Blacklisted News
- The War on Soy: Why the 'Miracle Food' May Be a He ...Vegetarians aren't the only ones who should be concerned; there's soy in just about everything you eat these days -- including hamburgers, mac 'n cheese and salad dressing.
- As millions of Americans struggle to hold on to th ...
- US builds up its bases in oil-rich South AmericaFrom the Caribbean to Brazil, political opposition to US plans for 'full-spectrum operations' is escalating rapidly
- Scientists create Star Trek-style phaser that can ...Scientists have created a Star Trek style phaser that can be used to both stun and revive creatures. However so far the weapon, which uses a special form of light, has only been used on tiny worms, not menacing Klingons.
- Agents for 'world peace' -- inside the United Nati ...A cultural institution that gives students an access all areas pass to the world, the United Nations International Schools (UNIS) gives students a trip around the globe in just a stroll down the school hallway.
The Intelligence Daily
- Japan to build fleet's biggest helicopter destroye ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Recovery: Tight budgets mean some prisoners go lig ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Untriggered: Gunfire by Police Officers Declined 1 ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- My way or the highway continues; You'll strave: U. ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Lord of War: Israeli tycoon slams arms-smuggling c ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
My AntiWar
- At Obamas’ First State Dinner, Indian Prime ...
- Minn. Man Pleads Not Guilty in Somali Militant Pro ...
- Uncle Follows Nephew to Nyc Court for Terror Trial
- US Offers $5m Reward for ‘Bomb Man’ Te ...
- Yemen Conflict Inflaming Saudi-Iranian Rivalry
Open ID
- WTO Director General: Global Governance Based On ...
- Goodbye jobs, hello mom and dad, say young adults ...Faced with limited job options, many young adults are turning to an old standby to weather the recession: moving back in with mom and dad.
- GlaxoSmithKline pulls swine flu vaccines in Canad ...Pharmaceuticals company GlaxoSmithKline PLC said Tuesday it has advised medical staff in Canada to not use one batch of swine flu vaccines in case they trigger life-threatening allergies.
- The Cultural Impact Of World Of Warcraft
- Court Rules That New York Can Seize Land/Homes To ...New York's top court ruled Tuesday that the state can use eminent domain to force homeowners and businesses to sell their properties for a massive development in Brooklyn that includes a new arena for the New Jersey Nets.
Innovation Canada
- Building better bridges(Reprinted with permission from ResearchLife, Summer 2009 issue, University of Manitoba, It was 1952 when Aftab Mufti, a 12-year-old boy living in Karachi, Pakistan, began building bridges. His mother planted a vegetable garden that summer and to help her water it Aftab and hi ...
- Viral controlDepending on whom you ask, the H1N1 flu virus that is making its way around the globe could be anything from a particularly virulent form of influenza to the next worldwide pandemic. As virologists scramble to understand the virus and develop vaccines against it, a Halifax facility is already on the ...
- Fear factorLet’s say you’re wandering through a deserted alley late one foggy October night. You turn a corner, and lo and behold, you’re surrounded by a crowd of brain-thirsty zombies. Your pulse quickens, your amygdala fires, your respiration is off the charts. You try to run, but you trip and fall. As ...
- Fuels of the future?A recession-related dip in flight demand might actually be considered a green blessing. Just a small one, mind you. The David Suzuki Foundation estimates that aviation is responsible for up to nine percent of the total global climate-change impact of human activity, so it would take a huge drop to ...
- i2eye with Bif NakedThe last few years have been a roller-coaster ride for Bif Naked. After two years of touring, TV work and datelessness following her 2005 album Superbeautifulmonster, the Vancouver-based alt-rock singer-songwriter — whose real name is Beth Walker — met and married her husband, sportswriter Ian W ...
Signs of the times
- Israel police arrest Mossad agent planting car bom ...A trainee spy for Israel's secret service agency Mossad was arrested by Tel Aviv police while taking part in a training operation, media reports say. The young trainee was spotted by a female passer-by as he planted a fake bomb under a vehicle in the city.
- Ants Use Bacteria to Make Their Gardens GrowLeaf-cutter ants, which cultivate fungus for food, have many remarkable qualities. Here's a new one to add to the list: the ant farmers, like their human counterparts, depend on nitrogen-fixing bacteria to make their gardens grow. The finding, reported Nov. 20 in the journal Science, documents a pr ...
- More Zionist Control of the Mainstream Media in Am ...A news piece appearing in the New York Times for 11/23/2009 entitled "Experts Say Iran Uses the Death Penalty as a Way to Intimidate Opponents" can be chalked up as yet one more instance of Jewish control of Western media the world is told "does not exist". Clearly, as the title indicates, it is a ...
- A Global Analysis: Is Biotechnology Really the Onl ...The World Summit on Food Security convened in Rome this week, where world leaders discussed how best to combat worsening worldwide hunger and escalating food prices. Biotechnology has historically been a part of the debate. As a polarizing subject, biotechnology has no peer. On the one hand, it ha ...
- Mystery lights pass over Moutere areaNo-one used the word UFO but the lights seen in the sky over Upper Moutere, near Nelson, last night are definitely unidentified. Several people reported seeing balls of fire in the sky about 9.30pm, with Matiu Noakes saying he saw nine, moving from the direction of Kina toward Upper Moutere. "They ...
Threat Level
- Wikileaks Says It Has Half-a-Million 9/11 Pager Me ...The document-leaking site Wikileaks says it’s preparing to release 500,000 intercepted wireless pager messages from a 24-hour period encompassing the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Site operators say they plan to start rolling out the texts beginning at 3:00 a.m. New York time, paced to ...
- Court Kills ‘Round-The-Clock’ Surveillance Cas ...Welcome to the tinfoil hat club. That’s what a federal appeals court is telling Scott Tooley of Kentucky in dismissing his civil rights lawsuit. Tooley believes the government put him under blanket surveillance after he said the word “bomb” to an airline agent. Tooley sued the government on ...
- Prosecutors Drop Plans to Appeal Lori Drew CaseFederal prosecutors in Los Angeles have filed a notice that they do not intend to pursue an appeal in the Lori Drew cyberbullying case, thus ending the controversial and lengthy case. “We have a notice with the 9th Circuit that we are withdrawing our notice of appeal in the case,” a spokesman f ...
- MPAA Says Copyright-Treaty Critics Hate HollywoodIf you don’t back a copyright treaty being negotiated in secret, you must want to destroy Hollywood, its blockbuster movies and all the jobs they create. At least that’s the message from the Motion Picture Association of America. It’s spelled out in a Thursday memo to the Senate Judiciary Com ...
- Hacked E-Mails Fuel Global Warming DebateAn online debate over global warming science has broken out after an unknown hacker broke into the email server at a prominent, U.K. climate research center, stole more than a thousand e-mails about global warming research and posted them online. Global warming skeptics are seizing on portions of t ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Keeping Extremisms Out of the U.S. MilitaryRevelations that the FBI, the Pentagon and even his medical colleagues were aware of Fort Hood shooting suspect Nidal Malik Hasan's extremist ideology have raised serious questions about the U.S. military's ability to screen, monitor and remove dangerous personnel from...
- For Midterms, Republicans Hope to Party Like It's ...As Politico reported Monday, Republicans in the wake of Saturday's cliff-hanger health care vote in the House immediately began their campaign to target vulnerable Democrats in traditionally GOP districts. But for a Republican Party looking to retake the House of...
- The Republican Virginity PledgeWith their virginity pledges and father-daughter purity balls, American conservatives have taken to public proclamations of their chastity and propriety. Now with its proposed "Ronald Reagan Unity Principle," the Republican National Committee is considering its own purity test for GOP...
- Pray for Republicans: Luke 23:34.Just days after the shocking revelation that opponents of President Obama have been praying for his demise, another coded message in the form of Biblical verse has entered American political discourse. This time, however, the target of t-shirts, buttons, bumper...
- Gingrich and Perry Tout Texas Health Care MessEverything, they say, is bigger in the Texas. So it is with the failure of the health care system. Leading the nation with a jaw-dropping 25% of its residents uninsured, Texas ranked 46th in the Commonwealth Fund's 2009 scorecard of...
Blackspot News Feed
- After Conceding, Then Unconceding, Then Conceding, ...Doug Hoffman today issued a statement in which he admitted Bill Owens won the NY-23 special election.
- The Real Scandal Over Climate Change Isn't About H ...There's been a lot of talk recently about the "hacked climate emails." But a much bigger scandal is just waiting to break.
- China on Reducing Its Carbon Footprint: Why Should ...They've got a point. Per capita, China only produces 20 percent of America's carbon emissions.
- Supremes to Decide if Idle Rich's Scenic Ocean Vie ...A popular coastal reclamation program is being threatened by short-sighted scumbags.
- What Happened to That Prosperity Tax-Cutters Promi ...Members of the super-rich elite don't care who gets burned by 30 years of tax cuts. Here's why we should.
Consortium News
- Why Afghans Dig Empire GraveyardsThere's a long dark history of what Afghans do to foreign armies that overstay their welcome, recalls Nicolas J S Davies. November 23, 2009
- California Tuition Hikes Spark ProtestsCalifornia's tax-cutting has led to a budget crisis -- and now student protests over tuition hikes, reports Peter Phillips. November 23, 2009
- The Madness ReturnsThe hoopla over Sarah Palin's memoir is the latest sign that right-wing irrationality is making a comeback, says Robert Parry. November 22, 2009
- New Yorkers Resist 9/11 Scare TacticsRepublican fear-mongering about trying five 9/11 defendants in Manhattan doesn't shake New Yorkers, writes Michael Winship. November 21, 2009
- Should Obama Fire Gen. McChrystal?Facing military pressure to escalate in Afghanistan, President Obama may need an inner Harry Truman, says Ray McGovern. November 20, 2009
- Mary Lynn Cramer : Health Care Reform and the Skin ...
- Dean Baker : Too Big to Kill? The Vampire Banks Ri ...
- George Ciccariello-Maher : Occupy Everything! Behi ...
- Eric Walberg : Canada's Guantanamo
- Andy Thayer : Lessons From a Lynching: the Murder ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Inside Israeli jails, the real victims of a cry fo ...Amid the growing media fever over a possible prisoner swap involving the release of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier held by Hamas, another young captive has a less visible public profile - but personifies ...
- The Free Gaza Movement (
- Selling out in Congress (Adam Shapiro, The Huffin ...If the Goldstone Report concerned any other country than Israel as the main perpetrator and any other people as victims than the Palestinians, there is no doubt that the Report would be fully endorsed in Con ...
- Hamas-Israel prisoner swap deal in decisive stage ...A possible deal for a prisoner swap between Israel and Hamas appears to have entered a decisive phase. Speculation this week in Arab, Israeli and US media on an imminent pact was followed yesterday by a flur ...
- Inside Israeli jails, the real victims of a cry fo ...Amid the growing media fever over a possible prisoner swap involving the release of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier held by Hamas, another young captive has a less visible public profile - but personifies ...
Water - AlterNet
- The War on Soy: Why the 'Miracle Food' May Be a He ...Vegetarians aren't the only ones who should be concerned; there's soy in just about everything you eat these days -- including hamburgers, mac 'n cheese and salad dressing.
- Poseidon's Financial Shell Game: Why Is a Private ...After years of claiming that they needed no public support to build this plant, this claim has finally been proven false.
- How Limousine Liberals, Water Oligarchs and Even S ...A group of water oligarchs engineered a disastrous privatization scheme to make a fortune out of California's most precious natural resource.
- Mystery of World's Worst Mass Arsenic Poisoning Fi ...The culprit are tens of thousands of man-made ponds excavated to provide soil for flood protection.
- Is California's New Water Legislation Better Than ...Despite the happy face being put on by some of the bill's supporters, including Governor Schwarzenegger, I doubt anyone is truly happy with the end result.
- Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up Nov 23, ...The Texas Progressive Alliance as Thanksgiving week begins brings you this week’s highlights from the blogs. The Texas Cloverleaf clues you in on why you can’t breathe in Denton County– gas drillers! WCNews at Eye On Williamson has some Thoughts on Straus’ Interim Charges – including topic ...
- Barbara Ann Radnofsky Announcment TourIt is certain that Barbara Ann Radnofsky will be on the ballot for the Democrats in 2010; we don’t know who will be on the ballot for the Republicans. Radnofsky will formally announce her candidacy for Texas Attorney General and her December 3 filling for the primary election in a five-city tour. ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance Round Up Nov 16, 2009The Texas Progressive Alliance is starting to feel an odd craving for can-shaped servings of cranberry sauce as it brings you this week’s highlights from the blogs. TXsharon continues to follow the abuses of Aruba Petroleum in a Barnett Shale backyard and Wednesday the Wise County Messenger picked ...
- To Dave Cashin Re: ProselytizingTo Dave Cashin Re: General Order Number One, Forbid Proselytizing Before I answer all of Dave’s points, I will say that Humanitarian Missionary work has achieved wonderful results by helping people through hunger, poverty, education and displacement. Whether they are victims of war or natural di ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance November 9, 2009The Texas Progressive Alliance hopes everyone had a happy Election Day last week, and is already looking forward to the next one. Here are this week’s highlights. TXsharon continues to report from a backyard in the Barnett Shale. Despite all the local and national press on drilling related toxins ...
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Rumors Of Coups And War: U.S., NATO Target Latin A Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO 18 November
- Lessons from the Japanese: Time to Stop Borrowing Dr. Ellen Brown Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Nov 23, 2009 “We are completely dep
- Hawkish Hillary Pro-Surge & Anti-Savvy Majorit ...By Robert S. Becker Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Nov. 17, 200
- Israeli minister to Turkey: Iran’s nuclear progr ...Propaganda Alert compiled by Cem Ertür Featured Writer Dandelion Salad 23 November 2009 1) Ben-Eliez
- About Patria, Pageants and Poppies By William Bowl ...By William Bowles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Creative-i 17 November 2009 “Britain’s last
Unexplained Mysteries
- Possible laboratory origin of swine fluA newly released peer-reviewed scientific paper has put forward the theory that the swine flu outbreak may have originated in a lab that stores vi...
- Haunted rentals: advertising a ghostly roomIn the housing market homeowners and property managers do their best to attract renters to their advertisements including a growing trend to claim...
- Scottish invention promises power revolutionScientists at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland have revealed a radical new design of electrical generator that is claiming to have solved o...
- Solar winds triggered by magnetic fieldsA new study based on images returned by the Japanese-UK-US Hinode satellite has found that the solar wind generated by the sun is likely to be the...
- Electrician saved by wrist watchAn electrician who was connecting a high voltage switch was hit with 11,000 volts but survived because he was wearing a metal wristwatch. Even so ...
- Insights - Fall 2009Cooling the Earth with Food Sovereignty Agriculture ... will likely be a pivotal issue when the world’s leaders meet in Copenhagen this December to finish negotiating a global climate treaty. Grassroots International and our partners and allies are working hard to show that sustainable agriculture ...
- Cooling the Earth with Food SovereigntyAgriculture ... will likely be a pivotal issue when the world’s leaders meet in Copenhagen this December to finish negotiating a global climate treaty. Grassroots International and our partners and allies are working hard to show that sustainable agriculture can play a big role in stopping climate ...
- Why Food Sovereignty Is the New Food SecurityIMG_2759.JPG read more
- Resource Rights and the Right to Food at the World ...wfs-pic09.jpg In 1996 the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) organized the first World Food Summit in Rome to, in their own words, “renew global commitment to the fight against hunger. The FAO called the Summit in respons ...
- Grassroots Signs Call for U.S. Leadership at the W ...unitedstates200604-015.jpg As a founding member and part of the ad hoc steering committee, Grassroots International proudly announces the following Call from the US Working Group on the Food Crisis. The statement coincides with the World Food ...
- November 25, 2009California Unveils Draft Cap-and-Trade Rules (Reuters) California on Tuesday released draft rules for its cap-and-trade plan that will be the most ambitious U.S. effort to use the market to address global warming. US and India Pledge Common Action on Climate Change (Guardian) America and In ...
- November 24, 2009U.S. to Present Emissions Target Before Copenhagen (New York Times) The U.S. will propose a mid-term target for reducing CO2 emissions before Copenhagen next month, an administration official has said. Pres. Obama will announce the target "in coming days." EU: Climate Deal Hinges On US, China ...
- November 23, 200965 Leaders to Attend Climate Summit (Financial Times) At least 65 world leaders have agreed to attend the Copenhagen summit, including leaders of most of the world's biggest economies, raising the stakes on a deal being reached. Scientist: Leak of Climate E-mails Appalling (AP) A leading cl ...
- November 21-22, 2009Obama Ready to Offer Target for Cutting CO 2 (Guardian) The Obama administration has been consulting international negotiators and key players on Capitol Hill about signing up the U.S. to a provisional CO2 target in Copenhagen, now less than three weeks away. White House Adviser Rejects Idea o ...
- November 20, 2009UN Climate Chief Seeks $10 Bln Pledge from Rich Nations (Reuters) The UN climate chief has called on rich nations to pledge $10 billion a year for three years at next month's Copenhagen summit to help poor states begin to tackle climate change. Germany Calls for Binding Climate Deal in 2010 (A ...
- Tomgram: 'This Administration Ended, Rather Than ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: On Friday evening, TomDispatch will be switching to an updated version of this site. It's possible that you might not be able to reach TD for some hours. If so, we expect to be back up on Saturday morning. Tom ] The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't) ...
- Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patr ...It's now a commonplace of the Afghan War. Western leaders in London , Berlin, Amsterdam , and Washington , as well as on flying visits to Kabul or even Kandahar , excoriate Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the "corruption" of his government. In return for their ongoing support, they repeatedly ...
- Tomgram: Max Blumenthal, How Palin Became a RogueIt can't get better than this, can it? A first printing of 1.5 million copies sent out into an otherwise dead book market. Possibly as much as $7 million dollars going to the author, who already has interviews lined up with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. A bus tour of the "real America" tha ...
- Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Surveillance State, U.S.A.Wars come home in strange, unnerving ways -- as Americans have just discovered at Fort Hood. Even before Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on his killing spree, that base, a major military embarkation point for our war zones, was already experiencing the after-effects of eight years of war and repeate ...
- Tomgram: Droning On[ Note for TomDispatch Readers : A number of you have recently written in for clarification on contributing to this site through your purchases at Here's my best shot at a useful explanation: If you click on any book image at this site -- like the book-cover image of The End of Vict ...
Smirking Chimp
- 865 TimesThat is the number of times suspected terrorists, those on actual watch lists, successfully bought guns or explosives in the good ole US of A over the past five years. Why? Because of the Terror Gap . That is the space in our law created by right wingers with celery-stalks-for-brain-stems, bed-wetti ...
- How the Media and the GOP Turn Lies Into Zombie Li ...In my column two weeks ago , I made this very simple point about the reporting surrounding the cost of the health care bill: Political headlines of late have all been some version of Dow Jones newswire's recent screamer: "CBO Puts Health Bill Cost At $1 Trillion." That's as true as an Enron press re ...
- South of the border, where drug policy makes senseOn Aug. 20, Mexico for a few days became the most enlightened nation in the western hemisphere regarding drug policy. That day, a law took effect decriminalizing possession of small quantities of drugs. All drugs. South of the border you can carry up to 5 grams of marijuana (four joints' worth), hal ...
- The Palin Paradox: Rehabilitating A Vengeful, Anti ...Any would-be rogue politician, hawking vengeance towards her own campaign and grievance against the mass media, all peppered with absurd tall tales, invites parallels to like-minded rogues. Sarah Palin follows the legacy of Richard Nixon (for ruthless ambition, dishonesty), Joe McCarthy (moral crus ...
- Insurance price-fixingIf any senator threatens to kill the healthcare bill unless the public option is removed, whatever that senator was given for voting to consider the healthcare bill should be removed from the bill. Meanwhile, the proposal to repeal the antitrust exemption for the insurance industry, with strong Demo ...
