Crimes are Crimes no matter Who does them
Global Witness investigates and campaigns to prevent natural resource-related conflict and corruption.
A new ban on mining in eastern Congo could be a first step towards ending conflict and instability in the mineral-rich area. Competition to control the trade in minerals used to make electronics items is fuelling the war. Fundamental refoms are needed, including demilitarisation of the mines and better due diligence by companies.
Global Witness strongly welcomes the passing of the US Financial Reform Bill by the Senate on Thursday. The new Act includes a range of measures which will help to lift the curse of corruption and conflict from poor countries that are rich in oil and minerals by promoting greater public oversight and responsible trading practices.
Nigeria Torture Case Decision Exempts Companies From U.S. Alien Tort Law
Companies including Royal Dutch Shell Plc’s Nigerian unit aren’t subject to U.S. lawsuits by foreigners seeking damages for human rights violations, a federal appeals court in New York ruled.
A panel of the court ruled 2-1 today that the Alien Tort Statute gives U.S. courts jurisdiction over alleged violations of international law by individuals only, not by corporations.
The decision dismisses claims by a group of Nigerians that Shell aided in the torture and murder of dissidents in Nigeria in the 1990s, including the playwright Ken Saro-Wiwa.
Circuit Judge Pierre N. Leval wrote a separate opinion in which he agreed that the case should be dismissed but disagreed that the Alien Tort Statute applies only to individuals.
“The majority opinion deals a substantial blow to international law and its undertaking to protect fundamental human rights,” he wrote. “According to the rule my colleagues have created, one who earns profits by commercial exploitation of abuse of fundamental human rights can successfully shield those profits from victims’ claims for compensation simply by taking the precaution of conducting the heinous operation in the corporate form.”
( One wonders what would have happened if the Nigerians had incorporated!)
Hat Tip : Multi-National Corporate Shock Troops: Coming Soon To A Neighborhood Near You
Bell officials arrested as prosecutors are set to file criminal charges [Updated]
L.A. County Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley prepared to announce criminal charges in the municipal salary scandal
Beyond Victimhood: Recognizing Resilience in Social Justice Work
OSI-New York
September 16, 2010

Open Society Fellows Kung Li and Noy Thrupkaew argue that portraying marginalized communities as oppressed victims can blind us to their resilience.
Obama Takes the Lead on Transparency in Oil, Gas, and Mining Industries
Jed Miller and Joseph Williams
October 4, 2010
We commend President Obama for his powerful reminder that accountable government and extractive industry transparency are essential ingredients for economic development in rich and poor countries alike.
Jed Miller and Joseph Williams
October 4, 2010

We commend President Obama for his powerful reminder that accountable government and extractive industry transparency are essential ingredients for economic development in rich and poor countries alike.
Soros and Open Society Foundations Give $100 Million to Human Rights Watch
September 7, 2010
The grant will be used to expand Human Rights Watch's global presence to enhance the protection and promotion of human rights around the world.
The old-fashioned way
One of the things that doesn't really get examined enough in discussions of US economic inequality is inherited wealth. It's obvious to me, at least, that inherited wealth can be expected to be an *enormous* problem with any "level playing field" expectation -- after all, historically the rich have been aristocrats, who by definition inherit their positions.
But how much of an effect does it really have in the US? Don't most rich people get that way from money they collect during their careers?
Cassandras of the crisis: Krugman, Soros, Wolf and Shiller
Chapter Two – “The blessings and perils of liberal finance” – is as masterful an introduction and exposé of its subject as I’ve ever seen. Wolf expounds with regard to both the simplest first principles and the broad sweep of history, the profound significance of a financial system as a cultural, political and economic achievement. A financial system is a pyramid of promises. The trustworthiness of the state’s promises – in managing the monetary system and paying its debts – is the bedrock on which private promises can then, laboriously be built.
That’s why the take-off of modern finance dates to the late seventeenth century when Western sovereigns – in Holland and Britain – first became properly subject to the rule of law. The constraints this forced upon them rendered them creditworthy and so able to borrow vast amounts at modest interest. And, recent ideological enthusiasms notwithstanding, the central financial innovations of modernity were made by governments at around this time, most particularly bond markets, central banks and the legal infrastructure for joint stock companies. As Wolf explains, the resulting financial system “allows the creation of vast enterprises out of the combined capital, supplied at modest cost, of . . . millions of people; . . . it . . . reallocates risk; it allows people to time their spending . . . over their lifetimes; and it insures individuals against the big risks of life.”
