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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

15 Aug - Dysfunction Junction

Egypt says no GM food exports or imports: agency

Any agricultural imports to Egypt must have a certificate from the country of origin that the product is not genetically modified and the rule will also apply to Egyptian exports, the official news agency said on Wednesday.

Group faults UK's £100m support for GM crops in Africa

The breakdown of the funding, ERA/FoEN explained, shows that bio-fortified crops, containing so-called added vitamins, will receive £80 million of development money, while £60 million will go into researching drought-resistant maize for Africa, while pest resistance will be funded to the tune of £24 million.

Reacting to the development in a statement issued in Lagos Monday, ERA/FoEN depicted the gesture as an "attempt to control, colonise and contaminate food supply under the guise of helping the Africa continent.

The group added that the white paper avoids the terms "genetically modified" even when scientists and development experts were clear that much of the money would be spent on GM crops.

ERA/FoEN Executive Director, Nnimmo Bassey said: "It is extremely ridiculous that the British government overlooked contentious issues such as under-investment in African solutions to hunger, lack of infrastructure and extension services in rural communities and only narrowed our hunger challenge to yields and so-called vitamins. It is shocking that the British government would believe the claims of biotech industry to GMOs yield better than organic or conventional varieties at a time when empirical evidence has shown that such claims are not true."



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The Guardian Web Poll
Do you believe the amnesty terms, notably monetary incentives, offered to militants in the Niger Delta by the Federal Government will effectively halt youth restiveness and violence in the region?


CBN Sacks Five Bank MDs, Directors
By Enitar Ugwu, Bukky Olajide, Adeyemi Adepetun and Helen Oji
AT last the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has wielded the big stick. In one fell swoop, managing directors and chief executive officers of five banks along with their executive directors, were sacked by the apex bank yesterday.

NNPC seeks enactment of anti-vandalism law -140809

IMF to inject $250b into members' coffers -140809

Oil prices rise above $71 as IEA boosts demand outlook -140809

Ghana's central bank chief may quit next month -140809

Of Golden Eaglets And Another Over-Aged Controversy

The Golden Eaglets Must Win With Integrity!

On historic day for Men's tennis, Clijster shines in Cincinnati
In Enugu, new taxis create crimes, not jobs -140809
Capital Market
Indices, volume plunge further on the Exchange -140809

To the barracks, all ye policemen! -130809
Planners, in Ikeja model city memo, seek Police College relocation -100809

Why African Union endorsed a new land policy, by UNHABITAT -100809

Energy Report
Indigenous firms seek 20 per cent share of Nigeria's oil production capacity -120809

Govt, shareholders raise hope on OKLNG project -120809
NCC canvasses fibre without borders for African connectivity -120809

Omatek, others partner OAU for solutions to cushion economic meltdown -120809

Money Watch
CBN and the ethical banking crusade -120809

Protein structures revealed at record pace -130809

Insurance awareness campaign may refocus on classes of risk business in industry -130809
Business Travels
Repositioning Nigerian carriers for the American challenge -140809

Journalists are the least celebrated professionals in Nigeria, says Nwandu -100809
Absence of proper investigations before trial no excuse for extra-judicial killings -110809

Natural Health
Beetroot juice 'boosts stamina' -130809
Industry Watch
Jebba Paper Mills bounces back, operators seek favourable govt policies -120809

Union seeks abolition of nuclear weapons proliferation -130809
Mended, and with faith, the amnesty can still be steered to safe anchor -140809

Experienced academics in short supply, UNIOSUN VC admits -130809
Friday Review
Awolowo institute in Lekki...for innovative thinking, youth empowerment -140809

Maritime Watch
Nigeria Customs stinks, moves to immunise self against corruption -120809
Sunday Magazine
State Of Insecurity: Tall Dream In A State Of Lawlessness -090809

Saturday Magazine
'The Agreement Does Not Yet Exist: What Exists Is A Provisional Draft'
Ecumenical Center
Nigeria Prays Set To Hold One-Day Prayer Rally In Lagos -090809

Friday Worship

How Kalu Planned to Defect to PDP, By Ohakim
By Onyedika Agbedo
IMO State Governor Ikedi Ohakim has faulted claims by the former Abia State governor and presidential flag bearer of the Progressive Peoples Alliance (PPA) in the 2007 elections, Chief Orji Uzor Kalu that he was not aware of his plans to defect from the party.

