Opit's LinkFest! feeds at My Opera
IPS - Inter Press Services
ASIA: Stigma, Cash Crunch Undercut Gains in Acces ...
BALI, Aug 10 (IPS) - The failure to reach the neediest, often the most stigmatised, people coupled with the global financial crisis, loom as Asia-Pacific’s biggest challenges in coping with HIV and AIDS at this point, despite the major headway it has made in expanding the number of people with ...
RIGHTS-SOUTH AFRICA: Women Want Land to Call The ...
CAPE TOWN, Aug 10 (IPS) - In 1956, twenty thousand women marched to parliament to protest discriminatory pass laws. The march, commemorated as Women’s Day in South Africa on Aug. 9 each year, has become iconic of women’s quest for equality.
MIDEAST: Piecing the Injured Back Together
GAZA CITY, Aug 10 (IPS) - On a Saturday morning in Gaza city, the Artificial Limb and Polio Centre (ALPC) is filled with people waiting to see the director, Dr. Hazem Al-Shawwa.
US: Clinton Pledges Military Aid to Somalia and O ...
WASHINGTON, Aug 9 (IPS) - On Aug. 6, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed in Kenya and pledged to provide more military aid and training to the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG).
NORTH KOREA: After Clinton’s Trip, More Que ...
WASHINGTON, Aug 9 (IPS) - Former U.S. President Bill Clinton’s trip to North Korea to secure the release of two U.S. journalists has called attention to the lack of engagement over the past five-months since Pyongyang quit the six-party talks. While Clinton’s trip is widely seen as a posi ...
The Intelligence Daily
Swine flu: 'Tamiflu harm outweighs benefits for ch ...
New book claims Mossad was ready to rub out Swedis ...
Britain: March of the state spies: One in 78 adult ...
Human Terrain System in the Kill-Pacify Chain: Key ...
Corporate Tantrums - Can We Trust these Companies ...
My AntiWar
Top Adviser Calls for 45,000 More US Troops in Afg ...
Clinton: US Supported Iran Protesters ‘Behin ...
US Open to Direct Talks With North Korea
Pakistani Taliban Death Reports Spur Flurry of Rum ...
Clinton: US Doesn’t Expect Iran to Accept Ta ...
Rogue Government.com
Ridley Scott To Take On Huxley's Brave New World
The "Blade Runner" director is joining forces with Leonardo DiCaprio to take on one of the most highly regarded dystopian works of literature, Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World."
Experts dig up dirt on David and Goliath
Archaeologists are putting some flesh on the bones of the David and Goliath myth by shifting through layers of earth at the site in the Holy Land.
Infectious diseases spreading faster than ever sa ...
Infectious diseases are emerging more quickly and spreading faster around the globe than ever and becoming increasingly difficult to treat, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday.
More troops needed in Afghanistan, says Nato head ...
Asked whether more troops - including British service personnel - were required, the Secretary General replied: "Honestly speaking, I think we need more troops.
Lying about Iraq made me quit, press officer clai ...
Having to peddle "government lies" about the safety of soldiers in Iraq led to a Ministry of Defence press officer suffering post-traumatic stress disorder, an employment tribunal will hear.
Innovation Canada
Space reader
(Article courtesy of the University of Windsor) Bill McConkey probably won’t be around to see the day when humans are finally able to travel tremendous stretches through outer space to distant planets such as Jupiter. When they do make that journey, however, they’ll owe a significant debt of gra ...
Filling the glass
Walkerton, Ont., North Battleford, Sask., and the Kashechewan First Nation Reserve, in Northern Ontario, have all become high-profile — and tragic — examples of what can go wrong when a community’s drinking water becomes contaminated. Surprisingly, they are not alone. At any given time, 1,700 ...
i2eye with Bartha Maria Knoppers
“Don’t plan your career — be curious.” That’s the credo that Bartha Maria Knoppers, the new director of the Centre of Genomics and Policy at McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre, espouses — and one she lives by. Knoppers turned her love of books into a master’s in c ...
Environmental legacy
(Article courtesy of University of Regina) University of Regina biologist Chris Somers is fascinated by how humans and wildlife interact and how animals respond to human-modified environments. “My research often combines animal ecology in the field, environmental chemistry and genetics,” explain ...
Rebooting the search for dark matter
“This is just a regular day at the office,” says researcher Chris Jillings as a two-kilometre-long cable lowers an elevator down into a maze of sweltering passageways leading to the “clean rooms” at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, or SNOLAB. “But every so often, I realize this is all rea ...
Signs of the times
Peter Mandelson: Preparing for Pathocracy
The most accurate article Lord Mandelson ever read about himself was written in the 1990s. It was, he recalls, all about "Peter's gang - how people wanted to be in Peter's gang - and that people who weren't really hated it and took it out on me for not being in my gang. The article said that I e ...
UK: 500 children a year abducted
Almost 500 children were abducted from the UK and taken abroad illegally last year, according to figures released to the Guardian under the Freedom of Information Act. There were 336 cases of child abduction reported to authorities in the UK in 2008, an increase of 20% on 2005 figures. These cases ...
Police slam elderly lady, taser Oakland A's fan - ...
I'm not sure if it's because we have more digital camcorders around than ever before, or there's something sinister in the way police are being trained today, or some combination of both, but we now have two disturbing examples of excessive force applied by the people we hire to protect and to serve ...
Typhoon Morakot Destroys Houses in China, Kills 14 ...
Typhoon Morakot destroyed houses in China after killing at least 14 people in Taiwan where it dumped record amounts of rain. The typhoon, the ninth of the Pacific cyclone season, damaged the properties of at least 136,000 people in Xiapu county in Fujian province, state-run Xinhua News Agency repor ...
Divers to resume Hudson search in midair collision
Hoboken, New Jersey - While families and friends mourn the loss of loved ones in a midair collision over the Hudson River, divers return to the murky waters Monday to resume their search for bodies and wreckage. A Pennsylvania family and an Italian tourist group - nine people in all - were ki ...
Threat Level
Google’s Patry Returns to Blogosphere
Google’s chief copyright officer, considered one of the nation’s leading authorities on intellectual property, has resumed personal blogging following a year-long hiatus. Patry’s latest copyright blog commenced Thursday and is named after his new book, Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars. He s ...
Hacking, Lock-Picking, Booze and Bacon: DefCon 17 ...
> LAS VEGAS — Braving triple-digit heat, mean hangovers and an incredibly hostile network, roughly 10,000 hackers, security experts, feds, spies and various other “computer enthusiasts” took over the Riviera last weekend for the world’s largest hackin ...
Indictment Comes as Feds Consider Legalizing, Taxi ...
A federal grand jury has indicted a Canadian man accused of assisting overseas online gambling sites process hundreds of millions of dollars in payments, the authorities said Thursday. Although federal law prohibits financial institutions from knowingly assisting in online payouts of chance gaming l ...
Lawsuit: Twitter Method Infringes Patents
Twitter’s microblogging service breaches the patents of a Texas-based technology company, which is demanding unspecified damages and licensing fees, according to a federal lawsuit. TechRadium, of Sugar Land, claims it has patents to what it calls the “mass notification” concept. According to t ...
Digitized Stalking is the New World Order
You’re being followed. Stalkers are everywhere, even in your pocket. That’s the warning Wednesday from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the San Francisco-based civil liberties group. In a “white paper” dubbed On Locational Privacy, and How to Avoid Losing it Forever, the group warns how e ...
PERRspectives : Blog
What's the Matter with Oklahoma?
As the ever more combustible health care debate rages across America, the state of Oklahoma has become the poster child for the conflict and its contradictions. A 2007 study by the Commonwealth Fund ranked Oklahoma dead last in state health...
Town Halls, Teabaggers, Obama Birthers and Nixonla ...
Once in a rare while, a book captures the spirit of its age. So it is with Nixonland, Rick Perlstein's stunning chronicle of the rise and fall of Tricky Dick. But his story of the "fracturing of America" isn't simply...
Guns and Bitter in Pennsylvania
During the Democratic primaries last spring, Barack Obama almost derailed his campaign with his unfortunate remark about "bitter" people in small town Pennsylvania who "cling to guns." Now after the second Keystone State shooting rampage in four months, that clumsy...
The Unbearable Whiteness of Being...a Birther
As has been documented in detail, the anti-Obama birther movement is strongest in precisely those states where Republicans poll best and, ironically, health care is worst. But despite experiencing serial embarrassments akin to learning the sun does not rise in...
Bush Domestic Spying Ally Cornyn Now Fears Obama D ...
If nothing else, Republican Senator John Cornyn is an irony producing machine. During the Terri Schiavo affair, the former Texas Supreme Court Justice was at the forefront of the GOP campaign to intimidate and threaten judges. Now after his fierce...
Blackspot News Feed
Nader Was Right: Liberals are Going Nowhere With O ...
by Chris HedgesFeatured WriterDandelion SaladTruthdigAugust 10, 2009by Lorri37The American empire has not altered under Barack Obama. It kills as brutally and indiscriminately in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan as it did under George W. Bush. It steals from the U.S. treasury to enrich the corporate e ...
Biological Warfare and the National Security State ...
by Tom BurghardtGlobal Research, August 9, 2009Antifascist Calling… The history of bioweapons research in the United States is a history of illicit–and illegal–human experiments.From the Cold War to the War on Terror, successive American administrations have turned a blind eye on dubious resea ...