Ten Percent
- Socialist Party of Wales Report on EDL’s Wrexham ...The people of Wrexham were already hostile to the EDL, but tensions increased after the racist demonstrators unfurled a large English flag, sang God Save The Queen, and chanted racist slogans such as “kill the Muslims”. One woman, laden with shopping bags, summed up the feelings of the whole tow ...
- Cruel BritanniaHuman Rights Watch- British Complicity in the Torture and Ill-treatment of Terror Suspects in Pakistan Guardian on it (ht2 D-Notice) • It is inconceivable that the UK government was unaware of the systematic use of torture in Pakistan. • UK officials engaged in acts that virtually required they ...
- Curiouser and Curiouser, Dr Aafia SiddiquiDeclan Walsh in the Guardian has done some more reporting on Dr Aafia Siddiqui, I would not say he has come to any definitive answers and reports official sources too uncritically (quite why you would take the word of US medical personnel when we know doctors & psychologists have been an integral p ...
- Tax & Human Rights In GuatemalaGUATEMALA: A Tax Code by and for the Oligarchs? Eli Clifton (IPS) – Taxation and government spending are the targets of a new report on Guatemala that argues the government is failing in its fiscal commitments to food, health and education. The report, issued earlier this month by the Guatemala-ba ...
- Old SpillPolice officers are now routinely arresting people in order to add their DNA sample to the national police database, an inquiry will allege tomorrow. The review of the national DNA database by the government’s human genetics commission also raises the possibility that the DNA profiles of three- ...
Paul Krugman
- A bizarre complacencyWhy is a terrible economic outlook considered acceptable?
- A familiar feelingParallels between deficit fear-mongering and the runup to Iraq.
- Money, mouthWhat does one of the most successful bond investors in history know?
- Gee, that's De PressingBasically, we may be in a technical recovery, but we're not recovering.
- Notes on the dollar panicThe financial press has us scared about all the wrong things.
No Quarter
- Don’t Blame POTUS* bumped up * King Andrew Jackson the First. Always creatively fluent Tom Friedman, NYT, now invents a new rational explantion — aka rationalization — for the sluggish performance of POTUS these last 11 months. It is Washington’s fault, it’s Washington’s dysfunction, what Frie ...
- Two Powerful Women On Two Powerful Women* Bumped Up * I was delightfully surprised to see Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard, and Lady Lynn de Rothschild, big-time Hillary supporter together discussing issues related to women in politics, especially Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton. In the clip below, they discuss the double sta ...
- Support the First Amendment! Announcing the First ...I’m ecstatic to announce that my partner in crime, NonHyphenated American, and I have volunteered to host the First Annual NQ Blogathon this week! If you are unable to attend the festivities, please do all your Amazon shopping via the links below: NQ receives a portion of your purchase price ...
- Clunker Goals Get Clunker Results [GDP Update] – ...(Bumped up from Saturday and with revised GDP update) Trashing a vehicle is pretty easy to do. Of course, if your goal was to to have fun and still be able to drive home at the end of the day, then breaking an axle can only be counted as a very costly mistake. The kind [...]
- Mystery ReconsideredPOTUS Links. The report by the excellent and wry Elizabeth Williamson, WSJ, is a puzzle, because it is difficult to say if the newsroom in Washington knows what the answer is to the question posed: Why does POTUS choose to go golfing almost compulsively (every Sunday instead of church, every ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Dead Cassette Tapes Reincarnated As Skeletons
- 5 Most Alien Looking Spiders
- The Most Beautiful Yet Precariously Placed Monaste ...
- The Mandarinfish’s Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoa ...
- Who Knew Missile Defense Could Be So Pretty?
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Hitting the Brakes on AfghanistanFPIF's weekly update.
- Obama Takes a Bow?Critics lambasted Obama's deferential style. They missed the real story of the president's Asia trip.
- Fort Hood: The War at HomeThe tragic effects of the policies that motivate those abroad to attack U.S. soldiers have finally hit home in a direct and devastating way.
- Iraq Throws Obama a Curve Ball, Key 2010 Elections ...Obama has muddied the waters in his response to the current election crisis.
- The Battle for Angola's OilA new battle is underway between the United States and China over Angola's oil resources.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there wil ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s ...
Al Jazeera
- Toll rises in Philippines massacreOfficials say at least 57 killed as police name local mayor as top suspect.
- Pakistan indicts Mumbai suspectsSeven men charged with planning and executing attack on India's financial capital.
- Gaddafi to mediate in football rowLibyan leader to calm tension between Algeria and Egypt after World Cup matches.
- Pakistan faces amnesty deal turmoilUncertainty looms as agreement exempting officials from graft charges hangs in balance.
- 'Hezbollah suppliers' charged in USProsecutors say four men tried to supply weapons and money to Lebanese group.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Inhofe Seeks Probe of Climate ScienceSenator James Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma, sent letters to many of the scientists whose e-mail messages were made public, asking them to preserve all correspondence.
- On Our Radar ...Wind power in Kenya, hacked e-mail messages, and other energy and environmental news from around the Web.
- Web Site Honors Sustainable CookingThe Mother Nature Network identifies 40 young chefs practicing local food sourcing and other sustainable practices.
- Green Business and Indigenous RightsClimate change mitigation must not come at the expense of indigenous peoples' rights, a new report asserts.
- Home Green Home: Reality CheckI was eager to explore my options for brining green power to my home in Long Island. Turns out, I didn't have many.
Dot Earth News
- Report Aims to Clarify Climate Risk for DiplomatsA team of climate scientists tries to address a disconnect between climate diplomacy and climate data.
- Your Dot: Concerns About Climate FilesA reader sees over
- Global Warming BasicsA fresh, but ever-evolving, summary of the basics on global warming.
- Your Dot: On Science and 'Cyber-Terrorism'A climate scientist focuses on the cybercrime that divulged reams of emails on climate research.
- More Antarctic Ice Loss and a CO2toonAntarctic ice loss more widespread, new research hints, while a cartoonist finds humor in Earth's predicament.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Parallax View of the EU, G20 & climate change: The ...Creepy and unelected new EU President Von Rompuy talks about the delightful new role of the EU, the G20, climate control and Global Governance (or 'global management'). I definitely heard the sound of global governance over the LRAD at the G20, that's for sure! Some weirdo other stuff ...
- Katherine Fitts on Alex Jones: financial disorder, ...Previously: Negative Return on Investment Economy: Katherine Austin Fitts and the fake war on drugs Katherine Fitts on Alex Jones, I grabbed this post off which is a sturdy little new aggregator site. Nicely done everyone... The world divided into the pro-centralization and anti-central ...
- Robert Erickson punks Tea Party The Full Story HDHave a lol. My buddy Robert & I put a lil sequence together :) Please repost!! and TC Indymedia gives a new look at the infamous Robert Erickson Tea Party punk with crowd reactions and the assault on a counter-protester in HD. ...
- Murs and Slug: Felt 3 is recommended immediately!It's time to listen - embedded flash player- Felt 3 is here. There was one track on the Current earlier tonight. Don't miss this. Felt 3: A Tribute to Rosie Perez drops soon... Protagonists: Murs: "So fly should have been in Starfleet". This is it!
- The Vortex or authoritarian SingularitySorry there have been some tech glitches precluding me from posting more lately. But also a lot of neat things in the works :-) In response to The Agonist thread on 8 Thoughts on 2040 : Among the Kurzweil set there is a lot of happy talk about a Singularity describing a point where the rate of ch ...
Daily Censored
- Venezuela/Colombia War Threat EscalatesTensions have heightened at the Venezuela/Columbia border, and the war threat has escalated. The Venezuelan ambassador to Columbia, Gustavo Marquez, warns that "there is a pre-war situation in the entire region".
- Sarah Palin: Feminist HeroShe was posing for the cover of Runner’s World magazine. It never occurred to Sarah Palin, when she leaned on a disheveled American flag and held up two Blackberries to the camera, that her legs peeking out from those running shorts would end up on the cover of Newsweek. Sarah Palin is calling ...
- The Higher Education Fiscal Crisis Protects the We ...By Peter Phillips Police are arresting and attacking student protesters on University of California (UC) campuses again. “Why did he beat me I wasn’t doing anything,” screamed a young Cal Berkeley women student over KPFA radio on Friday evening November 20. Students are protesting the 32% incr ...
- Swine Flu, Bio Weapons, Dictatorial Rule, FEMA Cam ...Guest Blogged By Terry Morrone In times of cataclysmic change, democracy may be deemed a practical impossibility. Are the armies of the super rich cooking up a disaster that will so traumatize us that we cannot resist their propaganda, that we will become putty in their hands, and they will remake ...
- Has “nation building” ever worked?Michael Collins November 21, 2009 was a bad day for Afghanistan if you look at the news reports.  That’s nothing new. Afghanistan has had decades of bad days since the Soviet invasion and the civil war sustained by U.S. financial and intelligence efforts in partnership with the Pakistan ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- White House veggies for Obama's big night
- Nuggets extend Nets NBA losing streak to 14 games
- Wizards win after death of owner Pollin
- FDIC insurance fund closes quarter $8.2 billion in ...
- IMF grows third world lending scheme to $600 billi ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- Bush-Style Military Spending Not Over YetObama's plans for change in defense spending are still mostly unrealized.
- Thanksgiving: Time to Consider Native Americans' P ...The nation needs to commit itself to lasting Native American advancement.
- Human Rights Abuses: Taking on ChevronA new powerful international campaign on Chevron presents an exciting new organizing model for corporate campaigners and human rights activists everywhere.
- Challenges to Native American Advancement: The Rec ...Despite some growth, many disparities remain among indigenous Americans.
- Panel Discussion: Mexico in 2010: A Year of Celebr ...A discussion on the governance and economic challenges facing Mexico in 2010.
- Giving Thanks When We Are StrugglingAmerican Thanksgiving Day is on Thursday and many of my friends are preparing to get together with friends and family to celebrate and give thanks.  Some are struggling because they feel they have  very little to give thanks for this year – they have lost jobs and homes or loved ones.  Ma ...
- Monasticism Remix: Traditional & Neo-Monastic Spir ...Monasticism Remix: Traditional & Neo-Monastic Spirituality in the 21st Century Mustard Seed Associates invites you to an evening of prayers and explorations of Traditional & Neo-Monastic spirituality. In this event neo-monastic practitioners and traditional monastic sisters and brothers will come t ...
- Boundary Breaking BooksThanksgiving and Christmas are fast approaching and there is much to do & much that I want to say over this next week. One thing I realized is that I have not blogged much about the books that I am reading at the moment, partly because there are so many that I get a little [...]
- A Thanksgiving PrayerAmerican Thanksgiving is less than a week away and we are all looking forward to what is fondly called Turkey Day. It is my favourite American custom which I have embraced with great enthusiasm not just because I love good food and good fellowship but because I love the opportunity to think about ...
- Today was World Toilet DayDid you know that today was World Toilet Day. It sounds to most of us as though someone is cracking a joke, but the lack of toilets is no joke for the 2.5 billion people in our world who lack adequate sanitation The World Toilet Organisation themselves are encouraging website visitors to head over ...
Equality Trust
- We need tax reform, not tax and spendOver the last year we have watched as a bank-induced credit crunch morphed into debate on public services cuts. While the public have bailed out the bankers, whose flawed system led us into this mess, it is those least able to afford it who are facing the reality of having their pay and benefits fro ...
- Public sector incomes: what we pay themSix million people work for the state in Britain, in hundreds of professions. Find out how their incomes compare, from the top to the bottom. From the Guardian, Tuesday 17 November
- Discussion on the Today programme of a fairer syst ...The main party leaders have been setting out their visions of how to restore growth to the economy after the recession. A report by the left leaning pressure group Compass, criticises the policy of cutting public spending to curtail the recession. The group says gaps in public finances should instea ...
- The Spirit Level - Book of the YearOn Sunday, The Observer asked a selection of novelists, critics, politicians, historians and others for their Books of the Year. Politicians Ken Livingstone and Roy Hattersley, and historian Tristram Hunt all chose The Spirit Level . Roy Hattersley commented: The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkinson ...
- Archbishop of Canterbury: higher taxes "good for s ...A divine intervention from Dr Rowan Williams reported in today's Daily Telegraph .
- Germany arrests Chinese informants for spying on e ...German federal and local detectives yesterday raided the homes of four Chinese residents of Munich, who are suspected of spying on the city’s Uighur Chinese community on behalf of the government in Beijing.
- News you may have missed #0195CIA releases massive collection of Soviet military documents. Did the CIA attempt to prevent Gagarin's lunar flight from happening? GCHQ head's holiday details leaked online.
- South Africa busts Shin Bet operation, expels Isra ...The South African government has expelled an Israeli intelligence agent posing as an airline worker, after the discovery of a major Israeli undercover operation at the Oliver R. Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg.
- News you may have missed #0194Ex-Monaco spymaster renews lawsuit on principality. WWII spy photos declassified after 60 years. US couple accused of spying for Cuba pleads guilty.
- CIA chief has ‘confrontational’ meeting with P ...There is almost no coverage in the US media of CIA director Leon Panetta’s trip to Pakistan —in sharp contrast to the Pakistani and Indian press, where his visit made national headlines over the weekend.
After Downing
- Obama: Profile in Courage, or Cave-In?Obama: Profile in Courage, or Cave-In? By Ray McGovern “It took a lot of courage on Kennedy’s part to defy the Pentagon, defy the military—and do the right thing,” said Col. Larry Wilkerson, USA (ret.), according to Robert Dreyfuss in his recent Rolling Stone article “ The Generals’ Rev ...
- Bill of Rights Defense Committee Sends Obama Comme ...Amy E. Ferrer, Associate Director of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, sent this letter today to President Obama on behalf of the coalition on torture and transparency. The letter begins: The Honorable Barack Obama President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Wash ...
- Iraq inquiry: British officials heard 'drum beats' ...British officials heard the "drum beats" of war with Iraq emanating from the US government more than two years before the 2003 invasion and several months before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Sir John Chilcot's Iraq inquiry has heard. By James Kirkup and Gordon Rayner, The Telegraph But the UK in 2001 ...
- Afghan Army Turnover Rate Threatens U.S. War PlansAfghan Army Turnover Rate Threatens U.S. War Plans By Gareth Porter | IPS One in every four combat soldiers quit the Afghan National Army (ANA) during the year ending in September, published data by the U.S. Defence Department and the Inspector General for Reconstruction in Afghanistan reveals. Tha ...
- Ron Paul: End the War in AfghanistanMore at The Real News
Grist - News
- Europe places outcome of Copenhagen squarely on Ob Brendan DeMelle The chief negotiator for the European Commission announced this afternoon in Barcelona that the failure of the U.S. Congress to pass legislation before December has doomed the chances for success in Copenhagen . A climate protest at the Barcelona talks: World leaders with \'big ...
- Cash for Clunkers brought us ... more clunkers!by Jonathan Hiskes So how did Cash for Clunkers work out from an environmental standpoint? You don’t want to know. The $3 billion federal program was kinda sorta supposed to send inefficient, high-polluting, belchy vehicles to an early grave. Instead it put a lot of new large, inefficient vehicle ...
- Senate Democrats push climate bill through committ Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON -- Senate Democrats on Thursday pushed through a sweeping climate change bill, maneuvering an end-run around opposition Republicans who continued their boycott of deliberations. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved the Kerry-Boxer bill by a v ...
- Why developing countries cannot afford failure in Brendan DeMelle The African delegation insisted today in Barcelona that its decision to walk out on negotiations Tuesday was necessary in order to jolt the intransigent European Union and other developed nations to move forward with serious discussions, rather than obstruct progress by bringing ...
- U.S. puts onus on China for climate dealby Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON - The United States will not agree to targets cutting greenhouse-gas emissions unless developing countries, particularly China, make similar moves, U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern warned Wednesday. "No country holds the fate of the Earth in its hands more than China ...
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- Blog Focus: Xbox Live Social Media Users in the †...11 days in this is a *big* deal already.
Time - Top Stories
- Obama Weighs the Cost of an Afghanistan Military S ...Skeptical Democrats demand a war tax as Afghanistan's declining security situation raises the financial burden of the U.S. in expanding its commitment there
- Gay Rights: How a California Judge Is Challenging ...A powerful judge has ordered the Executive Branch to stop interfering with his decision to allow a court employee to get health coverage for her wife
- Zhu Zhu Mania: Why Hamster Toys Are Hit Christmas ...Electronic toy hamsters called Zhu Zhu Pets are the breakout hit of the holiday season. Why the fuzzy creatures will clean up at the cash register
- Obama's 'Mistakes': Way Too Early to JudgeThe media are giving Obama grief for just about everything. But it's far too soon to judge his policies
- Global Warming: Once Stable East Antarctica Losing ...A new study suggests that the East Antarctic ice sheet, which holds about five times as much ice as West Antarctica and Greenland combined, is in decline
Washington Independent
- Lieberman Leaves the Public Option in DoubtPublic option supporters who have looked at TWI’s Senate Public Option Scoreboard in the past few hours are probably dismayed to see that the math simply doesn’t add up for passage of health reform legislation with a government-run health insurance plan. That’s the result of comments today by ...
- California Introduces Cap-and-Trade BlueprintAs national climate legislation slowly simmers on the back burner of the Senate and expectations are lowered for the international climate conference in Copenhagen, environmentalists can take solace in the efforts of California, which this afternoon issued the country’s first broad-based cap-and-t ...
- Poll: Fewer Americans Believe Global Warming Is Ha ...The new Washington Post-ABC News poll has only 72 percent of Americans saying that global warming is occurring right now. It’s an eight-point drop from last year, and it’s mostly driven by Republicans. The percentage of Republicans who believe in global warming has plunged from 76 to 54 percent. ...
- Inhofe Launches ‘Climategate’ Investig ...The office of Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), the ranking Republican on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, just issued a press release announcing the launch of an investigation into “Climategate,” the quasi-scandal involving the release of more than a thousand hacked emails that rev ...
- Lawyers Slam DOJ for Arguing U.S. Officials Aren&# ...I’ve been following the small but growing number of lawsuits brought on behalf of torture victims against U.S. government officials for more than a year now, but the opening statement in a brief filed with the Supreme Court on Monday on behalf of four British former Guantanamo prisoners may be the ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Snail pie is tastier, more nutritious than beefMalnutrition and iron deficiency among schoolchildren in developing countries could be reduced by serving up generous portions of delicious, bargain-priced snail pie and other handy beef alternatives. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- CO2, Methane Ousted as Worst Global Climate Change ...Move over CO2—you’ve been ousted, along with methane, as the biggest offenders of global climate change. The majority of “greenhouse gases” are created by humans. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Skeptics claim global warming is fake after top sc ...Hackers recently broke into thousands of emails and internal documents from a leading climate research center and dumped them onto an anonymous Russian server. The hacked emails (160 MB worth, unzipped) came from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic R Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Environ ...
- Will Whole Foods’ new mobile slaughterhouses sque ...Massachusetts poultry farmer Jennifer Hashley has a problem. From the moment she started raising pastured chickens outside Concord, Mass. in 2002, there was, as she put it “nowhere to go to get them processed.” While she had the option of slaughtering her Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Societ ...
- Cow beaten to death with plankA farmer has condemned an attack in which a cow died after being repeatedly beaten around the head with a 4ft plank of wood. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Who Will Be Watching You at the Airport This Thank ...Feeling Nervous? 3,000 Behavior Detection Officers Will Be Watching You at the Airport This Thanksgiving By Liliana Segura, AlterNet. Posted November 24, 2009. Nearly 100,000 passengers were pulled aside by TSA behavior watchers last year, and it remains to be proven whether you can spot terr ...
- Hindu leaders are blamed for mosque plot that led ...Rhys Blakely in Mumbai, The Times/UK, November 24, 2009 Hindu radicals climb on to the mosque hours before it was destroyed The destruction of a mosque by Hindu radicals that led to some of the bloodiest religious riots in India since Partition was “meticulously planned” by polit ...
- Blackwater’s Secret War in PakistanJeremy Scahill, The Nation, Nov 23, 2009 At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret program in which they plan targeted assassinations of sus ...
