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Opit's LinkFest! hosted by Opera Community
IPS - Inter Press Services
- CUBA: Ten Years Fighting HIV/AIDS and Reaching Out ...Raúl Regueiro remembers every detail about the creation, 10 years ago in Cuba, of the project for the prevention of HIV/AIDS among men who have sex with men, and the way the initiative crossed the boundaries of purely health-related concerns to address the question of social inclusion.
- Emerging Powers to Challenge Elite Security Counci ...When the 15-member Security Council meets next January, the United Nations will celebrate a rare political landmark: the 10 rotating non-permanent members will include some of the world's rising new players on the global stage, including India, South Africa, Germany, Brazil and Nigeria - a ...
- JAMAICA: Invasive Lionfish Go From Predator to Pre ...Anxious to prevent the collapse of Jamaica's overexploited marine fisheries, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries is promoting the consumption of lionfish to control its burgeoning population. At risk officials say, are the nation's marine biodiversity, its food security and economic ...
- MALAWI: While the President Flies, the People Queu ...A public spat has developed between the Malawian government and organisations in the small south-eastern African country over foreign exchange being "wasted" on foreign trips undertaken by President Bingu wa Mutharika. The consequence has been repeated fuel shortages, organisations say.
- World Bank Pressured over Record Fossil Fuels Lend ...With new figures showing a record amount of World Bank funding for projects relying on coal power and other fossil fuels, the issue of reforming the institution's energy lending was once again a hot topic at the World Bank and IMF annual meetings, which concluded over the weekend.
Scoop - NZ
- Scott Horton Interviews Chris Floyd of Empire Burl ...Chris Floyd ...discusses the addition of neocon Frederick Kagan to the U.S. anti-corruption team in Afghanistan, the minimal proof needed to convince the MSM that the "surge" in Iraq or Afghanistan worked, the opportunity to really win hearts and minds by helping Pakistani flood victims ( ...
- Fraud Factories: How Banks Profit From The Foreclo ...US Congressman Alan Grayson talks about the fraudulent home foreclosures being carried out by the US Banks. Even Mortgage free homeowners are being fraudulently foreclosed on. There is one set of rules for the banks and another set of laws for everyone else. ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- VIDEO: The milk ad they don't want you to seeThe true cost of Fonterra's industrial dairy business revealed *WARNING: Some content may offend. ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- Experts Warn Against D.C.'s Planned, Insane Intern ...The first missive [PDF] questions whether the digital vote by mail system is "voter-verifiable," as required under the city's new election laws. The voter has no way of confirming that the ballot he or she sent is the same one that is counted by elections officials, the letter argues. Th ...
- US National Debt .. For DummiesKeep It Simple, Stupid Words to live by.  Remember that when someone starts explaining which way the smoke on an electric train is gonna blow, you should probably check your wallet.  I'm tired of convoluted explanations of simple problems. It distracts people from the truth, which is usu ...
Independent - London
- Moment of truth in race to save miners – and Chile ...The day was filled with hope. The night ahead promised to be full of joy. The eyes of the world were on a remote hillside in Chile's Atacama Desert last night, as rescuers were scheduled to begin lifting the first of 33 trapped men to freedom from the mine where they had spent the past 69 days.
- Ukraine: 43 killed as train hits stalled busAt least 43 people were killed when their bus was hit by a train at a level crossing yesterday. Another eight people were hurt in the crash near the town of Marhanets, in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
- Burma brings iron curtain down on stage showsThe Burmese authorities are poised to ban all stage and theatre performances – often scenes of dissidence and criticism – ahead of elections planned for early next month.
- Dear Leader's other son decries successionThe political anointment of North Korea's heir apparent, Kim Jong-un appears to have received the thumbs down from an unusual source: his outspoken big brother.
- Robert Fisk: Lebanon and Hizbollah ready to welcom ...So he – with a capital 'H' – is coming this morning. Be on the Beirut airport road, they tell us. He will receive our plaudits. An open-top car? Perhaps. Ahlah wa sahlan, it says on the posters in Arabic, which the Hizbollah have thoughtfully put up for us. And then: Hush amdid in Persian. They bot ...
Rogue Government.com
- Wall Street Pay: A Record $144 BillionPay on Wall Street is on pace to break a record high for a second consecutive year, according to a study conducted by The Wall Street Journal.
- Just 24 hours to live: Mother makes heartfelt plea ...The mother of a nurse who disappeared after being injected with malaria today made an emotional plea for him to return home for treatment - as doctors warned he may have only hours to live.
- California shooter says he saw Glenn Beck as ‘scho ...The 45-year-old "highway shooter" who engaged in a 12-minute shootout with California Highway Patrol officers earlier this year now says Fox News host Glenn Beck has been an inspiration for his activity.
- IMF fails to strike deal over currency frictionsThe IMF policy committee, which has been struggling to agree a consensus on easing currency tensions among key economies including China and the US, said the organisation should instead keep the issue under watch.
- Big Brother is only a “ping” or mouse click away…What do Google, the CIA and a host of so-called “predictive behavior” start-ups have in common?
Innovation Canada
- A whale of a mysteryWhat’s the next thing a graduate student should do after his master’s thesis solves a biochemical mystery that has befuddled zoologists for generations? This is a problem that 28-year-old Lawrence Szewciw recently faced after he and his professors at the University of Guelph determined the physiolog ...
- Illuminating bonesDavid Cooper wants to know more about your bones. Specifically, the assistant professor of anatomy and cell biology at the University of Saskatchewan is trying to answer a chicken-and-egg question about osteoporosis: do changes in the density of cells within bones cause the disease, or does the dise ...
- Tools of the mindThe first time neuroscientist Adele Diamond walked into a New Jersey classroom where teachers were using the Tools of the Mind curriculum, she was struck by the quiet self-control of the children. Most regular preschool and kindergarten classrooms are chaotic, noisy places, but in the Tools of the M ...
- Going au naturelHow often do you use natural health products (NHPs) in your everyday life? You might take a vitamin or two and an omega-3 supplement. Or maybe you take a dose of glucosamine when your joints are sore or an echinacea tablet when you’re under the weather or rub aloe vera on your skin when you’ve been ...
- A new musical realityImagine a live improvised musical performance — in surround sound, with a computer manipulating and spinning instruments’ sounds around eight different speakers in real time. That’s being made possible through the University of Guelph’s new Advanced Digital Audio Production and Performance Studio. I ...
Signs of the times
- Dolphin Intelligence is No FlukeThe next time you see a dolphin in the ocean, it may be wise to remember that he's not just out for a swim. In fact, he just may be contemplating his next migration. Scientists have discovered that dolphins are so smart that they can actually ponder the future. Found to be second in intelligence on ...
- Whale Poop Is Vital To Ocean EcologyYou probably don't think about the nutrients in whale poop very often, but biologists from the University of Vermont and Harvard University actually made a huge contribution to many scientists and fisherman, sharing what they learned studying whale poop and which way it floats. Did you know that ...
- $15 Billion Bee Murder Mystery DeepensIt was the buzz heard round the world. On Thursday, the front-page New York Times article titled, "Scientists and Soldiers Solve a Bee Mystery" was supposed to close the book on a four-year long case involving the unexplained death of millions of honey bees nationwide. Instead, it has only brough ...
- Tiger video catches illegal loggers red-handedWhat at first appears to be a conservationist's dream soon becomes a living nightmare. Under the cover of darkness on 5 May, 2010, a curious male Sumatran tiger strolls right up to the camera, pokes his nose in the lens, and sniffs all around, before stalking off. Just a week later, the landscape is ...
- The Family: Secretive Christian Group of Conservat ...Jeff Sharlet, the journalist who helped expose a cohort of powerful lawmakers promoting a Christian Agenda at home and abroad, discusses his new book. The Family, also known as the Fellowship, is a cohort of powerful lawmakers seeking to create a "God-led government" at home and abroad. Chief amon ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Double-double trouble . . .Coffee berry damage YALE ENVIRONMENT 360 is a site run by the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies . Really worth the visit, numerous articles of interest. One of 'em, "Spurred by Warming Climate, Beetles Threaten Coffee Crops" is of selfish interest. According to Erica Westley, our doubl ...
- Canada FailThis week we've been thrown out of the country hosting our forward logistics base for our war, and have now lost for the first time in 60 years a seat on the UN Security Council. Canada dropped out of the race because it did not have the numbers on the second ballot — 78 to Portugal's 113. A two- ...
- World Stage Harper?Tell us more about how we're back on the World Stage . Fucking hillbilly.
- The Tea Party in muftiHonest. It's what George W. Bush apologists are wearing these days . A Republican congressional candidate from Ohio, countering criticism from a House GOP leader, said he did nothing wrong by wearing a Nazi uniform while participating in World War II re-enactments. Yeah, it's one politically astu ...
- Wherein the Liberal leader...deftly rebuts the patriarchal folk wisdom that possessing a pair correlates with a tendency for competent and decisive action in the face of a problem. Michael Ignatieff’s Liberals have helped kill an NDP motion that would have required Speaker Peter Milliken to decide whether the Harper gove ...
Media Matters for America
- At Newsmax, Palin joins fellow conservatives with ...Sarah Palin used a webcast at the right-wing website Newsmax to use inflammatory language echoing that of fellow conservatives such as Glenn Beck and Newt Gingrich to attack President Obama and his policies. She also revived her long-debunked claim about "death panels" in the health care reform law ...
- "[D]ead on the money": Conservative media figures ...New York GOP gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino recently said he didn't want children "brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option" as "getting married and raising a family." Right-wing pundits have since defended his remarks, calling his comments " ...
- Fox hypes disputed claim that Gates considers Don ...Fox & Friends smeared National Security Adviser appointee Tom Donilon by citing reports that Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Donilon's appointment would be a "complete disaster." In fact, Gates has expressed support for Donilon, saying he has "a very productive and very good working relat ...
- Wash. Times op-ed ignores Supreme Court ...A Washington Times op-ed claimed that the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) "designation of 'greenhouse gases'...as pollutants subject to EPA regulation" is "a naked power grab" because the term "does not appear anywhere in the Clean Air Act." But the Supreme Court has ruled that greenhou ...
- Conservative media figures have history of violent ...In recent years, conservative media figures on Fox News and elsewhere have frequently used violent rhetoric in criticizing progressives. Fox News figures frequently use violent rhetoric Beck talks about "put[ting] poison" in Pelosi's wine. Glenn Beck stated: BECK: So, Speaker Pelosi, I just wa ...
Global Research.ca
- US Elections, Global Banking, Nuclear Weapons and ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Russia and America are doomed to Remain Political ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Predatory Finance: The New Mode of Global Warfare For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Israel's Other ‘Peace’ Plan. Arm-Twisting ObamaFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Afghanistan: Global NATO’s First Ground War In Its ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Why Democrats Should Not Join In Economic Scapegoa ...Deep economic crises are fodder for demagogues who channel economic fear into a politics of resentment against "them." In the 1930s it was foreign traders (mainly Europeans), immigrants, and Jews. Now it's foreign traders (mainly the Chinese), immigrants, and Muslims. Why do you suppose a half-do ...
- Can the OECD stand up to Israel?The upcoming OECD tourism summit in Jerusalem will test its member countries' commitment to international law By Sam Bahour and Charles Shamas What can be said for the state of international law when international organisations such as the OECD find themselves unable to prevent a member countr ...
- Presented By:
- Silwan: The Blasting CapLast June, I wrote about Silwan , where the Jewish settler group Elad--with the cooperation of the Jerusalem municipality--has been planting a vanguard of extremist families. In the foreground, the desire to expand an archaeological dig, the so-called City of David, and Jewish tourist "gardens." In ...
- Values? We Don't Have to Show You Any Stinking Va ...Sarah Robinson has a piece up at TNR complete with a double headline: "We Have No Idea Who Progressives Really Are--Because They've Never Told Us" and "Building the Progressive Brand." The idea is that the Republicans pound your brains in with a pre-baked cut-taxes/small-government/family values s ...
- Proposed Chuitna Coal Mine in Alaska Threatens Sal ...Cook Inlet Keeper�Dennis Gann explains the proposed Barrick Golds and PacRim Coals Chuitna mine in Alaska and it's detrimental impact upon Salmon. For More Information Read:� Jeanne Devon |�Chuitna and the Curse of Coal read more
- Federal Judge Bars Enforcement of Don’t Ask, Don’t ...Earlier today, Judge Virginia Phillip — the California federal judge who ruled that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell violated the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment and freedom of speech under the First Amendment — granted the Log Cabin Republican’s request for a broad injunction
- Gulf Drilling Ban Lifted; Salazar Declares "Immedi ...The Obama administration on Tuesday lifted the temporary ban on deepwater oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico set in place after the Deepwater Horizon blowout in April. The moratorium was originally set to expire November 30. read more
- Will Flood of Big Money Matter in Congressional Ca ...Washington - Big money is changing how congressional races are being run this year, but it's not clear how much difference it'll make. read more
- Random ThoughtsEver have a day when your mind simply refuses to focus on one thing at a time? I'm having one of those today; looking over the blogs and newswires, I'm seeing fifty different things that deserve total concentration, but my brain is acting like a dragonfly in a marsh, lighting from one frond to the n ...
- Save Japan Dolphins DayThis Thursday, October 14, people around the world are going to be protesting the slaughter of dolphins in Japan. Rallies will be held in front of Embassies and Consulates of the government of Japan in numerous countries on all 6 inhabited continents. Save Japan Dolphins Day is primarily being organ ...
- TerraCycle a True Green LeaderPresident Bill Clinton got into the topic of trash at the 2010 Clinton Global Initiative recently. It is an important topic. We create tremendous amounts of waste these days, and much of it could be used in a constructive way, rather than polluting our planet. While some companies are trying to be g ...
- Population Growth Influences Climate ChangeEach month we can add another couple of phenomena that only serve to increase climate change, further warming our planet. The next in that long list is population growth, specifically in urbanized areas, and minimizing that growth could dramatically help curb emissions. A new research paper publishe ...
- Simplicity (Cool Your Green Mind Monday)In this time of internet, cell phones, and iPhones, we have so much information at our fingertips, and so many options possible to us every second of the day, it can be a little overwhelming. While these tools have created great things and great opportunities, they also create a handful of problems. ...
- Five Love Based Organizations that will Help Nouri ...As Thanksgiving nears, my heart goes out to all those on this planet in need of nourishment. Here is a collection of some heart based organizations that hope to help Africa with food gifts and more from Mother Earth this Thanksgiving: Vitamin Angels tells us that one in three children worldwide is u ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Critical Habitat for Bull Trout FinalizedThe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has just issued the final designation of critical habitat for bul
- Showdown over Malibu Lagoon� From paperwork to project? We'll see... Click on image for link to Coastal Commission st
- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT ISSUES 23 ENFORCEMENT AC ...States News ServiceStates News ServiceOctober 7, 2010The following information was released by the M
- Another Malibu MorassMalibu Lagoon is sick and needs repair. Tomorrow marks a milestone day for environmental rehabilitat
- Finally..Our fry have made it to free-swimming! The water was the issue. We used pure r/o water that we got f
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Why the Left Gets No Respect By Robert S. Beckerby Robert S. Becker Featured Writer Dandelion Salad rbecker@cal.net October 12, 2010 Is it a mystery
- The goal? Corporate domination of resources and ma ...by Bruce Gagnon featured writer Dandelion Salad Organizing Notes Oct. 11, 2010 Image by Dandelion Sa
- How Democracy Dies: Lessons from a Master by Chris ...by Chris Hedges Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Truthdig October 11, 2010 The ancient Greek playwrig
- Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress by Howar ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ It’s that time of the year again. In case you missed read
- Afghanistan: Global NATO’s First Ground War In Its ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism O
Axis of Logic
- Thirty-Four Years of the Bombing of a Cubana Airli ...Havana, Oct 6. - The crime was in Barbados, but the explosion shook the world. Despite 34 years, the act of terrorism continues knocking on the doors of humanity. On June of 1976, Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch participated in the creation of the terrorist coalition named CORU in...
- Venezuelan Journalist Alicia Herrera Denounces Bom ...“I cannot avoid the pain and anger that invades me every October by the impunity of the criminals whose names I cannot pronounce; and whose terrorist actions have continued, thanks to the protection given to them by the millionaire extreme right wing Cuban American elements and US intelligence servi ...
- No cost-of-living raise for 59 million US elderly ...12 October 2010 The US Social Security Administration will announce this week that nearly 59 million people receiving benefits will get no cost-of-living raise next January to compensate for inflation. This marks the second consecutive year that Social Security checks have been frozen at the lev ...
- Nobel Peace Prize: Another exercise in political c ...12 October 2010 Last Friday’s announcement awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo was a highly political decision designed to stoke up the issue of “human rights” in China on behalf of the US and European powers. US President Obama immediately seized on the ...
- Confine Your Operations to Afghanistan, Islamabad ...Fears have been expressed for a long time that successful resistance by the Pashtun Taliban against American occupation of Afghanistan and the imminent defeat of the "International Security Assistance Force" (ISAF which amounts to NATO led by the U.S.) would force Pentagon to broaden the theatre of ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Judge Phillips orders the immediate end to DADT en ...Judge Virginia Phillips handed down her ruling today, and ordered the U.S. military to stand down and permanently cease enforcing Don't Ask, Don't Tell. She had previously ruled that the law violated the fundamental First Amendment rights of American military personnel. Today she ruled that the gove ...
- The greatest threat to our Constitution and our ri ...I actually remember thinking when George Bush was selected that he couldn't screw things up too badly, after all he was inheriting a massive surplus and a country that was on the most solid footing it had been on in my lifetime. I was quickly disabused of this naive notion, of course. But I never th ...
- Having trouble commenting?I have gotten several emails lately from readers who are having problems when they try to comment on posts. I find this distressing because a large part of the reason we do this is to get feedback and provoke our readers to respond. I love the SoapBlox platform, but the commenting system could defin ...
- Maybe Joe Miller should have stayed out of the kit ...Native Kansan Joe "noun, verb, unconstitutional" Miller, who set the political world on it's ear by beating incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski in the primary has decided that he just doesn't much care for the heat that comes with the vetting process that the press and the voters tend to put candidates ...
- Lie Down with Anti-Choice Blue Dogs, Get Up With R ...I still say the midterms are gonna be a wash: lots of seats changing hands, but the numerical result the same. �If we get out the Democratic vote, I say five more dems for Nancy and at least one for Harry. But the real victory might come even if Democrats lose a dozen or two seats in the house and t ...
Care 2
- 2010 Mashable Awards - PromoteHelp Care2 win the award for best Website User Experience ... You can vote once a day. Submitted by Sue Anne Reed to Science & Tech �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- 'Scrapers' Dig Deep for Data on the WebAt 1 a.m. on May 7, the website PatientsLikeMe.com noticed suspicious activity on its "Mood" discussion board. There, people exchange highly personal stories about their emotional disorders, ranging from bipolar disease to a desire to cut themselves. Submitted by Hans Mueller to Society & Culture ...
- How To Get A Pot CardI have writers cramp. My wife has arthritis. Guess who got a prescription for medical marijuana. By Josh Harkinson Submitted by patricia m lasek to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Denver Legalizes Marijuana !!! VIDEOMeasure Passes! Denver Legalizes Marijuana! Submitted by John Cause to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Ecuador: Coup defeat reveals Correa's strengths an ...The coup attempt was led by a small core of police and soldiers, whose rebellion was triggered by a public service law that cut some of their benefits. This has led some commentators to assert that recent events were simply a wage dispute, rather than a c Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World �|� �N ...
Smirking Chimp
- Why the Limping Left Gets No Respect: Can't Do Mor ...Is it a mystery why a six-pack of rightwingnuts, loonier than the Wasilla quitter, are vying for Senate seats while the most principled Democrat, Russ Feingold, faces ruin? Hot-dogging prayer warriors sell better in off years than a modern philosopher king - all of two years after Democrats supposed ...
- Palin, Beck, the Tea Party and the Big Lie About S ..."We are going to protect our young, we are going to protect the next generation of Americans, so the Mama Grizzlies are growling, we are rising up on our hind legs and saying no, we are going to change course, we need that real hope, we need that real change." -- Sarah Palin, speaking this weekend ...
- How to Save American Capitalism, in 809 WordsAmerican capitalism is broken. So is the Democratic-Republican duopoly that supports it. Neither can be fixed. The system is collapsing. A power vacuum is beginning to open. As murderous as our dying system is, it still features a veneer of sanity. What comes next will certainly be worse. It will pr ...
- Tea Party Republican dresses up like Nazi Waffen S ...If you Google "candidate wears Nazi uniform," you would probably guess it would be a Tea Party favorite, a Republican, and someone once called "a rising star in the GOP." If you did guess this, you would be right! We refer, of course, to Rich Lott, the Republican nominee for a congressional seat in ...
- Stop the Anonymous Hit Men: Make Shadowy Campaign ...I've been going door-to-door canvassing, and it's not that bad -- really. It's actually kind of fun. But only because I've found a way to break through people's cynicism. No wonder people are cynical. Crashing from the sky-high hopes of two years ago, people are worried about jobs, the economy and ...
Paul Krugman
- InterstellarTo boldly go, now refereed.
- Seoul FeudMy whereabouts.
- Special Bulletin: Fractions Have DenominatorsDividing, some of us fall.
- TravelingFar far away.
- What We Learn From Search ModelsBeveridge curves and other important insights.
No Quarter
- Bull’s Eye, West VirginiaSpoke Salena Zito, PTR, and John Avlon, CNN, re the Democrat Governor Joe Manchin TV ad (above) that takes aim and shoot the Democratic Senate’s Cap and Trade policy dead center. We all agree that if Joe Manchin was a Republican, the Secret Service would be at his door asking questions about int ...
- Muslim Flag Over WH. Never! Jail Me for being a ...Wilder’s persecution does not rival the crucifixion of Christ. His prosecution, however, may wake up America. Imagine if a leader within the tea party movement were able to persuade its members to establish a third political party. Imagine she succeeded—overwhelmingly—and that as their l ...
- Obama Decides to Stop Shooting Himself in FootNewsflash–Obama administration says it is lifting the six-month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico imposed after BP oil spill (per Fox News). If true, this is good news for the struggling economy along the Gulf of Mexico but raises an important question–WHAT THE HELL WAS HE ...
- “Inside Job” – shocker of a docWe’ve been fortunate at No Quarter to have the expertise of Larry Doyle, in both his writings and his radio show, but we continue to need whatever info we can unearth to help us understand our nation’s, hell the world’s, financial crises: “From Academy Award® nominated filmmaker, Charles Ferguson ( ...
- Going to the Dogs * Open ThreadThis story was not reported in the U.S., only the U.K.’s Daily Mail: “Obama has the book thrown at him: Moment a missile narrowly misses U.S. President’s head (and what’s with the naked man?)“ “This is the astonishing moment a book was apparently hurled at the head of President Barack Obama du ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Six Senses Eco Symposium: Day 2The first day of the Soneva Fushi Eco Symposium has been one of grave warnings and inspiring messages. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Six Senses Eco Symposium: A Conversation with Clim ...A summary of my meeting with Mark Lynas, Advisor on Climate Change to the President of the Maldives. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- How the Great Wall of China is Slowly Crumbling Aw ...The awesome Great Wall of China is crumbling, and humans are to blame. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Six Senses Eco Symposium: Professor Geoffrey Lipma ...Professor Geoffrey Lipman is a leader in travel and tourism practice. Here he presents his thoughts on the future of a sustainable travel industry. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Third Day of the Six Senses Eco SymposiumDay three of the Six Senses Eco Symposium sees discussion about the future of the travel industry. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- The White Noise of WarThe hearts and minds of Pakistan have spoken. But they can't be heard above the white noise of war.
- U.S. May Rue the Day It Won Viktor Bout Tug of War ...Bout has more to tell the United States than it wants to hear.
- Under Obama, Intelligence Community Still Subject ...Just because George Bush left office doesn't mean the intelligence community is entirely free of pressure from the executive office.
- How Green Grows My War EconomyNot for the first time, the Defense Department announced a green initiative.
- Backed-up NATO Vehicles Stood in Mute Testimony to ...6,500 halted vehicles an indication of the power of veto Pakistan has over the war in Afghanistan.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Huge pension protests in FranceMass demonstrations against plans to raise retirement age are biggest so far against austerity measures.
- US judge rejects gay troops banA US judge issued an injunction stopping the enforcement of the ban on openly gay troops.
- Karzai bid to placate angry AfghansAfghan president meets villagers in Laghman province after civilians were killed in Nato raid last month.
- US lifts deep oil drilling freezeSix-month moratorium on deep water drilling lifted after implementation of new stringent safety measures.
- Chile mine rescue hours away Rescue operation to get 33 miners, trapped for more than two months, to the surface to begin at 23:00GMT.
Green Inc. - NYT
- On Our Radar: Big Fines for Lead ProducerDoe Run Resources will also close its Herculaneum, Mo., lead smelter, which emits 30 tons of lead annually.
- Drilling Moratorium to EndThe moratorium was supposed to run through Nov. 30, but the administration is acting sooner because it has been working on changes in safety, oversight and environmental protection standards.
- For Tsunamis, a New Tectonic SuspectA "strike-slip fault" can cause more tsumanis than researchers had assumed, pointing to risks for cities like Los Angeles or Istanbul, a new study suggests.
- An Undersea Trench for Wind Power?A proposal for a 350-mile undersea cable system in the mid-Atlantic that would carry energy from numerous offshore wind farms back to shore presents some interesting technical twists.
- Taking Aim, Literally, at a Dead Climate BillGov. Joe Manchin, who is running for Senate in West Virginia, has a new campaign ad in which he shoots at a target labeled, "Cap and Trade Bill."
Dot Earth News
- Obama's Haste On Resumed Offshore DrillingA moratorium on offshore drilling ends before three commissions studying the gulf gusher conclude their studies.
- 30-Mile Logjam on Malaysian River Hints at Forest ...An enormous logjam on Malaysia's largest river raises fresh questions about corruption in logging.
- China and U.S. Replay 'You First' Climate SkitIn climate talks, Chinese officials compare the United States to a preening pig.
- A Global Warming 'Work Party'Climate campaigners organize thousands of events aimed at limiting warming.
- 'Whale Wars' Leader Responds on Boat SinkingThe leader of an anti-whaling group rebuts charges that he sank a damaged boat for dramatic effect.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Avalanche of fed & local police state crackdown ac ...Stressful day in Minneapolis as feds raided antiwar activists with no actual charges in the offing. The day before the raids I checked out a weird police intelligence workgroup at the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, and with other threads coming together it was pretty freaky. But I managed to slap ...
- Turkish Neocon Conspiracy 1981 - Eagleburger Perle ...This is a pretty classic one. Turkey has suddenly passed big reforms as the nasty NATO-friendly military post-coup power structure gets knocked back a step. Ergenekon and the neocon network, etc etc. Perle and Wolfowitz, the creation of the American-Turkish Council came after this memo. Possibly b ...
- Video: Lawsuit Zombies fight state repression with ...Video release of sorts from the Minneapolis zombies, and a fun edit. 1min40s, brevity! Plz subscribe to Youtube & now Scribd document service as well. If you haven't yet, check out Scribd for a marvelous array of all sorts of documents (PDFs, office, etc)...w00pw00p. Press release: Zomb ...
- California rolls out heat cannon torture weapon Ac ...Oh Shit!!! Let's explain how the mass torture weapon deployment rollout program works in the global scientific dictatorship. First the weapons are used on brown people in the field by the military, then on military prisoners, then on domestic prisoners. Then on protesters, then on random people. Thi ...
- Kanye West Masonic/Egyptian "Power"; Viktor Bout's ..."In the threatening situation of the world today, when people are beginning to see that everything is at stake, the projection-creating fantasy soars beyond the realm of earthly organizations and powers into the heavens, into interstellar space, where the rulers of human fate, the gods, once had the ...
Daily Censored
- Columbus Day: A Symbol of American ValuesColumbus Day: A Symbol of American Values There are myriad vile symbols floating throughout the American empire. Due to mass governmental programming, most Americans are oblivious to these symbols and just how reprehensible they are. From the image of the Cherokee murderer, Andrew Jackson, on the tw ...
- Peak Oil Experts Fear Big New U.S. Job Losses, Eco ...Ralph Nader helped conclude a cutting-edge energy conference here Oct. 9 on Peak Oil by describing what alternative energy proponents must do to reduce harsh new job losses and similar hardship for the public.
- US Military Continues to Embeds Active-duty PSYOPS ...Ten years ago in Censored 2001 yearbook reported on how U.S. Army’s Psychological Operations Personnel Worked at CNN. http://www.projectcensored.org/top-stories/articles/3-us-armys-psychological-operations-personnel-worked-at-cnn/ From June 1999 to March 2000, CNN employed military specialists in ‘p ...
- How Dumb Are (you) We?There is actually an organization, a large effort to tell people what national media isn’t. What is wrong with this picture? News that isn’t. Where is uncle Walter when we need him? This country has been at war now for ten years. TEN YEARS folks, what is up with that? Worse, we are not at [...]
- Five million jobs out there – the “skills shortage ...The “experts” lack all credibility at this point. From the housing bubble to perpetual war, they’re credibility is crumbling. Citizen journalist Robert Oak at Economic Populist has rebutted the notion that hiring is stalled due to a “skills shortage.” The latest news from the masters of disaster is ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Court orders US to stop enforcing gay military ban
- Condoleezza Rice describes youth in segregated sou ...
- Obama warns of Al-Qaeda's 'murderous agenda' in Ye ...
- Obama offers Chile miners 'thoughts and prayers'
- US Supreme Court lets hormone treatment lawsuits p ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- The White Noise of WarThe hearts and minds of Pakistan have spoken. But they can't be heard above the white noise of war.
