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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

31 October - Talk to Action | Weekly Recap

This is the Weekly digest for Talk To Action 
The Apostles 
and Transformation - Why They Are a Threat to Pluralism in Hawaii
   By Rachel Tabachnick, 2010-10-30 12:58:47
   Section: Front Page, Topic: All Topics

Apostles and Transformation 101  It may be difficult for Hawaiians to
believe they are under siege by people who call themselves apostles and
claim to be taking control over the state by battling demons, curses, and
native spirits, but this is no joking matter.  On Tuesday, Hawaii
could elect a governor who has worked with International Transformation
Network (ITN) for years, and a U.S. senator who participated in an ITN
ceremony last November in which participants chanted warfare prayers
evicting demons and claiming Christian rule over the state. Hopefully the
following "Apostles and Transformation 101" will be useful in providing a
short overview of the meaning of "Transformation," now a brand name for a
unique  religious supremacist movement.


"We put our foot on Hawaii !" -Multiple GOP Candidates 
Confirmed at Supremacist Event
   By Bruce Wilson, 2010-10-30 12:32:27
   Section: Front Page, Topic: All Topics

[note: Hawaii activist and AM radio show host Carroll Cox, who confirmed
the attendance of Republican candidates at the November 2009 conference
discussed below, sent out a press release
[http://www.talk2action.org/story/2010/10/30/122747/90], concerning the
shocking footage and the attendance of multiple Republican candidates, to
Hawaii media outlets yesterday October 29, 2010, at 3:30PM IST. As
researcher Rachel Tabachnick explains
[http://www.talk2action.org/story/2010/10/30/125847/61/], the
International Transformation Network discussed in this story is part of a
global evangelical movement that seeks to eradicate all philosophical and
religious pluralism, and is tied
[http://www.talk2action.org/story/2010/1/15/134445/911] to the growing
antigay movement in Uganda.]  As shown in video
[http://www.vimeo.com/16318028] from the event, in November 2009 Hawaii
Republican candidate for United States Senate Cam Cavasso
[http://camcavasso.com/meet-cam/], currently running against Democratic US
Senator Daniel Inouye, attended a ceremony (Cavasso's attendance at the
ITN conference has been confirmed by his campaign office) held at the
International Transformation Network's 2009 Hawaii conference, near
Honolulu, at which evangelist Pat Francis declared, from onstage, before
would-be senator Cavasso,   "we put our foot on Hawaii. And you said every
place we put our foot, we will rule.  So we are the Kingdom, the
Kingdom is here."


Is The Religious Left Dead?
   By Frederick Clarkson, 2010-10-29 21:29:14
   Section: Front Page, Topic: Taking Action

One of the original front pagers here at Talk to Action recently published
what I think is an important book, Changing the Script:  An
Authentically Faithful and Authentically Progressive Political Theology
for the 21st Century
[http://www.talk2action.org/story/2010/10/24/174319/04]. Among other
things, it is important for religious progressives and friends in
considering their approach to politics, particularly in sorting out how to
consider and address the Religious Right.  But apparently the book is
having difficulty finding its audience. Or the audience finding the book.
Either way, Dan is reconsidering his own thinking on the entire project
and has drafted a memo which is reprinted with his permission on the flip.


  "We Put Our Foot on Hawaii," "We Will Rule" - 
ITN Conference 2009
   By Rachel Tabachnick, 2010-10-29 14:52:43
   Section: Story and Diary Drafts, Topic: All Topics

Following is a partial transcript of video from the International
Transformation Network conference in Hawaii in 2009. Speakers at the
conference included Lt. Gov. James "Duke" Aiona;  Apostle Ed Silvoso,
founder of ITN; Francis Oda, chairman of Global ITN and founder of
Transformation Hawaii; Allen Cardines, president of Transformation Hawaii;
and Apostle Pat Francis of Toronto, Canada.  


