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IPS - Inter Press Services
- CULTURE: Young Women in Chat Rooms Beware
MANAMA, Aug 6 (IPS) - Internet and mobile phones have spawned a new kind of marriage in the Gulf.
- CUBA: Fullest Possible Social Inclusion for the D ...
SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Jul 5 (IPS) - Arnoldo Ramón Virgilio’s legs are of little use to him, but he has a way with words that more than makes up for any physical limitations. He’s one of the outpatients at the "América Labadà Arce" Medical and Education Centre, which provides health car ...
- RIGHTS: UN Anti-Racism Committee Concerned for In ...
GENEVA, Aug 5 (IPS) - The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) expressed concern this week over the treatment received by indigenous communities in Peru.
- RIGHTS: Outspoken Activists Defend Africa's Sexua ...
COPENHAGEN, Aug 5 (IPS) - The second World Outgames, held in the Danish capital, offered up a veritable smorgasbord of sport, politics and arts while celebrating sexual and gender diversity. But it also reminded participants that bigotry against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) peop ...
- POLITICS: Security Council Reform Remains Deadloc ...
UNITED NATIONS, Aug 5 (IPS) - After 15 long years of closed-door bickering, the United Nations remains irrevocably deadlocked on how to revamp the most powerful political body in the Organisation: the 15-member Security Council.
The Intelligence Daily
- Panetta Seeks to Whitewash CIA Crimes
- William Blum's Monthly Anti-Emipre Report
- Chasing Terrorists VS. Chasing Swine Flu
- An Ominous Glimpse into the Future of Human Labor
- Elderly man resisting eviction shot by Detroit pol ...
My AntiWar
- Residents flee China's quarantined plague town
Frightened residents of a Chinese town sealed off after an outbreak of pneumonic plague have begun to flee under cover of darkness, sneaking around checkpoints set up to stop the spread of one of the world’s deadliest diseases.
- ATF worries about cartel grenades coming into US
It was a scenario U.S. law enforcement had long feared: A fragmentation grenade from Mexico's bloody drug war tossed into a public place.
- Murdoch vows to charge for all online content
Rupert Murdoch has vowed to charge for all the online content of his newspapers and television news channels, going well beyond his prediction in May that the company would test pay models on one of its stronger papers within the year.
- House Orders Up Three Elite Jets
But apparently Congress is not philosophically averse to private air travel: At the end of July, the House approved nearly $200 million for the Air Force to buy three elite Gulfstream jets for ferrying top government officials and Members of Congress.
- Alabama Sheriff May Call For The National Guard T ...
The sheriff in Alabama's most populous county may call for the National Guard to help maintain order, a spokesman said Tuesday, after a judge cleared the way for cuts in the sheriff's budget and hopes dimmed for a quick end to a budget crisis.
Innovation Canada
- Filling the glass
Walkerton, Ont., North Battleford, Sask., and the Kashechewan First Nation Reserve, in Northern Ontario, have all become high-profile — and tragic — examples of what can go wrong when a community’s drinking water becomes contaminated. Surprisingly, they are not alone. At any given time, 1,700 ...
- i2eye with Bartha Maria Knoppers
“Don’t plan your career — be curious.” That’s the credo that Bartha Maria Knoppers, the new director of the Centre of Genomics and Policy at McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre, espouses — and one she lives by. Knoppers turned her love of books into a master’s in c ...
- Environmental legacy
(Article courtesy of University of Regina) University of Regina biologist Chris Somers is fascinated by how humans and wildlife interact and how animals respond to human-modified environments. “My research often combines animal ecology in the field, environmental chemistry and genetics,” explain ...
- Rebooting the search for dark matter
“This is just a regular day at the office,” says researcher Chris Jillings as a two-kilometre-long cable lowers an elevator down into a maze of sweltering passageways leading to the “clean rooms” at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, or SNOLAB. “But every so often, I realize this is all rea ...
- Seeking the perfect storm
Mother Nature always has the upper hand — and sometimes the last laugh. John Hanesiak knows this well. When asked about the most memorable weather he’s tracked, the University of Manitoba atmospheric scientist and storm chaser points out that he’s witnessed several tornadoes, but the event t ...
Signs of the times
- Ponerization: Hamas dress code aims to make Gaza ...
Police order a lingerie shop to hide its scantily clad mannequins. A judge warns female lawyers to wear headscarves in court. Beach patrols break up groups of singles and make men wear shirts. It's all part of a new Hamas campaign to get Gazans to adhere to a strict Muslim lifestyle. Hamas insists ...
- Back treatment for elderly no better than placebo
A common treatment that uses medical cement to fix cracks in the spinal bones of elderly people worked no better than a sham treatment, the first rigorous studies of the popular procedure reveal. Pain and disability were virtually the same up to six months later, whether patients had a real treatme ...
- Robert Gibbs backtracks on Ahmadinejad 'elected' r ...
The welfare of three Americans reportedly arrested at the Iran border remained murky Wednesday as the White House sought to clarify its view on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's presidency. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs referred to Ahmadinejad, who was sworn in for a second term Wednesday, as "the elected ...
- Obama lawyer who pushed to release Bush torture me ...
The Obama administration lawyer perhaps most associated with the president's decision to close Guantanamo Bay and the decision to release secret Bush-era memorandums authorizing torture may leave his post as White House Counsel, according to a report Tuesday. Gregory Craig, 64, leads the White Hous ...
- Purloining the People's Property
Every week, Marcia Carroll collects examples of privatization (that is, corporatization of the peoples' assets). Looking at her website,, will either make you laugh helplessly or make your blood boil. The "off the wall" giveaways at bargain-basement prices of what you and oth ...
Threat Level
- Lawsuit: Twitter Method Infringes Patents
Twitter’s microblogging service breaches the patents of a Texas-based technology company, which is demanding unspecified damages and licensing fees, according to a federal lawsuit. TechRadium, of Sugar Land, claims it has patents to what it calls the “mass notification” concept. According to t ...
- Digitized Stalking is the New World Order
You’re being followed. Stalkers are everywhere, even in your pocket. That’s the warning Wednesday from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the San Francisco-based civil liberties group. In a “white paper” dubbed On Locational Privacy, and How to Avoid Losing it Forever, the group warns how e ...
- Pirate Bay Buyer Says Record Deal Imminent
The buyer of The Pirate Bay, the world’s most notorious BitTorrent tracker, says one of the “Big Four” record labels is set to hawk their wares on the site once Global Gaming Factory turns it into a pay-to-play destination, Swedish media reports. Global Gaming Factory, of Sweden, is expected t ...
- Inside the World’s Most Hostile Network
- Hacking the DefCon 17 Badges
LAS VEGAS — For the last four years DefCon’s badges have been designed with circuit boards that attendees have been encouraged to hack as part of a contest. This year, the badge hackers were competing to win a black über badge, which gives the recipient free entry to DefCon for life. The c ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Bush Domestic Spying Ally Cornyn Now Fears Obama D ...
If nothing else, Republican Senator John Cornyn is an irony producing machine. During the Terri Schiavo affair, the former Texas Supreme Court Justice was at the forefront of the GOP campaign to intimidate and threaten judges. Now after his fierce...
- The Brooks Brothers Rioters and Their Discontents
Karl Marx famously said historical events occur twice, first as tragedy and then as farce. And so it is with the Republican "filibuster nation," the manufactured mob displays designed to disrupt, derail and destroy Democratic health care events. As I...
- GOP Returns to 2000 Dade County Recount Playbook
Every football coach will tell you: if a play works, keep running it until the defense stops you. And so it is with the health care debate. Facing overwhelming public support for health care reform, right-wing groups have deployed mobs...
- Stimulus Paying Big Dividends for GDP, State Budge ...
Beginning in early July, Capitol Hill Republicans introduced a new talking point, proclaiming the $787 billion economy recovery package (ARRA) a "dismal failure." Sadly for the GOP, as Stephen Colbert might say, reality is showing its well-known liberal bias. After...
- Owner of 13 Cars, McCain Aims to Block Cash for Cl ...
Moments after the House passed a $2 billion extension to the wildly popular "cash for clunkers" program, John McCain in a double-irony announced he would oppose the bill in the Senate. Ironic, it turns out, not merely because the Arizona...
Blackspot News Feed
- Obama Continues To Pay Blackwater (Christian Crusa ...
MoxNewsDotComAugust 05, 2009 COMING SOON!!! 05, 2009 MSNBC Keith Olbermann more about “Obama Continues To Pay Blackwater (Ch…“, posted with vodpod***In Explosive Allegations, Ex-Employees Link Blackwater Founder to Murder, ThreatsDemocracy Now!A ...
- Illegal stem-cell clinic raided in Budapest
From New Scientist: Stem cell tourism – patients paying for treatment at illegal “guerrilla” clinics – continues to be a lucrative racket. Police in Hungary last week arrested four individuals they suspect of running an illegal stem cell treatment clinic in Budapest. Reuters reported t ...
- Ahmadinejad Sworn In as Iran President Amid Crisis
Tehran - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was sworn in for a second term as Iran's president Wednesday while security forces battled hundreds of protesters chanting "Death to the Dictator" in the streets around parliament where the ceremony was held. Key opposition leaders, moderate lawmakers and all thr ...
- Five Futuristic Interfaces on Display at SIGGRAPH
A couple of the five featured interfaces on Technology Review: Touchable Holography 3D Teleconferencing
- Health Bill Includes Abortion Coverage
Washington - Health care legislation before Congress would allow a new government-sponsored insurance plan to cover abortions, a decision that would affect millions of women and recast federal policy on the divisive issue. Federal funds for abortions are now restricted to cases involving rap ...