- Education Reform: Waiting for the Super Rich?Should our education system rely on the help of philanthropists like Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, to achieve meaningful reform?
- One Nation Working Together for Jobs, Not WarLast weekend, on 10-2-10, the One Nation Working Together coalition brought more than 100,000 people out into the streets demanding the kind of real political change that would will lead to "justice at home and peace abroad."
- The Lineup: Week of October 11-17, 2010Terry O'Neill reminds us that Alan Simpson is still co-chairing Obama's deficit commission weeks after his unbelievable Social Security gaffe and Sam Pizzigati points out the government is redistributing wealth in a way that makes the rich richer.
- Washington at Work--for the WealthyUncle Sam is concentrating America's wealth, not sharing it.
Equality Trust
- Why we need a Fairness Test of the cutsA group of charities, including the Equality Trust, Child Poverty Action Group, Barnardo's and the TUC are asking the coalition government to commit to a Fairness Test on any tax rises or spending cuts they introduce. Full details ...
- Sign up to our email newsletterDon't forget to sign up to our email newsletter to receive quarterly updates about our work and next week's response from Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett to questions about the Spirit Level analysis.
- LATEST* The Equality Trust in the NewsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- VAT rise would hit the poorest Bill Wilson's VAT motion to the Scottish Parliament reads as follows: That the Parliament notes the warning issued by Save the Children in Scotland that raising VAT to 20% could mean a £31 a week bill for the poorest families in Scotland and that the poorest 10% of the population currently spend ...
- Excessive pay and bonuses in public sector under s ...Daily Telegraph reports on bold moves in the public sector . But what about the private sector which originated the "crazy" bonus system and still leads the way on excessive top pay...?
- Benjamin Jealous: One Nation, Moving ForwardThe One Nation rally this past weekend was intended to offer an alternative to anger and hate, to give progressives a way to come together to organize around the issue most pressing to nearly all ...
- Insurgency in the Democratic Party – What ...From Real News Political Independence The central task of all those fighting for fundamental changes in the U.S. is to participate in and help shape the impulses towards a third party. While third parties have always been ...
- IOT: End War and Occupations, Redirect Funding Oc ...Conor Boylan reviewed the One Nation rally in Washington DC and we all agreed that it was a good event. There was a question as to whether a sequel was planned to the One Nation ...
- PDA Weekly Field Report 9/24/10 – 10/2/10PDA had a very strong presence in DC and around the country at One Nation. I was personally on the ground in DC and want to thank all of our members who showed up for ...
- PDA Lobby Day and One Nation March!Please visit this blog post throughout the weekend for updates as they filter in… PDA 10.1.10 Citizensâ Lobby Day Article from David Swanson Progressives Take Over Capitol Hill Submitted by davidswanson ...
Marler Blog
- The History of Salmonella Outbreak LitigationSalmonella is one of the most common enteric (intestinal) infections in the United States. Salmonellosis (the disease caused by Salmonella ) is the second most common foodborne illness after Campylobacter infection. It is estimated that 1.4 million cases of salmonellosis occur each year in the ...
- E. coli Outbreak Litigation - $500,000,000 Recover ...E. coli O157:H7 was identified for the first time at the CDC in 1975, but it was not until seven years later, in 1982, that E. coli O157:H7 was conclusively determined to be a cause of enteric disease. Following outbreaks of foodborne illness that involved several cases of bloody diarrhea, E. coli O ...
- What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?We have been working over the last several months updating and expanding our about websites. Here is the content for our most recent work What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of a spectrum of common functional gastrointestinal disorders. Symptoms of IBS ca ...
- Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome After an Escherichia col ...If anyone had a doubt at how deadly and dangerous certain non-E. coli O157:H7's can be, read on: Emily W. Piercefield, MD, DVM, MS, MPH; Kristy K. Bradley, DVM, MPH; Rebecca L. Coffman, RN, MPH; Sue M. Mallonee, RN, MPH Arch Intern Med. 2010;170(18):1656-1663. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2010.346 ...
- It has been one year since we filed the Petition f ...As those who follow my blog (and can stand the too frequent updates) know, the CDC estimates that "non-O157 STECs (like O26, O45, 0103, O111, O121, and O145) cause 36,700 illnesses, 1,100 hospitalizations and 30 deaths in America each year.” And, with the outbreak of E. coli O26 in Cargill hamburge ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.12.10Flashback: Bob Lutz says the "batteries always drive" the Volt A short history lesson. Nissan Leaf to retain 40% of its original value after 3 years, 30k miles An early estimate. ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.11.10Good Idea Dept: treat your gas guzzler like an electric car to see how real "range anxiety" is Try this on for size. Honda prices 2011 Fit Hybrid at $19,310 It's the cheapest gas-electric in ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.08.10Mercedes-Benz now taking orders for B-Class fuel-cell vehicle At $600 to $800 a month - oh, and the limited hydrogen availability - this might not be for you. Neil Young's LincVolt goes on display in Flor ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.07.10Popular Mechanics names Chevrolet Volt, Nissan Leaf 'Breakthrough Products' They'll probably fare better than 2008's winner, Aptera. Renault Zoe is a stylish battery-powered hatch done right ...
- AutoblogGreen for 10.06.10This is America's best plug-in vehicle deal: get $15,000 off your Leaf or Volt It's only available for a few, but it's a darn good deal. Video: Ex-Stig says Nissan Leaf is a driveable iPod I ...
Rafe's Radar
- Reporters' Roundtable: The Social NetworkAgainst the odds, the movie about the founding of Facebook, 'The Social Network,' is nearly universally admired. It got a 97% on the TomatoMeter at Rotten Tomatoes, and is considered a strong candidate for the Oscars. But is it accurate? Not just on the facts, but on the spirit and ethos of en ...
- Xmarks CEO: Knight-in-shining-armor rescue likelyThe company isn't going to make it, but the popular browser sync tool is likely to live on.
- Reporters' Roundtable: The Internet vs. HollywoodToday: The movie and TV industries vs the Internet! Who will win -- Studios, internet companies, consumers, manufacturers, or some combination? The entire entertainment industry is, of course, in the middle of shedding its skin. The old ways of distributing and charging for entertainment conten ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: How game mechanics are infe ...Today we're talking about game mechanics. Check-in apps like Foursquare use philosophies of game design to pull users deeper into engaging with them. The success of this concept has begun to infect other technologies, from consumer Web services to business applications. Software and services are ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: Deciphering Apple's develop ...On September 9, Apple rewrote its rulebooks for developers . In its revised developers agreement , it reversed a ruling that blocked developers from using all but a very few programming languages for iPhone apps. And it also made public for the first time the guidelines it uses for deciding if ap ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- From Tuskegee to Guatemala Via NurembergNews broke last week that the U.S. government purposefully exposed hundreds of men in Guatemala to syphilis in ghoulish medical experiments conducted during the late 1940s. As soon as the story got out, President Barack Obama phoned President Alvaro Colom of Guatemala to apologize. Colom called the ...
- Amy Goodman to appear on CNN's John King USADemocracy Now!’s award-winning host Amy Goodman to appear on CNN’s John King USA on Friday, October 1 at 7pm ET.
- WATCH: Jon Stewart Gets Haiti News from Democracy ...See all of Democracy Now!’s Coverage of Haiti
- BREAKING...Attempted Coup in Ecuador: On the Groun ...Sofia Jarrin works with the Latin American Association for Radio Education.
- Nnimmo Bassey wins 2010 Right Livelihood AwardNigerian environmental activist Nnimmo Bassey of Friends of the Earth International received the 2010 Right Livelihood Award for opposing "the practices of multinational corporations in his country and the environmental devastation they leave behind" and "for his inspired work to strengthen the env ...
Farming Pathogens
- How Mayor Bloomberg Causes ObesityYeah the doctors don’t know, but New York was killing me / Bunch of doctors coming round, they don’t know / That New York is killing me / Yeah I need to go home and take it slow in Jackson, Tennessee -Gil Scott-Heron On October 6 Mayor Michael Bloomberg asked the United States Department of [...]
- Follow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on TwitterYou can now follow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on Twitter here. Includes the latest in media reports and journal articles on agriculture, disease, evolution, dialectical biology, the practice of science, as well as any appearances or new work by FP contributors. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Farming Pa ...
- The Axis of ViralThe enemy of my enemy is my friend. We might accept that viruses and bacteria at best instantiate the coincidental nature of such an alliance. The success of one bug might pave the way for another. But we’d be hard pressed to imagine that theyâd whittle the syllogism to a sharper point and activel ...
- Follow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on FacebookFollow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on Facebook here. Includes the latest in media reports and journal articles on agriculture, disease, evolution, dialectical biology, and the practice of science, as well as any appearances or new work by FP contributors. Filed under: Uncategorized
- Imperial Storm ScientistsThe Red Army Faction was a communist guerilla group operating 1970-1998 in, of all places, West Germany. The RAF engaged in a variety of operations in the 1970s, including assassinations and bombings, primarily around the German government’s material support of the U.S. war in Vietnam. As depicted i ...
- Rush Limbaugh says there will never be equality be ...Rush Limbaugh says there will never be equality because:”some people are just born to be slaves” Crooks & Liars- By John Amato October 09, 2010 07:00 AM How dare you say there’s racism in the Teabircher movement? I’m so offended by that notion. Isn’t what Rush Limbaugh just soooooo true? LIMBAUGH: T ...
- Glenn Beck Mocks Fire Victims, Reaches New Depths ...I’ve probably written and rewritten this opening paragraph about Glenn Beck and his morning zoo sycophantic sidekick Pat Gray four or five times with various sequences of compound obscenities and ad hominem insults. But I’m opting for more restraint at this point, even though neither of these jackal ...
- Mid-Term Elections Still In Play, With Dems Gainin ...Mid-Term Elections Still In Play, With Dems Gaining Momentum Crooks & Liars- By Susie Madrak October 04, 2010 09:00 AM Some good news for the Democrats. So taking over the House and the Senate isn’t quite as easy as Republicans hoped – or as Democrats feared. The situation is still fluid, and Dems n ...
- Arizona Politics Get ‘Dirty’: Ben Quay ...Arizona Politics Get ‘Dirty’: Ben Quayle’s Website Controversy The Pew Forum- On Religion & Public Life Sept. 9, 2010 | Politics in Arizona’s 3rd congressional district sure are getting “Dirty.” Jon Hulburd, the Democratic candidate in the district, recently released a radio spot on three Christian ...
- Bill Maher Channels Obama’s Alter Ego ‘ ...Bill Maher Channels Obama’s Alter Ego ‘Barry Whitehouse’ in his New Rules Segment Crooks & Liars- By Heather October 01, 2010 10:37 PM Apparently Bill Maher really doesn’t want to see the Republicans back in office any more than I do. Maher channeled his inner “Barry Whitehouse” and reminded everyon ...
- The Essence Of The Banking Industry…YouTube The International Interpol Agent Louis Salinger (Clive Owen) and Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Eleanor Whitman (Naomi Watts) pool their resources in an attempt to break up an international arms dealing ring financed by a high-profile bank. (Movie)
- Excerpts: Catherine in 2009YouTube (22 Nov 09)
- Foreclosure Scandal Far More Serious Than Media Is ...By Sam Smith If you were to sign a false legal document, the courts and police would not call it “flawed paperwork.” But that’s the term the Associated Press is using about the foreclosure situation with similar soft pedaling by other major media. In fact, this is potentially one of the largest s ...
- Foreclosure Fraud For DummiesThis is a series giving a basic explanation of the current foreclosure fraud crisis: This is Part One. The current wave of foreclosure fraud and the consequences for the economy are difficult to follow. As such, I’m going to write a few posts to simplify what is going on so you can follow stories a ...
- Quote du Jour“It is no secret to most of you that our most significant results over many years have been the result of concentration in certain assets that, from time to time, go unloved. As an example, oil at $10/barrel was unloved. So was uranium at $10/lb, copper at $2.00/lb, gold at $280/oz and so on. To [. ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Comedienne Margaret Cho: Watching the Brady Bunch ...How network TV raised her race consciousness
- Exposing the GOP's Shameful Historical Role in the ...How the Native American extermination campaigns merged the dangerous forces of a standing army with the business/political interests of the Republican Party.
- New Book Exposes the Dirty Truth Behind Coca-Cola: ...Coke has been accused of violence against union members in South America, water pollution overseas, and contributing to child health problems. Is it true?
- The Conservative Movement Is Poised to Come to Pow ...We need a self-confident press to demand accountability from demagogues who prey on the ignorance of the uninformed.
- How Wall Street Profits from the Criminalization o ...Two Wall Street-backed powerhouses are making fat profits off of the private immigration detention system, and they're flexing their muscles in Congress.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign , challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project .
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become obsol ...
Fabius Maximus
- Pain and misery builds discipline!Summary:  The War on Terror is often compared to Vietnam, with good reason. But the War on Terror is remarkably similar to another movement in our nation’s past, a dark chapter in American history that most Americans don’t like to think about. Slavery.  An article by the newest contributor ...
- The Army and Marines are breaking, but we don̵ ...Summary: The US Army and Marines are breaking. It’s a slow inexorable process resulting from fighting 4GWs around the world too long with too few men. Neocon war-mongers, national leaders, and the general public remain blind to the evidence, so they can express surprise when the results even ...
- A great philosopher and statesman comments on the ...Summary: The Bush-Obama tweaks to the Constitution include claims that Americans’ rights stop at the border. Once outside we become subject to indfinite detention or even assassiation without warrant, charge, or conviction — based only on unsupported assertions of the President and his minions. ...
- Obama can point liberals towards a new futureSummary: The illness that cloud’s America’s mind and soul affects the entire political spectrum.  So far center, left and right all point to others as the cause of our problems — all guilty of an inability to assume responsibility that prevents clear thinking about our problems and renders invi ...
- Climate Armageddon postponed (again)Summary: More good news! The ice-melting apocalypse has been postponed. Standby for the next dire emergency, coming soon. A fearful people is an easy to rule people. Steve Goddard reminds us about another instance of climate Armageddon postponed. As usual short-term trends extrapolated into dir ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Finance Leaders Call for IMF Role in Averting Prot ...Bloomberg – Global governments tasked the International Monetary Fund with calming the recent outbreak of tensions over currencies amid signs they are already triggering a protectionist backlash. Officials including U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner and Egyptian Finance Minister Youssef Bo ...
- Anguish for families of Iraq’s disappearedAsia Times – Each day before noon prayers, Sahera Ibrahim lights a candle at the Sunni shrine of Abu Hanifa in the Adhamiya district of east Baghdad to pray for the return of her son. Ibrahim is among thousands of Iraqis whose loved ones disappeared during the worst days of sectarian warfare between ...
- Iceland ‘best country for gender equality’BBC – Iceland remains the country that has the greatest equality between men and women, according to an annual report by the World Economic Forum (WEF). It is the second year in succession that Iceland has topped the foundation’s Global Gender Gap Report. Nordic nations dominate the top of the list ...
- Asian powers guard against inflows after IMFReuters – Asian authorities anxious about currency appreciation moved to stem foreign capital inflows on Monday while a European official stepped up rhetoric about a strong euro after IMF meetings failed to defuse tensions about exchange rates. China temporarily raised reserve requirements for six l ...
- Women make better politicians than men, claims Fre ...Daily Telegraph – Women make better politicians than men because they are not prisoners to their libido and testosterone, Christine Lagarde, France’s finance minister, has claimed. Read Article
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Bez odrzucenia nie może być odrodzeniaBez odrzucenia nie może być odrodzenia (trzeciswiat.wordpress.com) Poniższy tekst jest dość krótki, jednak jest bardziej poruszający niż którykolwiek z innych artykułów opublikowanych przez nas na portalu Trzeci Świat. Publikowaliśmy już teksty naukowe i publicystyczne, zawierające dokładne omówieni ...
- Lots-o-questionsLots-o-questions (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) “Dear Maoist-Third Worldist, I by no means have any bones to pick with MTW but I’m curious about a few things, so don’t take this too harshly. You claim that MTW is for communism and that communism is the end of oppression. How, then, can you just ...
- Points on First World incarceration, obligation, a ...Points on First World incarceration, obligation, and leadership (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Recently, a leading comrade of ours was incarcerated by the reactionary state for a significant amount of time. Incarceration of revolutionary leadership by the reactionaries is a risk that all revolu ...
- Palestine and Israel: The Pit and the PendulumPalestine and Israel: The Pit and the Pendulum (www.raimd.wordpress.com) The theatrical and the macabre are taking place again in the so-called Middle East Peace Process. Israel still wants to rid the land of the Palestinian Question. And it came as no surprise to those of us who pay attention to th ...
- Aleksander Iwanow – W hołdzie Lin BiaoW hołdzie Lin Biao (trzeciswiat.wordpress.com) Wczoraj, 13 września minęła 39 rocznica publicznego ogłoszenia śmierci Wiceprzewodniczącego Lin Biao przez władze chińskie. W związku z tą smutną rocznicą redakcja Trzeciego Świata chciałaby przypomnieć polskim rewolucjonistom sylwetkę tego wybitnego ch ...
- Surprise — The Very Dark Side of U.S. HistoryMany Americans view their country and its soldiers as the "good guys" spreading "democracy" and "liberty" around the world. When the United States inflicts unnecessary death and destruction, it's viewed as a mistake or an aberration. In the following article Peter Dale Scott and Robert Parry exam ...
- Worldwide Hyperinflation RaceThe current situation is pretty ridiculous. The USA is inflating to bail out the banksters. Other countries are inflating to keep stable exchange rates with the US dollar. It’s a worldwide hyperinflation race.
- Pakistan’s Lawyers Movement OR Color Revolution?The Lawyers’ Movement initially began as a results of the actions taken by General Pervez Musharraf on 9th March, 2007. Pervez Musharraf, after getting intelligence that Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry was conspiring with Nawaz Sharif to overthrow the government called for a me ...
- In Pictures: American Hell in AfghanistanThe American military is losing in Afghanistan, miserably! This reminds me of Vietnam all over again, only this time, the government and the media are blatantly lying to the American public about the actual number of casualties since 2003. I don’t believe for one minute that just around 4000 soldi ...
- 50 reasons: Pakistan needs MusharrafPrime Minister Gilani said at the National Assembly session to leave former president Pervez Musharraf to himself and let him exercise his right to a political career in Pakistan. President Zardari said that if Musharraf wants to return, he will have to cross the same bumpy road as him to get to the ...
Andy Worthington
- In the Case of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, Torture Apo ...âTerror ruling threatens civilian prosecutions,â screamed the Los Angeles Times last Thursday. âRuling in ‘98 East Africa embassy bombings is setback for US,â wailed the Washington Post. The headline writers were referring to the federal court trial, in New York, of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, ...
- Liveblogging “Berkeley Says No to Torture” Week: D ...The weather in the Bay Area is radiant — hot, sunny, and astonishing for mid-October — and, although a ten-hour flight from London and my usual paranoia about Homeland Security could hardly be described as constituting the best recipe for a relaxing welcome to the United States, I got off the plane ...
- Former Guantánamo Prisoner, Tortured by Al-Qaeda a ...Last June, in the District Court in Washington D.C., a ruling was delivered on the habeas corpus petition of a Syrian prisoner in Guantánamo, Abdul Rahim al-Janko (also identified as Abdul Rahim al-Ginco), which exemplified all that was wrong with the Bush administration’s detention policies in the ...
- Secrecy Still Shrouds Guantánamo’s Five-Year Hunge ...Imagine being strapped into a restraint chair twice a day for nearly 2000 days, with a feeding tube forced up your nose and into your stomach, and liquid nutrient pumped through it. According to an Associated Press report, Abdul Rahman Shalabi, Guantánamo’s longest-term hunger striker, is “occasiona ...
- Guantánamo Uighur Brothers “Happy” in Switzerland, ...Six months after arriving from Guantánamo to a new life in the Swiss canton of Jura, Arkin Mahmut (46) and his younger brother Bahtiyar (34), seen for the first time in the photo here, have spoken publicly about their release, stating that they are “happy” in their new home. However, as the Swiss we ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Plane Exhaust Kills More People Than Plane Crashes ...You're more likely to die from exposure to toxic pollutants in plane exhaust than in a plane crash, a new study says.
- Giant Crystal Caves Yield New "Ice Palace," MoreIt looks like Superman's fortress and is nearly as hard to get into, but that hasn't kept explorers from uncovering new secrets in and around Mexico's deep, deadly Cave of Crystals.
- Beating the White House to the Solar PunchThe island nation of the Maldives highlights climate risk by installing solar energy on its presidential residence, outpacing the U.S. White House.
- Photos: Canadian Rain Forest Edges Oil Pipeline Pa ...NoneIn the home of the elusive "spirit bear," nine Coastal First Nations people await a decision on a pipeline to carry Canadian oil to sea for export to Asia.
- Photos: "Huge" Toxic Sludge Flood Hits HungaryNone"This is huge," says one toxicologist of the failure of a toxic-sludge reservoir in Hungary. "If you are trapped in it, it will kill you."
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- primary colorsPrimary season is finally over in CT. (Only 82 more days until the November elections!) The New Milford results are in. And while there's nothing particularly surprising about how the town voted, I am shocked at the low turnout. According to the tallies at the Danbury News-Times: 1497 registered R ...
- "Does Probate = Masterb-te," or "Are We Getting Je ...What's the deal with this primary for Probate Judge? Have you ever seen such energy put into an election campaign (Oops - I mean other than this spring's budget referendum)? Why are New Milford Republicans putting so much energy behind Judge Marty? Who stands to lose here - probate should be pretty ...
- salary saladsHere’s some interesting news about salaries, concessions, and taxes. New Milford teachers and the Board of Ed have peacefully renegotiated teacher contracts for the 2011-2012 year. http://www.newstimes.com/local/article/New-Milford-teachers-agree-to-no-pay-increases-676941.php http://www.ne ...
- How Wrong Can One Person Be?I know it’s exciting when someone new walks in and turns everyone’s heads. They’re mysterious. That’s sexy. And, if they can put words together into complete, grammatically correct sentences, they (by today’s standards) are brilliant. So, suddenly, the known quantity of the person we’ve been wit ...
- Loving Books, Libraries, and the InternetIf you read certain local blogs, or letters to the editor of local papers, you may notice a recurring theme from some disgruntled citizens. Libraries, and the books they contain, are our enemy. (Who knew?) And the best way to save money and preserve democracy from socialism is to stop buying books ...
SPL Center
- The British (Extremists) Are Coming — Or, the Engl ...Saturday’s 9/11 protest in downtown Manhattan featured the by-now-familiar chants and symbols of the debate over the so-called Ground Zero mosque. But amid the sea of red, white and blue, there were a few new icons added to the usual mix. As featured in a series of pictures posted Wednesday by the N ...
- Author Interview: Journalist Probes ‘Backlash’ Und ...After Barack Obama’s 2008 election as the nation’s 44 th president, the Tea Party movement sprang up, as did increasingly shrill assertions that the president was a socialist, a communist, a Muslim and more. Gun-rights advocates fretted that the new administration would impose draconian gun controls ...
- Little Pulaski, Tenn., to Suffer Through Another R ...Although it’s a small town of about 7,800, Pulaski, Tenn. may well be the white supremacist epicenter of the nation — at least if the number of rallies held there by bigoted groups is any indication. The mayor and other residents aren’t pleased. “There’s never been a local person involved in these m ...
- Racists Need Funds to Give Terrorist a Viking Fune ...So many causes, so little money. With groups beseeching us for financial help to find cures for diseases, to protect the environment, to help the less fortunate and so forth, it can be tough to decide to whom and what to dole out donations. And now this: An appeal for money so that a murderous terro ...
- Report: Would-be Terrorist Inspired by ‘Schoolteac ...The media watchdog Media Matters for America today released audio of an interview conducted with Byron Williams, the would-be terrorist who last July was arrested after a shootout with cops on his way to San Francisco, where he allegedly planned to kill employees at the offices of the ACLU and the T ...
change: org.
- Boston Hotels Help Bust Major Child Prostitution R ...Recently, law enforcement agents, courageous survivors, and prosecutors came together to bring down one of the largest child prostitution rings in the country. But they couldn't have done it without the help of local hotels which were used by pimps to sell and store their "products." It's a case tha ...
- Memo to Italy: Deforestation Is Not a Great Way to ...An Italian official's war on prostitution has previously involved cameras, raids, patrols and fines. But now it's reached a new extreme: In order to better hunt down the sex workers in the Abruzzo region, Angelo Di Paolo proposes to chop down all vegetation along the banks of a river Environmental g ...
- Are Canned Veggies Poisoning You and Your Children ...Finding out that vegetables are bad for you is almost every child's dream. Really, those peas and carrots are poisonous? Bring on the chocolate! But this isn't a fantasy: canned vegetables really do pose a grave health danger, particularly for pregnant women and young girls. Okay, it's not the green ...
- Can Religion Decrease Anti-LGBT Bullying?Religion and LGBT rights have a complicated relationship. On the one hand, there are those like Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church, who proclaim "God Hates Fags" and protest in front of schools that have Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) groups. There are those like Tony Perkins of the ultra-conse ...
- America's Least Eligible City: El Centro, CA, Wher ...For those of you who don't live in El Centro, California, be thankful. For those who do, well, sorry. El Centro has the dubious distinction of having the very worst local unemployment rate in the nation, at a hard-to-believe 30.4 percent . Compare that to the still-too-high national rate of 9.5 perc ...
Common Dreams -News
- Outside Cash Leaves Scorched Earth in US Campaignby Stephen Collinson WASHINGTON — Nerve jarring music races to a crescendo, shadowy pictures flash across the screen, and in doom-laden tones, a narrator warns: "Obama -- he promised change... now he's desperate, on the attack." This is not the inspirational candidate who moved thousands to tear ...
- Rand Study: Marijuana Legalization Would Markedly ...by Jon Walker The Rand Corporation is notorious for its history of pro-drug-war studies. A report of theirs from earlier this year on Proposition 19 was full of dubious claims based on what even they had to admit were just guesses . Once again, with their newest report about marijuana legalizati ...
- Court Orders US to Cease Enforcing Gay Military Ba ...LOS ANGELES - A federal judge ordered the US government Tuesday to "immediately" suspend all discharges of gays serving openly in the military in a major rebuke to the Obama administration's appeal for more time. In her ruling, US District Judge Virginia Phillips ordered Defense Secretary Robert Gat ...
- World Bank Pressured over Record Fossil Fuels Lend ...by Matthew O. Berger WASHINGTON - With new figures showing a record amount of World Bank funding for projects relying on coal power and other fossil fuels, the issue of reforming the institution's energy lending was once again a hot topic at the World Bank and IMF annual meetings, which conc ...
- President Obama to End Deep-Water-Drilling Banby Dan Berman The Obama administration is preparing to end the ban on deep-water oil and gas drilling imposed after the BP oil disaster in April, lifting it more than a month ahead of schedule. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is set to make the official announcement during a conference call at 1 p.m. ...
- Change Directories and View Files in One Custom Co ...We occasionally enjoy geeking out at the command line , so we love timesaving Terminal shortcuts . Reader the-soup suggests a simple tweak that combines two common commands into one: cd and ls , switching to a directory and listing its content ...
- Remains of the Day: Kindle Singles Is Not a Dating ...Amazon's releasing a new section for longer articles in the Kindle Store, family, friends, and altruism make people happier than money (shocker), and a look at how Android varies across different carriers. More��
- Facebook Adds Single-Use Passwords and Remote Logo ...Social networking site Facebook has been on a roll lately. Last week they unleashed a new feature allowing users to download their information from the social site, and today they've added two really good security features: one-time passwords ...
- Amazon's Mobile App May Be the Fastest Way to Crea ...Creating a home inventory is important to speed up an insurance claims process and ensure your insurance takes care of what you lost. As reader rtrudel points out , Amazon's mobile app is the perfect tool for your inventorying job. More�� ...
- Best Disk Image Tool: DAEMON Tools [Hive Five Foll ...Last week we asked you to share your favorite disk image tools , then we rounded up the five most popular responses for a vote. Now we're back to highlight your favorite. More��
Water Privatization
- Documentary series highlights personal, global wat ...By: Mike Velez, CORRESPONDENT From drinking fountains to fountains that exist and purely for decoration, displays of clean water can be found and throughout the USF and campus. However, many may not fully appreciate and the gift. ...
- USF Highlights Global Water Shortage at Film Event ...The films showcase the importance of water and the growing crisis around the globe.
- Newsweek: The race to buy up world's waterAs demand outstrips supply, water rights, plants and pipes are set to appreciate precipitously. According to a 2009 report by the World Bank, private investment in the water industry is set to double in the next five years; the water-supply market alone will increase by 20 percent.
- GLV has completed Christ Water Technology privatiz ...GLV Inc. announces it has completed the privatization process of Christ Water Technology AG , the majority of the shares of which were acquired in November 2009. As the Company has proceeded with the squeeze-out of the remaining shares, it now owns 100% of the shares of CWT.
- The Race to Buy Up the World's WaterShould private companies control our most precious natural resource?
- Chilean miners rescue – live coverage• Rescue operation begins to free 33 trapped Chilean miners • Relief after men spend 68 days 700m underground • Press play button on the screen below for live video feed • Follow live updates here 1.57am: (9.57pm Chile) The capsule has emerged from the rescue shaft after its trial run. Golborne an ...
- US judge orders 'don't ask, don't tell' injunctionVirginia Phillips orders injunction on ban on openly gay personnel – but ruling might not stand America's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, which bans gay men and women from serving openly in the US military, suffered a potentially crippling blow tonight after a federal judge ordered a halt to its enf ...
