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IPS - Inter Press Services
- KAZAKHSTAN: Prisoners Protest by Self-MutilationHorrific protests that have seen hundreds of inmates slice their stomachs open over conditions in jails in Kazakhstan are set to continue as the UN accuses the Central Asian country of trying to mask the real state of its prison system.
- MEXICO-U.S.: Visas No Guarantee for Migrant Worker ...Mexican Alberto Rivero joined the ranks of seasonal workers in the United States in 2005, and for the last three years he has had to pay all the expenses associated with his visa, transportation and housing, although the law states that these are the responsibility of his U.S. employer.
- BOTSWANA: Not All Women in Local Government Making ...Florence Shagwa, a female councillor at the Gaborone City Council, considers her three-year business qualification worthless.
- KENYA: Room to Improve on GovernanceKimani Wanyama*, a homosexual man living in Nairobi, knows what human rights violations are all about. His attempts over three years to receive treatment for reoccurring rectal gonorrhoea had resulted in verbal abuse and intense stigmatisation from the very people who were meant to help him.
- Compromise on Reforms Eludes IMF Fall MeetingsWhen the annual meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund got under way this week, the agenda ranged from ongoing talks about "currency wars" between countries to how to maintain progress on poverty reduction in the face of economic crises, to reforming the mandates and go ...
Scoop - NZ
- Fraud Factories: How Banks Profit From The Foreclo ...US Congressman Alan Grayson talks about the fraudulent home foreclosures being carried out by the US Banks. Even Mortgage free homeowners are being fraudulently foreclosed on. There is one set of rules for the banks and another set of laws for everyone else. ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- VIDEO: The milk ad they don't want you to seeThe true cost of Fonterra's industrial dairy business revealed *WARNING: Some content may offend. ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- Experts Warn Against D.C.'s Planned, Insane Intern ...The first missive [PDF] questions whether the digital vote by mail system is "voter-verifiable," as required under the city's new election laws. The voter has no way of confirming that the ballot he or she sent is the same one that is counted by elections officials, the letter argues. Th ...
- US National Debt .. For DummiesKeep It Simple, Stupid Words to live by.  Remember that when someone starts explaining which way the smoke on an electric train is gonna blow, you should probably check your wallet.  I'm tired of convoluted explanations of simple problems. It distracts people from the truth, which is usu ...
- AJ: Cyber attack 'targeted Iran'The discovery of so-called malicious software - malware - on systems in Iran and elsewhere across the world has prompted speculation of an attempted cyber attack on Iranian industry, possibly including the Bushehr nuclear reactor. The Stuxnet "Trojan worm" was designed to attack indust ...
Independent - London
- Serbs riot over gay pride march in BelgradeSerbian riot police fought running battles with hundreds of far-right supporters who tried to disrupt a gay pride march in central Belgrade today.
- Charges dropped over Red Cap murdersCharges against two Iraqis accused of the murders of six British military policemen more than seven years ago were dropped by a judge in Baghdad today, the Associated Press reported.
- Candidate criticised for wearing SS uniformA Republican candidate for the US House of Representatives dressed up in a German SS uniform to participate in Nazi re-enactments, it was reported.
- New brigade takes charge in HelmandA new brigade of British troops is in charge in Afghanistan's Helmand province, it was announced today.
- Missile strike kills six in PakistanA suspected US missile strike has killed at least six people in north-western Pakistan near the Afghan border, intelligence officials said today.
Rogue Government.com
- European intelligence community insiders: â ...This past weekend's terror alert from Washington -- alleging possible Al Qaeda activity and warning travelers to be vigilant when in Europe --was "politically motivated and not based on credible new information," senior Pakistani diplomats and European intelligence community insiders have told ...
- 9/11: Firemen Explosion Testimony The video below is from the NIST data dump that the International Center for 9/11 Studies obtained through FOIA.
- Glenn Beck under fire from Dana Milbank for gold- ...Glenn Beck, Fox News's Tea Party pundit-in-chief, has made his name by pouring vitriol on progressives and liberals who he accuses of trying to destroy America. Now he's being subjected to a taste of his own medicine.
- Gold hits another record as inflation fears grow Gold prices hit a new record Wednesday and silver prices surged as investors bought up the precious metal to hedge against inflation.
- Undocumented language found hidden in India A "hidden" language spoken by only about 1,000 people has been discovered in the remote northeast corner of India by researchers who at first thought they were documenting a dialect of the Aka culture, a tribal community in the foothills of the Himalayas.
Innovation Canada
- A whale of a mysteryWhat’s the next thing a graduate student should do after his master’s thesis solves a biochemical mystery that has befuddled zoologists for generations? This is a problem that 28-year-old Lawrence Szewciw recently faced after he and his professors at the University of Guelph determined the physiolog ...
- Illuminating bonesDavid Cooper wants to know more about your bones. Specifically, the assistant professor of anatomy and cell biology at the University of Saskatchewan is trying to answer a chicken-and-egg question about osteoporosis: do changes in the density of cells within bones cause the disease, or does the dise ...
- Tools of the mindThe first time neuroscientist Adele Diamond walked into a New Jersey classroom where teachers were using the Tools of the Mind curriculum, she was struck by the quiet self-control of the children. Most regular preschool and kindergarten classrooms are chaotic, noisy places, but in the Tools of the M ...
- Going au naturelHow often do you use natural health products (NHPs) in your everyday life? You might take a vitamin or two and an omega-3 supplement. Or maybe you take a dose of glucosamine when your joints are sore or an echinacea tablet when you’re under the weather or rub aloe vera on your skin when you’ve been ...
- A new musical realityImagine a live improvised musical performance — in surround sound, with a computer manipulating and spinning instruments’ sounds around eight different speakers in real time. That’s being made possible through the University of Guelph’s new Advanced Digital Audio Production and Performance Studio. I ...
Signs of the times
- US: Reddish Orange Fireball Over Yorkvile, Illinoi ...October 9, 2010 at 10:05 p.m. Two other friends and myself were sitting outside when all 3 of us spotted a reddish-orange fireball travel across the sky. It travelled a southwest to northeast direction. At first we thought it was a meteor, but it never disappeared like meteors do. There was no sound ...
- Earthquake Experts See the 'Big One' Getting Bigge ...The "Big One" that has been forecast for the San Andreas fault could end up being bigger than earthquake experts previously thought. Recent research showing that a section of the fault is long overdue for a major earthquake has some scientists saying the southern portion of the fault is capable of ...
- Human History DNA ExplainedA new theory explaining the reason why human life has turned out the way it has is causing shock and alarm around the globe. A single mother from Canada, who gave up career and income to raise her kids while doing research at home, has come forward with evidence she says proves without a doubt that ...
- Death of top UN official still shrouded in mysterySecretary-general killed in suspicious plane crash en route to broker a ceasefire in the Congo, writes Desmond Fisher On this weekend 49 years ago, the world was shaken by news of a mysterious air crash in Africa. The bodies of 16 people were recovered from the wreck. Some had multiple bullet woun ...
- Israeli rabbi pathology: Honey-pot sex is kosher f ...Rabbi Ari Schvat's ruling appeared in a study, 'Illicit sex for the sake of national security,' published by the Tzomet Institute, which studies the interface between religion and modernity. An Israeli rabbi has given his blessing to female agents of Israel's foreign secret service, Mossad, who may ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Imagine . . . .giving peace a chance. Happy Birthday, John . . . .
- Bitter old man mumbles incoherent redundancies...about prisons and crime . Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said Wednesday the federal government is planning to build new units in various prisons across the country, saying the Conservatives will do what it takes "to keep dangerous prisoners behind bars." Yes Vic, prisoners by definition a ...
- Lockheed Martin, FailI don't know about how the Pentagon's procurement process works, but this sounds like a bad thing: The system used by No. 1 defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp. ’s aircraft unit to track aircraft costs and schedules has lost its Pentagon certification because of persistent deficiencies, a Defen ...
- Hard time . . . hard timesSLATE has a report by Sasha Abramsky, "Toxic Persons" , which is about the effect of America's prison mania on its society. The stats are chilling; they show the costs of a system that Stevie would love to inflict upon us. We now imprison more people in absolute numbers and per capita than any othe ...
- Just one complaint is reason to change policy?Really , Tony? Is that the test of government policy ? Oh, you� slimy bastard, I have you. I so own you and your Harperists. I can give you a single legitimate complaint about everything your band of hillbillies has ever done. You, Tony, and everyone around you, are liars. Blatant fucking liars. ...
Media Matters for America
- Damage control: Fox defends Rove's GOP slush fund ...Fox's Megyn Kelly hosted Dana Perino to portray calls for an IRS audit of a Republican slush fund promoted by Karl Rove as a politically motivated "conspiracy," ignoring that such calls have been issued by non-partisan organizations that called for similar audits of Democratic-leaning groups i ...
- Right-wing smear machine falsely declares Dem cong ...Conservative media are pushing a deceptively cropped video of Rep. Phil Hare (D-IL) to claim he "doesn't believe the national debt is real." In fact, the context of Hare's remarks make clear he was referring to the "myth" that you can't "just can't spend" to put "people back to work" because "t ...
- Reality need not apply: Fox continues to deny aid ...Fox News hosts and contributors have recently dismissed estimates of food stamp programs' stimulative effect on the economy as "some strange multiplier effect study," "liberal math" and a "complicated economic multiplier theory." In fact, economists agree that food stamps are one of "the most effec ...
- Beck's historian delivered talks to racist, anti- ...According to the Anti-Defamation League, David Barton, a self-described historian promoted by Fox News' Glenn Beck, has twice spoken to groups affiliated with the racist and anti-Semitic Christian Identity movement. Beck himself has promoted the work and ideas of anti-Semites. ADL: Barton has t ...
- Like clockwork: Conservatives return to baseless ...Continuing a pattern in which media conservatives stoke fears about election fraud by Democrats, Bill O'Reilly baselessly raised the specter of voter fraud in Washington state and Illinois in the midterm elections. In fact, voter fraud occurs infrequently, and many of the past claims by the co ...
Global Research.ca
- SUPERPOWER: Feature Documentary For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- US Banks Fake Documents to Rush ForeclosuresFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The US Economy is Faltering. An Inflationary Depre ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Impasse of US-NATO Military Adventure: Coalition l ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The Nightmare: The Iraq Invasion's Atrocities, Une ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- One man's journey from Youngstown to life as a bus ...President Barack Obama correctly placed Middle East peace on top of his agenda, but he must be careful. International law must be his guiding light; anything less is just prolonging the conflict and playing short-term politics. I live in my father's birthplace of Al Bireh, eight miles north of Je ...
- Tom Donilon: The Last Best Hope to Help Obama Mak ...Recently I met with David Rothkopf, Foreign Policy blogger and one of Washington's premier chroniclers of American national security personalities and architecture, for lunch and discussed with him who President Obama's next National Security Advisor should be. Our list was provocative, a bit ...
- Jones Out, Ross In: Middle East BurnsMitch Plitnick is a long-time expert on the Middle East. I met him when he represented B'tselem, the Israeli human rights operation's office in Washington. Now he has joined the ranks of bloggers (go team!) and, in this piece, he announces why he has utterly given up on President Obama. His dis ...
- Inside Job: The Antidote to the TARP CelebrationsCharles Ferguson's new movie, Inside Job, is a fast-moving and fascinating account of the process and the people who wrecked the economy with their blind ambition and unfettered greed. The timing could not have been better, coming amidst the Wall Street establishment's celebration of the second anni ...
- Presented By:
- Raids on Activists May Indicate FBI Abuse of PowerOn the heels of a series of FBI raids on anti-war activists, an FBI whistleblower and constitutional rights groups are calling out the agency for overstepping its bounds, fearing that its increased powers could infringe on First Amendment rights and silence dissent. Agents searched the homes of ant ...
- Zimbabwe: Prime Minister Denounces Mugabe Boston - Voicing “disgust” with President Robert Mugabe for his “betrayal” of Zimbabwe’s coalition government, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai Thursday announced his MDC party will not recognize a string of senior appointments. read more
- 10 Ways to Celebrate 10/10/10On Sunday, at over 7,000 events in 188 countries, people will be getting to work to stop catastrophic climate change—and calling on their leaders to do the same. Click here to find an event in your community. If there isn't one, it's not too late: Here are 10 ideas from 350.org for planning your own ...
- Rachel Maddow | Campaign Finance Rules Now Threate ...Rachel Maddow addresses the concern about The Chamber of Commerce's donations to Republican candidates and the potential for foreign influence in American elections. � read more
- Froma Harrop | Latinos Should Darn Well VoteThe Hispanic activist grew defensive as we discussed Latinos' low turnouts in recent elections. Indeed, the subject popped up with no prompting from me. "Latinos don't vote?" said Lydia Camarillo, who runs voter registration drives in San Antonio. "Excuse me. TEXAS doesn't vote." read more
- EMF for 10/10/10 Global Work Party [MUSIC VIDEO]If you’re a regular reader of Planetsave, you know that I’m a fan of Kristen Farquhar’s Environmental Music Films (EMFs). And, no matter who you are, I imagine you’ve heard of the 10/10/10 Global Work Party being organized by 350.org but with a ton of support from hundreds of other organizations and ...
- Mystery of Honey Bee Colony Collapse SolvedA collaborative genetic analysis between civilian entomologists and military scientists has at last revealed the true cause of Colony Collapse Disease which has been decimating honeybee hives in the US, Europe and Asia since 2006.
- Republican Clouds (cartoon)Obama announced recently that he plans to add solar panels to the White House. I can’t see anyone or anything standing in the way. Related Stories: U.S. Commander-in-Chief Orders Solar Panels for White House Obama: âNo industry with more potential to create jobs now than clean energyâ Follow Joe ...
- To Swiss Banking Giant UBS: Get Out of Mountaintop ...Mountaintop removal coal mining is one of the most horrendous things on the planet in my mind. It decapitates precious, beautiful mountains; pollutes rivers and communities with mercury, arsenic and other harmful waste; and helps accelerate global warming (or global weirding). Luckily, people have b ...
- Hungary Toxic Sludge Reaches Danube River [VIDEOS]After streaming through and contaminating smaller rivers and streams, toxic sludge from a Hungarian factory has now reached the Danube River. The Danube is Europe’s second-largest river and experts from the European Union (EU) fear that if the toxic red sludge contaminates the Danube it could affect ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Reverse OsmosisThe reverse osmosis and DI filter arrived yesterday from Filter Direct. I had ordered the sink attac
- Windsurfing Icons Launch Global Water Initiative w ...+H20 brings water enthusiasts together while raising awareness for clean water issues. Read more.
- Scratching the surface of water quality guidelines ...By Jason Unger Staff Counsel, Environmental Law Centre In the wake of James Cameron’s visit, and wit
- Skidaway Institute lecture to focus threats to wa ...The growing threats to water quality and the potential affect on Coastal Georgia will be the focus o
- G&M: Panel to study Canada oil sands impactThe Alberta government, facing growing concerns about the impact of oilsands operations, is bringing
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Loud Talk, Small Minds by Joel S. Hirschhornby Joel S. Hirschhorn Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.foavc.org Oct. 9, 2010 Image via Wikipedia
- The Wages of Hate: The Development of Political Ho ...by Steven Jonas, MD, MPH Featured Writer Dandelion Salad crossposted on Buzzflash.com October 9, 201
- The Nightmare by Felicity ArbuthnotWarning This article and links to other websites may contain words/graphics depicting the reality an
- Michael Parenti: The Presidentwith Michael Parenti Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.michaelparenti.org buddhagem | November 22,
- Michael Parenti on The Culture Struggle (2007)with Michael Parenti Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.michaelparenti.org Democracy Now! May 8, 20
Axis of Logic
- Court Victory: Bovine Growth Hormone Labeling - He ...ATTENTION SHOPPERS. An appeals court just upheld your right to easily choose drug-free milk from drug-free cows. This is a victory. We’re talking genetically modified bovine growth hormone, also known as rbGH, rbST, and crack for cows. It’s been condemned by the American Public Health A ...
- The Ecuadorian Coup: Its Larger Meaning - EcuadorThe abortive military-police coup in Ecuador, which took place on September 30, has raised numerous questions about the role of the US and its allies among the traditional oligarchy and the leftist social movements, Indian organizations and their political parties. While President Correa and all ...
- The cost of telling the truth in the United States ..."Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well." This frosty statement was the conclusion of Rick Sanchez's 6-year-long career with the United States' cable news network, CNN. The award-winning Sanchez who had served in CNN's Spanish serv ...
- China's recent activities in eurozone to devaluate ...The market structure of the rates of foreign currencies has been thrown into question. China has become more active in the eurozone as a result of the economic conflict with the USA. The Chinese dragon starts to determine quotations on world's basic currencies, such as the euro and the US...
- Colombian-Venezuelan Integration Furthered after J ...Mérida, October 8th 2010 – Yesterday joint Colombia-Venezuela commissions as well as the foreign ministers from each country met in the border city of Cucuta, Colombia to renew and concretise agreements after Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and recently elected Colombian President Juan Manuel Santo ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Freakazoids Started This Fight, But Atheists Will ...The Secular Humanists invited PZ Myers to a panel discussion of "Confrontation vs. Accommodation" and got exactly what they deserved: the truth. I'm going to begin with where I entered this conflict - and make no mistake, it's a real battle - with my experience in science education, and specifically ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapThe same parents we once hid our stash from, now have us scoring weed for them. For medicinal purposes, of course. "To the rites of middle-age passage, some families are adding another: buying marijuana for aging parents. ... "I think use of medical marijuana in older people is going to be much grea ...
- Repug Budget Cuts: Everything Must Go!Repugs are being very cagey about just how they would pay for the trillions in tax cuts for the obscenely rich. But now conservative financial news giant Bloomberg has taken a crack at figuring it out. Brian Beutler at TPM "With common-sense exceptions for seniors, veterans, and our troops, we wil ...
- Draw the Line Now: No TARP 2Yeah, yeah, TARP saved the economy, yeah, yeah, TARP is being paid back and the government may actually make a profit on it, yeah, yeah, anti-TARP is a teabagger masturbation aid, yeah yeah. Here's what matters: the crash of Lehman and AIG in September 2008 presented a huge, once-in-a-millenium chan ...
- Time for another round of "What if a Liberal did t ...The wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is really pushing the propriety envelope and raising a lot of eyebrows with her political activities . Specifically, with the activities of a group she founded in 2009 with two secret donations that totaled $550,000 - months before the Supreme Court ...
Care 2
- Support the Plan to Turn an Abandoned Indianapolis ...Tell the Historic Irvington Community Council to allow the hotel to become a shelter, for the good of the community and their homeless constituents. Submitted by Cher C. to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Nobel winner's wife has 'disappeared'The world's newest Nobel Peace Prize winner remained unreachable in a Chinese prison Saturday, while his wife's mobile phone was cut off and the authoritarian government continued to censor reports about democracy campaigner Liu Xiaobo's honor. Submitted by Michelle Matthews to World �|� �Note-it! ...
- Video - Baby rhino calf finds friends in the wild ...A baby rhino becomes friends with a warthog. Wonderful video. Must see! Submitted by Michelle Matthews to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Stop NASA's Plans to Expose Monkeys to RadiationNASA has announced that it plans to fund a $1.75 million project in which up to 30 squirrel monkeys will be exposed to a large, harmful dose of radiation and then be locked in steel cages without any companionship. Submitted by Ginger Geronimo to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Two More Suspects Named in South Africa's Rhino Cr ...Police have arrested two more people believed to be involved with the killing of hundreds of rhinos in South Africa in order to profit from the illegal rhino horn trade. The suspects have been named as Gys du Preez, a professional hunter, and Joseph Malul Submitted by Michelle Matthews to Animals � ...
Smirking Chimp
- Obama's Mission ImpossibleWith the midterm election less than a month away and the economic crisis unabated, the Obama Administration may be at a crossroads. The President’s own advisor, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker says the financial system is “broken.” High unemployment is not dropping and home foreclosures ...
- Is foreign money trying to buy a Republican Congre ...All patriotic Americans should demand that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and any other group making massive donations to political campaigns immediately disclose all sources of foreign money. It is an outrage that any group can receive substantial money from foreign sources, which directly or indirec ...
- Currency Wars and Accounting IdentitiesThere are few areas of economics more boring than accounting identities. This is really unfortunate, since it is virtually impossible to have a clear understanding of economic policy without a solid knowledge of the underlying identities. Most of the people in Washington policy debates were apparent ...
- Locking and Loading: Heritage Foundation Gearing U ...Whether it is sports, dating, politics, or even health care reform, timing is everything. For the Obama Administration, last week's kick off of the implementation of health care reform legislation - six months after it was signed into law - will probably have little positive effect on the upcoming m ...
- Lying to Win at the Supreme Court: Obama Administr ...The crazed obsession with secrecy, security, and ever-increasing intrusiveness by government policing and intelligence authorities into the lives of ordinary Americans has continued apace under the Obama administration. This madness can be illustrated by a case currently before the US Supreme Court ...
Paul Krugman
- Macroeconomic MadnessYes, it really is that bad.
- The Mortgage MorassWho owns what? Who knows?
- HousekeepingThe rules, again.
- Blucher! Neighhhh!FrankenSTEEN!
- Chronicle of a Slowdown ForetoldGreece didn't do it.
No Quarter
- BREAKING: Jerry Brown’s Astonishing RemarksIF — IF — Californians will WAKE THE F–K UP, they have to realize that Jerry Brown is a disaster and that there is ZERO chance that he will do anything to dig the bankrupt state out of its current mess. But too many Californians are goofy idealists (you know the type, “Oh can’t [...]
- REAL Unemployment Numbers & Open ThreadBelow the fold there’s much more, including a truly smart and rational discussion on “mama grizzlies” and Sarah Palin as well as my ramblings about fidelity and so on. But first, from the blog for the new CNN show, Parker/Spitzer, Eliot Spitzer’s commentary on the actual unemployment statistics, — “ ...
- Opera Swimming� Game Over. � Fabulously over the top Republican Governors Association video that fast forwards through two years of POTUS posturing, bloviating and bumbling. The polls numbers continue to impress that this election is a massive rejection of the Obama administration and its Democratic allies o ...
- The Barack Obama MeltdownToday’s “resignation” of Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor, General James Jones, is devastating bad news for both Barack Obama and the security of our nation. Barack’s diffident air and seemingly cool composure are not signs of competence or leadership. Nope. He is more like a novice sailo ...
- LOL LOL LOL * Open Thread“The reports of the death of the Democratic Party are greatly exaggerated,’ Biden has said. (Politico) WISENHEIMER JOE BIDEN, trying to get a laugh out of a dead-silent audience at a Wisconsin fundraiser, reports The Hill: “Youâre the dullest audience Iâve ever spoken to.” Well, tha ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Aloe Vera: The Plant with Miraculous Healing Power ...Aloe Vera has been cultivated for centuries, and is prized for its amazing healing properties. read more
- Could Tornadoes Drive Power Stations?Tornadoes are one of nature's most violent events. Could it be possible to use them to drive a power station? read more
- Ladybug Devours AphidA real classic in the insect world, ladybird versus lice. It's a battle that happens every day in your garden, you just have to look close enough! read more
- The Cooper Union Building: The Future of Green Arc ...The Cooper Union's New Academic Building stands out in more ways than one read more
- Why Are All The World's Bees Disappearing?The bees are vanishing from our world - and even Doctor Who doesn't know what to do about it. read more
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Did U.S. Support for Brutal Honduran Coup Encourag ...Washington's support for the right-wing government that took power in Honduras by coup sends a dangerous message to Latin America.
- Mock Drone AttackIPS'ers take to the streets to show the public what a drone attack looks like from the point of civilians.
- U.S. Base Deal for Colombia: Back to the Status Qu ...Despite a legal setback, the State Department says that existing agreements permit the United States to continue its military presence in Colombia.
- 60-Second Expert: Nix the FTAThe U.S.-South Korea FTA is broken and not worth fixing.
- It's Not Nuclear Weapons That Need "Modernization, ...Have we reached the point where the new START disarmament treaty is worse than nothing?
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Israel set to vote on loyalty oathCabinet expected to approve a controversial bill that requires non-Jews to swear loyalty to the "Jewish state"
- Pakistan reopens Nato supply routeLorries pass through Torkham crossing into Afghanistan for the first time since closure over cross-border raid by US.
- Bashir warns of new Sudan civil warSudan's leader says if disputes with the south are not solved before secession referendum, a conflict could erupt again.
- N Korea leader appears with sonKim Jong-il stands with heir apparent in live broadcast for first time amid celebrations and a massive military parade.
- Kyrgyz vote in parliamentary pollsElection in former Soviet state is held amid fears of repeat of ethnic violence that killed hundreds of people in June.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Carbon-Cutting 'Party' Set for SundayMore than 7,000 events in 188 countries are to call attention to a goal of reducing carbon dioxide concentrations in he atmosphere.
- On Our Radar: More Safety Violations for Massey Co ...Among other missteps, a federal agency found that a Massey mine in West Virginia was cutting too deeply into the coal seam and skipping some mandatory tests for explosive gases.
- The Last U.N. Climate Extravaganza?Many are wondering whether the negotiation process of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is so flawed that it should be scrapped.
- An 'Every Village,' Awash in MiseryFor many, the disastrous flood of red mud in Kolontar, Hungary, viscerally pointed up environmental dangers that often seem faraway.
- A Demand for Action on PCBs in SchoolsThe New York City congressional delegation, unions and others ask the E.P.A. to step in immediately and start testing for the presence of toxic chemicals in the city's schools.
Dot Earth News
- 'Whale Wars' Leader Responds on Boat SinkingThe leader of an anti-whaling group rebuts charges that he sank a damaged boat for dramatic effect.
- Did 'Whale Wars' Leader Sink Boat for Publicity?A whaling warrior is accused of intentionally sinking one of his own boats.
- Move Over, Carbon, Humans Are Jolting Nitrogen, To ...Humans have appropriated much of the planet's nitrogen cycle, with big environmental consequences.
- Modified Corn Aids Nearby Farmers, and Vice VersaResearchers find that a mix of genetically engineered and conventional corn provides widespread benefits.
- Maldives President Installs Solar RoofThe president of a nation of 1,200 low islands at risk from rising seas installs donated solar panels on his roof.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Avalanche of fed & local police state crackdown ac ...Stressful day in Minneapolis as feds raided antiwar activists with no actual charges in the offing. The day before the raids I checked out a weird police intelligence workgroup at the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, and with other threads coming together it was pretty freaky. But I managed to slap ...
- Turkish Neocon Conspiracy 1981 - Eagleburger Perle ...This is a pretty classic one. Turkey has suddenly passed big reforms as the nasty NATO-friendly military post-coup power structure gets knocked back a step. Ergenekon and the neocon network, etc etc. Perle and Wolfowitz, the creation of the American-Turkish Council came after this memo. Possibly b ...
- Video: Lawsuit Zombies fight state repression with ...Video release of sorts from the Minneapolis zombies, and a fun edit. 1min40s, brevity! Plz subscribe to Youtube & now Scribd document service as well. If you haven't yet, check out Scribd for a marvelous array of all sorts of documents (PDFs, office, etc)...w00pw00p. Press release: Zomb ...
- California rolls out heat cannon torture weapon Ac ...Oh Shit!!! Let's explain how the mass torture weapon deployment rollout program works in the global scientific dictatorship. First the weapons are used on brown people in the field by the military, then on military prisoners, then on domestic prisoners. Then on protesters, then on random people. Thi ...
- Kanye West Masonic/Egyptian "Power"; Viktor Bout's ..."In the threatening situation of the world today, when people are beginning to see that everything is at stake, the projection-creating fantasy soars beyond the realm of earthly organizations and powers into the heavens, into interstellar space, where the rulers of human fate, the gods, once had the ...
Daily Censored
- The Myth of the “Bad Teacher”In this political season of faux anti-establishment anger born of very real economic desperation, public educators have become the villain du jour, their reputations collateral damage in the war against “big government.”
- Money of, by, for the Corporations or Money of, by ...The vast majority of people can see that the financially powerful are taking advantage of the weak. The real battle has been over whether the creation of money will be private or public, and how to define money.
- Why Does Congress Hate America?Michael Collins Oh, it’s just that Collins guy mouthing off again. Actually, I was far too easy on Congress yesterday in Lawless Nation – Congress. Here’s why: HR 3808 The Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010 The bill is the response to the events outlined in a story that Numerian ...
- It Makes Me Feel Dirty.Here is a thought, the price of Gold has doubled to over $1,300 per ounce. It is predicted to hit $2,000. So who can afford gold theses days. Hmm, I wonder. Corporations are achieving record profits, even though everybody seems to be laid off. We know those laid-off folks are not buying the gol ...
- Lawless Nation – CongressBy Michael Collins Part II of III (Part I) WASHINGTON – Placed in office through legalized bribery, supported by public funding for their every need, protected against the laws that we’re expected to obey, Congress represents the epitome of lawlessness; lawmakers who have no regard for the law. (Ima ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- No US government takeover of economy:Geithner
- IMF, World Bank to wrap up three days of talks
- Afghan, NATO forces did utmost to rescue Briton: P ...
- IMF fails to find consensus to ease currency frict ...
- IMF calls for more study on economic imbalances
Institute for Policy Studies
- Mock Drone AttackIPS'ers take to the streets to show the public what a drone attack looks like from the point of civilians.
- Support Groups for Hard Times How can Transition Towns and Common Security Clubs help us navigate a changing economy and environment?
- Nigeria @ 50The direction that Nigeria takes -- towards a future of hope and growth, or one of backsliding and defeat -- depends, to a great extent, on the country's future leadership.
- One Nation: Uniting for Jobs, Not WarAt the historic One Nation Working Together march, activists made the connection between unemployment and our outsize military budget.
- Three Latin American Organizations Honored for the ...34th Annual Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Awards
Equality Trust
- Why we need a Fairness Test of the cutsA group of charities, including the Equality Trust, Child Poverty Action Group, Barnardo's and the TUC are asking the coalition government to commit to a Fairness Test on any tax rises or spending cuts they introduce. Full details ...
- Sign up to our email newsletterDon't forget to sign up to our email newsletter to receive quarterly updates about our work and next week's response from Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett to questions about the Spirit Level analysis.
- LATEST* The Equality Trust in the NewsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- VAT rise would hit the poorest Bill Wilson's VAT motion to the Scottish Parliament reads as follows: That the Parliament notes the warning issued by Save the Children in Scotland that raising VAT to 20% could mean a £31 a week bill for the poorest families in Scotland and that the poorest 10% of the population currently spend ...
- Excessive pay and bonuses in public sector under s ...Daily Telegraph reports on bold moves in the public sector . But what about the private sector which originated the "crazy" bonus system and still leads the way on excessive top pay...?
- PDA Weekly Field Report 9/24/10 – 10/2/10PDA had a very strong presence in DC and around the country at One Nation. I was personally on the ground in DC and want to thank all of our members who showed up for ...
- PDA Lobby Day and One Nation March!Please visit this blog post throughout the weekend for updates as they filter in… PDA 10.1.10 Citizensâ Lobby Day Article from David Swanson Progressives Take Over Capitol Hill Submitted by davidswanson ...
- If you can’t join it, watch it!Host a 10.2.10 Watch Party In just two days, tens of thousands of union members, community activists, students, entertainers, civil and human rights leaders, and concerned citizens will gather for peace, jobs, justice, and education for ...
- Are you on the bus …Or on the ground on 10.2.10? Progressive Democrats of America has joined the One Nation Working Together call for the 10.2.10 March on Washington for Peace, Jobs and Justice. This historic event will ensure that the ...
- IOT: Accountability and Justice Sept CallDavid Swanson was our Guest Star, talking about war powers. We discussed HR 104, introduced in Jan '09, by Rep. John Conyers and cosponsored by 50 others, which calls for a commission to study presidential ...
Marler Blog
- Hinderwadel's Grove Mahogany clams - after poisoni ...In September 2008 236 people who ate raw Mahogany clams at Hinderwadel's Grove between September 4 and September 16 developed a gastrointestinal illness. Lab results from the Onondaga County Health Department provided "overwhelming evidence" the clams caused the illnesses. The clams were contaminat ...
- Raw Milk Satirized on Colbert NationSeveral weeks ago when the producer of the Colbert Show was searching for information on raw milk, he stumbled on to several of my blog posts and www.realrawmilkfacts.com . �I urged that he take a hard look at some of the videos and to contact David Gumpert at the Complete Patient as well as a few o ...
- "La Nuestra" brand frozen Mamey Ice Cream recalle ...Montalvan's Sales, Inc. of Ontario, CA has voluntarily recalled "La Nuestra" brand frozen Mamey Ice Cream due to a potential health risk from Salmonella Typhi. Typhoid fever is a life-threatening illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. Salmonella Typhi lives only in humans. Infection resul ...
- Listeria monocytogenes Recall - Haifa Smoked FishD & M Smoked Fish, Inc., which does business as Haifa Smoked Fish, announced this week that the company was recalling specific lots of its Haifa Smoked Fish brand products due to potential contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. The recalled products, which were sold in vacuum-packed plastic pac ...
- Ground Beef, Ham and Turkey Recalled Due to E. col ...New York State Agriculture Commissioner Patrick Hooker today alerted consumers that Hamilton Corner Meat Market Inc., located at 1 Hamilton Place, New York, New York, is recalling all packages of in-store ground beef, in-store sliced deli turkey and in-store sliced deli ham sold on September 29, 201 ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.08.10Mercedes-Benz now taking orders for B-Class fuel-cell vehicle At $600 to $800 a month - oh, and the limited hydrogen availability - this might not be for you. Neil Young's LincVolt goes on display in Flor ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.07.10Popular Mechanics names Chevrolet Volt, Nissan Leaf 'Breakthrough Products' They'll probably fare better than 2008's winner, Aptera. Renault Zoe is a stylish battery-powered hatch done right ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.06.10This is America's best plug-in vehicle deal: get $15,000 off your Leaf or Volt It's only available for a few, but it's a darn good deal. Video: Ex-Stig says Nissan Leaf is a driveable iPod I ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.05.10Tesla denies it is having a "Europe problem" 300 sold in a year isn't bad, but is it what the company had hoped for? Think relying on Goverment support more than you know The DOE holds the f ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.04.10Confirmed: U.S. considering 62 mpg CAFE target by 2025 Here we go? Lotus unveils range-extended electric city car concept It's only the sixth (!) vehicle Lotus displayed in Paris. ...
Rafe's Radar
- Reporters' Roundtable: The Social NetworkAgainst the odds, the movie about the founding of Facebook, 'The Social Network,' is nearly universally admired. It got a 97% on the TomatoMeter at Rotten Tomatoes, and is considered a strong candidate for the Oscars. But is it accurate? Not just on the facts, but on the spirit and ethos of en ...
- Xmarks CEO: Knight-in-shining-armor rescue likelyThe company isn't going to make it, but the popular browser sync tool is likely to live on.
- Reporters' Roundtable: The Internet vs. HollywoodToday: The movie and TV industries vs the Internet! Who will win -- Studios, internet companies, consumers, manufacturers, or some combination? The entire entertainment industry is, of course, in the middle of shedding its skin. The old ways of distributing and charging for entertainment conten ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: How game mechanics are infe ...Today we're talking about game mechanics. Check-in apps like Foursquare use philosophies of game design to pull users deeper into engaging with them. The success of this concept has begun to infect other technologies, from consumer Web services to business applications. Software and services are ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: Deciphering Apple's develop ...On September 9, Apple rewrote its rulebooks for developers . In its revised developers agreement , it reversed a ruling that blocked developers from using all but a very few programming languages for iPhone apps. And it also made public for the first time the guidelines it uses for deciding if ap ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- From Tuskegee to Guatemala Via NurembergNews broke last week that the U.S. government purposefully exposed hundreds of men in Guatemala to syphilis in ghoulish medical experiments conducted during the late 1940s. As soon as the story got out, President Barack Obama phoned President Alvaro Colom of Guatemala to apologize. Colom called the ...
- Amy Goodman to appear on CNN's John King USADemocracy Now!’s award-winning host Amy Goodman to appear on CNN’s John King USA on Friday, October 1 at 7pm ET.
- WATCH: Jon Stewart Gets Haiti News from Democracy ...See all of Democracy Now!’s Coverage of Haiti
- BREAKING...Attempted Coup in Ecuador: On the Groun ...Sofia Jarrin works with the Latin American Association for Radio Education.
- Nnimmo Bassey wins 2010 Right Livelihood AwardNigerian environmental activist Nnimmo Bassey of Friends of the Earth International received the 2010 Right Livelihood Award for opposing "the practices of multinational corporations in his country and the environmental devastation they leave behind" and "for his inspired work to strengthen the env ...
Farming Pathogens
- Follow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on TwitterYou can now follow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on Twitter here. Includes the latest in media reports and journal articles on agriculture, disease, evolution, dialectical biology, the practice of science, as well as any appearances or new work by FP contributors. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Farming Pa ...
- The Axis of ViralThe enemy of my enemy is my friend. We might accept that viruses and bacteria at best instantiate the coincidental nature of such an alliance. The success of one bug might pave the way for another. But we’d be hard pressed to imagine that theyâd whittle the syllogism to a sharper point and activel ...
- Follow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on FacebookFollow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on Facebook here. Includes the latest in media reports and journal articles on agriculture, disease, evolution, dialectical biology, and the practice of science, as well as any appearances or new work by FP contributors. Filed under: Uncategorized
- Imperial Storm ScientistsThe Red Army Faction was a communist guerilla group operating 1970-1998 in, of all places, West Germany. The RAF engaged in a variety of operations in the 1970s, including assassinations and bombings, primarily around the German government’s material support of the U.S. war in Vietnam. As depicted i ...
- Does Influenza Evolve in Multiple Tenses?The past may possess a power greater than prologue. Any one with a social networking account knows that. All of a sudden you find yourself daily interacting with people long thought boxed away. People mature, yes, but sensibilities remain largely intact and an old year, fine wine or vinegar, pours b ...
- Rush Limbaugh says there will never be equality be ...Rush Limbaugh says there will never be equality because:”some people are just born to be slaves” Crooks & Liars- By John Amato October 09, 2010 07:00 AM How dare you say there’s racism in the Teabircher movement? I’m so offended by that notion. Isn’t what Rush Limbaugh just soooooo true? LIMBAUGH: T ...
- Glenn Beck Mocks Fire Victims, Reaches New Depths ...I’ve probably written and rewritten this opening paragraph about Glenn Beck and his morning zoo sycophantic sidekick Pat Gray four or five times with various sequences of compound obscenities and ad hominem insults. But I’m opting for more restraint at this point, even though neither of these jackal ...
- Mid-Term Elections Still In Play, With Dems Gainin ...Mid-Term Elections Still In Play, With Dems Gaining Momentum Crooks & Liars- By Susie Madrak October 04, 2010 09:00 AM Some good news for the Democrats. So taking over the House and the Senate isn’t quite as easy as Republicans hoped – or as Democrats feared. The situation is still fluid, and Dems n ...
- Arizona Politics Get ‘Dirty’: Ben Quay ...Arizona Politics Get ‘Dirty’: Ben Quayle’s Website Controversy The Pew Forum- On Religion & Public Life Sept. 9, 2010 | Politics in Arizona’s 3rd congressional district sure are getting “Dirty.” Jon Hulburd, the Democratic candidate in the district, recently released a radio spot on three Christian ...
- Bill Maher Channels Obama’s Alter Ego ‘ ...Bill Maher Channels Obama’s Alter Ego ‘Barry Whitehouse’ in his New Rules Segment Crooks & Liars- By Heather October 01, 2010 10:37 PM Apparently Bill Maher really doesn’t want to see the Republicans back in office any more than I do. Maher channeled his inner “Barry Whitehouse” and reminded everyon ...
- Thank You, Mr. President: Obama Will Not Sign Bill ...By Arthur Delaney UPDATE: The White House announced Thursday afternoon that President Obama would not sign a bill that some consumer advocates worried would make it more difficult for homeowners to fight fraudulent foreclosures. The White House noted that the bill was designed to ease restrictions ...
- Rawesome Foods Raid on The Colbert ReportOn June 30th, federal, state and local authorities raided Rawesome Foods in Venice, CA. The Colbert Report just did this piece about it. The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Rawesome Foods Raid www.colbertnation.com Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election March to Keep ...
- Money & Markets Charts ~ 10.7.10View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The Solari Report tonight, Thursday, October 7, 2010. Click here to view all charts as a pdf file. See previous Money & Markets Charts blog posts here. Currency ch ...
- Microsoft Proposes Government Licensing Internet A ...State should have power to block individual computers from connecting to world wide web, claims Charney. By Paul Joseph Watson A new proposal by a top Microsoft executive would open the door for government licensing to access the Internet, with authorities being empowered to block individual comput ...
- MERS/MBS/Foreclosure Goes RICOBy Karl Denninger It’s about damned time. This is worth a read, even though it’s VERY long. The bottom line is that all the Tickers I’ve written on this subject, from bad conveyances into REMICs, to the tax issues, to the fraudulent documents, to the fact that the MBS are “empty boxes”, up and dow ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- How Wall Street Profits from the Criminalization o ...Two Wall Street-backed powerhouses are making fat profits off of the private immigration detention system, and they're flexing their muscles in Congress.
- Nativist Group Comes Unhinged Over GOP's "Ple ...FAIR is not pleased with the Republicans' promises.
- Make Lou Dobbs' (and Meg Whitman's) Workers LegalDespite its populist veneer, the anti-immigration hysteria fomented by Dobbs and his ilk pits American workers against immigrants for the benefit of the corporate class.
- Mississippi Judge Jails Defense Attorney for Refus ...Chancellor Talmadge Littlejohn has faced some controversy in the past.
- Lou Dobbs, Immigrant-Basher, Uses Undocumented Wor ...At his multi-million-dollar estates, the GOP hopeful and crusader against immigrants, employed undocumented workers to maintain his daughter's equestrian lifestyle.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign , challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project .
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become obsol ...
Fabius Maximus
- A great philosopher and statesman comments on the ...Summary: The Bush-Obama tweaks to the Constitution include claims that Americans’ rights stop at the border. Once outside we become subject to indfinite detention or even assassiation without warrant, charge, or conviction — based only on unsupported assertions of the President and his minions. ...
- Obama can point liberals towards a new futureSummary: The illness that cloud’s America’s mind and soul affects the entire political spectrum.  So far center, left and right all point to others as the cause of our problems — all guilty of an inability to assume responsibility that prevents clear thinking about our problems and renders invi ...
- Climate Armageddon postponed (again)Summary: More good news! The ice-melting apocalypse has been postponed. Standby for the next dire emergency, coming soon. A fearful people is an easy to rule people. Steve Goddard reminds us about another instance of climate Armageddon postponed. As usual short-term trends extrapolated into dir ...
- A look at US employment (the big picture)Summary: a look at the US labor force. The numbers tossed around in the news media give little perspective on the scale of the problem. The obvious conclusion: the Democratic Party is toast in the November elections if employment does not improve soon. How sad that their inaction earlier this y ...
- A book explaining the secrets behind the Obama sur ...Summary:  People say that there will be powerful books written explaining the behind-the-scenes Washington dynamics of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Better than anything by Robert “court stenographer” Woodward. You need not wait. They’re already in print, must-reads for anyone attemptin ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Former Nigeria bank CEO Cecilia Ibru jailed for fr ...BBC – A former Nigerian bank chief has been sentenced to six months in prison for fraud and ordered to hand over $1.2bn (£786m) in cash and assets. Cecilia Ibru, former CEO of Oceanic Bank, pleaded guilty to three of 25 counts of fraud and mismanagement. She is one of a large number of executives [ ...
- Dollar reflects strong economy: SwanAAP – The strong performance of the Australian dollar reflects the underlying strength of the country’s economy, federal Treasurer Wayne Swan says. Mr Swan is in Washington to take part in International Monetary Fund and World Bank discussions about global economic progress following the financial c ...
- Congo Wants Companies to Face Trial After United N ...Bloomberg – Companies that profited from conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo should face repercussions, Justice Minister Luzolo Bambi Lessa said in response to a United Nations report detailing war crimes from 1993 to 2000. The so-called mapping report, published on Oct. 1, lists more than ...
- Climate Fact Of The Day – Vostok inter-glacials su ...To paraphrase Thomas Hobbs, interglacial’s are short and then we enter the nasty brutishness of glacial periods. This graph suggests that that may be soon. It shows the last 5 interglacial’s of the Vostok core superimposed on each other, all aligned on peak temperature reached in each interglacial. ...
- Quotation Of The Week“Ignorance, the root and the stem of every evil.” - Plato As voted for by the 1,500 followers of our Facebook page. Have you yet joined the debate?
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Points on First World incarceration, obligation, a ...Points on First World incarceration, obligation, and leadership (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Recently, a leading comrade of ours was incarcerated by the reactionary state for a significant amount of time. Incarceration of revolutionary leadership by the reactionaries is a risk that all revolu ...
- Palestine and Israel: The Pit and the PendulumPalestine and Israel: The Pit and the Pendulum (www.raimd.wordpress.com) The theatrical and the macabre are taking place again in the so-called Middle East Peace Process. Israel still wants to rid the land of the Palestinian Question. And it came as no surprise to those of us who pay attention to th ...
- Aleksander Iwanow – W hołdzie Lin BiaoW hołdzie Lin Biao (trzeciswiat.wordpress.com) Wczoraj, 13 września minęła 39 rocznica publicznego ogłoszenia śmierci Wiceprzewodniczącego Lin Biao przez władze chińskie. W związku z tą smutną rocznicą redakcja Trzeciego Świata chciałaby przypomnieć polskim rewolucjonistom sylwetkę tego wybitnego ch ...
- Fuck KKKolumbus Day, fuck Amerikkka..The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement (RAIM) is focusing on protesting Kolumbus Day.We wish our comrades luck in opposing the racist and imperialist holiday. The Maoist-Third Worldist movement produced this video for the American Indian Movement-led opposition to the 100th anniversary of the h ...
- Drones kill 28 people, then hit the funeralDrones kill 28 people, then hit the funeral (raimd.wordpress.com) A recent string of bombings, killing dozens in Pakistan, has the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, or “drone,” making headlines once again. So-called “Predator Drones” have become one of imperialism’s favorite tools of oppression. Bombing atta ...
- MARTIAL LAW ALERT: Banking Collapse Scenarios Fall ...Many analysts such as Gerald Celente and Max Kaiser have been warning people about keeping their money in banks. As America's financial situation continues to deteriorate, a false-flag cyber attack would be a clever way to disguise the inevitable and blame the collapse on something (or someone) else ...
- Chemtrails: What In The World Are They Spraying? – ...Playing God with the atmosphere may have severe consequences, particularly given that the compounds these scientists are testing are known to cause debilitating health problems and could lead to massive droughts and famines.
- What Kind Of Top-Secret Assassination Tech Does $5 ...Not since the end of the Cold War has the Pentagon spent so much to develop and deploy secret weapons. But now military researchers have turned their attention from mass destruction to a far more precise challenge: finding, tracking, and killing individuals
- Israel Is America’s Worst EnemyThe arrest by the FBI of Elliot Doxer, a financial employee of the Cambridge-based Akamai Technologies, Inc. for trying to sell company secrets to officials of the Israeli Consulate in Boston has once again raised the profile of the firm that was also at the center of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. ...
- Video: China Xiaoshan AIRPORT UFO – FULL VERSIONIf world governments, including China, Russia, and the United States, are keeping it a secret, there must be a reason. For example, what would happen if the general public learned that UFOs do exist, and would that be too much for them to realize that everything they were taught was wrong? The other ...
Andy Worthington
- Secrecy Still Shrouds Guantánamo’s Five-Year Hunge ...Imagine being strapped into a restraint chair twice a day for nearly 2000 days, with a feeding tube forced up your nose and into your stomach, and liquid nutrient pumped through it. According to an Associated Press report, Abdul Rahman Shalabi, Guantánamo’s longest-term hunger striker, is “occasiona ...
- Guantánamo Uighur Brothers “Happy” in Switzerland, ...Six months after arriving from Guantánamo to a new life in the Swiss canton of Jura, Arkin Mahmut (46) and his younger brother Bahtiyar (34), seen for the first time in the photo here, have spoken publicly about their release, stating that they are “happy” in their new home. However, as the Swiss we ...
- Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Par ...This is the sixth part of a nine-part series telling the stories of all the prisoners currently held in Guantánamo (174 at the time of writing). See the introduction here, and Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four and Part Five. This sixth article tells the stories of 14 prisoners seized in two ...
- Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Par ...This is the fifth part of a nine-part series telling the stories of all the prisoners currently held in Guantánamo (174 at the time of writing). See the introduction here, and Part One, Part Two, Part Three and Part Four. This fifth article tells the stories of 13 prisoners seized in Pakistan betwee ...
