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Learn moreFormer NASA astronaut Leroy Chaio discusses his personal space radiation experiences and why monkeys shouldn't be our spaceflight guinea pigs.
Link. Infowars Moneybomb.
*LOS ANGELES American Indian Film Festival RED NATION CELEBRATION / ENTERTAINMENT *7th Annual Red Nation Film Festival – The Authentic Voice of American Indian Indigenous Cinema™ Founded American Indian He...
New experiments by NASA scientists show how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acts as the "control knob" for climate change.
Isaac Newton's after-hours passion for the pseudoscience of alchemy comes to light.
The renowned physicist has just published a book stating that God is not required to create the Universe, just physics.
Turns out we have 2-billion year old algae to thank for our beautiful blue atmosphere.
. ... careful consideration of the reasons for Canada's failure to gain a seat on the UN Security Council continues among the Cons and their supporters in the media. . "Canada barely escaped with its inte...
The longer a person has spoken two or more languages, the greater the cognitive effects.
*AMERICAN INDIAN FILM INSTITUTE 35th annual American Indian Film Festival recognizes National American Indian Heritage Month * Nov. 5--13, 2010 *Image: Black Horse Woman • Ter...
Russia will not carry out the next test launch of its troubled Bulava ballistic missile in late October, as was previously planned, the chief of Russia's Armed Forces General Staff said on Thursday.The lat...
The Polish contingent currently serving in Afghanistan is to receive four unmanned aircraft over the coming weeks.In February, Israel’s Aeronautics won a tender from the Polish Ministry of Defence for the ...
ON the eve of the 78th anniversary of the Indian Air Force last week, Air Chief Marshal P.V. Naik made several strategic pronouncements, including that the Air Force is to acquire 250 to 300 fifth generati...
India Wednesday announced a slew of measures to expand its defence ties with Vietnam, including joint training of armies and support to strengthen and upgrade the capabilities of the Vietnamese armed force...
Over 200 elite Russian mountain troops are set to participate with their Indian counterparts in anti-terror 'INDRA-2010' wargames scheduled for October 15-24 in Uttarakhand bordering China, the Defence Min...
A new sub-genre of adventure tourism puts vacationers in a front row seat for one of the most deadly natural forces on the planet.
Amid the breathless excitement of finding a potentially habitable exoplanet, there's been a bit of a buzzkill cropping up in the news.
Rather than simply visiting a co-orbital asteroid and bringing back rock samples, the mission could fulfill an ultimate goal of space colonization.
Ten people were wounded and two killed after an explosion onboard an International Security Assistance Force helicopter that had just landed in eastern Afghanistan today, according to initial reports.The h...
Russia has made public for the first time in many years a detailed account of its defense spending until 2013, the Vedomosti daily said on Tuesday.State Duma Defense Committee head Viktor Zavarzin said las...
Two Royal Saudi Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon jets were spotted on the runway at Luqa Airport yesterday morning. The jets, which cost approximately €80 million each, can fly at 2,500 km/h and climb 62,000f...
Indian Defense Minister A.K. Antony announced on Thursday that his country would make hefty purchases of military aviation produced jointly with Russia.India will buy 45 multipurpose transport planes and 2...
The incestuous AAA has a ROG stranglehold over America. Every US president pretty much has been some relative of the Royals. Obama and Palin are related You lefty types and non-whites thought you were end...
The eagerly awaited skydive from the edge of space has been placed on indefinite hold, pending the resolution of a mulitmillion dollar lawsuit claiming a share of the rights of the project.
The landmark trial could one day lead to a breakthrough in the treatment of spinal cord injuries.
A new microbubble remediation technique is cleaning up a lake in China.
The Mary Poppins of the bonobo world is a 12-year-old male who enjoys babysitting.
A huge network of earthworks, or geoglyphs, is visible in satellite imagery of a large area around Titicaca Lake, a researcher claims.
It's now available in the United States, where hundreds of thousands of tons of gum is chewed each year.
The shape of a person's ears are as unique as a fingerprint and could be used for identification and security.
BPA is basically an oestrogen mimicker. It's in most plastic foodware and tin can linings and, yes, most baby bottles (PDF).
OK so this is just a PR offensive by Greenpeace/350 (a Rockefeller group) to try and get Russian kids to learn to "love trees..." (they work in the "..., hate people" half later once they've gained their t...
A female humpback whale has set a distance record -- migrating more than 6,000 miles.
In case you missed it, here's an excellent column by Lawrence Martin in the *Globe and Mail* from earlier this week. I'm pleased to note it bears a strong resemblance to something I recently wrote. I'm eve...