- Sarah Palins Hot Line to God“Daddy feels God was using her to wake America up” Franklin Graham, head of powerful Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is also the head of a $ raising scheme called Samaritan’s Purse. Franklin, got to know Palin early this year in Alaska and he invited her to North Carolina. She acco ...
- SNL: Palin 2012- (11/21/09) VIDEO & PHOTOSPalin 2012: SNL Gives Viewers A Glimpse Of Horrifying Future (VIDEO, PHOTOS) Huffington Post First Posted: 11-22-09 08:59 AMÂ Â Â |Â Â Â Updated: 11-22-09 09:58 AM “Saturday Night Live” combined Sarah Palin and the disaster movie “2012″ last night to imagine a world in which Pa ...
- More Independent Than EverBy David M. Halbfinger The Lou Dobbs-for-Senate rumor had barely crested when the Lou Dobbs-for-president rumor suddenly overtook it this week. Mr. Dobbs, the former cable television anchor of the sonorous voice and tough-talking immigration politics, parted ways with CNN on Nov. 11, reportedly rec ...
- Negative Equity MortgagesContinue reading CHART OF THE DAY: We’re Still Generating Too Many Negative Equity Mortgages
- Facebook Creates Dual-Class Stock StructureBy Brian Womack Facebook Inc., the world’s biggest social-networking site, introduced a dual-class stock structure to let current shareholders hold onto voting control. The decision shouldn’t be seen as a sign that the company is planning to go public, Facebook said today in an e-mailed stateme ...
- EU President Promises EU Tax to BilderbergersBy Bruno Waterfield, Justin Stares and Colin Freeman Within days of taking office in January, the former Belgian prime minister will put his weight behind controversial proposals already floated by the commission’s head, José Manuel Barroso, for a new “Euro tax”… Mr Van Rompuy, 62, who w ...
- Iran: Will Sanctions Work?By George Friedman The Iranian government has rejected, at least for the moment, a proposal from the P-5+1 to ship the majority of its low-enriched uranium abroad for further enrichment. The group is now considering the next step in the roadmap that it laid out last April. The next step was a new r ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
Insurgency Watch - Posts
- InsurgencyWatch moving to True/SlantIn the coming days, InsurgencyWatch will be moving to True/Slant, “an original content news network tailored to both the ‘Entrepreneurial Journalist’ and marketers who want a more effective way to engage with digital audiences.” (That’s what the official about page says.) It’s not a deci ...
- Kerry-Lugar’s First VictimIf true, this is total bullshit: After strong criticism on the Kerry-Lugar bill in Pakistan, the government has decided to replace Pakistan’s ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani and the announcement in this respect is expected within the next two days. There’s nothing in the bill reasonable Pa ...
- Pakistan’s Civil War Heating UpIn the aftermath of this weekend’s assault on the Pakistani General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the Taliban hit again in Alpuri, in the Shangla district east of Mingora in Swat. According to military sources who asked to remain anonymous because they weren’t authorized to talk to the press, a 1 ...
- At Home with a Swat LashkarI just finished up a few days in Swat and while I’m working on a story about it, I thought you might like to see a few pictures I took while there. Enjoy. Share/Save
- FACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in Pakistan ...Washington PostFACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in PakistanReutersBy this time he is thought to have fled the region for the safe haven of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. * Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader ...Pakistan to Target Taliba...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- The War on Weed: Marijuana Is Basically Harmless - ...The war on marijuana is insane; our officials keep sacrificing tax dollars, lives, civil liberties, and their own credibility in this misguided and losing effort.
- When It’s Crunch Time at Colleg ...Can ADHD stimulants like Adderall be the answer for college students looking to increase academic performance? They think so.
- Did LSD Make a Baseball Pitcher's No-Hitter Possib ...Perhaps the greatest athletic achievement while on a psychedelic journey, No Mas and artist James Blagden proudly present the animated tale of Dock Ellis' legendary LSD no-hitter.
- In Historic Shift, the American Medical Associatio ...The country's largest physician group, the AMA, has reversed its long-held position that marijuana has no medical worth.
- The Relentless War on Drug Users Is Escalating Vio ...Hundreds gather in Albuquerque to celebrate a new dawn of wider acceptance of drug reform, while still feeling a little nervous about the path ahead.
Twilight Earth
- Boycott Black Friday and Celebrate Buy Nothing Day ...Twilight Earth is calling for a boycott of Black Friday on Nov. 27th, 2009. Black Friday is the largest shopping day of the year. Related posts: Boycott Black Friday and Celebrate Buy Nothing Day Nov 28th, 2008 Arbor Day – 2009, What Is It and Why Should We Celebrate it? Call For Entries: Wend M ...
- Interview with Ted Garber – Life, Inspiration an ...I recently had the opportunity to interview one of my favorite musicians, Ted Garber. Ted recently released his new album "American Rail." Related posts: Barack Obama CBS 60 Minutes Interview Transcript and Video from Nov. 16th, 2008 Consumerism – Chasing That American Dream! Inspiration from E ...
- Photo Sunday – WindPhoto Sunday - Wind Related posts: Photo Sunday – Once By The Ocean Photo Sunday – Dragonflies Photo Sunday – Washington DC Fireworks
- The Quinnipiac Bobcats get Top Rankings for Sustai ...Quinnipiac University is installing twenty-five Windspire vertical wind turbines at the first university micro-wind farm in the country. Related posts: Windspire Wind Turbine Generating Electricity at Michigan Governor’s House Mariah Power and Windspire Wind Turbine Featured on 20/20 Mariah Powe ...
- What Could be Finer than to be a Tweed Rider? DC T ...The first annual "tweed ride" took place in Washington DC on Sunday. Whats a Tweed Ride? It's a trend that's catching on in Europe and the U.S. Related posts: Cycling Clothing: No Shorts, Jerseys or Jackets – Just Pasties Busted! Coal Lobby Fakes Letters to Congress EPA Names Top 20 Green Power ...
- Rolling Green Roofed Sports Park Rises in SloveniaSince Slovenia joined the European Union in 2004, its capital city Ljubjana has lead the way in economic and social development. Unlike other nations who have just begun to find wealth and the new construction that comes with it, the Slovenes remain conscious of the urban and social impact of what t ...
- BOOK REVIEW: Climate Cover-UpConspiracy! Author James Hoggan realizes the ridiculousness of that word, asserting that it “strains credulity and is offensive in its own right.” Yet the massive media sway that he details in Climate Cover-Up feels like something a squinty, scruffy, clipboard-wielding man would accost you with. ...
- Tiny Tabletop Cardboard Christmas Tree from Cloudg ...Last year Cloudgate Design brought us the Cardboard Christmas tree, and this year they’ve just launched the all new SMALL Cardboard Christmas Tree, which at 1 ft tall makes a great gift, is easier to transport, and works well as a table centerpiece. Like its larger 3 ft. tall predecessor, the SMAL ...
- EDEN FALLS: Skyscraper Zoo Topped With a WaterfallCostanera Sur is a proposal for a vertical zoo in Buenos Aires that transforms a pile of rubble into a towering pillar of falling water. Designed by Visiondivision, the project aims to reclaim debris left over from the construction of Buenos Aires’ decades-old highways, is entirely self-sufficient ...
- Toxic Drywall From China Poisoning American Homes ...New homeowners in Florida, Louisiana and Virginia are being forced out of their homes because of toxic indoor air quality. The culprit -toxic drywall from China. Tests are revealing that the toxic drywall contains hydrogen sulfide and formaldehyde, both of which are incredibly harmful to your health ...
Pogue's Posts
- A $25 Cellphone? That's Crazy Talk.This week, Palm released a follow up to the Pre, a cheaper, thinner, lesser phone called the Pixi. The official price is $100 with a two-year Sprint contract, but Amazon is selling the thing for - are you sitting down? - $25.
- Crowdsourcing Comedy on Amazon ReviewsSome unexpected humor can be found in the reviews of the world's largest online retailer.
- It's Q&A with DP!Why I use URL shorteners-even when not on Twitter.
- Verizon: How Much Do You Charge Now?Verizon's cellphones are designed in such a way that you can almost never avoid getting $1.99 charge on the bill for its mobile Web services, even if you immediately cancel the action.
- Fun With Google's Auto-Suggestion FeatureStart a phrase in a Google and who knows how the search engine will complete it?
Open Your Eyes News
- Scientist in climate change ‘cover-up’ storm t ...Daily Mail – The scientist at the heart of the climate change scandal was under growing pressure to quit last night. George Monbiot, a leading environmentalist, said Phil Jones should resign from the Climatic Research Unit over leaked emails that appear to show researchers suppressed scientific da ...
- Climate change help for the poor from the west ‘ ...BBC – Large sums promised to developing countries to help them tackle climate change cannot be accounted for, a BBC investigation has found.Rich countries pledged $410m (£247m) a year in a 2001 declaration – but it is now unclear whether the money was paid.UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has ...
- UK: G20 police chief accused of misleading MPs abo ...The Guardian – A Scotland Yard commander was accused of misleading parliament tonight after an inquiry found that undercover police were secretly deployed at the G20 protests to spy on activists, contrary to the police chief’s denials. Commander Bob Broadhurst, who had overall command of the G20 ...
- Nanoparticles a ‘new asbestos’?Canberra Times – Needle-like nanoparticles in sunscreens, cosmetics and food packaging could be ”the new asbestos”, creating similar health and environmental risks, a new report says. The Australia Institute warns there are no national mandatory labelling or safety tests required for products ...
- Iraq national vote unlikely in JanuaryReuters – Iraq will be unable to hold a national election in January as planned, a poll official said on Tuesday, heaping more uncertainty on a vote meant to cement democracy and pave the way for a partial U.S. troop withdrawal. The general election was supposed to be held between January 18-23, b ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- New poll: Capitalism not too hotNew poll: Capitalism not too hot ( A recent poll has people talking. The results of the poll are a sharp contrast to the free-market triumphalism of the 1990s. Intellectuals were declaring the victory of capitalism. In the 1989 book, the End of History and the Last ...
- Cuba, ALBA Nations Condone Sri Lanka, Revisionism ...Cuba, ALBA Nations Condone Sri Lanka, Revisionism Further Exposed ( Revisionism was on display in recent events. Recently Cuba gave an official statement reassuring its international relations with Sri Lanka. Both countries claim to be socialist in some sense. Depu ...
- Smash the old world!Smash the Amerikkkan Dream and all First Worldist lies! From Politics Are Over Posted in ..Politics Are Over, Communism, Maoism, Maoism Third Worldism, Maoisme, Maoismo
- Дети Третьего мира голодаюÑ ...Дети Третьего мира голодают и страдают от задержки роста, дети Первого мира страдают от тучности (, translated by the Russian Maoist Party (RMP)) Согласно недавнему оÑ ...
- Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement – Se ...RAIM-Seattle forms ( A new RAIM cell has formed in Seattle. MSH sends a red salute to RAIM-S. From the RAIM-S website: “- What does RAIM-Seattle want? A utopian society. We want a world free from oppression of groups by groups and people by people. A world withou ...
- Prepare For War – Live Free Or DieIn just 3 months Americans bought enough guns to outfit the entire Chinese and Indian armies combined American citizens have bought 1,529,635,000 rounds of ammunition in just the month of December 2008. This number takes no accounting of reloading or reloaded ammunition. Are they preparing for the ...
- Europe Swine Flu Deaths Doubling Every Two WeeksUkraine Update:Â 24/11/2009 A total of 388 people have died in Ukraine of flu and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) as of Monday evening, the ex-Soviet state’s Health Ministry said. The ministry said eight people died over the past 24 hours. The flu epidemic started in Ukraine in late O ...
- Red Alert: The Second Wave of The Financial Tsunam ...The Wave Is gathering force & could hit between the first & second quarter of 2010 by Matthias Chang Many of my friends who have been receiving my e-mail alerts over the last two years have lamented that in recent weeks I have not commented on the state of the global economy. I appreciate ...
- The Decline and Fall of the American Empireby Len Hart Albert Einstein said: “the men who possess real power in this country have no intention of ending the cold war.” It is one of the most incredible ‘coincidences’ in history that as the Berlin Wall fell and communism ceased to be the global threat we had been told it was, a new †...
- Iran Begins Large-Scale War Games To Defend Nuclea ...Iran has begun five days of large-scale war games to simulate attacks on its nuclear sites, officials said, warning it will retaliate if provoked. The head of Iran’s air defence said the aim of the exercises was to thwart aerial reconnaissance and air attacks. Another official warned Tehran woul ...
- Waste Heat Could Power Computers, Cell PhonesClose to 60 percent of the energy produced by burning fuels or generated by power plants is lost as excess heat. Computers, cars and cell phones all have to get rid of excess heat to run properly, creating a significant energy waste. Researchers at MIT believe they've developed a way to reclaim ...
- Radar Absorbing Turbines Prevent Aircraft Confusio ...The U.S. Military has recently expressed concern about Maryland offshore wind projects because radar could identify spinning turbine blades as low-flying aircraft, potentially disrupting its training missions in the area. Turns out the UK Military is blocking wind projects for similar reasons. ...
- Compressed Air Cars Less Efficient Than Electric C ...It has been assumed that compressed air cars are cleaner than battery electric cars, but the reality is they are quite inefficient. A new study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters reveals that while in theory compressed air cars seem like a potential competitor to EVs, when ...
- Wind Power Could be Stored as IceA perfect way of storing electricity generated by wind turbines has been elusive so far. Ideas like super-sized batteries , compressed air and hydroelectric storage have all been floated. One company though thinks the answer could be as simple as making ice. Calmac has come up with a storage sy ...
- Fastest Computer in the World Focused on Climate C ...The Jaguar XT5 computer, housed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Knoxville, Tenn. and owned by the Department of Energy was just named the fastest computer in the world by the TOP500 list . It has a performance speed of 1.759 petaflops or quadrillions of calculations per second and that po ...
Times Online - Science
- Case of ‘locked-in’ Rom Houben may ren ...The case of Rom Houben could renew calls to scan the brains of patients who may have been wrongly judged to be in coma in Britain, amid concerns that more than 40 per cent may be misdiagnosed.
- Mystery as coma survivor Rom Houben finds voice at ...Linda Wouters did not believe in miracles until she held Rom Houben’s twisted hand. Doctors had long insisted that the car crash victim had slipped into a deep coma but his therapist knew otherwise.
- Japan’s Super-K project aims to research elu ...One of the most elaborate science experiments ever attempted, involving a vast underground cavern, 50,000 tonnes of ultra-pure water and thousands of light sensitive detectors got under way began yesterday. Its aim? To capture the neutrino, an elusive particle that has frustrated scientists for ...
- Sexy science: the great numbers enigmaYesterday was the 150th anniversary of the publication of one of the most important books in the history of science. Darwin’s On the Origin of Species revolutionised our understanding of where we come from. But November 1859 was also the month that another fundamental paper in the history of scie ...
- English Heritage seeks missing link as Darwin docu ...A nationwide search has begun to find the jottings and sketches by Charles Darwin in his Galapagos notebook.
Environment _ National Geographic
- Crime-Fighting Leech Fingers PerpPolice in Australia say a blood-engorged leech, through DNA testing, led them to a man responsible for the robbery eight years ago of a 71-year-old woman. Video
- Alligators Sing to Set Up Singles Clubs? (With Vid ...Only an alligator could truly understand the allure of this thunderous "chorus." But a new study says the song may be an invitation to reptilian romantic networking.
- Presented By:
- Leaves "Magnetized" by Air Pollution, Study FindsAlthough they wouldn't be physically attracted to a magnet, "magnetic" tree leaves along heavy traffic routes may offer a quick, cheap way to test for air pollution, a new study says.
- PICTURES: Best Mountain Photos of 2009 Announced A steam-shrouded bison, a bikini-clad diver, a seven-year-old shepherd, and other wild wonders stalk our selection of winning pictures from the latest Banff Mountain Photography Competition.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Valuable Lesson From Sarah Palin's BookTRex has extracted and documented the bulk of the knowledge that can be had from Sarah Palin's new book, Going Rogue. Trust me on this, there is a valuable lesson to be had from her book that every Blogger, journalist and pundit should be sharing with anyone that is truly interested in the politic ...
- Valuable Lesson From Sarah Palin's BookTRex has extracted and documented the bulk of the knowledge that can be had from Sarah Palin's new book, Going Rogue. Trust me on this, there is a valuable lesson to be had from her book that every Blogger, journalist and pundit should be sharing with anyone that is truly interested in the politic ...
- T-9 and Holding:About 8 minutes before the shuttle blasts off : At NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, space shuttle Atlantis and crew are nearing liftoff at Launch Pad 39A, prepared to begin the STS-129 cargo-delivery mission to the International Space Station. The countdown clock is holding at T-9 minutes. ...
- The more things change, the more they stay the sam ...I woke up today to the news that it has been a whole year that gay and lesbian couples have been allowed to share the same rights as everyone else in our State. The right to settle down, get married and live as a family has changed a lot of people's lives in Connecticut . I did a quick inventory o ...
- Windsock JoeWe really want to know which way the wind blows, Joe? The other day you were dead set against the Public Option, much to the chagrin of Connecticut voters. And now? Sen. Joe Lieberman has reached a private understanding with Majority Leader Harry Reid that he will not block a final vote on healthca ...
SPL Center
- What’s on the Menu at Georgia Eatery? A Raci ...We can’t vouch for the cuisine at the Georgia Peach Oyster Bar in Paulding County, Georgia, but owner Patrick Lanzo serves a heaping plate full of racist rhetoric. His most recent offering: “Obamas plan for healthcare: Nigger rig it.” Lanzo told an Atlanta TV reporter recently the sign was a c ...
- Tancredo Ventures Further Out on the FringeColorado Republican Tom Tancredo was the face of the anti-immigration movement in Congress for 10 years. While he was there, he could serve up his deport-’em-all rhetoric from the House floor. And as an early contender for the 2008 GOP presidential nomination, he drew supportive crowds and mainstr ...
- A Slick DVD Defends RacismA new DVD is a hit among white supremacists looking for a smart-sounding defense of their beliefs. Contrary to its title, A Conversation about Race isn’t really a conversation about race at all, but a slick 58-minute documentary devoted to proving the thesis that racism is a bogus concept invented ...
- Dutch Lawmaker Brings His Anti-Muslim Spiel to U.S ...A Dutch lawmaker notorious for his Muslim-bashing is scheduled to speak tonight at Temple University in Philadelphia. Geert Wilders, who has repeatedly compared the Koran to Hitler’s Mein Kampf, was for months banned from Britain because of concerns that his anti-Islamic views would trigger violen ...
- Anti-Black Hate Crimes Rise, Data Remains FlawedThe FBI yesterday released its 2008 Hate Crime Statistics report. Overall, the numbers were up slightly, by 2 percent. One of the biggest jumps was in the number of anti-black hate crimes, which went up from 2,658 in 2007 to 2,876 in 2008. That constitutes a rise of nearly 8 percent. The jump in an ...
Rio Times
- Thanksgiving in RioBy Felicity Clarke, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - Carnival stands as Brazil’s great national holiday, but for all the music, dancing and dazzling spectacle it does fall short on one important holiday criteria: there’s no focus on food. In contrast, Thanksgiving, the major US national ho ...
- De Menezes Family CompensationBy Jaylan Boyle, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - The family of Jean Charles de Menezes, the Brazilian national shot dead by London police in 2005, has settled ongoing litigation and been awarded damages, the sum of which is officially not being disclosed; some sources however are claiming the payme ...
- Partnerships at +Unidos WorkshopBy Bruno De Nicola, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - On November 17th, USAID and +UNIDOS (Mais Unidos) held a Workshop on Social Responsibility Partnerships with more than 30 U.S. companies presenting over 50 of their social projects. The event was held at the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) i ...
- Expat Entrepreneur’s Fitness BusinessBy Doug Gray, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO – It is an oft-discussed subject amongst the international community of Rio - how to make money in a city not known for its ease of business practice or its ready acceptance of overseas workers. In a country understandably protective of its workforce a ...
