Have You Turned Your Neighbor In Yet?
I'm talking about flag@whitehouse.gov, that email address that has conservatives hollering that we're turning into a police state or, at the very least, a land of snitches. I guess two terms worth of warrantless wiretaps weren't quite enough to peg the old outrage meter.From what I understand there was a blog published on the White House's Briefing Room website, called "Facts Are Stubborn Things", which stated, "Scary chain emails and videos are starting to percolate on the internet, breathlessly claiming, for example, to "uncover" the truth about the President’s health insurance reform positions."
But, the real trouble begins with this statement:
- There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.
Nazi sex gynoids…and why we still need them
Loki is the trickster god, a troublesome spirit who is not entirely evil but rather keeps things in motion by needling the other gods whenever they start feeling too comfortable.Why We Trust Jon Stewart
Digby has an excellent post up about the Rolling Stone's Matt Taibi, and why he is so popular. Among many other excellent points, I think she touches on a critical point:
Hacking The Deep Ecology of War
There's a deep ecology of virtual violence, ambient warfare, and fluid interfaces, and no single discipline has a lock on how best to decipher and map out its surfaces to get at the underneath of things.Corporate vulnerability
Göran Svensson is one of the leading key figures in supply chain vulnerability research and his concepts and models of supply chain vulnerability are usually well thought-out and easy to understand. So is Key areas, causes and contingency planning of corporate vulnerability in supply chains: A qualitative approach. Here Svensson builds the construct of supply chain vulnerability around three components: time dependence, functional dependence and relational dependence.( Sounds like an Environmentally Aware person! )
Two generic determinants influence the perception of corporate vulnerability in the upstream and downstream supply chains, namely the degree of transparency and the degree of obscurity.
( You always heard information is power! )
Solar-Powered Ferries
In November, Hong Kong’s harbor will see four solar-powered ferries. On a sunny day, 3/4 of ferries’ energy needs will be met by solar power.
Deep Sea News
Simple Summer Recipes for Dead Seafloor Carrion
Why do macrourids, obviously opportunistic scavengers/predators, not eat the most abundant food source in the deep?The Policy and Politics of Deep Sea Corals
This is a special guest post by Ken Stump of the Marine Fish Conservation Network for Deep Sea News, intended to help build awareness about how political action translates into deep-sea research and fisheries management.
New Habitat Authority for Fishery Managers and a Research Program at NOAA Raise the Profile of Deep-Sea Corals, But Will Protection Follow?
In 2006, the U.N. General Assembly adopted a resolution calling on States and regional fisheries management organizations to take measures to protect vulnerable deep-sea ecosystems. In the United States, Congress responded by adding new habitat language authorizing U.S. fishery managers to protect deep-sea corals in the reauthorized Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 2006 (“MSA”). The law also authorized the establishment of a deep-sea coral research and technology program, and requires NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service to submit regular reports to Congress describing their progress in conserving deep-sea corals.
This hard-won recognition is a big step forward in the conservation of deep-sea corals and ecosystems, but it remains to be seen if fishery managers will put their new authority to good use. Making good on the promise of greater protection through the regulatory mechanisms of the fishery management councils will require political support, congressional oversight, and sustained program funding in the years ahead.
China’s Incinerators Loom as a Global Hazard
China has embarked on a vast program to build incinerators as landfills run out of space. But these incinerators have become a growing source of toxic emissions, from dioxin to mercury, that can damage the body’s nervous system.
And these pollutants, particularly long-lasting substances like dioxin and mercury, are dangerous not only in China, a growing body of atmospheric research based on satellite observations suggests. They float on air currents across the Pacific to American shores.
The Chinese government is struggling to cope with the rapidly rising mountains of trash generated as the world’s most populated country has raced from poverty to rampant consumerism. Beijing officials warned in June that all of the city’s landfills would run out of space within five years.
Studies at the University of Washington and the Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Ill., have estimated that a sixth of the mercury now falling on North American lakes comes from Asia, particularly China, mainly from coal-fired plants and smelters but also from incinerators. Pollution from incinerators also tends to be high in toxic metals like cadmium.
Incinerators play the most important role in emissions of dioxin. Little research has been done on dioxin crossing the Pacific. But analyses of similar chemicals have shown that they can travel very long distances.
$500-million settlement reached in suspension of Social Security benefits
Up to 200,000 people who were cut off on unfounded suspicions that they were felons evading law enforcement or prosecution will receive back payments.
"What's remarkable about this case is the sheer number of individuals who were unfairly denied benefits and the size of the financial settlement they will receive," said David H. Fry of Munger, Tolles & Olson, one of the pro bono attorneys who represented victims. "Hundreds of thousands of impoverished seniors and people with disabilities will once again receive their benefits, and countless others will avoid the same problem in the future."
GEICO Pulls Its Ads from Glenn Beck Show
The Left as Straw Man
If you take a look at the history of the “left” in the United States—and I mean really study the reality of it—and then compare that with the notion of the “left” as framed by conservative or “mainstream” discourse in this country, you just have to laugh. It’s a melancholy type of laughter, I suppose, but nonetheless the comparison is funny in a gallows humor type of way.
RSS from Opit's LinkFest! on My Opera
IPS - Inter Press Services
- TRADE: Carpets - Made in Afghanistan for Pakistan ...
KABUL, Aug 12 (IPS) - The Afghan carpet weaving industry is Afghanistan's second largest, behind only agriculture in terms of size and number of people employed.
- SRI LANKA: With End of War, Media Shifts Focus
COLOMBO, Aug 12 (IPS) - These days, the front pages of mainstream Sri Lankan newspapers are dominated by reports of clashes between two Muslim groups, the drama of two baby elephants separated from their mothers and government efforts to ban porn sites and curb adult-only movies. This shift in n ...
- EUROPE: The Czar Makes Up With the Sultan
ISTANBUL, Aug 12 (IPS) - Once the worst of enemies, involved in 12 wars in three centuries, Turkey and Russia have suddenly become the best of friends, forging strong bonds that could be a counterpoint to the European Union if it freezes Turkey out of full membership.
- EGYPT: Israel Gas Deal Inflames Opposition
CAIRO, Aug 12 (IPS) - Opposition figures and political activists have slammed a new deal to sell Egyptian liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Israel at what they say are vastly reduced prices.
- MIDEAST: New Blood Invigorates Fatah Leadership
BETHLEHEM, Aug 12 (IPS) - Despite internal divisions, much criticism and against enormous odds, the Fatah movement has emerged from its Sixth Revolutionary Council here with new blood in its leadership and hopes for a fresh agenda
The Intelligence Daily
- Biological Warfare and the National Security State ...
- Obama Admin. Asks High Court to Hear Torture Photo ...
- Afghan War: NATO Builds History's First Global Arm ...
- No Letup in Political Witch-Hunts Under Obama
- Echo Platoon: Warehousing Soldiers in the Homeland
My AntiWar'
- 2 Yemenis Freed by US Return Home
- Bosnia Is Back on the Brink of Ethnic Conflict, Wa ...
- US, NATO Deaths From Afghan Bombings Spike 6-Fold
- Thais Reject US Request to Extradite Arms Dealer
- Documents: Rove Involved in US Attorney Firings
Rogue Government.com
- Adolf Hitler 'did shake hands with Jesse Owens'
At the time, it was reported that Hitler had stormed out of the stadium furious that Owens, who had just run his way to the first of four gold medals in the 100 metres, had beaten his Aryan sportsmen.
- Are we on the brink of creating a computer with a ...
For while time machines, eternal life potions and Star Trek-style warp drives are as far away as ever, a team of scientists in Switzerland is claiming that a fully-functioning replica of a human brain could be built by 2020.
- The Obama Joker Posters - A Bull Shit Distraction ...
After being involved in the alternative research community for a few years now, I slowly began to realize that the alternative media also focuses in on issues of little significance to distract people from more pressing issues. One of the current alternative media distractions is this business with ...
- Chris Matthews: Are "Protesters" At Hea ...
Chris Matthews is a bought and paid for propagandist and is probably on the payroll of the CIA.
- NASA's Advanced Space Tech Gets Turned Into Self- ...
NASA is using decades of space exploration technology to build a new eco-aware base here in California.
Innovation Canada
- Ocean view
The winch at the rear of the ship slowly lowers a 13-tonne steel capsule about the size of three minivans into still water in early July. The shell, painted a garish yellow, is a trawl-resistant frame designed to deflect fishing nets. More important, once settled on the ocean floor, the capsule will ...
- Space reader
(Article courtesy of the University of Windsor) Bill McConkey probably won’t be around to see the day when humans are finally able to travel tremendous stretches through outer space to distant planets such as Jupiter. When they do make that journey, however, they’ll owe a significant debt of gra ...
- Filling the glass
Walkerton, Ont., North Battleford, Sask., and the Kashechewan First Nation Reserve, in Northern Ontario, have all become high-profile — and tragic — examples of what can go wrong when a community’s drinking water becomes contaminated. Surprisingly, they are not alone. At any given time, 1,700 ..
- i2eye with Bartha Maria Knoppers
“Don’t plan your career — be curious.” That’s the credo that Bartha Maria Knoppers, the new director of the Centre of Genomics and Policy at McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre, espouses — and one she lives by. Knoppers turned her love of books into a master’s in c ...
- Environmental legacy
(Article courtesy of University of Regina) University of Regina biologist Chris Somers is fascinated by how humans and wildlife interact and how animals respond to human-modified environments. “My research often combines animal ecology in the field, environmental chemistry and genetics,” explain ...
Signs of the times
- Is It Now a Crime to Be Poor in the USA?
It's too bad so many people are falling into poverty at a time when it's almost illegal to be poor. You won't be arrested for shopping in a Dollar Store, but if you are truly, deeply, in-the-streets poor, you're well advised not to engage in any of the biological necessities of life - like sitting ...
- England: Spate of regional UFO sightings
RAF Marham today ruled out any possibility its aircraft had sparked a flood of UFO sightings. Witnesses have reported seeing bright orange lights in the sky at locations including Dereham, Downham Market, Holkham, Caister and Norwich in recent days. News of the sightings comes a week after a helico ...
- Australia: Northern Territory UFOs filmed on video
A Territory UFO spotter says he has video evidence of UFOs flying in the Territory sky. Alan Ferguson has been claiming for more than 12 months that unidentified flying objects have been circling above his home in Acacia Hills, south of Darwin. And now he says he has the pictures to prove it. Mr Fe ...
- US: Triangle UFO low flying over Ohio countryside
A group of Ohio witnesses near Toledo, Ohio, saw and followed a low flying triangle-shaped object in the early morning of August 7, 2009, according to witness testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database. They first saw bright lights in the sky as they were driving east along State Route ...
- England: UFOs landing claim after lights go out (V ...
Video footage of a UFO sighting has been given to The Sentinel by a man who says he saw "eight gold-coloured lights" descending on a field. Christopher Wilson spotted the first as he drove towards Weston Coyney on Saturday. He said the light went out before a black object went behind some trees on a ...
Threat Level
- Diebold Quietly Patches Security Flaw in Voting So ...