Consortium News
- GE Muzzles Olbermann about Fox
As Fox News eggs on health-care disruptions, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann respects a GE-brokered truce with Fox, says Robert Parry. August 5, 2009
- Bush's Conspiracy to Riot
From the Archive: Today's right-wing disruptions of health-care "town halls" harken back to George W. Bush's riot in 2000. By Robert Parry
- Assessing Rumsfeld's Strategic Vision
Ex-Defense Secretary Rumsfeld is faulted for his "small-footprint" strategy, but other options could be worse, writes Ivan Eland. August 4, 2009
- US Confronts the Russia-Iran Alliance
Iran's warmer relations with Russia and others outside the U.S. orbit complicate President Obama's plans, reports TheRealNews. August 4, 2009
- Battling for Single-Payer Healthcare
Right-wing media rallies Republican activists against healthcare bills, as reformers struggle to be heard, reports Siobhan Kolar. August 4, 2009
- Dedrick Muhammad / Barbara Ehrenreich : The Destr ...
- Norman Solomon : The Incredible, Shrinking Health ...
- William Blum : The Myths of Afghanistan: Past and ...
- Gareth Porter : The ISI and the Taliban: US Offici ...
- Mary Lynn Cramer : The Myth of Medicare for All
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Statistical report on persons killed and property ...
This report presents documented statistical material on the damage inflicted on civilians and their property by the IOF during Operation Cast Lead. Information in the report is based on an extensive field su ...
- Position paper on the Israel Land Administration l ...
The Knesset Economic Committee recently considered the issue of the Israel Land Administration reform, and approved a draft law on the subject. The draft law, inter alia, institutes a regime of land privatiz ...
- Washington summons Israel envoy over East Jerusale ...
Washington issued another diplomatic protest over Israeli conduct in East Jerusalem on Monday, its second in as many weeks. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman summoned ...
- Traumatised children struggle to rise again (Inte ...
Tens of thousands of children in Gaza are still suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) following Israel's three-week bombing. Several crisis counselling teams run by international organisations ...
- Israelis must acknowledge how Zionism dismembered ...
The problem with demanding more Arab concessions and "confidence-building" measures in order to make Israel feel secure enough to comply with the dictates of law and morality is that this approach has failed ...
- Could Trees Be the New Rubber?
You’re waiting at a red light, your engine idling lightly. You check the crosswalk signal: 20 seconds, you have some time. You turn your classical music up a notch to the perfect volume and you close your eyes, relaxing on your way home from work. But your moment of relaxation is interrupted by t ...
- Earth’s Biogeochemical Cycles Slipping Into Disa ...
The conductor walks on to the stage and mounts the podium with applause from the crowd. Â He bows to the audience, then turns to his orchestra and, with one fluid motion pulls music from the vast expanse of silence. Each musician moves, almost mechanically, in perfect time, in perfect concert. T ...
- Why Are There Fewer Large Trees in Yosemite?
We’ve all heard the legend of Johnny Appleseed, the legendary apple tree planter of the United States. He walked across the country with his walking stick, and a bucket of seeds, just walking and planting as he went . Everywhere he went, apple trees sprouted up. And he was a hero. It is such a h ...
- Killer Kelp
When I was doing research on Catalina Island, there was a wanted poster hanging in the dive locker. Although, this wanted poster was not for any bank robber or bandit. This was a wanted poster for kelp. Undaria pinnatifida , an invasive species from Asia that has hitched a ride on boat’s hulls a ...
- Popular Gator Killed by Poachers in Texas
A 13-foot, 600-pound alligator was killed in a state-managed coastal preserve just north of the Armand Bayou Nature Center (ABNC) in Pasadena, Texas. The alligator, estimated to be 50-years-old, was a popular tourist attraction at the Center and possibly one of the largest ‘gators in the state ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Parkinson's Disease: Rural Well Water Linked to Pa ...
Rural Well Water Linked to Parkinson’s Disease wordpress:
- National Resource Defense Council Reports on Water ...
Beach name Rating details 100 yrds ENE of Little Bridge, Causeway, Nags Head 100 yrds. o
- Great Water Quality at Outer Banks Beaches
Recently, environmental experts reported that the Outer Banks has some of the nation’s cleanes
- Water awareness: global survey of public perceptio ...
Molson Coors Brewing Company [has] announced a strategic collaboration with Circle of Blue in suppor
- 2008/2009 Water Quality Committee Annual Report
The Glen Lake Association Water Quality Committee has focused on the following activities during the
Public Citizen in Texas
- King Williams Parade Pics 062 [Flickr]
Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Austin Energy Wants to Know: What kind of an energ ...
Austin Energy will make a recommendation to City Council in August of their future generation plan through 2020. According to their website, “an important component of the planning process is input from the community” — but as of April, only about 300 people had filled out Austin Energy†...
- Energia Mia Press Conference Today!!!
The press conference marking the announcement of the formation the Energia Mia Coalition takes place today, Aug 5th at 4:30 at St. Paul’s Community Center, 1201 Donaldson – at Donaldson and St. Cloud Road. The media arrives at 5:00 and several people from local groups are scheduled to speak. F ...
- Austin Energy May Cut GreenChoice Power Prices
After a rash of local and national press about the recent failure of Austin Energy’s GreenChoice program, Austin Energy has decided to re-evaluate their pricing structure. The city may be able to reduce the cost of the program by as much as 25%. Turns out Austin Energy was overly conservat ...
- Public Citizen Urges Supreme Court to Uphold Campa ...
Overturning Campaign Finance Restrictions Would Allow Corporations to Dominate Elections WASHINGTON, D.C. – Public Citizen joined a team of other attorneys in submitting a friend-of-the-court brief to the U.S. Supreme Court today, urging the court to adhere to its precedents and reaffirm the longs ...
Press TV
- Tribesmen kill 11 militants in NW Pakistan
Pakistani tribesmen have raided hideouts of pro-Taliban militants in the restive North-West Frontier Province, killing a dozen insurgents.
- Parliament 'has final say on Musharraf trial'
The Pakistani premier says the government is bound to implement the decision of parliament if lawmakers pass a resolution to hold trial of Pervez Musharraf.
- Puntland Information Minister assassinated
The Information Minister of the semi-autonomous administration of Puntland has been killed by six unidentified gunmen in Galka'yo town in the Mudug region of Somalia.
- South America against US bases in Colombia
A US plan to use military bases in Colombia has met with opposition in South America despite Washington's efforts to calm the region.
- US wants Israel's guarantee over settlements
The US calls for Israel's guarantee that it will halt the expansion of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Axis of Logic
- A Reuters Alchemist at Work in Colombia
- Of humility, love, and hope
- Israel evicts two Palestinian families - 2 Aug 09
- The Swine Flu Lie
- A Spiritual Conspiracy
They Gave Us a Republic
- Dick Morris Is a Miserable Little Bastard, Isn't h ...
I've been trying to start a diary on Dick Morris all day but once again my inability to come up with something new that adequately describes the utter contempt I have for this slimy little lizard is driving me up the goddamned wall. I've made at least a dozen starts and every time I really start ...
- Rockefeller Not Falling for Senate Repugs' Snowe J ...
I was recently discouraged to hear a supposed liberal praise Senator Olympia Snowe. The Maine republican is usually identified as a "moderate," meaning that unlike the rest of her party she is not actually calling President Obama a traitor live on television. Snowe is, however, the Trojan Horse on t ...
- Make-It-Yourself Kenyan Birth Certificate: For Yo ...
Via TPM, it's the official Kenyan Birth Certificate Generator! Just answer a few easy questions, and voila! - you were born in Kenya. When the certificate is finished, the site will even provide you with a URL of the certificate's very own, plus links you can send to all those who deny your true bir ...
- Welcome Home - now just ignore the nattering nabob ...
One would think that the entire nation would heave a sigh of relief and say a few words rooted in the belief system that comforts them when the news broke that Bill Clinton had secured the freedom of Euna Lee and Laura Ling, who had been detained by North Korea in mid-March, sentenced to 12 years at ...
- Single-Payer Summer
Want to beat the astroturf hooligans on health care reform? Ignore the stupid town halls on the worthless compromise the congressional weasels are trying to sell. Demand single-payer. Fuck the public option. Fuck community rating. Fuck cost controls. Fuck individual mandates. Fuck open access r ...
Care 2
- Bombshell: Osama Bin Laden Worked for US Until 9/1 ...
The US outsourced terror operations to al Qaeda and the Taliban for many years, promoting the Islamization of Central Asia in an attempt to personally profit off military sales as well as oil and gas concessions. US governmental silence is deafening! Submitted by David Buchan to US Politics & Gov't ...
- Help Recovery Efforts Continue for Endangered Sea ...
Already listed as an endangered species, the sea turtle is now at risk of losing its most important nesting grounds. Please speak up today to help protect a critical habitat of this endangered wildlife. Submitted by Cher C. to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- The Times' Mel Melcon chronicles dogs' lives in ph ...
Dogs are nothing if not photogenic, and Times photographer Mel Melcon has captured them over the years in a wide variety of situations and poses. (Above, a rescued German shorthaired pointer named Luna meets Dando, a Rhodesian ridgeback mix. Submitted by Cher C. to Animals | Note-it! | Add ...
- Baby Panda is Born at the San Diego Zoo! Video!
The San Diego Zoo is celebrating the birth of a fifth giant panda. Submitted by Cher C. to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Frog's five legs trigger pollution concern
Grossed-out, excited and then concerned -- that's how a nine-year-old London girl felt when she pulled from her backyard pond a frog with five legs. Submitted by Cher C. to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Bottled Water is Way More Complicated Than I Thoug ...
It should be easy to phase out bottled water from company headquarters, right? Think again. It can bring up issues with a company's supply chain, cafeteria inventory and vending machines -- and don't forget the new dishwashers or glassware that may need to enter the picture.
- Green Wineries Embrace Innovation from the Fields ...
Solar-powered vineyards, biodynamic farming, organically grown grapes and innovative packaging put several California wineries on the leading edge of sustainable wine production. Their remarkable results offer valuable lessons for green leaders in any industry.
- Coca-Cola Enterprises Emissions Reductions, Recycl ...