- Smoke-Free Law Takes EffectBy Jaylan Boyle, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - Rio’s anti-smoking state law 5.517/09, which took effect on the 17th of this month, has survived an eleventh hour challenge from a syndicate of bars and hotels, and appears to have met with overall compliance, with one exception reported. The law, ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Nationwide Protests in Nine Cities Target Climate ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 23, 2009 Mobilization for Climate Justice A broad and diverse coalition of organizations working for social, environmental, economic and racial justice has come together to call for urgent action on the global climate crisis based on equitable, democratic and science ...
- US Group That Supported Overthrows of Democratical ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 23, 2009 CEPR The National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI), organizations that receive funding from the U.S. State Department, are planning on sending delegations to observe the November 29 elections in Honduras, according to ...
- Father Roy Bourgeois and SOA Watch Nominated for t ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 22, 2009 American Friends Service Committee Father Roy Bourgeois, MM, and School of the Americas Watch (SOA Watch) have been nominated for one of the most prestigious awards in the world - the Nobel Peace Prize - for their sustained faithful nonviolent witness against ...
- ACLU Obtains New Information About Destruction Of ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 24, 2009 ACLU Records obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit reveal new information about the CIA's destruction of videotapes depicting the brutal interrogation of prisoners at CIA black sites, including the precis ...
- Constitution Project Files Amicus Brief on First A ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 23, 2009 Constitution Project Today, the Constitution Project and The Rutherford Institute filed a friend of the court brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project. The case involves federal laws prohibiting "material support" of terrorist grou ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Corporations: The Real Reason Obama is not Making Johann Hari Almost a year after Barack Obama ascended to the White House, many of his supporters are bemused. His healthcare bill is a hefty improvement but it still won't provide coverage for all Americans, and may not provide a public alternative to the over-charging insurance companies - if it ...
- Attitude and Blameby Ellen Goodman You have to hand it to Sarah Palin. I don't mean you have to hand her the 2012 nomination. Nor do you have to hand her the $24.64 I overpaid for Going Rogue .read more
- This Climate Email-Hacking Episode is Generating M Bob Ward Another skirmish has broken out in the long-running battle between climate scientists and so-called sceptics, with the hacking of email messages between some of the world's leading researchers on global temperature trends. But as usually happens in the blogosphere, this episode is genera ...
- Thanksgiving Dinner: More American Than You Thinkby Jill Richardson These days, local food is so popular that even Lays potato chips are trying to pretend they are local. But how often do we actually sit down as a nation and enjoy a meal of local food? A meal that we cooked, that we eat with people we love, that we linger over instead of shoving d ...
- Zombie Nuke Plants by Christian Parenti Oyster Creek Generating Station, in suburban Lacey Township, New Jersey, opened the same month Richard Nixon took office vowing to bring "an honorable peace" to Vietnam. This nuke plant, the oldest in the country, was slated to close in 2009 when its original forty-year license ...
Karl Burkart
- What's up with Copenhagen, Annex II?What the richest (Annex II) nations need to do to avoid another Africa walkout in Copenhagen.
- What's up with Copenhagen, Annex 1?World Resources Institute releases report on Annex 1 (developed) countries Copenhagen pledges.
- What's up with Copenhagen?This is the first in a series that examines both the promise and the pitfalls of the upcoming climate talks in Copenhagen.
- Carbon-sucking nanotubesPorifera may be the first to take new a nanotechnology to market, offering a viable solution for sequestering carbon.
- New game guns down environmentalistsPostal III video game takes aim at PETA and Al Gore... Has 'green fatigue' turned into anti-green rage?
Water Privatization
- City wants bill to prevent Bryce move (The Tuscalo ...By Robert DeWitt Senior Writer The Tuscaloosa City Council formally asked Tuesday that the Tuscaloosa County legislative delegation introduce a bill that would ensure that Bryce Hospital stays in Tuscaloosa.
- Shhhh! Nuclear Sell-off Underway (in News) (The Ty ...The Harper government's secretive moves to privatize the CANDU reactor maker that you own. First of two.
- Cole: Water privatization lacks council support (T ...CARBONDALE - Carbondale Mayor Brad Cole told a crowd opposed towater privatization there is little chance the option will beaccepted by the city council.
- Rebecca Solnit: Remembering People Power In Seattl ...Remembering how dramatically -- and unexpectedly -- things have changed in the recent past is part of the toolbox for making a deeper, far more necessary climate change possible.
- Who's Who in West Virginia Business 2009 Winner: T ...Bowles Rice McDavid Graff & Love Charleston
- LIVE: Banks win decision on unfair overdraft fees• Shock victory for banks in supreme court • OFT told fairness rules don't cover overdraft charges • 1.2 million claims for refunds could be thrown out 10.30am: Shock and cynicism in the comments below and on Twitter. Andiell says it's a disgusting result: "The lawyers and judges to whom this ...
- G20 policing 'unfair and aggressive'Senior inspector warns police risk losing public consent and calls for return to 19th-century style of minimal force Senior police officers could lose the consent of the British public unless they abandon misguided approaches to public protests that are considered "unfair, aggressive and inconsiste ...
- Liverpool crash out despite victory• Liverpool's managing director, Christian Purslow, backs Benítez • Club now targeting Europa League consolation prize Rafael Benítez has been assured his position as Liverpool manager will not be undermined by Champions League failure as he admitted the 2005 winners and 2007 runners-up had on ...
- MPs debate homeopathy on NHSThe House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has called in homeopaths and scientists to discuss evidence for the alternative therapy. Join us as the debate unfolds 10.33am: Robert Wilson: "We just haven't yet understood these highly dilute substances." He's comparing homeopathy to the idea ...
- Schools to get classes to curb violenceChildren aged five to 15 to get compulsory lessons in drive to tackle violence against women and girls Classes in preventing violence in relationships are to become compulsory for children aged five to 15 within 18 months as part of an official drive to tackle violence against women and girls. The m ...
Diigo | Green Community
- Free classified Ads - beatyourprice.comFree classified Ads. buy and sell pets, computers, real estate, cars, business at Comments: Free classified Ads. buy and sell pets, computers, real estate, cars, business at - alexander hampp Tags: green , investments , stocks , bond , mutual , funds , sustainable ...
- Green Finance for Eco-Friendly Products and Servic ...Green Finance for Eco-Friendly Products and Services, YatBo Newark Classifieds - Local classifieds for Newark - New Jersey, Posting a Classified Ad is FREE! - you can find almost everything on Comments: Green Finance for Eco-Friendly Products and Services, YatBo Newark Classifieds - Local ...
- Green Investments to Promote Sustainability - Fina ...Green Investments to Promote Sustainability, YatBo Auburn Classifieds - Local classifieds for Auburn - Alabama, Posting a Classified Ad is FREE! - you can find almost everything on Comments: Green Investments to Promote Sustainability, YatBo Auburn Classifieds - Local classifieds for Aubur ...
- Free classified Ads - beatyourprice.comFree classified Ads. buy and sell pets, computers, real estate, cars, business at Comments: Free classified Ads. buy and sell pets, computers, real estate, cars, business at - alexander hampp Tags: mutual , funds , green , investments , enterprises by: alexander h ...
- U.N. Talks in Spain Seek to Salvage Climate DealClimate negotiators from 175 nations meet in Spain next week for a final session to try to break deadlock between rich and poor and salvage a U.N. deal due in Copenhagen in December. Comments: Climate negotiators from 175 nations meet in Spain next week for a final session to try to break deadlock b ...
Electronic Intifada
- Palestinian schoolchildren face daily settler atta ...AL-TUWANI, occupied West Bank (IPS) - Being able to travel to school in relative safety is something children all over the world take for granted. But, for Palestinian children living in the shadow of ...
- A desperate throw of the diceThe Palestinian "unilateralism" making recent news is more like a game of politicking -- and a dangerous one at that. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas could be keen to push the proposal f ...
- Veolia and Alstom continue to abet Israel's rights ...Despite mounting pressure to withdraw from the light rail project in Jerusalem designed to serve the needs of Israel's illegal settlements, the French transportation giant Veolia is set to be highly i ...
- Hebron's architecture of occupationThe word "revenge" is scrawled in Hebrew on a Palestinian school in Hebron in the occupied West Bank. The windows are covered with screens and the play yard obstructed with more screens tipped with ba ...
- South Africa deports Israeli airline official spyi ...South Africa deported an Israeli airline official last week following allegations that Israel's secret police, the Shin Bet, had infiltrated Johannesburg international airport in an effort to g ...
CS Monitor - News
- October 16, 2009The UN Human Rights Council votes to adopt the Goldstone Report on Israel's military incursion into Gaza.
- October 19, 2009Saudi Arabia is wary of terrorists, especially from neighboring states.
- October 20, 2009How some TV insiders view parents and children on reality television.
- October 21, 2009How African Anglicans might respond to the Vatican's offer.
- October 23, 2009US-China economic relations, Microsoft and Wall Street, and September home sales.
The Wonk Room
- Hitchens: Still Partying Like It’s 2002Christopher Hitchens apparently didn’t get the memo that it’s no longer verboten to recognize that certain U.S. policies have, in some cases, exacerbated the very problem of Islamic extremism that they were intended to address. Responding to Robert Wright’s Sunday New York Times op-ed, in whic ...
- SuperFreak Dubner Embraces ClimateGate Conspiracy ...Stephen J. Dubner, co-author of SuperFreakonomics, has embraced charges by the right wing that a handful of illegally obtained private emails means that the scientific consensus on climate change is actually a dangerous conspiracy. Dubner lent credence to the fevered “ClimateGate” ravings of Rus ...
- Fact Check: Rove Uses Fuzzy Math To Argue Health R ...This morning, former Bush adviser Karl Rove pulled out a Russert-esque white board to argue that premiums would increase under health care reform in the individual market. Rove relied on a series of Congressional Budget Office (CBO) numbers and claimed that tax increases, the cost shift from Medicai ...
- How To Tackle Youth UnemploymentAs Congress struggles with whether and how to craft a new job creation package, it’s worth revisiting how little information the unemployment rate (currently at 10.2 percent) actually gives us. For instance, the underemployment rate (the U-6), which incorporates people who are working part-time th ...
- Limbert: ‘Iran’s Ruling Consensus Is B ...At the Middle East Institute yesterday, John Limbert, who was recently appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, discussed his his new book Negotiating with Iran. Limbert spent 33 years in the Foreign Service, serving in Algeria, Djibouti, Iran, Saudi Arab ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Is stephen harper a Snivelling Coward?Where was he while the intellectually unequipped Peter MacKay was casting apsersions at Richard Colvin's "third-hand information" from people MacKay knows are bad because he's read " third-hand information " about them? There he was. Taking a cheap photo-op with the National Men's Lacrosse Team. ...
- Peter MacKay: Imperialist Stooge for a Rapist Gove ...Here's the ever-moronic Peter MacKay: Under fire from all parties, MacKay dismissed testimony from Richard Colvin as second- and third-hand information from enemy sources. “What we’re talking about here is not only hearsay, we’re talking about basing much of his evidence on what the Taliban ...
- Ah Loves This Video!!!It's brilliant!
- Me vs. Richard Dawkins(Wonder what kinda traffic that title will generate!) I don't have much of a beef with Atheist Richard Dawkins . I think most of religion is mumbo-jumbo. I have a rather positivist view of religion. First, humans needed religion to try to explain existence. Then they needed philosophy. Now, sc ...
- Guaranteed Annual IncomeNobody should starve. Nobody should be homeless. Nobody should have to sell their soul for a buck. People shouldn't be forced to call other people at dinner time to sell them subscriptions to the "National Post." People who make $45,000 a year really ought to shut-the-fuck up about "people who don' ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Market Observation: Stimulus Junkies? Part 2by Richard A. Eckert, CFA. "The Greenspan/Bernanke Fed... Once again, a long segue into the central theme of this article. Although I continue to be bemused by equity valuations—actually, by the rally in the markets for all risk assets—in the wake of what I perceive to be nothing but bad news" ...
- Gold & Mount St. Helens by Jim Willie. "Not in the last few years have conditions been aligned for a truly explosive upward move in the gold & silver prices. A confluence of factors simply could not be more bullish, promising, and powerful. "
- Next Station Approaches by Neil Charnock. "The train left the station with gold stock prices on board as we predicted months ago but fear not if you are not already aboard as there are always “stops” (read that as “dips”) along the way. "
- Gold & Silver: Market Wrap Week Ending November 20 Doug Gnazzo. "Interest rates are showing their strong influence on the markets. The Fed and other central bankers have been busy plying their trade: intervening in what are supposed to be free markets."
- Gold Six Grand by Chuck DiFalco. "Gold price targets suffer from incompleteness. Lack of perspective, obsession with the current price, false assumptions, and inside-the-box thinking run rampant. For these reasons, my assessment that gold can reach six thousand dollars per ounce by 2018 is not preposterous. "
on Government Oversight
- Agencies Withhold Information from the GAOLast week, The Hill reported that federal agencies have not been completely forthcoming with information requested by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) as part of the congressional auditing group's investigations. In a letter to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), acting GAO...
- And This Year's Qui Tammy Award Goes To...Popular music has the Grammys, pro wrestling has the Slammies, and Bay Area Music magazine used to honor the California music scene with the Bammies. So when the Department of Justice makes its annual announcement of how much money the...
- Morning Smoke: Do Wall Street Reformers Have the U ...Could Wall Street Actually Lose in Congress? [The Stash] Fed Said to Ask Banks to Submit Plans to Repay TARP [Bloomberg] AIG's Rescue Bedevils U.S. [The Wall Street Journal] Comeback for White House choppers? [Politico] Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan...
- Morning Smoke: Stock Ownership in Congress Draws S ...Policy, portfolios and the investor lawmaker [The Washington Post] Republicans criticize dismissal of AmeriCorps watchdog [The Los Angeles Times] Lockheed Martin F-35 Fighter May Need More Money, Analyst Says [Bloomberg] Inquiries look into use of retired generals as advisers [Federal...
- Senate Re-Introduces Bill Closing Legal Loophole f ...Back in May, POGO blogged about the tragic case of Lt. Col. Dominic "Rocky" Baragona, who was killed in Iraq in 2003 when his Humvee was struck by a supply truck driven by a Kuwaiti transport company that had contracts...
Digital Journal
- 29 new deaths from Swine Flu, 5,438 Canadians hosp ...29 more Canadians have died from Swine Flu, with Quebec reporting 13 of them. Total deaths reach 279. Government reports 5,438 severe case hospitalizations so far. 417 on life support. Week ending Nov. 14 was severe with 1,674 hospitalizations, 84 deaths.
- HBO Sports Returns to Canada For the First Time Af ...HBO Sports returns to Canada for the first time after 3 decades for the HBO Boxing After Dark card featuring Lucian Bute vs Librado Andrade II and Joan Guzman vs Ali Funeka.
- B.C. Ferry crew earn kudos for 8-minute rescue of ...B.C. Ferries crew on the Queen of Burnaby had a boat in the water within three minutes of spotting a 63-year-old jumper. They had him back on board in eight minutes. Cops say that is remarkable high-speed rescue.
- B.C. senior, 74, held in stabbing death of 69-year ...A senior, 74, suffering from stab wounds, is in hospital in the Vancouver area. He has been arrested for the murder of his wife, 69. Cpl. Dale Carr says police are looking at murder and possible failed suicide as a possibility.
- ATMs could make you a victim of identity theftYou could find yourself to be a victim of identity theft simply by using an ATM. Second-hand ATMs have been showing up on Craigslist and Ebay and one person was able to get 1,000 credit card numbers from it.
End Homelessness |
- Nearly Half of Homeless U.S. Veterans are BlackVeterans experience homelessness at a greater rate than non-vets in the United States. But a new study finds that minority veterans - particularly African-Americans - are disproportionately represented among the homeless veteran population. Today, a whopping 45 percent of the homeless veteran popula ...
- Where Did You Sleep Last Night?A simple question, answered in pictures. This is the premise of a new photo book released by an organization in Portland, Oregon. It shouldn't be surprising, to see the places where those without a home have spent the night. But the images provide a powerful and deeply disturbing narrative about the ...
- Navigating the Social Service Safety NetJay's story might sound familiar to you. His unfortunate situation is not uncommon these days. He lost his job, then his home to foreclosure, and ended up homeless on the streets of Cleveland, Ohio. Jay talks about his frustration trying to get help from homeless service providers. Since services ha ...
- 15% Hungry in AmericaIf your stomach was too weak for Friday's foreclosure numbers , turn away: Monday revealed that nearly 15 percent of Americans went hungry last year. The recession may be over for big business , but the problems of real people continue as the Department of Agriculture announced that the number hungr ...
- Calling All Winter Coats!It's getting chilly out there! For some people, a drop in the mercury means simply turning up the thermostat. But for many others, cold weather is a matter of life and death. Before the temperature really drops this winter, you can help spread the warmth to those who need it by participating in the ...
IPS - Inter Press Services
- VIETNAM: Prospects of Total Facebook Blackout Loo ...HO CHI MINH CITY, Nov 25 (IPS) - While much of the world is busy chatting with friends or posting photos via Facebook, Internet users in Vietnam are worried that government restrictions on access to this popular social networking site could soon evolve into a total blackout, assuming it isn’t ...
- LITERATURE/WOMEN: "When a Woman Wins, It is Still ...ROME, Nov 25 (IPS) - The Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded 102 times to 106 Nobel laureates between 1901 and 2009. Only 10 of those winners were women. Meanwhile, the Man Booker Prize has been awarded to 15 women in 40 years.
- GENDER: For U.S., Lessons in CEDAW From San Fran ...SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 25 (IPS) - In 1998, San Francisco stepped up and joined the world.
- SRI LANKA: Rights Groups Blame Gov’t Apath ...COLOMBO, Nov 25 (IPS) - Dozens of Sri Lankan migrant workers languishing under a flyover in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, claiming to be stranded, exemplify the crisis of migration that Sri Lankan authorities have faced over the years.
- BRAZIL-IRAN: New Boost to South-South DiplomacyRIO DE JANEIRO, Nov 24 (IPS) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's controversial visit to Brazil further underscored the independence of this country's diplomacy, and gave Tehran a chance to defend its points of view on the construction of a lasting peace in the Middle East.
Scoop - NZ
- Planet A March + ConcertCheck out the Greenpeace / Sign On Planet A March and Concert December the 5th, Auckland, 1pm - last chance before Copenhagen to kick John's sorry ass over to Denmark! » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- The benefits of a nuclear IranIran could be building "the bomb". Iran would then be the second power in the region to possess the bomb, and would certainly be the first of what will soon be a rapid escalation of regional states with the wealth and wherewithal to acquire the bomb. In addition, this proliferation of bomb-owning st ...
- Video: Meredith Whitney calls Double Dip Recession[ VIDEO ]Please click PLAY » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- The Hidden Dangers of Energy efficiencyan interesting dilemma . If business saves a heap of money thru the most common carbon reduction of energy efficiency and uses that money to build more of the same ...have we saved anything ? » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- If nothing else, save farmingGeorge Monbiot's article on peak oil , which may be much closer than you think , and what needs to be saved . The importance of food ...and all sorts of stuff that may slightly terrify you . » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
Independent ( London )
- Bailiffs stole ID to lure Russian debtorsA Moscow hairdresser is suing bailiffs from the Russian region of Udmurtia after they found a picture of her on a social networking site and used it to lure unsuspecting debtors into meetings.
- Commonwealth offer for ZimbabweZimbabwe will be offered a seat back in the Commonwealth within two years as long as it agrees to political and economic reform.
- Slaughter of the innocents (200,000 of them)Hundreds of thousands of Hindus gathered at a temple in southern Nepal on Tuesday for a ceremony involving the slaughter of more than 200,000 animals that has infuriated animal welfare protesters.
- Oscar-winning Pulp Fiction writer tweets from pris ...Like most users of Twitter, Roger Avary keeps the world abreast of his daily monotonies, telling thousands of his "followers" what he has eaten for lunch, what he's reading, and passing wry comment about the people he comes across and their conversations.
