Dr. John's Hiding Place
Ubuntu, malicious code and a better Home
It is interesting to see 'n00bies' handle Linux Ubuntu. My wife belongs to this category, so feel in good company. After years of MS-adoration and for her 'convenience' she may use my computer while I enjoy siesta. The convenience being the closeness of our door-intercom and the mix of Skype, telephone and internet while receiving hour-long calls from foreign friends. The consequences of my loving kindness I felt these days. She got an e-mail with a request to open it..., the rest I'll save you, supposing you aren't so n00bie anymore. However, this was new to me! It seems true: the Linux desktop is getting popular, then I see an increase of 'attacks' and viral attempts. Of course they come from the outside: websites with malicious codes or emails from strange people asking to open a file.Haven't we heard that before?
Latest blog posts
- Ubuntu, malicious code and a better Home
- Funny bunny letter opener...
- Flu and Water? ...then it came to me...!
- Tannhäuser - Wagner, more than music...
- Linking Jaunty to your World [upd ufw]
- Why are we alone?
- Asteroid impact 2008 TC3 - or how Earth escaped from calamity
- Bohemian Rapsody - 'Queen' now in HD
- UFOs, Hessdalen and Lights in the Skies
- Life before Life. Where do we go from here?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wallpapers de Beautiful Faces a 1600x1200px
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wallpapers del espacio a 1600x1200px
Friday, July 17, 2009
Wallpapers de seres mitologicos a 1600x1200px
Big Dan's Big Blog
With this financial crisis going on, how can we continue to spend in Iraq & Afghanistan: Per Month - $12.3 billion; Per Week - $2.9 billion; Per Day - $410 million; Per Hour - $17 million; Per Minute - $284,722; Per Second - $4,745Big Dan's Big News Aug 1, 2009
Rep. Anthony Weiner introduces an amendment to force Republicans to vote on getting rid of Medicare and Veterans health care!!! Since Republicans and RepubliDOGS (blue dog "democrats" who are really Republicans) are always demonizing government health care, they should VOTE on how they feel about TWO EXISTING government health care programs: MEDICARE & VETERANS HEALTH CARE!!!Ryland: A Sibel Edmonds 'Bombshell' - Bin Laden Worked for U.S. Until 9/11
Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11
Let Sibel Edmonds Speak
Whistleblower: Bin Laden was US proxy until 9/11
Big Dan's Big News July 31, 2009
Video 1 - Obama's Family Physician Dr. David Scheiner Prescribes Single-Payer for AmericaVideo 2 - Health Care Reform: 450,000 Doctors Can't Be Wrong
Video 3 - Weiner Challenges the Republicans to Put-Up or Shut-Up on Healthcare
Video 4 forward - single payer health care videos
Typical “Blue Dog” Democrats (REPUBLIDOGS) — moderate members of Congress who have been the most ardent among Obama’s own party in thwarting ongoing national healthcare legislation — receive 25 percent more campaign cash from the healthcare and insurance industry than other Democrats, an investigation has found.
REPUBLIDOGS (Blue Dog "democrats") opposition may be ‘underwritten’ by pharmaceutical giants
Right-Wing Florida Legislators Propose State Constitutional Amendment To Ban Federal Health Care
Republicans Lying to Old People About Euthanasia, Robots
Conservatives fabricate ‘mandatory’ end-of-life consultations in health bill.
RNC "Research" Tries To Portray Democrats As Encouraging Euthanasia
Israeli Massacres: Details and Numbers
Well, I predicted this: the NC "terrorists" (wink wink) were supported by the CIA. Does this surprise you at all? Notice, that when they catch these "terrorists", it's all over the front pages? But, then when they're let go for lack of evidence or they're linked to the CIA, it's ignored by the "liberal" media?
Big Dan's Big News July 30, 2009
Fear Of A Black President: Conservative Media Drumming Up Racial Fear (the FAKE "liberal media" CNN - YOU are an IDIOT, if you think CNN is "liberal"!)Civil rights expert: ‘Birthers’ only ‘racists or extreme right wingers’
Rightwing media publications:
Billionaire Rupert Murdoch loses $50 million a year on the NY Post, billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife loses $2 to $3 million a year on the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, billionaire Philip Anschutz loses around $5 million a year on The Weekly Standard, and billionaire Sun Myung Moon has lost $2 to $3 billion on The Washington Times.
Why are these guys willing to lose so much money funding "conservative" media? Why do they bulk-buy every right-wing book that comes out to throw it to the top of the NY Times Bestseller list and then give away the copies to "subscribers" to their websites and publications? Why do they fund to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year money-hole "think tanks" like Heritage and Cato?
The answer is pretty straightforward. They do it because it buys them respectability, and gets their con job out there. Even though William Kristol's publication is a money-losing joke (with only 85,000 subscribers!), his association with the Standard was enough to get him on TV talk shows whenever he wants, and a column with The New York Times. The Washington Times catapulted Tony Blankley to stardom.
