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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Aug 26 - Global Research.ca

Global Research.ca

August 26, 2009 The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic
The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2009-08-25
A Worldwide public health emergency is unfolding, 4.9 billion doses of H1N1 swine flu vaccine are envisaged by the WHO.
Global War and Dying Democracy: The Revolution of the Elites
- by Andrew Gavin Marshall - 2009-08-19
We are entering into an era in which the institutions and image of democracy are in retreat. The slide into totalitarianism seems inevitable.
Caucasus: The War That Was, The World War That Might Have Been
- by Rick Rozoff - 2009-08-15
Politicizing Ethnicity: US Plan to Repeat Yugoslav Scenario in Caucasus
The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War
- by Prof. Peter Dale Scott - 2009-08-11
The provision of private entrepreneurial violence and intelligence

- 2009-09-08
Award Winning Movie: "SUPERPOWER":
Interview with Filmmaker on RBN this Thursday!
- by Barbara-Anne Steegmuller - 2009-09-08
America's "War on Terrorism"
Book by Michel Chossudovsky
- 2009-09-07

Rima Laibow, Francis Boyle, Edward Herman, Robert Abele on The Global Research News Hour on RBN
Program Details, Aug. 24-28
- 2009-08-28

Iranian Sunni rebel confesses U.S. role in terror plots inside Iran
- 2009-08-26
United Kingdom: Half of GPs refuse swine flu vaccine over testing fears
- 2009-08-25
VIDEO; Compulsory Vaccination in America?
$1000 Per Day Fine & 30 Days In Jail For Refusing the Swine Flu Vaccine In Massachusetts
- 2009-08-24

Israel wants Swedish apology over “organ trade”
- 2009-08-24

Murdering Palestinians for their organs: "All facts on the ground prove Swedish report correct"
- by Saed Bannoura - 2009-08-23

Children Who Get the Flu Vaccine Have Three Times Risk Of Hospitalization For Flu, Study Suggests
- 2009-08-21

Both Karzai and Abdullah claim victory
- 2009-08-21
Tamiflu: Swine flu drug increases stroke risk
- 2009-08-20

McCain calls for more US troops in Afghanistan
- by Nahal Toosi - 2009-08-19
British Nurses refuse to have the swine flu vaccination
- by Daniel Martin - 2009-08-18

Canada flies NATO flag in arctic showdown
- 2009-08-18

Monsanto's Man in the Obama Administration
The Return of Michael Taylor
- by Isabella Kenfield - 2009-08-18

Mandelson met Gaddafi's son at Rothschild villa before Lockerbie bomber move
- by Jim Pickard - 2009-08-18

US Threats: "Prepare for war:" Chavez
- 2009-08-18

Obama: Afghan war secures America
- 2009-08-18
Honduras: Zelaya taken to U.S. air base during kidnapping
- by Diana Barahona - 2009-08-18

Vaccine spreading polio in Nigeria, health officials warn
- 2009-08-17

Ingush leader accuses West of seeking to destabilize Caucasus
- 2009-08-17

No-warrant terrorism raids proposed
- 2009-08-17

Who is funding the Afghan Taliban? You don’t want to know
- by Jean MacKenzie - 2009-08-17

The brutal truth about America’s healthcare
- by Guy Adams - 2009-08-17
German health expert's swine flu warning. Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer?
- 2009-08-16

Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma
- by Ryan Grim - 2009-08-16

Swine Flu Vaccine Linked to Deadly Nerve Disease
- by Jo Macfarlane - 2009-08-16

Dubai, New Destination on Trafficking Map
- by Claudia Ciobanu - 2009-08-16
Spy bug takes flight, wins more Pentagon money
- 2009-08-14

Study: Global warming bill could cost 2.4 million jobs, $1,250 per household
- by Mike Sunnucks - 2009-08-14

Troop rise in Afghanistan still option for US: Gates
- 2009-08-14

Colombia: US Continues Mammoth Global Military Presence
- 2009-08-14

Netanyahu behind Obama birth rumors: Report
- 2009-08-13

Iran proposes measure against nuclear facility attacks
- 2009-08-13

Britain's Big Brother: A request to snoop on public every 60 secs
- by Tom Whitehead, James Kirkup - 2009-08-13

2005 Report: Japan Links Tamiflu to Sudden Deaths in Children
- 2009-08-13

Latin American Leaders oppose US Military Interference
UNASUR Seeks to Boost Regional Integration
- 2009-08-12

4,000 agents to guard North American summit
- 2009-08-11

Homeless people die after bird flu vaccine trial in Poland
- by Matthew Day - 2009-08-11

