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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Selected Opera RePosts - Politics - Foreign Policy

I found some time past that, although 404 Errors - Not Found - plagued linking to some past articles on Opera, I could in fact manually navagate through back pages to find what I wanted - a laborious process.

Iran - Reporters Without Borders - Selective Outrage - Phony Menace

Originally posted June 15 by Opit

Members of Reporters Without Borders are noted as being detained in the current brouhaha in Iran after the election. The following links illustrate the organization has some serious credibility issues.
UNESCO withdrew support of Reporters Without Borders
What price 'Freedom of the Press' ?
Reporters Without Borders : the Real Face

I find I have a serious 'perceptual gap' with many regarding the whole Iranian situation. Finding a story making parallels between Rovian political style and Ahmadinejad's campaign makes me think - as in Canada - outside 'consultants' affected the normal course of political events in the country.

Finding problems with international 'consensus' on Iran is equally easy. Truthdig noted years ago Russia was much more of a nuclear threat than Iran was ever likely to be - yet silly games deploying missile silos in once Eastern Europe contrary to the terms of withdrawal of Soviet land forces threatened Russia in ways similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis. In that era, NATO installed US missiles in Turkey...and everyone was supposed to be surprised that they chose to respond in kind by siting missiles in much-abused Cuba.

'Yellowcake' - a non-fissile material - was the supposed impetus for invading Iraq. Check the Arms Control Wonk commentary on that in 'Uranium' on the Links page - it was a Cheney disinformation scam. The same 'department' - the VP's private fiefdom - ran up further nonsense about Iran.

Yet the Wilson couple were in the thick of this. The Ambassador dutifully reported Nigeria had not arranged the sale of yellowcake to Iraq : no surprise, since deposits of it littered Iraq.
Meantime Valerie Plame was 'outed' as a CIA NOC and the Brewster-Jennings network 'blown' : so the Middle East nuclear threat desk was taken down by the White House.
Too much possibility of b.s. being shown for what is was.
Even so, two separate reports by the C.I.A. said there was no ongoing Iranian nuclear weapons program.

Now Iran is supposedly a potential 'threat' - hyped repeatedly. This despite no differentiation or explanation being made when Russia noted the differences between fissile and fusion fuels and technology.
I always had a big problem with the scenario that Russia, under confrontation for centuries in the Great Game, knowingly supplied the means for Iran to threaten her. That would be the same Russia at pains to proclaim 'hands off' in terms comparable to considering Iran Russian territory !

Clean CoalLink

Friday, 12. June 2009, 23:10:33

Coal ash spills too dangerous to be revealed to public

Sycophancy and Media

'World War III ? That's already happened.' Why don't our children know their history ?
The arc of darkness
Baltic nations hit especially hard by economic crisis
Hatred's heinous, but is it a crime ?
"In an ideal world the State does not know who you are. Justice is better when it is Blind."
( 'Thoughtcrime' is an Orwellian concept. Mind reading machines are in the offing. Meanwhile the state and super corporations control the 'popular' media and 'education'.
There are articles on programming/hypnotizing people on the Links page. Even the differences between cults which program belief and religion are just a matter of the degree to which they exploit suggestibility. )
Mr. President, cut the sycophancy and tell the Muslims some hard truths
( Perfect example of Sycophancy. It embodies the memes that 'the Muslims' - a perjorative generalization itself - are backwards - instead of inheritors of the cultural traditions of a major empire - and especially oppressive of women.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, women's reproductive freedoms are affected by headbanging cultural roles embedded in media and income disparity ; restriction of access to birth control through religious 'freedom' to discriminate for dispensers ; ongoing hatemongering called 'Right to Life' which purports to protect the unborn and sanctity of life so effectively that American jihadi - brainwashed religious terrorists - commit murder...all while the ongoing offensive War Crimes committed on a global basis by the International Corporate Empire are effectively spun into 'White Men's Burden' in their House Organs. 'Pre-Emptive' bombing people in their homes...is not murder made wholesale ? 'Patrols' by foreigners vandalizing neigbourhoods and constructing barriers...have the same effect in American Occupied Baghdad as in Israel Occupied Palestine.
Nor are the 'troops' subject to criminal charges.
Hatecrime takes many forms. For a change, I'm not going to pick on the U.S.A. The whole British Empire was based on 'exploiting' unfortunates of other races and cultures who happened to occupy coveted territory...as did all European expansionism. All that has changed is that reporting is more convincing at ignoring harsh home truths.
I don't pick up that many reports from foreign sources...not really. They are a welcome breath of fresh air in some ways. Yet when I read 'Little Indian' I am reminded of the violence with which India was torn apart.
It's hard to believe that - prior to British meddling - India was a reasonably cohesive assembly in which Islam co-existed with a multitude of religions.
Iraq had little problem with religious division before the Occupation. Just read old parts of 'Baghdad Burning' ! Sect was not mentioned in polite company and Christian pacifists flourished. Reading aina - Assyrian International News Association - will tell you what happened after 'Liberation' ; 'ethnic cleansing'.
Today Palestine's diversity is ignored, as is that of Lebanon or other places where artificial dialogue and 'al Qaeda' have completely replaced real reporting.
Iraq was a very 'Westernized' nation - as is Iran today. Despite the efforts to completely destroy local forces of order...Iran today still has a thriving Jewish community disinterested in being 'reunited' with Zionist Israel...an unfortunate generalization itself which ignores the fact that it wasn't - and isn't today - the unchallenged position of the general population.
Talking Points work. )
( This blog post is one indicator of the real range of fair comment. )
'Invisible' Protestors condemn tribe's destruction
The Left's new 'Back Door' strategy to silence Talk Radio
( Beautiful. When you want to promote bullshit...start with the headline. )
U.S. Death Row case exposes Systemic flaws
( I leave it up to you. Is 'Right-Wing' activity - conservation of rights - the focus here ? Do 'Liberals' wanting freedom from government oppression of people...disagree ? )
Military abuses 'surge' in Mexico Drug War
Economic crisis drives up conflict
Educating ourselves to Oblivion
'Selling Education, Manufacturing Technocrats, Torturing Souls'
"What do torture, a major recession, and two debilitating wars have to do with our educational system ? My guess : plenty. These are the three most immediate realities of a system that fails to challenge or even critique authority in any meaningful way. There are bills that are long overdue thanks, in part, to that system's technocratic bias and pedagogical shortfalls - thanks, that is, to what we are taught to see and not see, regard and disregard, value and dismiss."
The Media, Failed States, Dogfights, The Beatles, and an Acid Trip
We don't want your stinkin' war!
Juan Cole gets around to graphic description of media abdication of reporting - in addition to chastising Hitchens for reporting confidential drafts not properly redone for release. June 2006
....Here's an update released after this post
The Big HatePaul Krugman

