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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

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Open Salon

Mom goes to the casino buffet, prepares for "Twilight"

Is corporate-sponsored journalism the next big thing?

Native war chief honored with Pres. Medal of Freedom

Can women's pro-sports make it big without players wearing lingerie?

Ahmadinejad gets Khamenei endorsement ahead of inauguration

I was supposed to be crossing that bridge

Two news studies: The lifestyle choices that can thwart heart disease, hypertension

Writing Tip of the Day: Writers often confuse then for than. "I'm bigger then you are" is incorrect. "I'm bigger than you are" is correct.

Submitted 8/4/2009 ago.
Jean's Pick of the Day:
by Lori Radun
Turn on the news and you'll likely be bombarded with traumatic events and updates on the gloomy economy. Call up a friend and she might tell you her husband just lost his job, or a loved one was just diagnosed with cancer.

Mike Fak's, Blundering Through Life
Mike Fak (5,930)
Mike Fak

Submitted 20 hours 55 minutes ago.
Well this will be my second go-around at covering the local county fair. I learned a lot last year. The most important thing was that I couldn't be at both ends of the forty acre grounds at the same time. Learning a lesson I will have plenty of help this year including two more reporters and a total of six cameras out there at any given time. I can push our resources to the fairgrounds...

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The Road Less Traveled
Yangki Christine Akiteng (111,841)
Yangki Christine Akiteng

Submitted 3 days 18 hours ago.
The "Wrong Bus Syndrome" is commonly associated with Wangari Maathai Wangari, 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Winner. She used this analogy to draw attention to how too often we head in the wrong direction or travel on the wrong path, allow others (often people we perceive to have authority on a subject) to tell us half truth or made up truth. Even when we know we're being misled further and further...

Rob Trahan (194)
Rob Trahan

Submitted 21 hours 43 minutes ago.
Quoting and linking has become common practice online. You can peruse any blog today and find snippets of someone else's work along with a link to the work. Until recently there have been no worries of copyright repercussions. If the Associated Press has its way, there will. The AP, for those who do not know, is the largest US source of syndicated news. If you're reading, watching, listening to...

Fighting Delusion
Joel Hirschhorn (2,490)
Joel Hirschhorn

Submitted 19 hours 34 minutes ago.
Nothing is more revealing of the commercial crassness and insanity of American society than the bombardment of consumers by commercials and advertisements for prescription drugs. Few people may remember that for a very long time there were no such pitches for prescription drugs and people relied on their physicians to select the correct drugs for treatment. What happened to change this? ...

Dave Potchak (874)
Dave Potchak

Submitted 2 days 19 hours ago.
The Pittsburgh Pirates meant everything to me while growing up in central Pennsylvania in the late fifties and early sixties. I knew the team, inside and out the lineup, the coaches, announcers, even the advertisers on the TV and radio commercials. I had most of the Pirate statistics memorized, including the current batting averages of Roberto Clemente and Willie Stargell, their RBI's...

Rodney's Corner
Rodney Biamby (134)
Rodney Biamby

Submitted 2 days 22 hours ago.
His wings are broad that carries me, bearing me up the heights I see. His wings are broad they cannot miss, catching the broken, and those at risk. His wings are broad, an unlimited span, in them I find comfort, when I don't understand. His wings are broad, covering my shame, finding forgiveness, restored once again. His wings, they bring healing, making me...

Tech Plus
Danny Davids (18,139)
Danny Davids

Submitted 1 day 13 hours ago.
Start: Mar 23 2009; 322 lbs Now: Aug 02 2009; 287 lbs Weight Loss to Date: 35 lbs It's been just over four months since I changed my eating habits and began my journey into eating healthier and happier (I hope). I would not be where I am now if it were not for the help and support of my wife (who has been more than accomodating to my new food requests, and has found she is feeling better and...

Currently Readers' Choice #1 more
by Mark Ste. Marie (325)
Submitted 5 days 17 hours ago.
Rated an Average of 4.7 by 17 Readers ?
The economy is struggling. With unemployment high and rising to levels not seen for a while and no discernable turnaround in sight, it means challenges for all job and career seekers. Those in transition do face uphill climbs in these troubled employment waters. One group particularly impacted dramatically is the seasoned worker AKA, the Baby Boomer. In life, perception is often reality and...

Currently Readers' Choice #2 more
by Marion Stewart (497)
Submitted 3 days 19 hours ago.
Rated an Average of 4.7 by 7 Readers ?
A deck or patio can be a great place to give your houseplants a summer holiday. Just like us, they get an extra bit of energy with a change of scenery and are the great shape to return to their natural indoor habitat when the weather turns. The plants enjoy their new surrounds and make super additions to groups of garden pots and containers. Everyone responds to the warmth, fresh air, rainfall...