Judd Apatow's Insidious Virgin/Whore Complex
Apatow's male characters' attitudes towards women fall into one of the two categories: dirty punchline or pedestal.
"When in Doubt, Add Bacon and Cheese": How the Foo ...
The food industry has changed American eating habits and helped create the country's No. 1 public-health issue.
The Epidemic of Pot Arrests in New York City
Marijuana possession is decriminalized in New York State. Nonetheless, New York City makes more pot arrests than any city in the world.
Consortium News
Olbermann-O'Reilly 'Truce' Frays
The "truce" between MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and Fox News' Bill O'Reilly unravels after its exposure, writes Robert Parry. August 7, 2009
Keeping an Eye Out for Planet Earth
The Obama administration is freeing up evidence about global warming but political challenges block progress, says Michael Winship. August 7, 2009
Ex-CIA Analyst Criticizes State Secrets
Former CIA analyst Melvin A. Goodman says the "state secret privilege" is mostly used to cover up embarrassments. August 7, 2009
Ellsberg's Hiroshima Remembrance
Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg recalls Hiroshima and his family's ties to the early days of the atomic era. August 6, 2009
GE Muzzles Olbermann about Fox
As Fox News eggs on health-care disruptions, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann respects a GE-brokered truce with Fox, says Robert Parry. August 5, 2009
Alexander Cockburn : It Pays to Have a Nuke
Franklin Lamb : Sunday Morning on the Dunes: Clean ...
Miguel Tinker Salas : Honduras is Only Part of the ...
Saul Landau : The Kidney Broker and the Money Laun ...
John Stanton : Expanding Human Terrain Systems?
Institute for Middle East Understanding
Gaza's kite runners (Ramzy Baroud, The Palestine ...
When seen from a distance, kites in Gaza may look quite ordinary. But while Gazan children, in many respects, are just children, their kites are hardly ordinary. Often adorned by the red, black, green and wh ...
Israel bombs southern Gaza tunnel (Ma'an News)
Israel's air force launched a strike it said was targeted at a smuggling tunnel on the Gaza Strip’s southern border with the Gaza Strip early on Monday morning. A spokesman for the Israeli military confirm ...
Israel PM vows no settler evictions (Al Jazeera)
Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, has vowed that he will never evict Jewish settlers from occupied Palestinian land as Israel did in 2005 in the Gaza Strip. Addressing his weekly cabinet meeting o ...
In Israel, success is measured in combat service ...
I'd like to welcome you to Sparta. Fascistan is here. Yedioth Aharonoth devoted its first four pages Friday to the result of a poll commissioned by the Israel Defense Forces and the Education Ministry. "The ...
Barenboim: Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine ...
The 10-year-old orchestra founded by Barenboim and Said includes Israeli and Palestinian musicians, as well as performers from such Arab countries as Syria and Lebanon, and non-Arab states Turkey and Iran. B ...
Shark Repellent, Saves Sharks!
We have all been waiting for this day. Finally, shark repellent has arrived to the world… except this shark repellent is not used to save humans from sharks. No this shark repellent was made to save sharks from humans. With good reason, while only about 4 people die of unprovoked shark attacks e ...
Green iPhone Apps Reviewed. Part 2: Paid Apps
If you missed Green iPhone Apps Reviewed Part 1: Free Apps, you can see it here . After my first batch of reviews on the free green iPhone apps, I have gotten some great suggestions on green apps. If you have any you you would like to see reviewed, you can comment here, head over to my website www ...
Could Trees Be the New Rubber?
You’re waiting at a red light, your engine idling lightly. You check the crosswalk signal: 20 seconds, you have some time. You turn your classical music up a notch to the perfect volume and you close your eyes, relaxing on your way home from work. But your moment of relaxation is interrupted by t ...
Earth’s Biogeochemical Cycles Slipping Into Disa ...
The conductor walks on to the stage and mounts the podium with applause from the crowd. Â He bows to the audience, then turns to his orchestra and, with one fluid motion pulls music from the vast expanse of silence. Each musician moves, almost mechanically, in perfect time, in perfect concert. T ...
Why Are There Fewer Large Trees in Yosemite?
We’ve all heard the legend of Johnny Appleseed, the legendary apple tree planter of the United States. He walked across the country with his walking stick, and a bucket of seeds, just walking and planting as he went . Everywhere he went, apple trees sprouted up. And he was a hero. It is such a h ...
Water Quality - WordPress
Clean Water Should Be Recognized as a Human Right, ...
The editors of the open access journal PLoS Medicine have added their voice to those who are demand
living here and now...
I can’t help wonder why decision making is sometimes so difficult. Are we afraid of ‘no
World Resources Institute : World’s Waters Choki ...
Greater meat consumption and demand for fossil fuels worldwide are expected to cause increasingly mo
Common Contaminants in Drinking Water
Descriptions of Common Contaminants (by category) Hundreds of contaminants can occur in drinking wat
Greywater Fame!
Joe Linton, Greywater Guerilla appearing at about 1:30 in this 2:11 minute long video from KABC TV
Public Citizen in Texas
King Williams Parade Pics 048 [Flickr]
Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
King Williams Parade Pics 042 [Flickr]
Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
King Williams Parade Pics 038 [Flickr]
Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
King Williams Parade Pics 036 [Flickr]
Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
New Anti-Nuclear Group, Energía Mía, Putting Hea ...
As many of you already know, the nuclear battle is getting pretty heated in San Antonio these days. That’s why a new citizen’s group, EnergÃa MÃa, has recently formed. But they can tell you their intentions better than I can: Citizens are uniting in efforts to halt CPS’ spending ...
Press TV
Herat airport under militants attack
Rocket blasts have struck an airport in Afghanistan's western city of Heart, amid the worsening security situation in the volatile country.
US: Mighty Taliban gaining upper hand
The top US military commander in Afghanistan says the Taliban has gained the upper hand, warning of an increase in US fatalities in the war-torn country.
Athens police attack Somali protesters
Greek police have reportedly killed a female Somali protester during their crackdown on the country's Somali community.
Mottaki in Ecuador to cement ties
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has arrived in the Ecuadorean capital for President Rafael Correa's swearing in for a second term.
US grows impatient with Iran talks
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the US will not wait much longer for Iran to respond to US offer to open talks over the country's nuclear program.
Axis of Logic
The Empire strikes back!
Excess cynicism: Our biggest challenge
A look at the war-dead in Afghanistan. Occupation ...
A Reuters Alchemist at Work in Colombia
Of humility, love, and hope
They Gave Us a Republic
Nightowl Newswrap
I wish this had come out after he got the 2012 nomination , but he just had to go "hiking" and loose the hounds now. An investigation by the AP has found that Mark Sanford misused state aircraft, treating them like an air taxi for personal and political trips, even hauling his wife and kids home fo ...
"This Isn't About Politics. This Is About People' ...
President Obama's weekly address starts making the health care reform case he should have started making in March. In the end, the debate about health insurance reform boils down to a choice between two approaches. The first is almost guaranteed to double health costs over the next decade, make mill ...
The Classics Are Always the Best
Down With Tyranny posts the latest version of something I first saw during the 1980 campaign, when Ronnie Raygun was pleasing crowds of Paultards-to-be with promises to do away with the federal government. I want to end this post with something I got in the mail today-- one of those viral spams that ...
It Had to Be This Show?
Lisa Derrick at Firedoglake reports that same-sex marriage has gone mainstream - LGBT couples are being sought for the Newlywed Game. Whoopee!! The Newlywed Game--which during the 1960s made the phrase "making whoopee" a nationally recognized catchphrase for state-sanctioned fornication as its way s ...
Nightowl Newswrap
Do NOT piss off the European Union. Among the many dissidents and protesters being tried on trumped-up charges in Iran are Iranian employees at the French and British embassies and a French national. The EU strongly criticized the charges as detainees appeared in court in Tehran. Has Ahmadinejad a ...
Care 2
Swimming With Belugas
Shedd Aquarium in Chicago offers a chance to get up close to Beluga Whales Submitted by Debra L. to Animals Note-it! Add a Comment
Wish you weren't here: The devastating effects of ...
. Submitted by Mick Cave to Offbeat Note-it! Add a Comment
Protesters want Lucy moved immediately
It's a fight that's been going on for several months, but animal rights activists aren't giving up; they staged a protest outside the Edmonton Valley Zoo Saturday saying Lucy the elephant needs to be moved immediately. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals Note-it! Add a Comment
Malayan Flying Lemur
Despite its name, the Malayan flying lemur cannot actually fly, and is not related to the lemurs of Madagascar. Instead it is a glider, which uses its gliding membrane to glide between trees. Submitted by Rafael Apollo Lido to Animals Note-it! Add a Comment
Momentum Gathers Against Coke: Tell Them To Reveal ...
Comments deluged the site at a rate of about 1 every 20 seconds, calling on Coke to put the source of its bottled water on Dasani brand labels...fans were prevented from writing on Coke's Facebook wall and the corporation promptly deleted all comments... Submitted by Peace Dreamer to Business ...
Bottled Water is Way More Complicated Than I Thoug ...
It should be easy to phase out bottled water from company headquarters, right? Think again. It can bring up issues with a company's supply chain, cafeteria inventory and vending machines -- and don't forget the new dishwashers or glassware that may need to enter the picture.
Green Wineries Embrace Innovation from the Fields ...
Solar-powered vineyards, biodynamic farming, organically grown grapes and innovative packaging put several California wineries on the leading edge of sustainable wine production. Their remarkable results offer valuable lessons for green leaders in any industry.
