Blacklisted News
- ADHD Misdiagnosed In Nearly 1 Million U.S. Kids Sa ...Two studies published recently suggest there could be something wrong with the way ADHD is diagnosed in young children in the US, one found that nearly 1 million kids are potentially misdiagnosed just because they are the youngest in their kindergarten year
- Latest GMO fiasco: Mad Soy Disease Strikes BrazilThis is the latest GMO fiasco to surface since our report on the meltdown in the USA [4] ( GM Crops Facing Meltdown in the USA , SiS 46), China [5] ( GM-Spin Meltdown in China , SiS 47), and Argentina [6] ( Argentina’s Roundup Human Tragedy , SiS 48).
- 9/11: The Media Ignores Evidence of WTC Explosives ...Persuasive evidence exists (see Christopher Ketcham’s “ High-Fivers and Art Student Spies ”) that Israeli intelligence was aware of the 9/11 plot well in advance. Not only were Israeli agents found to be tracking alleged Muslim plotters, there was “intense political pressure apparently … brought ...
- Bad Driver? In Debt? Proposed NYC Law Would Ban Yo ...New York City residents who want to own a gun may soon be denied permits if they are litterbugs, if they are bad drivers, or if they have fallen behind on a few bills.
- Halliburton, BP Knew of Cement Flaws Before Spill, ...Halliburton knew weeks before the fatal explosion of the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico that the cement mixture they planned to use to seal the bottom of the well was unstable but still went ahead with the job, the presidential commission investigating the accident said on Thursday.
The Intelligence Daily
- IntelFilter: October 29, 2010The peak oil crisis: the midterms China halts oil work in Iran as U.S. ties grow China’s...
- U.S. And NATO Drag Asia Into Afghan QuagmireBy Rick Rozoff On October 7 the American and North Atlantic Treaty Organization war in Afghanistan...
- Five Dangers To Global Crops That Could Dramatical ...Comment Inteldaily: Energy prices pose the biggest threat to the world food supply. By Michael T...
- America’s Gulf: Ongoing Coverup and DenialBy Stephen Lendman On October 22, AP reported that over 7,000 square miles of Gulf waters off...
- Gold vs BondsBy Nick Barisheff Most investors have a deep-seated belief that bonds are a safe investment while...
My AntiWar
- US activists urge State Dept to call for release o ...rr r r r rr r rr r rr r rr rr rrr rRepresentatives from four US human rights groups met with State Department officials on Friday, 22 October and delivered a letter addressed to Secretary of State Clinton signed by more than 5,000 individuals.
- Cape Town Opera: Don’t help Israel whitewash ...rr r r r rr r rr r rr r rr rr rrr rThe Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel calls on the Cape Town Opera to cancel its upcoming concert in Israel.
- Officials: Suspicious Package to US Not From Yemen
- Intercepted Device Likely a Cell Phone, Photo Anal ...
- US Says Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula Behind C ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- MI6 chief calls for spying on IranSummary: MI6 chief John Sawers delivers his speech Head of Britain's spy service has accused Iran of pursuing clandestine nuclear activities, saying that spying is crucial to stop Tehran's nuclear program. source: Press TV read more
- Iran: Proposed NATO defense shield in Turkey highl ...Summary: missile defense shield A proposal by NATO to establish a new ballistic missile defense shield in Turkey is “seriously suspicious”, the Iranian Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday. source: Mehr News Agency read more
- Tell Secretary Clinton: Referring to Persian Gulf ...Summary: Playing with ethnic tensions is not a strategy for stability in the Middle East. But last week, the State Department broke longstanding protocol and used the politically and ethnically charged term “Arabian Gulf” instead of “Persian Gulf”. source: NIAC read more
- Iran's Involvement in Iraq--Wikileaks Documents do ...Summary: Readers should be deeply skeptical of claims that the the NY Times reporting on Iran's involvement in Iraq based on the Wikileaks documents constitutes some kind of smoking gun about Iran's involvement in attacks on the U.S. military, or, actually, that the reporting constitutes anyth ...
- USIP's biased "Iran Primer"Summary: The US Institute of Peace has published an "Iran Primer" which could not be more biased and inaccurate when it comes to their coverage of the nuclear issue (I haven't read the rest so I can't judge the rest.) The main article onthe nuclear issue is totally written by David Albright of ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Get Your Daily Dose of Awe @The Daily Galaxy Faceb ...Link & Share The Daily Galaxy Facebook Page
- Bees Solve Complex Problems Faster Than Supercompu ...In a new study, researchers report that bumblebees were able to figure out the most efficient routes among several computer-controlled "flowers," quickly solving a complex problem that even stumps supercomputers. We already know bees are pretty good at facial recognition,...
- Get Your Daily Dose of Awe @The Daily Galaxy Faceb ...Link & Share The Daily Galaxy Facebook Page
- Increased Shipping to Accelerate Climate Change as ...If the Arctic Ocean continues to warm, new shipping lanes could emerge at the top of the world, which could further accelerate warming under current pollution controls according to a U.S. and Canadian research team. Growing Arctic ship traffic will...
- Sci/Space/Tech Enthusiasts: Earn $5 Today for Join ...Earn a $5 sign-up bonus and a chance to win an iPad! Join an influential group of Business Decision Makers/Influencers, IT Professionals, Tech Enthusiasts and Gamers shaping the future of technology. Earn cash for every survey you take, drive the...
Natural News
- Pancreatic cancer takes 20 years to grow into dete ...(NaturalNews) New research published in the journal Nature reveals that pancreatic cancer takes 20 years to grow to the point where it is diagnosed by conventional medical doctors. This was determined by sequencing the DNA of cancer tumor cells from deceased patients. Because cancer mutations occur ...
- Beta carotene may treat eye disease called retinit ...(NaturalNews) Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a name for a large group of inherited vision disorders that cause progressive degeneration of the light sensitive membrane that coats the inside of the eye -- the retina. For most people with RP, night blindness is the first symptom of the problem. Then sid ...
- Many doctors still prescribe drugs instead of effe ...(NaturalNews) There are many alternative ways to treat back and neck pain apart from drugs that studies have shown to be effective. But many doctors continue to prescribe drug treatments to their patients anyway, according to new research out of Duke University and the University of North Carolina ( ...
- Placebo fraud rocks the very foundation of modern ...(NaturalNews) You know all those thousands of clinical trials conducted over the last few decades comparing pharmaceuticals to placebo pills? Well, it turns out all those studies must now be completely thrown out as utterly non-scientific. And why? Because the placebos used in the studies weren't re ...
- Medical science discovers remarkable yet simple wa ...(NaturalNews) Here's good news that's just in time to help you avoid the temptation of sugary goodies served up at holiday parties. If you feel your willpower weakening as you pass the desserts piled high, just tighten up your muscles -- flex any of them, including your finger or calf muscles. Sound ...
Threat Level
- Obama Ordered to Release Names of Clemency SeekersRuling in a privacy flap, a federal appeals court says the Obama administration must divulge the names of convicts seeking pardons or commutations of sentences. The Obama administration urged the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to rule otherwise. The government said public ...
- Scholars Say International Property Accord Needs S ...More than 70 academics, mostly legal scholars, are urging President Barack Obama to open a proposed international intellectual-property agreement to public review before signing it. The likely route for that is bringing the ACTA agreement to the Senate for ratification. The deal, known as the Anti-C ...
- Feds Let Google Off With Warning for Wi-Fi–Sniffin ...Federal regulators on Wednesday closed their investigation into Google’s collection of Wi-Fi traffic, without imposing any sanctions on the company. Google discovered earlier this year, after inquiries from German data authorities, that it had been eavesdropping on open Wi-Fi networks from its Stree ...
- Sarah Palin E-Mail Hacker Seeks Probation, Feds Wa ...David Kernell, the Tennessee student convicted of hacking into Sarah Palin’s personal e-mail account, has asked the court to forgo a prison sentence and give him probation for his crimes. Kernell, 22, was convicted earlier this year of misdemeanor computer intrusion and a felony count of obstructio ...
- The $105 Fix That Could Protect You From Copyright ...Call it ingenious, call it evil or call it a little of both: Copyright troll Righthaven is exploiting a loophole in intellectual property law, suing websites that might have avoided any trace of civil liability had they spent a mere $105. That’s the fee for a blog or other website to register a DMC ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- The Triumph of DelusionOver this pre-election weekend, CNN will air a special called, " Boiling Point: Inside the Tea Party ." Whether or not its right-wing fury brings a conservative wave to Washington, the network insists, "the Tea Party has earned a place in history." But even more than its decibel level , none-too-t ...
- Save American Charities. Restore the Estate Tax.Last week, Americans learned that the nation's biggest charities suffered a staggering 11% drop in donations last year. That decline in contributions to the 400 largest charitable organizations was the worst in two decades. More than anything else, American charities hoping to refill their coffers ...
- China 1, New Jersey 0On Tuesday, the residents of New Jersey saw the future - in China. On the same day that Governor Chris Christie killed funding for the badly needed second Hudson River rail tunnel, Beijing rolled out its fastest bullet train yet . As it turns out, Christie's budget ax is just the latest symptom o ...
- For Conservatives, Sarah Palin is Pretty in PinkBy now, Americans have grown accustomed to Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio saying (and doing) what most hard-line conservatives are only thinking. So when Sheriff Joe tweeted that he gave Sarah Palin a pair of pink underwear , right-wing eyebrows weren't the only things being raised. Of course, this ep ...
- A Midterm Triple Whammy for DemocratsThis weekend, the New York Times and Washington Post offered almost identical assessments of the 2010 Congressional elections. While the Times announced "GOP poised to seize House, if not Senate," the Post predicted 'historic" losses with "more than 90 Democratic House seats are potentially in play ...
Blackspot News Feed
- The Tea Party's Misinformation Superhighway Runs T ...I met Delaware Tea Party dynamo Christine O'Donnell in the "green room" set up for right-wing bloggers attending Americans for Prosperity's "Right Online" conference at the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas in late July. The free-market-loving, climate-change-denying group launched by Kansas oil billionai ...
- Speaking in Tongues: Bilingual Education and Immig ..." America has evolved for the better. She will pretty much meet you on your terms. In fact, I think she has finally come to the conclusion that Blacks, Mexicans, Indians, etc. are here to stay. And the only way to perceive them is to accept them and their existence as valid. Acceptance, that's real ...
- Bicentennial Nothing to Celebrate, Say Indigenous ...Mexico City, Sep 24, 2010 - "I don't understand why we should celebrate [Independence]. There will be no freedom in Mexico until repression against indigenous peoples is eliminated," says Sadhana, whose name means "moon" in the indigenous Mazahua language. read more
- UntitledClick through to a video interview with the other Warren Ellis and Nick Cave. Scrub through to 6.10, to discover what Nick Cave thinks should happen to me. (Also, a nice plug for the French edition of my novel.)
- "Waiting for 'Superman'": A simplistic view of edu ...In the eyes of some education observers, "Waiting for 'Superman'" oversimplifies the problems facing US students and implies an education reform silver bullet for struggling public schools. read more
Consortium News
- WPost's Blinders on Afghan WarAs boosters for the Afghan War, Washington Post editors ignore the bad news that their own reporters find, notes Robert Parry. October 28, 2010
- Explaining US Military's Cultural DivideThe US military's retreat from officer training at elite colleges added to a harmful cultural gap, says ex-CIA officer Paul R. Pillar. October 28, 2010
- How Wall Street Plans to Party OnThe scandal that took down N.Y. Gov. Eliot Spitzer was a lucky break for Wall Street's own party boys, writes Michael Winship. October 27, 2010
- Ray McGovern on WikiLeaks AssaultIn a video report, ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern says the US news media attacks WikiLeaks founder rather than Iraq war crimes. October 27, 2010
- WPost Downplays Iraq War CrimesThe Washington Post's editors try to wash blood from their hands by minimizing the WikiLeaks records, notes Robert Parry. October 26, 2010
- :
- Alexander Cockburn : Autumn of the Driveler
- Carl Ginsburg : Life in the Low to Mid-Teens
- Alexander Cockburn : Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obam ...
- Alexander Cockburn : He Should Have Kept His Mouth ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Obama sells the peace process (Ramzey Baroud, Ma' ...It wouldn't be an exaggeration to claim that the resumption of peace talks between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority have thus far yielded nothing of value, at least no ...
- As stonethrowing escalates, Israeli police round u ...Amid rising Israeli-Arab tensions, Israeli police are waging a crackdown on Palestinian youths - many not yet teenagers - in East Jerusalem’s most volatile neighborhood, Silwan. In a rece ...
- Gaza's rubble collectors (Al Jazeera)
- Holy site sparks row between Israel and UN (Ana C ...A religious site outside Bethlehem revered by both Jews and Muslims has emerged as the latest diplomatic battlefield between Israel and the United Nations. Known as Rachel's Tomb to Jews ...
- Israeli police clash with Palestinians in Umm al F ...Israeli police and stone-throwing Arabs clashed in northern Israel yesterday as a group of Jewish right-wing extremists tried to march through the Arab-Israeli town of Umm al Fahm. Two Ar ...
Water - AlterNet
- Fracking Shown to Mobilize Uranium in Marcellus Sh ...Scientists have found that a chemical everyone recognizes -- uranium -- can be released by fracking in Marcellus shale and that it too may pollute groundwater.
- 3 Lies Big Food Wants You to Believe and the Truth ...Most of the meat Americans consume is from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, which are horrific for animals and terrible for our health and our communities.
- The Dirty Business of Coal: How Our Addiction to a ...A new documentary asks why we are still relying on this antiquated energy source and challenges us to move to cleaner, healthier alternatives.
- Chile to Begin Measuring its Water FootprintsIt will obligate companies to "go beyond the legal spheres" and consider the effects of their consumption on the sustainability of local watersheds and of their own businesses.
- 'Natural' Gas Industry Shills Use the Media to Mis ...Learn to decode the messages of the gas industry, its shills, the politicians in its pocket, and lazy journalists.
Public Citizen in Texas
- CALIFORNIA PUSHES BACK AGAINST TEXASSupporters of a California law designed to battle climate change are pushing back against money from Texas oil and gas interests thatâs helping to fund an initiative on the Nov. 2 ballot in the Golden State that would roll back some of the lawâs provisions Starring David Arquette - Written & Direct ...
- Tom "Smitty" Smith at Al Armendariz welcome party ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Tom "Smitty" Smith at Al Armendariz, the new Region 6 EPA Administrator welcome party in El Sol Y La Luna
- Matt Johnson at Al Armendariz welcome party in El ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Matt Johnson at Al Armendariz welcome party in El Sol Y La Luna
- Rally to Restore Sanity in AustinCome join us tomorrow, Saturday morning, for a satellite rally of John Stewart’s “Rally to Restore Sanity” which is happening in Washington D.C. The festivities start at 11am and go till 2pm (a march against the death penalty starts at 3). Thousands will gather on the steps of the Texas Capitol bu ...
- Pancho the Donkey, White Stallion and Water: The c ... On Thursday, the TCEQ (Texas Commission of Environmental Quality) held a public meeting for the White Stallion Energy Center at the Bay City Civic Center to hear feedback on the plant’s application for a wastewater permit. Members of the TCEQ took questions and comments from the audience concer ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- Bees' tiny brains beat computersNew research has shown that bees are able to solve complex mathematical problems. Working out the shortest route between flowers to minimize flight ti...
- Different monsters in cultures eerily similarLegends and stories of monsters in different cultures around the world are surprisingly similar. Despite their distance apart early monster myths and ...
- The science behind FrankensteinIts one of the most popular horror novels of all time but what was the inspiration behind Frankenstein ? Mary Shelley's iconic novel Frankenstein was ...
- Seeking proof in near-death claimsResearchers in the US and UK are attempting to determine the true nature of near-death experiences. Their experiments involve suspending a picture fac...
- Ghostly fakery in the 19th centuryBack in the days before Photoshop hoaxers relied on alternative ways to fake ghost photographs. In the 19th century hoaxers such as William Hope creat...
- International Caravans for Life, Resistance, and E ...mexico200605-012.jpg The Via Campesina, along with their member organization the National Union of Autonomous Regional Peasant Organizations (UNORCA) – both Grassroots International partners – are organizing a march in Mexico for life and en ...
- Outrage in a Time of Cholerahaiti201005-142.jpg Many of us involved in the post-earthquake reality of Haiti have both feared and expected the kind of health crisis that recently surfaced in the news. In many ways, the seeming inevitability makes it all the more tragic – ...
- US Food Sovereignty Alliance Launches in New Orlea ...1._sign_-_food_sovereignty_yes.jpg Grassroots International’s global partners like the Via Campesina have frequently told us: “You have to work hard to change things in the U.S. for our hard work to bear real fruit.” In other words, for anothe ...
- Insights - Fall 2010An important victory is unfolding: the US Food Sovereignty Alliance is officially being launched on World Food Day, October 16. More than three years in the making, this event represents not only a first for the US, but a much awaited step forward for the food sovereignty movement worldwide. Read mo ...
- Update from Mexico since the September Mudslideoaxaca.jpg For a week in late September, steady rain in the southern states of Mexico created mudslides and floods, affecting communities and farms in Oaxaca, Chiapas and surrounding southern states. Fortunately early reports overestimated the ...
- Tensions High on Final Day of UN Biodiversity Talk ...Source:� AFP UN talks aimed at sealing a global pact to protect the world's ecosystems entered their final day on Friday amid high tensions, with negotiators yet to agree on a deal over money. �
- BP Shares Jump After Investigator Points Finger at ...Source:� Guardian BP shares read more
- Scientists to See if Oil Spill Hurt Deep Sea LifeSource:� AP A team of scientists are leaving on a research cruise to see if the BP oil spill hurt deep-sea coral and organisms that live around natural oil and gas seeps in the Gulf of Mexico.
- Obama May Discuss Rare Earth Policy with Chinese P ...Source:� The Hill Pres. Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao may discuss access to Chinese supplies of rare earth elements when they meet Nov. 11, a White House official said. �
- IPCC: Attacks on Climate Science Echo Tobacco Indu ...Source:� Guardian The attacks on climate science made ahead of the Copenhagen summit were "organised" to undermine efforts to tackle global warming, according to the vice-chair of the IPCC.
- New Research Suggests BPA Linked to Weak SemenAn examination of male Chinese factory workers found those with high BPA levels in their urine were up to four times more likely to have poor sperm quality, although urine BPA was not linked to volume or abnormal sperm.
- 10 Ways to Improve Your Company's Energy Managemen ...Although improving energy efficiency can be as simple as gathering low-hanging fruit, smart companies will take efficiency projects far beyond the usual suspects.
- GSK Starts Work on Largest Rooftop Solar Array in ...GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare installs the first of 11,000 panels today for a 3-megawatt solar energy system that will become the largest roof-mounted array thus far in North America.
- How Starbucks Took the Lead on LEEDWhen the coffee giant announced its goal to get all of its new stores LEED-certified starting this year, it was the culmination of an effort to address its biggest environmental impacts.
- Scott Dumps Toilet Paper Waste With Tubeless Rolls�Kimberley-Clark is eliminating waste from toilet paper rolls by getting rid of the cardboard tubes.
Reuters Global
- Will Obama refer to Kashmir in public in India?Will Obama say the word "Kashmir" in public in India?
- Green energy aspirations for Obama’s India v ...When Barack Obama heads for India next month, he'll be carrying a heavy policy agenda. Rajendra Pachauri, the Nobel Peace laureate who heads the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, hopes the U.S. president has time to focus on clean energy too.
- Clinton sees diplomats of the future in cargo pant ...Hillary Clinton has urged Congress to finance a major new U.S. push on overseas development aid, arguing that only by building up a global middle class will the United States increase its own national security.
- Inside the Pirates’ WebCounterfeit commerce over the Internet has soared the past couple of years, turning what had been an irritant to businesses into a serious threat. Reuters journalists track the pirates from their websites to their shady workshops in China.
- Numbed by Ciudad Juarez’s endless killings, ...The horrific killing of teenagers at a party in Ciudad Juarez deepens the despair in Mexico's worst drug war city, but authorities seem numbed into a state of inaction.
Booman Tribune
- Some Thoughts on the Narrative While I don't know that this is directed as me, I will respond to it anyway. It's been a bit of mystery to me why there's this narrative about blogreading newsjunkies not being enthusiastic enough to vote. Those people vote. It's somewhat disconnected people who might be a bit too worried about t ...
- A Hall of ScoundrelsYou know, maybe it's because I read all Dostoyovsky's novels, but I don't think the word 'scoundrel' gets thrown around enough in this country. I mean, Joe Miller is a scoundrel. That's what he is. Rick Scott is a scoundrel , too. If his bid to be Floridas next governor is successful, Rick Sc ...
- Something's Going OnWhy do terrorists always mess around at election time? First they mailed explosive devices all over the place (probably as a diversionary tactic) and now NORAD has escorted a U.A.E. passenger plane into JFK airport in New York. NORAD is escorting a passenger flight from the United Arab Emirates ...
- An Electorate Detached from RealityAt times like these, it's easy to get down on the American voter : A plurality of Americans, though, perceive this Congress as having done less than usual. I'm not even sure how a political system is supposed to function with an electorate so far detached from reality. I'm not sure that pollin ...
- Possible Leadership Battle LoomsThe New York Times is sniffing around Harry Reid's political corpse, even though they really don't have anything substantive to report. Naturally, both Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer have been doling out cash and campaigning for senators in an effort to shore up support, should Reid lose his seat. ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 30 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1680 - death of...
- Friday Open ThreadHere we go again!...
- Here we go again?European Union leaders meeting in Brussels have agreed that limited changes to the Lisbon Treaty...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 2 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1967 - death of...
- Thursday Open ThreadBe there or be square...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
Therapy News
- Therapy and Antidepressants are Less Effective for ...A News Headline Depression impacts the daily lives of people at all ages, income levels, and other demographics. But does treatment (whether therapy or antidepressants) help people the same across these spectrums? Unfortunately, the answer is “no,” according to work done by Lydia Fal ...
- Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-UpA Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-Up Enjoy discussing and thinking about this week’s top psychology news while enjoying the holiday weekend with your family :-) Tolerance of Sleep Deficits Tied to Genetics Behavioral Economics and School Nutrition Unique Struggles for Moms Helping K ...
- Tracing Children’s Psychological Adjustment to Par ...A News Headline An interesting study from Spain tracked children’s mental health and psychological adjustment, then traced those results back to four different types of parenting styles: authoritative (clear rules, very affectionate) and authoritarian (clear rules, not very affection ...
- Depression: A Medical or Social Concern?A News Headline Recognizing the increased attention depression has received in recent years, Dr. Michael D. Yapko argued in a recent blog post that a dangerous majority of this attention emphasizes biology over social factors. “After all, no one is a biochemical island,” he wrote. “D ...
- Months and Years Later, Support and Therapy Benefi ...A News Headline In a comprehensive report called “Keeping the Promise,” the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute is calling for better support services for families with adopted children. While most families are success stories, says the report, a few face stark challenges. Children ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Mountain Party candidate campaigns for US Senate s ...Mountain Party candidate campaigns for US Senate seat MU The Parthenon ... include solidifying the state's economy and education and working to solve environmental issues, such as mountaintop removal and clean energy. ... and more��
- West Virgina Activists Risk Arrest, Plant Trees on West Virgina Activists Risk Arrest, Plant Trees on Mountaintop Removal Mining Site On Sunday afternoon, hundreds of West Virginians and their allies rallied on Kayford Mountain to protest the way that mountain top removal mining locations ... The Movement Against Mount ...
- Kentucky Congressman Backs Move Against Mountain T ...Capitol News Connection Kentucky Congressman Backs Move Against Mountain Top Removal Mining Capitol News Connection The mine run by the company 'Arch Coal' was designed to be the country's largest mountain top removal coal mining project. West Virginia lawmakers released ... Colorado Lawmakers Back ...
- The Movement Against Mountaintop Removal - OpEdNew ...The Movement Against Mountaintop Removal OpEdNews Shapiro said, " Mountaintop removal is a really large-scale form of strip mining for coal in central ...
- Mountain Party candidate campaigns for US Senate s ...Mountain Party candidate campaigns for US Senate seat MU The Parthenon ... include solidifying the state's economy and education and working to solve environmental issues, such as mountaintop removal and clean energy. ... and more��
- Failing Upward: Breitbart To Be Featured in ABC's ...Matt Gertz / Media Matters for America : Failing Upward: Breitbart To Be Featured in ABC's 2010 Election Coverage — Media Matters has confirmed that noted propagandist Andrew Breitbart will provide analysis for ABC News during their election night coverage. — After Breitbart's ...
- Angle bans TV crews from election eve (Meredith Sh ...Meredith Shiner / The Politico : Angle bans TV crews from election eve — Sharron Angle has banned two Las Vegas television stations from attending her election night party as retribution for reporters who tracked her down Friday and asked her questions without prior campaign approval. — Repor ...