"Right to Exist"

( Illustrating the power of coordinated information presentation : expressing an opinion by editorial fiat )

Wanton Israeli Gaza destruction is a war crime
What Israel has done
Israel destroys Palestinian Broadcast Centre
Does Israel plan to expel all Palestinians ?
Under the pretext of fighting Hamas: Israel launches all-out war on Islamic institutions in the West Bank
Israel destroys Arab shops in West Bank
Israel destroys U.S.-built wells
Parents of peace activist killed by bulldozer target Caterpillar
Declaration regarding Caterpillar violations of human rights
Israeli army in for the long haul in Gaza Strip
Palestinian villagers' homes under threat
Israel/occuppied Palestinian territories : Hadidya and Humsa
Israeli war on Palestinian Olive
Israeli army destroys water infrastructure of West Bank village
Declaration re: Caterpillar violations of human rights
In a nutshell : Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Hadidya and Humsa
Water in the Middle East conflict
Water Wars
West Bank Wall elevates barrier to water access for Palestinians
Israeli policy of distribution creates unprecedented water shortages for West Bank, Gaza Palestinians
Israel-enforced seige destroys Gaza's environment
( Did you notice the same thing happening in Iraq and Afghanistan due to Occupation ? What about wars in Somalia and Ethopia ? )
PCHR prepares 936 lawsuits against Israel for war crimes in Gaza
Israeli soldiers say Army rabbis framed Palestinian conflict as religious war
General Order Number One : Forbid Proselytizing - Evangelists cannot protect murtads
Well Poisoning
Scorched-Earth Tactics
Poisoning the Well of FreedomRestricted : 18+
Poisoning the Well : ad hominem fallacies
White Men's Burden
U.S. military interventions since 1890
The British East India Company - the company that owned a nation ( or two )
The Great Game
The Great Game in the Middle East

Refugee Week 15-21 June 2009

Prejudice and ignorance skew public view of asylum seekers
Look Beyond the Label - Refugee Week 2009
Former minister Indyk tells Israelis some unpleasant truths
End the Occupation Now!
Holocaust Denial Zionist Style
"In Israel today Jewish survivors of the Holocaust receive a cheque every month from the German government. Palestinian survivors of the Nakba receive nothing from the government of Israel.
Any Jew, anywhere in the world, has the right to 'return' to Israel, even if he was never here before. Palestinians living anywhere in the world do NOT have the Right of Return to the homes they were driven away from.
The Zionists get offended if anyone denies the Holocaust ever took place. Yet these same people deny the Holocaust of the Palestinian people. They also use similar methods to continue their policies of genocide and ethnic cleansing in the Occupied Territories.
The U.S. gives Israel 30 Billion dollars a year in aid..."
Torture and the Need for Justice
OBOMBA Indefinite Detention CIA Rendition Escalation of War in Afghanistan Increase in Government Spying Unmanned Drones Bombing Pakistan STOP the CRIMES of your government!
DeviantArt : Unban Ben (Heine)
Jerusalem Post : In defense of Israeli racism
Summer of Hope for Gaza
The 1967 War Revisited
UN catches Israel in a lie
Oslo Redux : Fool's Gold in Israel/Palestine
Muslims want actions, not words, from Obama
After almost a year, Israeli government maintains its silence on the brutal beating of a Palestinian journalist
Israel's perpetual state of war
Mother Palestine - a dedication
Shedding our own blood to please Israel
Modern version of Animal Farm or: Rats in the White House