Premier Election Solutions, formerly Diebold, has patched a serious security weakness in its election tabulation software used in the majority of states, according to a lab that tested the new version and a federal commission that certified it. The flaw in the tabulation software was discovered by ...
- Judge: Trafficking in DVD Copying Software is Ille ...
A federal judge ruled late Tuesday that it was unlawful to traffic in goods to copy DVDs. U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel’s ruling came in a decision in which she ruled that RealNetworks’ DVD copying software was illegal. She barred it from being distributed. Patel said the RealDVD softwa ...
- Hacker with Asperger’s Sentenced to 55 Months fo ...
A Los Angeles hacker received a slightly reduced sentence Monday of 55 months in prison for participating in a multi-million computer fraud scheme, after a federal judge took into account the man’s diagnosis with Asperger’s Syndrome. Viachelav Berkovich, 34, received five months less than the m ...
- Google’s Patry Returns to Blogosphere
Google’s chief copyright officer, considered one of the nation’s leading authorities on intellectual property, has resumed personal blogging following a year-long hiatus. Patry’s latest copyright blog commenced Thursday and is named after his new book, Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars. He s ...
- Hacking, Lock-Picking, Booze and Bacon: DefCon 17 ...
> LAS VEGAS — Braving triple-digit heat, mean hangovers and an incredibly hostile network, roughly 10,000 hackers, security experts, feds, spies and various other “computer enthusiasts” took over the Riviera last weekend for the world’s largest hackin ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Tom Delay and Fred Thompson, Death Panelists
Slowly but surely, the mainstream media and even some Republican politicians are starting to roll back the GOP's vicious lies and fear-mongering over what Sarah Palin deemed Obama's "death panels." Ironically, many of the same conservatives who demanded the federal...
- What's the Matter with Oklahoma?
As the ever more combustible health care debate rages across America, the state of Oklahoma has become the poster child for the conflict and its contradictions. A 2007 study by the Commonwealth Fund ranked Oklahoma dead last in state health...
- Town Halls, Teabaggers, Obama Birthers and Nixonla ...
Once in a rare while, a book captures the spirit of its age. So it is with Nixonland, Rick Perlstein's stunning chronicle of the rise and fall of Tricky Dick. But his story of the "fracturing of America" isn't simply...
- Guns and Bitter in Pennsylvania
During the Democratic primaries last spring, Barack Obama almost derailed his campaign with his unfortunate remark about "bitter" people in small town Pennsylvania who "cling to guns." Now after the second Keystone State shooting rampage in four months, that clumsy...
- The Unbearable Whiteness of Being...a Birther
As has been documented in detail, the anti-Obama birther movement is strongest in precisely those states where Republicans poll best and, ironically, health care is worst. But despite experiencing serial embarrassments akin to learning the sun does not rise in...
Blackspot News Feed
- How the White House's Deal With Big Pharma Undermi ...
When an industry gets secret concessions in return for a promise to lend its support to a key piece of legislation, we're in big trouble.
- The Threat Is Real: Why Right-Wing Rage at Townhal ...
The insurance industry has agitated the far right to prevent health reform, but they don't know whom they're messing with.
- Gun-Nut Outside Obama Townhall Linked to GOP 'Stop ...
Strapped with a loaded gun, William Kostric carried a message from the GOP's "break Obama" campaign.
- Vitaminwater's Empty Calories Are at the Heart of ...
Vitaminwater tells its customers to "hydrate responsibly." That means not drinking 125-calorie sugar rushes like ... Vitaminwater.
- The Tragedy of Our 'Disappeared' Veterans
How the justice system has been manipulated to put astonishing numbers of vets with PTSD and other psychiatric injuries behind bars.
Consortium News
- Holder Torture-Probe Plan Faulted
Attorney General Eric Holder's intent to okay only a limited torture probe is called too narrow, reports Jason Leopold. August 10, 2009
- McGovern on 'Downing Street Minutes'
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern revisits the curious case of the "Downing Street Minutes" and the Iraq War, reports TheRealNews. August 10, 2009
- McGovern on Downing Street (Part 2)
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern describes how the Washington Post 'dissed' the "Downing Street Minutes," via TheRealNews. August 10, 2009
- Al Jazeera Dissects Health-Care Battle
Arab network Al Jazeera says special-interest money has put President Obama's health-care plan on the defensive. August 8,
- Al Jazeera Examines US Health Crisis
Arab network Al Jazeera looks at the human suffering behind the American health-care battle, via TheRealNews. (Part 1) August 7, 2009
- Miguel Tinker Salas : Honduras is Only Part of the ...
- Mike Whitney : Economy on a Scaffold
- Ricardo Alarcón : Forbidden Heroes
- Marshall Auerback : America's Biggest Economic Pro ...
- Reza Yavari : Inside Iran's Most Infamous Prison
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- The emerging Fateh (Ziad Abu Zayyad, Bitterlemons ...
Convening Fateh's Sixth General Conference in Bethlehem represents a new chapter not only in the history of the movement but also in its future deliberations. Fateh was established as an underground resistan ...
- A Vigil in Shiekh Jarrah (Joseph Dana )
- Israeli minister suggests releasing Barghouthi fro ...
Israel's Minister of Minority Affairs Avishay Braverman suggested the country release newly elected Fatah Central Council Member Marwan Barghouthi from Israeli prison, where he has been detained since 2002. ...
- Fatah elects new leadership (Al Jazeera)
Only four of the 10 incumbent members of the Central Committee standing for re-election were returned after the ballots were counted at the party conference in the West Bank town of Bethlehem on Tuesday. Mar ...
- Hamas urges Arab League to end West Bank arrests ...
A senior Hamas official on Monday asked the Arab League to intervene to stop its members from being arrested in the West Bank. In a rare appearance at the 22-member body's headquarters in Cairo, Mahmoud al-Z ...
- BBOP | Jazzing Up Business’ Impact On Biodiversi ...
The Business and Biodiversity Offset Program has left me torn: is this a genuine attempt to preserve biodiversity, or just another exercise in corporate greenwashing? The Business and Biodiversity Offset Program is a work in progress. Its name includes that reviled word “offset”, a red rag for ...
- Who Needs a Phone Book?
As the Internet becomes the resource more Americans turn to for phone numbers, lawmakers are beginning to examine the proliferation of unwanted phone books — and their environmental impact. A Minnesota legislator, Rep. Paul Gardner, has introduced state legislation to allow consumers to opt-out ...
- Shark Repellent, Saves Sharks!
We have all been waiting for this day. Finally, shark repellent has arrived to the world… except this shark repellent is not used to save humans from sharks. No this shark repellent was made to save sharks from humans. With good reason, while only about 4 people die of unprovoked shark attacks e ...
- Green iPhone Apps Reviewed. Part 2: Paid Apps
If you missed Green iPhone Apps Reviewed Part 1: Free Apps, you can see it here . After my first batch of reviews on the free green iPhone apps, I have gotten some great suggestions on green apps. If you have any you you would like to see reviewed, you can comment here, head over to my website www ...
- Could Trees Be the New Rubber?
You’re waiting at a red light, your engine idling lightly. You check the crosswalk signal: 20 seconds, you have some time. You turn your classical music up a notch to the perfect volume and you close your eyes, relaxing on your way home from work. But your moment of relaxation is interrupted by t ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Lake Monitoring
Fourteen great ponds (lakes greater than 10 acres) and 10 smaller ponds cover just over 7% of the Pa
- Gateway Garbage
Will stimulus funds end lawsuits over cleaning L.A. River? Great news from last week. The Obama adm
- Is Bottled Water Really Pure?
Hey Guys, Wow, think of all the money we spend on bottled water and this is what were getting??? Is
- Coney Island Brighton Beach Open Water Swimmers' r ...
The Coney Island Brighton Beach Open Water Swimmers‘ annual 1 mile race was held yesterday, S
- Clean Water Should Be Recognized as a Human Right, ...
The editors of the open access journal PLoS Medicine have added their voice to those who are demand
Public Citizen in Texas
- Texans care about climate change too
Being an environmentalist in Texas, sometimes it feels like the whole world is against you. Â There’s a common assumption that folks around here just don’t care as much about the environment as elsewhere, and that people don’t see climate change as all that much of a threat. Â When I tell ...
- San Antonio Mayor’s Nuclear Town Hall Tonight
Tonight, August 10, is Mayor Castro’s Town Hall Meeting, where he wants to allow the community to tell city council and himself what they think about going the nuclear route. This is so important to attend. It will be at the City Council Chambers downtown where Flores and Commerce meet (map belo ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up
The Congress may be in recess, but the Texas Progressive Alliance is always in session. Here’s the weekly roundup of blog highlights. Off the Kuff takes a closer look at the crimefighting plan of Houston Mayoral candidate Annise Parker. WCNews at Eye On Williamson encourages everyone to get involv ...
- King Williams Parade Pics 048 [Flickr]
Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- King Williams Parade Pics 042 [Flickr]
Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
Press TV
- US soldiers, largest swine flu-infected group in I ...
US soldiers in Iraq have become the largest group in the country to be infected with the deadly A/H1N1 virus, which is rapidly spreading in Asian countries.
- Canadian festival to screen Iranian films in Montr ...
Five Iranian productions are slated to be screened at the 2009 edition of Montreal's international World Film Festival in Canada.
- Clinton to meet Nigerian opposition figures
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is set to meet a number of Nigerian opposition figures to confer electoral and anti-corruption reforms with them.
- Iran arrests 4 terrorists in Zahedan
Iran's Intelligence Ministry says four members of a notorious terrorist group have been arrested in the southeastern city of Zahedan.
- Swine flu cases reach 196 in Iran
Iranian officials have confirmed 52 new cases of swine flu in less than a week, bringing the country's total infected cases to 196.
Axis of Logic
- Exclusive: Kill Them All and Cover Them with Bulls ...
- One State, Two States - Resolving the Israel/Pales ...
- The Empire strikes back!
- Excess cynicism: Our biggest challenge
- A look at the war-dead in Afghanistan. Occupation ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Not Crazy; Just Racist
Wow. Michael Lind manages to write 2,000 words on how those horrible non-southern liberals are so mean and stupid for calling southerners crazy without once mentioning racism. Your Texas upbringing to the contrary, Mr. Lind, no less authentic experts on southern culture, southern liberalism and sou ...
- Nightowl Newswrap
Thank you, fame-seeking American Asshole. Remember the idiot who swam the moat to Aun Suu Kyi's home? The Burmese dictatorship has just used it as an excuse to sentence her to another 18 months of house arrest, where she's already spent 14 of the last 20 years. It also means she'll miss upcoming e ...
- See you in Pittsburgh
It's that time of year again! Can I get a w00t! w00t! for Netroots Nation? Last year, you may recall, when I got home from Austin we packed up and moved over here from blogger. This year I am excited about several of the panels, especially one where the discussion will revolve around harnessing th ...
- Man Up, Benny Boy
On Sunday, the Lexington Herald-Leader ran a piece about repugs attacking Rep. Ben Chandler, D-KY6, over health care reform. U.S. Rep. Ben Chandler, D-Versailles, is in the political cross hairs as an increasingly vocal group of conservatives assails the congressman for his position on health care r ...