- First Guantánamo Habeas Appeal to US Supreme CourtLast week, two years and three months after the US Supreme Court granted the prisoners held at Guantánamo constitutionally guaranteed habeas corpus rights in Boumediene v. Bush, Fawzi al-Odah, a Kuwaiti prisoner held for nearly nine years, became the first prisoner to appeal to the Supreme Court â ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Giant Crystal Caves Yield New "Ice Palace," MoreIt looks like Superman's fortress and is nearly as hard to get into, but that hasn't kept explorers from uncovering new secrets in and around Mexico's deep, deadly Cave of Crystals.
- Beating the White House to the Solar PunchThe island nation of the Maldives highlights climate risk by installing solar energy on its presidential residence, outpacing the U.S. White House.
- Photos: Canadian Rain Forest Edges Oil Pipeline Pa ...NoneIn the home of the elusive "spirit bear," nine Coastal First Nations people await a decision on a pipeline to carry Canadian oil to sea for export to Asia.
- Photos: "Huge" Toxic Sludge Flood Hits HungaryNone"This is huge," says one toxicologist of the failure of a toxic-sludge reservoir in Hungary. "If you are trapped in it, it will kill you."
- 600-Year-Old Worms Among Surprises of 10-Year Sea ...Six-hundred-year-old tube worms and other oddities help put the brain-boggling, just-ended, ten-year Census of Maine Life in perspective.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- primary colorsPrimary season is finally over in CT. (Only 82 more days until the November elections!) The New Milford results are in. And while there's nothing particularly surprising about how the town voted, I am shocked at the low turnout. According to the tallies at the Danbury News-Times: 1497 registered R ...
- "Does Probate = Masterb-te," or "Are We Getting Je ...What's the deal with this primary for Probate Judge? Have you ever seen such energy put into an election campaign (Oops - I mean other than this spring's budget referendum)? Why are New Milford Republicans putting so much energy behind Judge Marty? Who stands to lose here - probate should be pretty ...
- salary saladsHere’s some interesting news about salaries, concessions, and taxes. New Milford teachers and the Board of Ed have peacefully renegotiated teacher contracts for the 2011-2012 year. http://www.newstimes.com/local/article/New-Milford-teachers-agree-to-no-pay-increases-676941.php http://www.ne ...
- How Wrong Can One Person Be?I know it’s exciting when someone new walks in and turns everyone’s heads. They’re mysterious. That’s sexy. And, if they can put words together into complete, grammatically correct sentences, they (by today’s standards) are brilliant. So, suddenly, the known quantity of the person we’ve been wit ...
- Loving Books, Libraries, and the InternetIf you read certain local blogs, or letters to the editor of local papers, you may notice a recurring theme from some disgruntled citizens. Libraries, and the books they contain, are our enemy. (Who knew?) And the best way to save money and preserve democracy from socialism is to stop buying books ...
SPL Center
- Veterans Against Jihad Takes on ‘Threat’ of Sharia ...The latest fairy tale to emerge from the paranoid right is the idea that the United States legal system is haunted by the specter of Sharia law. Although strict Islamic legal codes are the rare exception even among Muslim-majority nations, anti-Muslim groups and individuals â including well-known ...
- Homophobic Megachurch Pastor Accused of Exploiting ...If the allegations in two lawsuits filed Tuesday in Georgiaâs DeKalb County are true, staunchly anti-gay megachurch leader Bishop Eddie L. Long told two teenage boys that, according to Holy Scripture, it was cool for them to have sex with him. Maurice Robinson, 20, and Anthony Flagg, 21, have ac ...
- Lying About Auschwitz: The Barnes Review on the Na ...You probably thought you knew a thing or two about Auschwitz: It was a nightmarish Nazi extermination camp in Poland where more than 1 million people were murdered, most of them gassed to death with Zyklon-B and then cremated. Dr. Josef Mengele performed horrible medical experiments on live humans t ...
- Wave of Hate Crimes Directed at Muslims Breaks OutA string of attacks against Muslims and their religious centers has broken out over the past few weeks, apparently inspired by the protests in New York City over the planned Muslim community center and mosque near where the 9/11 attacks took place. Leaders of those protests have repeatedly made hate ...
- Antigovernment Texan Allegedly Shoots DeputiesA reclusive West Odessa, Texas, man with ties to an antigovernment group allegedly shot and wounded two Ector County sheriffâs deputies and a private citizen on Friday during a 22-hour long standoff at his home. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), the shooter, Victor Dewayne ...
change: org.
- How Family Planning Got Its Groove BackIf you had the opportunity to ask Angelina Jolie or Bill Clinton how hard it is to live down a scandal (not that either of them appear to give it much thought), you would get a hint of how hard it is for even good things to shed a bad rep. Good things like family planning. Basically a simple idea wi ...
- Lou “Hired Undocumented Immigrants” Dobbs: Another ...The “scandalous” stories about rich people hiring undocumented workers have been floating around like crazy lately. First there was Meg Whitman and her hasty firing of an undocumented housekeeper who asked for help gaining legal status. Then there was Colin Powell's "keeping it real" statement about ...
- Brown Aide's Helpful Suggestion? Call Whitman a Wh ...Let me pose a hypothetical situation to you: Let's say you are running for governor of California and are afraid that you about to lose a major labor endorsement to your female opponent. What should you do? If you are Jerry Brown and you listen to your aide's advice, you'll just call her a whore. Br ...
- Living in Your Car Shouldn't Be a CrimeIf you've ever been to Venice Beach, you know it's more than weight-lifting juiceheads and bottle-blonde sunbathers that occupy the area. Venice Beach is a haven for many unhoused and displaced people and families and is even nodded to in books like James Frey's Bright Shiny Morning as just such a l ...
- Homeless, Pregnant, Alone and ScaredThis new video comes from Mark's InvisiblePeople.tv 30-city, 11,000-mile, 75-day road trip , going on now. "Caution: some content may be offensive." Ka'e k'e's interview from St. Paul, Minnesota, is exactly why I have that disclaimer on InvisiblePeople.tv , where I post my videos. She flat out tells ...
Common Dreams -News
- Lou Dobbs, American Hypocriteby Isabel McDonald Research support for this article was provided by the Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute. read more
- US Drone Strikes in Pakistan Could Backfireby Michael Georgy ISLAMABAD - Escalated drone attacks in northwest Pakistan, where a suspected al Qaeda plot to attack European targets may have originated, could hurt the U.S. war on militancy by alienating residents and hardline army officers. The number of U.S. drone strikes in the region near th ...
- Pakistan: No Justification For US Drone AttacksISLAMABAD: Pakistan said Thursday there was "no justification nor understanding" for US drone strikes on its soil that have ramped up to record levels in the past month. "We believe that they are counter-productive and also a violation of our sovereignty," foreign ministry spokesman Abdul Basit told ...
- Companies Using Piles Of Cash To Buy Back Stock, N ...by Jia Lynn Yang For months, companies have been sitting on the sidelines with record piles of cash, too nervous to spend. Now they're starting to deploy some of that money - not to hire workers or build factories, but to prop up their share prices. read more
- Why is This GOP House Candidate Dressed as a Nazi?by Joshua Green An election year already notable for its menagerie of extreme and unusual candidates can add another one: Rich Iott, the Republican nominee for Congress from Ohio's 9th District, and a Tea Party favorite, who for years donned a German Waffen SS uniform and participated in Nazi re-ena ...
- Bake a Cake in a Bread Machine [Food Hacks]Whether you don't have a reliable oven or you're just looking to keep your kitchen a bit cooler, you can actually cook a cake very simply in a bread machine. More��
- Prevent iTunes from Updating Jailbroken Devices wi ...One of the big problems with jailbreaking is that iTunes still serves you iOS updates, which, if downloaded and installed, will return your phone to a non-jailbroken state. This bash script prevents iTunes from automatically downloading update ...
- Don't Be Efficient. Just Be Awesome. [Efficiency]Getting a lot of things done in the little time you have can certainly give you a sense of accomplishment, but just doing a few things really well can make you feel a lot better. More��
- How to Access Hulu and Other U.S.-Only Services Us ...We've covered several ways to access blocked stuff on the web , but most free proxies are problematic; namely, they go down, and they're slow. Lifehacker AU explains how to set up a Squid proxy on your own server to avoid those problems. Mo ...
- The Now Habit: Overcoming Procrastination and Enjo ...Twenty-one years ago, psychologist Neil Fiore release his book The Now Habit . Here's a look at his revolutionary book on overcoming procrastination at work and enjoying our free time guilt-free. More��
Water Privatization
- Newsweek: The race to buy up world's waterAs demand outstrips supply, water rights, plants and pipes are set to appreciate precipitously. According to a 2009 report by the World Bank, private investment in the water industry is set to double in the next five years; the water-supply market alone will increase by 20 percent.
- GLV has completed Christ Water Technology privatiz ...GLV Inc. announces it has completed the privatization process of Christ Water Technology AG , the majority of the shares of which were acquired in November 2009. As the Company has proceeded with the squeeze-out of the remaining shares, it now owns 100% of the shares of CWT.
- The Race to Buy Up the World's WaterShould private companies control our most precious natural resource?
- SABMiller Uses `Holy Water' to Target Entry Into E ...SABMiller Plc , the world’s second- largest brewer by volume, is using its success with Ethiopian “holy water” to encourage the country’s government to sell it state-owned breweries.
- City leaders eye privatizationHATTIESBURG, Miss. (AP) - The Hattiesburg City Council on Wednesday will decide whether to take the first step to privatize the wastewater treatment plants and collection system.
- Baghdad court clears Iraqi pair of Red Cap murdersBaghdad judge rules there is insufficient evidence against two men accused of killing six Royal Military police officers in 2003 Two Iraqi men accused of murdering six Royal Military police officers in 2003 were found not guilty today after a Baghdad judge ruled there was not enough evidence to conv ...
- No turning back on cuts – HammondTransport secretary says spending cuts will be manageable and plays down fears of double-dip recession The government will not deviate from its massive cuts programme despite fears that drastic cuts could damage the economy, the transport secretary, Philip Hammond, indicated today. Departments will ...
- Race to build dam for toxic sludgeReservoir cracks threaten to unleash second torrent of toxic sludge on village of Kolontar in Hungary Workers are racing to build an emergency dam in western Hungary on Sunday as cracks in a reservoir widen, threatening to unleash a second torrent of toxic sludge on the village of Kolontar and nearb ...
- Two Kims attend military parade in PyongyangGuardian photographer Dan Chung's images from a huge military parade attended by Kim Jong-il and his heir apparent son, and broadcast live on North Korean TV Dan Chung
- Solomon Burke dies in AmsterdamSoul singer who recorded Cry to Me used in the film Dirty Dancing dies at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport aged 70 The soul singer Solomon Burke, who wrote Everybody Needs Somebody To Love and recorded the hit Cry to Me, used in the movie Dirty Dancing, has died aged 70. A police spokesman at Amsterdam' ...
- Commentary: Incarceration's impact on society is s ...You won't need a calculator, but get ready to decipher a bunch of numbers — data that ought to make Americans feel both sadness and shame.
- California National Guard bonus program riddled wi ...SACRAMENTO — Master Sgt. Toni Jaffe was known as "the M&M lady" because she decorated her office cubicle with keepsakes of the confection's advertising characters.
- Commentary: Has government ever not been broken?Listen to the rhetoric flowing from candidates this year and you'll hear a common message.
- Commentary: Time for doctors to prescribe exerciseThe prescription pad is a powerful tool. And doctors need to start using it for more than just ordering medications. They need to prescribe exercise.
- Iraqi police still struggle with insecurity as U.S ...BAGHDAD — At Joint Security Station Loyalty, there are two schools of thought on the ability of Iraqi security forces to keep the peace when the U.S. military leaves.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Tianjin talks and a 'global work party'This Sunday - 10/10/10, if you care to write dates that way - is set for what's probably the biggest mass event ever in pursuit of curbing climate change. At the heart of things is 350.org, which is calling the event a "global work party" : "It’s been a tough year: in North America, oil gushing int ...
- Bluefin numbers shift in murky watersA fascinating document has fallen into my lap from a meeting now going on in Madrid looking at tuna stocks and catches. Tuna in fish market The question it asks - perhaps without intending to - is this: can the Mediterranean bluefin industry ever be properly monitored? With the bluefin having becom ...
- Livestock: Lengthening the shadow?The environmental impact of meat is something of a well-done dish. Rajendra Pachauri , head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and Sir Paul McCartney are just two of the public figures who have called on us all to eat less meat in order to curb the rate at which the world warms ...
- Campaigning explodes as climate process risks disi ...This week marks a first for China - the first time that the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and therefore (you can argue) the country whose decisions will most affect the global climate over the next few decades, has hosted a meeting of the UN climate convention . Whether the locati ...
- The Great Bear and the big snapCan a bunch of green snappers save the Great Bear? The International League of Conservation Photographers hopes so. For a few weeks now, its snappers have been deploying themselves across Canada's Great Bear Rainforest , documenting its wild nature and the people who live in, and sometimes off, ...
The Wonk Room
- Toomey On Privatization: ‘You Don’t Re ...Former House Representative and Wall Street derivatives trader Pat Toomey, who is the Republican senate nominee in Pennsylvania, has been having a hard time pinning down his own position when it comes to Social Security. He unashamedly supported President Bush’s failed push to privatize the system, ...
- Minnesota Health Providers Defy Pawlenty, Send Com ...Three health associations representing state insurers, hospitals, and doctors have defied Governor Tim Pawlenty’s effort to resist implementing key provisions of the Affordable Care Act and sent “valuable information and suggestions” to HHS to help the agency in “promulgating future rules that will ...
- Poll Indicates Public Perceptions Of SCOTUS Driven ...The Roberts Court has pursued an almost single-mindedly pro-corporate agenda, immunizing powerful corporate interest groups from campaign finance law, from laws intended to protect the environment, and from laws intended to protect women and older Americans in the workplace. Unfortunately, however, ...
- GOP Attacks Admin For Missing Deadlines, Then Trie ...n recent days, Republicans have been trying to embarrass the federal agencies that are implementing the Affordable Care Act by requesting a series of reports suggesting that health reform is falling short of expectations. But this approach has resulted in a rather bizarre and contradictory message. ...
- Bank Of America Freezes Foreclosures In All 50 Sta ...Recently, three major banks — Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and Ally Financial (a wing of GMAC Mortgage) — have instituted foreclosure moratoriums in some states, in the face of a growing numbers of revelations regarding the “robo-signers”: bank employees who were approving foreclosures, sometim ...
thwap's schoolyard
- OH-HA-HA! Ezra Levant writes a book about the Tar ...So I was at the "Golden Griddle" for breakfast this morning and they had some copies of today's Toronto Sun lying around I was able to read their featured expert from shitty lawyer Ezra Levant's unimportant new book Ethical Oil: The Case for Canada's Oil Sands , which they're printing because they'r ...
- Belated Labour Day ReflectionsThis past Labour Day, the Microsoft Network got the highly original, provocative idea to question whether or not labour unions are obsolete . They spoke with some union-busting scum-bag to see what he thought about the matter and the asshole opined thusly: "Unions are like parasites - good parasites ...
- High Levels of Unemployment is a Bad Thingshort n' simple : Why should governments care, above all else, about keeping unemployment down and ensuring that the greatest number of people get a fair share of the economic pie? Because if you don't, bad things happen. There.
- Financialization AgainJust putting a bug in people's ears. I agree with the folks at Monthly Review who explain that the phenomenon of the financialization of the economy is a response to the declining rate of profit in practical economic activity in the developed countries, and that it isn't a policy decision that can b ...
- Tony Blair and Glenn BeckThere's a nauseating combo 'eh? But this post is just about two quick separate reflections on these two assholes. About Tony Blair, I'd like to review Heather Mallick's review of Tony Blair's latest exercise in self-pity and hypocrisy, My Journey: Andrew Rawnsley, whose recent The End of the Party ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Fall 2010 interns dazzle in new rolesWe are pleased to host a new group of interns here for the semester: Pictured here are (from the top) Matt, (next row) Afshin, Caroline, (middle row) Nobuya, Breann, Juliana, (front row) Liz, Saki and Leigh. We already appreciate how these interns can dive into a firehose of work so quickly.� We co ...
- Charleston Gazette calls for modernizing whistlebl ...In an editorial yesterday, the Charleston Gazette of West Virginia called on Congress to pass a law to modernize the legal protections for workplace health and safety whistleblowers. "Whistleblowers protect the health and safety of working Americans by exposing unsafe conditions," the editorial begi ...
- OSC report due for immigration official protected ...Maria Aran is the chief of staff for the Miami district of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), a part of the Department of Homeland Security. When she discovered that a sub-office had mishandled hundreds of sensitive documents, she made a report for the agency's security office. Whe ...
- Irish bank whistleblower gets second apologyIn 2001, Eugene McErlean was working for the giant Allied Irish Banks (AIB) as an internal auditor. He discovered that his employer had been overcharging customers for exchanges from foreign currencies. In over 3 million transactions, AIB had run up overcharges now valued at over €34 million ($47 m ...
- DOL Inspector General finds flaws in most OSHA whi ...Last week the U.S. Department of Labor's Inspector General's office issued a report finding that most of the Department's whistleblower investigations are flawed. The IG's office reviewed investigative files of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) which has responsibility to en ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- Why Imitation Gets A Bad Rap... And Why Companies ...Earlier this year, we had a short discussion , based on a review, over some of the concepts in the recently published book Copycats , by Oded Shenkar. I've finally had a chance to read the book, and wanted to post some quick thoughts on it. The book is definitely worth reading. It's a really quic ...
- Facebook Fails At The DMCA: Promises To Restore Co ...We recently wrote about how an ad firm connected to a movie had misused the DMCA to takedown material off a Facebook fan page for the movie Let Me In , specifically claiming that they were doing so because they didn't want too many fans to use that page, rather than the official movie page. Of cour ...
- CBC Stops Using Creative Commons Music Over Concer ...A whole bunch of you have been sending in variations on the story, first highlighted by Michael Geist that the CBC (Canada's public broadcasting offering) has stopped using Creative Commons music in its podcasts. That was first revealed in the comments to a recent show , when someone asked why ther ...
- China Tries To Scrub The Internet Of All Informati ...The EFF points out that with Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Chinese censors have sprung into action trying to block all mentions of or research on either Liu Xiaobo or the Nobel Peace Prize. Apparently doing searches on either term gives you no results -- because I'm su ...
- Weezer Responds To Fan Fundraising Attempt To Get ...There are so many "fan-funding" platforms, like Kickstarter, out there that involve trying to raise a certain amount via a bunch of fan pledges, where they only have to pay if they reach the goal. Usually, we see projects on those sites used for things like funding a new album or a book or somethin ...
- Chief Justice John Roberts cashes in Pfizer stocks ...Chief Justice John Roberts Jr has recently sold his stock holdings in Pfizer Inc. He did this to participate in two up vaccine cases. The implications are enormous as they decide if anyone suffering a vaccine injury can ever – under any circumstances - sue a pharmaceutical company.
- Vaccinations: Much To Do About Nothing?The pharmaceutical industry regards the ever-increasing, publicized downside of vaccines as “much to do about nothing.” “Nothing” can be further from the facts, according to emerging statistical information and parents-turned-advocates whose children have been damaged or killed by vaccines...
- Hope On The HorizonEven though HBOT has been around for about 75 years, not many healthcare consumers are aware of it or how it works. As a result of HBOT treatments, Alexis now can do math problems that she couldn't prior to her treatment with HBOT. How could that be possible when all the medication she received else ...
- Do vaccines cause autism?Do parents trust studies Japanese and British studies showing data proving that vaccines do indeed cause Autism? Or do parents believe the government, who are lap dogs for big pharma, paid to say that vaccines do not cause Autism?
- Hillary Clinton and Kathleen Sebelius apologize fo ...Today finally sees two of the USA's most prominent women in politics finally apologize for one of the most cruel and despicable experiments ever carried out on man to date. Mind you, it only took the USA seven decades to offer one.
- Things You Might Have MissedKids can be so incredibly mean. What would your parents have done if they found out kids at your school were torturing you? What if they found out you were torturing other kids? Related to that, this post calling the church out for “saving families” by being anti-gay marriage while ignoring the ...
- Owning the EdgesA few weeks ago, I attended a Busboys and Poets A.C.T.O.R. on Islamaphobia. Six local Muslim panelists talked about their personal experiences. Inevitably, the subject of what to do in the face of extremism came up. As an atheist who keeps a toe in the atheist blogosphere, I have read quite a few ...
- Things You Might Have MissedEvery time I see the amount of money SEIU has put into politics, it makes me want to cry. In news of the creepy - They are training children to be cops in Argentina, using eye scanners on the U.S. Mexico border, and giving overzealous parents easy access to home drug testing kits. What kind of [.. ...
- What is Pornography?I was getting all ready to write a long diatribe in response to another one of those anti-porn feminists who claims that all porn is rape. You know, the people who refer to those of us who disagree as male-identified, “fun feminists.” This “feminist” was particularly irritating me. It’s bad en ...
- Things You Might Have MissedRemember the woman in Vancouver who had acid thrown in her face. Turns out it was all a hoax. The nut threw acid in her own face. I had to comb through a few different versions of the story to find one that mentioned who she originally blamed for the attack – a random African [...]
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- In What Sense Do You Mean Immortality?By Cody Jones, Sky Shields, and Michelle Lerner Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, September 24, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 37
- Despite Primary Outcome: Rachel Brown To Escalate ...By Nancy Spannaus Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, September 24, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 37
- How Adam Smith Fooled You Suckers!: Most of the Ti ...By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, September 24, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 37
- It Was No Conspiracy! MacArthur & EisenhowerBy Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, September 24, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 37
- LaRouche on LPAC-TV: Congress Must Stay in Session ...EIR News Service press release.
Armies of Liberation
- The blockade of South Yemen follows tactics of Saa ...As Yemen’s blockade on southern Yemen enters its third week, stocks of food, medicine and oil have dwindled to dangerous levels. Prices have skyrocketed and already malnourished children bear the brunt of the military action. The blockade began 17 days ago when the Western Armored Division establish ...
- بقلم الكاتبة الامريكية جين نوفاك : ثلاثة أسابيع من ...مع دخول الحصار اليمني على اليمن الجنوبي أسبوعه الثالث ، إنخفضت المخزونات من المواد الغذائية والدواء و المشتقات النفطية الى مستويات تنذر بالخطر. و ارتفعت الأسعار و أصبح الأطفال يعانون بالفعل من سوء التغذية تحت وطأة العمليات العسكرية. وبدأ الحصار قبل 17 يوما عندما قامت وحدات المنطقة الغربية المدرعة بإ ...
- السلام مع الكرامة في اليمن: هل يمكن ايقاف دوامه ال ...اÙسÙام مع اÙÙرامة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù: ÙÙ ÙÙ…Ù٠اÙÙا٠دÙام٠اÙØØ±Ø¨Ø Ùتبت: جÙÙ ÙÙÙاÙ*- ÙصØÙÙØ© “إجسامÙÙر” ترجمة/ عبداÙÙ٠عبداÙÙÙاب ÙاجÙ- ترجمة خاصة بÙ: اÙمستشار Ùت ÙÙ Øرب Ù…Ù ØرÙب صعدة ...
- Peace with Dignity in Yemen, Can the Cycle of Endl ...Each of the six Sa’ada wars in Yemen was a photo copy of the one before, except the bombs got bigger, the children more frail and the jails more crowded. The Yemeni government systematically denied food, medicine and international aid to civilians in the northern Sa’ada province as a tactic of war s ...
- Would Yemeni law find Anwar Awlaki guilty?Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abu Baker al Qirby urged Anwar Awlaki to turn himself to be tried under Yemeni law, vowing that no Yemeni citizen would be extradited to the US or any other country. The US announced last week that it had authorized Awlaki’s kill or capture, having determined he is an active ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Ala ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace follow ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Openin ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircraft p ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have cau ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal government is ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll found ...
food and water watch
- By: FutureEmergency.com[...] elected officials across the region. He’ll be blogging from the road every day of the trip, so check back in with us to find out what’s he’s up to each [...]
- USDA Goes Back to the Drawing Board On Better Trac ...In early February, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pleasantly surprised small farmers and food protection advocacy groups alike by abandoning its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS was a program put in place after a 2003 occurrence of mad cow disease with intention ...
- Two options for tap water at Vancouver Olympics: O ...Metro Vancouver recently took on the task of promoting the consumption of tap water over bottled water and is now battling it out with Coca-Cola at the Olympic games. As one of the Olympics biggest official sponsors, Coca-Cola, who claims their bottled water “doesn’t compete with tap water,” is of ...
- Farm to School Needs More SupportIt seems the Obama administration is starting to take some steps toward addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. The President recently requested the inclusion of an additional $1 billion in funding for child nutrition programs in the national budget. This commitment preceded the unveiling of Fir ...
- Food & Water Watch Partners With University of New ...Today, Food & Water Watch and the University of New Hampshire’s Office of Sustainability kickoff “Tap In,” a series of films and lectures about water privatization, access, and quality. An initiative of our Take Back the Tap campaign, the series will commence with a showing of, and discussion abou ...
- Emerging Frog Virus Responsible for 80 Percent Dec ...Image credit: Wikimedia Commons Frogs around the world have been plagued by Chytridiomycosis , but in the UK, the common frog, Rana temporaria , is facing another threat: The emerging Ranavirus .... Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Multi-functional & Space-Efficient Furniture By Ta ...Photos: Tanya Aguiniga We're digging Los Angeles-based furniture designer Tanya Aguiniga's mindful use of scale, sustainable materials and space-saving aesthetic. With the idea of "softening industrial impermanence", Aguiniga's highly-creative works feature the textural delights of felt, repurpos ...
- Fabulous Knitted Stools By Claire-Anne O-BrienPhotos: Claire-Anne O'Brien From eco-yarns to knitting graffiti to even knitting your own dog , knitting nowadays is not only a satisfying DIY hobby but also an extreme sport (check out the size of these needles !). But if you're somewhere in between about knitting -- and if you're bored to tears ...
- Honda Wins UCS "Greenest Automaker" Prize for 5th ...Photo: Flickr , CC Guess Who Still Lags Behind? Each year, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) gives environmental scores to automakers based on average per-mile smog pollution and global warming emissions of the entire fleet of vehicles sold. Honda took the top prize this year, but it's n ...
- The Desk Is A State Of Mind (Video)Herman Miller desk credit imaginary forces Desks, offices and the future of work are common topics of discussion around our virtual water cooler. Our own desks vary widely (see them in a slideshow here ) and sometimes we don't have one at all. Creative agency Imaginary Forces makes a strong ...
- Amino Acid Supplement Makes Mice Live LongerWhen mice are given drinking water laced with a special concoction of amino acids, they live longer than your average mouse, according to a new report in the October issue of Cell Metabolism, a Cell Press publication. The key ingredients in the supplemental mixture are so-called branched-chain amino ...
- Low Carb Diet Rich in Animal Fat and Protein Incre ...Those who adhered to a diet low in carbohydrates but rich in animal-based fats and proteins increased their risk of death – especially by cancer, according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, led by Simmons College nutrition professor Teresa Fung, Sc. D. This study is the first ...
- Novel sensing mechanism discovered in dendritic ce ...Dendritic cells are the grand sentinels of the immune system, standing guard 24/7 to detect foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria, and bring news of the invasion to other immune cells to marshal an attack. These sentinels, however, nearly always fail to respond adequately to HIV, the virus c ...
- New Research Finds Evidence of Charitable Behavior ...Researchers from the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard and from Boston University have discovered that charitable behavior exists in one of the most microscopic forms of life—bacteria. Their findings appear in the current issue of Nature. In studying the development of ...
- Exercise, calorie restrictions can rejuvenate olde ...Harvard researchers have uncovered a mechanism in mice through which caloric restriction and exercise delay some of the debilitating effects of aging by rejuvenating the connections between nerves and the muscles that they control. The research, published online by the journal Proceedings of the Nat ...
CFACT ( Panned by SourceWatch )
- Greens shackle national security - and renewable e ...Now environmentalists say we need the minerals that they̢۪ve been locking up for decades. China currently produces fully 97% of the world̢۪s rare-earth oxides, the raw materials needed for a variety of defense and high-tech applications.
- Federal government's land grab faces growing resis ...Fearful that the federal government̢۪s already pervasive presence in their state could expand dramatically, Montanans are rising up against another looming Washington land grab.
- Using biotech to survive mega-droughtsThe world will need drought and salt tolerant bio-crops in the not too distant future. High-yield farming research is needed to meet growing world food demands.
- Renewables are unsustainable“Renewableâ€Â energy subsidies may sustain the jobs of lobbyists, activists, politicians, bureaucrats and politically connected companies. But they will kill millions of other people’s jobs.
- 3 billion and countingNew film challenges DDT myths and lies that have caused millions of needless deaths.
Ria Novosti Online News
- Russia shares pain with Poland over Kaczynski air ...Poles and Russians together lived through the recent tragedy of the death of Polish president Lech Kaczynski and his accompanying officials, Russia's first lady Svetlana Medvedeva said at a ceremony to commemorate the victims of April's deadly plane crash in western Russia.
- Police arrest woman in Ukraine who tried to sell h ...Ukrainian police have detained a 28-year-old unemployed woman in the Zaporozhye region in south Ukraine who tried to sell her two-year-old baby girl for 100,000 hryvnias ($12,500), the Interior Ministry said on Sunday.
- Police arrest woman in Ukraine who tried to sell h ...Ukrainian police have detained a 28-year-old unemployed woman in the Zaporozhye region in south Ukraine who tried to sell her two-year-old baby girl for 100,000 hryvnias ($12,500), the Interior Ministry said on Sunday.
- Russian economy to show stable growth with oil pri ...The Russian economy will demonstrate stable growth next year if global oil prices stay above $60 per barrel, Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said on Sunday.
- Russian finance minister says premature to raise b ...Russia's Finance Ministry believes that it is too early to raise capital requirements for domestic banks as the situation in the banking sector remains tense and the national economy is recovering slowly from the crisis, Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said on Sunday.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Space hotel project to be launched after contract ...The implementation of the project to build the first space hotel will only start after a contract between Russian state-owned rocket and space corporation Energia and Moscow-based company Orbital Technologies is signed, the Energia head said.
- Russia's Soyuz TMA-M spacecraft docks with space s ...Russia's upgraded Soyuz TMA-M manned spacecraft has docked with the International Space Station (ISS).
- International Space Station
- Soyuz TMA-M spacecraft docks with ISSRussia's Soyuz TMA-M manned spacecraft, equipped with digital control systems, has docked with the International Space Station, the Mission Control reported.
- Russian 'Silicon Valley'
Pruning Shears
- Assassination is the new tortureNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Andrew Sullivan recently posted a brief defense of Barack Obama’s assassination program and received a sharp response by Glenn Greenwald. The ensuing debate (I believe this and this are the latest) at times has felt depressingly fam ...
- Excerpt from Lies by Al FrankenLinked from here . Franken notes the first World Trade Center attack happened 38 days into Clinton’s first term. More from pp. 109-10: The way Clinton responded to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center was to capture, try, convict and imprison those responsible. Ramzi Yousef, Abdul Hakim Mura ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post UPDATED BELOW Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. One way to prevent allies from remaining allies is to bomb them. Turns out they hate it at both official and street levels. A ...
- Tax Hikes as Back Door ClawbackNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post The past couple of weeks have provided a neat illustration of Marshall’s Law - Washington is wired for Republican control. Through lots of breathless reporting we have seen story after story from DC-based outlets that glory in the i ...
- Last Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. Spencer : “Let there be no doubt that the U.S. is at war in Pakistan.” I guess it’s fine that the military is not planning on keeping prison ...
Organic Consumers.org
- Information Update: Organic Valley's Anti-Raw Milk ...As many of you may have already heard, the CROPP cooperative, producer of dairy products and other foodstuffs under the Organic Valley (OV) and Organic Prairie labels, voted at their May 13 board meeting to prohibit any of the CROPP farmer members from selling raw milk as a side business. Click her ...
- Agribusiness and Climate Change Deniers Try to Sto ...Summary of recent articles on climate legislation and greenhouse gas regulation. Click here to read this article
- EU Anti-GM-Crop Petition Tops One Million Signatur ...BRUSSELS -- More than one million signatures have been gathered in a legal bid to "freeze" genetically modified (GM) crop cultivation in the European Union. Click here to read this article
- A Recap of the FDA's 'Frankenfish' HearingsThe government recently held three days of meetings about whether to approve the "AquAdvantage" salmon -- genetically engineered (GE) to grow faster thanks to genes from the Chinook salmon and from the eel-like ocean pout -- for human consumption. As I reported here, the FDA special committee charge ...
- Wasted Food Equals Wasted Energy, New Study Makes ...Americans' profligate food-tossing ways waste the energy equivalent of 350 million barrels of oil per year, according to a new study from researchers at the University of Texas. The figure is actually probably higher, since the researchers admit that their estimate that 27 percent of the food in thi ...
- Rosas de colores parte VI (5 fotos gratis para com ...Escoja usted un número para ver más fotos de rosas | [II] |[III] [IV] [V] Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES PARA USTED, (elija por favor)1.- Conozca el origen de estas imágenes ...
- Fotos de China or China photos (6 fotos gratuitas)Si lo desea, también podría usted ver fotos de Estados Unidos , México , Canadá , Brasil , España , África del Sur , Francia , Taiwan , Japón y Gran Bretaña .Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO ...
- Selecciones especiales del Banco de Imágenes XIIIEstoy realmente sorprendido con lo rápido que pasa el tiempo. Pues sin darnos cuenta, ya vamos en el número 13 de nuestra serie 'Selecciones especiales del Banco de Imágenes'. Así que -una vez más-, disfrute de nuestros contenidos y no olvide compartir con sus amigos. Si lo desea, escoja un número p ...
- Fotos de Japón or Japan photos (6 imágenes gratis)Si lo desea, también podría usted ver fotos de Estados Unidos , México , Canadá , Brasil , España , África del Sur , Francia , Taiwan , Etc. Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES P ...
- Selecciones especiales del Banco de Imágenes XIISi lo desea, escoja un número para revisar nuestro archivo sobre la serie 'Selecciones especiales del Banco de Imágenes'. ¡Son más de 100 fotos! [1] -[2] -[3] -[4] -[5] -[6] -[7] -[8] -[9] -[10] -[11] -[12] Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK so ...
Center for a Livable Future
- CLF Knows What’s in the Nation’s ChickenOn Thursday, CLF Director Dr. Robert S. Lawrence joined, Dr. David Kessler, former FDA Commissioner, and, Urvashi Rangan, PhD (JHSPH ‘95), Consumer Reports, on the Dr. Oz Show’s segment entitled “What’s in the Nation’s Chicken?” The guests on this national broadcast began by discussing the additive ...
- Straight Talk About The Risks of Feeding Antibioti ...It is time for some straight talk about the risks of using massive amounts of antibiotics in livestock and poultry. I don’t know one infectious disease expert who would disagree that there are direct links between antibiotic use in food animals and antibiotic resistance in people. Period. If you don ...
- Food & Dignity“So, where do the leftover veggies go?” It’s a common question around here, especially on Tuesdays. The Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future (CLF) operates a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, connecting students, faculty and s ...
- Reading between the lines: FDA indicates consumer ...FDA hosted a hearing on Tuesday, September 21 to discuss the hypothetical labeling of genetically engineered (GE) salmon. Just fifteen hours earlier the FDA finished hearing the debate on GE salmon approval, which gave the impression that FDA was moving faster on the issue than it actually is. This ...
- Independent advisory committee grills FDA on genet ...In a chilly hotel ballroom in the Washington DC suburbs, the FDA this week is considering whether to allow genetically engineered (GE) animals in the human food supply. The test case is an Atlantic salmon that has been engineered with Chinook salmon genes to express a growth hormone. The result is a ...
- 深紅JohanssenRelatively speaking, I got nuttin’. - Sharon Angle has her own Rev. Wright problem but, as you might have expected, her whackjob minister actually makes sense! [more] I did not know that “the politics of personal destruction” was synonymous with self-destructive hypocrisy I’m sure W would be much mo ...
- cont.Sorry, the updating as I go was obviously not going to work because I’ve got too many links, documenting the hypocrisy as low hanging fruit, etc. - Radical selfishness and the auto-fellating right: John Stossel takes toys from babies to make a dubious point about the national debt (no word if he gav ...
- The bullies among us[NOTE: This post will be updated throughout the day as I find more examples] Bullies. The first thing to catch my eye this morning was the heart-rending tale of bullying and suicides in Mentor, Ohio. Nothing shocking, just accumulated pressure from haters picking on the kids who were different. Just ...
- 7 wordsGeorge Carlin’s list grew quite a bit over time, and after this morning’s rant I was curious to do a count. Not of how often I’ve actually said this or that word in a post (uncountable, I think), but of Google search results for some of my favorite words. Here’s the basic baseline search: That [...]
- The links you were waiting forIt’s not often I put a link on hold because I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I gave Obama a pass on the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act (H.R. 3808) because I was afraid he was going to sign the fucker. He has instead announced he’ll be vetoing it. Unless you’ve been [...]
Public News Service
- Desert West of Arizona Home to First Solar Project ...Desert West of Arizona Home to First Solar Projects on Federal Lands Phoenix, AZ - The California desert just west of Arizona will soon be home to the first solar projects on federal lands. Final approval has been given to two solar plants to be built in Southern California's Mojave Desert. Commen ...
- Study: Eating Disorders and Bare Midriffs – ...Study: Eating Disorders and Bare Midriffs – Cheerleaders "At Risk" Phoenix, AZ – A recent study cautions that college cheerleaders whose uniforms expose their bare midriffs face a significantly higher risk of developing eating disorders. Comments from the study's author, Dr. Toni Torres-McGehee (tor ...
- Child Advocates: Governor's AZ Child Health Day Pr ...Child Advocates: Governor's AZ Child Health Day Proclamation 'Ironic' Phoenix, AZ – Children’s advocates say it’s ironic that Governor Brewer declared Monday as AZ Child Health Day when enrollment is frozen in the state’s KidsCare health insurance program. Legislative leaders and the Governor are s ...
- Advocates for Wild Lands Gather in DC for Wilderne ...Advocates for Wild Lands Gather in DC for Wilderness Week Phoenix, AZ – Nearly 100 wilderness advocates from Arizona and over a dozen other states will gather starting Sunday in Washington, D.C. They’ll be meeting with each other and federal lawmakers to urge consideration this year of legislation p ...
- Bring Back DDT? Bedbug and Malaria-Fighting Pestic ...Bring Back DDT? Bedbug and Malaria-Fighting Pesticide Debated Phoenix, AZ - A movement is gaining momentum that endorses expanding the use of DDT in fighting malaria in sub-Sahara Africa. The controversial pesticide, which helped eradicate bedbugs in the U.S. in the 1950s, was banned by the U.S. Env ...
My Care2 Picks
- Broken Promises: Thousands of Veterans Denied Cruc ...More than $1 trillion has been spent on Iraq/Af/pak conflicts.91,384 have been wounded in conflict or evacuated from the war zone for treatment of wounds or illnesses.Veterans' advocates say Congress is in no way prepared to compensate them Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note ...
- How to be a data journalistData journalism represents the convergence of a number of fields which are significant in their own right - from investigative research and statistics to design and programming. The idea of combining those skills to tell important stories is powerful. Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Culture ...
- The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: Last Gasp of ...At the end of World War II, America had become the predominant Western power. The United Nations has failed;its objectives propaganda.The organization was formed by World War II's victorious powers in an attempt to control the world. Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �| ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapYellow Dog & Blue Girl list stories including progress on identifying bee colony deaths and fines and damages assessed against GMAC for fraudulent documentation in foreclosures.And yes, I am Opit carping in the first comment. Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add ...
- 9-22-10 Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantán ...This third article tells the stories of 22 prisoners seized in Pakistan after crossing from Afghanistan in December 2001 during a week-long period when around a quarter of the total number of prisoners held at Guantánamo (779 in total) were seized.. Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't ...
Angry Indian News
- New Orleans Judge May Limit Defense Options in Glo ...Law and Disorder – New Orleans Judge May Limit Defense Options in Glover Case - ProPublica: "The New Orleans police officers charged with shooting Henry Glover and burning his body might not be... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- In Some States, Incarcerated Kids Get Drugged to A ...In Some States, Incarcerated Kids Get Drugged to Alter Behavior, Despite Risks - ProPublica: "Though the use of antipsychotic drugs on children is believed to carry significant risks [1] even when... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Ecuador extends state of alert after police unrest ...Ecuador extends state of alert after police unrest | Reuters: "(Reuters) - Ecuador's government extended a state of alert on Tuesday and soldiers replaced the police as the force that guards Congress... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Racial predatory loans fueled U.S. housing crisis: ...Racial predatory loans fueled U.S. housing crisis: study | Reuters: "(Reuters) - Predatory lending aimed at racially segregated minority neighborhoods led to mass foreclosures that fueled the U.S.... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- U.S. apologizes for syphilis experiment in Guatema ...U.S. apologizes for syphilis experiment in Guatemala | Reuters(Reuters) - The United States apologized on Friday for an experiment conducted in the 1940s in which U.S. government researchers... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Mr. Ed McWhinney BurgersMr. Ed McWhinney Burgers - yum!!!
- Food as a Weapon with Professor PoochensteinFood as a Weapon Power Point Presentation with Professor Poochenstein.
- The Truth Squad Radio Show with Special Guest Mich ...This Sunday we will be talking about chemtrails with our special guest Michael J. Murphy, co-producer of the film "What in the World are they Spraying?"
- Seed Savers Exchange and the Svalbard Doomsday Vau ...Seed Savers' members' heirloom seed collection is being pirated into the Svalbard seedbank, under the UN FAO treaty.
- Barry Soetoro In the Crosshairs!Poor Mr. Obama and Congress must be all tuckered out from all that reading before passing all those wonderful bills that they so graciously foisted on the public.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - Todd ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scott Bo ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and expand ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? - La ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Unauthorized US strike kills 4 in PakistanShareThis Unauthorized US strike kills 4 in Pakistan 10 Oct 2010 A non-UN-sanctioned US drone attack has killed at least four people in northwest Pakistan amid reports of a surge in such US attacks on the country's soil.
- US weighed atomic option on N KoreaShareThis US weighed atomic option on N Korea 10 Oct 2010 American bombers flew nuclear rehearsal runs over Pyongyang during the Korean War in the 1950's, newly declassified and other US government documents reveal. Sixty years after the start of the Korean War, the newly released Central Intelligen ...
- Polar bear hunts for solid footing as new study ch ...ShareThis Going with the floe: Polar bear hunts for solid footing as new study charts continuing decline in Arctic ice 08 Oct 2010 ...The polar bear pictures emerged as a new report showed Arctic sea ice coverage this year fell to its third lowest level ever recorded. According to the The National S ...
- Report: US Contractors Hired Taliban, Warlords to ...ShareThis Report: US Contractors Hired Taliban, Warlords to Guard US Troops In Afghanistan --Senate Investigators Say Chaotic Security Contracts Pose 'Grave Risk' to US Troops 07 Oct 2010 A scathing Senate report says US contractors in Afghanistan have hired warlords, "thugs," Taliban commanders and ...
- U.S. is lining the Taliban's pockets by spending m ...ShareThis U.S. is lining the Taliban's pockets by spending millions of dollars on private security in Afghanistan 08 Oct 2010 Heavy US reliance on private security in Afghanistan has helped to line the pockets of the Taliban with millions of dollars. It also threatens the safety of coalition troops ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Conspicuous by her absenceForbes magazine today released its list of the top 100 most powerful women in the world. It features notables like Singapore's Ho Ching at #30, Finland president Tarja Halonen at #62, Icelandic leader Johanna Sigurdardottir at #80, and even reformed...
- First published review of Arthur Allan Thomas: The ...I'll add more reviews as they come in, but here's the first, courtesy of Newstalk ZB today: Books - Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story 29/09/2010 Whether you concur with Wishart or not, you need to read this book. Arthur...
- I hate Ian Wishart because...For some years now I've "enjoyed" a growing amount of internet 'hate mail' biffed my way on websites, virtually all from people I've never met and most from people who've never actually read my work themselves but who've relied on...
- Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story...a cop kill ...The new book on the Crewe murders, Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story, is finally on sale. Available from Whitcoulls, PaperPlus, Take Note, Borders, The Warehouse, Dymocks and all good independent bookstores. The radio ad is available here: ThomasBook1
- New Arthur Allan Thomas book just over a week awayLaunching 27 September...the cat will well and truly be set amongst the pigeons...
- Back to GazaI arrived in Gaza on Thursday. This the first time I’ve been back to any corner of Palestine since I was deported by Israel in January. It took a week of paperwork and waiting in Cairo to get approval from Egypt to enter Gaza. After obtaining the permit, I met up with Kristen Chick, the Cairo [...]
- Young Jew at Princeton: Yes, American Jews are to ...Beautiful. Brandon Davis in the Daily Princetonian. And yes he identified as a Jew to write this piece. They wouldn't a run it if he didn't. But: Young Jews get this. They understand why I say that Palestinian statelessness is an American Jewish achievement, of 60 years standing. The young un's are ...
- Reports from the Corrie trial in Haifaand other news from Today in Palestine:Ethnic cleansing / Deportation / DiscriminationLawmakers facing expulsion mark 100th day of protest Three lawmakers threatened with expulsion from Jerusalem marked their 100th day of protest at sit-in at the International Committee for the Red Cross headquarte ...
- true, obvious (40 years ago, and today)The New America Foundation is doing Israel and Palestine. From Chris Hayes, at their twitterfeed:Biggest impression after 36 hrs in E Jerusalem, is that there are all kinds of situations here that seem totally unsustainable & yet endure�And from Madayo:Day/Lesson 2: "Israel rules E. Jerusalem poo ...
- A Bedouin boy changed the power balance of my marr ...Last month my wife and I visited Wadi Rum in southern Jordan. It's a famous desert, with majestic scenery, including a mountain feature called T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom (below). The arrangement is that you come to a small settlement at the edge of the desert and hire an outfitters to t ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: The Awakening Has BegunOn the heals of Ukraine’s 2009 Black Lung Infection, a mysterious variation of flu which bypassed trachea, targeting the lungs directly, a “bilateral pneumonia, the result of viral distress syndrome, i.e the total destruction of the lungs.” (1.3 million infected, over 75,000 hospitalized), eye witn ...
- VRM: GlaxosmitheKline Herpes Vaccine Fails Safety ...GlaxoSmythKline recently conducted safety trial studies on their new experimental Genital Herpes vaccine ‘Simplirix’. 8,323 women aged 18-30 years participated in the trial at 50 sites in the US & Canada. Based on the results the product has failed miserably. The question is why were these women inf ...
- VRM: Closed Door CDC Meeting Reveals Industry Cove ...VACCINE INDUSTRY COVER-UP EXPOSED – Selected vaccine authorities from CDC, FDA, and manufacturers discussed, in a closed meeting, the possibility of neurodevelopment disorders resulting from vaccine components. Documents released through the Freedom of Information Act detail the transcript of a meet ...
- VRM: Former Pharmaceutical Representative Gwen Ols ...“The Pharmaceutical Industry is in the business of disease maintenance & symptom management. They are not in the business to cure Cancer, to cure Alzheimer’s, to cure heart disease, because if they were they would be in the business of putting themselves out of business; and that in fact doesn’t mak ...
- VRM: Medical Martial Law In The US – Sleepin ...“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endange ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury featur ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for. � If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner fo ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new low- ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
Michael Yon
- To Follow these StepsI first met Steve Shaulis about 27 years ago during Special Forces training.� We’ve been friends ever since and have traveled many places together. Back in 2001, six months before the 9/11 attacks, we were at his U.S. home in Vero Beach, Florida.� We were preparing to swim out into the night in ...
- Our Muslim Friends Suffer, TooTerrorism knows no bounds.� This atrocity happened in Iraq and the sadness still lingers in many hearts. I republish these two emails with permission of CSM Jeffrey Mellinger. Mohemmed's name has been changed to protect his family.� May God cherish his brave Soul. From: Mellinger Jeffrey J CS ...
- Iraq: Inside the InfernoDear Friend, I have just returned to Afghanistan and I’m writing to tell you about a new book project I’m working on and an important organization that I’m backing with this book. I hope you will too. ABOUT SOLDIERS’ ANGELS Soldiers’ Angels is a volunteer-led nonprofit organization dedicated to ...
- One Cell Phone at a Time: Countering Corruption in ...Dan Rice and Guy Filippelli American commanders are preparing for a major offensive in Afghanistan to attack one of the most formidable enemies we face in country: corruption.��� Despite sincere efforts to promote governance and accountability initiatives, Afghanistan has slipped from 112th to158th ...
- Even While the World Watched: Part IMichael Yon 20 June 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand Recent violence focused world attention on the Kingdom of Thailand. As the attention flowed in, foreigners poured out, even though fighting was tightly localized and not focused on travelers. Tourists literally had to search for trouble to find it. ...
