RSS from Opits LinkFest! at My Opera
IPS - Inter Press Services
- MIDEAST: Prison Toughens Palestinian Women
BETHLEHEM, Aug 7 (IPS) - In her office at the Bethlehem women's counselling centre, Khawla Al-Azraq recounts her memories from Israeli prison as vividly as if they were yesterday: the routine physical and psychological abuse, the nightly room searches, the hunger strikes and other collective ...
- DRC: Respect and Protect Civilians
KINSHASA, Aug 7 (IPS) - A government offensive against rebels in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo that began in January has dramatically increased sexual violence in the provinces of North and South Kivu.
- HEALTH-AFRICA: Family Planning: Expand Role For ...
NAIROBI, Aug 7 (IPS) - Dwindling donor support in the face of rising contraceptive demand, combined with diminishing government budgets could make already widespread shortfalls in the provision of contraceptives worse. African reproductive health experts are suggesting that the private sector co ...
- RIGHTS-GAMBIA: Hydara Six Convicted on Sedition ...
DAKAR, Aug 7 (IPS) - A high court judge in Gambia has convicted six Gambian journalists on charges of defamation and sedition.
- HONDURAS: Military Back on the Political Scene
TEGUCIGALPA, Aug 6 (IPS) - The demilitarisation process that got underway in Honduras 15 years ago was buried on Jun. 28 when more than 100 soldiers surrounded President Manuel Zelaya's home, pulled him out of bed at gunpoint and sent him into exile. Now the armed forces are making no effort to ...
The Intelligence Daily
- GreenSHOOTS: Half of UK firms have lay-off plans
- Japan's central bankers look in brothels for green ...
- U.S. drops call to restore ousted Honduran leader
- "Kosovo police involved in arms smuggling"
- UK: Aristocrats guaranteed full title on ID card - ...
My AntiWar
- Novartis CEO’s hunting lodge destroyed
“Dealing with HLS means dealing with US.” – MFAH AustriaIn an act of direct action against top Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) customer Novartis, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Daniel Vasella had his hunting lodge in the town of Bach, in Tyrol, Austria, destroyed by fire (see photos). ...
- John Bolton: US Should Assist Israel if it Attacks ...
Summary: BoltonThe former United States Ambassador to the United Nations sat down with Russia Today this week to discuss the possibility of Israel attacking Iran by the end of the year. source: China Dailyread more
- Mr. Mousavi’s Gas Embargo on Iran?
Summary: In serious contention for Dumbest Washington Consensus for September is the idea of cutting off Iran’s gas imports to pressure Iran to stop enriching uranium. A majority of Representatives and Senators have signed on to legislation that seeks to block Iran’s gas imports, a top legislat ...
- Israel’s Labor Party Appears Headed for Spli ...
- White House: No Change in North Korea Policy
- Pain Ray First Commercial Sale Looms
The military isn’t about to deploy its pain ray to the battlefield. But someone in the commercial sector is about to one. We don’t know who. The sale is mentioned in a presentation by Raytheon , who built the microwave weapon for the Defense Department
- Residents flee China's quarantined plague town
Frightened residents of a Chinese town sealed off after an outbreak of pneumonic plague have begun to flee under cover of darkness, sneaking around checkpoints set up to stop the spread of one of the world’s deadliest diseases.
- ATF worries about cartel grenades coming into US
It was a scenario U.S. law enforcement had long feared: A fragmentation grenade from Mexico's bloody drug war tossed into a public place.
- Murdoch vows to charge for all online content
Rupert Murdoch has vowed to charge for all the online content of his newspapers and television news channels, going well beyond his prediction in May that the company would test pay models on one of its stronger papers within the year.
- House Orders Up Three Elite Jets
But apparently Congress is not philosophically averse to private air travel: At the end of July, the House approved nearly $200 million for the Air Force to buy three elite Gulfstream jets for ferrying top government officials and Members of Congress.
Innovation Canada
- Space reader
(Article courtesy of the University of Windsor) Bill McConkey probably won’t be around to see the day when humans are finally able to travel tremendous stretches through outer space to distant planets such as Jupiter. When they do make that journey, however, they’ll owe a significant debt of gra ...
- Filling the glass
Walkerton, Ont., North Battleford, Sask., and the Kashechewan First Nation Reserve, in Northern Ontario, have all become high-profile — and tragic — examples of what can go wrong when a community’s drinking water becomes contaminated. Surprisingly, they are not alone. At any given time, 1,700 ...
- i2eye with Bartha Maria Knoppers
“Don’t plan your career — be curious.” That’s the credo that Bartha Maria Knoppers, the new director of the Centre of Genomics and Policy at McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre, espouses — and one she lives by. Knoppers turned her love of books into a master’s in c ...
- Environmental legacy
(Article courtesy of University of Regina) University of Regina biologist Chris Somers is fascinated by how humans and wildlife interact and how animals respond to human-modified environments. “My research often combines animal ecology in the field, environmental chemistry and genetics,” explain ...
- Rebooting the search for dark matter
“This is just a regular day at the office,” says researcher Chris Jillings as a two-kilometre-long cable lowers an elevator down into a maze of sweltering passageways leading to the “clean rooms” at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, or SNOLAB. “But every so often, I realize this is all rea ...
Signs of the times
- US: Several Airborne Lights Seen. Photos Taken.
Date of Sighting: August 5, 2009 Time of Sighting: 9:30 PM PDT Location of Sighting: Santa Cruz, California Description: I live in Santa Cruz, California. I saw several orange lights on August 5, 2009. There were at least six or seven lights at first and I ran upstairs to get a camera. By the time ...
- Expert: Pa. shooter wanted acts to be understood
Pittsburgh - The man who went on a deadly shooting rampage at a Pittsburgh-area health club shares a chilling trait with other mass killers, an expert says: the desire to make their woes understood through multiple deaths. No indication has surfaced that George Sodini had documented mental proble ...
- 13-year-old girl kept in Dallas jail for 2 weeks
Dallas - A 13-year-old girl arrested for shoplifting was held in the Dallas County Jail for nearly two weeks before it was determined that she is underage, a police sergeant said Thursday. An internal affairs investigation has been launched to review the matter, police Sgt. Warren Mitchell told T ...
- Obama team mulls new quarantine regulations
The Obama administration is quietly dusting off an effort to impose new federal quarantine regulations, which were vigorously resisted by civil liberties organizations and the airline industry when the rules were first proposed by the Bush administration nearly four years ago. White House officials ...
- The plight of the humble bee
Honeybees are in serious trouble. Last year nearly a third of the UK's 240,000 honeybee colonies were wiped out, putting at risk the pollination of fruits and vegetables. Early indications of losses this year suggest the bees are faring slightly better, but a survey of beekeepers to be released this ...
Threat Level
- Hacking, Lock-Picking, Booze and Bacon: DefCon 17 ...
> LAS VEGAS — Braving triple-digit heat, mean hangovers and an incredibly hostile network, roughly 10,000 hackers, security experts, feds, spies and various other “computer enthusiasts” took over the Riviera last weekend for the world’s largest hackin ...
- Indictment Comes as Feds Consider Legalizing, Taxi ...
A federal grand jury has indicted a Canadian man accused of assisting overseas online gambling sites process hundreds of millions of dollars in payments, the authorities said Thursday. Although federal law prohibits financial institutions from knowingly assisting in online payouts of chance gaming l ...
- Lawsuit: Twitter Method Infringes Patents
Twitter’s microblogging service breaches the patents of a Texas-based technology company, which is demanding unspecified damages and licensing fees, according to a federal lawsuit. TechRadium, of Sugar Land, claims it has patents to what it calls the “mass notification” concept. According to t ...
- Digitized Stalking is the New World Order
You’re being followed. Stalkers are everywhere, even in your pocket. That’s the warning Wednesday from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the San Francisco-based civil liberties group. In a “white paper” dubbed On Locational Privacy, and How to Avoid Losing it Forever, the group warns how e ...
- Pirate Bay Buyer Says Record Deal Imminent
The buyer of The Pirate Bay, the world’s most notorious BitTorrent tracker, says one of the “Big Four” record labels is set to hawk their wares on the site once Global Gaming Factory turns it into a pay-to-play destination, Swedish media reports. Global Gaming Factory, of Sweden, is expected t ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- The Unbearable Whiteness of Being...a Birther
As has been documented in detail, the anti-Obama birther movement is strongest in precisely those states where Republicans poll best and, ironically, health care is worst. But despite experiencing serial embarrassments akin to learning the sun does not rise in...
- Bush Domestic Spying Ally Cornyn Now Fears Obama D ...
If nothing else, Republican Senator John Cornyn is an irony producing machine. During the Terri Schiavo affair, the former Texas Supreme Court Justice was at the forefront of the GOP campaign to intimidate and threaten judges. Now after his fierce...
- The Brooks Brothers Rioters and Their Discontents
Karl Marx famously said historical events occur twice, first as tragedy and then as farce. And so it is with the Republican "filibuster nation," the manufactured mob displays designed to disrupt, derail and destroy Democratic health care events. As I...
- GOP Returns to 2000 Dade County Recount Playbook
Every football coach will tell you: if a play works, keep running it until the defense stops you. And so it is with the health care debate. Facing overwhelming public support for health care reform, right-wing groups have deployed mobs...
- Stimulus Paying Big Dividends for GDP, State Budge ...
Beginning in early July, Capitol Hill Republicans introduced a new talking point, proclaiming the $787 billion economy recovery package (ARRA) a "dismal failure." Sadly for the GOP, as Stephen Colbert might say, reality is showing its well-known liberal bias. After...
Blackspot News Feed
- A Recipe For Disaster by Bruce Gagnon + Day Last P ...
WarningThese videos may contain images depicting the reality and horror of war/violence and should only be viewed by a mature audience. by Bruce Gagnonfeatured writerDandelion SaladOrganizing NotesAugust 7, 2009The American people’s minds have been colonized by the military industrial complex. Six ...
- Obama's Plan to Help Homeowners Is a Bust
It can't keep pace with the rate of foreclosures -- not even close. Why was the industry allowed to police itself?
- "Kids Are a Pain in the Ass": 40 Reasons to Abstai ...