The bottling, marketing and distribution arm of the beverage giant has set a goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 15 percent before 2020, as well as to recover 100 percent of its bottles for recycling.
- Report Urges Efficiency as a Solution to Californi ...
A new study by the Pacific Institute shows ways that California farmers can cut their water use by as much as 17 percent without cutting the productivity of the nation's most productive agricultural region.
- Sustaining California Agriculture in an Uncertain ...
This report from the Pacific Institute details the ways that California farmers can implement water efficiency practices to reduce water use by 17 percent while maintaining current levels of productivity.
Reuters Global
- India, China take a measure of each other at borde ...
China and India are sitting down for another round of talks this week on their unsettled border, a nearly 50-year festering row that in recent months seems to have gotten worse.
- North Korea requests Clinton. So off he goes.
It was North Korea which had suggested that former President Bill Clinton would be the best person to come and negotiate the release of two journalists who had been sentenced to 12 years of hard labor in the Stalinist state.
- Punishing Baitullah Mehsud
Pakistan's offensive against Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud is seen as very much a punitive mission. But how does that fit into a longer-term strategy for the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan?
- Bill grabs spotlight from Hillary
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton turns up in North Korea seeking the release of two American journalists, stealing the limelight from his wife Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
- Boko Haram: a sect alone?
The Boko Haram sect surprised many in Nigeria and elsewhere with the violence of their uprising last week.
Ezra Klein
- Tab Dump
• A profile of Cook's Illustrated's Christopher Kimball . I have always thought that this man is probably insane. • Slate is tracking the "government isn't Medicare" meme. • The New York Times has a new restaurant critic . • On a related note, this is what Frank Bruni looks like. • Why ...
- The Role of Prop. 13
James Fallows reminds us that California might be a liberal state, but it's constrained by the mother of all conservative tax structures: Proposition 13. Pre-Prop 13 (as Benjamin Schwarz points out in his review of the great new Kevin Starr book ), California dreamed big and spent big. Post-Prop 1 ...
- Gooz News!
Speaking of pharmaceutical innovation, Merrill Goozner's four posts on "The Innovation Conundrum" ( 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ) are an excellent introduction to these issues. His blog, GoozNews , is also excellent, and I don't link to it enough.
- In Defense of Experts
To recap: There is an argument that national health insurance will be a net negative because pharmaceutical companies will make less money and thus create fewer new and life-saving products. On Monday, I published an interview with Dr. Jerry Avorn, author of the excellent book "Powerful Medicines" , ...
- The Day's Weirdest Picture
This picture led every paper today, but I still can't get over it: I want to know about the smile negotiations. Did the North Koreans demand a grin and Clinton's camp simply refused? Did the North Koreans except that Clinton was under strict order not to smile? Did they realize that not smiling w ...
Booman Tribune
- Agog at Gog and Magog
You can say this more than once: It’s awkward to say openly, but now-departed President Bush is a religious crackpot, an ex-drunk of small intellect who “got saved.” He never should have been entrusted with the power to start wars. How much of a crackpot? It reads like an article from the ...
- Be Who You Are
School will soon start again, and countless LGBT youth will return to classrooms all over the country. Some will return to schools where they find support and protection from harassment — where administrators and teachers work together to ensure a safe learning environment to all students. Some ...
- James Joyner Doesn't Get It
James Joyner misses the point that Josh Marshall is trying to make. Marshall's point wasn't that everyone on the Right is a crazy nutbag while everyone on the left is cooly logical. Marshall's key point is here (emphasis mine): That’s the thing about where the GOP is right now. I don’t questi ...
- Advice for Joe Sestak
Kos provides a useful and informative chart: The information contained in this chart is going to make up the heart of Joe Sestak's case against Arlen Specter in the 2010 primary. Arlen Specter was born in February, 1930. If he is reelected, he will turn 81 a month after he is sworn in, and ...
- Do District Polling on Health Care
One thing I hope the Democrats are doing this August is extensive district polling on health care. The opponents of health care are more motivated to show up at town-halls and to write letters, so a congressperson could get a very distorted view of what their constituents want if they just go by th ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 6 ...
A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1946 – Birth of...
- Wednesday Open Thread
Tell no lies in this open thread......
- So what if it's a lie?
Save the planet by spreading lies | Green Directory, Eco Friendly Products and Services, Green...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 5 ...
A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1694 – Leonardo Leo,...
- Tuesday Open Thread
Come out and chat!...
- First artificial organelle
Researchers have developed an artificial cellular organelle to aid in the development of artificial synthesis the life-saving anti-clotting drug heparin: Scientists have been working to create a synthetic version of the medication, because the current production method leaves it susceptible to conta ...
- First artificial organelle
Researchers have developed an artificial cellular organelle to aid in the development of artificial synthesis the life-saving anti-clotting drug heparin: Scientists have been working to create a synthetic version of the medication, because the current production method leaves it susceptible to conta ...
- Data pr0n: the demographics of employment and leis ...
Just a quick one: even if you’re not particularly interested in demographic research into how different segments of the population of the United States spend their time each day, the interactive graphical data thingy that the New York Times have produced to illustrate it is pretty sweet, and good ...
- Niche magazine survival strategies and the author- ...
The Death-Of-Magazines debate seems to have gone off the boil in the genre fiction scene (albeit temporarily), but there’s still plenty of discussion – and innovation – going on elsewhere. Former Wired columnist and Japanophile Momus takes a look at the migration of magazines onto portable dev ...
- Data pr0n: the demographics of employment and leis ...
Just a quick one: even if you’re not particularly interested in demographic research into how different segments of the population of the United States spend their time each day, the interactive graphical data thingy that the New York Times have produced to illustrate it is pretty sweet, and good ...
Yahoo! Canada News
- YahooCanadaNews: 'Kindle ate my homework.' Teen su ...
YahooCanadaNews: 'Kindle ate my homework.' Teen sues Amazon after his copy of 1984 was obliterated from his Kindle without warning.
- YahooCanadaNews: 'Surprised' boyfriend thought bab ...
YahooCanadaNews: 'Surprised' boyfriend thought baby cut from womb was his
- YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Parents l ...
YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Parents left poor over son's fatal street racing
- YahooCanadaNews: 'So-called recovery' is extremely ...
YahooCanadaNews: 'So-called recovery' is extremely fragile, says Harper
- YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Dog on 'd ...
YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Dog on 'death row' unjustly accused, say supporters
Global Elite
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...
Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...
Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...
Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA
Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s ...
- Biopiracy, GM Seeds and Rural India "Over 100,000 ...
Priya Kumar, Global Research, June 2, 2009 The reality for the average Indian remains the same: agricultural cultivation and the ability to farm is the bedrock of rural living. With its historical practices, values, and communal sentiments of ...
Al Jazeera
- Many missing as Tonga ferry sinks
Rescue operations underway after ferry sinks off the coast of Tonga.
- US to clear UN peacekeeping debts
Move to settle $2.2bn arrears comes as UN review shows resources overstretched.
- Clashes at Honduras student protest
Riot police use tear gas to break up protest in support of ousted president.
- US seeks 'good Africa governance'
Secretary of state urges leaders gathered in Kenya to improve transparency.
- US announces $2.4bn industry grant
President focuses on electric and hybrid vehicle manufacture as part of recovery plan.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Greenpeace and Kimberly-Clark Settle Feud
In return for greener paper procurement policies, Greenpeace agreed to drop its long-running campaign against the company Kimberly-Clark, maker of Kleenex and other brands.
- Clinton-era Rule Protecting Forests Upheld
In a victory for environmentalists, a federal appellate court reaffirmed a lower court decision to reinstate the Clinton-era "roadless rule" -- although both sides acknowledge that the legal battles will continue.
- Battle Brewing Over Giant Desert Solar Farm
The sheer size of Tessera Solar's proposed Calico project, as well as its location next to federal conservation areas in the Mojave Desert, is drawing scrutiny from grassroots green activists and national environmental organizations.
- At Old Manufacturing Sites, Renewables Rise
As the clean energy manufacturing base in this country grows, it often builds upon the facilities and expertise of struggling traditional industries such as steel or pulp and paper.
- Local Opposition Stalls British Wind Power
Greenpeace says the industry in Britain is stumbling because of opposition to wind farms by local councils.
Dot Earth News
- Is the Climate Problem in Our Heads?
Psychologists examine the role of human nature in shaping the climate problem, and impeding solutions.
- Seeking 'Discouraged' Energy Questers
A shout-out to energy innovators: Post your ideas.
- Climate Panel Author Offers Defense
A longtime member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change rebuffs critics.
- Can Climate Panel Have Climate Impact?
Can a prize-winning climate panel move from fame to efficacy?
- 98 Percent 'Discouraged' in Energy Quest
More than 98 percent of proposals seeking federal money for transformational energy research are "discouraged."
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Hat tip for Joaquin Phoenix conspiracy
Not a bad idea! Which makes this potentially one of the greatest performances any modern actor has ever given -- or at least one of the most baldly courageous. The closest comparison would have to be Andy Kaufman's utter commitment to his obnoxious Tony Clifton persona, but Phoenix is going Kaufman ...
- Tough times south of the border
Duly noted: Mexican TV reporter ducking stray bullets: Hat tip to the thoughtful Texas farmer Don , who knows what you ought to know about the War On Drugs. This video was recently the #1 most discussed from Mexico on YooToob... Plus, don't miss the five stages of complete social collapse! http://c ...
- Pirate Bay Trial and Kopimi: The Kopimi Manifesto
I can't say I get it. But I like it. In these apocalyptic and bitchy times, it is high time to get some sarcastic Swedish hacker philsophy out there. Now is the time. The spectrial is apparently the place. How could we forget the Pirate Bay Spectrial?! They released a Pirate Bay Manifesto - POwr, Br ...
- Some notes from the Abyss; Fusion Centers going to ...
We're on the brink of disaster | Salon! As people lose confidence in the ability of markets and governments to solve the global crisis, they are likely to erupt into violent protests or to assault others they deem responsible for their plight, including government officials, plant managers, landl ...