On Saturday, October 16, the Buffalo, New York chapter of Veterans for Peace and the War Resisters Support Campaign will co-host a special event in Ft. Erie, Ontario. "Refusing Orders / Crossing Borders"...
Since the Wright brothers, flaps have been used to maneuver aircraft in flight -- until now.
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 16 hours ago
"*Physical work was once celebrated* with hymns of praise. But workers today must be content with encouraging one another that their hard work is better than no work at all." That says a quite well-made do...
CANADA - Seriously... who was going to vote for a bald guy named Rocco Rossi??? According to polls 4% of Torontonians were thinking of voting for the leftwing bald man with glasses who looks a bit like le...
ENTERTAINMENT - Do you love fantasy MMORPGs or online roleplaying games? Well then you'd probably love Dungeons & Dragons Online, the game which has it all... dungeons, dragons, undead, ogres, giants, orcs...
CARS - In no particular order... *Pagani Zonda* *Horsepower - 594* *Price - $320,000 to over $1 million* *Max Speed – 215mph* *Rentable - Yes* Regarded as representing the more passionate, bonkers end of th...
Need another reason to save the whales? How about this: Their poop feeds the ocean.
Believe it or not, even NASA needs to 'touch up' the color and contrast of their photos that are returned from space missions.
The Supreme Court will decide whether a federal anti-terrorism law should have been applied to the case of a woman who attacked her husband’s mistress with toxic chemicals.
*Tribal Elder Speaks about Human Rights* By McKenzie Badger The Badger Herald Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:15 p.m. Updated Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:09:12 a.m. A human rights activist detailed atrocities ...
Alex Abella on The Alex Jones Show: Full Blueprint of The Rand Corporation - 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4
A new study could rewrite theories of galaxy formation and evolution.
Cars that use sensors to recognize other vehicles, pedestrians and bikes will drive more safely.
Reprinted with permission from Black Box Voting.If you have a choice, vote the old fashioned way: At the polls, allowing plenty of time, and ready to assert your right to vote, by provisional ballot if neces...
*Cochabamba Proposals Will be Brought to Cancun* *Communique by the Plurinational State of Bolivia* *Photo of Cochabamba Climate Summit by Michelle Cook, Navajo* (October 10, 2010 – Tianjin, China) The p...
The debris cloud of asteroid P/2010 A2 after it smashed into a smaller space rock is expanding slower than expected, pushing estimates of the collision having occurred back in early 2009.
A rap star who was shot 9 times is being pressured to adopt a black rhino that was also shot 9 times.
Silkworms have been modified to produce spider silk, creating a fabric that could be used in everything from bulletproof clothing to artificial tendons.
The rescue mission to retrieve the 33 trapped miners has been successful thanks in part to the space agency.
Walking six to nine miles a week can protect brain size and cut the risk of dementia.
A huge plankton bloom in the North Pacific is traced to a volcanic eruption and offers a test in iron fertilization.
Forget "range anxiety." Electric vehicle charge stations are becoming ubiquitous.
This is a terrific video, marred, in my opinion, by the inadequate conclusion it draws for the very real issues raised. Vote? That's it? That's all we should do? Speak, write, march, rally, educate, doc...
The miners who have been trapped for 10 weeks deep underground are being brought up one by one in a special steel cage.
It would seem that such international policies as 1) unstinting support for everything Israel 2) actively undermining the Copenhagen summit climate talks 3) delaying debt relief to Africa to advance the i...
Demand for guard dogs is so high now that some services are fetching anywhere from $50,000 to $200,000 per dog.
The Internet giant is giving more than a third of the initial funds required to set up offshore wind turbines and a new transmission grid stretching 350 miles from New Jersey to Virginia.
Barry Ritholtz is the author of Bailout Nation: How Greed and Easy Money Corrupted Wall Street and Shook the World Economy. Ritholtz on the financial crisis, and the state of the U.S. economy: "This whole...
Read more at Censored News Proposed Navajo Water Rights Settlement Voting record from Sept. 29, 2010, including council delegates voting against tabling the settlement
Early humans appear to have occupied a much lower link of the food chain than their modern counterparts.
The discussion is about Hollywood and the Native American. Filmmakers Sonny Skyhawk, Delanna Studi, Elena Finney, Tim Ramos, Victoria Regina, Mark Reed, Kathy Peltier, Marjorie Tanin, Cassie Melcher. It ...
The 173rd Carnival of Space kicks off with space blogs from all over the world, chronicling everything from beautiful pulsar wind nebulae to the confirmed dust in Hayabusa's hopper.
Protests over the use of the word "gay" in the new comedy film "The Dilemma" raise questions about language and the changing definitions of words.