- Cable struggles with tuition fee revoltLib Dems furious that tuition fees could soar to £12,000 a year despite election pledge to abolish them The business secretary, Vince Cable, is struggling to stem the first serious revolt within the Liberal Democrat party since the formation of the coalition after he backed a doubling of university ...
- Jacobson wins Booker prize• Jacobson's The Finkler Question comes out top in 3-2 vote • Andrew Motion praises 'clever, complicated, wise' novel Howard Jacobson's laugh-out-loud exploration of Jewishness, The Finkler Question, last night became the first unashamedly comic novel to win the Man Booker prize in its 42-year histo ...
- Navy gets air carriers despite cutsSenior ministers and military chiefs agree on outcome of strategic defence review after weeks of intense debate The navy will get its planned two new aircraft carriers at a cost of more than £5bn in a package of defence cuts agreed yesterday that will shape the future of Britain's armed forces for m ...
- Obama oil-drilling decision could boost some Democ ...WASHINGTON — The Obama administration Tuesday lifted a moratorium it had imposed on deepwater offshore oil drilling in July during the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, saying that new rules should make drilling safe enough to resume.
- Judge orders military to stop enforcing 'don't ask ...WASHINGTON — A California federal district judge Tuesday ordered the U.S. military to stop enforcing "don't ask, don't tell" worldwide, calling it unconstitutional.
- Freedom for trapped Chilean miners draws nearCOPIAPO, Chile — Two months after being trapped 2,300 feet underground, the first of 33 miners who survived inside a northern Chile mine by sharing food, air and team spirit was expected to emerge from a hole in the earth Tuesday night with the help of a rescue capsule, government officials said.
- California joins multi-state foreclosure investiga ...California officials are joining a multi-state effort to investigate mortgage "robo-signers" - employees of lending institutions who've approved foreclosures without reading the documents.
- Commentary: Immigration is Perry's favorite electi ...Right on schedule, Gov. Perry lashed out last week at sanctuary cities.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Tianjin talks and a 'global work party'This Sunday - 10/10/10, if you care to write dates that way - is set for what's probably the biggest mass event ever in pursuit of curbing climate change. At the heart of things is 350.org, which is calling the event a "global work party" : "It’s been a tough year: in North America, oil gushing int ...
- Bluefin numbers shift in murky watersA fascinating document has fallen into my lap from a meeting now going on in Madrid looking at tuna stocks and catches. Tuna in fish market The question it asks - perhaps without intending to - is this: can the Mediterranean bluefin industry ever be properly monitored? With the bluefin having becom ...
- Livestock: Lengthening the shadow?The environmental impact of meat is something of a well-done dish. Rajendra Pachauri , head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and Sir Paul McCartney are just two of the public figures who have called on us all to eat less meat in order to curb the rate at which the world warms ...
- Campaigning explodes as climate process risks disi ...This week marks a first for China - the first time that the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and therefore (you can argue) the country whose decisions will most affect the global climate over the next few decades, has hosted a meeting of the UN climate convention . Whether the locati ...
- The Great Bear and the big snapCan a bunch of green snappers save the Great Bear? The International League of Conservation Photographers hopes so. For a few weeks now, its snappers have been deploying themselves across Canada's Great Bear Rainforest , documenting its wild nature and the people who live in, and sometimes off, ...
The Wonk Room
- Congressional Report Details Consequences Of Repea ...A new report from the House Committee on Energy and Commerce has found that the top four insurers “denied health coverage to 49 percent more people in two years for reasons such as pregnancy and the likelihood of adopting a child,” resulting in some 651,000 rejected applicants between 2007 and 2009. ...
- Stimulus Critic Christie Using Stimulus Bond Progr ...Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) has become quite the conservative darling for refusing to raise taxes (even on millionaires) and slashing social services, while simultaneously proposing new tax cuts for the well-off. But Christie has also taken a stand against some of the economic recovery policies imple ...
- Obama DOJ To Defend DOMA In CourtBack in July, a Federal District Court in Boston ruled that Section 3 of Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”) — the section of the 1996 law which denies federal benefits to legally married same sex couples — is unconstitutional because it interferes with the traditional state right to define marriage an ...
- Beyond Florida: At Least 6 States Still Unfairly R ...My colleagues Jerome Hunt and Jeff Krehely point out that, while the recent court ruling against Florida’s ban on gay adoption is a terrific step forward for equal rights, “several states still unfairly target gay men and lesbians who want to adopt or foster children“: – 6 states expressly prohibit ...
- Huckabee Hits Romney: His Reform ‘Is The Blu ...During a somewhat uncomfortable interview with Ann Coulter, Mike Huckabee attempted to persuade the controversial columnist that he was more conservative than other potential GOP presidential contenders, going so far as to attack Mitt Romney’s health care reform plan for covering abortion services: ...
thwap's schoolyard
- What Dawg Said ...About criticisms of the Sun newspaper chain's readership . Oh yeah, and what Montreal Simon said too. It's a continuation of a theme .
- Yes, It's Utter Contempt For ParliamentDale at Hill Queeries calls it: The Conservatives’ contempt for Parliament apparently knows no bounds as they are expected to deliver their fall economic update today, in Mississauga of all places. No, you’re not mistaken – the House isn’t sitting this week. For them to deliver it outside of the ...
- More Random Thoughts About Rob Ford and His Stupid ...Thirty-nine percent of uber-moron mayoral candidate Rob Ford's supporters like him A LOT. And why shouldn't they? Stupid people have to stick together. Big surprise: Fuck-head Ford's budgetary numbers don't add up. They're nonsense. In this he shares a lot with Fuck-head Finance Minister Flaherty. ...
- Another Excellent Post on Dying Canadian DemocracyGo read .
- Burma VJWatched the movie Burma VJ (VJ="video journalist") and I've got mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, it's the real deal. A black-and-white struggle between an unpopular, corrupt, military dictatorship on one side and incredibly brave, civil rights-democracy champions on the other. More than thi ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Michigan judge takes the Fifth, 222 timesLori Shemka began working for the Wayne County Circuit Court in Southgate, Michigan, on January 2, 2010. A month later, she was promoted to be a magistrate of the court. Soon, she began to raise concerns that 28th District Judge James Kandrevas was abusing his position. Shemka raised concerns that K ...
- Settlement Leaves Seattle Teacher VictoriousOn September 22nd, a settlement was reached between Sean Taeschner and the Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle. ( See previous blog post on Mr. Taeschner’s case.) The diocese had initiated its own investigation, following the claims made by Mr. Taeschner. The auditor hired by the diocese, however, confi ...
- NYPD whistleblower promises to keep fighting It certainly seems counterintuitive that the revelation of misconduct and protection of justice would be sidestepped by one of the nation’s most prominent police forces. Police Officer Adrian Schoolcraft has been suspended without pay from the NYPD for nearly a year, after he revealed extensive corr ...
- Fall 2010 interns dazzle in new rolesWe are pleased to host a new group of interns here for the semester: Pictured here are (from the top) Matt, (next row) Afshin, Caroline, (middle row) Nobuya, Breann, Juliana, (front row) Liz, Saki and Leigh. We already appreciate how these interns can dive into a firehose of work so quickly.� We co ...
- Charleston Gazette calls for modernizing whistlebl ...In an editorial yesterday, the Charleston Gazette of West Virginia called on Congress to pass a law to modernize the legal protections for workplace health and safety whistleblowers. "Whistleblowers protect the health and safety of working Americans by exposing unsafe conditions," the editorial begi ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- Candidate Sued By Fox Notes That Much Of The Conte ...We recently wrote about News Corp.'s slightly odd decision to sue a political candidate , Robin Carnahan, who used a clip from Fox News (of Chris Wallace attacking Carnhan's opponent, Roy Blunt). Carnahan has hit back, and beyond just arguing the obvious fair use defense (which seems like it should ...
- Ohio Town Refunds 980 Speed Camera Tickets For Onl ...A story suggest to us by reader Dan describes how an Ohio town recently issued 980 speeding ticket refunds . The city of Garfield Heights, Ohio, installed two speed cameras, attached to unmanned police cars, and then sent speeding tickets to those that were deemed to be speeding. The policy was to ...
- The Atlantic Mocks Digg For Having BP As A Sponsor ...There was some attention last week, to the fact that Digg had apparently allowed BP to step in as a sponsor on the site -- and I do admit that, at a first pass, the image presented does not look good: The article uses this example to suggest just how desperate Digg has become in the wake of i ...
- Spying School District Pays Out $610,000 To Settle ...We've been following the case in suburban Philadelphia of the Lower Merion School District, which was sued by a student for spying on the student in his home with district issued laptops (the kid was disciplined for supposedly using drugs, with the evidence being a photo of him in his room at his la ...
- Kevin Smith, Once Again, Demonstrates How Connecti ...After last week's exploration of a smaller movie project, I thought it might be nice for this week's "case study" post to focus on a more "mainstream" (even if still somewhat independent) Hollywood movie maker. Hope you enjoy this week's case study... When I first started talking about smart b ...
- Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. has history of sell ...How many judges have links and financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry? Chief Justice Roberts recently sold $15,000 of his shares in the company Pfizer enabling him to participate in a court case today.
- Chief Justice John Roberts cashes in Pfizer stocks ...Chief Justice John Roberts Jr has recently sold his stock holdings in Pfizer Inc. He did this to participate in two up vaccine cases. The implications are enormous as they decide if anyone suffering a vaccine injury can ever – under any circumstances - sue a pharmaceutical company.
- Vaccinations: Much To Do About Nothing?The pharmaceutical industry regards the ever-increasing, publicized downside of vaccines as “much to do about nothing.” “Nothing” can be further from the facts, according to emerging statistical information and parents-turned-advocates whose children have been damaged or killed by vaccines...
- Hope On The HorizonEven though HBOT has been around for about 75 years, not many healthcare consumers are aware of it or how it works. As a result of HBOT treatments, Alexis now can do math problems that she couldn't prior to her treatment with HBOT. How could that be possible when all the medication she received else ...
- Do vaccines cause autism?Do parents trust studies Japanese and British studies showing data proving that vaccines do indeed cause Autism? Or do parents believe the government, who are lap dogs for big pharma, paid to say that vaccines do not cause Autism?
- Things You Might Have MissedThe Renewing the Anarchist Tradition (RAT) conference is being held next month in Baltimore. I’ll be there.  Hopefully, some of you will be too. Unfortunately the RAT conference means that I won’t be able to go to the Positive Force punk rock flea market.  But if any of you are in the DC area an ...
- Things You Might Have MissedKids can be so incredibly mean. What would your parents have done if they found out kids at your school were torturing you? What if they found out you were torturing other kids? Related to that, this post calling the church out for “saving families” by being anti-gay marriage while ignoring the ...
- Owning the EdgesA few weeks ago, I attended a Busboys and Poets A.C.T.O.R. on Islamaphobia. Six local Muslim panelists talked about their personal experiences. Inevitably, the subject of what to do in the face of extremism came up. As an atheist who keeps a toe in the atheist blogosphere, I have read quite a few ...
- Things You Might Have MissedEvery time I see the amount of money SEIU has put into politics, it makes me want to cry. In news of the creepy - They are training children to be cops in Argentina, using eye scanners on the U.S. Mexico border, and giving overzealous parents easy access to home drug testing kits. What kind of [.. ...
- What is Pornography?I was getting all ready to write a long diatribe in response to another one of those anti-porn feminists who claims that all porn is rape. You know, the people who refer to those of us who disagree as male-identified, “fun feminists.” This “feminist” was particularly irritating me. It’s bad en ...
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- Jammu and Kashmir: Victim of Britain's Imperial Le ...By Ramtanu Maitra Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, October 8, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 39
- The Remedy to This Crisis: Glass-Steagall and NAWA ...By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, October 8, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 39
- Schiller Institute Conference: Full-Steam Ahead To ...By Stephan Ossenkopp Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, October 8, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 39
- Science & Drama! What Is Sense-Perception?By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, October 8, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 39
- LaRouche: Fight To Overcome Our National TragedyStatement by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, October 8, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 39
Armies of Liberation
- The blockade of South Yemen follows tactics of Saa ...As Yemen’s blockade on southern Yemen enters its third week, stocks of food, medicine and oil have dwindled to dangerous levels. Prices have skyrocketed and already malnourished children bear the brunt of the military action. The blockade began 17 days ago when the Western Armored Division establish ...
- بقلم الكاتبة الامريكية جين نوفاك : ثلاثة أسابيع من ...مع دخول الحصار اليمني على اليمن الجنوبي أسبوعه الثالث ، إنخفضت المخزونات من المواد الغذائية والدواء و المشتقات النفطية الى مستويات تنذر بالخطر. و ارتفعت الأسعار و أصبح الأطفال يعانون بالفعل من سوء التغذية تحت وطأة العمليات العسكرية. وبدأ الحصار قبل 17 يوما عندما قامت وحدات المنطقة الغربية المدرعة بإ ...
- السلام مع الكرامة في اليمن: هل يمكن ايقاف دوامه ال ...اÙسÙام مع اÙÙرامة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù: ÙÙ ÙÙ…Ù٠اÙÙا٠دÙام٠اÙØØ±Ø¨Ø Ùتبت: جÙÙ ÙÙÙاÙ*- ÙصØÙÙØ© “إجسامÙÙر” ترجمة/ عبداÙÙ٠عبداÙÙÙاب ÙاجÙ- ترجمة خاصة بÙ: اÙمستشار Ùت ÙÙ Øرب Ù…Ù ØرÙب صعدة ...
- Peace with Dignity in Yemen, Can the Cycle of Endl ...Each of the six Sa’ada wars in Yemen was a photo copy of the one before, except the bombs got bigger, the children more frail and the jails more crowded. The Yemeni government systematically denied food, medicine and international aid to civilians in the northern Sa’ada province as a tactic of war s ...
- Would Yemeni law find Anwar Awlaki guilty?Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abu Baker al Qirby urged Anwar Awlaki to turn himself to be tried under Yemeni law, vowing that no Yemeni citizen would be extradited to the US or any other country. The US announced last week that it had authorized Awlaki’s kill or capture, having determined he is an active ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Ala ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace follow ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Openin ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircraft p ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have cau ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal government is ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll found ...
food and water watch
- By: FutureEmergency.com[...] elected officials across the region. He’ll be blogging from the road every day of the trip, so check back in with us to find out what’s he’s up to each [...]
- USDA Goes Back to the Drawing Board On Better Trac ...In early February, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pleasantly surprised small farmers and food protection advocacy groups alike by abandoning its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS was a program put in place after a 2003 occurrence of mad cow disease with intention ...
- Two options for tap water at Vancouver Olympics: O ...Metro Vancouver recently took on the task of promoting the consumption of tap water over bottled water and is now battling it out with Coca-Cola at the Olympic games. As one of the Olympics biggest official sponsors, Coca-Cola, who claims their bottled water “doesn’t compete with tap water,” is of ...
- Farm to School Needs More SupportIt seems the Obama administration is starting to take some steps toward addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. The President recently requested the inclusion of an additional $1 billion in funding for child nutrition programs in the national budget. This commitment preceded the unveiling of Fir ...
- Food & Water Watch Partners With University of New ...Today, Food & Water Watch and the University of New Hampshire’s Office of Sustainability kickoff “Tap In,” a series of films and lectures about water privatization, access, and quality. An initiative of our Take Back the Tap campaign, the series will commence with a showing of, and discussion abou ...
- Nominations are Open for the 2011 UNEP Champion of ...Image credit: Matthew McDermott , Khosla Ventures , and Wikimedia Commons What do President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed , Entrepreneur Vinod Khosla , and Chinese Actress Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Futuristic Vertical Park Stacks Up "Memories of Na ...In most dystopian visions of an overpopulated future, the office and residential towers are vertical and the few parks are horizontal. Kang Woo-Young has another idea, presented on Evolo. He imagines: a future where nature has been eradicated from the modern urban landscape, and must be replaced ...
- Actors Demonstrate How To Save Energy... In a Glas ...BC Hydro Here's a great gig for your typical marginally employed actor: sit in a shipping container all day to demonstrate how to save energy. BC Hydro converted two shipping containers into lovely little apartments with glass walls; In one, an actor has blazing lights, big TV and a computer ru ...
- Why Denying Climate Change is Bad PoliticsPhoto: db , Flickr, Creative Commons Yesterday, I posted on the startling revelation that the Republican Party in the United States is the only major political party of any democracy in the world that gets away with denying climate science . While I attempted to fathom how that possibly came to ...
- Breast Cancer Possibly Linked to Air PollutionPhoto: Flickr , CC "Women living in the areas with the highest levels of pollution were almost twice as likely to develop breast cancer" A study recently published by researchers based in Montréal, Canada, has found a worrying correlation between markers for air pollution and breast cancer. Th ...
- Amino Acid Supplement Makes Mice Live LongerWhen mice are given drinking water laced with a special concoction of amino acids, they live longer than your average mouse, according to a new report in the October issue of Cell Metabolism, a Cell Press publication. The key ingredients in the supplemental mixture are so-called branched-chain amino ...
- Low Carb Diet Rich in Animal Fat and Protein Incre ...Those who adhered to a diet low in carbohydrates but rich in animal-based fats and proteins increased their risk of death – especially by cancer, according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, led by Simmons College nutrition professor Teresa Fung, Sc. D. This study is the first ...
- Novel sensing mechanism discovered in dendritic ce ...Dendritic cells are the grand sentinels of the immune system, standing guard 24/7 to detect foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria, and bring news of the invasion to other immune cells to marshal an attack. These sentinels, however, nearly always fail to respond adequately to HIV, the virus c ...
- New Research Finds Evidence of Charitable Behavior ...Researchers from the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard and from Boston University have discovered that charitable behavior exists in one of the most microscopic forms of life—bacteria. Their findings appear in the current issue of Nature. In studying the development of ...
- Exercise, calorie restrictions can rejuvenate olde ...Harvard researchers have uncovered a mechanism in mice through which caloric restriction and exercise delay some of the debilitating effects of aging by rejuvenating the connections between nerves and the muscles that they control. The research, published online by the journal Proceedings of the Nat ...
CFACT ( Panned by SourceWatch )
- U.S. reduces dependence on foreign cobaltCobalt, a precious metal that has all but disappeared from production in the United States, is on the verge of a big American comeback.
- Eco-terrorism hits Maryland: 'Inconvenient Terrori ...Inconvenient terrorist James Lee who was shot and killed by a SWAT team in the Discovery Channel Building in Silver Spring, Maryland, is the latest of a long line of eco-terrorists
- How to save the Chesapeake Bay: Oysters vs. Regula ...Oysters kept the Bay clean in the past, but the EPA is ignoring this proven solution in favor of big government regulations.
- New ethanol policy poses heavy cost for consumersE15 ethanol mandates would bring huge benefits for ethanol producers at the expense of the rest of us.
- New coal mine approved in UtahIn a victory for the nation̢۪s beleaguered resources industry, Utah officials have approved a permit for a coal mine in their state.
Ria Novosti Online News
- Russia's Medvedev to speak to governors on wildfir ...Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will on Wednesday hold a video conference with top regional officials on work to address the consequences of fires that raged across the country in summer.
- Russian natural resources minister to head to Ango ...The Russian natural resources minister will on Wednesday head to Angola and Namibia.
- 2010 Nobel Prize in economics: Silent on the crisi ...
- Russia go top of Euro 2012 group after win in Mace ...Russia ground out a 1-0 win away to Macedonia on Tuesday evening to go top of Euro 2012 qualifying Group B.
- Main news of October 12A roundup of what has happened in the past 24 hours
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Twitter plans Russian-language interfaceRepresentatives of the micro blogging site Twitter told Russian bloggers at a meeting in San-Francisco that a Russian-language interface will be launched, without specifying when, a Russian blogger said on Tuesday.
- Political obstacles for Sea Launch overcome - Ener ...International consortium Sea Launch plans to resume Zenit-3SL carrier rocket launches from its floating platform in the Pacific Ocean in 2011, the head of the Russian Rocket and Space Corporation Energia said Monday.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger’s visit to Russia
- Space hotel project to be launched after contract ...The implementation of the project to build the first space hotel will only start after a contract between Russian state-owned rocket and space corporation Energia and Moscow-based company Orbital Technologies is signed, the Energia head said.
- Russia's Soyuz TMA-M spacecraft docks with space s ...Russia's upgraded Soyuz TMA-M manned spacecraft has docked with the International Space Station (ISS).
Pruning Shears
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. Last week I quoted Catch-22, and what do you know - the news sent me another real life excerpt this week. What’s next, The Syndicate? Say No ...
- Assassination is the new tortureNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Andrew Sullivan recently posted a brief defense of Barack Obama’s assassination program and received a sharp response by Glenn Greenwald. The ensuing debate (I believe this and this are the latest) at times has felt depressingly fam ...
- Excerpt from Lies by Al FrankenLinked from here . Franken notes the first World Trade Center attack happened 38 days into Clinton’s first term. More from pp. 109-10: The way Clinton responded to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center was to capture, try, convict and imprison those responsible. Ramzi Yousef, Abdul Hakim Mura ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post UPDATED BELOW Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. One way to prevent allies from remaining allies is to bomb them. Turns out they hate it at both official and street levels. A ...
- Tax Hikes as Back Door ClawbackNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post The past couple of weeks have provided a neat illustration of Marshall’s Law - Washington is wired for Republican control. Through lots of breathless reporting we have seen story after story from DC-based outlets that glory in the i ...
Organic Consumers.org
- Toxic Pesticides in Drinking Water: Who Pays for P ...The system Columbus water officials use to measure atrazine levels begins with an old, battered plastic bottle wrapped in duct tape and tied to a rope. Click here to read this article
- Soils and Souls: The Promise of the LandStop me if you've heard this one. A poet, an economist, and a biologist walk into a barn in Kansas and start talking. What do you get when you cross their ideas? Answer: Hybrid vigor. Click here to read this article
- Stop Pursuing 'Fool's Gold' in the Oilsands: NASA ...EDMONTON - Expansion of Alberta's oilsands mining operations must be avoided if the world is going to dodge the disastrous effects of climate change in future, says one of the world's leading climate scientists. Click here to read this article
- Livestock Production Will Push Earth's LimitsIf demand for meat, poultry, eggs and dairy keeps pace with projections, by 2050 the environmental consequences of livestock production could be responsible for 70 percent of the total greenhouse gas emissions considered a safe threshold for the planet, new research says. Click here to read this art ...
- What a Scientist Didn't Tell the NY Times on Honey ...FORTUNE -- Few ecological disasters have been as confounding as the massive and devastating die-off of the world's honeybees. The phenomenon of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) -- in which disoriented honeybees die far from their hives -- has kept scientists, beekeepers, and regulators desperately see ...
- Selecciones especiales del Banco de Imágenes XIVSi lo desea, escoja un número para revisar nuestro archivo de fotos. [1] -[2] -[3] -[4] -[5] -[6] -[7] -[8] -[9] -[10] -[11] -[12] [13] [14] Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES P ...
- Fotos de la India or India photos (6 postales inol ...Si lo desea, también podría usted ver fotos de Estados Unidos , México , Canadá , Brasil , España , África del Sur , Francia , Taiwan , Japón y Gran Bretaña .Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO ...
- Playas paradisiacas parte VII (10 sitios para desc ...Si usted lo desea, puede escoger un número para ver nuestras entregas anteriores sobre la serie 'Playas Paradisiacas'. [II] [III] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII] Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTR ...
- Rosas de colores parte VII (5 fotos impresionantes ...No olvide usted que puede libremente escojer un número para ver más fotos de rosas de colores. ¡Son más de 100 fotos gratis! | [II] |[III] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII] Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO ...
- Rosas de colores parte VI (5 fotos gratis para com ...Escoja usted un número para ver más fotos de rosas | [II] |[III] [IV] [V] Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES PARA USTED, (elija por favor)1.- Conozca el origen de estas imágenes ...
Center for a Livable Future
- CLF Knows What’s in the Nation’s ChickenOn Thursday, CLF Director Dr. Robert S. Lawrence joined, Dr. David Kessler, former FDA Commissioner, and, Urvashi Rangan, PhD (JHSPH ‘95), Consumer Reports, on the Dr. Oz Show’s segment entitled “What’s in the Nation’s Chicken?” The guests on this national broadcast began by discussing the additive ...
- Straight Talk About The Risks of Feeding Antibioti ...It is time for some straight talk about the risks of using massive amounts of antibiotics in livestock and poultry. I don’t know one infectious disease expert who would disagree that there are direct links between antibiotic use in food animals and antibiotic resistance in people. Period. If you don ...
- Food & Dignity“So, where do the leftover veggies go?” It’s a common question around here, especially on Tuesdays. The Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future (CLF) operates a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, connecting students, faculty and s ...
- Reading between the lines: FDA indicates consumer ...FDA hosted a hearing on Tuesday, September 21 to discuss the hypothetical labeling of genetically engineered (GE) salmon. Just fifteen hours earlier the FDA finished hearing the debate on GE salmon approval, which gave the impression that FDA was moving faster on the issue than it actually is. This ...
- Independent advisory committee grills FDA on genet ...In a chilly hotel ballroom in the Washington DC suburbs, the FDA this week is considering whether to allow genetically engineered (GE) animals in the human food supply. The test case is an Atlantic salmon that has been engineered with Chinook salmon genes to express a growth hormone. The result is a ...
- OK, OK, the post is up!I have to say I’m already getting very tired of the Villagers’ new meme that Dems are scrambling to protect their safe seats. The Village, as usual, is making shit up as it goes, but by constantly talking about the Dems being in trouble, they’re assuring voters will think so as well. Good. Nothing w ...
- Incredible videoBanksy wrote and directed the opening to last night’s season premiere of The Simpsons: I can’t imagine how Matt Groening got them to air this. UPDATE: Via BDM in the comments, here’s a [for now] working link.
- Master baitersf job-creating government spending has failed to bring down unemployment in the Obama era, itâs not because it doesnât work; itâs because it wasnât tried. â Paul Krugman So if the feds don’t have all the money, who does? [C]orporations and affluent individuals are pouring tens of millions ...
- All the news that’s fit to slantSick shit from the AP this morning as they accuse Jerry Brown of “reinventing himself.“ Jerry Brown sees himself as a regular guy who buys his suits on sale, drives around in a Ford Crown Victoria and enjoys dinner at home with his wife. What he wants Californians to see past is the Jerry Brown [... ...
- 深紅JohanssenRelatively speaking, I got nuttin’. - Sharon Angle has her own Rev. Wright problem but, as you might have expected, her whackjob minister actually makes sense! [more] I did not know that “the politics of personal destruction” was synonymous with self-destructive hypocrisy I’m sure W would be much mo ...
Public News Service
- Families USA: Health Care Reform Means Largest-Eve ...Families USA: Health Care Reform Means Largest-Ever Middle Class Tax Cut Phoenix, AZ – A consumer group has analyzed the impact of the health care reform signed into law this spring, and they contend it’s going to result in an enormous tax cut for the middle class, with at least 600,000 Arizonans be ...
- Other States Long for AZ's Redistricting SystemOther States Long for AZ's Redistricting System Phoenix, AZ – After the November elections, states will start the process of redrawing their political boundaries. A Wisconsin activist wishes his state would follow Arizona's approach. Comments from Mike McCabe, executive director of the Wisconsin Dem ...
- Mortgage Delinquencies: Less Stigma, More Walk-Awa ...Mortgage Delinquencies: Less Stigma, More Walk-Aways? Phoenix, AZ - Some Arizona lenders are aggressively pursuing homeowners who deliberately let their mortgages fall into delinquency – but a new survey from the Pew Research Center says in this economy, a growing number of Americans think it's acce ...
- Debate Continues on the Impact of Merit Pay on Tes ...Debate Continues on the Impact of Merit Pay on Test Scores Phoenix, AZ – A study released last week by Vanderbilt University shows no link between test scores and bonus pay for teachers. An Arizona school boards official says the report was too limited to draw any conclusions. Comments from Janice P ...
- Report: Outdoor Time Boosts Academic Performance f ...Report: Outdoor Time Boosts Academic Performance for AZ Kids Phoenix, AZ – As students get settled into school routines, a new report documents how making sure Arizona kids get outdoor time during the school year boosts classroom performance and standardized test scores. Comments from Kevin Coyle, v ...
My Care2 Picks
- "Third Eye Open: Care2 Save The World?" - New Care ...Petitions, phone calls, marching and protesting can be ignored by government leaders and business owners alike, but they cannot resist for very long the power of the human mind imposing systematic interference upon their decision-making! PLZ Join & Share. Submitted by Third Eye Open to US Politics & ...
- Islam - a Threat ? This is the world turned upside ...http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/how_democracy_dies_lessons_from_a_master_20101011/?ln A comment from an excellent 'thread' of commentary on a Chris Hedges piece Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Some things just never go away…Weve obsoleted many things …But some scams avoid the hatchet. The health insurance bureaucracy has become obsolete. Corporations, in their current form. Corporate Integrity.The creation of 501(c)(4)s.Private funding of political campaigns Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note ...
- Freakazoids Started This Fight, But Atheists Will ...I'm going to begin with where I entered this conflict - and make no mistake, it's a real battle - with my experience in science education, and specifically with the teaching of evolution. Students wallowing in self-inflicted ignorance denying simple fact Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Cultur ...
- the pinkwashing of parliament: we need less pink a ...October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so please buy Estée Lauder cosmetic products that are laden with toxins, sold in packaging made of future landfill, and perpetuate the harmful myth that the signs of aging are shameful and must be concealed. Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! ...
