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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

27 October - The Back End of Sacred Cows

Race Riot
The BBC is overjoyed today because there is a disturbance in an Israeli-Arab village. What's more, it's a deliberately provocative incitement by a hardline right wing group, reminiscent of the Orange marches in NI.

While science can reveal great truths to be used in the advancement of society, it can also be used against human society

You have made my nation a platform for waging endless serial wars against innocent people whom YOU wish to have destroyed for YOUR greater glory – to more freely pursue your demonic agenda of world domination.


(  I object to the author's mischaracterization of 'Jews' - flagrant racism which ignores the fact that the label is not just over broad but inaccurate ; let alone that  many Jewish people and organizations openly oppose both vocally and enthusiastically what he has attributed to them ; but I'm not willing to ignore the possible and even otherwise likely information he promulgates on that count alone.  
That would hardly be impartial when those are exactly the lies, false reports and hatemongering tactics of those in power who are constantly perverting perceptions by organized 'Labeling' ;  actual or implied by systemic lack of context and background. In fact - would a note like this be necessary in a sane world ?

Besides - I could make the same conflation about  al Qaeda/Taleban/Muslims rather  than al Qaeda/Black Ops/Drug Cartel/Taleban without much excitement.  
Is there a difference when dealing with Treasury Dept & Economic War/Media Control/The Establishment/Bilderbergers/Council for Foreign Relations/State Department/The Fed/Cosa Nostra/Mafia/Zionism/Jewry/'Christian' 'Missionaries' and 'Evangelists'/Crusades/UN /Sanctions/Police State aka Homeland Security/Pentagon/C.I.A./Mossad./S.A.S./School of the Americas/Military Intelligence/NSA/Contractors and innumerable international auxiliaries ?  'Murder Inc.' is much more succinct.

You're about to find out. )

Why the IMF meetings failed 
What is to stop U.S. banks and their customers from creating $1 trillion, $10 trillion or even $50 trillion on their computer keyboards to buy up all the bonds and stocks in the world, along with all the land and other assets for sale, in the hope of making capital gains and pocketing the arbitrage
( Nothing. In fact I report such a plan in progress around here somewhere. Interest is key - and confiscation of delinquents' assets - even nations.  So much for Free Trade and an International Reserve Currency. )

US: The dishonest broker 
There are many reasons for America’s failure to broker a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians but the most fundamental one is that it is a dishonest broker. As a result of its palpable partiality towards Israel, America has lost all credibility in the eyes not only of the Palestinians but of the wider Arab and Muslim worlds.

“If you want a job, go to Asia!” 

The Democrats In Congress Are Not The People We Were Waiting For — Throw Them Out! 

But What Is To Be Done? (a recurring theme) 
Maude Barlow : the need to cross-connect the environmental and social justice movements, and the essential unity of the two political efforts.
( Biased BBC is not the only place to detail how - like 'foreign aid' - that has been derailed. )

Modern Cosmology behind a Massive Winter? 
Although some still claim for their own dubious reasons we live in an era of man-made global warming, we -based on scientific facts- have entered already a period of global cooling. A mild one this times. Yes, we may look forward to a massive Winter, as the indications clearly are. But still 'mild' for an Ice Age, yet testing climate theories.
Overwhelmed by contradictory and often misleading media coverage and propaganda we forget to ask about our planet's natural cycles.

Regime Change: How the CIA put Saddam's Party in Power 24 Oct 2002 
HT abdul karim qassem

Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman : Rove Served for Election Theft 

Roundup: Diabetes prevention is critical for nation 
: Diabetes cases may double by 2050 
Common blood tests that identify elevated glucose levels, and thus diagnose diabetes and enable prompt treatment and prevention, cost about $10. Contrast that with expensive treatments for kidney dialysis and peripheral artery disease.


An Iraqi soldier was killed on Monday and six of his compatriots wounded when a bomber drove a car packed with explosives into a US occupation military convoy in northern Iraq.

President Abdullah Gül responded on Tuesday to a growing debate in Germany over the integration of Muslim immigrants -- a majority of whom are Turks -- by warning against attempts to use the issue for political purposes and asserting that both Turkey and Germany had failed to offer immigrants leadership on integration.

ITF EU Representative, Dr Hassan Aydinli, attended the Böll Book Presentation at the European Parliament

Turkey, in talks with the United States over a proposed missile defense system, has asked US officials whether non-NATO countries would have access to intelligence that sensors in the shield would gather, sources close to the negotiations have told Today's Zaman. US authorities, in return, have assuaged Turkish concerns, saying the intelligence will be out of reach for any non-NATO countries, including Israel.
( Say what ? )

Iraq's Supreme Court has ordered the country's parliament back to work, more than seven months after inconclusive elections left Iraq in political limbo.

Iraq Prime Minister Nuri El- Maliki arrived at Atatürk Airport on his private plane to be greeted by authorities from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and deputies from the Iraqi Consulate.