Depleted Uranium - Killing the Troops
Watch yourselves out there gentlemen. I can see the knife in your back.
Uranium blamed for Gulf War Syndrome (well it's either that or the GW vaccines or both)
Leukemia outbreak among troops (in Bosnia/Kosovo) causes turmoil in NATO
Depleted Uranium, just the tip of the iceberg in Serbia
Toxic munitions cause of baby deaths and deformities in Fallujah
Unplug the Signal : the Truth will Not be Televised
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Why the US Doesn't Talk to Iran
The unrelenting diplomatic and geopolitical standoff between Iran and the United States is often blamed on the Iranian government for its "confrontational" foreign policies, or its "unwillingness" to enter into a dialogue with the United States. Little known, however, is the fact that during the past decade or so, Iran has offered a number of times to negotiate with the United States without ever getting a positive response from the U.S.
Why have successive U.S. administrations been reluctant to enter into a conflict-resolution dialogue with Iran, which could clearly be in the national interests of the United States?
U.S. foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, is driven not so much by broad national interests as they are by narrow but powerful special interests--interests that seem to prefer war and militarism to peace and international understanding. These are the nefarious interests that are vested in military industries and related "security" businesses, notoriously known as the military-industrial complex. These beneficiaries of war dividends would not be able to justify their lion's share of our tax dollars without "external enemies" or "threats to our national interests."
Military threats and economic sanctions against Iran did not start with Ahmadinejad's presidency; they have been imposed on Iran for more than thirty years, essentially as punishment for its 1979 revolution that ended the imperial U.S. influence over its economic, political and military affairs.
Lenders Forced to Suspend Thousands of Foreclosures after Admitting to Faulty Review Process
UK News Network
Offshore wind farms. It’s worst than we thought.
. I was made aware that the life of a wind turbine was only 6 to 8 years rather than the frequently quoted 20 year lifespan.
However I came on these little gems which I link to at the bottom of this post if you really would like to read it all.This is underlined by an analysis of maintenance records, which shows that while service teams for offshore wind farms are supposed to make two scheduled maintenance visits every year, unscheduled visits to many installations are made 20 times a year.And,
The heart of the problem is that the technology being used offshore is generally onshore technology that has not been modified sufficiently to meet the different demands of an offshore environment.Have they produced any meaningful power in this time?
The classic example of this is the disaster at the Horns Rev wind farm in 2005, following which Vestas is reported to have removed and repaired 80 of its V90 models, designed for offshore use, owing to the effect of salty water and air on the generators and gearboxes, which became corrupt after only two (My emphasis) years. A similar procedure has been reported this year, with Vestas' 30 turbines requiring a change of rotor bearings, at an estimated cost of €30m.
And don’t get me started on gearbox failure.
As an ex marine engineer I could have told them the previous. (Providing they’d paid me a large six figure salary of course).
The rest is HERE. have a read.