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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, August 10, 2009

10 Aug - News Picks

WOW: Google to Launch a New Version of Google Search

We just tried out the the new version of Google, and we will say this: the results are different.

Conclusion: This search is not only faster, but in some instances in our few tests, seems more capable of producing real-time results. It’s still way too early to make any definitive conclusions about this new search, but we will test it out thoroughly and give you a full report soon. In the meantime, try it out for yourself and tell us what you think.

Tr.im Goes Under, But What Of Tr.im Links?

What happens to thousands upon thousands of Tr.im links out there once Tr.im is no more? Are all those saved Tweets, text messages and URL-shortened e-mail embeds suddenly worthless?

Why Groups Fail to Share Information Effectively

People trying to make decisions in groups spend most of their time telling each other things that everyone already knows. In comparison people are unlikely to bring up new information known only to themselves. The result: poor decisions.

How to encourage people to share

Groups where members disagree and who display less groupthink are more likely to share unpooled information.
When people are told to try and recall relevant information before the meeting, this makes them more likely to mention facts that only they know.
Members of a group should be made aware of each other's expertise, so they know (broadly speaking) what everyone else knows.
The longer meetings go on, the more likely that people will recall previously unshared information (unfortunately!).
People are more likely to share if they have a higher status in the group. So to encourage lower status members to share, their expertise needs to be specifically acknowledged to the group..............
Compared with an experimental situation, in the real world people have their own goals which may conflict with those of the group. This may actively stop them sharing information, or lead them to share it in such a way as to further their own goals.

People may share information they are unsure about outside a group meeting directly to other individuals. This is more likely to happen when the information is sensitive or of unknown value.

Facebook acquires FriendFeed : Updated

FriendFeed Buy Brings Google Experience To Facebook

 Of FriendFeed's 11 full-time employees, eight worked at Google at some time in the recent past....With FriendFeed, Facebook not only gains access to some of the developers of key Google technology, it also gains increased strength to resist the "Googlization" of social networking, especially given the interest Google has expressed in acquiring another top social networking site, Twitter.

The Twitter Outage: Is It Time To Start Blocking IP Addresses by Country?

The developing story about Thursday's massive across-the-Internet denial-of-service (DoS) attack that crippled Twitter, YouTube and other sites with outages may be the result of some international beef. 

Security experts are pontificating about the possibility of a deliberate attack by Russian hackers to cyber-target a blogger from the former Soviet nation of Georgia ib an effort to block the social networking tools that blogger uses to prevent his message from getting out. Many are seeing this as a plausible possibility given the ongoing tensions between the two countries.

Meuzer helps you find new music and build playlists

Filling the glass

Famous Liar Says Britain Not Complicit In Torture

Lying about Iraq made me quit, press officer claims

John Salisbury-Baker will claim that he suffered "intolerable stress" through having to "defend the morally indefensible" when responding to media inquiries about the ability of army vehicles such as the "Snatch" Land Rover to protect soldiers.

Syria Comment : News Round Up (Mon Aug. 10, 2009)

 Britain supports signing an economic pact between Syria and the European Union despite its concerns about human rights violations by Damascus, a British official said Tuesday.

British, French embassy workers on trial over Iran protests

EU hits out at Tehran over trial

( These would be the same people mistrusted by Iranians for years.

Opit Exhibits Bias will tell you more than enough about whose integrity I question. New category below the RSS feeds. )

Protesting too much about collusion.

One of the more cutting criticisms made by the Joint Committee on Human Rights last week was that while the head of MI5 had no problems in talking to the media, he seemed to regard it as an unacceptable chore to have to appear in front of a few jumped-up parliamentarians.Yesterday the head of MI6, "Sir" John Scarlett appeared on a Radio 4 documentary into the Secret Intelligence Service, where he naturally denied that MI6 had ever so much as hurt a hair on anyone's head, or more or less the equivalent, as Spy Blog sets out.

This would of course be the same MI6 that passed on information to the CIA regarding Bisher al-Rawi and Jamil el-Banna which resulted in their arrest in Gambia and subsequent rendition to Guantanamo Bay, and indeed the same MI6 which along with MI5 interviewed Binyam Mohamed while he was being detained in Pakistan, where we now know he was being tortured. The Intelligence and Security Committee noted even in their whitewash report into rendition that MI6 had likely given information to the Americans which was subsequently used in his mistreatment whilst in Morocco. We've since learned that "Witness B", an MI5 officer, also visited Morocco on a couple of occasions while Mohamed was being held there, even further heightening suspicions of direct collusion in his torture...........................
 It's been quite clear that ministers have known from the very beginning just what the intelligence services have been getting up to, they've just denied and denied and denied it until finally forced to admit to specific allegations, like that two men were rendered through Diego Garcia despite previously repeatedly denying it. They've in fact just admitted that they are personally accountable for what MI5 and MI6 officers get up, so we'll know who should be prosecuted should collusion be revealed

I Can’t Believe My Eyes: Conforming to the Norm

My Journal   ( That's the title : not by Opit )

Sudan is still living in era of Arabs before Islam!

Congo's Rape Epidemic worsens during U.S.-backed military operation

Terrorists: 2 United States: 0

Both Senator Brownback and Senator Roberts conceded today that the terrorists incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay are so wily and fearsome that even as secure a federal penitentiary as the one at Leavenworth, Kansas is incapable of holding them.

War Without Borders
Mexico’s Drug Traffickers Continue Trade in Prison

MEXICO CITY — The surveillance cameras captured it all: guards looking on nonchalantly as 53 inmates — many of them associated with one of Mexico’s most notorious drug cartels — let themselves out of their cells and sped off in waiting vehicles.

Mentally Ill Offenders Strain Juvenile System

As cash-starved states slash mental health programs in communities and schools, they are increasingly relying on the juvenile corrections system to handle a generation of young offenders with psychiatric disorders. About two-thirds of the nation’s juvenile inmates — who numbered 92,854 in 2006, down from 107,000 in 1999 — have at least one mental illness, according to surveys of youth prisons, and are more in need of therapy than punishment.

Health Care's biggest Money Wasters

Too many tests, annoying claims forms, using ER as a clinic, errors, too-early hospital discharge, hand washing

( My pet peeves are not mentioned : overprescription; sanitizing contaminated fields which produces germicide resistant strains; drug overuse which produces drug resistant strains )

Don't give Swine Flu drugs like Tamilflu to under-12s

States to designate providers to give H1N1 vaccines

Why willpower often fails

New Graduates Finding Jobs in China (Mandarin Optional)

BEIJING — Shanghai and Beijing are becoming new lands of opportunity for recent American college graduates who face unemployment nearing double digits at home.

Jonathan Woetzel, a partner with McKinsey & Company in Shanghai who has lived in China since the mid-1980s, says that compared with just a few years ago, he was seeing more young Americans arriving in China to be part of an entrepreneurial boom. “There’s a lot of experimentation going on in China right now, particularly in the energy sphere, and when people are young they are willing to come and try something new,”  

Mr. Perkowski, who spent almost 20 years on Wall Street before heading to China, says many Chinese companies are looking to hire native English speakers to help them navigate the American market. 

“I’m working with a company right now that wants me to help them find young American professionals who can be their liaisons to the U.S.,” he said. “They want people who understand the social and cultural nuances of the West.”