Coca-Cola Enterprises Emissions Reductions, Recycl ...
The bottling, marketing and distribution arm of the beverage giant has set a goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 15 percent before 2020, as well as to recover 100 percent of its bottles for recycling.
Report Urges Efficiency as a Solution to Californi ...
A new study by the Pacific Institute shows ways that California farmers can cut their water use by as much as 17 percent without cutting the productivity of the nation's most productive agricultural region.
Sustaining California Agriculture in an Uncertain ...
This report from the Pacific Institute details the ways that California farmers can implement water efficiency practices to reduce water use by 17 percent while maintaining current levels of productivity.
Reuters Global
Beware brain scientists bearing gifts (gee-whiz jo ...
It's refreshing to hear experts who can dazzle you with their work but warn against falling for any hype about it. This "let's not overdo it" approach has been a recurrent theme in the Neuroscience Boot Camp at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
Arizona marijuana seizures hit all-time high
Large marijuana seizures are frequent in the sweltering Arizona deserts that straddle the superhighway for people smuggling from Mexico -- although this year they are breaking all records.
A year later and there is still no clear winner fr ...
One year on from the war between Russia and Georgia, the debate still rages over which side came out of the August 7-12, 2008 conflict better.
Is Malaysia’s net clampdown at odds with kno ...
Reform or repression? Malaysia faces choice ban on booze, Internet clampdown. Where does it go from here?
Obama calls German election but Merkel knows he ...
Ezra Klein
Is There a Deal to be Made on Health Care? An Inte ...
Earlier this week, Sen. Lindsey Graham was the sole Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee to vote in favor of Sonia Sotomayor. A few days later, he co-signed an op-ed in The Washington Post with seven Senate Democrats and four other Senate Republicans that began, "We refuse to let partisans ...
Tab Dump
• What not to do with Bill Bratton. • What to do with Bill Bratton. • John Hughes was really an incredibly decent guy. • Bill Maher argues that Americans are very, very stupid. • Are cows worse than cars? • This man is an incredible water slider. See more funny videos and TBT V ...
The Fear of Change
I'm not sure how right Paul Krugman is about this . But I think the answer is at least fairly right: There was a telling incident at a town hall held by Representative Gene Green, D-Tex. An activist turned to his fellow attendees and asked if they “oppose any form of socialized or government-ru ...
Was There Ever a Deal Between the White House and ...
The White House now appears to be telling Congress that there was no deal to protect the pharmaceutical industry from further cuts. Max Baucus is now saying there was no deal to protect the pharmaceutical industry from further cuts. That could be because they're breaking the deal or it could be beca ...
Is This Health-Care Reform's Worst Idea Yet?
The Senate Finance Committee does not want to propose an employer mandate to promote health-care coverage. But it doesn't want to let employers entirely off the hook, either. So it has come up with one of the worst ideas in recent memory: A so-called "free rider" tax. Under the proposal, employers w ...
Booman Tribune
Today in Health Care News
I'm glad to see that Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer have an editorial on health care reform in the USA Today. I'm even happier to see them still making the case for a public option. On the other hand, Robert Reich has a thoughtful blogpost up today that examines the deal the administration cut with ...
Froggy Bottom Cafe
The Dumb of August
James Fallows makes a good point. But I want to take it a step further. The anti-health reform tactics are so divorced from truthfulness that I think it is the responsibility of the non-aligned media to come out as a forceful referee. It's really imperative that the press not adopt their typical ...
The Sad Spectacle of Duping Yourself
One of the strange things about the right-wing's Mighty Media Wurlizter is that as it goes about misleading the public and throwing sand in everyone's eyes, a certain percentage of the consumers of that media maintains their trust in the reporting. The lies are intended to influence the Hoi Polloi, ...
Serious Question
Given Markos Moulitsas's hard stand against Hillary Clinton in last year's primaries and given the Netroots' strong overall preference for Barack Obama, what do you make of Bill Clinton's decision to give the Keynote Address at next week's Netroots Nation conference in Pittsburgh? Are the Clintons ...
European Tribune
European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 10 ...
A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1947 – Birth of...
Sunday Open Thread
Fair and Balanced Times
How Britain is falling down on the yob Surging numbers of young people the English...
European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 9 ...
A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in bhistory:1896 – Birth of...
Saturday Open Thread
Sunny Saturday?...
A shout-out from Montreal
This is sort of a halfway report… as I’m drafting this, it’s now officially Saturday, but barely. Given that, I’ll keep it short. Here are a few of the highlights from the convention so far: First – thanks to Montreal, and to Canadians from all over for hosting a very friendly convention. ...
A shout-out from Montreal
This is sort of a halfway report… as I’m drafting this, it’s now officially Saturday, but barely. Given that, I’ll keep it short. Here are a few of the highlights from the convention so far: First – thanks to Montreal, and to Canadians from all over for hosting a very friendly convention. ...
Time, part 3: The Trolls of Time
Does Not Equal is a webcomic by Sarah Ennals – check out the pre-Futurismic archives, and the strips that have been published here previously. [ Be sure to check out the Does Not Equal Cafepress store for webcomic merchandise featuring Canadians with geometrically-shaped heads! ] Project Wonderf ...
Time, part 3: The Trolls of Time
Does Not Equal is a webcomic by Sarah Ennals – check out the pre-Futurismic archives, and the strips that have been published here previously. [ Be sure to check out the Does Not Equal Cafepress store for webcomic merchandise featuring Canadians with geometrically-shaped heads! ] Project Wonderf ...
Busted: guerrilla stem-cell crackdown?
Via the girls and boys of grinding.be comes a report that police have raided and closed down an underground Budapest clinic offering unspecified stem cell therapies of a dubious nature. Legitimate stem-cell researchers are speaking out in response, calling for proper controls but trying to de-emphas ...
Yahoo! Canada News
YahooCanadaNews: 'Kindle ate my homework.' Teen su ...
YahooCanadaNews: 'Kindle ate my homework.' Teen sues Amazon after his copy of 1984 was obliterated from his Kindle without warning. http://tr.im/uX9L
YahooCanadaNews: 'Surprised' boyfriend thought bab ...
YahooCanadaNews: 'Surprised' boyfriend thought baby cut from womb was his http://tr.im/uVcG
YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Parents l ...
YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Parents left poor over son's fatal street racing http://tr.im/uVcw
YahooCanadaNews: 'So-called recovery' is extremely ...
YahooCanadaNews: 'So-called recovery' is extremely fragile, says Harper http://tr.im/uNPh
YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Dog on 'd ...
YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Dog on 'death row' unjustly accused, say supporters http://tr.im/uNjm
Global Elite
President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...
Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...
Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...
Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
Today we’re all prisoners in the USA
Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s ...
Biopiracy, GM Seeds and Rural India "Over 100,000 ...
Priya Kumar, Global Research, June 2, 2009 The reality for the average Indian remains the same: agricultural cultivation and the ability to farm is the bedrock of rural living. With its historical practices, values, and communal sentiments of ...
Al Jazeera
UN voices concern over Afghan poll
Candidates' freedom of movement and expression "severely limited", report says.
Inquiry urged into Iran rape claims
Iranian reformist says detained protesters have reported abuses during time in custody
Clinton set for DR Congo visit
US secretary of state to focus on calls to tackle sexual violence in east of country.
Chavez claims Colombia 'incursion'
Tensions mount as Venezuela's president accuses Colombian troops of crossing border.
Kim 'in full control' of N Korea
White House officials give further details from Bill Clinton's recent visit.
Green Inc. - NYT
North Carolina Moves to Limit Wind Projects
In what may be the strongest stand against wind turbines by state lawmakers anywhere, the North Carolina Senate has voted overwhelmingly to ban large wind turbines from the state's scenic western ridgelines.
Italian Vintner Aims for Carbon Neutrality
Using a variety of tactics, an Italian vintner and olive oil maker aims to become carbon neutral by the end of the year.
Having Children Brings High Carbon Impact
The impact of having a child on a woman's carbon footprint vastly outweighs other energy-saving behaviors, a new study suggests.
Turkish Dam Loses European Creditors
In July, German, Swiss and Austrian creditors backed out of Turkey's $1.7 billion Ilisu dam project amid a flurry of protests over the protection of archaeological sites and the relocation of 11,000 Kurdish villagers.
In Quest for Efficiency and Conservation, NASA Tur ...
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory has sent spacecraft to the farthest reaches of the solar system, but its latest mission is a bit closer to home: helping Los Angeles save water and energy.
Dot Earth News
Climate, Security and Politics
Do Pentagon concerns about conflict in a warming world relate to the climate bill?
Puberty on the Scale of a Planet
Humanity appears to be in a planet-scale, teen-style growth spurt.
Can Intelligence Sustain Humanity's Planet?
Humans are getting smarter, but can intelligence prevent planetary despoliation?
Climate Bill Success = Treaty Failure?
Can President Obama push a climate bill without scuttling a climate treaty?
Praying (and Stripping) for Ice
Swiss villagers plan to seek papal approval to pray for a glacier's return.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
Thanks to Rose for finding my phone! Plus: I'm sta ...
I nearly had a horrible day today, leaving my trusty old Helio phone on a bench at the University of Minnesota mall. A good samaritan named Rose picked it up and called the Boiler Room coffee shop back after I tried the phone. I got it back! Thanks a ton, Rose, you saved yet another messy situation ...
