World Prout Assembly
PROUT stands for PROgressive UTilization Theory. It means, the progressive utilization and rational distribution of all the earth's natural resources. PROUT advocates another type of revolution called "nuclear revolution." In nuclear revolution, every aspect of collective life - social, economic, political, cultural, psychic and spiritual - is completely transformed. New moral and spiritual values arise in society which provide the impetus for accelerated social progress. The old era is replaced by a new era - one collective psychology is replaced by another. This type of revolution results in all-round development and social progress.Those who make beasts of people are the very people to stand trial
The path that lies before thieves who steal out of need is extremely narrow. The solution wholly depends on the strong economic foundation of the state concerned and of the whole world. If anybody is to be blamed for the poverty and social injustice which leads to crime, we will have to blame every national leader in the world. Those who make beasts of people by making them victims of circumstances, to my mind, are the very people to stand trial, if anyone is to be tried and judged at all.Religious Fundamentalism in Israel
Ronzki and other zealots represent one side of Israel's religious community, comprised of two major groups - religious Zionists and Charedim. Governed by their ideology, the former believe in the special relationship between God and Jews and see Israeli governance from that perspective. They comprise about two-thirds of the religious community and 8% of the population. Representing the other third and about 4.5% of the population, the Charedim see Israel as a secular state like most others in the country. Ethnicity also defines religious segments. Sephardic Jews originated from the Middle East, North Africa and Spain. Ashkenazi ones are from Eastern Europe and differ in religious and cultural traditions. Both communities attend separate synagogues in different neighborhoods, yet are represented in religious Zionist and Charedim camps. Israel has two chief rabbis, one Ashkenazi, the other Sephardic. - Stephen LendmanHomeless in Reno, Nevada, USA
Why Won't Universal Healthcare Be Provided?
In the end, the heath-care debate is not about care at all. Instead, it's about the amount of money that government, HMO and pharmaceutical leaders are personally willing to give up. Accordingly, it's clear that many Congressional representatives have no interest in evaluating even a few of the successful models of universal coverage that numerous other countries can provide. Instead, they are, typically, in collusion with big business to stymie any meaningful reforms. As Thomas Paine succinctly put it, "Beware the greedy hand of government, thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry." It's a far stretching hand with an iron grip that won't let go of its gains until forced to do so. - Emily Spence
Withdrawing by Bike from Iraq
Now, with those 130,000 troops still there, not to speak of the scads of rent-a-guns and private contractors, with that overstuffed, overstaffed embassy the size of the Vatican built for 1,000 "diplomats," with that series of major bases (which the Pentagon used to call, charmingly enough, "enduring camps") still well occupied, with significant numbers of Iraqis and small numbers of Americans dying each month, with millions of Iraqis still internal or external refugees, with the land devastated, and basic services hardly restored, with ethnic tensions still running high, and a government quietly allied to Iran in place in Baghdad backed by a 250,000-man military, with an American withdrawal still officially years off, and "withdrawal" itself a matter of definition, no one even bothers to offer the slightest justification for being in Iraq. After all, why would explanations be necessary when we're getting ready to leave? If you don't believe me, go hunting for an official explanation today. Why are we in Iraq? Because we're there. Because the Iraqis need us. Because something terrible would happen if we left precipitously. So we still occupy Iraq and no one even asks why. - Tom Engelhardt
The Public Option in Banking: How We Can Beat Wall Street at Its Own Game
A bank charter brings with it the privilege of creating "credit" simply as an accounting entry on the bank's books. The flaw in the private banking scheme is that banks create the principal portion of their loans but not the interest, which is continually drawn off the top as profit. New borrowers must continually be found to take out new loans to create this extra profit, making private banking effectively a pyramid scheme; and like any pyramid scheme, it has mathematical limits. Today, those limits appear to have been reached. Personal and national debts have gotten so large relative to incomes that it is no longer possible to maintain the fiction of solvency. We soon won't have the money even to pay the interest on our existing debts, let alone to incur new ones. Public banking does not suffer from that flaw, because interest is not drawn out of the system but is returned to the public coffers. Public banking is thus mathematically sound and sustainable. That is the theory, but there is nothing so persuasive as putting it to the test. Like with the public option in health care, we need to pit the public banking option against the private banking option and see which works best. My money is on the public option. - Ellen Brown
