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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

6 Oct - Notable Posts

it's in beta :)Image by dotlizard via Flickr
"Midsummer Nights Dream Act IV Scene I--A...Image via Wikipedia

Harry Reid speaking at the State Children Heal...Image via Wikipedia
A MidSummer Night's Pipe Dream
I'll raise that by another idea.
You can download Ubuntu Desktop Edition and run it alongside your current Windows system.
dual bootImage by Rakka via Flickr
( I'm on my 3rd Linux system - 2nd DualBoot - 2nd Ubuntu  This is how I got it. Just load into memory in Windows. The .exe file sets up a dual boot with a Safe mode backup for Ubuntu. You choose systems via a Boot file which shows on StartUp...and waits for your choice. )
Thirteen Days in October: The Cuban Missile Crisis ****
The Most Dangerous Two Weeks in History...

Squidoo's Lens of the Year for 2007!

David Plouffe: Obama's Campaign Manager
Learn more about Obama campaign manager David Plouffe, who is now a White House...
Americans - Vote Change - Please Vote Third Party
Why vote third party? To ensure your vote counts:  As Theodore Roosevelt sa...
Presidential Transitions
Through my own experience during the Clinton-Bush transition, I've become convin...
Abraham Lincoln
Chapter 6 Abraham Lincoln, History of the United States Lincoln in National Po...
Arne Duncan - United States Education Secretary
Arne Duncan is one of the most successful educators in Chicago public school his...
Condoleezza Rice
Rice became the first female national security adviser in 2001, after she was na...
Top 100 by Topic (News & Politics) http://www.squidoo.com/browse/top_lenses/topic/newsandpolitics
9-22-10 Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo?
Andy Worthington
The Rise of the Super PACs http://www.votolatino.org/politics/2010/09/30/the-rise-of-the-super-pacs

Hasta Tu Abuela!

Hasta Tu Abuela! Everyone loves grandmas. But grandmas adept at new technologies? We love them even more.


Voto Latino launches Vote4Me!

Voto Latino launches Vote4Me! Today, Voto Latino launches the Vote4Me program, a program in which mobilizes Dream Activists to register eligible American voters for the mid-term November 2nd election.

    Net Neutrality

DREAM Act Still Not Controversial http://www.citizenorange.com/orange/2010/09/dream-act-still-not-controvers.html#more
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced his intent last week to attach the DREAM Act to the defense authorization bill that would appropriate money to fund U.S. military operations. Democrats were not able to get 60 votes in support of beginning debate on the bill, so now the future of the DREAM Act is up in the air. The DREAM Act would provide permanent residence to undocumented youth brought to the U.S. as children who complete two years of college or military service. After the vote, DREAMers immediately responded to their network of supporters: Call 202-224-3121 and ask Senator Reid to bring the DREAM Act to the Senate floor as a standalone bill. One persistent feature of media coverage of the DREAM Act is the tendency to characterize the DREAM Act as "controversial" legislation: for example, here, here, and here. But the editorial boards of those same media outlets have overwhelmingly supported passage of the DREAM Act, 14 out of 16 at last count. I have read op-eds by anti-immigrant politicians or advocates that took an anti-DREAM Act position. But I have seen only two opinion pieces from newspaper editorial boards that opposed the DREAM Act on the merits. And each of them mischaracterized some key element of the Act or of the debate.   After Growth, Fortunes Turn for Monsanto http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/05/business/05monsanto.html?_r=2&th=&emc=th
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