The Bovine
From Raw Milk to Water — Raw milk farmer Michael Schmidt arrested today by police for blockading gate at Site 41
Raw milk farmer Michael Schmidt felt it was important that he take a stand with his fellow citizens to protect the integrity of Ontario’s drinking water from the damage that would result from locating a dump site over a major reservoir of some of Ontario’s purest drinking water.Recent Posts
- From Raw Milk to Water — Raw milk farmer Michael Schmidt arrested today by police for blockading gate at Site 41
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- Moving from cow-share to farm-share — Glencolton Farms looks to the future
- Tim Wightman calls Michael Schmidt case “a wake up alarm for freedom”
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- Does raw milk really kill pathogens? — Dr. Amanda Rose weighs the evidence for and against “competitive exclusion”
- High Soy diet for American prisoners — Is it cruel and unusual punishment? — The WAPF’s Sally Fallon answers your questions about the case on radio today!
Is Obama Planning to Sign Congress' Health Care Reform Bill with Lipstick?
Of the central features of candidate Barack Obama's health care proposal, he said one thing was essential -- a public insurance option to compete with the private insurance industry that is now dominated by a cartel of Wall Street-driven, for-profit behemoths. Another thing Obama said he would not support -- a requirement that all of us be forced by law to buy overpriced health coverage from private insurance companies.
Many of the people who voted for Obama did so because they believed his health care proposal was the best among the field of Democratic candidates and -- no contest here -- far better than the insurance industry-backed plans advocated by the Republicans.
Obama was not alone in calling for a public insurance option. So did Hillary Clinton, among others. About the only thing that distinguished Obama's plan from Clinton's, in fact, was his opposition to forcing all of us to buy health insurance. "Why should we force people to buy something they can't afford?" he asked repeatedly on the campaign trail.
After listening to the speeches he made in Montana and Arizona and to comments made by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Obama's press secretary, Robert Gibbs, on the Sunday morning talk shows, I'm wondering what happened to the guy Americans elected.
Wendell Potter's CNN Editorial: How Insurance Firms Drive the Debate
Recent blog posts
Cash-Roots, Manufactured Anger, and Hot Air over Health Care
Is Obama Planning to Sign Congress' Health Care Reform Bill with Lipstick?
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Guernica's Interview with CMD's Wendell Potter
Wendell Potter's CNN Editorial: How Insurance Firms Drive the Debate
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David Wise: “The CIA, Licensed to Kill”
The US drone attacks inside Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq have received bipartisan support in Washington. And when the CIA disclosed the existence of an aborted secret assassination program last month, congressional outrage centered around the fact that lawmakers weren’t properly informed. The open acceptance of assassination as a tool of US policy can in part be explained by the fact it’s been going on for decades.
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