Hat tip for Joaquin Phoenix conspiracy
Not a bad idea! Which makes this potentially one of the greatest performances any modern actor has ever given -- or at least one of the most baldly courageous. The closest comparison would have to be Andy Kaufman's utter commitment to his obnoxious Tony Clifton persona, but Phoenix is going Kaufman ...
Tough times south of the border
Duly noted: Mexican TV reporter ducking stray bullets: Hat tip to the thoughtful Texas farmer Don , who knows what you ought to know about the War On Drugs. This video was recently the #1 most discussed from Mexico on YooToob... Plus, don't miss the five stages of complete social collapse! http://c ...
Pirate Bay Trial and Kopimi: The Kopimi Manifesto
I can't say I get it. But I like it. In these apocalyptic and bitchy times, it is high time to get some sarcastic Swedish hacker philsophy out there. Now is the time. The spectrial is apparently the place. How could we forget the Pirate Bay Spectrial?! They released a Pirate Bay Manifesto - POwr, Br ...
Some notes from the Abyss; Fusion Centers going to ...
We're on the brink of disaster Salon! As people lose confidence in the ability of markets and governments to solve the global crisis, they are likely to erupt into violent protests or to assault others they deem responsible for their plight, including government officials, plant managers, landl ...
Blacklisted News
Chavez claims Colombian ‘provocation’ saw troo ...
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Sunday charged that Colombian troops had entered Venezuela across the Orinoco River, a move he warned was a “provocation” by his Colombian counterpart Alvaro Uribe.
The Knights Templar, Knights of Malta and Blackwat ...
In a declaration under the penalty of purjury, a former employee of Erik Prince’s Blackwater defense contracting firm said Prince “views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe.”
NAFTA leaders urged to rein in 'buy local' impulse ...
North American business groups urged leaders of the United States, Mexico and Canada on Friday to rein in "buy local" provisions they called a threat to free trade and economic growth.
Opium takes over entire Afghan families, villages
Afghanistan supplies nearly all the world’s opium, the raw ingredient used to make heroin, and while most of the deadly crop is exported, enough is left behind to create a vicious cycle of addiction.
'The Government has drawn up drastic plans to immu ...
PARENTS’ fears were growing last night over plans to use Britain’s 8.5million schoolchildren as guinea pigs for swine flu vaccinations.
Project Censored
WALTER CRONKITE: THE END OF AN ERA – JULY 17, 2009 The end of an era is a term too often over-used. But it is a term that is properly used when discussing the passing of Walter Cronkite. It is truly the end of an era in journalism. No other journalist could do what Walter did. He could cal ...
You Can Now Find Our Investigative Research at the ...
You can now find all of the investigative research that we have done over the years at our new and exciting Media Freedom International Website Please check the website often for news and updates.
Analysis of Project Censored: Are We a Left-Leanin ...
By Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff “Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” –Frederick Douglass ...
Infotainment Society: Junk Food News and New ...
By Mickey Huff and Frances A. Capell We can do the innuendo We can dance and sing When it’s said and done We haven’t told you a thing We all know that crap is king Give us dirty laundry! Don Henley, Dirty Laundry, 1982 The late New York University media scholar Neil Postma ...
A Black President Doesn’t Mean Racism is gone in ...
By Peter Phillips Racial inequality remains in the US. People of color continue to experience high rates of poverty, significant unemployment, police profiling and repressive incarceration. School segregation is a continuing concern among race scholars as well. According to a new Civil Rights re ...
Scoop - NZ
Fabius Maximus on "Government Sachs"
Few things so powerfully illustrate the cowardly passivity of modern Americans than the lack of response to the news about Goldman Sachs. It's OK to get angry, America!Here are some of the major volleys to date in this emerging story. Of course, few signs of this surface in the mainstream media - ...
CNN: Majority opposed to Afghan war ..
A new CNN poll has found, for what I think is the first time, a majority of Americans opposed to the war in Afghanistan. Pentagon officials and Afghanistan-watchers have thought for months that this moment was inevitable: public support for Afghanistan, those people thought, was broad mostly because ...
The Ultimate Suckera4™s Rally
Incredible. We have never seen a stock market rally like this in all the history for the S&P 500. In no other time has the S&P index run up nearly 50 percent in the matter of 5 months. Extreme market volatility is the ultimate sign of market distress. Think for a minute and ask yourself if 26,00 ...
Gabriel Kolko: Searching for Enemies
War, from preparation for it through to its aftermath, has defined both the essential nature of the major capitalist nations and their relative power since at least 1914. War became the major catalyst of change for revolutionary movements in Russia, China, and Vietnam. While wars also created reacti ...
Electric heater warning
This type of heater might be dangerous. Hopefully this story is followed up with an investigation so we can see if these heaters needs to be recalled. » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
Independent ( London )
Divers to resume Hudson air crash search
While families and friends mourn the loss of loved ones in a mid-air collision over the Hudson River, divers today return to the murky waters to resume their search for bodies and wreckage.
400 missing after Taiwan typhoon mudslide
A Taiwanese police official says an estimated 400 people remain unaccounted for in a mountainous village that was struck by a mudslide spawned by Typhoon Morakot.
Tycoon's family 'perplexed' by Madeleine link
The widow and daughter of an Australian property tycoon said today that they were "perplexed" by reports linking their luxury yacht to the Madeleine McCann investigation.
Iraq blasts kill 'at least 42'
A double truck bombing tore through a Shia community near the northern city of Mosul, while blasts in Baghdad hit primarily Shia targetsin a wave of violence that killed at least 42 people, Iraqi officials said
Giorgi: 'The hackers want me to stop writing the t ...
Giorgi doesn't seem like the sort of man who'd be at the centre of a massive internet meltdown. When we meet in a trendy Tbilisi nightspot, the unassuming 34-year-old looks exhausted. "It's crazy. I was on the phone the whole day. I'm very tired," he says.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
Iranians selectively barred from Swedish universit ...
Summary: Chalmers University Sweden’s national security service, Sapo, has issued a warning that Iranian citizens studying at Swedish universities could have ties to their nation’s nuclear and military establishments. Therefore, the government agency has advised Swedish universities to ban a ...
IRAN: Nuclear Capability After 2013, Says U.S. In ...
Summary: WASHINGTON, Aug 7 (IPS) - Iran is unlikely to be able to produce enough highly enriched uranium (HEU) for a nuclear weapon until at least 2013, according to a U.S. government intelligence estimate made public Thursday. source: IPS read more
Retired US General: Attacking Iran a ‘Credible O ...
Summary: Despite the paucity of evidence supporting the allegations on which the case for war rest, retired Air Force General Charles Wald insists that attacking Iran is “a technically feasible and credible option.” source: Anti War.Com read more
John Bolton: US Should Assist Israel if it Attacks ...
Summary: Bolton The former United States Ambassador to the United Nations sat down with Russia Today this week to discuss the possibility of Israel attacking Iran by the end of the year. source: China Daily read more
Mr. Mousavi's Gas Embargo on Iran?
Summary: In serious contention for Dumbest Washington Consensus for September is the idea of cutting off Iran's gas imports to pressure Iran to stop enriching uranium. A majority of Representatives and Senators have signed on to legislation that seeks to block Iran's gas imports, a top legislati ...
The Daily Galaxy
Whale Speak -Biologists Zero in on Their Culture
Marine biologists are starting to consider the notion that whales might have a pretty cool culture. Maybe Moby Dick in some ways was smarter than Ahab (and that's totally cool!). "Whales are pretty hard to study, but evidence is coming...
Sprawl! Is Earth Becoming a Planet of SuperCities? ...
Imagine a planet dominated by cities like Mega-City One, a megalopolis of over 400 million people across the east coast of the United States, featured in the Judge Dredd comic or "San Angeles," formed from the joining of Los Angeles,...
"The Black Cloud" - Could Non-Carbon Life Exist in ...
In 1964, astrophysicists in Fred Hoyle's scifi novel, The Black Cloud, become aware of an immense black cloud of gas that enters the solar system. The cloud, moving to interpose itself between the sun and the earth, could wipe out...
Mysterious Super-Squeezed, High-Speed Galaxies Spo ...
Scientists have been up to their space-examining tricks again, looking eleven-billion light-years away and wondering "What's going on over there?" And since it affects how the universe began and everything that's been happening since, you should wonder too. They've spotted...
The "DNA Wizard": Copy and Pasting Brain Genes
Biologists have just found jumping genes, and no, those aren't the protein sequences that build kangaroos. They're DNA segments that can hop around the genome copy-and-pasting themselves in wherever the feel like, and they're in your head. Which may help...
Natural News
Phthalates Danger: Chemicals in Plastics Put Unbor ...
(NaturalNews) Chemicals called phthalates are frequently used in vinyl and other plastic products, including personal care products, children's toys, and medical devices -- despite the fact research has suggested these compounds can play havoc with the function of the human endocrine system and po ...
The Sweet Art of Healing
(NaturalNews) Jerome, a 53-year-old high school teacher, was in the hospital awaiting amputation of his left leg. He'd been receiving IV antibiotics to treat a diabetic ulcer, a wide, oozing open wound on his ankle, but this didn't halt the steady advance of gangrene, and he was told they had no cho ...
Vitamin D Key to Healthy Brain
(NaturalNews) Sufficient vitamin D intake may play a critical role in maintaining brain function later in life, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Manchester and published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry ."This is further evidence from obser ...
NaturalNews Calls for Boycott on Kindle, iPhone an ...
