helo crash at A&M dies
• Shinseki's VA confirmation looks likely
General Shinseki issued DU mandates and orders, fired by Bush, now appointed head of VA – will he help the soldiers?
• Bill seeks hospitals for vets in every state
• Board finally to review disability ratings
• US airpower in Iraq and Afghanistan: 2004-2007
• Radioactivity lingers longer in water blast
• Camel 'plague' puzzles scientists
• Obesity levels in China rising fast, study finds
• Uranium levels in Los Angeles drinking water double in 2007
• Populations exposed to environmental uranium: Increased infertility and reproductive cancers
• Uranium and diabetes
• Pace offers regret for Iraq War mistakes
• Former VA chief says Bush did right by vets
• Obama preparing to close Gitmo
• Obama seeks halt to Guantanamo trials
• Obama draft order calls for closing Guantanamo Bay
• Diplomats, generals join Obama in war meeting
• Military projects part of stimulus
JANUARY 19, 2009
The Obama transition team has already rejected out of hand a plan for a negotiated peace settlement in Afghanistan, which had been approved by the Karzai government as well as by its opponents. A leading mainstream German Afghanistan expert, Christoph Hörstel, who had attempted to play the role of a back channel between Afghan circles and the Obama team, reports that his approach with this peace plan was brusquely rejected by Obama's top Afghan advisor, who is not named in the report. This story is reported on the Swiss-German blog Alles Schall und Rauch.
According to Hörstel, Afghan mujaheddin circles also report that their efforts to negotiate with the incoming Obama regime have also been rejected, despite the fact that Kabul is now virtually surrounded and could fall to the Taliban at any time.
Hoerstel is the author of two recent books on Afghanistan.
The German language audio tape of the Hoerstel interview is available at the link given below.
Am 19. Januar hat Alles Schall und Rauch eine Interview mit einem der besten Kenner Afghanistans und der Taliban geführt. Herr Hörstel sagte zu mir, er hätte einen Friedensplan, der von den Taliban abgesegnet ist, den Sicherheitsberater des Obama-Team zugesandt, in Hinblick darauf, da die Taliban Kabul eingekesselt haben und 70% des Landes beherrschen, um weiteres Blutvergiessen zu verhindern Dieser Plan wurde von Obama vom Tisch gewischt. Hier der Link zum Interview:
COOP Radio Interview January 26, 2008: Leuren Moret on "DU Update"
INAUGURATION: Will Obama Keep His Promises – close Gitmo, end Iraq war, medical care for soldiers/vets, more war in Afghanistan?
• Veterans ball canceled, organizer missing
By Rick Maze - Staff writer
Posted : Monday Jan 19, 2009 14:15:20 EST
• Obama draft order calls for closing Guantanamo Bay
By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent
January 21, 2009
• Colonel with cancer in command at inauguration
By Kevin Maurer - The Associated Press
Posted : Sunday Jan 18, 2009 9:25:42 EST
• Obama team rejects Afghan peace plan, German expert reports
By Webster Tarpley on Interview with Christoph Hörstel, published January 9, 2009
German interview tape: http://alles-schallundrauch.