- Philippines declares state of emergency after 46 a ...Much of the increasingly lawless southern Philippines is today under a state of emergency following a brutal mass killing that has left at least 46 people dead in one of the country's worst bouts of political violence.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Shift towards more sanctions on IranSummary: The week got off to a bang in Iran, with the country staging its biggest-ever military exercises, which will include tests of its air defense system during the five-day drill across more than a third of Iranian territory. source: Asia Times Online read more
- We can't buy peace in AfghanistanSummary: Milne So now we know the secret weapon of the the new western plan to pacify Afghanistan: cash. As President Obama prepares to announce the expected dispatch of tens of thousands more troops to America's eight-year-old war and occupation, US and British commanders on the ground have al ...
- Iran needs 'just solution' to nuclear row: BrazilSummary: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Monday urged his visiting Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to find a "just solution" with the West to Tehran's contested nuclear program. Lula, speaking in a joint media conference with Ahmadinejad, reiterated that Brazil backed Ir ...
- Iran Seeks Guarantees on Enrichment DealSummary: Soltanieh With the international community scrambling to rescue the third party enrichment deal with Iran, Iranian officials have come out today with a conciliatory note, signaling a willingness to talk further. The nation, currently holding a massive simulation to prepare for long thr ...
- Iran to hold war games to protect nuclear sitesSummary: TEHRAN, Iran — Iran will begin large-scale air defense war games Sunday aimed at protecting its nuclear facilities from possible attack, a senior military commander said Saturday, reflecting the country's concern that Israel could make good on threats to strike militarily. source: A ...
The Daily Galaxy
- "Hypernovas" - The Most Violent Object in the Univ ...Most astronomers today believe that one of the most plausible reasons we have yet to detect intelligent life in the universe is due to the deadly effects of local supernova explosions that wipe out all life in a given region...
- Genetic Time Travel - Species Discovered that Slee ...Nature has found a way send genetic information forward through time, and no, it doesn't involve Doctor Who finally getting with Rose. Tiny crustaceans can bury their young in the Earth for centuries, and scientists in the new and awesomely-named...
- Guide to Surviving the "LHC-Restart" Season (Gizmo ...The Large Hadron Collider is spooling back up to science-speeds, circulating particle beams last week and looking at ramping up the power to productive levels even now, and you know what that means? No, not particle physics, or an increases...
- Image of the Day: "The Black Widow" PulsarThe pulsar, a.k.a. the "Black Widow," is moving through the galaxy at a speed of almost a million kilometers per hour. A bow shock wave due to this motion is visible to optical telescopes, shown in this image as the...
- Glowing Bacteria to Track Long Buried LandminesOver thirty people will be killed or maimed by unexploded landmines today. One was probably taken out as you had lunch. They will lose limbs or lives as forgotten explosives from a now-pointless conflict erupt to devastate them and their...
Natural News
- Merck's Vioxx scandal widens: Drug maker knew Viox ...(NaturalNews) The Vioxx scandal widened this week as new research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine reveals that Vioxx maker Merck held data for three years that proved Vioxx caused an alarming increase in the risk of heart attacks and strokes. And yet Merck chose not to release that da ...
- BPA exposure causes erectile dysfunction and other ...(NaturalNews) Big Pharma bombards consumers with ads for drugs to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), the politically correct term for what used to be known as "impotence". Erectile dysfunction, the repeated inability to get or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse, is a problem affec ...
- Vitamin D prevents heart disease(NaturalNews) The fact that vitamin D prevents cancer is now so well known that even some conventional physicians are beginning to recommend it. Vitamin D prevents 77% of all cancers, after all. That's as close to a "cure" for cancer as you'll ever get (and it's free, too, since you can make it your ...
- Nutrition Can Save America! Special report issued ...(NaturalNews) Most Americans would agree the state of the nation is less than ideal. Unemployment is at record highs, home foreclosures are driving people onto the street, health care remains a disastrous failure and the population is more diseased, obese and depressed than ever before. In a newly-p ...
- NaturalNews partners with Ecuador tourism bureaus ...(NaturalNews) Ecuador is a land of incredible natural beauty, cultural diversity and a rich assortment of medicinal plants. Its remarkable array of regional climates offers an abundance of opportunities for tourists interested in bird watching, wild foods, medicinal plants, Ecuadorian culture, gold ...
- Columbus, go homethe General shows us someone who knows how to best handle the teabagger/minutemen xenophobic dingbats, with mockery .
- Not as sorry as he's going to beKeddy says he's sorry for referring to unemployed as 'no-good bastards' By Alison Auld (CP) HALIFAX, N.S. — A Nova Scotia Conservative MP who stunned the opposition and advocates for the homeless after referring to the unemployed in Halifax as "no-good bastards" apologized Tuesday for the comments ...
- Help! It's Here Now ! ! ! !If you think the influence of the US christian right "wrong" is creeping north across the 49th, there's now proof. On a trip to the US southland last summer I was not surprised to see this ad on television down there. Unfortunately, it is now here. Two, count 'em two ads for the item within the p ...
- The Hockey ShtickTHE HOCKEY STICK is the soubriquet for the millenium-long graph that says the globe has gotten dramatically warmer this past century. Well, there's a bunch of sober-minded Finns who disagree, and you can check it out at DOTSUB . It's a 29 minute video, with clear English subtitles, plus two of the ...
- Dear Tom Flanagan,What exactly do you mean by this ? “But that’s actually another interesting debate or seminar: what’s wrong with child pornography — in the sense that it’s just pictures? But I’m not here to debate that today.” I hope and pray that this is only some sort of misquote or vile but harmle ...
Media Matters for America
- CBS' Cordes falsely suggests health care bills wil ...CBS correspondent Nancy Cordes forwarded the Republican suggestion that the House and Senate health care reform bills are a "trillion-dollar scam" because the bills "impos[e] new taxes years before the tax credits would kick in to help Americans buy insurance," and thus would only reduce the defici ...
- Quick Fact: Which Obama admin official is Hannity ...Sean Hannity falsely claimed that Obama has "got" a "guy" in his administration "that supports forced sterilizations." Hannity did not specify which "guy" he was referring to, but has previously leveled this charge at director of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Cass Sun ...
- NBC lets McCaffrey attack "harmful" Afghanistan ti ...NBC News chief Pentagon correspondent Jim Miklaszewski aired a clip of NBC News military analyst and retired Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey's criticism of a "definitive exit strategy" from Afghanistan "with a timeline." At no point during the segment did McCaffrey, Miklaszewski, or guest anchor Lester Hol ...
- Quick Fact: Varney claims apparently hacked CRU em ...Fox News' Stuart Varney touted the emails that were apparently stolen from the UK's Climate Research Unit (CRU), claiming the emails suggested that "scientists are fudging data to make their case for global warming." Varney distorted statements from two of the emails and took them out of context to ...
- Fox trumpets Breitbart's dubious ACORN document ...On Fox & Friends , host Brian Kilmeade advanced Andrew Breitbart's dubious allegations against ACORN by reporting that a "private investigator" saw the group "dumping thousands of sensitive documents into the trash outside their San Diego office ... after California's attorney general launc ...
- The Higher Education Fiscal Crisis Protects the We ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Economic Meltdown -- A Call for Systemic ChangeFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Lynne Stewart: Casualty of the ‘War on Terror’ ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- As US Debt Tops $12 trillion, Obama Calls for Aust ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- America and Russia: Has the Cold War Really Ended? ...Has the Cold War really ended and is the Cold War really a historic relic of the not too distant past?
TPM Cafe
- The Potential Blindspot in President Obama's Visio ...Despite President Obama's soft-pedaling the time frame for his goal of a world without nuclear weapons, announced in his April Prague speech, it may be quite possible during his lifetime, though certainly not within his presidency. Whatever the timeline, charting... Barack Obama - Nuclear weapo ...
- Goucher College Bans Speakers It Deems Anti-Israel ...Anyone who still doubts the Walt-Mearsheimer thesis (that the lobby tries to squelch debate on Israel-Palestine) should check this out. It is a piece by Rabbi Brian Walt who was scheduled to participate on a panel called "Palestinian Human Rights:... Palestine - Middle East - Israel - Warfare a ...
- Presented By:
- J Street And The Jewish TraditionThe Jerusalem chapter of Search for Common Ground, along with the Washington Post's "On Faith" section, asked me to contribute 800 words on how Jewish values animated participants in J Street's October conference in Washington. So--not without hubris--I did: During... Washington Post - J Street ...
- Pulling TeethI'm glad to see that Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) has launched a site with a petition calling on Harry Reid to lower the cloture number required to stop a filibuster from 60 to 55. Moderates ought to approve: It's a... Harry Reid - Filibuster - Senate - Cloture - Alan Grayson
- Obama's Plans to Increase Afghanistan Troop Levels ...President Barack Obama intends to announce next week that he will deploy tens of thousands of additional US troops to Afghanistan, according to numerous published reports citing unnamed administration officials, to fight an eight-year-old war that a majority of Americans do not support and numerous ...
- Activists Target "World of Coca-Cola"Atlanta, Georgia - Activists from the U.S. and Colombia are targeting the World of Coca-Cola museum, located near its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, accusing the company of "union busting", paying its workers "poverty wages", and engaging in environmentally destructive practices. read more
- Rebecca Solnit | Learning How to Count to 350 Next month, at the climate change summit in Copenhagen, the wealthy nations that produce most of the excess carbon in our atmosphere will almost certainly fail to embrace measures adequate to ward off the devastation of our planet by heat and chaotic weather. Their leaders will probably promise us ...
- Census Worker in Kentucky Killed Self, Officials C ...A U.S. Census worker found dead in a secluded Clay County cemetery killed himself but tried to make the death look like a homicide, authorities have concluded. Bill Sparkman, 51, of London, might have tried to cover the manner of his death to preserve payments under life-insurance polices that he ...
- Guattari's Relevance"Les Années d'hiver," ["Winter Years"] a volume of articles published between the end of the 1970s and the end of the 1980s, constitutes an interesting entrée into Félix Guattari's thought: his reflections on the crisis, democracy, new technologies and ecology have lost none of their relevance. Féli ...
- Invasion of the Fish Snatchers?Bighead carp are one of two non-native species of Asian carp causing widespread concern among Great Lakes advocates. The other is silver carp. Great Lakes advocates are calling it a “ conservation emergency ” now that non-native Asian carp have been detected within seven miles of Lake Michigan ...
- MSNBC to Air 2 Hour Special on Animal Conservation ...Writing for GreenOptions I sometimes get contacted by PR firms wanting to promote projects. Sight unseen I usually shrug them off, I happen to only write about items that I have seen or used, and can feel good about endorsing. When MSNBC contacted me the other day with a preview of a new special o ...
- Green Holiday Gifts: CarbonFree Certified Coffee G ...If you’re looking for an easy gift idea that supports your ideals and is delicious while doing it, we recommend sending gift boxes from Grounds for Change to the coffee lovers on your list this year! Every single bean that they roast is Fair Trade Certified, Organic Certified, CarbonFree Certi ...
- The Western Lake Erie WaterkeeperOne of the leading voices in the campaign to rescue Lake Erie from dying again is a persistent, thoughtful, dedicated water protector promoting awareness of the Lake’s benefits, supporting lighthouse restoration, fighting resurgent algae and proposed new pollution sources, and seeking funding to ...
- Green Books Campaign: The Lazy Environmentalist on ...This review is part of the Green Books campaign . Today 100 bloggers are reviewing 100 great books printed in an environmentally friendly way. Our goal is to encourage publishers to get greener and readers to take the environment into consideration when purchasing books. This campaign is organized b ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Peru, Madre de Dios: illegal gold mining out of co ...Peruvian authorities have no control over large areas of the country and have allowed illegal gold m
- Bolivia: EU donates US$21mn to clean up Huanuni ri ...The European Union (EU) has donated 14mn euros (US$21.0mn) to carry out environmental mitigation wor
- Ethanol and a Changing Agricultural LandscapeEconomic Research Service, US Dept. of Agriculture / by
- How to Build RainbarrelsRainbarrels are a great way to conserve water, save money, and protect water quality. Roofs and lawn
- A Shameful Screw-UpIt pays to pollute at Malibu's Paradise Cove The L.A. Regional Water Board issued a shocking ord
Public Citizen in Texas
- Send Citizen Sarah to CopenhagenIf you haven’t heard, has a contest to send a citizen journalist to Copenhagen called the “Hopenhagen Ambassador Contest”. HuffPost in conjunction with is sending one person to Copenhagen for the UN Climate Change Conference to both represent concerns of peopl ...
- You CAN teach an old dog new tricks . . .Las Brisas Energy Center, a proposed pet coke power plant, is still in the midst of a protracted permitting process which most recently has taken the form of a state hearing. Opponents have claimed that projected pollution from the proposed plant has been under-estimated by engineers. Testimony ...
- EPA Should Use Clean Air Act to Address Climate Ch ...Statement of Tyson Slocum, Director, Public Citizen’s Energy Program *Note: Tyson Slocum is delivered this statement today at a public hearing held by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on regulating greenhouse gas emissions from new and existing industrial facilities under the Clean Air Act ...
- Austin has a dirty secret Happy Hour WednesdayWednesday afternoon from 5-7 pm, let’s get together to discuss how to make Austin’s Dirty Secret a secret no more! Join us at Spider House for our group’s first ever happy hour meet-up (complete with dirty drink specials!). We’ll discuss our plans for convincing City Council to phase out Fay ...
- Copenhagen Summit: The First Step to a Journey of ...Finally, Global warming is getting some international recognition. Since the Kyoto Protocol is about to expire in 2012, the UN, with help of the Danish government, is organizing an international summit about global warming. The summit will be held on December 7th through the 18th at the Bella Cente ...
Press TV
- Former Indian PM blamed for Babri Mosque destructi ...An official report in India has blamed top leaders of the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, including a former Indian prime minister for involvement in the demolition of Babri Mosque in 1992.
- Five killed in south Yemen protestsClashes between Yemeni security forces and demonstrators have left five people dead, including two soldiers, in the southern province of Shabwa.
- Kiarostami to lead Moroccan filmfest juryAward-winning Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami has been named as the president of the jury for the 9th International Film Festival of Marrakech.
- Iran to study Bolivian lithium reserves Iran has signed a deal with Bolivia to help the Andean nation do research on exploiting lithium in Salar de Uyuni desert.
- Polish president sued for 'libel'A Polish court has started a hearing a libel case lodged by former president Lech Walesa against the incumbent President Lech Kaczynski.
Axis of Logic
- Tell me where it hurts: A Message to a Whacky Neig ...
- View from Pakistan: A Very Cozy U.S. – India Rel ...
- Silence is Golden
- Neoliberalism and the Dynamics of Capitalist Devel ...
- Revelation
They Gave Us a Republic
- The Nightowl NewswrapWashington Post shuttering three bureaus The New York, Chicago and Los Angeles bureaus will cease operations the first of the year. The reporters in those bureaus are being offered jobs in D.C., but the news aides are being let go. "At a time of limited resources and increased competitive pressure, ...
- Best subversion ever of a 2nd Amendment sloganA bumper sticker message is not always what it seems at first glance. The logo to the right ain't bad, either.
- Another Worm's Eye ViewI'm naturally disappointed in the situation that is slowly emerging from the clouds of smoke and finely powdered bullcrap that surrounds the subject of health care these days but I'm certainly not surprised. I didn't believe we were going to get anything like meaningful reform from the get go and ba ...
- Denny Hoskins (r) in the 121st District (MO): unh ...Our previous coverage of Missouri State Representative Denny Hoskin's ( r - noun, verb, CPA ) property tax issue: Denny Hoskins: Noun, Verb...CPA? (November 12, 2009) I think I was way too nice to Denny Hoskins when I gave him the benefit of the doubt (November 13, 2009) Denny Hoskins (r) in the 121 ...
- Is a pale imitation of health care reform worth sa ...I was all set to write a fire-and-brimstone post condemning everyone involved in the Great Betrayal on health care reform and calling for liberal Democrats in the Senate to kill the piece of shit masquerading as a bill. We have finally reached the point at which what we have really is worse than not ...
Care 2
- This year 'in top five warmest'This year will be one of the top five warmest years globally since records began 150 years ago, according to figures compiled by the Met Office. Submitted by Katie Miller to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Save Pete The MooseThere's a moose in Vermont named Pete who was taken away from his mom eight years ago. Now his life teeters in mid-air. He drinks contaminated water although he lives on national reserved property. Protesters have been trying to save his life but his time Submitted by Barbarocat Kay to Animals | ...
- Gene offers bowel cancer 'shield'A gene known to shield the body from harmful chemicals may also protect against bowel cancer, a study suggests. Submitted by Nancy Bridget to Health & Wellness | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Only One More Month for Greyhound Racing in Wiscon ...As you may have heard by now, the operators of Dairyland Greyhound Park in Wisconsin recently announced that the year's end will also bring the end of racing at the track, the last greyhound racing track in that state. The exploitative practice just Submitted by Cher C. to Animals | Note-it! | ...
- Recycling-Artists Eco FairPresented from December 4 to 6, the fourth annual Recycling Artists Eco Fair will bring together 52 exhibitors from Quebec who share the same artistic and environmental vision: to create objects, accessories, jewellery and clothing from recovered material Submitted by Elena P. to Green Lifestyle | ...
- Sears, Kmart Among Latest Companies Swearing Off ' ...The addition of three new retailers last week brought the total of signatories aiming to reducing mining's environmental and social impact to 60, with more than $1.3 billion in U.S. jewelry sales represented by companies involved.
- Mobile Communications Industry Sets Energy, Emissi ...The mobile communications industry has released its Green Manifesto, setting out industry-wide goals for reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions while proposing policy recommendations for the upcoming U.S. conference in Copenhagen.
- Carbon Disclosure Project Launches CDP Water Discl ...Seeking to replicate its success in increasing voluntary reporting by companies on carbon emissions, the CDP develops a mechanism for corporate reporting on water use.
- The Case for Water DisclosureThis report details the rationale for the Carbon Disclosure Project's new program, the CDP Waster Disclosure, an initiative aimed at helping institutional investors better understand the business risks and opportunities associated with water scarcity.
- Marriott to Launch Prototype for Green Design of C ...In the latest move to expand its sustainability efforts, Marriott International Inc. says its green hotel portfolio will grow tenfold in the next five years with the introduction of a design prototype for new green properties.
Reuters Global
- Opposition needs a wizard in OzOn the surface, Australia's opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull won the endorsement of his party when he put his job on the line over his bipartisan support for the PM's carbon trade plan. But dig deeper and the picture looks much bleaker.
- Germany: a tale of two foreign ministersGerman media have become gripped by a popularity contest between new foreign minister Guido Westerwelle, and conservative defence minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, whose globe-trotting has earned him the nickname "the other foreign minister".
- For Rudd, now it’s personalAustralian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd may be a shoo-in to return to office late next year, but this week his reputation as a transformative leader will be on the line
- Haider’s heirs disown troubled Hypo bankThe Austrian province that enjoyed a big payout from the part sale of Hypo Group Alpe Aldria during the reign of hard-right leader Joerg Haider now refuses to put more cash into the ailing bank.
- The two faces of Angela MerkelChancellor Angela Merkel was recently named the world's most powerful woman by Forbes magazine. But the German leader sometimes shys away from tough decision at home.
Ezra Klein
- Tab dump1) I didn't know this many tax policy resources could exist in one place at one time. 2) The winning entry in the Washington Post's pundit contest. 3) Could Wall Street actually lose in Congress? 4) Rep. Dave Obey is very good at calling people's bluffs. 5) Why are we permitting a bad economy to ...
- Let Congress be Congress againIn the filibuster thread this morning, commenter Spotatl asked, "If you really just dislike the filibuster overall and not just because the democrats currently have the majority you would support doing away with it in 7 years when no one has any idea who is going to be in control?" Yes! Indeed, tha ...