(NaturalNews) Two weeks ago when Amazon.com remotely deleted copies of books that customers had purchased for their Kindle devices, it was a wake-up call for many consumer. "Huh? They can delete stuff I already bought?" Welcome to the world of DRM technology. DRM is a "Big Brother" technology that a ...
Workplace Email Intervention Program Helps People ...
(NaturalNews) A simple intervention program featuring regular email reminders appears successful in producing healthier diet and exercise habits, according to a study conducted by health insurance firm Kaiser Permanente and funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "The takeaway ...
Conservative yapper Bill Kristol gets his pants re ...
By Jon Stewart . Kristol claims that Stewart trapped him somehow . Somehow?! Stewart did it with maneouvre and exceptional skill. Kristol was, as usual, totally unarmed and unable to defend his ridiculous position. Ridiculous? Yeah. Because if any American believes, based on the ruminations of t ...
Hey, Smart Shopper
ALTERNET.ORG has a very interesting article, just in time for the back-to-school shopping blitz, written by Ellen Rupel Shell of the Penguin Press, titled " How Outlet Malls Have Convinced Shoppers into Thinking They're Getting a Sweet Deal ". Worth the read. It's not just a North American phenomeno ...
Brits in Afghanistan
MICHAEL YON HAS AN INTERESTING COLLECTION OF PICTURES , well worth a look. He's a former Green Beret, native of Winter Haven, Fl. who has been reporting from Iraq and Afghanistan since December 2004. This report, from July 27-29 is from his experiences with the Welsh Guards. Great pictures, check it ...
Kornkob Kory's election prediction.
Isn't it funny how they always put it on "The Family". If I may project... Little Kory sees an election being triggered this Fall. He's looked at the polling numbers and the "best scenario" stuff. He's been the front-man for a series of attack ads which have put this country into an endless electi ...
Sweating one's (fill in appropriate body part) off
Right now, in British Columbia, it's hotter than the right element of my barbeque. When the temperature difference in Victoria is a mere 2 degrees C lower than a typically hot Kamloops, things are cooking. In fact, inland Vancouver Island is actually hotter at the time of writing than the BC souther ...
Media Matters for America
Ignoring reality, Fox & Friends cont ...
Once again, Fox & Friends advanced the falsehood that health care reform would create a system of rationing care, with Fox News contributor Dr. Marc Siegel predicting that President Obama's proposals would result in the disappearance of medical procedures like dialysis for the elderly. But de ...
Dobbs pushes debunked Cars.gov claim to accuse ad ...
Claiming that the Obama administration is an "authoritarian regime in waiting," Lou Dobbs advanced the debunked claim that the computers of "consumers" who went to Cars.gov would have been taken over by the government and claimed that government statements to the contrary were false. In fact ...
Three days after warning against violence, Beck t ...
Just three days after imploring his viewers to refrain from "violence," warning them that "just one lunatic, like Timothy McVeigh, could ruin everything," and saying that "it is your patriotic duty to stop" someone who is thinking or talking about turning violent, Glenn Beck staged a scene in w ...
Goldberg, Coulter latest to compare Dems to birth ...
Following Chris Matthews' misrepresentation of a flawed Rasmussen poll to claim that most Democrats believed that President Bush had or might have "gotten the inside word" that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were about to happen and that therefore "both parties" are equally at fault for promoting c ...
Lou Dobbs' right-wing war on health care reform
Lou Dobbs has advanced discredited right-wing smears about health care reform efforts, including the notions that end-of-life counseling could lead to "euthanasia" and that President Obama said he "doesn't even know what's in" the House health care bill. Dobbs has also touted GOP Sen. John Bar ...
Global Research.ca
Liquidating Our Empire.
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
No Letup In Political Witch-Hunts Under Obama
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
Ward Churchill, Robert Prechter, Jane Burgermeiste ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
Entering the Greatest Depression in History
The crisis has many bubbles, all of which dwarf the housing bubble burst of 2008. The main event on the horizon is the “bailout bubble” and the general world debt bubble.
Security Prosperity Partnership Leadership Summit ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
George Bush-Ghostbuster
This seems too weird to be true, but the source is the editor of the Charleston Gazette. Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French President Jacques Chirac in early 2003 that Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog and Magog,... Sponsored Topics: george w bush - Jacques Chirac - United States - ...
How the White House's Deal With Big Pharma Undermi ...
I'm a strong supporter of universal health insurance, and a fan of the Obama administration. But I'm appalled by the deal the White House has made with the pharmaceutical industry's lobbying arm to buy their support.Last week, after being reported... Sponsored Topics: White House - Pharmaceutical ...
Great New Book: "Israel Is Real" By Rich Cohen
Rich Cohen, an author of several books, and one of the best magazine writers around (New Yorker, Vanity Fair, etc) has now taken on the story of Israel from the Bible (more or less) to today. In some 300+ pages,... Sponsored Topics: Rich Cohen - Middle East - Israel - Books - Warfare and Conflict ...
Presented By:
Israel: Coming Into Its Own
Once again, the Netanyahu government is demanding that Israel be recognized as a Jewish state. Once again, Palestinian leaders are balking. As if either side knows just what a Jewish state means. It occurred to me that those who have... Sponsored Topics: Israel - Middle East - Yom Kippur - Warfar ...
Holder Close to Naming "Abuse" Prosecutor"
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is close to naming a criminal prosecutor to investigate alleged CIA abuses against terrorism suspects. (Photo: Allison Shelley / The Washington Times) read more
British Contractor in Iraqi Custody After Killings
Baghdad — Iraqi authorities arrested a British contractor Sunday over the shooting deaths of two co-workers in Baghdad's protected Green Zone. The suspected gunman could be the first Westerner to face an Iraqi trial on murder charges since a security pact lifted the immunity that had been enjo ...
Where Did that Bank Bailout Go? Watchdogs Aren't S ...
Washington - Although hundreds of well-trained eyes are watching over the $700 billion that Congress last year decided to spend bailing out the nation's financial sector, it's still difficult to answer some of the most basic questions about where the money went. Despite a new oversight pane ...
Effort to End Honduras Political Crisis Hits a New ...
Tegucigalpa, Honduras — Efforts to return deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya to power hit a new roadblock Sunday when the country's de facto government canceled an upcoming visit by foreign envoys who're seeking to resolve the Central American nation's six-week-old political crisis. ...
UN: Hamid Karzai's Government Using State Resource ...
The United Nations said there is growing evidence that Hamid Karzai's government is abusing state resources to help him win this month's presidential election in Afghanistan. Kabul - An election report released said monitors had received increasing reports officials were biased and were us ...
The Heathlander
Silencing civil society
Former Israeli military commander Efran Efrati recently testified to the BBC that Palestinian children are ‘routinely ill-treated’ by Israeli soldiers: “You take the kid, you blindfold him, you handcuff him, he’s really shaking… Sometimes you cuff his legs too. Sometimes it cuts off the ci ...
Gaza Freedom March
For those who don’t know, Norman Finkelstein and others are organising a mass non-violent global march on Gaza to break the siege. Some updates: - Gaza Freedom March website: http://www.gazafreedommarch.org/ - YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/GazaFreedomMarch - A list of peop ...
The latest anti-Hamas meme: “child brides”
Last week, Hamas sponsored a mass wedding celebration in Gaza, perhaps in an attempt to reverse its flagging poll ratings: ‘Nearly a thousand Palestinians celebrated marriage on Thursday night in a ceremony organised by Hamas in the north of the Gaza Strip. Hamas dignitaries including Mahmud Zahar ...
Chomsky on the ‘Responsibility to Protect’
Earlier this week Noam Chomsky participated, along with Jean Bricmont, Gareth Evans (former Australian FM and long-time President of the International Crisis Group) and Ngugi wa Thiong’o, in a UN panel on the doctrine of ‘Responsibility to Protect’ (R2P). You can watch the three hour discussio ...
How to lose friends and alienate people
Hiring paid hasbaratchiks to “spew forth bullshit” online, parading out Ehud Olmert to convince Americans that opposing settlement construction is like opposing rainbows and kittens, launching a smear campaign against Human Rights Watch, one of the most conservative human rights organisations ar ...
Water - AlterNet
Whose Water Is It? Water Rights in the Age of Scar ...
This question is perhaps the thorniest question in the world of water. Here's a look at some of the laws surrounding it.
'The Cove:' Japan Has a Dark Secret It Hopes the W ...
Suspenseful and shocking film exposes the slaughter of tens of thousands of dolphins and the billion-dollar industry that profits from selling them.
Watch Out: Investors See Water as Potential Key to ...
As a result we're likely to see local water utilities being gobbled up by private companies which raise rates while offering subpar service.
Water Problems From Drilling Are More Frequent Tha ...
Methane released from gas drilling has caused a fatal explosion and water contamination across seven counties in Pennsylvania.
How Much Water Do You Use? Here's Some Quick Numbe ...
How much water does it take to shower, brush your teeth, do a load of laundry?
Republicans Have Government Insurance, Why Can’t ...
For weeks I have been listening to all the BS Republicans have spewed about health care reform. Republicans shouted it was socialized medicine and when that didn’t work they came up with other untruths. The fact of the matter is all members of Congress use the public option plan. Republicans are w ...
Retire Early In Self Defense Could Be A Mistake †...
/h3> Collect Now, or Later? Timing Your Social Security Benefits With the current state of US and world economy, the alternative to jumping out a window, committing a heinous crime or planting your pup tent under an overpass, is retire early and collect your meager social security check at gene ...