- Meek: I Turned Down Crist Cross (Peter Wallsten/Wa ...Peter Wallsten / Washington Wire : Meek: I Turned Down Crist Cross — Florida independent Senate candidate Charlie Crist personally lobbied Democratic candidate Kendrick Meek to exit the race this week, offering him a cross that had been a gift from his sister, Mr. Meek said Friday. — The gest ...
- Attack Ads, Circa 1800 (Hit & Run)Hit & Run : Attack Ads, Circa 1800 — Have this year's negative political ads really “taken dirty to a whole new level, as CNN's Anderson Cooper frets? Is a “return to civility...a relic of a bygone era,” as President Barack Obama laments? — Er, not exactly. — If anonymous political speech … ...
- Woman Receives Death Threats Days After Beck Targe ...Alex Seitz-Wald / ThinkProgress : Woman Receives Death Threats Days After Beck Targets Her On His Show — The League of Women Voters has filed complaints with police in Evanston, IL and the FBI saying that one of their officials has been targeted by death threats relating to a candidatess debate ...
Energy & Environment News
- U.S. and Europe Urged to Join Forces on Rare Earth ...The United States, Europe and industry should work together so no nation can disrupt supplies of crucial raw materials, officials said.
- After China’s Rare Earth Embargo, a New Cal ...Alarmed by China’s recent embargo, many countries are now scrambling to develop new mines or renovate ones long considered not to be worth the effort.
- Green: U.S. Nuclear Plants Get the Iraq TreatmentInternational atomic energy inspectors size up operations in Peach Bottom, Pa., and Lower Alloways Creek, N.J. Early impressions are positive.
- Green: Warp Speed for Risky Solar VenturesThe California Energy Commission rushes to green-light massive solar power plants so developers can break ground by year's end and qualify for a government cash grant.
- Dubai Faces Environmental Problems After GrowthThe emirate offers a cautionary tale in the pitfalls of constructing metropolises in the parched desert.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.2, south of the Fiji IslandsSaturday, October 30, 2010 10:39:24 UTC Saturday, October 30, 2010 10:39:24 PM at epicenter Depth : 501.90 km (311.87 mi)
- M 5.0, Fiji regionSaturday, October 30, 2010 07:07:20 UTC Saturday, October 30, 2010 07:07:20 PM at epicenter Depth : 584.70 km (363.32 mi)
- M 5.2, South Indian OceanFriday, October 29, 2010 02:25:02 UTC Friday, October 29, 2010 06:25:02 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.4, South Sandwich Islands regionWednesday, October 27, 2010 18:46:02 UTC Wednesday, October 27, 2010 04:46:02 PM at epicenter Depth : 33.60 km (20.88 mi)
- M 5.1, southwest of Sumatra, IndonesiaTuesday, October 26, 2010 19:40:38 UTC Wednesday, October 27, 2010 02:40:38 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
China Dialogue
- “It’s not colonialism” (2)In the conclusion of Ning Er’s interview with Li Anshan, the international-relations professor argues that opposition to China’s role in Africa is a hangover from western imperialism – and should be ignored. Ning Er: Dambisa Moyo takes the view that western aid has massively increased the incidences ...
- “It’s not colonialism” (1)Peking University academic Li Anshan is an expert in Sino-African relations. Here, he hits back at criticism of Chinese investors abroad, telling Ning Er his country is succeeding where western aid has failed. Chinese investment in Africa has been the subject of heavy criticism: Chinese aid increase ...
- The clamour for African coalTete, in Mozambique, sits above one of the world’s largest reserves of high-quality coal. Money is pouring in and the mood is upbeat, writes Richard Lapper, but getting the product to market won’t be easy. Since the workers from Vale , Brazil’s giant mining company, started to drink at his bar, fort ...
- Keeping within our earthly limitsThe Living Planet Report , produced by WWF and its partners, shows that humanity’s demands still outstrip the world’s natural resources – a trend likely to worsen. chinadialogue looks inside the 2010 edition. Populations of tropical species are plummeting and humanity’s demands on natural resources ...
- Turning point in TianjinDozens of Chinese civil-society groups came together to host events at this month’s climate talks in Tianjin. Programme coordinator Lu Sicheng tells Meng Si it was a historic milestone. Lu Sicheng was the coordinator of “Green China, Race to the Future”, a series events organised by Chinese NGOs at ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- How Tea Party Candidates Like Joe Miller and Rand ...Conservative candidates walk a fine line between getting the political support of militias, while avoiding charges of extremism unpalatable to the mainstream.
- Lawrence Goodwyn: The Great Predicament Facing Oba ...An interview with legendary historian Lawrence Goodwyn on Obama, the larger currents in our political life, and the possibility of a rebirth in our democratic culture.
- The 12 Most Outrageous Statements Politicos Have M ...From threats of violence against immigrants to calls for mass deportation, candidates across the country are unleashing a torrent of hate speech.
- A Ground's Eye View of How Millions of Shady Corpo ...'It’s pretty clear that corporations now have the ability to spend unlimited amounts of money to take on people like my boss.'
- 8 Big Reasons Why Carly Fiorina Would Be a Disaste ...Fiorina ranks as the 19th worst CEO in American history. Where did she get the gall to run in the first place?
Threat Level
- Obama Ordered to Release Names of Clemency SeekersRuling in a privacy flap, a federal appeals court says the Obama administration must divulge the names of convicts seeking pardons or commutations of sentences. The Obama administration urged the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to rule otherwise. The government said public ...
- Scholars Say International Property Accord Needs S ...More than 70 academics, mostly legal scholars, are urging President Barack Obama to open a proposed international intellectual-property agreement to public review before signing it. The likely route for that is bringing the ACTA agreement to the Senate for ratification. The deal, known as the Anti-C ...
- Feds Let Google Off With Warning for Wi-Fi–Sniffin ...Federal regulators on Wednesday closed their investigation into Google’s collection of Wi-Fi traffic, without imposing any sanctions on the company. Google discovered earlier this year, after inquiries from German data authorities, that it had been eavesdropping on open Wi-Fi networks from its Stree ...
- Sarah Palin E-Mail Hacker Seeks Probation, Feds Wa ...David Kernell, the Tennessee student convicted of hacking into Sarah Palin’s personal e-mail account, has asked the court to forgo a prison sentence and give him probation for his crimes. Kernell, 22, was convicted earlier this year of misdemeanor computer intrusion and a felony count of obstructio ...
- The $105 Fix That Could Protect You From Copyright ...Call it ingenious, call it evil or call it a little of both: Copyright troll Righthaven is exploiting a loophole in intellectual property law, suing websites that might have avoided any trace of civil liability had they spent a mere $105. That’s the fee for a blog or other website to register a DMC ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- U.S. tightens security, seeks source of parcel bom ...WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States searched on Saturday for the culprits behind a plot to bomb Jewish targets in Chicago uncovered by the interception in Britain and Dubai of parcels with explosives sent from Yemen.
- Rio Tinto says Iran can keep stake in uranium mineUNITED NATIONS, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Iran can keep its stake in a uranium mine in Namibia owned by Anglo-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto , despite new U.N. sanctions restricting such investments, the firm said on Friday.
- China offers assurances on rare earths, says U.S. ...HANOI (Reuters) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought clarification about China's policy on exporting rare earth minerals and received assurances from its foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, a U.S. official said on Saturday.
- Drones spur Yemenis' distrust of government and U. ...WADI ABIDA, Yemen (Reuters) - An afternoon tribal meeting in a remote desert valley in Yemen is interrupted by the unmistakable hum of an unmanned drone. The men, gathered in their chieftain's courtyard, rise to look at the sky.
- Clinton joins Asia summit amid China-Japan rowHANOI (Reuters) - The premiers of China and Japan met on the sidelines of an Asian regional summit in a bid to defuse a territorial dispute on Saturday, while the United States urged Asia's two big economies to cool the standoff.
- News you may have missed #447UK MI6 chief speaks publicly for the first time. WikiLeaks to release secret Russia, China logs. Renegade CIA agent's papers acquired by NYU. Continue reading →
- WikiLeaks documents reveal CIA’s role in IraqAlong with unprecedented inside information on American military operations in Iraq, the 400,000 US military reports recently released by whistleblower site WikiLeaks provide several interesting snippets of the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in that ongoing conflict. Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #446American pleads guilty to spying for China. Obama widens CIA operations in Pakistan. US spy balloons blew towards Iran. Continue reading →
- Proposed US-Chinese telecom deal worries US legisl ...Three US Congress members have raised security concerns about a proposed deal between American and Chinese telecommunications companies, claiming that it could facilitate Chinese espionage in the United States. Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #445WikiLeaks files show Iranian involvement in Iraq. WikiLeaks founder on the run. Money problems of US spies may threaten US security. Continue reading →
After Downing
- Telling TEA Party thoughts?!? on Military and Vete ...This comment by Angle, caught it last night on CBS and my head nearly exploded, shows Exactly what she thinks? about the Soldiers we're sending into these occupations and their families at home waiting, which in turn shows what she, and (R)'s, especially this phony TEA party, think? about us Veteran ...
- Reviewing Project Censored's Top 2009-10 StoriesReviewing Project Censored's Top 2009-10 Stories - by Stephen Lendman Founded in 1976 by Carl Jensen, Mickey Huff now heads PC, working cooperatively with former director Peter Phillips' Media Freedom Foundation (MFF) and other investigative research and media related organizations. Together they co ...
- Two petitions, two approaches toward defending Ira ...By Phil Wilayto After a period in which defending Iran hasn't been very high on the agenda of most U.S. anti-war activists, there are now two petition campaigns opposing war and sanctions against Iran. One effort is led by a New York City-based organization more known for defending Cuban “dissidents ...
- The United States military budget -- the threat to ...Last January, Carl Conetta of the Commonwealth Institute’s Project for Defense Alternatives wrote a paper titled “An Undisciplined Defense: Understanding the $2 Trillion Surge in US Defense Spending.” ( ) Conetta looked at the doubling of U.S. militar ...
- Another Day, Another 850 Afghan Children DeadBamiyan Diaries – Day Five By David Smith-Ferri “Is This Normal?” In a small storage shed at the edge of town, we watched as fourteen-year-old Sayed Qarim signed a simple contract agreeing to borrow and repay a no-interest, 25,000 afghani loan (roughly $555). Daniel from the Zenda Company, the loan ...
Grist - News
- Evangelical climate hawk learns hard knocks in Hou Jonathan Hiskes. Ben Lowe is a 25-year-old first-time candidate getting whomped in a suburban Chicago congressional race. He's being outspent 16-to-one by Republican incumbent Peter Roskam. The biggest publicity the campaign drew came when Lowe, who is half-Chinese, claimed racial profiling ...
- Biodiversity is an urban concernby Jonathan Hiskes. Biodiversity doesn't get as much attention as it should now that climate change has become preeminent among environmental quandaries. But it's important! Species extinction isn't some boutique issue that's distinct from the needs of humans. And building successful human dwe ...
- Strickland finally talks up energy and transit in Jonathan Hiskes. Up until a month ago, Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland (D) was pursuing a curious strategy of not campaigning on his record of promoting economic growth through clean energy and efficiency. In 2008, he signed a renewable energy standard that ensures a market for wind and solar pr ...
- The Biggest Loser (of energy waste): UNC dormitoryby Jonathan Hiskes. Back in April the EPA launched a quirky little competition inspired by The Biggest Loser in which 14 buildings competed to see which could trim the most waste from their energy usage. The competitors were a 23-story Manhattan office building, a San Diego Marriott hotel, a C ...
- The Senate livability bill has no teeth. That̵ Jonathan Hiskes. The Obama administration is shifting federal transportation and housing funding away from its historical focus on sprawl-inducing highways and toward walkable, transit-friendly, mixed-use development. The work got started with the creation of the Partnership for Sustainable ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Voter Intimidation Alleged by Arizona Sheriff Arpa ...Arpaio e-mail discourages Latinos from voting.
- Get Trapped in an Elevator with Nova Tuesday, Nove ...What’s up with elevators? How safe are they? What are your chances of getting trapped?
- Leadership Strategies: Become a Feedback JunkieObtaining feedback from your employees.
- Bank of America and Other Lenders In The Hot Seat ...Bank of America Foreclosure Fraud
- Ultimate Homer Football CallHometown announcers are the best, especially when you're a fan of that home town team.
Time - Top Stories
- The Best Pictures of the WeekThe Best Pictures of the Week
- Nations Reach Historic Deal on BiodiversityBucking the trend of global environmental summits over-promising and under-delivering, representatives from nearly 190 nations came together in Nagoya at the end of the two week-long Convention on Biological Diversity and signed an important deal
- Why Women Candidates Are Talking ToughThis election season, female candidates own the macho rhetoric. But it's not for the reason you think
- India or China: Which Model for the Developing Wor ...China is the Michael Jordan of emerging economies.
- Strained Relations: Liberia's President and Her St ...A huge drug bust in May was good news for Liberia but it also focused attention on President Sirleaf's strained relations with her country's security chief -- her stepson
Washington Independent
- RNC Denies New Fundraising Site Implies Franken St ...Earlier today I wrote about a new Republican National Committee fundraising website called “No More Frankens,” which says, “We now know that Republicans should have won the 2008 Senate Race in Minnesota – Act immediately to prevent another Franken!” and also makes reference to the “illegal votes of ...
- Creator of the ‘Don’t Vote’ Ads ...Remember Roberto DePosada, the Republican president of Latinos for Reform who released an ad urging Latinos not to vote in Tuesday’s election, because the Democrats had betrayed them by failing to pass immigration reform? Well, it turns out he didn’t take his own advice: He voted absentee in Virgin ...
- More on Inconsistencies in Gulf Oil Spill Claims D ...Following up on my post yesterday on inconsistencies in the Gulf oil spill claims process, I thought I’d share this email I received from Gary Eichler, who runs a charter fishing company in Naples, Fla. We are a charter fishing/eco-tour company in Naples, Fla. While we received four claim checks thr ...
- Reid Promises a Vote on the DREAM Act After the El ...Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) plans to hold on vote on the DREAM Act, which would allow some undocumented young people to gain legal status, during the lame-duck session, the Huffington Post reports. Univision’s Jorge Ramos, who will air an interview with Reid Sunday, tweeted that the s ...
- Are Businesses the Victims of Citizens United, Too ...Big corporations have been portrayed as the villains in the story of this year’s explosion in campaign spending, unloading vast sums of money to elect candidates who will then go to Washington to better their bottom line. Turns out a lot of businesses, however, feel like they’re the ones getting sha ...
Digg Green
- From LEDs to CFLs, See How 9 New Energy Savin ...We tried out the latest LEDs, CFLs, halogens and hybrids, and some of the results surprised us.
- Halliburton Admits It Skipped Test On Well Ce ...Halliburton, BP's cementing contractor, said it did not conduct a stability test on the final mix of cement after a last-minute change by BP. Earlier statements by the company had said tests showed the cement to be stable.
- Synthetic corneas may restore vision for the ...The collagen-based implants could be an alternative to cadaver corneas. A preliminary test shows that they restored vision as effectively as the latter and did not require anti-rejection drugs.
- Urbanography: The First Photo of Man? Is it a bird? A plane? Big Foot? It’s none of those. However, it might just be the first photo of humans in existence. It all started after photos of Cincinnati along the Ohio River were discovered and analyzed. The photos themselves were intriguing, but now question has arisen over whether or ...
- Robonaut 2 en route to International Space St ...NASA and GM have finished the Robonaut 2, a robot designed to assist astronauts on the International Space Station. It will launch Nov. 1.
Invisible Opportunity
- Boulder on Track for “Averagest” Weather YearBy Jim Gregorich If November and December temperatures continue to straddle the averages for those months, 2010 could be the “averagest” weather year on record in Boulder, Colorado. To date the average temperature has been within a tenth of a degree of the mean temperature. The mean temperature fo ...
- Aussie Trades Unionist Exposes 9/11 Cover-upListen to an overbearing gatekeeper, Jon Faine, attempt to rubbish the genuine concerns of an Australian trades unionist, Kevin Bracken, in an attempt to stifle any debate about the many anomalies in the official 9/11 story. Seldom have I heard anyone, who obviously wants the issue to go away, do mo ...
- Holocaust Hoaxer Defends his “Imagination ...
- Cholera Epidemic: Toxic Drinking Water Killing Hai ...By F. William Engdahl Cholera comes from contaminated water or food, often contaminated by feces. Cholera can kill someone within a day if untreated, from fluid loss through diarrhea and vomiting. The old and the young are most vulnerable. Right now the infection is an epidemic according to direct r ...
- GlaxoSmithKline to pay $750 million to settle whis ...By Tony Isaacs British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline has agreed to pay $750 million to settle criminal and civil complaints as a result of a whistleblower lawsuit that said the company knowingly sold tainted drugs for years, including GlaxoSmithKline mainstay drugs Avandia, Paxil and Tagamet and a cont ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- As California Votes to Legalize, Pot Is Quickly Tu ...California is not just deciding whether pot should be legal. It’s determining the shape of a major new American industry.
- As California Votes to Legalize, Pot Is Quickly Tu ...California is not just deciding whether pot should be legal. It’s determining the shape of a major new American industry.
- Dianne Feinstein Is Out of Step on the Drug WarSenator Feinstein is out of step with Californians, particularly younger voters, while in lock-step with the regressive drug war lobby.
- Why California’s Latinos Should ...Legalizing marijuana will protect the safety and civil rights of the latino community.
- The Same Bigots Who Fought Gay Marriage Are Trying ...This time pot’s the demon, instead of gay couples.
Twilight Earth
- Tea Party Actually Started by Two British Comedian ...Jokes on us. Those blokes from across the pond sure do give their all for a joke! View all of Joeâs political/environmental cartoonery at Updates on Twitter at @GreenCartoons Related posts:Republican Energy Plan (cartoon) Can’t Spell HATE Without T-E-A (cartoon) Tea Partier ...
- Republican Energy Plan (cartoon)Same old same old from the right side of the aisle. As Treehugger columnist, Brian Merchant recently shared, “they are the only major political party of any democracy in the world that gets away with denying climate science.” Scary. More on the ever-tan Mr. Boehner: John Boehner on the Issues (sc ...
- Here Comes Trouble (cartoon)Recent news of the habitable planet that circles a star called Gliese 581, and the ensuing article in the Huffington Post, by James Napoli inspired this little cartoon. The news is also reminiscent of one of my favorite children’s books Wump World, by Bill Peet. Look out Wumps! Here we come! New ...
- Republican Clouds (cartoon)Obama announced recently that he plans to add solar panels to the White House. I can’t see anyone or anything standing in the way. White House gets into 10/10/10 spirit with solar-panel plan Obama: âNo industry with more potential to create jobs now than clean energyâ Follow Joe Mohrâs cartoonery ...
- Big Oil and Big Coal’s Favorite Toy (cartoon)Find me a liberal in the Big Coal and/or Oil biz and I’ll never draw another cartoon again! Republican governor candidates deny climate change On climate change, it’s the Republicans versus reality Follow Joe Mohrâs cartoonery at and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons Related pos ...
- Don’t Forget to Enter Our Green Halloween Costume ...DIY Halloween Costume Crafters Beware! Halloween is just a couple days away, and we know that you’ve been hard at work conjuring up an incredible homemade costume. If you think you’ve got a killer DIY costume that deserves more than one night of glory, then head on over to our spooktacular Green Ha ...
- 8 Awesome Things Made From Recycled Blue JeansRead the rest of 8 Awesome Things Made From Recycled Blue Jeans Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: blue jeans, eco design, GAP, green ...
- Equo LED Desk Lamp Shines a Light on Energy-Effici ...Looking for a new desk lamp with beauty and brains? Well the Equo’s got both. This modern lamp looks more like a sculpture than a light fixture with its super thin and light design. Plus it’s counter balanced to be adjustable with a feather-light touch and has LED bulbs to make it both energy effici ...
- San Francisco Will Launch Electric Vehicle Taxi Pr ...Better Place, the leading electric vehicle services provider, has announced a plan to bring a switchable battery, electric taxi program to the cities of San Francisco and San Jose. An endeavor undertaken with the support of the U.S. Department of Transportation through the Metropolitan Transporta ...
- Nine Square Feet Cabin Is a Fully Functional and F ...Nine is the magic number for the amazingly small, but functional mini cabin proposed by Michael Janzen. Just long enough to sleep in and tall enough to stand in, the cabin is placed on a lightweight wheeled frame making it easily transportable. Meeting modern standards for living, on the interior on ...
Pogue's Posts
- A Love Letter to a CameraDavid Pogue describes his affection for what he says is the best pocket camera on the market, the
Canon Powershot S95. - Office for Mac Isn't an ImprovementOffice 2011 for Mac is a big step backward. The new Outlook is the biggest disappointment.
- Farewell, GOOG-411On Nov. 12, Google will turn off its free, voice-activated directory-assistance service forever. There are several options for those intending to soldier on in the post-GOOG-411 world.
- Shifting Time Zones on Online CalendarsMaking an appointment in one time zone does not mean your calendar will remind you at the right time if you travel to another time zone-unless you adjust a setting.
- How Do You Test a Battery?Help David Pogue design a protocol for testing the battery life of a smartphone running Flash videos.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Space Tourism’s Rubbery Rockets May Spur Climate C ...Suborbital spaceflights that rely on rubber-based rocket fuel could shrink ice caps, alter the ozone layer and affect global temperatures, according to a new study. Yet the study authors’ assumptions about the number of rocket launches per year and the chemistry of rocket exhaust have raised qu ...
- Engineer Finds Secret to Growing Ridiculously Huge ...Linus was right after all. Not only does the Great Pumpkin exist, but scientists have figured out how he manages to get so big. In a sort of self-perpetuating cycle, the bigger a gourd gets, the more physical stress it experiences — thus triggering giant pumpkins to grow even more. “Their weight g ...
- The Making of a Mind-Blowing DIY Sun PhotoThis stunning portrait of the sun spread like hot plasma all over the internet yesterday. spoke with artist and astrophotographer Alan Friedman to find out how he made it. Friedman shoots the sky from his backyard in downtown Buffalo, New York. That means the usual celestial candidates — ...
- Stone Agers Sharpened Skills 55,000 Years Earlier ...Stone-tool makers living in southern Africa 75,000 years ago pushed the cutting edge in more ways than one. These intrepid folk sharpened the thin tips of heated stone spearheads using a forceful technique previously dated to no more than 20,000 years ago, a new study finds. This stone-tool mak ...
- World’s Most Precise Clocks Could Reveal Universe ...Our existence could be coded in a finite bandwidth, like a live ultra-high-definition 3-D video. And the third dimension we know and love could be no more than a holographic projection of a 2-D surface. A scientist’s experiment, now under construction in Illinois, will attempt to test these idea ...
The Progressive Realist
- US NATO Ambassador Previews SummitTwo weeks from today, NATO is gathering for a major summit of its 28 member states, plus Russia. Â Thanks to a fellowship from Atlantic Council’s Young Atlanticist Network I’ll be reporting from the scene in Lisbon. Â So it was with great interest that I had the chance to sit down with U.S. NATO Amb ...
- Terror Plots Foiled with the Assistance of the Ame ...Ben Armbruster catches Rep. Steve King of Iowa repeating the widely held fiction that American Muslims don't do anything to fight terrorism. Here's a list of terror plots that have been foiled with the assistance of the American Muslims drawn from the Muslim Public Affairs' Council's recent report o ...
- Does Fighting Terrorism Justify Empowering Countri ...Earlier this week, Marcy Wheeler noted that the White House had issued a memorandum waiving the prohibition on military aid to countries that use child soldiers with respect to Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, and Yemen. All four of which were listed in the 2008 The Child Soldiers ...
- Peace Through Strength?: The Problem with Fighting ...In March of 2009, when the Obama administration was conducting a strategic review to determine the way forward in Afghanistan, the primary tension was between engaging in a long term, multi-decade COIN campaign, or beginning the disengagement and reconciliation process – which would, itself, take ...
- We'll Terrorize You Yet!I was going to write about the bizarre decision of the DC transit police to institute bag searches on the metro in response to an alleged terrorism plot by Farooque Ahmed that was always under the complete control of the FBI, but Will Wilkinson beat me to it: How does this make sense? The feds didn' ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Well-Defined Terms Make for Bette ...John Judis debunks four myths about the Tea Parties, but the first one is a bit suspect. "The Tea Party is not a movement" is mythical, according to Judis, because movements are difficult to define (my words, not his). But if we're going to call the Tea Parties a movement, then we really need a wor ...
- The Little Picture: Not Lovin' It.(Flickr/ Roadside Pictures ) A McDonald's sign. Today a controversy has erupted over the actions of a McDonald's manager in Ohio, who wrote a letter to employees: "If the right people are elected, we will be able to continue with raises and benefits at or above our present levels. If others are e ...