- Candidate Obama Returns
The guy who won over the nation last year is back, possibly in the nick of time to save health care reform. This is what I call clearing brush. Via Steve Benen. Here's the transcript of the whole event. Twenty days left in the month - two of these per day will get almost every state before Labor Day ...
Care 2
- Holy Crap! Cuba Is Almost Out of Toilet Paper
Officials on the communist island are saying that by the end of the year, inhabitants could be wiping their butts with leaves and newspapers because the country is running out of toilet paper. (This would never happen under the rule of the Great Cornholi Submitted by Terry West to Offbeat | Note ...
- Help Protect Australia's Big Blue Backyard PLEASE ...
Less than 1% of our South West oceans are protected despite being home to some of the most spectacular, unique and vulnerable marine life on earth. They need our help. Submitted by Claudia For the Oceans to Environment | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Show God's kindness to a woof in terrible distress ...
Let us show God's kindness to an animal in terrible distress. Imagine being blind and deaf and old in a shelter - nothing familiar, no loving or caring hands, no soothing voice! We must, absolutely must do something! High Kill Shelter - urgent! Submitted by Eureka M. to Animals | Note-it! | ...
- Bear that wandered in Weston, Wellington, shot and ...
The 300-pound black bear who frightened Wellington residents in June was shot and killed Saturday after breaking into a home in Southeast Georgia Submitted by Terry West to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Fisheries Ministry: Shark export ban effective in ...
The ban on exporting shark products will become effective in March 2010, the Ministry of Fisheries has said. Submitted by Claudia For the Oceans to Environment | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Kraft Overhauls Its Manufacturing Ops to Cut Water ...
In less than three years -- and a full two years ahead of its company-wide goal -- the snack giant has managed to save 3 billion gallons of water by adopting new manufacturing and cleaning methods.
- Bottled Water is Way More Complicated Than I Thoug ...
It should be easy to phase out bottled water from company headquarters, right? Think again. It can bring up issues with a company's supply chain, cafeteria inventory and vending machines -- and don't forget the new dishwashers or glassware that may need to enter the picture.
- Green Wineries Embrace Innovation from the Fields ...
Solar-powered vineyards, biodynamic farming, organically grown grapes and innovative packaging put several California wineries on the leading edge of sustainable wine production. Their remarkable results offer valuable lessons for green leaders in any industry.
- Coca-Cola Enterprises Emissions Reductions, Recycl ...
The bottling, marketing and distribution arm of the beverage giant has set a goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 15 percent before 2020, as well as to recover 100 percent of its bottles for recycling
- Report Urges Efficiency as a Solution to Californi ...
A new study by the Pacific Institute shows ways that California farmers can cut their water use by as much as 17 percent without cutting the productivity of the nation's most productive agricultural region.
Reuters Global
- Targeted killings inside Pakistan;are they working ...
The U.S. strategy of targeted killings inside Pakistan would seem to be working if the death of Baitullah Mehsud the leader of the Pakistani Taliban turns out to be true, as seems increasingly likely. But the jury is out over whether such strikes are effective over the longer term.
- Is a moral instinct the source of our noble though ...
A growing number of psychologists, biologists and philosophers see the brain as the base of our moral views. Noble ideas such as compassion, altruism, empathy and trust, they say, are really evolutionary adaptations that are now instinctive responses fixed in our brains.
- Beware brain scientists bearing gifts (gee-whiz jo ...
It's refreshing to hear experts who can dazzle you with their work but warn against falling for any hype about it. This "let's not overdo it" approach has been a recurrent theme in the Neuroscience Boot Camp at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
- Arizona marijuana seizures hit all-time high
Large marijuana seizures are frequent in the sweltering Arizona deserts that straddle the superhighway for people smuggling from Mexico -- although this year they are breaking all records
- A year later and there is still no clear winner fr ...
One year on from the war between Russia and Georgia, the debate still rages over which side came out of the August 7-12, 2008 conflict better.
Ezra Klein
- Tab Dump
• A roundtable on the public plan. • Simon Johnson and James Kwak explain why you shouldn't like your health insurance . • Why did Riceland Foods get so much in subsidies between 1999 and 2003? • Robert Gibbs loves this blog. • Why "health-reform lite" is harder than people think.
- More on Isakson and End-of-Life Counseling
Sen. Johnny Isakson's office is not happy that Isakson is being used to rebut attacks on the "end-of-life counseling" provision in the House's health-care reform bill. "I categorically oppose the House bill and find it incredulous that the White House and others would use my amendment as a scapegoat ...
- The Mass Appeal of Saul Alinsky
It's pretty amusing that after mocking community organizers during the presidential campaign, conservatives have enthusiastically adopted Rules for Radicals , Saul Alinsky's community organizing how-to, as a guide for mounting an effective opposition. Dave Weigel tells the tale, but also talks to so ...
- Organic Foods vs. Conventional Produce
Speaking of Tom Philpott, he takes issue today with my contention that studies don't show that organic fruits and vegetables are measurably more nutritious than agriculture grown through conventional means. The most recent data on this come from a massive literature review commissioned by Britain's ...
- Do We Need to Cook?
I had wanted to write something brilliant and witty about Michael Pollan's long paean to cooking , but I couldn't figure out what to say about it. Something was nagging at me. Something felt off in the article. But I didn't know what. So I let it go. Until yesterday, when Tom Philpott nailed it : ...
Booman Tribune
- Organic Foods vs. Conventional Produce
- Diagnosing the Threat from the Right
John H. Richardson of Esquire spent some quality time with the Birthers. What he has to say about them is not comforting. Others argue that the whole thing is getting overblown because it's August — the "silly season" for news — and because the more reasonable and mainstream Republicans don't ...
- Do You Really Want to Sponsor Glenn Beck?
Three of the top recommended diaries at Daily Kos right now are about sponsors pulling their support for Glenn Beck's television show on FOX News. Geico, Sargento Cheese, and Men's Wearhouse have all dropped Glenn Beck. Next in line are Wal*Mart, State Farm Insurance, Red Lobster, and Travelocity. ...
- Let's Talk About Something Else
Looking at an Iowan take on the 2012 Republican presidential race, I'm struck by how implausible all ten of the proposed candidates are. I mean, Chuck Grassley, Bobby Jindal? Seriously? And they're probably the pick of the litter. I liked this bit on Sarah Palin: Many in the national media ha ...
- Open Thread
Another day, another town hall meeting full of lunatics. It's going to be a long, long recess. Fortunately, no 'real Americans' are opposed to health care reform. What's gnawing at you?
- RIP Eunice Kennedy Shriver
Sad news: Eunice Kennedy Shriver, a member of one of the most prominent families in American politics and a trailblazer in the effort to improve the lives of people with intellectual disabilities, died early Tuesday morning at Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis, Mass. She was 88... A sister of Presi ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 12 ...
A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1644 – Heinrich Ignaz...
- Tuesday Open Thread
Time for one of these......
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 11 ...
A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1897 – Enid Blyton,...
- Monday Open Thread
Tell uswhat is past, or passing, or to comeOr whatever....
- Not Such A Jobs Economy
Some time back, I explained how the Unemployment Rate (the standard number trotted out by...
- Scaled-elextric: slot cars for transport
Today’s dose of technocratic mass-transport conceptual design is brought to you by German designer Christian Förg. His Speedway Transport System is inspired by slot cars of his youth: Förg’s Speedway Transport System concept uses a network of linear electric motors to propel cars along the ...
- Scaled-elextric: slot cars for transport
Today’s dose of technocratic mass-transport conceptual design is brought to you by German designer Christian Förg. His Speedway Transport System is inspired by slot cars of his youth: Förg’s Speedway Transport System concept uses a network of linear electric motors to propel cars along the ...
- Is psychopathy a hardware issue?
Neuroscience continues to probe the depths of our grey matter, delivering blow after blow to that good ol’ mind-body dualism. The latest news? Psychopaths appear to have a detectable brain abnormality that “normal” folks do not. Interesting stuff, but there are some nasty implications also: Wh ...
- Agnotology: The science of ignorance
Many of my fellow citizens believe that the Apollo program was faked, evolution is a lie, global warming is a sinister plot by Al Gore to take away their Hummers, and President Obama is some kind of Nazi foreigner whose healthcare plan will lead to mass euthanasia. Disinformation seems to be a winni ..
- Fusion on a budget
Canadian company General Fusion are developing a fusion reactor that is based on a process called magnetized target fusion The reactor consists of a metal sphere with a diameter of three meters. Inside the sphere, a liquid mixture of lithium and lead spins to create a vortex with a vertical cavity i ...
Yahoo! Canada News
- YahooCanadaNews: Ont. girl braces for unique heart ...
YahooCanadaNews: Ont. girl braces for unique heart procedure http://tr.im/wgsA
- YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Iran cond ...
YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Iran condemns 'rude' Western meddling into affairs http://tr.im/wgsw
- YahooCanadaNews: 'Kindle ate my homework.' Teen su ...
YahooCanadaNews: 'Kindle ate my homework.' Teen sues Amazon after his copy of 1984 was obliterated from his Kindle without warning. http://tr.im/uX9L
- YahooCanadaNews: 'Surprised' boyfriend thought bab ...
YahooCanadaNews: 'Surprised' boyfriend thought baby cut from womb was his http://tr.im/uVcG
- YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Parents l ...
YahooCanadaNews: Ryan M. for Y! CA News. Parents left poor over son's fatal street racing http://tr.im/uVcw
Global Elite
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...
Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...
Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...
Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA
Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s ...
- Biopiracy, GM Seeds and Rural India "Over 100,000 ...
- Biopiracy, GM Seeds and Rural India "Over 100,000 ...
Priya Kumar, Global Research, June 2, 2009 The reality for the average Indian remains the same: agricultural cultivation and the ability to farm is the bedrock of rural living. With its historical practices, values, and communal sentiments of ...
Al Jazeera
- Biopiracy, GM Seeds and Rural India "Over 100,000 ...
- Britain 'to free' Lockerbie bomber
Reports say dying Libyan jailed for 1988 attack to be freed on compassionate grounds.
- 'Dozens' killed in Yemen fighting
Clashes between troops and Shia fighters escalate on second day of offensive.
- Afghan campaign workers kidnapped
Five supporters of presidential candidate Dr Abdullah Abdullah abducted ahead of poll.
- Clerics killed in Somali Puntland
Five Pakistani preachers shot dead in mosque by masked men in town of Galkayo.
- Abkhazia to get Russia military aid
Moscow says $500m will be spent on reinforcing Russian military bases in the area.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Turning Algae Into Oil, with Help from Fish
A California company is experimenting with a new way to produce oil from algae. It is feeding the algae to small fish - and processing the fish for oil.
- Wave Power Setbacks in California
After surrendering a permit for one wave power project, Pacific Gas & Electric faces local opposition for another.
- How Green Is Rail Travel?
A study shows some forms of train travel have a carbon footprint similar to flying, when measured per kilometer of passenger travel.
- Friday Closings Yield Energy Savings
Shrinking the workweek of Utah's state employees to four days has helped cut energy bills by 13 percent -- and commuters have saved up to $6 million.
- G.M.: Chevy Volt Gets 230 M.P.G.