The Killing Train
- Isabel McDonald and Lou Dobbs! My friend Isabel did a fantastic story for the Nation about the anti-immigration pundit Lou Dobbs who had undocumented workers caring for his horses and grounds , and she had the chance to talk to Lou Dobbs about it on MSNBC. Check it out. read more
- Bruce Levine on Surviving America's Depression Epi ...I'm reading Bruce Levine's "Surviving America's Depression Epidemic". The story of how I got the book is interesting. I was reading some psychology books a while back (Alfie Kohn, Alice Miller) and a reader of this blog suggested that no psychology reading list would be complete without Levine's "Co ...
- The Rwandan ElectionPaul Kagame is headed for a landslide victory at the Rwandan polls. Exit polls indicate 93% of the electorate voted for him. If some Western media commentators could vote in Rwandan elections, the number would likely be even higher. Take Stephen Kinzer, who wrote a biography of Kagame subtitled “Rwa ...
- The Afghan War Diary Data - an initial lookAn initial look at the first 76,000 records in the "Afghan War Diary" leaked by Wikileaks yields some important information, much of which has been known or suspected by analysts for years. Given the sheer size of the database, there is a great deal more to be learned, but here are some initial find ...
- The Drug War in Afghanistan - the Dyncorp connecti ...Just reading some of the 800+ hits on the drug war in Afghanistan, and these are real - the US is fighting a drug war in Afghanistan. There are DEA agents running around arresting people, there are troops eradicating poppy in farmers fields, and they are finding and burning piles of opium, heroin, h ...
- Emerging Frog Virus Responsible for 80 Percent Dec ...Image credit: Wikimedia Commons Frogs around the world have been plagued by Chytridiomycosis , but in the UK, the common frog, Rana temporaria , is facing another threat: The emerging Ranavirus .... Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Multi-functional & Space-Efficient Furniture By Ta ...Photos: Tanya Aguiniga We're digging Los Angeles-based furniture designer Tanya Aguiniga's mindful use of scale, sustainable materials and space-saving aesthetic. With the idea of "softening industrial impermanence", Aguiniga's highly-creative works feature the textural delights of felt, repurpos ...
- Fabulous Knitted Stools By Claire-Anne O-BrienPhotos: Claire-Anne O'Brien From eco-yarns to knitting graffiti to even knitting your own dog , knitting nowadays is not only a satisfying DIY hobby but also an extreme sport (check out the size of these needles !). But if you're somewhere in between about knitting -- and if you're bored to tears ...
- Honda Wins UCS "Greenest Automaker" Prize for 5th ...Photo: Flickr , CC Guess Who Still Lags Behind? Each year, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) gives environmental scores to automakers based on average per-mile smog pollution and global warming emissions of the entire fleet of vehicles sold. Honda took the top prize this year, but it's n ...
- The Desk Is A State Of Mind (Video)Herman Miller desk credit imaginary forces Desks, offices and the future of work are common topics of discussion around our virtual water cooler. Our own desks vary widely (see them in a slideshow here ) and sometimes we don't have one at all. Creative agency Imaginary Forces makes a strong ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Thai PM gears up for Burma visitFuture business relations likely to feature highly on the agenda as Thai MP acknowledges problems with Abhisit's stance on democratic reform
- Thailand ‘will not’ return Burma refugeesForeign ministry spokesperson looks to refute reports that claim Thailand will return refugees back to Burma following the 7 November elections
- DVB ‘top three’ for Nobel Peace PrizeOthers tipped to win the prize include Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, Afghan women's right activist Sima Simar, and Sierra Leone war court
- Toyota arm pressured out of BurmaAffiliate of Japanese car giant sells stake in joint venture with Burmese junta and becomes first Asian company to withdraw over human rights
- Court accepts Suu Kyi lawsuit hearingRangoon's Supreme Court will listen to hearing of lawsuit filed by Aung San Suu Kyi over the dissolution of the National League for Democracy
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Ed Miliband is the costliest politician in British ...When Ed Miliband won the Labour leadership, the commentators overlooked his most startling achievement, says Christopher Booker.
- The Savoy hotel's green ambassadorDebra Patterson is the green ambassador for the Savoy Hotel, London, which reopens on Sunday after a three-year closure and a £200 million refurbishment. Patterson oversaw the installation of £2.4 million worth of green technology, which could reduce the hotel's energy bills by 40 to 50 ...
- A stronger Sun actually cools the EarthNew research will renew debate over the science behind climate change.
- Arctic sea ice decline: the changing face of a reg ...The Arctic sea ice extent has fallen to its third-lowest coverage.
- Postcards from the future: illustrators imagine ho ...Illustrators imagine how London could be affected by climate change.
National Geographic | Environment
- Giant Crystal Caves Yield New "Ice Palace," MoreIt looks like Superman's fortress and is nearly as hard to get into, but that hasn't kept explorers from uncovering new secrets in and around Mexico's deep, deadly Cave of Crystals.
- Beating the White House to the Solar PunchThe island nation of the Maldives highlights climate risk by installing solar energy on its presidential residence, outpacing the U.S. White House.
- Photos: Canadian Rain Forest Edges Oil Pipeline Pa ...NoneIn the home of the elusive "spirit bear," nine Coastal First Nations people await a decision on a pipeline to carry Canadian oil to sea for export to Asia.
- Photos: "Huge" Toxic Sludge Flood Hits HungaryNone"This is huge," says one toxicologist of the failure of a toxic-sludge reservoir in Hungary. "If you are trapped in it, it will kill you."
- 600-Year-Old Worms Among Surprises of 10-Year Sea ...Six-hundred-year-old tube worms and other oddities help put the brain-boggling, just-ended, ten-year Census of Maine Life in perspective.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Federal appeals court rejects Guantanamo detainee ...[JURIST] The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit [official website] on ruled [opinion, PDF] Wednesday that governmental interests in the protection of sensitive information supersede a detainee's request for its disclosure. The decision overturns the district court's earlier fin ...
- Families of Israeli flotilla raid victims request ...[JURIST] Family members of Turkish activists killed during Israel's raid of a Gaza-bound flotilla [JURIST news archive] in May have sent a request to the International Criminal Court (ICC) [official website] for a formal investigation into the incident. The families submitted the request on behalf o ...
- Canada high court rules no right to counsel during ...[JURIST] The Supreme Court of Canada [official website] ruled [judgment text] 5-4 Friday that Canadians do not have the right to have counsel present during custodial interrogations. The court held that § 10(b) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms [text], which states that those under arrest have t ...
- Accused Russia arms dealer appeals US extradition ...[JURIST] Accused Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout [BBC profile; JURIST news archive] on Friday filed an appeal challenging the Bangkok Criminal Court's decision to dismiss [JURIST report] money laundering and fraud charges against him, which removed obstacles to his US extradition. According to Bout' ...
- China dissident Liu Xiaobo wins 2010 Nobel Peace P ...[JURIST] Chinese human rights activist Liu Xiaobo [BBC profile; JURIST news archive] was announced Friday as the winner of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize [press release], "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China." Liu has been one of China's most prominent dissidents. ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- President Loses 'Iron Hand,' Gains Donil ...The key to understanding why President Obama picked deputy National Security Adviser Tom Donilon to replace Gen. James Jones has three grooves: one, Donilon is a civilian policy wonk loyal to the President who has been involved in every facet of foreign policy ...
- Race of the Day: Recapturing the Democrats' 2 ...Freshman Democrat Tom Perriello won this Republican-leaning district in 2008 by defeating incumbent Republican Virgil Goode by less than 800 votes; he won primarily on the strength of Obama supporters. In his first year in office, Perriello has supported Democrats and President Obama on every major ...
- Race of the Day: Will Local or National Politics W ...In the opening seconds of a campaign spot she's running titled "Independent," freshman House Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick is seen giving an interview on Fox News touting a bill she introduced that would cut the salaries of members of Congress. This is proof, if needed, that her geographically vast Arizo ...
- Santorum Forums Iowa PACHe's serious, folks. Former Senator Rick Santorum is abetting speculation that he's planning a presidential run 2012 in a serious way. Today, he's formed a political action committee in Iowa, called the Iowa Keystone Political Action Committee, " that will allow him to assist candidates running for ...
- Todd Palin Was Right To Be AngryThe media has many theories about Sarah Palin and family, and one of them is that she is thin-skinned, and that the�tiniest�lancet can puncture it. There is some evidence to support this theory. But Todd Palin's e-mail to Joe Miller is not evidence of that. The media ought to resist the temptation t ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
- [COAT] Letters-to-Editor needed re:CANSEC weapons ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Avi Yakobov: Killing Culture of ImpunityI find it disturbing that one of Israel’s most free-wheeling online forums, Rotter, has locked the thread in which Avi Yakobov, the IDF soldier who abused a Palestinian woman by belly-dancing and rubbing against her body (see video), was publicly identified. Â I believe the ostensible reason for doi ...
- IDF Military Simulation Anticipates Civil Unrest, ...Kol Yisrael filed a doozy of a report (Hebrew) yesterday noting the completion of a major Israeli military-police exercise simulating the civil unrest that would follow an imagined peace agreement, in which Israel would, according to the Lieberman population transfer plan, expel many of its Palestin ...
- IDF Belly-Dance Sex Abuser, Avi YakobovYossi Gurvitz takes up in his blog where I left off  yesterday regarding the IDF soldier Avi Yakobov, who sexually abused Ihsan Dababseh by performing a belly-dance and rubbing against her bound and blind-folded body in December, 2007 at the Gush Etzion military base, where she was being questioned ...
- Links for 2010-03-18 [Digg]Shin Bet Secretly Detains Reporter Leaking Top-Secret Docume I was the first blogger or journalist to break this story outside Israel. Anat Kam, a young Israeli reporter was secretly arrested and imprisoned for allegedly leaking top secret IDF documents about targeted assassinations.
- Links for 2010-03-30 [Digg]Overseas Media Begins Reporting Kam Case An Israeli journalist disappears into the maw of the intelligence services. A gag order prevents newspapers reporting the story. Only overseas media can do so, but they hesitate since so little is known. That's why blogs exist and that's the role that ...
Ode Magazine
- How two surfers and one shoreline are making a sta ...By: EmilyAviles Surfboards. Sleeping bags. Wet suits. Hobo stove. Ukulele. Camera. Surfers Ryan Burch and Cyrus Sutton piled all this stuff - along with just a few other minor provisions and no money - onto their homemade bamboo carts to happily walk 30 miles down ...
- Inspiration through images: week oneBy: VictoriaKlein I sure do love a good picture - and I bet you do too. No matter the day, no matter the time, the right image can make your spirit soar, your soul glow, and your energy jump through the roof. Sometimes, all it takes is one photo to make use feel humble, appreciated ...
- Make mine a co-opJoining a cooperative is one small step toward bringing locally sourced and organic groceries to your community - and one giant step toward food activism. At some co-ops, like Park Slope in Brooklyn, New York, shopping is restricted to members who work in the store for a couple of hour ...
- Art for art's sakeArt makes Maria, from Lebanon, feel happy and free. Photo: Mimo Khair “They all seem to be going through something that makes them happy, free, uplifted, dreaming of a better future and feeling well because of it.” That’s what Shanghai-based photographer Mimo Khair sees when she ...
- Bring the outliers inside"Positive deviants" - innovative individuals who do things differently and succeed against the odds - can help communities solve seemingly intractable problems. By experimenting with seedlings that thrive in water, Rosario Costa Cabral showed that agriculture in the Amazon delta is possi ...
OpEd News
- Photo-Essay: Haiti After the Earthquake, Part 14: ...Follow us to Bel Air, Haiti that is. It was the most heavily damaged area of Port-au-Prince after the earthquake. And it had been "red-zoned" by the authorities in the past for too much "violence". Or was that insurrection against the power structure that overthrew President Bertrand Aristide? You n ...
- FORECLOSUREGATEBy most reports, it would appear that the voluntary suspension of foreclosures is underway to review simple, careless procedural errors. Errors which the conscientious banks are hastening to correct. Even Gretchen Morgenson in the New York Times characterizes the problem as "flawed paperwork." But t ...
- Open Action Alert Regarding GIPSA Rule to All U.S. ...The packer lobby is fighting to derail the proposed competition rule (GIPSA rule) issued by the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA). They are making outrageous claims that misrepresent the purpose and effect of the GIPSA rule. Unfortunately, very few people understand how ...
- Write About What You Know. Keeping it Real.This article is about life in this neighborhood which has, like many other neighborhoods in the United States, I am sure, been incredibly abused by a down turn economy.
- Movie Review: Waiting for Superman; Are Teachers U ...After hearing about it from many sources, including, in my interview with Arianna Huffington, I decided I needed to see Waiting For Superman. When it comes to movies, I want to entertained. So I tend to resist paying to see documentaries. I'm glad I did go to see this one. It made me cry... a ...
- Contradictions in Climate Change Negotiations: Tia ...The last round of international global warming negotiations before countries meet in Cancun , is wrapping up. The meeting in Cancun needs to begin the process of implementing key elements of the international response to global warming. Cancun isn’t expected to agree to a “new treaty ...
- A Force for Nature: My Journeys with John Adams ...I am in Tianjin, China with NRDC’s delegation at the latest round of climate change negotiations. After a long day at a cavernous conference center, the conversation at dinner turned to the new book A Force for Nature . There was a lot of interest in this history of NRDC written by o ...
- India Climate Change and Energy News - Week of Sep ...Climate Change India is World’s Third Largest Carbon Emitter “India is now world's third biggest carbon dioxide emitting nation after China and the US. The new emission data from the United Nations is a probable cause of worry for India's climate negotiators at the next round of talk ...
- Advancing Clean Energy Cooperation: US-India Energ ...At the second annual US-India Energy Summit, leaders from the world’s two largest democracies met in Washington D.C. last week to further advance cooperation on clean energy . Organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and Yale University, the Energy Summit, focused on Pre ...
- Climate, Energy and Environment News from Latin Am ...Chile: In HidroAysén news this week: the company announces their decision to submerge transmission lines underwater for the 160-kilometer stretch between Puerto Montt and Chaiten . The cost of transmission line will be $3.8 billon which is 20% more than the cost of the plant and seven ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Well, That Was PatheticUm, could someone else please win the AL Central next year? I think we’ve seen enough of this. It being fairly obvious early on that the Twinkies had no intention of competing or anything, I decided in the middle of the game to watch the recent ESPN documentary about the 2004 ALCS [...] Relat ...
- The Human ElementLaw is right: Bad umpiring has done, and will do, more harm to the industry of baseball than any performance-enhancing drugs could do. Although it cuts against my Yankee-hating interests, I’m rooting for Tampa to make it to a Game 4. This series has been been like Super Bowl XL spread over three g ...
- In the annals of self-hanging, seldom has anyone p ...Jon Ronson’s profile of ICP is as politely brutal as they are ferociously dumb: “No,” sighs Violent J. “I figured most people would say, ‘Wow, I didn’t know Insane Clown Posse could be deep like that.’ But instead it’s, ‘ICP said a giraffe is a miracle. Ha ha ha! What a bunch of idiots.’” He [... ...
- Shocked, Shocked by the Comparison to Civil War Re ...This is awful, but I suspect we’re missing the point: The Republican nominee for Congress for Ohio’s 9th District, Rich Iott, played a Nazi for years as part of a re-enactment group, reveals the Atlantic’s Joshua Green. Iott was involved in a group that calls itself Wiking, “devoted to re-enacting t ...
- On Post-War SettlementsQuiggin on the end of the Great War: Despite the emergence of the ever-present nuclear menace, 1945 marked the low point of the 20th century in many ways. At least on the Western side, the peace settlement was far less draconian, and far more successful, than that of 1919. And, for several decades a ...
Desert Research Institute
- DRI Researcher Develops Bioengineering Company DRI’s Joseph J. Grzymski, Ph.D. partnered with Adam G. Marsh, Ph.D. from the University of Delaware to develop Evozym Biologics, a company created to bridge the gap between research and innovation and commercial value.
- DRI Researcher Authors New Book William Albright, Ph.D., DRI research hydrogeologist, is lead author of Water Balance Covers for Waste Containment Principles and Practice about selection and design of an innovative new method for final closure of solid waste landfills. The new cover designs offer reduced cost, excellent environmen ...
- The American Indian Science and Engineering Societ ...The Most Promising Engineer/Scientist Award will be presented to Dr. Karletta Chief at the 32nd American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Annual National Conference.
- Innovative Equipment Manufacturer Features Work wi ...The latest update from Campbell Scientific features a cover article on DRI’s Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP), touting the program for providing information gathered by volunteers in near-real time and posting it to the program website.
- Dr. Henry Sun: Looking for Life on MarsThe Viking landers found strange evidence that suggested the presence of life on Mars (later disproven). A new study about life's preference for left- or right-handedness could help scientists design better versions of the Viking life tests.
Earth Techling
- Lease Program Offers Solar On the Cheap
- Lowe’s Lets You Recycle Cellphones, CFLs
- Renewable Energy Lab Walks the Walk
- Solar Roadways Takes GE Victory Lap
- Feds Back $1.3B, 845 MW Wind Farm Loan
National Law Journal | U.S.
- Special Report: Multidistrict LitigationThe multidistrict litigation caseload has more than doubled since 2001. In this special report, we examine the impact of the mounting number of MDLs, including cases related to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and defective Toyota vehicles.
- Courts won't have the last word on DADTTwo federal court rulings dramatically shifted the legal landscape with respect to the military's ban against openly gay service members. Ultimately, though, the matter may be settled where the Obama administration wants it to be — in Congress.
- GOP lawyers await power grab on HillAfter toiling four years in the minority, Republican lawyers on Capitol Hill are poised to move into key jobs should the GOP win big in the November election.
- The deck appears stacked against anyone who sues o ...The recently released movie The Social Network is supposed to be the story of how Facebook began, but its unflattering portrayal of founder Mark Zuckerberg and others isn't entirely grounded in fact. That combination could lead to lawsuits, says Aaron Moss, an entertainment litigation partner at Gre ...
- K&L Gates, Thompson & Knight sued for roles in 'Po ...A group of investors in a now-bankrupt entity that controls about 500 real estate companies has filed a class action against K&L Gates and Thompson & Knight for allegedly aiding in a "Ponzi-like" scheme.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Do ‘Environmental Extremists’ Pose Criminal Threat ...by Abrahm Lustgarten Sept 8th, 2010 As debate over natural gas drilling in the Marcellus shale reaches a fever pitch, state and federal authorities are warning Pennsylvania law enforcement that “environmental extremists” pose an increasing threat to security and to the energy sector. A confide ...
- Marcellus MoneyHere’s a website that is keeping tabs on which PA politicians have been offered money from from the gas industry and which ones have accepted that money. Enjoy. http://www.marcellusmoney.org/
- Gas Bubbling from the Susquehanna Riverhttp:// Gas Bubbling from River at Sugar Run – by David Keeler – 9/2/2010 Click here for video clip
- Keep the Promise Town Hall-PA Severance Tax!September 9, Thursday— Keep the Promise Town Hall in Jersey Shore, Lycoming County between Williamsport and Lock Haven, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Robert H. Wheeland Center, 1201 Locust Street, Jersey Shore, PA 17740 (part of Citizens Hose Company, Station 45) www.station45.org/wheeland_center.htm To register a ...
- EPA’s Public Meeting on Hydraulic FracturingEPA’s Public Meeting on Hydraulic Fracturing Study to Take Place in Binghamton, New York; Meeting Scheduled for September 13 and 15 at the Broome County Forum Theater Release date: 08/31/2010 Contact Information: John Senn, (212) 637-3667, senn.john@epa.gov New York, NY – The U.S. Environmental Prot ...
News Blaze
- Ban Calls for Equal Participation By Women in Post ...'Ensuring women's participation in peace-building is not only a matter of women's and girls' rights. Women are crucial partners in shoring up three pillars of lasting peace:
- An Estimated 8 Million Flood-Affected People Expec ...To date, organizations providing health care have delivered enough medicines to cover the health needs of more than 5 million people. More than 6.7 million health consultations have been recorded.
- General Hospital Loses Over 260,000 ViewersFor the ratings week of September 20-24, 2010, General Hospital (GH) lost over 260,000 viewers (10% decline), the worst decline in over one year, and lost more viewers than All My Children (AMC) and One Life to Live (OLTL) combined.
- Taiwan Fishing Vessel is Reported FreeFact is only that the fishing vessel departed from Port Louis, Mauritius on 1. October 2010 and was reported as well as confirmed captured by her owner after no contact for two days.
- Victims of Terrorism in The Spotlight 'The survivors who stand in front of you today are themselves an exemplary group,' Mr. Ban said, noting that they took part two years ago at the UN in the first-ever international Symposium on Supporting Victims of Terrorism.
environment 360
- Human Activities Overloading Global Ecosystems wit ...Humans are over-saturating the planet’s ecosystems with nitrogen through the excessive use of agricultural fertilizers, the burning of fossil fuels, and other industrial activities, according to a new study. While nitrogen is a natural element essential to human life, the surging influence of human ...
- More Fresh Water Flowing Into the World’s Oceans, ...The amount of freshwater streaming into the world’s oceans has increased significantly since 1994 as the planet warms and the acceleration of the planet’s hydrological cycle has caused more frequent and intense storms, according to a new study. Using satellite technology to track sea level rise, pre ...
- Most Productive U.S. Farmland Disappearing at Fast ...More than an acre of farmland is lost per minute in the United States, with about 1 million acres being developed annually , according to a new federal report. From 1982 to 2007, more than 23 million acres of agricultural land were converted to developed land, with each state losing significant area ...
- Tennessee Seeks Restrictions on Mountaintop Remova ...Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen has asked the federal government to restrict mountaintop removal mining along a 500-mile stretch of a state-owned mountain ridgeline, the first time a U.S. governor has petitioned for land to be protected from the controversial practice. Much of that ridgeline is include ...
- The White House Goes SolarA quarter-century after President Ronald Reagan dismantled the solar panels placed on the White House roof by his predecessor, Jimmy Carter, the Obama administration has announced that it will install solar energy panels and a solar water heater atop the White House. U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu ...
Red Ice Creations
- DARPA develops Helmet of ObedienceIt looks like our ever-diligent friends at DARPA have been busy creating a contingency plan for the OathKeeper movement. Thanks to a newly-developed pain modulator and behavior modification helmet, any US troops who decide they will obey the Constitution rather than the commands of the global puppet ...
- In a Computer Worm, a Possible Biblical ClueDeep inside the computer worm that some specialists suspect is aimed at slowing Iran’s race for a nuclear weapon lies what could be a fleeting reference to the Book of Esther, the Old Testament tale in which the Jews pre-empt a Persian plot to destroy them. That use of the word "Myrtus" - which can ...
- The Esoteric Interpretation of "Pan’s Labyrinth""Pan’s Labyrinth" is a profound movie telling the story of a young girl’s quest to escape the cruelties of Spanish Fascism. The movie also contains a great amount of occult and archetypal symbols telling another story: one of esoteric illumination through test of character and ritual initiation. We ...
- Japanese Company Hopes to Deploy Fleets of Submari ...Typhoons threaten the western Pacific relentlessly year-round, dogging coastal cities along the eastern coast of Asia and sometimes unleashing devastating power that can cost human lives. But even as Taiwan and China clean up after Typhoon Fanapi flooded streets and claimed a handful of lives earlie ...
- An account of the worlds biggest, deadliest hailst ...In 1942 a British forest guard in Roopkund, India made an alarming discovery. Some 16,000 feet above sea level, at the bottom of a small valley, was a frozen lake absolutely full of skeletons. That summer, ice melt revealed even more skeletal remains, floating in the water and lying haphazardly arou ...
Russia Today
- Poland & Russia commemorate plane crash victims ne ...Ceremonies are to take place in memory of the plane crash in Russia that killed Lech Kaczynski, president of Poland, and many of the country’s high ranking officials.
- Soyuz spacecraft docks at space stationRussia’s first modernized Soyuz TMA-M spacecraft, which successfully blasted off from Baikonur cosmodrome on Friday, has delivered a new Russian-American crew to the International Space Station.
- “We’re strong in spirit, character and skills” – A ...Russia’s captain, Andrey Arshavin, says he is impressed by “the spirit, the character and the high skills” of his partners in their 3-2 away in Ireland in Euro 2012 qualifiers.
- Rain cancels qualifying at Japanese GP The qualifying for Formula 1’s Japanese Grand Prix has been rescheduled for Sunday morning due to persistent heavy rain on Saturday afternoon.
- Scientists continue work to substantiate Russia’s ...Russia's two Arctic expeditions have met in the middle of the ocean to share their breakthrough discoveries.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- Those evil, soul harvesting ETsAs a kind of continuation of my previous post (Dolan on Malstrom), the possible interference of UFOs/inhabitants in the US nuclear missile force is a meme that is gaining traction in our culture and ties in with another meme that is also getting attention; the idea that UFO beings are demonic in nat ...
- Dolan on MalstromAuthor and UFO researcher Richard M. Dolan has a take on the recent Malstrom Controversy between former Air Force captain Robert Salas and James Carlson, the son of Eric Carlson, who was the Echo Flight Commander the night the incident in question happened (at Malstrom AFB). Both Carlsons contend t ...
- Ancient Australians and the AmericasThere has been a theory during the past decade that stated that the ancient Olmecs of Mexico were descended from Africans or Australians because of statuary that was left over from their civilization. Now there has been a discovery of a skeleton of an ancient woman that may provide an important link ...
- UFOs, Abductions and U.S. Government Human Experim ...It is common knowledge now-a-days in the U.S. about the African-American syphilis experimentation done on men during the 1932-1972 timeframe and the recently admitted experiments done on Guatemalans during 1946-1948. Now there’s possible news of experimentation done on ordinary citizens using variou ...
- House of Representatives pass compromise NASA Auth ...We now interrupt our regularly scheduled esoteric programming to bring you some mainstream NASA stuff. Yeah, I know, it’s “mainstream” NASA, which hardly brings any inspiration and “Never A Straight Answer” comes to mind. But you know what? I still love rockets flaming off the launch pads and I stil ...
Tippers News
- Targeted Dog Expected to Recover; Another Feared D ...On Saturday morning, "Shiloh" and "Weenie" went out in the fields across from their home on Ninepin Branch Road in Berlin as they normally do. But only "Shiloh" returned to the doorstep, and her owner discovered disturbing wounds. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment ...
- Dog Beating Charge Sends Key Largo Man To JailA witness said Bubba upset Mitchell when he tried to run away. Mitchell caught the dog by the collar, the witness said, and dragged him so violently inside he damaged the dog's neck and esophagus. Then Bubba grabbed a steak from the kitchen counter. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! ...
- Edward Janus | Disability Advocate and Activist - ...Edward Janus | Disability Advocate and Activist (Disabled myself). Doing Daily Internet Activism for Supporting Causes of Change. Talking about: Armchair Activism for Oil-Spill Animals. Submitted by Edward Janus to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Access: Disability Rights Activists in ActionEdward Janus | Disability Advocate and Activist (Disabled myself). Campaign and Mission is Fighting for Persons with Disabilities. Making Our Voices Heard. Access: Disability Rights Activists in Action posted by: Kristina Chew Submitted by Edward Janus to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Evidence Refutes Bp's and Fed's DeceptionIn August, Truthout conducted soil and water sampling in Pass Christian Harbor, Mississippi; on Grand Isle, Louisiana; and around barrier islands off the coast of Louisiana, in order to test for the presence of oil from BP's Macondo Well. [extremely high] Submitted by Ellyn S. to Environment �|� �N ...
The Freeman
- The House That Uncle Sam BuiltThe Great Recession (or the Great Hangover) that began in 2008 did not have to happen. Its causes and consequences are not mysterious. Indeed, this particular and very painful episode affirms what the best nonpartisan economists have tried to tell our politicians and policy-makers for decades, namel ...
- Budget Deficit Fails to Set Record in FY2010“The federal budget deficit fell to nearly $1.3 trillion this year — slightly lower than last year’s record of $1.4 trillion – as the cost of a federal bank bailout came in much lower than expected and corporate profits rebounded sharply, congressional budget analysts said Thursday.” (Washington Pos ...
- Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Constitutional“A federal judge in Michigan ruled Thursday that the new health-care overhaul law is constitutional, rejecting an argument that Congress lacked the power to create the legislation’s ‘individual mandate,’ which requires virtually all Americans to purchase health insurance.” (Washington Post) Itâs o ...
- Government Check Writers See Dead PeopleThe federal government last year sent about 89,000 checks of $250 each to dead or incarcerated people through the Obama administration’s economic stimulus program, according to a watchdog report.” (Washington Post) Considering other claims made for government, why canât it stimulate the dead? FEE ...
- Presidential Hubris“If we were going to spend $700 billion, it seems it would be wiser having that $700 billion going to folks who would spend that money right away.” -- Barack Obama
Teaching Online Journalism
- Contents of a journalist’s backpackNeerav Bhatt describes himself as a professional blogger, photographer, geek and qualified librarian. Okay, so he never says “journalist,” but if you read his post that accompanied the photo below, I think you’ll forgive my headline. He’s got some interesting choices (which he explains in his pos ...
- Teaching Twitter to studentsThis semester I took a course I have been teaching for 10 years and moved it to a WordPress.com blog. The students and I still meet in person once a week to discuss ideas, but otherwise, everything is on the blog. Each student was required to start his or her own WordPress.com blog, and all their a ...
- Smacking down the hierarchiesMy favorite word this week is heterarchy . I don’t think I’ve ever had a favorite word before, and I confess I was not familiar with the meaning of this one when I saw it in an article from one of those scholarly journals at which journalists like to scoff. So I turned to merriam-webster.com , as I ...
- New York Times seeks multimedia journalism internsPoking around in The New York Times’s job listings, I found this description of three distinct internships “in the Web Newsroom of The New York Times”: Front-end Interactive Designer: full skill-set of client-side technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript/Prototype. Experience with Ruby on ...
- A fresh look at reporting skillsIn June I posted a ranked list of skills needed by todayâs journalists . In reviewing it today, I wondered whether it would be different if instead of saying journalist we said reporter . Say you want to hire a reporter — for a Web-only organization, a magazine, a newspaper, a TV or documentary o ...
Facing South
- Oil spill commission hits feds on flow rate, dispe ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica After the release of four reports by the presidential commission investigating BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill, much of the attention has been paid to criticism that the administration had inaccurately estimated the amount of oil involved -- both in gauging flow rate ...
- POPE THE VOTE? Conservative NC benefactor steps up ...Ask a casual political observer to name the nation's biggest Republican operatives, and a few would come readily to mind. Most could you tell you about Karl Rove -- the legendary Bush adviser and GOP strategist who this year aims to spend $52 million by November to help elect conservative candidate ...
- Coal companies charged with massive violations of ...A coalition of environmental advocates took the first step today toward bringing a lawsuit against three mining operations in Kentucky for a staggering number of alleged violations of the Clean Water Act -- more than 20,000 in all. The companies targeted are ICG Hazard and ICG Knott, subs ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: Debtors' prisons rise again in th ...The Brennan Center for Justice and the American Civil Liberties Union released reports this week documenting the growing problem of criminal justice debt and the considerable costs it's imposing on communities, taxpayers and indigent people convicted of crimes. The following figures come from those ...
- GOP poised to gain clout in South due to surging L ...When Hispanics vote, most choose Democrats: In 2008, two out of three Latinos voted for Barack Obama over John McCain for president. And a Pew Hispanic Center survey released today finds that 65% plan to vote Democratic this November . But the rapid growth of Latinos in Southern states will likely ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Nigeria's Delicate Presidential Election Transitio ...Nigeria's election history is shambolic and corrupt. If the country's new national electoral body is to conduct a free and fair election in January, it has its work cut out for it.
- Africa's Women Turn 50 Fifty years into African independence, African women still face a much more challenging existence than men, with significant political, social and economic changes needed for gender equality.
- Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Life Su ...Sierra Leone has diverse tribal and cutural practices that works against the education of the nation's children.
- Re: Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Lif ...Our children are taught right from wrong when growing up.
- Re: Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Lif ...Despite war, we are doing our best to cope.
Canadian Encyclopedia
- Great DepressionFew countries were affected as severely as Canada by the worldwide Depression of the 1930s. It is estimated that between 1929 and 1933 Gross National Expenditure declined by 42%, by the latter year 30% of the LABOUR FORCE was
- Riel, LouisLouis Riel, M�tis leader, founder of Manitoba, central figure in the NORTH-WEST REBELLION (b at Red River Settlement [Man] 22 Oct 1844; d at Regina 16 Nov 1885). Riel was educated at St Boniface and studied for the
- Macdonald, Sir John AlexanderSir John Alexander Macdonald, lawyer, businessman, politician, first prime minister of Canada (b at Brunswick Place, across the Clyde R from Glasgow, Scot 10 Jan 1815; d at Ottawa 6 June 1891). He was the dominant creative mind
- ConfederationConfederation, the union of the British North American colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Canada (Canada being an earlier 1841 union of Lower Canada and Upper Canada), was achieved 1 July 1867 under the new name,
- Vimy RidgeVimy Ridge, battle fought 9-14 April 1917 during WORLD WAR I . The long, low ridge formed a key position linking the Germans' new HINDENBURG LINE to their main trench lines leading north from HILL 70 near Arras, France.
How Can I Recycle This ?
- Recycling for charity: how to set up a money-raisi ...I regularly get emails from people involved with small charities asking how to set up recycling programs that will help them raise money for their cause. Collection/recycling programs have been part of charity fundraising for a long time, but recently most seem to have moved from collecting large am ...
- How can I reuse or recycle wooly winter scarves?Brr! For few days last week, it felt like we were getting a last minute reprieve from summer’s sayonara but now it feels very autumnal indeed. I guess it’s time to shift into winter mode – I’ve got a list of insulating chores to complete, the garden needs more tidying, I need to make soup, [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle a baby’s cot?We’ve had an email from Jess: What can I do with my little girl’s cot now she’s too big for it? We’re not having any more so don’t want to keep it and I know you’re not supposed to use second hand beds for babies. There is apparently an increased risk of cot death if [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle aluminium foil/tin foil ...Every now and then I search for something on Recycle This and am floored when I find we’ve not covered it. The most recent example: tin foil. We’ve talked about possibly recycling aluminium foil for charity and about related items such as easter egg/chocolate wrapping foil, foil trays for pet food o ...
- How can I reduce my use of disposable razors/razor ...We’ve kinda touched on this topic before when talking about reusing and recycling disposable razors but that was a long time ago and I thought it might be worth bringing it up again. As when we were talking about it in 2007, I still use disposable razors occasionally – perhaps one a month since I’m ...
- Back to GazaI arrived in Gaza on Thursday. This the first time I’ve been back to any corner of Palestine since I was deported by Israel in January. It took a week of paperwork and waiting in Cairo to get approval from Egypt to enter Gaza. After obtaining the permit, I met up with Kristen Chick, the Cairo [...]
- Young Jew at Princeton: Yes, American Jews are to ...Beautiful. Brandon Davis in the Daily Princetonian. And yes he identified as a Jew to write this piece. They wouldn't a run it if he didn't. But: Young Jews get this. They understand why I say that Palestinian statelessness is an American Jewish achievement, of 60 years standing. The young un's are ...
- Reports from the Corrie trial in Haifaand other news from Today in Palestine:Ethnic cleansing / Deportation / DiscriminationLawmakers facing expulsion mark 100th day of protest Three lawmakers threatened with expulsion from Jerusalem marked their 100th day of protest at sit-in at the International Committee for the Red Cross headquarte ...
- true, obvious (40 years ago, and today)The New America Foundation is doing Israel and Palestine. From Chris Hayes, at their twitterfeed:Biggest impression after 36 hrs in E Jerusalem, is that there are all kinds of situations here that seem totally unsustainable & yet endure�And from Madayo:Day/Lesson 2: "Israel rules E. Jerusalem poo ...
- A Bedouin boy changed the power balance of my marr ...Last month my wife and I visited Wadi Rum in southern Jordan. It's a famous desert, with majestic scenery, including a mountain feature called T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom (below). The arrangement is that you come to a small settlement at the edge of the desert and hire an outfitters to t ...
Media Consortium
- New Voices: What WorksA report on how to fund community-based journalism startups--worth a read!
- Maximizing the Value of Digital Editions - Digital ...The iPad is a game changer and the release of other tablets in the future will continue to advance digital publishing. But it remains early days (a recent FOLIO: blog quoted editors of The New Yorker as saying "writing for the iPad is like producing TV after WWII") and the "traditional" digital edit ...
- Putting the 'Ad' in iPad - Digital Editions @ Foli ...Some have referred to the current marketplace as the ‘golden age’ of online advertising, with the advent of 3G technology and the iPad craze. But the publishing industry seems to be missing out on at least part of what could be a $50 billion ad spend. Time spent with print media accounts for 12 perc ...
- Building Mobile Newsstands and Subscription Models ...Good news for the magazine industry: Apple is developing a digital newsstand that would allow publishers to sell magazines across the iPad and possibly other Apple devices. The bad news: negotiations with Apple are anything but certain, and Apple’s insistence on controlling customer data could be ...
- Checking In on Kachingle : CJRThat’s the catch: the service is voluntary, and it only works if everyone’s on board. The big news sites can’t imagine that the relatively small number of early-adopter Kachinglers will make it financially worth it, but Kachingle can’t get more readers to sign up until they see their favorite sites ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terroriz ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NOT TH ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli children w ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END FEAR ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenomena ( ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. Gen ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many more l ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world politi ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Old claims of bad climate science countered by new ...Back in 2006, George Mason University professor Edward Wegman made waves on Capitol Hill with a report challenging the statistical methods used in creating the famous "hockey stick" graph depicting a rise in global temperatures over the past century. Now USA Today reports that GMU is investigating ...
- New glimpse of Vesta whets appetite for discoveryWhat now looks like a blurry potato should, within nine months, blossom into detailed pictures of Vesta, the brightest asteroid in the sky. This view (at right) is one of several taken by the Hubble telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 to provide a better look at the space rock before the arrival of the ...
- Ruth’s Reviews: A World Without Ice – Henry Pollac ...Ruth Francis, Nature’s Head of Press, is reviewing all the entries shortlisted for the Royal Society’s science book prize. She’ll be reading one per week and posting her thoughts on The Great Beyond every Friday between now and the prize ceremony on 21 October. A World Without Ice should, mo ...
- Building blocks of proteins discovered in Titan's ...Posted on behalf of Richard A. Lovett A thousand kilometers above the surface, Saturn's giant moon Titan may be producing the building blocks of life, a team of U.S. and European scientists have discovered. Working in a French laboratory, the scientists put together a Titan-style atmosphere c ...
- Miners prepare for life after darkTo the 33 men trapped in a Chilean mine, recent news that they might be rescued as early as 10 October must bring great cheer. But the effects of living underground for so long still need to be carefully managed. "As soon as the miners comes out, they will get some introduction to a family member ...
new geography
- Cruising Into Student DebtI once calculated that, for the cost of four years of education at a private American university, a student could take 105 cruises around the world. For the comparison, I chose only cruises that cost about $1,900, as who wants to go through college stuck with an inside cabin? As I imagine it, Crui ...
- Aussie Urban MythsUrban planning in Australia is lost in a dense fog of presumption and theory. What’s needed is to toss out the hype and to illuminate some of the common planning myths for what they really are: impediments to progress. An example of planning hype occurred not long ago when ten urban academics ...
- The World's Fastest-Growing CitiesThe evolution of cities is a protean process--and never more so than now. With over 50% of people living in metropolitan areas there have never been so many rapidly rising urban areas--or so many declining ones. Our list of the cities of the future does not focus on established global centers like ...
- Religious Freedom or A Tax-Free Ride?The furor over a mosque in Manhattan has swirled around issues of personal freedom and collective tolerance. But very little of the discussion has focused on the pros and cons of construction of places of worship in our cities and suburbs, or on their tax status. In a country that displays high ra ...
- Decade of the TelecommuteThe rise in telecommuting is the unmistakable message of the just released 2009 American Community Survey data . The technical term is working at home, however the strong growth in this market is likely driven by telecommuting, as people use information technology and communications technology to pe ...
GM Watch
- New technologies and the threat to Africa
- GM soya "a death sentence" for Argentina
- New technologies and the threat to Africa
- France and Poland join GM legal challenge
- It pays not to cultivate GM crops
- Well, that proves Cameron is not the ‘new Th ...The Cameron set’s bizarre handling of the child-benefit backlash shows that it lacks both the ethos and experience to govern decisively.
- Removing the red tape is the easy partThe Lib-Cons’ war on the health-and-safety cult is welcome. But the problem runs deeper than they think.
- A very conservative approach to innovationESSAY: The Lib-Con coalition is more concerned with controlling behaviour than forging a brave, hi-tech future.
- Don’t let a war ruin your movieBuried could have been a fresh and peculiar thriller if only it didn’t shoehorn in the Iraq War.
- Geoffrey Robertson’s ‘humanitarianR ...The QC’s belief that the West can liberate people by bombing their countries makes the pope’s delusions look almost rational by comparison.
- ‘Dying Communities See Salvation in New Pris ...Hope and Change: Replacing collapsed industries with prisons. Via: AP: Mike Secinore is pinning his hopes on prison. Fresh with a criminal justice degree from the local community college, the 20-year-old Berlin native plans to apply for a corrections officer job at the federal prison expected to ope ...
- Spain: Child Pornography Ring Involved Police, Bus ...Via: BBC: Police have arrested 57 people over child pornography allegations in Spain, including business owners and local police officers, the authorities say.
- Google Developing Autonomous Vehicle Fleet; Humans ...Via: New York Times: Anyone driving the twists of Highway 1 between San Francisco and Los Angeles recently may have glimpsed a Toyota Prius with a curious funnel-like cylinder on the roof. Harder to notice was that the person at the wheel was not actually driving. The car is a project of Google, whi ...
- Three Horrifying Facts About the U.S. Debt “ ...Via: ZeroHedge: #1: The US Fed is now the second largest owner of US Treasuries. #2: âThere are only about $550 billion of Treasuries outstanding with a remaining maturity of greater than 10 years.â #3: The US will Default on its Debt … either that or experience hyperinflation. There is simply n ...
- Tom Donilon: Obama’s New National Security A ...Via: Politico: To many in the foreign policy community, Tom Donilon’s selection Friday as national security adviser to President Barack Obama was a deserving reward for a consummate professional, a corporate lawyer who worked his way up through the foreign policy ranks over the years and is credited ...
The Economic Collapse
- More Bad News: 10 Things You Should Know About The ...On Friday, headlines across the United States declared that "unemployment remains unchanged at 9.6%". Many analysts rejoiced and heralded this announcement as a sign that we have hit bottom and that things will be turning around soon. But is that the truth? A closer look at the u ...
- Where Are The Jobs?Most Americans don't really care about the economic minutiae that many of us who study the U.S. economy love to pour over. When it comes to the economy, the typical American citizen just wants to be able to get a good job, make a decent living and put bread on the table for the fam ...
- Federal Reserve Officials: Americans Are Saving To ...Some top Federal Reserve officials have come up with a really bizarre proposal for stimulating the U.S. economy. As unbelievable as it sounds, what they actually propose to do is to purposely raise the rate of inflation so that Americans will stop saving so much money and will star ...
- Globalism Destroys America: 10 Reasons Why The Wor ...In 2010, education has been so "dumbed down" in America that most Americans don't even know what the WTO is, and even fewer understand why the WTO is important. The truth is that the World Trade Organization is essentially a global government for world trade. It is a "contract" tha ...
- 27 Signs That The Standard Of Living For America&# ...If you still have a job and you can put food on the table and you still have a warm house to come home to, then you should consider yourself to be very fortunate. The truth is that every single month hundreds of thousands more Americans fall out of the middle class and into poverty ...
- Ghana: A two million-euro Jatropha project to prod ...Read at : Google – desertification http://www.africanmanager.com/site_eng/detail_article.php?art_id=15640 EU to build jatropha plant for biofuel in Ghana PANA A two million-euro jatropha project to produce bio-energy at Walewale in the northern part of Ghana has been launched by the European Union … ...
- Inner Mongolia fights desertification with desert ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification VIDEO Inner Mongolia fights desertification The Age http://media.theage.com.au/national/selections/mongolia-fights-desertification-1975810.html?&exc_from=strap
- More extreme weather events likely to lead to more ...Read at : Google Alert – drought http://content.usatoday.com/communities/greenhouse/post/2010/10/crop-failures-climate-change/1 Study: Crop failures to increase with climate change Huge crop failures such as Russia’s wheat crisis this year are likely to become more common as climate change causes ...
- Madzahisi Rural Development Project (GREEN POVERTY ...Read at : Madzahisi Rural Development Project We are implementing a green rural development project in Limpopo called Madzahisi that will create hundreds of jobs and income and thereby dealing effectively with rural poverty through the optimal use and management … Continue reading →
- By planting a variety of indigenous vegetables far ...Read at : http://www.worldwatch.org/node/6526?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+worldwatch%2Fall+%28Worldwatch+Institute%29 OPINION: Don’t sweep away crop diversity by Ben Block The following op-ed originally appeared in Malawi’s The Nation. Anywhere you go in Malawi you ...
The Paper Trail
- FDIC Sits on Potential 50 Lawsuits As It Tries to ...In the more than two years since Lehman Brothers went bust, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. has shuttered more than 250 banks, but has sued executives from just one bank. What's the hold up?
- Anti-Abortion, Anti-Gay Marriage Groups Target Box ...California Sen. Barbara Boxer is now being hit by independent expenditure ads in two languages. Yesterday, You Report: Election 2010 noted that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has an ad criticizing the Democrat for her budget votes. Now, two socially conservative groups based in Washington are running ...
- Reform Watch Calendar: Credit Rating Deadline on T ...A calendar of events to help consumers monitor the transparency and accountability of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
- Obama Won’t Sign Notary Bill That Might Spee ...The White House announced this afternoon that President Barack Obama would not sign a bill to ease restrictions on interstate commerce, which some consumer advocates feared would also make it more difficult for homeowners to fight fraudulent foreclosures.
- Boiler Rooms, Foreclosure Mills: The Story of Amer ...The news about the nation’s foreclosure scandal has been coming fast and furious, driven by tales of backdated documents , false affidavits and “rocket dockets” that push families into the street.
- The Librocons’ favoured tax havenBy Alison@Creekside A week ago Stephen Harper pledged to go after some 1,800 Canadian foreign bank accounts in Switzerland in a crackdown on off-shore tax evasion, amounting to an estimated $1 billion in lost federal tax revenues. The Cons -- tough on white collar crime. Meanwhile back in the ...
- Saskatchewan sucksBy Frank Moher After an extensive investigation, backofthebook.ca has determlned that Saskatchewan sucks. It really, really sucks. The great state of Saskatchewan asserts that it doesn't suck, and demands that backofthebook.ca apologize for saying it does. Backofthebook.ca refuses to apolog ...
- Libs go AWOL on own war resisters billBy Alison@Creekside For want of just eight more votes, Bill C-440 -- the war resisters bill to give protection to US Iraq war deserters -- went down to defeat on Wednesday 136 to 143. The following 18 Libs expedited that defeat by going awol on the vote: Michael Ignatieff, Jean-Claude D'Amo ...
- Some oil sands history wouldn’t hurt James C ...By Frank Moher As he continues his visit to the oil sands and neighbouring communities today, James Cameron will have no clue what they represent to so many Albertans. He will learn that they are a threat to the health and livelihood of the people who live downstream from them, in Fort ...
- You really don’t care about Betty Krawczyk, ...By Alison@Creekside A column in the National Post last week compared the peaceful civil disobedience and incarceration of 82-year old environmental activist Betty Krawczyk with that of 62-year old anti-abortion protester Linda Gibbons: Two court injunctions; two women who violated them in a way ...
- Intel sets its sights on smart devices SAN FRANCISCOThe world's biggest PC processor maker Intel is determined to be 'inside' everything. The company is seriously looking at providing both hardware and software for smart devices like TVs, smart phones, car entertainment systems, treadmills, home appliances, and a host of other devi ...
- Quiz time with Amitabh Bachchan Amitabh Bachchan is a busy bee a couple of days ahead of his 68th. He is shooting simultaneously for his new film Power, directed by Raj Kumar Santoshi, and Kaun Banega Crorepati. A few nights ago he stole the show walking the ramp for Karan Johar. His energy is at an all-time high. Excerpts fr ...
- SM group to open second mall in Cebu CEBU CITY, Philippines The SM group will be investing millions of pesos in another shopping mall in Cebu to be developed at a leased property in Consolacion town, 12 kilometers north of this city. Hans Sy, president of SM Prime Holdings Inc., told reporters Friday night that the proposed mall ...
