This one got 'stranded' and partly lost itself.
Which is why there's an entry - Vaccines - on the Topical Index page here - at Livejournal. It worked. I just got through editing and expanding the post, which I intended to be a fairly thorough exploration of the warnings I have heard about vaccines for years.
They didn't just 'bounce off' because I read 'Microbe Hunters' as a boy. I didn't take Biology in school - although Encyclopedia surfing gave me the scoop on Evolution long before anyone thought to tell me it was anti-Bible. Funny. I read the 'Voyage of the Beagle' too - and wouldn't go along with that. What I'm getting around to saying is that medical exploration was full of hazards - as Mme. Curie found out the hard way. And vaccines are - shall we say - live 'processed' versions of killers.
So I have noticed little things like 'batching' of vaccinations with some alarm. Vaccines are a dicey sort of medicine and 'taming the beast' works against what it supposed to accomplish : making you 'a little bit sick.' Do you really think doing that with multiple organisms simultaneously is good science...when vaccines were never developed that way ? I do know that at one time you couldn't batch a number of shots when getting them for travel abroad.
Me ? I worked where there was biohazard research. Who knows what I had ? It isn't as if they were saying.
But I've been down this road before. Time for a better-researched view.
Vaccine Awakening
Barbara Loe Fisher
Forcing Flu Shots on Health Care Workers: Who Is Next?
Doctors at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia are ordering all employees to get a flu shot every year or be sent home for two weeks without pay to “think about it.” Anyone, who still refuses to get a flu shot after that, is fired.1
60 percent of all U.S. health care professionals don’t want to get an annual flu shot,2 which matches the number of Americans, who choose not to get a flu shot, even in pandemic years.3, 4 Surveys reveal that health care providers know that influenza vaccine can cause nasty, unexpected side effects for some people, like paralysis5 and convulsions.6Not Just Doctors & Nurses: Everyone
But that has not stopped medical organizations from launching a national crusade to force everyone employed in a “healthcare setting” to get a flu shot every year, whether they have direct contact with patients or not.7, 8That’s right. Not just doctors and nurses, but every single person who has anything to do with the health care facility, including students, volunteers, and contract workers. An exception could be made if the doctors in charge approve a “medical exemption” to vaccination, which, today, is about as hard to get as a job.
It is not a pretty sight to watch doctors acting more like thugs than healers. When doctors threaten people with financial ruin for refusing to shut up and salute smartly, there is something wrong.
Trust is replaced with fear and anger. People start asking questions. Questions like: Who will be threatened and punished next for refusing a flu shot?
The answer is YOU, me, and every American. We are next in line because when doctors trade in their white coats for military uniforms, going after their own is just the first step on the road to going after the rest of us. If this latest power grab is allowed to set precedent in America, the only question in the future will be: how many vaccines will we be forced to take or lose our jobs, our health insurance, our right to enter a hospital, or receive medical care, or get on a plane, or check into a hotel if we can’t prove we have gotten vaccinated?
1905 U.S. Supreme Court Sets Up Vaccine Pushing & Profit-Making
Crimes Against Humanity & The Informed Consent Ethic
Take Doctors & Scientists Off the Pedestal
Influenza Vaccine: You Have the Right to Weigh the Benefits & Risks
Intimidation & Retaliation to Force Vaccination Is Unethical
Note extensive citations to sources
My eye caught the distorted, photo-shopped image of a baby with the word FEAR in bold letters imprinted on the baby’s chest. I paged through Wired magazine2 to find out who wrote the article and discovered it was a woman named Amy Wallace, one of the many journalists I had talked with in 2009, who had contacted the National Vaccine Information Center3, a non-profit, educational organization I co-founded in with parents of vaccine injured children in 1982.
As I scanned the article to find out why it was entitled “An Epidemic of Fear: One Man’s Battle Against the Anti-Vaccine Movement,” I quickly realized it was a puff piece for vaccine patent holder, Dr. Paul Offit, who alleges that vaccine injuries and deaths are largely a myth.
Then, I saw my name. And then, I saw the words, “She lies.”
I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach as I read the unsubstantiated, unchallenged slur made by Offit against me. And in those two words “SHE LIES,” I knew that the propaganda tactic of character assassination was being used to attack the credibility of my nearly 30 years4 of work as a vaccine safety consumer advocate.
( If you check on Jane Burgermeister's status,. you will find she had been 'voluntarily' confined for 'psychiatric evaluation' ; the alternative being worse, including decertification. More info in the 'Vaccines' post. People are calling for public awareness regardless of consequences. Most have no idea how abused 'Whistleblowers' are...which is why a blog on the topic ended up in my RSS feeds. )
She also did not tell Wired readers what I told her, which is that I have always encouraged everyone to become educated6 about the risks of diseases and risks of vaccines and consult one or more trusted health care professionals before making an informed decision - just like every intelligent person should do before using any pharmaceutical product. Instead, Ms. Wallace said she based her description of me on a speech I gave at a conference, a speech that she did not attend.
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On July 28, 2010, Dr. Snyderman further alleged that “most people” with religious objections to vaccination are not telling the truth and that the “needs” of the “community as a whole” are “better than the individual” and “more important.” 3
When disease incidence statistics publicized by state health departments do not match those published by federal health agencies, there is something wrong. It is time for California health officials to fully disclose complete details of the 1500 whooping cough cases they allege have occurred in the state during the past year, including how many cases were lab confirmed as B. pertussis; how many cases were classified as “epidemiologically linked” - which means they were NOT lab confirmed; and the ages and vaccination status of all cases, including whether people with suspected or confirmed cases had been given 1,2,3,4,5,6 or more pertussis shots.
No fear campaign about infectious disease would be complete without bringing up polio. Snyderman says, “We were given our polio vaccine and the idea was that, if you get a vaccination, you will not get ill and you will not die.”
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