With the kind of mileage that General Motors just announced for its Volt, you could practically drive from Los Angeles to Las Vegas on a single gallon of gas. But it's not that simple, of course.
Dot Earth News
- A Billion Teenagers, for Better or Worse
Some of the world's poorest and most turbulent regions are witnessing explosive population growth, meaning enormous numbers of teenagers and children.
- Landslide Losses Not Inevitable
With planning, the risks from landslides like those in Taiwan can be reduced.
- In Praise of Activism
Human progress on a finite planet will require lots of vigilant activists.
- The CO2 Shadow of the Recession
Emissions of carbon dioxide in United States plunge, reflecting recession.
- The English Encourage Urban Beekeeping
A new design for a beehive for city dwellers.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Thanks to Rose for finding my phone! Plus: I'm sta ...
I nearly had a horrible day today, leaving my trusty old Helio phone on a bench at the University of Minnesota mall. A good samaritan named Rose picked it up and called the Boiler Room coffee shop back after I tried the phone. I got it back! Thanks a ton, Rose, you saved yet another messy situation ...
- Hat tip for Joaquin Phoenix conspiracy
Not a bad idea! Which makes this potentially one of the greatest performances any modern actor has ever given -- or at least one of the most baldly courageous. The closest comparison would have to be Andy Kaufman's utter commitment to his obnoxious Tony Clifton persona, but Phoenix is going Kaufman ...
- Tough times south of the border
Duly noted: Mexican TV reporter ducking stray bullets: Hat tip to the thoughtful Texas farmer Don , who knows what you ought to know about the War On Drugs. This video was recently the #1 most discussed from Mexico on YooToob... Plus, don't miss the five stages of complete social collapse! http://c ...
- Pirate Bay Trial and Kopimi: The Kopimi Manifesto
I can't say I get it. But I like it. In these apocalyptic and bitchy times, it is high time to get some sarcastic Swedish hacker philsophy out there. Now is the time. The spectrial is apparently the place. How could we forget the Pirate Bay Spectrial?! They released a Pirate Bay Manifesto - POwr, Br ...
- Some notes from the Abyss; Fusion Centers going to ...
We're on the brink of disaster | Salon! As people lose confidence in the ability of markets and governments to solve the global crisis, they are likely to erupt into violent protests or to assault others they deem responsible for their plight, including government officials, plant managers, landl ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- The Tragedy of Our 'Disappeared' Veterans
How the justice system has been manipulated to put astonishing numbers of vets with PTSD and other psychiatric injuries behind bars.
- Vitaminwater's Empty Calories Are at the Heart of ...
Vitaminwater tells its customers to "hydrate responsibly." That means not drinking 125-calorie sugar rushes like ... Vitaminwater.
- Gun-Nut Outside Obama Townhall Linked to GOP 'Stop ...
Strapped with a loaded gun, William Kostric carried a message from the GOP's "break Obama" campaign.
- The Threat Is Real: Why Right-Wing Rage at Townhal ...
The insurance industry has agitated the far right to prevent health reform, but they don't know whom they're messing with.
- How the White House's Deal With Big Pharma Undermi ...
When an industry gets secret concessions in return for a promise to lend its support to a key piece of legislation, we're in big trouble.
Threat Level
- Another Court Deals Major Blow to DVD Copying
A California appeals court on Wednesday overturned a lower court ruling that paved the way for a $10,000 DVD copying system called Kaleidescape and other products from the company with the same name. The decision (.pdf) by the 6th District Court of Appeal in San Jose, California, was the second cour ...
- Diebold Quietly Patches Security Flaw in Voting So ...
Premier Election Solutions, formerly Diebold, has patched a serious security weakness in its election tabulation software used in the majority of states, according to a lab that tested the new version and a federal commission that certified it. The flaw in the tabulation software was discovered by ...
- Judge: Trafficking in DVD Copying Software is Ille ...
A federal judge ruled late Tuesday that it was unlawful to traffic in goods to copy DVDs. U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel’s ruling came in a decision in which she ruled that RealNetworks’ DVD copying software was illegal. She barred it from being distributed. Patel said the RealDVD softwa ...
- Hacker with Asperger’s Sentenced to 55 Months fo ...
A Los Angeles hacker received a slightly reduced sentence Monday of 55 months in prison for participating in a multi-million computer fraud scheme, after a federal judge took into account the man’s diagnosis with Asperger’s Syndrome. Viachelav Berkovich, 34, received five months less than the m ...
- Google’s Patry Returns to Blogosphere
Google’s chief copyright officer, considered one of the nation’s leading authorities on intellectual property, has resumed personal blogging following a year-long hiatus. Patry’s latest copyright blog commenced Thursday and is named after his new book, Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars. He s ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- U.S. healthcare town halls: Anger, fear and lunacy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The sound and fury at U.S. "town hall" meetings on healthcare reform have revealed as much about conservative fears of President Barack Obama as about health issues -- and in the end might have little significance in the broader debate.
- No way to hide for U.S. tax cheats after UBS deal
ZURICH (Reuters) - The days of secret bank accounts are numbered for U.S. taxpayers and European tax dodgers should also watch out after the United States and Swiss bank UBS AG agreed to settle a tax evasion case.
- Microsoft ordered to pay over $290 million in pate ...
(Reuters) - A U.S. federal court ruled that Microsoft Corp would have to pay more than $290 million in damages to Canadian software firm i4i Ltd for infringing a patent.
- UBS, U.S. settle tax evasion case
MIAMI (Reuters) - UBS AG and the U.S. and Swiss governments have agreed to settle a dispute over whether the Swiss bank should be forced to disclose the names of 52,000 wealthy American clients suspected of tax evasion.
- Bride spends first night with crate of vodka
BERLIN (Reuters) - A bride in Germany spent her wedding night passed out next to a crate of vodka in the back seat of a car and had to be rescued by police when the BMW began to overheat in the sun.
- Editing your Life: The Spiritual Discipline of Edi ...
I am sitting in Sydney on a beautiful but crisp winter’s morning watching the rainbow lorikeets out in the trees. Â My Dad’s funeral is over and I will head back to Seattle in 2 days time. Â I have been very aware of prayer and the grace of God in the midst of this. Â Thanks to [...]
- Living in Transition as Spiritual Practice
I am now in Sydney Australia after what has been one of the easiest long international trips I have made for a long time. Â I even slept for several hours on the flight which makes me very aware of the fact that people have been praying for me. Today’s article comes from Guy Chmieleski who is [. ...
- Recent Additions to the Spiritual Practices series
Here’s the round-up of the most recent Spiritual Practices posts: The Spiritual Practice of Apologizing by T Freeman Love-making as a Spiritual Practice by Mark Scandrette Smoking the Glory of God by Jason Clark The Spiritual Practice of Getting Honest With Myself by Jonathan Brink Spiritual Disci ...
- Between the Sheets: Sleeping as A Spiritual Practi ...
I will be heading out to Australia this afternoon but am hoping to continue posting while I travel. Â The submissions continue to arrive which is wonderful and I am enjoying reading them before I post them. This morning’s post is from Teri Peterson a presbyterian pastor who loves her new bed (wh ...
- Driving as Spiritual Practice
The weather has cooled down considerably here in Seattle and everyone feels that things are back to normal. Â A little rain would be appreciated – yes we do have days and in this case months without rain in the Pacific NW. Â The garden is flourishing but definitely crying out for a good soakin ...
Pine River World News
- BURMA: American Vietnam War vet John Yettaw has 'f ...
The following article is from Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), Oslo. Yettaw has 'fulfilled duty to God' © DVB By Naw Say Phaw August 12, 2009 The U.S. citizen yesterday sentenced by a Burmese court to seven years in prison has told his lawyer that he has "fulfilled his duty to God". Lawyers for ...
- The upcoming election in Afghanistan: An exercise ...
Pine River World News August 12, 2009 In theory, at least, elections are designed to reflect the will of the majority of voters. The upcoming elections in Afghanistan, however, will reflect results of only those who live in Kabul and outlying areas under government control. Even then the poll will ...
- U.S. Missile Defense System: Most Expensive Fraud ...
The following commentary is from Pravda , citing Novy Region as the source. U.S. Missile Defense System: Most Expensive Fraud of the Century © nr2.ru August 12, 2009 The U.S. Missile Defense System, a stumbling block in Russia-American bilateral relations, may prove to be the most expensive fra ...
- Exploding the myth that the Obama administration w ...
Pine River World News August 11, 2009 When Barack Obama was elected president of the United States there was widespread expectation that he would be wholeheartedly welcomed in Africa. And he was - for a while. But I for one haven't noticed much change in U.S.-African policy between his administrati ...
- Three more U.S. banks collapse: 72 failures so far ...
The following commentary is reprinted with permission from World Socialist Web Site. Three more U.S. banks collapse 72 failures so far this year © World Socialist Web Site By Patrick O’Connor August 10, 2009 U.S. regulators closed another three banks last Friday: First State Bank and Communit ...
- Consumer Psychology
· How and why we consume and how our beliefs, ideas and senses influence consumption. Peter Drucker, the management consultant, famously argued that about 80% of all products and services fail or fall well short of targets within six months of launching. Clearly markets have little understanding ...
- Why Left to Right Punches Are More Aggressive, Pow ...
Reading and writing from left to right is a skill so well-practised, so ingrained in language, that it's easy to ignore. Yet, according to some research, the direction in which language flows could have implications that spread into many other areas of our experience. Consider that people are often ...
- Persuasion: The Right-Ear Advantage
If you want someone to comply with a random request for a cigarette, you should speak into their right ear, according to a new study by researchers in Italy. Marzoli & Tommasi (2009) had a female confederate visit a disco and approach 176 random people asking for a smoke. Clubbers were about twice ...
- 10 Rules That Govern Groups
Much of our lives are spent in groups with other people: we form groups to socialise, earn money, play sport, make music, even to change the world. But although groups are diverse, many of the psychological processes involved are remarkably similar. Here are 10 insightful studies that give a flavou ...
- Are Your Initials Holding You Back?
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." ~Romeo and Juliet In these lines from Shakespeare's famous play, Juliet is trying to persuade Romeo that the bitter feud between their respective families doesn't matter, that he and his surname are easily divisib ...
Blacklisted News
- Marc Faber Says America Will Launch More Wars to D ...
The claim that America would launch more wars to the help the economy is outrageous, right?
- Army Test Drones And Robots For Soldiers
- China warns of 'arms race in outer space'
China's Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi called Wednesday for international diplomacy to avert an "arms race in outer space."
- Sensor To Monitor TV Watchers Demoed At Cable Labs ...
"Cable operators at the semi-annual CableLab's Innovation Showcase have informally voted as best new product a gizmo that can determine how many people are watching a TV . Developed by Israeli company PrimeSense , the product lets digital devices see a 3-D view of the world (the images look like som ...
Project Censored
WALTER CRONKITE: THE END OF AN ERA – JULY 17, 2009 The end of an era is a term too often over-used. But it is a term that is properly used when discussing the passing of Walter Cronkite. It is truly the end of an era in journalism. No other journalist could do what Walter did. He could cal ...
- You Can Now Find Our Investigative Research at the ...