- Is there a difference between voting no and voting ...It's common these days to hear conservative Democrats say that they view procedural votes as indistinguishable from actual votes. Voting against a bill, and voting against allowing a vote on the bill, are exactly the same, they say. Bruce Bartlett e-mails to say that that wasn't always true, at leas ...
- Mammograms for all, all the time?Dana Milbank's column on the new mammography standards seems strangely sanguine about letting Congress shut down independent scientific processes just because it doesn't like the result. But for all his criticism of the panel, he doesn't really question the science. Instead, he quotes Nancy Brinker, ...
- Obama's liberal predecessorMatt Yglesias and Kevin Drum are chewing over the hefty bipartisan support Bush got for his various domestic initiatives. The roll call is impressive: No Child Left Behind, the 2001 tax cut, the post-9/11 war resolution, Sarbanes-Oxley, McCain-Feingold, the Iraq war resolution, the 2003 tax cut, t ...
Booman Tribune
- Serious Question Who's the craziest elected official in the country? I don't mean someone who pretends to be crazy. I mean the most delusional.
- I Report, You DecideNext president: Sarah Palin or Lou Dobbs?
- Casual Observation Something that doesn't get discussed enough is how the "Free World" was able to exploit Communism's official atheism and make it a liability in the Cold War. This was true in Poland, but it was really, really true in Afghanistan. We talk about the blowback we created in funding the mujahideen, but ...
- On Frank GaffneyIf Frank Gaffney had been born into some Native American tribe, its women would have shamed him and its men probably would have killed him for questioning their courage and instigating needless wars with their neighbors that he was unwilling to fight himself. The Keyboard Commando is a modern socia ...
- Hate the Sin ...I am always angry when I see stories like this one, because it reminds me what a hypocritical society we really are: Last June, 76-year-old Burrell E. Mohler Sr. seemed a perfectly reasonable choice to give the Father's Day sermon at his tiny Bates City Community of Christ Church. After all, ...
European Tribune
- Our new CommissionersThe list of the de-facto ministers of the EU's de-facto caretaker government is complete, but...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 25 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1911 – Birth of...
- Day After Yesterday Open ThreadIf yesterday was Monday, it's Tuesday today...
- Even MonbiotThe fallout from (illegally) released emails from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 24 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1826 – Birth of...
- Of vapor and violence: Do gasoline fumes fuel aggr ...Here’s the agenda for this item: I distinctly remember that when I was a kid, sometimes–not always–the smell of gasoline would get me what one would today call high. It’s been a long time since it had that effect on me, but I also remember looking forward to those visits to the gas station. ...
- Eradicate cruelty: “reprogram” predatorsI’m sure that almost everyone would rather live in a world that featured less cruelty and pain for living creatures… but what if it were possible to eradicate them completely? Via Accelerating Future comes a provocative essay by one David Pearce, who suggests that not only would it be possible f ...
- IBM cat-brain sim actually a scam?Branding the work of other scientists as fraudulent scams seems to be the flavour of the week. Remember IBM’s cat-sized brain simulation as mentioned last week? Well, it was pointed out by calmer minds than my own that I overstated the significance of the announcement… but Henry Markham, another ...
- Those hacked climate e-mails: Good scientists, poo ...So many things can be said about the hacking of the East Anglia Climate Research Unit’s e-mails. If nothing else, it shows that the ground rules for scientific and scholarly communication are changing rapidly. The dubious ethics of hacking aside, should we expect science, especially on politically ...
- Rushkoff on radical abundance and the economics of ...I’ve mentioned Douglas Rushkoff here a few times before (both as a thinker and a writer of comics and fiction), and I’m also deeply interested in alternative economic structures, so the following video of Rushkoff’s swift fifteen-minute keynote speech to the O’Reilly Web 2.0 conference was l ...
Therapy News
- Review Finds Schizophrenia Clients More Prone to D ...A News Headline Mental health care for schizophrenia and similar psychological concerns has been vastly improved over the past few decades, though many questions about how to best improve the quality of life of these clients are still being explored. Recently, a research team from Da ...
- Cambridge Psychologist Emphasizes Need for Frank L ...A News Headline The recent events at Ft. Hood involving the deaths of several service members at the hands of an army mental health professional have created a great deal of buzz in the community, in a large part focused on the need for professionals to seek their own care. Creating ...
- New Zealand Family Court Sets Example with Call fo ...A News Summary Though in most places in the world, family courts exist to help resolve conflicts and make difficult decisions nevertheless designed to create the best possible good in complex situations, family court experiences themselves are rarely if ever enjoyed by those who are ...
- Inadequate Mental Health Services in Prisons Show ...A News Headline Mental health treatment, including access to medications when necessary as well as cognitive behavioral and other therapies, has been highlighted as especially lacking in many of the nation’s prisons. But a recent survey presented at the American Public health Assoc ...
- Why Focalizing Now?By Michael Picucci, PhD, MAC, SEP, FocalizingTopic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Michael and/or see his Profile Our world has been deeply impacted by confusion and suffering stirred up by worldwide economic insecurities and resultant rapid shifts in experience and percepti ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Interior 'spinning its wheels' on mountaintop remo ...Interior 'spinning its wheels' on mountaintop removal Charleston Gazette In its legal filing, Interior said the Obama administration's interagency effort on mountaintop removal is: … Committed to engage in a process for ... Bush's Stream-Buffer Rule for Mining Will Remain Until 2011 New York Time ...
- New Surface Mining Chief Cracks Down on Mountainto ...Environment News Service New Surface Mining Chief Cracks Down on Mountaintop Removal , Valley Fills Environment News Service The agency will issue federal regulations to better protect streams affected by surface coal mining operations, such as mountaintop removal mining, ... DOI to Propose Stream ...
- Judge sides with environmental groups in coal case ...Judge sides with environmental groups in coal case The Associated Press But it could have far-reaching implications for the ongoing debate over mountaintop removal coal mining. Environmental groups have been pushing the Obama ... Judge sides with environmental groups in coal case Plain Dealer all ...
- Fighting King Coal Is a Dirty Job - Utne Reader On ...Utne Reader Online Fighting King Coal Is a Dirty Job Utne Reader Online After she began witnessing firsthand how mountaintop removal coal mining was irreparably damaging her region's land, wildlife, and people, she fought back ...
- Bomb Appalachia (and Face the Music) - Huffington ...Treehugger Bomb Appalachia (and Face the Music) Huffington Post (blog) Use of mountaintop removal has exploded since 2002, when the Bush administration began changing the wording of exemptions to a rule requiring stream buffer ... Ashley Judd to speak after screening of "Coal Country" ...
- The 9/11 trial Clueless Moment of the Day (Ed Morr ...Ed Morrissey / Hot Air : The 9/11 trial Clueless Moment of the Day — One might expect a major media outlet like McClatchy to engage an editor or two, even for its featured columnists. One might also expect said columnist to do a little dot-connecting on a subject before writing about it, e ...
- Mark Halperin's Mary Landrieu Photoshop: Pure Clas ...The Huffington Post : Mark Halperin's Mary Landrieu Photoshop: Pure Class — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — As many of you know, Mark Halperin is this babbling idiot whom Time magazine hired to cobble together this insipid web product called “The Page,” which is designed to scam people lo ...
- EXCLUSIVE: Angelina Jolie Not a Fan of Obama (Us W ...Us Weekly : EXCLUSIVE: Angelina Jolie Not a Fan of Obama — Barack Obama does not have Angelina Jolie's seal of approval. — “She hates him,” a source close to the U.N. goodwill ambassador, 34, tells the new issue of Us Weekly (on newsstands now). — “She's into education and ...
- Poll: More Americans growing skeptical of global w ...Juliet Eilperin / Washington Post : Poll: More Americans growing skeptical of global warming — Majority of respondents still support legislation on emissions — The percentage of Americans who believe global warming is happening has dipped from 80 to 72 percent in the past year, accord ...
- Obama Says He Intends to 'Finish the Job' in Afgha ...New York Times : Obama Says He Intends to ‘Finish the Job’ in Afghanistan — WASHINGTON — President Obama said Tuesday that he was determined to “finish the job” in Afghanistan, and his aides signaled to allies that he would send as many as 25,000 to 30,000 additional troops there e ...
Energy & Environment News
- U.S. to Set Emissions Target Before Climate TalksPresident Obama will announce a near-term target for reducing emissions “in coming days,” a senior official said.
- National Briefing | South: South Carolina: Money f ...Clemson University is getting nearly $100 million in federal stimulus money to study wind energy.
- Study Links Chinese Drywall and Corrosion in HomesInvestigators said they also found a ”possible” link between health problems reported by homeowners and hydrogen sulfide gas emitted from the wallboard.
- E.U. Official Says Europe Should Pledge Steeper Cu ...The environment commissioner called on the European Union to pledge to cut emissions by 30 percent from 1990 levels to demonstrate leadership ahead of a landmark meeting in Copenhagen.
- Hacked E-Mail Is New Fodder for Climate DisputePrivate messages hacked from a British university are causing a stir among global warming skeptics.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.0, Samoa Islands regionWednesday, November 25, 2009 10:05:52 UTC Wednesday, November 25, 2009 11:05:52 PM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.0, eastern New Guinea region, Papua New GuineaWednesday, November 25, 2009 01:14:25 UTC Wednesday, November 25, 2009 11:14:25 AM at epicenter Depth : 96.70 km (60.09 mi)
- M 5.1, TongaTuesday, November 24, 2009 13:32:10 UTC Wednesday, November 25, 2009 03:32:10 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.6, TongaTuesday, November 24, 2009 13:04:22 UTC Wednesday, November 25, 2009 03:04:22 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 6.8, TongaTuesday, November 24, 2009 12:47:16 UTC Wednesday, November 25, 2009 02:47:16 AM at epicenter Depth : 62.00 km (38.53 mi)
China Dialogue
- Commitments and compromisesAs crucial climate talks at Copenhagen approach, a growing gap has emerged between rich and poor nations. Tan Copsey spoke to Lumumba Stanislaus-Kaw Di-Aping, chair of the G77 group of developing countries. As the world approaches December’s crucial global climate-change summit in Copenhagen, the ...
- An optimist on CopenhagenFrom failed US presidential candidate to planetary crusader, Al Gore is a rock star of the climate debate. He talks to Oliver Burkeman about optimism, civil disobedience and Obama’s next move. Perhaps the best way to understand the extraordinary transformation of Al Gore is to study the changing r ...
- Putting innovation into reverseCompanies from the developed and the developing world face threats from growing “green” protectionism. John Elkington looks at how one corporation hopes to address the problem. The great American inventor Thomas Edison said: “Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of ...
- A watershed momentThe world’s largest hydropower project will soon reach its final dimensions. Peter Bosshard draws a number of conclusions from the experience of the Three Gorges. Later this year, the water level of the Three Gorges reservoir is scheduled to reach its final height of 175 metres. After 27 million c ...
- Can the US match China’s efforts?Dialogue between the two countries has produced some positive examples of green collaboration, but Obama still needs to show leadership on climate. Hou Yanli explains how. US president Barack Obama’s first state visit to China and his joint announcement with Chinese president Hu Jintao have renewe ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- The Stupak Speech Senate Dems (and Stupak Himself) ...We can't let health reform expunge constitutional rights.
- White House Garden Won't Make Up for Obama's Nomin ...Obama's statements about food and agriculture trend moderate to progressive, but his nominations for top positions in his administration tell a different story.
- Is Belief in God Hurting America?According to a new study, prosperity is highest in countries that practice religion the least.
- Is Screwing You Over?Amazon is charging -- and pocketing -- exorbitant shipping and handling fees, and someone somewhere is getting rich from it.
- What Nidal Hasan, Timothy McVeigh, and the Beltway ...Some of the most notorious massacres of the past 15 years have been committed by veterans whose brains have been severely damaged from trauma or exposure to toxic chemicals.
Threat Level
- Wikileaks Says It Has Half-a-Million 9/11 Pager Me ...The document-leaking site Wikileaks says it’s preparing to release 500,000 intercepted wireless pager messages from a 24-hour period encompassing the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Site operators say they plan to start rolling out the texts beginning at 3:00 a.m. New York time, paced to ...
- Court Kills ‘Round-The-Clock’ Surveillance Cas ...Welcome to the tinfoil hat club. That’s what a federal appeals court is telling Scott Tooley of Kentucky in dismissing his civil rights lawsuit. Tooley believes the government put him under blanket surveillance after he said the word “bomb” to an airline agent. Tooley sued the government on ...
- Prosecutors Drop Plans to Appeal Lori Drew CaseFederal prosecutors in Los Angeles have filed a notice that they do not intend to pursue an appeal in the Lori Drew cyberbullying case, thus ending the controversial and lengthy case. “We have a notice with the 9th Circuit that we are withdrawing our notice of appeal in the case,” a spokesman f ...
- MPAA Says Copyright-Treaty Critics Hate HollywoodIf you don’t back a copyright treaty being negotiated in secret, you must want to destroy Hollywood, its blockbuster movies and all the jobs they create. At least that’s the message from the Motion Picture Association of America. It’s spelled out in a Thursday memo to the Senate Judiciary Com ...
- Hacked E-Mails Fuel Global Warming DebateAn online debate over global warming science has broken out after an unknown hacker broke into the email server at a prominent, U.K. climate research center, stole more than a thousand e-mails about global warming research and posted them online. Global warming skeptics are seizing on portions of t ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Eleven more bodies found at Philippine massacre si ...AMPATUAN, Philippines (Reuters) - Philippine security forces found 11 more bodies Wednesday at the site of an election-related massacre in the south of the country, taking the toll to 57 dead, officials said.
- UPDATE 2-Washington Post closing remaining U.S. bu ...* News bureaus in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York closing (Adds newspaper is closing all national bureaus)
- China banks' rush for billions could trip marketsSHANGHAI/HONG KONG (Reuters) - Chinese banks, under government pressure to shore up their finances, are set to unleash a wave of billions of dollars in capital raising that could strain equity markets but also spur innovation in debt instruments.
- China doesn't want "empty" Copenhagen de ...BEIJING, Nov 25 (Reuters) - China will demand next month's Copenhagen climate summit culminates in a real deal, Xinhua news agency quoted a Chinese negotiator as saying, but appears to have accepted that a legally binding agreement must wait until 2010. "We will try to make the summit successful and ...
- Donny Osmond dances to victory on "Stars" finaleNEW YORK (Reuters) - Donny Osmond danced his way to victory on Tuesday, winning the 9th season of the hit ABC television show "Dancing With the Stars" after wowing the judges with his irrepressible determination and final tango.
Pine River World News
- Paul Craig Roberts: A Trial That Will Convict Us A ...The following column is reprinted with permission from Paul Craig Roberts. A Trial That Will Convict Us All © Paul Craig Roberts November 24, 2009 Republican members of Congress and what masquerades as a "conservative" media are outraged that the Obama administration intends to try in federal cou ...
- Israeli spies 'infiltrate' Johannesburg airportThe following article is from The National, Abu Dhabi. Israeli spies 'infiltrate' Johannesburg airport © The National By Jonathan Cook, Foreign Correspondent November 23, 2009 NAZARETH, Israel // South Africa deported an Israeli airline official last week following allegations that Israel's secr ...
- 100,000 American Students to China?[ Blogmaster note : The following commentary is from a blog called "WhirledView", which used to link to my blog but no longer does - presumably because I published something that ruffled somebody's feathers over there. Anyway, WhirledView is a good blog, and since I received permission to reprint ' ...
- F-35s hit by delays, cost blowoutThe following article is from The Australian. F-35s hit by delays, cost blowout © The Australian By Cameron Stewart November 23, 2009 A DEFENCE report from the U.S. has confirmed that the massive joint strike fighter project is now far behind schedule and over budget, raising doubts about when A ...
- Profile: Henry Okah, leader of the Movement for th ...IntelTrends - The following article is from the Sunday Sun, Lagos, Nigeria. Mystery world of MEND leader, Henry Okah · Untold story of his life and struggle © Sunday Sun By Daniel Alabrah Sunday, November 22, 2009 Sun News Publishing After weeks and months of being on the trail of the leader ...
- Tim Carpenter on the Nick and Paul ShowTim Carpenter, PDA National Director appeared on the Nick and Paul show out of Santa Barbara CA. Hear Tim discuss his recent trip to DC and the on-going organizing by PDA members for Healthcare ...
- IOT: Accountability & Justice November CallAndy Worthington was our Guest Star. Andy wrote The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America's Illegal Prison and writes a blog at
- IOT: Stop Global Warming November CallOn this month’s Stop Global Warming/Environmental Issues Organizing Team call, the following topics were covered: our homepage article about direct carbon pricing and the 350 + 10.24 alert, our action alert about the Senate's Kerry-Boxer ...
- Video: Afghan Exit Strategy: Winning With Jobs Not ...From Current In the midst of the superheated debate over the course of the war in Afghanistan, two men, one an American, the other an Afghan citizen, release this provocative look at the underside of an ...
- IOT: Healthcare for All November CallIn this call Terry O' Neill from the National Organization of Women (NOW) joined us to talked about the Stupak amendment which was included in the heathcare bill in house. Also Mary Grace Farley joined ...
Marler Blog
- CDC Reports on California, Connecticut, Massachuse ...State health departments, CDC, and the United States Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-FSIS) are investigating a multi-state outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections. On October 31, 2009, FSIS issued a notice about a recall of approximately 545,699 pounds of ...
- I do not believe in the death penalty for selling ...The big news in China after I got home from this year's China Food Safety Conference is "Pair Executed Over China Tainted Baby Milk" that is running in paper's around the world this morning (not actual photo): Two men have been executed for their part in China's tainted milk scandal. Both men faced ...
- Quote of the Day - With Friends Like These ....... ..."There's plenty of people in the meat industry who, if they looked in the rearview mirror and saw they accidentally ran over Bill Marler, they'd put the car in reverse and make sure," said David Theno, a food-safety expert hired to revamp Jack in the Box after the outbreak. Theno, it should be noted ...
- Seattle Times Weighs in on Food SafetyHere in Seattle we are down to one major daily, and every once in awhile they step up and do an interesting article or two. In the Pacific Northwest weekend magazine published by the Times is an article, "The Green Issue: Our Food, Ourselves," which I can not seem to find online. There are a few ...
- Settlements Reached in E. coli Lawsuits Against Au ...On September 15, 2008, Ingham County Health Department (ICHD) was notified that nine students of Michigan State University (MSU) were seen in the emergency department over the weekend with gastrointestinal symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloody diarrhea. Lab cultures had confirmed that at ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.25.09Quick Spin: Nissan Leaf the tip of mass market EV spear Ghosn's plan of attack makes sense, especially when the first shot is this silver (blue) bullet. Volt battery life affected by hot weather, but 10 y ...
- Quick Spin: Nissan Leaf the tip of mass market EV ...Filed under: Hatchback , Nissan , Electric , Quick Spin Nissan Leaf - Click above for high-res image gallery Nissan has gone into a back room, pulled out its Ouija board and decided that the time is right to make a huge bet. The Japanese automaker, along with its partner Renault, wants to be the w ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.24.09Prediction: In 2015, fuel cell vehicles "will be cheaper than a Rolls-Royce" Not for everyone, then? Chevy Volt to address America's school children in nationwide show-and-tell H ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.23.09Aptera Update: Backstory uglier than we knew? Unanswered questions run deep, by the looks of it. POLL: Is the Tesla IPO for you? Money maker or bad idea? ...
- Long-Term Thinking: "Cost to Own" mindset grabs ho ...2011 Chevy Volt - Click above for high-res image gallery So many things are changing in the new automotive reality, it's hard to know where to start. Everything from the kind of hose we connect to our cars (liquid filled? electric?) to the sounds the vehicles make is different now than it used to ...
Rafe's Radar
- Asana promises workplace nirvanaHeavy on vision but light on the details, new workplace apps company emerges from Facebook tech talents. Originally posted at Webware
- Reporters' Roundtable Podcast: Tech biz turkeysWhy is it that as Thanksgiving approaches, when we should be focusing on the good things in our lives, journalists take the opportunity to talk about what's bad? I don't know, but I do know that I'm not immune to the trend. This week on the Reporters' Roundtable: tech business turkeys! Unlike t ...