- From ADD to Virtual Eschatonism: Twitter and rando ...
First up! Fargo flood. 'We will beat this challenge,' flood battle continues as officials plead for help | INFORUM | Fargo, ND Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service: Eastern North Dakota/Grand Forks: Red River of the North at Fargo One of my stronger memories from back in school was cleaning up in ..
AlterNet Top Stories
- Explosive Allegations: Blackwater Founder Implicat ...
Sworn statements filed in Federal Court also allege that Blackwater founder Erik Prince launched a "crusade" to eliminate Muslims and Islam.
- Cruel and Unusual: Why Are We Doling Out Harsh Jus ...
Veterans are more likely to get longer sentences than non-veterans for the same crime. How can we treat returning soldiers so badly?
- The Only Option for Health Reform Is the Public Op ...
By every objective measure, the United States has a second-rate health care system -- and the only way to fix it is to create a public option.
- The New Yorker Magazine's Strange Embrace of Hate- ...
A recent puff piece in the New Yorker legitimizes Savage's hate crusade.
- Why Are People So Afraid of Bisexuals?
As society's shape-shifters, bisexuals mess with everybody's idea of sexual orientation.
Threat Level
- Lawsuit: Twitter Method Infringes Patents
Twitter’s microblogging service breaches the patents of a Texas-based technology company, which is demanding unspecified damages and licensing fees, according to a federal lawsuit. TechRadium, of Sugar Land, claims it has patents to what it calls the “mass notification” concept. According to t ...
- Digitized Stalking is the New World Order
You’re being followed. Stalkers are everywhere, even in your pocket. That’s the warning Wednesday from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the San Francisco-based civil liberties group. In a “white paper” dubbed On Locational Privacy, and How to Avoid Losing it Forever, the group warns how e ...
- Pirate Bay Buyer Says Record Deal Imminent
The buyer of The Pirate Bay, the world’s most notorious BitTorrent tracker, says one of the “Big Four” record labels is set to hawk their wares on the site once Global Gaming Factory turns it into a pay-to-play destination, Swedish media reports. Global Gaming Factory, of Sweden, is expected t ...
- Inside the World’s Most Hostile Network
- Hacking the DefCon 17 Badges
LAS VEGAS — For the last four years DefCon’s badges have been designed with circuit boards that attendees have been encouraged to hack as part of a contest. This year, the badge hackers were competing to win a black über badge, which gives the recipient free entry to DefCon for life. The c ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Bill Clinton has quite a story to tell
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After his talks with reclusive North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, Bill Clinton sure has a story to tell.
- White House reverses statement on Iran election
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - White House spokesman Robert Gibbs on Wednesday said he had misspoken in calling Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iran's elected leader and that Washington will let the Iranian people decide whether Iran's election was fair.
- Government map shows dire Afghan security picture
KABUL (Reuters) - Almost half of Afghanistan is at a high risk of attack by the Taliban and other insurgents or is under "enemy control," a secret Afghan government map shows, painting a dire security picture before presidential elections.
- Russian general shrugs off U.S. submarine worries
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A senior Russian general on Wednesday shrugged off Washington's concern about Cold War-style patrols of Russian nuclear submarines off the U.S. coast, saying it was business as usual for Moscow to keep its navy in shape.
- WRAPUP 11-U.S. reporters freed from N. Korea retur ...
(For full coverage of reporters' release, click [ID:nNORKOR])
- Living in Transition as Spiritual Practice
I am now in Sydney Australia after what has been one of the easiest long international trips I have made for a long time. Â I even slept for several hours on the flight which makes me very aware of the fact that people have been praying for me. Today’s article comes from Guy Chmieleski who is [. ...
- Recent Additions to the Spiritual Practices series
Here’s the round-up of the most recent Spiritual Practices posts: The Spiritual Practice of Apologizing by T Freeman Love-making as a Spiritual Practice by Mark Scandrette Smoking the Glory of God by Jason Clark The Spiritual Practice of Getting Honest With Myself by Jonathan Brink Spiritual Disci ...
- Between the Sheets: Sleeping as A Spiritual Practi ...
I will be heading out to Australia this afternoon but am hoping to continue posting while I travel. Â The submissions continue to arrive which is wonderful and I am enjoying reading them before I post them. This morning’s post is from Teri Peterson a presbyterian pastor who loves her new bed (wh ...
- Driving as Spiritual Practice
The weather has cooled down considerably here in Seattle and everyone feels that things are back to normal. Â A little rain would be appreciated – yes we do have days and in this case months without rain in the Pacific NW. Â The garden is flourishing but definitely crying out for a good soakin ...
- Yoga & Jesus: This is a spiritual practice
I continue to be challenged and stretched by the ways that people connect to God and to Jesus Christ. The posts below are by Christina Whitehouse-Sugg. I found them particularly intriguing because of my growing interest in Christian meditation and as you know I am also passionate about Henri Nou ...
Pine River World News
- Eritrea: Bogus 'Shebab' in Australia
The following statement is issued from the Eritrea Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Bogus 'Shebab' in Australia State of Eritrea Ministry of Foreign Affairs August 5, 2009 08:12 In their dramatic presentations yesterday, 4 August 2009, various media outlets alleged that "terrorists said to have conn ...
- North Korea media releases detailed account of Bil ...
North Korea's official media (KCNA) released an account of former president Bill Clinton's recent visit wherein a pardon was granted to two American journalists imprisoned for trespassing and "hostile acts", Chinese-American Laura Ling, 32, and south Korean-American Seung-Un Lee, 36. Pine River Wor ...
- JIHAD IN NIGERIA: Government support for Boko Hara ...
Pine River World News / IntelTrends August 4, 2009 An article in today's Nigerian Tribune is titled "Top govt officials behind Boko Haram" and starts off: "TOP government functionaries sponsored the activities of Islamic militant leader, Mohammed Yusuf, who was killed last week, Nigerian Tribune ca ...
- Laundering Money through the Big Banks: Bernanke's ...
The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. Laundering Money through the Big Banks: Bernanke's Quid Pro Quo © Global Research By Mike Whitney August 3, 2009 Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is a man who knows how Washington works and uses that knowledge to great effect. ...
- Is Obama's new Afghanistan strategy coming unstuck ...
The following editorial is from The Frontier Post, Peshawar, Pakistan. Upcoming storm © The Frontier Post August 3, 2009 The calculated leaks in the American media that U.S. General Stanley A. McChrystal, now commanding the American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, is going to ask for more Americ ...
Blacklisted News
- Relaxation Drink Has Some Calling it Liquid Pot
It's the opposite of an energy drink. Drank calls itself an extreme relaxation product, so much so, that some have dubbed it "weed in a can."
- Iran/Russia - a deadly embrace
The Bush administration has tried everything to drive a wedge between Iran and Russia - to no avail. The Obama administration now has to deal with some pretty established facts on the ground. In the first part of this report, Pepe Escobar analyzes the implications of the complex relationship between ...
- Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Va ...
- Government Fines & Harassment For People Who Refus ...
- Goldman Sachs Employees Told Not to Make Big Purch ...
Project Censored
WALTER CRONKITE: THE END OF AN ERA – JULY 17, 2009 The end of an era is a term too often over-used. But it is a term that is properly used when discussing the passing of Walter Cronkite. It is truly the end of an era in journalism. No other journalist could do what Walter did. He could cal ...
- You Can Now Find Our Investigative Research at the ...
You can now find all of the investigative research that we have done over the years at our new and exciting Media Freedom International Website Please check the website often for news and updates.
- Analysis of Project Censored: Are We a Left-Leanin ...
By Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff “Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” –Frederick Douglass ...
- Infotainment Society: Junk Food News and New ...
By Mickey Huff and Frances A. Capell We can do the innuendo We can dance and sing When it’s said and done We haven’t told you a thing We all know that crap is king Give us dirty laundry! Don Henley, Dirty Laundry, 1982 The late New York University media scholar Neil Postma ...
- A Black President Doesn’t Mean Racism is gone in ...
By Peter Phillips Racial inequality remains in the US. People of color continue to experience high rates of poverty, significant unemployment, police profiling and repressive incarceration. School segregation is a continuing concern among race scholars as well. According to a new Civil Rights re ...
Scoop - NZ
- Situation Worsens in Northern Afghanistan
Taliban fighters are returning to an area in northern Afghanistan just days after being driven off in a combined Afghan-German military operation. There's growing concern that the Taliban -- and al-Qaida fighters -- are forming strongholds in what had been the relatively peaceful north.You could hea ...
- The price of a policy
Did $200,000 of election funding inspire ACT's descent into climate denial? » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- An Open Letter to Roger Douglas (and other MP's)
An open letter to Roger Douglas challenging him on his expense claims for international travel in the face of his long time advocacy for cuts in government spending. » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- US: Second Stimulus Or A "Lost Decade" ?
It's worth slogging through the minutes of the June Federal Reserve Open Market Committee meeting. Read the deliberations of the Fed board members and staff and you see an economic horizon that is much more dangerous than what is suggested by the assurances of the White House and some of our allies ...
- Kiwi in France wants builders from home for specia ...
Based in France, kiwi Pauline is seeking kiwi tradespeople to renovate her French home using you are a tradesman who is looking to do something exciting, check it out. » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
Independent ( London )
- Russian murder trial may be merged with inquiry
A court could halt the retrial of three men for the murder of Kremlin critic Anna Politkovskaya after prosecutors agreed that the case should be merged with an investigation into who ordered the hit.
- Rangers v rebels: fight to save rare gorillas
For the past week a remarkable battle has been raging in the mountain forests of Eastern Congo. Park rangers entrusted with protecting some of the world's most endangered gorillas have launched an offensive against the rebel armies in the area and the charcoal industry that helps to support them.
- Gym killer was driven by his hatred of women
On New Year's Eve 2008, George Sodini wrote in his online journal that since he had started going to the gym "my anger and rage is largely gone".