People who don't have kids have more sex, more career success and a far smaller environment footprint than people who do.
- Are We All Corporate Shills?
Author Doug Rushkoff argues that business, profit and consumerism are so dominant that we can't imagine living any other way.
- Right-Wing Turncoat Gives the Inside Scoop on Why ...
The GOP is willing to disrupt the health care debate if they can't win it. Yesterday in Tampa, a mob of Glenn Beck supporters nearly caused a riot.
Consortium News
- GE Muzzles Olbermann about Fox
As Fox News eggs on health-care disruptions, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann respects a GE-brokered truce with Fox, says Robert Parry. August 5, 2009
- Bush's Conspiracy to Riot
From the Archive: Today's right-wing disruptions of health-care "town halls" harken back to George W. Bush's riot in 2000. By Robert Parry
- Assessing Rumsfeld's Strategic Vision
Ex-Defense Secretary Rumsfeld is faulted for his "small-footprint" strategy, but other options could be worse, writes Ivan Eland. August 4, 2009
- US Confronts the Russia-Iran Alliance
Iran's warmer relations with Russia and others outside the U.S. orbit complicate President Obama's plans, reports TheRealNews. August 4, 2009
- Battling for Single-Payer Healthcare
Right-wing media rallies Republican activists against healthcare bills, as reformers struggle to be heard, reports Siobhan Kolar. August 4, 2009
- Ishmael Reed : Let's All Have a Beer
- Paul Craig Roberts : The Expiring Economy
- William Blum: Assassinations and Coups: Keeping Tr ...
- Michael Donnelly : Rod Coronado: the Hardest Worki ...
- Jonathan Cook : Rabbis Ban Marriage for Israeli "U ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- NGO's accuse Israeli soldiers of war crimes (Aish ...
A groundbreaking application to the National Prosecuting Authority and to the Directorate for Priority Crimes Investigation was launched on Wednesday in Johannesburg by various Palestinian lobbyists. The Pal ...
- Gaza plant down one power generator due to lack of ...
One of the three generators at the only Gaza power station was shut-down due to a lack of industrial fuel Thursday, the Palestinian Power and Natural Resources Authority in Gaza announced Thursday. Power out ...
- PA officials: U.S. wants borders to top peace talk ...
The U.S. administration will demand that Israel and the Palestinians address the issue of borders as the first step in the Middle East peace plan, senior Palestinian officials said Thursday. Defense Minister ...
- Fatah postpones elections, but extends conference ...
Amid stormy meetings and acrimonious disagreements over voting procedures, leaders of Fatah, the mainstream Palestinian nationalist movement, postponed elections for its decision-making bodies that were sche ...
- Barenboim pleased with outcome of his Mideast 'pea ...
Israeli-Argentine conductor Daniel Barenboim says he is pleased with the path which his orchestra, made up of young musicians from both Israel and the Arab world, has taken since he founded it a decade ago. ...
- Green iPhone Apps Reviewed. Part 2: Paid Apps
If you missed Green iPhone Apps Reviewed Part 1: Free Apps, you can see it here . After my first batch of reviews on the free green iPhone apps, I have gotten some great suggestions on green apps. If you have any you you would like to see reviewed, you can comment here, head over to my website www ...
- Could Trees Be the New Rubber?
You’re waiting at a red light, your engine idling lightly. You check the crosswalk signal: 20 seconds, you have some time. You turn your classical music up a notch to the perfect volume and you close your eyes, relaxing on your way home from work. But your moment of relaxation is interrupted by t ...
- Earth’s Biogeochemical Cycles Slipping Into Disa ...
The conductor walks on to the stage and mounts the podium with applause from the crowd. Â He bows to the audience, then turns to his orchestra and, with one fluid motion pulls music from the vast expanse of silence. Each musician moves, almost mechanically, in perfect time, in perfect concert. T ...
- Why Are There Fewer Large Trees in Yosemite?
We’ve all heard the legend of Johnny Appleseed, the legendary apple tree planter of the United States. He walked across the country with his walking stick, and a bucket of seeds, just walking and planting as he went . Everywhere he went, apple trees sprouted up. And he was a hero. It is such a h ...
- Killer Kelp
When I was doing research on Catalina Island, there was a wanted poster hanging in the dive locker. Although, this wanted poster was not for any bank robber or bandit. This was a wanted poster for kelp. Undaria pinnatifida , an invasive species from Asia that has hitched a ride on boat’s hulls a ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Why are my goldfish changing colors? - Water Garde ...
Why are my goldfish changing color? Water Gardens & Features Q & A Q: Why are my goldfish ch
- CLEAN WATER ACT: Due to inaction, goals of the Cle ...
Individuals, governments, and corporations failing to recognize and follow environmental legislative
- Parkinson's Disease: Rural Well Water Linked to Pa ...
Rural Well Water Linked to Parkinson’s Disease wordpress:
- National Resource Defense Council Reports on Water ...
Beach name Rating details 100 yrds ENE of Little Bridge, Causeway, Nags Head 100 yrds. o
- Great Water Quality at Outer Banks Beaches
Recently, environmental experts reported that the Outer Banks has some of the nation’s cleanes
Public Citizen in Texas
- King Williams Parade Pics 048 [Flickr]
Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- King Williams Parade Pics 042 [Flickr]
Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- King Williams Parade Pics 038 [Flickr]
Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- King Williams Parade Pics 036 [Flickr]
Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- New Anti-Nuclear Group, Energía Mía, Putting Hea ...
As many of you already know, the nuclear battle is getting pretty heated in San Antonio these days. That’s why a new citizen’s group, EnergÃa MÃa, has recently formed. But they can tell you their intentions better than I can: Citizens are uniting in efforts to halt CPS’ spending ...
Press TV
- Pakistan says Taliban chief Mehsud 'dead'
Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mahmoud Qureshi has confirmed the death of Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud in a US drone attack on Waziristan.
- Twenty killed in Mosul mosque attack
An explosive-laden vehicle has been detonated near a mosque in the troubled city of Mosul in Iraq's north, leaving at least 20 people killed.
- Three British soldiers killed in Afghanistan
Three British soldiers have been killed after their vehicle was hit by an explosion in southern Afghanistan, UK Defense Ministry
- US boosts CARS program by another 2 bln
The US Congress has approved an additional $2 billion in funding for the car scrappage program after initial funds of $1billion were exhausted in ten days.
- Israel to equip tanks with new anti-missile system ...
The Israeli army is planning to upgrade its tanks with a new anti-missile system capable of intercepting incoming missiles, military officials say.
Axis of Logic
- A Reuters Alchemist at Work in Colombia
- Of humility, love, and hope
- Israel evicts two Palestinian families - 2 Aug 09
- The Swine Flu Lie
- A Spiritual Conspiracy
They Gave Us a Republic
- Support Your Local Farmers' Market
Saturday is the last day of National Farmers' Market Week, and by no coincidence also the day most Farmers' Markets are open. If you're discouraged by the age, distance traveled, tastelessness, homogeneity and pesticides of what passes for "produce" in the grocery store, raise your spirits and your ...
- Voting for Obama Wasn't Enough
Are you horrified or disgusted by the violence that anti-reform hooligans perpetrated at a town hall in Tampa last night? Then channel that reaction into the same kind of effective action that elected President Obama last year. Paul Krugman explains that the rage on display at these townhalls has li ...
- Nightowl Newswrap
The rules have changed Make sure you update to the new version. When a republican cabal steals at least one election, ignores a warning of imminent attack and 3000 Americans perish, drops the ball and lets the terrorist leader who plotted their murder get away, starts a second war on lies and faked ...
- Where Does Your State Rank on Stimulus Funding
Pro Publica Journalism in the Public Interest has performed an outstanding service by breaking the entire $750 billion stimulus package down to the county level, making it easy to compare states and counties by per capita spending against unemployment rates and by type of project. Here's the state-b ...
- And today, it came to violence
The idiots whipping people into frenzied mobs ought to be ever so pleased with themselves right now. What they have wanted has come to pass. Violence has erupted at a town hall in Florida. Tampa, Florida - Angry protesters and strong supporters are clashing inside and all around a health care ref ...
Care 2
- Kepler spacecraft discovers atmosphere of 'exoplan ...
You wouldn't want to live there.HAT-P-7b is a bizarre slice of hell, a giant gas planet 40 percent larger than Jupiter that orbits so close to its sun that its year lasts just 2.2 Earth days and its atmosphere is more than 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Submitted by Janet Solomon to Science & Tech | ...
- Family Of Dog Trainers Have Bred Over 300 Dogs For ...
PLEASE WATCH VIDEO NEWS STORY FROM MSNBC Submitted by Mick Cave to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Visakha Society for Protection and Care of Animals ...
VSPCA is a sanctuary for cows, dogs, cats, turtles, horses, buffalo, many kinds of birds and other small animals. We work mainly in the city of Visahapatnam and its surroundings areas, as well as a growing number of districts in Andhra Pradesh. Submitted by Cher C. to Animals | Note-it! | Add ...
- Ambush suspected after man, daughter vanish
(CNN) -- Late last month, Michelle Russell somberly walked on a Maui beach in Hawaii to mark her daughter Sarah Skiba's 20th birthday. Submitted by Dee C. to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Sixth black bear shot, killed
A sixth black bear has been shot by a Utahn this summer after worries that the bear was coming too close for comfort. Submitted by Terry West to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Bottled Water is Way More Complicated Than I Thoug ...
It should be easy to phase out bottled water from company headquarters, right? Think again. It can bring up issues with a company's supply chain, cafeteria inventory and vending machines -- and don't forget the new dishwashers or glassware that may need to enter the picture.
- Green Wineries Embrace Innovation from the Fields ...
Solar-powered vineyards, biodynamic farming, organically grown grapes and innovative packaging put several California wineries on the leading edge of sustainable wine production. Their remarkable results offer valuable lessons for green leaders in any industry.
- Coca-Cola Enterprises Emissions Reductions, Recycl ...
The bottling, marketing and distribution arm of the beverage giant has set a goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 15 percent before 2020, as well as to recover 100 percent of its bottles for recycling.
- Report Urges Efficiency as a Solution to Californi ...