Clarence & Ginni Thomas: Big Breasts + Big Bucks = Big Boobs
   By Bill Berkowitz, 2010-10-29 11:36:23
   Section: Dominionism in the military, Topic: All Topics

Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, has a lot
on her plate these days. Although consumed by working to build Liberty
Central, her new Tea Party-type organization, and defeating Democratic
candidates in next week's election, she recently took some time to leave a
voice message for Anita Hill.   Given Supreme Court Justice Clarence
Thomas' now oft-testified-to predilection for big breasts, and his wife's
seemingly unrestrained desire to resurface questions about her husband's
fondness for pornography, this story could easily be called "A Tale of Two
Boobs." However, it is also a story of the agglomeration of raw political
power through the garnering of unlimited, and undisclosed, financial


Quotes From Ed Silvoso and Other NAR Apostles About Transformation
   By Rachel Tabachnick, 2010-10-29 01:05:21
   Section: Front Page, Topic: All Topics

Following are quotes by Silvoso and other NAR apostles on the meaning of
Transformation.  Gubernatorial candidate James "Duke" Aiona's ties to
Transformation Hawaii and International Transformation Network (ITN) have
brought attention to ITN founder and NAR Apostle, Edgardo Silvoso, a
pioneer in what is called strategic level spiritual warfare
[http://www.talk2action.org/story/2010/8/6/135752/1937] for the purpose of
"transforming" cities. Silvoso introduced these concepts at workshops at
Lausanne II in Manila in 1989, an international gathering of evangelicals,
where he claimed to have had dramatic success in areas of Argentina that
were Roman Catholic (not counted as evangelized). This radical new
ideology spawned "Transformation" entities which teach that crime,
poverty, and other societal ills can only be addressed by taking control
of society and government under the leadership of the movement's apostles.


Exorcism a Routine Event at Colorado Republican's Addiction-Recovery 
Clinic, Says Director
   By Bruce Wilson, 2010-10-28 11:19:03
   Section: Front Page, Topic: All Topics

Over the last summer in Colorado, as covered in the Columbine Courier News
00823214237038038001] and the Colorado Independent
bout-work-to-%E2%80%98cure%E2%80%99-gay-teens] a controversy broke out
concerning Colorado-area Teen Challenge addiction recovery centers
overseen by Colorado State Representative and Assemblies of God pastor Ken
Summers, when Columbine Courier news reporter Emile Hallez Williams
reported that Summer's centers practice "reparative therapy," an
evangelical euphemism for attempts to "cure" people of homosexuality.
Running for reelection this year [http://kensummers.org/], Ken Summers
denied that his centers practiced "reparative therapy" but Williams stuck
by his story. That raises questions concerning the methods that Summers'
centers might use to "get the gay out." Over the last few months I've been
doing a good deal of research on the growing trend of exorcism on the
evangelical right. That research led me to a May 1, 2010 podcast
[http://www.highpointchurch.us/uploads/20100501SetFree.mp3], in which the
Assistant Director of one of Summers' Teen Challenge centers, Matt Lane,
recounts an exorcism at the 180 Men's Teen Challenge Denver
[http://www.teenchallenge180.com/denvermenscenter.htm] center and states
that demon possession is a "very common" problem they deal with at his


Constitution Party Candidate For CO Governor Tom Tancredo Tied With 
Democratic Rival
   By Bruce Wilson, 2010-10-28 08:46:24
   Section: Front Page, Topic: All Topics

As the Christian Science Monitor asks, in an October 27 story, Is Tom
Tancredo the next governor of Colorado?
next-governor-of-Colorado]. Some polls show Tancredo behind in the race,
but the Christian Science Monitor says Tancredo is gaining momentum. At
this point, depending on voter turnout, the election could swing either
way - towards secular democracy or towards 'Biblical law.'   In a dead
heat with Democratic Party candidate Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, Tom
Tancredo is the official candidate of the Constitution Party
[http://www.constitutionparty.com/] whose platform claims "The U.S.
Constitution established a Republic rooted in Biblical law" and declares,
"The goal of the Constitution Party is to restore American jurisprudence
to its Biblical foundations."


Sharron Angle & The B-2 Stealth Bomber Pilot, Together in the 
'Lord's Army'
   By Bruce Wilson, 2010-10-26 10:11:04
   Section: Dominionism in the military, Topic: All Topics

A few weeks ago I learned that one of the two Baptist churches Sharron
Angle attends, the Fellowship Community Church [http://www.fccreno.org/]
in Reno, hosts [http://www.tfpreno.com/] one of two known chapters of a
small ministry called "Task Force Patriot." The ministry slogan? - "Christ
is our Commander-in-Chief." [http://www.tfpreno.com/3.html] The ministry
logo? - an American flag, a Christian flag, and between them a cross.
Under is a slogan, "The Mission Comes First." It's an emblem for an
aggressive, militarized form of Christian nationalism. But Task Force
Patriot is notable for another reason.