You can now find all of the investigative research that we have done over the years at our new and exciting Media Freedom International Website Please check the website often for news and updates.
- Analysis of Project Censored: Are We a Left-Leanin ...
By Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff “Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” –Frederick Douglass ...
- Infotainment Society: Junk Food News and New ...
By Mickey Huff and Frances A. Capell We can do the innuendo We can dance and sing When it’s said and done We haven’t told you a thing We all know that crap is king Give us dirty laundry! Don Henley, Dirty Laundry, 1982 The late New York University media scholar Neil Postma ...
- A Black President Doesn’t Mean Racism is gone in ...
By Peter Phillips Racial inequality remains in the US. People of color continue to experience high rates of poverty, significant unemployment, police profiling and repressive incarceration. School segregation is a continuing concern among race scholars as well. According to a new Civil Rights re ...
Scoop - NZ
- Spread of Tamiflu Resistant H1N1 in Texas
We have seen some cases, few of which we are confident, El Paso and around McAllen, Texas," said Dr. Maria Teresa Cerqueira, responsible local office of PAHO, at a conference on influenza A. The persons concerned cross the border regularly and were automédicamentées, says the doctor.The above ...
- Cynthia Banham: A chance to counter terrorism
If the post-September 11 years have taught us anything, it's that civilised societies will not defeat terrorism by tearing down their own values. Respect for human dignity is not, as many political leaders in the wake of that terrible attack tried to tell us, incompatible with national security. Thi ...
- Kohler: Rupert and the death of hubris
It is tempting, and easy, to ridicule Rupert Murdoch's announcement that News Corp intends to charge for online content as the cough of a dying oligopoly, and that's been the general reaction."It's a gift to the competition", said the London Telegraph. "Murdoch to Charge for News Online a4˜If We Ev ...
- Obama's Pakistan Campaign: Brilliant President Plu ...
Analysis of the attacks on Pakistan by unmanned American bombers reveals astonishing progress since April, as the cumulative number of civilian casualties appears to be decreasing! » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- Noordin 'not dead'
The fugitive mastermind Noordin Mohammad Top is "apparently, not dead" according to the Jakarta-based terrorism analyst Sidney Jones.Indonesian police briefed journalists and diplomats yesterday, telling them that they had killed south-east Asia's most wanted man and the alleged mastermind of the a ...
Independent ( London )
- 'I held my son, but we were still washed away'
The woman became hysterical as another helicopter landed without her loved ones. "Where are they?" she wailed, before Buddhist volunteers gathered to try to comfort her. Heartbroken, she used her mobile phone to relay the news to other relatives that so far, the search had been fruitless.
- Clinton mission signals greater ambition in Africa
If president Barack Obama's Africa trip was all about symbolism, Hillary Clinton's tour has offered a detailed insight into the administration's aims on the continent.
- The cameras turn on crime show host in murder prob ...
Picture the scene. Crimewatch ratings are tanking; viewers in this era of reality television have tired of those quaint reconstructions of tough cases that need cracking. And so, at the end of their tether, the presenters dream up an ingenious plan: hiring hitmen and then sending in the cameras to ...
- Putin pledges support for breakaway region
The Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin pledged $500m (£300m) to defend the breakaway region of Abkhazia during a surprise visit yesterday which Georgia said had escalated tensions in the Caucasus.
- Merkel ally makes a boob in low-cut poster
With her political dream-team poised to capture 51 per cent of the vote in next month's elections, Angela Merkel hardly needed to show off her generous cleavage to attract support.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- The Ever Present Military Option
Summary: Last week, retired Air Force Gen. Chuck Wald published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal declaring "There Is a Military Option on Iran." It’s probably not a coincidence that Wald’s piece was hot on the heels of John Bolton’s "While Diplomats Dither, Iran Builds Nukes." source: ...
- Clinton: US Supported Iran Protesters ‘Behind th ...
Summary: In an interview today on CNN’s GPS with Fareed Zakaria, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that while the US didn’t want to come out too publicly in favor of the protesters in the wake of Iran’s disputed June elections, the State Department was “doing a lot” behind the sc ...
- Iranians selectively barred from Swedish universit ...
Summary: Chalmers University Sweden’s national security service, Sapo, has issued a warning that Iranian citizens studying at Swedish universities could have ties to their nation’s nuclear and military establishments. Therefore, the government agency has advised Swedish universities to ban a ...
- IRAN: Nuclear Capability After 2013, Says U.S. In ...
Summary: WASHINGTON, Aug 7 (IPS) - Iran is unlikely to be able to produce enough highly enriched uranium (HEU) for a nuclear weapon until at least 2013, according to a U.S. government intelligence estimate made public Thursday. source: IPS read more
- Retired US General: Attacking Iran a ‘Credible O ...
Summary: Despite the paucity of evidence supporting the allegations on which the case for war rest, retired Air Force General Charles Wald insists that attacking Iran is “a technically feasible and credible option.” source: Anti War.Com read more
The Daily Galaxy
- Image of the Day: The Right Stuff!
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We think Twitter's realtime delivery and social media community is the future of the web. The Daily Galaxy believes that Twitter will also evolve into a major search service that rivals Google. You can check us out at DailyGalaxy@Twitter
- Today's Most Popular Posts
Is Mars Between Ice Ages? Experts Say "Yes" -A Galaxy Classic "The Black Cloud" - Could Non-Carbon Life Exist in Cold Clouds of Interstellar Dust? Antimatter: Angel or Demon? Mega-Mars Discovery: The "Block Island" Meterorite Ultimate Green Power! Will Bacteria...
- The Daily Flash -Eco, Space, Tech (8/11)
Why Netflix Should Run the U.S. Postal Service Netflix, with its neat little packets of DVDs, is running a national parcel distribution service on a massive scale, aided by the fast-crumbling U.S. Postal Service. So why doesn't Netflix buy-up the...
- Whale Speak -Biologists Zero in on Their Culture
Marine biologists are starting to consider the notion that whales might have a pretty cool culture. Maybe Moby Dick in some ways was smarter than Ahab (and that's totally cool!). "Whales are pretty hard to study, but evidence is coming...
Natural News
- Resveratrol - The Miracle Nutrient for Cancer, Cho ...
(NaturalNews) You've all heard the good news about resveratrol, commonly known as the "red wine nutrient." There's more to resveratrol than red wine, though, and it's helpful for far more than just preventing heart disease. It's also phenomenal for maintaining a healthy cholesterol balance and even ...
- Chinese Herbs Treat Endometriosis Better Than West ...
(NaturalNews) Increasingly, Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is being put to the test by Western scientists -- and the results are sometimes not only successful but downright astounding. A case in point: a new review of CHM research by British scientists just published in Cochrane Database of Systemati ...
- Wyeth's HRT Drug Increases Risk of Death From Lung ...
(NaturalNews) Women who take the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) drug Prempro not only increase their risk of breast cancer, but their risk of death from lung cancer as well, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Medical Center at the University of California-Los Angeles and prese ...
- FDA Declares Mercury Amalgam Fillings Safe for All
(NaturalNews) His mercury fillings were gray And he chewed on them every day. But the stuff reached his brain And it drove him insane Now he works for the FDA - by Mike Adams Any scientific credibility the FDA might have been clinging to in these last few years has now disintegrated with the agency' ...
- New Easter Island Mystery: Scientists Say Natural ...
(NaturalNews) No one can argue that Easter Island, located off the coast of Chile in the South Pacific, is one of the most mysterious places on earth. The extremely remote island is home to huge, enigmatic monoliths carved by the one-time inhabitants of the island who settled there over 1,500 years ...
- How Is America Going To End?
SLATE HAS A MULTI-SECTION FEATURE, " How Is America Going To End? ". It's worth the read, especially given the increasing divide between the red minds and the blue minds, and the win-at-any-price mentality of the conservative fundamentalists. There's even a " Choose Your Own Apocalypse " section, fo ...
- Oy Vey . . . .
A trip south of the 49th to the United States of Expensive Health Care was required due to some still-retained properties in Florida. While here, between accomplishing some outside chores in the 90+F (32+C) heat and matching humidity, I dash in to the air-conditioned comfort of the house for a brea ...
- Rightwing violence and US healthcare
An early morning line of thought... The issue of firearms, rightwing violence (at least the implication) and Obama's healthcare is all over the news and blogs these days. It subsequently dawned on me this morning that every potentially violent divisive period in American history has a common macro-t ...
- Is Tampa the new Ft. Sumter?
I guess Glenn Beck did his "oh please don't commit any of the violence I've been urging you to commit for the last year" ass-covering episode just in time . What was intended to be a town hall discussion on President Barack Obama's health care reform proposal dissolved into a shouting match with ...
- Harry Patch
Harry Patch , aged 111, the last surving British veteran of the First World War, was buried today in Somerset. Very soon there will be none left alive. In some ways now it seems that with the passing of the ancient veterans, the age of modern war, where mechanised death has come into its own, entr ...
Media Matters for America
- Fox News reports on town hall protesters being ...
During the August 12 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom , Bill Hemmer and Andrea Tantaros rebuffed Bob Beckel's claim that the protesters opposed to Democratic health care reform appearing at town hall meetings are "organized." But in reports a half-hour earlier and a half-hour later, Car ...
- Politico twice mischaracterizes Dems' com ...
In an August 7 blog post and an August 10 article, the Politico reported as fact that Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer had called health care town hall protesters "un-American," when, in fact, these Democratic figures were referrin ...
- Tapper, Hemmer too busy playing gotcha on Obama's ...
Following President Obama's comments at an August 11 town hall that "AARP would not be endorsing a bill if it was undermining Medicare," ABC News' Jake Tapper and Fox News' Bill Hemmer reported that Obama was incorrect and that the AARP hadn't endorsed any specific bill. However, while the AARP ...
- USA Today falsely claims "estimated cos ...
A USA Today article reported that some elderly opponents of health care reform "fear the estimated cost of a health care overhaul, generally pegged for the first 10 years at $1 trillion, would lead to cuts" in Medicare, and then quoted "a former state representative" saying, "It's going to bank ...
- More cut and paste: Fox's Doocy parrots Heritage ...
On August 12, Steve Doocy cited five "really hard" health care questions to ask elected officials at town hall meetings, which he said he received "from one of [his] friends." All of Doocy's questions, however, are virtually identical to the "five questions Americans should be pressing their el ...
Global Research.ca
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Wealth Inequality Destroys US Ideals
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of Wa ...
The provision of private entrepreneurial violence and intelligence
- Can We Stop the Banksters from Killing Financial R ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- A Giant Step for Mankind – Made in Haïti
The Bwa Kay Iman uprising against slavery
TPM Cafe
- Anti-Obama Loonies Produce Anti-Semitic Ad
Check this out. Of course, lobby-financed foreign junkets are always controversial (and should be). But this thing deftly uses anti-Semitism to skewer a Democrat who won't declare against Obama's plan. What a surprise that the town meeting thugs are Jew-haters... Sponsored Topics: Health care - T ...