- Tomorrow's Fox News Reports Today.Via Andrew Sullivan , we get this amusing clip of a reporter for a Texas television news program, amazed at the way some San Franciscans are enjoying themselves as they float in McCovey Cove awaiting World Series batting practice. "They're smoking weed!" he says again and again: View more news vide ...
- Voter Intimidation!Except this one involves your neighborhood McDonald's and not two goofy black guys from Philadelphia (via Matt Yglesias ): Voter intimidation by employers strikes me as a lot more likely than voter intimidation by (the now-defunct) ACORN or any other shadowy group of minorities. Of course, I'm no ...
- Fighting Till the End.To jump off of Tim's post, a new Mason-Dixon poll shows Marco Rubio leading with 45 points to Charlie Crist's 28 and Kendrick Meek's 24: As his opponents argue over who should abandon their bid for U.S. Senate, Republican Marco Rubio is cruising toward the finish line, according to a new poll by Mas ...
- Can Everyone be Like Juan Williams? Get Fired and ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH I'm down with this because Juan Williams Was born in Panama --- not here in the U.S. If he loves America, why isn't his name John? Let's waterboard him and make him confess. We invaded Panama back in '89 The victory was sweet and swell; But how do we know Williams isn't I ...
- Who's Addicted Us to Big Oil? Big Oil!JACQUELINE MARCUS FOR BUZZFLASH My editor, Mark Karlin at Buzzflash , wrote a succinct introductory comment on President Obama's screw the environment decision to lift the Gulf moratorium on deepwater drilling. Salazar, his pro-oil Interior Secretary, released a phony condition that deepwater ri ...
- Sharron Has All the Angles of Ignorance Covered A telling quote from Sharron Angle that reveals more than she wants you to know---"Angle said, 'We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer, so that they report the news the way we want it reported.'" Don't think that's all of "the wa ...
- Some Of Carl Paladino’s Recent Gay Bashing Was On ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH Casual followers of current events & Political junkies in the know Had this same response to this story: Don Imus still has a show? read more
- Holder Claims He Will "Enforce" Anti-Marijuana Law ...MARC PERKEL FOR BUZZFLASH Attorney General Eric Holder has his priorities wrong what he says that he is going to "vigorously enforce" federal marijuana laws calling it a "core priority". Statement like that makes me wonder, "What's this guy smoking?" Maybe the justice department should make catch ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- The wretched mind of the American authoritarianIn multiple newspapers, Jonah Goldberg asks: "Why isn't Julian Assange dead"?
- Job hunting in WashingtonA leaked letter from Harvard Professor Larry Tribe to the President, gushing with praise, results in a job
- College events and other mattersUpcoming speeches, a 1967 MLK interview on war, and midterm election lessons
- More on the media's Pentagon-subservient WikiLeaks ...The self-defense from the NYT's John Burns to criticisms over his hit piece reveals much about the media mind
- Inhumane impact of DOMAAs the Obama DOJ aggressively defends this pernicious law in court, the human costs continue to grow
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Boiling sun, alchemist, freewillThe boiling Sun – In case you woke up today feeling important…there's a rather humbling picture that shows the scale of a plume of gas erupting from the surface of the Sun that would literally engulf the whole planet. More to the point, you could fit the Earth into the sun a million times over…and [ ...
- When is yawning contagious?When is yawning contagious? – Apparently, yawns are most contagious at 7:30 pm. But, why? No one knows for sure even why we yawn, let alone why we yawn after seeing someone else yawn or even simply after seeing someone pretend to yawn. (If it were a change in air pressure or CO2 levels in [...] When ...
- Six sexy science booksSix sexy science books at least one or two of which would make perfect holiday gifts for the science geek, nerd, dweeb, or dork in your life. Remember Science is Vital and so are books. Science: The Definitive Guide by Piers Bizony – As a kid, I devoured books like this, you probably did too, [...] ...
- Progress or PRProgress or PR? – recently published a “guide” for journalists on separating real progress from PR hype surrounding clinical trials. It’s a well-written and quite timely piece given the backlash against medical reporting in recent years. Unfortunately, this kind of advice is only ever tak ...
- Scientists dodge Osborne’s axeScientists dodge Osborne’s axe – The Science is Vital campaign has turned UK Chancellor George Osborne who recognised at the 11th hour that the £4.6 billion science budget should be maintained over the next four years. He accepted that research will be key to long-term economic growth. More to the p ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Public Citizen Calls on All Electioneering Groups ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 28, 2010 Public Citizen Public Citizen is calling on all groups that are conducting electioneering communications or independent expenditures in the 2010 elections to disclose to the public the sources and amounts of corporate contributions they use for their campaign s ...
- Rights Groups File Emergency Injunction to Obtain ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 28, 2010 Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) Today, the National Day Laborer Organization Network (NDLON), the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the Kathryn O. Greenberg Immigration Justice Clinic of Cardozo Law filed an injunction in federal court to requir ...
- Leading Economists Give Industry Reports on EPA St ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 28, 2010 Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) Recent industry reports purporting to evaluate the economic impacts of policies to keep America’s air clean received unsatisfactory grades from leading economists. Economists from Dartmouth, the University of Wyoming and ...
- Amnesty International Urges Italy to Stop Mass Exp ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 28, 2010 Amnesty International - USA Amnesty International is calling on the Italian authorities to investigate urgently whether 68 people rescued at sea and then forcibly returned to Egypt within 48 hours were given the opportunity to apply for international protection ...
- Coalition Asks Senate to Pass Bill Allowing Camera ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 28, 2010 ACLU A coalition of public interest advocates led by the American Civil Liberties Union, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and the Alliance for Justice sent a letter to the Senate today urging action on a bill that would allow television cove ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Defying a Superpowerby Robert Koehler WikiLeaks has given us another cold bath in reality: “As the vehicle approached Post 7, the Marines on post used hand and arm signals but the vehicle did not yield. The Marine at Post 7 employed a pop-up flare when the approaching vehicle was 200m S of the post and the vehicle co ...
- Bank Job: Make Rogue Corporations Pay for Foreclos Ted Rall BOSTON--"We know how to prevent foreclosures," Federal Reserve Bank senior economist Paul Willen told The New York Times . "We just need to be prepared to spend the money." Willen "sees two possible solutions: Require banks to modify loans, basically imposing the cost on them; or pay ban ...
- Néstor Kirchner: Argentina's Independence Heroby Mark Weisbrot The sudden death of Néstor Kirchner is a great loss, not only to Argentina but to the region and the world. Kirchner took office as president in May 2003, when Argentina was in the initial stages of its recovery from a terrible recession. His role in rescuing Argentina's economy is ...
- All They Ask for Is an Unfair Advantageby Michael Winship I attended a screening this week of Alex Gibney's new documentary, Client 9. It's the story of the rise and fall of New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer, brought down by imperial hubris and a reckless penchant for ladies of the evening. read more
- State Ballot Initiatives Ensure Employee Free Choi Michelle Chen For politicians in several states, it's not enough that the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is dead in the water on Capitol Hill. read more
Newshoggers - AfPak
- When We Wonder About Afghan CorruptionBy Steve Hynd Let's try to remember that creating a situation where pots of cash are washing about with no accountability, no oversight and no record-keeping is always going to create a culture of corruption. The US government has spent about $55bn on rebuilding in Afghanistan since 2001 but cannot ...
- Gorby on Afghanistan: Victory is ImpossibleBy Steve Hynd The man who withdrew his nation's troops from Afghanistan, Mikhail Gorbachev, is pessimistic about America's adventure there, telling the BBC that a US victory "is impossible there". He added that the mess is, to a great extent, America's own fault. "We had hoped America would abide by ...
- Taliban Talks: After The Hype, The PullbackBy Steve Hynd Last week, the media was full of stenography of the official narrative that the awesomely Saintly General Petareus and his surge(tm) were forcing the Taliban to the negotiating table and the insurgency was in its last throes, with success just around the corner etc. etc. That was until ...
- A One Trick PonyBy Steve Hynd Andrew Exum, known as Abu Muqawama, is a fellow at the neoliberal, interventionist mothership - the Center for a new American Security. As such, he's a fairly influential voice within the D.C. "serious people" foreign policy set. So you'd think he could do better than his summary of th ...
- Talking About Taliban Talks - Just Psyops?By Steve Hynd We've heard an awful lot about talks with Taliban leaders recently. There have been reports, deliberately leaked by the Pentagon, of senior leaders being smuggled into Kabul for talks by the US military. There have been rumors that Pakistan has released Mullah Baradar. There's been a l ...
Water Wars
- Water Wars: Oregon Vs. NestleBottled water is a huge industry, and a profitable one. Last year it netted $10 billion in the US, but there are signs that the industry is slowing. Restaurants have turned away from pricey bottled water, and consumers have returned to tap water to save money. Nestlé is a huge player in the sector: ...
- Water wars for the cityStan Miller thinks water rates should be equal. He’s suing because he believes strongly in his position.
- Water wars for the cityStan Miller thinks water rates should be equal. He’s suing because he believes strongly in his position.
- Water wars for the cityStan Miller thinks water rates should be equal. He’s suing because he believes strongly in his position.
- Water wars for the cityStan Miller thinks water rates should be equal. He’s suing because he believes strongly in his position.
WordPress | Economics
- Iconic Images of Human Rights Violations (55): Fam ...Werner Bischof's photo of the famine in Bihar (source, more on Werner Bischof and on the famine
- M'Kay, finances.And debt, and unemployment, and so forth. This shit still doesn’t seem clear to many. I’
- Discover how a pressure stoveCurrent day Cdn Take the pressure cooking up of a number of home appliances In The modern kitchen ar
- Ridley Scott Predicted Our Fiscal Future Back in t ...
- 101 uses for an oil spill: promote Halloween (the ...The US National Retail Foundation reports Halloween is the second most expensive holiday costing the
Electronic Intifada
- US activists urge State Dept to call for release o ...Representatives from four US human rights groups met with State Department officials on Friday, 22 October and delivered a letter addressed to Secretary of State Clinton si ...
- Cape Town Opera: Don't help Israel whitewash its c ...The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel calls on the Cape Town Opera to cancel its upcoming concert in Israel.
- US Palestinians converging to help shape homeland' ...This weekend in Chicago, the second Popular Conference for Arabs and Palestinians in the US promises to continue to push our movement forward. After more than six decades o ...
- Israeli police shoot legislator as racists march i ...Israeli police injured two Arab legislators on Wednesday in violent clashes provoked by Jewish right-wing extremists staging a march through the northern Arab town of Umm a ...
- A refugee, single mother, worker, strugglerSeventy-year-old Amna Hammad managed to raise three children -- now grown men -- despite decades of separation from her husband and despite displacement and occupation in G ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Taliban demands removal of leaders names from US, ...The Afghan Taliban is demanding that the names of its senior leaders are removed from US and United Nations terror blacklists and that a number of prisoners are released as a precondition of further peace talks.
- U.S. plays down reports of Afghan peace talksThe top U.S. official for Afghanistan sought to play down reports on secret peace talks with the Taliban, saying on Friday that no high-level discussion was under way with Taliban leaders. Richard Hol...
- Taliban attack on Afghan post repelledInternational forces in Afghanistan on Saturday fought off a Taliban attack on a combat post in a remote and mountainous region bordering Pakistan, killing more than 30 insurgents, NATO said.Insurgent...
- Afghan police training edges ahead as transition n ...KABUL (Reuters) - On a dusty shooting range still dotted with rusting husks of Soviet tanks, Afghanistan police recruits fire off three machine-gun rounds, stop, advance, and then fire at the targets ...
- 30 Fighters Killed In Afghan Outpost AttackNATO says 30 insurgents were killed overnight as they tried to storm a combat outpost in eastern Afghanistan. Five coalition soldiers were wounded in the attack in Paktika Province's Bermal district. ...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
on Government Oversight
- Declining DCAA Role in Oversight of Tens of Billio ...POGO has obtained a Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) memo showing that the Pentagon has radically reduced oversight of tens of billions of contract dollars. From our press release today: According to the memo, contracting guidance “now limits contracting officer...
- Whistleblower Film Series Wrap-UpMany thanks to all who joined us for the Whistleblower Film Series earlier this month. We were thrilled with all of the support, interest, and thoughtful discussion surrounding this incredibly important issue. You can view some photos from the Series...
- Flightglobal Poll: Did British Move Sound "the Dea ...While certainly not scientific, Lockheed Martin can’t be too happy with the results of a recent Flightglobal poll on whether the British shift from buying the F-35B STOVL (short take-off and vertical landing) version to the F-35C carrier variant “sounded...
- Morning Smoke: Pentagon Inquiry Concludes Contract ...Pentagon says intel contractors went too far [Associated Press] U.S. reveals skyrocketing cost of intelligence- gathering since 9/11 attacks by Ken Dilanian [Los Angeles Times] New questions on stability of cement in gulf oil well before explosion by Steven Mufson...
- State Department Inspector General Documents AGNA ...The State Department Office of the Inspector General (OIG) today released a damning performance evaluation of ArmorGroup North America (AGNA), the contractor responsible for guarding the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. Among the revelations from today's OIG report: AGNA employed,...
Digital Journal
- Author Vince Flynn talks 'American Assassin,' movi ...Best-selling American author Vince Flynn appeared in Toronto to promote his latest novel, sign copies of the book and ask questions from the audience. Flynn touched upon the Mitch Rapp character, an upcoming motion picture and other issues.
- Canadian citizenship is difficult to get, but well ...Canadian citizenship is not easy to obtain, but for those who pursue this goal, through years of difficulties and challenges, many of them presented by the Canadian government, and if they are persistent enough, citizenship will be the prize, in the end.
- Three Toronto cold cases may be solved with arrestSixteen years to the date of a Toronto woman's murder a man finally was arrested today for her murder and that of two others.
- URL-TV combines drug info with life skills for tee ...On Halloween Canada's youth are getting more than just treats, the first online healthy lifestyle television channel for youth aged 10 to 24, featuring programs for youth and by youth on everything from cooking and budgeting to bullying and drugs airs.
- The insanity that is municipal politics in TorontoAll signs point toward a rough and tumble ride for newly elected Mayor Rob Ford and the 44 new and returning councillors in the City of Toronto.
End Homelessness |
- Guerrilla Artists Take Over Billboards to Defeat S ...On Tuesday, residents of San Francisco will go to the polls to vote on the Sit-Lie Ordinance (Proposition L) . If passed, it will be illegal to sit or lie on a city sidewalk between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. We argue that, if passed, this ordinance could potentially criminalize a person just ...
- Portland State University's Homeless Problem: Inse ...Portland State University has a homeless problem. A recent opinion piece in the student newspaper, the Vanguard , laments the intrusion of so-called "transients" into the university's libraries and other buildings. The author of the piece, Janieve Schnabel, fears that "as the weather gets colder an ...
- How Long Until We Get a Mainstream Homeless Candid ...Candidates have said some crazy things this election season, but I still believe that no candidate, for any office, would be so ignorant and insensitive as to say they support homelessness. " It's their own fault ," sure. "Let's cut anti-homelessness programs," yes. But flat out advocating for home ...
- Kids' Brains Can't Handle HomelessnessHomelessness can wreak havoc on the adult brain, causing mental disorders like depression and post traumatic stress disorder in addition to being caused by them. Imagine what going without stable shelter does to the developing minds of young children. In fact, one in three homeless kids has a mental ...
- Seattle Agrees to Provide Nickelsville a Permanent ...A long-awaited meeting at Seattle City Hall gave encouragement to the city's homeless population this week. Mayor Mike McGinn's Citizen's Review Panel unanimously voted to find a permanent location for Nickelsville , the self-sufficient tent city . To the delight of everyone present, the panel membe ...
- Schwarzenegger calls for New START ratificationCalifornia governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has called in his inimitable style for the quick ratification of the New START treaty to reduce U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons (Governor Delivers Remarks at USRBC Annual Meeting, 21 October 2010): Well, let me just tell you that the most excited I’m about ...
- Auditor-General: F-35 purchase poses “risks”Auditor-General Sheila Fraser’s latest report describes the acquisition of Cyclone and Chinook helicopters as “troubling”, and details how government agencies presented the purchases as simple and low risk while continuously lowballing estimated costs in order have them approved. This resulted in ...
- New poll shows Canadians committed to peacekeepingA new Nanos research poll conducted for the Globe and Mail indicates that Canadians think peacekeeping is more important than combat missions (Campbell Clark, ”Canadians pick peacekeeping over combat,” Globe and Mail, 25 October 2010). According to the poll, Canadians are strongly opposed to sending ...
- Canada backs NATO missile defenceThe Harper government has pledged its support for a proposed NATO missile defence system for Europe (Juliet O’Neill, “Canada backs European missile defence program,” Postmedia News, 20 October 2010): The Conservative government says it supports a European ballistic missile defence system proposed fo ...
- Aerospace companies jump into the fray over F-35sFrom the Department of Dog-Bites-Man: The Aerospace Industries Association of Canada is warning Canadians not to cancel the Harper government’s plan to purchase F-35 fighters (“Cancelation [sic] of F-35 purchase threatens Canadian jobs,” Aerospace Industries Association of Canada communique, 14 Octo ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- British Prawns Getting High on Prozac in the WaterOctober 25th, 2010 Natural News By: David Gutierrez Contamination of British coastal waters with antidepressants is likely changing the behavior of prawns and other marine life, according to a study conducted by researchers from Portsmouth University. In recent years, scientists have become increasi ...
- Diabetes Drug Researcher Admits Drug Trials are Un ...October 25th, 2010 Natural News By: David Gutierrez A drug researcher who presided over the trial that first raised concerns over the diabetes blockbuster Avandia has warned that further tests of the drug’s safety would be unethical. In 2009, David Juurlink of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in To ...
- Inexpensive Dietary Supplement Helps to Prevent Bi ...October 25th, 2010 Natural News By: Ethan Huff Many medical professionals recommend that pregnant women take folic acid–also known as vitamin B9–as part of a prenatal supplement regimen designed to help ensure a healthy pregnancy. But new research out of the U.K. suggests that taking inositol along ...
- Seasonal Flu Death Estimates OverestimatedOctober 25th, 2010 Natural News By: Jonathan Benson Every year as flu season approaches, health authorities begin their chorus of warnings about the dangers of getting the flu. As part of their campaign to drum up support for the annual flu vaccine, it is common to hear about the 36,000 people who d ...
- Food Crisis Looms As Prices SkyrocketOctober 25th, 2010 The Guardian By: John Vidal Rising food prices and shortages could cause instability in many countries as the cost of staple foods and vegetables reached their highest levels in two years, with scientists predicting further widespread droughts and floods. Although food stocks are ...
Pambazuka News
- Break the Silence Congo weekThe purpose of the Break the Silence Congo Week is to raise consciousness about the devastating situation in the Congo and mobilize support on behalf of the people of the Congo. Break the Silence Congo Week will take place from Sunday 17 October to S...
- Global: Afro-Colombian women fight prejudice by em ...On an improvised stage “Bombón de chocolate” (Chocolate Candy) is being performed. The play, which narrates the story of an African-Colombian girl who feels rejected because of the colour of her skin, is one of the events at a special day on drug add...
- Global: May for the Cuban 5The month of May started with a great number of activities in support of the Cuban 5. On May 1st hundreds of thousands of Cubans marched on International Workers Day in Havana and other cities. They were joined by hundreds of internationalists in de...
- Haiti: Where solidarity means survivalPerhaps more than anything today, Haiti needs a new macro-economy, one based above all on meeting the needs of its citizens. Post-earthquake economic restructuring could include equitable distribution of resources, high levels of employment with fair...
- 45 years after the assassination of Malcolm XMalcolm X was assassinated 45 years ago this weekend. Earlier this year, WNYC Radio unearthed a 1960s interview between the civil rights leader and a reporter named Eleanor Fischer. On this somber anniversary, we consider Malcolm X’s legacy through t...
War in Context
- Israeli secret police out in force in Arab-Israeli ...As President Obama’s Middle East peace initiative appears destined for failure, there is increasing speculation that a third intifada may follow, but whereas the first two were Palestinian uprisings took place primarily inside the occupied territories, the third uprising may well start inside Israel ...
- Leasehold settlements?Haaretz reports: Israel is conducting secret negotiations with the U.S. on establishing the future borders of a Palestinian state, the London-based Arabic language daily Asharq al-Awsat reported on Friday. According to the report, Palestinian sources confirmed that the two sides discussed an optio ...
- Only the end of the West can save the WestThe West is dead. Long live Turkey. No, that isn’t meant to be some prophetic statement about the Islamization of Europe and the collapse of Western civilization. It’s simply a way of saying that what the West needs more than anything else is to find a way of redefining itself. None is more obvious ...
- Israeli Tea Party aims destroy the peace process.It’s hard to kill something that’s already dead, but the formation of an Israeli Tea Party will have one predictable effect: give Benjamin Netanyahu yet another reason to disregard Washington’s desperate appeals for concessions. Haaretz reports: Likud activists who oppose the settlement freeze hav ...
- Wall Street’s best friend: The Tea PartyIn Salon, Andrew Leonard writes: Call it the amazing bank bailout boomerang. Even though few things enrage Tea Party rebels more than government checks made out to Wall Street financial companies, the reverse dynamic does not seem to be a problem. The top 12 Senatorial candidates most favored by Te ...
Watts Up With That?
- A better idea on fighting malariaImmunizing Mosquitoes To Fight Malaria By Jesse Emspak, International Business Times (Photo: Wikipedia / Tim Vickers) A diagram showing the life cycle of malaria parasites. Researchers are proposing that the disease be attacked via immunizing the mosquitoes against the … Continue reading →
- Friday Funny: Nutball science on steroidsI don’t actually have this title category, I just invented the title in honor of what I just stumbled across flipping through channels on DirecTV. I landed on the History Channel. Egads! Some diving guys on a boat haul around … Continue reading →
- An Inconvenient Truth — Biological Productivity of ...Is that a scary thing? Guest post by Indur M. Goklany In its October 14, 2010 issue, Nature magazine (p. 755) reports on a paper by JMG Hudson and G HR Henry, Increased plant biomass in a High Arctic heath … Continue reading →
- Desert tortoise gets fast-tracked to the curbThis cute desert tortoise enjoying the sun and flowers needs to move in order to make way for a new kind of flora in the Mojave desert: very environmentally friendly solar panel trees. Environmental regulations and countless required studies usually … Continue reading →
- Trenberth on “fixing the IPCC” and “missing heat”From IEEE Spectrum – How to Fix the Climate-Change Panel Questions for climate modeler and IPCC insider Kevin E. Trenberth Photo: Roger L. Wollenberg/UPI/Landov New Zealander Kevin E. Trenberth has been a lead author in the last three climate … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Cenk Uygur: Noam Chomsky on American Foreign Polic ... TYTInterviews | October 26, 2010 Noam Chomsky on American Foreign Policy and US Politics see Chris Hedges: The Liberal Class + Death of the Liberal Class? (interview/debate) Why Should I Vote? By Timothy V. Gatto + Bob Avakian: The ‘voting trap’ under capitalism ...
- Crisis is an Opportunity: Engineering a Global Dep Andrew Gavin Marshall Featured Writer Dandelion Salad October 27, 2010 The following is a sample from an forthcoming book by Andrew Gavin Marshall on ‘Global Government’, Global Research Publishers, Montreal. For more by this author on the issue of the economic crisis and global governance, see t ...
- Cyber war becomes the next great fear by Bruce Gag Bruce Gagnon featured writer Dandelion Salad Organizing Notes Oct. 27, 2010 Seymour Hersch has another big Pentagon story in The New Yorker, this time called “The Online Threat: Should we be worried about a cyber war?” The Pentagon is working overtime to ensure that cyber war becomes the next gre ...
- Censorship Fanatics Come from All Walks of Life by Sibel Edmonds Featured Writer Dandelion Salad originally published by Boiling Frogs Post 26 October, 2010 It is funny and sad at the same time. In the course of one week I have gone from Anti-Semite to Anti-Muslim. Within a week I have been labeled Filthy Jew-Basher and Fear-Mongering Islamophobi ...
- Letter to His Holiness Pope Benedict XIV: Act to S Felicity Arbuthnot Featured Writer Dandelion Salad 26 October, 2010 An Open Letter: His Holiness Pope Benedict xvi, His Grace The Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace the Archbishop of Westminster, The Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon., David Cameron, The Deputy Prime Minister, The Rt. Hon., Nick Clegg ...
Your New Reality
- No titleRepublicans Finally Outdo Nazis For War Propaganda The 'Ground Zero Mosque' is actually one floor of an office tower, blocks away from the still empty World Trade Centre site, and the Republicans know it. But this is a religious war, after all. Note that the ad clearly states that the entire Mus ...
- No titleLife under occupation :
- No titleIf you've found your way here after listening to my 'Weird & Unusual News' spot on ABC Newcastle today, here are links to the two main stories that were discussed : 'Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard's Spiritual Day Of Reckoning On August 15' 'Five Human Senses? Actually, We Have More Than 2 ...