What else went down in Obama's drug deal? To find out, I called C-SPAN to get a copy of the videotape of the meeting with the drug companies. I was surprised to find they didn't have such a tape despite the President's campaign promise, right there on CNN in January 2008, "These negotiations will be on C-SPAN." This puzzled me. When Dick Cheney was caught having secret meetings with oil companies to discuss Bush's Energy Bill, we denounced the hugger-muggers as a case of foxes in the henhouse. Cheney's secret meetings with lobbyists and industry bigshots were creepy and nasty and evil. But the Obama crew's secret meetings with lobbyists and industry bigshots were, the President assures us, in the public interest. We know Cheney's secret confabs were shady and corrupt because Cheney scowled out the side of his mouth. Obama grins in your face. See the difference? The difference is 2%. - Greg Palast
Bagram base 'another Gunatanamo', says ACLU
Startling New Evidence That The 'Swine Flu' Pandemic Is Man-Made: Novartis Patent Detailed And Mass Murder Charged
by A. True Ott
Aug 15, 2009
I will provide evidence that will show that Novartis Pharmaceuticals of Basel, Switzerland has conspired with corrupt "scientists" at the U.S. Army Institute of Pathology Ft. Detrick, Maryland, to create a "novel" strain of weaponized "influenza" virus by means of "reverse engineering" the deadly 1918 killer strain which strain was maliciously and surreptitiously released upon the world in March and April of 2009 for the primary purpose of creating a panic-stricken world-wide demand for Novartis vaccine material.
The evidence will also clearly show that the Novartis vaccine material is in reality designed to facilitate the further mutation of the pandemic into more lethal waves of increasingly virulent and deadly disease, rather than to curtail and limit the existing outbreak. The evidence will show that Novartis is willingly being used, (and extremely well-paid) to facilitate the edicts of the global elite's Club of Rome; which edicts clearly call for a massive and sudden depopulation of certain segments of the earth's human population. -
As of Aug. 5, the Maine Center for Disease Control said there had been 323 confirmed cases of H1N1 in Maine, of which 176 are Maine residents and the rest out-of-staters diagnosed in Maine. A total of 19 people required hospitalization. Sixty percent of the victims were under the age of 25. On Tuesday, health authorities reported Maine's first death from the H1N1 virus. Dr. Dora Anne Mills, director of the Maine Center for Disease Control, said a York County man in his 50s was hospitalized for three weeks and died last week of underlying conditions complicated by H1N1.
Nearly 1 billion starving in world
"The world hunger situation may further deteriorate as the financial crisis hits the real economies of more and more countries. Reduced demand in developed countries threatens incomes in developing countries via exports. Remittances, investments and other capital flows including development aid are also at risk. Emerging economies in particular are subject to lasting impacts from the credit crunch even if the crisis itself is short-lived," the UN body cautions.
FEMA to Conduct Massive NLE 09 Martial Law Exercise
Madsen reported on a highly-classified document regarding the martial law scenario on April 3, 2008. "WMR has learned from knowledgeable sources within the US financial community that an alarming confidential and limited distribution document is circulating among senior members of Congress and their senior staff members that is warning of a bleak future for the United States if it does not quickly get its financial house in order. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is among those who have reportedly read the document." - Kurt Nimmo
Global Banking Economist Warned of Coming Crisis: The Man Nobody Wanted to Hear
Even though this is what he has been saying for more than 10 years, White, a passionate financial professional, is the last person to show signs of bitterness. During a conversation in his Paris office at the OECD, he has no harsh words for those who had long dismissed him as an alarmist. For White, the BIS will always be the greatest experience for an economist. The errors made by central bankers, politicians and business executives, he says, are simply part of life. - Beat Balzli and Michaela Schiessl
Foreclosures At Record High In First Half 2009 Despite Aid
The highest unemployment rate in nearly 26 years is the biggest factor keeping homeowners from staying current on monthly payments, Sharga said. But there could also be a whiplash caused by "the big white elephant in the middle of the room" -- option ARMs, or adjustable rate mortgages with the option to make minimum payments. "A lot of them are going to be seriously upside down, probably at least 40 percent upside down." That would mean a borrower owes at least 40 percent more on the mortgage than the home is worth. A new U.S. program enabling borrowers are up to 25 percent upside down to refinance their loans would not be enough to help most option ARM holders, Sharga said. - Lynn Adler
North American Union: Implanting microchips in national ID cards: Mexico Prepares its Citizens for the Grand Merger into the NAU
Man's self-awareness, narcissism, and intense need for self-preservation have compelled him to sublimate and suppress his own evil. Evil deeds are not foreign to human nature, despite our psychological defenses that range from denial to repression and sublimation. You only have to look at wars to realize that "Evil is the true human nature." That is the main reason why religious leaders and their cohorts of government demagogues have used fear and control throughout the ages to allegedly tame the beast in their populations. Sadly, they have purposefully forgotten to tame themselves, knowing well that one beast can never tame another, and realizing that their willful venture is specifically choreographed to dominate and exploit the rest of the herd.