- The Internet Is The Beach Boys In 1963
If I may shift gears a little, I'd like to address another section of And Then There's This---the part about indie rock. I promise that there's a political point to be made here, if you'll bear with me. But... Sponsored Topics: Indie rock - MP3 - Music - Reviews - Austin
- How To Fight Heathcare Fearmongers and Demagogues
My friend, Keith, from New Orleans, just emailed to say he attended a local "town meeting" on health care and tried to get a word in favor but was almost hounded out of the room.Why are these meetings brimming with... Sponsored Topics: Health care - Town meeting - New Orleans - Health - White Hou ...
- Presented By:
- Jack-Booted Parenting Nazi Alert
Chuck Norris, who describes himself with panache as a "a columnist and impossible to kill," has enlisted in the kick-ass fight against the government takeover of everything. You think "Death Panels" were bad? Are you ready for "Jack-Booted Parenting Nazis"?... Sponsored Topics: Chuck Norris - Ten ...
- Climate Disobedience: Is a New "Seattle" in the Ma ...
In the early morning of October 8, 2007, a small group of British Greenpeace activists slipped inside a hulking smokestack that towers more than 600 feet above a coal-fired power plant in Kent, England. While other activists cut electricity on the plant's grounds, they prepared to climb the i ...
- Justice Sotomayor Welcomed as Newest Member of Sup ...
US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor talks with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy during a White House reception today. (Photo: Reuters) read more
- Stephen Hawking: "I Wouldn't Be Here If Not for th ...
Professor Stephen Hawking has spoken out in defence of the NHS after high-level U.S. politicians have branded the National Health Service 'evil' and 'Orwellian.' The British professor, who has suffered from Lou Gehrig's disease for 40 years, insisted that he 'would not be here' were it no ...
- Climate Disobedience: Is a New "Seattle" in the Ma ...
In Oxford, England, residents hold a demonstration as floods ravage their city. A growing global movement is using direct action to combat policies that exacerbate climate change. read more
- Taiwan Rescuers Find Some 1,000 Alive After Mudsli ...
A rescuer crosses a flooded river near the village of Liugui, Taiwan. (Photo: AP) Rescuers in Taiwan found almost 1,000 people alive in villages buried by mudslides after Typhoon Morakot triggered the worst floods in half a century. read more
The Heathlander
- Silencing civil society
Former Israeli military commander Efran Efrati recently testified to the BBC that Palestinian children are ‘routinely ill-treated’ by Israeli soldiers: “You take the kid, you blindfold him, you handcuff him, he’s really shaking… Sometimes you cuff his legs too. Sometimes it cuts off the ci ...
- Gaza Freedom March
For those who don’t know, Norman Finkelstein and others are organising a mass non-violent global march on Gaza to break the siege. Some updates: - Gaza Freedom March website: http://www.gazafreedommarch.org/ - YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/GazaFreedomMarch - A list of peop ...
- The latest anti-Hamas meme: “child brides”
Last week, Hamas sponsored a mass wedding celebration in Gaza, perhaps in an attempt to reverse its flagging poll ratings: ‘Nearly a thousand Palestinians celebrated marriage on Thursday night in a ceremony organised by Hamas in the north of the Gaza Strip. Hamas dignitaries including Mahmud Zahar ...
- Chomsky on the ‘Responsibility to Protect’
Earlier this week Noam Chomsky participated, along with Jean Bricmont, Gareth Evans (former Australian FM and long-time President of the International Crisis Group) and Ngugi wa Thiong’o, in a UN panel on the doctrine of ‘Responsibility to Protect’ (R2P). You can watch the three hour discussio ...
- How to lose friends and alienate people
Hiring paid hasbaratchiks to “spew forth bullshit” online, parading out Ehud Olmert to convince Americans that opposing settlement construction is like opposing rainbows and kittens, launching a smear campaign against Human Rights Watch, one of the most conservative human rights organisations ar ...
Water - AlterNet
- Vitaminwater's Empty Calories Are at the Heart of ...
Vitaminwater tells its customers to "hydrate responsibly." That means not drinking 125-calorie sugar rushes like ... Vitaminwater.
- Why Corporations, Emerging Powers and Petro-States ...
In the past six months, big players in the global economy have grabbed 50 million acres of arable land, from Africa to Southeast Asia.
- The Southwest as We've Known it Over the Last 50 Y ...
Water in the very near future will be neither cheap nor plentiful, and much of the Southwest is destined for real trouble.
- Will Obama Crack Down on Rocket Fuel in Drinking W ...
EPA chief Lisa P. Jackson is revisiting the Bush administration's refusal to regulate rocket fuel pollution in the nation's drinking water.
- Whose Water Is It? Water Rights in the Age of Scar ...
This question is perhaps the thorniest question in the world of water. Here's a look at some of the laws surrounding it.
- Republicans Have Government Insurance, Why Can’t ...
For weeks I have been listening to all the BS Republicans have spewed about health care reform. Republicans shouted it was socialized medicine and when that didn’t work they came up with other untruths. The fact of the matter is all members of Congress use the public option plan. Republicans are w ...
- Retire Early In Self Defense Could Be A Mistake †...
/h3> Collect Now, or Later? Timing Your Social Security Benefits With the current state of US and world economy, the alternative to jumping out a window, committing a heinous crime or planting your pup tent under an overpass, is retire early and collect your meager social security check at gene ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance – July 13, 2009
It’s Monday and it’s time for another version of the Texas Progressive Alliance weekly highlight reel. Off the Kuff suggests that a pro-science PAC could do a lot of good, nationally and in Texas. WCNews at Eye On Williamson reminds us that despite the brouhaha over transportation during the rec ...
- Protect Us From Another Celebrity Death and Networ ...
The world is reeling from political upheaval, economic meltdown and environmental catastrophe. What does the national media focus on for two weeks? The high drama of a controversial musical artist who has the audacity of dying. News that effects each and every person on this planet is buried un ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance – July 6, 2009
Now that we’ve celebrated another birthday for America, it’s time for the weekly Texas Progressive Alliance blog roundup. Here are your highlights from the holiday week. The loss of Ron Artest from the Rockets to the Lakers (essentially a trade for Trevor Arista) is a bad deal, writes PDiddie a ...
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Andy Worthington Discusses Guantánamo With World ...
by Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.andyworthington.co.uk 12 Aug. 2009 On Sund
- Ex-ISI Chief Says Purpose of New Afghan Intelligen ...
By Jeremy R. Hammond Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Foreign Policy Journal July 21, 2009 Shahid R
- Guantánamo And The Courts (Part Two): Obama’s S ...
by Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.andyworthington.co.uk 11 Aug. 2009 In the
- North Korea and Iran: So what does the West want? ...
By William Bowles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Creative-i 6 August 2009 Some while back (InI pa
- American Economy: The Shrinking Margin of Error by ...
by Josh Sidman Dandelion Salad Featured Writer Josh’s Blog Post August 10, 2009 One of the most p
Unexplained Mysteries
- "Mermaid" sightings grip Israel
A spate of sightings of alleged Mermaids in Israel have created quite a stir in the country, one town council is offering a $1m reward to anyone who c...
- Two worlds collide in deep space
Astronomers have observed two distant planets that collided thousands of years ago in what would have been a catastrophic event for both bodies, the s...
- Bipedal humans descended from trees
Examinations of bones from several primate species have challenged the idea that modern humans evolved from knuckle-walking ancestors and instead sugg...
- Source of mystery 'hum' discovered
The source of the Earth's mystery hum has been found - the low frequency sound is believed to be the result of the collision between two waves goi...
- Fast-spinning black holes might reveal all
A theory has been proposed suggesting that a black hole could spin so quickly that it would shed its event horizon producing a "naked" black hole, a p...
- Building a Movement, Haitian Style
pigs.jpg I spent the better part of last week crisscrossing Haiti’s arid Northwest with Grassroots International’s partner the National Congress of the Peasant’s Movement of Papay (MPNKP). MPNKP is best known to our allies and friends fo ...
- Resilient Hondurans Lead The Way To Protect Democr ...
IMG00292.jpg Today, thousands of people will fill the streets of Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. They are students, housekeepers, children and farmers from different parts of country—many of whom walked 10-12 miles a day to get to the ...
- Yes, We Can - But Will We Join Our Neighbors to Re ...
More than a month after the military coup in the Central American country of Honduras (for which the term “banana republic” was originally coined due to the overwhelming influence of U.S. fruit corporations in that country), the junta is still in power and shows little real sign of budging. re ...
- They Are Afraid of Us, Because We are Not Afraid o ...
Tom Loudon from our ally the Alliance for Responsible Trade, which is a member of the Hemispheric Social Alliance (a Grassroots International grantee) is currently in Honduras as part of an international human rights monitoring delegation. Today, August 11th, the Global Day of Action for Honduras, h ...
- On the Global Day of Action for Honduras, Donate y ...
Want to do something simple to help support Honduran democracy and keep the crisis in the public eye? Donate your status! It’s free, easy, and can make a huge impact. Right now, the corporate news media is mostly silent about what’s happening on the ground in Honduras and the role of US polic ...
- August 12, 2009
Oil Sands Test of Obama's Green Credentials (Financial Times) The Obama administration faces a test of its environmental credentials in deciding whether to approve a pipeline carrying greenhouse gas-intensive oil sands fuel from Canada into the US. Virginia Judge Nixes Permit for Coal Power Pla ...
- August 11, 2009
Alaska Lawmakers Override Palin Energy Veto (AP) In a final spat with former Gov. Sarah Palin, the Alaska Legislature voted to override her veto of $28.6 million in federal stimulus funds intended for energy efficiency projects. India Says Developing World Not Split in Climate Talks (Reuters) ...
- August 10, 2009
Vast Expanses of Arctic Ice Melt in Summer Heat (AP) The Arctic Ocean has given up tens of thousands more square miles of ice on Sunday in a relentless summer of melt, with scientists watching through satellite eyes for a possible record low polar ice cap. China to Unveil Plan for 'New Energy ...
- August 8-9, 2009
Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security (New York Times) Climate change will pose profound strategic challenges to the U.S., raising the prospect of military intervention to deal with the effects of violent storms, drought, mass migration and pandemics, military analysts have revealed. ...
- August 7, 2009
NY Governor Signs Order Setting Emissions Goal (Albany Times Union) New York Gov. David Paterson has signed an executive order that sets a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all statewide sources by 80 percent from 1990 levels by 2050. $2-Billion Infusion Coming to Cash for Clunkers ...
- Tomgram: Mark Engler, Protesting at Climate Groun ...
We're so past the Roman Empire by now that it's probably time to update the phrase "fiddling while Rome burns." What about, for instance, "writing fake letters ostensibly from real non-profit groups to weaken a climate-change bill while the planet burns"? It's true. According to the New York Ti ...
- Tomgram: Jamail and Lazare, Lost in Military Limb ...
[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: In Chalmers Johnson's recent piece, "Three Good Reasons to Liquidate Our Empire," the mission of the Service Women's Action Network (SWAN) was mischaracterized. It has now been corrected at the piece. ] It's not exactly a secret that the U.S. Army and the U.S. M ...
- Tomgram: John Feffer, Their Martyrs and Our Heroe ...
The way you imagine someone engaged in a suicide attack depends, not surprisingly, on which end of the attack you happen to be on -- in cultural, if not literal terms. In American films and pop culture, there were few acts more inexplicable or malevolent in the years of my childhood than those of ...