Wolf counts US$145 trillion of financial promises held by the citizens of the world in 2005. And yet finance is beset by rottenness, indeed by all the failings and fragility of our species.
[T]he purchasers of promises will know that the sellers normally know much more than they do about their prospects. The name for this is “asymmetric information.” They will also know that those who have no intention of keeping their word will always make more attractive promises than those who do. This is “adverse selection.” They will know that even those who are inclined to be honest may be tempted . . . not to keep their promises. The source of this is “moral hazard.” The answer to adverse selection and moral hazard . . . is to collect more information. But this too has a drawback: “free-riding”. . . [T]hose who have made no investment in collecting [information] can benefit from the costly efforts of those who have . . . . That will, in turn, reduce the incentive to invest in such information, thereby making markets subject to the vagaries of “ra¬tional ignorance.” If the ignorant follow those they deem to be better informed, there will be “herding.” Finally, where uncertainty is pervasive and inescapable – who, for example, knows the chances of nuclear terrorism or the economic impact of the internet? – the herds are likely both to blow and ultimately to burst “bubbles.”
This brief tour de force continues with a new paragraph beginning “Finance is a jungle inhabited by wild beasts.” So there you have it. A pyramid of promises, a miracle of sophistication and progress somehow delivered to us (are you feeling lucky?) on the back of wild beasts.
September 7, 2010
The grant will be used to expand Human Rights Watch's global presence to enhance the protection and promotion of human rights around the world.
The old-fashioned way
One of the things that doesn't really get examined enough in discussions of US economic inequality is inherited wealth. It's obvious to me, at least, that inherited wealth can be expected to be an *enormous* problem with any "level playing field" expectation -- after all, historically the rich have been aristocrats, who by definition inherit their positions.
But how much of an effect does it really have in the US? Don't most rich people get that way from money they collect during their careers?
Cassandras of the crisis: Krugman, Soros, Wolf and Shiller
Chapter Two – “The blessings and perils of liberal finance” – is as masterful an introduction and exposé of its subject as I’ve ever seen. Wolf expounds with regard to both the simplest first principles and the broad sweep of history, the profound significance of a financial system as a cultural, political and economic achievement. A financial system is a pyramid of promises. The trustworthiness of the state’s promises – in managing the monetary system and paying its debts – is the bedrock on which private promises can then, laboriously be built.
That’s why the take-off of modern finance dates to the late seventeenth century when Western sovereigns – in Holland and Britain – first became properly subject to the rule of law. The constraints this forced upon them rendered them creditworthy and so able to borrow vast amounts at modest interest. And, recent ideological enthusiasms notwithstanding, the central financial innovations of modernity were made by governments at around this time, most particularly bond markets, central banks and the legal infrastructure for joint stock companies. As Wolf explains, the resulting financial system “allows the creation of vast enterprises out of the combined capital, supplied at modest cost, of . . . millions of people; . . . it . . . reallocates risk; it allows people to time their spending . . . over their lifetimes; and it insures individuals against the big risks of life.”
Wolf counts US$145 trillion of financial promises held by the citizens of the world in 2005. And yet finance is beset by rottenness, indeed by all the failings and fragility of our species.
[T]he purchasers of promises will know that the sellers normally know much more than they do about their prospects. The name for this is “asymmetric information.” They will also know that those who have no intention of keeping their word will always make more attractive promises than those who do. This is “adverse selection.” They will know that even those who are inclined to be honest may be tempted . . . not to keep their promises. The source of this is “moral hazard.” The answer to adverse selection and moral hazard . . . is to collect more information. But this too has a drawback: “free-riding”. . . [T]hose who have made no investment in collecting [information] can benefit from the costly efforts of those who have . . . . That will, in turn, reduce the incentive to invest in such information, thereby making markets subject to the vagaries of “ra¬tional ignorance.” If the ignorant follow those they deem to be better informed, there will be “herding.” Finally, where uncertainty is pervasive and inescapable – who, for example, knows the chances of nuclear terrorism or the economic impact of the internet? – the herds are likely both to blow and ultimately to burst “bubbles.”
This brief tour de force continues with a new paragraph beginning “Finance is a jungle inhabited by wild beasts.” So there you have it. A pyramid of promises, a miracle of sophistication and progress somehow delivered to us (are you feeling lucky?) on the back of wild beasts.