Keeping Track of the Empire's Crimes
No one chronicles the rise of the supra-government called NATO like Rick Rozoff in his "Stop NATO" mailings. NATO has become an ever-expanding behemoth, making war and interfering in political controversies all over Europe and beyond. The United States is not the world's only superpower; NATO is another, as it surrounds Russia and the Caspian Sea oil reserves; although the distinction between the two superpowers is little more than a facade. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the NATO/US 78-day bombing of Yugoslavia. On April 23, 1999 missiles slammed into Radio Television Serbia (RTS) in downtown Belgrade, killing 16 employees. The station, NATO claimed, was a legitimate military target because it broadcast propaganda. (Certainly a novel form of censorship; not to mention the fact that NATO could simply have taken out the station's transmitter.) What apparently bothered the Western powers was that RTS was reporting the horrendous effects of NATO's bombing as well as passing footage of the destruction to Western media.- William Blum
The Expiring Economy
The Bush-Obama economic policy actually worsens the systemic crisis that the US dollar faces as reserve currency. The fact that there might be no alternative to the dollar as reserve currency does not guarantee that the dollar will continue in this role. Countries might find it less risky to settle trade transactions in their own currencies. How does an economy based heavily on consumer spending recover when so many high-value-added jobs, and the GDP and payroll tax revenues associated with them, have been moved offshore and when consumers have no more assets to leverage in order to increase their spending? How does the US pay for its imports if the dollar is no longer used as reserve currency? These are the unanswered questions. - Paul Craig Roberts
Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve: Global Power and Global Government:- Part 3
In 1954, the Bilderberg Group was founded in the Netherlands, which was a secretive meeting held once a year, drawing roughly 130 of the political-financial-military-academic-media elites from North America and Western Europe as "an informal network of influential people who could consult each other privately and confidentially."[1] Regular participants include the CEOs or Chairman of some of the largest corporations in the world, oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and Total SA, as well as various European monarchs, international bankers such as David Rockefeller, major politicians, presidents, prime ministers, and central bankers of the world.[2]
Shay goes on to say, "We must bear in mind that when the traumatic moment (of a firefight, for example) reoccurs as flashback or nightmare, the emotions of terror, grief, and rage may be merged with each other. Such emotion is relived, not remembered." And "So long as the traumatic moment persists as a relivable nightmare, consciousness remains fixed upon it. The experiential quality of reality drains from the here-and-now; the dead are more real than the living."
INDIA: Fishermen Struggle As Seas Change and Fish Dwindle
Many on this coastline have migrated to the Andaman islands, 1200 kilometres away from the mainland, hoping sustain the only livelihood they know - some have stayed behind and become temporary labourers. The women here - mostly wives of fishermen - are fish-vendors who are also impacted by dwindling fish catches, lesser incomes, lack of proper storage and poor transportation. There are no buses that service the fishing villages to help the catch reach a bigger market - forcing these women into overcrowded rickshaws that then become accident-prone. - Keya Acharya
Politically inevitable
That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes politically inevitable."
Milton Friedman
The foregoing are selections from the Website. No representation is made as to completeness - it isn't!