- Tomgram: Frida Berrigan, 64 Years Too Late and No ...
As another August 6th approaches, let me tell you a little story about Hiroshima and me: As a young man, I was probably not completely atypical in having the Bomb (the 1950s was a great time for capitalizing what was important) on my brain, and not just while I was ducking under my school desk ...
- Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, Dismantling the Empire
The Obama administration's plan to end production of the F-22 Raptor has received plenty of press coverage , but the Pentagon budget itself, even though it's again on the rise, hardly rates a bit of notice. In fact, amid the plethora of issues large and small -- from health care reform to Gates-g ...
Smirking Chimp
- The GOP Laff Riots
So, two cannibals are eating a clown and one cannibal turns to the other and says, "Does this taste funny to you?" I thought I'd open with some light humor before I turned to the current literal laff riots being funded and organized by right-wing GOP "revolutionaries" against all things Obama. Let m ...
- Decoding Health Care Reforms For Complete Idiots
Frankly it really pisses me off that I even have to waste our time discussing these non-issues. But, if you have one of these right wingnuts in your family or on your email list, send them this cheat sheet. The Advanced medical directive euthanasia trap - "Sign here and Die" Of course. Who could pos ...
- Man with a Gun Near Obama Rally - Hell No!
There is a man with a gun near an Obama rally. Here is the video. This is insane! Did you see his sign? "It Is Time to Water the Tree of Liberty." That is from this Jefferson quote : And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserv ...
- Palin's 'Death Panel' and GOP Lying
Indeed, to understand how the war against health-care reform is gaining traction, you must look back three decades to the dawn of this Republican era of pervasive deception. It was during the early Reagan administration that it hit me that falsifying reality was no longer an aberration for Repu ...
- 10 Good Questions for Obama or your Local Congress ...
1. If Canada's single-payer system is so god-awful, why have repeated Conservative governments at the provincial and national level in Canada never touched it? Canada is a democracy. If Canadians don't like their health care system, why haven't they gotten rid of it in 35 years? Since the system the ...
Ten Percent
- UK Approves International Certificate of Christian ...
While the temptation is to laugh, if this further confirmation of Bush’s biblical reasons for slaughtering the people of Iraq is true the consequences of these fundie cretins brainwashing their children are terrible indeed- Exams for which pupils are expected to believe that the Loch Ness monster ...
- Regime Sentences Suu Kyi Out Of Their Staged ‘El ...
Prior to the sentence there was some speculation there were disagreements amongst the military on whether to sentence her punitively or to follow their own laws, either way the purpose would be achieved, to remove her form running in the ‘elections’ the regime hope will change their image abroad ...
- Honour Among Thieves
Predictably the rapists, murderers and torturers profiteering off the Iraq war turn out to be falling upon each other like animals now the spoils are not so easy to come by and hide. Would it be wrong to start taking bets on Erik Prince dying by his own hand, being whacked by his colleagues or Chen ...
- Translating The Government On Torture
Dr Kim Howells, Labour chairman of the intelligence and security committee, told Today it would examine any claims of UK complicity in torture. “I can tell you that we found no evidence that there’s been collusion between the intelligence services, any government department and governments that ...
- Honey Trap, Extortion, Genocide & Terrorism
Just another day in Washington, Sibel Edmonds got to give her deposition. Turkey really hates the Armenian genocide being recognised, luckily politician’s love bribes and are hypocrites. Ok, that bit’s not so newsy.
Paul Krugman
- Will technology make workers obsolete?
Will technology make ordinary workers obsolete?
- Bernie Madoff and the birthers
The success of right-wing hate may represent a case of affinity fraud.
- Zen and the art of modern macroeconomics
The goal of much macroeconomics is to find perfect nothingness.
- Details, details
We've tried the experiment of having the White House occupied by someone with no intellectual curiosity whatsoever. How do you think that went?
- Concern trolls
Some people enjoy lecturing us on the need for tough action, but object to any actual proposal to act.
No Quarter
- He lied to you, Suckers!
Who fell for these words and voted for him? He played you like a violin, didn’t he? Would you vote for him again in 2012? Words and promises during the campaign were thrown around willy-nilly with no intention of following through them. It was all a masterful strategy to hoodwink and bamboozle th ...
- Obama Lets the Cat Out of the Bag
Yesterday President Obama stuck his foot in it. It was a gaffe worthy of Vice President Biden! But let your mind not be troubled. I don’t think he noticed. He seems to struggle with the first half of his message, but delivers big at the end. H/T to Hot Air [...]
- Crazy Pants: Why Do High-Profile Politicians Chea ...
Eliot Spitzer was my superhero. He cleaned up corruption, seemingly in a single bound. I was sure his impeccable ethics could eventually restore our democracy. He was decent and loyal to the higher road—at least from the neck up. We in the United States are particularly edgy about our polit ...
- Where Is the Compassion?
Caring for disabled children must be stressful for parents. While they worry about their own mortality as they age, they have the additional burden of worrying about the future of their children who completely depend on them. One such parent is Mike Sola, who lost his cool in a town hall meeting wit ...
- Deluded Environmental Groups Can’t Face “The M ...
Environmentalists Are Curiously Silent About Obama Doing Less Than Bush on Cleaning Toxic Waste Sites In Special Report’s daily Grapevine segment that covers hot political stories for the Fox News show, Bret Baier gives the stories his typical professional, succinct observations. The first story i ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Man Vs Alligator
- The British Man of War
- Meteor Showers!!!
- The Four Train Collision of 1891
- 5 Remotest Inhabited Tropical Islands
Foreign Policy in Focus
- The Bully in Baghdad
Politics has trumped democracy as Iraq just postponed a key vote on the status of U.S. forces in their country.
- Postcard From...Dharamsala
Dharamsala is where Tibet 2.0 is being created.
- Bill's Excellent Adventure
FPIF's weekly update.
- Inching toward Compromsie in the Middle East
To reach a peace settlement in the Middle East, the United States has to put pressure on Israel and reach out to Hamas.
- African Union Declaration Against the ICC Not What ...
Developments in the struggle for African justice are at once promising and disturbing.
Therapy News
- Multi-National Study Links Many Mental Health Conc ...
A GoodTherapy.org News Headline In the consideration of suicide, it’s a commonly held idea that those with symptoms of depression are most prone to thinking about suicide and exhibiting relevant behaviors. This may not be the case, however, as described by a recent study based on over one hundred ...
- Therapy for Smoking Cessation May Ward Off Dementi ...
A GoodTherapy.org News Update Smoking Cessation Therapies May Ward Off Dementia Cognitive decline is a serious mental health issue affecting a large number of aging people, and tends to strike for a variety of reasons, sometimes without much of any warning. As the progress of medical science marches ...
- Annual Conference for OCD Helps Clients Cope
A GoodTherapy.org News Headline While the effects, for both clients and their families, of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD can have far-reaching consequences that greatly impact elements of everyday life, many who grapple with the mental health concern remain untreated, even during the normal c ...
- Growing Awareness of Nutrition Sets to Foster Happ ...
A GoodTherapy.org News Update Check into a given health-related news portal these days and you’re likely to find a wealth of material about obesity. Calling the increasing number of people who grow up overweight an “epidemic,â€� some medical professionals and reporters have represented the ...
- Feedback in Marriage Counseling Reduces Divorce Ra ...
A GoodTherapy.org News Update Incorporating feedback, or responses from therapy clients, into psychotherapy sessions, has been shown to have a dramatically positive effect on the success of recovery and healing. But such studies have not included instances of marriage counseling, providing the inspi ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Federal Court Blocks Interior Department Attempt t ...
Washington, D.C. -- The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia today rejected an attempt by the Department of Interior to reverse the Bush Administration’s devastating last-minute weakening of the stream buffer zone rule, a key protection for waterways near mountaintop removal coal mines ...
- Judge rebuffs Obama administration on mining rule ...
A federal judge on Wednesday rebuffed the Obama administration's attempt to reverse a last-minute Bush-era rule that allows surface mine waste to be dumped near streams.
- UPDATE: Protest at DEP Ends in Four Arrests (WSAZ ...
Four people were arrested Tuesday after they chained themselves to the doors leading into the Department of Environmental Protection's building in Kanawha City.
- Obama EPA approves another mountaintop removal min ...
Read more in Coal Tattoo CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- The Obama administration late last week quietly approved one of six major mountaintop removal permits that were said to be undergoing close sc...
- Mountaintop Mine Dumping Approved by U.S. After Wa ...
By Jim Efstathiou Jr. Aug. 11 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. government approved Consol Energy Inc. ’s mountaintop-removal coal mine in West Virginia, over the objections of an environmental group.
- Sanford: It's 'hard' living alone in governor's ma ...
Peter Hamby / CNN : Sanford: It's ‘hard’ living alone in governor's mansion — (CNN) - South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford opened up about the state of his family on Wednesday — the first time he has done so since his wife, Jenny, moved out of the governor's mansion last week. — Ask ...
- Grassley Endorses "Death Panel" Rumor: "You Have E ...
The Huffington Post : Grassley Endorses “Death Panel” Rumor: “You Have Every Right To Fear” — One of the three Republican senators working on a bipartisan health care bill perpetuated a particularly outrageous untruth about the legislation on Wednesday. — Appearing at a town ha ...
- Birthers: Ignorance is No Excuse (Eugene Debs/The ...
Eugene Debs / The New Majority : Birthers: Ignorance is No Excuse — According to Public Policy Polling (PPP), a North Carolina polling firm, only 24% of self-identified Republican voters in the state believe Barack Obama was born in the United States. 47% do not believe that Obama is Ameri ...
- A President as Micromanager (Wall Street Journal)
Wall Street Journal : A President as Micromanager — WASHINGTON — In briefing President Barack Obama one day this spring, White House economist Jared Bernstein delved into such arcana as the yields on different forms of credit relative to the risk. Later, Paul Volcker pulled Mr. Bernstei ...
- Murkowski: Don't tell lies about the health-care r ...
Lisa Demer / Anchorage Daily News : Murkowski: Don't tell lies about the health-care reform bill — HOT TOPIC: Some things in the legislation are already bad enough, she says at civic center. — ldemer@adn.com — U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski on Tuesday told an Anchorage crowd that crit ...
Energy & Environment News
- PCB Shift Forces G.E. to Suspend Hudson River Dred ...
Water samples showed that chemicals from the cleanup had traveled several miles downstream.
- Turkey and Russia Conclude Energy Deals
Turkey has agreed to offer Russia the use of its territorial waters in constructing a gas pipeline under the Black Sea, a move that will help Moscow maintain its energy dominance in Europe.
- New Battle on Vieques, Over Navy’s Cleanup ...
As the Navy cleans its former training grounds in Vieques, P.R., residents worry about the safety of its methods.
- Climate Bill Is Threatened by Senators
The senators, from Midwestern and coal-producing states, warn in a letter that new climate legislation must protect domestic manufacturing.
- China’s Trash Incinerators Loom as a Global ...