A new study by the Pacific Institute shows ways that California farmers can cut their water use by as much as 17 percent without cutting the productivity of the nation's most productive agricultural region.
- Sustaining California Agriculture in an Uncertain ...
This report from the Pacific Institute details the ways that California farmers can implement water efficiency practices to reduce water use by 17 percent while maintaining current levels of productivity.
Reuters Global
- Is Malaysia’s net clampdown at odds with kno ...
Reform or repression? Malaysia faces choice ban on booze, Internet clampdown. Where does it go from here?
- Obama calls German election but Merkel knows he ...
- India, China take a measure of each other at borde ...
China and India are sitting down for another round of talks this week on their unsettled border, a nearly 50-year festering row that in recent months seems to have gotten worse.
- North Korea requests Clinton. So off he goes.
It was North Korea which had suggested that former President Bill Clinton would be the best person to come and negotiate the release of two journalists who had been sentenced to 12 years of hard labor in the Stalinist state.
- Punishing Baitullah Mehsud
Pakistan's offensive against Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud is seen as very much a punitive mission. But how does that fit into a longer-term strategy for the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan?
Ezra Klein
- Tab Dump
• Alec McGillis has a great article on the policy debate over the public option. • Slavoj Zizek gets a bit whimsical over Silvio Berlusconi. • The New Yorker's Profile of Sheila Bair. • Capsule biographies of Max Baucus's "Gang of Six." • John Hughes has died . True Love has never had ...
- Seniors and Health-Care Reform
Matt Yglesias has a good graph providing some context for the fact that seniors are pretty opposed to Barack Obama's health-care reform plans. Turns out that seniors were also pretty opposed to Barack Obama. This is playing out in health-care reform, too. As the situation stands, folks under 50 s ...
- The Gender Politics of the Financial Crisis
Moe Tkacik has a great piece exploring the gender politics of the financial crisis and, in particular, the vicious treatment of Sheila Bair, Brooksley Born and other women who have been marginalized by the Clinton and Obama economic teams but have also been notably prescient on the crisis. It's a bi ...
- How Did Mike Enzi Become One of the Six Senators D ...
Jon Cohn has an excellent post about the peculiar presence of Sen. Mike Enzi in Max Baucus's health-care working group. Enzi is not an Olympia Snowe or an Arlen Specter. He's one of the most conservative members of the Senate. As Cohn documents, his amendments during the Health Committee's process ...
- Democracy in Action
Congressman Brad Miller is getting death threats over health-care reform. There are days when I look at the modesty of the plan -- which would cover 40 million people, impose some small taxes on the rich, curb the worst excesses of the insurance industry and not affect the overwhelming majority of ...
Booman Tribune
- Ranking Our Senators
The more I watch the Senate, the more I realize that I just don't like many senators. I'm going to start ranking them by how much I like them and see if I can get to ten before I run out of people that I like at all. 1. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island- I like him best not only because he's a ...
- Casual Observation
I don't really care that Squeaky Fromme is being paroled, but I sure wouldn't fell comfortable about having her for a neighbor. Something about the Manson Family is just incredibly creepy. I hope she moves in next to Glenn Beck.
- Sotomayor Confirmed
The vote to confirm Sonia Sotomayor is happening now. CSPAN predicts a vote of 69-31. That means, I think, that only nine Republicans are voting for her. That's less than I predicted.
- Feingold's Constitutional Amendment
On April 8th, 1913 the 17th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, providing for the direct election of U.S. Senators by the people. But it also allowed for the governor of each state to appoint an interim senator when vacancies occurred (if the state legislatures were inclined to grant that p ...
- On this Day...
Today is not only the birthday of Lucille Ball, Alfred Tennyson, and Andy Warhol, it's the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. What else has happened on this day? In 1787, the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia met for its first day. In 1806, the Holy Roman Empire formally went out ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 7 ...
A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1867 – Birth of...
- Thursday Open Thread
Open and equal...
- Hate crime
In a village in Hungary, in the early hours on Monday, a 45 year old...
- Equality Trumps Growth
Economic wealth has relatively little effect upon well-being once a certain level has been reached....
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 6 ...
A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1946 – Birth of...
- Who owns culture? J D Salinger, J K Rowling and th ...
The bookworms among you may have caught the news last month about J D Salinger’s successful lawsuit against a writer who planned to publish an unofficial sequel to the cult classic The Catcher In The Rye. It’s a complex situation; while I’ve a certain sympathy with Salinger not wanting people ...
- MMOs: the future of the nation-state?
Finally! While not much of an MMO player myself (I don’t have the time to set my highly addiction-prone personality loose in alternative realities at the moment), the time I’ve spent in Second Life has convinced me that the metaverse is a hugely important sociopolitical step for us as a species. ...
- MMOs: the future of the nation-state?
Finally! While not much of an MMO player myself (I don’t have the time to set my highly addiction-prone personality loose in alternative realities at the moment), the time I’ve spent in Second Life has convinced me that the metaverse is a hugely important sociopolitical step for us as a species. ...
- In your face interface
The folks at Technology Review have run up a top ten of futurismic display/interface combos, all on display at SIGGRAPH 2009, I particularly like the haptic holography from researchers at the University of Tokyo: The virtual objects appear in mid-air thanks to an LCD and a concave mirror. The sensat ...
- Welcome to the 3D economy
Jamais Cascio appears over at Fast Company once again, this time talking about the desktop manufacturing revolution, which seemingly becomes a less science fictional prospect by the week. The shift in plausibility is noticeable in the concerns raised: consider a still-distant technology like nanoass ...
Yahoo! Canada News
- YahooCanadaNews: 'Kindle ate my homework.' Teen su ...
YahooCanadaNews: 'Kindle ate my homework.' Teen sues Amazon after his copy of 1984 was obliterated from his Kindle without warning.
- YahooCanadaNews: 'Surprised' boyfriend thought bab ...
YahooCanadaNews: 'Surprised' boyfriend thought baby cut from womb was his
- YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Parents l ...
YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Parents left poor over son's fatal street racing
- YahooCanadaNews: 'So-called recovery' is extremely ...
YahooCanadaNews: 'So-called recovery' is extremely fragile, says Harper
- YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Dog on 'd ...
YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Dog on 'death row' unjustly accused, say supporters
Global Elite
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...
Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...
Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...
Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA
Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s ...
- Biopiracy, GM Seeds and Rural India "Over 100,000 ...
Priya Kumar, Global Research, June 2, 2009 The reality for the average Indian remains the same: agricultural cultivation and the ability to farm is the bedrock of rural living. With its historical practices, values, and communal sentiments of ...
Al Jazeera
- Tamil Tigers' new chief arrested
Separatist leader interrogated after being detained "under murky circumstances".
- Mehsud 'death' speculation grows
Intelligence sources add to growing number of reports Taliban chief died in US air raid.
- Russia, Georgia commemorate war
Tensions endure amid anniversary of conflict over breakaway region of South Ossetia.
- Twitter and Facebook hit by hackers
Attack on world's most popular internet social networks leaves many unable to log in.
- Taiwan braces for Typhoon Morakot
Flights grounded and financial markets shut as heavy rain and strong winds lash island.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Senators Issue Warning on Climate Bill
A group of 10 moderate Democrats sent a letter to President Obama on Thursday saying that they will not support any domestic climate change bill that did not protect American industries.
- New York Governor Sets Emissions Goals
New York Governor David A. Paterson signed an executive order today creating a goal of reducing the state's greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050.
- What Would You Designate a National Park?
Becoming a national park carries plenty of cache -- as well as the potential for extra tourism dollars. So what else should be a national park, but isn't?
- Critters, Coffers and Plastic Bag Laws
A ban on plastic bags may be saving the lives of animals in India, while in Belgium restrictions on the bags have meant a windfall for the treasury.
- Energy Trading Mogul Warns on Limits
John D. Arnold, a former star trader at Enron who is now an energy hedge fund billionaire, made a rare public speech on Wednesday in which he strongly opposed the idea of imposing limits on trading positions in the energy futures markets.
Dot Earth News
- Praying (and Stripping) for Ice
Swiss villagers plan to seek papal approval to pray for a glacier's return.
- Fertility Rise for Richest - Boon or Trouble?
A surprising rise in fertility is seen in richest countries.
- Is the Climate Problem in Our Heads?
Psychologists examine the role of human nature in shaping the climate problem, and impeding solutions.
- Seeking 'Discouraged' Energy Questers
A shout-out to energy innovators: Post your ideas.
- Climate Panel Author Offers Defense
A longtime member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change rebuffs critics.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Thanks to Rose for finding my phone! Plus: I'm sta ...
I nearly had a horrible day today, leaving my trusty old Helio phone on a bench at the University of Minnesota mall. A good samaritan named Rose picked it up and called the Boiler Room coffee shop back after I tried the phone. I got it back! Thanks a ton, Rose, you saved yet another messy situation ...
- Hat tip for Joaquin Phoenix conspiracy
Not a bad idea! Which makes this potentially one of the greatest performances any modern actor has ever given -- or at least one of the most baldly courageous. The closest comparison would have to be Andy Kaufman's utter commitment to his obnoxious Tony Clifton persona, but Phoenix is going Kaufman ...
- Tough times south of the border
Duly noted: Mexican TV reporter ducking stray bullets: Hat tip to the thoughtful Texas farmer Don , who knows what you ought to know about the War On Drugs. This video was recently the #1 most discussed from Mexico on YooToob... Plus, don't miss the five stages of complete social collapse! http://c ...
- Pirate Bay Trial and Kopimi: The Kopimi Manifesto
I can't say I get it. But I like it. In these apocalyptic and bitchy times, it is high time to get some sarcastic Swedish hacker philsophy out there. Now is the time. The spectrial is apparently the place. How could we forget the Pirate Bay Spectrial?! They released a Pirate Bay Manifesto - POwr, Br ...
- Some notes from the Abyss; Fusion Centers going to ...
We're on the brink of disaster | Salon! As people lose confidence in the ability of markets and governments to solve the global crisis, they are likely to erupt into violent protests or to assault others they deem responsible for their plight, including government officials, plant managers, landl ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Right-Wing Turncoat Gives the Inside Scoop on Why ...