• VA diagnosing higher rates of PTSD
By William H. McMichael - Staff writer
Posted : Sunday Jan 18, 2009 15:44:32 EST
• VA Confirms 18 Vets Commit Suicide Everyday
By Jason Leopold April 21, 2008
• U.S. to pay $350,000 after suicide of Marine
By William H. McMichael - Staff writer
Posted : Saturday Jan 17, 2009 6:57:58 EST
• 4 Wives Slain In 6 Weeks At Fort Bragg (2002)
Husbands Blamed For Deaths, 3 Of The Men Served In Afghanistan
FORT BRAGG, N.C., July 26, 2002 | by Dan Collins CBS News
• The Fort Bragg Murders:
In Recent Months, Three Female Soldiers Have Been Killed—Allegedly by Their Military Husbands or Boyfriends. Is the Army Doing Enough to Protect Its Women? (2008)
By Nina Burleigh
PEOPLE December 15, 2008
• [This veteran ate the girls parts – they were in a cooking pot on the stove]
A Grisly New Orleans Murder Mystery Takes Another Twist: Man Suspected of Killing and Mutilating His Girlfriend Before Killing Himself Was an Iraq War Hero
By MARCUS BARAM Oct. 20, 2006
• Veteran with PTSD acquitted in robbery case
The Associated Press
Posted : Tuesday Jan 13, 2009 22:04:19 EST
• Ex-Carson GI pleads guilty in robbery, deaths
The Associated Press
Posted : Tuesday Jan 13, 2009 22:11:19 EST
• Oral Cancer in US Soldiers vs Oral Sex and Gardasil
• Doctors remove 45 tumours from 26-year-old Dutch veteran
November 21, 2007
Original translation from
• States and V.A. at Odds on Cancer Data
New York Times, October 10, 2007
• Study: 1 out of 4 homeless are veterans
By KIMBERLY HEFLING, Associated Press Writer
Washington Post, Thursday November 8, 2007 11:41 AM ET
• Texas A&M Black Hawk crash kills 1, injures 4
By Michelle Tan - Staff writer
Posted : Wednesday Jan 14, 2009 11:56:33 EST
• Helo wreckage to remain at A&M into weekend
Posted : Thursday Jan 15, 2009 11:22:43 EST
• Second victim of helo crash at A&M dies
The Associated Press
Posted : Friday Jan 16, 2009 13:53:56 EST
• Shinseki's VA confirmation looks likely
By Rick Maze - Staff writer
Posted : Wednesday Jan 14, 2009 20:52:34 EST
• Bill seeks hospitals for vets in every state
By Rick Maze - Staff writer
Posted : Thursday Jan 15, 2009 15:46:59 EST
• Board finally to review disability ratings
By Kevin Maurer - The Associated Press
Posted : Friday Jan 16, 2009 14:54:49 EST
• US Airpower in Iraq and Afghanistan: 2004-2007
Anthony H. Cordesman
Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington D.C., December 13, 2007
TABLE and GRAPH: http://leninology.blogspot.
• Radioactivity Lingers Longer in Water Blast
Tulsa Tribune
Tue. June 1, 1948
• Camel 'plague' puzzles scientists
The Observer, Sunday December 23 2007
Robin McKie, science editor
• Obesity levels in China rising fast, study finds
REUTERS July 9, 2008
• Populations Exposed to Environmental Uranium: Increased Infertility and Reproductive Cancers
By Leuren Moret
July 28, 2008, NAMASTE Magazine
• Pace offers regret for Iraq War mistakes
By Lolita C. Baldor - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Jan 14, 2009 18:45:36 EST
• Former VA chief says Bush did right by vets
By Rick Maze - Staff writer
Posted : Saturday Jan 17, 2009 16:00:46 EST
• Obama preparing order to close Gitmo
By Lara Jakes - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Jan 14, 2009 11:56:42 EST
• Obama seeks halt to Guantanamo trials
By Jane Sutton
Reuters 9:40 PM, January 20, 2009
• Obama draft order calls for closing Guantanamo Bay
By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent
January 21, 2009
• Diplomats, generals join Obama in war meeting
By ANNE GEARAN, AP Military Writer, January 21, 2009
• Military projects are popular part of stimulus
By Rick Maze – Army Times
January 16, 2009
• Afghanistan seeks control over NATO troops
By Jason Straziuso and Amir Shah - The Associated Press
Posted : Tuesday Jan 20, 2009 9:34:08 EST
• Obama team rejects Afghan peace plan, German expert reports
By Webster Tarpley on Interview with Christoph Hörstel, published January 9, 2009
German interview tape: http://alles-schallundrauch.
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Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei |
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says terrorist attacks in Muslim countries like Iran, Iraq and Pakistan are carried out by foreign agents.
"Bloody measures in some Muslim countries such as Iraq and Pakistan and certain parts of Iran are aimed at creating discord and difference among Shia and Sunni Muslims," said Ayatollah Khamenei in a meeting with Iranian officials in charge of organizing Hajj ceremonies on Monday.
"This is why Muslims should pay great attention to the issue of their unity," added the Leader.
"Perpetrators of terrorist and bloody moves are directly or indirectly linked to foreign agents," the Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Hajj pilgrims cannot remain indifferent to events happening in the Muslim world particularly in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and parts of Pakistan.
"During Hajj ceremonies, [the pilgrims] should be sensitive about moves against the Islamic unity or efforts which aim to offense the flag of the Muslim world which has been hoisted in Iran," added the Leader.