- No titleCreating new realities? It's the CIA's main mission, isn't it?
- No titleThis is as close to a video of an actual nightmare as I've ever seen. Chris Cunningham's Rubber Johnny : What Chris Cunningham has been working on lately : "I've been living next to the railway line for 12 years and I've become obsessed with the harmonics of the trains on the lines. "For yea ...
Wired - Science
- Space Tourism’s Rubbery Rockets May Spur Climate C ...Suborbital spaceflights that rely on rubber-based rocket fuel could shrink ice caps, alter the ozone layer and affect global temperatures, according to a new study. Yet the study authors’ assumptions about the number of rocket launches per year and the chemistry of rocket exhaust have raised qu ...
- Engineer Finds Secret to Growing Ridiculously Huge ...Linus was right after all. Not only does the Great Pumpkin exist, but scientists have figured out how he manages to get so big. In a sort of self-perpetuating cycle, the bigger a gourd gets, the more physical stress it experiences — thus triggering giant pumpkins to grow even more. “Their weight g ...
- The Making of a Mind-Blowing DIY Sun PhotoThis stunning portrait of the sun spread like hot plasma all over the internet yesterday. spoke with artist and astrophotographer Alan Friedman to find out how he made it. Friedman shoots the sky from his backyard in downtown Buffalo, New York. That means the usual celestial candidates — ...
- Stone Agers Sharpened Skills 55,000 Years Earlier ...Stone-tool makers living in southern Africa 75,000 years ago pushed the cutting edge in more ways than one. These intrepid folk sharpened the thin tips of heated stone spearheads using a forceful technique previously dated to no more than 20,000 years ago, a new study finds. This stone-tool mak ...
- World’s Most Precise Clocks Could Reveal Universe ...Our existence could be coded in a finite bandwidth, like a live ultra-high-definition 3-D video. And the third dimension we know and love could be no more than a holographic projection of a 2-D surface. A scientist’s experiment, now under construction in Illinois, will attempt to test these idea ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Shas spiritual leader may back ban on renting to A ...Former chief rabbi Ovadia Yosef cites centuries-old interpretation of halakhic ruling barring the sale of land to non-Jews. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA website for much more...
- Haaretz: Formulas for siegeThe use of mathematical euqations to calculate basic humanitarian needs cannot help but raise parallels with the most monstrous uses of science. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA website for much ...
- Amnon Be’eri-Sulitzeanu: Segregation of Jews and A ...Under the guise of the deceptively mundane name "Amendment to the Cooperative Associations Bill," an Israeli parliament committee finalized a bill intended to bypass previous rulings of the High... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, no ...
- Jonathan Cook: Israeli police shoot Haneen Zoabi i ...Protest met with rubber bullets: Israeli police shoot ‘hated’ Arab legislator in back. MP Zoabi: “The police proved that they are a far more dangerous threat to me and other Arab citizens than the... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- Amira Hass: Want to weaken Hamas? Open Gaza’s gate ...It would be wrong to dismiss the wisdom of our leaders. Perhaps they've gotten exactly what they wanted - to strengthen Hamas in the Gaza Strip, both for perpetuating the intentional division between... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russia floats out first of new class of frigateRussia's first Project 22350 frigate was floated out at the Severnaya Verf shipyard in St. Petersburg on Friday.
- Russian govt. to decide on Bulava missile's fateThe decision to put Russia's Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile into service will be made by the country's leadership and only after the test program is complete, a government source said on Friday.
- Bulava missile: test-launch history
- France ready to build first Mistral warship for Ru ...If Moscow and Paris sign a contract to build Mistral class helicopter carriers for Russia, the first warship may be built in 2013, a top manager of French STX Europe shipbuilder said on Friday.
- Russian Navy to procure 10 new frigates next decad ...The Russian Navy will receive up to 10 new ocean-going frigates in the next 10 years, a Defense Ministry source said on Friday.
- In Washington State, Murray Leads Rossi, Voters Ag ...A survey of registered voters in Washington state shows incumbent Patty Murray four percentage points ahead of former state Sen. Dino Rossi in the race for U.S. Senate, down from 8 points two weeks ago.
- American Dental Association Apology Reinforces Com ...The American Dental Association (ADA) acknowledged today that it deeply regrets not taking a stronger stand against discriminatory membership practices during the pre-civil rights era.
- Spice in Curry Could Prevent Liver DamageEarly findings from a Saint Louis University researcher suggest curcumin may protect against liver fibrosis.
- George Washington University Midterm Elections Exp ...GW experts are available to speak about the midterm elections.
- New Center Looks at How Human Systems Function or ...A new center called the National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB), based at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, will help clinicians analyze an ever-growing wealth of complex biological data and apply that knowledge to real problems and diseases.
Natural Health News
- Scented Consumer Products Emit Unlisted, Hazardous ...Widely used fragranced products, including those that claim to be "green", can give off chemicals not listed on the label.� Some of these chemicals have been classified as toxic. Twenty-five commonly used scented products were found to emit an average of 17 chemicals each. A total of 133 different ...
- Research Proves 'Gender-Bending' Chemicals Affect ...New research proves that 'gender bending' chemicals which leach from human products into rivers and oceans can have a significant impact on the ability of fish to breed.� The study has important implications for understanding the impacts of these chemicals. Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) aff ...
- Obese Kids' Stiff Blood Vessels Point to Heart Pro ...Obese children also suffer from stiff blood vessels -- as stiff as those seen in adults who have heart disease. In adults, a stiffening of the aorta is a strong predictor of heart attack, stroke and death. �Stiffening of the aorta is a problem that generally comes with advancing age, but a new stud ...
- Omega-3's Fight Gum DiseaseEven moderate amounts of omega-3 fats may help ward off gum disease, according to new research. Researchers divided nearly 9,200 adults into three groups based on their omega-3 consumption.� Dental exams showed that those in the middle and upper third for consumption of the omega-3�s DHA and EPA we ...
- High Fructose Corn Syrup Even Worse than We've Bee ...One of principal arguments food corporations have used to defend high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is that it is chemically similar to table sugar. Manufacturers have stated repeatedly that HFCS contains at most 55 percent fructose, little different from white sugar's 50 percent fructose makeup. But ...
- Wikileaks and Iraq Body Count News Conference Foll ...Julian Assange of Wikileaks and Professsor John Sloboda of the Iraq Body Count project spoke this morning in a news conference at the Frontline Club in London, England. Sloboda gave his early assessment of what the Iraq War Logs released by WikiLeaks add to the known Iraqi death toll, while Assange ...
- Biggest Document Leak in History Exposes Real War from Rachel Oldroyd , The Bureau of Investigative Journalism ( view source ) These documents formed a database of nearly 400,000 military logs recorded over six years of the Iraq war and covering the years 2004 to 2009. There are over 37 million words used to recount military significant action ...
- Wikileaks Releases Iraq War : At 5pm EST Friday 22nd October 2010 WikiLeaks released the largest classified military leak in history. The 391,832 reports ('The Iraq War Logs'), document the war and occupation in Iraq, from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2009 (except for the months of May 2004 and March ...
- The Bigotry Shuffle - NPR To FoxSometimes it worthwhile to examine the language we use and what it really means. English, as it is spoken in the United States, is wonderfully malleable and thus common words can be open to interpretation. However there are some words that should be clear in their meaning, bigotry being one. My par ...
- Judge Denies Guantánamo Prisoner’s Habeas Petition ...On September 22, in the District Court in Washington D.C., Judge Reggie B. Walton denied the habeas corpus petition of Tawfiq al-Bihani (described in court documents as Toffiq al-Bihani), a Yemeni who was raised in Saudi Arabia, giving the government its 18th victory out of 56 cases decided , with t ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres.
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- Congratulations to Vicki Jacksonby Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson I spent the day at Georgetown University Law Center, at a seminar put on by Georgetown and the Queen’s University Belfast School of Law, on Professor Vicki Jackson’s splendid new book, Constitutional Engagement in a Transnational Era. Â Fabulous small discu ...
- There is a There, There: The Political Geography o Chris Borgen by Chris Borgen William Gibson (appropriating Gertrude Stein’s bon mot about Oakland, California) said of cyberspace “there is no there, there.” While this captured the feeling of Gibson’s fictional cyberpunk protagonists, it obscures the all the physical “theres” that make cybe ...
- Treaties and Custom in Trade and Investmentby Roger Alford Last week I had the privilege to attend an investment arbitration conference and FDI moot court competition at Pepperdine. Kudos to Murdoch University of Australia for winning the competition and my alma mater NYU for winning the highest overall ranking. There was much to ponde ...
- Philippines Supreme Court Threatens Law Faculty Wi Julian Ku Back in July, I noted this story out of the Philippines, which alleged that a justice of the Philippines Supreme Court had plagiarized (and distorted) an article by Evan Criddle and Evan Fox-Descent in the Yale Journal of International Law (and featured here at Opinio Juris). (see th ...
- Governing Civil Society Symposium at Brooklyn Law Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson Although everyone is justly excited about International Law Weekend, I wanted to mention another conference in New York that took place yesterday at Brooklyn Law School, Governing Civil Society: NGO Accountability, Legitimacy and Influence. Congratulations ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Crewe murders book: new reviewFrom the Southland Times, 30 October 2010: ARTHUR ALLAN THOMAS: THE INSIDE STORY by Ian Wishart, reviewed by Chris Chilton "Undeniably...when Wishart hits he hits big. Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story is a book two generations of New Zealanders...
- A response to NZ Herald’s errors on Crewe bookA week might be a long time in politics, but a month is an eternity in publishing. Since last month's editorial the new book Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story has finally hit the streets to a storm of controversy....
- Something every driver should be forced to readThis is the victim impact statement that New Zealand father Duncan Woods read out to a Christchurch court this week as a judge weighed up sentencing for Ashley David Austin, whose vehicle lost control and slammed into a mother and...
- New lead in Swedish tourists cold caseLatest Investigate magazine, on sale this morning...Missing Swedish tourist Heidi Paakkonen was last seen alive on Kawau Island in Auckland's Hauraki gulf, in the company of a man who was not David Wayne Tamihere...
- NEWS: Previously unreported attempt on Jeannette C ...EXCLUSIVE KILLER TRIED TO MURDER CREWES TWICE SUB: Jeannette’s Brakes Cut In 1969 By Ian Wishart TGIF Edition The killer of Pukekawa farmers Harvey and Jeannette Crewe tried to murder the couple twice, and only succeeded on the second occasion....
My Care2 Picks
- No terror arrests in 100,000 UK police counter-ter ...More than 100,000 people were stopped and searched by police under counter-terrorism powers last year but none of them were arrested for terrorism-related offences. ( There's a waste of manpower. Spy Elint from NSA to FBI does about as well ) Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Ad ...
- Recession Recipes: 100 Cheap Eats That Are Still R ...The next time you�re looking to save while eating well, try out a few of these amazingly cheap and delicious recipes. Submitted by Anna Smith to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Firms Knew of Cement Flaws Before SpillHalliburton knew weeks before the fatal explosion of the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico that the cement mixture they planned to use to seal the bottom of the well was unstable but still went ahead with the job Submitted by John Farnham to Business �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- 15 Forgotten Facts About William ShakespeareThe Historians have managed to dredge up some absolutely fascinating minutiae that do not often crop up outside of literature and drama classes. Submitted by Anna Smith to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- PersonhoodUSA's Radical, Fetal-Separatist AgendaShe was taken into custody, forcibly restrained while in active labor, judged without representation and forced to undergo cesarean surgery, depriving her of her right to liberty, privacy, bodily integrity, medical decision-making and due process of law. Submitted by Katherine T. to US Politics & Go ...
Angry Indian News
- Racist Novel Glorifying Assassination of SPLC Staf ...Racist Novel Glorifying Assassination of SPLC Staffer Endorsed by Profs | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center: "It should surprise no one that former hate group leader Kyle Bristow has... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- White Supremacist Group Backs Private Academies in ...White Supremacist Group Backs Private Academies in Mississippi | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center: "Old times certainly are not forgotten in some parts of the South. Two private Mississippi... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Viola Wilkins: garment worker struggles in Banglad ...Tailoring to needs - garment worker struggles in Bangladesh | libcom.orgA general overview and analysis of developments in the garment worker struggles we have been covering for the past few... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Argentina Bonds Surge, Stocks Hit Record After Kir ...Argentina Bonds Surge, Stocks Hit Record After Kirchner Death - "BUENOS AIRES (Dow Jones)--Argentine bonds posted big gains and stocks hit a new record high Thursday as markets anticipated a... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Charlie Sheen Likes to Shout N**ger,N**ger,N**ger. ...Charlie Sheen Found Nude In Restaurant, Screaming N-Word: Report: "'When the assistant opened the door, there was Charlie standing there naked with cocaine all over his face!' the source said. 'He... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Structural Adjustment—a Major Cause of PovertyThe IMF and World Bank have demanded that poor nations lower the standard of living of their people. Are we next?
- Africa, Chocolate, Bill Gates, Monsanto, and the G ...The bait and switch routine, GM style. Give poor farmers some free technology in return for softening up the biotech patent laws in that country, then slam them with a food and land grab the likes of which we have never seen.
- Watch What in the World are They Spraying!Watch the entire What in the World are They Spraying movie by Michael J. Murphy, Paul Whittenberger, and G. Edward Griffin.
- How Collectivists Create their Own Opposition – an ...Collectivist strategists realize that, as the New World Order unfolds, there will be public opposition to many of their programs. They reason that it would be stupid to wait for this to spring from natural forces, because then it might become too powerful to overcome. Instead, they anticipate this t ...
- Are Jews and Masons and Jesuits Conspiring to Cont ...People who accept the authenticity of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are not likely to be paying much attention to what is happening in the Rhodesian and Leninist camps – and that’s where the action really is.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - Todd ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scott Bo ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and expand ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? - La ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Investigators Hunt for Mail Bombers in YemenShareThis Investigators Hunt for Mail Bombers in Yemen 30 Oct 2010 U.S. and Yemeni authorities are searching for the terrorists who tried to mail two bombs from Yemen to Chicago-area synagogues. Authorities on three continents thwarted the attacks when they seized explosives on cargo planes in the U ...
- Freed, thanks to Mail readers - Mely the chained o ...ShareThis Freed, thanks to Mail readers - Mely the chained orangutan 29 Oct 2010 After 15 years in �shackles, perhaps it was inevitable that when the moment came for rescuers to free Mely the orangutan, no one could find the key to unlock her padlock and chain. Yet she stood upright on her thin, was ...
- Intercepted device likely a cell phone, photo anal ...ShareThis Intercepted device likely a cell phone, photo analysis shows 30 Oct 2010 The electronic component visible in a law enforcement image of an intercepted suspicious shipment from Yemen appears to be a printed circuit board from a disassembled cell phone, an engineer told CNN Friday. "This siz ...
- Obama: Suspicious packages are a 'credible terrori ...ShareThis Obama: Suspicious packages are a 'credible terrorist threat' 29 Oct 2010 President Obama said Friday that packages mailed from Yemen and intercepted in the last 24 hours contained explosive material and represented a "credible terrorist threat." The packages, mailed via UPS and FedEx, were ...
- Tell Tom Corbett: Don't try to suppress the vote i ...ShareThis Quick action! Tell Tom Corbett: Don't try to suppress the vote in PA (Keystone Progress) 29 Oct 2010 As Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett (R-Sociopath) is supposed to protect our right to vote. Instead, he said he wants to make sure that voters don't turn ou ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Crewe murders book: new reviewFrom the Southland Times, 30 October 2010: ARTHUR ALLAN THOMAS: THE INSIDE STORY by Ian Wishart, reviewed by Chris Chilton "Undeniably...when Wishart hits he hits big. Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story is a book two generations of New Zealanders...
- A response to NZ Herald’s errors on Crewe bookA week might be a long time in politics, but a month is an eternity in publishing. Since last month's editorial the new book Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story has finally hit the streets to a storm of controversy....
- Something every driver should be forced to readThis is the victim impact statement that New Zealand father Duncan Woods read out to a Christchurch court this week as a judge weighed up sentencing for Ashley David Austin, whose vehicle lost control and slammed into a mother and...
- New lead in Swedish tourists cold caseLatest Investigate magazine, on sale this morning...Missing Swedish tourist Heidi Paakkonen was last seen alive on Kawau Island in Auckland's Hauraki gulf, in the company of a man who was not David Wayne Tamihere...
- NEWS: Previously unreported attempt on Jeannette C ...EXCLUSIVE KILLER TRIED TO MURDER CREWES TWICE SUB: Jeannette’s Brakes Cut In 1969 By Ian Wishart TGIF Edition The killer of Pukekawa farmers Harvey and Jeannette Crewe tried to murder the couple twice, and only succeeded on the second occasion....
- ‘New York Times’ is clueless"New York Times execs visit West Bank city "Publisher, senior editors of influential American newspaper given tour of Ariel as part of Yesha Council PR campaign"Those are Ynet's headlines. NYT publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and executive editor Bill Keller and other editors visited a West Bank set ...
- Exclusive excerpt from the important new book A Co ...We are excited to share the following excerpt from A Country Called Amreeka: U.S. History Retold Through Arab-American Lives by Alia Malek. The book provides a necessary, and long overdue, service by inserting the Arab-American experience into the American narrative of the last 50 years. This passag ...
- Naked conspiracy: Ackerman says ‘first class ...The Forward's Nathan Guttman has a fine piece of reporting up about how the Israeli right is hoping that the Congress will change hands next week. The best part of the piece is where the Congressional Democrats protest, Hey we love Israel just as much, even more! Read this with your eyes open. I kno ...
- Cambridge debater set out to ‘nail’ ot ...The other day we reported on a Cambridge University debate about whether Israel is a rogue state in which one of the students arguing the affirmative acted as a proponent for Israel. Well, the student, Gabriel Latner, has been banned from debating for life (who says the west doesn't have fatwas) by ...
- IDF bars Palestinian children from Tel Aviv film f ...And more news from Today in Palestine:Settlers/ Land, Property, Resource Theft & Destruction/Ethnic Cleansing Soldiers Deny Palestinians Access to Lands in Hebron On Friday morning, the Israeli military prevented Palestinian farmers from working on their lands, adjacent to the separation wall, in th ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Syne ...Toxicity is defined in the Medical lexicon as “a condition that results from exposure to a toxin or to toxic amounts of a substance that does not cause adverse effects in smaller amounts.” Vaccine-induced toxicity, while similar in some respects to this model, requires a deeper understanding in term ...
- VRM: The Awakening Has BegunOn the heals of Ukraine’s 2009 Black Lung Infection, a mysterious variation of flu which bypassed trachea, targeting the lungs directly, a “bilateral pneumonia, the result of viral distress syndrome, i.e the total destruction of the lungs.” (1.3 million infected, over 75,000 hospitalized), eye witn ...
- VRM: GlaxosmitheKline Herpes Vaccine Fails Safety ...GlaxoSmythKline recently conducted safety trial studies on their new experimental Genital Herpes vaccine ‘Simplirix’. 8,323 women aged 18-30 years participated in the trial at 50 sites in the US & Canada. Based on the results the product has failed miserably. The question is why were these women inf ...
- VRM: Closed Door CDC Meeting Reveals Industry Cove ...VACCINE INDUSTRY COVER-UP EXPOSED – Selected vaccine authorities from CDC, FDA, and manufacturers discussed, in a closed meeting, the possibility of neurodevelopment disorders resulting from vaccine components. Documents released through the Freedom of Information Act detail the transcript of a meet ...
- VRM: Former Pharmaceutical Representative Gwen Ols ...“The Pharmaceutical Industry is in the business of disease maintenance & symptom management. They are not in the business to cure Cancer, to cure Alzheimer’s, to cure heart disease, because if they were they would be in the business of putting themselves out of business; and that in fact doesn’t mak ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury featur ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for. � If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner fo ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new low- ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
Michael Yon
- Wikileaks: Statement from Office of U.S. Secretary ...This just came in my email from Geoff Morrell: "We deplore Wikileaks for inducing individuals to break the law, leak classified documents and then cavalierly share that secret information with the world, including our enemies. We know terrorist organizations have been mining the leaked Afghan docume ...
- Surobi Sentinel - Oct 2010Published: 17 Oct 2010 Click here to view entire document. {loadposition user8}
- Soldiers' Angels and Inside the InfernoI am very proud that with my publisher we have been able to send a check for almost $5000.00 to Soldiers' Angels because you have helped by buying my new book Iraq: Inside the Inferno 2005 - 2008 . You may pre-order order copies of my book here .But we want to raise more for Soldiers' Angels because ...
- The Linda Norgrove Rescue TragedyPublished: 11 October 2010 Ms. Linda Norgrove was kidnapped on 26 September during an ambush in eastern Afghanistan.� A trusted and knowledgeable source told me he expected there was a high likelihood she would be killed by these particularly brutal people.� Several days ago, during a rescue attemp ...
- To Follow these StepsI first met Steve Shaulis about 27 years ago during Special Forces training.� We�ve been friends ever since and have traveled many places together. Back in 2001, six months before the 9/11 attacks, we were at his U.S. home in Vero Beach, Florida.� We were preparing to swim out into the night in ...
The Killing Train
- Azkintuwe and the Mapuche StruggleAn interview with Pedro Cayuqueo Justin Podur and Manuel Rozental October 20, 2010 read more
- Isabel McDonald and Lou Dobbs! My friend Isabel did a fantastic story for the Nation about the anti-immigration pundit Lou Dobbs who had undocumented workers caring for his horses and grounds , and she had the chance to talk to Lou Dobbs about it on MSNBC. Check it out. read more
- Bruce Levine on Surviving America's Depression Epi ...I'm reading Bruce Levine's "Surviving America's Depression Epidemic". The story of how I got the book is interesting. I was reading some psychology books a while back (Alfie Kohn, Alice Miller) and a reader of this blog suggested that no psychology reading list would be complete without Levine's "Co ...
- The Rwandan ElectionPaul Kagame is headed for a landslide victory at the Rwandan polls. Exit polls indicate 93% of the electorate voted for him. If some Western media commentators could vote in Rwandan elections, the number would likely be even higher. Take Stephen Kinzer, who wrote a biography of Kagame subtitled “Rwa ...
- The Afghan War Diary Data - an initial lookAn initial look at the first 76,000 records in the "Afghan War Diary" leaked by Wikileaks yields some important information, much of which has been known or suspected by analysts for years. Given the sheer size of the database, there is a great deal more to be learned, but here are some initial find ...
- Chic Cosmetic Organizer Shortens Beauty RoutinePhoto: Less and More Is your unorganized cosmetic case slowing down you daily beauty routine? From a single piece of solid poplar--made entirely without glue--comes a simple way to organize your cosmetic case: Etsy's Less & More offers the Scarlet Makeup Holder which holds lipsticks, mascaras, ...
- Electric Audi A2 Claims Distance Record on Public ...Image: DMB Energy Last Spring, I wrote about a DIY electric car that broke a world record by going 624 miles on one charge. As impressive as that was, it was done in a controlled environment, driving on a track at an average of 25 miles per hour. Now, a new record has been broken by two German ...
- Shape-Shifting Octopuses Endangered by Blog Stardo ...Photo: Stephen Childs Flickr, Creative Commons Today, a link soared to the top of the popular news aggregator Reddit , with the text " This is, by far, the world's coolest animal. Behold: The Mimic Octopus. It's hardly an exaggeration -- the mimic octopus is a cephalopod found in the waters aro ...
- Toyota is Turning Old NiMH Batteries Into New Batt ...Image: Toyota The Circle of Battery-Life The more hybrid cars and battery electric cars are on the road, the more battery pack we'll eventually have to deal with. It's still a better problem to have than to have to deal with vehicles that burn significantly more non-renewable fossil fuels, wit ...
- World Growth International Slammed by Scientists F ...This one's probably a bit insider-info for most TreeHugger readers, and I admit I'm partially to blame for it, but bear with me because it's if you care about rampant greenwashing and deforestation it's important: A group of prominent scientists has issued an open letter challenging the objectiv ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- News editor tortured, given 13 yearsEditor of Karenni-based news journal had been in Insein prison for one year before being charged under a raft of media laws
- PM’s party claims 18m membersUnion Solidarity and Development Party set to win more than 50 seats uncontested as candidate rejects accusations of corruption
- India cautions on ‘adverse’ UN probeIndian diplomat warns that investigation into war crimes in Burma could be counter-productive and adversely affect Burmese citizens
- Burma FM hints at Suu Kyi’s releaseBurmese foreign minister Nyan Win tells diplomats at ASEAN summit in Hanoi that Suu Kyi will be released 'maybe after elections'
- US senator fires warning shot at ObamaSenator Jim Webb warns that Burma risks becoming a province of China unless the US steps up engagement with the ruling junta
Telegraph - Climate Change
- IPCC will 'probably' make more mistakes, vice chai ...There will "probably" be mistakes in future reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the organisation's vice-chair has admitted.