The GOP is willing to disrupt the health care debate if they can't win it. Yesterday in Tampa, a mob of Glenn Beck supporters nearly caused a riot.
- Are We All Corporate Shills?
Author Doug Rushkoff argues that business, profit and consumerism are so dominant that we can't imagine living any other way.
- "Kids Are a Pain in the Ass": 40 Reasons ...
People who don't have kids have more sex, more career success and a far smaller environment footprint than people who do.
- Obama's Plan to Help Homeowners Is a Bust
It can't keep pace with the rate of foreclosures -- not even close. Why was the industry allowed to police itself?
- Shooter Read Sexist Christian Author's Book Before ...
Sodini's final reading: a book by sexist Fundamentalist who claimed husbands own their wives, as property.
Threat Level
- Hacking, Lock-Picking, Booze and Bacon: DefCon 17 ...
> LAS VEGAS — Braving triple-digit heat, mean hangovers and an incredibly hostile network, roughly 10,000 hackers, security experts, feds, spies and various other “computer enthusiasts” took over the Riviera last weekend for the world’s largest hackin ...
- Indictment Comes as Feds Consider Legalizing, Taxi ...
A federal grand jury has indicted a Canadian man accused of assisting overseas online gambling sites process hundreds of millions of dollars in payments, the authorities said Thursday. Although federal law prohibits financial institutions from knowingly assisting in online payouts of chance gaming l ...
- Lawsuit: Twitter Method Infringes Patents
Twitter’s microblogging service breaches the patents of a Texas-based technology company, which is demanding unspecified damages and licensing fees, according to a federal lawsuit. TechRadium, of Sugar Land, claims it has patents to what it calls the “mass notification” concept. According to t ...
- Digitized Stalking is the New World Order
You’re being followed. Stalkers are everywhere, even in your pocket. That’s the warning Wednesday from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the San Francisco-based civil liberties group. In a “white paper” dubbed On Locational Privacy, and How to Avoid Losing it Forever, the group warns how e ...
- Pirate Bay Buyer Says Record Deal Imminent
The buyer of The Pirate Bay, the world’s most notorious BitTorrent tracker, says one of the “Big Four” record labels is set to hawk their wares on the site once Global Gaming Factory turns it into a pay-to-play destination, Swedish media reports. Global Gaming Factory, of Sweden, is expected t ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Pakistan says Taliban chief is probably dead
(For other stories on Pakistan and Afghanistan click [ID:nAFPAK]) * Minister suspects Mehsud dead but lacks material evidence * U.S. official also says reason to believe Mehsud dead * Pakistani intelligence agent says Mehsud buried * His elimination would be major setback for Pakistan Taliban * Pote ...
- Citigroup may set loose its $100 million man: repo ...
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Citigroup Inc may give control of its Phibro commodities business to Andrew Hall, the energy trader making headlines for demanding a $100 million payday under his contract, The New York Times said on Thursday, citing a person with knowledge of the negotiations.
- White collar no shield for China workers in downtu ...
BEIJING (Reuters) - In China, a university degree has long been seen as a ticket away from the grim production lines and workplace abuse of its boomtown factories, but some graduates now face a fate that belies their investment of time and money.
- Fannie Mae draws on U.S. support after $14.8 billi ...
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Fannie Mae, the largest provider of U.S. home mortgage funding, on Thursday reported a $14.8 billion quarterly net loss that it said would force it to go to the U.S. Treasury trough a third time for money to stay in business.
- Be careful what you post online, career counselors ...
NEW YORK (Reuters) - People concerned about their careers should be extra careful about what they post on the Internet during a recession, career counselors say.
- Living in Transition as Spiritual Practice
I am now in Sydney Australia after what has been one of the easiest long international trips I have made for a long time. Â I even slept for several hours on the flight which makes me very aware of the fact that people have been praying for me. Today’s article comes from Guy Chmieleski who is [. ...
- Recent Additions to the Spiritual Practices series
Here’s the round-up of the most recent Spiritual Practices posts: The Spiritual Practice of Apologizing by T Freeman Love-making as a Spiritual Practice by Mark Scandrette Smoking the Glory of God by Jason Clark The Spiritual Practice of Getting Honest With Myself by Jonathan Brink Spiritual Disci ...
- Between the Sheets: Sleeping as A Spiritual Practi ...
I will be heading out to Australia this afternoon but am hoping to continue posting while I travel. Â The submissions continue to arrive which is wonderful and I am enjoying reading them before I post them. This morning’s post is from Teri Peterson a presbyterian pastor who loves her new bed (wh ...
- Driving as Spiritual Practice
The weather has cooled down considerably here in Seattle and everyone feels that things are back to normal. Â A little rain would be appreciated – yes we do have days and in this case months without rain in the Pacific NW. Â The garden is flourishing but definitely crying out for a good soakin ...
- Yoga & Jesus: This is a spiritual practice
I continue to be challenged and stretched by the ways that people connect to God and to Jesus Christ. The posts below are by Christina Whitehouse-Sugg. I found them particularly intriguing because of my growing interest in Christian meditation and as you know I am also passionate about Henri Nou ...
Pine River World News
- Fidel Castro: Seven Daggers At The Heart Of The Am ...
This English translation of Fidel Castro's latest article is courtesy of Prensa Latina news agency, Havana, citing Cubadebate as the source. Reflections by Comrade Fidel: Seven Daggers At The Heart Of The Americas © Fidel Castro Ruz Post date: August 6, 2009 I read and reread data and articles w ...
- NATO's eastern expansion has stopped short - Russi ...
The following article is from RIA Novosti, Moscow. NATO's eastern expansion has stopped short - Russian envoy © RIA Novosti August 6, 2009 Moscow. - NATO is unlikely to continue its eastern expansion into former Soviet territory, Russia's envoy to the alliance said on Thursday. Russia has repea ...
- Eritrea: Bogus 'Shebab' in Australia
The following statement is issued from the Eritrea Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Bogus 'Shebab' in Australia State of Eritrea Ministry of Foreign Affairs August 5, 2009 08:12 In their dramatic presentations yesterday, 4 August 2009, various media outlets alleged that "terrorists said to have conn ...
- North Korea media releases detailed account of Bil ...
North Korea's official media (KCNA) released an account of former president Bill Clinton's recent visit wherein a pardon was granted to two American journalists imprisoned for trespassing and "hostile acts", Chinese-American Laura Ling, 32, and south Korean-American Seung-Un Lee, 36. Pine River Wor ...
- JIHAD IN NIGERIA: Government support for Boko Hara ...
Pine River World News / IntelTrends August 4, 2009 An article in today's Nigerian Tribune is titled "Top govt officials behind Boko Haram" and starts off: "TOP government functionaries sponsored the activities of Islamic militant leader, Mohammed Yusuf, who was killed last week, Nigerian Tribune ca ..
Blacklisted News
- Relaxation Drink Has Some Calling it Liquid Pot
It's the opposite of an energy drink. Drank calls itself an extreme relaxation product, so much so, that some have dubbed it "weed in a can."
- Iran/Russia - a deadly embrace
The Bush administration has tried everything to drive a wedge between Iran and Russia - to no avail. The Obama administration now has to deal with some pretty established facts on the ground. In the first part of this report, Pepe Escobar analyzes the implications of the complex relationship between ...
- Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Va ...
- Government Fines & Harassment For People Who Refus ...
- Goldman Sachs Employees Told Not to Make Big Purch ...
Project Censored
WALTER CRONKITE: THE END OF AN ERA – JULY 17, 2009 The end of an era is a term too often over-used. But it is a term that is properly used when discussing the passing of Walter Cronkite. It is truly the end of an era in journalism. No other journalist could do what Walter did. He could cal ...
- You Can Now Find Our Investigative Research at the ...
You can now find all of the investigative research that we have done over the years at our new and exciting Media Freedom International Website Please check the website often for news and updates.
- Analysis of Project Censored: Are We a Left-Leanin ...
By Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff “Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” –Frederick Douglass ...
- Infotainment Society: Junk Food News and New ...
By Mickey Huff and Frances A. Capell We can do the innuendo We can dance and sing When it’s said and done We haven’t told you a thing We all know that crap is king Give us dirty laundry! Don Henley, Dirty Laundry, 1982 The late New York University media scholar Neil Postma ...
- A Black President Doesn’t Mean Racism is gone in ...
By Peter Phillips Racial inequality remains in the US. People of color continue to experience high rates of poverty, significant unemployment, police profiling and repressive incarceration. School segregation is a continuing concern among race scholars as well. According to a new Civil Rights re ...
Scoop - NZ
- Anti-Semitism In Action: UK Lowers Terror Threat L ...
Is anti-Semitism on the rise? You bet it is, and for good reason. It's well-funded. » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- New Zealand Swine Flu Vaccine Supplier To Be Baxte ...
Although there have been only 14 deaths reported in association with the "swine flu" virus in this country and the cases of infection appear to be in decline, [1], Radio New Zealand today advised that Baxter International Inc. will be supplying swine flu vaccines to New Zealand called Celvapan, [2]. ...
- Why Geithner Should Get Angry
The recession began in the housing markets and it will have to end there. Many Americans who took out sub-prime mortgages during the boom years are facing foreclosure, which hurts both the social fabric of neighborhoods and overall home values. Wall Street is still stuffed with toxic assets based on ...
- WA unemployment jump worst in Australia
The boom has well and truly turned to bust for WA workers, with new figures showing the state's former strength turning to custard.WA suffered the largest surge in jobless figures in the country last month, the dire figures defying a nationwide reprieve on the jobs front, which saw the national unem ...
- Endangered languages .. & documentation
A recent article in the New York Times describes the endangered language research of Tucker Childs, a linguist at Portland State University, who is in Sierra Leone studying the nearly extinct Kim language. The death of the Kim language is attributed to the decision of younger speakers to learn the ...
Independent ( London )
- British tourist set on fire
A British tourist who was set on fire was recovering in a private clinic in Crete today after he allegedly pulled down his trousers in front of a Greek woman.
- Three Paras killed in Afghanistan blast
Three British soldiers were killed and a fourth was critically injured when their patrol came under attack in southern Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence said today.