Jewish Voters Dissatisfied, But Not Likely to Desert Democrats
   By Bill Berkowitz, 2010-10-26 09:31:14
   Section: Dominionism in the military, Topic: All Topics

Over at least the past thirty years, conservatives have been trying to
convince Jewish voters that they would be wise to cast the Democratic
Party aside and move on over to the GOP.  During the past few weeks,
the Republican Jewish Coalition "launched campaigns targeting Jewish
communities in eight states," the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported. The
campaign, which  includes television advertisements, outreach in
Jewish newspapers, and direct mail, will "cost more than $1 million and
will feature in competitive races in Florida, Nevada, Ohio, California,
Pennsylvania, Missouri, Illinois and Washington." At about the same time,
the Emergency Committee for Israel, a newly launched group founded by
neoconservative William Kristol and Religious Right leader Gary Bauer also
unleashed a campaign aimed at "Democratic candidates it perceives as weak
on Israel," the Jerusalem Post reported.   Mulitple conservative
outreach projects to Jewish voters might seem like deja vu all over again,
except that this time around, GOP forces have a lot more money to work
with, and they just might be playing to a more receptive audience. Are
Jewish voters so dissatisfied with the Obama Administration that they will
finally turn their back on the Democrats on November 2?


The Apostles 
and Transformation - Why They Are a Threat to Pluralism in Hawaii
   By Rachel Tabachnick, 2010-10-30 12:58:47
   Section: Front Page, Topic: All Topics

Apostles and Transformation 101  It may be difficult for Hawaiians to
believe they are under siege by people who call themselves apostles and
claim to be taking control over the state by battling demons, curses, and
native spirits, but this is no joking matter.  On Tuesday, Hawaii
could elect a governor who has worked with International Transformation
Network (ITN) for years, and a U.S. senator who participated in an ITN
ceremony last November in which participants chanted warfare prayers
evicting demons and claiming Christian rule over the state. Hopefully the
following "Apostles and Transformation 101" will be useful in providing a
short overview of the meaning of "Transformation," now a brand name for a
unique  religious supremacist movement.


"We put our foot on Hawaii !" -Multiple GOP Candidates 
Confirmed at Supremacist Event
   By Bruce Wilson, 2010-10-30 12:32:27
   Section: Front Page, Topic: All Topics

[note: Hawaii activist and AM radio show host Carroll Cox, who confirmed
the attendance of Republican candidates at the November 2009 conference
discussed below, sent out a press release
[http://www.talk2action.org/story/2010/10/30/122747/90], concerning the
shocking footage and the attendance of multiple Republican candidates, to
Hawaii media outlets yesterday October 29, 2010, at 3:30PM IST. As
researcher Rachel Tabachnick explains
[http://www.talk2action.org/story/2010/10/30/125847/61/], the
International Transformation Network discussed in this story is part of a
global evangelical movement that seeks to eradicate all philosophical and
religious pluralism, and is tied
[http://www.talk2action.org/story/2010/1/15/134445/911] to the growing
antigay movement in Uganda.]  As shown in video
[http://www.vimeo.com/16318028] from the event, in November 2009 Hawaii
Republican candidate for United States Senate Cam Cavasso
[http://camcavasso.com/meet-cam/], currently running against Democratic US
Senator Daniel Inouye, attended a ceremony (Cavasso's attendance at the
ITN conference has been confirmed by his campaign office) held at the
International Transformation Network's 2009 Hawaii conference, near
Honolulu, at which evangelist Pat Francis declared, from onstage, before
would-be senator Cavasso,   "we put our foot on Hawaii. And you said every
place we put our foot, we will rule.  So we are the Kingdom, the
Kingdom is here."


Is The Religious Left Dead?
   By Frederick Clarkson, 2010-10-29 21:29:14
   Section: Front Page, Topic: Taking Action

One of the original front pagers here at Talk to Action recently published
what I think is an important book, Changing the Script:  An
Authentically Faithful and Authentically Progressive Political Theology
for the 21st Century
[http://www.talk2action.org/story/2010/10/24/174319/04]. Among other
things, it is important for religious progressives and friends in
considering their approach to politics, particularly in sorting out how to
consider and address the Religious Right.  But apparently the book is
having difficulty finding its audience. Or the audience finding the book.
Either way, Dan is reconsidering his own thinking on the entire project
and has drafted a memo which is reprinted with his permission on the flip.


  "We Put Our Foot on Hawaii," "We Will Rule" - 
ITN Conference 2009
   By Rachel Tabachnick, 2010-10-29 14:52:43
   Section: Story and Diary Drafts, Topic: All Topics

Following is a partial transcript of video from the International
Transformation Network conference in Hawaii in 2009. Speakers at the
conference included Lt. Gov. James "Duke" Aiona;  Apostle Ed Silvoso,
founder of ITN; Francis Oda, chairman of Global ITN and founder of
Transformation Hawaii; Allen Cardines, president of Transformation Hawaii;
and Apostle Pat Francis of Toronto, Canada.  


