A Super Hornet’s Nest
Labelled the “Ferrari” of the skies, the Super Hornet jet fighter-bomber has a range of some 2,000 kms and has a speed of 1,900 km/h. It’s nimble and holds a vast array of weaponry. It has two engines, not one, and has the capacity to serve in long-range functions such as touring coastlines or the Arctic. At $50 million per plane, it’s a far cheaper alternative to the expensive F-35.
Laughter Yoga
My God Is Not a Pimp
The man is standing behind a pink mom mobile SUV with a Mary Kay cosmetics sticker on the back. He appears to have been putting gas in the car when interrupted by a small woman carrying a very large leather bound Bible. The man appears to be Middle Eastern and is wearing tennis clothes. He IS yelling loudly at the small woman wearing church lady clothes of an out-of-style skirt suit.
. . . you actually believe that my God is a pimp! That I want virgins in the sky when I die? For you religion is like penicillin. [rolls up sleeve and pretends to give himself a shot] You inject it and everything is fine. The infection is gone. You want to give me your penicillin to fight an infection you don’t understand. I am Iranian. I fought against those extremists. I left my country. You think you can fix me with your Bible? I don’t need to be fixed. I AM NOT AN INFECTION AND YOU ARE NOT A DOCTOR.
Messages From A Skypixie
The best argument against the existence of a god is the kind of people who believe in one.
No one is more threatening to us than he who would dispel our cherished beliefs with truth.
How often it is that he who is sceptical of your beliefs will become enraged should you be sceptical of his…
The politicians of today gladly accept the authority we hand them. They also work darn hard to increase that authority, sometimes to a ridiculous degree. But what about the other side of the equation? What about the “responsibility” side? This, I’m sorry to say, seems to have become lost in the shuffle of power and self-aggrandizement among our politicians.
Police now act as they pretty well wish, arresting anyone whom they wish, and showing no responsibility for the population whom they are sworn to protect and serve. Mentioning your “rights” to a cop will, at best, get a laugh and at worst a severe beating or a deadly tasering.
The Disenfranchisement of Communities through the Criminal Justice System
Overcriminalization and the lack of a federal standard for disenfranchisement rules exacerbates the criminal justice system's inherent racial and economic biases that affect the quality of life of both the released convicted felons as well as the communities to which they return.