Texas Progressive Alliance – July 13, 2009
It’s Monday and it’s time for another version of the Texas Progressive Alliance weekly highlight reel. Off the Kuff suggests that a pro-science PAC could do a lot of good, nationally and in Texas. WCNews at Eye On Williamson reminds us that despite the brouhaha over transportation during the rec ...
Protect Us From Another Celebrity Death and Networ ...
The world is reeling from political upheaval, economic meltdown and environmental catastrophe. What does the national media focus on for two weeks? The high drama of a controversial musical artist who has the audacity of dying. News that effects each and every person on this planet is buried un ...
Texas Progressive Alliance – July 6, 2009
Now that we’ve celebrated another birthday for America, it’s time for the weekly Texas Progressive Alliance blog roundup. Here are your highlights from the holiday week. The loss of Ron Artest from the Rockets to the Lakers (essentially a trade for Trevor Arista) is a bad deal, writes PDiddie a ...
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
Peace, Finally: Reflections on the Fourth Annivers ...
By Cindy Sheehan Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Blog Cindy Sheehan’s Soap
Sibel Edmonds to break gag order + Turkey and Turk ...
by Luke Ryland Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Luke’s blog post August 6, 2009 Bradblog has the fu
Afghan War: NATO Builds History's First Global Arm ...
by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stopnato/me
Exclusive: The World's Largest Parasites by Gary S ...
by Gary Sudborough Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Aug 5, 2009 There are many living organisms on
The Public Option in Banking: How We Can Beat Wall ...
by Dr. Ellen Brown Featured Writer Dandelion Salad webofdebt.com August 5, 2009 President Obama ha
Unexplained Mysteries
Comet swarm delivered Earth's oceans ?
A barrage of comets some 3.85 billion years ago could have accounted for the arrival of the Earth's oceans a new study has suggested. Tens of thousand...
Alien sightings reported in North Port
A family in North Port have reported a number of encounters with 'alien' beings around their home. The case has received so much attention that the Mu...
Man finds his baby son alive in coffin
A grieving father who had opened the coffin of his deceased baby son discovered to his surprise that the infant was breathing several hours after doct...
'UFO' sighted on BBC webcam
The BBC are at the center of a UFO mystery this week after a strange object was sighted streaking past on a webcam during the channel's Look North mor...
Touchable holograms become reality
Researchers at the University of Tokyo have succeeded in creating not only a working three dimensional hologram projector but also a system using ultr...
Rethinking Aid: Hurricane Relief Rooted in Sustai ...
haiti-fruit_nursery.JPG I stopped in Gonaives to follow up with last year’s hurricane victims while traveling with Grassroots International’s partner the Peasant’s Movement of Papay (MPP) from Port-au-Prince to Haiti’s Northwest last w ...
Myths and Facts about the Coup in Honduras
3675021114_3e0b1b1526_m.jpg read more
Global Day of Action for Honduras: Would You Be Si ...
Honduras_march.jpg In solidarity with our partner, the Via Campesina, Grassroots International joins the Global Day of Action for Honduras , August 11, 2009. The Via Campesina issued a call to stand in solidarity with the people of Honduras: ...
Just Released—Food Rebellions! Crisis and the H ...
Cover_Mock-up_rev_13_Feb_09.jpg We’re pleased to announce the release of Food Rebellion s! , co-published by Grassroots International and our ally Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy. Food Rebellions! Crisis and the Hunger f ...
Honduras Crisis Exposes the Weakness of US Democra ...
While Honduras is on the brink of a civil war, politics-as-usual in Washington, D.C. threaten, quite literally, to block US support for democracy in that country. It also threatens to squelch democracy here as well. On Thursday, the office of Sen. Richard Lugar sent a letter to Secretary of State ...
August 8-9, 2009
Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security (New York Times) Climate change will pose profound strategic challenges to the U.S., raising the prospect of military intervention to deal with the effects of violent storms, drought, mass migration and pandemics, military analysts have revealed. ...
August 7, 2009
NY Governor Signs Order Setting Emissions Goal (Albany Times Union) New York Gov. David Paterson has signed an executive order that sets a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all statewide sources by 80 percent from 1990 levels by 2050. $2-Billion Infusion Coming to Cash for Clunkers ...
August 6, 2009
China Negotiator Optimistic on Climate Treaty (AP) China's top climate envoy said he is optimistic that upcoming negotiations will produce a new global warming treaty, but admitted developed countries have slowed the process by not setting CO2 reduction targets. $1.36 Billion to Create Technol ...
August 5, 2009
Study: US Consumers Spared Big Costs in Climate Bill (Reuters) A new U.S. government study adds to a growing list of experts concluding that climate legislation moving through Congress would have only a modest impact on consumers, adding a bit more than $100 to household costs in 2020. Pacific Isla ...
August 4, 2009
Scandal Surrounding Fake Climate Bill Letters Mushrooms (Politico) The coal front group ACCCE, caught up in a fraudulent grassroots lobbying scandal, tried to contain the damage only to see it mushroom, dragging in two more lawmakers and prompting a congressman to call for an official investigati ...
Tomgram: Jamail and Lazare, Lost in Military Limb ...
[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: In Chalmers Johnson's recent piece, "Three Good Reasons to Liquidate Our Empire," the mission of the Service Women's Action Network (SWAN) was mischaracterized. It has now been corrected at the piece. ] It's not exactly a secret that the U.S. Army and the U.S. M ...
Tomgram: John Feffer, Their Martyrs and Our Heroe ...
The way you imagine someone engaged in a suicide attack depends, not surprisingly, on which end of the attack you happen to be on -- in cultural, if not literal terms. In American films and pop culture, there were few acts more inexplicable or malevolent in the years of my childhood than those of ...
Tomgram: Frida Berrigan, 64 Years Too Late and No ...
As another August 6th approaches, let me tell you a little story about Hiroshima and me: As a young man, I was probably not completely atypical in having the Bomb (the 1950s was a great time for capitalizing what was important) on my brain, and not just while I was ducking under my school desk ...
Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, Dismantling the Empire
The Obama administration's plan to end production of the F-22 Raptor has received plenty of press coverage , but the Pentagon budget itself, even though it's again on the rise, hardly rates a bit of notice. In fact, amid the plethora of issues large and small -- from health care reform to Gates-g ...
Tomgram: Juan Cole, Empire's Paranoia About the P ...
These days, it seems as though the United States is conducting its wars in places remarkably unfamiliar to most Americans. Its CIA-operated drone aircraft, for instance, have been regularly firing missiles into Waziristan , where, in one strike in June, an estimated 80 tribespeople were killed wh ...
Smirking Chimp
Stop Complaining about Right-Wing Protests! The Le ...
OMG! Those protesters showing up at Democratic "town meetings" to promote the president's health care "reform" program are being bused in from out of town? Scandal! Que horrible! (Gasp!) But wait! That's exactly what we on the left always did when we held demonstrations--at least if we could. Who in ...
National Endowment for the Arts is Funding "Pornog ...
It used to be that the mere mention of the National Endowment for the Arts would immediately draw fire from the right. In the 1990s, "Defund the NEA" became a rallying cry that was regularly heard in the halls of Congress. Demonizing the NEA was a fundraising tool that kept giving and giving and giv ...
Clinton's intelligent diplomacy in Asia
Isolated, threadbare North Korea craves recognition by the U.S. NEW YORK -- Talk about unexpected consequences. Two American female journalists foolishly entered forbidden North Korea last March. They were sentenced to 12 years of hard labour. This set off a remarkable chain of diplomatic events, cu ...
It's Not a Recession. It's a planned demolition
Credit is not flowing. In fact, credit is contracting. That means things aren't getting better; they're getting worse. When credit contracts in a consumer-driven economy, bad things happen. Business investment drops, unemployment soars, earnings plunge, and GDP shrinks. The Fed has spent more than a ...
Olbermann-O'Reilly 'Truce' Frays
The agreement between top brass at General Electric and Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation – to tamp down the war of words between MSNBC host Keith Olbermann and Fox News star Bill O’Reilly – has broken down after the truce was revealed by the New York Times last weekend. Stung by criticis ...
Ten Percent
Honey Trap, Extortion, Genocide & Terrorism
Just another day in Washington, Sibel Edmonds got to give her deposition. Turkey really hates the Armenian genocide being recognised, luckily politician’s love bribes and are hypocrites. Ok, that bit’s not so newsy.
Torturers & Their Excuses
Wonder why it’s the Torygraph that Miliband and Jonhson print their denial of guilt. But don’t waste your time reading their carefully obfuscatory bullshit, this is all you need to know- MI5 and MI6 officers who question terrorism suspects they know are being tortured, are acting in line with a ...
Portrait Of A Fundamentalist
Most of what General McChrystal has done over a 33-year career remains classified, usually eats just one meal a day, in the evening, to avoid sluggishness. He is known for operating on a few hours’ sleep and for running to and from work while listening to audio books on an iPod. an encyclopedic, ...
Scholars on Iran
Statement by 40 Engaged Scholars Thursday, August 6, 2009 Human beings are members of a whole, In creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, Other members uneasy will remain. If you have no sympathy for human pain, The name of human you cannot retain. – A poem by the P ...
When All You’ve Got Is A Hammer
Every problem looks like a nail- A police decision to use a Taser gun on an 89-year-old man who was threatening to cut his own throat has been upheld by a watchdog. The Independent Police Complaints Commission(IPCC) said North Wales Police officers were protecting the public and the man’s life. Th ...
