This…is…Jeopardy (i.e. imminence of death, loss, or injury)
Feds funding study of oil spill’s effect on FLESH-EATING bacteria — Blamed for multiple recent Gulf-area deaths after water/seafood contact (VIDEOS)
September 28th, 2010
Image by BP America via FlickrThe Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday that six deaths have occurred this year as a result of a deadly bacteria, at least two of them from raw oyster consumption.
- Rainwater test results show increase in toxins AFTER well capped… “Unbelievable”, “Astronomical” — Nitrobenzene & Heavy Metals (VIDEO) (30)
- Many large fish washing up dead on Louisiana shoreline (VIDEO) (29)
- Fisherman finds “lime-green” liquid floating in Apalachicola Bay, FL (VIDEO & PHOTO) (16)
- Cancer specialist: Endocrine disruptors, mutagens in Gulf are “900 lb gorilla in the room” (VIDEO) (15)
- “GRAVEYARD” on seafloor: “Smelled like an auto repair shop” — Only 6% of core samples showed signs of life, usually at 100% (13)
- Gulf Coast panel: “ALL of the speakers told of ONGOING RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS” — Recontamination from “thick layer of oil on the bottom” (13)
- “Remarkable” says expert: “Knee-deep in the slime” on Destin, Florida beach — “Hard to say” if from BP’s oil (VIDEO & PHOTOS) (7)
- G4: Corexit/oil eats through boat hulls, kidneys (PHOTOS/VIDEO) June 27, 2010
- BP now using EIGHT types of chemical dispersants in Gulf July 5, 2010
- Patches of sheen near Miami; Filmed from building by eyewitness on Friday afternoon July 10, 2010
- Scientists find “areas in the water column where there is NO OXYGEN” (VIDEO) September 21, 2010
- BP says there’s a leak in CAPPING SYSTEM; Tests and ‘static kill’ delayed, may start tomorrow (VIDEO) August 2, 2010
- Feds contract is with a “far away BP subsidiary” — Concerns company might “be able to get out of paying $20 billion” (VIDEO) September 14, 2010
- Air monitoring in Orange Beach, AL reported to have reached 110 ppm of VOCs within 15 minutes — Testing crew quickly abandoned area September 8, 2010
- Shrimpers find buried oil on seafloor — “I’ll hit them with Dawn and boil and eat them right there in front of you” (VIDEO) August 16, 2
- Many large fish washing up dead on Louisiana shoreline (VIDEO) 9:57 pm
- Gulf Coast panel: "ALL of the speakers told of ONGOING RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS" -- Recontamination from "thick layer of oil on the bottom" 7:33 pm
- "GRAVEYARD" on seafloor: "Smelled like an auto repair shop" -- Only 6% of core samples showed signs of life, usually at 100% 7:00 pm
- Feds STILL sending samples to POLAND for analysis -- NOAA "expects data back from Poland near the END OF THE YEAR" 6:33 pm
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