- Fear for Britain's birds this winterFeeding the birds this winter will be more important than ever, conservationists have warned, after the cold snap last year.
- Barack Obama to review polar bears A federal judge has ordered the Obama administration to review whether polar bears are endangered under US law.
- Ice Man Eric Guth explores caves in glaciers aroun ...Ice Man Eric Guth explores caves in glaciers around the world.
- Is climate change activism dead?A year ago climate change activists were storming Parliament. This year they are holding meetings with cupcakes and copious amounts of tea. So is climate activism dead or has it just been sleeping?
National Geographic | Environment
- Photos: Merapi Volcano Ash Smothers Indonesian Vil ...NonePompeii-like scenes are proliferating on the Indonesian island of Java, where the Mount Merapi volcano's eruptions have killed dozens.
- New Video Filmed by Whale SharksNone
- Tsunami, Volcano Eruption in Indonesia Linked?The two nearly simultaneous events might have been triggered by the same earthquake, which may have been a rare "slow" temblor, experts say.
- New Snub-Nosed Monkey Discovered, EatenPictured moments before humans ate it, a snub-nosed monkey represents a new species that sneezes when it rains.
- Presented By:
Jurist - Legal Research
- Guatemala police convicted in disappearance with e ...[JURIST] A Guatemalan judge on Thursday sentenced former National Police (NP) officers Hector Roderico Ramirez Rios and Abraham Lancerio Gomez to 40 years in prison for the 1984 forced disappearance of Fernando Garcia, based on evidence found in an abandoned NP archive discovered in 2005 [ReVista ar ...
- UN rights expert calls for investigation of allege ...[JURIST] UN Special Representative for Sexual Violence in Conflict Margot Wallstrom [official profile] on Thursday condemned alleged gang rapes of at least 30 Congolese women who were being deported from neighboring Angola [BBC backgrounder; JURIST news archive] and called for both countries to inve ...
- Rights groups urge Senate to pass bill allowing ca ...[JURIST] A coalition of 37 public interest groups, led by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and the Alliance for Justice [official websites], sent a letter [text, PDF] to the Senate Thursday urging it to pass legislation that would allow te ...
- Federal appeals court upholds 2 of 4 Conrad Black ...[JURIST] The US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit [official website] on Friday upheld two of four convictions [opinion, PDF; oral argument, MP3] of Canadian-born media mogul Conrad Black [CBC profile; JURIST news archive], one for fraud and one for obstruction of justice. The court held that ...
- Iraq Kurdistan journalists facing violence, lawsui ...[JURIST] Journalists in Iraqi Kurdistan who criticize the government are facing increased intimidation, violence and lawsuits [press release], Human Rights Watch (HRW) [advocacy website] reported Friday. HRW criticized the secret investigation into the May killing of journalist Saradasht Osman, who ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- How Wisconsin Got Away From Russ FeingoldDemocratic Sen. Russ Feingold is facing the prospect of a brutal beatdown next Tuesday in Wisconsin. In theory, given how competitive other Democrats have managed to keep their races, particularly against newcomers, why has Feingold's race taken a different course? Start from the sociological point ...
- Corporate Players in the Minnesota Governor's RaceIn Minnesota, a legitimate three-way race for governor seemed fated. For one, Minnesota has a history of electing Jesse Ventura, an outsider who was not affiliated with either political party, to the governor's mansion. Secondly, voters nationwide are fed up with politicians and with both political ...
- The Sunshine State Silly SeasonCharlie Crist never does anything subtly. That's pretty much the bottom line you can draw after tonight's incredible series of events in the glorious state of Florida. So here's what happened: Crist is incredibly ambitious. He has also damaged his credibility among Florida voters by seeming to ac ...
- The Sleeper Race That Matters for 2012CORRECTION APPENDED In an election cycle where so many Democrats are running away from President Obama, Ohio's Democratic Governor Ted Strickland has unflinchingly embraced Obama from the beginning. And the White House and Democratic establishment have gone to the mat for Strickland. But ...
- Nuclear Fail: Is START In Trouble?Senate Republicans plan to seize on the news that a squadron of ICBMs controlled at Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming went on the blink Saturday morning to delay or even block ratification of the new strategic arms reduction treaty (START). "The recent failure reinforces the need for the United Sta ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
- [COAT] Letters-to-Editor needed re:CANSEC weapons ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Adelson Promotes Outsourcing U.S. Jobs to ChinaIn case you ever needed an example of a wealthy, powerful corporate titan who can thumb his nose at many of the commonly accepted notions in contemporary American political life and get away with it, let’s take Shelly Adelson. As recently as a year ago or so his entire gambling empire hung in the ba ...
- Tutu Calls for South African Opera to Boycott Isra ...There isn’t that much unusual in Desmond Tutu calling on a South African opera company to cancel its planned production of Porgy and Bess in Tel Aviv next month. Â Tutu’s views on BDS are well-known. Â But what I did find interesting is this oblivious statement from the Israeli opera company’s direc ...
- Ameer Makhoul and Israel’s Sham JusticeWhen you are a political activist facing a sentence of life to be handed down by a security state in which all the levers of power are arrayed against you; when you are a father and husband facing the prospect of never seeing your daughters till they themselves are grown, married and with children o ...
- Koch-Related Fund Gave $18-Million to Distribute C ...Counterpunch has published an exposé about the Clarion Fund that takes the story to the next level.  This is a development I’ve been awaiting for two years.  We knew that Clarion was the ostensible producer of the three anti-Muslim films, Third Jihad, Obsession and the latest, Iranium (watch the ...
- Links for 2010-06-05 [Digg]MV Rachel Corrie Forcibly Seized by Israeli Navy, Towed to A Malaysian NGO funding Rachel Corrie trip to Gaza reports she was seized a few mintues ago by Israeli navy and is being towed to Ashdod.
Ode Magazine
- How plastic could be part of energy solutionsBy: Anne Thomas The environmental crisis is indeed alarming, but it is also an opportunity to bring visualization skills, teamwork, and creativity to the fore. In Japan rubbish bins for paper, plastic bottles and tin cans are ubiquitously lined up in front of supermarkets, convenie ...
- How "She's Next" helps women flourishBy: Miranda Mager Motivational words from one woman to another have a big impact, especially when we're feeling unsure about our goals or place in the world. What if any woman anywhere could receive that knowledge and encouragement from influential women who have a ...
- Peace is a process, a sum of many actsBy: PeaceCorso In 1963, president of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, gave the commencement address at American University. Part of that address appears below: "I am not referring to the absolute, infinite concept of universal peace and good will of ...
- Reading, writing and revelationHow the written word helps refresh body, mind and soul. Photo: Whenever the stabbing pain in her knee becomes unbearable, 17-year-old Mackenzie Bearup picks up a book and starts to read. Usually, it’s a teen novel or a mystery. But Bearup will read “a ...
- A planet is a terrible thing to wasteWhy caring about the ecosystem means caring for the ecosystem. A recent conversation with a friend got me thinking. This friend had just returned from a conference on species survival and habitat preservation. While there, he learned, to his great surprise, that among a small subset of s ...
OpEd News
- What Political System Does Ukraine Need? From Pres ...The establishment of either a parliament-dominated semi-presidential system, or even of a purely parliamentary republic would constitute an important step towards Ukraine 's future political development and integration into the international community of democratic states.
- Prone PioneersAs we stagger forward, don't scorn the ones who are currently scraping by on the fringe, the day-laborers, odd job men, buskers, the peddlers pushing carts, even the homeless, for they are the point men, the pioneers of our time.
- Kentucky Democrats unveil BRUTAL ad: The Rand Paul ...You won't find a better example of what the teabaggers want to do to you than the Rand Paul Stomp, a video put out by Kentucky Democrats.
- Reviewing Project Censored's Top 2009-10 StoriesProject Censored's top censored or suppressed stories.
- The Good Corporal: To the Exposers of Power and th ...A fabulous tribute to Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, Daniel Ellsberg, Sibel Edmonds, and "all those who speak the hard truth to the state." written and performed by the courageous Chris Floyd, who stands tall among those who dare to speak truth to power.
- From 'Flipper' to 'The Cove:' Grassroots Activism ...For Ric O’Barry, it’s all about showing up. This vibrant septuagenarian – star of the Academy Award Winning documentary, the Cove -- appeared at the Brower Center in Berkeley, on his way from Egypt to Indonesia, to share inspiring vignettes from his remarkable life and the unflagging ...
- National Latino Organizations and Leaders Stand Ag ...The fight for strong clean air standards and a clean energy economy is coming to a head in California. With only a few days left before voters head to the polls, big corporate polluters are trying every trick in the book to dismantle the clean air and energy laws in our state. But tho ...
- India Rising - What President Obama Will See When ...President Obama is going to India next week and high on his agenda should be the strengthening of the Green Partnership formed a year ago with Prime Minister Singh on his state visit to Washington. The leaders’ agreement set off a year of expanding and intensifying engagement between d ...
- Science or Scienciness?In the endless debates and warring proposals about how best to manage the imperiled Bay-Delta ecosystem, it seems that all sides agree on at least one principle: management decisions must be rooted in science. NRDC certainly considers that tenet a core building block for just about a ...
- Benzene messes with Texas - in a baaaad wayA new study just came out that reports that being born with Spina Bifida - when your spinal column fails to form properly, which just can't be good�-�is�almost two-and-a-half times more likely if your mother was breathing Texas air with high levels of benzene, a deadly cancer-causing c ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Of Course They Did!Apparently Jayson Blair was unavailable, or rather insufficiently right-wing. Related posts:Blair: The Biggest Villain? "I’m Not Trying To Be Sexist. It Comes Naturally!" And Just When You Thought Judy Miller Couldn’t Get More Pathetic Related posts: Blair: The Biggest Villain? "I’m Not Tryi ...
- Friday Cat BloggingFriday Cat Blogging… Starbuck and Nelson Related posts:Fill in the Blank Friday Blogging Decline and Fall of LGM Blogging Related posts: Fill in the Blank Friday Blogging Decline and Fall of LGM Blogging
- Living in the hysterical worldToday’s “terrorist” “incidents” don’t seem too terrifying: The rare military escort for a civilian flight heightened the drama of the still unfolding terrorism investigation, as officials isolated cargo planes at two other American airports and searched a delivery truck in Brooklyn for packages said ...
- Today’s Hack PuzzleMany right-wing bloggers were remarkably “successful” in finding ways to justify Rand Paul’s goons stomping on a defenseless woman’s head. The Christine O’Donnell case presents a similarly difficult problem: how do you blame the Democratic Party for a story put out on an apolitical gossip website ...
- Your Moment of BoboShorter David Brooks: The shrewd political course for Obama is to agree with David Brooks — and, hence, the American public, who I will attribute all my beliefs to — about everything. Related posts:Your Moment Of Bobo Your Moment of Bobo Your Moment of Bobo Related posts: Your Moment Of B ...
Desert Research Institute
- DRI Researcher Earns National Science Foundation M ...DRI Research Professor Hans Moosmüller, Ph.D. and colleagues received $649,801 from the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program to develop a Photo-Acoustic Light Absorption and Albedo Spectrometer (PALAAS) for the characterization of aerosol radiative forcing in the ...
- DRI Researcher Develops Bioengineering Company DRI’s Joseph J. Grzymski, Ph.D. partnered with Adam G. Marsh, Ph.D. from the University of Delaware to develop Evozym Biologics, a company created to bridge the gap between research and innovation and commercial value.
- DRI Researcher Authors New Book William Albright, Ph.D., DRI research hydrogeologist, is lead author of Water Balance Covers for Waste Containment Principles and Practice about selection and design of an innovative new method for final closure of solid waste landfills. The new cover designs offer reduced cost, excellent environmen ...
- The American Indian Science and Engineering Societ ...The Most Promising Engineer/Scientist Award will be presented to Dr. Karletta Chief at the 32nd American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Annual National Conference.
- Innovative Equipment Manufacturer Features Work wi ...The latest update from Campbell Scientific features a cover article on DRI’s Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP), touting the program for providing information gathered by volunteers in near-real time and posting it to the program website.
Earth Techling
- New Chinese Train Is Really, Really Fast
- Amtrak Orders New Electric Choo Choos
- Independents, Tea Party Split on Climate
- Volvo Playing With Fuel Cell Technology
- Sustainability Pays Well — For Men
National Law Journal | U.S.
- Judge enjoins Mass. law banning online distributio ...A Boston federal judge issued a preliminary injunction against enforcement of a broad Massachusetts law banning Internet distribution of material "harmful to minors."
- Proposed class action targets NCAA limits on schol ...A proposed class action has been filed against the National Collegiate Athletic Association alleging that the governing body is violating federal antitrust laws by conspiring with colleges and universities to impose artificial limits on scholarships, such as limiting the number of scholarships per ...
- In state races, lawyers loomAmong the public, the battle for control of Congress has overshadowed some hard-fought races for governor, attorney general and other state offices. Not for lawyers. In this election, they have poured big campaign contributions into lower-level races, hoping to influence the levers of state governme ...
- DOJ steps up enforcement with two big casesIn the space of two weeks, DOJ filed two high-profile antitrust suits, one against the major credit-card companies, the other targeting Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.
- A furor in the PhilippinesA controversial and long-awaited ruling in the Philippines involving women who were sexually enslaved during World War II has erupted into claims of plagiarism against a Philippines high court justice and a threat by the court to take away the law licenses of an entire law school faculty.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Failing to Pass a Severance Tax…Below some comments from the press and PennFuture about the state of the State’s budget sans a tax on drilling. Inaction on drill tax has a bad odor to it Sunday, October 24, 2010 By Brian O’Neill, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette …. Its [PA's Legislature] latest gaffe is passing on collecting tens of milli ...
- Stephanie Hallowich in National GeographicStephanie Hallowich has had one of the worst experiences with natural gas drilling in PA and she has also been one of the loudest voices, speaking out for her family and others in the same situations. Her story was picked up by National Geographic and can be found at the below link. She had this [.. ...
- The Right to Know!Do you know how to file a “Right to Know” request? Do you know why you might want to know how to do this? Since the gas drilling in Pennsylvania has taken off at full speed many people are finding the “Open Records Law” , also known as the “Right to Know Law”, a necessary [...]
- Ya’ll Get Together Now, Ya Hear?Today I attended the Conservation PA event in Camp Hill, PA. I was sitting in the conference room among the other 100 or so attendees and trying to remember when I had first heard of the Marcellus Shale, or the term fracking. When I couldn’t dig up a memory of the beginning of my relationship [...]
- Do ‘Environmental Extremists’ Pose Criminal Threat Abrahm Lustgarten Sept 8th, 2010 As debate over natural gas drilling in the Marcellus shale reaches a fever pitch, state and federal authorities are warning Pennsylvania law enforcement that “environmental extremists” pose an increasing threat to security and to the energy sector. A confide ...
News Blaze
- Our Jack 'O Lantern Is OldJack with a lantern made a deal with the Devil, out and about every Hallows Eve.
- Europe Winter Forecast for 2010-20 ...The major player in this winter's forecast is the phenomenon called La Ni�a, when sea surface temperatures across the equatorial central and eastern Pacific are below normal.
- Beware of Monsters Creeping in Your Credit Report!Thinking about what's in a credit report can be scary, especially if you have had late payments, collections (eek!), or a history of maxed-out charge cards. But these skeletons in your closet will eventually fade to dust if you start learning ho
- Commonwealth Games Dazzling the Women of India Imagine the story of Kavita Raut, who once upon a time walked 20 kilometres a day to fetch water and has her hardships to thank for her strong legs.
- The Trust Countries Place in The Principal Judicia ...Hisashi Owada, President of the ICJ, told the General Assembly that the Court's docket of pending cases has been consistently growing in recent years, now standing at 16 cases, involving approximately 30 different States from all regions of the wor
environment 360
- Improved CO2 Capture Methods Are Investigated by C ...Canadian chemists are investigating ways that carbon dioxide can be removed and stored from power plants and factories without using the large amounts of energy and water now required in prototype carbon capture systems. The researchers, reporting in the journal Science , say they used a technique c ...
- Hydrofracturing for Gas Also Releases Uranium from ...Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” a controversial practice used to drill for natural gas, also causes uranium trapped inside shale formations to be released , according to a new study. After mapping Marcellus shale concentrations in Western New York and Pennsylvania, researchers from the Universi ...
- Tagged Narwhals in Arctic Provide Key Winter Tempe ...Scientists from the United States and Greenland have successfully used satellite tags on narwhals to measure rising ocean temperatures in Baffin Bay. In 2006 and 2007, the scientists outfitted 14 adult narwhals — medium-sized toothed Arctic whales — with satellite tags that recorded ocean temperatur ...
- Report Details Extinction Crisis And Lists Methods ...A fifth of all vertebrates on Earth and as many as a third of all sharks and rays face the threat of extinction , according to a comprehensive study of 26,000 species. The study , released at the Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan, said that continuing habitat destruction, over-expl ...
- More than 1,200 New Species Discovered in Amazon O ...Researchers discovered more than 1,200 new species of plants and animals in the Amazon during the last decade, a rate of about one new species every three days, according to a new report. Those discoveries, compiled by the conservation group WWF to coincide with the ongoing UN summit on biodiversity ...
Red Ice Creations
- WikiLeaks: A Grim Portrait of Civilian Deaths in I ...The reports in the archive disclosed by WikiLeaks offer an incomplete, yet startlingly graphic portrait of one of the most contentious issues in the Iraq war - how many Iraqi civilians have been killed and by whom. WikiLeaks proved at least one thing through its release of nearly 400,000 U.S. milita ...
- ’Former Reds’ Behind Red MudAs the Hungarian government continues its efforts to limit the consequences of a tragic toxic leak last week, it has also used the opportunity to attack a supposed former communist-turned capitalist oligarchy that allegedly runs the country’s economy.
- Massive stretches of weathered oil spotted in Gulf ...The discovery, which comes as millions of birds begin moving toward the region in the fall migration, gave ammunition to groups that have insisted the government has overstated clean-up progress, and could force reclosure of key fishing areas only recently reopened.
- The Grasdorf Pictogram PlatesFarmer Werner Harenberg woke up early in the morning of July 23, 1991 to discover Germany’s first spectacular crop circle near the village of Grasdorf, Lower Saxony in the historic Teutoburger Wald Area, not far from Hannover. This location is not far from the prehistoric site of Externsteine, part ...
- Randy Quaid and wife fear Hollywood "Star Whackers ...The couple told the immigration adjudicator they’re being persecuted in the United States. Evi Quaid said friends such as actors David Carradine and Heath Ledger have been "murdered" under mysterious circumstances and she’s worried something will happen to her husband. "We feel our lives are in dang ...
Russia Today
- Elena Dementieva says goodbye to professional tenn ...After the loss to Francesca Schiavone at the WTA Championships in Qatar, Russia’s tennis star Elena Dementieva announced she will be saying farewell to competitive tennis.
- Hostages freed and terrorists disarmed … in milita ...The latest arms available to military and civilian security forces are on show, just outside Moscow.
- Moscow and Hanoi: lasting friendship, reliable par ...Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is in Hanoi to meet Southeast Asian leaders within the framework of the Russia-ASEAN summit. On Sunday he plans to meet the Vietnamese leadership at a separate event.
- President Medvedev slams kickbacks, Moscow mayor c ...Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is slamming kickbacks and promising tough punishment for officials caught stealing from the state.
- Bolsa Familia: Brazil's silent revolutionBrazil is bridging the gap between rich and poor with a social program which may prove to be one of their most valuable exports to the rest of the world.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- Terror Threats and Human Time MachinesLately I’ve been haunting the STARpod site picking up on odd bits of psychic stuff that Gary Bekkum says filters through the aether. Today was no different and I scanned this little article that caught my interest since it mentions quantum theory and multiple universes: Multiple sources and declassi ...
- Zecharia Sitchin PassesFrom We regret to inform you that Zecharia Sitchin passed away on the morning of October 9th. A small, private family funeral was held the next day. The family asks that you respect its privacy during this difficult time and refrain from contacting family members directly. Instead, to o ...
- FermiLab to prove Third Dimension an IllusionIt has been postulated in the past few years that our reality, i.e., the “Third Dimension” is an illusion and thusly could be manipulated and it would be proven once and for all that we live in a multi-dimensional multi-verse. Now scientists at the FermiLab high energy research facility are building ...
- The Electric Universe and StrawmenThe Electric Universe Theory is very intriguing to me for the simple fact that it’s elegant, easy to grasp and can explain many anomalies that occur in Nature. In fact, I consider it an equal to Einstein’s Gravitic theories that is the mainstream thought today. Do I think it’s THE theory? No, but I ...
- Impromptu Conversation Between Mike Clelland and C ...On October 13th last week, UFOs appeared over Manhattan Island as seemingly predicted by former military person Stanley Fulham. The mainstream media carried the UFO stories all day long, especially when it was found out the UFOs were nothing but balloons. Esoteric researchers Mike Clelland and Chris ...
Tippers News
- Targeted Dog Expected to Recover; Another Feared D ...On Saturday morning, "Shiloh" and "Weenie" went out in the fields across from their home on Ninepin Branch Road in Berlin as they normally do. But only "Shiloh" returned to the doorstep, and her owner discovered disturbing wounds. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment ...
- Dog Beating Charge Sends Key Largo Man To JailA witness said Bubba upset Mitchell when he tried to run away. Mitchell caught the dog by the collar, the witness said, and dragged him so violently inside he damaged the dog's neck and esophagus. Then Bubba grabbed a steak from the kitchen counter. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! ...
- Edward Janus | Disability Advocate and Activist - ...Edward Janus | Disability Advocate and Activist (Disabled myself). Doing Daily Internet Activism for Supporting Causes of Change. Talking about: Armchair Activism for Oil-Spill Animals. Submitted by Edward Janus to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Access: Disability Rights Activists in ActionEdward Janus | Disability Advocate and Activist (Disabled myself). Campaign and Mission is Fighting for Persons with Disabilities. Making Our Voices Heard. Access: Disability Rights Activists in Action posted by: Kristina Chew Submitted by Edward Janus to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Evidence Refutes Bp's and Fed's DeceptionIn August, Truthout conducted soil and water sampling in Pass Christian Harbor, Mississippi; on Grand Isle, Louisiana; and around barrier islands off the coast of Louisiana, in order to test for the presence of oil from BP's Macondo Well. [extremely high] Submitted by Ellyn S. to Environment �|� �N ...
The Freeman
- Bernanke Concerned about Economy“The Federal Reserve is all but certain next week to begin a multibillion-dollar effort to coax the recovery along, but privately, Ben S. Bernanke, the chairman, worries that more is needed to turn the sluggish economy around and revive employment.” (New York Times) Here comes the fiat money. FEE Ti ...
- Mexican Drug War Takes Innocent Lives“During its nearly four-year crackdown on major drug trafficking organizations, the Mexican government has repeated the mantra that most of the nearly 30,000 people killed have some association with the illicit trade. But in the span of a week, a devastating wave of attacks has killed dozens of civi ...
- Is Freedom a Radical Idea?The good old days are not behind us but rather lie ahead.
- Campaign Spending Passes Last Midterm Level“Total spending â by candidates, political parties and special interests â has topped $3.2 billion and is likely to hit $4 billion when reports detailing last-minute donations and spending are tallied, according to a study released Wednesday by the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics. That w ...
- Obama Gently Grilled on “Daily Show”“An appearance on âThe Daily Showâ offered President Obama little comic relief from the serious midterm election campaign, as he was peppered with tough questions rooted in whether he has lived up to the promise of his 2008 campaign.” (Los Angeles Times) When will we get over this adoration of the p ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Best advice for SoundslidesI was asking around recently, among my friends at other j-schools who teach photojournalism. Yes, they are still teaching Soundslides. The No. 1 reason is almost unanimous: It’s a great transition from making stills to making video. I think it also helps — a lot — with teaching storytelling. Right ...
- Storytelling 101 with ‘The Annoying Orange’Let’s look at storytelling again. I always use this diagram to show students how to structure a very short video story or audio slideshow (120 seconds): Recently a student showed me this video, and I noticed that at about 1 min. 30 sec., it illustrates the story arc perfectly! ...
- Journalism education: Irrelevant, or lacking conte ...Journalism students around the world seem to be very similar. Many of them say this: Personally, I enrolled in a journalism course because I wanted to get into magazines or newspaper column writing — less hard news, more conversational. That comes from a June 2010 column at MediaShift, written b ...
- Boring old news media: Still boring, still oldI was just rereading a post by Steve Yelvington — whom I used to call the smartest man in online journalism (and he may still be — it’s just that there are so many more people in it now, it’s hard to name just one). Steve’s post ( A tablet revolution: It’s like it’s the ’70s all over again ) has se ...
- Contents of a journalist’s backpackNeerav Bhatt describes himself as a professional blogger, photographer, geek and qualified librarian. Okay, so he never says “journalist,” but if you read his post that accompanied the photo below, I think you’ll forgive my headline. He’s got some interesting choices (which he explains in his pos ...