- TV blackout and boycott mar Ahmadinejad's swearing ...
The man who is now formally Iran's President for the next four years cut an isolated figure as he took his oath of office yesterday. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was sworn in for a second term at a ceremony boycotted by scores of parliamentarians, leading clerics and other important figures who would normal ...
- Soft landing for journalists who faced hard labour
The two American journalists imprisoned in North Korea made a joyous and tearful return to US soil yesterday – but whether the dramatic rescue mission led by Bill Clinton will produce a breakthrough in the fraught diplomatic relations between Washington and Pyongyang is still unclear.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- US: Ahmadinejad is elected leader
Summary: The US government has said it considers Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the elected president of Iran, following a disputed election after which thousands of Iranians took to the streets. source: AlJazeera read more
- Iran fuel imports possible target in nuclear stand ...
Summary: WASHINGTON, Aug 3 (Reuters) - The United States and Israel are discussing the feasibility of curbing Iran's imports of gasoline and other refined oil products if Tehran refuses to enter negotiations over its nuclear program, an Israeli official said on Monday. source: Reuters read mor ...
- U.S. Weighs Iran Oil Sanctions if Nuclear Talks Ar ...
Summary: Bushehr Reactor The Obama administration is talking with allies and Congress about the possibility of imposing an extreme economic sanction against Iran if it fails to respond to President Obama’s offer to negotiate on its nuclear program: cutting off the country’s imports of gasoli ...
- U.S. briefs Israel on new Iran nuke sanctions
Summary: American officials briefed Israel this week on the administration's ideas for intensifying sanctions against Iran if it fails to respond to President Barack Obama's offer of dialogue China soon to try to enlist Beijing to join the coalition. source: Haaretz read more
- US ‘Not Happy’ as Iraq Announces Plans to Clos ...
Summary: Camp Ashraf US officials are reportedly “not happy” with the situation unfolding in the MEK’s Camp Ashraf, following yesterday’s deadly raids by Iraqi forces. Today, the Iraqi government says that it plans to close the camp down entirely. source: Anti War.Com read more
The Daily Galaxy
- Galaxy Fans - Follow Us Daily on Twitter
We think Twitter's realtime delivery and social media community is the future of the web. The Daily Galaxy believes that Twitter will also evolve into a major search service that rivals Google. You can check us out at DailyGalaxy@Twitter
- Hot Comments: Can Culture Be Encoded in DNA?
"We've known that attributes of bird songs are genetic for a LONG time now. Songs in birds are an important part of reproduction, and in many cases are what differentiate species to begin with. It should be no more surprising...
- Ultra Cool Holography: Let's Users "Touch" Virtual ...
Researchers at the University of Tokyo led by Hiroyuki Shinoda has developed a display that lets users "touch" objects that appear to float in space in front of them. The virtual objects appear in mid-air via an LCD and a...
- Can Culture Be Encoded in DNA? New Research Says " ...
The "Nature versus Nurture" debate just got more complicated. (Well, even more complicated than the original "If you really think you can reduce all of biology to such a simplistic division you're missing pretty much every point involved" complication.) Birds...
- GRB's: "The Birth Cries of a Black Hole" -A Threat ...
Gamma-ray bursts (GRB) are the most powerful explosions known in the Universe; most originate in distant galaxies. A large percentage of bursts likely arise from the explosion of stars over 15 times more massive than our Sun. Experts believe that...
Natural News
- Health Ranger Teleconference to Explain African Mo ...
(NaturalNews) Yesterday's story about the African Green Monkey virus harvesting and vaccine patents still has many people scratching their heads. It's really difficult to grasp the real story that's emerging here: That a key vaccine ingredient production method (involving infecting, then killing Afr ...
- Prostate Cancer Testing Doesn't Help, It Harms Men
(NaturalNews) If you are a man, you've probably had the fear of prostate cancer drilled into you -- along with the idea that it is critical to your health, and probably your life, to have regular prostate cancer screenings. But two just released large randomized trials indicate that if there is any ...
- He Shou Wu is the Most Amazing Longevity Herb of A ...
(NaturalNews) Out of about 10,000 Chinese medicinal plants only about 60 belong to the class of Superior Tonic Herbs. Out of these 60 herbs He Shou Wu is the most amazing longevity tonic of all. It is widely used in Chinese herbal medicine as a tonic to prevent premature aging by tonifying the Kidne ...
- Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Va ...
(NaturalNews) To most people, vaccines sound medically harmless. "They're good for you!" say the doctors and drug companies, but they never really talk about what's in those vaccines. There's a good reason for that: If people knew what was really in those vaccines, they would never allow themselves ...
- New Study: Fat in Meat and Dairy Products Increase ...
(NaturalNews) Cancer of the pancreas, the large organ located horizontally behind the bottom part of the stomach, typically spreads quickly and is usually deadly. Symptoms are often vague at first and a diagnosis is typically not made until the malignancy is advanced and treatment is futile. In fact ...
- Where are the mighty Martin Mars?
As thousands of people in BC are evacuated from their homes ahead of raging forest fires, where are the mighty Martin Mars water bombers? From owners Coulson Flying Tankers in Port Alberni, BC : They can be in the air in ten minutes and, based on historical data, each can make a drop every fifteen ...
- Ships! We will have ships! Many ships...
Maybe. Petey "Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates" MacKay was making bold with his announcement of 50, that's right count 'em, fifty ships to be built in Canada by the Canadian shipbuilding industry. Canada's shipbuilders have agreed to a radical change in the way contracts will be doled out by the f ...
- At the going down of the Sun, and in the morning.. ...
With condolences and respect to the families and friends of Sapper Matthieu Allard and Corporal Christian Bobbitt, 5e Régiment du génie de combat. Killed due to enemy action. Ubique
- Elizabeth II and the economists
As Ma'am is no doubt aware... A group of eminent economists has written to the Queen explaining why no one foresaw the timing, extent and severity of the recession. The three-page missive, which blames "a failure of the collective imagination of many bright people", was sent after the Queen asked, ...
- The lips are different
Dr. Dawg asks, "who is Lawrence Cannon?" , wondering if 'Mr. Cannon' is really a Canadian and not some sort of imposter. The question has bugged me since I read it. I keep thinking that I've seen that face somewhere before. Only I think the lips the lips and hair are a little different. ...
Media Matters for America
- Conservative media examine video of town hall dis ...
Several conservative media figures have recently claimed that the people who have disrupted recent Democratic town halls on health care reform are, in Rush Limbaugh's words, "real" and "genuine" rather than "ginned up" -- a message that echoes Republican claims about the disruptions. In fact, c ...
- Beck nuts about linking groups to ACORN
Illustrating the conservative penchant for using ACORN as a bogeyman, Glenn Beck has in recent weeks devoted segments to tenuous or tangential "connections" between ACORN and the following people and groups: AmeriCorps, AARP, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, PRLDEF, and SEIU. Beck has also fearmongered a ...
- WSJ editorial vs. WSJ news pages ...
In an August 5 editorial, The Wall Street Journal falsely claimed that the health insurance lobbies are " helping Democrats by keeping quiet" during the health care reform debate, adding that if they "were any quieter, they'd be Trappists." In fact, the insurance industry reportedly significan ...
- CBS, Fox reports on town hall disruptions ignore ...
On August 4, Katie Couric joined repeat offender Bret Baier in reporting on unusually large -- and sometimes disruptive -- crowds turning out to protest health care reform at town halls hosted by members of Congress without noting that conservative organizations opposed to Democrats' proposals ...
- Matthews misrepresents flawed poll to suggests D ...
Chris Matthews misrepresented a flawed Rasmussen poll in claiming that most Democrats believed that President Bush had or might have "gotten the inside word" that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were about to happen and that therefore "both parties" are equally at fault for promoting conspiracy theo ...
- VIDEO: "We, The People..." - The Insurrection - P ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Media Disinformation; Britain's The Economist ba ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Laundering Money through the Big Banks: Bernanke' ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Speaking of Democracy, Honduras, and President Oba ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- In kingdom, Saudi prince's coup 'fails'
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Stink boats and the forthcoming spectacular invent ...
Paul Krugman has been predicting a double-dip recession based on an inventory bounce. He figures that middle to latter part of this year will have an inventory bounce which will (briefly) make the economy look good again – but will... Sponsored Topics: Business - Recession - Consumer Goods and ...
- Real Possibilities and Challenges for Social Enter ...
Part of the motivation of Out of Reach is to call attention to the realities of how we help (and don't help) the poor, so that we can develop new and innovative strategies for reducing poverty. As Arthur Brooks... Sponsored Topics: Social enterprise - Out of Reach - Poverty - Philanthropy - ...
- Fighting Poverty Regionally Is Important, But Won' ...
Elizabeth Kneebone in her recent posting urges a more regional approach to social service provision as a strategy to address the access and delivery issues noted by Scott Allard in his recent book, Out of Reach. I completely agree with... Sponsored Topics: Social work - Poverty - Philanthropy - A ...
- Key Zionist pioneer renounces Zionism
I've never met Dov Yermiya, a Jewish Israeli peace activist who is now 94 years old. But I read of course the book he published in 1983 in which he wrote with anguish about the torture and other gross mistreatment... Sponsored Topics: Israel - Middle East - State of Israel - West Bank - Uri Avner ...
- Astroturf Along American Highways, and the Republi ...
On our drive across America, my son and I have spotted spiffy white vans emblazoned with phrases like "ObamaCare will raise your taxes" and "ObamaCare will put bureaucrats in charge of your health." Just outside Omaha we drove close enough... Sponsored Topics: Republican - Omaha Nebraska - ...
- In Indiana, Obama Declares Stimulus Is Working
President Barack Obama spoke to workers at the Monaco RV factory in Wakarusa, Indiana, in Elkhart County. The area has endured the highest unemployment in the state. (Photo: Getty Images) read more
- The Hidden Truth Behind Drug Company Profits
Ring-fencing medical knowledge is one of the great grotesqueries of our age. This is the story of one of the great unspoken scandals of our times. Today, the people across the world who most need life-saving medicine are being prevented from producing it. Here's the latest example: factorie ...