- One Democrat's strategy to win: Run against O ...More News Rep. Bobby Bright was all smiles as he swapped stories with John Whitener, who's watched Bright grow from humble beginnings to become a successful lawyer, mayor of Montgomery and the first Democrat since 1964 to represent Alabama's heavily conservative 2nd Congressional District. Howe ...
- Sunday is Global Day for mental awareness Sunday, October 10 marked the global day for mental health awareness that brings attention to mental illness and its effect on individual life, work, family and overall stability of communities and countries. The celebration being championed in Ghana by BasicRights, an international non-governm ...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embedded ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ in I ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any Time ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cops an ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- CHILDRENS MUCUS RELIEF (Dextromethorphan Hydrobrom ...Updated Date: Oct 9, 2010 EST
- ICY HOT (Menthol) Patch ICY HOT (Menthol) Patch IC ...Updated Date: Oct 9, 2010 EST
- CHILDRENS QPAP (Acetaminophen) Solution [Qualitest ...Updated Date: Oct 9, 2010 EST
- HUMIRA (Adalimumab) Injection, Solution [Abbott La ...Updated Date: Oct 8, 2010 EST
Common Dreams
- Lou Dobbs, American Hypocriteby Isabel McDonald Research support for this article was provided by the Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute. read more
- US Drone Strikes in Pakistan Could Backfireby Michael Georgy ISLAMABAD - Escalated drone attacks in northwest Pakistan, where a suspected al Qaeda plot to attack European targets may have originated, could hurt the U.S. war on militancy by alienating residents and hardline army officers. The number of U.S. drone strikes in the region near th ...
- Pakistan: No Justification For US Drone AttacksISLAMABAD: Pakistan said Thursday there was "no justification nor understanding" for US drone strikes on its soil that have ramped up to record levels in the past month. "We believe that they are counter-productive and also a violation of our sovereignty," foreign ministry spokesman Abdul Basit told ...
- Companies Using Piles Of Cash To Buy Back Stock, N ...by Jia Lynn Yang For months, companies have been sitting on the sidelines with record piles of cash, too nervous to spend. Now they're starting to deploy some of that money - not to hire workers or build factories, but to prop up their share prices. read more
- Why is This GOP House Candidate Dressed as a Nazi?by Joshua Green An election year already notable for its menagerie of extreme and unusual candidates can add another one: Rich Iott, the Republican nominee for Congress from Ohio's 9th District, and a Tea Party favorite, who for years donned a German Waffen SS uniform and participated in Nazi re-ena ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: Stretch Marks - A Devotion: Matth ...ExamineReligion: Stretch Marks - A Devotion: Matthew 9:16-18 (NLT)“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins w... http://exm.nr/bLqb0m
- ExamineReligion: Religion: Are Christians responsi ...ExamineReligion: Religion: Are Christians responsible for anti-gay bullying?: Are Christians responsible for anti-gay bullying? Do... http://exm.nr/aRKhZJ
- ExamineReligion: Insane Clown Posse defend 'Miracl ...ExamineReligion: Insane Clown Posse defend 'Miracles', their celebration of ignorance: Back in April, the band Insane Clown Posse (... http://exm.nr/9b4v9e
- ExamineReligion: The Holy Bible, the Book of Mormo ...ExamineReligion: The Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, et.al., read as the absolute Word of God: God is an abstract concept, who's ve... http://exm.nr/d1CQaA
- ExamineReligion: Christians and Halloween: If one ...ExamineReligion: Christians and Halloween: If one wants to hear several polarizing messages in the Christian community, all it take... http://exm.nr/deABrE
Energy Collective
- Constellation walks away from Calvert CliffsUtility blames feds for “unworkable” terms on loan guarantee
- Loan Guarantee Foolishness by the Folks With Green ...On Monday, October 4, 2010, the ANS Nuclear Cafe published a DC Perspective column discussing the complex topic of loan guarantees for new nuclear power plants. It is not exactly a page turning topic; understanding the nuances requires a good deal of research into legal language and an understanding ...
- Contradictions in Climate Change Negotiations: Tia ...The last round of international global warming negotiations before countries meet in Cancun, is wrapping up.� The meeting in Cancun needs to begin the process of implementing key elements of the international response to global warming.� Cancun isn’t expected to agree to a “new treaty”, establish a ...
- U.S. Navy Pays Big Bucks for BiofuelsOn Earth Day, the U.S. Navy conducted a supersonic flight test of the "Green Hornet," an F/A-18 Super Hornet strike fighter jet powered by a 50/50 biofuel blend. (U.S. Navy photo by Kelly Schindler)
- California Solar Firms, Wells Fargo, Push Solar En ...
Green House - USA Today
- Another U.S. city bans plastic shopping bagsJoining a growing list of U.S. cities, Telluride became the first town in Colorado this week to ban plastic shopping bags.
- Anti-global warming parties to occur worldwide Sun ...Got plans Sunday? Why not throw a party -- one to fight global warming? A grassroots environmental group, 350.org, is helping to organize what it says will be more 7,000 events in 188 countries for the 10/10/10 Global Work Party.
- Study: Crop failures to increase with climate chan ...Huge crop failures such as Russia's wheat crisis this year are likely to become more common as climate change causes more extreme periods of heat and drought, a new study finds.
- SunChips biodegradable bags get bagged for noiseAre they really that loud? Consumer complaints that SunChips' new biodegradable bags are too noisy is prompting Frito-Lay to switch back to the old plastic packaging for five of the six chip flavors.
- Study: Honda leads as greenest automaker, againHonda wins for the fifth consecutive time as the greenest automaker on the road, beating Toyota and Hyundai by a narrow margin, according to a study released Thursday by the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Prior Art
- Paul Allen v. The InternetFormer Microsoft executive and billionaire Paul Allen sued several major Internet companies and three large retailers for patent infringement today, asserting that four patents originating at Interval Research, Allen's dot-com era think tank, cover basic web browsing and e-commerce technologies....
- Citing Possible Bias, ACLU Asks Rader to Recuse Hi ...With the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit set to consider a landmark case over the validity of human gene patents, attorneys for the plaintiffs in the suit are asking the court's chief judge to recuse himself from the matter—before the panel that will hear it has even been selec ...
- Law360 Calls Lawyer-Owned Shell Company a "Public ...seems to have a pretty flexible definition of that term. Last month, it included . Who is so concerned about such fairness? That would be , the Texas law firm that owns Americans for Fair Patent Use, which is a limited liability company set up to prosecute a false marking lawsuit filed in E ...
- Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big p ...Moglen's position on the subject of software patents—that they should be banned—is, to say the least, outside the mainstream in legal circles. It has, however, garnered support among software developers and other techies, especially those who work in the world of open-source and free softw ...
- What's so bad about "business method" patents? Sma ...Those who have read the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bilski decision know that — a four-justice minority that wanted to ban business method patents. While that's an ill-defined term, it's clear that such a ruling would have effectively invalidated many patents already involved in litigation. Lawsu ...
Peoples Voice
- The Ecuadorian Coup: Its Larger MeaningJames Petras The abortive military-police coup in Ecuador, which took place on September 30, has raised numerous questions about the role of the US and its allies among the traditional oligarchy and the leftist social movements, Indian organizations and their political parties. While President ...
- Loud Talk, Small MindsJoel S. Hirschhorn In trying to understand how so many Americans adore people like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh I have come to this critical understanding: Poorly educated, terribly informed, intellectually deficient and downright stupid people need idols. They feel angr ...
- America's War on Food Not Bombsby Stephen Lendman Food Not Bombs (FNB) is "one of the fastest growing revolutionary movements and is gaining momentum throughout the world." Access its story on: http://www.foodnotbombs.net Through hundreds of autonomous chapters globally, it shares free vegetarian food to relieve hunge ...
- The real problem with Obama's religionMary Shaw At a September town hall meeting in New Mexico, a citizen asked President Obama the question "Why are you a Christian?" Obama replied that he is "a Christian by choice," noting that his family didn't regularly attend church. He explained that he became a Christian later in life "because ...
- Hungary Toxic Sludge Catastrophe Reminiscent of BP ...http://environmentalarmageddon.wordpress.com/2010/10/08/hungary-toxic-sludge-catastrophe-reminiscent-of-bp-gulf-oil-spill/ Here’s the top headline on Yahoo! News on Thursday, October 7, 2010 regarding the Toxic Sludge Disaster in Hungary: Scientists say heavy metal in sludge not dangerous (AP) A ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- 2010 living wage shows the real costs of raising a ...The BC Office has released a 2010 update to the living wage calculation for Metro Vancouver. Read about it here: www.policyalternatives.ca/livingwage2010
- NFB Film showcases the growing gap in CanadaWhat does the growing gap look like in Canada? Class consciousness , an NFB film, explores the issue.
- Pensions and Retirement Quiz will have you asking ...The CCPA's new Pensions and Retirement Quiz will test your knowledge of Canadians' financial circumstances as they end their careers and/or enter retirement. This quiz is based on a series of reports on pension reform by CCPA Research Associate Monica Townson. What Can We Do About Pensions? provi ...
- Federal government undermining workplace safetyOn the eve of the National Day of Mourning for workers killed on the job, the CCPA is releasing two studies highlighting the need for improved health and safety enforcement and regulation.� According to Success is No Accident , by CCPA Research Associate David Macdonald, federal underfunding an ...
- BC: Higher income households can more easily reduc ...The CCPA-BC office released a Climate Justice Project brief today by Marc Lee. He has found that the richest of BC income earners are responsible for almost double the carbon footprint of the lowest-income households. If climate change policies are going to be successful, they need to start taking f ...
World Wide Hippies
- Should private companies control our most precious ...The New Oil | Newsweek Sitka, Alaska, is home to one of the world’s most spectacular lakes. Nestled into a U-shaped valley of dense forests and majestic peaks, and fed by snowpack and glaciers, the reservoir, named Blue Lake for its deep blue hues, holds trillions of gallons of water so pure it requ ...
- Zero Party?The Case for a Zero Party System | Zero Party Politics Upon travelling to the Black Hills of South Dakota and seeing Mount Rushmore for the first time, Gutzon Borglum proclaimed, âAmerica will march along that skyline.” Between the years of 1927 and 1941 Borglum sculpted and blasted away at that m ...
- Equality in the US of AThe opening of the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776 (reportedly with one of his slaves looking on), states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among the ...
- Hippie.TVhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0EK_KMtjvU Malalai Joya – Interview by Cindy Sheehan (1 of 2) Malalai Joya – Interview by Cindy Sheehan (2 of 2) Post videos of your band, kids, stand-up routine, whatever! It’s like open mic night on the web, 24/7.
- Oh Noes! Not Bean Bags Again!Beanbags are cool again, baby | Ottawa Citizen Beanbag chairs of the ’60s conjure up images of hippies mellowing out on the floor, listening to groovy music on headphones by the light of a lava lamp. Today’s beanbag is about versatility, comfort and eco-smarts. Two Ottawa entrepreneurs discovered th ...
Doug's Darkworld
- No brainer, it’s just common sense that maki ...“It’s just common sense” is probably one of the most seductive and deadly false arguments out there. When someone says “it’s just common sense” what they are really saying is “reality conforms to my idea of what makes sense.” Yes, often times reality does indeed operate in a perfectly “sensible” mat ...
- A Hard Act to FollowWell, my last post has turned out to be my most successful post ever, more than 40,000 hits so far. So now what do I do? Rest on my laurels? Sounds painful, don’t laurels have thorns? It’s especially curious in that it wasn’t a particularly well thought out or researched post, it was just something ...
- “This October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and ...Well, isn’t that an amazing little factoid? I read that on line and did what everyone else did, passed it along to delight and edify my readers. And it’s posted all over the Internet, often with dozens of comments and jokes about how cool it is and how it’s a great month to enjoy the [...]
- The mind, formerly boggled, reels uncontrollablyI finally figured it all out watching the mainstream news on TV the other day. We’re not living in The Matrix, we’re living in a dystopian 1980′s scifi movie. Robocop, Blade Runner, The Running Man, Terminator, Max Headroom, and others all nicely contributing to this farce. Not that reality itself ...
- ALLIES HELPLESS AS FLEETS OF UNSTOPPABLE NAZI STEA ...1943, Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, the commander of Germany’s Air Force, issued his now famous “1000, 1000, 1000.” requirements, the so called “3 X 1000 project.” This was a call for a bomber that could carry a 1,000 kg (2,200 lb) load for 1,000 km (620 mi) at 1,000 km/h (620 mph. ) And ...
- Fish Kills and Dead Zones Create Confusion in the ...Earlier this week, thousands of fish died and floated to the surface of Bayou Robinson in the Plaquemines Parish area of southern Louisiana. The massive die-off was the third found near the parish in a week, prompting outrage from local leaders who want to know if leftover oil and toxic dispersants ...
- "WORST CASE SCENARIO": "Oil may be emerging on to ...Critical Ocean Life Threatened by Oil on Gulf Floor, CNN, August 17, 2010: LARRY MCKINNEY, TEXAS A&M'S HARTE RESEARCH INST. FOR GULF OF MEXICO STUDIES: ... [T]hey do tend to support some of our greatest concerns about the fate of these underwater plumes that were discovered back in June, and that is ...
- 100 Tons of Diesel Spill into NileCairo - At least 100 tons of diesel fuel spilled into the Nile river after a barge partially sank in southern Egypt, media and state sources reported on Sunday. The barge was carrying 244 tons of diesel fuel when it sank on Saturday while attempting to dock near Aswan, some 980km south of the capita ...
- BP spill: White House says oil has gone, but Gulf' ...
- BP Oil Spill Disaster! Corexit in Florida and Alab ...This is some raw video footage taken from a Project Gulf Impact boat trip we took on August 24th, 2010. Within minutes of departing in Perdido Bay, Florida, we came across massive amounts of oil that had been obviously freshly sprayed with Corexit. The problem was, the dispersed oil wasn't just in o ...
Crisis Maven
- Economic Musings VI: Modern Economies – Dyin ...There is a great debate in the history of economics whether there can be under-consumption in any real historic moment of the state of an economy and if so, whether it has detrimental effects and if so, what is to be done about it. And modern economists seem to have found a magic wand with [...]
- Blogs and Web Sites you may want to followThe following is a list of blogs and websites that CrisisMaven has followed and observed over the last few months and that readers may want to check out from time to time. Note: neither the sequence of how the blogs are listed here nor any comments by CrisisMaven are an endorsement nor criticism of ...
- Economic Musings VII: Marketing doesn’t adve ...Have you ever wondered if marketing and advertising are the same, if not, what’s the difference and which is the more important of the two? And why should you care? The most successful economic model is without doubt the market economy. It is the consequence of the wealth effects of the division of ...
- CrisisMaven’s Blog News 2010-03-07: Over 25,000 We ...Yesterday around 16:37 GMT we passed the 25,000 threshold … - next report will probably be posted when we’re past the 50,000 mark. Thanks to all avid readers: on 2010-03-18 at around 19:25 GMT we went past our first 20,000 views on our blog in about eight weeks since we began publishing! After that, ...
- Economic Musings VIII: Is there a limit to economi ...Something which puzzles many thinkers and frightens many young people concerned about waste or the pillaging of our natural resources is the question: can “an economy” (whatever that is – we’ll come to that in a minute) grow indefinitely? How can there be unlimited economic growth if we’ve never hea ...
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further evid ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted. The following ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagflatio ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest bus ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trade de ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy porte ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the current crisis. This articl ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings were ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- Solazyme CEO Clarifies CostsPrior to publishing the previous essay, U.S. Navy Pays Big Bucks for Biofuels, the editor for Consumer Energy Report asked why I didn’t go with a more descriptive title like “U.S. Navy Pays $425 per Gallon for Biofuels.” I told him that the reason I didn’t is that the source clearly said that some o ...
- U.S. Navy Pays Big Bucks for BiofuelsThe U.S. military, as the single biggest consumer of fossil fuels in the world, are particularly interested in alternatives due to supply risks and price security.
- Oil Infrastructure and Terrorism – Part IIIJoin the forum discussion on this post The secretary of Russia’s National Security Council is now warning that militants have joined forces with pirates to carry out attacks on key maritime oil transport hubs like the Strait of Hormuz and the Suez Canal. According to the EIA, the Strait of Hormuz “ ...
- Oil Infrastructure and Terrorism – Part IIJoin the forum discussion on this post Yesterday’s New York Times contained a story that depicts the vulnerability of the U.S. military’s fuel supply chain: U.S. Military Orders Less Dependence on Fossil Fuels In Iraq and Afghanistan, the huge truck convoys that haul fuel to bases have been sit ...
- Oil Infrastructure and Terrorism – Part IJoin the forum discussion on this post In light of the recent attacks by militants on tankers carrying oil for NATO and U.S. troops, the series that I am posting this week is especially timely. When we consider the dependence of the U.S. and the western world on the Middle East, the potential for t ...
Discovery Educator Network
- 21st Century LiteracyComments: "21st Century Literacy project" - Jackie Gerstein Tags: education , resources , elearning , literacy , century , 21st by: Jackie Gerstein
- CK12.ORG - FlexBooksTags: ebooks , textbook , opensource , textbooks , flexr , publishing , Online , education by: Dean Mantz
- Cyber Security studies, reports, surveysTags: security , cyber , surveys , studies , k-12 by: Dean Mantz
- Tech Learning TL Advisor Blog and Ed Tech Ticker B ...Comments: 10 great free resources from Discovery Education. - Dean Mantz Tags: learning , resources , discovery , Free , DiscoveryEducation by: Dean Mantz
- globaldigitalcitizen - Team 1Tags: globaldigitalcitizen , digitalcitizenship , education , collaboration by: Dean Mantz
Rodale News
- Secret to Raising Food-Smart Kids: A School Garden ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—It’s true! What Michelle Obama has been saying at the White House garden —and everywhere else—for the last year and a half: Connecting kids and gardens increases their appreciation for fruits and vegetables. But planting the school garden is just the first step. A three-yea ...
- GMOs in Your Food: Hidden Ingredients, Unknown Con ...RODALE NEWS, NEW HOPE, PA—This Sunday, 10-10-10, has been designated by the climate-change nonprofit 350.org as a day for people around the world to install solar panels, plant gardens, and make their homes more energy-efficient . But if you don't have the time or resources for a major project, the ...
- An Angry Boss Might Bring Out the Best in YouRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Got a boss that blows his or her lid every once in awhile? Depending on a factor called your "epistemic motivation"—that is, the motivation to have accurate perceptions of the world, to understand the way things really are—an occasional run-in with an angry boss may actually ...
- Organic Coffee Taste Test: The Results Are In!RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Conventional coffee growing—that is, clear-cutting forests to grow coffee in full sun, and using pesticides—is a major factor behind plummeting bird populations. The good news: More and more people are brewing up organic coffee. Organically grown coffee plants do better i ...
- Losing Sleep Means Gaining Weight For KidsRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—According to 2007–2008 data, almost a third of young people aged 2 to 19 are overweight or obese: 21.2 percent of 2- to 5-year-olds; 35.5 percent of 6- to 11-year-olds; and 34.2 percent of kids 12 to 19. Bad diets, too many sugary drinks, and not enough exercise are well-kno ...
big think
- A Green MilitaryArguments about green technologies tend to focus on what, if anything, the government should do to get people to adopt them. Those who would dismiss them generally argue that global warming isn’t really a serious problem or that energy efficiency standards hurt the economy —often at the urging of .. ...
- Solar Tree: Nissan's Futuristic Electric Vehicle C ...After fuseproject's sleek WattStation electric vehicle charging stations for GE, Nissan enters the designer charging station market with Solar Tree – a futuristic solar-powered vehicle charging station. The 40-foot concept is being exhibited at this week's CEATEC 2010 trade show in Chiba, Japan, and ...
- Nuclear Fall Out?It is a phrase more often heard in London than Washington, but which has driven British defence policy since the end of the Suez crisis in 1956. It is that Britain enjoys a “special relationship” with the United States. While the “special relationship” is officially rooted in shared values, in ... R ...
- Water and Organic Compounds Found on a Second Aste ...Six months ago, in late April, Research teams at the NASA Infrared Telescope facility in Hawaii made an astonishing discovery. They found that both water ice and organic compounds exist on an asteroid named 24 Themis which circles the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The discovery stole . ...
- Former Basketball Player John Amaechi and Filmmake ...Many of the guests who we interview at Big Think can be described as "giants" in their fields, but this week we actually hosted our tallest guest ever. John Amaechi, the 6'10" former basketball pro, made headlines in 2007 when he announced that he was gay—a first for the NBA. Amaechi is also .. ...
Information Liberation
- Conspiracy Economics, Ellen Brown, The Secret of O ...Gary North of Lewrockwell.com wrote an excellent piece on Ellen Brown called "Cheerleader for Hitler's Economics." In the piece he details how Ellen Brown advocates Hitler's economics, namely a total fiat money standard where the government can prin...
- Portrait of a PoliticianThroughout human history people have often made incredibly bad choices when choosing their leaders. It seems there exists in human nature the desire to be ruled by infallible god-like beings. The modern day professional politician is aware of this an...
- Warning: Internet Crisis!The internet is one of the last few aspects of modern America that is relatively free from government control. The main reason being is that it is protected by the First Amendment. In Addition, the internet has become an invaluable aspect of society ...
- Reported Cover Up at Jennings Police DepartmentJENNINGS, MO (KTVI - FOX2now.com) - Jennings Police dash camera video reveals a reported case of excessive force. However, citizen complaints appear to have led to a cover-up. The woman in the video tried to get the Jennings Police Department to inve...
- Beck Says Government Letting Man's House Burn Down ...Glenn Beck praises the government for letting the man's house burn down, says it will send a message to his neighbors they better pay the state their protection money. Gotta love this statist!...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- Another Scientist Jumps ShipI was horrified to hear on the grapevine yesterday that Al Lewis has resigned from the American Physical Society. A likeable New Yoiker rogue, Lewis in his letter of resignation to APS president Curtis G Callan Jr, reportedly said of … Continue reading →
- The Decade of HypeI need to get away from AGW for a day or so. So I thought I’d ruminate briefly on the media hype surrounding what would have been John Lennon’s seventieth birthday today. It’s been said that if you can remember … Continue reading →
- Is Cancún Still Happening?I ask this because I have read precisely zero about it lately in all the mainstream media. Even the Wikipedia article on it is confined to four terse paragraphs. I get the impression governments, business and the MSM have pretty … Continue reading →
- How Can You Not Laugh?Splattergate! I’ve seen the film once. and not really had the stomach for a second viewing. But the Richard Curtis-directed short promo on behalf of the 10:10 movement is turning out to be one of marketing’s all-time disaster stories. On … Continue reading →
- Nullius In VerbaChina isn’t buying it. Russia isn’t buying it. The citizens of the United States of America aren’t buying it and are making this fact painfully clear to their legislators; my own countrymen, with their well-attuned B.S. radar, aren’t buying it. … Continue reading →
FAS - Secrecy News
- Slow Progress, Setbacks Seen in Afghanistan, Pakis ...A White House report to Congress (pdf) last week assessed “both positive and negative trends in the implementation of our Afghanistan and Pakistan strategy.” The report described the progress — or lack thereof — made this year towards achieving eight specified objectives. Those objectives include en ...
- Army Seeks Increased Awareness of Subversion, Leak ...A U.S. Army regulation (pdf) issued yesterday requires Army personnel to report any incident on a newly expanded list of possible indications of “espionage, international terrorism, sabotage, subversion” as well as “leaks to the media.” “The Army is a prime target for foreign intelligence and intern ...
- Operation Dark Heart: The AftermathThe Pentagon’s heavy-handed attempt to censor the new Afghanistan war memoir “Operation Dark Heart” by Anthony Shaffer has predictably turned a volume of narrow, specialized interest into a mainstream bestseller. It has also focused attention on just what information the government was seeking to co ...
- The Helium-3 Shortage, and More from CRSNoteworthy new reports from the Congressional Research Service include the following (all pdf). “The Helium-3 Shortage: Supply, Demand, and Options for Congress,” September 21, 2010. “China’s Steel Industry and Its Impact on the United States: Issues for Congress,” September 21, 2010. “Authority of ...
- Behind the Censorship of Operation Dark HeartBy censoring Anthony Shaffer’s new book “Operation Dark Heart” even though uncensored review copies are already available in the public domain, the Department of Defense has produced a genuinely unique product:Â a revealing snapshot of the way that the Obama Administration classifies national secur ...
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
- Unlocking nano secretsAn open or shut case for nanotechnology secrets Should nanotechnology R&D be more open to allow it to thrive in the commercial world, or should companies working in this field be more secretive? Paradoxically, the answer seems to be that keeping secrets stifles innovation and reduces patent success. ...
- Current science newsA few grabs from the current science news: My interview with Lucy Marcus on funding blue skies research – My interview with Lucy Marcus on why blue skies research should receive continued funding is now online in The Euroscientist magazine Tabloid reporting goes pear-shaped – The newspapers have ext ...
- Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2010Watch the announcement of the 2010 Nobel Prize for Chemistry live: Winners: Heck, Negishi, Suzuki – carbon coupling (real chemistry). Three chemical reactions of major importance. Given that a chemical won the Physics prize this year, perhaps it will be something entirely physical that wins chemistr ...
- Blood pressure anxietyIs it a sign of hypochondria to get white coat syndrome when measuring your own blood pressure? I asked this question on my personal Facebook page as a little joke with a hint of seriousness. My doctor and I are currently re-evaluating my blood pressure medicine, and I have been instructed to keep t ...
- New Sciencebase elementI’ve updated the Sciencebase tumblr account, for those of you who would like an alternative one-stop shop for science and technology news and views from David Bradley. The site aggregates the Sciencebase, Sciencetext, SciScoop, and Reactive Reports newsfeeds as well as my “likes” in Google Reader. T ...
RFF Library
- Clean Air Issues in the 111th CongressCongressional Research Service / James E. McCarthy http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/R40145_20100901.pdf [From Summary] EPA regulatory actions on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions using existing Clean Air Act authority have been the main focus of congressional interest in clean air issues in recent months ...
- U.S. Biomass Supply for Electricity Generation: Cl ...Steven K. Rose and Bruce McCarl http://tinyurl.com/22pqyn2 [Abstract] This paper investigates three important energy and climate policy issues: (1) the availability of biomass for electricity generation (i.e., supply), (2) climate policy effects on this supply, and (3) the net greenhouse gas reducti ...
- Achieving Low-Cost Solar PV: Industry Workshop Rec ...Rocky Mountain Institute / Lionel Bony, Stephen Doig, Chris Hart, Eric Maurer, Sam Newman http://www.rmi.org/Content/Files/BOSReport.pdf Solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity offers enormous potential to contribute to a low-carbon electrical system. However, costs must drop to fundamentally lower leve ...
- Supporting Solar Power in Renewables Portfolio Sta ...Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Ryan Wiser, Galen Barbose, and Ed Holt http://eetd.lbl.gov/ea/emp/reports/lbnl-3984e.pdf [Abstract] Among the available options for encouraging the increased deployment of renewable electricity, renewables portfolio standards (RPS) have become increasingly pop ...
- Well Within Reach: America’s New Transportat ...Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia David R. Goode National Transportation Policy Conference 2010 http://tinyurl.com/26m3et5 [From Executive Summary] Transportation systems are the backbone of America: They keep our nation strong and moving. But we have not been taking good care ...
Scientific American - News
- Virtual Revulsion Therapy: Pixelated Pests Help Tr ...For people with katsaridaphobia, or the fear of cockroaches, the common pests are more than nuisances--they are the stuff of nightmares. When some phobics spot one of the skittering beasts they start sobbing uncontrollably, whereas others who have seen them in their homes seriously consider moving. ...
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Casts for Collabora ...Climate change is a real, complex and widespread challenge that calls for a "new era of collaborative conservation." That's the message of a new strategic plan for dealing with the effects of global warming, released last week by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). The blueprint is part of t ...
- Recipe for High BPA Exposure: Canned Vegetables, C ...Pregnant women who eat canned vegetables daily have elevated levels of bisphenol A, an estrogenic chemical found in food containers and other consumer products, according to new research published today. More than 90 percent of pregnant women have detectable levels of bisphenol A, according to the s ...
- Graphite Novel: Nobel Prize Thrusts Graphene into ...For years researchers have held out hope that graphene would be the material to pick up the mantle in the electronics industry when silicon hits its limits as the material of choice for making devices smaller, faster and cheaper. Yet, turning graphene's promise into a reality has been difficult to ...
- Does a Weaker Sun Mean a Warmer Earth?The sun controls Earth's climate, bathing us in light ranging from ultraviolet to visible that warms the planet and drives the heat engines we know as weather systems and ocean currents. The sun is changeable, cycling from maximum to minimum outputs over a roughly 11-year cycle, increasing or decrea ...
- Keep traumatized soldiers from warHeraldNet: U.S. military suicides have claimed more lives than combat-related deaths in Afghanistan. This week marks the start of our 10th year there. It’s long past time to ask, “Why are we sending troubled soldiers back into combat?” We didn’t bat an eye when Saddam Hussein was still spooking us. ...
- Security contractors in Afghanistan “fund Ta ...BBC News: Heavy US reliance on private security in Afghanistan has helped to line the pockets of the Taliban, a US Senate report says. The study by the Senate Armed Services Committee says this is because contractors often fail to vet local recruits and end up hiring warlords. The report demands "im ...
- ISI pushing Taliban to fight US troops in Afghanis ...PTI: Pakistan's ISI is pushing the Taliban to attack US troops and their allies based in Afghanistan, the media here has said, close on the heels of a White House report that slammed Islamabad for not doing enough to battle terrorists holed up near the Af-Pak border. Several similar charges against ...
- Nine children among 10 killed in KandaharCNN: Nine children were among 10 people killed Tuesday when explosions rocked a residential area near the city of Kandahar, an Afghan government official said. Zalmai Ayoubi, spokesman for the Kandahar provincial governor's office, said 25 people also were injured, including children and four police ...
- Most Canadians agree it’s time to leave Afgh ...Global New: Most Canadians support Ottawa’s plan to pull out of Afghanistan next year, according to an exclusive poll for Global News. Sixty-one per cent of respondents to the TV network’s “Canada’s Pulse” poll say all Canadian troops need to come home, while 28 per cent think Canada should leave so ...
- Nats weekend turns from bad to worseThe National Party had a bad local body election with their favoured candidates losing out. Especially Banks in Auckland. And now their favourite TV shock jock has resigned from TVNZ. Paul Henry has gone after his racist comments about the GG. Henry, a former National Party candidat ...
- General debate, 10/10/10What are you doing to send the government a message to (really) act on climate change today?
- Wellington continues to go greenGreat local election result for the greens in Wellington. Celia Wade-Brown has come within 40 votes of toppling Kerry for the mayoralty. There are up to 900 special votes still to count. We will find out final results on Wednesday. Iona Pannett on city council and Paul Bruce on reg ...
- Liu Xiaobo awarded Nobel Peace PrizeLiu Xiaobo, Chinese dissident and democracy campaigner, has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China”. Liu is in jail for 11 years for advocating for democracy and human rights in China. NY Times reports that Chi ...
- Defeat for Nats in AucklandStill waiting for all the results to come in around the country, but the Auckland result is certainly a defeat for the Nats. Not only did Brown thrash Banks, but there is a soft progressive majority on the new Auckland Council. There are also a number of progressives on the Local Bo ...
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- As Western Civilization Lies DyingThe Western commercial system exists to extract more from consumers than it supplies in products and services. Its goal is profit and has never been the improvement of the human condition but to exploit it. When governments institutionalize this system, they place their nations on suicidal paths, be ...
- Is Perfect Research PossibleSome claim that there is no hope of doing perfect research. So, is there hope of doing perfect research? Of course there issometimes! It all depends on the whetherwhether the subject is limited and whether the researcher can write and is intelligent enough to adequately evaluate the evidence. ...
- The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: Last Gasp of ...No civilization in history that collapsed after a period of greatness has ever regained its dominance. Egypt lasted for three millennia; today it is little more than a field for archeological study. The Persian Empire, which lasted for more than three hundred years, became the largest and most p ...
- Specie, Script, and War: The Contradictory Practic ...Wars are fought for business, but business and the economy are synonymous. Wars will continue to be fought for the economy as long as this economy is not abandoned. War is a logical consequence of it, not a means utilized by it. No attempt to eliminate war and preserve the economy can succeed. A ...
- Knowledge, Truth and Human Action: America Hits th ...Americans have a problem with the truth. They seem to be unable to accept it. Beliefs somehow always overwhelm it, even when they are so contradictory that any effective action becomes impossible. By calling people with opinions experts and relying on adversarial debate between them, not only is ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
- Republicans and FilibustersSen. Susan Collins (R–Maine) writes that the Senate has become increasingly nasty and partisan. For example: During the past two years, the minority party has been increasingly shut out of the discussion. Even in the Senate, which used to pride itself on being a bastion of free and open debate, p ...
- Hayek and RandTyler Cowen semi-defends F.A. Hayek's The Road to Serfdom : The most important sentence in the book is "This book, written in my spare time from 1940 to 1943..." In those years, how many decent democracies were in the world? How clear was it that the Western powers, even if they won the war, woul ...
- We Are All Spending HypocritesBruce Bartlett calls out the neocons for being hypocrites on spending: Establishment conservatives love to talk about the need to cut government spending, but they always seem to find an excuse whenever there is a serious effort to actually do it. Last year, for example, they opposed cutting Medi ...
- The Chamber of CommerceAfter yesterday's report from ThinkProgress that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce "funds its political attack campaign out of its general account, which solicits foreign funding,"�Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) has asked the Federal Elections Commission to investigate whether the Chamber is violating election l ...
- More Growth, PleaseRemember that record pile of cash that U.S. companies have amassed over the past year? It's finally being put to use: For months, companies have been sitting on the sidelines with record piles of cash, too nervous to spend. Now they're starting to deploy some of that money — not on hiring workers ...
Insanity Report
- Michael Steele the Sellout“As the first congressional election during his party chairmanship approaches, Michael Steele is dancing as fast as he can, trying to charm independent voters and tea partiers while never losing sight of his real master and paycheck provider: the Republican National Committee” That’s what Lawrence O ...
- FacePalm of the Week: No Officer…That’s Not My Cr ...Remember when Paris Hilton was arrested for cocaine possession? She tried to claim that the purse wasn’t her’s even though her credit cards and money (everything minus the crack) were hers. We all got a great laugh at how stupid it sounded right? Well Raymond Roberts has decided to do one be ...
- Rick Sanchez and the Awesome Suckage of Race Baiti ...After listening to the whole clip, it’s clear that Sanchez’s biggest problem is that he has a huge chip on his shoulder. Sanchez is trying to race bait and claim that the reasons Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert make fun of him his because of his Hispanic background and humble beginnings. The son o ...
- IC 200: Business as Usual"Rick Sanchez is just mad that a comedian is doing a better job at informing the public than he is"
- Secrets, Lies, and Power in the PulpitWhen the news first broke that ATL All-Star “Bishop” Eddie Long was being accused of having had improper sexual relationships with young men in his flock, I admit that I was not surprised. I only knew a little bit about Mr. Long, but from what I knew, I knew he was the type of man [...]
Simple Climate
- Global warming gives tropical lizards energy probl ...Small temperature changes make a big difference to ectotherms – also known as “cold-blooded” creatures – around the equator, scientists based in the US and Germany find.
- Naturalists show climate effects from beyond the g ...Not zombie scientists, but museum collections provide data on how climate change is affecting timing of natural events like flowering
- I don’t care what the weatherman says, when ...Many people trust weathercasters' professionalism when it comes to climate change - but researchers' survey of US weathercasters' response to the Climategate scandal shows political outlook had a greater influence than professional credentials on how it affected their certainty that global warming i ...
- But, how do we know this is right?Peer-review weeds out bias – and peer-reviewed scientists talk to Simple Climate
- Spider orchid flowering crawls forward with warmin ...Peak flowering occurs 6 days earlier for each degree increase
e!Science News
- Clinical trials demonstrate effective weight loss ...Lifestyle interventions, including physical activity and structured weight loss programs, can result in significant weight loss for overweight, obese and severely obese adults, according to two reports that were posted online today by JAMA . The studies and accompanying editorials were made availab ...
- Genetically modified crop resistance to pests bene ...Transgenic corn's resistance to pests has benefitted even non-transgenic corn, a new study led by scientists from the University of Minnesota shows. read more
- Identifying subsets of patients who will respond t ...In a study presented at the 35th Congress of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), Dr Giovanni Bernardo from Fondazione Maugeri in Pavia, Italy, presented results that suggested it may be possible to identify subsets of metastatic breast cancer patients who are likely to respond to subse ...
- New targeted therapy adds benefit to erlotinib in ...A subset of lung cancer patients seem to live longer and experience delays in disease progression when a new drug that targets a cancer-associated molecule called MET is added to treatment with erlotinib, the results of a double-blind Phase-II trial show. read more
- Clue to unusual drug-resistant breast cancers foun ...Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine have found how gene expression that may contribute to drug resistance is ramped up in unusual types of breast tumors. Their findings may offer new therapy targets. read more
- Deadly Trio: Gulf Oil Spill, Coal Ash, and Red Slu ...Hungary's red sludge aftermath As my colleague Raviya Ismail described yesterday , the flood of toxic red sludge in Hungary is ominously similar to the tox ic coal ash flood two years ago that swept out of a ruptured reservoi ...
- Friday Finds: Got (rBST- or rBGH-free) Milk?A strip of houses in southwest Florida. Image courtesy of Google and The Boston Globe. BP greases the facts As if writing California's environmental curriculum wasn't enough, BP is back to meddling in the school system, th ...
- Why Does Stephen Colbert Hate Earthjustice?Failed presidential candidate/mock talk show host Stephen Colbert wants to rumble When Stephen Colbert's ultra conservative Comedy Central character declares you as being part of the nanny state, you know you're doing somethi ...
- Global Work Party Could Be The Ultimate Answer/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:"" ...
- Governor Manchin: Picking the Wrong Battle for W.V ...Gov. Joe Manchin Today, we learned that West Virginia's Governor, Gov. Joe Manchin, is suing the EPA for its policies to strengthen watch over the state's biggest polluter, the coal mining industry and to ensure that mining�d ...
Brave New Climate
- Discussion Thread – can nuclear be kick star ...I’ve split this discussion from Open Thread 6. I want to use this post to focus comments on whether lower-cost Gen II+ (e.g. via the Chinese CPR-1000 and Indian PHWR) are a better current option to be pursuing than higher-cost Gen III+ (like the AREVA EPR and any US proposal that you’d care to think ...
- IFR FaD 8 – Two TV documentaries and a new f ...Want to know more about the Integral Fast Reactor technology from the comfort of your lounge room chair? Then these two fascinating videos, recently transcoded and uploaded by Steve Kirsch to the “ifr.blp.tv” website, are for you. You can watch online, or download in .MP4 format (choose the format a ...
- Challicum Hills wind farm and the wettest Septembe ...I’m back on my BNC blog tonight, albeit briefly. You see, I’ve been on annual leave since Wednesday, and have spent the last few days on a motoring tour (with my parents and my two boys, Billy and Eddy, aged 11 and 8) around western Victoria — Castlemaine, Ararat, Lake Fyans, the spectacular Grampia ...
- SNE 2060 – thermal reactor build rates, uranium us ...Read this for the context. The first set of scenarios looks at the possible build out of Gen II+/III/III+ thermal reactors (i.e., current and advanced water-moderated reactors: PWRs, BWRs, HWRs etc.), over a 50 year time frame (2011 to 2060). The focus of this exercise is not to predict which reacto ...
- Scenarios for nuclear electricity to 2060 – ...Back in April 2010, I wrote a post “Nuclear century outlook – crystal ball gazing by the WNA”. It looked at an interesting study, undertaken by the World Nuclear Association, that made some low/high bound projections for electricity production between 2008 and 2100, including nuclear, new renewables ...
Indigenist Opinion
- A Witness to Iraq’s Health Crisis: Nahoko Takato S ...A Witness to Iraq’s Health Crisis: Nahoko Takato Speaks about her Experiences as an Activist and Aid Worker in Iraq :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1] : Nahoko Takato, a Japanese aid worker, quickly developed strong connections in Ramadi ...
- Notorious Body Part Snatcher Dr. Hiss Autopsied Ra ...Notorious Body Part Snatcher Dr. Hiss Autopsied Rachel Corrie – Parts Still Missing :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1] : Sometimes, reading an article about war, I want to puke. Recovering from Max Blumenthal’s latest bombshell from Haif ...
- The Myth of the Founding FathersTom Turnipseed: The Myth of the Founding Fathers By TOM TURNIPSEED Led by Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, Tea Party worshippers of the Founding Fathers want to return to the “good ol’ days” of 1787, when most African-Americans were slaves, many poor whites were indentured servants, and women couldn’t v ...
- Defend and Free Diop!Diop Olugbala Convicted! Defend and Free Diop! PHILADELPHIA-On Tuesday, August 24, the US government gave another example of its desperation in the face of popular resistance with the conviction of Diop Olugbala in Philadelphia. Despite all the efforts to paint imperialism with a new, benign and fr ...
- The Existential Lifespan of White Victimisation in ...It should hardly come as a surprise to anyone living in South Africa that the myth of a racially reconciled nation is a lot of insidious hogwash. The truth is that South Africa is a racist cesspool replete with the usual historical aggressors and victims that characterise the binary of racialised o ...
Republicans are a Disease
- Think Republicans Are On Your Side?If you think Republicans are on your side, you are either a billionaire, in which case it is true, or you are mentally retarded, and you should be in an institution.
- No Income Tax = 83 Of America’s 100 Largest ...83 of the nations largest 100 companies paid zero income tax last year. When the teabaggers to to Washington to try to take their country back, who is it that truly controls their country? I haven’t seen any anti corporate control, anti lobbyist signs at their rallies. Do they even know who their re ...
- Tea Bagger Zombies Will Be Disappointed!Do you want to know what is sad? After the billionaires and Corporate America pour hundreds of millions into the campaigns of “conservatives” do you think when push comes to shove they won’t get their handouts? Their tax cuts? Their loopholes? Their subsidies? When the tea baggers work so hard to ge ...
- Republicans Do Create JobsIn China.
- Mitch McConnall Doing His Best to Defend the Rich“We canât let the people whoâve been hit hardest by this recession and who we need to create the jobs that will get us out of it foot the bill for the Democratsâ two-year adventure in expanded government” is what ‘ol Mitch said on the Senate floor. In fact her personally knows more than [...]
Appalachia Rising
- Day of Action and Conference Vision StatementsAppalachia Rising: Day of Action September 25 – 27, 2010, Washington DC Appalachia Rising is a mass mobilization in Washington DC on September 27, 2010 calling for the abolition of mountaintop removal and surface mining. It is a culmination of the national movement against surface mining and a found ...
- Press Conference to be Held on June 15Thousands to March in DC Calling for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Press Conference June 15 in Charleston, WV Announces Mass Mobilization Appalachia Rising WHEN: June 15, 10:00 AM WHERE: WV State Capitol Back Steps Near Fountain, Charleston, WV CONTACTS: West Virginia Bo Webb – 304-237-2688 o ...
- Press InquiriesAll media inquiries should be sent to Bo Webb webb.bo@gmail.com Set up interviews via email. Previous Press Releases and Media Public Launch Press Conference Report Back, with video Press Conference Held on June 15 Announces Appalachia Rising Video June 15 Appalachia Public Launch Press Conference H ...
- New Flier for Appalachia Rising
- Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachian ...Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachians, and Scientists for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Ashley Judd, Woody Harrelson, Gloria Reuben, Kyra Sedgewick, Kevin Bacon, Ed Begley Jr., Kathy Mattea, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, James Hansen, and Darryl Hannah rallying behind coalfi ...
Amped Status
- Inside the Global Banking Intelligence Complex, BC ...Here is Part II of David DeGraw’s new book, “The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III.” The BCCI scandal gave citizens of the world a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the covert global banking intelligence power structure, revealing power politics in its purest form.
- Bill Moyers on The Economic Elite Vs. The People o ...On March 1st, Bill Moyers gave his first public speech in three years, as the final speaker in the Dowmel Lecture series. In his speech, he addressed what he feels is "the greatest threat" to our country: the staggering inequality of wealth and the death of the middle class.
- WAKE UP MEDIA! Lehman Report is Further Evidence o ...How much more evidence of a financial coup and the theft of trillions of dollars do we need before the media and our politicians do something, anything , to restore a rule of law in this nation? What is it going to take?
- Jon Stewart & Dylan Ratigan: How Wall Street Robs ...Why are Jon Stewart and Dylan Ratigan the only two sources on US television who consistently report on the biggest theft of wealth in history? Consider this a devastatingly accurate introduction to the economic coup, or the Daily Show's Economic Coup for Dummies.
- The Best Way to Rob a Country, Own a Bank The best way to understand the theft of trillions of our dollars, listen to William Black on The Real News Network...
- Between the Lines (Oct 9): Loyalty law expected to ...The Headlines: Jews and non-Jews > The government is likely to approve today a proposed bill, which will require all new non-Jewish citizens to declare their loyalty to Israel as a “Jewish and democratic” state. Ha’aretz [Heb] and Yedioth focus their criticism today on Ehud Barak, leader of the Lab ...
- Is Israel preparing for a population transfer? (Yo ...One of the goals of the 1956 Kafr Qasim Massacre, as envisioned by the action’s commander, Major Shmuel Malinki, was to encourage the mass flight of the Palestinians still living in Israel after the 1948 ethnic cleansing. Malinki was aware of staff plans for such expulsions, and remembered the role ...
- Introducing ethnic cleansingI disagree (for once) with my Rt. Hon. Friend Noam Sheizaf. As you may have read, Noam reported on his blog the police and army recently concluded an extensive drill, practicing response to “riots” that would follow the signing of a peace agreement covering “population exchange”. Here is a verbatim ...
- Between the Lines (6 Oct): Yesterday’s news ...Headlines: Yesterday’s new today > This is a news roundup, but do the newspapers necessarily publish news? This is yet another day when the Yom Kippur War protocols capture the headlines, without revealing anything significant about that war that we didn’t already know. Israel was caught by surpris ...
- Between the Lines (7 Oct): Disloyalty to the Jewis ...Headlines: Disloyalty to Judaism and Democracy Netanyahu has decided to support a proposed bill, which would require new citizens to proclaim their allegiance not just to Israel, as they are required to do right now, but specifically to Israel as a “Jewish and democratic state”. The law wou ...
Blacklisted News
- CNP: Tea Party Courts GOP’s Evangelical Wing CNP is a secretive and powerful club that has worked to make the Republican Party more socially conservative. Founded in 1981 by Tim LaHaye, the evangelical minister, political organizer, and author of the Left Behind books about the coming apocalypse, CNP’s board reads like a who’s who of the GOP’s ...
- Federal Reserve Officials: Americans Are Saving To ...
- Bernanke Tells the Truth: The United States is on ...
- IMF Article Predicts New World Order Dominant Social Theme: The world needs a central bank and the IMF is ready to be one.
- Bernanke Tells the Truth: The United States is on ...
The Intelligence Daily
- The Myth of The Noble Savage: Twenty-Five Percent ...The myth of the Noble Savage: On the tendency to paint early men & women as “noble...
- More on Washington’s Failed Ecuadorean Coup Attemp ...By Stephen Lendman For nearly two centuries, America dismissively called Latin America its...
- The Gas Cartel Idea: On the Road to Another OPEC?By Global Intelligence Report staff As oil sees its image tarnished from the disastrous oil spills...
- Watershed Strategic Ramifications Expected from Pa ...By Gregory R. Copley for the Global Intelligence Report Flooding along the Indus River Valley in...
- IntelFilter: October 4, 2010Headline of the day: Army embeds active-duty PSYOPS soldiers at local TV stations; US Military...
My AntiWar
- Cyber Espionage Besieges Australia’s Militar ...
- Anger Rising in Nepal Amid PM Stalemate
- Myanmar: Pro-Junta Party Vows to Foster Democracy
- Myanmar’s Top Court to Hear Suu Kyi Appeal
- Accused Russian Arms Trafficker Files Appeal Again ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Solidarity Delegation to IRAN - Oct 9 to 15Summary: Sara Flounders and John Parker, leaders of the International Action Center in New York and Los Angeles, will be joining a people-to-people delegation to visit Iran on Oct. 9. The purpose of the trip is to express solidarity with the people of Iran, in the face of continuing U.S. threats ...
- China’s Growing Independence and the New World Ord ...Summary: Chomsky In Western policy-making circles and among political commentators, 2010 is called “the year of Iran.” The Iranian threat is considered to pose the greatest danger to world order and to be the primary focus of U.S. foreign policy, with Europe trailing along politely as usual. It ...
- South Korea finds new way to finance Iran tradeSummary: South Korea has appointed two state-run banks to finance commerce with Iran and revive business ties damaged by sanctions in an effort to protect US$10B in annual trade with Tehran. “Iran’s central bank is not the target of sanctions, so transactions through the bank are legal,” said K ...