Facing South
- Federal inspectors clueless about cementing, oil s ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica Yesterday the government's oil spill panel released a letter alleging that Halliburton knew of potential flaws in its cement prior to the Deepwater Horizon blowout. That same spill commission, in a little-noticed report by the New Orleans Times-Picayune, had earlier this ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: Block the vote?Rank of voter registration problems among the top threats to the franchise this year, according to the Brennan Center for Justice: 1 Number of U.S. residents who tried to vote in 2008 but could not due to voter registration problems: around 3 million Percent decrease in new voter registratio ...
- Art Pope bankrolls dubious 'voter fraud' crusadeJune 5, 2007. It was poised to be a big day in North Carolina political history: State senators were about to vote on H 91, a historic election reform bill bill that would allow voters to register and vote at the same time at hundreds of early voting sites across the state. But minutes before ...
- N.C. Democrats launch boycott of businesses owned ...The North Carolina Democratic Party has called for a boycott of the business owned by leading conservative benefactor Art Pope to protest what it calls his "corporate takeover" of elections. Variety Wholesalers -- the privately-held parent company of discount chains Roses, Maxway, Super 1 ...
- VOICES: Will the Tea Party movement turn on corpor ...By Phil Mattera, Dirt Diggers Digest Like many unlikely marriages, the relationship between the Tea Party movement and Big Business is complicated. There's no question that corporate money, at least from the likes of billionaire David Koch, has bankrolled the movement via front groups such as Fr ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Re: Conflict Minerals: the New Blood DiamondsI believe that the senators dont know the real issues on the ground and their well-intended legislation will be useless without knowledge of the actual situation.
- World Cup Crime in South AfricaWhile South Africa boasts understandable pride and excitement to be hosting the World Cup, its citizens are fearful. An already disordered country will see crime escalate substantially when the crowds arrive.
- Re: Blood Diamonds: Still BloodyZimbabwean diamonds mined with complete disregard for basic human rights are currently being sold in jewelry stores with
- Women's Modern PlightWith all the progress that has been made to advance women's position in the world, their standing still ranges from disadvantaged in developed countries to brutalized in developing ones.
- Improving Security in SomaliaThe United States is looking to the regions of Puntland and Somaliland for keys to protecting Somalis from extremist threats.
Canadian Encyclopedia
- Great DepressionFew countries were affected as severely as Canada by the worldwide Depression of the 1930s. It is estimated that between 1929 and 1933 Gross National Expenditure declined by 42%, by the latter year 30% of the LABOUR FORCE was
- Riel, LouisLouis Riel, M�tis leader, founder of Manitoba, central figure in the NORTH-WEST REBELLION (b at Red River Settlement [Man] 22 Oct 1844; d at Regina 16 Nov 1885). Riel was educated at St Boniface and studied for the
- Macdonald, Sir John AlexanderSir John Alexander Macdonald, lawyer, businessman, politician, first prime minister of Canada (b at Brunswick Place, across the Clyde R from Glasgow, Scot 10 Jan 1815; d at Ottawa 6 June 1891). He was the dominant creative mind
- ConfederationConfederation, the union of the British North American colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Canada (Canada being an earlier 1841 union of Lower Canada and Upper Canada), was achieved 1 July 1867 under the new name,
- Vimy RidgeVimy Ridge, battle fought 9-14 April 1917 during WORLD WAR I . The long, low ridge formed a key position linking the Germans' new HINDENBURG LINE to their main trench lines leading north from HILL 70 near Arras, France.
How Can I Recycle This ?
- How can I reuse or recycle the plastic bags from c ...Like tin foil the other week, I can’t believe we haven’t covered this one already. To extend the product shelf lift and to protect it from moisture, most breakfast cereal is wrapped in some sort of plastic – either a snug film wrapping or, more frequently, a plastic bag/liner – inside its cardboard ...
- How can I get the last of the gel out of the bottl ...We’ve had an email from Sylvia in a similar vein to our “how to use the last of everything” post a few months ago: I love Avon products but I canât for the life of me figure out how to get all of the gel out of the bottle when I canât shake any more [...]
- 5 fantastic recycling ideas for used tyresJust because a tyre is too old and worn to use on a car, it doesn’t mean that it’s useful life is over. Here’s our top five reuses for used tyres. 1. Planters for the garden Used tyres can be used as instant planters in a garden – either wide and low containers on their [...]
- How can I repair a broken bra?After a couple of years of faithful service, one of my beloved bras has broken. It’s one of the two really quite expensive bras I own – they cost a lot of money but worth it — supportive, comfortable to wear and resulting in (what is I’ve been told is) a pleasant boob shape. Because [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle plastic biscuit wrappin ...I am a fan of biscuits (aka cookies). I have written of my love of biscuits. I am eating a biscuit while writing this. I do try to make my own biscuits but we eat store-bought ones too – and that obviously means packaging waste. My favourite shop-bought ones are McVitie’s dark choc digestives so [.. ...
- ‘New York Times’ is clueless"New York Times execs visit West Bank city "Publisher, senior editors of influential American newspaper given tour of Ariel as part of Yesha Council PR campaign"Those are Ynet's headlines. NYT publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and executive editor Bill Keller and other editors visited a West Bank set ...
- Exclusive excerpt from the important new book A Co ...We are excited to share the following excerpt from A Country Called Amreeka: U.S. History Retold Through Arab-American Lives by Alia Malek. The book provides a necessary, and long overdue, service by inserting the Arab-American experience into the American narrative of the last 50 years. This passag ...
- Naked conspiracy: Ackerman says ‘first class ...The Forward's Nathan Guttman has a fine piece of reporting up about how the Israeli right is hoping that the Congress will change hands next week. The best part of the piece is where the Congressional Democrats protest, Hey we love Israel just as much, even more! Read this with your eyes open. I kno ...
- Cambridge debater set out to ‘nail’ ot ...The other day we reported on a Cambridge University debate about whether Israel is a rogue state in which one of the students arguing the affirmative acted as a proponent for Israel. Well, the student, Gabriel Latner, has been banned from debating for life (who says the west doesn't have fatwas) by ...
- IDF bars Palestinian children from Tel Aviv film f ...And more news from Today in Palestine:Settlers/ Land, Property, Resource Theft & Destruction/Ethnic Cleansing Soldiers Deny Palestinians Access to Lands in Hebron On Friday morning, the Israeli military prevented Palestinian farmers from working on their lands, adjacent to the separation wall, in th ...
Media Consortium
- The Newsonomics of membership " Nieman Journalism ...New journalism is hungry for new business models. Beyond millions in foundation start-up support, what will sustain these enterprises? One answer: membership. The notion is borrowed from NPR (née National Public Radio), which we must remind ourselves is no “experiment.” While the daily press is te ...
- Chart: How Newspaper E-Editions Are Faring | paidC ...One circulation metric that wasn’t down year-over-year for U.S. newspapers during the first half of 2010: the total number of subscribers to their e-editions, a broad category that includes digital replicas, online-only subscriptions, Kindle subscriptions, and products like Times Reader. Leading th ...
- PayPal Unveils Micropayments For Digital Goods, Fa ...t the company’s annual developer conference today, PayPal debuted its much awaited micropayments product. According to a release issued by the company, the new product is an “in-context, frictionless payment solution that lets consumers pay for digital goods and content in as little as two clicks, w ...
- PayPal Unveils Micropayments For Digital Goods, Fa ...At the company’s annual developer conference today, PayPal debuted its much awaited micropayments product. The new product is an “in-context, frictionless payment solution that lets consumers pay for digital goods and content in as little as two clicks, without ever having to leave a publisher’s gam ...
- When people are willing to pay for “almost nothing ...I want to point out a couple tweets of Marco’s that might tell us a little something about the paywalls we’ll see news organizations start erecting in greater quantities soon. Arment recently decided to start offering a paid model for Instapaper’s web service. He calls it an Instapaper Subscription, ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terroriz ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NOT TH ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli children w ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END FEAR ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenomena ( ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. Gen ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many more l ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world politi ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Fatal helicopter crash at French Antarctic researc ...Australian and US air force planes have spotted three bodies and debris strewn 150m around the site of the crash of helicopter in Antarctica carrying four people, including the pilot, a mechanic and two researchers from l'Institut polaire Paul-Emile Victor , in Brest, Brittany, France. The helic ...
- House committee weighs in on 'climate engineering'The US House Science and Technology Committee released a report on Friday looking into the nascent science of geoengineering and how federal programs could be aligned to study technologies - from the ordinary to the controversial - that could be used to alter the earth's climate in order to counter ...
- Convention ends with new biodiversity roadmap After two weeks of talks and much late-night wrangling, delegates to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan, reached agreement on a new roadmap for protecting biodiversity ( Guardian , BBC ). The agreement seeks to reduce biodiversity loss by expanding protected areas on land and in ...
- Fatal helicopter crash at French Antarctic researc ...Australian and US air force planes have spotted three bodies and debris at the site of the crash of a helicopter in Antarctica -- it had been carrying four people, including the pilot, a mechanic and two researchers from l'Institut polaire Paul-Emile Victor , in Brest, Brittany, France. The faciliti ...
- Biodiversity talks still wrangling over genetic re ...Posted on behalf of Anjali Nayar In the final hours of this year’s international talks on biodiversity in Nagoya, Japan, negotiators were still trying to hammer out details on how much of the globe should be protected, and how to compensate nations for commercial products based on their genetic r ...
new geography
- The Privatization-Industrial Complex“I think this is just the latest way for people to make money off state and local governments. This is the new way the investment banks, their lawyers, and consultants squeeze the taxpayers....They’re going around making these deals, and it’s very lucrative. It’s like a circus coming to town.” - Cli ...
- Suburban Nation, but Urban Political StrategyIdeologues may set the tone for the national debate, but geography and demography determine elections. In America, the dominant geography continues to be suburbia – home to at least 60 percent of the population and probably more than that portion of the electorate. Roughly 220 congressional distric ...
- Prosperity Index Shows That Democracy Still Works ...With the Cold War well behind us, the real choice between systems lies in a growing variation in the form of capitalisms. Choices now range from the Chinese Leninist model – essential centrally planned exploitation of the greed gene – to various kleptocracies, divergent Anglo-American systems and v ...
- Shifting Voter Demographics: America is a Differen ...As we head to the unpredictable 2010 elections, many pundits have been left scratching their heads and admitting that they really have no idea how this election is going to turn out. Nate Silver, today’s most careful analyst of election statistics and forecasting, examined a variety of indicators an ...
- Portland's Runaway Debt TrainTri-Met, the operator of Portland's (Oregon) bus and light rail system has been in the news lately, and in less than auspicious ways. For decades, the Portland area’s media – as well as much of the national press – has been filled with stories about the national model that Tri-Met has created, espec ...
GM Watch
- How green is your revolution?
- Ignacio Chapela on new landmark study on gene leak ...
- INRA halts development of GM crops
- Toxic ingredients in imported soybeans
- INRA halts development of GM crops
- The masturbatory world of the mockumentaryThe Taking of Prince Harry was Channel 4’s latest attempt to dress up liberal fantasy as serious inquiry.
- Meet the Spaniards fighting to stub out authoritar ...Spanish thinkers, drinkers, smokers and non-smokers are rebelling against their government’s smoking ban. Let’s back them.
- It’s not just Tories who want austerityWe can’t make a convincing case against austerity without challenging today’s cultural aversion to prosperity.
- The Lib-Cons’ national insecurity strategyJust like the New Labour government, the Lib-Con coalition has no idea which interests to pursue or protect.
- Five BS arguments that should be cutGeorge Osborne’s spending review is neither a Thatcherite assault on ‘the vulnerable’ nor a sparkling solution to our economic woes.
- Police Running Security Screening to Enter London ...A Cryptogon reader emailed to say that he encountered the police running a security checkpoint at one of the entrances to one of London’s main parks. According to the reader, “There was a metal detector, many police officers, a little tent, and officers with wands if necessary. They asked if I had a ...
- Fraudclosure: ‘When you save broken companie ...Via: The Big Picture: The banks have gotten the Big Lie technique down to a science: State a lie so colossal that no one could believe anyone “has the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” In practice, adding factually accurate, but irrelevant or misleading color, helps push the lie on unsu ...
- Halliburton Knew Cement it Mixed for BP’s We ...Via: Bloomberg: Halliburton Co. may face increased liability in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill after the staff of a U.S. presidential panel said the contractor knew cement it mixed for BP Plc’s well was unstable. The staff of the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill said documents ...
- ‘Gold Will Outlive Dollar Once Slaughter Com ...Via: Bloomberg: The world’s monetary system is in the process of melting down. We have entered the endgame for the dollar as the dominant reserve currency, but most investors and policy makers are unaware of the implications. The only questions are how long the denouement of the dollar reserve syste ...
- And Now… Cheap Fluoride from China Leaves Un ...Update: Multiple Tests Can’t Determine What The Material Is? Via: The Daily News (Newburyport) on Fluoride Action Network: Desmarais said while soluble sodium fluoride has traditionally proved easy to dissolve and add to the water supply, in recent years he’s found that 40 percent of the product the ...
The Economic Collapse
- Foreclosure Fraud: 6 Things You Need To Know About ...The foreclosure fraud crisis seems to escalate with each passing now. It is being reported that all 50 U.S. states have launched a joint investigation into alleged fraud in the mortgage industry. This is a huge story that is not going to go away any time soon. The truth is that i ...
- Is America In Decline? 24 Statistics About The Uni ...Does anyone really want to hear that America is in decline? For decades, most of us have been raised to believe that the United States is "number one" and that anyone who doubts that fact is a "gloom and doomer" that should just pack up and move to "Russia" or "Iraq" or some other ...
- 10 Reasons Why Ordinary Hard-Working Americans Are ...American families better get ready to tighten their belts again. There is every indication that we are all going to really start feeling the squeeze in the months ahead. The price of gas is starting to spike again. The price of food is moving north. Health insurance premium incr ...
- Why Is Indiana Putting Armed Security Guards Into ...Did you ever think that things in America would get so bad that we would need to put armed guards into our unemployment offices? Well, that is exactly what is happening in Indiana. Armed security guards will now be posted at all 36 full-service unemployment offices in the state of ...
- Foreclosure-GateIf you work in the mortgage industry or for a title insurer, you might not want to make any plans for the next six months. Foreclosure-Gate is about to explode. It is being alleged that many prominent mortgage lenders have been using materially flawed paperwork to evict homeowners ...
- How can agriculture be transformed to achieve food ...Read at : Feeding the world in a changing climate How can agriculture be transformed to achieve food security and climate change goals? This is the main question that will be posed during the Global Conference ...
- THREElittleSTEPS (PSFK)Read at : Using The Power Of Facebook To Eliminate Waste From The Environment THREElittleSTEPS is a brilliantly-conceptualiz ...
- Helping small-scale farmers to improve farming pra ...Read at : Improving the Harvest, From the Soil to the Market “Farmers are seeing that they can do this on the small level and it’s making them think and act bigger. Now they are improving things all on … Conti ...
- France : INRA is stopping all development of GM cr ...Read at : French Ag Research Center quits GM foods due to public rejection, hostility And innovative low-tech sustainable agroecological approaches continue to push up crop yields ...
- “Save the Seeds Movement” (Ecosensorium)Read at : A crusade for protection of indigenous seeds âBeej Bachaoâ has been an Andolan initiated in the late 1980s by farmers ...
The Paper Trail
- New GOP Chiefs of Appropriations, Energy Panels Ma ...With Republicans expected to have an excellent shot at winning back the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday, talk is rampant about which members are poised to take over key committees. In most cases, the new chairmen of such powerful fiefdoms as the Ways and Means Committee and Budget Committee ...
- Financial Reform Watch: The Midterm Election Editi ...The midterm elections are almost upon us and with Republicans poised to take control of the House of Representatives, we thought it a good time to gauge what this might mean for the Dodd-Frank law.
- Financial Reform Calendar: Election, SEC Mee ...A calendar of events to help consumers monitor the transparency and accountability of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
- Reform Reading – Bailout Paradox in Nov. 2 E ...A roundup of news and commentary to help consumers monitor the transparency and accountability of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
- Club for Growth Says “Enough” of Arizo ...While much attention has focused on attack ads aired by the new, well-funded 501(c)(4) and 501(c)(6) groups in this election, other big independent organizations such as the Club for Growth and its political action committee have also been busy.
- Homeland insecurityBy Alison@Creekside The same party that thought the Canadian government collecting info about Canadians via the mandatory census was an egregious violation of privacy and civil liberties is apparently just fine with having info about Canadians collected by the U.S. Homeland Security. Funny old Co ...
- “Lay Off Officer Bubbles”: the videoBy Frank Moher Last week we reported on the ongoing saga of Officer Bubbles, the Toronto cop who became infamous during the G20 for threatening to bust a bubble-blowing protestor. Constable Bubbles, you will recall (or maybe not), has launched a 1.2 million dollar lawsuit against YouTube for host ...
- Where’s my shower?By Jodi A. Shaw The last baby shower I went to was when I was a preteen. I went with my mom, and the shower was for a woman who went to our church. We played the clothespin game and some bizarre game with toilet paper and for the ...
- Russell Williams: reality is realityBy Frank Moher The Canadian news media have been engaged in a lot of hand-wringing and debate over the trial of Russell Williams and their own coverage of it. Should they have published photos of him dressed in his victims' lingerie? Should newspapers have kept the photos off the front page? ...
- Officer Bubbles: the poemBy Frank Moher The saga of Officer Bubbles continues. The Toronto Police Services constable (aka Adam Josephs) became notorious during the G20 for threatening to arrest a particularly pacific young woman if she continued to blow bubbles in his vicinity. "If the bubble touches me," he growled, "yo ...
- Palin not amused by State Dept's B'Day tweet ...State Department spokesman P J Crowley sent a birthday message to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad via Twitter on Friday, prompting a response by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin who described the post as "mind boggling foreign...
- Budget supermarket Aldi sells miracle cream a ...London, Oct 30 (ANI): A new cream made from the world's rarest apples is being sold at budget supermarket Aldi at a price that is 28 times cheaper than the designer versions.� The new 'Renovage'...
- Keri-Anne Payne ready to go the extra 50 mile ...World titles and Commonwealth Games medals are all very well for Keri-Anne Payne but she'll go to great lengths to get her hands on Olympic gold. Relaxed but always active! Keri-Anne Payne has a punishing training routine The 22-year-old marathon swimmer won a silver in the 2008 Beijing Olympic ...
- Italian leader 'a playful person' Agence France-Presse October 30, 2010 Italy's Silvio Berlusconi said yesterday he loved life and women and would not change his ways as critics demanded information about his relationship with a teenage girl who alleges she partied with him. Stories about the 17-year-old Moroccan named Ruby hav ...
- Bopara leads Dolphins to victory The Dolphins got their MTN40 campaign off to winning start by claiming a convincing 37-run win against the Cape Cobras at Kingsmead on Friday night. Dolphins' captain Imran Khan had no hesitation in batting first on a flat wicket and most of his top order responded with useful knocks helping th ...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embedded ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ in I ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any Time ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cops an ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- 10 Medication Mistakes That Can KillThe numbers are simply staggering: Every year 1.5 million people are sickened or severely injured by medication mistakes, and 100,000 die. (Source: - Health)
- Angiotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Releases Selected ...VANCOUVER, Oct. 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - In September 2010, Angiotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: ANPI; TSX: ANP) ("Angiotech" or the "Company") entered into confidentiality, non-disclosure and non-use agreements (as amended, the "Confidentiality Agreements") with certain beneficial holde
- [World Report] The parlous state of palliative car ...Palliative care is almost unheard of in the developing world, condemning millions to agonising deaths each year. Priya Shetty investigates why the need for good end-of-life care is still ignored.In a developing country, patients who are diagnosed with terminal cancer or HIV must confront their morta ...
- Knowledge Gaps, Fears Common Among Parents of Chil ...Knowledge gaps and fear — some of it unjustified — are common among the caregivers of children with a drug-resistant staph bacterium known as MRSA, according to the results of a small study from the Johns Hopkins Children Center. These caregivers thirst for timely, detailed and simple information, t ...
- Formula One helped my broken neckWhen Thea Maxfield broke her neck after being thrown from her horse, she found the technology used by Formula One racing enabled her to get back in the saddle. (Source: BBC News | Health | UK Edition)
Common Dreams
- Argentina Mourns the President Who Led His Nation Guy Adams Argentina is coming to terms with the loss of its most influential political spouse since the days of Eva Peron following the sudden death of Nestor Kirchner, the former president and husband of the country's current leader, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. State television reported that ...
- The Right to Food: Corporate, Foreign Gov’t Land G ...The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter, joins us to discuss his recent warning that some 500 million small farmers in poor countries are suffering from hunger, partly because foreign countries and corporations have bought up large tracts of land. We’re al ...
- The $4 Billion Election: Spending Records Shattere ...WASHINGTON – This year’s federal election will obliterate spending records for a midterm contest, surpassing the previous high-water mark set in 2006 by about $1 billion, the Center for Responsive Politics predicts less than a week before voters cast their ballots. That’s enough cash to run the c ...
- Largest US Polluters Want EPA to Keep Their Emissi Dina Cappiello WASHINGTON — Some of America's largest emitters of heat-trapping gases, including businesses that publicly support efforts to curb global warming, don't want the public knowing exactly how much they pollute. Oil producers and refiners, along with manufacturers of steel, aluminum ...
- Indonesia Tsunami Death Toll Soars Al Jazeera and agencies The death toll from Indonesia's tsunami has soared to at least 343 with 370 others missing, as questions mount over whether an elaborate tsunami warning system off the country's western coast had failed. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesia's president, headed on Thursday t ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: Is Buju Banton a Victim of Gay Re ...ExamineReligion: Is Buju Banton a Victim of Gay Revenge?: By Takuan Amaru Although a Florida judge has ruled that Jamaican dancehal...
- ExamineReligion: Psychedelia and spiritual awakeni ...ExamineReligion: Psychedelia and spiritual awakening: Truth or consequences?: The constructive use, or abuse and addiction to psych...
- ExamineReligion: Relying on the Strength of the Ho ...ExamineReligion: Relying on the Strength of the Holy Spirit: Casper, Wyoming biblical Christians experience the trials and tribulat...
- ExamineReligion: Trust even through the bad times ...ExamineReligion: Trust even through the bad times because they bring us closer to God.: We probably all know people who have come t...
- ExamineReligion: Vampiric behavior in the everyday ...ExamineReligion: Vampiric behavior in the everyday world: There is often a psychic or psychological feeding that takes place in mos...
Energy Collective
- Ammonia As An Alternative Fuel?In the last seven years I've written extensively about a wide variety of alternative fuels, including ethanol, methanol, and higher alcohols like butanol, along with compressed and liquefied natural gas (CNG and LNG), hydrogen, and electricity, but I find I haven't said anything about anhydrous ammo ...
- Ammonia As An Alernative Fuel?In the last seven years I've written extensively about a wide variety of alternative fuels, including ethanol, methanol, and higher alcohols like butanol, along with compressed and liquefied natural gas (CNG and LNG), hydrogen, and electricity, but I find I haven't said anything about anhydrous ammo ...
- Deciphering deniersAndy Revkin has posted a piece over on DotEarth that I highly recommend, as much for the reader comments as for the main post itself.
- Why Are There No 24-Year-Old CEOs in Cleantech?The question hit me two weeks ago. Why are there no – well, virtually none, as I can’t thing of any off the top of my head – ridiculously young CEOs of cleantech companies? The thought came to me while I was watching The Social Network. The film I’m sure most of you have heard about, about the netwo ...
- Investing in technology vs. pricing carbonThis quote from a story about a recent report o
Green House - USA Today
- High levels of BPA linked to sperm problems, study ...A controversial, estrogen-like chemical in plastic may be related to conditions that reduce men's fertility, suggests a new study.
- U.N. reaches historic accord to protect world's sp ...A United Nations biodiversity conference, after two weeks of intense talks, has reached a historic accord to protect the world's forests, coral reefs and other threatened ecosystems from destruction.
- Health firm builds North America's largest rooftop ...This week in York, Pa., a health care company began installing what it says will be the largest roof-mounted solar array in North America.
- Is vast U.S. reservoir of shale gas the energy ans ...Is a vast East Coast reservoir of cleaner-burning shale gas the answer to the United States' energy future? In an in-depth report, the National Geographic examines recent efforts to tap into what may be the world's second-largest reservoir of natural gas.
- Climate change views divided along party linesClimate change views continue to widely differ along party lines, with 79% of Democrats supporting evidence for global warming compared with 38% of Republicans, according to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center.
Prior Art
- Recent Patent Litigation Weekly ColumnsMuch of the patent news that was published on this blog has been moved to the IP Insider section of the Corporate Counsel website. Here's a list of the last several Patent Litigation Weekly columns— Oct. 25, 2010: Big Patent-Licensing...