- Ahmadinejad Sworn In as Iran President Amid Crisis
Tehran - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was sworn in for a second term as Iran's president Wednesday while security forces battled hundreds of protesters chanting "Death to the Dictator" in the streets around parliament where the ceremony was held. Key opposition leaders, moderate lawmakers an ...
- Health Bill Includes Abortion Coverage
Rep. Lois Capps authored a compromise that would allow the public health plan to cover abortion. (Photo: David Yamamoto) read more
- The Incredible Shrinking Health Care Reform
Like soap in a rainstorm, "health care reform" is wasting away. As this week began, a leading follower of conventional wisdom, journalist Cokie Roberts, told NPR listeners, "This is evolving legislation. And the administration is now talking about a glide path towards universal coverag ...
The Heathlander
- The latest anti-Hamas meme: “child brides”
Last week, Hamas sponsored a mass wedding celebration in Gaza, perhaps in an attempt to reverse its flagging poll ratings: ‘Nearly a thousand Palestinians celebrated marriage on Thursday night in a ceremony organised by Hamas in the north of the Gaza Strip. Hamas dignitaries including Mahmud Zahar ...
- Chomsky on the ‘Responsibility to Protect’
Earlier this week Noam Chomsky participated, along with Jean Bricmont, Gareth Evans (former Australian FM and long-time President of the International Crisis Group) and Ngugi wa Thiong’o, in a UN panel on the doctrine of ‘Responsibility to Protect’ (R2P). You can watch the three hour discussio ...
- How to lose friends and alienate people
Hiring paid hasbaratchiks to “spew forth bullshit” online, parading out Ehud Olmert to convince Americans that opposing settlement construction is like opposing rainbows and kittens, launching a smear campaign against Human Rights Watch, one of the most conservative human rights organisations ar ...
- Breaking the Spin
The BBC’s report on the ‘Breaking the Silence’ testimonies of IDF soldiers describing the commission of serious war crimes during Operation Cast Lead is pretty representative of its output on the topic: there’s nothing outrageous, but there is nonetheless a systematic bias that underplays or ...
- Global march on Gaza
When Gandhi’s doctrine of non-violent resistance (satyagraha) is invoked in the context of the Israel-Palestine conflict, it is invariably as a propaganda weapon intended to undermine the legitimacy of Palestinian resistance and shift the blame for the continuing occupation on to its principal vic ...
Water - AlterNet
- Watch Out: Investors See Water as Potential Key to ...
As a result we're likely to see local water utilities being gobbled up by private companies which raise rates while offering subpar service.
- Water Problems From Drilling Are More Frequent Tha ...
Methane released from gas drilling has caused a fatal explosion and water contamination across seven counties in Pennsylvania.
- How Much Water Do You Use? Here's Some Quick Numbe ...
How much water does it take to shower, brush your teeth, do a load of laundry?
- Your Water Footprint: It's Not Just How Much Water ...
94 percent of the water we use comes from the products we buy -- from almonds and tomatoes to blue jeans and microchips.
- Can California Be Drought-Proof by 2020?
The state has got a plan to cut water use 20 percent by 2020. Is it realistic? And will rate increases spur revolt?
- Republicans Have Government Insurance, Why Can’t ...
For weeks I have been listening to all the BS Republicans have spewed about health care reform. Republicans shouted it was socialized medicine and when that didn’t work they came up with other untruths. The fact of the matter is all members of Congress use the public option plan. Republicans are w ...
- Retire Early In Self Defense Could Be A Mistake †...
/h3> Collect Now, or Later? Timing Your Social Security Benefits With the current state of US and world economy, the alternative to jumping out a window, committing a heinous crime or planting your pup tent under an overpass, is retire early and collect your meager social security check at gene ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance – July 13, 2009
It’s Monday and it’s time for another version of the Texas Progressive Alliance weekly highlight reel. Off the Kuff suggests that a pro-science PAC could do a lot of good, nationally and in Texas. WCNews at Eye On Williamson reminds us that despite the brouhaha over transportation during the rec ...
- Protect Us From Another Celebrity Death and Networ ...
The world is reeling from political upheaval, economic meltdown and environmental catastrophe. What does the national media focus on for two weeks? The high drama of a controversial musical artist who has the audacity of dying. News that effects each and every person on this planet is buried un ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance – July 6, 2009
Now that we’ve celebrated another birthday for America, it’s time for the weekly Texas Progressive Alliance blog roundup. Here are your highlights from the holiday week. The loss of Ron Artest from the Rockets to the Lakers (essentially a trade for Trevor Arista) is a bad deal, writes PDiddie a ...
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Exclusive: The World's Largest Parasites by Gary S ...
by Gary Sudborough Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Aug 5, 2009 There are many living organisms on
- Beyond Sicko: What you really need to know about h ...
By Heather Wokusch featured writer Dandelion Salad Heather Wokusch August 2, 2009 HeatherWokusch P
- The Public Option in Banking: How We Can Beat Wall ...
by Dr. Ellen Brown Featured Writer Dandelion Salad August 5, 2009 President Obama ha
- Who amongst us is so brave? by Luke Ryland
by Luke Ryland Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Luke’s blog post August 5, 2009 In recent interview
- Exclusive: The Trivial and Asinine Nature of the C ...
by Gary Sudborough Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Aug 1, 2009 Once upon a time many, many years a
Unexplained Mysteries
- Mystery 'monolith' spotted on Mars
Buzz Aldrin recently hinted at the presence of a 'monolith' on Phobos during an interview, now an image taken from NASA's Reconnaissance Orbiter has b...
- Was there really a "Great Flood" ?
The story of the 'Great Flood' that lead to Noah building an ark as described in the Bible has intrigued historians and scientists for centuries. But ...
- Dolphins 'talk' to each other with tail slaps
Scientists have found that dolphins are able to communicate with one another through the slapping of their tails in what can be described as a form of...
- UFO photographed tailing RAF Hercules
A man taking photographs of an RAF Hercules as it approached RAF Lyneham in Wiltshire has snapped the image of a mysterious silver orb tailing the air...
- Japanese 'robot suit' to help disabled
A company in Japan has revealed a robotic power suit that can effectively augment a person's muscles and allow people with weak limbs or a physical di...
- Just Released—Food Rebellions! Crisis and the H ...
Cover_Mock-up_rev_13_Feb_09.jpg We’re pleased to announce the release of Food Rebellion s! , co-published by Grassroots International and our ally Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy. Food Rebellions! Crisis and the Hunger f ...
- Honduras Crisis Exposes the Weakness of US Democra ...
While Honduras is on the brink of a civil war, politics-as-usual in Washington, D.C. threaten, quite literally, to block US support for democracy in that country. It also threatens to squelch democracy here as well. On Thursday, the office of Sen. Richard Lugar sent a letter to Secretary of State ...
- No, We Can't: Latin America Must Take the Lead
The junta in Honduras is still in power and shows little real sign of budging. And the human rights situation has only gotten worse with the military and police cracking down on peaceful protestors, arrests, alleged torture and forced exile of social movement leaders who have had to flee the repress ...
- "Generation 3.0" of Intervention in Haiti: What Is ...
trinidadandtobago200904-132.jpg Below is a blog by Salena Tramel, Grassroots International Program Coordinator for the Middle East and Haiti. It originally appeared on Huffington Post . Here in Haiti, a country all too often characterized by ...
- [Cassava] Bread and Roses: Brazilian Farmers Seek ...
brazil200907-300.jpg During our visit to Brazil earlier this month, Saulo Araujo and I met with Grassroots International’s partners and the communities in which they work. I had prepared myself to talk about a range of issues, from Creole se ...
- August 5, 2009
Study: US Consumers Spared Big Costs in Climate Bill (Reuters) A new U.S. government study adds to a growing list of experts concluding that climate legislation moving through Congress would have only a modest impact on consumers, adding a bit more than $100 to household costs in 2020. Pacific Isla ...
- August 4, 2009
Scandal Surrounding Fake Climate Bill Letters Mushrooms (Politico) The coal front group ACEEE, caught up in a fraudulent grassroots lobbying scandal, tried to contain the damage only to see it mushroom, dragging in two more lawmakers and prompting a congressman to call for an official investigati ...
- August 3, 2009
Australia's Wong Rejects Carbon Trade Changes (Reuters) Australian laws for carbon trading appear to be headed for defeat in parliament's upper house Senate next week. Climate Change Minister Penny Wong today rejected nine proposed opposition amendments. Aviation Industry Expects Certified Biofuel ...
- August 1-2, 2009
India Rejects Emissions Cuts for a Decade (Financial Times) India will not discuss signing up to legally binding obligations to make absolute cuts in CO2 emissions for at least 10 years, the country's environment minister has said. Utility Raises Cleanup Cost in Tennessee (New York Times) T ...
- July 31, 2009
Koch Industries Fueling K St. Lobbying Boom - And Some Dems (Wonk Room) Oil and natural gas interests are pumping money into lobbying firms to influence climate change legislation at a furious pace, $82.2 million in just the first half of 2009 compared to $132.2 million in all of 2008, and that†...
- Tomgram: Frida Berrigan, 64 Years Too Late and No ...
As another August 6th approaches, let me tell you a little story about Hiroshima and me: As a young man, I was probably not completely atypical in having the Bomb (the 1950s was a great time for capitalizing what was important) on my brain, and not just while I was ducking under my school desk ...
- Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, Dismantling the Empire
The Obama administration's plan to end production of the F-22 Raptor has received plenty of press coverage , but the Pentagon budget itself, even though it's again on the rise, hardly rates a bit of notice. In fact, amid the plethora of issues large and small -- from health care reform to Gates-g ...
- Tomgram: Juan Cole, Empire's Paranoia About the P ...