- STUART LEVEY AND THE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF IRAN SANC ...Summary: Levey says that sanctions are meant to press Iran to engage in serious diplomacy witht the United States and the international community. But, he has, in effect, created a sanctions policy which will be very difficult for the United States to walk back, even as part of a process of neg ...
- Why Iran won’t bow to foreign pressureSummary: Hooman Majd Iran has suffered for more than 30 years because of its central foreign policy tenet, and Iranians know it. Yet there is still tremendous support for the nuclear program in Iran, not just because of Persian pride, which President Obama recognizes, but because it has become t ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Image of the Day: Awesome Beauty of Earth's Volcan ...Volcano Tungurahua. located in Ecuador. has become active roughly every 90 years for the last 1,300 years. Erupting spectacularly last year, molten rock so hot it glows visibly pours down the sides of the 5,000-meter high Tungurahua, while a cloud...
- SciFi Alert: The New "Thing" -Norwegian Science-te ...Universal Pictures is shooting the upcoming prequel to John Carpenter's now classic alien horror film, The Thing, starring Kurt Russell. The film, also entitled The Thing, is directed by Dutch filmmaker Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. and is scheduled for release...
- From the X Files Dept: China's UFO Frenzy -Will it ...2010 is apparently the year of China's UFO sightings- most recently when an unidentified flying object shut down a Chinese airport on Sept. 11. Newly released footage (of unconfirmed authenticity) shows what appears to be a classic UFO and has...
- Sci, Space, Tech Fans: Win a Free $500 Apple Gift ...Use it to Buy an iPhone, iPad or Hundreds of Other Apple Products and Accessories. Users of Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Digg are invited to discover, review and share Daily Galaxy posts you love on any one or combination of the...
- Get Your Daily Dose of Awe @The Daily Galaxy Faceb ...Link & Share The Daily Galaxy Facebook Page
Natural News
- Three-fourths of Americans obese or overweight by ...(NaturalNews) America is already on the verge of drowning in sick-care bankruptcy, but the situation is about to get even worse. According to a new study released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , three-fourths of Americans will be obese or overweight by 2020. That puts ...
- Obesity costs society $73 billion just in lost pro ...(NaturalNews) The societal costs of obesity are typically thought of in terms of the health care costs associated with treating obesity related disease. But a new study has found another cost that has not often been considered: lost productivity. According to researchers from Duke University, obese ...
- Food prices to rise globally as energy prices edge ...(NaturalNews) Rising energy prices and a shift to Western consumption patterns will continue to push global food prices higher in the coming decade, according to the annual agricultural outlook issued by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the U.N. Food and Agriculture Org ...
- If bumper stickers reflected the way people really ...(NaturalNews) They won't admit it in person, but most guys think war is fun to watch on TV . That's why wars are packaged as entertainment. There's even a documentary on the topic called "Militainment, Inc." by Roger Stahl that can tell you more (http://www.mediaed.org/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=ac ...
- McDonald's recalled children's cups loaded with to ...(NaturalNews) Earlier in the summer, McDonald's recalled 12 million promotional children's "Shrek" beverage glasses due to cadmium contamination, but the company insisted at the time that the glasses were not toxic. However recent regulatory reports have revealed that the glasses were highly toxic, ...
Threat Level
- Caught Spying on Student, FBI Demands GPS Tracker ...A California student got a visit from the FBI this week after he found a secret GPS tracking device on his car, and a friend posted photos of it online. The post prompted wide speculation about whether the device was real, whether the young Arab-American was being targeted in a terrorism investigat ...
- Expert: ACTA No Longer Gutting Internet FreedomThe United States is caving on the internet section of a proposed international intellectual property treaty, meaning its one-time quest to globally dictate Draconian copyright rules has come to an abrupt halt. That’s what Michael Geist, an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement expert at the Universit ...
- Hacked Voting System Stored Accessible Password, E ...An internet-based voting system that was hacked last week by researchers at the University of Michigan stored its database username, password and encryption key on a server open to attack. Alex Halderman, a computer scientist at the university, has detailed the vulnerabilities and hacking techniques ...
- Army Updates Espionage Rulebook Following Leaks to ...The Army has updated a 17-year-old rulebook on espionage following internal leaks of classified information to the secret-spilling site WikiLeaks. The update, released Monday, now requires troops to alert authorities if they suspect someone is leaking classified information to the media or any other ...
- Secret-Spilling Sources at Risk Following Cryptome ...Secret-spilling site Cryptome was hacked over the weekend, possibly exposing the identities of whistleblowers and other confidential sources, according to a hacker who contacted Wired.com and claimed responsibility for the breach. The hacker said two intruders from the group Kryogeniks breached the ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- GOP Obstructionism Fueling State and Local Job Los ...While today's employment report showed the private sector added jobs for the ninth straight month, those gains were more than offset by the deep cuts by state and local governments . But those layoffs, the biggest in 30 years , didn't have to be this severe. After all, President Obama in June aske ...
- Sorry, Newt: Democrats are the Party of PaychecksIn his latest effort to rebrand both the Republican and Democratic parties, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has also rewritten history. Labeling his GOP " the party of paychecks " and Democrats " the party of food stamps " in advance of his upcoming campaign swing, Gingrich declared "we have his ...
- Poll Reveals Democrats' Working Class White OutSomewhere, Wall Street Journal columnist and What's the Matter with Kansas author Thomas Frank is shaking his head. In 2004, Frank detailed how the GOP successfully turned to divisive social issues and fear-mongering to persuade working class whites in his home state to consistently vote against th ...
- Conservatives Proclaim Year of the Black Republica ...This spring, the New York Times , the Washington Post , The Week and The Grio (among others) pointed to the new crop of African-American GOP candidates and pondered, " 2010: The year of the black Republican? " And on Sunday, RealClearPolitics contributor Jack Kelly touted the candidacies of Tim Sco ...
- Christine O'Donnell Channels Linda Tripp, Declares ...This week, Delaware Republican Senate candidate and sworn enemy of masturbation Christine O'Donnell unveiled a new ad declaring, " I'm you ." But if that formula to reposition herself as an average American sounds hauntingly familiar, it should. After all, it was Linda Tripp , opposed as she was t ...
Blackspot News Feed
- The Tea Party's Misinformation Superhighway Runs T ...I met Delaware Tea Party dynamo Christine O'Donnell in the "green room" set up for right-wing bloggers attending Americans for Prosperity's "Right Online" conference at the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas in late July. The free-market-loving, climate-change-denying group launched by Kansas oil billionai ...
- Speaking in Tongues: Bilingual Education and Immig ..." America has evolved for the better. She will pretty much meet you on your terms. In fact, I think she has finally come to the conclusion that Blacks, Mexicans, Indians, etc. are here to stay. And the only way to perceive them is to accept them and their existence as valid. Acceptance, that's real ...
- Bicentennial Nothing to Celebrate, Say Indigenous ...Mexico City, Sep 24, 2010 - "I don't understand why we should celebrate [Independence]. There will be no freedom in Mexico until repression against indigenous peoples is eliminated," says Sadhana, whose name means "moon" in the indigenous Mazahua language. read more
- UntitledClick through to a video interview with the other Warren Ellis and Nick Cave. Scrub through to 6.10, to discover what Nick Cave thinks should happen to me. (Also, a nice plug for the French edition of my novel.)
- "Waiting for 'Superman'": A simplistic view of edu ...In the eyes of some education observers, "Waiting for 'Superman'" oversimplifies the problems facing US students and implies an education reform silver bullet for struggling public schools. read more
Consortium News
- A Long History of America's Dark SideThe "dark side" of American counterinsurgency warfare has a long and grim history, according to Peter Dale Scott and Robert Parry. October 7, 2010
- Indian Genocide and Republican PowerThe post-Civil War army and business greed combined to slaughter Indians and build Republican power, notes Thomas J. DiLorenzo. October 7, 2010
- What a GOP Majority Would MeanRepublican obstructionism may be rewarded in November, but the new political reality may prove costly, writes Don Monkerud. October 6, 2010
- Petraeus's New Afghan War PloyGen. David Petraeus suggests that his Afghan War "surge" is forcing the Taliban to the peace table, but is it so, asks Ivan Eland. October 5, 2010
- An Inside Look at the Afghan War DebacleBob Woodward's new book reveals President Obama's national security team adrift on the Afghan War, says Melvin A. Goodman. October 5, 2010
- :
- Alexander Cockburn : Autumn of the Driveler
- Carl Ginsburg : Life in the Low to Mid-Teens
- Alexander Cockburn : Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obam ...
- Alexander Cockburn : He Should Have Kept His Mouth ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Beit Ommar Demonstration October 9th. 2010 (Pales ...
- Gaza teens brave IDF fire to collect salvaged buil ...In the course of three months this summer Israeli soldiers shot and wounded 10 Palestinian teenagers who collect building materials from demolished structures in the former Israeli settle ...
- 8 detained at anti-settlement rally (Ma'an News)Israeli forces detained 8 protesters at an anti-settlement rally near Hebron on Saturday. Three foreign nationals and one Israeli activist were among those detained at the weekly demonstr ...
- How good news became bad for Gaza (Donald Macinty ...Yet for companies like the Abu Dans' - whose decades-old, $1.5m factory was the biggest clothing enterprise in Gaza - the easing of the embargo had a perverse effect. With the ban on expo ...
- The Jewish Republic of Israel (Gideon Levy, Haare ...It's not hard to understand the Netanyahu-Lieberman duo. As sworn nationalists, they are not expected to understand that democracy doesn't only mean the rule of the majority, but rather f ...
Water - AlterNet
- Is Gulf Seafood Really Safe to Eat? Government Wit ...Outside scientists, eager to perform independent evaluations of the government's findings, complain the information released contains far too many unknown variables.
- World's Rivers in Crisis: U.S. and Europe Face Hig ...A new report on the health of our rivers reveals that "the richer the country, the greater the threat to river systems."
- Can Oil-Eating Mushrooms Clean Up After a Spill?Researcher Paul Stamets says mushrooms can eat oil spills and rid the world of toxics -- and he's got proof.
- Pact With the Devil: A New Fossil Fuel Energy Boom ...As domestic U.S. pools of conventional oil and gas dwindle, energy companies are increasingly turning to 'unconventional' fossil fuel reserves and that's going to be disastrous.
- Misusing California Water Numbers for Political Pu ...Central Valley Tea Partiers and right wing media are using a pack of lies to launch a full-scale assault on the environment of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Public Citizen in Texas
- Three steps forward, two steps back on campaign fi ...Today, the US House Administration Committee voted the Fair Elections Now Act out of committee. San Antonio Representative Charlie Gonzalez cast a decisive vote in favor of the bill, putting a bill that would give optional public financing to all Congressional candidates for further than it has eve ...
- Emily Cross: Global Warming and Campaign Finance I ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Emily Cross is a Political Science student at Rice University. Emily hugs trees during her free time.
- Veronica Valesquez: Solar Intern from Austin Colle ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Veronica majors in Environmental Studies and Cultural Anthropology
- Al Armendariz testifies in front of House Environm ...Dr. Al Armendariz, a former SMU professor, made his first appearance before a state legislative committee in his new role as Regional 6 Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Most of the House Environmental Regulation Committee hearing was taken up with Armendariz’s testimony ...
- Tom "Smitty" Smith at Al Armendariz welcome party ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Tom "Smitty" Smith at Al Armendariz, the new Region 6 EPA Administrator welcome party in El Sol Y La Luna
Unexplained Mysteries
- Water carrying asteroids are commonNew research has suggested that water carried on asteroids is a lot more common than believed. The idea that water can be carried around the cosmos fr...
- 10.10.10 marks historic Binary DayToday is one of those rare dates on which the day, month and year form a binary number. Bizarrely the date ( 101010 ) when converted in to binary prod...
- Do we need to evolve to explore space ?Can mankind ever hope to explore space or are we simply biologically unable to cope with it ? Given how ill-equipped we are to survive outside of a pr...
- Scientists help solve mystery of dying beesThe mysterious decline of honey bees around the world might be due to both a virus and a fungus. Its one of the most enduring scientific mysteries of ...
- Baptist leader nixes yoga for ChristiansA Southern Baptist leader is calling for Christians to abandon yoga as it isn't a "Christian pathway to God". Albert Mohler's comments have caused sig...
- Communities in Oaxaca Buried in Mudoaxaca.jpg The hillsides of Oaxaca literally slipped into mud and slid through community villages nearby.�Among those affected by the deluge are Grassroots International partners: Mixe Peoples' Services ; Center to Support the Popular Movement ...
- Via Campesina Denounces Gates Foundation, Monsanto ...Outside Author Info Outside Author Bio:� The Via Campesina is an international movement of peasants, small- and medium-sized producers, landless, rural women, indigenous people, rural youth and agricultural workers. The Via is a Grassroots International pa ...
- Ending Poverty by Rebuilding Local Food Economies- ...us_food_sovereignty_alliance.jpg Emerging out of the US Working Group on the Food Crisis , the US Food Sovereignty Alliance will be the first of its kind in the United States. Grassroots International is a member of this new alliance. To celeb ...
- Director of Grantmaking & AdvocacyGrassroots International (GRI) is a dynamic, social justice-oriented, human rights and international development organization and public foundation that works to create a just and sustainable world by building alliances with progressive movements through grantmaking and advocacy. GRI’s grantmaking a ...
- Referendum on Land Holding Used to Educate about L ...plebiscito_popular_logo.jpg As part of a larger campaign to support the right to land, this week Grassroots International provided a $10,000 grant to boost education and organizing around a powerful national referendum in Brazil. The referendu ...
- October 8, 2010China and U.S. Blamed as Climate Talks Stall (Guardian) China and the U.S. were accused of holding back progress on a climate deal today as talks in Tianjin crashed into a series of procedural roadblocks. Rich Nations 'Slow to Start Climate Aid Flow ' (Business Green) Rich countr ...
- October 7, 2010 Climate Talks Struggle as China, U.S. Face Off (Reuters) The U.S. and EU said on Wednesday that U.N. climate talks were making less progress than hoped due to rifts over rising economies' emission goals, while China pushed back and put the onus on rich nations. Climate Change Not Right ...
- October 6, 2010U.S. Says Climate Talks Failing to Make Headway (Reuters) The U.S. said on Wednesday U.N. climate talks were making less progress than hoped, with a rift over poorer nations' emission goals, and that other avenues might be needed to tackle climate change. Europe, Asia Call for Urgent 'B ...
- October 5, 2010China Says Climate Talks Must Tackle Rich CO2 Cuts (Reuters) Greenhouse gas cuts vowed by rich nations remain far from enough to escape dangerous global warming, a top Chinese climate official said on Tuesday, urging climate talks to confront the shortfall. Delegates Told to ID Achievab ...
- October 4, 2010Climate Change Talks Open in China (AP) China, the world's biggest carbon emitter, opened a UN conference on climate change Monday aimed at narrowing differences before a major year-end meeting in Mexico. Climate Chief Urges Nations to Show Deal Can Be Done (Reuters) The UN climat ...
- Cleantech Remains an Economic Engine in CaliforniaCalifornia collected 24 percent of global cleantech VC dollars, which translates to roughly $11.6 billion since 2006. In a promising sign, the state received 40 percent of worldwide cleantech VC in the first half of 2010, a 246 percent jump compared to the same period a year before, according to ...
- Oracle Folds Carbon, E-Waste Management Features I ...Oracle has added features to two products in a bid to make it easier for companies to manage their energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and e-waste. The moves are part of Oracle's long-term goal of providing a common set of metrics and analytics across a range of sustainability data sources.
- Humans Caused $6.6 Trillion in Environmental Damag ...A new report uses data from Trucost to find that the cost of environmental damage equaled 11 percent of Gross Domestic Product, and was 20 percent larger than pension fund losses from the financial crisis.
- Bridging the Gap Between Green Business Research a ...The Network for Business Sustainability, based at the University of Western Ontario in Canada, has as its mission bringing the most pressing questions on sustainability to the research agenda -- and feeding the results back into practice.
- Molson Coors Workers Pledge to Save 700K Gallons o ...During Molson Coors Brewing Company's second annual Water Stewardship Month, employees in three countries participated in volunteer work and the company launched an online tool to help employees conserve water at home. �
Reuters Global
- Loss of U.S. jobs to China becomes powerful electi ...U.S. jobs outsourcing to China, India and other cheap-labor countries becomes a powerful election issue for the Democrats in the campaign for the Nov. 2 midterm elections.
- In Mexico’s Ciudad Juarez, new police are ch ...Residents in Mexico's most violent drug war city Ciudad Juarez are desperate for an end to the killings. Authorities say a new police force is the answer.
- Will China make the world green?Joscka Fischka, former German foreign minister and Green Party leader, reckons China will force Green policies on the world economy.
- America takes the war deeper into PakistanA series of incursions by NATO helicopters into Pakistan along with a sharp rise in missile strikes by an unmanned drone aircraft has set America and its conflicted ally Pakistan on a collision course.
- Claiming Jinnah’s mantle: Musharraf joins th ...Pakistan's former military ruler Pervez Musharraf launched his political career, invoking the spirit of the country's founding father Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The problem is every politician in Pakistan claims to inherit Jinnah's legacy, but who are voters to believe in ?
Booman Tribune
- Serious QuestionWho do you want to see meet in the World Series? I know, anyone but the Yankees. I'd like to the Yanks face the Phils again. But I still want revenge on the Reds for ruining my 7th year on this planet. And it's been forty-eight years since the classic Yanks-Giants series that ended on a Game ...
- Sad News from Afghanistan The situation in Afghanistan continues to be demoralizing. The latest is a failed rescue attempt to save a 36-year old Scottish aid worker. Ms. [Linda] Norgrove, who had travelled extensively, was an experienced aid worker who had worked in a number of countries. She worked for the United Na ...
- Is Climate Change a National Security Issue? I don't have an informed opinion about the replacement of Jim Jones with Tom Donilon as National Security Adviser. But I do think something in the following clip is newsworthy. ...Jones, former commandant of the Marine Corps, was committed to the inter-agency process he oversaw and to the struc ...
- Blue Dog Populism Stan Greenberg and James Carville discover the obvious. People are not responding to the message that we want to "move forward" while the Republicans want to "go back to the failed policies of the past." They are responding to candidates who blast Wall Street and outsourcing, and who promise to st ...
- My Uncle Has DiedMy uncle died yesterday. His health had been poor for some time, but he had always maintained, as much as possible a cheerful demeanor. I will remember him for his charm, his wit, his kindness and his story telling ability. He was quite the raconteur. One experience he did not discuss much was ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 1 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1901 - birth of...
- Today's Open ThreadFor today's people...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 9 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1940 - birth of...
- Friday Afternoon Club Open Thread'Cause what could be finer?...
- Man the barricades!It turns out that there is something that can strike fear into the heart of...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
Therapy News
- Long-Term Psychological Outcome of Heavy Combat Is ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Experiencing heavy combat puts soldiers and other members of the military at higher risk for long-term emotional and psychological trauma-related struggles. A new report indicates that half of such veterans experience these symptoms for the rest of their lives. But in ...
- Commenting Open for Federal Mental Health Action P ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is inviting therapists, counselors, other mental health professionals, and members of the public to comment on SAMHSA’s proposed action plan. Currently, the plan contains eight strategic initi ...
- Neanderthals Shown To Exhibit CompassionA GoodTherapy.org News Headline Treating others with compassion goes back 1.8 million years to the time of Neanderthals, new research from the University of York’s Department of Archaeology suggests. Neanderthal remains show that people with serious injuries lived long enough to heal, indicating tha ...
- Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-UpA GoodTherapy.org Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-Up Have you heard this October has five full weekends? This only happens every 823 years! Hopefully this week’s news will fill up this October weekend with interesting thoughts and provoke good conversation :) ⢠Mental Health Courts Mean Better Rec ...
- More on Bullying: What It Means For Bullies Themse ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary Bullying has been a high-profile issue in the media lately, but it’s been on the radars of therapists, counselors, and psychologists for far longer. A number of studies have been published over the last few years that examine the consequences of bullying not just for b ...
Mountaintop Removal
- BTL:Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Opponents Work ...Lexington Herald Leader BTL: Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Opponents Work to Generate Clean Energy Bay Area Indymedia She spoke with Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus, who attended the Appalachia Rising conference, about the destruction wrought by mountain top removal coal ... "Mountain Justice: H ...
- EPA science on mountaintop removal impacts reaffir ...Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) EPA science on mountaintop removal impacts reaffirmed Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) As you might remember, EPA recently announced it will set new water quality standards to guide the process for permitting mountaintop removal mining valley ... Rev ...
- Mountain Top Removal Mining Protestors Arrested - ...CBS News Mountain Top Removal Mining Protestors Arrested Capitol News Connection The Appalachian Restoration Act, which would effectively ban mountaintop removal , is currently being considered by the Senate. ... Protesters gather in Washington to rally against mountaintop removal WKYT More than 10 ...
- 'Appalachia Rising' conference draws attention to ...'Appalachia Rising' conference draws attention to issue of mountaintop removal Transcript The conference gave the students the opportunity to learn more about mountaintop removal and to participate in a walk of solidarity. ... Movement to End Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Raises Hell in DC OpEdNe ...
- Reverend Billy's Revelation: A Role for Money - Ne ...New York Times Reverend Billy's Revelation: A Role for Money New York Times They gathered around a mound of symbolic dirt in the lobby of a bank that they say finances mountaintop removal , shouted “Hallelujah!” and sang folk songs. ...
- Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic (John Mar ...John Markoff / New York Times : Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic — MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Anyone driving the twists of Highway 1 between San Francisco and Los Angeles recently may have glimpsed a Toyota Prius with a curious funnel-like cylinder on the roof. Harder to notice was that t ...
- Oh, Dear: Blumenthal Does Know How To Create Jobs ...Ace / Ace of Spades HQ : Oh, Dear: Blumenthal Does Know How To Create Jobs — And he's created them — through his lawsuits. — “Businesses welcome them.” — Linda McMahon, your next commercial is waiting. — Thanks to Laura “Shanty Trollop” W. — Add-on from lauraw: I recently saw Linda McMa ...
- President Loses 'Iron Hand,' Gains Donilon (Marc A ...Marc Ambinder / The Atlantic Online : President Loses ‘Iron Hand,’ Gains Donilon — The key to understanding why President Obama picked deputy National Security Adviser Tom Donilon to replace Gen. James Jones has three grooves: one, Donilon is a civilian policy wonk loyal to the President who has ...
- Lured Into a Trap, Then Tortured for Being Gay (Ne ...New York Times : Lured Into a Trap, Then Tortured for Being Gay — He was told there was a party at a brick house on Osborne Place, a quiet block set on a steep hill in the Bronx. He showed up last Sunday night as instructed, with plenty of cans of malt liquor. What he walked into was not a pa ...
- Rush Limbaugh says there will never be equality be ...John Amato / Crooks and Liars : Rush Limbaugh says there will never be equality because:"some people are just born to be slaves" — How dare you say there's racism in the Teabircher movement? I'm so offended by that notion. Isn't what Rush Limbaugh just soooooo true? … He's absolutely correct b ...
Energy & Environment News
- Booming Car Sales in China May Bypass DieselsChina’s fast-developing auto market may move straight to gasoline-hybrid vehicles, BMW’s head of sales and marketing said Friday.
- New Role Proposed for U.N. in Combating Global War ...Rather than focus on a binding climate agreement, the United Nations should take a stronger role in making sure that countries promote cleaner energy sources, the former U.N. climate chief says.
- Repsol Sells 40% Stake to Chinese Oil ProducerThe $7.1 billion deal will finance Repsol’s plan to develop offshore fields in Brazil.
- Fee Dispute Hinders Plan for ReactorThe Calvert Cliffs project, outside Washington, was once hailed as a cornerstone of the “nuclear renaissance.”
- U.S.-China Deadlock Dims Climate Talk ProspectsNegotiations have made limited headway as the world’s two largest emitters of greenhouse gases blamed each other for holding up talks.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.1, Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, AlaskaSunday, October 10, 2010 06:25:30 UTC Saturday, October 9, 2010 09:25:30 PM at epicenter Depth : 35.10 km (21.81 mi)
- M 5.4, Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, AlaskaSunday, October 10, 2010 06:08:15 UTC Saturday, October 9, 2010 09:08:15 PM at epicenter Depth : 37.40 km (23.24 mi)
- M 5.1, near the east coast of Honshu, JapanSaturday, October 9, 2010 06:12:25 UTC Saturday, October 9, 2010 03:12:25 PM at epicenter Depth : 42.80 km (26.59 mi)
- M 5.1, Pagan region, Northern Mariana IslandsSaturday, October 9, 2010 03:25:02 UTC Saturday, October 9, 2010 01:25:02 PM at epicenter Depth : 55.50 km (34.49 mi)
- M 5.1, New Britain region, Papua New GuineaWednesday, October 6, 2010 21:07:12 UTC Thursday, October 7, 2010 07:07:12 AM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
China Dialogue
- Stepping up the fight for life (2)In the conclusion of Olivia Boyd and Joydeep Gupta’s interview with Ahmed Djoghlaf, the UN biodiversity chief argues rich nations have both a moral duty and selfish reasons to help developing countries prevent species loss. Joydeep Gupta: Developing countries continue to say the money they are being ...
- Stepping up the fight for life (1) Ahmed Djoghlaf is the executive secretary of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. In the run up to a key summit on species protection, he tells Olivia Boyd and Joydeep Gupta why failure to reach agreement is not an option. Olivia Boyd: Remarkably few people seem to know there is a ...
- The fight to protect China’s cats Guangdong’s taste for cat meat drives a brutal trade, laid bare in a new documentary from filmmaker and animal rights campaigner Guo Ke. Zhou Yiyan reports. Every day before dawn, there is a flurry of activity in the alley behind Shanghai’s Jiangsu Hotel. One by one, scooters laden with heavy sacks ...
- Tinkering at the edgesThe launch of a socially responsible investment index in China is welcome news, says John Elkington, but it is naïve to believe it will power real change without stronger political action. Speaking at the World Economic Forum's “ Summer Davos ” in Tianjin in September, premier Wen Jiabao reaffirmed ...
- “False hope gets us nowhere”Paul Kingsnorth is co-founder of the Dark Mountain Project, a literary movement built on the belief that ecological disaster is inevitable – and mainstream environmentalism hopelessly naive. Here, he explains his outlook to Matt Sellwood. Paul Kingsnorth is a British journalist and author of ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Instruments of Peace: St Francis, John Lennon, and ...Crossposted on Tikkun Daily By Valerie Elverton-Dixon.The human is a fragile being, a furless, clawless, big-brained animal with no fangs. We have little unaided strength and less speed. From epoch to epoch our human condition is one that leaves us vulnerable to a natural world that does not car ...
- Is Islam a Religion of Peace? Chris Hitchens Versu ...âIf you want diversity, you need a secular state with a godless constitution. Secularism is the only guarantee of religious freedom.â Returning to the eveningâs assignment, Hitchens said Islam requires the belief that the prophet Muhammad was âa perfect human beingâ and that the Kor ...
- Collaborative Art Fractures Prison WallsCrossposted on Tikkun Daily By Alana Yu-lan Price The image of a hand pressed against thick glass, fingers outstretched, made its way onto Evan Bissell’s canvas because it still haunts one of his collaborators, a young woman named Chey who saw it as a child visiting a jail. “My dad used to do tha ...
- No Preaching; No Finger Pointing: New Book Shows W ...Hazelden Publishing’s new release, The Book That Started it All: The Original Working Manuscript of Alcoholics Anonymous, a copy of the 1939 version of Alcoholics Anonymous, shows, through its original edits, that AA’s simple steps were far from simple. We asked Sid Farrar, the book’s editor and Haz ...
- How Wall Street Profits from the Criminalization o ...Two Wall Street-backed powerhouses are making fat profits off of the private immigration detention system, and they're flexing their muscles in Congress.
Threat Level
- Caught Spying on Student, FBI Demands GPS Tracker ...A California student got a visit from the FBI this week after he found a secret GPS tracking device on his car, and a friend posted photos of it online. The post prompted wide speculation about whether the device was real, whether the young Arab-American was being targeted in a terrorism investigat ...
- Expert: ACTA No Longer Gutting Internet FreedomThe United States is caving on the internet section of a proposed international intellectual property treaty, meaning its one-time quest to globally dictate Draconian copyright rules has come to an abrupt halt. That’s what Michael Geist, an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement expert at the Universit ...
- Hacked Voting System Stored Accessible Password, E ...An internet-based voting system that was hacked last week by researchers at the University of Michigan stored its database username, password and encryption key on a server open to attack. Alex Halderman, a computer scientist at the university, has detailed the vulnerabilities and hacking techniques ...
- Army Updates Espionage Rulebook Following Leaks to ...The Army has updated a 17-year-old rulebook on espionage following internal leaks of classified information to the secret-spilling site WikiLeaks. The update, released Monday, now requires troops to alert authorities if they suspect someone is leaking classified information to the media or any other ...
- Secret-Spilling Sources at Risk Following Cryptome ...Secret-spilling site Cryptome was hacked over the weekend, possibly exposing the identities of whistleblowers and other confidential sources, according to a hacker who contacted Wired.com and claimed responsibility for the breach. The hacker said two intruders from the group Kryogeniks breached the ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- IMF told to toughen scrutiny of rich powersWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Emerging powers won a battle on Saturday for heightened IMF scrutiny of rich countries' economic policies as world financial leaders sought to defuse mounting tensions over currencies.
- North Korea's heir debuts at giant military paradePYONGYANG (Reuters) - Secretive North Korea's leader-in-waiting, the youngest son of ailing ruler Kim Jong-il, took center stage during a massive military parade on Sunday, his public appearing being broadcast live for the first time.
- Chile rescuers reinforce shaft for miners' escapeCOPIAPO, Chile (Reuters) - Chilean rescuers on Sunday reinforced an escape shaft to hoist 33 miners to freedom two months after they were trapped deep underground in a cave-in, as a stunning survival story that gripped the world nears its climax.
- Kyrgyzstan votes in landmark electionBISHKEK (Reuters) - Kyrgyz voters cast their ballots on Sunday to create the first parliamentary democracy in Central Asia, in an election many hope can unite the country only four months after the worst bloodshed in its modern history.
- TAKE-A-LOOK-Global currency tensions as IMF, G20 m ...The IMF's member countries on Saturday called for urgent action to bolster the Fund's role in overseeing macroeconomic policies that could pose a threat to stability. The IMF and World Bank held their twice-yearly meetings in Washington as world finance leaders sought to tamp down simmering curre ...
- News you may have missed #438 (Stuxnet edition)Stuxnet cyber superweapon moves to China. The Stuxnet computer virus, dubbed the world’s “first cyber superweapon” by experts, and which may have been designed to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, has found a new target: China. The computer worm has infecting … Continue reading →
- Iran announces arrests of alleged nuclear spiesBy IAN ALLEN | intelNews.org | The Iranian government has announced the arrest of an unspecified number of alleged nuclear spies, reportedly in connection with a sophisticated virus that infected computers used in Iranâs nuclear energy program. The arrests were … Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #437Huge demand for spy balloons in Afghan war. The hottest US weapon in Afghanistan lacks a lethal capability, floats thousands of feet in the air and doesn’t carry troops. It’s a spy balloon. Similar contraptions have been making appearances at … Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #436Iran crosses into Iraq to hit bombing suspects. Iranian forces crossed into neighboring Iraq and killed 30 Kurdish fighters from a group it says was involved in last week’s bombing of a military parade, Iranâs state TV reported Sunday. The … Continue reading →
- Experts see nation-state behind sophisticated comp ...By IAN ALLEN | intelNews.org | Computer forensics specialists are split as to the purpose and initial target of a sophisticated computer virus that infected computers used in the Iranian governmentâs nuclear energy program. The virus, named Stuxnet, was discovered … Continue reading →
After Downing Street.org
- Manufactured and Testing WMD'sCrimes manufactured in laboratories Oct 8, 2010 - IT was the lot of the United States (US) Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton last week to render a similar soul-wrenching apology as her husband, Bill Clinton did 13 years ago on behalf of ‘God’s Own Country’. In 1997, the humanist Clinton stood befor ...
- Avigdor Lieberman: A Profile in Ultranationalist E ...Avigdor Lieberman: A Profile in Ultranationalist Extremism - by Stephen Lendman Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Lieberman represents the worst of Israel's lunatic fringe, sort of a combination Dick Cheney/John McCain/Joe Lieberman, too extremist to be entrusted with power, but he's got it ...
- American Justice On Trial: Graduitous Police Viole ...By Linn Washington Hours after police in a Philadelphia suburb proudly paraded Kenneth Woods, 21, in front of the news media as the man responsible for killing a college student during a hi-speed crash while allegedly fleeing police in a stolen SUV, the cops backpedalled, admitting they arrested the ...
- Emotional Effects of Heavy Combat Can Be Lifelong ...ScienceDaily (Oct. 6, 2010) — The trauma from hard combat can devastate veterans until old age, even as it influences others to be wiser, gentler and more accepting in their twilight years, a new University of Florida study finds. The findings are ominous with the exposure of today's men and women t ...
- Now We Must Serve ThemSpeaking of 'teabagger' types {wingnuts} Not Demanding Sacrifice, this is printed in the UK Guardian, Not The U.S. Press! Veteran affairs: now we must serve them Uncle Sam is glad to wave the flag when sending soldiers to war, but patriotism means doing right by our veterans, too Jesus Bocanegra, of ...
Grist - News
- China and U.S. blame each other as climate talks c ...by Agence France-Presse. TIANJIN, China - The United States and China clashed on the final day of climate change talks on Saturday, accusing each other of blocking progress ahead of a major summit next month on global warming. The world's two biggest greenhouse-gas polluters sparred throughout t ...
- China warns trust ebbing from climate talksby Agence France-Presse. TIANJIN -- China on Friday warned that trust and confidence were being sapped from long-running U.N. talks aimed at forging a global deal on climate change, amid a grinding standoff with the United States. The latest round of negotiations in the Chinese city of Tianjin ...
- White House dismisses critical report on oil spill ...by Agence France-Presse. WASHINGTON -- The White House on Thursday rejected a preliminary report into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, which charged that the government hid worst-case estimates on the disaster and was incompetent in dealing with it. President Barack Obama's aides pushed back agai ...
- Scathing report on BP oil disaster from presidenti ...by Brad Johnson. Cross-posted from the Wonk Room . On May 22, 2010, President Obama established the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, to investigate the Gulf of Mexico disaster and recommend policies to guard against future offshore disasters, a ...
- Anti-GM-crop petition tops million signaturesby Agence France-Presse. BRUSSELS -- More than one million signatures have been gathered in a legal bid to "freeze" genetically modified (GM) crop cultivation in the European Union. Environmental campaigners Greenpeace and Avaaz announced that the target for their online petition had been met ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Hollerado Presents the Human 8-Bit VideoThe new video from Hollerado is much more creative than any of the crap that might be shown on MTV.
- Four Weeks To Go and Thinking About a Guy I Don't ...Columnist inspires 3-day for the Cure Walker
- The Shifting Sands of ECM PlatformsThe rate of change of ECM platforms is leading to companies switching more frequently and system lifetime decreasing
- Verizon's 4G Strategy Targets Sports FansSomebody at Verizon understands that sports fans are also heavy wireless broadband users.
- The Big Danger of the Mobile Web: Your PrivacyThink before posting with your cell phone
Time - Top Stories
- Is the Catholic Church's Argument Against IVF a Bi ...When biologist Robert Edwards, who perfected in vitro fertilization (IVF) more than 30 years ago, was awarded the Nobel Prize on Oct. 4, public reaction was swift and divided.
- Alain Ducasse's Weapon Against Poverty: Cooking Cl ...For his latest project, the world-renowned French chef is giving 15 women from Paris' poverty-stricken suburbs the chance to learn to cook like professionals -- and maybe even work in one of his restaurants
- Who's Linked In? 7% of Babies Boast their Own Emai ...Today's world is about being connected. Apparently some parents believe that can't start too soon: new research shows that 7% of babies and toddlers have their very own email address.
- No More Nukes?The New START treaty coming before the Senate reduces U.S. and Russian arsenals. But in light of current and potential threats, how many warheads does a superpower need?
- Why $1,700 Means Joel Stein is RichWith great wealth comes great responsibility. So what should I do with my $1,700 tax-break savings?
Washington Independent
- QE2 Coming?Today’s poor jobs report cements the fact that the recovery has stalled out and American workers are facing years, if not a decade, of sluggish wage growth and high unemployment. Therefore, there is new pressure for the Federal Reserve to try new measures to aid the recovery. The Washington Post’s N ...
- Will National Guard Troops at the Border Make a Di ...There are 1,200 National Guard troops on the U.S.-Mexico border, working as extra “eyes and ears” for Border Patrol agents to watch for trafficking and illegal border crossing. But as the Associated Press points out in its story today on the troop deployment, many question whether they will make any ...
- Texas Fighting to Be First on Offshore WindThere’s been a lot of talk about the so-called clean energy race between the United States and China. But there’s a home-grown energy race brewing that has garnered far less attention. In lane one you’ve got the federal government, which announced this week that it signed the first lease for an offs ...
- The Impact of EduJobsOn Aug. 10, President Obama signed into law a state-aid bill, providing $16.1 billion to states for Medicaid and $10 billion to prevent teacher layoffs. The emergency measure provided much-needed help to states — all of which save for Vermont are required to run balanced budgets — with yawning bud ...
- National Organization for Marriage Takes to the Ai ...The National Organization for Marriage-backed “Vota Tus Valores” campaign, which previously launched a bus tour around the state of California urging Latinos to vote for GOP Senate candidate Carly Fiorina, is now up on the airwaves with a Spanish-language ad campaign attacking Sen. Barbara Boxer (D- ...
Digg Green
- 4 Harvard Girls Create A Soccer Ball That Can ...Thanks to four female Harvard students, it may not be long before soccer balls are being used as a source of electricity.
- Tropical Animals May Get a Dangerous Metaboli ...While the temperature effects of climate change are expected to be less dramatic in the equatorial regions, the cold-blooded tropical animals that live there may be in for a dramatic shock.
- Obese Woman Gets Brain Surgery to Curb Appeti ...Can deep brain stimulation surgery help those struggling with morbid obesity to lose weight?
- The World's 5 Coolest Types of Public Transpo ...Just because cars are marketed as the coolest way to get around, it doesn’t mean they are. Here are 5 public transport vehicles that kick ass in the cool stakes.
- Oilsands expansion 'fool's gold,' scientist w ...Expansion of Alberta's oilsands must be avoided if the world is going to avoid disastrous effects of climate change, says one of the world's leading climate scientists.
Invisible Opportunity
- Rahm Emanuel: You never want a serious crisis to g ...Rahm Emmanuel, here, is speaking of what David Icke calls problem -reaction – solution. What is left unsaid is that the folks that are taking advantage of the crisis are, more often than not, the ones who created the crisis in the first place. This is the modus operandi of the powers that be: ...
- The Trembling House of Cards is Beginning to Tumbl ...By Les Visible All night long I was moving in an unusual dream. Parts of it were sublime and beautiful. They had to do with things in life that were also sublime and beautiful but hadn’t defined themselves to me as such. Other parts had to do with numbers and connections to the Madrid Train [...]
- Military C-130 Hercules plane crashed into tower b ...
- Shameless flu shot pushers use strip clubs to enti ...By Mike Adams All across the mainstream media this week, newspapers and websites are screaming about how pregnant women must be vaccinated because “it helps the baby.” What they don’t tell you is that vaccines cause miscarriages, so you might technically call vaccines “abortion injections.” This sup ...
- The Israeli threat to global securityby Paul Woodward A USB memory stick carrying the Stuxnet malware is believed to have provided intruders with access to Iran’s nuclear program. The same technique was used in November 2008 to break into CENTCOM, providing a foreign government with unfiltered access to the Pentagon’s command of the wa ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Taxation and Regulation Might Not Be Fun to Talk A ...It's time to end the legal harassment, discrimination, and criminal prosecution of adult marijuana users in California simply because they are healthy -- Prop 19 will do that.
- Pot Legalization in CA Polling Over 50% -- This Th ...Everyone from former law officers to single parents and young adults are pushing for California to legalize pot this November.
- As Local Criminals Attempt to Take Advantage of La ...Two suspected 17-year-old kidnappers were grabbed by an angry mob and beaten to death.
- Prop. 19 Offers Major Potential for Some Cancer Pa ...Tens of thousands of sick people throughout California find relief from scores of ailments by using cannabis because this plant has so many healing qualities.
- Exposing the Fraudulent Criminalization of Marijua ...The harm caused by the war on pot extends beyond its 15 million prisoners; its cost has exceeded a trillion dollars.
Twilight Earth
- Republican Clouds (cartoon)Obama announced recently that he plans to add solar panels to the White House. I can’t see anyone or anything standing in the way. White House gets into 10/10/10 spirit with solar-panel plan Obama: âNo industry with more potential to create jobs now than clean energyâ Follow Joe Mohrâs cart ...
- Big Oil and Big Coal’s Favorite Toy (cartoon)Find me a liberal in the Big Coal and/or Oil biz and I’ll never draw another cartoon again! Republican governor candidates deny climate change On climate change, it’s the Republicans versus reality Follow Joe Mohrâs cartoonery at JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons Related p ...
- Wrong Way for Right WhalesMysterious whale die-off is largest on record Gandhi quotes Follow Joe Mohrâs cartoonery at JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons Related posts:Dances With the Moon: Earth Day is Coming! Can’t Spell HATE Without T-E-A (cartoon) Tea Partiers and Suicide Bombers (cartoon) ...
- Can’t Spell HATE Without T-E-A (cartoon)Opposition to health care reform, threats of holy book burning, anti-immigration legislation, opposition to gay marriage, and the growing influence of the horrifically xenophobic Hate-Everyone-Not-Like-Me Party…WOW! Is this 2010 or 1810??? We are on a fast track to SCARY!!! These hate-children of P ...
- Frankenfish Should be OK Because of BPA (cartoon)Bill McKibbenâs New Book: The Old Economy is Killing the Earth; Itâs Time for a New Living Economy Don’t Let Experimental Genetically Engineered Salmon Reach Your Plate Follow all of Mean Joe Green’s environmental cartoons on JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons. Related post ...
- Despite the Recession, Organic Cupcake Business is ...Even in a tired economy, there are some types of businesses that are still raking in the dough. But these lucky few aren’t pawning off gold bars and diamonds – you’d be surprised to know that sweet treats (cupcakes especially) are one of the few consumer goods experiencing a major boom even as Ame ...
- Enter the HP Reimagine ROI Contest to Win a Vacati ...We love the mantra “recycle, reduce, reuse” – but what about reusing something in an unexpected way? This month HP is looking for your stories of inspired creative reuse in their HP Reimagine ROI contest (disclosure: HP is an Inhabitat advertiser). Whether you’re like Ecouterre editor Jasmin who ...
- Fascinating Sculptures Made from Recycled Typewrit ...Those are not the eyes of the future, nor is that the face of android seeking to embody and relay human emotion. Undoubtedly compelling, this piece has been constructed with the same precision as any modern gadget, but without all of the flash- what you see above is fact a sculpture made from a reli ...
- Eden Project Giant Bubble Biomes Are World’s Large ...Read the rest of Eden Project Giant Bubble Biomes Are World’s Largest Greenhousehttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: biodome, biome, bi ...
- World’s First Zero Carbon Conference Center Opens ...The Convention Centre Dublin (CCD) just opened its doors to reveal what they claim to be the first carbon neutral conference center in the world. The multi-use complex has a large performance hall, exhibition hall, multiple meeting rooms and a spectacular atrium overlooking the river. The CCD can ac ...
Pogue's Posts
- How Do You Test a Battery?Help David Pogue design a protocol for testing the battery life of a smartphone running Flash videos.
- Testing Videos on Cellphones - With FlashFlash on Android cellphones makes a world of watchable content available. Except for Hulu videos.
- Verizon Comes CleanVerizon acknowledges its $2 accidental-key-press problem on mobile phones - the same problem it denied last December.
- A Camera's Lens Isn't Its Most Important PartIn a digital world, the camera's sensor and the software take on greater importance.
- Why Credit Cards?Instead of credit cards, why not transfer the money directly between purchaser and provider?
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Titan’s Haze Could Hold Recipe for Life, No Water ...When it comes to determining exactly where in the solar system life began, things have never been so up in the air. Scientists over the past decade have suggested deep-sea hydrothermal vents, underground aquifers, partially frozen lakes and even comets as locations for the origin of life. Now an ex ...
- Cool Evolution Trick: Platinum Turns Baby Snails i ...Evolution doesn’t have to operate at a snail’s pace, even for snails. In experiments designed to simulate the evolutionary transition that produced slugs, researchers exposed baby snails to the metal platinum, causing the animals to develop without external shells. The research illustrates how ...
- Black Death’s Daddy Was the Bubonic PlaguePiles of bones and historical records tell us the Black Death pandemic wiped out as much as half the population of Europe during the Middle Ages. But how and what, exactly, caused the grisly scourge has sparked a boxing match of sorts within the pages of scientific journals. The final bell has ru ...
- Babies Want to Be Social, Even Before They’re BornThe impulse to be social is so deep-seated in human consciousness that it’s even evident in the womb, suggests a new study on the interaction of twins just a few months after conception. Twin pregnancies offer “the unique opportunity to explore social behavior before birth,” wrote researchers led b ...
- Solar System’s Deepest Canyon Sinks Miles Into Mar ...On the Martian surface, the mountains are high and the canyons are low. Really, really low. Not only is the martian volcano Olympus Mons the highest peak in the solar system, Melas Chasma, the canyon pictured above, is the deepest in the solar system. In this image from the European Space Agency’ ...
The Progressive Realist
- The Strategic and Tactical Futility of Sanctioning ...Earlier this week, in his “Political Bookworm” blog at The Washington Post , Steven Livingston published a guest post from Hooman Majd, entitled “Why Iran Won’t Bow to Foreign Pressure”. In his piece , Hooman argues that, in evaluating the latest round of multilateral and national sanctions against ...
- Tom Donilon: The Last Best Hope to Help Obama Mak ...(Outgoing National Security Advisor General Jim Jones, President Barack Obama, and newly named National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon; photo credit: Talk Radio News ) Recently I met with David Rothkopf, Foreign Policy blogger and one of Washington's premier chroniclers of American national secu ...
- Climate Change IsolationismRon Brownstein has an excellent column on the globally unique position of the American conservative movement’s climate change denialism , a view that’s completely different from the posture outlined by mainstream conservative parties in the rest of the world. Dave Roberts spins this out into a specu ...
- On Post-War SettlementsQuiggin on the end of the Great War: Despite the emergence of the ever-present nuclear menace, 1945 marked the low point of the 20th century in many ways. At least on the Western side, the peace settlement was far less draconian, and far more successful, than that of 1919. And, for several decades a ...
- Doesn’t Everyone in Afghanistan Have Taliban Ties?Afghans Linked to the Taliban Guard U.S. Bases – NYTimes.com Afghan private security forces with ties to the Taliban, criminal networks and Iranian intelligence have been hired to guard American military bases in Afghanistan, exposing United States soldiers to surprise attack and confounding the fig ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Remember, Government Jobs Aren't ...Mike Potemra begins by noting the obvious: President Obama is probably not an "anti-colonialist" or "socialist." He� concludes �instead that he is a "clueless bungler" who had everyone fooled in 2008, but now the mask has fallen off. So where has Obama bungled, exactly? His handling of the economy? ...
- Foreclosure Foreclosure Goes Viral. The foreclosure crisis was burbling along as house prices dropped, but now increasing evidence of fraud in the paper chain between borrowers and the people who bought their loans is suddenly grinding the process to a halt. A massive lawsuit by Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray against a major m ...
- The Little Picture: Godly License Plates.(Flickr/ Daniel Greene ) A vanity license plate in Arizona. Today, the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that prohibiting religious references on license plates was unconstitutional.
- The "High" Road in Colorado Springs.Ever since Colorado Springs -- the anti-tax Mecca of the west -- refused to raise taxes to fill its $28 million budget shortfall and instead began cutting services, conservatives and liberals alike have been tuning in to see just how well a city with bare-bones government services could survive. Thu ...
- Lou Dobbs' Revisionist History.You may have heard about The Nation 's exposé about Lou Dobbs , revealing that the crusader against illegal immigration has had undocumented workers cutting his grass and tending his show horses. Dobbs and the author of the piece, Isabel MacDonald , had a lengthy debate about it on Lawrence O'Donnel ...
- GOP Counts on Voters Being So Angry That They Forg ...MARC PERKEL FOR BUZZFLASH Republicans are all in on voter anger. They have one and only one strategy for the 2010 election. They are counting on the voters being so angry that they forget who made them angry in the first place. But what would happen if the Republican voter anger plan fails? Wha ...