The Leader's remarks came after at least 41 people, including seven senior commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), were killed in a bombing on October 18 during a unity gathering of Shia and Sunni tribal leaders in the town of Pishin on the Iran-Pakistan border.
The Pakistan-based Jundallah, a closely affiliated with the notorious al-Qaeda organization, accepted responsibility for the deadly attack.
"Bloody measures in some Muslim countries such as Iraq and Pakistan and certain parts of Iran are aimed at creating discord and difference among Shia and Sunni Muslims," said Ayatollah Khamenei in a meeting with Iranian officials in charge of organizing Hajj ceremonies on Monday.
"This is why Muslims should pay great attention to the issue of their unity," added the Leader.
"Perpetrators of terrorist and bloody moves are directly or indirectly linked to foreign agents," the Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Hajj pilgrims cannot remain indifferent to events happening in the Muslim world particularly in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and parts of Pakistan.
"During Hajj ceremonies, [the pilgrims] should be sensitive about moves against the Islamic unity or efforts which aim to offense the flag of the Muslim world which has been hoisted in Iran," added the Leader.
The Leader's remarks came after at least 41 people, including seven senior commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), were killed in a bombing on October 18 during a unity gathering of Shia and Sunni tribal leaders in the town of Pishin on the Iran-Pakistan border.
The Pakistan-based Jundallah, a closely affiliated with the notorious al-Qaeda organization, accepted responsibility for the deadly attack.§ionid=351020101
New jail to replace notorious Bagram
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 16:13:29 GMT
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The US military in Afghanistan has unveiled a refurbished detention facility at Bagram, which will replace the controversial prison at the US' largest airbase in the country.
The new 60-million-dollar Afghan prison is expected to promote openness and better conditions for detainees, Brigadier General Mark Martins, the interim commander for US detainee operations said on Sunday.
"The new facility ... provides improved detainee living conditions ... as well as vocational, technical, and other programs to assist with peaceful reintegration of released detainees," Martins told reporters at the base north of Kabul.
"This facility, and these reintegration program ... will promote transparency and legitimacy," Reuters reported.
The new detention facility that could hold 1,000 prisoners, has sparked controversy among rights activists — who maintain that despite a change in environment, there is no change in the legal status of the detainees.
The new 60-million-dollar Afghan prison is expected to promote openness and better conditions for detainees, Brigadier General Mark Martins, the interim commander for US detainee operations said on Sunday.
"The new facility ... provides improved detainee living conditions ... as well as vocational, technical, and other programs to assist with peaceful reintegration of released detainees," Martins told reporters at the base north of Kabul.
"This facility, and these reintegration program ... will promote transparency and legitimacy," Reuters reported.
The new detention facility that could hold 1,000 prisoners, has sparked controversy among rights activists — who maintain that despite a change in environment, there is no change in the legal status of the detainees.§ionid=351020403
Press TV - Tehran
- In warning to Russia, Iran says it can build S-300
- Iran raises voice against VOICE
- US, Russia say fresh sanctions in store for Iran
- Veto-wielding China says 'no' to Iran sanctions
- Over 150 Saudi missiles fired at Yemeni Shias
- 'Occupation will never bring liberation to Afghanistan'
- Yemen conflict widens, causing growing concerns
- Israel 'planning new aggression on Gaza'
- US blocks release of Iraq, Afghanistan torture photos
- 15-fold rise in birth defects in Fallujah
- US threatens Iran again with 'all option' scenario
- 'Saudi fighter jets using phosphorous bombs'
- Iran to mass produce heat-seeking missiles
- Israel is not a tolerant society: US State Department
- Taliban 'possessing US ammunition'
- Iran's top general raps Russia over S-300
- In warning to Russia, Iran says it can build S-300
- US to seize mosques over 'ties with Iran'
- Israel moving closer to acquiring F-35 squadron
- S Korea 'will pay dearly for sea clash'
- Time to accept a nuclear Iran
- US denies involvement in Iran suicide attack
- UK army 'providing' Taliban with air transport
- Occupiers involved in drug trade: Afghan minister
- Switzerland condemns deadly Iran bombing
- 'Little mermaid' girl dies at age 10
- Russia pledges military cooperation with Iran
- Iran presses Pakistan as terror attack kills 42
- Iran nuclear talks rescheduled after France elimination
- Israel wants free warships from Germany
Israeli army rabbi urges 'no mercy' in war
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 17:00:53 GMT
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The Israeli Army's chief rabbi has called on military students to 'show no mercy' when they fight a war or they will be "damned."
