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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

18 October - Human Comedy

General information October 2010

We maintain 22 additional sites for autism, chiropractic, dentistry, multilevel marketing, and many other hot topics.

Potential ecosystem collapse caused by toxic dispersant use” — “Horrific mistake” says LSA board member

Blasts hit secret Iranian missile launching-pad for US, Israeli targets

New War Rumors: U.S. Plans to Seize Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal
Plans are afoot to further expand the war into Pakistan and to threaten Iran as well....Comparisons to Washington's war in Indochina have been mentioned. But Pakistan with its 180 million people and nuclear weapons is not Cambodia and Iran with its population of over 70 million is not Laos."

Blue Solver!

The Fastest and Most Powerful Collection of Physics and Engineering Calculators in the Cloud.

Macbuntu Makes your Linux Desktop Look Like Mac OS X

 ( It didn't take long to realize the idea was neater than the reality )

Google Directory

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Antibiotics Investigated as Asthma, Allergy Cause
Could giving infants antibiotics in their first year of life trigger asthma and allergies that develop later on in childhood?

That's the suspicion of a team of Canadian medical researchers who are conducting a $2.5 million study to find the answer.

More than 50 percent of Canadian infants receive a prescription for antibiotics before they turn one year old.

The study aim is two-fold: first, to discern how intestinal bacteria inside newborns changes after taking antibiotics, and second, to study if those changes trigger medical conditions later.

The researchers are intrigued by microbiota. Considered to be "good" intestinal bacteria, microbiota protect against harmful bacteria and help the body absorb nutrients.

Except no one is born with microbiota. It develops during the first year of life.

( Study of the gut is not generally popular...for obvious reasons. After taking E-Mycin - I have drug allergies and it's a rare concession -  I wait a couple of days and start a regimen of acidophilus...as my digestion is wrecked. And...on the hide, habitual use of germicides kills helpful bacteria, which moderate immune response !  You have to wonder what horrors are cultured as a result.

Acidophilus - Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

If there is too small a colony of L. acidophilus and other friendly bacteria ... Some health professionals claim that acidophilus aids the digestive process ...

a trio of smackdowns for canadian conservatives: the u.n., the citizenship guide and fox news north
UN denied Canada a seat on the UN Security Council ( see list of reasons why )

new editions of the guide to Canadian citizenship will refer to legal same-sex marriage and the fact that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. This wouldn't be news if it hadn't been proven - thanks to Access to Information requests by the Canadian Press - that Jason Kenney himself had all mention of LGBT rights stripped from the citizenship guide.

Quebecor has dropped its bid for special treatment from the CRTC

Glenn Beck show hosts laugh about Aspartame etc
( The 'defense' in comments is bad enough )