Greenwald points out media witch hunt against Assange (TravisDisaster)
Conservatives or Republicans say or do something that progressives see as racist, and then get all in a huff when somebody calls them on it. The only problem is, it's demonstrably true that these yahoos wouldn't know a racist act if it came up and bit them in the ass.
U.S. looks to British model to improve offshore drilling safety (The Big Hurt)
German minister accuses US of currency manipulation (counterspin)
NSA recruiting children to join cyberwar (counterspin)
Youngest Guantanamo detainee pleads guilty
"He is anxious to avoid a trial before that kangaroo court," Nate Whitling said in reference to the U.S. military commission at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detention facility.
WikiLeaks Iraq War Logs Expose US-Backed Iraqi Torture, 15,000 More Civilian Deaths, and Contractors Run Amok
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan as a means of stabilizing the region.
( Destabilizing the region is what it's all about, of course. Blue Girl adds more, but in 'Documents' - Topical Index - is a link to the War Game 'Post Saddam Iraq : Desert Crossing' which outlines how removing the stabilizing influence of Saddam Hussein will once again throw the region into chaos...not just Iraq. )
They are worried that Afghanistan will agree with having a base for American troops here,” Ms. Saqib told the Monitor last month. Iran wants friendly lawmakers to head off any legislation that would grant permanent basing rights. “They are trying to have people around who – if this would be the case – they would disagree.”
State Department spokesman Philip Crowley told Bloomberg that “Iran should not interfere with the internal affairs of the Afghan government."
( Receiving the big bucks to make a hypocritical fatuous ass of himself. )
Sitting 3000 miles away from London in Washington DC, I’ve been following the dismissal of Professor David Nutt as the UK government’s senior scientific advisor on the misuse of drugs, with interest. Not being steeped in British drugs politics, I was only vaguely aware of the tensions between the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, which Nutt chaired until Friday, and UK policymakers. So as the story broke, I found it tough to disentangle whether this was a case of a respected scientist demonstrating a blindingly naive understanding of policy, or a government forfeiting science in favor of ideology. But the more I dig into the situation, the more it seems to highlight a worrying disdain for science and evidence* amongst policy makers.
Research by Nutt and his colleagues, published in the medical journal the Lancet in 2007, rates the following as the most dangerous drugs. (They are listed in descending order from the most harmful and all figures are for England and Wales in 2008 unless stated otherwise.)
Global food crisis forecast as prices reach record highsCost of meat, sugar, rice, wheat and maize soars as World Bank predicts five years of price volatility
Dr. Rima 4 years ago on Codex Alimentarius
Researchers analyzed years of studies and data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer to deduce that one-third of all breast cancer cases can be avoided simply through diet and exercise—a surprising conclusion that raised eyebrows worldwide and contradicts the common conception that some women are powerless against the disease due to genetic makeup or family history. What’s more, new research continues to compile to show exactly which nutritional and physical approaches can help best reduce your risk.
Molly's Blog Blogosphere of the Libertarian Left
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The following item is from Z Communications. I have to say that I have serious disagreements with what follows, being as it is pretty well standard academic post modernist "theory". I have another name for this speculation that is hardly kind. To say the least the concept of "race" is hardly a novel invention derived from the Spanish Reconquista. A lot of the "geneology" of racism that follows from this is utter fantasy. I wonder if they actually belive this sort of nonsense in the academy today. It is, of course, nonsense to ascribe the actions of genocide to some European "deviation", no matter how much American influenced post modernists may want to believe this. Racism and its cause "xenophobia" predates "capitalism", and it will exist beyond the abolition of same especially if the theorists of post-modernism have their way and privilege certain "races". In that case genocide will exist under different names. In other words this sort of thing is very much a program for further ethnic conflict rather than being something "liberatory". But I'll let the reader judge. Here is the article. All that I can say for now is that I am grateful that I don't have to do the proper bows that people such as Znet have to do to be proper leftists. Who knows if they understand the implications of nonsense, and how others view them for it. But anyways here is the article that has some very good points mixed with the silliness.
Race, Racism, Xenophobia and Migration Just as an aside, it struck me that Shoe somewhat resembled a short Pogo comic