- Children played with body for 11 days
Children spent 11 days playing with the remains of what they thought was a crocodile in a New Zealand creek before a parent discovered that the body was human, it emerged yesterday.
- New Maddy suspect 'highly significant'
The new suspect being hunted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is a "highly significant person of interest" to the investigation, the family's spokesman said today.
- New Maddy suspect 'highly significant'
The new suspect being hunted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is a "highly significant person of interest" to the investigation, the family's spokesman said today.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- John Bolton: US Should Assist Israel if it Attacks ...
Summary: Bolton The former United States Ambassador to the United Nations sat down with Russia Today this week to discuss the possibility of Israel attacking Iran by the end of the year. source: China Daily read more
- Mr. Mousavi's Gas Embargo on Iran?
Summary: In serious contention for Dumbest Washington Consensus for September is the idea of cutting off Iran's gas imports to pressure Iran to stop enriching uranium. A majority of Representatives and Senators have signed on to legislation that seeks to block Iran's gas imports, a top legislati ...
- White House Backs Off Recognition of Ahmadinejad
Summary: In the latest example of US officials sniping at the Iranian government, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs went out of his way to “correct” a Tuesday statement that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the “elected leader” of Iran. source: Anti War.Com read more
- US: Ahmadinejad is elected leader
Summary: The US government has said it considers Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the elected president of Iran, following a disputed election after which thousands of Iranians took to the streets. source: AlJazeera read more
- Iran fuel imports possible target in nuclear stand ...
Summary: WASHINGTON, Aug 3 (Reuters) - The United States and Israel are discussing the feasibility of curbing Iran's imports of gasoline and other refined oil products if Tehran refuses to enter negotiations over its nuclear program, an Israeli official said on Monday. source: Reuters read mor ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Antimatter: Angel or Demon?
Antimatter destroys any matter that it touches in a pyrotechnic flash, an explosion that releases all the energy that had been locked inside for billions of years. Antimatter thus could become a wonderful source of power, the technology of the...
- Mega-Mars Discovery: The "Block Island" Meterorite
In further proof that NASA are cooler than most people manage without liquid hydrogen, they've started analyzing a meteorite - on Mars. This scores them a double "Space Stuff" bonus, and proves that no matter how incredible things get, the...
- Can New DNA Fragments Solve the 3-Billion Piece Pu ...
Recent research has identified some important new fragments of DNA, though the method might sound more like market research than medical genetics: they looked at DNA across different species and asked "Okay, raise your hand/flipper/paw if this bit is important"....
- Ultimate Green Power! Will Bacteria Batteries Revo ...
Scientists are working on the greenest power yet, building bacteria for fuel cells which will work on waste, mud, and any other trash you happen to want free electricity out of. We believe there's a market for that sort of...
- Galaxy Fans - Follow Us Daily on Twitter
We think Twitter's realtime delivery and social media community is the future of the web. The Daily Galaxy believes that Twitter will also evolve into a major search service that rivals Google. You can check us out at DailyGalaxy@Twitter
Natural News
- Secrets to Fast Healing
(NaturalNews) Sam Baker, three-time All-American at USC and first-round 2008 NFL draft pick, came to the Whitaker Wellness Institute before he reported to the Atlanta Falcons training camp last year. "My trainer recommended that I receive treatment at the clinic to help me build muscle and gain stre ...
- Discover the Benefits of Organic Sulfur (Opinion)
(NaturalNews) The chemical name for Organic Sulfur Crystals is methylsulfonylmethane. It is affectionately and lucratively referred to in the supplement industry as MSM. The problem is that once the crystals are powdered the benefits therein are greatly diminished. In addition, if the crystals are n ...
- Woman Hypnotized to Believe She Had Gastric Band S ...
(NaturalNews) A woman lost 55 pounds after undergoing hypnosis to implant memories of a gastric band surgery in her head. "I've tried every other diet and exercise plan the world has to offer," said the woman, Marion Corns. "Now I am able to shed up to three pounds a week because I believe I've had ...
- Suicide Prevention Drug Pushing Racket - Part I
(NaturalNews) Nearly every year, as part of the suicide prevention drug pushing racket, drug company shills publish a bogus study with claims that more people are dying from suicide due to a black box warning of an increased risk of suicide in young people on the labels of SSRI and SNRI antidepressa ...
- Health Ranger Teleconference to Explain African Mo ...
(NaturalNews) Yesterday's story about the African Green Monkey virus harvesting and vaccine patents still has many people scratching their heads. It's really difficult to grasp the real story that's emerging here: That a key vaccine ingredient production method (involving infecting, then killing Afr ...
- Ancient History
ONCE UPON A TIME, starting in the mid 30's, five Cambridge students were recruited by the NKVD: H.A.R. (Kim) Philby, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, John Cairncross and Anthony Blunt. They were amazing, unique characters living in an amazing, unique era, when "isms were wasms", and loyalties were passi ...
- Is Tampa the new Ft. Sumter?
I guess Glenn Beck did his "oh please don't commit any of the violence I've been urging you to commit for the last year" ass-covering episode just in time . What was intended to be a town hall discussion on President Barack Obama's health care reform proposal dissolved into a shouting match with s ...
- Declare an operational pause,
Give everyone a 30 leave and wait for summer to cool. Then come back and start over. Last week a French Foreign Legion unit stationed at Carpaigne near the southern French port of Marseille was conducting a live-fire exercise and let loose a few tracer rounds into a forested area around the camp. T ...
- Harry Patch
Harry Patch , aged 111, the last surving British veteran of the First World War, was buried today in Somerset. Very soon there will be none left alive. In some ways now it seems that with the passing of the ancient veterans, the age of modern war, where mechanised death has into its own entrenchin ...
- first against the wall when the revolution comes
Stop the presses! The President had a beer with a professor and a policeman ! Why is it that I can't read these stories without this song going through my head? Meanwhile, back in the American heartland, in the shining city on a hill, there is good news as the the latest minimum wage increase kick ...
Media Matters for America
- Lou Dobbs' right-wing war on health care reform
Lou Dobbs has advanced discredited right-wing smears about health care reform efforts, including the notions that end-of-life counseling could lead to "euthanasia" and that President Obama said he "doesn't even know what's in" the House health care bill. Dobbs has also touted GOP Sen. John Bar ...
- Ignoring polling, Wash. Post redefines " ...
The Washington Post described an "emerging" bipartisan health care reform bill that would "abandon the government insurance option that President Obama is seeking" as a "move toward" the "center," but in fact, several recent polls show that a majority of Americans support a public plan option. ...
- AP reported on town hall disruptions, ignored con ...
The Associated Press cited an Arkansas town hall meeting hosted by two Democratic congressmen that was disrupted by protestors as an example of how "[l]awmakers across the country are encountering growing public doubts" about health care reform. But the AP did not note that conservative organi ...
- "Mr. Independent" Dobbs repeatedly smears Obama, p ...
CNN's Lou Dobbs has touted himself as politically "independent," and CNN president Jonathan Klein has reportedly referred to Dobbs' CNN show as "a relatively straight newscast." But echoing others in the conservative media, Dobbs has repeatedly used his radio and CNN programs to attack Presiden ...
- O'Reilly ignores conservatives' digs to blame "t ...
Bill O'Reilly claimed, "The perception that [Sarah Palin] is dumb comes almost exclusively from the left"; however, members of the McCain campaign, numerous conservative commentators, and a Republican senator criticized Palin's intellect and ability to assume the presidency. Indeed, Fox News it ...
- Iceland: Lessons to be Learned from Economic Meltd ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- World at Risk of 'Double Dip Recession'
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Will Venezuelan Destabilization Follow the Hondura ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Commercial Standards and the Decline of US Hegemon ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Israeli rabbis ban marriage for Jewish ‘untoucha ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Promising Innovations for Closing the Service Gap
Steven Smith's recent post highlights an interesting feedback loop that exists between local and national policymakers and stakeholders. He mentions the Harlem Children's Zone--an excellent example of a grassroots initiative that knits together a range programs and services to... Sponsored Topics: ...
- Why the Obama Administration Will Struggle to Redu ...
During the recessions that occurred between 1980 and 1982, the national poverty rate increased by 2 full percentage points - more than 5 million persons entered poverty during that time. Poverty continued to increase after the 1982 recession officially... Sponsored Topics: Poverty - Poverty thres ...
- Chicago Rules
"When you got an all-out prizefight, you wait until the fight is over, one guy is left standing. 'N' that's how you know who won" Remember, Rotwang is always inside the tent, pissing out. Never outside . . . As... Sponsored Topics: Rotwang - Health - Health Policy - Congress - Anti-Regulation
- Presented By:
- Marty Peretz: A Jew Hater In The White House Is L ...
Check out Matt Yglesias' takedown of the increasingly nutty Marty Peretz. Peretz writes that "there is someone in [Obama's] entourage who is leading him astray, gravely astray. And that someone has it in for Israel and for American Jews, too."... Sponsored Topics: American Jews - Israel - White H ...
- Sotomayor Confirmed to Supreme Court
Supporters at a rally Wednesday endorse the confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court near the US Capitol. read more
- Old Banks, New Lending Tricks
Lenders haven't sworn off risky financial products. They've come up with a slew of new ones. That didn't take long. The economy hasn't yet recovered from the implosion of risky investments that led to the worst recession in decades - and already some of the world's biggest banks are peddli ...
- The Other Looming Debate Over "Cash for Clunkers" ...
Plan siphons billions from renewable energy technologies. While Senate leaders have reached agreement on a $2 billion extension of the cash for clunkers program, many lawmakers are already bracing for a more distant confrontation: The likely debate over how to return that funding to anoth ...
- CNN Refusing to Run Health Care Ad Critical of Ins ...
What on earth is going on at CNN? The network - already taking criticism for declining to run an ad criticizing Lou Dobbs - is now refusing to run an ad nationally criticizing the insurance industry, the group that tried to place the ad tells me. CNN's reason: The ad "unnecessarily" si ...
