Most Recent Entries
- Marines Ban Twitter, MySpace, Facebook
- Gallery: Inside Alaska’s Answer to Area 51
- White House ‘Cyber Czar’ Resigns; Let’s Not Replace Her.
- Training the Israeli Army’s Robot Squads
- Military Aims for Instant Repair of Wartime Wounds
- Pentagon Social Media Czar Pushes Web 2.0, Despite Ban Threat
- Army Farmers Work to Regrow Afghanistan
- Danger Room’s Favorite Dictator-Tweeters
- Army Starts Solar Plant; Next Step: Care About Climate Change
- Afghanistan’s Prez Candidates Wage Web 2.0 Campaigns
Pentagon Social Media Czar Pushes Web 2.0, Despite Ban Threat
- WTF? Military Web 2.0 Report Actually Making Sense
- Army Orders Bases to Stop Blocking Twitter, Facebook, Flickr …
- Can the Coast Guard Get It Right on Social Media?
- YouTube, Twitter: Weapons in Israel’s Info War
- Pentagon Wrestles with Possible Twitter, Facebook Ban (Updated …
- Army Secretary: We’re Falling Behind Online
- Despite Army Order, Some Bases Still Ban Facebook, Twitter …
- Kremlin 2.0: Russian Prez Discovers Social Media
- Kremlin Launches ‘School of Bloggers’
- How the Army Is Winning the Pentagon’s Internet ‘Civil War …
- Cyber-Security Czar Quits Amid Fears of NSA Takeover
- Obama Wages Cyberwar
- U.S. Cyber Command: 404 Error, Mission Not (Yet) Found
- Military Surrenders Cyber Security to the Starfish
Marines Ban Twitter, MySpace, Facebook
Afghanistan’s Prez Candidates Wage Web 2.0 Campaigns
What is the target audience for these websites, particularly the ones in English? Take a closer look, and it’s clear that they are aimed at rustling up campaign funds, especially from the Afghan diaspora.
Danger Room’s Favorite Dictator-Tweeters
- Obama Gets a Sense of Putin’s Super-Villain Soul
- Vote: Vlad Putin’s Next Super-Villain Scheme
- Meet North Korea’s New Top Cop
- U.S. Payoff Keeps Key Hub for Afghanistan Open
- Dictator Deal Could Open Back Door Supply Route to Afghanistan …
Army Farmers Work to Regrow Afghanistan
- Afghanistan Tells Journos: No Election Criticism (Updated …
- High-Tech Brigade Heads to Afghanistan, Loaded With Gadgets …
- No ‘Net, No Phones, No Problem for Troops in Afghanistan
- Danger Room in Afghanistan’s ‘Boomtown’
- Surge of Nerds Rebuilds Afghanistan
- Chopper Shoot-Down Reveals Deeper Flaws in Afghanistan Ops …
The Real Victor in Iraq: Monsanto
Monsanto, Dow Stacking the Deck, Critics Say
Monsanto Getting Creepier and Creepier
Science in Society )
YouTube, Twitter: Weapons in Israel’s Info War
- Israeli Jets Drop ‘Small Smart Bomb’ in Gaza Strikes
- Israel Targets ‘Terror Tunnels’ (and Viagra Highway)
- Paper: Gaza Campaign Planned Months in Advance
- Israel Unleashes Relatiatory Air Armada
- Hamas Fighters ‘Using Hezbollah as a Model’
Alexey Chadayev, the director of the Kremlin’s school of bloggers. Chadayev already has an impressive resume: He lists his credentials as “famous political scientist, blogger, activist, doctoral candidate in cultural studies, docent at Russian State University of the Humanities, member of the Public Chamber, editor in chief of the online portal, and author of the book, Putin: His Ideology.” Give this man a Twitter account, and you’ll have the Karl Rove of the Russian establishment.
- Kremlin 2.0: Russian Prez Discovers Social Media
- Moldova Calm after Twitter Storm
- Activist Charged for Inciting ‘Twitter Revolution’
- Inside Moldova’s Twitter Revolution
- Photo Gallery: Moldova Protesters Take to the Streets … and Tweets
- Despite Army Order, Some Bases Still Ban Facebook, Twitter
- Five for Fighting 6/11/09
- Iran’s Wired Generation Challenges Ahmadinejad
- Army Orders Bases to Stop Blocking Twitter, Facebook, Flickr
- Rangel Steers Darpa Millions to Natural History Museum
- Raw Video: Cop Tasers 72 Year-Old Granny
- U.S. Releases Drone Blimp Video to Fight Grenade Attack Claim (Corrected and Updated)
- Five for Fighting 6/10/09
- Pentagon Investigates Pill-Popping PTSD Prevention
- Gates: We Can Take Down North Korean Missile