Angry Indian News
- More black people jailed in England and Wales prop ...More black people jailed in England and Wales proportionally than in US | Society | The Guardian: "The proportion of black people in prison in England and Wales is higher than in the United States, a... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Ireland cancels buying weapons from IsraelIreland cancels buying weapons from Israel: "Jerusalem, October 11, (Pal Telegraph) According to the Israeli newspaper 'Maariv' today, the Irish Ministry of Defense h canceled a deal held with... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Christopher Columbus Day Is a Crock | The StirChristopher Columbus Day Is a Crock | The Stir: "It's easy to ignore this. It was a long time ago and who doesn't like the day off? But, his crimes against humanity are not easily forgotten. In other... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Argentina protests British military exercises on d ...Argentina protests British military exercises on disputed Falklands - CNN.com: "(CNN) -- The Argentine government continued to sound the alarm Monday about British plans to conduct military exercises... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Libyan Warning over South Sudan Secession Criticiz ...Libyan Warning over South Sudan Secession Criticized | Africa | English: "A former south Sudanese envoy has rejected Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi suggestions over the weekend that south Sudan’s... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Mr. Ed McWhinney BurgersMr. Ed McWhinney Burgers - yum!!!
- Food as a Weapon with Professor PoochensteinFood as a Weapon Power Point Presentation with Professor Poochenstein.
- The Truth Squad Radio Show with Special Guest Mich ...This Sunday we will be talking about chemtrails with our special guest Michael J. Murphy, co-producer of the film "What in the World are they Spraying?"
- Seed Savers Exchange and the Svalbard Doomsday Vau ...Seed Savers' members' heirloom seed collection is being pirated into the Svalbard seedbank, under the UN FAO treaty.
- Barry Soetoro In the Crosshairs!Poor Mr. Obama and Congress must be all tuckered out from all that reading before passing all those wonderful bills that they so graciously foisted on the public.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - Todd ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scott Bo ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and expand ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? - La ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Judge Orders Injunction on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'ShareThis Breaking: Judge Orders Injunction on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' 12 Oct 2010 A federal judge issued a worldwide injunction Tuesday stopping enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy, ending the military's 17-year-old ban on openly gay troops. U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips' land ...
- Wall Street Pay: A Record $144 BillionShareThis Wall Street Pay: A Record $144 Billion 11 Oct 2010 Pay on Wall Street is on pace to break a record high for a second consecutive year, according to a study conducted by The Wall Street Journal. About three dozen of the top publicly held securities and investment-services firms--which inclu ...
- Commonwealth Games terror threat as intelligence c ...ShareThis Commonwealth Games terror threat as intelligence chiefs warn of Mumbai style attack ahead of closing ceremony 12 Oct 2010 Indian intelligence warned today of a militant terrorist plot to attack Delhi on Thursday� during the build-up to the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games. Offici ...
- White House to Lift Ban on Deep-Water DrillingShareThis Obusha surrenders again: White House to Lift Ban on Deep-Water Drilling 12 Oct 2010 The Obama administration on Tuesday plans to announce that it is lifting the moratorium on deep-water oil drilling, after putting in place new rules intended to tighten safety. President Obama imposed the m ...
- Terror threat to restaurants as Al Qaeda calls for ...ShareThis Terror threat to restaurants as Al Qaeda calls for attacks on government workers in D.C. 11 Oct 2010 The terror group tied to the Ft. Hood killings and the Christmas Day undies airbomber urge wannabe American jihadis to open fire on crowded restaurants in the nation's capital to massacre U ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Conspicuous by her absenceForbes magazine today released its list of the top 100 most powerful women in the world. It features notables like Singapore's Ho Ching at #30, Finland president Tarja Halonen at #62, Icelandic leader Johanna Sigurdardottir at #80, and even reformed...
- First published review of Arthur Allan Thomas: The ...I'll add more reviews as they come in, but here's the first, courtesy of Newstalk ZB today: Books - Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story 29/09/2010 Whether you concur with Wishart or not, you need to read this book. Arthur...
- I hate Ian Wishart because...For some years now I've "enjoyed" a growing amount of internet 'hate mail' biffed my way on websites, virtually all from people I've never met and most from people who've never actually read my work themselves but who've relied on...
- Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story...a cop kill ...The new book on the Crewe murders, Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story, is finally on sale. Available from Whitcoulls, PaperPlus, Take Note, Borders, The Warehouse, Dymocks and all good independent bookstores. The radio ad is available here: ThomasBook1
- New Arthur Allan Thomas book just over a week awayLaunching 27 September...the cat will well and truly be set amongst the pigeons...
- Partners in occupationLacking popular legitimacy amongst Palestinians, de-facto control in Gaza and dependent on American and European aid to stay afloat, Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas is without a base to find strength in as he officially remains in a negotiations process that most of his constituents vi ...
- The settlements are illegal regardless of whether ...In the newest development concerning peace negotiations between Israel and the PA, Netanyahu has offered to�partially extend�the�fake settlement freeze in exchange for recognition of Israel's Jewish character. In a startling spectacle of rationality, the PA has rejected the offer in kind. BBC report ...
- Israeli Jews don’t have to recognize Israel ...A Palestinian professor whom�I cited yesterday in this post�regarding Israel's new declaration of loyalty legislation has asked me to post these intriguing clarifications. "The Jewish State" is defined by and was established by means of Israel's Declaration of Establishment in 1948, which�acts as a ...
- ‘Hey BU you’ve been had, Dershowitz is ...Alan Dershowitz takes a photo of the protest outside CAMERA's conference at Boston University. The following statement was sent by protest organizers: On Sunday, October 10th, students from Boston University’s Students for Justice in Palestine group and their allies (American Jews for a Just Peace, ...
- Israel-centric Ethan Bronner cites Israeli law on ...Nestled in this all over-the-place article written by Ethan Bronner in today’s New York Times is this factually-challenged nugget:Both East Jerusalem and the Golan were officially annexed by Israel through parliamentary votes, so by Israeli law they count as Israeli territory. That is not true of th ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: The Awakening Has BegunOn the heals of Ukraine’s 2009 Black Lung Infection, a mysterious variation of flu which bypassed trachea, targeting the lungs directly, a “bilateral pneumonia, the result of viral distress syndrome, i.e the total destruction of the lungs.” (1.3 million infected, over 75,000 hospitalized), eye witn ...
- VRM: GlaxosmitheKline Herpes Vaccine Fails Safety ...GlaxoSmythKline recently conducted safety trial studies on their new experimental Genital Herpes vaccine ‘Simplirix’. 8,323 women aged 18-30 years participated in the trial at 50 sites in the US & Canada. Based on the results the product has failed miserably. The question is why were these women inf ...
- VRM: Closed Door CDC Meeting Reveals Industry Cove ...VACCINE INDUSTRY COVER-UP EXPOSED – Selected vaccine authorities from CDC, FDA, and manufacturers discussed, in a closed meeting, the possibility of neurodevelopment disorders resulting from vaccine components. Documents released through the Freedom of Information Act detail the transcript of a meet ...
- VRM: Former Pharmaceutical Representative Gwen Ols ...“The Pharmaceutical Industry is in the business of disease maintenance & symptom management. They are not in the business to cure Cancer, to cure Alzheimer’s, to cure heart disease, because if they were they would be in the business of putting themselves out of business; and that in fact doesn’t mak ...
- VRM: Medical Martial Law In The US – Sleepin ...“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endange ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury featur ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for. � If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner fo ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new low- ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
Michael Yon
- The Linda Norgrove Rescue TragedyPublished: 11 October 2010 Ms. Linda Norgrove was kidnapped on 26 September during an ambush in eastern Afghanistan.� A trusted and knowledgeable source told me he expected there was a high likelihood she would be killed by these particularly brutal people.� Several days ago, during a rescue attemp ...
- To Follow these StepsI first met Steve Shaulis about 27 years ago during Special Forces training.� We’ve been friends ever since and have traveled many places together. Back in 2001, six months before the 9/11 attacks, we were at his U.S. home in Vero Beach, Florida.� We were preparing to swim out into the night in ...
- Our Muslim Friends Suffer, TooTerrorism knows no bounds.� This atrocity happened in Iraq and the sadness still lingers in many hearts. I republish these two emails with permission of CSM Jeffrey Mellinger. Mohemmed's name has been changed to protect his family.� May God cherish his brave Soul. From: Mellinger Jeffrey J CS ...
- Iraq: Inside the InfernoDear Friend, I have just returned to Afghanistan and I’m writing to tell you about a new book project I’m working on and an important organization that I’m backing with this book. I hope you will too. ABOUT SOLDIERS’ ANGELS Soldiers’ Angels is a volunteer-led nonprofit organization dedicated to ...
- One Cell Phone at a Time: Countering Corruption in ...Dan Rice and Guy Filippelli American commanders are preparing for a major offensive in Afghanistan to attack one of the most formidable enemies we face in country: corruption.��� Despite sincere efforts to promote governance and accountability initiatives, Afghanistan has slipped from 112th to158th ...
The Killing Train
- Isabel McDonald and Lou Dobbs! My friend Isabel did a fantastic story for the Nation about the anti-immigration pundit Lou Dobbs who had undocumented workers caring for his horses and grounds , and she had the chance to talk to Lou Dobbs about it on MSNBC. Check it out. read more
- Bruce Levine on Surviving America's Depression Epi ...I'm reading Bruce Levine's "Surviving America's Depression Epidemic". The story of how I got the book is interesting. I was reading some psychology books a while back (Alfie Kohn, Alice Miller) and a reader of this blog suggested that no psychology reading list would be complete without Levine's "Co ...
- The Rwandan ElectionPaul Kagame is headed for a landslide victory at the Rwandan polls. Exit polls indicate 93% of the electorate voted for him. If some Western media commentators could vote in Rwandan elections, the number would likely be even higher. Take Stephen Kinzer, who wrote a biography of Kagame subtitled “Rwa ...
- The Afghan War Diary Data - an initial lookAn initial look at the first 76,000 records in the "Afghan War Diary" leaked by Wikileaks yields some important information, much of which has been known or suspected by analysts for years. Given the sheer size of the database, there is a great deal more to be learned, but here are some initial find ...
- The Drug War in Afghanistan - the Dyncorp connecti ...Just reading some of the 800+ hits on the drug war in Afghanistan, and these are real - the US is fighting a drug war in Afghanistan. There are DEA agents running around arresting people, there are troops eradicating poppy in farmers fields, and they are finding and burning piles of opium, heroin, h ...
- Nominations are Open for the 2011 UNEP Champion of ...Image credit: Matthew McDermott , Khosla Ventures , and Wikimedia Commons What do President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed , Entrepreneur Vinod Khosla , and Chinese Actress Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Futuristic Vertical Park Stacks Up "Memories of Na ...In most dystopian visions of an overpopulated future, the office and residential towers are vertical and the few parks are horizontal. Kang Woo-Young has another idea, presented on Evolo. He imagines: a future where nature has been eradicated from the modern urban landscape, and must be replaced ...
- Actors Demonstrate How To Save Energy... In a Glas ...BC Hydro Here's a great gig for your typical marginally employed actor: sit in a shipping container all day to demonstrate how to save energy. BC Hydro converted two shipping containers into lovely little apartments with glass walls; In one, an actor has blazing lights, big TV and a computer ru ...
- Why Denying Climate Change is Bad PoliticsPhoto: db , Flickr, Creative Commons Yesterday, I posted on the startling revelation that the Republican Party in the United States is the only major political party of any democracy in the world that gets away with denying climate science . While I attempted to fathom how that possibly came to ...
- Breast Cancer Possibly Linked to Air PollutionPhoto: Flickr , CC "Women living in the areas with the highest levels of pollution were almost twice as likely to develop breast cancer" A study recently published by researchers based in Montréal, Canada, has found a worrying correlation between markers for air pollution and breast cancer. Th ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Suu Kyi refuses to vote in electionsLawyer says that recent announcement that opposition leader can vote does little to sway her stance against participating in elections
- Thai PM leaves, border crossing still shutBurmese officials reject Thai offer of help in 7 November elections whilst Abhisit fails to make progress on reopening of key border crossing
- Cracks appear in election allianceMembers of opposition alliance that includes Shan party and NDF are accused of accepting money from Burmese business tycoon
- Rangoon mayor says USDP ‘definite’ win ...Aung Thein Linn standing for PM's party in difficult Rangoon township but is confident of victory in looming 7 November elections
- Opposition hopeful takes to the streetsWith little money, Democratic Party candidate campaigns on foot but claims citizens are more trusting of 'everday people'
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Global warming summit heads for failure amid snub ...World leaders have snubbed the next round of international climate change negotiations in Mexico next month amid fears the talks will collapse.
- Ed Miliband is the costliest politician in British ...When Ed Miliband won the Labour leadership, the commentators overlooked his most startling achievement, says Christopher Booker.
- The Savoy hotel's green ambassadorDebra Patterson is the green ambassador for the Savoy Hotel, London, which reopens on Sunday after a three-year closure and a £200 million refurbishment. Patterson oversaw the installation of £2.4 million worth of green technology, which could reduce the hotel's energy bills by 40 to 50 ...
- A stronger Sun actually cools the EarthNew research will renew debate over the science behind climate change.
- Arctic sea ice decline: the changing face of a reg ...The Arctic sea ice extent has fallen to its third-lowest coverage.
National Geographic | Environment
- Plane Exhaust Kills More People Than Plane Crashes ...You're more likely to die from exposure to toxic pollutants in plane exhaust than in a plane crash, a new study says.
- Giant Crystal Caves Yield New "Ice Palace," MoreIt looks like Superman's fortress and is nearly as hard to get into, but that hasn't kept explorers from uncovering new secrets in and around Mexico's deep, deadly Cave of Crystals.
- Beating the White House to the Solar PunchThe island nation of the Maldives highlights climate risk by installing solar energy on its presidential residence, outpacing the U.S. White House.
- Photos: Canadian Rain Forest Edges Oil Pipeline Pa ...NoneIn the home of the elusive "spirit bear," nine Coastal First Nations people await a decision on a pipeline to carry Canadian oil to sea for export to Asia.
- Photos: "Huge" Toxic Sludge Flood Hits HungaryNone"This is huge," says one toxicologist of the failure of a toxic-sludge reservoir in Hungary. "If you are trapped in it, it will kill you."
Jurist - Legal Research
- Supreme Court hears arguments on vaccine lawsuits[JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website; JURIST news archive] heard oral arguments [day call, PDF; merit briefs] Tuesday in Bruesewitz v. Wyeth [oral arguments transcript, PDF; JURIST report] on compensation for injuries caused by childhood vaccines. The question is whether § 22(b)(1) [text] ...
- UN urges nations to assist Kenya in conducting pir ...[JURIST] The UN Secretary-General's special adviser on maritime piracy [JURIST news archive] Jack Lang [official profile] called Tuesday for other nations to provide assistance to Kenya in conducting piracy trials. Kenya has expressed fears that it will become a dumping-ground for pirates and allowe ...
- Uganda court dismisses treason case against opposi ...[JURIST] Uganda's Constitutional Court [official website] on Tuesday unanimously dismissed treason charges against opposition leader Kizza Besigye [JURIST news archive] and 10 co-defendants, ruling that there was insufficient evidence and that the state had violated the defendants' rights. Besigye h ...
- Supreme Court to rule on interviewing suspected ch ...[JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website; JURIST news archive] on Tuesday granted certiorari [order list, PDF] in six cases. In the consolidated cases of Camreta v. Greene [docket; cert. petition, PDF] and Alford v. Greene [docket; cert. petition, PDF], the court will decide how to apply the ...
- Ireland court finds no anti-piracy laws authorizin ...[JURIST] The Irish High Court [official website] ruled Monday that the country does not recognize any laws that would allow Internet services providers to suspend service to customers suspected of Internet piracy. The judgment was issued after the Irish recording industry attempted to have an injunc ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- A Dozen Ways of Looking at an ElectionWhen Ann Selzer, who presciently called Barack Obama's victory in Iowa, does a poll of likely voters for Bloomberg , I'm going to read it as closely as I can. And boy, do her results paint a Jackson Pollock picture of the electorate. So Barack Obama's unpopular, and he's dragging down Democr ...
- Everyone Has a Fetish for Wisconsin These DaysPolitico's Jim VandeHei calls Wisconsin "the race that says it all." More than any other Senate race, he writes, what voters are saying in Wisconsin distills the last two years of American political life down to their purest essence. Ron Johnson, a conservative, politically inactive businessman ge ...
- Waiting for Superman to ProfitSeventeen days after its debut, Davis Guggenheim's "Inconvenient Truth," starring Al Gore, had grossed $2,921,406 -- not huge, but a respectable amount of money for a documentary that would go on to win an Academy Award. Guggenheim's latest effort on education policy, "Waiting for Superman," isn't ...
- Delta Force Gets a Name ChangeYou know them as the "Delta Force," the elite team of military commandos who bust in places, kill the bad guys, and do the nation's necessary dirty work. More accurately, they've been busting their hump as lawnmowers against Al Qaeda and Iranian proxies for nine years on relentless three-month rotat ...
- Race of the Day: GOP Given a Rematch in Pennsylvan ...Republican candidates have won significant elections in climates that were less hospitable, at least on paper, than the one surrounding the special election to replace the late John Murtha last May in PA-12, a district that voted for John McCain in 2008 and where President Obama's approval ratings b ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
- [COAT] Letters-to-Editor needed re:CANSEC weapons ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Pam Geller Lies About Her Site StatsFunny thing…Pam Geller is whining at her blog about the profile the Times did her the favor of publishing. Â She even says they lied about her. Well, Pam is a liar herself…about her site stats. Â And the N.Y. Times took her word for it and published the following false statement: Atlas Shrugs…gets a ...
- Justice Captain George-Style: Excusing ‘Family Hon ...I exposed here the fact that Doron Zahavi aka Captain George, the notorious torturer of Mustafa Dirani and assorted Lebanese prisoners when he served in military intelligence, became the Jerusalem Police Arab affairs liaison. Â His new role put him in a position to impose on East Jerusalem’s Palesti ...
- N.Y. Times Profiles Geller, Coulter on Same DayBill Keller must be reading the polls and expecting the era of Obama to be over. Â How else to explain the noxious news that both Pam Geller and Ann Coulter were profiled in the Times today. Â Not one, but both, and on the same day! Â Can there be much that is more disgusting? I actually [...] Rel ...
- Links for 2010-04-03 [Digg]Anat Kam-Uri Blau Top Secret Israeli Leak Case The foreign media continue to open up the gagged Anat Kam-Uri Blau case with new stories in The Guardian, The Times, and The National.
- Why Does Hamas Use Human Shields and Other Lies Ha ...During Operation Cast Lead and the Lebanon War before that, you heard the accusatory drone of the pro-Israelists that Hamas and Hezbollah used civilians as human shields, exploited mosques, ambulances, and schools to hide weapons, etc. Â The general line was that Arab terrorists violated civilized n ...
Ode Magazine
- Lighten up!Should we stay out of the summer sun? Not at all, according to a growing group of physicians. Sunlight can be good for you. We’ve been hearing about the dangers of sun exposure for decades. Yet people still swarm to outdoor cafés, parks and beaches during the summer months, eager to catc ...
- The yoga of writingBy: Chintana In Eat, Pray, Love , Elizabeth Gilbert chronicled her search for solace as she journeyed alone to Italy, India and Indonesia. While we can all be inspired by her book or the movie, most of us can't afford to hop on a plane and land in exotic locations ...
- QE II: royalty for peaceBy: PeaceCorso Elizabeth Windsor, a.k.a. Queen Elizabeth II, appeared at the United Nations this past summer. In my household, we call her Liz. Liz has been the Queen of England for 58 years. At age 84, she has seen all sorts of political and cultural trends come a ...
- How two surfers and one shoreline are making a sta ...By: EmilyAviles Surfboards. Sleeping bags. Wet suits. Hobo stove. Ukulele. Camera. Surfers Ryan Burch and Cyrus Sutton piled all this stuff - along with just a few other minor provisions and no money - onto their homemade bamboo carts to happily walk 30 miles down ...
- Inspiration through images: week oneBy: VictoriaKlein I sure do love a good picture - and I bet you do too. No matter the day, no matter the time, the right image can make your spirit soar, your soul glow, and your energy jump through the roof. Sometimes, all it takes is one photo to make use feel humble, appreciated ...
OpEd News
- The Republican Right's Mad Tea PartyThe Republicans have a Mad Tea Party on their hands and have done little or nothing to curb the bizarre excesses.
- Voting News: Internet Voting, totally owned. TX Co ...radio interview with Dr. David Jefferson, Livermore Natl Laboratories, computer scientist and cyber security expert and VerifiedVoting.org's Internet Voting expert with NEW UNREPORTED BOMBSHELLS on breath-taking D.C. Internet Vote Hack...NY BOE survey finds thousands of voters have 'major issues' wi ...
- Let a Return to True Christianity Return on Columb ...Columbus and the Europeans that followed him greedily raped and devastated the landscape of the Americas in the name of Christ. Why not use an understanding of the true Columbus and how twisted his and Europe's interpretation of Christianity was to catalyze a new movement of global peace and harmon ...
- The Struggle for a Workers' RecoveryAs millions of Americans sink into desperation, President Obama continues to preach the good word of optimism, based on the gospel of "private sector job growth."
- Who's Good?Poem, Society, Government, Politics
- Drilling Moratorium Should Stay Until Panels Issue ...The epic scale of the BP disaster and its aftermath have made it clear that prevention is the only real option for protecting coastal communities and marine life from devastating spills. Whether or not you agree with the Obama Administration’s decision to lift the moratorium on deepwat ...
- Offshore Wind Gets a Boost from Google and Good En ...Today, Google and Good Energies, a renewable energy investment firm, announced that they are investing an estimated $200 million apiece in the first phase of construction for a transmission backbone for future offshore wind farms along the Atlantic Seaboard called the Atlantic Wind Con ...
- Deadly Deception: How Some Industry Lobbyists Pedd ...Selling death on Capitol Hill shouldn’t be so easy. But as industry lobbyists mount a campaign attacking forthcoming Clean Air Act standards to cut deadly toxic air pollution from industrial boilers, they are resorting to obfuscation and deceiving Congress. The EPA standards, relying ...
- Gulf Coast Disaster - Tuesday, October 12News Alert Washington Post: Gulf drilling ban lifted The Obama administration announced Tuesday that it is lifting the temporary ban on deepwater drilling operations in the Gulf of Mexico, a move likely to repair one open wound in the Gulf of Mexico. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar ma ...
- New Studies Find that the Same Tools that Empower ...As the mother of three daughters, I am routinely reminded of how important it is for women to make informed decisions about their health, their families, and their future. The conditions and opportunities we have in the U.S. are not the same worldwide. According to international devel ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Court Rules DADT UnconstitutionalGood, even if a higher Court is likely to stay the order pending an appeal. Of course, the appropriate course here is for the DOJ not to appeal the ruling. Particularly given that the policy’s persistence owes itself to the Senate’s anachronistic, countermajoritarian rules this case should be ...
- Today In Republican MisogynyShorter Ken Buck (as DA): Once you’re previously consented to have sexual relations with someone, the consent then applies to future cases in which you didn’t consent. The defense of Buck’s failure to prosecute, I suppose, might be that he personally doesn’t believe in this disgraceful bullshit, b ...
- Bury his body in the old sinkholeThis rundown of various “green burial” methods is truly fantastic. The winning method, in my view, involves being turned into a flushable soup: Alkaline hydrolysis, also known as Resomation (which is a trademarked term) is a process that liquefies rather than burns body tissues. It uses about a six ...
- Good Luck With ThatShorter Phillip Klein: If the Supreme Court decides to uphold the ACA, giving the federal government “broad new powers” to regulate the national economy that it has had since 1942, we need a constitutional convention! What I enjoy most about reading this kind of thing is conservertarians who belie ...
- MoneyBartMy optimism about it going in is reflected in the fact that it’s been at least two years since I’ve seen a new episode of what was for many years my favorite show. But I had to watch the Bill James episode of The Simpsons, and I swear on Oscar Gamble’s afro [...] Related posts: The Picks Golden ...
Desert Research Institute
- DRI Researcher Develops Bioengineering Company DRI’s Joseph J. Grzymski, Ph.D. partnered with Adam G. Marsh, Ph.D. from the University of Delaware to develop Evozym Biologics, a company created to bridge the gap between research and innovation and commercial value.
- DRI Researcher Authors New Book William Albright, Ph.D., DRI research hydrogeologist, is lead author of Water Balance Covers for Waste Containment Principles and Practice about selection and design of an innovative new method for final closure of solid waste landfills. The new cover designs offer reduced cost, excellent environmen ...
- The American Indian Science and Engineering Societ ...The Most Promising Engineer/Scientist Award will be presented to Dr. Karletta Chief at the 32nd American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Annual National Conference.
- Innovative Equipment Manufacturer Features Work wi ...The latest update from Campbell Scientific features a cover article on DRI’s Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP), touting the program for providing information gathered by volunteers in near-real time and posting it to the program website.
- Dr. Henry Sun: Looking for Life on MarsThe Viking landers found strange evidence that suggested the presence of life on Mars (later disproven). A new study about life's preference for left- or right-handedness could help scientists design better versions of the Viking life tests.
Earth Techling
- In College? Like Geothermal? Tackle This
- A Green Dream Home, Martha Stewart Style
- A Chevy Volt As Electric Car Perspective
- Stylish New Gateway Displays Eco Focused
- Purdue Student Builds Solar Motorcycle
National Law Journal | U.S.
- Judge issues global injunction against military's ...A federal judge in California has issued an injunction barring enforcement of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the federal law banning service by open homosexuals in the armed forces.
- High court superstars take shots in vaccine caseDavid Frederick, a partner at Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel, has made a habit of arguing successfully against federal pre-emption before the Supreme Court. It's a high-stakes specialty that casts him in frequent opposition to big business.
- Arizona law school striving for financial self-rel ...Many public law schools are struggling with declining state support, but the Arizona State University Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law is taking a dramatic step in response to the financial uncertainty.
- Kansas attorney disbarred over high fee, disrespec ...The Supreme Court of Kansas has disbarred a Kansas City attorney for charging $3,500 an hour to handle a soldier's case and for making offensive remarks to a judge and court staff.
- ASSOCIATE MOVERSDavid Blake joins Plunkett Cooney's litigation practice group in Detroit. Plus more movers in this week's column.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Do ‘Environmental Extremists’ Pose Criminal Threat ...by Abrahm Lustgarten Sept 8th, 2010 As debate over natural gas drilling in the Marcellus shale reaches a fever pitch, state and federal authorities are warning Pennsylvania law enforcement that “environmental extremists” pose an increasing threat to security and to the energy sector. A confide ...
- Marcellus MoneyHere’s a website that is keeping tabs on which PA politicians have been offered money from from the gas industry and which ones have accepted that money. Enjoy. http://www.marcellusmoney.org/
- Gas Bubbling from the Susquehanna Riverhttp:// Gas Bubbling from River at Sugar Run – by David Keeler – 9/2/2010 Click here for video clip
- Keep the Promise Town Hall-PA Severance Tax!September 9, Thursday— Keep the Promise Town Hall in Jersey Shore, Lycoming County between Williamsport and Lock Haven, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Robert H. Wheeland Center, 1201 Locust Street, Jersey Shore, PA 17740 (part of Citizens Hose Company, Station 45) www.station45.org/wheeland_center.htm To register a ...
- EPA’s Public Meeting on Hydraulic FracturingEPA’s Public Meeting on Hydraulic Fracturing Study to Take Place in Binghamton, New York; Meeting Scheduled for September 13 and 15 at the Broome County Forum Theater Release date: 08/31/2010 Contact Information: John Senn, (212) 637-3667, senn.john@epa.gov New York, NY – The U.S. Environmental Prot ...
News Blaze
- Secretary Clinton Meets with Embassy Staff and The ...Madam Secretary, thank you very much for taking the time to meet with all of us here today. It's an honor for you - for us to have you join us, and it's an honor for me to introduce you to the very special people of the U.S. Embassy here in Saraje
- University of Leicester: Black History in FootballAs part of Black History Month, the University of Leicester's Department of Sociology is holding a discussion on the role of Black History in football.
- Malaria Outbreak in Flood-Affected Pakistani Provi ...Malaria is endemic in rural areas of Pakistan where there are two seasonal peaks - in August, when the milder vivax-malaria is mostly seen, and October, when the potentially fatal falciparum-malaria is common.
- Secretary Clinton Speaks at Town Hall at National ...Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning and welcome to this special event. Let me introduce myself. My name is Aida Daguda and I am director of Civil Society Promotion Center, Bosnian organization existing since 1996.
- Thousands of Former Fighters Take Part in a New UN ...The seven ex-combatants - three women and four men - were disarmed, registered and issued certificates during the launch of the scheme yesterday in Torit, the capital of Eastern Equatoria state in southern Sudan.
environment 360
- U.S. Offshore Wind Could Provide 20 Percent of Ele ...The U.S. could generate 20 percent of its electricity from wind energy by 2030 if it develops offshore wind farms in the coastal waters of 26 states, according to a report by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Lab . Developing the nation’s offshore wind potential would also c ...
- GM Corn Benefits Non-GM Corn Planted Nearby, Study ...The planting of genetically-modified corn reduces the damage caused by pests on non-modified conventional cornfields nearby , according to a new study. Since they were introduced in 1996, so-called Bt GM corn varieties — which produce a toxin from a soil bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis , that is ...
- Fungus-Virus Combination Eyed as Cause of Honeybee ...The interaction of a fungus and a virus may be a factor in the large-scale die-offs of U.S. honeybee populations since 2006, according to a new study. While scientists had already identified the fungus N. ceranae as a possible factor in so-called colony collapse disorder, a team of researchers from ...