- Court Ends Bush-Era Roadbuilding in Forests
Washington - The Bush administration acted illegally when it opened millions of acres (hectares) of U.S. national forests to roadbuilding and logging, a federal appeals court ruled on Wednesday. The U.S. read more
The Heathlander
- The latest anti-Hamas meme: “child brides”
Last week, Hamas sponsored a mass wedding celebration in Gaza, perhaps in an attempt to reverse its flagging poll ratings: ‘Nearly a thousand Palestinians celebrated marriage on Thursday night in a ceremony organised by Hamas in the north of the Gaza Strip. Hamas dignitaries including Mahmud Zahar ...
- Chomsky on the ‘Responsibility to Protect’
Earlier this week Noam Chomsky participated, along with Jean Bricmont, Gareth Evans (former Australian FM and long-time President of the International Crisis Group) and Ngugi wa Thiong’o, in a UN panel on the doctrine of ‘Responsibility to Protect’ (R2P). You can watch the three hour discussio ...
- How to lose friends and alienate people
Hiring paid hasbaratchiks to “spew forth bullshit” online, parading out Ehud Olmert to convince Americans that opposing settlement construction is like opposing rainbows and kittens, launching a smear campaign against Human Rights Watch, one of the most conservative human rights organisations ar ...
- Breaking the Spin
The BBC’s report on the ‘Breaking the Silence’ testimonies of IDF soldiers describing the commission of serious war crimes during Operation Cast Lead is pretty representative of its output on the topic: there’s nothing outrageous, but there is nonetheless a systematic bias that underplays or ...
- Global march on Gaza
When Gandhi’s doctrine of non-violent resistance (satyagraha) is invoked in the context of the Israel-Palestine conflict, it is invariably as a propaganda weapon intended to undermine the legitimacy of Palestinian resistance and shift the blame for the continuing occupation on to its principal vic ...
Water - AlterNet
- Whose Water Is It? Water Rights in the Age of Scar ...
This question is perhaps the thorniest question in the world of water. Here's a look at some of the laws surrounding it.
- 'The Cove:' Japan Has a Dark Secret It Hopes the W ...
Suspenseful and shocking film exposes the slaughter of tens of thousands of dolphins and the billion-dollar industry that profits from selling them.
- Watch Out: Investors See Water as Potential Key to ...
As a result we're likely to see local water utilities being gobbled up by private companies which raise rates while offering subpar service.
- Water Problems From Drilling Are More Frequent Tha ...
Methane released from gas drilling has caused a fatal explosion and water contamination across seven counties in Pennsylvania.
- How Much Water Do You Use? Here's Some Quick Numbe ...
How much water does it take to shower, brush your teeth, do a load of laundry?
- Republicans Have Government Insurance, Why Can’t ...
For weeks I have been listening to all the BS Republicans have spewed about health care reform. Republicans shouted it was socialized medicine and when that didn’t work they came up with other untruths. The fact of the matter is all members of Congress use the public option plan. Republicans are w ...
- Retire Early In Self Defense Could Be A Mistake †...
/h3> Collect Now, or Later? Timing Your Social Security Benefits With the current state of US and world economy, the alternative to jumping out a window, committing a heinous crime or planting your pup tent under an overpass, is retire early and collect your meager social security check at gene ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance – July 13, 2009
It’s Monday and it’s time for another version of the Texas Progressive Alliance weekly highlight reel. Off the Kuff suggests that a pro-science PAC could do a lot of good, nationally and in Texas. WCNews at Eye On Williamson reminds us that despite the brouhaha over transportation during the rec ...
- Protect Us From Another Celebrity Death and Networ ...
The world is reeling from political upheaval, economic meltdown and environmental catastrophe. What does the national media focus on for two weeks? The high drama of a controversial musical artist who has the audacity of dying. News that effects each and every person on this planet is buried un ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance – July 6, 2009
Now that we’ve celebrated another birthday for America, it’s time for the weekly Texas Progressive Alliance blog roundup. Here are your highlights from the holiday week. The loss of Ron Artest from the Rockets to the Lakers (essentially a trade for Trevor Arista) is a bad deal, writes PDiddie a ...
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Disrespectful and Disgraceful: The Republican Poli ...
by Walter Brasch Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Aug 4, 2009 It isn’t un
- Israeli general: Israel-Lebanon border could explo ...
Propaganda Alert compiled by Cem Ertür Featured Writer Dandelion Salad 4 August 2009 Map of locatio
- A Recipe For Disaster by Bruce Gagnon + Day Last P ...
Warning These videos may contain images depicting the reality and horror of war/violence and shoul
- Obama - Bush Lite or just Dark? by William Bowles
By William Bowles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Creative-i 6 August 2009 When it emerged that Ba
- Keeping track of the empire's crimes by William Bl ...
by William Blum Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Aug 4, 2009 Keeping track of t
Unexplained Mysteries
- Martian methane mystery deepens
The mystery surrounding the discovery of methane on Mars has deepened as new data has revealed that the gas is being produced far quicker on Mars than...
- Hunting for David and Goliath
Archaeologists are investigating the alleged site at which the 3000-year-old bible story depicts David slaying Goliath with a stone from his sling, bu...
- Kepler sees its first exoplanets
The Kepler space telescope has discovered its first extrasolar planets. Collecting data on over 50,000 stars during its callibration period the telesc...
- Grow your own teeth
In a world first scientists have succeeded in creating teeth from stem cells paving the way for a future where dentures will be a thing of the past an...
- Woman getting married to fairground ride
A woman suffering from a rare condition that makes her attracted to inanimate objects is marrying a fairground ride, she sleeps with a photograph of t...
- Just Released—Food Rebellions! Crisis and the H ...
Cover_Mock-up_rev_13_Feb_09.jpg We’re pleased to announce the release of Food Rebellion s! , co-published by Grassroots International and our ally Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy. Food Rebellions! Crisis and the Hunger f ...
- Honduras Crisis Exposes the Weakness of US Democra ...
While Honduras is on the brink of a civil war, politics-as-usual in Washington, D.C. threaten, quite literally, to block US support for democracy in that country. It also threatens to squelch democracy here as well. On Thursday, the office of Sen. Richard Lugar sent a letter to Secretary of State ...
- No, We Can't: Latin America Must Take the Lead
The junta in Honduras is still in power and shows little real sign of budging. And the human rights situation has only gotten worse with the military and police cracking down on peaceful protestors, arrests, alleged torture and forced exile of social movement leaders who have had to flee the repress ...
- "Generation 3.0" of Intervention in Haiti: What Is ...
trinidadandtobago200904-132.jpg Below is a blog by Salena Tramel, Grassroots International Program Coordinator for the Middle East and Haiti. It originally appeared on Huffington Post . Here in Haiti, a country all too often characterized by ...
- [Cassava] Bread and Roses: Brazilian Farmers Seek ...
brazil200907-300.jpg During our visit to Brazil earlier this month, Saulo Araujo and I met with Grassroots International’s partners and the communities in which they work. I had prepared myself to talk about a range of issues, from Creole se ...
- August 6, 2009
China Negotiator Optimistic on Climate Treaty (AP) China's top climate envoy said he is optimistic that upcoming negotiations will produce a new global warming treaty, but admitted developed countries have slowed the process by not setting CO2 reduction targets. $1.36 Billion to Create Technol ...
- August 5, 2009
Study: US Consumers Spared Big Costs in Climate Bill (Reuters) A new U.S. government study adds to a growing list of experts concluding that climate legislation moving through Congress would have only a modest impact on consumers, adding a bit more than $100 to household costs in 2020. Pacific Isla ...
- August 4, 2009
Scandal Surrounding Fake Climate Bill Letters Mushrooms (Politico) The coal front group ACCCE, caught up in a fraudulent grassroots lobbying scandal, tried to contain the damage only to see it mushroom, dragging in two more lawmakers and prompting a congressman to call for an official investigati ...
- August 6, 2009
China Negotiator Optimistic on Climate Treaty (AP) China's top climate envoy said he is optimistic that upcoming negotiations will produce a new global warming treaty, but admitted developed countries have slowed the process by not setting CO2 reduction targets. $1.36 Billion to Create Technol ...
- August 5, 2009
Study: US Consumers Spared Big Costs in Climate Bill (Reuters) A new U.S. government study adds to a growing list of experts concluding that climate legislation moving through Congress would have only a modest impact on consumers, adding a bit more than $100 to household costs in 2020. Pacific Isla ...
- Tomgram: John Feffer, Their Martyrs and Our Heroe ...
The way you imagine someone engaged in a suicide attack depends, not surprisingly, on which end of the attack you happen to be on -- in cultural, if not literal terms. In American films and pop culture, there were few acts more inexplicable or malevolent in the years of my childhood than those of ...
- Tomgram: Frida Berrigan, 64 Years Too Late and No ...
As another August 6th approaches, let me tell you a little story about Hiroshima and me: As a young man, I was probably not completely atypical in having the Bomb (the 1950s was a great time for capitalizing what was important) on my brain, and not just while I was ducking under my school desk ...
- Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, Dismantling the Empire
The Obama administration's plan to end production of the F-22 Raptor has received plenty of press coverage , but the Pentagon budget itself, even though it's again on the rise, hardly rates a bit of notice. In fact, amid the plethora of issues large and small -- from health care reform to Gates-g ...
- Tomgram: Juan Cole, Empire's Paranoia About the P ...
These days, it seems as though the United States is conducting its wars in places remarkably unfamiliar to most Americans. Its CIA-operated drone aircraft, for instance, have been regularly firing missiles into Waziristan , where, in one strike in June, an estimated 80 tribespeople were killed wh ...
- Tomgram: An American Hell
Don't Turn the Page on History Facing the American World We Created By Tom Engelhardt We've just passed through the CIA assassination flap, already fading from the news after less than two weeks of media attention. Broken in several major newspapers , here's how the story goes: the Agency, evi ...
Smirking Chimp
- Americans are drinking from a poisoned well
Among world health care systems, the U.S. ranks 37th, just behind Costa Rica and slightly ahead of Cuba. In such vital indicators as doctor-patient ratio, life expectancy, and infant mortality, we fall behind the rest of industrialized humanity, which long ago adopted universal coverage. In embarras ...
- On a Plane Ride Home from Paris Sitting Next to a ...