Do Seed Companies Control GM Crop Research?
Scientists must ask corporations for permission before publishing independent research on genetically modified crops
- 2009-08-11

Obama Eyes Military-civilian terror prison
- 2009-08-11

GDF Suez unit gets EU approval to take water firms
- 2009-08-11

Fiscal ruin of the Western world beckons
For a glimpse of what awaits Britain, Europe, and America, look at what is happening to Ireland
- by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard - 2009-08-11

Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to European Labs by Error
- 2009-08-10

US Unemployment rate already at 20%
- by Anthony Mirhaydari - 2009-08-07

“Saakashvili preparing for another war” – deserted Georgian soldier
- 2009-08-07

Clinton in Africa: Promoting US corporate interests
- by Firoze Manji - 2009-08-07

Turning the US army against Americans
An antiwar activist has been accused of spying for the US army, raising legal questions the Obama administration must answer
- by Dan Kennedy - 2009-08-07

Rights go out the window to create a seamless 2010 Olympics Circus
Proposed Vancouver city bylaw against protest during Winter Olympics
- by Daphne Bramham - 2009-08-07

Lying about Iraq made me quit, press officer claims
- by Kim Sengupta - 2009-08-07

Barak hints at another war with Lebanon
- 2009-08-07

India, US planned to carry out an "anti-China campaign" through Nepal: Prachanda
- 2009-08-07

Security Prosperity Partnership Leadership Summit August 9th and 10th.
- by Paul Manly - 2009-08-07
Armenia: Georgia's Defeat Prevented Wider Caucasus War
- 2009-08-07

World at Risk of 'Double Dip Recession'
- by Stephen Long - 2009-08-07

Chavez: Venezuela to buy more tanks over US threat
- by Fabiola Sanchez - 2009-08-06
Tories want to give Bank of England greater powers over Britain's financial system
- by Louise Armistead, Edmund Conway - 2009-08-06

Paulson reveals US concerns of breakdown in law and order
- by Stephen Foley - 2009-08-06

Bank of America operating under secret regulatory sanction: report
- 2009-08-06

Feature Articles

The Rising Tide of Unemployment in America
How Bad Will It Get, And What Can We Do?
- by Washington's Blog - 2009-08-26
"Charity in Truth.": Pope Benedict XVI on Economics
- by Richard C. Cook - 2009-08-26
Growing Poverty and Despair in America
- by Stephen Lendman - 2009-08-26
“Liberation’s” Legal Limbo
- by Felicity Arbuthnot - 2009-08-26

CIA Involvement: Police chief: Lockerbie evidence was faked
CIA planted tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people
- by Marcello Mega - 2009-08-25

How American Health Care Killed My Father
- by David Goldhill - 2009-08-25
The Responsibility to Protect, the International Criminal Court, and Foreign Policy in Focus
- by Edward S. Herman , David Peterson - 2009-08-25
AFRICOM: The Pentagon's First Direct Military Intervention In Africa
- by Rick Rozoff - 2009-08-25

The “Populist Revolt” against the Obama Administration’s Health Care Proposals
- by Richard C. Cook - 2009-08-24

Crisis of Solvency or "Double-dip Recession"
- by Washington's blog - 2009-08-24

War to escalate after Afghan election
- by James Cogan - 2009-08-24

Iraqi Natural Gas by Pipeline to Western Europe
Nabucco not to have filling up problems
- 2009-08-24

"Food Standards Guidelines" Threaten Human Health
Codex Alimentarius (CA) serves corporate interests
- by Stephen Lendman - 2009-08-24
Gloom Versus Optimism: Is the Global Economic Recession Over?
- by Shamus Cooke - 2009-08-24
"BioSecurity": The Policies of Secrecy and Deceit
Meet Homeland Security's New Bioterror Czarina
- by Tom Burghardt - 2009-08-24
Gross National Product (GNP): How is it Calculated? What does it Measure?
- by Prof. John Kozy - 2009-08-24

H1N1 October surprise prevention
- by Deborah Dupre - 2009-08-22

Blackwater: CIA Assassins?
- by Jeremy Scahill - 2009-08-22
Fake Homeland Security Terror Alerts during Bush Adminstration
Tom Ridge's Revelations Vindicate "Unserious" Terror Alert Skeptics
- by Jason Linkins - 2009-08-22
Afghans "Sandwiched" between Taliban and US-NATO backed Warlords
Malalai Joya’s "Raising My Voice"
- by Julien Mercille - 2009-08-22
AFRICOM: Western Self-Serving Interests or African Security?
- by Paul I. Adujie - 2009-08-22
Pentagon Plans For Global Military Supremacy
U.S., NATO Could Deploy Mobile Missiles Launchers To Europe
- by Rick Rozoff - 2009-08-22
Drones and Democracy in Afghanistan
- by Ramzy Baroud - 2009-08-21