- Liveblog today: Google Chrome OS press conferenceStarting at 10 a.m. PST, Google plans to reveal technical details and launch plans for its upcoming operating system. CNET's Rafe Needleman will have a running commentary. Originally posted at Webware
- Going rate for acquisitions at Intuit: $170 millio ...When selling a company, it helps to know the buyer's sweet spot. We know Intuit's.
- Six Apart releases tiny blog tool, TypePad MicroNew Chroma theme, designed for short posts, available for free under the new TypePad Micro brand. Originally posted at Webware
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes. September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so frequ ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ... September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ... September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ... September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe. September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, wit ...
Democracy Now!
- Mail Tribune of Southern Oregon news story on Amy ...The Mail Tribune newspaper of Southern Oregon published a story on Amy Goodman’s tour stop in Ashland, Oregon. Reporter Paris Achen wrote, "Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! , told a crowd of about 300 people at Ashland’s Southern Oregon University Sunday night that print and TV media h ...
- Hungering for a True Thanksgiving“In the next 60 seconds, 10 children will die of hunger,” says a United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) online video. It continues, “For the first time in humanity, over 1 billion people are chronically hungry.” The WFP launched the Billion for a Billion campaign this week, urging the 1 ...
- Lou Dobbs Resigns From CNNThe controversial TV anchor has resigned from CNN amid a campaign to force him off the air due to his reporting on Latinos and immigrants. Past Democracy Now! Coverage of Lou Dobbs: Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez’s 2007 interview with Lou Dobbs Amy Goodman’s column ‘The Dubious Mr. ...
- The Man Who Put the Rainbow in 'The Wizard of Oz'Thanksgiving is around the corner, and families will be gathering to share a meal and, perhaps, enjoy another annual telecast of “The Wizard of Oz.” The 70-year-old film classic bears close watching this year, perhaps more than in any other, for the message woven into the lyrics, written during ...
- "First as Tragedy, Then As Farce": Philosopher and ...Dubbed by the National Review as “the most dangerous political philosopher in the West” and the New York Times as “the Elvis of cultural theory,” Slovenian philosopher and public intellectual Slavoj Žižek has written over fifty books on philosophy, psychoanalysis, theology, history and po ...
Farming Pathogens
- A Visitation of the InfluenzaIn seeping through the world’s every nook and cranny, pandemics have a way of forcing themselves into our lives as a lurking presence. Even the most insular of functionaries, who typically makes his living solving problems by ignoring them, straightens up and takes notice. Â Â As an epidemic ...
- I Do Like Green Eggs and HamMuch of what we’ve addressed on this blog has focused on the epidemiological failures of industrial farming. But what of the alternatives? Can we farm in another way? Is another world possible? Â Â It’s only since I’ve moved to the Midwest that I’ve learned that not only is that world p ...
- Heart of ModelingGreed is often mistaken for humanity’s heart of darkness. Look instead to the rationalization that transforms the most rapacious pillaging into an act of benevolence. A one-ton bomb dropped on a peasant wedding party is dissembled into regret without responsibility or, baser yet, a tough love offe ...
- Bird Flu’s Industrial RevolutionPublic talks can be private affairs. In sharing our work we bare the triumphs and limits of a thinking born in long hours alone or with a few fellow conspirators sworn to secrecy. But in breaking our oaths we are able to take the next step. In talking bird flu twice this past month I learned [... ...
- The Agro-Industrial Roots of Swine Flu H1N1Mexico appears ground zero for an outbreak of deadly human-specific H1N1. Of the over 1400 people that have been reportedly infected there so far, 86 have died. Short chains of transmission of the virus have also been reported in California, Texas, Kansas, Ohio, New York City, Canada and New Zeal ...
Digg Green
- 37% of All US Sewers Are Polluting Rivers and Lake ...Troubling news has surfaced about sewage systems in the US: over the last three years, 9,400 sewers--more than 37% of the all sewers across the nation--have illegally dumped untreated human waste, hazardous chemicals, and other dangerous materials into clean rivers and lakes.
- The World’s Largest Earthquake-Safe BuildingThe new terminal at Istanbul's Sabiha Gökçen Airport is the world's largest earthquake-safe building. You're looking at the over two million square feet of scaffolding that support it, all resting on top of giant geological roller skates.
- Acid Oceans Leave Fish at More Risk from PredatorsFish reared in water acidified by CO2 may become fatally attracted to the smell of their predators, say scientists.
- San Francisco's Green Business Program Rewards Big ...Thanks to yet another of Newsom's pre-governor's-race-dropout "green" programs, San Francisco taxpayers have actually paid to greenwash a major toxic polluter. I'm not making this up.
- CAVE PICTURES: Mineral Crusts, Ooze Found to Be Po ...Butterscotch ooze, pink crusts, and blue-green goo are just some of the multicolored mineral deposits being excreted by cave-dwelling microbes, researchers have announced.
Invisible Opportunity
- The Death Of John KennedyBy Mike Rivero There have been two official investigations. One concluded Oswald acted alone, the other that there was a conspiracy. After forty four years, many of the key documents which could tell the whole story remain classified. John F. Kennedy’s brain is still missing from the National Arch ...
- Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSen ...Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data — including a deep look at his SixthSense device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper “laptop.” In an onstage Q&A, Mistry says he’ll open-source the software behind SixthSense, to open its possibi ...
- DEMJANJUK FIGHTS FOR LIFEBy Jim Traficant John Demjanjuk is a retired auto worker from Cleveland. He was born in Ukraine, served in World War II as a Russian soldier, was captured and held as a prisoner of war. Demjanjuk’s captors were soldiers of the German army. Today, as you read this column, Demjanjuk is standing tria ...
- Vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow (Isch ...By Dr. Andrew Moulden This is a stern, yet humble, warning to all citizens of the globe. It is now proven that we are all being harmed by repeat vaccinations. This evidence must be circulated broadly in light of the imminent Fall, 2009 plan to turn North American schools into MASS vaccine centers to ...
- Former Monsanto Lawyer Hired by FDA as Key AdvisorBy David Guiterrez A former lobbyist and Monsanto employee who is credited with playing an instrumental role in introducing genetically modified milk and known carcinogens into the U.S. Food supply has been hired as a key advisor for the FDA. Michael Taylor has been hired to advise Margaret Hamburg, ...
Care2 Picks
- Monsanto's Pesticide Kills Human Cells - Debate In ...Used in yards, farms and parks throughout the world, Roundup has long been a top-selling weed killer. But now researchers have found that one of Roundup's inert ingredients can kill human cells, particularly embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells. Submitted by Sharla Stone to Health & Wellnes ...
- Chickens Not Fooled by GM CropsChickens refusing to eat the maize they had been fed has led to the discovery that their feed had been genetically modified to include a well-known weed and insect killer. Submitted by Elena P. to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- 100 Essential Academic Engines for Students & Educ ...Academic search engines are much more useful and can you save you time when you’re looking for scholarly journals and primary sources for your research. Here are 100 essential academic engines for students and educators. Submitted by Katie Miller to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comme ...
- The Pack is GrowingIt’s an interesting time to be a dog. Or any animal, for that matter. Nearly two-thirds of American homes have pets and, for many of us, our animals are part of the family. Together, it’s estimated that we’ll spend over $45 billion on our pets next Submitted by Simone D. to Offbeat | Note-it ...
- 3 Levels of CERN Time AnomaliesHere is a chance to discover the three known and speculated levels of time-distortion (dilation) anomalies, and will soon be occuring at CERN LHC in one form or another. Submitted by SirRobert THE FIFTH KNIGHT to Science & Tech | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more »
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more »
- An Evolving Afghan Policy - American ChronicleAn Evolving Afghan Policy American Chronicle ... triumph for the forces of Islamic extremism, al-Qaeda would once again gain a foothold, and the return of the Taliban would likely destabilize Pakistan . ...
- Schools close in Pakistan following university bom ...Schools close in Pakistan following university bombings Emirates Business 24/7 ... in Pakistan after suspected militants bombed a university close to the capital, sowing fear across the country as the army presses a major anti- Taliban ... and more »
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- What Nidal Hasan, Timothy McVeigh, and the Beltway ...Some of the most notorious massacres of the past 15 years have been committed by veterans whose brains have been severely damaged from trauma or exposure to toxic chemicals.
- Black Teacher May Get 15 Years in Prison for Cutti ...This is not how our criminal justice system is supposed to operate.
- Hate Group, FAIR, Is Looking for "Ethnically ...The Federation for American Immigration Reform is holding auditions to promote hate. Here's how you can get the part!
- Obama Quietly Backs Renewing Patriot Act Surveilla ...Three contentious provisions are scheduled to expire next month; opponents of these sections have been pushing to roll them back. But Obama seems ready to renew them.
- Feeling Nervous? 3,000 Behavior Detection Officers ...Nearly 100,000 passengers were pulled aside by TSA behavior watchers last year, and it remains to be proven whether you can spot terrorists by the looks on their faces.
Sideways News
- Hunt on for Darwin's missing notebookEnglish Heritage has launched an appeal aimed at recovering a notebook which belonged to Charles Darwin and contains writings from his time on the Galapagos Islands. The search has been initiated to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species, which took place ...
- Happiness 'central for economic growth'Citizens' levels of happiness and their quality of life should be taken into account when planning and assessing the effectiveness of fiscal policy, according to Nobel economics laureate Amartya Sen .
- The art of composting No garden is complete without a compost heap. A rich source of nutrients for everything from the flower bed to the vegetable patch, it is also a great way to recycle biodegradable household and outdoor waste.
- Vote Earth: your future depends on it Register your vote for earth - the future depends on it. Earth Hour, organised by WWF , began in 2007 with 2.2 million people in one city switching off their lights for one hour as a symbol of their support for positive action against global warming. By 2009, over 4,000 cities in 88 countries switch ...
- Science shows need for climate actionThree of the UK's top science bodies are calling for greater action to cut global emissions as evidence for "dangerous, long-term and potentially irreversible climate change" is growing.
Fabius Maximus
- FM newswire for 25 November, hot articles for your ...Today’s broadsheet from the FM website pressroom. There are 4 sections, all with hot news. Links to interesting news and analysis Today’s graphic — prisons vs. schools Quote of the Day — paying for the war Plus, an Afterword (1) Today’s links “The Alarmists Do ...
- Bernard Finel justifies our crusade in Afghanistan ...Today’s reading about the war “The Ethical Case for War in Afghanistan (is Strong but Insufficient)“, Bernard Finel (Senior Fellow at the American Security Project), at his blog, 23 November 2009. Bernard Finel responds to my mockery (here and here) of our crusade bringing human rig ...
- Clay Shirky is brilliant and American – henc ...America’s broken Observation-Orientation-Decision-Action loop (aka OODA loop; see Wikipedia for details) affects us all, distorting our ability to see even simple things. It’s most clearly seen in experts writing about their own fields. Today’s example is Clay Shirky, one of Amer ...
- A look at global warming written in a cooler and m ...The hacked emails and papers from the UK’s Climate Research Unit reveal the underside of climate science (as the many bizarre conclusions do the same for the anti-AGW mob). Spinning data to conceal contrary evidence, avoiding freedom of information requests, purging the profession of skeptical ...
- We are withdrawing again from Iraq, foreverAgain America is agog at the prospect of massive troop reductions from Iraq, as always one Fridman Unit or more in the future. A look at the history of these announcements can help keep these hopes in a realistic context, as in this post from the FM website’s artives — dated 12 April 2008. â ...
sibeledmonds - tweets
- sibeledmonds: Help us expose th ...sibeledmonds: Help us expose the Puppets & Puppet Masters. The Facts on States Secrets Privilege
- sibeledmonds: Come & Help us expose the Puppets & ...sibeledmonds: Come & Help us expose the Puppets & Puppet Masters. Time to Get the Facts Straight on States Secrets Privilege
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post on State Secrets ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post on State Secrets Privilege: The Puppets & The Puppet Masters- Time to get the facts straight
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Updates:Lobbyists Craf ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Updates:Lobbyists Craft & Insert Provisions to the Bill Escobar & ‘Welcome Comrade Maobama’& More
- sibeledmonds: September 11 Families: ‘A Plac ...sibeledmonds: September 11 Families: ‘A Place Where investigating & understanding the truth is the only thing that matters’
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Reborn Coma Man’s Words May Be BogusThe statements of a Belgian man believed to be in a coma for 23 years, but recently discovered to be conscious, are poignant, but experts say they may not be his words at all. Rom Houben’s account of his ordeal, repeated in scores of news stories since appearing Saturday in Der Spiegel, appears ...
- Video: Saturn’s Spectacular Aurora in ActionHow can you not love Cassini? The latest treat NASA’s spacecraft has provided us is the first ever movie of Saturn’s incredible aruroras. digg_url =""; The high-resolution video was assembled from 47 ...
- Op-Ed: Tornado Scientist Risks Life for Ph.D.On June 17, 2009, we were out intercepting tornadoes just west of Aurora, Nebraska, as part of my doctoral research. We thought we were looking at weak tornadoes that day, but as it turned out, a freakishly intense storm almost cost us our lives even as it gave me the data I needed to complete [.. ...
- Courtroom First: Brain Scan Used in Murder Sentenc ...A defendant’s fMRI brain scan has been used in court for what is believed to be the first time. Brain scan evidence that the defense claimed shows the defendant’s brain was psychopathic was allowed into the sentencing portion of a murder trial in Chicago, Science reported Monday. Brian Dugan, ...
- Adults Fooled by Visual Illusion, But Not KidsSometimes seeing means deceiving before believing, depending on your age. Children and adults size up objects differently, giving youngsters protection against a visual illusion that bedevils their elders, a new study suggests. This unusual triumph of kids over grown-ups suggests that the brain’s ...
The Progressive Realist
- Hitchens: Still Partying Like It’s 2002Christopher Hitchens apparently didn’t get the memo that it’s no longer verboten to recognize that certain U.S. policies have, in some cases, exacerbated the very problem of Islamic extremism that they were intended to address. Responding to Robert Wright’s Sunday New York Times op-ed, in whic ...
- The Potential Blindspot in Obama's Vision of a Nuc ...Despite President Obama's soft-pedaling the time frame for his goal of a world without nuclear weapons, announced in his April Prague speech , it may be quite possible during his lifetime, though certainly not within his presidency. Whatever the timeline, charting the course all the way to zero is ...
- Iran Continues to Tighten Control Over Internet, M ...This New York Times piece nicely summarizes recent moves by the Iranian regime and the Revolutionary Guards to further clamp down on Iran’s already tightly controlled information space. The Times argues that the government is stepping up its ’soft war’ in order to “re-educate Iran’s mo ...
- Off the Radar News Roundup- The unofficial U.S. ambassador to Taiwan said that Chinese Preseident Hu Jintao was more interested in "scoring points" on the Tibet issue than on Taiwan in his talks last week with President Barack Obama. - China and South Korea will be expediting negotiations for a free trade agreement. It's pre ...
- Guns and Butter: Obama Fails to Shift Defense Budg ...Travis Sharp from Nukes and Hazard points out this report from the Institute for Policy Studies that criticizes the Obama administration for not shifting the US security policy away from "business as usual." The Obama administration promised “a sweepingshift of priorities and resources in the ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Can't Please Them All.President Obama 's "Educate to Innovate" campaign focusing on promoting the "cool" factor of science is quite welcome in an era of the Discovery Institute and the ongoing campaign to deny global warming even exists. The question is whether this is going to be administration's strategy for strengthe ...
- When Did the Senate Get So Bad?Over at Talking Points Memo , a friendly argument has broken out between a former Senate staffer and a political scientist over what might be called the problem of the Senate . That's the kind of fight I have to jump into! In summary, the two viewpoints on filibusters are: (1) Something changed in t ...
- Recognizing Jeanne-Claude.Kriston Capps on Jeanne-Claude 's role in the art world: In April 1994, married artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude fielded a question during an art-college lecture that forever altered their artistic practice. According to Wolfgang Volz , the couple's friend and photographer, a man in the audience i ...
- Just Sayin'.If I was making millions off of a mammy -like drag queen-type character I'd probably want to donate some cash to the NAACP too, just to be safe. -- A. Serwer
- Think Tank Round-Up: Rural and Remote Edition.As we prepare to break for Thanksgiving, TTR has a survey of technology availability in Native communities, another idea for solving the deficit problem, the latest public opinion on immigration reform, and another take on the challenges faced by local and state governments during the recession. Mo ...
Andy Worthington
- Judge Orders Release Of Algerian From Guantánamo ...On Friday, District Court Judge Gladys Kessler ordered the release from Guantánamo of Farhi Saeed bin Mohammed, a 48-year old Algerian, after granting his habeas corpus petition. Her ruling has not yet been unclassified, so the reasons for her decision are not yet clear, but it is significant that ...
- On ABC News, Andy Worthington Discusses New Film, ...This afternoon (UK time), I traveled to ABC News’ studios in west London for an interview with Rick Klein and David Chalian in Washington D.C. for’s “Top Line,” to discuss the new Guantánamo documentary, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (directed by Polly Nash and ...
- Andy Worthington Discusses The Closure Of Guantán ...On Thursday, I was interviewed by Peter B. Collins for a podcast (available here) on his listener-funded new media project, whose intention is to make hard-hitting political interviews available online without editorial interference from networks and without the often extensive advertising breaks th ...
- Justice Department Pointlessly Gags Guantánamo La ...One of the saddest stories in Guantánamo is that of Abdul Hamid al-Ghizzawi, a Libyan married to an Afghan woman and with a newly-born baby daughter, who was running a small bakery in Jalalabad, Afghanistan at the time of the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001. Fearing that he would be sei ...
- Obama’s Failure To Close Guantánamo By January ...President Obama’s admission in China that he will miss his self-imposed deadline for the closure of Guantánamo is disastrous for the majority of the 215 men still held, and for those who hoped, ten months ago, that he would move swiftly to close this bitter icon of the Bush administration’s law ...
- Third World Women Suffer the Most from Climate Cha ...GREEN IS GOOD by Margaret Smith Is climate change a feminist issue? According to the United Nation's Population Fund (UNFPA), yes. The link between climate change and feminism has been debated for a while now, and last Thursday the UNFPA released a report that proved what many already believed. The ...
- Faced With Video of Fear-Mongering Anti-Government ...BUZZFLASH NEWS ANALYSIS by Meg White A new militia group has gotten a burst of attention recently over their efforts to recruit veterans, active duty members of the military and law enforcement officials into their ranks. But a new study indicates that the increased attention may translate to a decr ...
- BuzzFlash Mailbag for November 23, 2009BUZZFLASH MAILBAG Want to join the conversation? Share your thoughts with other Mailbag readers by clicking here . You also may comment below; post articles yourself at ; or send urls for BuzzFlash to post to: . Subject: No shame Republicans have ...
- Barbara's Daily BuzzFlash Minute for November 23, ...BARBARA'S DAILY BUZZFLASH MINUTE The Repuglican politics of fear and loathing is a disgrace. While Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX) and Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) are running around warning that "rationing" is set to begin if the Healthcare Reform Bill is passed, hundreds of Americans are dyin ...
- Bill Corcoran: Do Republicans Know What It's Like ...BUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY To: Fox and Friends I hope NONE of you EVER have to visit an emergency room if the health care plan fails because you are going to find out the poor and uninsured in our country use an emergency room like a visit to a doctor's office. Two months ago, I was suffering from ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Greg Craig and Obama's worsening civil liberties r ...(updated below) Over at Daily Kos , Barbara Morrill complains that The Washington Post 's Richard Cohen "is Karl Rove dressed up in pseudo-sadness" because -- according to her -- Cohen today "whines that the Attorney General announced that the United States follows the rule of law" by giving ...