George Soros
Revealing the evil deceptive ploys and tactics of George Soros, progressive liberals, Marxists, Communists, Socialists, et. al. all to create a One World Government of unrepresentative control, in the same manner Radical Islam wants to create a caliphate.
Revealing the evil deceptive ploys and tactics of George Soros, progressive liberals, Marxists, Communists, Socialists, et. al. all to create a One World Government of unrepresentative control, in the same manner Radical Islam wants to create a caliphate.
Be sure to see the George Soros accomplices and their supporting tactics: 1. The Progressive Liberal Agenda, 2. The Progressive Politically Correct Dictionary of clever terms of contradiction used to dupe the unsuspecting "We the sheeple" into relinquishing the freedom and "Rights" of "We the People." 3. GEORGE SOROS-FUNDED COMMUNIST ORGANIZATIONS
Liberals Form Tea Party Tracking Website, Plan 10/2 Rally at National Mall, UPDATE: George Soros Fingerprints Soros and the foundation left have launched a website designed to go after the growing Tea Party movement. Teapartytracker.org will post video interviews and blog entries gathered by folks on the false left who never grow weary of demonstrating their outrage over the very idea of a grassroots political effort overthrowing establishment Democrats and Republicans in the district of corporate criminals. Teapartytracker.org will be sponsored by the NAACP, Think Progress, New Left Media and Media Matters for America. Think Progress is a George Soros operation connected to John Podesta’s Center for American Progress. Podesta is Clinton’s former chief of staff. Media Matters for America is the brainchild of a MoveOn consultant and Podesta’s Center for American Progress. Soros is a major supporter of MoveOn.
( I trust that vile spew 'Radical Islam wants to establish a caliphate' would best be represented as the 'radical Islam' exported from Saudi Arabia to become the Taliban and similar organizations...which have the demonstrated capacity to frustrate 'western' corporate crime. Heinious ! )
In a March 14, 2003, Op-Ed, Soros likened the Bush administration's "pursuit of American supremacy" to "a boom-bust process or bubble in the stock market." Both, he argued, "have a solid basis in reality but reality is distorted by misconception. In this case, the dominant position of the US is the reality, the pursuit of supremacy the misconception. Reality can reinforce the misconception but eventually the gap between reality and its false interpretation becomes unsustainable. During the self-reinforcing phase, the misconception may be tested and reinforced. This widens the gap leading to an eventual reversal. The later it comes, the more devastating the consequences."
Jewish World Review Dec. 2, 2003 /7 Kislev, 5764
The sorry tale of George Soros
George Soros came under our microscope some time back when he and some other billionaires took out advertisements in the newspapers opposing the abolition, or even the lowering of, the Federal Estate Tax. We, on the other hand, believed that President Regan was on the right track when he expressed the thought that the estate tax was the unfairest of the panoply of taxes that we pay. When you make the money, you are taxed up to fifty per cent. Then if the government is lucky enough to have you die, they tax your estate, which is whatever you have left after a lifetime of paying income tax, once again up to fifty per cent. If a small businessman or farmer worked hard his entire life, paid his taxes in the hope of passing something to his children, perhaps even to keep the business or farm running when he is gone, at his death the government will swoop down to grab a substantial portion.
( Now we come to one of the drivers to Incorporation - a felicitous state for any investor. Inheritance Tax is regarded by some - me included - as a 'victimless crime' which takes back the property of the state - fiat currency - after an individual is finished with it. But this precludes 'empire building' which threatens the power of the public. Therefore one fabricates an immortal,immoral,rapacious owner with no inherent limits nor responsibilities to evade this confiscation.
That is Fascism. And you thought Robber Barons were free to 'rape and pillage' before ! And of course, currency is devalued for all by the process of limitless expansion. So no 'Inheritance Tax'....functionally taxes the state ! )
We're featuring new information on the dangers of drilling for methane gas (commercially labeled "natural" gas) in New York and other states. Visit our Water Portal for more on the toxic chemicals in "fracking" (hydraulic fracturing) and the threat massive new drilling poses to clean drinking water. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Portal:Water
The sorry tale of George Soros
George Soros came under our microscope some time back when he and some other billionaires took out advertisements in the newspapers opposing the abolition, or even the lowering of, the Federal Estate Tax. We, on the other hand, believed that President Regan was on the right track when he expressed the thought that the estate tax was the unfairest of the panoply of taxes that we pay. When you make the money, you are taxed up to fifty per cent. Then if the government is lucky enough to have you die, they tax your estate, which is whatever you have left after a lifetime of paying income tax, once again up to fifty per cent. If a small businessman or farmer worked hard his entire life, paid his taxes in the hope of passing something to his children, perhaps even to keep the business or farm running when he is gone, at his death the government will swoop down to grab a substantial portion.