Late News - Enviroblogging

Uncover the News
Clinton says strike to follow if Iran attacks Israel
( That would be the country without nuclear weapons attacking the one with nuclear weapons...with nuclear weapons )
Russia accuses U.S. of exaggerating Iran missile threat
Global warming ? Not so fast, skeptics say at meeting
U.S. weighs intercepting North Korean shipments ( Act of War ? )
The privatization of 'Obama's War'
119 million Americans must be wrong
( Single Payer : interestingly, one commenter on Care 2 warned AGAINST Medicare-style healthcare because of the risk of government perverted by business turning the scheme against people...including loss of confidentiality and more )
Obama, Torture, Ron Paul and the D.C. Warmongers
Real ID Act rejected by 12 states already
KBDI airs 911 Press for Truth
Seattle warned of 'imminent' nuke attack
( This time from North Korea. Bush-era 'Axis of Evil' propaganda is not yet out of fashion. This will create conditions to preserve peace how, exactly ? )
UN : Israel preventing aid to Palestinians
"...preventing relief organizations from providing Palestinians with their basic requirements."
( This in addition to destroying access to drinking water, sanitation of sewage, and power/medicine for hospitals. Do we need to get 'Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' involved ? )
Governor Bush told Houston journalist "I'm going to invade Iraq."
Man arrested, accused of threatening to kill Obama
Canadian mayors pass resolution to shut out U.S. bidders ( pushback to 'Buy American' policy )
Dollar's fate written in history
California will run out of cash in 14 days
China's Hidden Bankruptcy
Living in the shadow of Kim Jong II's army
Mind of Dan
More secret documents left behind
A reasonably good debunking of the 'More CO2 is good for plants' Talking Points
Quote of the Day...with Comic !
A new conservative coalition ?
I applaud the Governor-General for not being a hypocrite
( Yes, Care 2 members...that is fairly typical sentiment here. Me too. )
Quote of the Day "A given economic growth rate can only be sustainable if the average impact per wealth unit declines at an equal or greater rate. Michael Tobis"
On the Waxman-Markey climate bill
The science news cycle
The cap in cap-and-trade is no cap at all
Just when you thought deniers couldn't get stupider
Monckton's silly graph Part 4
More science troubles for Harper...Creationist science minister ( Funny if it weren't insane )
The BC carbon tax referendum says YES to the tax
Another study debunks the Blame the Sun myth
The importance of biodiversity and our failure to recognize it
BC NDP global warming plan : bad for the economy, bad for the environment
Cooling trends expected in a warming world
Industry ignored its scientists on climate, Denialist scam exposed
Another potential climate tipping point ?
The free market can adapt to a limit on GHG emissions
Alberta has decided to make education optional
Blame Canada for Piracy
Religion leads to immorality ?
( I liked an old quip recalled as seen from a Baptist source : "Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners...not promote Religion." That's enough to make one remember the root meaning of Pro-Testant as rejecting Church Authority as a civil force : Anti-Theocratic. So when so-called Evangelicals flog it...they reject the Good News they loudly claim to promote. )
Al Gore defends his right to invest in Green
The ongoing refusal of Canada to request Mr. Khadr's repatriation to Canada offends a principle of fundamental justice and violates Mr. Khadr's rights ( and is likely illegal to boot : not to mention violating treaty obligations upholding international standards of 'justice' )
The BC NDP was for the carbon tax before they were against it
Deniers go from stupider to stupidest
Obama releases torture memos, vows not to prosecute
Why I accept the scientific consensus on global warming, and what would change my mind
Profiteering from the Arctic thaw
Ice sheets and sea level
Insects take a bigger bite out of plants in a higher carbon dioxide world
Soil scientists restore marshes to protect coastal ecology
Global warming effects and causes : a Top 10 list
Skeptic's Journal publishes plagiarist's paper
The American Denial of Global Warming
Monckton's deliberate manipulation
Is Texas the state most vulnerable to global climate change ?
Saving the rainforest could make economic sense
Disdain for American policies may have led to alleged spying for Cuba
( Note that the U.S. has basically been in a state of war with Cuba since the 1950's : sanctions, blockade, etc. )
Doctors who braved bombs in Sri Lanka imprisoned
'Racists for Democracy'
( Nor is Representative Government democracy either. )
The Binary Fallacy and the Demise of both political parties
This week's top Downloads

That's enough for one repost. I'm sure I'll end up mining the stacks for more : I originally wanted a newsblog as an ongoing reference to current affairs so one could follow trends. That's hard to do if access isn't preserved.