Boko Haram Threatens To Attack Lagos, Claims Link To al-Queda
From Kamal Tayo Oropo, Samson Ezea, Onyedika Agbedo (Lagos) and Njadvara Musa (Damaturu)
TWO weeks after the crackdown on the extremist Islamic sect Boko Haram, the group regained its voice yesterday, threatening to cause more violence with the southern part of the country as its major target.

INEC Finds Ballot Papers Without Serial Numbers In Ekiti
From Ifedayo Sayo, Ado-Ekiti and Iyabo Lawal, Ibadan
THE Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) yesterday declared that it had discovered that some of the ballot papers meant for today's rerun election in Ekiti North Senatorial District did not carry serial numbers.


Scottish govt denies plan to free Lockerbie bomber -140809
SCOTLAND has denied reports by two British broadcasters that Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, would likely be freed from prison on compassionate grounds.

Zoellick lauds Rwanda on reforms, pledges aid assistance -140809
WORLD Bank President Robert Zoellick has pledged further aid to Rwanda to speed up development after being ripped apart by genocide.

Taiwanese villagers in droves, flee swollen burst lake -140809
HUNDREDS of Taiwanese villagers yesterday fled their homes minutes before a flood-created lake burst, as the military deployed thousands more troops to rescue and deliver supplies to survivors from remote villages devastated during last weekend's typhoon.

Scores die as Philippines, Pakistan's troops battle militants -140809
ABOUT 66 people have been reportedly killed in two separate clashes involving Philippines troops, al-Qaeda-linked militants, Pakistani forces and Taliban insurgents.
'I Don't Have Any Problem With My Party'
By Samson Ezea
Governor Theodore Orji of Abia State speaks on alleged pressures on him to return to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and security situation in the state. ARTS
Africa Must Partner To Correct Marginalisation, says Johnetta Cole
SINCE the beginning of the year the National Museum, Lagos has been in the centre of intense efforts to reposition it to play its pivotal role of showcasing Nigeria's rich cultural heritage to the world. Such recent efforts saw the director of the National Museum of African Art at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, US, Dr.

Tandja: Niger's sit-tight ruler -140809
THE just-concluded referendum in Niger Republic shamelessly stage-managed by President Mamadou Tandja is a grave violation of core democratic values and principles and a betrayal of the people of that country. Ta

Left in Alabama

What would North Alabama give up to kill health care reform?

Rep. Parker Griffith has made no secret of his opposition to the current health care reform bill. This has frustrated his progressive and Democratic supporters, but the conservatives and reactionaries in the district are lapping up the NO with a spoon. My question is, what are these conservatives willing to give up in the way of federal funding and federal jobs for the pleasure of having their Congressman figuratively poke the President in the eye with a sharp stick on health care reform?

Here are a few recent news stories that make it clear the pipeline of federal dollars to North Alabama is in danger of drying up:

Griffith votes against Defense Appropriations Bill

Obama panel says NASA moon plan too ambitious

The Human Space Flight Plans Committee, appointed by President Barack Obama and headed by retired aerospace executive Norman Augustine, has been trying to stitch together some kind of plausible strategy for America's manned space program. The panel has struggled to find options that stay under the current budget and include missions worthy of the cost and effort.


Some options include pulling the plug on the Ares I rocket that NASA has been building for four years. The Ares I is supposed to replace the space shuttle, the final flight of which is slated for late 2010. Billions have already been spent on the rocket, which is scheduled for an inaugural test flight this month.

So, North Alabama, what are Ares and Missile Defense worth to you? Parker Griffith might be able to leverage support for a compromise health care reform bill to secure funding for these federal programs -- and federal jobs -- critical to the local economy. Is a public insurance option really so bad that you would give up NASA and Missile Command jobs to stymie it? Because, if Griffith isn't there for President Obama on health care, do you expect Obama will be going to bat for North Alabama on the NASA budget or the defense appropriations? I don't.

Goat Hill News

Atlanta Strikes Back In Water Wars

“We were led to believe that Alabama Power was heavily involved in influencing the negotiations and the outcome of them. I still believe that."
“When we found this out, I just rolled my eyes and thought, ‘There has to be somebody that doesn’t have these conflicts of interest and that would be able to work these negotiations,’ ” said Sara Barczak of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.

CounterPunch Diary

Health Plans and Death Plans By ALEXANDER COCKBURN

"Medicine is nothing but a social science. Politics is nothing but medicine on a large scale."