These days, it seems as though the United States is conducting its wars in places remarkably unfamiliar to most Americans. Its CIA-operated drone aircraft, for instance, have been regularly firing missiles into Waziristan , where, in one strike in June, an estimated 80 tribespeople were killed wh ...
- Tomgram: An American Hell
Don't Turn the Page on History Facing the American World We Created By Tom Engelhardt We've just passed through the CIA assassination flap, already fading from the news after less than two weeks of media attention. Broken in several major newspapers , here's how the story goes: the Agency, evi ...
- Tomgram: David Bromwich, America's Serial Warrior ...
Here's part of the way that Secretary of Defense Robert Gates recently defended his decision to stop production of the F-22 Raptor, the U.S. Air Force's giant boondoggle of a fighter jet. "Consider," the secretary of defense said, "that by 2020, the United States is projected to have nearly 2, ...
Smirking Chimp
- Top Ten Ways to Tell Your President and His Party ...
— from Black Agenda Report Barack Obama and Democratic majorities in the House and Senate were swept into office on a promise they would deliver affordable and accessible health care for all Americans. But the corporate media journalism limits the national health care conversation to what insurance ...
- A Yard Sale in Chernobyl
"It's only a system," she said, as we floated through the sprawling supermarket's gleaming commodity lined indoor streets. "THE HELL IT IS! It's a goddamned air conditioned zombie hell of waste and gluttony," I thought to myself, before the usual vertigo completely enveloped me. Just back from Centr ...
- Hey, Did You Hear That Democrats Won The Election? ...
That George Bush, man - what a monster, eh? I mean, could you even have imagined a president so destructive? It's actually worse than you thought, though. Lately, there's been a spate of fresh revelations about some of the incredibly disastrous policies that were executed by the Bush administratio ...
- The GOP Warns Be Afraid - PLEASE!
America is in a real pickle. No, actually in a jar of pickles -- deadly pickles. If the terrorists don't get you, your own government will track you down and have your doctor kill your ass. All this is true. At least, that's what Republicans want you to believe. Let's look at the new national threat ...
- Tales from the Lobotomy Ward: The Stupidest Republ ...
I happened to have tuned into Hardball two nights ago. This is a very rare experience for me (I was really waiting to see Olbermann's show), as I avoid Hardball like the plague, realizing a few years ago that every minute I am forced to look at Chris Matthews and his typically braindead guests is a ...
Ten Percent
- Dorothy Naor Writes A Great Letter
The Israeli feminist peace activist (of the currently persecuted New Profile organisation) is here writing to Leonard Cohen. But I think the letter would work for anyone you need to broach the subject of Israel and Palestine to who may be labouring under common misconceptions about the issues and pr ...
- De-Growth
(IPS) – Serge Latouche, professor emeritus of economic science at the University of Paris-Sud, is one of the main proponents of “the society of de-growth”. He calls for “abandoning the objective of growth for growth’s sake, an insane objective, with disastrous consequences for the environ ...
- Ian Tomlinson- IPCC Pass Their Investigation Onto ...
As the family of Ian Tomlinson say, let a jury decide, the CPS should bring charges against the officer shown on video attacking him. Or will it be business as usual? The IPCC did not launch its criminal inquiry until six days after Tomlinson’s death, when the Guardian gave the watchdog a dossier ...
- Patriotism, War Criminal’s Fan Club
Immigrants who take part in protests against British troops could be denied citizenship of this country under controversial new Home Office rules. The Home Secretary, Alan Johnson, will launch a consultation tomorrow on a new points-based system for would-be migrants according to their behaviour, as ...
- Aung San Suu Kyi, Verdict Delayed
Now would be a good time to contact the Myanmar Mission in your country and let them know of your concerns, here is the list. (note the London email link creates a faulty address, try- melondon at (IPS) – A political trial in Burma that could prolong its pro-democracy icon’ ...
Paul Krugman
- One of these things is not like the other
Please, no false equivalences. The campaign against Social Security privatization was energetic and no doubt rude, but did not involve intimidation and disruption.
- People who can't get over the Democratic primary
Clinton derangement syndrome, still.
- Bouncing Britain
Signs of an economic turnaround in Britain are getting stronger.
- Massachusetts health polling
Has support for health care reform in MA plunged?
- All in all, you're just another brick in the Great ...
I have a vision of a huge march down Constitution Avenue, with the marchers bearing banners that read "Forcefully support the Bureau of Economic Analysis in its heroic estimation efforts."
No Quarter
- Some Cranky Ass, Bible Toting, Gun Clutching Ameri ...
(bumped up from August 4th at 12:01 a.m.) If these videos are representative of the buzzsaw members of Congress are running into back home then we know for a fact the Obama honeymoon is over. It is one thing to find pissed off Americans in Texas. But what about Pennsylvania and New York. Any doub ...
- Steele: Obama was the Real Problem in the Gates A ...
I was hoping that Shelby Steele, a “self-described black conservative,” would eventually weigh in on Gates-gate. The WSJ published an op-ed, “From Emmitt Till to Skip Gates,” by the “author, columnist, documentary film maker, and a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford Un ...
- Throw the Bums Out! An End to Party Politics [UPD ...
Mickey Edwards’ weekend editorial in the LA Times, The (political) party is over, states that …“the parties once served a purpose, but they have degenerated into a system that discourages independent thought and undermines representative governmentâ€� and “…loyalty to one†...
- Now There’s A Thought Or Two…
(bumped up from yesterday early afternoon) I just happened to catch this Tuesday morning, and thought it raised some interesting questions on the issue of health care reform: So, why isn’t this man helping to shape policy? He sounds pretty smart to me. By now, I am sure many of you have seen fo ...
- That Gaping Hole in Our Recovery is Called Jobs!
There is a gapping hole in our recovery and more and more of Main Street America is falling through it. And that gapping hole is JOBS. Or more accurately, the place where JOBS should be. The price of U.S. recession is paid in jobs In the current recession, economists say high unemployment is like ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Terrifying Underwater Encounters With The Bengali ...
- Incredibly Realistic Ballpoint Pen Drawings by Jua ...
- The Flying Tree Snake of Southeast Asia
- 25 Objects Devoured by Sand
- The Incredible Light Shows of Niagara Falls
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Electoral Hypocrisy in Latin America
When it comes to changing term limits on Latin American presidents, U.S. lawmakers and pundits are applying a double standard � at least in Honduras and Colombia.
- The Geopolitics of Facebook
FPIF's weekly update.
- Book Excerpt,
'The Will to Resist' is a book about average soldiers and their brave acts of dissent against a system that is betraying them.
- 60-Second Expert: Ban Ki Moon and R2P
The UN secretary general has taken a forceful position on the Responsibility to Protect doctrine.
- Ban Ki Moon and R2P
The UN secretary general has taken a forceful position on the Responsibility to Protect doctrine.
Therapy News
- Campaign to Ban Airbrushing for Teen Girls’ Ment ...
A News Summary It’s fairly common knowledge, and particularly plain to see with a bit of insight and experience, that the women typically depicted in fashion and beauty magazines have had their pictures significantly altered by digital artists. Steps to improve skin tone, remove an ...
- Sleep-Related Surgeries Don’t “Cure” Behavio ...
A News Update A growing number of parents are concerned about the behavior, social aptitude, and scholastic performance of their children, but often this concern can lead to quick diagnoses of attention deficit disorder and other frequently suggested behavioral issues. With a multitu ...
- Depression Among the Very Young: Chronic Sadness i ...
A News Summary The occurrence of apparent sad spells, lethargy, or irritability in the very young –children under three years of age– may often be written off as a stage or passing episode. But a study recently conducted on preschoolers has suggested that children this young m ...
- Anti-Depressant Use Has Doubled in the United Stat ...
A News Update Study Finds that Anti-Depressant Use Is Rising –Doubly The fast pace of modern life along with tense war-time environments and a growing financial crisis might be natural precursors to mental health concerns such as depression and anxiety, but along with these sometim ...
- Anxiety and Depression Have Insignificant Effect o ...
A News Summary When seeking fertility treatment in the quest to become pregnant, some women may experience symptoms of anxiety and depression, and may further be concerned that these issues could lower their chances of achieving a viable pregnancy. But a new study recently published ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Serving as Police Chief and Town Council Member at ...
Serving as police chief and being a member of town council at the same time? It's happening in the Kanawha County town of Clendenin.
- City of Nitro Enjoying a Financial Turnaround (WSA ...
The city of Nitro has seen a real turnaround when it comes to its finances. In 2007, the city was facing a deficit of $650,000. Now, Mayor Rusty Casto said they are enjoying a surplus of $110,000.
- W.Va. Teachers Participate in Statewide Technology ...
More than 600 teachers are participating in a statewide conference in Charleston to learn about the digital world's role in education -- a world that's changing every day.
- News Brief (Ekklesia)
On the thirtieth anniversary of a historic piece of environmental legislation, the National Council of Churches USA hosted a candlelight vigil to remember the destruction caused by mountaintop removal mining.
- 'Squeaky' Fromme to be Released After 30 Plus Year ...
The Charles Manson follower convicted of attempting to assassinate President Gerald Ford is set to be released from a Texas federal prison later this month after serving more than 30 years behind bars, including some of that time in West Virginia.
- Dem Congressman's Office: His Life Has Been Threat ...
Eric Kleefeld / TPMDC : Dem Congressman's Office: His Life Has Been Threatened Over Health Care Bill — Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC) will not be hosting any town hall events this August — instead, he's making himself available to constituents for one-on-one meetings about health care reform â ...
- Cornyn to Obama: Stop With the Enemies Lists (Mich ...
Michael Goldfarb / Weekly Standard : Cornyn to Obama: Stop With the Enemies Lists — The White House call for people to inform on anyone spreading “disinformation about health insurance reform” didn't sit well with a lot of people — Obama isn't running a political campaign anymore, he's ...
- Think Progress, MSNBC 'Manufacture' a Story With P ...