- Global Survey of Marine Life Identifies Thousands ...A decade-long survey of the world’s oceans has revealed more than 6,000 previously unknown species and says a total of 250,000 marine species have now been identified. But the census , conducted by 2,700 scientists who participated in 540 expeditions, predicts that the world's oceans may contain ano ...
- Human Impacts on Rivers Threaten Water Security Wo ...More than 5 billion people — nearly 80 percent of the planet’s population — live in regions where water security is threatened because of mismanagement and pollution of rivers and watersheds, according to a new study. This degradation of the planet’s waters also threatens the existence of thousands ...
Red Ice Creations
- Hungarian village evacuated as second wave of toxi ...Hungary's premier said today the northern wall of a red sludge reservoir which burst and flooded several towns with toxic waste is showing ever-larger cracks and is 'very likely' to collapse. Prime Minister Viktor Orban described the situation as 'dramatic' and said the town of Kolontar, which sits ...
- The National Ignition Facility"Creating a miniature star on Earth" is the goal of the National Ignition Facility (NIF), home to the world's largest and highest-energy laser in Livermore, California. On September 29th, 2010, the NIF completed its first integrated ignition experiment, where it focused its 192 lasers on a small cyl ...
- Two tone river: Shocking images reveal the deadly ...Aerial images over the river Danube reveal the overbearing disaster that pushed Hungary into a state of emergency. The torrent of toxic sludge which tore through three villages 160 km west of Budapest has killed seven people after an 81-year-old man died today from injuries sustained from the river. ...
- No pay, no spray: Firefighters let home burnFirefighters in rural Tennessee let a home burn to the ground last week because the homeowner hadn’t paid a $75 fee. Firefighters did eventually show up, but only to fight the fire on the neighboring property, whose owner had paid the fee.
- The CCTV vigilantes: Snoopers paid to sit at home ...Private snoopers are being paid to monitor thousands of CCTV cameras from home. Their job is to try to spot criminal behaviour on live feeds from cameras in stores and streets. If, for example, they see a shoplifter they send a text message warning the owner of the firm. The company behind the idea, ...
Russia Today
- Lobbyists drive legislation while Congress remains ...More than two years into the financial crisis and the frenzy of foreclosures that followed it, many Americans understandably have directed their anger at Wall Street.
- US media silent following months of sensationalismThe US media spent months trying to convince Americans that trying terror suspects in New York is the worst idea in the world.
- Unexpected fresh meat: official finds worm in his ...Dinner at the Kremlin usually offers the very best for those lucky enough to be invited. But a recent banquet had a rather unexpected guest: a worm made its way onto a platter.
- Russia takes group lead after achieving Macedonia ...Russia earned a hard 1-0 win away to Macedonia on Tuesday evening to go top of Euro 2012 qualifying Group B.
- America’s rich are hurting tooWith millionaire’s collecting unemployment, and being squeezed out of their homes; are America’s rich suffering from the recession too?
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- Dark Matters Radio: Nick Redfern’s ‘Fi ...This was originally broadcast on Don Ecker’s Dark Matters Radio last week in which Don interviews Nick Redfern and they discuss Nick’s new book ‘Final Events, and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife’ . Such discussion includes the Collins Elite, Jack Parsons (Father of JP ...
- The Year One Million and the Galactic InternetWhen I first read this post on the Daily Galaxy, I chuckled to myself. How could anyone in their right mind guess about human civilization in the Year One Million? Chances are, we wouldn’t be human at all, but a descendant branch of humanity, perhaps one of many branches. Also, what kind of technol ...
- Those evil, soul harvesting ETsAs a kind of continuation of my previous post (Dolan on Malstrom), the possible interference of UFOs/inhabitants in the US nuclear missile force is a meme that is gaining traction in our culture and ties in with another meme that is also getting attention; the idea that UFO beings are demonic in nat ...
- Dolan on MalstromAuthor and UFO researcher Richard M. Dolan has a take on the recent Malstrom Controversy between former Air Force captain Robert Salas and James Carlson, the son of Eric Carlson, who was the Echo Flight Commander the night the incident in question happened (at Malstrom AFB). Both Carlsons contend t ...
- Ancient Australians and the AmericasThere has been a theory during the past decade that stated that the ancient Olmecs of Mexico were descended from Africans or Australians because of statuary that was left over from their civilization. Now there has been a discovery of a skeleton of an ancient woman that may provide an important link ...
Tippers News
- Domestic violenceThe statistics are startling: It's estimated that every 18 minutes a woman in the United States is beaten. Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Yes, trafficking happens right hereA common misconception about human trafficking and modern slavery is that it does not happen here. But it does. It's a documented fact. Take the case of two girls, ages 15 and 16, who ran away from a juvenile home in Fremont in 2007. Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment ...
- Human smugglingTHERE is no doubt that rampant poverty, unemployment and a bleak future stare young Pakistanis in the face. The situation invariably provides a breeding ground Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Why Did Aggie Boys Buy Sex at the Chicken Ranch?The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, the Texas A&M football team celebrates a win with a visit to their local brothel, the Chicken Ranch. The Aggie Boys are f Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Two survivors of human trafficking share their sto ...She fiddles with her cell phone. In mid conversation, she holds it out, showing off whos on the screen. Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
The Freeman
- Fed Vice Chair Says Beware Low Interest Rates“Janet Yellen, in her first public remarks as the Federal Reserve’s vice chairman, said Monday that low interest rates could give firms the incentive to take more risks and that officials must be prepared to take away the âpunch bowlâ of monetary accommodation.” (New York Times) And letâs not ...
- Nobel Prize Winners in Economics Named“Peter A. Diamond, a nominee for a Federal Reserve Board position, and two other economists were awarded the 2010 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science on Monday for their work on markets where buyers and sellers have difficulty finding each other. The work of the winners, Professor Diamond of th ...
- Weak Ties, Entrepreneurship, and the Great SocietyPrecisely because economic development depends so heavily on weak ties, it’s important to appreciate the environment in which they can emerge.
- The 2010 Nobel Prize in EconomicsThe three winners are Peter A. Diamond, Dale T. Mortensen, and Christopher A. Pissarides for their work on the theory of unemployment. For rundowns of the contributions of these three men, see Tyler Cowen’s (somewhat technical) posts at Marginal Revolution. Tyler Cowen’s co-blogger, Alex Tabarrok, s ...
- Majority Says Government Has Too Much Power“ix in 10 Americans say the government has too much power, and nearly half agree with this alarming statement: âThe federal government poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedom of ordinary citizens.â” (USA Today) Will they convert their words to action? FEE Timely Classic “Is the Probl ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Boring old news media: Still boring, still oldI was just rereading a post by Steve Yelvington — whom I used to call the smartest man in online journalism (and he may still be — it’s just that there are so many more people in it now, it’s hard to name just one). Steve’s post ( A tablet revolution: It’s like it’s the ’70s all over again ) has se ...
- Contents of a journalist’s backpackNeerav Bhatt describes himself as a professional blogger, photographer, geek and qualified librarian. Okay, so he never says “journalist,” but if you read his post that accompanied the photo below, I think you’ll forgive my headline. He’s got some interesting choices (which he explains in his pos ...
- Teaching Twitter to studentsThis semester I took a course I have been teaching for 10 years and moved it to a WordPress.com blog. The students and I still meet in person once a week to discuss ideas, but otherwise, everything is on the blog. Each student was required to start his or her own WordPress.com blog, and all their a ...
- Smacking down the hierarchiesMy favorite word this week is heterarchy . I don’t think I’ve ever had a favorite word before, and I confess I was not familiar with the meaning of this one when I saw it in an article from one of those scholarly journals at which journalists like to scoff. So I turned to merriam-webster.com , as I ...
- New York Times seeks multimedia journalism internsPoking around in The New York Times’s job listings, I found this description of three distinct internships “in the Web Newsroom of The New York Times”: Front-end Interactive Designer: full skill-set of client-side technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript/Prototype. Experience with Ruby on ...
Facing South
- Is Big Business reluctant to invest in Tea Party c ...One of the big stories of the 2010 elections is the record amount of campaign cash flooding into races, especially "independent expenditures" from corporate-backed outfits like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ($ 12.4 million and counting ). But so far, corporate PACS and donors have been ski ...
- Tracking corporate traitorsBy Phil Mattera, Dirt Diggers Digest Not too many years ago, America was up in arms about offshore outsourcing. The news media were filled with reports of the wholesale migration of both white collar and industrial jobs to low-wage havens in Asia. The mood of panic was reflected in articles such ...
- Nuclear project cancellation leaves Georgia standi ...Apparently even billions of dollars in loan guarantees from the federal government are not enough to help the nuclear industry overcome the financial risks of building new reactors. On Friday, Constellation Energy announced that it was withdrawing from a proposal to build a new reactor at ...
- Oil spill commission hits feds on flow rate, dispe ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica After the release of four reports by the presidential commission investigating BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill, much of the attention has been paid to criticism that the administration had inaccurately estimated the amount of oil involved -- both in gauging flow rate ...
- POPE THE VOTE? Conservative NC benefactor steps up ...Ask a casual political observer to name the nation's biggest Republican operatives, and a few would come readily to mind. Most could you tell you about Karl Rove -- the legendary Bush adviser and GOP strategist who this year aims to spend $52 million by November to help elect conservative candidate ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Nigeria's Delicate Presidential Election Transitio ...Nigeria's election history is shambolic and corrupt. If the country's new national electoral body is to conduct a free and fair election in January, it has its work cut out for it.
- Africa's Women Turn 50 Fifty years into African independence, African women still face a much more challenging existence than men, with significant political, social and economic changes needed for gender equality.
- Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Life Su ...Sierra Leone has diverse tribal and cutural practices that works against the education of the nation's children.
- Re: Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Lif ...Our children are taught right from wrong when growing up.
- Re: Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Lif ...Despite war, we are doing our best to cope.
Canadian Encyclopedia
- Great DepressionFew countries were affected as severely as Canada by the worldwide Depression of the 1930s. It is estimated that between 1929 and 1933 Gross National Expenditure declined by 42%, by the latter year 30% of the LABOUR FORCE was
- Riel, LouisLouis Riel, M�tis leader, founder of Manitoba, central figure in the NORTH-WEST REBELLION (b at Red River Settlement [Man] 22 Oct 1844; d at Regina 16 Nov 1885). Riel was educated at St Boniface and studied for the
- Macdonald, Sir John AlexanderSir John Alexander Macdonald, lawyer, businessman, politician, first prime minister of Canada (b at Brunswick Place, across the Clyde R from Glasgow, Scot 10 Jan 1815; d at Ottawa 6 June 1891). He was the dominant creative mind
- ConfederationConfederation, the union of the British North American colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Canada (Canada being an earlier 1841 union of Lower Canada and Upper Canada), was achieved 1 July 1867 under the new name,
- Vimy RidgeVimy Ridge, battle fought 9-14 April 1917 during WORLD WAR I . The long, low ridge formed a key position linking the Germans' new HINDENBURG LINE to their main trench lines leading north from HILL 70 near Arras, France.
How Can I Recycle This ?
- Pencil stub insects, apple core cider, snow globe ...They’re been some really great suggestions on Recycle This recently so I thought I’d highlight a few in case you’ve missed them. Scott Bedford popped by our conveniently timed post about how to reuse or recycle pencil stubs to tell us about the little insects he’s been making out of the ends of penc ...
- The Really Good Life: Baking things that’ll ...Hey guys, sorry I haven’t got time to write a full Recycle This post today – but can I point you to the latest article on my new blog The Really Good Life? It’s about how to reduce food waste and having to rely on supermarket supplies by getting the most out of each home [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle conkers?Well, this isn’t so much as “reuse or recycle” question as saying “instead from leaving them there to rot, can conkers be used for anything fun or practical?” It is kinda a “reduce this” question too – can I reduce my use of something else by using conkers instead? I picked up some conkers on [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle silica gel crystal sach ...The other week when I asked how people make their home baked goods last longer, Dani suggested using little packets of silica gel crystals to a biscuit jar to draw the moisture away from the munchables. (I’ve heard rice can be used in the same way.) Dani’s comment got me thinking about other ways th ...
- How can I reuse or recycle a wicker washing basket ...Over on the Suggest an Item page, Cate B asked: I have an old ali baba wicker laundry basket that is unravelling itself after years of use. Do you think I could grow potatoes in it and would I have to line it to stop soil falling out? If the wicker is made from natural [...]
- Partners in occupationLacking popular legitimacy amongst Palestinians, de-facto control in Gaza and dependent on American and European aid to stay afloat, Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas is without a base to find strength in as he officially remains in a negotiations process that most of his constituents vi ...
- The settlements are illegal regardless of whether ...In the newest development concerning peace negotiations between Israel and the PA, Netanyahu has offered to�partially extend�the�fake settlement freeze in exchange for recognition of Israel's Jewish character. In a startling spectacle of rationality, the PA has rejected the offer in kind. BBC report ...
- Israeli Jews don’t have to recognize Israel ...A Palestinian professor whom�I cited yesterday in this post�regarding Israel's new declaration of loyalty legislation has asked me to post these intriguing clarifications. "The Jewish State" is defined by and was established by means of Israel's Declaration of Establishment in 1948, which�acts as a ...
- ‘Hey BU you’ve been had, Dershowitz is ...Alan Dershowitz takes a photo of the protest outside CAMERA's conference at Boston University. The following statement was sent by protest organizers: On Sunday, October 10th, students from Boston University’s Students for Justice in Palestine group and their allies (American Jews for a Just Peace, ...
- Israel-centric Ethan Bronner cites Israeli law on ...Nestled in this all over-the-place article written by Ethan Bronner in today’s New York Times is this factually-challenged nugget:Both East Jerusalem and the Golan were officially annexed by Israel through parliamentary votes, so by Israeli law they count as Israeli territory. That is not true of th ...
Media Consortium
- New Voices: What WorksA report on how to fund community-based journalism startups--worth a read!
- Maximizing the Value of Digital Editions - Digital ...The iPad is a game changer and the release of other tablets in the future will continue to advance digital publishing. But it remains early days (a recent FOLIO: blog quoted editors of The New Yorker as saying "writing for the iPad is like producing TV after WWII") and the "traditional" digital edit ...
- Putting the 'Ad' in iPad - Digital Editions @ Foli ...Some have referred to the current marketplace as the ‘golden age’ of online advertising, with the advent of 3G technology and the iPad craze. But the publishing industry seems to be missing out on at least part of what could be a $50 billion ad spend. Time spent with print media accounts for 12 perc ...
- Building Mobile Newsstands and Subscription Models ...Good news for the magazine industry: Apple is developing a digital newsstand that would allow publishers to sell magazines across the iPad and possibly other Apple devices. The bad news: negotiations with Apple are anything but certain, and Apple’s insistence on controlling customer data could be ...
- Checking In on Kachingle : CJRThat’s the catch: the service is voluntary, and it only works if everyone’s on board. The big news sites can’t imagine that the relatively small number of early-adopter Kachinglers will make it financially worth it, but Kachingle can’t get more readers to sign up until they see their favorite sites ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terroriz ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NOT TH ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli children w ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END FEAR ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenomena ( ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. Gen ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many more l ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world politi ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Google joins offshore electric transmission ventur ...A week after the Interior Department signed the lease for a long-delayed offshore wind venture off the coast of Massachusetts, an industrial partnership that includes the likes of Google announced plans to build an underwater transmission line along the east coast of the United States. The $5 ...
- NASA-aided design to help recue minersIf all goes well, the first of 33 Chilean miners trapped underground will soon see the surface for the first time in more than two months. During a televised press conference on 12 October, Chilean mining minister Laurence Golborne said that rescuers would begin work that day and continue around the ...
- Pfizer to pay $3.6 billion for King Pharmaceutical ...Pfizer has made the next selection in its long-running shopping spree: the drugmaker announced today that it would pay $3.6 billion for Tennessee-based King Pharmaceuticals. The announcement comes almost a year after Pfizer shelled out $68 billion for Wyeth. In fact, Pfizer has done 30 deals ove ...
- World hunger meeting kicks off in RomeUnited Nations-led talks on food security kicked off today in Rome, as a new NGO report laid out the huge problem of world hunger. The International Food Policy Research Institute’s latest Global Hunger Index suggests that 29 countries have “alarming” or “extremely alarming” levels of hunger. It ...
- Geron treats first patient with embryonic stem cel ...Cross posted from the Spoonful of Medicine blog. The first-ever clinical trial to test a therapy based on human embryonic stem cells has started. Menlo Park, California-based Geron Corp announced today that a patient who was recently partially paralyzed by a spinal cord injury had millions of cel ...
new geography
- North America's Fastest-Growing CitiesThe U.S. and Canada's emerging cities are not experiencing the kind of super-charged growth one sees in urban areas of the developing world, notably China and India. But unlike Europe, this huge land mass' population is slated to expand by well over 100 million people by 2050, driven in large part ...
- The Hudson Tunnel: Issues for New JerseyNew Jersey Governor Chris Christie sent shockwaves through the transportation industry on last Thursday when he cancelled the under-construction ARC (Access to the Regional Core) rail tunnel under the Hudson River from New Jersey to New York (Manhattan). The Governor accepted the Access the Regiona ...
- Cruising Into Student DebtI once calculated that, for the cost of four years of education at a private American university, a student could take 105 cruises around the world. For the comparison, I chose only cruises that cost about $1,900, as who wants to go through college stuck with an inside cabin? As I imagine it, Crui ...
- Aussie Urban MythsUrban planning in Australia is lost in a dense fog of presumption and theory. What’s needed is to toss out the hype and to illuminate some of the common planning myths for what they really are: impediments to progress. An example of planning hype occurred not long ago when ten urban academics ...
- The World's Fastest-Growing CitiesThe evolution of cities is a protean process--and never more so than now. With over 50% of people living in metropolitan areas there have never been so many rapidly rising urban areas--or so many declining ones. Our list of the cities of the future does not focus on established global centers like ...
GM Watch
- GMO Free Regions Conference 2010 -- Proceedings no ...NOTE: Claire of GMWatch was at this conference, which featured some important speakers -- including Prof Andres Carrasco, who spoke about his findings that glyphosate/Roundup causes birth defects in doses much lower than those used in agricultural spraying. --- --- GMO Free Regions Conference 2010 ...
- New technologies and the threat to Africa
- GM soya "a death sentence" for Argentina
- It pays not to cultivate GM crops
- Brazil battles spread of "mad soy disease"
- Well, that proves Cameron is not the ‘new Th ...The Cameron set’s bizarre handling of the child-benefit backlash shows that it lacks both the ethos and experience to govern decisively.
- Removing the red tape is the easy partThe Lib-Cons’ war on the health-and-safety cult is welcome. But the problem runs deeper than they think.
- A very conservative approach to innovationESSAY: The Lib-Con coalition is more concerned with controlling behaviour than forging a brave, hi-tech future.
- Don’t let a war ruin your movieBuried could have been a fresh and peculiar thriller if only it didn’t shoehorn in the Iraq War.
- Geoffrey Robertson’s ‘humanitarianR ...The QC’s belief that the West can liberate people by bombing their countries makes the pope’s delusions look almost rational by comparison.
- Google to Invest in Offshore Wind Power ProjectVia: AP: Google is investing in an extensive network of deepwater transmission lines worth billions for future wind farms off the East Coast, the company said Tuesday. The transmission lines, which could cost up to $5 billion over the next 10 years, would run as far as 20 miles offshore from Virgini ...
- China Stakes Claim to South Texas Oil, GasVia: Houston Chronicle: State-owned Chinese energy giant CNOOC is buying a multibillion-dollar stake in 600,000 acres of South Texas oil and gas fields, potentially testing the political waters for further expansion into U.S. energy reserves. With the announcement Monday that it would pay up to $2.2 ...
- Screen Time Linked to Psychological Problems in Ch ...Via: University of Bristol: Children who spend longer than two hours in front of a computer or television screen are more likely to suffer psychological difficulties, regardless of how physically active they are. The PEACH project, a study of over a 1,000 children aged between ten and 11, measured t ...
- The Coming Middle-Class Anarchy?Via: Gonzalo Lira: Brian and Ilsa—the nice upper-middle-class retired couple, who always follow the rules, and never ever break the law—who don’t even cheat on their golf scores—even when they’re playing alone (“Because if you cheat at golf, you’re only cheating yourself”)—have decided to give their ...
- Incarceration’s Impact on SocietyVia: McClatchy DC: You won’t need a calculator, but get ready to decipher a bunch of numbers â data that ought to make Americans feel both sadness and shame. … While the costs of housing prisoners — $50 billion annually for state correctional costs alone — should be enough to cause us to rethink o ...
The Economic Collapse
- 10 Reasons Why Ordinary Hard-Working Americans Are ...American families better get ready to tighten their belts again. There is every indication that we are all going to really start feeling the squeeze in the months ahead. The price of gas is starting to spike again. The price of food is moving north. Health insurance premium incr ...
- ForeclosuregateIf you work in the mortgage industry or for a title insurer, you might not want to make any plans for the next six months. Foreclosuregate is about to explode. It is being alleged that many prominent mortgage lenders have been using materially flawed paperwork to evict homeowners. ...
- More Bad News: 10 Things You Should Know About The ...On Friday, headlines across the United States declared that "unemployment remains unchanged at 9.6%". Many analysts rejoiced and heralded this announcement as a sign that we have hit bottom and that things will be turning around soon. But is that the truth? A closer look at the u ...
- Where Are The Jobs?Most Americans don't really care about the economic minutiae that many of us who study the U.S. economy love to pour over. When it comes to the economy, the typical American citizen just wants to be able to get a good job, make a decent living and put bread on the table for the fam ...
- Federal Reserve Officials: Americans Are Saving To ...Some top Federal Reserve officials have come up with a really bizarre proposal for stimulating the U.S. economy. As unbelievable as it sounds, what they actually propose to do is to purposely raise the rate of inflation so that Americans will stop saving so much money and will star ...
- Confrontation between farmers and herdsmen, reflec ...We have been reading again a former posting on this blog: Pastoralists make your choice between different solutions and possibly consider other solutions (IRINNews) http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?Reportid=90730 MALI: Reducing vulnerability to future drought —- Here are a couple of comments on ...
- Put the carbon back where it belongs: Soil Carbon ...A message from Peter DONOVAN : The Soil Carbon Challenge has begun: http://soilcarboncoalition.org Today we understand the carbon cycle, and the immense role of soil carbon in water cycling, energy flow, biodiversity, and atmospheric composition as never before. Yet most … Continue reading →
- Critical need for a revolution in agricultural res ...Read at : http://www.agriterra.org/en/news/57372/global-forum-on-agricultural-research Global Forum on Agricultural Research There is a critical need for a revolution in agricultural research for development, to mobilize, reorient, strengthen and bring coherence to systems generating and sharing n ...
- Save the Children: more action must address the ri ...Read at : Child Hunger and Malnutrition Widespread this World Food Day, Says Save the Children Interactive World Food Day Quiz Shares Key Facts about Food and Nutrition at Critical Time Media Contact: Tanya Weinberg, tweinberg@savechildren.org, 202-640-6647 (o), 202-247-6610 (c) … Continue reading →
- Desertification and the sedimentation and drying u ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification Afro-Arab Summit Calls for Increased Cooperation Among Members Edward Yeranian | Cairo Arab and African leaders are meeting in the Libyan town of Syrte for an Afro-Arab summit to discuss … Continue reading →
The Paper Trail
- FDIC Proposes Big Bank, Brokerage Liquidation Proc ...The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. sketched out today a set of proposed regulations for liquidating in an orderly way any big banks, brokerage firms, insurors, or financial companies whose demise could rattle the U.S. financial industry.
- AFSCME Invests Big in Wisconsin House RaceAFSCME , the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees labor union, is spending a whopping $750,000 on a 30-second ad in Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District race — more than either candidate has spent since the start of the 2010 campaign cycle, according to AFSCME filings with ...
- Small Investors To Get Bigger Megaphone at SECFor the average Main Street investor, the roots of the 2008 financial collapse remain murky. The impact, though, was not: houses foreclosed, banks shuttered, pension funds depleted and investment and retirement plans that went the way of a market in freefall.
- FDIC Sits on Potential 50 Lawsuits As It Tries to ...In the more than two years since Lehman Brothers went bust, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. has shuttered more than 250 banks, but has sued executives from just one bank. What's the hold up?
- Anti-Abortion, Anti-Gay Marriage Groups Target Box ...California Sen. Barbara Boxer is now being hit by independent expenditure ads in two languages. Yesterday, You Report: Election 2010 noted that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has an ad criticizing the Democrat for her budget votes. Now, two socially conservative groups based in Washington are running ...
- Good news for RalphieBy Bev Schellenberg A revolution is underway in our classrooms. No one’s walking around with pithy statements on picket signs; no one’s blasting headlines across newspapers. But the reality is our school system is undergoing a monumental transition, and you may not even know it. How come I kno ...
- Chopping StatsCanBy Alison@Creekside Who didn't see this coming? CP: Statistics Canada is cutting five of its surveys after being told by the federal government to chop its budget by $7 million. The surveys include environmental and business statistics, and are in addition to other belt-tightening at the trou ...
- The further persecution of Gary McCulloughBy Alison@Creekside By the time G20 arrestee Gary McCullough has his next court date in December, he will have spent six months locked up without bail for no other reason than the police and courts are unable to admit they should never have arrested him in the first place. Police admitted with ...
- The Librocons’ favoured tax havenBy Alison@Creekside A week ago Stephen Harper pledged to go after some 1,800 Canadian foreign bank accounts in Switzerland in a crackdown on off-shore tax evasion, amounting to an estimated $1 billion in lost federal tax revenues. The Cons -- tough on white collar crime. Meanwhile back in the ...
- Saskatchewan sucksBy Frank Moher After an extensive investigation, backofthebook.ca has determlned that Saskatchewan sucks. It really, really sucks. The great state of Saskatchewan asserts that it doesn't suck, and demands that backofthebook.ca apologize for saying it does. Backofthebook.ca refuses to apolog ...
- Christina Aguilera and husband separate Oklahoman Leave a comment LOS ANGELES (AP) — Christina Aguilera and her husband of nearly five years have separated....
- Lou Gramm's brother files suit against the fo ...The brother of Lou Gramm is suing the former Foreigner lead singer after the two had a falling out over money. Richard Grammatico filed suit in May claiming he was Gramm's business manager. According to the...
- Christina Aguilera 'husband was calm in storm ...Bratman was "only person" she could trust earlier this year. 'Burlesque' actress and "Bionic" singer Christina Aguilera and husband, Jordan Bratman...
- Bon Jovi, Usher to perform at 2010 American M ...US - P!nk will join the "What Do You Got ?" group and "OMG" singer when the show airs November 21. Just weeks away from the release of their...
- H.B. releases pipeline report after San Bruno ...HUNTINGTON BEACH--The San Bruno gas line explosion that killed seven people and leveled 37 homes last month has prompted city officials to offer residents information on the various pipelines running below their homes and businesses. City officials reported there are about 90 miles of oil pipel ...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embedded ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ in I ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any Time ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cops an ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- TOPCARE SORE THROAT (Phenol) Spray [Topco Associat ...Updated Date: Oct 9, 2010 EST
- Soluble stent can open your arteries then melt awa ...Shabir Makda, a 52-year-old bus driver from Leicester, was the first Briton to have a new stent which cuts this risk. Here he talks to PAUL DINSDALE …
- Phase III Novartis Data Show Potential Benefit of ...EAST HANOVER, N.J., Oct. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- A Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation ("Novartis") Phase III study of Afinitor� (everolimus) tablets in combination with Sandostatin� LAR Depot (octreotide acetate for injectable suspension) extended median progression-free survival (PFS), or ti
- Girl, 7, faces brain damage if she eats anything b ...Borsi Batki from Coventry is forced to watch as the other children tuck into cakes and biscuits at birthday parties, because she can't eat anything with protein in it.
- Eat less, move more and lift weights to beat obesi ...The latest findings on fitness were presented over the weekend at the Obesity Society meeting in San Diego.
Common Dreams
- Outside Cash Leaves Scorched Earth in US Campaignby Stephen Collinson WASHINGTON — Nerve jarring music races to a crescendo, shadowy pictures flash across the screen, and in doom-laden tones, a narrator warns: "Obama -- he promised change... now he's desperate, on the attack." This is not the inspirational candidate who moved thousands to tear ...
- Rand Study: Marijuana Legalization Would Markedly ...by Jon Walker The Rand Corporation is notorious for its history of pro-drug-war studies. A report of theirs from earlier this year on Proposition 19 was full of dubious claims based on what even they had to admit were just guesses . Once again, with their newest report about marijuana legalizati ...
- Court Orders US to Cease Enforcing Gay Military Ba ...LOS ANGELES - A federal judge ordered the US government Tuesday to "immediately" suspend all discharges of gays serving openly in the military in a major rebuke to the Obama administration's appeal for more time. In her ruling, US District Judge Virginia Phillips ordered Defense Secretary Robert Gat ...
- World Bank Pressured over Record Fossil Fuels Lend ...by Matthew O. Berger WASHINGTON - With new figures showing a record amount of World Bank funding for projects relying on coal power and other fossil fuels, the issue of reforming the institution's energy lending was once again a hot topic at the World Bank and IMF annual meetings, which conc ...