--Rudolf Virchow, reflecting on the revolutions of 1848 in Europe.

The first illusion to chase off the stage is that the great debate here has much to do with health. So far, as public health is concerned, many of the biggest battles were fought and won a hundred years ago, at the end of the nineteenth century, with better nutrition, birth control, the change from wool to cotton clothing, the introduction of modern sanitation in the urban environment and – most important – clean water.

.................................Health in America is class-based, naturally. The poor die sooner, starting with black men who tend to drop dead in their middle 60s, usually from stress and diseases consequent on diet. The better-off folk drink less than they did in the 1950s, take a bit more exercise, and sometimes live longer. The poor get fatter and fatter. A real health plan would start with public executions of the top thousand CEOs and owners of the major food companies and fast food franchises. It would continue with serious penalties for health workers not washing their hands or merely holding them under the tap without using soap.

Mostly shunned in all this are the major causes of modern disease, which are environmental. Between 70 and 90 per cent of all cancer is environmental in origin. Heart disease and stroke – the largest killers today – are largely caused by hypertension and stress, which are derived from social conditions.

America is very efficient in promulgating Death Plans –- tobacco, sugar additives, excessive salt, nitrous oxides out of power plant chimneys, nuclear testing in the 1950s, industrial accidents, speed-up at work and lengthening of the working day, rush-hour traffic – launched in the hope of making a buck and protected fiercely until, very occasionally, the mountain of corpses gets too high to be occluded by even the most refined techniques of the PR industry and the most lavish contributions to politicians. Thus it was with tobacco.....................The neoliberal attack on regulations has been a health catastrophe.

Because of under-reporting, the number of injured workers every year is likely closer to 12 million than the official 4 million. The 50,000 to 60,000 who die from occupational diseases each year cannot be a hard estimate; cancer, for instance, doesn’t usually come with a pedigree.......The radical reformers argue for a national insurance scheme, like Canada’s or the NHS, where the state can use its purchasing weight to drive down drug prices, set rates, clean up the system.......It’s not going to happen, any more than Obama will nationalize the banks and tell householders to repudiate their mortgages.

The insurance industry, the drug industry, the real estate and finance sector are the most powerful forces in the country. They’ve just got Obama to commit $23 trillion to their enduring welfare. They’re not going to surrender the treasure trove known as healthcare without serious blood-letting on the barricades. They own the Congress......................................................For forty years, every American president has deprecated the powers of government to improve the public weal. Why now should Americans believe that any government-backed “health reform” will do them any good, as opposed to assigning them the appropriate lifespan, relative to their income and contributions to the corporate bottom line, which is what the present system amounts to?

President Allocates 786M in Recovery Act Funds to BioFuel Infrastructure

We realize that Corn Ethanol is not the answer, and actually causes extreme harm to the environment while raising food prices not only here but abroad. But we have to start somewhere, and sometimes a dirty “bridge” to a cleaner future is better than no bridge at all.

Centurean2’s Weblog

Swine Flu Mass Vaccination Coming Up- The Times ” A Foolhardy Experiment Without Scientific Rationale”
The Daily Mail 27 July, 2009: The UK Government´s virus adviser, Prof. Sir Roy Anderson, also receives 116.000 pounds Sterling from flu vaccine producer GlaxoKSmithKline.
US does not allow any exemptions from mandatory vaccinations – which are clearly under way.
On 11 June, 2009, the WHO declared swine flu a
pandemic. So, as an American you can sign this petition: “A UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF RESISTANCE TO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS” petition!
According to the WHO International Health Regulations, the WHO can only recommend. So, it seems that danger of mandatory mass vaccinations rather lies with the national statesand their engagement in the New World Order. I can find nothing about UN reprisals in case of non-compliance. 3 articles are especially noteworthy:
Article 3. 1. The implementation of these Regulations shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.
Art. 23.3 No medical examination, vaccination, prophylaxis or health measure under these Regulations shall be carried out on travellers without their prior expressed informed consent or that of their parents.
Art.56. 5. In the event of a dispute between WHO and one or more States Parties concerning the interpretation or application of these Regulations, the matter shall be submitted to the Health Assembly.
The FEMA is preparing a large scale exercise with foreign military forces on July 27–31, 2009.
Infowars 23 July, 2009: The FEMA exercise will include foreign troops with participation of Australia, Canada, Mexico. The FEMA factsheet does not explain why the participation of foreign troops is necessary. FEMA´primary task is to maintain martial law.
So how to protect yourself from vaccination?
If mandatory vaccination is to be enforced upon you, then according to the Global Research 13 June, 1) cite the Nuremberg Code, which states: “The voluntary consent of the human subject is essential.” No experimental vaccine should be “conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur, except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as a subjects.” So is this mass vaccination experimental? Yes it is! See below.
2) Besides, you can refer to the WHO´s IHR art. 3.1 and 23.3.