Clarence & Ginni Thomas: Big Breasts + Big Bucks = Big Boobs
   By Bill Berkowitz, 2010-10-29 11:36:23
   Section: Dominionism in the military, Topic: All Topics

Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, has a lot
on her plate these days. Although consumed by working to build Liberty
Central, her new Tea Party-type organization, and defeating Democratic
candidates in next week's election, she recently took some time to leave a
voice message for Anita Hill.   Given Supreme Court Justice Clarence
Thomas' now oft-testified-to predilection for big breasts, and his wife's
seemingly unrestrained desire to resurface questions about her husband's
fondness for pornography, this story could easily be called "A Tale of Two
Boobs." However, it is also a story of the agglomeration of raw political
power through the garnering of unlimited, and undisclosed, financial


Quotes From Ed Silvoso and Other NAR Apostles About Transformation
   By Rachel Tabachnick, 2010-10-29 01:05:21
   Section: Front Page, Topic: All Topics

Following are quotes by Silvoso and other NAR apostles on the meaning of
Transformation.  Gubernatorial candidate James "Duke" Aiona's ties to
Transformation Hawaii and International Transformation Network (ITN) have
brought attention to ITN founder and NAR Apostle, Edgardo Silvoso, a
pioneer in what is called strategic level spiritual warfare
[http://www.talk2action.org/story/2010/8/6/135752/1937] for the purpose of
"transforming" cities. Silvoso introduced these concepts at workshops at
Lausanne II in Manila in 1989, an international gathering of evangelicals,
where he claimed to have had dramatic success in areas of Argentina that
were Roman Catholic (not counted as evangelized). This radical new
ideology spawned "Transformation" entities which teach that crime,
poverty, and other societal ills can only be addressed by taking control
of society and government under the leadership of the movement's apostles.


Exorcism a Routine Event at Colorado Republican's Addiction-Recovery 
Clinic, Says Director
   By Bruce Wilson, 2010-10-28 11:19:03
   Section: Front Page, Topic: All Topics

Over the last summer in Colorado, as covered in the Columbine Courier News
00823214237038038001] and the Colorado Independent
bout-work-to-%E2%80%98cure%E2%80%99-gay-teens] a controversy broke out
concerning Colorado-area Teen Challenge addiction recovery centers
overseen by Colorado State Representative and Assemblies of God pastor Ken
Summers, when Columbine Courier news reporter Emile Hallez Williams
reported that Summer's centers practice "reparative therapy," an
evangelical euphemism for attempts to "cure" people of homosexuality.
Running for reelection this year [http://kensummers.org/], Ken Summers
denied that his centers practiced "reparative therapy" but Williams stuck
by his story. That raises questions concerning the methods that Summers'
centers might use to "get the gay out." Over the last few months I've been
doing a good deal of research on the growing trend of exorcism on the
evangelical right. That research led me to a May 1, 2010 podcast
[http://www.highpointchurch.us/uploads/20100501SetFree.mp3], in which the
Assistant Director of one of Summers' Teen Challenge centers, Matt Lane,
recounts an exorcism at the 180 Men's Teen Challenge Denver
[http://www.teenchallenge180.com/denvermenscenter.htm] center and states
that demon possession is a "very common" problem they deal with at his


Constitution Party Candidate For CO Governor Tom Tancredo Tied With 
Democratic Rival
   By Bruce Wilson, 2010-10-28 08:46:24
   Section: Front Page, Topic: All Topics

As the Christian Science Monitor asks, in an October 27 story, Is Tom
Tancredo the next governor of Colorado?
next-governor-of-Colorado]. Some polls show Tancredo behind in the race,
but the Christian Science Monitor says Tancredo is gaining momentum. At
this point, depending on voter turnout, the election could swing either
way - towards secular democracy or towards 'Biblical law.'   In a dead
heat with Democratic Party candidate Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, Tom
Tancredo is the official candidate of the Constitution Party
[http://www.constitutionparty.com/] whose platform claims "The U.S.
Constitution established a Republic rooted in Biblical law" and declares,
"The goal of the Constitution Party is to restore American jurisprudence
to its Biblical foundations."


