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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

19 October - Early Surfing Report

Religiosity and TortureImage by jurvetson via FlickrAmericans Spending More Time Following the News: OVERVIEW - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press
Wikipedia Screensaver
Ditching Cable for the Web: How Much Can You Save Buying, Renting, or Streaming TV
Audiogalaxy Desktop Streaming Service Now Available to All
Ubuntu Adding Mobile Streaming to its Ubuntu One Cloud Service
Security Essentials Screensaver Scans Your Computer on Screensaver Activation
Digg - Why Do So Many Geeks Hate Internet Explorer?
5 times we almost nuked ourselves by accident
Joe Miller Security Guards Handcuff & Detain 'Alaska Dispatch' Editor
Diigo Web Highlighter and Bookmark - Google Chrome extension gallery
Wonderful / Valuable Information & Lovely Photographs - Wonderfulinfo.com
Saturn’s Rings Could Be the Shreds of a Giant Moon : Discovery News
Knot in the ribbon at the edge of the solar system 'unties'

Drug Companies Hire Troubled Doctors As Experts

Drug companies say they hire the most-respected doctors in their fields for the critical task of teaching about the benefits and risks of the companies' drugs.
But an investigation by ProPublica has uncovered hundreds of doctors receiving company payments who had been accused of professional misconduct, were disciplined by state boards or lacked credentials as researchers or specialists.
To vet the industry's handpicked speakers, ProPublica created a comprehensive database that represents the most accessible accounting yet of payments to doctors.

The Survey Says...

Consumer Reports conducted a survey about the promotional activities of doctors on behalf of pharmaceutical companies.

The survey, conducted in October 2010, included 1,250 randomly selected adults in the U.S.
Some doctors take payments from drug companies in exchange for promoting the benefits of those companies’ drugs to other doctors in presentations at conventions and conferences.

Family's vaccine claim is not sustainable

( Yet the medical community wonders why people decide 'Caveat Emptor'...Let the Buyer Beware...is necessary when evaluating professional 'health consultants' . Trust is not something received in a vacuum.  How many have dealt with doctors and found their competence less than stellar ? )

MMR doctor struck from register

The case did not investigate whether Dr Wakefield's findings were right or wrong, instead it focused on the methods of research.
Dr Wakefield has consistently claimed the allegations against him were "unfounded and unjust".
As the GMC announced its sanctions, Dr Wakefield said: "Efforts to discredit and silence me through the GMC process have provided a screen to shield the government from exposure on the MMR vaccine scandal."
Two of his former colleagues at the Royal Free were also ruled to have broken guidelines.
Professor John Walker-Smith and Professor Simon Murch both helped Dr Wakefield carry out the research.
Professor Walker-Smith, who is 73 and has been retired for the past 10 years, was found guilty of serious professional misconduct and struck off the register. Professor Murch was found not guilty of serious professional misconduct despite there not being ethical approval for the research.
Professor Terence Stephenson, president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said the scare over the vaccine had done "untold damage to the UK vaccination programme".
"We cannot stress too strongly that all children and young people should have the MMR vaccine."

Why fear of vaccination is spelling disaster in the developing world

Sense About Science

Sense About Science is an independent charitable trust. We respond to the misrepresentation of science and scientific evidence on issues that matter to society, from scares about plastic bottles, fluoride and the MMR vaccine to controversies about genetic modification, stem cell research and radiation. We work with scientists and civic groups to promote evidence and scientific reasoning in public discussion.
Our recent and current priorities include alternative medicine, MRI, detox, radiationhealth tests, the status of evidence in public health advice, an educational resource on peer review, the public language of science,the impact of libel law and independent scientific advice.

Austria’s Interior Ministry, the Kampusch paedophile ring and “777 missing persons”

The Interior Ministry – so it is speculated – is the base of high-level padeophile rings that are involved in the abduction of children such as Natsache Kampusch.

A possible involvement of Interior Ministry operatives could, however, explain  why an investigation into whether Wolfgang Priklopil had accomplices was constantly thwarted.