"In times of war, whoever doesn't fight with all his heart and soul is damned, if he keeps his sword from bloodshed, if he shows mercy toward his enemy when no mercy should be shown," The Israeli daily Haaretz quoted Brig. Gen. Avichai Rontzki as saying at the Hesder yeshiva in the occupied West Bank.
"Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord with a slack hand, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood," added the rabbi.
Regarding the Israeli three week war on the Gaza Strip last December, the army rabbi hailed the military's performance which led to the death of at least 1,350 people including women and children.
"Everyone fought with all their heart and soul, and that includes bravery of course, but also fighting with all the resources one has, to fight as if to truly determine the mission," he reiterated.
Rontzki, who had also sanctioned the killing of Palestinian civilians during the Gaza war, drew harsh criticism form human rights groups.
During the war, some other leading rabbis also issued rulings that gave free hands to Israeli commanders to attack the civilian population in Gaza.
"In times of war, whoever doesn't fight with all his heart and soul is damned, if he keeps his sword from bloodshed, if he shows mercy toward his enemy when no mercy should be shown," The Israeli daily Haaretz quoted Brig. Gen. Avichai Rontzki as saying at the Hesder yeshiva in the occupied West Bank.
"Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord with a slack hand, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood," added the rabbi.
Regarding the Israeli three week war on the Gaza Strip last December, the army rabbi hailed the military's performance which led to the death of at least 1,350 people including women and children.
"Everyone fought with all their heart and soul, and that includes bravery of course, but also fighting with all the resources one has, to fight as if to truly determine the mission," he reiterated.
Rontzki, who had also sanctioned the killing of Palestinian civilians during the Gaza war, drew harsh criticism form human rights groups.
During the war, some other leading rabbis also issued rulings that gave free hands to Israeli commanders to attack the civilian population in Gaza.
Sedentary lifestyle no cause for teen obesity?
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 18:10:06 GMT
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While many blame the lack of exercise among teenagers for the rapidly growing global outbreak of obesity, a new study finds this belief to be untrue.
According to the study published in Obesity Reviews, only 35 percent of teenagers perform moderate-intensity activities, recommended to be performed for 30 minutes for five or more days per week.
The study revealed that the amount of time spent on daily physical activity in schools has increased from 25 percent in 1995 to 30 percent in 2007.
The number of students who spent three or more hours watching TV on school days, conversely, has decreased from 43 percent in 1999 to 35 percent in 2007.
Despite the increasing number of obese teens, scientists believe that the amount of physical activity has not changed significantly among US teens over the past two decades.
"Although only one third of U.S. adolescents met the recommended levels of physical activity, there is no clear evidence they had become less active over the past decade while the prevalence of obesity continued to rise," said lead researcher Youfa Wang.
Scientists concluded that factors such as following unhealthy diets rather than lack of obesity are responsible for the surging number of obese children.
They, however, urged teenagers to reduce sedentary behaviors and get involved in adequate regular exercise programs to improve their overall health.
According to the study published in Obesity Reviews, only 35 percent of teenagers perform moderate-intensity activities, recommended to be performed for 30 minutes for five or more days per week.
The study revealed that the amount of time spent on daily physical activity in schools has increased from 25 percent in 1995 to 30 percent in 2007.
The number of students who spent three or more hours watching TV on school days, conversely, has decreased from 43 percent in 1999 to 35 percent in 2007.
Despite the increasing number of obese teens, scientists believe that the amount of physical activity has not changed significantly among US teens over the past two decades.
"Although only one third of U.S. adolescents met the recommended levels of physical activity, there is no clear evidence they had become less active over the past decade while the prevalence of obesity continued to rise," said lead researcher Youfa Wang.
Scientists concluded that factors such as following unhealthy diets rather than lack of obesity are responsible for the surging number of obese children.
They, however, urged teenagers to reduce sedentary behaviors and get involved in adequate regular exercise programs to improve their overall health.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Russia must ignore Israeli pressure: Iran
AFP – November 11, 2009
Defence Minister Ahmad Vahidi said on Wednesday Russia must ignore pressure from Iran's arch-foe Israel and supply the Islamic republic with the advanced anti-aircraft missiles it has ordered.