( Now we come to one of the drivers to Incorporation - a felicitous state for any investor. Inheritance Tax is regarded by some - me included - as a 'victimless crime' which takes back the property of the state - fiat currency - after an individual is finished with it. But this precludes 'empire building' which threatens the power of the public. Therefore one fabricates an immortal,immoral,rapacious owner with no inherent limits nor responsibilities to evade this confiscation.
That is Fascism. And you thought Robber Barons were free to 'rape and pillage' before ! And of course, currency is devalued for all by the process of limitless expansion. So no 'Inheritance Tax'....functionally taxes the state ! )
We're featuring new information on the dangers of drilling for methane gas (commercially labeled "natural" gas) in New York and other states. Visit our Water Portal for more on the toxic chemicals in "fracking" (hydraulic fracturing) and the threat massive new drilling poses to clean drinking water. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Portal:Water
Hat Tip Glenn Greenwald
I have lived in Washington long enough to have realistic hopes; for example, given political realities, passing a single payer bill was not going to happen. But I also don’t think it’s my job, as a journalist or a citizen, to blindly repeat the mantra of the administration (and its supporters in the blogosphere), that we should “not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” Fine, but let’s also not treat the administration’s health care plan as a grand achievement. The bill is widely unpopular, and not only because of the hyperbolic attacks on it by Republicans and Fox News. It’s unpopular because it’s a terrible piece of legislation.
The current GOP is truly a scary party, but if not for that it would be impossible to care about the midterm elections. When you’re reduced to rooting for soulless hacks like the current Senate majority leader—and he’s typical of today’s Democrats—you’ve lost something fundamental at the core of your humanity.
The current GOP is truly a scary party, but if not for that it would be impossible to care about the midterm elections. When you’re reduced to rooting for soulless hacks like the current Senate majority leader—and he’s typical of today’s Democrats—you’ve lost something fundamental at the core of your humanity.
Every time I write a story I feel like I wrote it a year ago and five years ago and 10 years ago. Nothing ever changes here.
A new video today catches Rand Paul repeatedly supporting a $2,000 Medicare deductible on Kentucky seniors – despite his claims just last week that such a statement was a “lie.”
By the way, the average social security check is $1,000 a month.
Foxifying America
NY magazine is featuring an unusually insightful article about the Foxification of our politics and makes a number of observations that add up to something quite frightening. Here's just one piece of it:
The game may be destroying American politics—but it’s the only game in town
What Actually Watching Beck Teaches You
I have never been a great fan of Dana Milbank who has often seemed to have been competing for the chance to succeed Maureen Dowd as Queen Bee of the Mean Girls.But he is doing great work on Glenn Beck. (Perhaps it takes a special kind of snarky perspective to be able to get Beck right.) Milbank wrote this
Sovereign Hotheads
by digby
Alternet is doing great work on the various strands of the right wing these days and it's essential reading every day if you are interested in following this riveting, unfolding story. Today Justine Sharrock takes a look at the "Sovereign Citizen" movement which I last heard of back in the 90s. These are a very American brand of wingnuts, a far right form of anarchism rooted in the "gold standard" conspiracy theories. And, as with all the far right groups, it appears to be growing smartly in the Obama era:
Their basic premise is, like so many things these days, based on an unorthodox interpretation of the 14th Amendment. They claim that when the nation was founded, citizens had prime authority and the government was set up to protect our God given “unalienable rights.” But the 14th Amendment created a new hierarchy: God, citizens, government, and then former slaves. Over time, through specific wording used in laws, forms and court rulings, the government has managed to trick all citizens into subservience. Now, every time you sign or register with the federal government, be it a driver's license, Social Security number, tax form, or even something as simple a construction permit, you are entering a contractual and legal relationship with the government, according to the sovereign citizen philosophy.
By the way, the average social security check is $1,000 a month.