"1441!!" Whether it was Michael Wolff's "piece" in Vanity Fair on Politico or the Paris tap water that produced the explosive diarrhea on a hot sweaty July night in the City of Lights, we'll never know... Time moves both slow and fast in these Dog Days of Summer and the memory hole of the past eight ...
- Continuity of Administrations Seems Seems on Deck ...
Do the initials C.O.G mean anything to you? That acronym stands for Continuity of Government. We heard about it back in 2001 when Dick Cheney was taken to that undisclosed location just in case the White House went up in smoke again like it did in 1812 (Reference from the must see new Britfilm, "In ...
- Is the US Military a Socialist Institution?
The Republicans need to stop denigrating the troops. They keep saying that the government can't get anything right. How about the biggest government project of all - the United States Armed Forces? Are the Republicans talking smack about the military - and hence, the troops? Support the troops! Supp ...
- Power Play
Now that time has put some distance between the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis "Skip" Gates Jr. by Cambridge Police Officer James Crowley and the subsequent "beer summit" on the lawn outside the Oval Office, perhaps we can take some time to look at a few things that have gone unstated over ...
Ten Percent
- Known Criminal Grooming Children
Many people are discomfited by the thought of Tony Blair’s Faith Foundation working in schools. It smacks of religious propaganda, and is tied to the name of a prime minister remembered for leading the country into a bloody and controversial war. Even some of those in the Foundation’s unlabelle ...
- Nuclear Terrorism
155 scientists working on the Manhattan Project to design and build the world’s first A-bombs signed a petition to President Truman raising grave moral doubts about what they had created. Led by physicist Leo Szilard, the signers at the Project’s secret uranium plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, an ...
- The Cheque’s In The Post
The Bank of England’s rate-setters have decided to pump another £50bn of new money into the economy in their programme of quantitative easing. That’s printing money, and…not had my share through yet…how strange…
- Lubna Hussein Fights Militarism & Fundamentalism
While the usual suspects might be using this case to advance their pro war anti Muslim agenda (will they mention her support for the rights of Palestinians? Possibly not nb.-a different Lubna Hussein?-) the truth is Lubna Hussein is fighting a military government that uses fundamentalism to mainta ...
- Vestas Needs You!
An eviction notice has been served on the occupation at Vestas IoW. The eviction is due to take place tomorrow, Friday 7 August, at 12 noon. Please get to the Island if you can. The workers want support tomorrow. There is a minibus leaving London tonight. Email us if you want to be on it and [...]
Paul Krugman
- One of these things is not like the other
Please, no false equivalences. The campaign against Social Security privatization was energetic and no doubt rude, but did not involve intimidation and disruption.
- People who can't get over the Democratic primary
Clinton derangement syndrome, still.
- Bouncing Britain
Signs of an economic turnaround in Britain are getting stronger.
- Massachusetts health polling
Has support for health care reform in MA plunged?
- All in all, you're just another brick in the Great ...
I have a vision of a huge march down Constitution Avenue, with the marchers bearing banners that read "Forcefully support the Bureau of Economic Analysis in its heroic estimation efforts."
No Quarter
- Finding my own way (or why I find it impossible to ...
I have been attending a video editing course with the Arts faculty at Ohio State University and was asked to write an “artist’s statement”, spelling out why I was an artist. I wrote: “I am an artist because I have no choice in the matter. It is something that is hard-wired in me. I have ...
- Joe’s Running! A Race to Watch
Here is his heartfelt declaration–worth a watch! Last May, my cartoon (reposted below) was about “Davidâ€� (Joe Sestak) thinking of running against “Goliathâ€� (Arlen Specter) for United States Senator from Pennsylvania. When long-time Republican Specter dumped the GOP because po ...
- Jane, You Arrogant Slut
(bumped up from early Thursday evening) Remember Dan Akroyd and Jane Curtin back in the day on Saturday Night Live? They parodied a predecessor of the combat TV, Point/CounterPoint, later embodied by CNN’s CrossFire (which carried out similar debates with no sense of irony). Dan’s opening salv ...
- Big Fish is Watching!
Oh boy, here we go. The name-calling and fear-inducing tactics used by Obama’s campaign team against anyone at odds with its lock-step ideas are at it again. This time it’s much, much worse. It was bad enough being called a “racist” for supporting Hillary Clinton. And one who has ...
This nice lady in the video thinks she was punked. Here is why: “He’s just not as advertised,” she said. “Nothing’s changed for the common guy. I feel like I’ve been punked.” Video from this article. Now contrast that video with the other videos of townhall meetings you have seen. It ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Man Vs Anaconda
- San Francisco’s Incredible Stained Glass Salt Po ...
- Terrifying Underwater Encounters With The Bengali ...
- Incredibly Realistic Ballpoint Pen Drawings by Jua ...
- The Flying Tree Snake of Southeast Asia
Foreign Policy in Focus
- African Union Declaration Against the ICC Not What ...
Developments in the struggle for African justice are at once promising and disturbing.
- Honduran Coup: The U.S. Connection
There is growing evidence that the United States was more than a bit player in the Honduran coup, writes columnist Conn Hallinan.
- Their Martyrs and Our Heroes
To understand and deal with our world, it's often less than useful to look on the enemy, in our case today "the terrorist," as something other than human (whether super-human or sub-human) rather than as another one of those strange creatures like ourselves.
- Electoral Hypocrisy in Latin America
When it comes to changing term limits on Latin American presidents, U.S. lawmakers and pundits are applying a double standard � at least in Honduras and Colombia.
- The Geopolitics of Facebook
FPIF's weekly update.
Therapy News
- Ho Do You Really Feel?
A News Update The question of “How are you feeling today?” is one asked by professionals of a wide variety of fields, not just those in the mental health professions. Regardless of who is asking the question, it seems, people tend to answer with some degree of dishonesty, whether ...
- When Love Stops Working – Getting It Going Again
By Jennifer Lehr, MA, MFT Click here to contact Jennifer and/or see her Profile Almost everyone wants love in his or her life. It is a vital ingredient of our humanness. We are born through the bodies of our mothers, most likely have nursed on her breasts, were held, touched and att ...
- The Link Between Mothers’ and Children’s Menta ...
A News Summary While here have been scores of studies on the causes and effects of post-partum depression, a researcher from the University of Queensland recently set out to uncover the effects of mothers’ mental health during the long process of child rearing. Focusing her researc ...
- When Love Stops Working – Getting It Going Again
By Jennifer Lehr, MA, MFT Click here to contact Jennifer and/or see her Profile Almost everyone wants love in his or her life. It is a vital ingredient of our humanness. We are born through the bodies of our mothers, most likely have nursed on her breasts, were held, touched and att ...
- Campaign to Ban Airbrushing for Teen Girls’ Ment ...
A News Summary It’s fairly common knowledge, and particularly plain to see with a bit of insight and experience, that the women typically depicted in fashion and beauty magazines have had their pictures significantly altered by digital artists. Steps to improve skin tone, remove an ...
Mountaintop Removal
- End of Summer Events Struggling to Stay Afloat (WS ...
Summer is winding down but it won’t be going out with a bang this year, at least not in Charleston.
- Cabell County BOE Holds Drug Testing Orientation ( ...
The Cabell County Board of Education held a drug testing orientation Thursday night at Huntington High School to discuss how the drug testing program works with interested parents.
- County Commissioner Announces Re-Election Plans (W ...
Kanawha County Commissioner Dave Hardy has announced plans to run for re-election.
- Three Arrested After Late Night Burglaries (WSAZ N ...
Three people from Columbus were charged Thursday for burglaries in Greenup County, Kentucky and Scioto County, Ohio.
- Pension Problems Discussed at Municipal League Lun ...
City Leaders from all across the state discussed how to fund pensions at Thursday's Municipal League Luncheon.
- Six people, including P-D reporter, arrested at Ca ...
Leah Thorsen / St. Louis Post-Dispatch : Six people, including P-D reporter, arrested at Carnahan meeting — UPDATE: St. Louis County police say six people were arrested. Two of those were arrested on suspicion of assault, one of resisting arrest and three on suspicion of committing peace d ...
- 'You Are Terrifying Us' - Voters send a message to ...
Wall Street Journal : ‘You Are Terrifying Us’ — Voters send a message to Washington, and get an ugly response. — Printer — Friendly — We have entered uncharted territory in the fight over national health care. There's a new tone in the debate, and it's ugly. At the ...
- Republicans Propagating Falsehoods in Attacks on H ...
Steven Pearlstein / Washington Post : Republicans Propagating Falsehoods in Attacks on Health-Care Reform — As a columnist who regularly dishes out sharp criticism, I try not to question the motives of people with whom I don't agree. Today, I'm going to step over that line. — The rec ...
- No More Perks: Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Lapto ...
Erica Alini / Wall Street Journal : No More Perks: Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Laptop Users — They Sit for Hours and Don't Spend Much; Getting the Bum's Rush in the Big Apple — A sign at Naidre's, a small neighborhood coffee shop in Brooklyn, N.Y., begins warmly: “Dear customers, ...
- Obama's dissident database could be secret - and p ...
Byron York / Washington Examiner : Obama's dissident database could be secret — and permanent — The White House request that members of the public report anyone who is spreading “disinformation” about the proposed national health care makeover could lead to a White House database of po ...
Energy & Environment News
- Oysters Are on the Rebound in the Chesapeake Bay
After decades of overharvesting along the Virginia shore, large experimental reefs are now home to more than 180 million native oysters, scientists say.
- Profit Dropped 66% at Exxon Mobil
Exxon’s report caps a week of lower earnings in the energy industry after the tumble of oil prices since last year.
- By Degrees: White Roofs Catch On as Energy Cost Cu ...
Some homeowners are embracing so-called “cool roofs” that reflect heat as an affordable tool against climate change.
- Beset by Bulk, Police to Refit Hybrid Cars
Three months into a pilot program testing hybrid patrol cars, officers are reporting discomfort with the smaller seats. The department will refit the cars.