- The extreme secrecy of the federal courtsOnce conservatives became embarrassed by their cowardly warnings that we would all be killed if we held a 9/11 trial in New York, they switched to a new argument: trials in a real court would lead to the disclosure of classified information that would help the Terrorists. In advancing this cla ...
- Rule-of-law extremism engulfs primitive Eastern Eu ...(updated below) Lithuania is currently embroiled in a bizarre and deeply confusing political controversy which reveals what happens when a country becomes gripped by extremist ideologies. Evidence has emerged that Lithuanian intelligence agencies allowed secret CIA prisons to be maintained i ...
- Rule-of-law extremism engulfs primitive Eastern Eu ...(updated below) Lithuania is currently embroiled in a bizarre and deeply confusing political controversy which reveals what happens when a country becomes gripped by extremist ideologies. Evidence has emerged that Lithuanian intelligence agencies allowed secret CIA prisons to be maintained i ...
- The Washington establishment suffers a serious def ...Something quite amazing happened yesterday in Congress: the House Finance Committee -- in a truly bipartisan and even trans-ideological vote -- defied the banking industry, the Federal Reserve, the Democratic leadership, and mainstream Beltway opinion in order to pass an amendment, sponsored by GO ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Dennis Kucinich: Enemy of the good, pursuer of the ...
- Betsy’s Bullshit, Round 2
- The difference between politics and governing
- Homeopathy really doesn’t workA couple of years ago, I re-posted an old article of mine about homeopathy discussing its ludicrous claims, its feeble attempts to provide a scientific explanation for those claims, and basically pointing out that no solid evidence has ever been found that infinitely diluted solutions of spurious in ...
- Latest science headlinesTime to bring you up to date on the latest science headlines I’ve put together for other sites this last couple of weeks, so here’s a quick round-up: On the SpectroscopyNOW site, this issue, I covered natural chemicals that can help sunflowers soak up toxic cadmium from the soil (another example ...
- Genetically engineered heavy metal fansThe wastewater released from industry often contains high levels of toxic heavy metals, which can kill organisms, damage ecosystems, and accumulate in the foodchain. Electroplating, lead smelting, mining, and countless other processes produce enormous volumes of such wastewater. In a perfect world, ...
- Juggling cancer nano newsLatest news reports from yours truly on Juggling matters on the brain – UK scientists have used magnetic resonance imaging to reveal that learning a complex task like juggling can causes changes in the white matter in the brain. The findings could have implications for developi ...
- Berlin Wall falls in AustraliaTwenty years ago today, my girlfriend (now my wife) and I lay on a bed in a cramped backpackers’ hostel in the Katherine Gorge National Park (now Nitmiluk), in Australia’s Northern Territory, watching news of the fall of the Berlin Wall (now rubble). Outside insects were buzzing ferociously, the ...
change: org.
- Homeless in PortlandWhile walking this morning in Portland, Oregon I met Nathan. Too me the weather In Pacific Northwest is nasty and I don't know how people survive on the streets. Nathan told me he has a sleeping back, a few jackets and uses storefront awnings when he can to stay dry. Nathan has been homeless off and ...
- Silent Homeless Display Speaks Volumes113 painted cardboard silhouettes might not seem like much. That is, until you learn that each silhouette represents a person in your community who sleeps on the streets or in shelter. Since the problem of homelessness is almost entirely invisible, public installations that expose the reality of th ...
- Mike Huckabee Wants You to Ring in the Holidays wi ...Mike Huckabee might be pitching a new book on the joys of Christmas , but he somehow found the time to sit down with Katie Couric to wax on about how gay marriage will lead to the decline of society . For Huckabee, it's a holiday season full of egg nog, playing football with family members, and tell ...
- Echoing Green Deadline Fast ApproachingEchoing Green is one of the most important seed funders for aspiring social entrepreneurs in the world. Their leadership has been recognized over and over again for its vision and the awards it provides are often to big thinking, high capacity but largely untested social entrepreneurs. The Echoing G ...
- Organic Doesn't Mean Compassionate"Organic" is a word in the food industry that's equated with high prices and few regulations. There's an assumption that organic food is healthier for your body and the environment -- which is debatable under the current standards -- but what about the animals involved in "organic" production? Orga ...
Common Dreams -News
- Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan by Jeremy Scahill At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret program in which they plan targeted assassinations of suspected Taliban and Al Qa ...
- Report: Leaked UK Documents Detail Iraq War Chaosby David Stringer LONDON - Leaked British government documents call into question ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair's public statements on the buildup to the Iraq war and show plans for the U.S.-led 2003 invasion were being made more than a year earlier, a newspaper reported Sunday. Britain's Sunday Tele ...
- Green Jobs Help Climate, Boost Social Justiceby Brenda Payton Jobs that not only help save the planet but usher individuals and neighborhoods out of poverty - talk about a silver bullet. If the promise of green jobs sounds too good to be true, the simplicity of the logic is difficult to resist: Train and hire people who are economically margin ...
- Obama Quietly Backs Patriot Act Provisionsby William Fisher NEW YORK - With the health care debate preoccupying the mainstream media, it has gone virtually unreported that the Barack Obama administration is quietly supporting renewal of provisions of the George W. Bush-era USA Patriot Act that civil libertarians say infringe on basic freedo ...
- Fed Under Fire As Public Anger Mountsby Tom Raum WASHINGTON - Suddenly the Federal Reserve is everybody's punching bag. Strip the Fed of its bank regulation powers, some in Congress are demanding. Get probing audits of its behind-the-scenes operations, others say. The chairman of the Federal Reserve Board is always fair game for critic ...
- National Geographic Offers Stunning Natural Wallp ...If you're a wallpaper junkie and nature lover, National Geographic's International Photography Contest is a great source for well-shot, fresh, decently high-resolution images to adorn your desktop with. The long-running magazine has an extensive wallpaper-focused photography section , but as Web Wor ...
- Recipes for Brining a Better Thanksgiving Turkey ...We've previously posted the "why" of brining your Thanksgiving turkey , with delicious scientific evidence. Looking for the "how"? Serious Eats offers up food science savant Alton Brown's brining recipe . Slashfood has also posted a choose your own spices brine mix , and L.A. Times food writer Russ ...
- From the Tips Box: Chrome Tabs, Email Bookmarklet ...Readers offer their best tips for permanently pinning Chrome tabs, pasting your email address with a quick-access bookmarklet, and using less expensive coffee with Starbucks' fancy VIA cup. Don't like the gallery layout? Click here to view everything on one page. About the Tips Box: Every day we rec ...
- Remains of the Day: Aol. Is the New AOL Edition [ ...The creator of Gmail hasn't tried Google Wave, Android and Chrome OS will likely become one at some point in the future, and AOL loses two capital letters and gains a period. Brin: Google's OSes likely to converge Chrome OS and Android may become one at some point down the road. [CNET] Mint Upselli ...
- Docky Separates from GNOME Do, Still a Clever Lin ...Linux: Application launcher GNOME Do has a "theme" called Docky that we dubbed an intelligent Linux interface . Now Docky is its own (alpha-level) application, bringing many of its best features over and setting the stage for many more. Docky was a clever app for GNOME Do to integrate with, offering ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Blackwater in Pakistan: But What Did The I.S.I. Kn ...By Steve Hynd Our good friend Jeremy Scahill broke a truly massive story yesterday at The Nation. At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret p ...
- 34,000 Troops and the Wuss FactorBy Steve Hynd McClatchy has the scoop - President Obama will announce on Dec 1 that he will order 34,000 additional troops sent to Afghanistan. As it now stands, the plan calls for the deployment over a nine-month period beginning in March of three Army brigades from the 101st Airborne Division at F ...
- Blackwater in Pakistan: But What Did The I.S.I. Kn ...By Steve Hynd Our good friend Jeremy Scahill broke a truly massive story yesterday at The Nation. At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret p ...
- 34,000 Troops and the Wuss FactorBy Steve Hynd McClatchy has the scoop - President Obama will announce on Dec 1 that he will order 34,000 additional troops sent to Afghanistan. As it now stands, the plan calls for the deployment over a nine-month period beginning in March of three Army brigades from the 101st Airborne Division at F ...
- Nuance and TotalityBy Dave Anderson: War is politics by other means. That is Clauswitz boiled down to a clause, and it is a useful framework for strategic thought. If war is politics, then there are multiple possible outcomes including a mutual decision to arrive at a no decision because continuation of a war is bad p ...
Water Wars
- Water wars: Costly Lake Lanier options may pressur ...The task force created by Gov. Sonny Perdue found that it would take at least eight years and hundreds of millions of dollars to bring new reservoirs online. And aggressive new conservation measures would not alone make up for the 280 million gallons a day the Atlanta area would lose if its supply f ...
- Tiger Bay Club debates oil drilling - The Observer ...The Sarasota Tiger Bay Club’s monthly meeting Nov. 19, which centered on the topic “Drilling for Oil,” fostered a heated debate among oil-drilling supporters and opponents — essentially economy versus the environment.
- Georgia businesses could lose $26 billion annually ...Metro Atlanta would be hardest hit by water losses
- GA task force: Water Wars defeat means $26(B) loss ...ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia’s water task force has learned that losing Lake Lanier as source for drinking water could mean an annual loss of more than $26 billion for businesses.
- Water Wars Defeat Could Mean $26B Loss (WXIA-TV At ...Georgia's water task force has learned that losing Lake Lanier as source for drinking water could mean an annual loss of more than $26 billion for businesses.
WordPress | Economics
- Groundhog Days (Inside The Iron Cage)I’ve recently observed that debates on political economy from the 18th Century appear not-at-a
- And the beat goes onthat bag lady over there is my mom who got kicked out of the old folks home cause she ran out of coi
- Overcoming the Great Recession ~ Seven Things That ...George Santayana, a Spanish Citizen raised and educated in the United States, famously said,
- God gave us the right to own a gun??!!??] This is one of those ahhhhhhhhh videos floating around that’s supposed to make the viewer fe
- In Defense of Global CapitalismIn Defense of Global Capitalism (2001) by Johan Norberg is a thorough, thoughtful, fact backed justi
- S.C. taxpayers will pay price for Sanford's lawyerGov. Mark Sanford has a second layer of legal protection — at taxpayers' expense.
- U.S. post offices rarely posting FBI's Most Wanted ...For decades, the baddest of the bad stared out from FBI wanted posters in post offices nationwide.
- California's stimulus watchdog calls for 'common s ...The state watchdog for federal stimulus dollars said Tuesday that state agencies should use "common sense" when describing how many new jobs the money has created.
- Study shows government contract fraud is hitting d ...Millions of dollars worth of government contracts designated for service-disabled veterans are being siphoned off by fraud and abuse, according to a recent government report.
- Sen. LeMieux speaks out on 'culture of corruption' ...A slew of South Florida political scandals have uncovered "a culture of corruption" that must be stamped out, freshman Florida Sen. George LeMieux said Tuesday.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Copenhagen Countdown: 17 daysIf you've spent the week following every change of direction in the political winds about the likely outcome of the forthcoming UN climate summit, you'll have seen more twisting than the average Chubby Checker song. Extending borrowing from the arts and entertainment world: "To bind or not to bind" ...
- Climate: A defining issueA couple of weeks ago, the cat came well and truly out of the bag: there would not be a legally binding treaty at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen next month. Or will there? During his meeting on Tuesday with China's President Hu Jintao, President Obama appeared to indicate that some sort of co ...
- Copenhagen Countdown: 24 daysHere in London, we've reached that time of year when the Sun rises after you do and sets comfortably before you leave the office. And the hours in between are filled with grey, malevolent drizzle. Have the week's diplomatic moves shed more light than the Sun is currently doing here on the likelihoo ...
- Copenhagen Countdown: 31 DaysMost of those concerned with climate have had their eyes on Barcelona this week, where delegates from 192 countries plus hundreds of observers, campaigners, lobbyists - and journalists - convened for the final session of preparatory talks before the UN climate summit in Copenhagen . As I've reporte ...
- All's fair in the climate blame gameAt the UN climate negotiations in Barcelona. It's a story that's been coming for the last few months; now that it's being written , the first cards of the blame game are being played. Remember the UN climate conference in Bali two years ago , and the road that stretched from there to Copenhagen? ...
Afghanistan Sun
- US in secret talks with TalibanThe United States is in secret talks with the Afghan Taliban, with countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Britain playing the role of mediators.
- Obama could send 30,000 more troops to AfghanistanWashington, Nov.25 : US President Barack Obama has said that he is determined to "finish the job" in Afghanistan.
- Afghanistan hikes police salariesKABUL — Afghanistan is hiking police salaries by between 33 and 67 percent, the Interior Ministry said Wednesday, to curb rampant corruption and boost recruitment in a force that suffers much hi...
- Bam to reveal Afghan victory planWASHINGTON -- President Obama said yesterday he will address the nation after Thanksgiving to tell the American people about his plan to succeed in -- and then get out of -- Afghanistan. "It is my in...
- Obama could send 30,000 more troops to AfghanistanAccording to the New York Times, his aides have said that the president would send as many as 25,000 to 30,000 additional American troops, though they admitted that the final number remains in a flux....
- Of vapor and violence: Do gasoline fumes fuel aggr ...Here’s the agenda for this item: I distinctly remember that when I was a kid, sometimes–not always–the smell of gasoline would get me what one would today call high. It’s been a long time since it had that effect on me, but I also remember looking forward to those visits to the gas station. ...
- Eradicate cruelty: “reprogram” predatorsI’m sure that almost everyone would rather live in a world that featured less cruelty and pain for living creatures… but what if it were possible to eradicate them completely? Via Accelerating Future comes a provocative essay by one David Pearce, who suggests that not only would it be possible f ...
- IBM cat-brain sim actually a scam?Branding the work of other scientists as fraudulent scams seems to be the flavour of the week. Remember IBM’s cat-sized brain simulation as mentioned last week? Well, it was pointed out by calmer minds than my own that I overstated the significance of the announcement… but Henry Markham, another ...
- Those hacked climate e-mails: Good scientists, poo ...So many things can be said about the hacking of the East Anglia Climate Research Unit’s e-mails. If nothing else, it shows that the ground rules for scientific and scholarly communication are changing rapidly. The dubious ethics of hacking aside, should we expect science, especially on politically ...
- Rushkoff on radical abundance and the economics of ...I’ve mentioned Douglas Rushkoff here a few times before (both as a thinker and a writer of comics and fiction), and I’m also deeply interested in alternative economic structures, so the following video of Rushkoff’s swift fifteen-minute keynote speech to the O’Reilly Web 2.0 conference was l ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl
- Confessions of an “ex” Peak Oil Believer
- Oil & First World War
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Indonesian activists suffer police investigationMy counterpart in Indonesia, Emerson Yuntho, has been swept up in a flurry of police activity associated with the Third Conference of State Parties (CoSP) of the United Nation Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). I just met Emerson last month when he visited our offices at the National Whistlebl ...
- International Whistleblower News (November 23, 200 ...[Canada] MacCharles, Tonda, Richard Colvin: Portrait of a whistleblower, , November 21, 2009. Talk to people who know Richard Colvin and a few key traits emerge. Driven, committed to Canada's mission in Afghanistan. Knows his stuff. Takes copious notes. Sociable, yet discreet. Above all, ...
- International Whistleblower News (November 16, 200 ...[UK] Develin, Kate, “NHS whistleblower ‘sacked for revealing dumped x-ray scans’,”, November 14, 2009. Dr Otto Chan, a consultant radiologist, believes that he was labelled a troublemaker after the revelations about the Royal London. He claims that hospital bosses decided to ...
- CIA to pay $3 million so Horn will not oppose vaca ...The CIA has decided to pay Richard Horn $3 million for a unique settlement of a fifteen (15) year-old spying case. The government not only wants Horn to dismiss the case and release the CIA and State Department officials who spied on him, but the government also wants Horn to promise that he will no ...
- Bad Apples in a Rotten BarrelIn the United Kingdom, a former investigator of the Royal Military Police (RMP), speaking anonymously, alleges that Senior British army commanders in Iraq refused to investigate Iraqi civilian abuse claims. According to BBC News on October 11 th , the whistleblower claims that while he has seen d ...
Defense and the National Interest
- On War #323: MilestoneWilliam S. Lind 23 November 2009 One of the ongoing themes of this column has been gangs and the role they play in a Fourth Generation world. Here in the United States they already serve as an alternative primary loyalty (alternative to the state) for many urban young men. Gangs will likely be a m ...
- DNI to close — update23 November 2009 Many thanks to everyone who wrote in. Â My wife and I are deeply touched. We’ll try to find someone to at least take over the site as it is and keep the links intact. Â Several people have contacted me with ideas. Â In the meantime, I’ll leave everything up unless we start ...
- DNI to closeProbably on Monday, November 23, depending on how my travels work out. Please go ahead and download any thing you’d like to keep — I’d particularly recommend Boyd’s briefings and the 4GW manuals. I have great faith in the growing number of bloggers and commentators who cover many of the s ...
- On War #322: What Is “Political Correctness?”William S. Lind 18 November 2009 In response to the killing of 13 American soldiers at Ft. Hood by an Islamic U. S. Army major, a number of senior officials have expressed their fear, not of Islam, but of a possible threat to “diversity.” “Diversity” is one of the many false gods of “Poli ...
- What should we do with terrorists?Security guru Bruce Schneier has the right idea: We should treat terrorists like common criminals and give them all the benefits of true and open justice — not merely because it demonstrates our indomitability, but because it makes us all safer. Once a society starts circumventing its own laws, th ...
Science Express
- New Laser Technique Advances Nanofabrication Proce ...( -- The ability to create tiny patterns is essential to the fabrication of computer chips and many other current and potential applications of nanotechnology. Yet, creating ever smaller features, through a widely-used process called photolithography, has required the use of ultraviolet ...
- Novel technique shrinks size of nanotechnology cir ...( -- A University of Colorado at Boulder team has developed a new method of shrinking the size of circuitry used in nanotechnology devices like computer chips and solar cells by using two separate colors of light.
- Geneticists publish largest-ever study on African ...African, American, and European researchers working in collaboration over a 10-year period have released the largest-ever study of African genetic data--more than four million genotypes--providing a library of new information on the continent which is thought to be the source of the oldest settleme ...
- Chronic infection now clearly tied to immune-syste ...A new study finds the cross-talk between 'killer T-cells' and 'helper T-cells' can only happen in the presence of interleukin-21, a powerful immune-system protein. UAB researchers say if interleukin-21 is missing, the immune system's anti-viral efforts fail. The study mice were treated for lymphocyt ...
- German 'science train': next stop Shanghai 2010?How will we feed nine billion people in the future? Can we ever have a disease-free world? Can robots play football?
- ABA Journal's Patent Application To Score Intervie ...ChurchHatesTucker writes "The ABA Journal was unable to secure an interview with the USPTO chief, so they published a faux business method patent for securing an interview . Within four hours, they got their interview." Yes, but the real question is whether or not the USPTO would approve the pate ...
- Can Universities Make Sure That Drugs Based On The ...Joseph Franklin has written about how a group of universities have agreed to some basic principles (pdf) about providing drugs to developing nations at reasonable costs (or even free) in the interest of better global healthcare. However, Franklin wonders how well this will work in practice , and wh ...
- Companies Realizing That Content Is Advertising Vi ...The NY Times has an article about the rise of online "web series" shows that are suddenly popular , noting that many brands are creating such things as a way to produce interesting content online while getting some attention for their brand. It's yet another realization that advertising is content ...
- Could You Prove That The Government Was Watching Y ...Wired has an article about a court dismissing a lawsuit by a guy who claimed the government was spying on him . The claims sound pretty much like your run-of-the-mill tinfoil-hat-wearing paranoid, so it's no surprise that the government tossed out the lawsuit. But, as David Kravets points out in t ...
- Reuters, AP Refuse To Cover Cricket Matches Over R ...Sports leagues around the world have been trying to put more and more restrictive rules on various journalists and news organizations when it comes to reporting on their events. In the US, both the NFL and the MLB have put ridiculous restrictions on what reporters can write about or post on their w ...
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