The Times 22 July 2009:. Vaccinating a large proportion of the UK population with an “experimental” swine flu vaccine will be a huge gamble. To vaccinate the whole population would be a huge and foolhardy experiment for which there is currently no scientific rationale.
Austrian Journalist Jane Bürgermeister has filed Criminal charges with the FBI.
against i.a. the WHO, UN, Pres. Obama, Janet Napolitano, the third United States Secretary of Homeland Security, big Pharma, David Rockefeller, David de Rothschild for Bioterrorism & Intent to Commit Mass Murder. They did this by bioengineering and then releasing lethal biological agents, specifically the “bird flu” virus and the “swine flu virus” in order to have a pretext to implement a forced mass vaccination program which would be the Obama-fingers_thumb[2]means of administering a toxic biological agent to cause death and injury. This action is in direct violation of the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act.
Her 69 pages file contains evidence of all her complaints.

Global Research 20 July, 2009: The US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, has just signed a decree granting vaccine makers total legal immunity from any lawsuits that result from any new “Swine Flu” vaccine.
The FDA in the United States and UK health authorities have decided to let Big Pharma put vaccine products onto the market before any tests of the possible harmful side effects of the vaccines are even known.

Curiously enough, a full year before any reported case of the current alleged H1N1, the major pharmaceutical company, Baxter, filed for a patent for H1N1 vaccine. The application states, “Suitable adjuvants can be selected from mineral gels, aluminium hydroxide, surface active substances, lysolecithin, pluronic polyols, polyanions or oil emulsions such as water in oil or oil in water (squalene), or a combination thereof. E.g. toxicity may depend on the destined subject organism and can vary from no toxicity to high toxicity.”

...The cynical collusion between the Big Pharma knowing they are selling deadly adjuvants in their vaccines and the US government was disclosed by no one but Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who was involved as a lawyer in the thimerosal/autism -scandal. And the swine flu vaccine does contain thiomerosal according to the Swedish National Health Service!!!
As stated on Cryptogon: On the Biopharma Products Record Display “EU666 Biodefense stockpile” and “US666 Biodefense stockpile” appears (removed immediately before my deadline!!!): It is avian flu vaccine– but not recorded on the Regulatory/Status index. The figure 666 brings bad association (Rev.13:18). Do they have Baxter´s avian flu pandemic in store for us as well?

Senator Jay Rockefeller recently just had a smile when he was asked about his family´s nazi euthanasia programme and its role in paying the SS-guards in Auschwitz, where his family through their IG Farben and Standard Oil made big money using slave labour – even producing the Zyklon B gas for the worn-out slave labour. The illuminists recently demanded in The Times to find a solution to the world´s overpopulation problem!

CONFIDENTIAL COBDEN CLUBS Secretariat for World Order 814-631-9959, September 20, 1991, INITIATIVE FOR ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER – where it was circulated. Excerpt:
The immediate reduction of world population, according to the mid-1970’s recommendation of the Draper Fund (joined with the Rockefeller and Du Pont families to promote eugenics as population control), must be immediately affected.
The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world´s carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary. The Security Council of the U.N. led by the Anglo-Saxon Major Nation Powers, will decree that henceforth, the Security Council will inform all nations that its suffrance on population has ended, that all nations have quotas for population reduction on a yearly basis, which will be enforced by the Security Council by selective or total embargo of credit, items of trade including food and medicine (Henry Kissinger 1974), or by military force, when required.

Incredible Addendum

The Security Council of the U.N. will inform all nations that outmoded notions of national sovereignty will be discarded and that the Security Council has complete legal, military and econonomic jurisdiction in any region in the world and that this will be enforced by the Major Nations of the Security Council.

The above document was passed out at the ECO meeting, and we eventually received a copy after almost two years had transpired. We feel that the above document provides sufficient information as to the design of the NWO relative to world population. The telephone number was attempted and found to be associated with Senator Gephardt.”