- Paul Allen v. The InternetFormer Microsoft executive and billionaire Paul Allen sued several major Internet companies and three large retailers for patent infringement today, asserting that four patents originating at Interval Research, Allen's dot-com era think tank, cover basic web browsing and e-commerce technologies....
- Citing Possible Bias, ACLU Asks Rader to Recuse Hi ...With the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit set to consider a landmark case over the validity of human gene patents, attorneys for the plaintiffs in the suit are asking the court's chief judge to recuse himself from the matter—before the panel that will hear it has even been selec ...
- Law360 Calls Lawyer-Owned Shell Company a "Public ...seems to have a pretty flexible definition of that term. Last month, it included . Who is so concerned about such fairness? That would be , the Texas law firm that owns Americans for Fair Patent Use, which is a limited liability company set up to prosecute a false marking lawsuit filed in E ...
- Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big p ...Moglen's position on the subject of software patents—that they should be banned—is, to say the least, outside the mainstream in legal circles. It has, however, garnered support among software developers and other techies, especially those who work in the world of open-source and free softw ...
Peoples Voice
- Adnan Mirza: Another US War on Terror Victimby Stephen Lendman Post-9/11, Mirza is one of legions of war on terror victims - framed, charged, indicted, tried and convicted on bogus terrorism related charges. On October 22, the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Texas headlined, "Pakistani Student Sentenced to prison for ...
- When Criminals Vote…Mickey Z. Election Day is mental illness in plain view?unabashed, unfettered lunacy not even trying to masquerade as sanity. If we woke up, it would take perhaps 3-5 seconds to recognize this: Obama is a heinous criminal. His Republican rivals (sic) are heinous criminals. Then again, the sa ...
- STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY: Organizing and ...Larry Pinkney “The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.” -Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara “We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in the prese ...
- TIME FOR A NEW THEORY OF MONEYEllen Brown By understanding that money is simply credit, we unleash it as a powerful tool for our communities. The reason our financial system has routinely gotten into trouble, with periodic waves of depression like the one we’re battling now, may be due to a flawed perception not just of the ro ...
- Is talk of secession sedition? Arundhati Roy respo ...By Rady Ananda In a speech last week supporting ‘azadi' -- or freedom -- for the occupied people of Kashmir, Arundhati Roy won the ire of right wing extremists who started a petition to have her arrested on charges of sedition. Even moderates are shocked by her support of secession. I sit on an Ind ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- New York Times article: Income Inequality too big ...New York Times writer Robert Frank says it's time to tackle the problems of income inequality in this article .
- Let's Do Something About Poverty!The Saskatchewan office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is a proud partner of Poverty Free Saskatchewan (PFS), a coalition of groups attempting to develop a comprehensive anti-poverty program for the province. Today we released Let's Do Something About Poverty! , in order to encourage ...
- The growing gap and the problem of recessionBruce Livesey writes a blog in the Progressive Economics Forum showing the link between worsening income inequality and the threat of a Great Recession that could 'go on indefinitely'. Read the blog here.
- Does Canada really have a debt and deficit problem ...A new CCPA study examines Canada's debt and deficit and finds that debt in Canada—even after two years of stimulus—is still at very low levels compared to other countries, and compared to the mid-1990s. Big Train Coming: Does Canada Really Have a Deficit and Debt Problem? says a sharp turn to spe ...
- Why the F-35 stealth fighter is wrong for CanadaA new report by the CCPA and the Rideau Instittute says the planned purchase of 65 F-35 stealth fighter jets is the result of a ‘pilot error’ by the Canadian government. Pilot Error: Why the F-35 stealth fighter is wrong for Canada carefully examines all of Canada’s current and future security requ ...
World Wide Hippies
- Dumb AmericansPoll Shows Americans Don’t Know GDP Grew With Tax Cuts and Bailout Profits | Bloomberg The Obama administration cut taxes for middle-class Americans, expects to make a profit on the hundreds of billions of dollars spent to rescue Wall Street banks and has overseen an economy that has grown for the p ...
- Weekly TriviaA new Trivia Question will be posted every Friday at 8:00 pm (EST). You can post your answer in the comments section below the question and be entered into a chance to win a WWH Bumpersticker! This weeks question – Her observations and discoveries are intemationally heralded. Her research and writ ...
- Dre In The Morning – Episode 1
- Cheat The RichOn Wall Street: All Reward, No Risk | The New York Times For the life of me, I can’t figure out why Wall Street bankers, traders and executives get paid so much money year after year for doing jobs that rarely require them to innovate, enlighten or put their own capital at risk, and have the [...]
- Rove Slammed by Tea PartyTea Party Slams Rove | The Daily Beast Tea Party activists tell The Daily Beast that Karl Rove “has been wrong all summer long.” Shushannah Walshe on the party’s fight over Sarah Palin and the Republican soul. Plus, midterm predictions from the Election Oracle. It didnât take long for Tea Party acti ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- 'I Remember'
- 9/11 Families Call for Immediate Acknowledgement o ...NEW YORK – October 23 – The following statement may be attributed to Colleen Kelly, a founding member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows The information made public by Wikileaks (NY Times, A Grim Report…10/22/10) emphasizes that 9/11 families have much in common with Iraqi civ ...
- 'A Crime Beyond Denunciation'This appears in a new article in the New York Observer : "The first thing that needs to happen, I think, is to get these people out of their homes," a man wearing a bespoke blue-striped shirt, a Hermés tie patterned with elephants and Ferragamo loafers said recently. "Correct! I'll explain," the ...
- The “I” Word Cindy SheehanOnce, when my children were young, one of them rushed into me and said: “Mama, so-and-so, said the ‘K’ word.” I don’t remember which one of my children was the tattler, or which one was the tattlee, but I remember the “k” word. I could never figure out what the “k” word was, because neither of the ...
- Impeachment Marcher Reaches Washington – “Hello Ma ...John Nirenberg, who has spent the last forty days and nights walking south on Route 1 from Boston to Washington D.C., has reached the outskirts of his goal, Nancy Pelosi’s office. And rather than the last stumbling steps of exhaustion, or steps glad to be finishing up and moving on, the final ...
- How to prepare for the right's gloatingSo, what will the right do next Tuesday when Republicans score massive gains in congressional, gubernatorial and state legislative elections? They'll gloat, of course -- and read way too much into an election outcome that, in reality, can largely be chalked up to structural factors (chiefly, a gr ...
- Gunman opens fire in a Reno Walmart, injures 3Police say they believe a gunman who opened fire at a Walmart store where he worked in Nevada was about to be fired.
- Can"Vote Sanity" stop the madness?The secrecy surrounding the "Rally to Restore Sanity (or Fear)" leaves everything to the imagination until noon Saturday. Or almost everything besides the touted performances of John Legend and the Roots, Mavis Staples and Jeff Tweedy, and Sheryl Crow -- none of whom would be likely to headline a ...
- The Tea Party is bad for businessThis originally appeared at
- T.I.'s wife charged with drug possession in L.A.Prosecutors have charged rapper T.I.'s wife with one count of misdemeanor drug possession stemming from an arrest last month on the Sunset Strip.
SMB News
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera saw ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the disq ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, believed ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage to t ...
- Nato’s 27 fuel tankers torched in ShikarpurFor SMB News Nato’s 27 fuel tankers torched in Shikarpur SHIKARPUR: More than 27 oil tankers, meant for Nato’s fuel supply and three other vehicles, have been torched after some unidentified attackers fired rockets, which resulted in eruption of raging ablaze, meanwhile two men suffered injuries in ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Violation of a fundamental rightG20 security operation should not become a model for public order policing.
- Darts & LaurelsGLEN MURRAY: For a qualified apology. In a tweet last weekend, the Ontario cabinet minister described mayor-elect Rob Ford, provincial Conservative Leader Tim Hudak and Prime Minister Stephen Harper as “the trifecta of Republican-style, right-wing ...
- Citizen’s arrest: Lessons to be learnedChinatown grocer David Chen's story has struck a chord in this city.
- Cool Obama vs. hot Tea Party New Congress will be more polarized and prone to gridlock.
- Specialization on orderUniversities and colleges should avoid "mission creep."
Energy Collective
- Ammonia As An Alternative Fuel?In the last seven years I've written extensively about a wide variety of alternative fuels, including ethanol, methanol, and higher alcohols like butanol, along with compressed and liquefied natural gas (CNG and LNG), hydrogen, and electricity, but I find I haven't said anything about anhydrous ammo ...
- Ammonia As An Alernative Fuel?In the last seven years I've written extensively about a wide variety of alternative fuels, including ethanol, methanol, and higher alcohols like butanol, along with compressed and liquefied natural gas (CNG and LNG), hydrogen, and electricity, but I find I haven't said anything about anhydrous ammo ...
- Deciphering deniersAndy Revkin has posted a piece over on DotEarth that I highly recommend, as much for the reader comments as for the main post itself.
- Why Are There No 24-Year-Old CEOs in Cleantech?The question hit me two weeks ago. Why are there no – well, virtually none, as I can’t thing of any off the top of my head – ridiculously young CEOs of cleantech companies? The thought came to me while I was watching The Social Network. The film I’m sure most of you have heard about, about the netwo ...
- Investing in technology vs. pricing carbonThis quote from a story about a recent report o
EU Times
- Tea Party comes to AustraliaAn anti-tax, anti-government Tea Party has set up shop in Australia, inspired by the US-based movement that has turned the Republican Party upside down. The Australian T.E.A. Party (an acronym for Taxed Enough Already) will be targeting pre-selections across the country and heavily promotes its link ...
- Pelosi sees no justification for high-end tax cutsHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday there is “no justification” for extending tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, firing the latest salvo in a brewing battle over taxes. The leading Democrat and Republican in the House dug in their heels on Thursday, but it will likely be the Senate that ...
- Le Pen’s daughter looks likely to lead from ...Marine Le Pen was late back from lunch. This is a common condition among French politicians but unusual for Le Pen. She is known for being on time and being polite, charming and, unlike her father, difficult to dislike. She arrived “only” 20 minutes late. The National Front, she says, is not a racis ...
- Ohio Town Won’t Allow Tea Party to Celebrate U.S. ...Local officials in Ohio’s Andover Township have denied the use of their public square for a celebration of Constitution Day because of the “political affiliation” of its organizers. Several residents of the small central Ohio town formed The Andover Tea Party in May 2010, and in that same month, the ...
- Absconded parolee named prime suspect in slaying o ...Parolee is linked by DNA and other unspecified evidence found at the scene where a bride-to-be was stabbed to death and her house was then set on fire. Had it gone according to plan, Adam Culvey and his fiancee, Chere Osmanhodzic, would be spending the next week and a half counting down the days to ...
Stonecipher News
- What is Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)?According to Wright & Wright (2006): The definition of “least restrictive environment” did not change in IDEA 2004. Schools are required to educated children with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. Judicial decisions about “mainstreaming” and “least restrictive environment” (LRE) var ...
- Rx - Nutritious Food and Some Important Tips for H ...I was surfing the net for alternative health articles when I came across my friend Ron Siojo's Factoidz page . "For centuries, bitter melon has been used therapeutically in China, India, Africa and the southeastern part of the US. It is useful in medicine as an anti-tumor, antiviral and anti-diabeti ...
- PlayStation®MoveThis is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of PlayStation MOVE . All opinions are 100% mine. Recently a little genie appeared to me one night while sleeping and gave my family the PlayStation®Move. Move Since I started using PlayStation®Move, my family and I have lost weight and spent more q ...
- Washington State Fathers Network Annual ConferenceThe Fathers Network is a group of men who have children that have a disability. According to Roseberg & Wilcox (2006), “The Washington State Fathers Network (WSFN) has served over 1,000 families in the past 20 years. Founded on the belief that men are crucial in the lives of children, WSFN is a pow ...
- Your Child Has A Learning Disability. So What's Ne ...From my Factoidz page : Learning Disabilities was included in the 1975 authorization of the federal law Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) after an organization of parents formed the first Association of Children with Learning Disabilities (Heward, 2009). In the text, Exceptional Chil ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- Costa Rican Food And DrinkThe food and drink in Costa Rica if at all possible the native dishes rely mostly on rice and beans, and basically the foundation of most of the Costa Rican meals do not present the usual health problems that infects the unsuspecting traveler elsewhere in Central America. The... Tags: rice beef cabb ...
- Creative Writing Classes for Home Schoolers @ Card ...Join me for classes in creative writing especially for home school children from the northern part of the city of Calgary and in the surrounding area at Cardel Place , located at 11950 Country Village Link NE, Calgary, AB T3K 6E3 . Classes take place every Thursday, from... Tags: creative writing ...
- Week 9 SEC Preview: Florida and Georgia in an Elim ...More photos » Phil Coale - AP Georgia has hopefully learned its sartorial lessons. Browse more photos » The Weekend Open Thread posts at 11 a.m. ET YOU CAN TAKE THE WORDS 'COCKTAIL PARTY' OUT OF THE COCKTAIL PARTY ... Florida vs. Georgia / 3:30 p.m. ET / CBS There are some games... Tags: georgia flo ...
- Miami Dolphins: Ricky Williams holds court (with C ...Don’t get to hear much from Ricky Williams anymore down here in Miami Dolphins beatland. Guess some of us are too busy being mediocre, negative and trivial — at least in the eyes of a certain former Heisman Trophy winner – but hey, we’ve got bills to pay, deadlines to... Tags: paul brown stadium he ...
- Feeling Uninspired? 6 Best Ways To Find Inspiratio ...Creating a list, writing a tutorial, discussing things, designing a logo, painting, or sculpting, no matter what form of art you wish to create it is, often, difficult to begin. Writers and designers may sit for several hours waiting for inspiration to kick in but unfortunately it... Tags: george be ...
- Five Ways to Shear FiresheepEven as I wrote this, I see my fellow ZDNet blogger Ed Bott had his Twitter account hijacked by someone else in the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference press room. Fortunately, it was a friend so it all came out well. Since it wasn't you that might strike you as funny. Just wait until it h ...
- 40th Anniversary of First ARPANET Transmission, Pr ...Forty years ago this week, two programmers sat in front of computer terminals four hundred miles apart. Unknowingly, they were about to make history. At the University of California, Los Angeles, Charley Kline typed the word "LOGIN" at around nine p.m. on October 29, 1969. The command went through i ...
- Teacher 'Fired' Over Software Plea A battle over whether open-source or proprietary software should be used in Moscow's public schools spilled into the open Wednesday when a schoolteacher said he was forced to quit for complaining about being forced to use Microsoft programs.... The federal government decreed in 2007 that all schools ...
- Read Beyond the HeadersRecent reports on various blogs have attributed to the ASF a number of the source files identified by Oracle as ones that they believe infringe on their copyrights. The code in question has an header that mentions Apache, and perhaps that is the source of the confusion. The code itself is using a li ...
- SAP concedes pirating Oracle software, moves to s ...German software giant SAP conceded Thursday that it allowed or even contributed to a subsidiary's effort to pirate software from archrival Oracle, while SAP lawyers renewed their complaint to a judge that Oracle is turning the case into a "sideshow" and "media circus." Redwood City-based Oracle hai ...
- Cut All You Want; We’re Bankrupt!No amount of cuts will ever get Britain out of Bankruptcy; we need to print our own money.
- No To TV License: WideShut Webcast On Resistance R ...On this week's show Keelan Balderson discusses the deluded green movement, and how you can easily stop paying the TV License.
- Cyber-Security and Internet CensorshipDavid Bolwell further exposes the cyber-terrorism myth and the push for internet censorship.
- Star Trek, Protocols of Zion and The New World Ord ...A look at Jewish and New World Order themes in Gene Roddenberry's legendary Star Trek series.
- Oct-21-2010 9/11 In Context On Resistance RadioTod Fletcher debuts his new show 9/11 In Context on the Resistance Radio Network.
Waterkeeper Alliance
- Court Sends Inlet Dumping Permit Back for Addition ...Yet toxic oil industry dumping continues in Cook Inlet's rich fisheries.
- Siphoning at Savannah River raises unanswerable qu ...Siphoning at Savannah River raises unanswerable questions
- Organization to focus on cleaner water�Organization to focus on cleaner water�
- Biosolids plan gets blessing of stateBiosolids plan gets blessing of state
- Ga senators file legislation aimed at fixing water ...Ga senators file legislation aimed at fixing water woes
Politics in the Zeros
- Driverless vans complete 8,000 mile tripUsing a system called the Generic Obstacle and Lane Detector, or GOLD, these two vans were able to pretty much guide themselves across the two continents. Lasers scanners and video cameras worked together to ensure the vans didn’t cause any accidents (and it is pretty remarkable they made it that fa ...
- Facebook buys, kills itNo word yet on whether technology will make it into Facebook, which may have wanted the developers not the software.
- Mercedes Hexawheel concept. Drive like an insectThe premise is simple: ants (along with various other insects) benefit from an articulated design, meaning their various body sections can move independently of one another. Compare ants to say, a tortoise, which has a fixed body and moving legs (i.e, the same design as a traditional car/SUV), and i ...
- Welcome to Crazytown. Vote Sanity against the nutc ...The Rally to Restore Sanity says “Vote Sanity. Because you might be mad. But they’re crazy.” All true, and the video is fun and humorous so you should definitely watch it. And sure, if wack-a-doodles are running in your area, absolutely, vote against them. But when it comes to the primary problem in ...
- The blogger meeting with Obama. Questions too easy ...Ian Welch What Sean-Paul said, pretty much. Overall the questions were less hard hitting than I would have liked, but I can understand why folks might be intimidated by the President of the US. I expected nothing of Oliver Willis, and like Sean-Paul, I don’t read Kos. However, I’ll say publicly what ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- US tightens security, seeks source of parcel bombsThe US begins the search for the culprits behind a plot to bomb Jewish targets in Chicago
- Police out in force as Wairoa gangs go to warPolice and the armed offenders squad will be out in force in Wairoa tonight
- West Coast gold miners say permit scrap could caus ...Beach miners on the West Coast claim plans to scrap permits for small-scale gold mining will cause chaos
- Asian airline to be flying direct to Christchurch ...Low-cost airline AirAsia X will soon be flying direct to Christchurch from Malaysia
- Out-of-control car collides with roadside coffee d ...A woman in her 60s was flown to Palmerston North Hospital today in a critical condition after an alleged drunk-driver ploughed into her car
Just World News
- Istanbul, for all that ails youToday, I feel like maybe I died and went to heaven. I am sitting in an apartment that is perched on the heights of Istanbul's Cehangir neighborhood right across the Golden Horn from the Topkapi Palace. I stare out of the picture windows at the confluence of the Golden Horn and the Bosphorus. Ferry- ...
- How can I not blog when (#2)--... Britain's $1.6 billion-worth of brand-new nuclear submarine runs aground off the coast of Scotland while testing its sonar! Just put this $1.6 billion figure together together with the sad facts of what I just blogged about Haiti , and you'll see how totally askew the priorities of the so-calle ...
- How can I not blog when--140 of our neighbors in Haiti have now certifiedly died of cholera , and hundreds of thousands of Haitians also badly affected by last December's earthquakes are also threatened by it. And it is not the case that cholera has been "endemic" in Haiti at all, any time in recallable history. This is t ...
- Newsweek: 'Everyone needs' Hamas at the tableA really significant article by Babak Dehghanpisheh in this week's Newsweek: The headline is: "A place for Mr. Meshaal: No one wants the leader of Hamas at the Mideast peace table. But everyone needs him there ." Of course, it is not true that "No one wants him" there... But we can let that go. De ...
- Chas Freeman's somber look at U.S. Middle East pol ...I am happy to be able to publish here-- with his permission-- the text of the presentation that Amb. Chas W. Freeman, Jr., made at a conference on the Middle East held at Tufts University, October 14-15. Freeman's book America's Misadventures in the Middle East is, of course, the first title to be p ...
First Truths
- The State Never SleepsOliver Stone's new film,� Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps , his interpretation of the collapse of the financial system, functions as a digest of the libertarian anarchist critique of state capitalism's banking element. In a piece issued by the Center for a Stateless Society , I argue that the suprem ...
- Obamacare Feeds Insurance OligarchsIn a commentary piece, I argue that Obamacare, the result of Big Insurance lobbying efforts to insulate their bottom lines from competition, squeezes consumers and raises costs.
- WikiLeaks Removes the CloakMy latest commentary lauds WikiLeaks for exposing the full scope of the Iraq war's horrors.
- What It Means to be Anti-WarLibertarianism is described variously as the philosophy of liberty, as individualism, and as anti-collectivism, and while all of those designations are accurate I want to suggest that libertarianism is at first anti-war. Even after explaining that mine is a social philosophy that makes the complet ...
- Time to Rescind the Social ContractCoverage of the pension crisis in France has made a habit of implicating the hallowed "social contract" that citizens supposedly enjoy the benefits of in that country. With the French strikes as a reference point, I argue that social contract theory, the idea of implicit consent, cannot justify the ...
Media Co-Op
- UBCIC Calls for Resignation of Minister of State f ...Objection to Comments by Minister of State for Mining �� Dear Premier Campbell, �� We are writing to strongly object to the unwarranted and insulting comments by the BC Minister of State for Mining Randy Hawes on multiple occasions, which have only served to reiterate and promote racist stereotypes ...
- The Nova Scotia Common Front for HousingThe Nova Scotia Common Front for Housing held a two-day tent city protest for affordable housing on the Halifax North Common October 23rd and 24th.� Organizer Capp Larsen said housing in the province should be based on need, not profit and th ...
- Community Midwifery Forum Forum creates opportunity for women and families to connect and strategize for change. On the afternoon of Sunday, October 24, a group of about 50 people gathered to share their experiences of, and hopes for, midwifery in Nova Scotia. With th ...
- World Bank Darling Promotes Privatization of Reser ...Critics say fee-simple title on reserves could further erode Indigenous land base Earlier this month, Peruvian economist and World Bank poster child Hernando de Soto visited Vancouver to speak in favour of the establishment of individual prope ...
- How to read really boring corporate financial docu ...If you happened to miss tonight's VMC workshop on corporate research and understanding corporate financial statements, you're in luck - there was a handout! And it's reposted below! This is a super brief overview of how to read a balance shee ...
David Seaton's News Links
- Wikileaks: has anybody given a thought about Iraq ...David Seaton's News Links In all the comments on Wikileak's Iraq revelations I've read, I haven't seen much of anything about their effect on Iraq and the Iraqis.� This seems strange to me, because from beginning to end the real victims of everything we've done are the Iraqis themselves and it isn't ...
- Julian Assange and Wikileaks, a warning: How to hi ...The reports make it clear that the lethal contest between Iranian-backed militias and American forces continued after President Obama sought to open a diplomatic dialogue with Iran�s leaders� New York Times It seems to me that the most significant revelations from the massive WikiLeaks document du ...
- China’s next president: Xi JinpingChina�s next president: Xi Jinping Xi is China's heir-apparent, in line to succeed Hu Jintao in 2012 as China's top leader. This 56-year-old "princeling"�his father was former Vice-Premier Xi Zhongxun�earned a doctorate in Marxist theory from Tsinghua University but now has a reputation as a support ...
- The "Big Lie"... How it works and what it is forThe big lie kicks in: before and after Americans for Prosperity, the rightwing campaign funded in part by the energy billionaires the Koch brothers, is working with the Tea Party movement to increase its impact through the use of new media and social networking. The Guardian Rupert Murdoch has decla ...
- Observations of and on the rich"Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft, where we are hard, cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand." F. Scott Fitzgerald ...
EWG - Environmental Working Group
- Throwing Good Money at Bad LandContact: Contact EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982. Oakland, Calif. -- A new Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis has found that a federal Bureau of Reclamation proposal to continue farming on a vast swath of... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my ...
- EWG Asks FDA Advisors to Back Sunscreen Regulation ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs – 202-667-6982 WASHINGTON, Oct. 7, -- Environmental Working Group (EWG) asked a prestigious expert advisory panel to urge the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue long-awaited regulations for... [[ This is a content summary only. Vis ...
- 50 Groups Challenge Government Grant to Pro-Pestic ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 OAKLAND, Calif. – More than 50 organizations concerned about the risks of pesticides to human health and the environment have joined forces to fight California officials’ award of a $180,000... [[ This is a content summary only. Vi ...
- Few Sunscreens Shield From UVA RaysContact: EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982. Washington, D.C. â With fall here, millions of Americans are outside at football and soccer games, cross-country meets, school fairs, picking apples and raking leaves. As temperatures lower and bathing suits go into ...
- Three Top Scientists Honored with Prestigious Hein ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 Washington, D.C. -- Among this year’s recipients of the prestigious Heinz Family Philanthropies Global Change Awards are three preeminent scientists working to advance our understanding of the impacts that chemical exposures hav ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- New Warning About Olive OilDr. Rudi Moerck is a drug industry insider and an expert on fats and oils. In this interview, Dr. Moerck discusses the ins-and-outs of cooking oils; the good, the bad and the ones to avoid like the plague.