Running out of space in its landfills, China is racing to build incinerators that have become a growing source of toxic emissions.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 6.7, Izu Islands, Japan region
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 22:48:51 UTC Thursday, August 13, 2009 07:48:51 AM at epicenter Depth : 51.00 km (31.69 mi)
- M 5.6, Mindanao, Philippines
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 20:04:25 UTC Thursday, August 13, 2009 04:04:25 AM at epicenter Depth : 95.00 km (59.03 mi)
- M 5.5, Catamarca, Argentina
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 18:00:51 UTC Wednesday, August 12, 2009 03:00:51 PM at epicenter Depth : 156.10 km (97.00 mi)
- M 5.5, South Sandwich Islands region
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 14:50:16 UTC Wednesday, August 12, 2009 12:50:16 PM at epicenter Depth : 53.40 km (33.18 mi)
- M 5.4, Myanmar-India border region
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 21:43:48 UTC Wednesday, August 12, 2009 04:13:48 AM at epicenter Depth : 102.10 km (63.44 mi)
China Dialogue
- Beginning of the end for oil?
Greenpeace and others see the industry approaching a tipping point, thanks to price declines, technological advances and climate policies. Controversial investments in Canadian tar sands may be doomed. David Teather reports. A long-term decline in the demand for oil could undermine the huge investme ...
- Solar futures at the foot of Everest
Passive solar homes could help to improve people’s daily lives and protect the environment on the Tibetan plateau, finds Cai Rupeng. The summer had only just started, but village elder Yuzhen was already looking forward to winter. Standing in front of her home in Tingri , Tibet, one looks up and s ...
- Leading the swine-flu battle
WHO director Margaret Chan announced in June that a new virus had reached pandemic proportions. She tells Aida Edemariam how H1N1 is being fought and of the personal price she pays. Although she would no doubt point out that swine flu should properly be called H1N1, there is something pleasing in th ...
- “I openly call for emissions cuts” (2)
In the second section of a two-part interview, Liu Jianqiang and Yi Shui talk to Hu Angang about how China’s climate-change policy is formed, and how it can change. [Produced in association with Rutgers Climate and Social Policy Initiative ] chinadialogue: Many Chinese people who oppose a comm ...
- “I openly call for emissions cuts” (1)
He is one of the country’s best known economists, and a rare voice in calling on China to commit to reductions in greenhouse-gas pollution. Liu Jianqiang and Yi Shui talk to Hu Angang. [Produced in association with Rutgers Climate and Social Policy Initiative ] The publication of Hu Angang’s ...
Daily Censored
- After latest sentence, Germans eager for Nazi tria ...
Read the full story at Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories Former officer Josef Scheungraber will face life in prison, a court ruled Tuesday. The next trial, of John Demjanjuk, may be the last for Nazi crimes in Germany. …
- Will Clinton push Nigeria on corruption?
Read the full story at Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories During her visit today, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is expected to say that stronger relations with the US will depend on better, cleaner governance. …
- Beck Exploits His Special Needs Daughter to Furthe ...
Read the full story at News Hounds Guest Blogged by Jonathan One thing I’ve come to notice while watching Glenn Beck is that the man is always trying to find new ways to go one better and one step lower in order to whip up his audience, be it with over the top rants , making insensitive [...]
- Beck Loses Three More Advertisers Over “Obama Ra ...
Read the full story at News Hounds Guest Blogged by Jonathan As you know, the civil rights group ColorOfChange.org has begun a campaign calling for its members to write to the companies who advertise on Glenn Beck’s show on Fox News. This was brought on when Beck infamously suggested on the July 2 ...
- Beck Exploits His Special Needs Daughter to Furthe ...
Read the full story at News Hounds Guest Blogged by Jonathan One thing I’ve come to notice while watching Glenn Beck is that the man is always trying to find new ways to go one better and one step lower in order to whip up his audience, be it with over the top rants , making insensitive [...]
AlterNet's Breaking News
- 43 Philippine soldiers, militants killed in clash
- US youth convicted of supporting terror groups
- Facebook testing Twitter-like "Lite" ver ...
- PGA stars set to tee it up on longest course in ma ...
- Obama honors Tutu, Hawking, Poitier, Robinson
Institute for Policy Studies
- Their Martyrs and Our Heroes
Powerful, developed countries have suicide bombers too.
- Taxing Wealth for the Common Good
Business leaders and wealthy individuals call for a repeal of the Bush-era taxes on high incomes.
- The Destruction of the Black Middle Class
Left out of the commentary on race and class over the Gates affair has been talk of the increasing impoverishment — or, we should say, re-impoverishment — of African Americans as a group.
- Asia's Axis of Evil?
Burma and North Korea are the pariahs of Asia. Are these birds of a feather flocking together?
- Obama: Renegotiate NAFTA as You Promised
Mexican, Canadian, and U.S. leaders should scrap their failed "Security and Prosperity Partnership" and begin overhauling the North American Free Trade agreement at an upcoming Guadalajara meeting.
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- U.S. healthcare town halls: Anger, fear and lunacy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The sound and fury at U.S. "town hall" meetings on healthcare reform have revealed as much about conservative fears of President Barack Obama as about health issues -- and in the end might have little significance in the broader debate.
- No way to hide for U.S. tax cheats after UBS deal
ZURICH (Reuters) - The days of secret bank accounts are numbered for U.S. taxpayers and European tax dodgers should also watch out after the United States and Swiss bank UBS AG agreed to settle a tax evasion case.
- Microsoft ordered to pay over $290 million in pate ...
(Reuters) - A U.S. federal court ruled that Microsoft Corp would have to pay more than $290 million in damages to Canadian software firm i4i Ltd for infringing a patent.
- UBS, U.S. settle tax evasion case
MIAMI (Reuters) - UBS AG and the U.S. and Swiss governments have agreed to settle a dispute over whether the Swiss bank should be forced to disclose the names of 52,000 wealthy American clients suspected of tax evasion.
- Bride spends first night with crate of vodka
BERLIN (Reuters) - A bride in Germany spent her wedding night passed out next to a crate of vodka in the back seat of a car and had to be rescued by police when the BMW began to overheat in the sun.
- Editing your Life: The Spiritual Discipline of Edi ...
I am sitting in Sydney on a beautiful but crisp winter’s morning watching the rainbow lorikeets out in the trees. Â My Dad’s funeral is over and I will head back to Seattle in 2 days time. Â I have been very aware of prayer and the grace of God in the midst of this. Â Thanks to [...]
- Living in Transition as Spiritual Practice
I am now in Sydney Australia after what has been one of the easiest long international trips I have made for a long time. Â I even slept for several hours on the flight which makes me very aware of the fact that people have been praying for me. Today’s article comes from Guy Chmieleski who is [. ...
- Recent Additions to the Spiritual Practices series
Here’s the round-up of the most recent Spiritual Practices posts: The Spiritual Practice of Apologizing by T Freeman Love-making as a Spiritual Practice by Mark Scandrette Smoking the Glory of God by Jason Clark The Spiritual Practice of Getting Honest With Myself by Jonathan Brink Spiritual Disci ...
- Between the Sheets: Sleeping as A Spiritual Practi ...
I will be heading out to Australia this afternoon but am hoping to continue posting while I travel. Â The submissions continue to arrive which is wonderful and I am enjoying reading them before I post them. This morning’s post is from Teri Peterson a presbyterian pastor who loves her new bed (wh ...
- Driving as Spiritual Practice
The weather has cooled down considerably here in Seattle and everyone feels that things are back to normal. Â A little rain would be appreciated – yes we do have days and in this case months without rain in the Pacific NW. Â The garden is flourishing but definitely crying out for a good soakin ...
Equality Trust
- Shattering the myth of equality
An article by Boris Frankel in Melbourne's newspaper 'The Age'.
- Polly Toynbee: This bold equality push is just wha ...
Polly Toynbee writing about the new Equality Bill today's Guardian. "Harriet Harman's bill is a frank recognition of the role of class in Britain. A decade earlier, it might have had a real impact..."
- Seumas Milne: This naked display of class egotism ...
"It's more than a week since Alistair Darling's budget, but the howls of protest haven't stopped for a day ever since. That's not been the public sector employees facing a harsh squeeze on jobs and pay who've been squealing, or the million workers expected to join the dole queues in the next year, ...
- Bob Holman on social breakdown
Bob Holman writes in the Glasgow Herald about the evidence in The Spirit Level.
- Inequality is the root of our unhappiness
Former director of the Institute of Education Peter Mortimore, writing in today's Education Guardian.
- News you may have missed #0066
US court upholds conviction of CIA contractor. US ex-Attorney General comes out against CIA probe. A rare Chinese view on the Rio Tinto spy case.
- Does this satellite image show a Burmese nuclear f ...
Amateur satellite imagery observers say they have discovered a suspicious structure deep inside Burma’s thick jungle, which may be part of Rangoon’s rumored secret nuclear military program.
- Mysterious “CIA spy in Iran” calls for stronge ...
A mysterious CIA informant, who claims he was a double agent inside the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the 1980s, has called for “a strong Western hand” against the Iranian government.
- News you may have missed #0057
CIA, Mossad, promoting Christian evangelism in Iraq, say Iranians. India says Pakistani intelligence smuggling counterfeit currency. Building plans show magnitude of proposed NSA building.
- Intelligence sources speak of clashes between riva ...
Exactly one week after Pakistani officials announced the assassination of Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud, there are unconfirmed reports of serious clashes between rival armed factions in Pakistan’s tribal areas.
- Too Many Canadians Without Safe Water: $5.2M to He ...
For six million Canadians, quenching their thirst isn’t a matter of simply turning on the kitchen faucet.
- Dr. David Wilkinson appointed Director of the Clea ...
RES'EAU-WaterNET researcher Dr. David Wilkinson was recently appointed Director of the Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC), beginning July 1, 2009.
- Walkerton Clean Water Centre Receives Ontario Mini ...
The Walkerton Clean Water Centre (WCWC) – a RES’EAU-WaterNET partner – received the 2008 Emerald Award for innovation from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment at an awards ceremony held on March 3, 2009.
- Filling the glass
Innovation Canada : Showcasing Research Excellence in Canada
- A Progressive Response to Mitch Stewart & OFA
Dear Mitch Stewart & OFA, I am glad you are still Organizing for America — we need the activated grassroots energy that swept Mr. Obama into office to keep things moving forward. But I have ...
- Progressive Democrats take a stand on health care
From the RNN: The Real News Network Some members of Congress are going to fight for a robust public option and a single-payer amendment VIDEO CAN BE VIEWED BY CLICKING HERE An amendment introduced by representative Anthony ...
- Who Decides About War?
WhoDecidesAboutWar.org National Conference on War Powers, Law, and Democracy October 2-3, 2009 Washington D.C. Who decides about war and peace? Congress? The President? The Courts? The People? What kind of national defense should the U.S. have? What ...
- Another Scandal Near New Orleans
By Jayne Lyn Stahl There have been no shortage of news stories about how detainees have been treated at Guantanamo Bay, and Abu Ghraib before it. Likewise, there has been a lot of talk about so-called ...
- CDPP Report for August 2009
CDPP report, August 2009, Mervis Reissig and Anna Givens Two of us have volunteered to continue working with the Congressional District Point Person program for PDA. As CD Point People ourselves and longtime volunteers for ...
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