Paul Krugman
What did Laffer mean?
If Art Laffer garbled his words, there was method in his garble.
Jobs paradox?
Some readers have asked how it's possible for unemployment to fall when the economy is still losing jobs, albeit at a slower rate. The answer is a bit annoying.
Rioting against health care reform
Just in case there was any doubt.
Steven Pearlstein is shrill
Republican behavior on health care is nothing new.
One of these things is not like the other
Please, no false equivalences. The campaign against Social Security privatization was energetic and no doubt rude, but did not involve intimidation and disruption.
No Quarter
“America’s chief diplomat”: Hillary Clinton
Fareed Zakaria devoted over half of his Sunday CNN show to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — “a wide-ranging conversation on everything from Iran to her relationship with Barack Obama.” Zakaria flew to Nairobi this week to do the interview during Secretary Clinton’s trip to Africa. Since ...
It’s Time: Tune In to Larry Johnson on The John ...
Sunday night segment concluded . tune in next Sunday. Tune in to John Batchelor’s West Coast show at 11 p.m. EDT. In case Larry joins the panel early, start listening at 11:05 p.m. via KFI 640 AM. From John Batchelor’s schedule for tonight’s show: Sunday 1105P: (805P Pacific Time): Roundtable ...
He wants whom to shut up?
In a Virginia fundraiser for gubernatorial candidate Deeds, Obama said “But I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don’t mind cleaning up after them, but don’t do a lot of [...]
In 15 Minutes, Join NoQuarter Radio’s Sense on C ...
(Sunday night show (August 9th) concluded and promo bumped down. Catch the archived show anytime at No Quarter Radio.) Join me tonight on NQR’s Sense on Cents with Larry Doyle as we dig deeper and work harder in navigating the economic landscape. Is the market and economy truly rebounding as quic ...
More Audacious Audacity From Congressman Chickensh ...
The members of Congresss chafing over getting grilled by constituents continues to grow and their arrogance is breathtaking to behold. Check out this little morsel. So here we have a real doctor, who voted for Obama, getting the shaft from his elected representative. This shit is getting out of c ...
Environmental Graffiti
The Elusive Beauty of Lunar Rainbows
Amazing Insect Camouflage
The Artistic Nests of the Weaver Birds
Man Vs Anaconda
San Francisco’s Incredible Stained Glass Salt Po ...
Foreign Policy in Focus
African Union Declaration Against the ICC Not What ...
Developments in the struggle for African justice are at once promising and disturbing.
Honduran Coup: The U.S. Connection
There is growing evidence that the United States was more than a bit player in the Honduran coup, writes columnist Conn Hallinan.
Their Martyrs and Our Heroes
To understand and deal with our world, it's often less than useful to look on the enemy, in our case today "the terrorist," as something other than human (whether super-human or sub-human) rather than as another one of those strange creatures like ourselves.
Electoral Hypocrisy in Latin America
When it comes to changing term limits on Latin American presidents, U.S. lawmakers and pundits are applying a double standard � at least in Honduras and Colombia.
The Geopolitics of Facebook
FPIF's weekly update.
Therapy News
Feedback in Marriage Counseling Reduces Divorce Ra ...
A GoodTherapy.org News Update Incorporating feedback, or responses from therapy clients, into psychotherapy sessions, has been shown to have a dramatically positive effect on the success of recovery and healing. But such studies have not included instances of marriage counseling, providing the inspi ...
The Impact of Worry on Hair Loss
A GoodTherapy.org News Update The Detroit Free Press recently published an article reporting that former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was experiencing significant hair loss as a result of the extreme stress she has endured over the past several months. Rallying interest in the issue, the article seek ...
Reversing Eating Disorder Relapse
By Joanna Poppink, LMFT Click here to contact Joanna and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile I’m in the middle of attending a great conference at UCLA this week end. It’s “Adult Attachment in Clinical Context: Applications of the Adult Attachment Interview.” Superb and gifted researchers and ...
Ho Do You Really Feel?
A GoodTherapy.org News Update The question of “How are you feeling today?” is one asked by professionals of a wide variety of fields, not just those in the mental health professions. Regardless of who is asking the question, it seems, people tend to answer with some degree of dishonesty, whether ...
When Love Stops Working – Getting It Going Again
By Jennifer Lehr, MA, MFT Click here to contact Jennifer and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Almost everyone wants love in his or her life. It is a vital ingredient of our humanness. We are born through the bodies of our mothers, most likely have nursed on her breasts, were held, touched and att ...
Mountaintop Removal
Obama's OSM Pick Dodges Questions on Mountaintop R ...
by Ken Ward Jr. CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- President Obama's choice to be the nation's top strip-mining regulator said Thursday he needs to learn more about mountaintop removal coal mining before he can comment on whether it needs to be more strictly policed. Joseph G. Pizarchik declined to offer his view ...
Dan Shapley: To Vacation or Not, in Tennessee? Tha ...
In the war over the destructive coal-mining practice known as mountaintop removal, one of the fronts is being fought in Tennessee, between advocates for regional...
Backyard Nightmare (WSAZ NewsChannel 3 West Virgin ...
Backyards are a place for summertime cookouts, playing and making memories- but for one family in Barboursville their backyard has turned into a nightmare.
Dedication Held for Buffalo Creek Memorial Highway ...
A stretch of road has been named the Buffalo Creek Memorial Highway to honor 125 people who lost their lives in 1972.
Man Killed After Losing Control of Homemade Dune B ...
A man was killed in an accident in the Milton area on Saturday.
U.S. to Hunt Down Afghan Drug Lords Tied to Taliba ...
James Risen / New York Times : U.S. to Hunt Down Afghan Drug Lords Tied to Taliban — WASHINGTON — Fifty Afghans believed to be drug traffickers with ties to the Taliban have been placed on a Pentagon target list to be captured or killed, reflecting a major shift in American counternarcoti ...
'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care deb ...
USA Today : ‘Un-American’ attacks can't derail health care debate — Americans have been waiting for nearly a century for quality, affordable health care. — Health coverage for all was on the national agenda as early as 1912, thanks to Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose presidential run. ...
Let's mark this moment in the health debate as it ...
James Fallows : Let's mark this moment in the health debate as it happens — Nearly fifteen years ago, after the collapse of the Clinton health-reform effort, I spent a lot of time working on an Atlantic article (and subsequent book chapter) about how, exactly, the discussion of the bill had ...
More troops, fewer caveats. Let's get serious (Ant ...
Anthony Cordesman / Times of London : More troops, fewer caveats. Let's get serious — What should be an integrated civil-military effort in Afghanistan is instead a wasteful mess. This is how we can fix it — In Afghanistan Nato/ISAF faces challenges that go far beyond the normal li ...
How the White House's Deal With Big Pharma Undermi ...
Robert Reich / Robert Reich's Blog : How the White House's Deal With Big Pharma Undermines Democracy — I'm a strong supporter of universal health insurance, and a fan of the Obama administration. But I'm appalled by the deal the White House has made with the pharmaceutical industry's lobby ...
Energy & Environment News
Nissan Unveils Electric Car, to Be Available Next ...
Nissan Motor took the wraps off its much-awaited electric car, naming the hatchback Leaf and taking a step toward its goal of leading the industry in the zero-emissions field.
Company Defends Chief in Bhopal Disaster
After an Indian court ordered the arrest of Warren Anderson, Union Carbide said he should not be blamed for a gas leak that killed 10,000 people in 1984.
U.S. Weighs Iran Sanctions if Talks Are Rejected
Cutting off gasoline imports is being considered as an option if Iran refuses to discuss its nuclear program.
News Analysis: Doing the ‘Clunker’ C ...
The short-term effect of the program will be obvious, but the longer-term value — either as a method of stimulating the economy or saving energy — is less clear.
Green Inc. Column: Governments Can Promote Energy ...
What policies can help the world transform a vast environmental promise into reality? There is plenty of cause for pessimism.
5+ quakes - 7 days
M 5.0, Santa Cruz Islands
Monday, August 10, 2009 05:28:16 UTC Monday, August 10, 2009 04:28:16 PM at epicenter Depth : 45.60 km (28.33 mi)
M 6.6, Santa Cruz Islands
Monday, August 10, 2009 04:06:32 UTC Monday, August 10, 2009 03:06:32 PM at epicenter Depth : 42.80 km (26.59 mi)
M 7.1, Izu Islands, Japan region
Sunday, August 9, 2009 10:55:56 UTC Sunday, August 9, 2009 07:55:56 PM at epicenter Depth : 303.10 km (188.34 mi)
M 5.6, Gulf of California
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 09:13:12 UTC Wednesday, August 5, 2009 02:13:12 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
M 5.5, New Ireland region, Papua New Guinea
Sunday, August 9, 2009 07:09:04 UTC Sunday, August 9, 2009 05:09:04 PM at epicenter Depth : 86.20 km (53.56 mi)
China Dialogue
“I openly call for emissions cuts” (2)
In the second section of a two-part interview, Liu Jianqiang and Yi Shui talk to Hu Angang about how China’s climate-change policy is formed, and how it can change. [Produced in association with Rutgers Climate and Social Policy Initiative ] chinadialogue: Many Chinese people who oppose a comm ...
“I openly call for emissions cuts” (1)
He is one of the country’s best known economists, and a rare voice in calling on China to commit to reductions in greenhouse-gas pollution. Liu Jianqiang and Yi Shui talk to Hu Angang. [Produced in association with Rutgers Climate and Social Policy Initiative ] The publication of Hu Angang’s ...