Lockerbie and Kafka's Labyrinth
- by Michael Carmichael - 2009-08-21

Searching for the Depression and Finding It
Economic Stress Is Hidden, But It’s There in a Recovery That Isn’t.
- by Danny Schechter - 2009-08-21
The US War against Iraq: The Destruction of a Civilization
- by James Petras - 2009-08-21
The vaccines are far more deadly than the swine flu
- by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho , Prof. Joe Cummins - 2009-08-21

The Obstacles to Real Health Care Reform: Private Insurers and Big Pharma
- by Stephen Lendman - 2009-08-21

America’s Death Squads Inc.
- by Bill Van Auken - 2009-08-21

Terror Plot Emerges as Secret Service Game
- by Julio Godoy - 2009-08-21

Honduras: Military Coup Engineered By Two US Companies?
- by John Perkins - 2009-08-21

AFGHANISTAN: Karzai and Warlords Mount Massive Vote Fraud Scheme
- by Gareth Porter - 2009-08-21

Economic recovery in Europe: Rhetoric and reality
- by Ulrich Rippert - 2009-08-20

Mark-to-Market Accounting Essential, According to Nobel Prize Economists
- by Alex Floum - 2009-08-20
What's the Danger of Swine Flu Vaccinations?
- by Dr. Anders Bruun Laursen - 2009-08-20
Militarization of Swine Flu Preparations
- by Alex Newman - 2009-08-20
Obama’s Unspoken Trade-Off: Dead US/NATO Occupation Troops versus Dead Afghan Civilians?
- by Marc W. Herold - 2009-08-20

Congress Shirks its Responsibility, Allows White House to Make Wars
- by Sherwood Ross - 2009-08-20

Weimar Germany's Hyperinflation Was Nothing Compared to Other Countries
- by Washington's Blog - 2009-08-20

Fake Elections Won’t Bring Peace to Afghanistan
- by Eric Margolis - 2009-08-20
Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Government is Planning Mass Graves in Case of H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2009-08-19
Showdown with Russia and China: U.S. Advances First Strike Global Missile Shield System
- by Rick Rozoff - 2009-08-19

Bank Failures in the United States
Market Review
- by Bob Chapman - 2009-08-19

Top US general visits Uzbekistan for security talks
- 2009-08-19

US Turns Blind Eye to Israel's New Separation Policy
Israel welcomes American Jewish "settlers", bars Palestinian-Americans
- by Jonathan Cook - 2009-08-19

The City That Ended Hunger
- by Frances Moore Lappé - 2009-08-19

Health Care in America: The Masquerade is Over!
- by Rep. Dennis Kucinich - 2009-08-19

Decline of America's Empire
Global Depression and Regional Wars - Reviewing James Petras' New Book: Part II
- by Stephen Lendman - 2009-08-19

Russia and Georgia: Caucasian calculus
- by Eric Walberg - 2009-08-18
Pandemic Vaccination - Why You Should Be Concerned
- by Dr. A. True Ott - 2009-08-18
The Secrets of China's Economy: The Government Owns the Banks rather than the Reverse
- by Ellen Brown - 2009-08-18

It’s Official: Healthcare Reform is Dead
- by Shamus Cooke - 2009-08-18
The U.S. Dollar Bull Market
- by Nadeem Walayat - 2009-08-18

Hillary Clinton seeks to strengthen US imperialism’s position in Africa
- by Ann Talbot - 2009-08-17

What Actually Happened in Fatah's Elections?
CIA-Trained Security Chiefs Elected to the Palestinian Leadership
- by Esam El-Amin - 2009-08-17
Losing the Plot – Britain’s losses in Afghanistan
- by Lesley Docksey - 2009-08-17
America's Warfare State
Lining the pockets of Pentagon contractors
- by Sherwood Ross - 2009-08-17
The Second Wave of The Depression: Hyperinflation is Likely
- by Webster Tarpley - 2009-08-17
Recovering from Neoliberal Disaster
Why Iceland and Latvia Won’t (and Can’t) Pay the EU for the Kleptocrats’ Ripoffs
- by Prof. Michael Hudson - 2009-08-17
Reinventing No Child Left Behind
- by Stephen Lendman - 2009-08-17