Republican Mobs Stirrng The Pot Until It Boils Over
Sometimes, words can kill.A vocabulary carefully crafted into lethal lies almost always foreshadows fatalities.
1) Inflammatory and defamatory words, especially if spoken by religious or political authority figures, can and do lead to violence.
2) There is no shortage of mentally unbalanced people who will sometimes carry out shocking acts, and we should be very careful not to incite them with rhetoric that stokes their paranoia. Like stacks of firewood, these angry individuals go unnoticed until the gasoline is poured and the match is lit.
3) Americans are human beings, just like everyone else. So, the notion that what we say does not matter "because it could never happen here" is jingoistic foolishness.We can best celebrate free speech and assembly by freely choosing not to incite or assemble irate mobs that lack control or any normal sense of inhibition.We can best celebrate free speech and assembly by freely choosing not to incite or assemble irate mobs that lack control or any normal sense of inhibition.
We can best celebrate free speech and assembly by freely choosing not to incite or assemble irate mobs that lack control or any normal sense of inhibition.
The Lord is my central banker, I shall not want…
FACT Petitions to End Poultry Litter as Cattle FeedHat Tip to CowBoss who posted this on Care2 - and sent an e-mail
The Dairy Site
Latest Dairy Industry News
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Sustainable Dairy is at the Core of Food Security
RSPCA's Supermarket Animal Welfare Competition
Germany Introduces 'Without Gene Technology' Label *
- CowBoss' choice article
Options for Utilizing Lower Quality Crops Evaluated
Weekly US Cattle Outlook: Beef Market Down
Weekly Australian Cattle Summary
Sainsbury's to Guarantee Market for Veal
DairyCo at UK Dairy Event And Livestock Show
AFBF: Report Bearish for Corn, Neutral for Soybeans
Registration Opens for VIV China
In The Cattle Markets
Feed Barley Supplies Likely to be Tight this Winter
EU Ministers Propose Additional Dairy Measures
Native protesters block access to Manitoba dam
The group is demanding more aboriginals be hired to work at the site which currently employs about 800 people with about 44 from the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation.
Taser maker to file suit over inquiry
“They were biased in the sense that a substantial body of science and medical study we provided to the commission was not considered.”Mr. Braidwood's recommendations included tougher standards for the use of tasers, a five-second time limit on the deployment of the devices and a call for province-wide standards for their use.
Hangover in the oil sands: Alberta Pure is the new Grey Goose
Millions of missing fish signal crisis on the Fraser RiverBetween 10.6 million and 13 million sockeye were expected to return to the Fraser this summer. But the official count is now just 1.7 million, according to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Officials don't know where or why the salmon vanished – but they apparently died at some point during migration.
Alexandra Morton, who several years ago correctly predicted a collapse of pink salmon runs in the Broughton Archipelago because of sea lice infestations, in March warned the same thing could happen to Fraser sockeye.
She said researchers used genetic analyses to show Fraser sockeye smolts were getting infested with sea lice in Georgia Strait.
Other big runs of salmon are expected to return this year - notably pinks where are projected to number 17 million - but it is too early to tell if the sockeye collapse will be repeated with other species.
U.S. health care under critical eye
"Money doesn't talk, it swears."-- Bob DylanSometimes it takes a neighbour's lunacy eruption to remind us how truly blessed we are.
Behold America's unfathomable resistance to what every other developed nation in the world takes for granted -- some form of single-payer health-care system.
But it's only unfathomable if one doesn't take into account what's driving the allergy towards a universal care model -- massive political payola and arm-twisting from the very businesses that profit on medical misery and represent much of what's sick about the American system.
So-called death panels have been ascribed to the meek Obama reforms, conjuring images of Auschwitz riding crop-style triage. As if on cue, Canada's health-care system is once again literally driving Americans crazy. More frightening than Canada's weather is its Trotskyite medical approach that Conservative governments are loathe to dump due to its popularity.
The same goes for all those other industrialized countries that have fallen to Marxist-Leninism.
So great are the mythologies and stigma attached to Canada's system, not even Democrat lawmakers will consult medical experts north of the 49th lest they be painted red.
But when you're depth-charged by Republican blowhards, it's a dead giveaway you're on the right track.
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