- President Obama to End Deep-Water-Drilling Banby Dan Berman The Obama administration is preparing to end the ban on deep-water oil and gas drilling imposed after the BP oil disaster in April, lifting it more than a month ahead of schedule. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is set to make the official announcement during a conference call at 1 p.m. ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: With "Catholics" like this, who n ...ExamineReligion: With "Catholics" like this, who needs wolves?: Moral values are under assault at St. Joseph’s University.It's bein... http://exm.nr/9YjJKn
- ExamineReligion: The seven deadly sins: Sin i ...ExamineReligion: The seven deadly sins: Sin is rarely talked about, and the seven deadly sins are fairly old fashioned materia... http://exm.nr/bdkpku
- ExamineReligion: Young King David (YKD), pt. I: Ac ...ExamineReligion: Young King David (YKD), pt. I: According to scripture, King David was a mighty warrior from the Old Testament. We... http://exm.nr/apDdSM
- ExamineReligion: Episcopal Bishops affirm that hum ...ExamineReligion: Episcopal Bishops affirm that human society must also be humanitarian: The second major statement made by the Epis... http://exm.nr/9RBxK5
- ExamineReligion: Sun conjuncts Mercury: Ideal for ...ExamineReligion: Sun conjuncts Mercury: Ideal for dining at Great Falls Rivers Edge Trail: On Saturday October 16, at 7:05pm MDT, t... http://exm.nr/cZLaD3
Energy Collective
- Connecticut, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania Enjoyi ...When people think of the best states for solar power, California is often the first state to come to mind as it has strong financial incentives for solar power but also possesses an abundance of sunshine that makes solar power seem logical. However, many state governments on the east coast of the U. ...
- “The Marines Go Green” and Civilians GainA good deal has been written about the military’s recent efforts to “go green,” but Fred Kaplan’s piece for Slate last week is unique in its exploration of the potential civilian�benefits�of such an initiative. Kaplan does well to�delineate�the�military’s�history as a robust market for innovative te ...
- Department of Energy Offers Conditional Commitment ...U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced a conditional commitment to provide a partial guarantee for a $1.3 billion loan in support of the world's largest wind farm to date. The loan will finance the Caithness Shepherds Flat wind project, an 845 megawatt wind-powered electrical generating f ...
- Anatomy of a Senate climate bill deathThis is a cross post by CAP’s Daniel J. Weiss.
- Doc alert: Monitoring Climate Change ImpactsCurrently available as a free PDF, is the PNAS publication Monitoring Climate Change Impacts: Metrics at the Intersection of the Human and Earth Systems. The document is 110 pages, 42MB. From the report’s summary:
Green House - USA Today
- Wal-Mart sells pet products made from trashAs part of its recycling campaign, Wal-Mart is beginning this month to sell eco-friendly pet products such as dog beds and kitty litter boxes made from trash.
- U.S. solar industry projected to double capacity t ...The U.S. solar industry grew significantly in the first half of 2010 and is on track to double the amount of power it generates by year's end, an industry report says Tuesday.
- Study: Slower population growth could reduce clima ...A slowing of population growth could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, according to a new study published today.
- High BPA levels found in at least 90% of moms-to-b ...More than 90% of pregnant women had elevated levels of bisphenol A from a variety sources, notably tobacco smoke, cash register receipts and canned vegetables, a new study says.
- Study: Offshore wind could generate all U.S. elect ...U.S. offshore winds, abundant off the coasts of 26 states, have the potential to generate four times as much power as the nation's present electric capacity, says a new Department of Energy report.
Prior Art
- Paul Allen v. The InternetFormer Microsoft executive and billionaire Paul Allen sued several major Internet companies and three large retailers for patent infringement today, asserting that four patents originating at Interval Research, Allen's dot-com era think tank, cover basic web browsing and e-commerce technologies....
- Citing Possible Bias, ACLU Asks Rader to Recuse Hi ...With the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit set to consider a landmark case over the validity of human gene patents, attorneys for the plaintiffs in the suit are asking the court's chief judge to recuse himself from the matter—before the panel that will hear it has even been selec ...
- Law360 Calls Lawyer-Owned Shell Company a "Public ...seems to have a pretty flexible definition of that term. Last month, it included . Who is so concerned about such fairness? That would be , the Texas law firm that owns Americans for Fair Patent Use, which is a limited liability company set up to prosecute a false marking lawsuit filed in E ...
- Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big p ...Moglen's position on the subject of software patents—that they should be banned—is, to say the least, outside the mainstream in legal circles. It has, however, garnered support among software developers and other techies, especially those who work in the world of open-source and free softw ...
- What's so bad about "business method" patents? Sma ...Those who have read the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bilski decision know that — a four-justice minority that wanted to ban business method patents. While that's an ill-defined term, it's clear that such a ruling would have effectively invalidated many patents already involved in litigation. Lawsu ...
Peoples Voice
- Israel's New Loyalty Oathby Stephen Lendman Since inception, Israel's democracy was illusory, but of late it's further eroded. The Cabinet's October 10 adopted Law of Citizenship amendment requires all non-Jews wanting it to pledge loyalty to "the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state," its latest anti-democrati ...
- Advice to Desperate Congressional Dems: Ignore Wal ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. In the last phase of the election campaign, an issue has emerged which allows voters to separate Wall Street stooges in both parties from real advocates of the middle class. The issue is the massive campaign of foreclosures against the American middle class being carried o ...
- Fraud in Americaby Stephen Lendman A systemic problem, it's everywhere, especially in savage capitalism's greed-driven system, enriching a global royalty at the expense of most others. In his book "On Fact and Fraud: Cautionary Tales from the Front Lines of Science," David Goodstein examined examples from centu ...
- DEEP NEED FOR THIRD PARTY / TEA PARTY IS GOP IN DR ...Allen L Roland Amidst the extremist chaos of a Tea Party that is really the GOP in drag ~ obsessing about sex, abortion and religion ~ lies a genuine deep desire of Americans for a third party to effectively challenge our stagnant two party system and offer the hard truth without being beholden to ...
- UPCOMING ELECTION, FOREIGN CRIMINAL SYNDICATES BUY ...By Gordon Duff FLASH: FOX NEWS EXPOSES 9/11 COVER-UP (VIDEO) “The Supreme Court created a new “corporate” nobility where, in place of “divine right” , a sub-human species, a parasitic class, congress, lobbyists, the Pentagon, the organs of state security, all bowing and scraping to their mast ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Why the "Canadian model" cannot be used to promote ...Despite the 2008 financial meltdown, the World Trade Organization continues to negotiate new rules that would promote foreign takeover of domestic banks and more deregulation. WTO advocates are using Canada to argue that a country can liberalize its financial sector yet suffer comparatively less fro ...
- New study outlines path to renewable electricity i ...Regina —The Saskatchewan office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ series "Transforming Saskatchewan's Electricity Future" was launched with the publication of "Sustainability is Achievable, But How Do We Get There?" by Mark Bigland-Pritchard and Peter Prebble. The report – developed i ...
- Time for a living wageThanks to groundwork laid by our B.C. CCPA office, a city in that province has enacted Canada's first living wage policy. Drawing on that development, and using CCPA Research Associate Hugh Mackenzie's living wage estimates, Toronto Star columnist Carol Goar looks at how Toronto falls short of provi ...
- 2010 living wage shows the real costs of raising a ...The BC Office has released a 2010 update to the living wage calculation for Metro Vancouver. Read about it here: www.policyalternatives.ca/livingwage2010
- NFB Film showcases the growing gap in CanadaWhat does the growing gap look like in Canada? Class consciousness , an NFB film, explores the issue.
World Wide Hippies
- Through a Mother’s Eyes“KILL HER, KILL HER KILL HER!!!!” A ragged circle of over twenty middle school kids shouted their evil mantra, as an angry girl named Raven attacked my daughter Julie just outside of their middle school cafeteria. The back of Julie’s head was slammed against the wall over and over. The flesh around ...
- “Progressive Hunter” Jailhouse Confess ...Media Matters-by John Hamilton“I would have never started watching Fox News if it wasn’t for the fact that Beck was on there. And it was the things that he did, it was the things he exposed that blew my mind.” – Byron Williams Byron Williams, a 45-year-old ex-felon, exploded onto the national stage ...
- Austin City Limits Wrap-upThe Best Moments of Austin City Limits 2010 | Spin Now in its eighth year, the Austin City Limits festival has worked hard to broaden the city’s laid-back, hippies-and-roots-rockers reputation by booking edgier acts like the Pixies, Massive Attack, the Mars Volta, N.E.R.D., and Queens of the Stone A ...
- New York Times on AssasinationLook out! It’s a snip…. The New York Times defends assassinations | wsws.org In its main editorial Sunday, the New York Times, the major voice of what passes for liberalism in America, openly defends the right of the US government to assassinate anyone it pleases. The only restriction the Times sugg ...
- Tea Party Spreads Across The PondTea Party Forging Links With Violent, Anti-Islam British Right-Wingers | Alternet The English Defence League and elements in the Tea Party movement are banding together in a war against Islam. The English Defence League, a far-right grouping aimed at combating the “Islamification” of British cities, ...
Doug's Darkworld
- The aliens are coming and other news from outer sp ...A former NORAD officer claims that on October 13th aliens will make their presence on Earth unmistakably known with “a massive UFO display over the world’s principal cities.” I have my doubts, but hey, it will certainly be fodder for any number of blog posts should it happen. And San Francisco is ce ...
- Liu Xiaobo Wins Nobel Peace PrizeIf the gentle reader wants to read a fawning endorsement of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize choice, pretty much any western mainstream media has it covered in spades. Fortunately my readers don’t come here for fawning endorsements of anything. I am troubled on a number of levels by the Nobel committ ...
- No brainer, it’s just common sense that maki ...“It’s just common sense” is probably one of the most seductive and deadly false arguments out there. When someone says “it’s just common sense” what they are really saying is “reality conforms to my idea of what makes sense.” Yes, often times reality does indeed operate in a perfectly “sensible” mat ...
- A Hard Act to FollowWell, my last post has turned out to be my most successful post ever, more than 40,000 hits so far. So now what do I do? Rest on my laurels? Sounds painful, don’t laurels have thorns? It’s especially curious in that it wasn’t a particularly well thought out or researched post, it was just something ...
- “This October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and ...Well, isn’t that an amazing little factoid? I read that on line and did what everyone else did, passed it along to delight and edify my readers. And it’s posted all over the Internet, often with dozens of comments and jokes about how cool it is and how it’s a great month to enjoy the [...]
- Lab Evidence Refutes BP's and Fed's Deceptions - T ...Evidence Refutes BP's and Fed's Deceptions In August, Truthout conducted soil and water sampling in Pass Christian Harbor, Mississippi; on Grand Isle, Louisiana; and around barrier islands off the coast of Louisiana, in order to test for the presence of oil from BP's Macondo Well. Laboratory test re ...
- University Group Raises Concerns About BP Oil Spil ...Over the Labor Day weekend, the Perdido Bay Mullet Festival in Lillian, Alabama had to do something it's never had to do before -- substitute catfish for mullet. Why? Because, according to event organizer Bill Cornell, the company that supplies the mullet for the annual festival "didn’t feel good ab ...
- WATCH: Feds Says It's Illegal to Dig in the SandVIEW VIDEO http://www.thefoxnation.com/justice/2010/09 /20/watch-feds-says-its-illegal-dig-sand � Sept. 21, 2010
- Reign of Eco-Terror, False Flags, or Strange Accid ...
- Fascism in America, Government Complicit in Covert ...
Crisis Maven
- Economic Musings VI: Modern Economies – Dyin ...There is a great debate in the history of economics whether there can be under-consumption in any real historic moment of the state of an economy and if so, whether it has detrimental effects and if so, what is to be done about it. And modern economists seem to have found a magic wand with [...]
- Blogs and Web Sites you may want to followThe following is a list of blogs and websites that CrisisMaven has followed and observed over the last few months and that readers may want to check out from time to time. Note: neither the sequence of how the blogs are listed here nor any comments by CrisisMaven are an endorsement nor criticism of ...
- Economic Musings VII: Marketing doesn’t adve ...Have you ever wondered if marketing and advertising are the same, if not, what’s the difference and which is the more important of the two? And why should you care? The most successful economic model is without doubt the market economy. It is the consequence of the wealth effects of the division of ...
- CrisisMaven’s Blog News 2010-03-07: Over 25,000 We ...Yesterday around 16:37 GMT we passed the 25,000 threshold … - next report will probably be posted when we’re past the 50,000 mark. Thanks to all avid readers: on 2010-03-18 at around 19:25 GMT we went past our first 20,000 views on our blog in about eight weeks since we began publishing! After that, ...
- Economic Musings VIII: Is there a limit to economi ...Something which puzzles many thinkers and frightens many young people concerned about waste or the pillaging of our natural resources is the question: can “an economy” (whatever that is – we’ll come to that in a minute) grow indefinitely? How can there be unlimited economic growth if we’ve never hea ...
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further evid ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted. The following ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagflatio ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest bus ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trade de ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy porte ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the current crisis. This articl ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings were ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- The Gas Cartel Idea: On the Road to Another OPEC?Join the forum discussion on this post The following guest analysis was written by the staff of Global Intelligence Report. ————————- As oil sees its image tarnished from the disastrous oil spills that took place off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Dalian, China, and as the m ...
- Solazyme CEO Clarifies CostsJoin the forum discussion on this post Prior to publishing the previous essay, U.S. Navy Pays Big Bucks for Biofuels, the editor for Consumer Energy Report asked why I didn’t go with a more descriptive title like “U.S. Navy Pays $425 per Gallon for Biofuels.” I told him that the reason I didn’t is ...
- U.S. Navy Pays Big Bucks for BiofuelsThe U.S. military, as the single biggest consumer of fossil fuels in the world, are particularly interested in alternatives due to supply risks and price security.
- Oil Infrastructure and Terrorism – Part IIIJoin the forum discussion on this post The secretary of Russia’s National Security Council is now warning that militants have joined forces with pirates to carry out attacks on key maritime oil transport hubs like the Strait of Hormuz and the Suez Canal. According to the EIA, the Strait of Hormuz “ ...
- Oil Infrastructure and Terrorism – Part IIJoin the forum discussion on this post Yesterday’s New York Times contained a story that depicts the vulnerability of the U.S. military’s fuel supply chain: U.S. Military Orders Less Dependence on Fossil Fuels In Iraq and Afghanistan, the huge truck convoys that haul fuel to bases have been sittin ...
Discovery Educator Network
- The Hub For TeachersComments: Communication skills are critical for today’s students. Reading, writing and the ability to tell a story set the stage for success. The Hub, a new TV destination dedicated to bringing kids and families together, is partnering with Discovery Education to support teachers in this important e ...
- SMARTBoards and the Fifty Nifty States and Capital ...Comments: Interactive notebook for studying the 50 states and capitals in the US. - Dean Mantz Tags: smartboards , US , states , capitals by: Dean Mantz
- iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » 31 of My Favori ...Comments: Kelly Tenkely of iLearn Technology has shared a list of great digital storytelling resources that would be great additions to your curriculum. - Dean Mantz Tags: digitalstorytelling , storytelling , technology , ilearn , KellyTenkely , 31 by: Dean Mantz
- Connecting educators and students globally | Think ...Tags: educators , students , connecting , collaboration , lessonplans , global_collaboration by: Dean Mantz
- Grown Up DigitalTags: digital , grownup , tapscott by: Dean Mantz
Rodale News
- Is Your Child Brain-Injured? Are You Sure?RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—With the fall sports season moving into full swing, plenty of parents and coaches will tell you they have one word on their minds these days: concussion. And though it's not exactly a new concern, researchers studying pediatric head injuries say there's still plenty to learn ...
- Solar Power: More Affordable than You ThinkRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—If you like the idea of getting your power from the sun instead of the electric company, but the cost of lining your rooftop with solar panels dims your enthusiasm, it's time for you to reassess. Dipping solar module prices, coupled with state, federal, and utility rebates, ...
- Pumpkin Patch Picker's Guide: Which Pumpkin Is Rig ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Warts? Traditional? Heirloom? Baking? Depending on your tastes—that is, your taste buds and your fall decorating preferences—there is almost certainly a pumpkin among the hundreds of different varieties out there for you. Chances are, you've seen many of these weird and trad ...
- Eat Healthy at Restaurants…Starting Today!RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Eating out can be a dieter's minefield. There's often no way to know how many calories, grams of fat and sugar, or milligrams (mg) of sodium you're getting when you order that plate of pasta, or whether you're consuming any hidden genetically modified organisms (GMOs) like c ...
- The Surprising Power of Optimistic Pessimism RODALE NEWS, LENOX, MA—When I lecture about how optimism and pessimism affect optimal aging, the optimists in the audience are delighted to hear me say that optimism will help them live healthier, happier, longer, and more successful lives. The pessimists, in contrast, get bummed out, fearing they’ ...
big think
- Why There Aren't More Interracial CouplesIt's Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, where I live, and for a change of pace I drove up Prince Edward Island to see the musical "Hairspray" at the Charlottetown Festival. As you may already know, Hairspray is set in 1962 and takes a rather cheerful look at segregation in the world of entertainment .. ...
- Help support science in schools with Donors Choose ...Being a college professor has definitely made me realize how many students are "terrified" (their words) about math and science. Many have gotten the idea that you need to be special somehow to understand scientific principles - but really, I think all it takes is getting exposed to science ... Read ...
- 484 - “Useless” Australia “Aboriginal Creation myths tell of the legendary totemic beings who had wandered over [Australia] in the Dreamtime, singing out the name of everything that crossed their path -- birds, animals, plants, rocks, waterhold -- and so singing the world into existence.” In The Songlines , travel writer .. ...
- Michio Kaku: Shape-Shifting Technology Is ComingPhysicist and Big Think blogger Michio Kaku is the closest thing the world has to real-life wizard. With his shocking white hair, he makes prophesies about fantastic technologies that science is close to unlocking. On "The Colbert Report" this summer, for instance, Kaku said that we would soon have ...
- Variety Show: The Art of Glenn Brown“I tend to think of the exhibitions I do as a loose accumulation of paintings with no single theme—like a variety show,” artist Glenn Brown said in 2007. “A comedy act, a magician, dancing girls, a ventriloquist, and of course a good impressionist make, I think, a reasonable show.” Glenn Brown ... R ...
Information Liberation
- All Laws Have TeethIt's been five years since the feds took aim at nasal decongestant. Under George Bush, a normal part of everyday civilized life became a criminal act, namely the over-the-counter purchase of Sudafed and many other products containing pseudoephedrine....
- How to Reject the Statist Quo | Jeffrey A. Tucker ...Presented by Jeff Tucker at the 2010 Mises Institute Supporters Summit: "The Economic Recovery: Washington's Big Lie." Recorded in Auburn, Alabama; 8 October 2010....
- "Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy" ...Murray Rothbard's 1984 analysis of modern American history as a great power struggle between economic elites, between the House of Morgan and the Rockefeller interests, culminates in the following conclusion: "the financial power elite can sleep well...
- Voting...
- Fed Mandates InflationMuch of the content of the latest Fed statement, released on September 21, echoes the central bank's previous post-credit crunch pronouncements: there is still too much slack in the economy, interest rates are still going to be near-zero for an "...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- Should Governments Fund Science?With this topic, we are getting close to the heart of the whole matter. The history of government funding for the arts and sciences closely parallels the 20th-century transition of Western governments from liberal democracies to social democracies I discussed … Continue reading →
- Another Scientist Jumps ShipI was horrified to hear on the grapevine yesterday that Al Lewis has resigned from the American Physical Society. A likeable New Yoiker rogue, Lewis in his letter of resignation to APS president Curtis G Callan Jr, reportedly said of … Continue reading →
- The Decade of HypeI need to get away from AGW for a day or so. So I thought I’d ruminate briefly on the media hype surrounding what would have been John Lennon’s seventieth birthday today. It’s been said that if you can remember … Continue reading →
- Is Cancún Still Happening?I ask this because I have read precisely zero about it lately in all the mainstream media. Even the Wikipedia article on it is confined to four terse paragraphs. I get the impression governments, business and the MSM have pretty … Continue reading →
- How Can You Not Laugh?Splattergate! I’ve seen the film once. and not really had the stomach for a second viewing. But the Richard Curtis-directed short promo on behalf of the 10:10 movement is turning out to be one of marketing’s all-time disaster stories. On … Continue reading →
FAS - Secrecy News
- Secrecy and Deception in a Detainee RulingAfter a court issued a ruling last spring that a Yemeni detainee held in U.S. custody should be released, the opinion was briefly published in the case docket and then abruptly withdrawn for classification review. When it reappeared, reporter Dafna Linzer discovered, it was not only redacted but h ...
- The History of MI-6, Authorized and UnauthorizedTwo histories of the early decades of MI-6, the United Kingdom’s foreign intelligence service, have recently been published. “MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949″ by Keith Jeffery is the authorized version, prepared with the cooperation of the Service. “Six: A History o ...
- Federal Conspiracy Law, and More from CRSNoteworthy new reports from the Congressional Research Service that have not been made readily to the public include the following (all pdf). “North Korea: Legislative Basis for U.S. Economic Sanctions,” September 29, 2010. “China’s Sovereign Wealth Fund: Developments and Policy Implications,” Septe ...
- Slow Progress, Setbacks Seen in Afghanistan, Pakis ...A White House report to Congress (pdf) last week assessed “both positive and negative trends in the implementation of our Afghanistan and Pakistan strategy.” The report described the progress — or lack thereof — made this year towards achieving eight specified objectives. Those objectives include en ...
- Army Seeks Increased Awareness of Subversion, Leak ...A U.S. Army regulation (pdf) issued yesterday requires Army personnel to report any incident on a newly expanded list of possible indications of “espionage, international terrorism, sabotage, subversion” as well as “leaks to the media.” “The Army is a prime target for foreign intelligence and intern ...
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
- Blue skies science, pie in the sky?Lucy Marcus is the Founder and CEO of Marcus Venture Consulting, Ltd, a company that endeavours to foster sustainable success for funding organisations. She is non-executive chair of the Mobius Life Sciences Fund and chair of the audit committee for BioCity Nottingham. As the Science is Vital campai ...
- Science is vitalMore news that proves science is vital: Is your dog a "bowl half full" kind of dog" – Dogs are either optimists or pessimists, according to a new study that helps explain why some dogs are less than calm when you leave them alone. They see the bowl as half empty rather than half full. [...] Science ...
- Unlocking nano secretsAn open or shut case for nanotechnology secrets Should nanotechnology R&D be more open to allow it to thrive in the commercial world, or should companies working in this field be more secretive? Paradoxically, the answer seems to be that keeping secrets stifles innovation and reduces patent success. ...
- Current science newsA few grabs from the current science news: My interview with Lucy Marcus on funding blue skies research – My interview with Lucy Marcus on why blue skies research should receive continued funding is now online in The Euroscientist magazine Tabloid reporting goes pear-shaped – The newspapers have ext ...
- Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2010Watch the announcement of the 2010 Nobel Prize for Chemistry live: Winners: Heck, Negishi, Suzuki – carbon coupling (real chemistry). Three chemical reactions of major importance. Given that a chemical won the Physics prize this year, perhaps it will be something entirely physical that wins chemistr ...
RFF Library
- Nuclear Energy Data 2010International Energy Agency (RFFers may access this through OECDiLibrary — if prompted username and password are on the library landing page, top left ) http://tinyurl.com/22sekx7 This 2010 edition of Nuclear Energy Data, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agencyâs annual compilation of official statistics ...
- Voluntary Carbon Markets: How Can They Serve Clima ...OECD / by Pierre Guigon (OECD Environmental Working Paper No. 19) http://tinyurl.com/34ob3bh In this paper, we aim to examine how voluntary carbon markets can provide a valuable contribution to strengthening domestic and international climate policies. Voluntary markets are defined as small and unre ...
- Towards Global Carbon Pricing: Direct and Indirect ...OECD / by Rob Dellink, Stéphanie Jamet, Jean Chateau and Romain Duval http://tinyurl.com/275d2by Emissions trading systems (ETS) can play a major role in a cost-effective climate policy framework. Both direct linking of ETSs and indirect linking through a common crediting mechanism can reduce costs ...
- Buying and Canceling Allowances as an Alternative ...OECD / by Anja Kollmuss and Michael Lazarus http://tinyurl.com/3a7ykdj In recent years, businesses, local governments and individuals have set goals for reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases. In addition to directly reducing their own emissions, many of these entities have purchased carbon of ...
- Plan or React? Analysis of Adaptation Costs and Be ...OECD / by Shardul Agrawala, Francesco Bosello, Carlo Carraro, Kelly de Bruin, Enrica De Cian, Rob Dellink, Elisa Lanzi (OECD Environment Working Papers No. 23) http://tinyurl.com/2e7xy98 Financing for adaptation is a core element in the ongoing international negotiations on climate change. This has ...
Scientific American - News
- A Healthy Lifestyle Reduces Risk for Women Either ...Moderate exercise, little booze intake and holding down one's weight might be key strategies that reduce the odds of getting breast cancer --even if a woman's mother or sister has had the disease. [More]
- Economics Nobel Awarded for Efforts to Understand ...Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) associate professor Peter Diamond , Northwestern University professor Dale Mortensen (pdf) and Longer School of Economics and Political Science's Christopher Pissarides won the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences on Monday. Their work in t ...
- Virtual Revulsion Therapy: Pixelated Pests Help Tr ...For people with katsaridaphobia, or the fear of cockroaches, the common pests are more than nuisances--they are the stuff of nightmares. When some phobics spot one of the skittering beasts they start sobbing uncontrollably, whereas others who have seen them in their homes seriously consider moving. ...
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Casts for Collabora ...Climate change is a real, complex and widespread challenge that calls for a "new era of collaborative conservation." That's the message of a new strategic plan for dealing with the effects of global warming, released last week by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). The blueprint is part of t ...
- Recipe for High BPA Exposure: Canned Vegetables, C ...Pregnant women who eat canned vegetables daily have elevated levels of bisphenol A, an estrogenic chemical found in food containers and other consumer products, according to new research published today. More than 90 percent of pregnant women have detectable levels of bisphenol A, according to the s ...
- Taliban in high-level talks with Karzai government ...The Washington Post: Taliban representatives and the government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai have begun secret, high-level talks over a negotiated end to the war, according to Afghan and Arab sources. The talks follow inconclusive meetings, hosted by Saudi Arabia, that ended more than a year ago ...
- Thousands of Afghans displaced by fightingAFP: Hundreds of families have been displaced by fierce clashes in southern Afghanistan as NATO-led forces fight to eradicate the Taliban from the militants’ heartland, officials said Wednesday. People are fleeing insurgent-infested districts around Kandahar city as Afghan and US-led NATO forces ste ...
- Tony Blair “knew of torture risk for Guantan ...Telegraph: Papers released to lawyers for six former terrorism suspects detained at Guantanamo Bay show that the former Prime Minister was “initially sceptical about claims of torture” but had changed his mind and wanted reassurances from the Americans. The detainees, who include Binyam Mohamed, are ...
- 6 civilians killed as rocket hits car in PaktikaPAN: A Taliban-fired rocket hit a vehicle in southwestern Paktika province on Tuesday, killing six civilians, the interior ministry said. The early morning incident happened in the Ghaibikhel area of Yahyakhel district, the ministry said in a statement. The dead included a woman, it said. However, a ...
- Afghan Warlords, a Larger Stability Threat Than Ta ...The Epoch Times: In Afghanistan, where warlords and their militias still play a large role in ruling the tribal lands, U.S. and NATO forces are faced with the challenge of stabilizing the country as a democracy while not overstepping their boundaries. Warlords and their militias have a lengthy histo ...
- Waihopai protesters asked for beer moneyTalk about stupidity and vindictiveness. The Government Communications Security Bureau is claiming from the Waihopai Three protesters $256.38 for the beer drunk by workers repairing the plastic dome at the spybase. Another invoice specifies $62.93 for savouries. The total damages ...
- The Forestry NES: Robert Guyton thumbs up, Nick Sm ...Congratulations to one of our regular commenters, Robert Guyton, on his election to Environment Southland last weekend. I really hope Robert can make a difference in stopping the “Double Dipton” plan to double Southland’s dairy herd numbers, and stopping Gerry Brownlee’s Lignitemare. I was ponderin ...
- At last, Key congratulates Chinese nobel prize win ...On Friday the great news came through the Liu Xiaobo, jailed for his promotion of the Chinese democracy manifesto, Charter 08, had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Within 24 hours we had congratulatory messages from Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kou ...
- Food is politics: the implications of what we eatThis is my latest article for Auckland University’s student magazine, Craccum. It was tense and difficult but when I was 18 I came out to my parents. I was now a vegetarian. For my small town, conservative, lifestyle-block farming family it was a surprisingly strange thing for their ...
- Wellington local body cliff-hangerI could hardly believe it, when the Returning Officer read out the figures—Celia Wade Brown was only 40 votes behind incumbent Mayor Kerry Prendergast! Kerry looked mortified, Celia looked stunned, and the crowd that had gathered in the Wellington Council foyer looked amazed—because ...
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- As Western Civilization Lies DyingThe Western commercial system exists to extract more from consumers than it supplies in products and services. Its goal is profit and has never been the improvement of the human condition but to exploit it. When governments institutionalize this system, they place their nations on suicidal paths, be ...
- Is Perfect Research PossibleSome claim that there is no hope of doing perfect research. So, is there hope of doing perfect research? Of course there issometimes! It all depends on the whetherwhether the subject is limited and whether the researcher can write and is intelligent enough to adequately evaluate the evidence. ...
- The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: Last Gasp of ...No civilization in history that collapsed after a period of greatness has ever regained its dominance. Egypt lasted for three millennia; today it is little more than a field for archeological study. The Persian Empire, which lasted for more than three hundred years, became the largest and most p ...
- Specie, Script, and War: The Contradictory Practic ...Wars are fought for business, but business and the economy are synonymous. Wars will continue to be fought for the economy as long as this economy is not abandoned. War is a logical consequence of it, not a means utilized by it. No attempt to eliminate war and preserve the economy can succeed. A ...