Foxifying America
NY magazine is featuring an unusually insightful article about the Foxification of our politics and makes a number of observations that add up to something quite frightening. Here's just one piece of it:
The game may be destroying American politics—but it’s the only game in town
What Actually Watching Beck Teaches You
I have never been a great fan of Dana Milbank who has often seemed to have been competing for the chance to succeed Maureen Dowd as Queen Bee of the Mean Girls.But he is doing great work on Glenn Beck. (Perhaps it takes a special kind of snarky perspective to be able to get Beck right.) Milbank wrote this
Sovereign Hotheads
by digby
Alternet is doing great work on the various strands of the right wing these days and it's essential reading every day if you are interested in following this riveting, unfolding story. Today Justine Sharrock takes a look at the "Sovereign Citizen" movement which I last heard of back in the 90s. These are a very American brand of wingnuts, a far right form of anarchism rooted in the "gold standard" conspiracy theories. And, as with all the far right groups, it appears to be growing smartly in the Obama era:
Their basic premise is, like so many things these days, based on an unorthodox interpretation of the 14th Amendment. They claim that when the nation was founded, citizens had prime authority and the government was set up to protect our God given “unalienable rights.” But the 14th Amendment created a new hierarchy: God, citizens, government, and then former slaves. Over time, through specific wording used in laws, forms and court rulings, the government has managed to trick all citizens into subservience. Now, every time you sign or register with the federal government, be it a driver's license, Social Security number, tax form, or even something as simple a construction permit, you are entering a contractual and legal relationship with the government, according to the sovereign citizen philosophy.
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoStop complaining about villains and felons, don't re-elect them ! ...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoThe unbelievable crimes of the millitary-industrial complex and their stakeholders continue... ...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds ago*"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever."* - George Orwell, Ninteen Eighty-Four I am sorry to bother my visitors with the following clip but it shows a re...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds ago*I feel ashamed.* to the top ...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoThis is just an intermidiate test of music players. People who are interested in the main subject of this blog should simply skip it. to the top ...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoYes, my third post about 9/11 truth. This guy David Ray Griffin holds a very interesting speech about his researches and not at least, without wanting to be impious against the many victims of that inciden...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoI finally realized that most people don't take the time nor do they have the interest to understand how they are betrayed and deceived in this world. So here you have a small parable which is understandabl...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds ago*The price that good people pay for their apathy and indifference to public affairs is that they are ruled by evil men.* - Author unknown And I add: Are these good people really good ?, are you good ? or d...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoYears, time, life. to the top ...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoA prayer which was performed by Alex Collier at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009. I don't agree with everything this man says but this prayer which he claims to be an ...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoSecrete programmes to build and condition supernatural soldiers, an utopia ? May be not, watch this interview, this guy is not pretending and what we all know about certain evil forces in our governments,.....
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds ago*No matter what you think about ETs existing or not, having visited us or not, the here posted discussion is so essential and interesting, that I would really appreciate you leaving a comment about your op...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds ago... to the top ...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds ago*For all who still believe that the news spread by the mass media are true and well investigated:* *And realize, they don't at all care for a single one of our lifes, they only care for the completion of t...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoVery revealing !, just in case you didn't know... Shut off your WiFi or WLAN and use your mobile phones as rarely as you can. You are bombed with radio waves enough anyway. Why ?, well spend just 38 minute...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoI like that lecture, might interest you as well... to the top ...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoAnother video about banksters, yes, banksters, a word I really like since it says a lot about the gangsters steeling our money. Even though I set the code to "autoplay=0" the vidoes start by themselves, so...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds ago*No comment...* to the top ...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoI am really interested in your thoughts, my dear readers. Me, I am speechless... almost... to the top ...
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 2 seconds agoDid we fly to the moon ? Yes, many theories say we didn't and this footage is a very interesting piece of the puzzle. to the top ...Bearded lady no more
Lady Gaga flight attendants: The tyranny of fun
http://www.salon.com/life/internet_culture/index.html?story=/mwt/feature/2010/10/05/cebu_flight_attendants_viralWhen a passenger on a flight on Philippine airline Cebu Pacific last week recorded the crew's lighthearted safety demo, featuring stewardesses shimmying with seat belts and life jackets to the thump of "Just Dance," it was only a matter of minutes before the clip would take off on YouTube like a jet trying to break its own on-time record. As the clip climbs toward 7 million views on YouTube, it's evident that when it comes to amateur videos from inside the plane, dancing flight attendants beat the pants off dramatic near-catastrophes.