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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, October 25, 2010

25 October Nightblogging

Caledonia: The town that law forgot
The people of that lovely small town just an hour and change from Toronto were abandoned by their governments, and ultimately by their police force, and left to fend for themselves. The book is about the failure of government to govern, and of leaders to lead.

The Message

Islamaphobia Rapidly Spreads Through Europe

The European extreme right is more turbocharged than ever, peddling Islamic hatred from France to Denmark, from Italy to Sweden.

Propagandist Kathleen Parker writes in today’s Washington Post about a new tv commercial being produced by the same old conservative propagandists that brought us the myth that was Ronald Reagan.
And who continues to benefit from the combined misery of the people of this country? Politicians, yes, but mostly the corporate ownership. Profits are rising again and the recession is over for them. While the rest of us wallow, the machine grows.
And Kathleen Parker is in no danger of becoming destitute tomorrow, unless she tells the truth. So, as a wise man said, “…And so it goes.”

The Media’s False Narrative – That’s Their Story And They’re Sticking To It

The media and their overlords, the Republican Party have been attempting with great success to tell a false narrative about President Obama and the popularity of his policies and him. I would also add that they were aided and abetted by the “firebaggers”, Jane Hamsher and her gang, Glenn Greenwald and his hatred and Arianna Huffington and her empire. They seem to be peddling the idea that the President and his policies aren’t very popular and candidates are running away from him. I don’t doubt that some of the candidates have bought into the narrative, they certainly don’t want to be seen as going against anything the big ole’ media says. But the reality is that since the president has been on the stump, the tide is turning for Democrats. And contrary to what Hamsher says, he is firing up the base and progressive voters, what she calls hectoring. This story from The Raw Story shows exactly why this narrative is false, a piece from it below…

Gluten: The Whole Story

When severe cold weather hits the reservations, families pull together and try to keep each other warm.

In this time of economic difficulty, many families cannot afford the utilities they need and the well-being of families, children and elders often depends on our help to make it through these cold winter months.Running Strong provides utility assistance to American Indian families to help them meet their heating and electricity needs by providing funds to help families purchase propane, electricity, firewood and gas.

It’s pretty bad out here.  Services cancelled for many folks.  Freezing rain, snow and misery. This is our 13th year offering heat assistance on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Running Strong matches the Oglala Sioux Tribe’s contributions to struggling families dollar-for-dollar.

Every year, we help hundreds of Oglala families living on Pine Ridge to heat their homes.

Globalist banker looting of British taxpayer leads to death of Princess Diana's biggest humanitarian crusade

We spend BILLIONS bailing out the bankers, we spend BILLIONS being part of the European Empire, we spend £1.2 billion on the fraud that was swine flu, the taxpayer has been robbed blind by MPs with criminally fraudulent expenses claims...

And the result is that we can no longer afford a couple of million (comparative small change) for the anti-personnel landmine clearance project that was so dear to the heart of Diana, Princess of Wales.