Mary Katharine Ham / Weekly Standard : Think Progress, MSNBC ‘Manufacture’ a Story With Putative Smoking Gun ‘Mob’ Memo — When the “manufactured” outrage the Left is trying to demonize lines up so inconveniently with public polling, it's sometimes necessary to create evidence fo ...
- CNN Refusing To Run Health Care Ad Critical Of Ins ...
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line : CNN Refusing To Run Health Care Ad Critical Of Insurance Industry — What on earth is going on at CNN? — The network — already taking criticism for declining to run an ad criticizing Lou Dobbs — is now refusing to run an ad nationally criticizing the i ...
- Right Wing Attacks Clinton's Successful Trip To Fr ...
Ben Armbruster / Think Progress : Right Wing Attacks Clinton's Successful Trip To Free American Journalists In North Korea — Yesterday, super-hawk John Bolton was upset that President Clinton, along with a group that included Center for American Progress President and CEO John Podesta, went ...
Energy & Environment News
- Limits on Speculative Trading Needed to Protect En ...
Gary Gensler, chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, says domination by a few big institutions is not a good thing.
- Deal to Extend Auto Rebate Program
Democrats said Wednesday night leaders of both parties have reached a deal that could allow the Senate to approve an extension the “cash for clunkers” program.
- Call to Curb Speculators in Energy
The top commodity market regulator said that the U.S. should consider limiting some energy futures trading.
- Dead Zone in Gulf Is Smaller Than Forecast but Mor ...
Researchers found that the actual volume of low-oxygen water may be higher, as the layer is deeper and thicker in some parts of the Gulf of Mexico than normal.
- Profit Plunge Hits BP, With Rivals Also Likely to ...
BP said its net income in the second quarter fell 53 percent to $4.39 billion. The company was the first of the large oil companies to report earnings for the period.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.1, Guam region
Monday, August 3, 2009 01:47:56 UTC Monday, August 3, 2009 11:47:56 AM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
- M 5.0, Solomon Islands
Monday, August 3, 2009 01:31:02 UTC Monday, August 3, 2009 12:31:02 PM at epicenter Depth : 94.40 km (58.66 mi)
- M 6.1, near the north coast of Papua, Indonesia
Sunday, August 2, 2009 08:54:35 UTC Sunday, August 2, 2009 05:54:35 PM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
- M 5.4, Alaska Peninsula
Thursday, August 6, 2009 00:35:42 UTC Wednesday, August 5, 2009 04:35:42 PM at epicenter Depth : 30.30 km (18.83 mi)
- M 5.0, off the south coast of Australia
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 21:43:24 UTC Thursday, August 6, 2009 06:43:24 AM at epicenter Depth : 4.40 km (2.73 mi)
China Dialogue
- Criminals join the e-waste cycle
An EU directive on recycling was meant to clear up the problem of electronic waste – but it is being flagrantly abused in the United Kingdom. Pete Warren reports. Organised crime has moved into the recycling industry -- a development that has become clear over the past few months after a series of ...
- Are we ready for REDD?
Climate-change negotiators in Copenhagen would be wise to pay attention to some of the challenges highlighted by early experiments using market mechanisms to avoid deforestation, writes Tan Copsey. An agreement to curb deforestation is expected to be one of the major outcomes of this year’s global ...
- “Why don’t we stop hurting Earth?”
Telling children about climate change could leave them angry, worried or even traumatised. So when and how should we do it? Leo Hickman explores an issue that can only grow in importance. “A four-year-old child could understand this! Run out and find me a four-year-old child.” For the past year ...
- Green growth in the Himalayas
In the cold desert valleys of Ladakh, simple greenhouses provide fresh vegetables year round, writes Maryann Bird. For its innovative work in India, France’s GERES has won an Ashden Award for sustainability. When winter comes and the temperatures plummet to -25º Celsius in Ladakh , in the dry, re ...
- Facing Asia’s water woes
Concerns over water scarcity are particularly acute in Asia, writes Saleem H Ali. But despite the potential for conflict, there are also prospects for ecological cooperation. As countries prepare for the climate change conference in Copenhagen later this year, water scarcity concerns that are likely ...
Daily Censored
- Jon Stewart Understands Fox News Propaganda
Read the full story at News Hounds He and his writers get it – they really, really do. They understand the not so subliminal way that Fox News structures its “spin.” They know that it’s not just about interviewing two sides (a process that usually guarantees smiley face for one side ...
- Hannity Wants Jails, Not Health Care
Read the full story at News Hounds At the beginning of his Hannity's America segment last night, Sean Hannity distorted the remarks of Attorney General Eric Holder to suggest that Holder was going to let violent criminals out of jail in an effort to pinch Federal pennies. Multi-millionaire Hannity, ...
- Jon Stewart Understands Fox News Propaganda
Read the full story at News Hounds He and his writers get it – they really, really do. They understand the not so subliminal way that Fox News structures its “spin.” They know that it’s not just about interviewing two sides (a process that usually guarantees smiley face for one side ...
- Hannity Wants Jails, Not Health Care
Read the full story at News Hounds At the beginning of his Hannity's America segment last night, Sean Hannity distorted the remarks of Attorney General Eric Holder to suggest that Holder was going to let violent criminals out of jail in an effort to pinch Federal pennies. Multi-millionaire Hannity, ...
- Rep. Perriello: Coal Fraudster Impersonated Womenâ ...
Read the full story at Think Progress The stack of forged letters opposing clean energy reform on behalf of the coal industry is growing. Rep. Tom Perriello (D-VA) has revealed that he not only received forgeries purporting to come from black and hispanic groups, but also senior citizen and women’ ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- About half of U.S. mortgages seen underwater by 20 ...
- Cash-starved U.S. municipalities seek $1 billion f ...
- Russian subs near US coast pose no threat: Pentago ...
- Ex-lawmaker Jefferson guilty in bribery scheme
- Court denies bail to US 'homegrown terrorists'
Institute for Policy Studies
- The Destruction of the Black Middle Class
Left out of the commentary on race and class over the Gates affair has been talk of the increasing impoverishment — or, we should say, re-impoverishment — of African Americans as a group.
- Asia's Axis of Evil?
Burma and North Korea are the pariahs of Asia. Are these birds of a feather flocking together?
- Obama: Renegotiate NAFTA as You Promised
Mexican, Canadian, and U.S. leaders should scrap their failed "Security and Prosperity Partnership" and begin overhauling the North American Free Trade agreement at an upcoming Guadalajara meeting.
- Why Are We Letting Polluters Regulate Themselves I ...
The new energy bill would strip EPA of its power and let polluters take the reigns with a market-based system.
- Hypocrisy and the Honduran Coup
The United States needs to stop supporting coups — of all political stripes — and start supporting actual democracy.
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Bill Clinton has quite a story to tell
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After his talks with reclusive North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, Bill Clinton sure has a story to tell.
- White House reverses statement on Iran election
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - White House spokesman Robert Gibbs on Wednesday said he had misspoken in calling Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iran's elected leader and that Washington will let the Iranian people decide whether Iran's election was fair.
- Government map shows dire Afghan security picture
KABUL (Reuters) - Almost half of Afghanistan is at a high risk of attack by the Taliban and other insurgents or is under "enemy control," a secret Afghan government map shows, painting a dire security picture before presidential elections.
- Russian general shrugs off U.S. submarine worries
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A senior Russian general on Wednesday shrugged off Washington's concern about Cold War-style patrols of Russian nuclear submarines off the U.S. coast, saying it was business as usual for Moscow to keep its navy in shape.
- WRAPUP 11-U.S. reporters freed from N. Korea retur ...
(For full coverage of reporters' release, click [ID:nNORKOR])
- Living in Transition as Spiritual Practice
I am now in Sydney Australia after what has been one of the easiest long international trips I have made for a long time. Â I even slept for several hours on the flight which makes me very aware of the fact that people have been praying for me. Today’s article comes from Guy Chmieleski who is [. ...
- Recent Additions to the Spiritual Practices series
Here’s the round-up of the most recent Spiritual Practices posts: The Spiritual Practice of Apologizing by T Freeman Love-making as a Spiritual Practice by Mark Scandrette Smoking the Glory of God by Jason Clark The Spiritual Practice of Getting Honest With Myself by Jonathan Brink Spiritual Disci ...
- Between the Sheets: Sleeping as A Spiritual Practi ...
I will be heading out to Australia this afternoon but am hoping to continue posting while I travel. Â The submissions continue to arrive which is wonderful and I am enjoying reading them before I post them. This morning’s post is from Teri Peterson a presbyterian pastor who loves her new bed (wh ...
- Driving as Spiritual Practice
The weather has cooled down considerably here in Seattle and everyone feels that things are back to normal. Â A little rain would be appreciated – yes we do have days and in this case months without rain in the Pacific NW. Â The garden is flourishing but definitely crying out for a good soakin ...
- Yoga & Jesus: This is a spiritual practice
I continue to be challenged and stretched by the ways that people connect to God and to Jesus Christ. The posts below are by Christina Whitehouse-Sugg. I found them particularly intriguing because of my growing interest in Christian meditation and as you know I am also passionate about Henri Nou ...
Equality Trust
- Shattering the myth of equality
An article by Boris Frankel in Melbourne's newspaper 'The Age'.
- Polly Toynbee: This bold equality push is just wha ...
Polly Toynbee writing about the new Equality Bill today's Guardian. "Harriet Harman's bill is a frank recognition of the role of class in Britain. A decade earlier, it might have had a real impact..."
- Seumas Milne: This naked display of class egotism ...
"It's more than a week since Alistair Darling's budget, but the howls of protest haven't stopped for a day ever since. That's not been the public sector employees facing a harsh squeeze on jobs and pay who've been squealing, or the million workers expected to join the dole queues in the next year, ...
- Bob Holman on social breakdown
Bob Holman writes in the Glasgow Herald about the evidence in The Spirit Level.
- Inequality is the root of our unhappiness
Former director of the Institute of Education Peter Mortimore, writing in today's Education Guardian.
Afpak Fun