Conservative Media vs. Progressive Media
"Fellowships" and other forms of indirect sponsorship of right-wing talk show hosts have made otherwise-marginal shows and their hosts ubiquitous, and such sponsorships of groups like Norquist's anti-tax "Americans for Tax Reform" regularly get people like him front-and-center in any debate on taxation in the United States.
All so they could run a tax con on the American people, thus keeping Moon and Murdoch and Scaife and Anschutz (and others) richer than you or I could ever even imagine.
All of this money was spent - invested, really, since it's been more than saved back in low income tax rates on millionaires and billionaires - to convince Americans that up is down and black is white when it comes to income taxes.
Here's how it works:
The Great Tax Con Job
Pentagon Pundits - Blinded By The Right
26 Marine suicides so far in 2009
The Hell of War Comes Home: Newspaper Series Documents Murder, Suicide, Kidnappings by Iraq Vets
(some of the audio is out, due to copyright)
The Boston Police aren't racist! It's all a misunderstanding! It's reverse racism!
WHOOPS!!!!!!!! I guess here's another Boston police misunderstanding!!!!!!!!
Boston cop calls Gates 'banana-eating jungle monkey' in mass e-mail
The Daily Show News' "Senior Black Correspondent" analyzes the Henry Louis-Gates/Cambridge police racism situation...Gates played the race card, and became "Blacky McBlack when the cops busted him!
Sneak Peek! Nissan’s New Electric Hatchback
Nissan showed off its latest EV prototype today, a slick four-door, five-passenger hatchback that’s good for 100 miles and tells you when and where to charge up.
Although it’s just a mule wearing a Tiida body, the car provides the best glimpse yet of the production EV we’ll see for the first time Sunday. Nissan plans to offer an all-electric vehicle in Japan and the United States next year, then roll it out globally in 2012.
Rise 'n Die, HIV: Strategies for a Cure Based on Waking the AIDS Virus
HIV IN HIDING: Researchers target HIV's hideaway in long-lived immune cells, opening up the possibility of eradicating, rather than just controlling, th
Rousing the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from slumber may not sound like a good idea. But just as it is next to impossible to lure and trap a hibernating animal, catching a virus on the move is far easier than snaring one lying dormant.
That's the thinking behind some strategies to effectively eradicate latent reservoirs of HIV—thought to be the virus's last stand when under attack from increasingly effective drug cocktails. Researchers are uncovering multiple methods for awakening and subsequently destroying the virus, which hides out in "resting" immune cells. But they are far from agreeing on which approach offers the most realistic hope—or just how much hope to have in the seemingly unattainable goal to cure AIDS.
Black Tea May Lower Blood Sugar
Substance in Black Tea Mimics Diabetes Drugs
Forest Health Thinning, Biomass and the 58.5 Million Acre Fib
The Whoppers Behind WOPR
The foundation-dependent professional enviro eco-blogs are humming with praise for the Obama Administration’s recent desertion of the Bush Western Oregon Plan Revision (WOPR). Said whopper was an attempt by Big Timber lobbyists/lawyers and captive politicians of both parties to overturn some of the few actual protective provisions of the Clinton Northwest Forest Plan.
The area involved is isolated islands of the paltry remains of the once-vast old growth forests of the coastal mountains of Western Oregon (hence, the name). These lands are mostly in the notorious railroad “checkerboard” where advancing rail lines were granted every other section (square mile tracts) within twenty miles of the rails. They were reclaimed by the public in the early 20th Century during the brief spasm of reform at the end of the Robber Baron era.
The lands in question are isolated islands because the other, privately-held squares of the checkerboard were long ago leveled. With the “edge-effect” from those cut-over sections drying them out and allowing tree-killing insect/fungi pathways and with miles of logging roads crossing thru them, the tattered Public-owned squares rarely hold a full 640 acres of Ancient Forest. Though the five-years-in-the-making plan promised to cover "millions of acres," it really is about clearcutting these remnants which number in the 100s of thousands of acres max.
The lands are managed by the more industry/extraction-friendly Bureau of Land Management (BLM), not the Forest Service (USFS) which has a more Multiple Use mandate - which renders the USFS slightly less rapacious. Among the myriad public lands' management agencies, the BLM (“Bovines, Logging and Mining”) has always been the government’s primary handmaiden of extractive industries.
The BLM and Big Timber bristled at any restriction on strip-mining the remnant forests from the start. So, the Bush gang decided to run away from a welcome industry lawsuit and just rewrite the Clinton plan allowing for even greater extraction of the ancient trees than was allowed. Yep, they weren’t even off-limits in the first place under Clinton’s plan that reinstated old growth logging, which had been stopped during Bush the Elder. The extent of the Clinton Plan’s protective measures merely required more species and (most-importantly) watershed studies before allowing further logging.
The Green Establishment, which had no problem calling Clinton’s resumption of such logging “our greatest victory,” jumped at the chance to cry foul and raise funds on the WOPR. Every group even marginally connected to the coastal forests jumped in and the foundation grants flowed.