Vahidi urged Moscow to meet its contractual obligation towards Tehran and deliver the weapons.
"We have a contract with Russia to buy S-300 missiles. I don't think it is right for Russia to be seen in the world as a country which does not fulfil its contractual obligations," Vahidi told the ILNA news agency.
Murdoch could block Google searches entirely
Bobbie Johnson – Guardian November 13, 2009
Rupert Murdoch says he will remove stories from Google's search index as a way to encourage people to pay for content online.
In an interview with Sky News Australia, the mogul said that newspapers in his media empire – including the Sun, the Times and the Wall Street Journal – would consider blocking Google entirely once they had enacted plans to charge people for reading their stories on the web.
In recent months, Murdoch his lieutenants have stepped up their war of words with Google, accusing it of "kleptomania" and acting as a "parasite" for including News Corp content in its Google News pages. But asked why News Corp executives had not chosen to simply remove their websites entirely from Google's search indexes – a simple technical operation – Murdoch said just such a move was on the cards.

"I think we will, but that's when we start charging," he said. "We have it already with the Wall Street Journal. We have a wall, but it's not right to the ceiling. You can get, usually, the first paragraph from any story - but if you're not a paying subscriber to all you get is a paragraph and a subscription form."
The 78-year-old mogul's assertion, however, is not actually correct: users who click through to screened articles from Google searches are usually offered the full text of the story without any subscription block. It is only users who find their way to the story through the Wall Street Journal's website who are told they must subscribe before they can read further.
Murdoch added that he did not agree with the idea that search engines fell under "fair use" rules - an argument many aggregator websites use as part of their legal justification for reproducing excerpts of news stories online.
In an interview with Sky News Australia, the mogul said that newspapers in his media empire – including the Sun, the Times and the Wall Street Journal – would consider blocking Google entirely once they had enacted plans to charge people for reading their stories on the web.
In recent months, Murdoch his lieutenants have stepped up their war of words with Google, accusing it of "kleptomania" and acting as a "parasite" for including News Corp content in its Google News pages. But asked why News Corp executives had not chosen to simply remove their websites entirely from Google's search indexes – a simple technical operation – Murdoch said just such a move was on the cards.

The 78-year-old mogul's assertion, however, is not actually correct: users who click through to screened articles from Google searches are usually offered the full text of the story without any subscription block. It is only users who find their way to the story through the Wall Street Journal's website who are told they must subscribe before they can read further.
Murdoch added that he did not agree with the idea that search engines fell under "fair use" rules - an argument many aggregator websites use as part of their legal justification for reproducing excerpts of news stories online.
I so don’t want one… 1 November 2009
Posted by marisacat in Divertissements, Moscow, WAR!, la vie en rose.comments closed

The Dartz Prombron Monaco Red Diamond Edition armoured car sells for one million euros. It has gold plated bulletproof windows, pure tungsten exhausts, speed gauges encrusted with diamonds – and seats made from whale penis leather
hmm It occurred to me though that Maria and Arnold might want one so I thought I’d google up a fast article on the item… made by a Russian firm, Russo-Baltique.. (proceed to fret, we are being outdone in the gargantuan division – I say, thanks be to someone’s god!)
If four-wheel-drives weren’t politically incorrect enough, a Russian car maker is offering one with whale penis leather trim. By RICHARD BLACKBURN.…it all seems so long ago, but we should be relieved there is continuum! Lest the firmament tear!
A Russian armoured-car builder is boasting that its latest vehicle has seats covered with “whale-penis leather”.
The €1 million ($1.6 million) Dartz Prombron Monaco Red Diamond Edition armoured car has been developed by the same company, RussoBaltique, that built armoured vehicles for Tsar Nicholas, Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky.
On its official website, the company says the whale-penis leather is the same as that used by Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis on the yacht Christina O.
Onassis is rumoured to have had some of the barstools on the yacht, the world’s most expensive at the time, covered in the controversial leather. . . . . .
For those wondering just how may whales may need to be harvested to outfit the special edition, the answer is not many. The penis of the Blue Whale, for example, can grow up to 2.4 metres.Maybe they should just ship a whole one, along with the … car. Tank. Whatever it is.