Rainforest that was cleared with fire for soy and cattle farming in Brazil. Daniel Beltra/The Image Bank Our planetary lungs are in deep trouble, and it’s going to take a combination of factors, including ...
Rescuers will begin hauling up 33 miners trapped underground for more than two months.
Forty-year-old aerial photographs of Russia's Caucasus Mountains revealed clues to the ancient civilization.
I will for the most part keep my mouth shut about Columbus Day, it's an American issue and is not really my business. Yes it honours a very cruel slaver, but at the same time I do not agree with much of wh...
Got a pudgy pooch? A new iPhone app can help you monitor his diet and serving sizes.
This exotic material could bring scientists one step closer to a longstanding fantasy of Star Trek fans: warp speed.
Who would take the carcinogenic job of driving that thing all day. Why, the same numb nuts that operate the X-ray naked airport scanners of course! The ZBV would also have found Anne Frank. I mean that's...
Early humans must have taken care of this elderly member of their group, providing some of the first evidence of compassion.
Citizen scientists can help researchers sift through weather data from these ships, providing critical info about Earth's climate history.
"American intelligence officials believe that if al Qaeda could get its hands on a piece of highly enriched uranium (HEU) the size of a grapefruit, let alone a consignment as big as the Polish one, the d...
"American intelligence officials believe that if al Qaeda could get its hands on a piece of highly enriched uranium (HEU) the size of a grapefruit, let alone a consignment as big as the Polish one, the d...
An Australian SETI researcher claims to have witnessed an isolated signal from the potentially habitable exoplanet. Could this be a sign that an intelligent civilization lives there?
On last week's Friday News Feedbag, we talk to Animal Planet's own Dave Salmoni! Also - another news quiz! If this is your first exposure to the Friday News Feedbag... we're glad to have you in the club. W...
POLITICS - Imprisoned pro-democracy activist Liu Xiaobo has dedicated his Nobel Peace Prize winnings to the victims of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Liu has been imprisoned in China for XX years for promo...
Large earthquakes can trigger volcanic trouble, and magma movement can cause tremors. Geologists often use information from one to help predict the other.
Oh, yuppies. Enjoy your saccharin and aspartame boys, it seems to be working! This is a fascinating case study of the arrogant delusion of the damned. On some level they do know they're being poisoned, ...
The Emperor’s Spokesman Has No Clothes Washington's Blog October 10, 2010 As Gallup notes, trust in the corporate media is at an all-time low. Much of the loss of trust is due to the media's selling of Ir...
Project Censored’s “Censored 2011: The Top Censored Stories of 2009-2010″ 1. Global Plans to Replace the Dollar 2. US Department of Defense is the Worst Polluter on the Planet 3. Internet Privacy and Person...
Fish fossils dating to 380 million years ago provide the first physical evidence for intimate sex by copulation.
To avoid gaining extra pounds, you may want shut the shades and turn off lights at night.
A new computer model of population and economic changes shows that changes in the makeup of the world's human population during the next 40 years will help efforts to reduce the level of greenhouse gases i...
More smart phone customers are now buying Android phones, rather than Apple iPhones or Blackberrys.
What Does Jeffrey Goldberg Know About Iran Anyway? By Ali Gharib LobeLog October 9, 2010 Just when you get done writing up ignorance about Iran in Israel, former IDF Corporal Jeffrey Goldberg goes and t...
*Create the crisis, offer the solution* This is from 2009. "The real goal of the G-20 meetings: Creation of a new financial order based upon drastically new units of paper or fiat money to help wipe the w...
Space station partners are discussing ideas to further the scope of the orbiting platform. Will we see lunar and deep space manned missions researched, built and launched from orbit?
For this week only, Jericho invites visitors to gaze at the largest Middle Eastern carpet mosaic in the world's oldest city.
Automated vehicles that can be programmed with different personalities have logged more than 140,000 miles.
The Nightmare: The Iraq Invasion's Atrocities, Unearthing the Unthinkable By Felicity Arbuthnot October 9, 2010 Global Research "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities...
New evidence includes details of other attacks by Australia's native wild dog on humans.
Does your dog seem anxious and misbehave when left alone? It may be due to an underlying pessimistic state of mind.
Parents may went to limit their children's computer use and TV viewing time to ensure their psychological well-being.
*DOODA (NO) DESERT ROCK SAYS AGENCY ACTION VINDICATES ITS POSITION* By Dooda (No) Desert Rock Photo: Four Corners Power Plant Elouise Brown, the president of Dooda (NO) Desert Rock, said today that the deci...
October 14, 2010
October 13, 2010
October 12, 2010
October 11, 2010