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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

'Wrong-Way Directions'

The Road Less Traveled The Wrong Bus Syndrome - Wrong Driver, Wrong Direction, Wrong Mindset

ixing the Republic Without Overthrowing the Government

Joel S. Hirschhorn American society is saddled with distractive consumerism, a culture of dishonesty, and rampant corporate corruption of government.

Fighting Delusion
Drugged by Drug Companies

Nothing is more revealing of the commercial crassness and insanity of American society than the bombardment of consumers by commercials and advertisements for prescription drugs. Few people may remember that for a very long time there were no such pitches for prescription drugs and people relied on their physicians to select the correct drugs for treatment. What happened to change this? 

Drug companies discovered that they could use advertising to make consumers ask for specific drugs. In fact, they discovered that even if they spent millions of dollars on such advertisements they could still greatly increase their sales and profits. 

( Coming up :  articles which are revealed as completely inane in this context. )

Electronic Prescription

August 04, 2009
Health information technology
Filed Under (EMR, Electronic Prescription) by admin

By: Althea Blackwell, DC Government Technology Examiner
The health care reform legislation being discussed by Congress is designed to control costs, improve care and expand health insurance coverage to most of the 46 million uninsured Americans. The health care debate may continue past the August deadline but once the plan is passed the uninsured and the insured Americans will discover the ongoing transformation of American health care through health information technology and the various health tools in place today and others being developed.
Health Information Technology (IT) allows a one stop place for the management of medical information and a secure* exchange between health care consumers and providers. There are numerous benefits to health IT but some are to prevent medical errors, reduce health care cost and decrease paperwork. And because of the health network, the public will benefit from early detection of infectious disease outbreaks around the country and tracking of chronic disease management.
Polls have shown that just over half of Americans think the health-care system is in need of reform. And the discussion points in the reform are largely over how to pay for the health care overhaul. Once passed the bill will create a new public health plan to compete with private insurers and extend health insurance to million and million of Americans now without coverage. And with health information technology, the quality of Americans healthcare will improve.

( What first strikes me about this article is the presumption that passage is a 'done deal' in set format of 'competition' with an industry in full control of regulations : ripoff country accomplished.

Secondly, security is assured. Sure : like credit and personal information in the care of tax departments and other agencies.

Personal information of thousands of applicants revealed
Personal information accidentally publicly revealed on Facebook
Pretexting: Your Personal Information Revealed
Ministers' access to personal data revealed
My banks branch manager revealed personal information to a relative. Any recourse?

How to keep a secret
Keep your secrets

Now, I'm not a spook : just a guy with a computer who ran a few simple search parameters. What might someone with a game plan come up with ? For that, all I have to think of is the number of times somebody has spammed me with a new variant of the Nigerian Scam.
I do know one thing : it's easier to plug a leak in a single hole than through a mess of them. 

August 03, 2009 
Drug-monitoring law approved in Florida

By Tonia Rose - Staff Writer

Florida is among 11 states without electronic means to track the dispensing of controlled substances, but as of May, a new law was passed by the Florida General Assembly and has Kentucky lawmakers hoping the pill pipeline will cease.

The drug epidemic has mounted by the day as people from Rowan, Carter and Elliott counties travel in planes, buses and vans to Florida’s pill mill to visit doctors prescribing hundreds of pain pills for cash.

And although the prescriptions are obtained legally, traffickers carry the drugs back to the Bluegrass and sell them on the streets, causing numerous drug-related court cases, convictions – and even deaths blamed on overdoses.
The trips are made in attempts to escape KASPER (Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting system), which tracks those prescribing, dispensing and receiving drugs.

The legislation now goes to Florida Gov. Charlie Crist for his signature. According to the Associated Press, Crist hasn’t taken a public position on the bill, yet. 

Providing he signs the bill, Kentucky officials will supply Florida with the software used for KASPER, and then the two states can share information about prescriptions. 

Since Florida’s legislation does not include money to operate the program, Florida officials are expected to seek private funding as well as apply for money through Rep. Hal Rogers’ prescription drug monitoring program and NASPER, a program supported by Rep. Ed Whitfield.

Above article published on 
The Morehead News

( I  must be a dumb country boy at heart . I cannot imagine the utility of enabling legislation which is impossible to fund : not without surrendering the autonomy which would be necessary to create even an incredible fiction  of controlling access. )


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( So why was I perverse and put the electronic recordkeeping article with quantum jumping and the like ? I just thought it MORE fantastical to think confidential information would be secure than any vision or speculation I could dream up ! )

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