- Knowledge, Truth and Human Action: America Hits th ...Americans have a problem with the truth. They seem to be unable to accept it. Beliefs somehow always overwhelm it, even when they are so contradictory that any effective action becomes impossible. By calling people with opinions experts and relying on adversarial debate between them, not only is ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
- How They WinVia Jon Chait, a new study shows that the good looking guys really do get all the hot chicks votes. Three researchers did a study to find out if attractive political candidates were more likely to win elections, and in order to eliminate a source of bias they asked Americans and Indians to rate the ...
- Quote of the Day: Congress and its DiscontentsIn an interview with Ezra Klein, car czar Steve Rattner tells us what he thinks about America's lawmakers: EK: Tell me about dealing with the Congress. SR: When you actually deal with them to try and get something done? It's impossible. It is so divisive, so parochial and so petty. If you look a ...
- California's Medical Marijuana MazeJosh Harkinson tests out California's Byzantine medical marijuana bureaucracy: Soon enough, I found Price-Less Evaluations, "the most trusted medical marijuana evaluation center in San Francisco"....The receptionist led me back into a hallway, where I saw a stooped, white-haired man in a rumpled ...
- Meaningless Polls, Part 897From the latest Bloomberg poll: The Republican “Pledge to America” is viewed as a good idea by 48 percent of likely voters, compared with 39 percent who term it a bad idea. Are they seriously trying to tell us that 87% of likely voters have heard of the Pledge to America? Please. Here's the actual ...
- Liberal Branding RevisitedBob Somerby thinks that liberal branding isn't as hard as some of us think: For ourselves, we think it’s very easy: The people, not the powerful! You have to explain where things go from there, of course. Yep. You have to explain where things go from there. But that's the whole problem, isn't it? ...
Insanity Report
- FacePalm of the Week: Carl Paladino – Homophobia… ...There’s been a lot of talk recently about increased homophobia in the country. From high profile suicides of gays to the fight over Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, it’s been all in the news. You would think with these high profile cases (and just out of basic human decency) that politicians would handle ...
- Movie Trailer Review: Saw 3DShare with your friends:
- IC 201: 8 Reasons To Date a White Man…And Other S ..."The new Sweet Tea Party. Being a member means you support Gay Marriage"
- Michael Steele the Sellout“As the first congressional election during his party chairmanship approaches, Michael Steele is dancing as fast as he can, trying to charm independent voters and tea partiers while never losing sight of his real master and paycheck provider: the Republican National Committee” That’s what Lawrence O ...
- FacePalm of the Week: No Officer…That’s Not My Cr ...Remember when Paris Hilton was arrested for cocaine possession? She tried to claim that the purse wasn’t her’s even though her credit cards and money (everything minus the crack) were hers. We all got a great laugh at how stupid it sounded right? Well Raymond Roberts has decided to do one be ...
Simple Climate
- Global warming gives tropical lizards energy probl ...Small temperature changes make a big difference to ectotherms – also known as “cold-blooded” creatures – around the equator, scientists based in the US and Germany find.
- Naturalists show climate effects from beyond the g ...Not zombie scientists, but museum collections provide data on how climate change is affecting timing of natural events like flowering
- I don’t care what the weatherman says, when ...Many people trust weathercasters' professionalism when it comes to climate change - but researchers' survey of US weathercasters' response to the Climategate scandal shows political outlook had a greater influence than professional credentials on how it affected their certainty that global warming i ...
- But, how do we know this is right?Peer-review weeds out bias – and peer-reviewed scientists talk to Simple Climate
- Spider orchid flowering crawls forward with warmin ...Peak flowering occurs 6 days earlier for each degree increase
e!Science News
- Restrictive use of blood transfusions during cardi ...Use of stricter guidelines for the use of red blood cell transfusions for patients undergoing cardiac surgery was associated similar rates of death and severe illness compared to patients who received more transfusions, according to a study in the October 13 issue of JAMA . Another study in this iss ...
- Medical researchers break down costs to care for h ...As the population ages, health care epidemiologist Padma Kaul and cardiologist Paul Armstrong, researchers in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta, want health-care professionals to talk to their patients about their options on places to die, whether it be at home, in hos ...
- Imaging study shows brain responds more to close f ...People's brains are more responsive to friends than to strangers, even if the stranger has more in common, according to a study in the Oct. 13 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience . Researchers examined a brain region known to be involved in processing social information, and the results suggest tha ...
- Metabolic status before pregnancy predicts subsequ ...Cardio-metabolic risk factors such as high blood sugar and insulin, and low high density lipoprotein cholesterol that are present before pregnancy, predict whether a woman will develop diabetes during a future pregnancy, according to a Kaiser Permanente study in the current issue of the American Jou ...
- Considerable proportion of patients with advanced ...A sizeable proportion of patients with advanced cancer and a life expectancy of only a few years continue to undergo common cancer screening tests that are unlikely to provide meaningful benefit, according to a study in the October 13 issue of JAMA . read more
- Salazar Turns Gulf Oil Spigot Back OnOnly days before BP's oil well blew in the Gulf of Mexico, Interior Sec. Ken Salazar was on the Gulf Coast wearing a 10-gallon cowboy hat and preaching the good news about oil drilling in the Gulf. Soon after his sermon, Salazar ...
- Monday Reads: The BP Baby Turtle Evacuation Editio ...As animal births go, sea turtles arguably top the cuteness scale. Watching a hundred teeny turtles emerge from the sand, scrambling straight towards the sea in a gleeful mad dash for the future is nothing short of incredible: From the sandy shore, each season’s new hatchlings embark on the same j ...
- Gov. Manchin Likes Shootin’ Stuff, Hates Cap And T ...Gov. Joe Manchin of West Virginia. West Virginia’s Democrat governor and Senate-hopeful Joe Manchin is one thugged-out, coal-representin’ gangsta. Seriously, this dude ain’t messing around; he’s too busy poppin' caps into the ...
- Oil Spill Impact on Bluefin Tuna To Be StudiedIt ain't easy being an Atlantic bluefin tuna—the tastiest, priciest and perhaps unluckiest tuna of them all. A good specimen can bring $100,000, so it's hunted relentlessly by Atlantic fishing fleets. More damage is done in the ...
- Decision Will Help Cleanse Florida's EvergladesGrinning for good reason... Earthjustice won a key victory at summer's end in our long-running fight to restore the Florida Everglades. A court-appointed Special Master recommended that the state be allowed to abandon a $700 ...
Brave New Climate
- TCASE Video – Interactive discussions about ...Thinking Critically About Sustainable Energy (TCASE) is a series of posts I’ve built up over the last year on BNC (and continue to add to). This has also branched off into a live seminar series (described in detail in this post), hosted by the Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus), and has proven t ...
- Discussion Thread – can nuclear be kick star ...I’ve split this discussion from Open Thread 6. I want to use this post to focus comments on whether lower-cost Gen II+ (e.g. via the Chinese CPR-1000 and Indian PHWR) are a better current option to be pursuing than higher-cost Gen III+ (like the AREVA EPR and any US proposal that you’d care to think ...
- IFR FaD 8 – Two TV documentaries and a new f ...Want to know more about the Integral Fast Reactor technology from the comfort of your lounge room chair? Then these two fascinating videos, recently transcoded and uploaded by Steve Kirsch to the “ifr.blp.tv” website, are for you. You can watch online, or download in .MP4 format (choose the format a ...
- Challicum Hills wind farm and the wettest Septembe ...I’m back on my BNC blog tonight, albeit briefly. You see, I’ve been on annual leave since Wednesday, and have spent the last few days on a motoring tour (with my parents and my two boys, Billy and Eddy, aged 11 and 8) around western Victoria — Castlemaine, Ararat, Lake Fyans, the spectacular Grampia ...
- SNE 2060 – thermal reactor build rates, uranium us ...Read this for the context. The first set of scenarios looks at the possible build out of Gen II+/III/III+ thermal reactors (i.e., current and advanced water-moderated reactors: PWRs, BWRs, HWRs etc.), over a 50 year time frame (2011 to 2060). The focus of this exercise is not to predict which reacto ...
Indigenist Opinion
- Christopher Columbus Day Is a CrockChristopher Columbus Day Is a Crock | The Stir : "It's easy to ignore this. It was a long time ago and who doesn't like the day off? But, his crimes against humanity are not easily forgotten. In other words, we don't celebrate Adolf Hitler Day or Pol Pot Week for a reason. Here are some of the thin ...
- A Witness to Iraq’s Health Crisis: Nahoko Takato S ...A Witness to Iraq’s Health Crisis: Nahoko Takato Speaks about her Experiences as an Activist and Aid Worker in Iraq :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1] : Nahoko Takato, a Japanese aid worker, quickly developed strong connections in Ramadi ...
- Notorious Body Part Snatcher Dr. Hiss Autopsied Ra ...Notorious Body Part Snatcher Dr. Hiss Autopsied Rachel Corrie – Parts Still Missing :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1] : Sometimes, reading an article about war, I want to puke. Recovering from Max Blumenthal’s latest bombshell from Haif ...
- The Myth of the Founding FathersTom Turnipseed: The Myth of the Founding Fathers By TOM TURNIPSEED Led by Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, Tea Party worshippers of the Founding Fathers want to return to the “good ol’ days” of 1787, when most African-Americans were slaves, many poor whites were indentured servants, and women couldn’t v ...
- Defend and Free Diop!Diop Olugbala Convicted! Defend and Free Diop! PHILADELPHIA-On Tuesday, August 24, the US government gave another example of its desperation in the face of popular resistance with the conviction of Diop Olugbala in Philadelphia. Despite all the efforts to paint imperialism with a new, benign and fr ...
Republicans are a Disease
- Think Republicans Are On Your Side?If you think Republicans are on your side, you are either a billionaire, in which case it is true, or you are mentally retarded, and you should be in an institution.
- No Income Tax = 83 Of America’s 100 Largest ...83 of the nations largest 100 companies paid zero income tax last year. When the teabaggers to to Washington to try to take their country back, who is it that truly controls their country? I haven’t seen any anti corporate control, anti lobbyist signs at their rallies. Do they even know who their re ...
- Tea Bagger Zombies Will Be Disappointed!Do you want to know what is sad? After the billionaires and Corporate America pour hundreds of millions into the campaigns of “conservatives” do you think when push comes to shove they won’t get their handouts? Their tax cuts? Their loopholes? Their subsidies? When the tea baggers work so hard to ge ...
- Republicans Do Create JobsIn China.
- Mitch McConnall Doing His Best to Defend the Rich“We canât let the people whoâve been hit hardest by this recession and who we need to create the jobs that will get us out of it foot the bill for the Democratsâ two-year adventure in expanded government” is what ‘ol Mitch said on the Senate floor. In fact her personally knows more than [...]
Appalachia Rising
- Day of Action and Conference Vision StatementsAppalachia Rising: Day of Action September 25 – 27, 2010, Washington DC Appalachia Rising is a mass mobilization in Washington DC on September 27, 2010 calling for the abolition of mountaintop removal and surface mining. It is a culmination of the national movement against surface mining and a found ...
- Press Conference to be Held on June 15Thousands to March in DC Calling for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Press Conference June 15 in Charleston, WV Announces Mass Mobilization Appalachia Rising WHEN: June 15, 10:00 AM WHERE: WV State Capitol Back Steps Near Fountain, Charleston, WV CONTACTS: West Virginia Bo Webb – 304-237-2688 o ...
- Press InquiriesAll media inquiries should be sent to Bo Webb webb.bo@gmail.com Set up interviews via email. Previous Press Releases and Media Public Launch Press Conference Report Back, with video Press Conference Held on June 15 Announces Appalachia Rising Video June 15 Appalachia Public Launch Press Conference H ...
- New Flier for Appalachia Rising
- Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachian ...Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachians, and Scientists for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Ashley Judd, Woody Harrelson, Gloria Reuben, Kyra Sedgewick, Kevin Bacon, Ed Begley Jr., Kathy Mattea, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, James Hansen, and Darryl Hannah rallying behind coalfi ...
Amped Status
- Inside the Global Banking Intelligence Complex, BC ...Here is Part II of David DeGraw’s new book, “The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III.” The BCCI scandal gave citizens of the world a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the covert global banking intelligence power structure, revealing power politics in its purest form.
- Bill Moyers on The Economic Elite Vs. The People o ...On March 1st, Bill Moyers gave his first public speech in three years, as the final speaker in the Dowmel Lecture series. In his speech, he addressed what he feels is "the greatest threat" to our country: the staggering inequality of wealth and the death of the middle class.
- WAKE UP MEDIA! Lehman Report is Further Evidence o ...How much more evidence of a financial coup and the theft of trillions of dollars do we need before the media and our politicians do something, anything , to restore a rule of law in this nation? What is it going to take?
- Jon Stewart & Dylan Ratigan: How Wall Street Robs ...Why are Jon Stewart and Dylan Ratigan the only two sources on US television who consistently report on the biggest theft of wealth in history? Consider this a devastatingly accurate introduction to the economic coup, or the Daily Show's Economic Coup for Dummies.
- The Best Way to Rob a Country, Own a Bank The best way to understand the theft of trillions of our dollars, listen to William Black on The Real News Network...
- “Freemason Zionist Gestapo” (?!) or note on re-pos ...The previous post, “Introducing Ethnic Cleansing” has been generously re-posted by a number of activist websites, including by Rela Mazali on The Only Democracy and Adam Horowtiz on Mondoweiss. The admins for all these sites asked permission, which was happily granted. However, I learned today from ...
- Oct 12: Netanyahu: freeze in exchange for a Jewish ...The Headlines: The “Jewish state” demand strikes back > Netanyahu offered the Palestinians an extension of the settlement freeze in return for recognizing Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people. Didnât he offer them citizenship in return for the same thing, just the other day? It seems ...
- Photo essay of a West Bank demonstration against t ...Every Friday the village of Nabi Saleh holds an unarmed demonstration against the occupation and continued Israeli settlement expansion. The following is a photo essay of last Friday’s demonstration in which the IDF used live ammunition against unarmed protesters and six Palestinians were in ...
- The day my leftism changed10 years ago today my leftism changed. On October 12 2000, two IDF reservists, Vadim Nurzhitz and Yossi Avrahami, were killed by an angry mob in Ramallah after taking a wrong turn and crossing a checkpoint that should have stopped them – but didnât. It was at the beginning of the Al Aqsa intifada, ...
- Bil’in’s Abdallah Abu Rahmah sentenced to a year i ...Bil’in protest organizer Abdallah Abu Rahmah was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment today, for his involvement in his village’s unarmed struggle against the wall. Abdallah Abu Rahmah was sentenced today to 12 months in prison, plus 6 months suspended sentence for 3 years and a fine of 5,000 ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
- Ministers officially open major upgrade to facili ...A multi-million dollar upgrade of visitor facilities at Fraser Island's popular Lake McKenzie has been completed in time for school holidays.
- $22 million for water savings in metering pilot The Gillard Government will provide $22 million in funding to the NSW Government for a pilot water metering project in the upper Murray.
- $4.5 Million for Dubbo City Stormwater Harvesting ...Water supplies in the City of Dubbo have been given a boost today with the Federal Labor Government committing $4.5 million for an innovative and water efficient stormwater harvesting s
Blacklisted News
- Wall Street Pay: A Record $144 BillionPay on Wall Street is on pace to break a record high for a second consecutive year, according to a study conducted by The Wall Street Journal.
- EPIC MEDIA FAIL: Michio Kaku Says People Who Oppos ...‘Michio goes cuckoo and says you are a terrorist if you are against the NWO. He claims that the NWO is Type 1 attainment on the Kardashev scale. He also spews the false “alien gospel” to set the public up for the coming fake disclosure of the grigori as ” Type 2 greys”. Type 3 is obviously G ...
- Israeli Rabbi Blesses Illicit Sex for Female SpiesAn Israeli rabbi has blessed the use of female spies in "honeytrap" or "honeypot" stings against terrorists, according to a study called "Illicit Sex for the Sake of National Security."
- The Coming Wars In Somalia And YemenSomalia and Yemen, the first a failed state and other on its way, will be the next battlegrounds in the struggle against terrorism, Western analysts warn.
- Meat-Pocalypse Now - How The World WorksBad weather, growing demand and flat corn harvest yields all add up to one thing: That steak is going to cost you
The Intelligence Daily
- IntelFilter: October 7, 2010Headlines of the day: FBI seizes John Lennon fingerprint card from auction house (Comment: They...
- Lawless Spying in America to Obstruct First Amendm ...By Stephen Lendman The ACLU has released numerous reports of illegal spying. They include federal,...
- Bangladesh: U.S. And NATO Forge New Military Partn ...By Rick Rozoff The Foreign Ministry of Bangladesh disclosed on September 26 that the United States...
- Sources Sought to Run Human Terrain System: Inside ...By John Stanton “They need now is to get a decent contracting company in there that is actually...
- 27 Signs That The Standard Of Living For America’s ...By Michael T Snyder If you still have a job and you can put food on the table and you still have a...
My AntiWar
- Oil Industry Looks to Iraq After Gulf Spill
- Italy to Begin Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal in Mid ...
- War Casualties Soar in South Afghanistan: Red Cros ...
- Azerbaijan Seeks 90 Pct Hike in Defense Spending i ...
- Al-Qaeda in Yemen Threatens to Topple President
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- US Threat To Attack Iran With Nukes Is "Criminal"Summary: war with Iran When Obama administration officials, like those of the Bush regime before it, say “all options are on the table,” they are threatening nuclear war and that is prohibited by international law, says Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois ...
- Media disinformation: Washington's "regime change ...Summary: Honduran people protest against the US-sponsored coup in June 2009 It would be hard to find a better test of the integrity of the establishment U.S. media than in their comparative treatment of Iran and Honduras over the past couple of years (2009-2010). source: MRZine read more
- Ominous signs in Iran under siegeSummary: Iran is increasingly under siege. From cyber-attacks on its nuclear infrastructure to biting economic and financial sanctions, to overt support for (armed) opposition groups, to a military build-up of neighbors, it appears that outside powers are making a concerted effort at regime chan ...
- Israel buys F-35 jets with eyes on IranSummary: Israel's purchase of 20 Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighters, the world's most advanced combat jets, significantly enhances the Jewish state's ability to defend itself "by itself," in the words of U.N. Ambassador Michael Oren. His comment following Thursday's contract signing in New Yo ...
- Solidarity Delegation to IRAN - Oct 9 to 15Summary: Sara Flounders and John Parker, leaders of the International Action Center in New York and Los Angeles, will be joining a people-to-people delegation to visit Iran on Oct. 9. The purpose of the trip is to express solidarity with the people of Iran, in the face of continuing U.S. threats ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Image of the Day: Water Found in Mars Megacanyon Melas Chasma, a huge canyon forming part of the 4000-kilometer Valles Marineris rift valley on Mars, plunges 9 kilometers below the surrounding plains in this image, which was taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera on the European Space Agency's...
- Image of the Day: The Lost Crystal Ice Caves - A B ...Encased in ice-cooled orange suits, scientists explore the Cave of Crystals, discovered a thousand feet (304 meters) below Naica, Mexico, in 2000. Expeditions in 2008 and 2009 uncovered biological mysteries, parallels with other planets, and the "Ice Palace," an unexplored...
- Amateur Ireland Astronomer Discovers Unique Supern ...An amateur stargazer officially became the first person in Ireland ever to discover a supernova. The explosion that caused the burst of light occurred an estimated 290 million years ago. The odds of making the discovery are almost as difficult...
- A Mystery Object Impacted Jupiter's Rings: Was It ...In 1979 the Voyager 1 spacecraft saw that Jupiter has rings like Saturn too, albeit a much fainter system primarily made up of dust. The particles in Jupiter's ring are smaller than those in Saturn's rings and do not reflect...
- Asteroids Point to a Water-and-Organics-Rich Unive ...This past April, two teams of researchers discovered the first-ever evidence of water ice and organic molecules riding around the solar system aboard an asteroid. Today, the same group has reported that it has found ice and organics on a...
Natural News
- Why isn't it called Breast Cancer Prevention Month ...(NaturalNews) Now that we're in the midst of "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" -- with all its pinkwashing nonsense at full tilt -- it brings up the question of why the month is named an "awareness" month. Why not name it "Breast Cancer Prevention Month?" The answer to that question, it turns out, rev ...
- Get your children away from the TV - Physical fitn ...(NaturalNews) Want to raise healthy and smart children? Then don't allow them to be couch potatoes. Exercise, it turns out, does more than benefit the body and overall health -- physical fitness builds smarter brains in youngsters, too .That's the news from a study just published in the journal Brai ...
- Group warns shoppers to avoid 'pinkwashed' product ...(NaturalNews) Breast cancer awareness "pink" campaigns are nothing new, with billboards, bracelets, bumper stickers, clothing, and even consumer products plastered in the bright color as a reminder about the deadly disease. But many are growing weary of the never-ending media blitz, including the ad ...
- When it comes to health knowledge, doctors are sur ...(NaturalNews) America is a nation of widespread health and nutritional illiteracy. And I'm not just talking about the knowledge gaps of health consumers, either. It's the doctors and health "experts" who have astonishing gaps in knowledge that should be considered basic health information in any fir ...
- Increase energy and lengthen lifespan with amino a ...(NaturalNews) Amino acids are important and vital components in maintaining health and vitality because they are the building blocks of proteins. Naturally present in many foods, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) provide the energy the body needs to function properly. And a new study has found that ...
Threat Level
- School District Pays $610,000 to Settle Webcam Spy ...A suburban Philadelphia school district is agreeing to pay $610,000 to settle two lawsuits brought by students who were victims of a webcam spying scandal in which high school-issued laptops secretly snapped thousands of pictures of pupils. The agreed payout by the Lower Merion School District come ...
- Caught Spying on Student, FBI Demands GPS Tracker ...A California student got a visit from the FBI this week after he found a secret GPS tracking device on his car, and a friend posted photos of it online. The post prompted wide speculation about whether the device was real, whether the young Arab-American was being targeted in a terrorism investigat ...
- Expert: ACTA No Longer Gutting Internet FreedomThe United States is caving on the internet section of a proposed international intellectual property treaty, meaning its one-time quest to globally dictate Draconian copyright rules has come to an abrupt halt. That’s what Michael Geist, an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement expert at the Universit ...
- Hacked Voting System Stored Accessible Password, E ...An internet-based voting system that was hacked last week by researchers at the University of Michigan stored its database username, password and encryption key on a server open to attack. Alex Halderman, a computer scientist at the university, has detailed the vulnerabilities and hacking techniques ...
- Army Updates Espionage Rulebook Following Leaks to ...The Army has updated a 17-year-old rulebook on espionage following internal leaks of classified information to the secret-spilling site WikiLeaks. The update, released Monday, now requires troops to alert authorities if they suspect someone is leaking classified information to the media or any other ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- The GOP Presents Stupid Millionaire TricksIt's awfully tough to present your party as the champion of populist fury when the centerpiece of your 2010 campaign is another $700 billion tax cut windfall for the wealthiest two percent of Americans. Alas, for Republicans, that steep challenge is getting much worse. After all, at a time of reco ...
- GOP Obstructionism Fueling State and Local Job Los ...While today's employment report showed the private sector added jobs for the ninth straight month, those gains were more than offset by the deep cuts by state and local governments . But those layoffs, the biggest in 30 years , didn't have to be this severe. After all, President Obama in June aske ...
- Sorry, Newt: Democrats are the Party of PaychecksIn his latest effort to rebrand both the Republican and Democratic parties, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has also rewritten history. Labeling his GOP " the party of paychecks " and Democrats " the party of food stamps " in advance of his upcoming campaign swing, Gingrich declared "we have his ...
- Poll Reveals Democrats' Working Class White OutSomewhere, Wall Street Journal columnist and What's the Matter with Kansas author Thomas Frank is shaking his head. In 2004, Frank detailed how the GOP successfully turned to divisive social issues and fear-mongering to persuade working class whites in his home state to consistently vote against th ...
- Conservatives Proclaim Year of the Black Republica ...This spring, the New York Times , the Washington Post , The Week and The Grio (among others) pointed to the new crop of African-American GOP candidates and pondered, " 2010: The year of the black Republican? " And on Sunday, RealClearPolitics contributor Jack Kelly touted the candidacies of Tim Sco ...
Blackspot News Feed
- The Tea Party's Misinformation Superhighway Runs T ...I met Delaware Tea Party dynamo Christine O'Donnell in the "green room" set up for right-wing bloggers attending Americans for Prosperity's "Right Online" conference at the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas in late July. The free-market-loving, climate-change-denying group launched by Kansas oil billionai ...
- Speaking in Tongues: Bilingual Education and Immig ..." America has evolved for the better. She will pretty much meet you on your terms. In fact, I think she has finally come to the conclusion that Blacks, Mexicans, Indians, etc. are here to stay. And the only way to perceive them is to accept them and their existence as valid. Acceptance, that's real ...
- Bicentennial Nothing to Celebrate, Say Indigenous ...Mexico City, Sep 24, 2010 - "I don't understand why we should celebrate [Independence]. There will be no freedom in Mexico until repression against indigenous peoples is eliminated," says Sadhana, whose name means "moon" in the indigenous Mazahua language. read more
- UntitledClick through to a video interview with the other Warren Ellis and Nick Cave. Scrub through to 6.10, to discover what Nick Cave thinks should happen to me. (Also, a nice plug for the French edition of my novel.)
- "Waiting for 'Superman'": A simplistic view of edu ...In the eyes of some education observers, "Waiting for 'Superman'" oversimplifies the problems facing US students and implies an education reform silver bullet for struggling public schools. read more
Consortium News
- A Long History of America's Dark SideThe "dark side" of American counterinsurgency warfare has a long and grim history, according to Peter Dale Scott and Robert Parry. October 7, 2010
- Indian Genocide and Republican PowerThe post-Civil War army and business greed combined to slaughter Indians and build Republican power, notes Thomas J. DiLorenzo. October 7, 2010
- What a GOP Majority Would MeanRepublican obstructionism may be rewarded in November, but the new political reality may prove costly, writes Don Monkerud. October 6, 2010
- Petraeus's New Afghan War PloyGen. David Petraeus suggests that his Afghan War "surge" is forcing the Taliban to the peace table, but is it so, asks Ivan Eland. October 5, 2010
- An Inside Look at the Afghan War DebacleBob Woodward's new book reveals President Obama's national security team adrift on the Afghan War, says Melvin A. Goodman. October 5, 2010
- :
- Alexander Cockburn : Autumn of the Driveler
- Carl Ginsburg : Life in the Low to Mid-Teens
- Alexander Cockburn : Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obam ...
- Alexander Cockburn : He Should Have Kept His Mouth ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Israel's Other 'Peace' Plan: Arm-twisting Obama ( ...A ghost haunted the meeting of the Arab League in Libya at the weekend, as its foreign ministers decided to give a little more time to the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. ...
- Israeli troops accused of shooting children in Gaz ...At least 10 Palestinian children have been shot and wounded by Israeli troops in the past three months while collecting rubble in or near the "buffer zone" created by Israel along the Gaz ...
- Palestinians reject Netanyahu terms (Al Jazeera)Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, has offered to renew a partial settlement construction freeze in exchange for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. He annou ...
- Creative resistance in Nabi Salih ()
- Tanoreen's Middle Eastern cuisine recognized by Za ...Palestinian restaurant Tanoreen continues to receive praise as it is recognized by both Zagat Survey and The Michelin Guide for its fine Middle Eastern cuisine. Tanoreen, which is co-own ...
Water - AlterNet
- New Book Exposes the Dirty Truth Behind Coca-Cola: ...Coke has been accused of violence against union members in South America, water pollution overseas, and contributing to child health problems. Is it true?
- Sludge Not So Dirty After All: Clean Energy from W ...From sludge-derived biodiesel to microbial fuel cells, it seems like the possibilities for wastewater are endless.
- Is Gulf Seafood Really Safe to Eat? Government Wit ...Outside scientists, eager to perform independent evaluations of the government's findings, complain the information released contains far too many unknown variables.
- World's Rivers in Crisis: U.S. and Europe Face Hig ...A new report on the health of our rivers reveals that "the richer the country, the greater the threat to river systems."
- Can Oil-Eating Mushrooms Clean Up After a Spill?Researcher Paul Stamets says mushrooms can eat oil spills and rid the world of toxics -- and he's got proof.
Public Citizen in Texas
- U.S. nuclear loan-guarantee program is testing how ...Constellation Energy Group Inc. said last week it was pulling out of talks on a $7.5 billion loan guarantee to build a reactor at its Calvert Cliffs facility in Maryland. Constellation Energy Group’s Chief Operating Officer Michael Wallace told the Energy Department that they felt the estimated $88 ...
- Is my property ripe for the TAKING?As you may have read in an earlier blog, Texas landowners who live in the path of the proposed Keystone Pipeline route may be dealing with the threat of eminent domain to force them into a contract. If the landowner doesn’t come to an agreement with the entity intent on “taking” their land, then ...
- P2080110 [Flickr]Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Ali Rawaf: Media and Campaign Finance Intern at Pu ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Ali studies Political Science and Int'l Studies at University of Texas at Austin.
- In the great things to see happening file… Georget ...Just came across an announcement in the City of Georgetown newsletter that mentioned the new Georgetown350 organization (part of the larger 350.org that you may have heard of). Check our their blog here. Good luck y’all! ### By promoting cleaner energy, cleaner government, cleaner cars, and cleaner ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- The Kelly-Hopkinsville 'goblins' encounterA retelling of one of the most unusual cases in UFO history, that of the Kelly-Hopkinsville 'goblins'. The events occured in 1955, two families in Ken...
- Mystery of the 'Crying Boy' fires solved ?Steve Punt believes he's found the answer to one of the most chilling mysteries of recent times. It all started in 1985 when a house fire in Yorkshire...