Sharron Angle & The B-2 Stealth Bomber Pilot, Together in the 
'Lord's Army'
   By Bruce Wilson, 2010-10-26 10:11:04
   Section: Dominionism in the military, Topic: All Topics

A few weeks ago I learned that one of the two Baptist churches Sharron
Angle attends, the Fellowship Community Church [http://www.fccreno.org/]
in Reno, hosts [http://www.tfpreno.com/] one of two known chapters of a
small ministry called "Task Force Patriot." The ministry slogan? - "Christ
is our Commander-in-Chief." [http://www.tfpreno.com/3.html] The ministry
logo? - an American flag, a Christian flag, and between them a cross.
Under is a slogan, "The Mission Comes First." It's an emblem for an
aggressive, militarized form of Christian nationalism. But Task Force
Patriot is notable for another reason.


Jewish Voters Dissatisfied, But Not Likely to Desert Democrats
   By Bill Berkowitz, 2010-10-26 09:31:14
   Section: Dominionism in the military, Topic: All Topics

Over at least the past thirty years, conservatives have been trying to
convince Jewish voters that they would be wise to cast the Democratic
Party aside and move on over to the GOP.  During the past few weeks,
the Republican Jewish Coalition "launched campaigns targeting Jewish
communities in eight states," the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported. The
campaign, which  includes television advertisements, outreach in
Jewish newspapers, and direct mail, will "cost more than $1 million and
will feature in competitive races in Florida, Nevada, Ohio, California,
Pennsylvania, Missouri, Illinois and Washington." At about the same time,
the Emergency Committee for Israel, a newly launched group founded by
neoconservative William Kristol and Religious Right leader Gary Bauer also
unleashed a campaign aimed at "Democratic candidates it perceives as weak
on Israel," the Jerusalem Post reported.   Mulitple conservative
outreach projects to Jewish voters might seem like deja vu all over again,
except that this time around, GOP forces have a lot more money to work
with, and they just might be playing to a more receptive audience. Are
Jewish voters so dissatisfied with the Obama Administration that they will
finally turn their back on the Democrats on November 2?


Grayson Foe Daniel Webster Credits Success To "Hedge of 
Thorns" Prayer
   By Bruce Wilson, 2010-10-25 15:45:14
   Section: Front Page, Topic: All Topics

"I wrote the prayer down, and as a matter of fact I passed it out to all
our campaign workers and I asked them to begin praying this prayer.  And,
I will tell you, it was an absolute miracle that we ended up winning that
race in 1984...  I thought, "you know that was... I believe that prayer
was one of the keys to us winning." " -- Daniel Webster    If Republican
Daniel Webster prevails against Democratic Representative Alan Grayson in
the 2010 race for Florida's 8th Congressional District, will Webster again
credit, as in the past, a "hedge of thorns" for his political victory? 
"It absolutely changed my life," declared Webster, referring to the
teachings of evangelist Bill Gothard, in a 2003-published speech Daniel
Webster gave before an audience of Gothard's followers. Webster then
attributed his political success to a magical prayer called "The Hedge of
Thorns of Protection", which Gothard claims can force unfaithful spouses
back to their mates, redeeming them from the influence of Satan. Webster
also stated [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLtXOAyiSNY#t=4m58s] that the
Bible calls on wives to submit to their husbands but emphasized he did not
usually demand or pray for that.


Grayson Foe Daniel Webster Credits Success To "Hedge of 
Thorns" Prayer
   By Bruce Wilson, 2010-10-25 15:45:14
   Section: Front Page, Topic: All Topics

"I wrote the prayer down, and as a matter of fact I passed it out to all
our campaign workers and I asked them to begin praying this prayer.  And,
I will tell you, it was an absolute miracle that we ended up winning that
race in 1984...  I thought, "you know that was... I believe that prayer
was one of the keys to us winning." " -- Daniel Webster    If Republican
Daniel Webster prevails against Democratic Representative Alan Grayson in
the 2010 race for Florida's 8th Congressional District, will Webster again
credit, as in the past, a "hedge of thorns" for his political victory? 
"It absolutely changed my life," declared Webster, referring to the
teachings of evangelist Bill Gothard, in a 2003-published speech Daniel
Webster gave before an audience of Gothard's followers. Webster then
attributed his political success to a magical prayer called "The Hedge of
Thorns of Protection", which Gothard claims can force unfaithful spouses
back to their mates, redeeming them from the influence of Satan. Webster
also stated [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLtXOAyiSNY#t=4m58s] that the
Bible calls on wives to submit to their husbands but emphasized he did not
usually demand or pray for that.


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