- Sharron Angle Is Living Off Her Husband's Federal ...BARBARA'S BUZZ FROM ATLANTA http://thinkprogress.org/2010/09/26/boehner-pledge-problem-not-solution/ "WALLACE: Congressman Boehner, as Willie Sutton said about banks, entitlements are where the money is. More than 40% of the budget. Yet, I've looked through this pledge and there is not one single pr ...
- The Tea/GOP Would HATE Our Actual FoundersHARVEY WASSERMAN FOR BUZZFLASH This is a Greco-Roman nation, gathered in a Hodenosaunee longhouse. As they wrap themselves in the Constitution they mean to shred, that is the self-evident Truth the Tea/GOP Party ultimately cannot face. Our legal godfathers---the ones Glenn Beck loves to conjure--- ...
- Another Thought About Fox Not Allowing Republican ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH I wasn't born yesterday or even the day before. Murdoch's ownership of the GOP is factual; But it gets a bit more ominous when we discover These relationships are actually contractual. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/42745.html
- The 15% Solution Serialization, Ninth Installment. ...This is the ninth installment of a project that is likely to extend over a two-year-period from January, 2010. It is the serialization of a book entitled The 15% Solution: A Political History of American Fascism, 2001-2022 . Under the pseudonym Jonathan Westminster, it is purportedly published in ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- More terrorism fear-mongering exposed as frivolousThe claims that Terrorist trials in New York would endanger Americans has been exposed as a sham
- Opposition to the rule of lawThose claiming that terrorists don't belong in court -- because some might win -- reject basic American justice
- Obama era justiceA Syrian man's efforts to be compensated for the horrible War on Terror abuse he suffered will undoubtedly fail
- Times Square bomber: Cause and effect in the War ...Yet again, an attempted terrorist claims his actions were in response to U.S. violence in the Muslim world
- Truth about the public option momentarily emerges, ...Tom Daschle confirms, then denies, what has long been clear: Obama secretly negotiated it away early on
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Unlocking nano secretsAn open or shut case for nanotechnology secrets Should nanotechnology R&D be more open to allow it to thrive in the commercial world, or should companies working in this field be more secretive? Paradoxically, the answer seems to be that keeping secrets stifles innovation and reduces patent success. ...
- Current science newsA few grabs from the current science news: My interview with Lucy Marcus on funding blue skies research – My interview with Lucy Marcus on why blue skies research should receive continued funding is now online in The Euroscientist magazine Tabloid reporting goes pear-shaped – The newspapers have ext ...
- Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2010Watch the announcement of the 2010 Nobel Prize for Chemistry live: Winners: Heck, Negishi, Suzuki – carbon coupling (real chemistry). Three chemical reactions of major importance. Given that a chemical won the Physics prize this year, perhaps it will be something entirely physical that wins chemistr ...
- Blood pressure anxietyIs it a sign of hypochondria to get white coat syndrome when measuring your own blood pressure? I asked this question on my personal Facebook page as a little joke with a hint of seriousness. My doctor and I are currently re-evaluating my blood pressure medicine, and I have been instructed to keep t ...
- New Sciencebase elementI’ve updated the Sciencebase tumblr account, for those of you who would like an alternative one-stop shop for science and technology news and views from David Bradley. The site aggregates the Sciencebase, Sciencetext, SciScoop, and Reactive Reports newsfeeds as well as my “likes” in Google Reader. T ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Study: High Rates of Bullying, Suicide Attempts Am ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 7, 2010 National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force More than half of transgender and gender non-conforming people who were bullied, harassed or assaulted in school because of their gender identity have attempted suicide, according t ...
- IMF and World Bank MeetingsFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 7, 2010 Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA) The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are holding their annual meeting in Washington, D.C. this weekend. COLLINS MAGALASI ERIC LeCOMPTE, via Julia Dowling Magalasi is director of the Malawi Economic ...
- Dam Removal Saves Jobs in Rural Community FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 7, 2010 American Rivers Federal assistance has been secured to remove the 15 foot high and 200 foot long Briggsville Dam in the town of Clarksburg, Massachusetts. Removal of the outdated dam will help the owner, Cascade School Supplies, avoid excessive financial hardshi ...
- New York City Request to Exclude Soda from SNAP De ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 7, 2010 Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) The USDA should approve New York City's sensible request to test excluding soda and other sugary beverages from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. read more
- MSF Launches Global Campaign: 'Europe! HANDS OFF O ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 7, 2010 Doctors Without Borders (MSF) As the European Commission (EC) resumes negotiations on a trade agreement with India that could block access to life-saving generic medicines, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans ...
Common Dreams-Views
- 10/10/10by Peter Rothberg Actress Ellen Page is getting to work on climate solutions this October 10 as part of the 10/10/10 Global Work Party organized by 350.org and hundreds of partners around the world. Let her explain: read more
- Net Neutrality Is Ready for Action. Is the FCC?by Timothy Karr It's put up or shut up time on Net Neutrality. That’s what Rob Pegoraro wrote in the Washington Post earlier this week. And he’s right. The fate of the open Internet now rests in the hands of FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski. The chairman just needs to muster the courage to do right ...
- Industrial Agriculture and Human Survival: The Roa ...by Ronnie Cummins Note: Climate and food activists are organizing thousands of “work parties” in 170 nations on October 10, 2010 (10/10/10). These work parties are designed to both highlight local projects that can help reverse global warming, and to force politicians to take decisive action - befor ...
- What If It Doesn’t Get Better? Queer and Aborigin ...Laurel Dykstra My mother says that when I was born she was given more tiny dresses than I could ever wear because they didn't have flowers at her father's funereal and, "people wanted to do something." My grandfather was a suicide. Sometime in the months between my conception and birth he walked the ...
- A New Newt?by Christopher Brauchli Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue. François, duc de La Rochefoucauld (1613–1680) — Maxim 218 It brought to mind days of old and the Newt Gingrich of old. It’s because of its name: Pledge to America. That sounds almost like Newt Gingrich’s 1994 Contract With ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Kidnapped Aid Worker Dies During Rescue AttemptBy Steve Hynd Linda Norgrove, a Scottish-born aid worker who was kidnapped last month in Afghanistan's Kunar province, has been killed in the course of a rescue attempt by US forces, according to British and NATO officials. The official line, repeated by most of the mainstream media, is that her cap ...
- The Tenth Year In AfghanistanBy Steve Hynd Today is the anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan. Welcome to the tenth year of occupation. Afghanistan became a nine year war under an exceptionalist, colonial interpretation of the Pottery Barn Rule - we broke it, so we get to fix it - that allows Americans to ask questions lik ...
- Afghan Peace Talks: The Soap.By Steve Hynd Today's announcements about talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban read like a script for the old sit-com "Soap". Basically, the White House supports but says it is not participating in - and the U.S. military does not support but credits the "surge"(tm) for creating the o ...
- Getting To War With Pakistan By Increments?By Steve Hynd Fred Hiatt and the editors of the Washington Post have a couple of demands for Obama's Af/Pak policy: Pakistan's punishment of NATO for the border incident is arguably an inevitable response to domestic political opinion. But its resistance to a more muscular U.S. campaign in North Waz ...
- A Hollow, Compromised, Afghan Security ForceBy Steve Hynd The BBC reports on allegations by a former UN official that the Afghan security forces are hopelessly compromised: Dr Antonio Maria Costa, former head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, said Taliban sleeper cells had been set up inside the security forces. They had already carried ou ...
Water Wars
- Southwest Montana SnapshotsDocumentary on water wars shown Tuesday at library
- Peru water wars threaten agricultural export boomICA (Peru), Sept 10 — The World Bank, which has lent millions of dollars to turn Peru’s fragile desert coast into verdant farmland, has stumbled into a film noir scene straight out of Roman Polanski’s “Chinatown” about the violent water wars of 1930s Los Angeles. When a World Bank employee went in A ...
- Water wars over neighborhood annexation in Rock Hi ...The city of Rock Hill wants to annex two neighborhoods and a church along the Highway 161 corridor in York County. Homeowners are fighting annexation.
- Fest film on 'water wars' a fund-raiser for local ...One of the films being shown as part of the ongoing Cape Ann Film Festival this holiday weekend will serve as a fund-raiser for a local activist group as well. Sam Bozzo's documentary, "Blue Gold: World Water Wars," will be screened as part of the festival on Columbus Day, Monday, at 2:30 p.m. at Ca ...
- 3 vying for 1 seat on Casitas Water District boardThree people are running for one seat on the Caistas Water Board.
WordPress | Economics
- CNN, Bush v OsamabamaNow, I saw quite a few of these in the write up and comments regarding this poll. Let me put one of
- The eligibility questionJust keeps getting hotter, and going higher. Senators, Representatives, Federal, State, keeps going
- Daily Comment - 10th October 2010: Greenspan ackno ...Greenspan acknowledges what we at the International Perspective have known all along: Deficits Still
- Freakonomics Film ReviewSteven Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner’s 2005 bestseller has been adapted for the screen. Read my
- FDIC may take failed-bank execs for $1BThe Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. has apparently authorized lawsuits against 50+ officers and dire
Electronic Intifada
- In south Lebanon, tourism develops despite threat ...KHIAM, Lebanon (IPS) - The contours of a modern medieval castle stretch along the Wazzani River delineating Lebanon's border with Israel. A few meters away from the United ...
- Book review: "A Wall in Palestine"The conflict in Palestine has become so all-consuming that even objects are central to the struggle. French journalist Ren� Backmann's A Wall in Palestine illustrates this ...
- Interview: Palestine's red lines of struggleThe National Committee for the Protection of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People is a newly-formed body that upholds the red lines of the Palestinian struggle. Hazem J ...
- No justice for slain laborerSHUAFAT, occupied East Jerusalem (IPS) - A peaceful morning is interrupted by the sounds of an Israeli helicopter circling overhead -- often a sign of trouble on the ground. Later ...
- Boy used as human shield by Israeli soldiers speak ...Majid Rabah, age 11, had a broad smile on his face as he relaxed at his family's apartment in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City on Monday, 4 October. He had just heard the ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Pak to reopen blocked NATO supply route 'with ...Following apologies and assurances from the United States, Pakistan has decided to reopen the Torkham route for NATO forces in Afghanistan with immediate effect, ending a 10-day standoff between the two countries over cross-border air strikes staged by US-led forces in Afghanistan.
- Killing of Pak doctor part of Taliban war on educa ...The assassination of a Pakistan doctor is being seen as part of the Taliban campaign to wipe out educated Muslims in the country who speak out against the militants.
- Taliban claim attack on NATO convoyPakistani Taliban on Sunday claimed responsibility for the latest attack on a NATO supply convoy in the southwest and vowed they would continue until US drone strikes are stopped."We accept responsibi...
- 2 Taliban commanders, 2 fighters killedKABUL, Afghanistan A senior Taliban commander and two other insurgents were killed in a firefight with NATO-Afghan forces in western Afghanistan, the military alliance said Sunday. Anothe...
- Governor among 15 killed in mosque bombing in Afgh ...Kabul: A powerful bomb killed an outspoken Afghan governor and 19 other worshipers in a crowded mosque Friday in northern Afghanistan, where insurgents are trying to expand their influence beyond the ...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
on Government Oversight
- Pentagon Action Against Lockheed Part of Larger Cr ...Over the last few days, word got out that defense industry giant Lockheed Martin has lost government approval for its cost and schedule tracking systems on the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) and F-16 programs. The Pentagon has said problems with...
- Senate Report Says ArmorGroup Funded Warlords In B ..."Money is ammunition; don't put it in the wrong hands," Gen. David Petraeus warned in an August memo that gave counterinsurgency (COIN) guidance. But apparently the U.S. government is doing just that. Yesterday, the Senate Armed Services Committee released a...
- Morning Smoke: Senate Committee Finds Guards at U. ...Taliban Allies, Warlord Flunkies Guard U.S. Bases by Spencer Ackerman [Danger Room] Air Force report says V-22 has design flaw by Bob Cox [Sky Talk] Just How Much Did the Feds Screw Up Gulf Spill Estimates? by Kate Sheppard [Mother...
- Morning Smoke: Important Context for Suspension of ...Suspension of IT contractor has roots in 2008 bid protest by Robert Brodsky [Government Executive] California Pipeline Blast Puts Focus on Oversight by Rebecca Smith [The Wall Street Journal] AIG's Real Numbers Still Shrouded in Secrecy by Jonathan Weil [Bloomberg]...
- Chat with Daniel Ellsberg at 2:00 PMWe thought POGO readers might appreciate the chance to participate in a live chat with Daniel Ellsberg. Ellsberg's story was captured in the film The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers, which POGO devotees might...
Digital Journal
- Photo of mechanically separated chicken nauseating ...Who doesn't love chicken nuggets? They're golden brown, cooked on the inside and when dipped in plum sauce, they're absolutely delicious. After seeing a photo of mechanically separated meat, you may not eat them again.
- Most wanted fugitive captured in OntarioA man wanted since November 2009 for parole violation was arrested in Thunder Bay Wednesday. Paul Douglas Gallagher was on the RCMP most wanted list for his history of fraud related offences.
- Update on Ontario garden bomb caseOn Sept. 20 a resident of Oakville in Ontario returned from a walk to find an incendiary device in his garden about the size of a running shoe. Halton Regional Police have arrested a man in connection to the case, the very man who called it in.
- Peel Regional Police Officer charged with perjuryA Peel Regional Police Constable has 7 charges laid against him stemming from his conduct during an R.C.M.P. drug investigation and subsequent trial.
- Rash of break and enters in Toronto area police wa ...The area bounded by Bayview Avenue on the west, Steeles Avenue on the north, Leslie Street on the east and Sheppard Avenue on the south has been hit by a rash of overnight break-and-enter incidents since September warn Toronto Police Services.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Homeless, Pregnant, Alone and ScaredThis new video comes from Mark's InvisiblePeople.tv 30-city, 11,000-mile, 75-day road trip , going on now. "Caution: some content may be offensive." Ka'e k'e's interview from St. Paul, Minnesota, is exactly why I have that disclaimer on InvisiblePeople.tv , where I post my videos. She flat out tells ...
- San Diego's Finally on Its Way to Opening a Year-R ...San Diego is one step closer to opening a one-stop homeless service center that could change some hearts and minds in the city. The City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to start discussions with a development team made up of service providers. The plan is to create a $31 million temporary and p ...
- From HIV Tests to Pet Care: A Project for the Home ...Here's a homeless outreach event that doesn't presume to know what people's needs are: Next Thursday, Oct. 14, the Tacoma Dome will host the area's 2010 Project Homeless Connect . This year, the program hopes to help 750 people. At this event, homeless people can access a variety of services such a ...
- The 50 Best Homelessness BlogsOk, we're not posting this list of the 50 best blogs about homelessness just to toot this blog's horn, even though it's exciting to be included. (We don't even understand why the website, "Masters in Public Health," created the list, unless it's to attract Google searches.) It presents a master list ...
- Homelessness Is a Symptom, We Must Address the Dis ...Back in August the Los Angeles Times ran a story about a formerly homeless man named Steven Schulman who was run over by a semi-truck while sleeping on the streets of skid row in Los Angeles. Schulman lived, sued and was awarded a large cash settlement. His tale was supposed to be one of triumph. ...
- Canada part of a new nuclear disarmament initiativ ...In late September, Canada joined with nine other countries to form the Cross-Regional Group on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, a group of countries that seeks to bring new life to nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament efforts (”Germany joins new international initiative for nuclear disarmamen ...
- Opposition fears conflict of interest in PM’s new ...The appointment of Nigel Wright as Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s new chief of staff has added a new dimension to the debate over the purchase of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Opposition critics are questioning the selection of Wright because of his employment with Onex Corporation, which has fin ...
- Afghanistan’s new Peace Council: Stopped in its tr ...Afghan President Hamid Karzai established a High Council for Peace on September 28, 2010 with the objective of paving the way towards peace with the Taliban through negotiation and reconcilation (”Karzai sets up body for peace talks,” Aljazeera News, 28 September 2010). Karzai hand-picked the nearl ...
- NATO supplies blocked by Pakistan after soldiers k ...The relationship between Pakistan and the coalition forces in Afghanistan was further strained this week after coalition forces killed three Pakistani soldiers at a border checkpoint between the two countries (Deb Reichmann & Hussain Afzal, “Pakistan blocks war supply route after NATO cross-border s ...
- Rideau Institute Leadership Award to go to antinuc ...The Rideau Institute Board of Directors will present the inaugural Rideau Institute Leadership Award to Murray Thomson, Doug Roche, and John Polanyi, founders of Canadians for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, at the Rideau Institute Gala Dinner on October 7, 2010. Their hard work and strong leadership ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Weight Loss Drug Pulled From the MarketOctober 8th, 2010 CNN Abbott Laboratories has agreed to take its obesity drug Meridia (sibutramine) off the market, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Friday. The company voluntarily withdrew the drug because clinical trial studies showed there was an increased risk of heart attacks and ...
- Many Americans Plan to Skip Flu Shot This YearOctober 7th, 2010 HealthDay News By: Steven Reinberg Although vaccination against influenza can protect people from illness and help prevent the spread of flu, many Americans say they and their children won’t be getting a shot this coming season, new surveys reveal. Despite the attention surrounding ...
- Coffee Doesn’t Really Boost Your EnergyOctober 8th, 2010 Natural News By: David Gutierrez Coffee no longer boosts energy or alertness levels above baseline in regular drinkers of the beverage, according to a study conducted by researchers from Bristol University and published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology. “Although frequent con ...
- Buy Alcohol for Breast Cancer!October 8th, 2010 Natural News By: Jonathan Benson It seems that everything has turned pink these days in support of breast cancer awareness, including even alcoholic beverages like Mike’s Hard Lemonade and Chambord Vodka which now sport the ribbons and color changes. But many breast cancer survivor ...
- Nutrients in Fruits and Vegetables Protect Women A ...October 8th, 2010 Natural News By: Ethan A. Huff Achieving good health and avoiding disease involves eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods on a regular basis, particularly those that together provide the full spectrum of phytonutrients that each contribute to a different aspect of good health. Unf ...
Pambazuka News
- Africa: Angola hosts 3rd African meeting on Cuba s ...The third African meeting on Solidarity with Cuba was held in Luanda, Angola, 11-12 September, to consolidate the friendship between the African and Cuban people and contribute to strengthening African solidarity towards the Caribbean island nation. ...
- Global: US city opens doors to Cuban 5On Saturday March 13, in the auditorium of the Lavonya DeJean Middle School, in the City of Richmond California, a large number of people gathered to commemorate International Women's Day for the third consecutive year. Under the title "Women in Soli...
- Ekiti must hold free, fair electionsThe North America-based Ekiti Focus Group has strongly condemned election violence and intimidation in Nigeria’s Ekiti State, describing reported cases of ‘arson, maiming, ballot stuffing, ballot hijacking, and shooting’ as ‘barbaric acts’. In a statement the group called for ‘the release of true an ...
- Global: Why Haiti can't forget its pastThank you for the attention you have brought to the country of Haiti. In response to your New York Times op ed piece I wanted to widen your perspective a bit. I don't pretend to represent anyone. I've been living in Haiti since 1985. I grew up in New...
- Global: Conference will establish African Socialis ...On the weekend of May 22-24, African organizers from across the U.S. and Canada will converge on Washington, D.C. for a conference recognizing African Liberation Day (ALD) with the theme, “One Africa, One Nation: Separated by Colonial Slavery, Reunit...
War in Context
- Israel’s human shields and live baitSharmine Narwani writes: Logic dictates that the physical presence of half a million Jews in illegal settlements and outposts – connected through a maze of Jewish-only roads – has stealthily destroyed the possibility of a land-for-peace compromise. And Israel’s government has spent $17 billion on s ...
- Mearsheimer on the undiminished power of the Israe ...(H/t Pulse) How do we know the power of the lobby is undiminished? Each time President Obama pressed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on the issue of a settlement freeze, Obama was forced into a humiliating retreat. That would not have happened had it not been for the behind-the-scenes machinations ...
- Would-be spies should approach Israeli consulates ...In June 2006, Elliot Doxer, an employee at an internet company in Boston, sent an email to a foreign consulate. “I am a Jewish American who lives in Boston,” he allegedly wrote. “I know you are always looking for information and I am offering the little I may have.” He also wrote that he wanted [... ...
- Obama desperate to please NetanyahuHow much is a two-month extension in the West Bank settlement slowdown really worth? The Obama administration is pursuing this paltry prize as if it was staving off another economic meltdown — even as hundreds of building projects have already been started. The Los Angeles Times reported: The U.S ...
- Obama chooses new national security adviser who ha ...Undaunted by the revelations from Bob Woodward’s book, Obama’s Wars, President Obama is replacing National Security Adviser Gen James Jones with his deputy, Tom Donilon. Last year, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Donilon would be a “disaster” in that position and Jones said Donilon had “no cred ...
Watts Up With That?
- Mashey Potatoes, Part 1Guest post by Thomas Fuller In the past few months we have seen a number of amateurish attempts to counter skeptical arguments that gained traction in what public space there is for matters climatic and anti-climactic. Today we … Continue reading →
- New Zealand’s NIWA temperature train wreckThis is an old argument, adjusted data versus non adjusted data, and why does the adjusted data show a trend and the unadjusted data does not? We’ve battled this here on WUWT many times with GISS and NCDC, now the … Continue reading →
- WordsmithingLooks like the word is going to be Copygate for the Wegman report investigation. I concur with Lucia who writes: Skepticgate. Keith [Kloor] campaigns in favor of his skepticgate writing: I donât think copygate has quite the same ring as … Continue reading →
- “Dangerous Carbon Pollution” – a ...Guest post by Steve Goreham, Climate Science Coalition of America In an address to Green Mountain College on May 15, Carol Browner, Director of Energy and Climate Change Policy, stated âThe sooner the U.S. puts a cap on our dangerous … Continue reading →
- Oil company geologist helps find new asteroid crat ...From Australian National University Sciencewise Magazine A big impact on climate: Examining a new asteroid crater found in the Timor Sea As new land-based oil deposits become increasingly scarce, oil companies have turned to the seabed in search of new … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Peace talks pushed past US electionshttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ http://therealnews.com Talks between Israel and PA postponed past US midterm elections despite alleged US concessions. While on a North America tour promote his new book, The Punishment of Gaza renowned Israeli journalist Gideon Levy spoke in Canada. The Real New ...
- Following Jesus in a Land of Conflict: An Arab and ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Day of Discovery Following Jesus in a Land of Conflict: An Arab and Jewish Conversation Part I—Taking Sides We’re all aware of the conflict between the Jewish and Palestinian people. The eyes of the world are on the struggle for peace in this region. But one of t ...
- Loud Talk, Small Minds by Joel S. Hirschhornby Joel S. Hirschhorn Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.foavc.org Oct. 9, 2010 In trying to understand how so many Americans adore people like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh I have come to this critical understanding: Poorly educated, terribly informed, intellectually defi ...
- Max Keiser: David DeGraw: Financial Terrorism, Glo ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ PressTVGlobalNews | October 09, 2010 In this edition of Press TV’s ‘On the Edge with Max Keiser’, Max has an interview with the journalist, David DeGraw, who has just published a book named The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III. DeGraw believes that ...
- The Wages of Hate: The Development of Political Ho ...by Steven Jonas, MD, MPH Featured Writer Dandelion Salad crossposted on Buzzflash.com October 9, 2010 Homophobia has been around for a long time. It turns up in the Old Testament of the Bible as well as in the New. The Republican Religious Right relies on that view in support of its homophobia, an ...
Your New Reality
- No titleRepublicans Finally Outdo Nazis For War Propaganda The 'Ground Zero Mosque' is actually one floor of an office tower, blocks away from the still empty World Trade Centre site, and the Republicans know it. But this is a religious war, after all. Note that the ad clearly states that the entire Mus ...
- No titleLife under occupation :
- No titleIf you've found your way here after listening to my 'Weird & Unusual News' spot on ABC Newcastle today, here are links to the two main stories that were discussed : 'Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard's Spiritual Day Of Reckoning On August 15' 'Five Human Senses? Actually, We Have More Than 2 ...
- No titleCreating new realities? It's the CIA's main mission, isn't it?
- No titleThis is as close to a video of an actual nightmare as I've ever seen. Chris Cunningham's Rubber Johnny : What Chris Cunningham has been working on lately : "I've been living next to the railway line for 12 years and I've become obsessed with the harmonics of the trains on the lines. "For yea ...
Wired - Science
- Titan’s Haze Could Hold Recipe for Life, No Water ...When it comes to determining exactly where in the solar system life began, things have never been so up in the air. Scientists over the past decade have suggested deep-sea hydrothermal vents, underground aquifers, partially frozen lakes and even comets as locations for the origin of life. Now an ex ...
- Cool Evolution Trick: Platinum Turns Baby Snails i ...Evolution doesn’t have to operate at a snail’s pace, even for snails. In experiments designed to simulate the evolutionary transition that produced slugs, researchers exposed baby snails to the metal platinum, causing the animals to develop without external shells. The research illustrates how ...
- Black Death’s Daddy Was the Bubonic PlaguePiles of bones and historical records tell us the Black Death pandemic wiped out as much as half the population of Europe during the Middle Ages. But how and what, exactly, caused the grisly scourge has sparked a boxing match of sorts within the pages of scientific journals. The final bell has ru ...
- Babies Want to Be Social, Even Before They’re BornThe impulse to be social is so deep-seated in human consciousness that it’s even evident in the womb, suggests a new study on the interaction of twins just a few months after conception. Twin pregnancies offer “the unique opportunity to explore social behavior before birth,” wrote researchers led b ...
- Solar System’s Deepest Canyon Sinks Miles Into Mar ...On the Martian surface, the mountains are high and the canyons are low. Really, really low. Not only is the martian volcano Olympus Mons the highest peak in the solar system, Melas Chasma, the canyon pictured above, is the deepest in the solar system. In this image from the European Space Agency’ ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Israel Commits to F-35 PurchaseIsrael committed to buying the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter ... using a $3 billion defense grant from the United States. IOA Editor: The US taxpayer giveth and Lockheed-Martin/Israel taketh. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now ...
- Moshe Machover: Why I am not an Israeli peace acti ...[M]ost Israeli leaders genuinely wish for peace - peace on Israel’s terms: their cherished wish is that the Palestinian people, dispossessed and subjugated, should peacefully accept their lot and... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, n ...
- Livni tells UN to mind its own business over floti ...Livni: "Any international intervention in military operations carried out by Israel is unacceptable, just as it would be unacceptable to any other country fighting terrorism." IOA Editor:... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- 10 days after settlement freeze expires, 350 new u ...A Haaretz investigation reveals that since the building freeze in the West Bank was lifted ten days ago, bulldozers have been working furiously on the construction of 350 new housing units in various... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- NYC event, Oct 16: What If Antigone Were A Refugee ...Celebrate the Freedom Theatre Jenin on October 16th, in the Church of St. Paul the Apostle (Columbus Avenue at W 60th St., NYC) at 2pm! A symposium with Prof. Alain Badiou, Prof. Slavoj Zizek, and... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russia, Japan to continue dialogue on peace treatyRussia and Japan will continue negotiations on a peace treaty that satisfies both countries' demands, deputy foreign ministers Alexei Borodavkin and Koro Besse said during consultations on Friday.
- Next test launch of troubled Bulava missile due la ...The next test launch of Russia's troubled Bulava ballistic missile is preliminarily set for late October, a source in the test commission said Friday.
- India set to buy around 300 5th generation fighter ...India is planning to buy up to 300 co-produced fifth-generation fighters and 45 utility transports from Russia, the Indian defense minister said on Thursday.
- Russia to compensate Iran for scrapped S-300 missi ...Russia is holding talks with Iran over compensation payments for the cancellation of a contract to supply Tehran with S-300 air defense missile systems, Rostekhnologia head Sergei Chemezov said on Thursday.
- Russia's Bulava missile hits target in testA test warhead from a Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile successfully hit its target on the Kura test range in Russia's Far East Kamchatka region, the Defense Ministry said on Thursday.
- Clinical Trials Demonstrate Effective Weight Loss ...Lifestyle interventions, including physical activity and structured weight loss programs, can result in significant weight loss for overweight, obese and severely obese adults, according to two reports that were posted online today by JAMA.
- Prepared Meals and Incentivized Weight Loss Progra ...In another article being released early online, Cheryl L. Rock, Ph.D., R.D., from Moores UCSD Cancer Center, La Jolla, Calif., and colleagues, conducted a randomized controlled trial of weight loss and weight maintenance in 442 overweight or obese women (BMI, 25 - 40), ages 18 to 69, over a two year ...
- St. Jude Teen Patients Reveal ArtworkWith the help of the Child Life Program at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 22 new pieces of art were revealed from 19 talented adolescent patients during the Teen Art Show. The artwork is on display in a hospital hallway that was transformed permanently into the Teen Art Gallery.
- Clue to Unusual Drug-Resistant Breast Cancers Foun ...Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine have found how gene expression that may contribute to drug resistance is ramped up in unusual types of breast cancer tumors. Their findings may offer new therapy targets.
- Supervisor Lesko and SBU President Stanley Announc ...Supervisor Mark Lesko and Stony Brook University President Samuel L. Stanley, Jr., M.D., announced that the Town of Brookhaven has become the newest member of the University's National Science Foundation (NSF) Center for BioEnergy Research and Development (CBERD).
Natural Health News
- Clay Dyer – the Most Inspirational Fisherman EverThe next time you think life’s handed you a hard knock, take a look at this video and learn what it means to have the spunk and determination to overcome hard knocks – and the rewards that can come from simply putting adversity aside and doing your best.
- Scary Symptoms that Are (Really!) No Big DealIt could be just a little twitch or an irritating itch, but whatever it is, when it’s happening to your body and you don’t know what’s causing it, it can be downright scary. The good news is that lots of scary symptoms are really no big deal. As listed on CNN Health, here is a list of symptoms tha ...
- Many 'All Natural' Foods Are Actually Heavily Proc ...If you think as food is “all natural” just because the label says it is, think again. So which foods really aren’t as natural as they claim they are? When it comes to ice cream, as reported by Change.org, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has outed Ben & Jerry’s, Edy/Dreyers, Brey ...
- Code Red: FDA Approves Another Dangerous Gout DrugThe FDA just approved IV drug Krystexxa for gout treatment, but according to Health Science Institute, they couldn’t possibly have looked at the trial results. Fewer than half the people in the trial actually ended up with a positive result, the Institute said. On top of that: On top of that, Kryst ...
- How Many Drug Companies Are Ranked in the ‘Top 100 ...On August 19, Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller issued a call for whistleblowers to step forward and help the state and federal government crack down on health care and pharmaceutical industries that defraud the government of billions of dollars. Announcing that the Indiana Medicaid program wo ...
- Teen Kills Self Over Sex Tape OutingTyler Clemeti, was by all accounts a fairly shy freshman at Rutgers University. He may or may not have been gay, but we know for sure that he had at least one sexual encounter with a man. How do we know that? Well after the spy video that his roommate and another student made was released to the int ...
- The September Jobs Report & The Demise of the US E ...RTAmerica | October 08, 2010 Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. September Jobs Report Reveals America’s Emerging Third World Economy Paul Craig Roberts, October 08, 2010 For a number of years I reported on the monthly non-fa ...
- What, Exactly, Is The "Radical Homosexual Agenda"? ...Okay, call me a dope if you must but I just can’t figure out what the hell the “radical homosexual agenda” that so many conservatives talk about actually is. Yeah, yeah, you could insert a lot of sexual identity jokes here, but really that just plays into stereotypes about our gay citizens. The fact ...
- People Need To Buck UpThe biggest mistake I see many make when trying to sell the Democrats is to call the prospects stupid, and tell them buying the product is the only way they can stop being stupid, apparently thinking the prospects will immediately reach for their wallets and say "where do I sign"? Of course, that re ...
- Obama Administration Refuses to Confirm or Denying ...On Monday October 04... ...the Supreme Court said it would not take up a warrantless surveillance case, Wilner v. National Security Agency (NSA), filed by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR). The lawsuit argued that the Executive Branch must disclose whether or not it has records related to t ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- The ACLU/CCR Reply Brief in Al-Aulaqi (and My Repl ...by Kevin Jon Heller You can find the brief here . I was going to write about the "political question" section, but Ben Wittes beat me to it . Here is what he says (emphasis added): Fifth, the groups’ arguments that the case does not present a political question are deeply radical and fascinat ...
- Juan Mendez Appointed UN Special Rapporteur on Tor ...by Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson Congratulations to my old friend (and currently WCL colleague) Juan Mendez on his appointment as UN special rapporteur on torture. Professor Mendez has a long and distinguished record of service and achievement in the human rights field, including heading ...
- How Bird Dung Affected American Imperialism and U. ...by Chris Borgen by Chris Borgen The Summer 2010 issue of Cabinet has an interview with Professor Christina Duffy Burnett of Columbia about the legal status of islands. When we’ve written about this issue here on Opinio Juris, we thought of issues relating to how islands can affect claims to un ...
- Thanks to Amos Guiora and our Guest Bloggersby Chris Borgen by Chris Borgen On behalf of all of us at Opinio Juris, I want to thank Amos Guiora for taking time to blog with us this past week about his new book, Freedom from Religion. We would also like to thank Paul Cliteur, John Lentz, and Mark Movsesian for guest blogging with us as well ...
- The ACLU/CCR Reply Brief in Al-Aulaqi (and My Repl ...by Kevin Jon Heller You can find the brief here . I was going to write about the "political question" section, but Ben Wittes beat me to it . Here is what he says: Fifth, the groups’ arguments that the case does not present a political question are deeply radical and fascinating. For presen ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Conspicuous by her absenceForbes magazine today released its list of the top 100 most powerful women in the world. It features notables like Singapore's Ho Ching at #30, Finland president Tarja Halonen at #62, Icelandic leader Johanna Sigurdardottir at #80, and even reformed...
- First published review of Arthur Allan Thomas: The ...I'll add more reviews as they come in, but here's the first, courtesy of Newstalk ZB today: Books - Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story 29/09/2010 Whether you concur with Wishart or not, you need to read this book. Arthur...
- I hate Ian Wishart because...For some years now I've "enjoyed" a growing amount of internet 'hate mail' biffed my way on websites, virtually all from people I've never met and most from people who've never actually read my work themselves but who've relied on...
- Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story...a cop kill ...The new book on the Crewe murders, Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story, is finally on sale. Available from Whitcoulls, PaperPlus, Take Note, Borders, The Warehouse, Dymocks and all good independent bookstores. The radio ad is available here: ThomasBook1
- New Arthur Allan Thomas book just over a week awayLaunching 27 September...the cat will well and truly be set amongst the pigeons...
The World We Live In
- Domain Name Being ChangedSome of your might have noticed that i have not been posting for a while. It was mostly out of frustration, you see when i started this site, I figured i would use it as a space to publish information, that i felt needed more attention in our life’s. New, views or even just facts [...]
- One Facebook, Two Faces: A Piece By A Virtually De ...I had been banned from Facebook and my account had been disabled a night before Facebook was banned in Pakistan. Before all this happened, I visited the blasphemous page “Draw Muhammad Day” and the content on the page hurt me badly. Once again a certain group of westerners called it the “freedom of ...
- New Chemical Element Discovered In PakistanPakistani researchers have discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element, so far only discovered and found in Pakistan , has been named Zardarium (Symbol = Zm). It has one Presitron, 1 Priministron, 77 Ministrons, 98 deputy Ministrons, 298 National Assemblions, and 100 Senatr ...
- At least we are not DubaiWe haven’t got a lot to be thankful for these days in Pakistan. But at least we are not Dubai. Fed up with loadshedding, bombs, and TV cynicism pervading Pakistan, I recently escaped to Dubai for a holiday. Big mistake. Huge. Ten days later I returned, gasping for Karachi’s polluted, but far sweete ...
- 9/11 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests?The claim that no Arab names appeared on the flight manifests for the planes hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001 arose shortly after the terrorist attacks, and variations on the theme have persisted to this day. The claim initially arose when lists of passengers published by CNN, The Guar ...
Center for Food Safety
- Federal Court Strikes Down Ohio Ban On rBGH-Free L ...Relying on evidence of compositional differences between milk from cows treated with rbST/rbGH and milk from untreated cows, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals today struck down an Ohio state ban on labels pertaining to the use of artificial hormones in dairy products (IDFA et al v. Boggs, U.S. Cour ...
- Center for Food Safety Testifies at Congressional ...Congress Sharply Critical of USDA’s Biotech Crop Oversight Failures, Calls for New Regulations Live webcast: “Are ‘Superweeds’ an Outgrowth of USDA Biotech Policy? (Part II),” at: http://domesticpolicy.oversight.house.gov, 2pm EDT. Today the Domestic Policy Subcommittee of the House Oversight and G ...
- Thirty Eight Representatives And Senators Call On ...Over Fifty Organizations and Businesses Endorse Congressional Letters; CFS Calls upon FDA to Reject Approval of GE Salmon The Center for Food Safety applauds the 38 Representatives and Senators for requesting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) halt the approval of the long-shelved AquaBoun ...
- Federal Court Finds USDA Broke The Law In Allowing ...Court To Consider Appropriate Remedy For Industry’s Rush To Plant Monsanto’s Herbicide Resistant Crop Late yesterday, Judge Jeffrey White, federal district judge for the Northern District of California, ruled that Plaintiffs Center for Food Safety, Organic Seed Alliance, High Mowing Organic Seeds, a ...
- Misguided FDA Opposition to Labeling Could Leave P ...Recent Poll Shows 91% of Americans Oppose GE Animals; CFS calls for clear, mandatory labeling After a two-day public hearing on the approval of the first genetically engineered (GE) animal intended for human consumption, the AquAdvantage GE salmon, FDA held a public hearing today to discuss whether ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- A Witness to Iraq’s Health Crisis: Nahoko Takato S ...A Witness to Iraq’s Health Crisis: Nahoko Takato Speaks about her Experiences as an Activist and Aid Worker in Iraq :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1] : Nahoko Takato, a Japanese aid worker, quickly developed strong connections in Ramadi ...
- Notorious Body Part Snatcher Dr. Hiss Autopsied Ra ...Notorious Body Part Snatcher Dr. Hiss Autopsied Rachel Corrie – Parts Still Missing :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1] : Sometimes, reading an article about war, I want to puke. Recovering from Max Blumenthal’s latest bombshell from Haif ...
- The Myth of the Founding FathersTom Turnipseed: The Myth of the Founding Fathers By TOM TURNIPSEED Led by Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, Tea Party worshippers of the Founding Fathers want to return to the “good ol’ days” of 1787, when most African-Americans were slaves, many poor whites were indentured servants, and women couldn’t v ...
- Defend and Free Diop!Diop Olugbala Convicted! Defend and Free Diop! PHILADELPHIA-On Tuesday, August 24, the US government gave another example of its desperation in the face of popular resistance with the conviction of Diop Olugbala in Philadelphia. Despite all the efforts to paint imperialism with a new, benign and fr ...
- The Existential Lifespan of White Victimisation in ...It should hardly come as a surprise to anyone living in South Africa that the myth of a racially reconciled nation is a lot of insidious hogwash. The truth is that South Africa is a racist cesspool replete with the usual historical aggressors and victims that characterise the binary of racialised o ...
- More Evidence of Nuclear Cover-Up in VenezuelaPhoto by Daniella Zalcman Hugo Chavez seems to believe the clichéd proverb: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. For years there have been underreported accounts of Chavez’s collabroation with Iran’s “secret” nuclear program. Venezuela has the world’s largest uranium deposits in the mountains where ...
- Google TV Arriving SoonI am angry that the MPAA and RIAA punish the world by creating a byzantine bureaucracy in their licensing…which leaves us who live outside the US in the dark. Hopefully Google TV will figure out a way to break that. If it did, it could sweep Apple TV away completely. Related posts:Google Chrome is n ...
- La Trampa de Lobo (‘Wolf”s Trap)Photo by CescoMad President Porfirio Lobo has opened a forum to debate the now infamous constituent assembly in Honduras. His reason, this is the condition that Jose Miguel Insulza gave him for Honduras re-inclusion in the OAS. This is Machiavellian of Insulza, because should te assembly go forward, ...
- Police Protest Endangers EcuadorPhoto by philippe leroyer A protest against a congressional measure to reduce perks for Ecuadorian police escalated to a violent confrontation that threatens the stability of the South American nation. President Rafael Correa tried to quell the police force by going to their barracks to speak to the ...
- The TrapPhoto by Stuck in Customs Sometimes I feel trapped by the choices, even the seemingly excellent choices, that I have made. But I would not change them. I recognize them to be the best direction for my life. I can see their fruit, and would not alter them. But I still feel imprisoned. Here is [...] ...
Green Times
- Enjoy the marketGoing to a market is a good way to spend some spare time. Buy yourself some organic (glossary/food-drink/organic-food.html) vegetables or some oranges to make a fresh orange juice (food-drink/why-organic-juice-is-good-for-you.html). It’s also a great place to take nice colourful pictures. Picture ...
- Plastic SoupThis sticker refers to The Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the Pacific Ocean. It says: ‘In some parts of the ocean there is more plastic than plankton.’ Watch the video about the Plastic Soup (videos/plastic-soup.html) or read the article Midway to... Disposable Hell (wildlife/midway-to-disposable-h ...
- Stop Your TV Ending Up In LandfillAustralians generate 140,000 tonnes of e-waste each year. And with the rapid introduction of 3D TV, it’s likely to become an even bigger pile…
- Environmental News 28/09/2010Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
- Visit the parkIf you’re asking yourself what to do on your day off, visit the park. Invite your friends and bring some nice eco-friendly (glossary/categories/lifestyle/eco-products.html) food and drinks for a picnic. Getting some fresh air, lying on the grass and talking with your friends… it will be good! Phot ...
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Unauthorized US strike kills 4 in PakistanShareThis Unauthorized US strike kills 4 in Pakistan 10 Oct 2010 A non-UN-sanctioned US drone attack has killed at least four people in northwest Pakistan amid reports of a surge in such US attacks on the country's soil.
- US weighed atomic option on N KoreaShareThis US weighed atomic option on N Korea 10 Oct 2010 American bombers flew nuclear rehearsal runs over Pyongyang during the Korean War in the 1950's, newly declassified and other US government documents reveal. Sixty years after the start of the Korean War, the newly released Central Intelligen ...
- Polar bear hunts for solid footing as new study ch ...ShareThis Going with the floe: Polar bear hunts for solid footing as new study charts continuing decline in Arctic ice 08 Oct 2010 ...The polar bear pictures emerged as a new report showed Arctic sea ice coverage this year fell to its third lowest level ever recorded. According to the The National S ...
- Report: US Contractors Hired Taliban, Warlords to ...ShareThis Report: US Contractors Hired Taliban, Warlords to Guard US Troops In Afghanistan --Senate Investigators Say Chaotic Security Contracts Pose 'Grave Risk' to US Troops 07 Oct 2010 A scathing Senate report says US contractors in Afghanistan have hired warlords, "thugs," Taliban commanders and ...
- U.S. is lining the Taliban's pockets by spending m ...ShareThis U.S. is lining the Taliban's pockets by spending millions of dollars on private security in Afghanistan 08 Oct 2010 Heavy US reliance on private security in Afghanistan has helped to line the pockets of the Taliban with millions of dollars. It also threatens the safety of coalition troops ...
Daily Loaf
- Concert review: LCD Soundsystem inspires dancing, ...Dance music as delivered by a full band is generally more appealing and entertaining than DJ’d or laptop-centric fare, the instruments and players providing a wider range of sonic layers and textures into the mix as well as an overall fuller and richer sound. Add a tasteful-flashy light show, an au ...
- Lightning open season with victory over AtlantaAfter all the change, the Tampa Bay Lightning finally took to the ice against the Atlanta Thrashers in front of a sellout crowd Saturday night at the St. Pete Times forum to open up their 2010-11 campaign. While there were a few bumps along the way, they did not disappoint, beating Atlanta 5-3. Th ...
- The It Gets Better Project: Videos with hopeful me ...The range of participants, both gay and gay-friendly, is extraordinary: Kathy Griffin, Jake Shears, a gay Jehovah's Witness, Zachary Quinto, Chaz Bono, a gay cop and a gay marine…
- New poll shows transit tax in Hillsborough winningit shouldn't be overlooked that the poll shows the referendum barely passing with a majority, with enough undecideds to still make it difficult to predict.
- TIGLFF Review: Riot Acts: Flaunting Gender Devianc ...Madsen Minax's "Riot Acts: Flaunting Gender Deviance in Music" is a music documentary for everyone. From the first moments of this film you know that you are about to discover something great. And the music featured is as dynamic as the musicians presented.
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Audrey Farber responds to proposed loyalty oathsby Audrey Farber A part of me wants to give at least a hesitant nod of acknowledgement to the less-extreme-right in the Knesset who recognize that there is something less-than-savory in Liebermanâs loyalty oath. In Lieberman-land, all naturalized citizens will swear loyalty to Israel as a Jewish a ...
- Their First and Last Day of SchoolA school in Omer asks two Bedouin students not to come back after their first day of school. Omer is a suburban community near Be’er Sheva, an elite escape in Israel’s destitute south. Of course the golden quote cannot be found in the English Haaretz article, only in the Hebrew one. In the past I ha ...
- Israeli McCarythism 2010: Now with loyalty oathsBy Jesse Bacon When I was guest-editing over at our sister blog Muzzlewatch, I was struck by the extent that “McCarthyist” had gone from a crude epithet, like “That’s fascist, man” to an actual blueprint for advocating for Israel’s policies. The writer I was responding to was the brother of forme ...
- Demonstrating still a crime: Military night raids ...from the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee Four people, 17 to 45 year-old, were arrested by the army in Ni’ilin tonight, in the first pre-dawn raid operation in months. The renewal of night raids and arrests may signal a return to their use as a scare tactic to quell demonstrations an ...
- Israeli court welcomes pre-1948 land claims, from ...By Jesse Bacon It has been pointed out repeatedly, but now it’s official, the Israeli Supreme Court will accept your pre-1948 claim, if you are Jewish that is. In one of those cases that is a testament to presumably intelligent people’s ability to ignore the larger implications of their actions, the ...
Politics in the Zeros
- Southern Culture on the Skids Daddy Was a Preacher ...I love this band!
- Solar cookingSolar-Cook has a wealth on information on solar cooking, including info on building your own. They also sell commercial solar cookers. I saw one in operation recently. The reflected heat onto the bottom of the pot (it was boiling water) was hot enough to ignite newspaper. These aren’t just a novelty ...
- It’s so hard to tell organized crime from bankers ...How subprime mortgage processing works, via the fine folks at Zero Hedge
- Stormtec stormbags. Instant sandbags. Just add wat ...The bags are filled with polymer and weigh less than a pound. However, in a flood situation, toss the bag down and it’ll soak up water, weighing 33 pounds in 5 minutes, and act as a sandbag. They are $7.00 each which is certainly expensive, but could certainly save the day if unexpected flooding hit ...
- Glenn Beck’s Mormon prophecy of the Constitution h ...Byron DeLear Dana Milbank’s article two days ago, “Mormon Prophecy Behind Glenn Beck’s Message”, talks about some coded language Beck’s been using–supposedly a prophetic prediction made by the founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith. Hanging by a thread. Sounds like the sign of the times in so many ways. ...
- Yediot: NIS 9 million for settlement “touris ...The fact that these grants will fund highly politicized and inflammatory projects is best exemplified by the NIS 2 million slated for the “City of David” project in Silwan. This East Jerusalem settlement in the guise of an “archeological park” is at the cutting edge of efforts to insert Israelis i ...
- Yediot: Despite Berlusconi’s promises, Italy ...Paper sanctions Menahem Ganz, Yediot, September 14 2010 [page 19, Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] Rome — Half a year after returning from a visit to Israel, in the course of which Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi promised to act to reduce the volume of trade between Italy and Ira ...
- Yediot to Abe Foxman: Are we anti-Semitic too?Not exactly, but close. For those of you who have missed the latest chapter of what Matt Duss calls “the continuing attempt to redefine ‘blood libel’ as ‘saying things about Israel I don’t particularly like’”, here’s a brief: This week’s TIME Magazine cover story was a feature by Karl Vick, entitle ...
- The new frontiers of Israeli diplomacy: Lieberman ...This morning’s Israel Hayom reports: (full translated text at bottom): a decision was made that, for the first time, the Foreign Minister will address the UN General Assembly in New York at the end of the month You don’t need to be an expert to understand that this is not a very wise matching of [.. ...
- Maariv: French and American envoys working to re-s ...Maariv summarizes a news item from the Lebanese A-Safir. It’s unclear, however, whether the section on Mitchell visit is also from that source. The byline is unusual. Bardenstein is the junior diplomatic affairs correspondent and probably does not speak Arabic. Items based on direct monitoring of ...