Criminals join the e-waste cycle
An EU directive on recycling was meant to clear up the problem of electronic waste – but it is being flagrantly abused in the United Kingdom. Pete Warren reports. Organised crime has moved into the recycling industry -- a development that has become clear over the past few months after a series of ...
Are we ready for REDD?
Climate-change negotiators in Copenhagen would be wise to pay attention to some of the challenges highlighted by early experiments using market mechanisms to avoid deforestation, writes Tan Copsey. An agreement to curb deforestation is expected to be one of the major outcomes of this year’s global ...
“Why don’t we stop hurting Earth?”
Telling children about climate change could leave them angry, worried or even traumatised. So when and how should we do it? Leo Hickman explores an issue that can only grow in importance. “A four-year-old child could understand this! Run out and find me a four-year-old child.” For the past year ...
Daily Censored
GOP lawmaker hits Obama, ‘a guy that can’t eve ...
In remarks to the Tulsa Republican Club on Friday, Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK) spent most of his 40 minutes “attacking the president on matters ranging from energy to management.” Sullivan even seemed to buy into birthers’ claims as evidence of why President Obama’s policies are so “frighten ...
‘Mission accomplished’ in Gaza
Read the full story at San Francisco Bay View Viva Palestina reportback by Dolores Cox An “act of piracy” is what New York Councilman Charles Barron called the kidnapping of former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and others aboard Free Gaza’s “Spirit of Humanity” and seizure of the boat b ...
GOP lawmaker hits Obama, ‘a guy that can’t eve ...
In remarks to the Tulsa Republican Club on Friday, Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK) spent most of his 40 minutes “attacking the president on matters ranging from energy to management.” Sullivan even seemed to buy into birthers’ claims as evidence of why President Obama’s policies are so “frighten ...
GOP lawmaker hits Obama, ‘a guy that can’t eve ...
In remarks to the Tulsa Republican Club on Friday, Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK) spent most of his 40 minutes “attacking the president on matters ranging from energy to management.” Sullivan even seemed to buy into birthers’ claims as evidence of why President Obama’s policies are so “frighten ...
GOP lawmaker hits Obama, ‘a guy that can’t eve ...
In remarks to the Tulsa Republican Club on Friday, Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK) spent most of his 40 minutes “attacking the president on matters ranging from energy to management.” Sullivan even seemed to buy into birthers’ claims as evidence of why President Obama’s policies are so “frighten ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
Clinton shifts focus to human rights in Africa
50 suspected Afghan drug lords targeted by US: rep ...
Obama in Mexico for North America leaders summit
Rice denounces Iran 'show trials'
Taliban leader's death a sign of success in Pakist ...
Institute for Policy Studies
Taxing Wealth for the Common Good
Business leaders and wealthy individuals call for a repeal of the Bush-era taxes on high incomes.
The Destruction of the Black Middle Class
Left out of the commentary on race and class over the Gates affair has been talk of the increasing impoverishment — or, we should say, re-impoverishment — of African Americans as a group.
Asia's Axis of Evil?
Burma and North Korea are the pariahs of Asia. Are these birds of a feather flocking together?
Obama: Renegotiate NAFTA as You Promised
Mexican, Canadian, and U.S. leaders should scrap their failed "Security and Prosperity Partnership" and begin overhauling the North American Free Trade agreement at an upcoming Guadalajara meeting.
Why Are We Letting Polluters Regulate Themselves I ...
The new energy bill would strip EPA of its power and let polluters take the reigns with a market-based system.
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
"Three amigos" summit dominated by swine ...
* Economic slump felt in all three countries * No unity on simmering trade issues * Shared commitment to halt spread of H1N1 virus By Steve Holland and Patricia Zengerle GUADALAJARA, Mexico, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Leaders of the United States, Mexico and Cana ...
U.S. banks to make $38 billion from overdraft fees ...
(Reuters) - Banks in the United States are poised to make $38.5 billion in customer overdraft fees this year, the Financial Times said, citing research by Moebs Services.
REFILE-U.S. commander says Taliban have Afghan mom ...
(Corrects paragraph 1 to Monday, not Tuesday) (For full coverage on Afghanistan, double click on [ID:nAFPAK]) KABUL, Aug 10 (Reuters) - The Taliban are advancing out of traditional strongholds in Afghanistan's south and east into the north and west, the commander of U.S. and NATO troops in the count ...
US says evidence Taliban chief dead "pretty c ...
* U.S. says evidence of Mehmud's death "pretty conclusive" * Taliban commander denies report of infighting, shootout * Taliban says govt fabricating reports of dissent in ranks * Mehmud's deputy says video soon to prove he is still alive (Adds more quotes from U.S. security adviser) By Alamgir Bita ...
China, others shove U.S. in scramble for Africa
By Ed Cropley, African Investment Correspondent - Analysis
Editing your Life: The Spiritual Discipline of Edi ...
I am sitting in Sydney on a beautiful but crisp winter’s morning watching the rainbow lorikeets out in the trees. Â My Dad’s funeral is over and I will head back to Seattle in 2 days time. Â I have been very aware of prayer and the grace of God in the midst of this. Â Thanks to [...]
Living in Transition as Spiritual Practice
I am now in Sydney Australia after what has been one of the easiest long international trips I have made for a long time. Â I even slept for several hours on the flight which makes me very aware of the fact that people have been praying for me. Today’s article comes from Guy Chmieleski who is [. ...
Recent Additions to the Spiritual Practices series
Here’s the round-up of the most recent Spiritual Practices posts: The Spiritual Practice of Apologizing by T Freeman Love-making as a Spiritual Practice by Mark Scandrette Smoking the Glory of God by Jason Clark The Spiritual Practice of Getting Honest With Myself by Jonathan Brink Spiritual Disci ...
Between the Sheets: Sleeping as A Spiritual Practi ...
I will be heading out to Australia this afternoon but am hoping to continue posting while I travel. Â The submissions continue to arrive which is wonderful and I am enjoying reading them before I post them. This morning’s post is from Teri Peterson a presbyterian pastor who loves her new bed (wh ...
Driving as Spiritual Practice
The weather has cooled down considerably here in Seattle and everyone feels that things are back to normal. Â A little rain would be appreciated – yes we do have days and in this case months without rain in the Pacific NW. Â The garden is flourishing but definitely crying out for a good soakin ...
Equality Trust
Shattering the myth of equality
An article by Boris Frankel in Melbourne's newspaper 'The Age'.
Polly Toynbee: This bold equality push is just wha ...
Polly Toynbee writing about the new Equality Bill today's Guardian. "Harriet Harman's bill is a frank recognition of the role of class in Britain. A decade earlier, it might have had a real impact..."
Seumas Milne: This naked display of class egotism ...
"It's more than a week since Alistair Darling's budget, but the howls of protest haven't stopped for a day ever since. That's not been the public sector employees facing a harsh squeeze on jobs and pay who've been squealing, or the million workers expected to join the dole queues in the next year, ...
Bob Holman on social breakdown
Bob Holman writes in the Glasgow Herald about the evidence in The Spirit Level.
Inequality is the root of our unhappiness
Former director of the Institute of Education Peter Mortimore, writing in today's Education Guardian.
News you may have missed #0061
Finland police identify body of WWII Soviet spy. Hacker conferences attract spies, thieves. Interesting interview with lawyer behind CIA lawsuit.
DNI responses to Senate questions declassified
Don’t bother reading through the 40 pages (.pdf) of responses given last February by the US Director of National Intelligence (DNI) to questions by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. There’s not that much new information in it, and it turns out DNI Dennis C. Blair even resorted to plag ...
News you may have missed #0060
Ex-FBI translator tests US Justice Department again. Bulgaria appoints new National Security Agency director. US paper sees power struggle inside Iranian intelligence.
News you may have missed #0050
Cuban Five to be given new sentences in October. CIA invests in web-based software company --again. Canada to investigate spy service's role in Abdelrazik's torture.
Newspaper publishes names of suspected Israeli spy ...
A Lebanese newspaper has published the names of 22 Arabs arrested in conjunction with the Al-Alam spy ring affair, which intelNews has been monitoring since February, when it first erupted.
Sidebar Search
Water Power
Swiss' SAM keen on US, China-focused water firms
- Aug 09, 2009
- 9 hours ago
By Leonora Walet, Asia Green Investment Correspondent HONG KONG (Reuters) - Swiss asset manager SAM Sustainable fancies water firms with exposure to the ...
clipped from Google - 8/2009
Water Main Break Floods Section of TriBeCa
New York Times
- Aug 07, 2009
- Aug 07, 2009
Updated, 12:40 pm A 12-inch cast-iron water main installed in 1870 broke in Lower Manhattan early Friday morning, flooding about a dozen buildings, ...
Related Articles »
clipped from Google - 8/2009
Milford residents advised to boil water
Boston Herald
- Aug 10, 2009
- 1 hour ago
By AP MILFORD — A boil order has been issued to residents of Milford after bacterial contamination was found in the town's water supply. ...
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clipped from Google - 8/2009
Book World: Maureen Corrigan Reviews Karin Fossum's ??The Water's ...
Washington Post
- Aug 09, 2009
- 9 hours ago
By Karin Fossum It's a mark of Karin Fossum's writerly magnificence that even though her latest crime novel, "The Water's Edge," revolves around what is at ...
clipped from Google - 8/2009
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