- 10 Things You Didn't Know About SoundCNN lists 10 things about sound and health that you probably didn't know: You are a chord. Matter is vibrating energy, which means that you're a collection of vibrations, also known as a chord. You are healthy when that chord is in complete harmony. Socrates said that: "Rhythm and harmo ...
- Weight Loss Drug Yanked from MarketAbbott Laboratories is taking its weight loss drug Meridia (sibutramine) off the market, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The company voluntarily withdrew the drug in the wake of findings showing an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes in people who used the drug. Meridia ...
- "Miracle Nutrient" that Cured Man on the Brink of ...When a King Country dairy farmer came down with a serious case of swine flu, intensive care specialists said there was no hope. They were set to pull him off of life support, but his family refused to give up. The family demanded that the doctors try high doses of Vitamin C. The hospital told them ...
- How to Brand a Disease - and Sell a CureThe manner in which prescription drugs are marketed today can be readily understood if you read the 1928 book " Propaganda ," by Edward Bernays, the father of PR. Bernays knew that public relations business was less about selling things than about creating the conditions for things to sell themsel ...
- Egg Inspections Slated [Health Agencies Update](No abstract is available for this citation)
- Pharmacogenetics Resources [Health Agencies Update ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Regulation for e-Cigarettes [Health Agencies Updat ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Estimates of Deaths Associated With Seasonal Influ ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Proportion of Workers Who Were Work-Injured and Pa ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
Survival - tribal peoples
- Boy wounded in ‘attack by uncontacted Indians’Shelters built by members of an uncontacted tribe along the Curanja River, south-east Peru. © C Fagan/Round River Conservation Studies A fourteen-year-old Indian boy has been seriously wounded in an apparent attack by uncontacted Indians near his home in Monte Salvado, an indigenous settlement ...
- Cyberterrorism knocks out tribal rights organizati ...Visitors to Survival's website see a temporary message. © Survival Human rights organization Survival International has been targeted by a massive cyberattack, knocking its website offline. Survival believes the attack is likely to originate with the Botswana or Indonesian authorities, or thei ...
- Indians demand answers as Amazon is soldOil exploration in Peru's Amazon has generated wide-scale indigenous protests. © David Dudenhoefer Peru’s latest Amazon auction has been challenged by indigenous groups after it emerged that they may not have been consulted before their land was sold off to foreign oil companies last week. An ...
- Survival’s new petition for Botswana Bushmen goes ...Survival's petition has gathered signatures from more than 80 countries. © Survival A new petition calling on controversial holiday company Wilderness Safaris to move its luxury lodge off Bushman land in Botswana is gathering support from all over the world. While the Central Kalahari Bushmen ...
- Richard Long designs T-shirt for SurvivalActress and Survival supporter Gillian Anderson models our Richard Long T-shirt © Survival World-renowned artist Richard Long has designed a new t-shirt for Survival Internationalâs 2010 Christmas catalogue, modelled by actors Gillian Anderson and Sophie Okonedo. The design inspired by nature ...
Montreal Gazette
- Democracy: Going, going, goneOur American friends will find themselves, Wednesday morning, with the most expensive Congress money can buy. The last-minute tsunami of campaign spending gives Canadians still another reason to feel smug -we really do handle this better here. But the orgy of spending in Congressional races ...
- Consensus on language needs modernizingThe problem with language policy in Quebec today -well, OK, one of the problems -is that it's often more cheap politics than sound policy.
- The answer, my friend, isn't blowin' in the windEverybody wants sustainable, eco-friendly energy. But nobody wants to live next to a clanking, science-fictiony wind farm.
- Consensus on language needs modernizingSovereignist leaders know they can stir up votes by stirring up emotions over language. Accordingly, we hear an endless self-serving drumbeat of nationalist alarmism about French being "in danger," at least in Montreal.
- One insurance policy that's not worth the priceThank you, Bernard Drainville, for your candour. The threat of separation from Canada is, the Parti Quebecois MNA has been saying, an "insurance policy," which gives Quebec the "balance of power" in its relations with the rest of the country.
Food World Order
- 10/7 binge & purge: sick, soda, studiesstudy: 63% of restaurant workers handle food while sick * politics of food in the pacific northwest * coffee prices rise as futures hit 13yr high * 3-course meal in stick of chewing gum now a possibility * new york seeks food-stamp ban on soda * study shows drop in retail food prices ...
- food scandals prompt organic growth in chinafrom food safety news : Food safety scandals have helped propel rapid growth in the the organic food sector of China's economy , according to the Telegraph. " Interest has been promoted by a series of scares including toxic beans, contaminated milk and pork, pesticide-laced dumplings, chemicall ...
- gates foundation ties with monsanto under firefrom seattle times : For two years, local activists on a shoestring budget have been trying to document connections between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Monsanto , the company vilified by some for its heavy involvement in genetic engineering of crops. Try as they might, their work got lit ...
- portland dines a la cart; 'street food' movement e ...from suntimes : With more than 500 colorful food carts adorning Portland neighborhoods, the “City of Roses” continues to blossom as Food Cart capital of the world . Earlier this summer, Budget Travel magazine ranked Portland first on its list of the world’s best street food . You’ll see tricked-out ...
- study: pollination down with bee declinefrom upi : A decline in the world's bee population has been accompanied by a drop in pollination critical to the world's food supplies , a Canadian researcher says. A University of Toronto scientist has found the first evidence of a downward trend in pollination and a possible link to climate c ...
- Christianity's contributions mostly negative, Amer ...source: Christian Century, October 26, 2010 (RNS) When asked about Christianity's recent contributions to society, Americans cited more negatives than benefits, according to a new survey.
- Evangelism as part of foreign political strategysource: The organiser, Oct 3, 2010 By Manju Gupta Evangelical Intrusions, Sandhya Jain, Rupa & Co., Pp 251 (HB), Rs 395.00 THIS book comes at an opportune moment when repeated reports of religio-political violence in the north-eastern states are pouring in, accompanied by the ri ...
- What science say about religious conversionsource:, October 20, 2010 For many, religious experiences lead to religious conversion. While conversion need not stem from such an experience, per se, many convertees have cited religious awakenings as leading to a new spiritual perspective. But while science accepts a religious ...
- Beltangady: Three Booked for Inducing Religious Co ...source: Daijiworld, October 18, 2010 Beltangady, Oct 18: The personnel of Venur police station have registered cases against three persons, based on a complaint received against them. The three reportedly visited a family, derided Hindu gods, and induced the family members to convert.
- Vatican Bank Investigated For Alleged Money Launde ...source:, September 21, 2010 Angelo Carconi /Associated Press Italian financial Police officers talk to each other in front of St. Peter's square at the Vatican, Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2010. (AP Photo/Angelo Carconi)
Whole Truth Coalition
- Heart Attacks And Drinking Hot or Warm WaterThis is a very good article… Not only about the warm water with your meal, but about Heart Attacks. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals for generations, not cold water, it is time we adopt their drinking habit especially while eating. For those who like to drink cold water, this ...
- Transcendence: The True Awakening From The Matrix
- Police Officers Sent on Hypnosis Courses in the &# ...Officers are being encouraged to sign up to a course by Tom Silver, who is better known as a ‘celebrity hypnotherapist’ on American chat shows, in an attempt to gain more information from suspects. Mr Silver, who has appeared on the Montel Williams and Ricki Lake chat shows on US TV, where he gave a ...
- Plan to Oust Saddam Drawn up Two Years Before the ...‘A secret plan to foster an internal coup against Saddam Hussein was drawn up by the Government two years before the invasion of Iraq, The Independent can reveal. Whitehall officials drafted the “contract with the Iraqi people” as a way of signalling to dissenters in Iraq that an overthrow of Sadda ...
- Berlusconi Pushing for Israeli Membership of the E ...Italian Prime Minister says Israel should join the European Union, in a u-turn from his earlier remarks criticizing Israel’s settlement policy as an impediment to peace. “My greatest desire, as long as I am a protagonist in politics, is to bring Israel into membership of the European Union,” said Si ...
The Economic Collapse
- Foreclosure Fraud: 6 Things You Need To Know About ...The foreclosure fraud crisis seems to escalate with each passing now. It is being reported that all 50 U.S. states have launched a joint investigation into alleged fraud in the mortgage industry. This is a huge story that is not going to go away any time soon. The truth is that i ...
- Is America In Decline? 24 Statistics About The Uni ...Does anyone really want to hear that America is in decline? For decades, most of us have been raised to believe that the United States is "number one" and that anyone who doubts that fact is a "gloom and doomer" that should just pack up and move to "Russia" or "Iraq" or some other ...
- 10 Reasons Why Ordinary Hard-Working Americans Are ...American families better get ready to tighten their belts again. There is every indication that we are all going to really start feeling the squeeze in the months ahead. The price of gas is starting to spike again. The price of food is moving north. Health insurance premium incr ...
- Why Is Indiana Putting Armed Security Guards Into ...Did you ever think that things in America would get so bad that we would need to put armed guards into our unemployment offices? Well, that is exactly what is happening in Indiana. Armed security guards will now be posted at all 36 full-service unemployment offices in the state of ...
- Foreclosure-GateIf you work in the mortgage industry or for a title insurer, you might not want to make any plans for the next six months. Foreclosure-Gate is about to explode. It is being alleged that many prominent mortgage lenders have been using materially flawed paperwork to evict homeowners ...
- The “Good New Days” in a Non-Growing EconomyHave you had enough dismal news about the economy and the environment? Try imagining the good life in a steady state economy!
- Recession — An Opportunity We Should Not Pass UpGuest writer Peter Seidel regards the recession as a reasonable resource for rearranging our economic enterprise.
- An Economic Irony for the AgesApplause or apprehension -- what's the right reaction for peaking population and soaring stocks?
- The Big Population QuestionHerman Daly doesn't dodge tough topics or prickly problems. In this post he provides perceptive perspectives on population and a hopeful future for humanity.
- Food and Agriculture in a Steady State EconomyFossil-fueled factory farms and livestock slums slip out of style in a steady state economy
The Talking Clock
- If we, the people do not hear the truth... who can ...No doubt, if you were not at home last night, you will by now have caught up with the bizarre story of how a print cartridge brought the world to a standstill. I mean, I know the price of ink cartridges is criminal, but the response to someone having bought one was a bit over the top. But seri ...
- Identity Fraud: It's comparatively nothingWe've heard lots and lots through the media about the problem of identity fraud in recent years. In fact, one of the lame ass excuses New Labour (shudder) gave in attempting to legitimise compulsory biometric identity cards was the urgent need (apparently) to do something about this huge crisis ( ...
- Quotes of the Day: 29th October 2010"These EU politicians are absolutely terrified of the people. They will do anything to avoid the people having a say in a referendum. We will now see the undignified spectacle of Herman Van Rompuy scurrying around, taking legal advice in a desperate effort to ensure that changes they intend to make ...
- More University of East Anglia lunacy, anyone?Of all the utter lunacy that we, the people pay for... The Daily Mail has a report on how: "Wholesale changes to the nation’s diet, with a move towards vegetarian food and away from beef and cheese, have been recommended by Government advisers. A report commissioned by the Food Standards Agency s ...
- Cameron exposed to calls of "liar" as another "Cas ..."According to German Die Welt, Cameron has agreed to back Merkel's demand for a treaty change, reportedly assuring Merkel that he will secure the passage of a new treaty through the UK Parliament without a referendum." - Mats Persson of Open Europe on ConservativeHome Cast Iron? He should be ...
Facing South
- Federal inspectors clueless about cementing, oil s ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica Yesterday the government's oil spill panel released a letter alleging that Halliburton knew of potential flaws in its cement prior to the Deepwater Horizon blowout. That same spill commission, in a little-noticed report by the New Orleans Times-Picayune, had earlier this ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: Block the vote?Rank of voter registration problems among the top threats to the franchise this year, according to the Brennan Center for Justice: 1 Number of U.S. residents who tried to vote in 2008 but could not due to voter registration problems: around 3 million Percent decrease in new voter registratio ...
- Art Pope bankrolls dubious 'voter fraud' crusadeJune 5, 2007. It was poised to be a big day in North Carolina political history: State senators were about to vote on H 91, a historic election reform bill bill that would allow voters to register and vote at the same time at hundreds of early voting sites across the state. But minutes before ...
- N.C. Democrats launch boycott of businesses owned ...The North Carolina Democratic Party has called for a boycott of the business owned by leading conservative benefactor Art Pope to protest what it calls his "corporate takeover" of elections. Variety Wholesalers -- the privately-held parent company of discount chains Roses, Maxway, Super 1 ...
- VOICES: Will the Tea Party movement turn on corpor ...By Phil Mattera, Dirt Diggers Digest Like many unlikely marriages, the relationship between the Tea Party movement and Big Business is complicated. There's no question that corporate money, at least from the likes of billionaire David Koch, has bankrolled the movement via front groups such as Fr ...
- Today’s Terrorism NewsSoldier’s Widow Testifies at Khadr Hearing; Khadr Tells Her He’s ‘Sorry’ Tabitha Speer, the widow of U.S. Special Forces medic Chris Speer, who was killed in 2002 by a grenade thrown by Omar Khadr in Afghanistan, provided emotional testimony Thursday … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsMan Charged with Plot to Bomb DC-Area Metro Stations A Pakistani-American man living in Northern Virginia was arrested Wednesday and accused of plotting to bomb DC-area Metro stations. Farooque Ahmed, 34, reportedly âcame to officials’ attention when he was seeking … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsKhadr Is ‘Highly Dangerous,’ ‘Rock Star’ of Gitmo, Psychiatrist Testifies Testifying before a military jury at Guantanamo at the sentencing hearing of detainee Omar Khadr Tuesday, a forensic psychiatrist hired by the government said that Khadr is a young man … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsKhadr Pleads Guilty; Deal Reportedly Caps Sentence at 8 Years Omar Khadr, the youngest detainee at Guantanamo and reportedly the last Western citizen held there, pleaded guilty to five charges Monday, including the murder of a U.S. Special Forces medic … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsNo Deal Announced Yet in Khadr Trial, But Expected After more than a week of speculation about a possible plea deal for Omar Khadr, the youngest detainee at Guantanamo who is due before a military commission there today, the Toronto … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- Agreement reached at UN biodiversity conventionDelegates from nearly 200 countries pledged to protect 17 per cent of the Earth's land and 10 per cent of its oceans by 2020
- Sun flares up againNASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory has seen one of the most intense flares of the past few months, with a 500,000-kilometre magnetised filament
- Today on New Scientist: 29 October 2010Today on New Scientist: Hints of dark matter found in space, Sharp Stone Age spears and a tongue in your lung
- 200 million-year-old skull helps solve sauropod ev ...This beautifully preserved fossilised skull belongs to Yizhousaurus sunae, a new species of dinosaur recently discovered in China
- Buckyballs abound in spaceMolecular cages made up of 60 carbon atoms have been found beyond the Milky Way for the first time
Tech Drive In
- Boxee Box is All Set to Start Shipping From Nov 10 ...Boxee Box is all set to start shipping from Nov 10th 2010.�Boxee and D-Link will have a launch event in NYC to celebrate and demo the Boxee Box, complete with Boxee 1.0. Boxee Revolution Boxee is basically an open source media center application based on another critically acclaimed ope ...
- Google Chrome 7 Released For Windows, Mac and Linu ...Google Chrome 7 stable version has been released and it is already available for Windows, Mac and Linux. The latest version is Google Chrome 7.0.517.41 to be precise. Google Chrome Stable Hits Version 7 Sticking to its promise of 6 month release cycle, Google Chrome has released Google Chr ...
- London Stock Exchange Sets a New World Record in T ...London Stock Exchange(LSE) is in the news once again for all the right reasons. Linux holds the limelight this time. LSE claims that, it has set �a new world record in trade speed by using Linux instead of Microsoft .Net technology on the group�s main stock exchange. [image via ]The Big Switcho ...
- Wallpapers Clocks Are Incredible, Install Wallpape ...Wallpaper Clocks have always been of great fascination for me. Unlike many other desktop eyecandy that we have discussed before, Wallpaper Clocks are quite unique and will work almost like your ordinary wallpaper in terms of memory usage. If Ubuntu 10.10�customization tips are not good enough you, t ...
- 3 Awesome Linux Games At Giveaway Price of $4.95!Puppy games brings to you awesome Ultra Bundle offer. You get to buy Ultratron, Titan Attacks and Droid Assuault games at a give away price of �$4.95 only! Puppy Games Ultra Bundle Offer The bundle includes 3 awesome games, Ultratron Unique retro-futuristic sound and graphics, player r ...
Case About Bird Flu
- Heirs of Nazi Flick dynasty face police scrutiny o ...Ingrid Flick, the billionaire widow of Friederich Flick of the German industrial family that played a key role in the rise of Adolf Hitler, is being investigated by state prosecutors in Carinthia as part of the probe into the Hypo Alpe Adria bank fraud that cost tax payers in Austria and Bavaria bil ...
- Narcolepsy and swine flu: conflicts of interest in ...Media release 2010-10-28: Narcolepsy and swine flu: Conflicts of interest in Finnish research Rokotusinfo ry, Helsinki, Finland The swine flu vaccine Pandemrix is suspected to be the cause of narcolepsy in 36 Finnish children. The cases have been reported in less than a year’s time. In earlier years ...
- Germany fails to push through suspension of voting ...Merkel rams through EU financial crisis reforms Published: 29 Oct 10 09:28 CET Online: German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday hailed the results of an EU summit in Brussels that backed her demands for sweeping reforms to deal with future financ ...
- A shout out to Dee and her family in IrelandAnd a big thank you for your letter and kind donation!! The luck of the Irish is an amazing thing and will surely not desert the wonderful, decent and big hearted Irish people currently facing the prospect of total eradication in an EU-empire controlled by banks because of the betrayal and the gree ...
- Ireland plans to use pension funds to pay bank fra ... Exclusive: Ireland urged to use pension fund to buy bonds-source By John O’Donnell DUBLIN | Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:10pm EDT (Reuters) – Ireland’s finance minister has been urged by some senior advisers to allow the country’s 24 billion euro ($33 billion) state pension fund to buy Irish government bond ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Boulder on Track for “Averagest” Weather YearBy Jim Gregorich If November and December temperatures continue to straddle the averages for those months, 2010 could be the “averagest” weather year on record in Boulder, Colorado. To date the average temperature has been within a tenth of a degree of the mean temperature. The mean temperature fo ...
- Aussie Trades Unionist Exposes 9/11 Cover-upListen to an overbearing gatekeeper, Jon Faine, attempt to rubbish the genuine concerns of an Australian trades unionist, Kevin Bracken, in an attempt to stifle any debate about the many anomalies in the official 9/11 story. Seldom have I heard anyone, who obviously wants the issue to go away, do mo ...
- Holocaust Hoaxer Defends his “Imagination ...
- Cholera Epidemic: Toxic Drinking Water Killing Hai ...By F. William Engdahl Cholera comes from contaminated water or food, often contaminated by feces. Cholera can kill someone within a day if untreated, from fluid loss through diarrhea and vomiting. The old and the young are most vulnerable. Right now the infection is an epidemic according to direct r ...
- GlaxoSmithKline to pay $750 million to settle whis ...By Tony Isaacs British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline has agreed to pay $750 million to settle criminal and civil complaints as a result of a whistleblower lawsuit that said the company knowingly sold tainted drugs for years, including GlaxoSmithKline mainstay drugs Avandia, Paxil and Tagamet and a cont ...
Veterans Today
- U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contra ...No. 996-10 October 29, 2010 ——————————–  CONTRACTS NAVY                Bechtel Plant Machinery, Inc., Monroeville, Pa., is being awarded a $303,472,860 modification to previously awarded contract (N00024-07-C-2102) for naval nuclear propulsion components. Work will be performed in ...
- November Brings Series of Events Honoring Northeas ...November 4, 2010 will be a nostalgic and perhaps emotional day for Vietnam veterans of Northeast Louisiana. Some called them Baby Killers…We call them HEROES will premiere at 6 pm at Monroe Civic Center’s Jack Howard Theatre. In honor of the event, Mayor Jamie Mayo of Monroe and Mayor Dave Norris of ...
- Russ Feingold Endorsed by Libertarian Presidential ...- Bellwether race shows late break for Dems by Big Money-hating libertarians - Via UppityWisconsin and Jud Lounsbury
- VA Vet Centers Going to World Series- Department Will Use Mobile Vet Centers for Outreach at Game Four - ARLINGTON, Texas – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is partnering with the Texas Rangers and Major League Baseball to provide outreach and readjustment counseling to Veterans attending game four of the World Series Oct. 31. ...
- Mobile VA Clinic to Provide Care Closer to Home fo ...From the VA – WLAX-TV La Crosse, WI (10/28, 9:28 p.m. CT) broadcast, âVeterans in western Wisconsin will soon get care closer to home,â because the Veterans Affairs hospital in Tomah is âtaking its new mobile clinic on the roadâ to âLa Crosse, Vernon, Wausau and Marathonâ counties, âthanks to a $1.3 ...
electric politics
- The Anger IndexYou don't have to be a genius, or even highly educated, to realize that Washington is not working. As in, not working, period. We seem to be on a roller coaster to hell, or at least to the third world. And there's no exit. Public exasperation is at record levels — it should be no surprise that the ...
- Óχi EuroUntil fairly recently the Greek debt crisis wasn't so much in the news. Now, it's roiling markets and a lot of commentators are wringing their hands over the possibility that it could precipitate another world-wide financial crash. That's probably a baseless fear. Greece is mainly a Eurozone proble ...
- Folk HistoryTo talk culture I turned to the award winning writer Luc Sante . Because Luc is Belgian, and therefore doubly an expert, I seized this opportunity to also talk about Tin-Tin comics, which I grew up on as a kid in the Belgian Congo and in Brussels. Among other topics we cover Luc's latest book, Folk ...
- The F-35 BoondoggleA trillion dollar gold-plated warplane that can't do anything very well. But it looks slick. Brilliant! I'll have a dozen, please. If Mr. Obama and Mr. Gates were serious about containing Pentagon costs they'd cancel the F-35. If Congress were serious about budget deficits they'd stop funding it. I ...
- A Political MarathonerIf he'd won the presidency in 1988, today the U.S. would be a very different place. But Governor Michael S. Dukakis was too nice, too decent a guy, to grind George H. W. Bush into the dirt. And instead of cashing in after leaving politics, like most of them do, he's become an academic. More power t ...
To Do
- Oct 29, 2010
- 17 hours ago
Iberdrola trades at a EV/EBITDA multiple of 10.3, while EDP Renewables trades at a multiple of 10.1, UBS research showed.
Kingston Daily Freeman
- Oct 30, 2010
- 5 hours ago
... the parent company of Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp., is dropping its development of renewable energy to concentrate on energy delivery. ...
Investment U
- Oct 29, 2010
- 20 hours ago
by David Fessler, Investment U's Energy and Infrastructure Expert A few years ago, America was the world's dominant technology innovator in the renewable ...
Finance and Commerce
- Oct 29, 2010
- 15 hours ago
based Outland Renewable Energy on Friday said its majority shareholder has agreed to invest an additional $8 million in the wind-turbine maintenance company ...
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Human Habitat
Denver Post
- Oct 30, 2010
- 6 hours ago
By Nancy O'Donnell Halloween weekend is a good time to discuss the truth about the little, flying mammals of the night sky. So what do you know about bats? ...
MarketWatch (press release)
- Oct 29, 2010
- Oct 29, 2010
Ecology and Environment, Inc. has completed more than 50000 projects for a wide variety of clients in 96 countries, providing environmental solutions in ...
Seattle Post Intelligencer
- Oct 28, 2010
- Oct 28, 2010
The Washington state Ecology Department says a diesel fuel leak from an underground pipeline at the ConocoPhillips Ferndale Refinery ended up in a retention ...
- Oct 29, 2010
- 14 hours ago
OXFORD, Ohio (FOX19) - Miami University dedicated its first wind turbine, Friday at Miami's Ecology Resource Center. More than 40 students, ...
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Water Power
Hot Air
- Oct 30, 2010
- 12 minutes ago
So who does he carry water for? Oops: So he carries the water for … the Establishment? How much of a softball does the interviewer have to toss, Harry? ...
USA Today
- Oct 29, 2010
- 16 hours ago
AP Photo NY165, NY166, NY167 By PAUL NEWBERRY AP National WriterFran Crippen loved everything about open-water swimming. The strategy involved during those ...
Roanoke Times
- Oct 29, 2010
- 7 hours ago
The State Corporation Commission said Friday it has set new rates for most of the utility's 17 water systems and four sewer systems. ...
Cherry Hill Courier Post
- Oct 30, 2010
- 6 hours ago
By JIM WALSH • Courier-Post Staff • October 30, 2010 WINSLOW — Residents are being warned to boil water here due to potentially dangerous contamination in ...
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