Deadline Live
- Charges dropped against 30 G20 protestersMONTREAL – Charges have been dropped against 30 Quebecers arrested during the G20 summit in Toronto this summer. Due to a lack of evidence, charges were dropped against all those arrested in the University of Toronto gymnasium, said Marc Laramee, spokesman for the group Regroupement des arrete, whic ...
- 9/11 Firemen Explosion TestimonyThis video was received from NIST under the Freedom of Information Act.
- US, Zionists prime suspects of 9/11 attacks: India ...New Delhi—An Indian leader Saturday said that the US, and Zionists were the prime suspects of 9/11 attacks. In an exclusive interview with IRNA Asif Mohd Khan, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Delhi said: “US should respond those hundreds of unanswered questions which indicated that the Septemb ...
- Bloomberg: I Don’t Want To Fight 9/11 RespondersNEW YORK (CBS 2) — A growing number of 9/11 first responders were settling their legal dispute with New York City, even as Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he wants to avoid a long court battle. A lawyer representing 10,000 Ground Zero workers suing over exposure to World Trade Center dust said 75-perce ...
- Still no word from Nobel winnerThe Nobel Committee’s decision to award jailed dissident Liu Xiaobo this year’s peace prize was hailed by human rights activists, while China labelled it an obscenity. But there’s been no word from the man himself, who’s been held in prison since December, serving an 11-year sentence for subversion.
The Air Vent
- As Copygate turnsI’ve spent the last several hours looking at references and such from the alleged plagiarism included in the Wegman report. Deep climate has been ranting on about it for a long time now, I’ve found the discussion both tedious and uninteresting but primarily the lack of organization of the story co ...
- Backlash ContinuesWe do indeed live in interesting times. As sent to me by email bu a reader and as usual already covered at WUWT, yet another scientist has expressed his contempt for the obvious biases which pervade government funded sciences. Hal Lewis, resigned from the American Physical Society over the blatant ...
- CopygateI’m not sure what this has to do with climate, but I believe deep climate was the original discoverer of the problem. Now it appears that Bradly is demanding an investigation. From Eli Rabbit’s post regarding the Wegman report: “Clearly, text was just lifted verbatim from my book and placed in t ...
- Another Mathematically Honest ReconstructionI learned a little more today. Behind the scenes, Steve McIntyre had a polite conversation with Dr. Ljungqvist who has recently performed a temperature reconstruction from proxies with remarkably similar results to Craig Loehle and Hu McCulloch’s work. Dr. Ljundqvist was kind enough to share the d ...
- Yet another study I don’t believe without ev ...Click the link at your own risk. A little climate change goes a long way in the tropics In hot places, even minor warming could rev up metabolism in animals that don’t generate their own heat and “It’s taken a while for people to start applying the thinking of climate change to the tropics,” says [. ...
Focal Point
- Bullying PSA: It Gets Worse You may have heard about Dan Savage's video outreach campaign, "It Gets Better." The campaign was inspired by a spate of news stories about gay teens committing suicide in the face of bullying, and by Focus on the Family's bizarre assertion that anti-bullying programs are a conspiracy to turn kids g ...
- Sen. Jim DeMint Doesn't Think Gays and Loose Women ...That's funny , because I don't think that bigots should be senators. [Photo: Gage Skidmore , Creative Commons.]
- Former Court Official Confesses to Rape of Teen Pr ...Here's a horrific miscarriage of justice: Tony Simmons, a former counselor in the New York City juvenile justice system, pleaded guilty to raping a handcuffed 15-year-old girl in the elevator of the Manhattan Family Courthouse, and sexually assaulting two other teenagers in his custody. He was sente ...
- Pioneer of IVF Wins Nobel Prize; Anti-Choice Tantr ...Biologist Robert G. Edwards has won the Nobel Prize for his work on in vitro fertilization. Edwards and his late colleague, gynecologist Patrick Steptoe, helped an infertile woman give birth to the world's first "test tube baby" in July of 1978. According to the New York Times , the initial controv ...
- CNN Fires Rick Sanchez For Anti-Semitic Tirade Aga ...CNN anchor Rick Sanchez was fired after letting loose an anti-semitic tirade against Jews in the media in general, and Daily Show host Jon Stewart in particular. Here's a transcript of Sanchez's meltdown , which took place Thursday on Pete Dominick's XM radio show . Sanchez was on to promote his new ...
Inside Facebook
- Highlights This Week from the Inside Network Job B ...Recently, we launched the Inside Network Job Board – dedicated to providing you with the best job opportunities in the Facebook Platform and social gaming ecosystem. Here are this week’s highlights from the Inside Network Job Board, including positions at Playdom, Wild Needle, and Lolapps. PHP Devel ...
- Facebook Roundup: Location, Eventbrite, Spam, Like ...Facebookâs Location Patent – The company was awarded a location patent recently that appeared to give it sweeping intellectual property ownership over social networking features. And, after some confusion, it appears that the patent does not conflict with an earlier one that Google received. So, F ...
- Facebook to Begin Removing Third-Party User Profil ...A couple years ago, Facebook envisioned profile tabs as a way for developers to reach users on their profile pages. The feature replaced the MySpace widget-like Boxes on user profiles that many developers grew through when the platform launched in 2007. But, more recent site designs have focused use ...
- A New Type of Remittance Connected to Facebook: Ro ...U.S.-based Facebook users can now send phone minutes abroad to friends and family members in India, Philippines and Mexico, thanks to a new service called Social Top-Ups from Silicon Valley-based Roamware. It could form the basis of an innovative form of remittances to these emerging markets, and he ...
- Facebook Implements Additional Alcohol Advertiseme ...[Editor's Note: Additional coverage on Facebook policies and guidelines affecting advertisers and marketers is available through the Facebook Marketing Bible, our comprehensive guide to marketing brands, products, and content on Facebook.] Facebook updated its advertisement policy guidelines with si ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Zimbabwe: Prime Minister Denounces Mugab ...truthout: Zimbabwe: Prime Minister Denounces Mugabe http://bit.ly/bWdSgH #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: Humane Society Condemns Subscription-Onl ...truthout: Humane Society Condemns Subscription-Only Firefighters For Standing By And Letting Animals Die I... http://bit.ly/bMvoFD #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: From Earth First! to Climate Ground Zero ...truthout: From Earth First! to Climate Ground Zero, Mike Roselle is a Radical Lifer http://bit.ly/bhpgEZ #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: 10 Ways to Celebrate 10/10/10 http://bit ...truthout: 10 Ways to Celebrate 10/10/10 http://bit.ly/ccxnW8 #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: Pakistan's Convoy Halt Forces US to Redu ...truthout: Pakistan's Convoy Halt Forces US to Reduce Tensions http://bit.ly/a5Sy6u #Truthout #p2 #p2b
ReDress News
- Arab regime credibility hanging by its last invisi ...Alan Hart views the state of Arab impotence in the face of Israel and the Zionist-lobby-controlled US, arguing that if the Arabs were serious and united, the mere threat of their using the oil weapon would have been sufficient to galvanize the US into reigning in Israel.
- Reaping what you sow: how US policies breed terrorPaul J. Balles argues that rather than blame the reactions of "extremists" on Islam, Americans ought to look at their own unjust and murderous policies in the Middle East and Afghanistan as causes of “terrorism”.
- Leaked letter reveals Obama’s contempt for interna ...Stuart Littlewood views US President Barack Obama’s willingness to ride roughshod over international law and the Geneva Conventions by granting Israel reckless and extravagant favours – courtesy of US taxpayers – in return for Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu saving Obama’s political bacon ...
- Jazza Music Festival for PalestineMusicians Sarah Gillespie, Gilad Atzmon and at least 40 other leading artists from UK and Palestine try to achieve the impossible in London next week. They will play together in a massive music festival for Palestine. They are flying musicians to London for the event, mixing jazz with folk, hip hop ...
- Recognition of Israel as Jewish state poses existe ...Jonathan Cook argues that Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, as demanded by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, would destroy the campaign by Israel’s Arab citizens to reform Israel into a true democracy and would mean that Netanyahu will have Palestinian backing to label th ...
Amazon Rainforest
- Second rancher sentenced for contract kill of Doro ...A second rancher has been sentenced for his role in the murder of Dorothy Stang, an American nun who was gunned down in 2005 for her efforts on behalf of poor farmers in the Amazon Rainforest. Regivaldo Galvao was sentenced to 30 years in prison by a jury in the city of Pará. Last month [...]
- Yasuni National Park- SAVED!President Raphael Correa now has approved an agreement to leave Ecuador’s largest oil reserves, amounting to some 900 million barrels, underground in Yasuni National Park in exchange for more than $3 billion. Under the unprecedented agreement, known as the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the government of Ec ...
- Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil spi ...In the space of a week, a Chevron technical team has discovered two fresh oil spills in Ecuador’s oil-producing Amazon region. One covers three hectares (7.4 acres) near state-owned oil company Petroecuador’s Guanta production station in the heart of Cofan indigenous country. The other impacts half ...
- Amazon River dolphin new stunning photos!The Amazon River dolphin (Bufeo, Bufeo Colorado, Boto, Boto Cor de Rosa, Boutu, Nay, Tonina) or Pink River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is a freshwater River dolphin endemic to the Orinoco, Amazon and Araguaia/Tocantins River systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. These we ...
- Belo Monte dam auction proceeds despite protests!Bidding for electricity generated by Brazil’s planned Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon rainforest has been marked by protests and legal confusion. A court injunction issued late Monday suspended the dam auction overnight, throwing the bidding process into a state of chaos. Just moments before the aucti ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- American Conservative Magazine Beats UK Papers in ...UK-US Media Reports⦠Only When itâs Safe to Publish? Yesterday this made the headlines in UK: Britain Held Secret War Talks With US Generals 11 Months Before Iraq Invasion America’s most senior general flew into Britain for top secret talks on the invasion of Iraq 11 months before the attack on ...
- 9/11 Commissioner’s Turkey Baste: Chicken or the E ...The Roots of Lee Hamilton’s Six Figure Earnings We all know the relevance and importance of a solid and sound background check when it comes to our elected and appointed officials and commissioners. Of course we all want to know about that big ‘conflict of interest’ factor. Okay, not all of us, espe ...
- Jamiol Presents
- ‘This’ is the ‘Real’ Picture of Our War: Isn’t it ...Seeking Unison in Justified Outrage Please take a moment and look at these pictures. Really look at them. Not just a cursory glance or a rushed and distracted glance. Isn’t it heartbreaking looking at them? Isn’t it revolting and outrageous? Next, please read, process, and think about the followi ...
- Matt Bryza: From Evasive to Perjurer?Obama’s Nominee for Azerbaijan Ambassadorship Misleads Congress on the Issues of Conflict of Interest & Questionable Ties In response to questions at the hearing that he was too close to Azerbaijani Government officials with highly questionable ties, Matt Bryza remained evasive and provided half-ans ...
Afro Spear
- Black Blogger Network Monthly Blogging ContestHello Afrospear family, I am Jessica Ann Mitchell, the facilitator of The Black Love Speak Column (BlackLoveSpeak.com). A few months ago I started another website, BlackBloggerNetwork.com. The purpose of the site is to support the initiatives of Black Bloggers. In an effort to encourage healthy dial ...
- More on U.S. experiments on people of African desc ...Thanks to Ana for sharing this information. This article at The Silver People Chronicle: The Back Punch Revisted-”We can End the Silence”, is shockingly eye-opening by revealing the experiments that were done on people of African descent in Panama by the U.S. government.  On Friday, October 1st 2 ...
- sat’day riddymz
- If They’d Do Syphilis, Why Not AIDS?!From Black Agenda Report… “…Nearly forty years after the Tuskegee horror was made widely known, on October 1, 2010 the Obama administration acknowledged that from 1946 to 1948, United States government scientists infected prisoners and mental patients with syphilis in the central American nation of ...
- “African elite rulers, quacks and bulimia ...It came just like any blockbuster-cum-hit. This is when it came to light that Zimbabwean tyrant, Robert Mugabe his cabinet and the whole country were duped by just an ignorant witchdoctor to believe that they can get diesel out of the stone. The media has it that Mugabe set a cabinet committee to ...
Expose the BNP
- Expose the BNP: activists’ meetingOver the summer we have seen the extreme right enter parliament in Sweden and racist deportations of Roma people from France. Here at home the EDL have continued to target cities with Muslim communities, while the police are bringing trumped-up charges against anti-fascists. November 6 sees a nation ...
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep his po ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative candidat ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop denying ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well ...
- No to Monsanto and GMO: Action Central"SEN is greatly concerned that Monsanto and GMO give rise to a threat that if unchecked could eventually prove as catastrophic to mankind and the sustainability of all life on earth as global warming. We must scream bloody murder, and do so with facts." -- Gregory Hilbert, Co-Founder Sustainability ...
- Bill Gates On Climate Change & Energy: We Must and ...Whether you know a little or a lot about Climate Change (aka Global Warming), SEN urges you to watch this one-hour video, because you will learn a great deal either way. Gates lays out a sweeping set of ideas for reducing CO2 emmissions to zero. Gates is no fool when it comes to matters of [...]
- Week 2 – Worldwide Campaign to Save the Gran ...The Grand Canyon is one of the world's most pristine and majestic treasures. Mother Nature needs our help to save it. We all need to act to protect the Grand Canyon. Pledge to do your part. Help us by adding your signature to the petitions and ask everyone you know and who cares for earth to do the ...
- Seize BP Demonstrations NationwideSEN believes these demonstrations will help awaken politicians to outrage over inadequate regulation and control of international corporations, even if they do not succeed in gaining temporary seizure of BP on the basis of national emergency and evidence of criminal neglect and fraud by BP.
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on FoxSEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
If Americans Knew
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed at ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage at h ...
- An Open Letter to the Southern Poverty Law Clinic: ...I am disturbed by an article that the Center published in the fall 2007 issue of "Intelligence Report"--the Center's magazine. The item "Navy Extremist Disciplined--But Not for Extremism" is on page 11. The article focuses on Navy officer John Sharpe Jr.
- NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again on Ga ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner whic ...
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
David J. Gregory
- Conservative ConundrumJoe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow of water, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe to take because s ...
- Never Forget: Bad Wars Aren’t Possible Unles ...This is a very good article from Michael Moore, what he delineates are the reasons we are still in such a mess as a Nation and a people. These reasons are blatant and should never be allowed to happen again. Even though Obama seems to be tied to the Bush Doctrine of appeasing the military-industrial ...
- Truth for Tea Baggers!War Machine, all the money for killing, nothing for helping to save lives, war is much more profitable, especially when you supply both sides! Sheeple time to wake up….
- Rand Paul the road to disasterDo you remember Rand Paul? He’s the Republican candidate for Senate in Kentucky that went on Rachel Maddow to oppose provisions in the Civil Rights Actafter his surprise victory in the primary. He’s taken max-out checks from Citizens United – the group whose lawsuit led to the new avalanche of corpo ...
Unsuitable Blog
- What I Am Doing For 10/10/10After all, it is a special day.
- Brilliant Rant About Symbolic Action and 10:10I have been sent a link to this wonderful “rant” – no, it’s not a rant, it’s telling it like it is – on the Powershift forum. Here’s the Richard Curtis video he refers to, and if Mr Curtis would like my opinions on 10:10 then I would love him to bring his little red [...]
- Reveal Handbags : Revile Fashion> Dear Keith, > For your next high-fashion piece, consider REVEAL, the hottest eco-luxury handbags. made of recycled plastic bottles. REVEAL just launched their new Recycled Collection, and it’s perfect for women who are SEXY with SUBSTANCE. You know which women we are referring to. it’s your super ...
- 10 Things That Will Actually Make a Difference On ...As I write, thousands of activities are being planned around the world to coincide with the date 10 October 2010, which has been fortuitously chosen for its parallels with the aim to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 10% by the end of 2010 (well that’s one plan blown, then). Anyone on any ma ...
- Rebecca Spillson’s Propaganda Machine Underm ...Everything’s fine on the Alabama coast, especially at Gulf Shores / Orange Beach, especially now it’s Shrimp Festival time. Hey! Those persistent organic toxins aren’t going to eat themselves: Yes, that really was posted on YouTube in the last few days, [dreamily] almost as though nothing had happen ...
Subalternate Reality
- Newt Comes Out As A Muslim-BaiterEarly this week, disgraced former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich warned that “a commitment to religious freedom and God-given rights is being replaced by a secular oppression…” Just hours after those words appeared on Human Events, Gingrich issued a statement forcefully opposing the constructi ...
- Wealthy Far More Likely To Default On Mortgagescrossposted at Political Correction For much of the past two years, Congressional Republicans have wasted few opportunities to blame poor and working class Americans for the financial meltdown and the subsequent recession. They’ve argued that through well-intentioned government initiatives, includ ...
- GOP House Candidate: Mosque Near Ground Zero Is A ...Conservative activists and the Muslim-baiters among them are furious about a proposed Islamic community center to be built near Ground Zero. The debate has become entirely unhinged and some of the more hateful folks are using the controversy as a rallying cry to oppose the construction of all futur ...
- Ex-Muslim Ergun Caner Is A FraudErgun Caner is one of the most prominent figures in the evangelical movement. He is also one of the most deceptive. A self-professed Muslim convert to Christianity, Caner plays an important, and arguably dangerous, role in the community. After the 9/11 attacks, when many Americans were searching for ...
- Aliou KumbayaMy brother Aliou Niasse has saved the day. He was the first to spot smoke coming out of the Nissan Pathfinder that Faisal Shahzad intended to detonate in crowded Times Square. Thankfully, the incompetence of Shahzab and the alertness of Niasse and two other gentlemen, both of whom are Vietnam War v ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- LocalWiki to Create Collaborative, Community-Owned ...So much of the unique knowledge and experiences we acquire through years of living in a community gets spread only by word of mouth, or worse it just stays "locked up" in our heads. But this is great stuff, valuable expert knowledge that can benefit everyone. After all, when it comes to the communit ...
- 'Sourcing Through Texting' Brings Public into Radi ...If a large truck illegally barrels through a neighborhood and no reporters are around to see it, does it make the news? It does if local residents with mobile phones can text truck sightings to a local public radio station. This is the premise behind a new pilot project called Sourcing Through T ...
- How to Build a Website: One Piece at a TimeThe likelihood that an online video editing site, a 21st century technological innovation if ever there were one, would draw inspiration from a 34-year-old Johnny Cash song about a broken-down, piece of junk Cadillac is, admittedly, a tad anachronistic. But as my partner, Nonny de la Peña, and I ...
- An Anaylsis of Six Journalism StartupsIn the last few weeks there has been some interesting and exciting news in the journalism startup world. I wanted to take some time to highlight new players and provide my own personal analysis. Collaborative Storytelling: Three New Startups Kommons.com Kommons was founded by the young Cody ...
- SeedSpeak To Sprout Community Improvement Projects ...The excitement continues to build in the Phoenix community over a new mobile and web platform that will help people sow positive change in the community. Since the June Knight News Challenge funding announcement, my development partner Cody Shotwell and I have fielded dozens of calls and emails from ...
Cutting Edge News
- Author's on Tour - Author Edwin Black Culminates T ...Renowned investigative writer and journalist, Edwin Black, the author of numerous books and investigations including War Against the Weak , is kicking off his multi-city book tour to launch his latest work: The Farhud: The Roots of The Arab-Nazi Alliance During the Holoca ust , which promises to roc ...
- Book Excerpt - 'The Arab Lobby': the Insiduous Inf ...During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama made clear that one component of his agenda would be to give a high priority to pursuing Arab-Israeli peace. Many Jews had some concerns about Obama, but his pro-Israel statements reassured them, and ultimately nearly 80% voted for him. Obama's app ...
- Book Review - The Journey: An Enigmatic Tony BlairThe Journey. Tony Blair. Hutchinson. 2010. 718 pages. Three things happen when senior politicians publish their memoirs: first, while denying it, those who have worked with them and for them scour the index in search of a foothold in history. Second, journalists gather to look for scandal that might ...
- The Edge of Terrorism - Europe May be Overdue for ...The Eiffel Tower was evacuated Sept. 28 after an anonymous bomb threat against the symbolic Parisian tourist attraction was phoned in; no explosive device was found. The day before the Eiffel Tower threat, French authorities closed the Gare Saint-Lazare in central Paris after an abandoned package, l ...
- America's Eugenic Nightmares - U.S. Made Guatemala ...Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Health Kathleen Sebelius issued a joint statement on October 1 apologizing for medical experiments conducted by US government researchers in the 1940s in which they deliberately infected unwitting prison inmates, soldiers, and the mentally ill with ...
High Country News
- Second best is OK with meThere's a lot to be said for shunning famous landscapes and seeking out the less known and less well-traveled.
- Breathing easyIn West Oakland, Calif., the Breathmobile fights inner city asthma.
- A mobile health solutionA day with the asthma-fighting crusaders of West Oakland, Calif.
- Climate of denialAn Alaskan wilderness ranger wonders how tourists can look at melting glaciers and not believe in climate change.
- How I learned to love loggingThe writer takes an ironic look at the Thunderbolt timber sale in Idaho, and at Boise Cascade's conviction that only logging can save the endangered chinook salmon.
- Americas War On Food Not BombsBy Stephen Lendman Food Not Bombs (FNB) is one of the fastest growing revolutionary movements and is gaining momentum throughout the world. Through hundreds of autonomous chapters globally, it shares free vegetarian food to relieve hunger besides protesting against war, poverty, and social injustic ...
- Why Civil Liberties Matter - An Open Letter To The ...By David Alexander Sugar In a recent Rolling Stone magazine interview, you spoke of this administrations commitment to civil rights while simultaneously insulting the intelligence of those who are concerned with civil liberties. It is this administrations actual record on civil liberties, a record ...
- Pachakuti: Indigenous Perspectives, Degrowth And E ...By Bob Thomson In its efforts to exert some political influence on solutions to the current world financial and climate crises the nascent international ecosocialist movement should direct some attention to a synthesis of the western ecosocialist discourse with the growing Latin American indigenous ...
- 10 Ways To Celebrate 10/10/10By 350.org How to bring this weekends global work party to your town
- 10/10/10: 7,000 Events Planned In 188 CountriesBy Marcela Valente NGOs and ordinary citizens around the world plan to help raise awareness on the problems caused by climate change and urge governments to adopt policies to combat the phenomenon, with more than 7,000 activities in 188 countries on Sunday
Contagious Love Experiment
- WAR IS OVER… If You Claim It?In the midst of pleasant nods about “the end of the Iraq War,” Mr. Stephen Colbert celebrates in style… (Click The Word-What if they threw a peace and nobody came) The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The Word – What If You Threw a Peace and Nobody Came? www.colbertnation.com Colbert Repo ...
- Vigiling in AfghanistanMore amazing work from Our Journey to Smile
- 92219 Pieces of my Broken Afghan HeartThe following letter was sent to me from the young people in Afghanistan who tried to come to the U.S. this summer for our speaking tour. The U.S. embassy flatly denied them, but their voices continue to cry out. The official narrative of the Afghan War is that it has greatly served the people of A ...
- The other side of Afghanistan
- Days 9-11: Solitude, Mountains, and HumanityThe first time I talked to Ymani, one of our hosts in Asheville, NC, I was at Salam’s house in Berkeley, CA. The first cross-country trek that I embarked on was drawing to an end and I was entering all kinds of scenarios into google maps to try to incorporate Asheville into the plans before [...]
Yid With Lid
- Jerry Brown "There Is No Evidence That Mammograms ...California Gubernatorial Candidate Jerry Brown may very well get another endorsement from a major Woman's advocacy group. Yesterday the day after The Los Angeles Times distributed an audio taped conversation between him and an associate, inadvertently left on a police union official’s voice mail, w ...
- Polling Conservative Bloggers On Their Preferred P ...Right Wing News polled more than 250 right-of-center bloggers on which candidate they'd support if the 2012 Republican primaries were today. John Hawkins says this is one of the single most fascinating polls he's ever done. Sarah Palin won the likely contender poll, but second place? Surp ...
- A Dysfunctional Foreign Policy Team: The Obama Adm ...By Barry Rubin In what is probably the most important sign of U.S.-Israel cooperation for this year, the U.S. government has finalized the sale of the advanced F-35 to Israel. I repeatedly try to explain to people who believe that everything the Obama Administration does is conditione ...
- CNN POLL Who's The Better President? Obama 47% -B ...Boy this one is going to really hurt the feelings of the Progressive wonks. In a new poll taken by CNN (not exactly a bastion of conservative thought) likely voters were asked who was a better president, Barack Obama or George W. Bush? The two most recent presidents were pretty much tied, 47% cho ...
- REVEALED: Daily Kos' AstroTurf Program to Manipula ...There is more than one way to manipulate the public, and the progressives movement has turned it into an art form. Less than one week after their AstroTurf rally in Washington DC, where unions and socialist organizations paid to bus people to the nation's capital city, the Daily Kos has developed an ...
The Real Agenda
- Australia Blames Fluvax for Children ConvulsionsAustralian Department of Health and Ageing reported that flu vaccination was "causally related" to fever and convulsions in 99 Australian children this year. Of those, 74 had no other possible cause.
- Facebook e Redes Sociais: Meio Conveniente para Es ...Leitores devem se lembrar que DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) tem tentáculos assustadores: O primeiro e a Information Awareness Office (IAO); depóis a TIA (Total Information Awareness, rebatizada Terrorism Information Program) e TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System). E ...
- Microsoft Proposes Licensing Internet AccessState should have power to block individual computers from connecting to world wide web, claims Microsoft´s Executive Scott Charney
- Establishment Preparing Public for another Terrori ...Suggestions from the main stream media and the intelligence community that credible but non-specific threats exist as well as suggestions by members of the establishment that a new terrorist attack is basically imminent are a game we have seen before.� Who would benefit? Breitbart A US security offi ...
- Iraq: The Age of DarknessThe destruction of Iraq has produced 2 million refugees but they’re not welcome in Europe. The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) on Friday expressed its concern and objected to the continuing forced returns of Iraqi citizens from Western European countries soon after 61 people were flown back to Baghdad.
Wind Watch
- Frasers looking for relief from wind turbinesLINGAN — Sitting at their kitchen table Bruce and Janet Fraser stare out the window to see five sleek giants just beyond their backyard, churning in a counter-clockwise direction and changing line with the wind speed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It’s become the couple’s nightmare. “It’s in you ...
- Proposals for National Forest draw questionsVERONA — The U.S. Forest Service on Tuesday night outlined the six proposals for management of George Washington National Forest that have divided conservationists, industry, localities and the public. The forest service is scheduled to decide on a comprehensive plan of action for the 1-million-acre ...
- Italy supervisor sees progress in lawsuitItaly, N.Y. — Town Supervisor Brad Jones says he’s satisfied with the way things went during a Sept. 27 courtroom session in Rochester before Judge John J. Ark. Ark is presiding over the case filed by Ecogen LLC against the Town of Italy. Ecogen is trying to force the town to permit the construction ...
- County sets tight standards on large windGoodhue County commissioners agreed to impose rigid new standards on commercial wind developers Tuesday, in a narrow vote aimed at influencing the stateâs upcoming permitting decision on the proposed Goodhue Wind project. The County Board voted 3-2 in favor of an updated county wind ordinance, whi ...
- For those near, the miserable hum of clean energyVINALHAVEN, Me. — Like nearly all of the residents on this island in Penobscot Bay, Art Lindgren and his wife, Cheryl, celebrated the arrival of three giant wind turbines late last year. That was before they were turned on. “In the first 10 minutes, our jaws dropped to the ground,” Mr. Lindgren said ...
Not My Tribe
- Muddy wellies across white canvasNorway prides itself on its ubiquitous and egalitarian middle class, making of its opera house a celebration of folkstheatre –and it’s no empty boast– a Norwegian newspaper addresses eight pages to culture versus only one to sport. But the architects behind the glacier-slopped Oslo Opera House have ...
- Tennessee Fire-Non-Fighters and the BibleThe language used by the fire-non-fighter is heavily ingrained indoctrination. There’s a movement with some familiar names on the letterheads, spokesfreaks not leaders, Beck, Hannity, O’Reilly, Malkin… people whose ambitions are to create an American Sha’ariah based on their own interpretation of th ...
- Tennessee Firefighters watch house burn downThis is what we can expect when Mayor Lyin’ Hell Rivera and his cronies privatize city services like the thieving bitches are going to tell us at next Monday’s budget announcement. One of the fire-non-fighters said that it’s an example of “robust Christianity, rather than that sappy effeminate versi ...
- Dit Fromage!Ah, photography and cheese, together again. In French. New concept, Calendar Girls posing with … CHEESE! It doesn’t translate very well, culturally, or didn’t. “Say Cheese” becomes “Dit Fromage! Dit Fromage!” Warning, the webpage is in French. So for those right wing types who are still pissed off a ...
- Paradigm, Buzzword, Keyword, and persuasionParadigm is a “consciousness” term. One of the best known ways to demonstrate it is visually, not verbally, there’s a really famous illustration of three forms, if looked at one way, the form in the middle would be the first thing you see, a lamp with a fancy shade. Looking at it from the two [...]
Debunking the Debunkers
- Losers for 9/11 Truth...I have no idea who made this, but it made me laugh.
- John Lennon's 70th birthday: How will you mark the ...That was the question here: http://music-mix.ew.com/2010/10/09/john-lennon-70-birthday/?xid=partner-CNNHome-John+Lennon+tributes+mark+70th+birthday My answer is by speculating that he would not be a debunker ! Happy Birthday John! Related Info: To all the mentally deficient Christians and Mu ...
- To all the mentally deficient Christians and Musli ...Stop falling for the obvious Rockefeller/CFR provocateured controversy and think about what you're about to do! Stop giving the Dawkins cultists the moral high ground! September 11 should be a day of remembrance and truth-telling, not fighting! Or don't blame me when the globalists say "This is ...
- "Sometimes we do it to ourselves...""Sometimes we do it to ourselves" NIST bluntly admits cyber false flags!
- An Open Letter To Ryan OwensMr. Owens, Let me start off by saying that the purpose of this message is not meant in any way to insult you as a researcher or as a person in general. The purpose of this message is meant to simply inform you of errors that you have made in your 9/11 research, and my sincere hope that you will cor ...
- Do We Really Have Free Choice When it Comes to Foo ...Lately, many readers have left comments with a similar theme – food choices are personal; the government should not intervene; no to a “nanny state”; people can choose for themselves, etc… Let’s address this issue briefly today. While we certainly are not living in a Matrix (the movie) world, much ...
- New York, San Francisco at the Cutting Edge in War ...Two interesting developments that caught our attention this week, one from each coast. In California: The San Francisco Board of Supervisors Land Use Committee voted 3-0 in favor of an ordinance to limit toy giveaways in children’s meals that have excessive calories, sodium and fat. If the measure ...
- Partially vs. Fully Hydrogenated Oils [for Dummies ...We all know trans-fats are bad, and if you’ve been following this blog, you also know that if partially hydrogenated oil appears in a product ingredient list, that means it contains trans-fats. But what about FULLY hydrogenated oils? What you need to know: To understand this hydrogenation stuff, let ...
- Cool Whip. Not CoolOctober’s nippy mornings and the orange tones of autumn are a perfect vehicle for spending a few bucks on a pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks. At 380 calories, it’s a big treat. And part of it includes the whipped cream on top. Tasty… But what exactly is whipped cream, and what has it morphed into w ...
- “Naturally Flavored” Crystal Light Drink Mix. Inde ...We’ve lamented the fuzzy definition of the word “natural” when it comes to food labeling. Let’s take a look at a “naturally flavored” drink mix to emphasize the absurdity. With “90% fewer calories than leading beverages”, Crystal Light sounds like a good deal for calorie conscious consumers who nee ...
- Increasing Your Blog’s Interactivity: 10 Tips for ...Guest post by Alexis Bonari Success in attracting and retaining readers is often influenced by a blog’s level of interactivity. Many readers are more active than passive and want to feel like they have a role in affecting a blog’s content, design, structure, and overall ongoing conversation. Posts ...
- 5 Facebook Apps That Really Make MoneyGuest post by Alexis Bonari If you aren't on Facebook by now, you are probably the only one who isn't. My grandmother has a Facebook page and anyone who can type, is able to start their own page with no problem. Most everyone uses Facebook as a social meeting place, but did you know that you coul ...
- Online Profits Re-Opens (and now it’s free)!Daniel Scocco of Daily Blog Tips started a membership site, Online Profits , last year to help people learn about making money online. Daniel has just re-launched and re-vamped Online Profits, and this time there is no charge to get all of the valuable content. The only requirement is that you open ...
- 3 Ways to Ensure Internet Marketing Continues to W ...This is a guest post by Susan White Gone are the days when Internet marketing was perceived as the bold, new and innovative way to market and publicize your products and services. Today, email marketing and other forms of pushing your products on the web are passé. The Internet is growing faster th ...
- Cloud Living Now Available From Glen AllsoppOne of my friends has just launched a new product that I think may be of interest to many Traffikd readers. Glen Allsopp has written an e-book, Cloud Living , based on his experiences from making a five-figure monthly income from his websites. Cloud Living is actually more than an e-book, it i ...
Survival International
- Aboriginal anger at gas project plansThe proposed gas project in Western Australia has become highly contentious © Keith Wood/ Wilderness Society Preliminary work has started on a controversial gas project on the Western Australian coast. The state’s premier has aroused fury by announcing that land for the development will be comp ...
- Mapuche hunger strike ends Mapuche protests are often met with a violent police response © Flickr user antitezo, Creative Commons license Many of the 34 Mapuche prisoners on hunger strike in Chile have ended their protest, after reaching an agreement with the Chilean government. Around ten of the prisoners, however, sa ...
- US Congress’ historic hearing on Papuan human righ ...The US Congress held an open hearing last week to hear testimonies from Papuans and academics about human rights violations in West Papua. The hearing, hosted by the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment, was titled, ‘Crimes against humanity: When will Indonesia’s military be ...
- Church demands end to armed attacks on Guarani Guarani Indians often suffer violent attacks after they return to their ancestral land © CIMI Brazilian bishops have demanded that the government take urgent action to put an end to armed attacks on Guarani communities in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, south of the Amazon. Last month, Guara ...
- Pro-Indian bishop wins ‘alternative Nobel prize’Dom Erwin Krautler, Bishop of Xingu, has won the 2010 Right Livelihood Award © Prelazia do Xingu A leading supporter of Indian rights in Brazil has won the Right Livelihood Award , known as the ‘alternative Nobel prize’. Dom Erwin Krautler, the Bishop of the Xingu in Brazil’s Amazon region, wo ...
Greg Palast
- Crisis in EcuadorGreg Palast Interviews President ...Ecuador news today Ecuador's president attacked by police. Country's leader trapped in hospital after assault, as government declares a one-week state of emergency. In February 2008 Greg Palast met with Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa. They discussed the Lawsuit against Chevron, Eradicating F ...
- Tonight: Palast on Firedoglake.comLive-Chat on New ...Join the conversation tonight. Greg will be discussing Big Easy to Big Empty - The Untold Story of the Drowning of New Orleans. You can ask Greg questions on live-chat tonight at 8pm ET on the Firedoglake.com homepage. If you're not already registered, go to Firedoglake.com and register to get your ...
- Palast at the 2010 Fighting Bob FestWatch Greg Palast's speech at the Barrymore Theater on September 10, 2010 for the opening of the annual Fighting Bob Fest Festival in Wisconsin. *** Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Armed Madhouse and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Palast is a Nation Institute/Puffi ...
- Bush'd again? New Orleans, Mr. O and Mr. Goby Greg Palast for The Huffington Post Five years ago this week, a beast drowned New Orleans. Don't blame Katrina: the lady never, in fact, touched the city. The hurricane swept east of it. You want to know the name of the S.O.B. who attacked New Orleans? Locals call him "Mr. Go" - the Mississippi ...
- No “Home Sweet Home”Five years after KatrinaMatt Pascarella and I encountered Patricia Thomas while she was breaking into a home at the Lafitte Housing Project in New Orleans. It was her own home. Nevertheless, if caught, she'd end up in the slammer. So would we. Matt was my producer for the film, Big Easy to Big Empty, and he encouraged [.. ...
Telegraph UK - oil
- Vladimir Putin calls for calm in battle for Arctic ...Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, called for calm in the battle for the Arctic's vast untapped energy resources, accusing unnamed forces of trying to stir up trouble.
- Deepwater lessons Telegraph View: It is crucial that we learn from the oil-spill catastrophe.
- Greenpeace claims to have shut down Greenland oil ...Greenpeace claims its activists have shut down a ''dangerous'' oil drilling operation by a British energy company in the Arctic.
- BP handout 'saved the summer' in Florida Visitor numbers in Florida have risen despite the BP oil spill, thanks to a £20m promotion, reports Richard Luscombe.
- Microbe eating spilled oil in Gulf of MexicoA newly discovered species of microbe is breaking down oil from the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico much faster than scientists thought possible.
Ian Welsh
- Objectively worse off under ObamaI keep hearing people saying that Hispanics are angry with Democrats because comprehensive immigration reform hasn’t been pushed. That’s part of it, but in suggesting that Democrats sins are passive, it is effectively a lie. Under Obama deportations have actually increased, and this is entirely an ...
- Waiting for a ‘decent interval’Joel Hafvenstein at Registan has an interesting piece on the incompatibility of the Karzai governing and patronage style that has so far cemented his personal and broader coalition’s hold onto power, and legitimacy. As long as Western money, Western troops and Western air power is flowing into Afg ...
- Republic of Men Rather Than LawsA friend of mine notes the wave of fraudulent foreclosures, foreclosures where firms simply faked the paperwork needed to prove they have standing to foreclose (that they actually own the mortgage.)Â There have been some moves to stem the fraud, not the least of which is by Florida’s Attorney Gener ...
- Is America past the point of no return economicall ...This, from Numerian, is the sort of thing I was talking about when I noted that: If you can build a factory overseas which produces the same goods for less, meaning more profit for you, why would you build it in the US? Until that question is adequately answered, by which I mean “until it’s [...]
- Objectively worse off under ObamaI keep hearing people saying that Hispanics are angry with Democrats because comprehensive immigration reform hasn’t been pushed. That’s part of it, but in suggesting that Democrats sins are passive, it is effectively a lie. Under Obama deportations have actually increased, and this is entirely an ...
Age of Autism
- Chief Justice Roberts Sells Pfizer Shares Before L ...Many Americans are unaware that vaccinations, a medical product with known side effects that can include death, are exempt from the standard jury trial system of every other product sold in the country. Drugs that you swallow, rub onto your...
- Fox & Friends Talks California Whooping Cough Vacc ...Yesterday Fox & Friends aired this segment on the California mandate for a whooping cough booster for middle school children see the Fox News Video HERE. Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
- WINNER! Win A Free iApp: Autism Track from HandHol ...Congrats to Vanessa Cabolong - our first of NINE winners! We'll have the second contest soon. This contest is CLOSED. Our friends from HandHold Adaptive have kindly offered to give NINE Age of Autism readers a free copy of their...
- The Age of Autism Mercury Medicine and a Manmade E ...Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill discuss their book Mercury Medicine and a ManMade Epidemic in two radio interviews with: Coy Barefoot and Gary Null.
- Another Child with Autism Maimed By Distraught Par ...CBS 13 Modesto, CA reports on a brutal stabbing of a child with autism. By his mother, who once served on the Council of Developmental Disabilities. Take a long, hard look at Christmas future, and every other day for that...
Global BDS Movement
- Palestinian Civil Society Urges COOP to Boycott Ag ...COOP ITALIA Via del Lavoro 6/8 40033 Casalecchio di Reno BOITALIA 7 October 2010 Dear COOP board members, read more
- Open letter to UK Trades Union Congress General Se ...4th October 2010 Brendan Barber General Secretary Trades Union Congress Congress House Great Russell Street London WC1B 3LS Dear Mr Barber, The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), of which all of Palestinian trade union federations are members, war read m ...
- TIAA-CREF: Divest from InjusticeOccupied Palestine, October 4th 2010 - The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), on behalf of its constituent organizations and unions representing the majority of Palestinian civil society, calls upon the US non-profit pension fund TIAA-CREF to li read more
- Czech public figures call on Václav Havel: “Do not ...[ ISM Czech Republic ] - In response to news about Václav Havel’s support for an international campaign to fight so-called ’delegitimisation’ of Israel and to fight against the worldwide boycott movement against Israelinitiated by the former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar, ISM Czech Republ ...
- Open letter to OECD regarding decision to host tou ...18 September 2010 read more
Farm Wars
- Mr. Ed McWhinney BurgersMr. Ed McWhinney Burgers - yum!!!
- Food as a Weapon with Professor PoochensteinFood as a Weapon Power Point Presentation with Professor Poochenstein.
- The Truth Squad Radio Show with Special Guest Mich ...This Sunday we will be talking about chemtrails with our special guest Michael J. Murphy, co-producer of the film "What in the World are they Spraying?"
- Seed Savers Exchange and the Svalbard Doomsday Vau ...Seed Savers' members' heirloom seed collection is being pirated into the Svalbard seedbank, under the UN FAO treaty.
- Barry Soetoro In the Crosshairs!Poor Mr. Obama and Congress must be all tuckered out from all that reading before passing all those wonderful bills that they so graciously foisted on the public.
Open Your Eyes News
- Scientist as subjectThe Scientist – By a fortuitous twist of genetic fate, a small percentage of humans, roughly one in 100, are able to resist infection to HIV. Wouldnât it be even more fortuitous if one of these exceptional people, prized by scientists as walking exemplars of what a therapy might ultimately accompl ...
- US economy in pain after house price crashFinancial Times – There is a fairly straight line between a weak US jobs report and the fears about currency manipulation occupying global finance ministers as they assemble in Washington this weekend for the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund. A slow recovery in the US increases the ...
- West Nile symptoms more common than thought: studyReuters – While many people infected with the mosquito-borne West Nile virus do not develop symptoms, it may happen more often than has been realized, a new study suggests. West Nile fever … was first recognized in the U.S. in 1999, after an outbreak in New York City. An investigation at the time s ...
- Hungary fears second toxic waveBBC-The Hungarian village of Kolontar has been evacuated after new damage was discovered at a burst reservoir that spilled toxic sludge on Monday. Prime Minister Viktor Orban said it was “very likely” that an entire wall of the reservoir would collapse, releasing a fresh wave of chemical effluent. M ...
- Former Nigeria bank CEO Cecilia Ibru jailed for fr ...BBC – A former Nigerian bank chief has been sentenced to six months in prison for fraud and ordered to hand over $1.2bn (£786m) in cash and assets. Cecilia Ibru, former CEO of Oceanic Bank, pleaded guilty to three of 25 counts of fraud and mismanagement. She is one of a large number of executives [ ...
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- The history of the future: A clean, green tech les ...Americans once thought they would fly personal helicopters to work. We also thought we’d have nuclear power plant islands floating off the coasts. These and other quirky facts are part of Alexis Madrigal’s “green tech timeline” that shows where we’ve...
- GMO corn: An organic farmer's best friend?It seems obvious that farmers who plant genetically modified crops designed to wipe out pests would see fewer nasty critters in their fields. But new research shows that, at least in the case of one pesky insect in the U.S....
- CleanTech Corridor competition winners announced b ...Visions are developing of what the proposed CleanTech Corridor might look like when it eventually begins to emerge in downtown Los Angeles. The Southern California Institute of Architecture launched a competition that invited entrants to reconceptualize the crumbling, 4-mile stretch...
- BLM approves Brightsource's Ivanpah solar projectAnd we’re off to the races: Brightsource Energy Inc. of Oakland was cleared by federal regulators Thursday to begin construction on its desert solar power installation, joining two other solar plants approved this week. Unlike most other planned facilities of...
- Honda bests Toyota, and all of Detroit, in green a ...American Honda Motor Co. received top honors in the Union of Concerned Scientists' annual rating of "green" automakers, for the fifth time in a row. This might come as a surprise to Prius owners, whose image of Toyota is tinted...
- Write a post for clean water (Mashable)Write a Post for Clean Water [Blog Action Day 2010] (Mashable) – On October 15, thousands of bloggers across more than 100 countries will participate in Blog Action Day to debate, brainstorm and raise awareness around clean water. Blog Action Day has set up its very own Twitter account, @blogactiond ...
- Reducing poverty through water, sanitation (MediaG ...Reducing poverty through water and sanitation (MediaGlobal) – Nicole Wickenhauser, senior manager at Water.org, told MediaGlobal, âClose to half of all people in developing countries are suffering at any given time from a health problem caused by water and sanitations deficits. Lack of access to c ...
- One Day on Earth project (DSLR NS)âOne Day on Earthâ project needs your help (DSLR News Shooter) – On October 10th, 2010 the records of filmmaking history will have a note called âOne Day on Earthâ. The United Nations, over 70 nonprofits from around the world, and thousands of filmmakers have teamed up with âOne Day on Ear ...
- Barclay Martin Ensemble new music, mission (KC Sta ...The Barclay Martin Ensemble has new music and a mission (KC Star) KANSAS CITY, MO – Water became the bandâs noble cause; it also became the theme of its next project, in more ways than one. Friday night at the Folly Theater, Martin and his band will celebrate the release of their third recording, ...
- Social good and philanthropy (Mashable)How Social Good Has Revolutionized Philanthropy (Mashable) – Philanthropy has always been a balance between raising money and raising awareness for a cause. For Mike McCamon, chief community officer for Water.org, social media is making both possible at the same time. Much of that comes from raising ...
Before It's News
- Old_Fashion_Pantry_Cool_Can-do_attitude:_Putting_u ...
- Trouble_Ahead_for_Food_Security_-_Rajasthan_become ...
- In_Kenya,_Farmers_Grow_Their_Own_Way:_Thousands_of ...
- Weve_Got_the_Whole_World_in_Our_Hands_-_Monsanto_C ...
- SEO_Campaign_Highlights_Georgia_Governor_Candidate ...
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley break ...
Margaret's News
- Justice Minister: Jews should be required to sign ..."This law will not assist us as a society and a state. On the contrary, it could arm our enemies and opponents in the world in an effort to emphasize the trend for separatism or even racism within Israel," Rivlin said. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The Jewish Republic of Israel - Haaretz Daily News ...True, for the time being, it's a matter of an empty, ridiculous slogan. There aren't three Jews who could agree what a Jewish state looks like, but history has taught us that empty slogans, too, can pave the path to hell. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Crimes Are Crimes No one person should be able to ...It has become common knowledge that Barack Obama has openly ordered the assassination of an American citizen, Anwar al-Aulaki. Without trial or other judicial proceeding, the administration has simply put him on the to-be-killed list.* Submitted by Michelle Matthews to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add ...
- Tell Congress to Take a Stand for the Gulf - Take ...The BP oil disaster has taken a toll on the Gulf Coast, and the impacts will be felt by real people for decades. Reforms are urgently needed to prevent future disasters, and the Gulf's people and places need lasting and continued support Submitted by Michelle Matthews to Environment �|� �Note-it! � ...
- How a cell phone picture led to girl's suicideAt age 13, Hope Witsell struggled in middle school. Not because her class work at Shields Middle School in Ruskin, Florida, was challenging, but because Hope was being bullied Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- United Solar Completes One of the Largest Solar Ro ...United Solar (UNI-SOLAR), a subsidiary of� Energy Conversion Devices (NYSE: ENER ), has completed one of France's largest rooftop solar installations in Paris. read more
- Maldives President Nasheed Installs Solar PV Syste ...Maldives presidential palace solar installation Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed, who once famously held a cabinet meeting underwater to draw attention to climate change ...
- A New Leader: Spire Produces World's Most Efficien ...Spire Corporation (Nasdaq: SPIR ) has created the most efficient concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) solar cell the world has ever seen. read more
- The Wait is Over: U.S. Government Approves First S ...large In an historic move, Ken Salazar, U.S. Secretary of the Interior announced the approval of the United States' first large-scale solar projects to be built on public la ...
- Double for His Money: Wisconsin Man Raves About Hi ...large After 25 years of thinking about solar power, Chuck Niles finally installed solar panels on the roof of his barn in Janesville, Wisconsin. The 90 panels produce enoug ...
News Blaze
- Ban Calls for Equal Participation By Women in Post ...'Ensuring women's participation in peace-building is not only a matter of women's and girls' rights. Women are crucial partners in shoring up three pillars of lasting peace:
- An Estimated 8 Million Flood-Affected People Expec ...To date, organizations providing health care have delivered enough medicines to cover the health needs of more than 5 million people. More than 6.7 million health consultations have been recorded.
- General Hospital Loses Over 260,000 ViewersFor the ratings week of September 20-24, 2010, General Hospital (GH) lost over 260,000 viewers (10% decline), the worst decline in over one year, and lost more viewers than All My Children (AMC) and One Life to Live (OLTL) combined.