- On the Fairway, New Lessons in Saving Water
State governments are turning to golf courses, long seen as water guzzlers, for tips on conservation.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.0, near the east coast of Honshu, Japan
Saturday, August 1, 2009 09:45:50 UTC Saturday, August 1, 2009 06:45:50 PM at epicenter Depth : 42.90 km (26.66 mi)
- M 5.3, near the coast of central Peru
Monday, August 3, 2009 20:10:18 UTC Monday, August 3, 2009 03:10:18 PM at epicenter Depth : 48.40 km (30.07 mi)
- M 6.2, Gulf of California
Monday, August 3, 2009 18:40:50 UTC Monday, August 3, 2009 11:40:50 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.0, Gulf of California
Monday, August 3, 2009 18:33:34 UTC Monday, August 3, 2009 11:33:34 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 6.9, Gulf of California
Monday, August 3, 2009 17:59:56 UTC Monday, August 3, 2009 10:59:56 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
China Dialogue
- “I openly call for emissions cuts” (2)
In the second section of a two-part interview, Liu Jianqiang and Yi Shui talk to Hu Angang about how China’s climate-change policy is formed, and how it can change. [Produced in association with Rutgers Climate and Social Policy Initiative ] chinadialogue: Many Chinese people who oppose a comm ...
- “I openly call for emissions cuts” (1)
He is one of the country’s best known economists, and a rare voice in calling on China to commit to reductions in greenhouse-gas pollution. Liu Jianqiang and Yi Shui talk to Hu Angang. [Produced in association with Rutgers Climate and Social Policy Initiative ] The publication of Hu Angang’s ...
- Criminals join the e-waste cycle
An EU directive on recycling was meant to clear up the problem of electronic waste – but it is being flagrantly abused in the United Kingdom. Pete Warren reports. Organised crime has moved into the recycling industry -- a development that has become clear over the past few months after a series of ...
- Are we ready for REDD?
Climate-change negotiators in Copenhagen would be wise to pay attention to some of the challenges highlighted by early experiments using market mechanisms to avoid deforestation, writes Tan Copsey. An agreement to curb deforestation is expected to be one of the major outcomes of this year’s global ...
- “Why don’t we stop hurting Earth?”
Telling children about climate change could leave them angry, worried or even traumatised. So when and how should we do it? Leo Hickman explores an issue that can only grow in importance. “A four-year-old child could understand this! Run out and find me a four-year-old child.” For the past year ...
Daily Censored
- Inspired By Glenn Beck, Protesters Overwhelm Town ...
An angry mob of protesters disrupted a health care forum today in Tampa, FL, which was attended by state Rep. Betty Reed (D) and U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D). More than 1,000 people showed up for the event, which was being held in a venue meant for just 250 people. As a result, “a large [...]
- Beck Jokes About ‘Military Tribunals For All Tho ...
On his radio show today, Fox News host Glenn Beck interviewed Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul, the son of Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), gauging how he fit his “checklist of things” that he wants in a politician. After asking Paul about abortion and health care, Beck asked with a laugh, “What do yo ...
- CNN’s Rick Sanchez leaves Rick Scott fumbling to ...
CNN’s Rick Sanchez ripped into Conservatives for Patients’ Rights founder Rick Scott today over his anti-health care reform advocacy efforts. Sanchez pointed out that Hospital Corporation of America/Columbia Hospital Corporation, which Scott founded, was charged with defrauding the government fo ...
- Cantor-led GOP delegation to Israel undermines U.S ...
President Obama has made clear that, as part of his plan to achieve a resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, the Israelis should cease creating or expanding settlements in the West Bank (a position that has been official U.S. policy since 1967). Israeli officials have expressed displeasure wit ...
- Health insurance executives undermine insurance lo ...
Yesterday, during an interview with Bloomberg Radio, Karen Ignagni — the President and CEO of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) — reiterated insurers’ commitment to reforming the health insurance marketplace: That’s what people want. They want to be in. They don’t want to be reject ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Senators Urge Trials at Guantanamo, Not In U.S.
Four U.S. senators, including two Republicans, in a letter Thursday urged Barack Obama to ensure that September 11 terror suspects are tried in a special military court and not in civilian courts on U.S. soil.
- Twitter Down After 'Malicious' Cyber-Attack: Compa ...
Hackers knocked wildly popular micro-blogging site Twitter offline for several hours Thursday with a malicious cyber-attack on its systems, according to the company's founder.
- It's Official: Sotomayor First Latina U.S. Supreme ...
By an easy 68-31 margin, lawmakers lifted the 55-year-old appeals court judge to the bench that serves as the final arbiter of the U.S. Constitution.
- Victoria Beckham to Replace Paula Abdul On 'Idol'
- U.S. Car Buyers Still Want Gas Guzzlers: GM Execut ...
"It remains a fact that the American public buys big, high consumption cars," GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz said this week, adding it's "wrong to hope that Americans will massively rush to economical vehicles."
Institute for Policy Studies
- Taxing Wealth for the Common Good
Business leaders and wealthy individuals call for a repeal of the Bush-era taxes on high incomes.
- The Destruction of the Black Middle Class
Left out of the commentary on race and class over the Gates affair has been talk of the increasing impoverishment — or, we should say, re-impoverishment — of African Americans as a group.
- Asia's Axis of Evil?
Burma and North Korea are the pariahs of Asia. Are these birds of a feather flocking together?
- Obama: Renegotiate NAFTA as You Promised
Mexican, Canadian, and U.S. leaders should scrap their failed "Security and Prosperity Partnership" and begin overhauling the North American Free Trade agreement at an upcoming Guadalajara meeting.
- Why Are We Letting Polluters Regulate Themselves I ...
The new energy bill would strip EPA of its power and let polluters take the reigns with a market-based system.
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Pakistan says Taliban chief is probably dead
(For other stories on Pakistan and Afghanistan click [ID:nAFPAK]) * Minister suspects Mehsud dead but lacks material evidence * U.S. official also says reason to believe Mehsud dead * Pakistani intelligence agent says Mehsud buried * His elimination would be major setback for Pakistan Taliban * Pote ...
- Citigroup may set loose its $100 million man: repo ...
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Citigroup Inc may give control of its Phibro commodities business to Andrew Hall, the energy trader making headlines for demanding a $100 million payday under his contract, The New York Times said on Thursday, citing a person with knowledge of the negotiations.
- White collar no shield for China workers in downtu ...
BEIJING (Reuters) - In China, a university degree has long been seen as a ticket away from the grim production lines and workplace abuse of its boomtown factories, but some graduates now face a fate that belies their investment of time and money.
- Fannie Mae draws on U.S. support after $14.8 billi ...
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Fannie Mae, the largest provider of U.S. home mortgage funding, on Thursday reported a $14.8 billion quarterly net loss that it said would force it to go to the U.S. Treasury trough a third time for money to stay in business.
- Be careful what you post online, career counselors ...
NEW YORK (Reuters) - People concerned about their careers should be extra careful about what they post on the Internet during a recession, career counselors say.
- Living in Transition as Spiritual Practice
I am now in Sydney Australia after what has been one of the easiest long international trips I have made for a long time. Â I even slept for several hours on the flight which makes me very aware of the fact that people have been praying for me. Today’s article comes from Guy Chmieleski who is [. ...
- Recent Additions to the Spiritual Practices series
Here’s the round-up of the most recent Spiritual Practices posts: The Spiritual Practice of Apologizing by T Freeman Love-making as a Spiritual Practice by Mark Scandrette Smoking the Glory of God by Jason Clark The Spiritual Practice of Getting Honest With Myself by Jonathan Brink Spiritual Disci ...
- Between the Sheets: Sleeping as A Spiritual Practi ...
I will be heading out to Australia this afternoon but am hoping to continue posting while I travel. Â The submissions continue to arrive which is wonderful and I am enjoying reading them before I post them. This morning’s post is from Teri Peterson a presbyterian pastor who loves her new bed (wh ...
- Driving as Spiritual Practice
The weather has cooled down considerably here in Seattle and everyone feels that things are back to normal. Â A little rain would be appreciated – yes we do have days and in this case months without rain in the Pacific NW. Â The garden is flourishing but definitely crying out for a good soakin ...
- Yoga & Jesus: This is a spiritual practice
I continue to be challenged and stretched by the ways that people connect to God and to Jesus Christ. The posts below are by Christina Whitehouse-Sugg. I found them particularly intriguing because of my growing interest in Christian meditation and as you know I am also passionate about Henri Nou ...
Equality Trust
- Shattering the myth of equality
An article by Boris Frankel in Melbourne's newspaper 'The Age'.
- Polly Toynbee: This bold equality push is just wha ...
Polly Toynbee writing about the new Equality Bill today's Guardian. "Harriet Harman's bill is a frank recognition of the role of class in Britain. A decade earlier, it might have had a real impact..."
- Seumas Milne: This naked display of class egotism ...
"It's more than a week since Alistair Darling's budget, but the howls of protest haven't stopped for a day ever since. That's not been the public sector employees facing a harsh squeeze on jobs and pay who've been squealing, or the million workers expected to join the dole queues in the next year, ...
- Bob Holman on social breakdown
Bob Holman writes in the Glasgow Herald about the evidence in The Spirit Level.
- Inequality is the root of our unhappiness
Former director of the Institute of Education Peter Mortimore, writing in today's Education Guardian.
- DNI responses to Senate questions declassified
Don’t bother reading through the 40 pages (.pdf) of responses given last February by the US Director of National Intelligence (DNI) to questions by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. There’s not that much new information in it, and it turns out DNI Dennis C. Blair even resorted to plag ...
- News you may have missed #0060
Ex-FBI translator tests US Justice Department again. Bulgaria appoints new National Security Agency director. US paper sees power struggle inside Iranian intelligence.
- News you may have missed #0050
Cuban Five to be given new sentences in October. CIA invests in web-based software company --again. Canada to investigate spy service's role in Abdelrazik's torture.
- Newspaper publishes names of suspected Israeli spy ...
A Lebanese newspaper has published the names of 22 Arabs arrested in conjunction with the Al-Alam spy ring affair, which intelNews has been monitoring since February, when it first erupted.
- News you may have missed #0051
Instigator of Church committee hearings speaks about domestic intelligence. Declassified US President's Daily Brief is reclassified. Australian intelligence to focus on cybersecurity.
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