Transportation, Food, and Electricity Systems Not Well Prepared for Peak Oil
The global food system has increasingly relied on transporting food long distances from where it was grown, but rising oil prices will make that less feasible. Sharon asked an important question: How will we grow food where people are?
The problem is, we're facing an emergency, but we don't have a critical mass of elected leaders willing to do anything about it (and one reason for that is that not enough of their constituents are willing to do anything about it). Overhauling our transportation, food, and energy-generation systems will take time and resources that the US doesn't seem willing to invest.
Funneling solar energy: Antenna made of carbon nanotubes could make photovoltaic cells more efficient
NewsDaily: California to enter fourth month without budget
U.S. poverty hits record levels as elections loom - U.S. news - msnbc.com

Lawrence of Cyberia

Quote of the Week: Anstruther Mackay

The theory that the Jews are to come into Palestine and oust the Moslem cultivators by 'equitable purchase' or other means is in violation of principles of sound policy, and would, if accepted, arouse violent outbreaks against the Jewish minority. It would, moreover, arouse fierce Moslem hostility and fanaticism against the Western powers that permitted it. The effect of this hostility would be felt all through the Middle East, and would cause trouble in Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India. To this might be ascribed by future historians the outbreak of a great war between the white and the brown races, a war into which America would without doubt be drawn.
-- Zionist Aspirations in Palestine, by H. Anstruther Mackay (Military Governor of Ramleh, Palestine); The Atlantic Monthly, July 1920.

GORDON DUFF: How Drug Money Is Buying Our New Congress

Supreme Court Ruling A Drug Barons Dream
Republicans and “Tea Party” candidates are expecting to take over congress in a very few days, a “big win” totally underwritten with drug money. There is no secret about it. By June, $200 million in “foreign” contributions had already come into the GOP and Tea Party and not one cent of it is accounted for. It is “corporate” money, money that doesn’t have to be American, doesn’t have to be legal, money that would put any normal American in prison for years if they had one cent in their pockets. The $200 million is laundered drug money, much from Afghanistan but much also from Mexico, those drug cartels that are buying America’s Southwest, the same cartels that did so well during the Bush years when the border with Mexico was open and totally unwatched.

Over $1.2 billion will be spent on the upcoming election, over a billion to fund the jobs of 200 legislators whose income wouldn’t cover two days interest on that money. Can you smell that smell, that rotten “government” smell? Money used to come from big oil, crooked banks, pharma and nutty billionaires with names like Buffett and Scaife or perhaps DeVos.
Now the money is from drug cartels, mercenary armies and huge money laundering banks, brought in by the carload, open and free, no laws can control it. All that is needed is a corporation, and that can be done in some states for 15 bucks. Corporations can take foreign assets, send them to the United States, assets from any source, legal or illegal, and transfer those assets to a political party.
This year 90% of the money is going to the Republicans. I wonder what is is buying? I suspect Americans will eventually find out.

Inteltrends Updates

19 Oct - Canada. Copy machines spill identity secrets. Personal information scanned into certain digital photocopier hard drives can be easily tapped, according to a CBC News investigation. [
19 Oct - Caucasus Emirate. Mujahideen attack compound of Russian main puppet's 'parliament' in Chechen capital. [
19 Oct - Xinjiang may become the biggest oil processing base in China. [Ferghana]
18 Oct - Emir of Caucasus Emirate Dokku Abu Usman appoints Supreme Judge of Caucasus Emirate Sharia Court. [Kavkaz]
18 Oct - Israeli companies are actively involved in supplying arms to Azerbaijan. [NEWS.am]
18 Oct - Israeli cmdr. jailed for robbing flotilla. [Press TV]
18 Oct - Aid caravan to Gaza crossed the border between Algeria and Morocco. [Ennahar]
18 Oct - Russia returns to mono-ethnic “wild battalions”? [PanARMENIAN]
18 Oct - Kosovo. Gov't teeters on brink of collapse. [AKI]
18 Oct - African Union urges U.N. to impose naval blockade, no-fly zone in Somalia. [Mareeg]
17 Oct - Al-Qaeda reaches out armed with English, Internet. [AFP]
17 Oct - Pro-U.S. Iraqi fighters 'switching to Al-Qaeda'. [AFP]
17 Oct - PJAK warns that Iran is preparing for cross-border military operation. [Firat]
17 Oct - Philippines. New People's Army (NPA) rebels kill 2 pro-army militias in Agusan Sur. [Mindanao]

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