- Taiwan Fishing Vessel is Reported FreeFact is only that the fishing vessel departed from Port Louis, Mauritius on 1. October 2010 and was reported as well as confirmed captured by her owner after no contact for two days.
- Victims of Terrorism in The Spotlight 'The survivors who stand in front of you today are themselves an exemplary group,' Mr. Ban said, noting that they took part two years ago at the UN in the first-ever international Symposium on Supporting Victims of Terrorism.
Historical Notes
- Fidel Castro
- Fidel Castro History ArchiveTab seemed to migrate to others !
- Castro Speech database
- New Zealand: Direct Action vs Burger Fuelburgerfuel 2.jpg After protests in Auckland and Wellington, and further planned protests outside Burger Fuel fast food stores across the North Island and in Sydney, Burger Fuel has recently backed down a ...
- New Zealand: Secondary School Teacher's StrikePPTA Strike 15th Sept 2010 001.jpg On September 15th over 1,000 teachers and supporters from Wellington, Hutt Valley and Kapiti Coast marched from Wellington High School to Parliament as part of a nation ...
- New Zealand: A Mini Strike Wave?PPTA Strike 15th Sept 2010 029.jpg If you believe the media, there seems to be heaps of unruly workers going out on strike at the moment. And yes, it appears so – the recent teachers’ strike of up to 16, ...
- Topy Top mass sacking sparks Zara protests callTopy Top strike.jpg The mass sacking of 35 trade union organisers at Topy Top, Peru's most profitable textiles exporter, has prompted a callout for worldwide protests against near slave-labour conditions ...
- Organizing for America and the “Enthusiasm Gap”enthusiasm.JPG WASHINGTON — Democrats desperately need other Democrats – to vote. – Liz Sidoti, of the Huffington Post The 2010 Senate elections are barely a month away, and Democrats across the country ...
Free Range International
- Meet a Couple of Hero’sHero is one of those terms which comes up often in reporting about the military. Â Not every service member is a hero nor is every hero we encounter in our lives associated with the military. Â I point this out because the label “hero” is at risk of becoming a meaningless cliche as we approach the [ ...
- Five Hundred Meter WarHerschel Smith at the Captains Journal has put up a great post which addresses a topic near and dear to my heart; infantry tactics. The post is The Five Hundred Meter War which had the video below from James Foley, a professional journalist writing at Global Post embedded in it. His full report ca ...
- A New Way Forward?A very tense week for those of us outside the wire has finally passed which means it is time for some good news. We have been on a restricted movement routine (for the first time in five years) which provided the opportunity to digest a report from The Afghanistan Study Group entitled A New Way For ...
- Rocky RoadAs the summer started I was optimistic regarding the chances that we would see some indications that we are gaining ground in Afghanistan but that has not happened. Incident rates are skyrocketing which in and of itself is not a negative thing if it is our side who are instigating the incidents but ...
- The Dog Days of SummerMany apologies for the delay on posting.  I was laid low by some sort of viral affliction which mimicked  malaria.  Like most people who get sick maybe once a decade, when I do catch a bug you would think I was on death’s door I’m such a sissy about it.  But the fever is gone [...]
The Story Behind the Story
- INSIDERS REPORT: OBAMA SUFFERING FROM SEVERE DEPR ...So you state that President Obama is depressed? How did you come by this information? From a direct source still working within the White House on a daily basis. As I had stated previously, tensions at the White House have reached a critical stage. The infighting among staff is off the charts. ...
- Obama Begins Cashing in On Carbon Credits in KENYAThe new world currency apparently will be tied to “carbon credits” as the standard of value.  Never mind that global warming (aka CLIMATE-GATE) is a massive hoax and fraud. Rather than issue worthless fiat paper money, why not issue ‘carbon credits’ on a global scale. Keep in mind that any an ...
- America’s Entitlement ElitistsAmerica is Great —– Because America is Good!! By A. True Ott, PhD, June 1, 2010 The famous French statesman and historian Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) traveled widely through America in the year 1832. Following his tour of America, he wrote extensively about what he saw and experienced here. ...
- SENATORS TO BE ADDED TO UNEMPLOYMENT ROLLSALL the senators on this list need to be OUT OF OFFICE by November 15. It will soon be payback time for these senators – forward this list to everyone you know. Don’t forget. November 2nd is “Take out the trash day” !!!!!! The following senators voted against making English the official langua ...
- IMPORTANT BREAKING NEWS — Horowitz and Kane ...In a most cowardly and dastardly fashion, Leonard G. Horowitz and his consort/accomplice Sherri Kane have chosen to target me, A. True Ott, PhD in a clear and actionable case of libel where they accuse me of being “A Satanist” with only the flimsiest of circumstantial hearsay as their “evidence”.  ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny hou ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work www.tumbleweedhouses.com The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plans fo ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being pro ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re in ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human effect ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain temper ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here’s ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing to do ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM says t ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- James Cameron (Oct 2, 2010)He's one of Hollywood's most powerful figures, and, he's been one of the oil sands most vocal critics. That combination had the oil industry on edge when Avatar director, Canadian James Cameron visited Alberta.
- Robert Fowler, Held Hostage by al Qaeda in Africa ...Kidnapped by al Qaeda. The very thought causes shudders. But it happened to this week's guest: one of Canada's former senior diplomats in Africa on a special mission for the United Nations. The challenge: solving a dispute between the government of Niger and the rebel movement MNJ. This week, the Un ...
- Steve Nash, Two-time NBA MVP (Sept 19, 2009)He's one of the best basketball players on the planet, and he's made millions at it. But there's more to this week's guest than just the game. A lot more. This Canadian now makes his name on the courts, in the movies, and doing some pretty good things around the world. This week, he's our guest.
- Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of Canada (Sept ...We know it was a recession, but do we know if it's really a recovery? And what about that huge deficit? A dollar again approaching parity with its US counterpart? And the unemployment rate -- could it soon be in double digits? Difficult questions for this week's guest, the man who has to consider th ...
- Dr. Shana Kelley, University of Toronto (October 3 ...Research labs around the world are on the constant hunt for new ways of fighting one of the world's great killers - cancer. In one lab in Toronto, exciting promise on a new technique for early detection. The possibilities are endless: for fighting cancer, and other diseases, both here in our world, ...
Scotts Contracting
- Taking Advantage of Expiring Fed Tax IncentivesOn Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: This is the year. If you’ve been sitting on home fixes, waiting for the right time, it’s 2010. Lucrative federal tax incentives are set to expire at the … Continue reading → - Arctic Sea Ice Reaches Third Lowest PointOn Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 8:03 AM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: Arctic Sea Ice Reaches Third Lowest Point By LiveScience Staff posted: 04 October 2010 05:23 pm ET Arctic sea ice extent for September 2010 was 4.90 million square … Continue reading → - Ultrathin Carbon Discovery-Nobel PrizeOn Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: Nobel physics prize for ultrathin carbon discovery AP â This undated image made available by the University of Manchester, England Tuesday By KARL RITTER and LOUISE NORDSTROM, Associated … Continue reading → - DOE, NREL Release Reports on Cutting Energy Use in ...On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 6:14 PM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: September 24, 2010 The U.S. Department of Energy and its National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have released two technical reports that provide recommendations on how to achieve 50 … Continue reading → - A musing about Roy BluntOnce upon a time Republicans had no doubt They said a personâs character Was what itâs all about Character used to matter If a man was true to his wife How seriously he took his vows Was reflected in his … Continue reading →
The View From Abroad
- Statist Policies Cause More Harm Than GoodA sure fire way to make a situation worse is to involve the government.
- Republican Proposals Reaffirm the Party’s Commitme ...The House Republican's "A Pledge to America" is a pathetic policy proposal.
- Deregulation Did Not Cause the Financial Crisis, W ...Statists criticize "libertarian" deregulation for the financial crisis. It's all a smokescreen to hide the real cause: the welfare state.
- Deregulation did not Cause the Financial Crisis, W ...Statists criticize "libertarian" deregulation for the financial crisis. It's all a smokescreen to hide the real cause: the welfare state.
- Obama’s Policies Hurt the Working ClassThe unintended consequences of Obama's Cash for Clunkers and credit card reform are hurting the working class.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- Mock Drone AttackIPS'ers take to the streets to show the public what a drone attack looks like from the point of civilians.
- U.S. Base Deal for Colombia: Back to the Status Qu ...Despite a legal setback, the State Department says that existing agreements permit the United States to continue its military presence in Colombia.
- U.S. Scrambles to Save Peace TalksWith a key Arab League meeting delayed until Friday, the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama is scrambling to keep one-month-old direct Israeli- Palestinian peace talks alive.
- The War AddictsSometimes it's the little things in the big stories that catch your eye.
- 60 Second Expert: Okinawa and the AllianceThe dispute over the U.S. base in Okinawa continues to bedevil the U.S.-Japan alliance.
- When Foreclosure Cases Get Tough, Big Firm Lawyers ...The decisions by major lenders to halt home foreclosures in at least some states in order to review whether their mortgage documentation is in order and in compliance with court rules have placed the spotlight on tiny law firms that act as so-called "foreclosure mills" and the practice of hiring "ro ...
- 2nd Circuit Overturns Religious License Plate Rest ...A state law that prohibits vanity license plates containing religious messages violates the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment, the 2nd Circuit ruled Friday. The circuit said a Vermont statute that barred a driver from obtaining a vanity plate referring to the Biblical verse John 3:16, "imper ...
- Ex-Rothstein COO Gets Maximum 10-Year Prison Sente ...The former chief operating officer at the law firm run by convicted Ponzi scheme operator Scott Rothstein was sentenced Friday to the maximum 10 years in federal prison for her role in the $1.2 billion fraud. But Debra Villegas will probably serve far less time because of her extensive cooperation w ...
- Shouldering the Burden of Data DumpingDumping high volumes of data in discovery is a common problem in litigation, say experienced lawyers. Large volumes of electronic records can be especially problematic because electronic search technology is often not up to the task of searching large, complex compilations of data.
- Legal Jobs on the Rise as Overall Jobs Numbers Dec ...Even as the national economy suffered through another month of employment losses, the legal sector continued to see marked improvement. For the third straight month, more people landed legal jobs than lost them, according to the latest employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The secto ...
- واگذاری بزرگترین پروژه راه سازی ایران به قرارگاه خ ...چکیده : در راستای واگذاری پروژه های بزرگ و سودآور کشور به سپاه پاسداران و با گذشت حدود یک ماه پس از واگذاری پروژۀ توسعۀ جاده هراز (شمال شرق تهران) به قرارگاه خاتم الانبیاء (وابسته به سپاه)، ساخت بزرگراه قم به مشهد نیز- بعنوان یکی از بزرگترین پروژه های کشور- توسط دولت به شرکت «تهران گسترش»، وابسته ب ...
- Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan: End Juvenile Death Pena ...Only three countries - Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan - are known to have executed an individual since the beginning of 2009 for a crime committed before age 18, Human Rights Watch said today. In advance of the World Day Against the Death Penalty, October 10, Human Rights Watch called on the three co ...
- Shrine to Shrine Highway project startsran has begun the construction of a major highway that will connect the holy city of Qom in central Iran to the holy city of Mashhad in the northeastern province of Khorasan Razavi. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inaugurated the 1,100-kilometer highway project, known as the Shrine to Shrine H ...
- Freed Iranian prisoner returns home to Oakland, ca ...It's a cursed kind of freedom, Sarah Shourd said, to finally escape a prison cell but leave behind the ones you love. "Shane and Josh are two beautiful, innocent people who have been trapped in a cell for 14 months for no reason," she said. "I'm staying strong, because they need me to be, but I don ...
- Iran to host int'l terrorism conference early 2011"The Islamic Republic of Iran is planning to host an international conference on terrorism early 2011 in a bid to mull over features of terrorism," Iranian UN ambassador Mohammad Khazaei said at a UN meeting on measures to eliminate international terrorism.
Most Revolutionary Act
- Addressing Overpopulation: Too Important to Leave ...I have blogged before about chronic disease (and the need to produce extra farm labor) being the primary population pressure in the third world. Demographers seeking to understand first world population pressures simply look at the US with its 2.1 fertility rate – compared to a 1.1 – 1.4 rate in the ...
- Dropping Fertility Rates: A Capitalist’s Wo ...The most famous “involuntary” solution to population explosion is China’s infamous “one-child” policy, accompanied by mandatory abortion for women who conceive a second child. The main problem I see with such a policy in western democracies is achieving majority support for it. Without majority su ...
- Population and Resource Wars: Lessons from the Old ...In the 18 th century political, economist Thomas Malthus made the observation that human beings have always outstripped their food supply. He also observed that when populations reach the limit of their ability to provide for themselves some external force – usually famine, epidemics, or war – inter ...
- Population and Sustainability: Addressing the Tabo ...More and more activists in the sustainability movement are coming to the conclusion that carbon emissions can’t be reduced to a safe range without curbing population growth. However at present it’s considered politically incorrect to even mention population control. The right accuses you of infringi ...
- Balochistan – the Place to WatchGuest Post by Alexander Achmatowicz (above) Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline Routes Transiting Balochistan If either IPI (Iran-Pakistan-India or more likely IPC Iran-India-China pipeline) or TAPI (Trans-Afghan Pipeline running between Turkmenistan-Afghanistan and Pakistan) is goi ...
Free Movement
- Winding downI have taken the surprisingly easy decision to wind down Free Movement. For reasons that continue to escape me and which have never been explained by John O, formerly of NCADC, he left that organisation in April 2010 and set up a website called, imaginatively enough, Free Movement. It can be found a ...
- New Immigration Rules laidNew Immigration Rules have just been laid in Statement of Changes CM 7944. The main change is that the English language requirement for spouses and partners has been introduced, as expected. It takes effect for new applications made on or after 29 November 2010. Those with applications in before tha ...
- Zimbabwe removals still suspendedAs recently as 14 September 2010 the Government’s position was that it is not enforcing returns to Zimbabwe. In a debate in the Commons on that day the following question and answer were given: Keith Vaz (Leicester East) (Lab): Given the critical situation in Zimbabwe, does it remain the Government’ ...
- Entry clearance deception refusalsPractitioners have seen a considerable increase in the number of applications for entry clearance that have been refused on the general grounds for refusal. The reasons are often opaque at best. Some simply refer to the contents of a Document Verification Report (DVR) and do not disclose this report ...
- New Zimbabwe fact finding reportUKBA has published a new fact finding report on the situation in Zimbabwe. It is, probably not by co-incidence, just in time for the new test case on Zimbabwe, due to begin on 20 October 2010 and in which the Immigration Advosory Service are again acting. Presumably, UKBA will be seeking to argue th ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- Forensic Scientist to Present New Evidence of Comm ...October 5, New York City, NY – On October 9th &10th, 2010 filmmaker Michael Moore will again livecast the hearings of the Kent State Truth Tribunal (KSTT), streaming real time accounts of participants, witnesses and family members of the 1970 Kent State shootings that left four students dead and ...
- U.S. REP. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS CALLS FOR FORECLOSURE ...TUCSON – U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords today called for an immediate three-month national moratorium on foreclosures so lenders and loan servicers can address rampant problems that have led to homeowners being wrongly removed from their homes. “Foreclosures are at an all-time high nationally and Ari ...
- Banks Should Follow Chase and Declare Moratorium o ...The rest of the banking industry should follow JPMorgan Chase’s example and declare a nationwide moratorium on home foreclosures, AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker said today. Chase has announced it is temporarily halting the processing of home foreclosures. In rallies and town hall ...
- It's time for nation to stand together for job ...In Washington this Saturday, I will join tens of thousands of Americans to march for jobs, justice and education. The march is called together under the banner of One Nation: Working Together, a large coalition of more than 400 organizations. Why do we march? We march for hope. We've seen the politi ...
- Whose America Is That? Nothing about the content of the Pledge to America is surprising--it's the same Bush-era economic agenda that got us into the mess we're in today: deregulate business, starve government services, starve the middle class and starve the working class so corporate special interests and the wealthy can ...
- Schools confront gay suicide surge, minus specific ...A spate of teen suicides linked to anti-gay harassment is prompting school officials nationwide to rethink their efforts against bullying -- and in the process, risk entanglement in a bitter ideological debate.
- This week in crazy: Bob WoodwardOn Tuesday, Bob Woodward did one of those things that makes the entire stupid cable news ecosystem go nuts for 24 hours: He claimed, based on supposed inside info, that something plainly ludicrous was probably going to happen. CNN's John King (USA) started it, of course. He held up Woodward's boo ...
- George W. Bush absent from GOP election pushFormer President Bill Clinton is busy on the campaign trail, helping candidates in races from Florida to Washington state. His successor, George W. Bush? Holed up in Texas.
- 2 injured when man opens fire at California schoolTwo students were injured Friday when a man fired several shots at an elementary school before he was tackled by bystanders, authorities said.
- Report says U.S. bomb-sniffing dogs are poorly tra ...The State Department's inspector general says bomb-sniffing dogs used in Afghanistan and Iraq aren't being tested properly and may not be able to effectively detect explosives.
SMB News
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, believed ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage to t ...
- Nato’s 27 fuel tankers torched in ShikarpurFor SMB News Nato’s 27 fuel tankers torched in Shikarpur SHIKARPUR: More than 27 oil tankers, meant for Nato’s fuel supply and three other vehicles, have been torched after some unidentified attackers fired rockets, which resulted in eruption of raging ablaze, meanwhile two men suffered injuries in ...
- Obama to demand India for Kashmir issue resolutionFor SMB News Obama to demand India for Kashmir issue resolutionWASHINGTON: Go for a Kashmir solution and help bring stability to the region for a ticket to UN Security Council membership and fulfilling your big power aspirations. That’s the broad message President Barack Obama will be bringing to Ne ...
- Dr. Aafia faith Altaf wants an explanation from th ...For SMB News Dr. Aafia Karachi: MQM Chief Altaf Hussain’s statement of the American government insisted on a conviction of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, Geo News on Tuesday. MQM chief said by phone from London, the rally participants conviction against Dr Aafia Siddiqi U.S. court. He said that people are info ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Oakville power plant reversal means future troubleOakville residents were understandably jubilant when the province reversed itself Thursday and cancelled construction of a $1.2 billion gas-fired power plant in their community. On their way to victory, they had deployed petitions, mass demonstrati ...
- Nobel Peace Prize: China’s better angelsThey are China’s better angels, the 10,000 visionaries who signed Charter 08, a bold manifesto that calls for truly free elections, free speech and credible courts.
- Persichilli: A Ford win could help McGuintyBut Smitherman as mayor could be a problem.
- Tackling health costs takes courageProvince is right to stick to its guns on getting a grip on drug costs.
- Food banks: Don’t stop at givingAsk politicians why food banks have become a necessity.
Energy Collective
- Constellation walks away from Calvert CliffsUtility blames feds for “unworkable” terms on loan guarantee
- Loan Guarantee Foolishness by the Folks With Green ...On Monday, October 4, 2010, the ANS Nuclear Cafe published a DC Perspective column discussing the complex topic of loan guarantees for new nuclear power plants. It is not exactly a page turning topic; understanding the nuances requires a good deal of research into legal language and an understanding ...
- Contradictions in Climate Change Negotiations: Tia ...The last round of international global warming negotiations before countries meet in Cancun, is wrapping up.� The meeting in Cancun needs to begin the process of implementing key elements of the international response to global warming.� Cancun isn’t expected to agree to a “new treaty”, establish a ...
- U.S. Navy Pays Big Bucks for BiofuelsOn Earth Day, the U.S. Navy conducted a supersonic flight test of the "Green Hornet," an F/A-18 Super Hornet strike fighter jet powered by a 50/50 biofuel blend. (U.S. Navy photo by Kelly Schindler)
- California Solar Firms, Wells Fargo, Push Solar En ...
EU Times
- Italy: Islam denied income tax revenueMosques in Italy will not receive a share of income tax revenue the Italian government allocates to religious faiths each year. Hindu and Buddhist temples, Greek Orthodox churches and Jehovah’s Witnesses will be eligible for the funds, according to a bill approved by the Italian cabinet in May and s ...
- Some in Sale Creek want to leave countyThere’s a petition floating around Sale Creek asking its 2,600 or so residents if they’d rather be part of Rhea County. So far, 100 people have signed, according Chris O’Keefe, the petition’s organizer. O’Keefe said he is fed up with mandatory car emissions tests and high property taxes in Hamilton ...
- Mexican Police Arrested Over Mayor’s MurderThe murder scarred a part of Mexico that was supposed to be reasonably safe from violence and crime. Santiago is a picturesque town of waterfalls, colonial churches and holiday homes for the rich. Its mayor, Edelmiro Cavazos, was a blue-eyed 38-year-old educated in the U.S. But it seems that no corn ...
- The Tarim MummiesAn amazing discovery of 2,000 year old Caucasian descent mummies in the Tarim basin of Western China occurred in the early 90s. But more amazing than the discovery itself was the astonishing fact that the mummies were blond haired and long nosed. In 1993, Victor Mayer a college professor collected D ...
- Sweden loses patience with refugee champion roleSix years after his brother was beheaded by Iraqi insurgents, Riyad is still haunted by the memory of identifying the disfigured body and watching the mutilation on a video distributed by the killers. Yet Riyad now has fresh worries to contend with: the threat of deportation from Sweden, which recen ...
Stonecipher News
- Washington State Fathers Network Annual ConferenceThe Fathers Network is a group of men who have children that have a disability. According to Roseberg & Wilcox (2006), “The Washington State Fathers Network (WSFN) has served over 1,000 families in the past 20 years. Founded on the belief that men are crucial in the lives of children, WSFN is a pow ...
- Your Child Has A Learning Disability. So What's Ne ...From my Factoidz page : Learning Disabilities was included in the 1975 authorization of the federal law Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) after an organization of parents formed the first Association of Children with Learning Disabilities (Heward, 2009). In the text, Exceptional Chil ...
- Dumbing Down Society Pt 2: Mercury in Foods and Va ...According to Vigilant , "Even though mercury is known to degenerate brain neurons and disrupt the central nervous system, it is still found in processed foods and mandatory vaccines. In this second part of the series examining the intentional dumbing-down of society, this article will discuss the pr ...
- Waking up TeensAccording to Science Daily, "Teenagers' morning drowsiness is often caused by out-of-tune body clocks, in a condition known as "delayed sleep phase syndrome." Scientists now say that timing exposure to blue light -- avoiding it during the first two hours of being wake, then getting a good dose of it ...
- The Special Education ProfessionFrom my Factoidz page : Persons who desire to become special educators do so for numerous reasons. Whether making a decision to become a special educator as the initial step into the educational system, or move to special education from the ranks of general education, the teacher that chooses this f ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- Md. high court hears state gun law argumentsThe article below is from WTOP 103.5 FM . Hopefully the court will make the right call. ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler told members of the state's top court Thursday that recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings prove state laws restricting people's... Tags: hopewell self def ...
- Pain. Passion. Poetry. – Love & BasketballIt’s that time of the week again, I’m just going to let Yemi takeover without any blabbing on from me. If you have noticed, I’ve placed this feature under the ‘art’ section as I believe poetry is art in word form. So hop on to the flipside as she delivers to us an overly... Tags: poetry social skill ...
- THE MIRACLE OF TIME TRAVEL – Whitehawk FC & Lewes ...Integrity versus loyalty. Always a very difficult decision. For the TBIR team we faced a big dilemma this weekend as to where we should nail our FA Cup colours. Our heart said Lewes v Thurrock, our head said Whitehawk v Hendon. We are committed to bringing you the best... Tags: rooks honey cryst ...
- Race and Beyond: When Jokes Trump DiscourseThis article was published by the Center for American Progress . By Sam Fulwood III Back in late August, Glenn Beck and his “Rally to Restore Honor” took over the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Mall, attracting an estimated 350,000 conservatives and Tea Party activists... Tags: lincoln memorial ...
- Below MBT Tataga BirchBang bang, he stood up, turned discount mbt shoes over Ge Li La table, fell to the ground rolling in pain. "How? What happened?" Hear the movement of security personnel, and quickly rushed to the scene, their voices loud and clear, suddenly attracted the attention of everyone in the... Tags: mbt tem ...
- Snyder v. Phelps (audio)[PJ: The audio of the Snyder v. Phelps oral argument, the case about protesting at funerals, is now available from the Supreme Court's website, MP3, Windows Media, or RealPlayer (including for Linux).] - US Supreme Court
- Local attorney jailed for not saying Pledge (Missi ...We talked to another attorney about this issue. He said if Lampley did not want to say the pledge he had that constitutional right. "You have a right to speak, and you have a right to remain silent. So I was shocked when I heard a lawyer had been put in jail. It doesn't make any difference whether ...
- Opera to Microsofts IE: Were still here.For September, they held places five and six right after Apple's Safari....Von Tetzchner says Opera stays relevant by continuing to innovate, often ahead of its competitors. Opera implemented the zoom function on web pages in 1996, he said, after which a Microsoft employee approached him and said th ...
- Take that, Microsoft: IE drops below 50%For everyone who ever thought that once Microsoft had a market by the throat that it would never lose significant market share, I present the news that Internet Explorer's share of the world Web browser market has dropped to 49.8%. Finally! ... Firefox and, more recently, Google with its Chrome Web ...
- ABC News receives Gates Foundation supportABC News' highly unusual arrangement with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to help fund its coverage of health crises in the Third World has raised red flags among journo watchdogs. [PJ: So now, if you're rich enough, you can buy all the news just the way you like it? Blech.] - Variety
- Introducing Resistance RadioResistance Radio Network launched with MistrBrit, Keelan Balderson, 9/11 researcher Tod Fletcher and more.
- Hague’s British Sovereignty Legislation Is S ...Why William Hague's new British Sovereignty Legislation does nothing to halt the EU superstate, and how the media are framing the debate.
- Terror Alert Fashback: Mumbai Attack Involved CIA ...If the Mumbai attacks were launched by the CIA & ISI, what does it mean when they warn that Mumbai is coming to Europe?
- Slave Labour Comes To UK PrisonsProposed scheme will see UK prisoners work full-time jobs at a fraction of the minimum wage for private profiteering corporations.
- Federal Court Rules US Corporations Free To Tortur ...US Corporations can no longer be sued for Human Rights violations, as Federal Court rules cases can only be brought against individuals.
Waterkeeper Alliance
- Clean Water Advocates Bring Legal Action Against K ...Falsified monitoring data in violation of federal law among the groups' claims.
- St. Lucie discusses ban on lawn fertilizers in sum ...St. Lucie discusses ban on lawn fertilizers in summer near waterways
- Judge says environmental groups can join Maryland ...Judge says environmental groups can join Maryland suit against landfill operator
- Flint River Fest educates visitors to benefits of ...Flint River Fest educates visitors to benefits of and dangers to Flint River
- Forsyth Co. wastewater discharge permitForsyth Co. wastewater discharge permit
Politics in the Zeros
- Southern Culture on the Skids Daddy Was a Preacher ...I love this band!
- Solar cookingSolar-Cook has a wealth on information on solar cooking, including info on building your own. They also sell commercial solar cookers. I saw one in operation recently. The reflected heat onto the bottom of the pot (it was boiling water) was hot enough to ignite newspaper. These aren’t just a novelty ...
- It’s so hard to tell organized crime from bankers ...How subprime mortgage processing works, via the fine folks at Zero Hedge
- Stormtec stormbags. Instant sandbags. Just add wat ...The bags are filled with polymer and weigh less than a pound. However, in a flood situation, toss the bag down and it’ll soak up water, weighing 33 pounds in 5 minutes, and act as a sandbag. They are $7.00 each which is certainly expensive, but could certainly save the day if unexpected flooding hit ...
- Glenn Beck’s Mormon prophecy of the Constitution h ...Byron DeLear Dana Milbank’s article two days ago, “Mormon Prophecy Behind Glenn Beck’s Message”, talks about some coded language Beck’s been using–supposedly a prophetic prediction made by the founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith. Hanging by a thread. Sounds like the sign of the times in so many ways. ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- TVNZ Breakfast host Paul Henry resigns amid uproarControversial Breakfast presenter Paul Henry has resigned amid an uproar over racial comments
- John Key, new mayor Len Brown unite to open refurb ...The Prime Minister and the new Auckland Super City Mayor have officially opened the new and improved Eden Park Stadium
- Kerry Prendergast awaits results as country swings ...The right-wing Wellington mayor is clinging on to her seat by a whisker as the country's other main centres show a swing to the left
- This Is Your Life dedicated to Mad ButcherThe latest episode of This Is Your life tonight honours the Mad Butcher - otherwise known as Sir Peter Leitch
- PM John Key lauds with refurbished Eden ParkThousands of Aucklanders flocked to the official opening of the refurbished Eden Park stadium today
Just World News
- Jones's departure-- linked to dog-wagging?I am still trying to get my head around why-- less than a month before a crucial mid-term election, Obama's national security adviser Gen. Jim Jones felt he should leave. Of course, it is not clear at all whether he took the initiative to leave the White House, or was pushed. But the timing looks ...
- Chas Freeman book: Buy it on Amazon!We've done it! The paperback version of Amb. Chas Freeman's book, America's Misadventures in the Middle East , is now available for purchase through Amazon . The paperback, hardcover, and e-book versions of the book will all be available through other sales channels in the near future. But for now ...
- When is an act of war not an act of war?The inimitable Matt Duss has a great post on Wonk Room today in which he notes that recent polling data from CBS News and Vanity Fair "indicates pretty strongly that Americans are not in favor of a U.S. war with Iran ." He adds, however, that supporters of a U.S. war on Iran realize that a "war", a ...
- 23% of Israelis ready to leave Israel at any hint ...In the latest issue of the always informative journal Middle East Policy , University of Pennsylvania prof Ian Lustick expresses the notable observation that, Last year, a poll by David Menashri of the Iran center at Tel Aviv University reported ... that 70 percent of Israeli Jews said they would n ...
- That all-American urge to punishOn Thursday afternoon I took the long drive down to the far southeastern corner of Virginia and took part in solemn observances to mark-- and protest-- our state's killing of one of its citizens, Teresa Lewis. It was a big and moving event. I was there not only as an individual but also in my capac ...
First Truths
- Terrorism By Any Other NameIn federal court on Tuesday, Faisal Shahzad, whose attempt to bomb Times Square with homemade explosives was thwarted back in May, was handed a life sentence. In a statement made during a hearing, Shahzad, an American radicalized by the United States’ sanguinary, terroristic crusade against the Mu ...
- Sounding OffIn a society that fully and consistently honors individual sovereignty, observing the nonaggression principle, an independent right to free speech is unnecessary and redundant. By making the coercive land monopolization of government impossible, libertarian anarchism preempts free speech as an issue ...
- The Pretended Populism of PoliticsIn contemporary politics, populism implies, and is drawn on to justify, the boundless proliferation of statism. And, though the irony is seldom acknowledged, there is something thoroughly perverse about the idea that an organization of exclusivity, every action of which plants more deeply the roots ...
- Experts in the Ministry of CrimeA few days ago, I was reminded of a New York Times column, The Establishment Lives! , in which David Brooks, trumpeting the efficacy of the omnipresent, total state, wrote: If you wanted to devise a name for this approach, you might pick the phrase economist Arnold Kling has used: Progressive Cor ...
- The Libertarian Lexicon ReduxIn considering the confused relationship between libertarian anarchism and elitism, William A. Henry III’s book In Defense of Elitism sprung to mind. Though no one could mistake Henry for a libertarian, his book opened with an eloquent endorsement of an elitism that may not be inconsistent with th ...
Media Co-Op
- The Declaration of Temaca: The 3rd International M ...Endorsed at Rivers for Life: The 3rd International Meeting of Dam Affected People and their Allies TemacapulÃn, Mexico, 1-6 October 2010 Solidarity With TemacapulÃn, Acasico and Palmarejo We, more than 320 people from 54 countries throughout the world affected by dams, fighters against destructive ...
- Alex Hundert found to have breached ‘no demonstrat ...From the Toronto Community Mobilization Network: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OCTOBER 08, 2010 G20 defendant Alex Hundert found to have breached ‘no demonstration’ condition for speaking at a university panel event October 8, 2010 – Toronto, Mississauga New Credit – G20 defendant and alleged ‘rin ...
- The Tide's Third WaveThe Halifax Media Co-op is now publishing a print broadsheet once a month, and the third edition is now available! This issue features stories on: The links between poverty, racism and swarmings Protests over a defense exhibition in Halifax ...
- PROVINCE PROVIDES RESOURCES FOR GLOBAL DAY OF ACTI ...PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Oct 6th, 2010 PROVINCE PROVIDES RESOURCES FOR GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE VANCOUVER - The Council of Canadians and GatewaySucks are organizing a mass direct action as part of the ‘10/10/10 Global Work Party’ to highlight climate "crime ...
- Grassy Narrows Clan Mothers block MNR enforcement ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 6, 2010 Slant Lake, Asubpeeschoseewagong - The site of Grassy Narrows' high profile logging blockade saw action again today as grassroots women blocked passage for Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR ) enforcement officers interfering with back-road repair work by the no ...
David Seaton's News Links
- Glenn Beck done by a duckIt is some of the best well made propaganda I have ever seen…We are looking into this gentleman and this incredible propaganda against me – Glenn Beck David Seaton's News Links Here is a marvelous video by Jonathan McIntosh of Rebellious Pixels that explains the Tea Party, Beck and Fox better than ...
- Lenny Bruce, Picasso, Christine O’Donnell and the ...Picasso: (Children don't try this at home) Lenny Bruce: (Children don't try this at home) Once upon a time a� proud samurai of legendary ferocity approached an elderly zen master famous for his wisdom and asked him if heaven and hell existed. The ancient monk looked at the warrior with withering ...
- The Rick Sanchez affairDavid Seaton's News Links One of the best comments I have seen on the Rick Sanchez affair comes from one Snuffysmith over at Talking Points Memo, I quote: Sanchez: Jews control the media Jews: No we don’t. BTW, you’re fired. LOL I think that sums the whole thing up pretty well. I'd like to make cle ...
- Life can be very simple...David Seaton's News Links Sometimes the most important things in life are so simple that people hardly ever think about them. Human beings get out of bed and before they are even half awake they take a pee and a drink of water and rarely think that if there were no water to drink, there sho ...
- What exactly is the USA?These are terrible times for many people in this country. Poverty, especially acute poverty, has soared in the economic slump; millions of people have lost their homes. Young people can’t find jobs; laid-off 50-somethings fear that they’ll never work again. Yet if you want to find real political rag ...
EWG - Environmental Working Group
- EWG Asks FDA Advisors to Back Sunscreen Regulation ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs – 202-667-6982 WASHINGTON, Oct. 7, -- Environmental Working Group (EWG) asked a prestigious expert advisory panel to urge the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue long-awaited regulations for... [[ This is a content summary only. Vis ...
- 50 Groups Challenge Government Grant to Pro-Pestic ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 OAKLAND, Calif. – More than 50 organizations concerned about the risks of pesticides to human health and the environment have joined forces to fight California officials’ award of a $180,000... [[ This is a content summary only. Vi ...
- Few Sunscreens Shield From UVA RaysContact: EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982. alex@ewg.org Washington, D.C. â With fall here, millions of Americans are outside at football and soccer games, cross-country meets, school fairs, picking apples and raking leaves. As temperatures lower and bathing suits go in ...
- Three Top Scientists Honored with Prestigious Hein ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 Washington, D.C. -- Among this year’s recipients of the prestigious Heinz Family Philanthropies Global Change Awards are three preeminent scientists working to advance our understanding of the impacts that chemical exposures hav ...
- Pesticide Industry to Use Tax Dollars to Attack Cr ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs â 202-667-6982 WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 -- The California Department of Food and Agriculture has awarded $180,000 in federal funds to finance an agribusiness-chemical industry plan to combat its critics – Environmental Working Group and other hea ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- This Toxic Food is BANNED in Europe - But They're ...Jeffrey Smith, founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology , is leading the movement to eliminate genetically modified foods in the United States. Here, Smith offers an update on this important mission to protect your health, ...
- Beat Your Sugar Addiction NOW!by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD Are you a sugar addict? In the United States, with about 18 percent of the average American diet coming from added sugar, this is becoming the rule rather than the exception. Many people eat their weight in sugar every year. And it may be why you are tired, achy, “brain f ...
- The World’s Most Dangerous Spider!This video is not for the faint of heart.
- Eliminate This Everyday Food and Watch Your High B ...By Dr. Mercola It’s important to understand that uncontrolled high blood pressure is a very serious health concern that can lead to heart disease and increases your risk of having a stroke. The good news though is that following a healthy nutrition plan, along with exercising and implementing ef ...
- World's Scariest Job?If you thought YOUR job might be causing you nightmares, how about this one?
- A 29-Year-Old Woman With Flulike Symptoms [Clinica ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Vuillard's Room at the Chateau des Clayes [The Cov ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Anticipatory Guidance [A Piece of My Mind](No abstract is available for this citation)
- Death by CVA [Poetry and Medicine](No abstract is available for this citation)
- THE BOOKKEEPING OF HUMANITY [JAMA 100 Years Ago](No abstract is available for this citation)
Survival - tribal peoples
- Aboriginal anger at gas project plansThe proposed gas project in Western Australia has become highly contentious © Keith Wood/ Wilderness Society Preliminary work has started on a controversial gas project on the Western Australian coast. The state’s premier has aroused fury by announcing that land for the development will be comp ...
- Mapuche hunger strike ends Mapuche protests are often met with a violent police response © Flickr user antitezo, Creative Commons license Many of the 34 Mapuche prisoners on hunger strike in Chile have ended their protest, after reaching an agreement with the Chilean government. Around ten of the prisoners, however, sa ...
- US Congress’ historic hearing on Papuan human righ ...The US Congress held an open hearing last week to hear testimonies from Papuans and academics about human rights violations in West Papua. The hearing, hosted by the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment, was titled, ‘Crimes against humanity: When will Indonesia’s military be ...
- Church demands end to armed attacks on Guarani Guarani Indians often suffer violent attacks after they return to their ancestral land © CIMI Brazilian bishops have demanded that the government take urgent action to put an end to armed attacks on Guarani communities in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, south of the Amazon. Last month, Guara ...
- Pro-Indian bishop wins ‘alternative Nobel prize’Dom Erwin Krautler, Bishop of Xingu, has won the 2010 Right Livelihood Award © Prelazia do Xingu A leading supporter of Indian rights in Brazil has won the Right Livelihood Award , known as the ‘alternative Nobel prize’. Dom Erwin Krautler, the Bishop of the Xingu in Brazil’s Amazon region, wo ...
Montreal Gazette
- Why not attack tobacco on two fronts?We're sure it's just coincidence, but the latest changes to federal tobacco policy might as well have been designed by the tobacco companies. No wonder the provinces aren't happy.
- Quebec's drilling policy is full of holesFull speed ahead on exploration and exploitation of shale-gas deposits up and downtheshoresof theSt. LawrenceRiver, the Quebec government says. But full stop on even exploration for oil and gas under the St. Lawrence estuary. Isn't this just a little contradictory?
- Why not attack tobacco on two fronts?At a meeting this month in Newfoundland, provincial health officials learned of a sudden shift in federal policy, the Globe and Mail reported yesterday: Ottawa abruptly abandoned plans for bigger, scarier health warnings on cigarette packages, saying it would prefer to fight harder against c ...
- Quebec's elderly deserve much betterIt was a timely promise, given our aging population. The government also had to react to reports in recent years of several appalling cases of ill-treatment of seniors in nursing homes. Most such accommodations operate in a satisfactory way, it appears, but there is significant public demand ...
- City and its workers bury the hatchet -we hopeIn 2004, the city of Montreal's blue collar workers had a contract imposed on them, after a long and acrimonious process. That contract expired Aug. 31, 2007, and since then "les bleus" have had no contract. So yesterday's news of a signing ceremony at city hall should be intensely welcome.
Food World Order
- wheat bread sales top white bread for first timefrom allgov : For the first time in consumer history, Americans are buying more wheat bread than white bread . From July 2009 to July 2010, sales of wheat bread increased 0.6%, totaling $2.6 billion, while white bread sales declined 7%, to $2.5 billion. Americans seem to be turning to wheat bread fo ...
- cattle cloned from dead animals to produce 'that m ...from bbc : Some of the cattle cloned to boost food production in the US have been created from the cells of dead animals , according to a US cloning company. Farmers say it is being done because it is only possible to tell that the animal's meat is of exceptionally high quality by inspecting its car ...
- fda uses massive egg recall to push for egg pasteu ...from natural news : Amid the massive egg recall currently underway over potential salmonella poisoning, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been working hard to push its pasteurization agenda . The agency recently made an announcement recommending that all grocery stores and restaurants ...
- 8/19 binge & purge: sour, sugar & service'fructose-slurping' cancer could sour the soda business * gm salmon: aquabounty tech seeks fda approval of fast-growing salmon * sugar beetdown; monsanto wins again * dems may use food-stamp money to pay for michelle's nutrition initiative * US food crops absorb toxic pharmaceuticals & p ...
- junk food-addicted rats rather starve than eat hea ...from natural news : A diet including unlimited amounts of junk food can cause rats to become so addicted to the unhealthy diet that they will starve themselves rather than go back to eating healthy food , researchers have discovered. In a series of studies conducted over the course of three yea ...
- Vatican Bank Investigated For Alleged Money Launde ...source: NPR.org, September 21, 2010 Angelo Carconi /Associated Press Italian financial Police officers talk to each other in front of St. Peter's square at the Vatican, Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2010. (AP Photo/Angelo Carconi)
- Pakistani Christians not beneficiary of Church run ...source: Pakistan Christian Post, May 17 2010 Lahore: May 17, 2010. (PCP) The admissions are underway in convents and other missionary schools administered by Catholic Church of Pakistan and Church of Pakistan in major cities of Punjab province of Pakistan. The Christian parents are standing i ...
- Vishal Arora: A Christian fundamentalist masquera ...source: Sathya Sai blog, 19 May 2010 Vishal Arora is an independent & freelance journalist and writer living in New Delhi, India. Vishal Aroras articles have appeared in Hindustan Times , The Indian Express , The Deccan Herald , The Tribune , The Statesman , Mint , Indo-Asian News ...
- Christian casteism: Only in India: A Brahmin groom ...source: Times of India, May 16, 2010 MUMBAI: When Winnie D'Souza wanted to marry her daughter into a decent' family, she scanned the matrimonial columns of Catholic periodicals in Panaji. After shortlisting a few young men, D'Souza made inquiries about their caste. She wanted her dau ...
- Rwanda: Will the Vatican Ever Accept That Genocide ...source: AllAfrica.com, 27 May 2010 Tom Ndahiro Kigali This church's lack of courage and humility made it develop what philosopher Bertrand Russell, in his book "The Conquest of Happiness" termed "persecution mania" which he says is "a recognised form of insanity."
Whole Truth Coalition
- An Invitation to Meet Hollie and Anne Greig‘Hollie and Anne would like to thank their many supporters for their continuing hard work and support. Towards that end, they have decided to host an informal function near Berwick-upon-Tweed at the Marshall Meadows Hotel on Sunday the 21st of March from 2 until 5pm. The Marshall Meadows Hotel is s ...
- Robert Green, Hollie and Ann Greig at The ‘C ...Robert Green, Hollie and Anne Greig have confirmed they will be appearing at the Child Snatching By The State conference being held on April 10th in Stafford, UK. In recent years, there has been a steady increase in media reports concerning Mothers and Fathers, Grandparents and Families reporting t ...
- Mary Rodwell The New Human Vers. 02
- A Warm Embrace - The Great Bell ChantA Warm Embrace - The Great Bell Chant from R Smittenaar on Vimeo. Watch in Full Screen, believe me it’s worth it!
- COTO Report British Edition: An Interview with Dav ...COTO Report British Edition goes to the Isle of Wight to bring you an almost three hour long interview with Mr. David Icke by Megan ‘Verb’ Kargher. In this interview we discuss his new book entitled Human Race Get Off Your Knees, the Lion Sleeps No More, the nature of reality and politics. links to ...
The Economic Collapse
- More Bad News: 10 Things You Should Know About The ...On Friday, headlines across the United States declared that "unemployment remains unchanged at 9.6%". Many analysts rejoiced and heralded this announcement as a sign that we have hit bottom and that things will be turning around soon. But is that the truth? A closer look at the u ...
- Where Are The Jobs?Most Americans don't really care about the economic minutiae that many of us who study the U.S. economy love to pour over. When it comes to the economy, the typical American citizen just wants to be able to get a good job, make a decent living and put bread on the table for the fam ...
- Federal Reserve Officials: Americans Are Saving To ...Some top Federal Reserve officials have come up with a really bizarre proposal for stimulating the U.S. economy. As unbelievable as it sounds, what they actually propose to do is to purposely raise the rate of inflation so that Americans will stop saving so much money and will star ...
- Globalism Destroys America: 10 Reasons Why The Wor ...In 2010, education has been so "dumbed down" in America that most Americans don't even know what the WTO is, and even fewer understand why the WTO is important. The truth is that the World Trade Organization is essentially a global government for world trade. It is a "contract" tha ...
- 27 Signs That The Standard Of Living For America&# ...If you still have a job and you can put food on the table and you still have a warm house to come home to, then you should consider yourself to be very fortunate. The truth is that every single month hundreds of thousands more Americans fall out of the middle class and into poverty ...
- Food and Agriculture in a Steady State EconomyFossil-fueled factory farms and livestock slums slip out of style in a steady state economy
- Muddled Media MessagesPuzzling product placements and pernicious prevarications permeate mainstream media.
- Steady State Transportation: Closing the Door on t ...The trouble with transportation is petroleum, and the problems are providing a chance for true transformation.
- Opportunity Cost of GrowthHerman Daly swims upstream like a salmon, fighting the flow of fallacious philosophy from growth economists -- you won't want to miss his final refrain on this one.
- It’s True: One Million Dollars to a Young Steady S ...Finally... a big opportunity to get paid for being a steady stater!
The Talking Clock
- Sunday Paper Review: 10th October 2010It's always fascinating when putting the paper review together. What you start spotting is trends and themes spreading out across the newspapers and - it seems - that immigration seems to be a dominant issue in the corporate media this week. It's a subject area into which we tread with much trepi ...
- From the department of 'No sh*t, Sherlock': "Obama ...Regular readers may have noted over the last week that we have taken a very deeply cynical position over the raft of terror alerts which have been issued by the UK, France, Germany and others. Why so cynical? Well, it normally is the pretext for more abuse of technology. Or, as we said last Su ...
- Geo-engineering (aka 'chemtrails'). So, what on ea ...Not going to discuss this too much, though welcome your comments. All I'll say is this. I do not believe the utter rot about 'man made global warming' (see also 'global taxes' and 'global government'). I do believe that any attempt at playing God / Mother Nature / take your pick can only le ...
- Lord Mandy's £8,600 a month from the EU: A non-sho ...The Daily Telegraph reports that Lord Voldemort, the Prince of Darkness (otherwise known as Peter Mandelson) "is still paid £8,600 a month by the EU despite leaving his Brussels post two years ago". Thing is, the newspaper makes out like it's some kind of shocking revelation. Of course it is n ...
- Welcome back to Britain, Tetley Teafolk!In a rare break from moaning about the state of the nation, we thought we would share our utter joy at... a TV commercial? Well, we were just sat down watching Corrie on ITV2, when we saw this... Yes, it's the return of the Tetley Teafolk! Yay! Isn't there something reassuringly British and ...
Facing South
- Oil spill commission hits feds on flow rate, dispe ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica After the release of four reports by the presidential commission investigating BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill, much of the attention has been paid to criticism that the administration had inaccurately estimated the amount of oil involved -- both in gauging flow rate ...
- POPE THE VOTE? Conservative NC benefactor steps up ...Ask a casual political observer to name the nation's biggest Republican operatives, and a few would come readily to mind. Most could you tell you about Karl Rove -- the legendary Bush adviser and GOP strategist who this year aims to spend $52 million by November to help elect conservative candidate ...
- Coal companies charged with massive violations of ...A coalition of environmental advocates took the first step today toward bringing a lawsuit against three mining operations in Kentucky for a staggering number of alleged violations of the Clean Water Act -- more than 20,000 in all. The companies targeted are ICG Hazard and ICG Knott, subs ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: Debtors' prisons rise again in th ...The Brennan Center for Justice and the American Civil Liberties Union released reports this week documenting the growing problem of criminal justice debt and the considerable costs it's imposing on communities, taxpayers and indigent people convicted of crimes. The following figures come from those ...
- GOP poised to gain clout in South due to surging L ...When Hispanics vote, most choose Democrats: In 2008, two out of three Latinos voted for Barack Obama over John McCain for president. And a Pew Hispanic Center survey released today finds that 65% plan to vote Democratic this November . But the rapid growth of Latinos in Southern states will likely ...
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