- World's most miserable fish faces extinctionThe permanantly miserable looking blobfish is facing extinction due to overfishing. Regarded as one of the most unusual and least jovial looking anima...
- Baby born from embryo frozen 20 years agoA baby has been born from an embryo frozen 20 years ago scientists have announced. The baby boy was born to a 42-year-old mother after having been don...
- Scientists to look for China's BigfootA group of scientists in China are mounting an expedition to seek out the mythical Yeren. For many years there have been sightings and reports of a st...
- Communities in Oaxaca Buried in Mudoaxaca.jpg The hillsides of Oaxaca literally slipped into mud and slid through community villages nearby.�Among those affected by the deluge are Grassroots International partners: Mixe Peoples' Services ; Center to Support the Popular Movement ...
- Via Campesina Denounces Gates Foundation, Monsanto ...Outside Author Info Outside Author Bio:� The Via Campesina is an international movement of peasants, small- and medium-sized producers, landless, rural women, indigenous people, rural youth and agricultural workers. The Via is a Grassroots International pa ...
- Ending Poverty by Rebuilding Local Food Economies- ...us_food_sovereignty_alliance.jpg Emerging out of the US Working Group on the Food Crisis , the US Food Sovereignty Alliance will be the first of its kind in the United States. Grassroots International is a member of this new alliance. To celeb ...
- Director of Grantmaking & AdvocacyGrassroots International (GRI) is a dynamic, social justice-oriented, human rights and international development organization and public foundation that works to create a just and sustainable world by building alliances with progressive movements through grantmaking and advocacy. GRI’s grantmaking a ...
- Referendum on Land Holding Used to Educate about L ...plebiscito_popular_logo.jpg As part of a larger campaign to support the right to land, this week Grassroots International provided a $10,000 grant to boost education and organizing around a powerful national referendum in Brazil. The referendu ...
- October 12, 2010Wind Could Provide 20% of World Power by 2030: Study (AFP) Wind power could meet about a fifth of the world's electricity demand within 20 years, an industry group and environmental watchdog Greenpeace predicted in a new report released Tuesday. Google to Fund Offshore Power Project (Wa ...
- October 11, 2010UN Climate Panel Head Aims to Lead "Overdue" Reforms (Reuters) Rajendra Pachauri, head of the UN IPCC, said on Monday he aimed to stay on and lead "overdue" reforms after errors in a 2007 report, including an exaggeration of the thaw of the Himalayan glaciers. Progress in Climate Talks ...
- October 9-10, 2010Thousands in Asia Join Global Message on Climate (AFP) Tens of thousands of people in the Asia-Pacific region Sunday planted trees, collected trash and campaigned against pollution for what organizers hope is the world's biggest day of climate change activism. China Calls U.S. a Pig in ...
- October 8, 2010China and U.S. Blamed as Climate Talks Stall (Guardian) China and the U.S. were accused of holding back progress on a climate deal today as talks in Tianjin crashed into a series of procedural roadblocks. Rich Nations 'Slow to Start Climate Aid Flow ' (Business Green) Rich countr ...
- October 7, 2010 Climate Talks Struggle as China, U.S. Face Off (Reuters) The U.S. and EU said on Wednesday that U.N. climate talks were making less progress than hoped due to rifts over rising economies' emission goals, while China pushed back and put the onus on rich nations. Climate Change Not Right ...
- Panasonic Sets Ambitious Green Goals for 100th Ann ...The company's new 'Green Plan 2018' furthers its goal of becoming the world's greenest technology company, setting goals for 99.5 percent waste reduction and hitting peak carbon emissions by 2018.
- SF Giants' Recycling Program Scores a Home Run, Ci ...AT&T Park, home of the San Francisco Giants baseball team, diverted 1,750 tons of throwaways from landfill last year, bringing the facility's recycling rate to 75 percent.
- Lowe's, Moen Named WaterSense Partners of the Year�Lowe's and Moen are among the latest WaterSense Partners of the Year for their work to promote and create products that meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's WaterSense requirements.
- Cleantech Remains an Economic Engine in CaliforniaCalifornia collected 24 percent of global cleantech VC dollars, which translates to roughly $11.6 billion since 2006. In a promising sign, the state received 40 percent of worldwide cleantech VC in the first half of 2010, a 246 percent jump compared to the same period a year before, according to ...
- Oracle Folds Carbon, E-Waste Management Features I ...Oracle has added features to two products in a bid to make it easier for companies to manage their energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and e-waste. The moves are part of Oracle's long-term goal of providing a common set of metrics and analytics across a range of sustainability data sources.
Reuters Global
- In Mexico’s richest city, drug violence grow ...Residents of Mexico's richest city Monterrey are placing thousands of candles along a busy pedestrian street in the city's downtown in a spontaneous protest against growing drug war violence.
- George Clooney, UN Security Council descend on Sud ...George Clooney has been roughing it recently, on the latest of his trips to Sudan to highlight the problems there. The Hollywood superstar and U.N. Goodwill Ambassador was touring semi-autonomous south Sudan ahead of a planned January 2011 referendum on whether southerners in Africa's biggest co ...
- Pakistan: street rage and sectarian bombingsPakistan's national debate is getting angrier, creating a combustible environment ripe for exploitation by militants seeking to create sectarian divisions.
- Loss of U.S. jobs to China becomes powerful electi ...U.S. jobs outsourcing to China, India and other cheap-labor countries becomes a powerful election issue for the Democrats in the campaign for the Nov. 2 midterm elections.
- In Mexico’s Ciudad Juarez, new police are ch ...Residents in Mexico's most violent drug war city Ciudad Juarez are desperate for an end to the killings. Authorities say a new police force is the answer.
Booman Tribune
- Site Update As you can see, things look a little different around here. Thanks to your generous donations last month, I was able to pay for some programming hours. The first thing we did was figure out how to get Google AdSense scripts to run on this SCOOP platform. For pretty much everyone else, this was a ...
- Republicans Love Women Rush Limbaugh says that "Mammograms are the convenant, the sacred covenant of feminazism." I can't say that I really know what that is supposed to mean. Digby says that it means Limbaugh wants women to die. I don't know about that. It seems to me that Limbaugh wants everyone to die who gets sick ...
- Stupid DemocratsWhat a funny headline: Some Democrats uneasy with attacks on Chamber of Commerce. As if we didn't know that. The Chamber is spending 75 million dollars to try to help the Republicans retake Congress, and we still have some Democrats complaining that the president is being mean to them. There are ...
- Oh the Humanities I sympathize with Stanley Fish's lamentation for the Humanities. The State University of New York at Albany (SUNY-Albany) has dropped French, Russian, Theater, and the Classics. They haven't dropped them as core curriculum requirements; they've dropped them completely. So, you are not going to be ...
- GOP Wrong: Green Means JobsWho could have predicted that while other manufacturing jobs declined, jobs in green industries increased in California, the state with some of the toughest environmental laws? Gos, what a shocker, eh? In a study released Wednesday, Palo Alto-based nonprofit Next 10 and Collaborative Economics I ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - O ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1821 - birth of...
- Tuesday Open ThreadWho ya gonna call?...
- Wilders and the Court CircusIn The Netherlands continues today the trial that has been generating national, and international, headlines:...
- Douce France - For SomeOn a day of strikes and demonstrations against one of Sarkozy's thin-end-of-the-wedge "reforms", (there is...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 12 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1845 - death of...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
Therapy News
- Anxiety: Friend or Foe?By Jodi Clarke, MA, LPC/MHSP, NCC Childhood Sexual Abuse Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Jodi and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Driving through rush hour traffic, speaking in public, standing in a crowded elevator… these are common anxiety-producing situations. For adult survivor ...
- Pacing PartnersBy Darla Sedlacek, Ph.D., Sport / Fitness Psychology Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Darla and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile A few weeks ago, I ran my first 24 hour endurance run, with the goal to cover as much mileage as possible within 24 hours. A few people volunteered to assi ...
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Improves Quality of L ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary Most patients diagnosed with schizophrenia will be prescribed one or more medications for the rest of their life. Left untreated in any form, symptoms of the condition can disrupt personal relationships, make it difficult for the person to maintain employment and educa ...
- New Laws Recognize Mental Health Care As On Par to ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline When it comes to a person’s well-being, both mental health and physical health issues can be equally debilitating and overwhelming, if in different ways. However, insurance companies have long resisted treating them equally, building in separate deductibles, higher co ...
- Trash TalkBy Lynn Somerstein, PhD, RYT, Object Relations Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Lynn and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Often people say that talking to a therapist won’t help; it’s useless and maybe even harmful trash talk. They are afraid that if they start therapy they will find ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Mining protesters appeal W.Va. restraining orders ...WOWK Mining protesters appeal W.Va. restraining orders BusinessWeek Holding up a photo of a mountaintop removal coal mining site, a lawyer for environmentalists urged West Virginia's Supreme Court on ... Massey protesters at Supreme Court today Charleston Gazette (blog) W.Va. Supreme Court refuses ...
- West Virginia Joins the Mountain Top Mining Fight ...West Virginia Joins the Mountain Top Mining Fight Green Chip Stocks I recently wrote about the largest mountaintop removal (MTR) protest in Washington, DC, in which over a hundred people were arrested. ...
- W.Va. Supreme Court urged to hear appeal of restra ...WOWK W.Va. Supreme Court urged to hear appeal of restraining orders targeting ... CanadianBusiness.com (AP) - Holding up a photo of a mountaintop removal coal mining site, a lawyer for environmentalists urged West Virginia's Supreme Court on Tuesday to ... Mining Protesters Appeal W.Va. Restraining ...
- Jim Holbert for Congress - Times Tribune of CorbinJim Holbert for Congress Times Tribune of Corbin As a lifelong resident of Harlan County, I'm tired of watching our population dwindle, coal jobs lost to mountaintop removal mining, and precious water, ...
- Pilots Fly Over Environmental Horrors, Make Passen ...Pilots Fly Over Environmental Horrors, Make Passengers Cry: Mike Di Paola Bloomberg Photographer: Mike Di Paola/Bloomberg An aerial view of mountaintop removal mining near Charleston, West Virginia. SouthWings calculates the emissions ... and more��
- DCCC Cuts Ad Buys In 6 Districts (Jeremy P. Jacobs ...Jeremy P. Jacobs / Hotline On Call : DCCC Cuts Ad Buys In 6 Districts — The DCCC formalized its triage operation on Tuesday, moving money out of battleground races where it looks like Republicans have already marshaled significant leads. — In six districts — three open seats previously held by ...
- Foreclosure Fraud: It's Worse Than You Think (Dian ...Diana Olick / Realty Check with Diana Olick : Foreclosure Fraud: It's Worse Than You Think — There has been plenty of pontificating over the ramifications of foreclosure freezes on troubled borrowers, foreclosure buyers and the larger housing market, not to mention lawsuits, investor losses and ...
- Judge bans 'don't ask' policy worldwide (Josh Gers ...Josh Gerstein / The Politico : Judge bans 'don't ask' policy worldwide — A federal judge has ordered the Defense Department to halt all enforcement worldwide of the “don't ask, don't tell” policy regarding gays in the military. — U.S. District Court Judge Virginia Phillips issued the injunctio ...
- You just keep leaning forward, Keith (Jim Treacher ...Jim Treacher / The Daily Caller : You just keep leaning forward, Keith — Yesterday we showed you Keith Olbermann's contribution to MSNBC's great new “Lean Forward” campaign. You know, the one that's going to turn everything around and make people watch their channel. Why would they want to mi ...
- Judge Orders Injunction on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' ...Associated Press : Judge Orders Injunction on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' — SAN DIEGO (AP) — A federal judge issued a worldwide injunction Tuesday stopping enforcement of the “don't ask, don't tell” policy, ending the military's 17-year-old ban on openly gay troops. — U.S. District Judge Virginia ...
Energy & Environment News
- Green: On Our Radar: Big Fines for Lead ProducerDoe Run Resources will also close its Herculaneum, Mo., lead smelter, which emits 30 tons of lead annually.
- Green: Drilling Moratorium to EndThe moratorium was supposed to run through Nov. 30, but the administration is acting sooner because it has been working on changes in safety, oversight and environmental protection standards.
- Silicon Valley’s Solar Innovators Forced to ...As California companies begin mass production of a new solar cell, the industry has been changed — by China.
- U.S. Military Orders Less Dependence on Fossil Fue ...With insurgents attacking American fuel supply convoys into Afghanistan, the military is pushing renewable energy sources like solar power.
- I.H.T. Special Report: Energy: A Carbon Trading Sy ...Five years after its introduction, the Clean Development Mechanism for sponsoring greenhouse gas emission-reducing projects in developing countries remains open to abuse, critics say.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 6.1, TongaTuesday, October 12, 2010 12:02:55 UTC Wednesday, October 13, 2010 01:02:55 AM at epicenter Depth : 9.90 km (6.15 mi)
- M 5.5, TongaTuesday, October 12, 2010 12:01:10 UTC Wednesday, October 13, 2010 01:01:10 AM at epicenter Depth : 23.20 km (14.42 mi)
- M 5.1, PakistanSunday, October 10, 2010 21:44:26 UTC Monday, October 11, 2010 02:44:26 AM at epicenter Depth : 33.00 km (20.51 mi)
- M 5.3, Peru-Ecuador border regionSaturday, October 9, 2010 14:04:47 UTC Saturday, October 9, 2010 09:04:47 AM at epicenter Depth : 122.90 km (76.37 mi)
- M 5.0, TajikistanSaturday, October 9, 2010 10:58:12 UTC Saturday, October 9, 2010 03:58:12 PM at epicenter Depth : 9.80 km (6.09 mi)
China Dialogue
- An alliance worth striving forIn the week of high-level talks between China and Europe, Bernice Lee and Nick Mabey argue the two parties have the power to accelerate global action on climate change – as long as they can work together. Today, the imperative of meeting global energy and climate security needs is driving a third in ...
- Tianjin by numbers Mistrust between the United States and China dominated last week’s climate talks. After another disappointing round of negotiations, Sam Geall considers the figures behind the impasse. Disappointment lingered in the air of Tianjin's Meijiang centre on Saturday morning, as pervasive as the polluted h ...
- Stepping up the fight for life (2)In the conclusion of Olivia Boyd and Joydeep Gupta’s interview with Ahmed Djoghlaf, the UN biodiversity chief argues rich nations have both a moral duty and selfish reasons to help developing countries prevent species loss. Joydeep Gupta: Developing countries continue to say the money they are being ...
- Stepping up the fight for life (1) Ahmed Djoghlaf is the executive secretary of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. In the run up to a key summit on species protection, he tells Olivia Boyd and Joydeep Gupta why failure to reach agreement is not an option. Olivia Boyd: Remarkably few people seem to know there is a ...
- The fight to protect China’s cats Guangdong’s taste for cat meat drives a brutal trade, laid bare in a new documentary from filmmaker and animal rights campaigner Guo Ke. Zhou Yiyan reports. Every day before dawn, there is a flurry of activity in the alley behind Shanghai’s Jiangsu Hotel. One by one, scooters laden with heavy sacks ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Someone Is Lying: Latest RAND Reports Disputes Fed ...A report released today by the RAND Drug Policy Research Center undercuts the longstanding federal government claim that Mexican drug gangs are reaping the bulk of their profits from the exportation of marijuana to the United States. States RAND, “The claim that 60 percent of Mexican drug traffickin ...
- The Limits of Internet OrganizingIs on-line activism the future of social change? [This post first appeared at the "Arguing the World" blog at Dissent magazine.] Some of the best organizers I know hardly have time to check their e-mail; they don’t spend their days on Twitter; and they certainly don’t count on Facebook to turn peopl ...
- Former employees bash American Family Association ...I’ve long since believed that the American Family Association lacks a moral foundation and now a new article has justified this. From Sarah Posner of Religious Dispatches comes accusations of former employees who attests to the not-so Christian attitude of the so-called pro-family group and a lot ...
- Today is Coal Miner’s Day: Mother Jones is S ...I hear Mother Jones calling. The deadbeat coal barons still need to be called out. Today is Coal Miner’s Day — or used to be: October 12th marks the day a small band of striking coal miners in southern Illinois called out Chicago coal barons and stood their ground at Virden in 1898. By [...] ...
- Judge Orders Military to End Enforcment of “ ...A Federal Judge has ruled that the military cannot enforce “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, a policy banning openly gay soldiers from serving in the military. Judge Virginia Philips said that DADT infringes on the fundamental rights of servicemembers and ordered the Department of Defense to “suspend and dis ...
Threat Level
- School District Pays $610,000 to Settle Webcam Spy ...A suburban Philadelphia school district is agreeing to pay $610,000 to settle two lawsuits brought by students who were victims of a webcam spying scandal in which high school-issued laptops secretly snapped thousands of pictures of pupils. The agreed payout by the Lower Merion School District come ...
- Caught Spying on Student, FBI Demands GPS Tracker ...A California student got a visit from the FBI this week after he found a secret GPS tracking device on his car, and a friend posted photos of it online. The post prompted wide speculation about whether the device was real, whether the young Arab-American was being targeted in a terrorism investigat ...
- Expert: ACTA No Longer Gutting Internet FreedomThe United States is caving on the internet section of a proposed international intellectual property treaty, meaning its one-time quest to globally dictate Draconian copyright rules has come to an abrupt halt. That’s what Michael Geist, an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement expert at the Universit ...
- Hacked Voting System Stored Accessible Password, E ...An internet-based voting system that was hacked last week by researchers at the University of Michigan stored its database username, password and encryption key on a server open to attack. Alex Halderman, a computer scientist at the university, has detailed the vulnerabilities and hacking techniques ...
- Army Updates Espionage Rulebook Following Leaks to ...The Army has updated a 17-year-old rulebook on espionage following internal leaks of classified information to the secret-spilling site WikiLeaks. The update, released Monday, now requires troops to alert authorities if they suspect someone is leaking classified information to the media or any other ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Obama administration appeals gay marriage rulingWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration decided on Tuesday to appeal a judge's rulings that prevented the U.S. government from banning same-sex marriages, a move that could undermine support among President Barack Obama's traditional liberal base ahead of a key election.
- UPDATE 1-Microsoft issues its biggest-ever securit ...* Fixes vulnerability exploited by Stuxnet virus (Adds details on Stuxnet virus, comments from researcher)
- Chile's trapped miners poised to escapeCOPIAPO, Chile (Reuters) - The rescue of 33 miners trapped underground in Chile for more than two months began on Tuesday night, when a rescue worker descended a narrow shaft in a special capsule to help hoist them to safety.
- Google to Sink Big Bucks in Massive Offshore Wind ...Along with Good Energies, a renewable energy investment firm, Google has committed to a 37.5 percent stake in the initial development stage of the 350-mile Atlantic Wind Connection project. ...
- Wal-Mart to start selling Apple's iPadSAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc will start selling Apple's iPad tablet computer this Friday.
- News you may have missed #438 (Stuxnet edition)Stuxnet cyber superweapon moves to China. The Stuxnet computer virus, dubbed the world’s “first cyber superweapon” by experts, and which may have been designed to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, has found a new target: China. The computer worm has infecting … Continue reading →
- Iran announces arrests of alleged nuclear spiesBy IAN ALLEN | intelNews.org | The Iranian government has announced the arrest of an unspecified number of alleged nuclear spies, reportedly in connection with a sophisticated virus that infected computers used in Iranâs nuclear energy program. The arrests were … Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #437Huge demand for spy balloons in Afghan war. The hottest US weapon in Afghanistan lacks a lethal capability, floats thousands of feet in the air and doesn’t carry troops. It’s a spy balloon. Similar contraptions have been making appearances at … Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #436Iran crosses into Iraq to hit bombing suspects. Iranian forces crossed into neighboring Iraq and killed 30 Kurdish fighters from a group it says was involved in last week’s bombing of a military parade, Iranâs state TV reported Sunday. The … Continue reading →
- Experts see nation-state behind sophisticated comp ...By IAN ALLEN | intelNews.org | Computer forensics specialists are split as to the purpose and initial target of a sophisticated computer virus that infected computers used in the Iranian governmentâs nuclear energy program. The virus, named Stuxnet, was discovered … Continue reading →
After Downing Street.org
- Judge stops 'don't ask, don't tell'Judge stops 'don't ask, don't tell' policy with worldwide injunction in landmark case October 12, 2010 - A federal judge issued a worldwide injunction Tuesday stopping enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy, ending the U.S. military's 17-year-old ban on openly gay troops. U.S. District Co ...
- PHONY MARINE, “AIRPORT SPITTER” VICTIM“DARLING” OF RIGHT WING GROUPS “COLONEL” MIKE HAMILTON CHARGED WITH BENEFITS FRAUD AND MORE, MUCH MORE… “How many stories were there of returning veterans killing “hippies” in Airports? “None” you say? This means, of course, that Vietnam veterans were all cowards, “candyass” whiners who, when con ...
- Of Principalities and Powers ~ "The Enthusiasm Def ...As soon as Janet stepped through the kitchen door, she could hear the sound of crying--deep, gasping, soul-wrenching sobs. “Oh no,” she sighed to herself. “Not again.” She put the tea kettle on and then walked over to put her arm around her friend’s shoulders. “Brenda, honey, what is it? Wha ...
- Demand to See Your Mortgagehttp://www.wheresthenote.com
- 98 Challengers and 115 Incumbents Oppose War $Ninety-eight congressional candidates and 35 national organizations are opposing any more funding for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The 98 candidates are from 29 states and Washington, D.C., and include 33 Greens, 24 Libertarians, 22 Democrats, 6 Independent Greens, 5 Independents, 4 Peace and F ...
Grist - News
- How does population affect climate change?by Lisa Hymas. Population growth obviously has an impact on climate change, but there's been little rigorous study of exactly what that impact is. New research published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences begins to fill that gap. The top-level takeaway: "lowing populati ...
- Wisconsin governor’s race: Barrett vs. Walke ...by Jonathan Hiskes. For a glimpse at the future of Wisconsin, look to the recent past of Milwaukee. The city's mayor, Tom Barrett (D), is running for governor against Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker (R). The two have disagreed plenty in the past, and their local clashes over clean en ...
- Australia, Pacific kick off global climate actionby Agence France-Presse. SYDNEY -- With tree plantings in Australia's biggest city Sydney and gardening near its iconic Bondi Beach, hundreds took part Sunday in what organizers say will be the world's biggest day of climate change action. The 10/10/10 event known as the "Global Work Party ...
- China and U.S. blame each other as climate talks c ...by Agence France-Presse. TIANJIN, China - The United States and China clashed on the final day of climate change talks on Saturday, accusing each other of blocking progress ahead of a major summit next month on global warming. The world's two biggest greenhouse-gas polluters sparred throughout t ...
- China warns trust ebbing from climate talksby Agence France-Presse. TIANJIN -- China on Friday warned that trust and confidence were being sapped from long-running U.N. talks aimed at forging a global deal on climate change, amid a grinding standoff with the United States. The latest round of negotiations in the Chinese city of Tianjin ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Very Mary-Kate ReturnsElaine Carroll returns as everyone's favorite Olsen twin.
- "Toy Grit" Mashup TrailerTrue Grit meets Toy Story.
- Wes Anderson's Stella Artois CommercialWes Anderson and Roman Coppola team up for beer commercial.
- Mobile Location Services Aren't Only About Checkin ...Don't just check-in; check out these location-based guides for your smartphone
- Everything Explained through Flowcharts Is a Hilar ...Some of life’s decisions--like which salad dressing to choose--are too hard to make on one’s own.
Time - Top Stories
- How to Deal With Terrorist Hostages: Rescue or Ran ...African and Arab governments are proposing an international ban on ransom payments -- and putting E.U. nations in a bind
- Fred Davis: Republican Political-Ad Guru Grabs Att ...Political spots have taken a strange and entertaining turn now that Fred Davis, a guy based in Hollywood with a penchant for animals and inflatable heads, has become the go-to Republican adman
- Protests, Work Stoppages Over France's Union Pensi ...Unions threaten daily protests over pension reform
- Judge Strikes Down 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'The federal judge who ruled the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy unconstitutional last month ordered the U.S. military to stop kicking openly gay men and women out of uniform Tuesday.
- Wall Street DÉjÀ Vu: Slumping Profits, B ...When it comes to bonuses, Wall Street is stuck in the hot tub time machine
Washington Independent
- Groups Criticize ICE for Slow Movement on Detentio ...I missed this last week, but three immigrant rights groups came out with a report last Wednesday grading Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s progress on its promised reform of the immigrant detention system. The main problem, according to critics of the system, is that detention centers are too mu ...
- New ‘Super PAC’ Comes Out Swinging in ...A new committee called Alaskans Standing Together is providing some major help to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) in her longshot write-in bid for re-election. The group filed last month with the FEC as a ”Super PAC” — the new name for political action committees that have declared their intention t ...
- Which Side Will Get the Blame for the Failure of I ...Adam Serwer has an interesting piece at The American Prospect breaking down the debate over how to reform immigration and explaining how both Republicans and Democrats get it wrong with regard to Latino voters. It’s worth reading the whole thing, but I’ll paraphrase a few main points: Republicans ha ...
- Florida AG Weighs In on Foreclosure MoratoriumEarlier today, the White House reiterated that it opposes a blanket moratorium on foreclosures, preferring to work with servicers and lenders to sort out the mortgage paperwork fiasco while letting the 50 state attorneys general file charges, if they see fit. (There is no federal regulator of mortga ...
- Running the Numbers on Offshore Drilling Inspector ...Here’s one interesting tidbit from today’s conference call on the deepwater drilling moratorium. Even though the administration has decided to lift the moratorium, the Interior Department has not yet hired new inspectors to look at rigs in the Gulf. Michael Bromwich, head of the newly formed Bureau ...
Digg Green
- Cancer-fighting bra? Despite a push by one company to promote a bra it claims deflects radiation, thus fighting cancer, it appears that -- it might just work like plain old underwear.
- Google to Sink Big Bucks in Massive Offshore ...Google has committed to a 37.5 percent stake in the initial development stage of the 350-mile Atlantic Wind Connection project, an ambitious proposal to build an offshore wind installation in the Atlantic Ocean that would deliver power to approximately 1.9 million households.
- Aspiring Billionaire? Ted Turner Advocates Cl ...Since the early 1970s, Turner has stepped into the international spotlight with one accomplishment after another.He now dedicates his time and resources to making the world a better, safer place for future generations through the Turner Foundation, the United Nations Foundation, the Nuclear Thr ...
- How GM Didn't 'Lie' About The Volt, And Why T ...You may have seen this morning's media frenzy about General Motors' "lie" about the Volt's ability to directly drive the wheels with its range-extending gasoline engine. What you may not know is that the publications screaming "lie!" are doing little more than running self-serving, tabloid-wort ...
- Nebraska Landowners Won't Make Way for Oil Sa ...TransCanada is proposing to bury a pipeline for heavy crude four feet deep through a fragile, stunning and wondrous ecosystem that draws tourists eager to witness the migration of massive numbers of sandhill cranes, nourishes crops in a state where agriculture is king and provides drinking wate ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Suspended Waterfalls and Constipated CloudsBy Les Visible We need to remember, when opposition is as great as what I have only superficially outlined today, we must be doing something useful, because everything else is not only useless but malefic or else… you’re cruising on the Titanic and the iceberg is still enroute. We need to remember t ...
- John Lennon – Assassinated
- Aid worker Linda Norgrove may have been killed by ...By Paul Owen, Richard Norton-Taylor, Haroon Siddique and agencies British aid worker Linda Norgrove may have been killed by a grenade thrown by US troops trying to rescue her from Taliban kidnappers in Afghanistan, David Cameron said today. The prime minister announced that a full UK-US investigatio ...
- Video – Worker at water plant films Sodium ...Workers at a US water treatment plant were amazed and disgusted at what they were expected to mix in to the domestic tap water supply in their region. So much so they refused to add it and released footage of it. Ask yourself if it’s just mere co-incidence that fluoride was first used in Stalin’s [. ...
- An Open Letter to Dr. Michael Mannby Willis Eschenbach Dear Dr. Mann: I just read your piece in the Washington Post. First, let me say that I disagree entirely with Cuccinelli’s legalistic approach. It doesn’t seem like the right way to achieve the desired result, that of shining the merciless light of publicity on your actions. On ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- The Prop. 19 Battle Lines Are Drawn: Will Californ ...Prop. 19 would make California the first state to legalize marijuana.
- Taxation and Regulation Might Not Be Fun to Talk A ...It's time to end the legal harassment, discrimination, and criminal prosecution of adult marijuana users in California simply because they are healthy -- Prop 19 will do that.
- Pot Legalization in CA Polling Over 50% -- This Th ...Everyone from former law officers to single parents and young adults are pushing for California to legalize pot this November.
- As Local Criminals Attempt to Take Advantage of La ...Two suspected 17-year-old kidnappers were grabbed by an angry mob and beaten to death.
- Prop. 19 Offers Major Potential for Some Cancer Pa ...Tens of thousands of sick people throughout California find relief from scores of ailments by using cannabis because this plant has so many healing qualities.
Twilight Earth
- Republican Clouds (cartoon)Obama announced recently that he plans to add solar panels to the White House. I can’t see anyone or anything standing in the way. White House gets into 10/10/10 spirit with solar-panel plan Obama: âNo industry with more potential to create jobs now than clean energyâ Follow Joe Mohrâs cart ...
- Big Oil and Big Coal’s Favorite Toy (cartoon)Find me a liberal in the Big Coal and/or Oil biz and I’ll never draw another cartoon again! Republican governor candidates deny climate change On climate change, it’s the Republicans versus reality Follow Joe Mohrâs cartoonery at JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons Related p ...
- Wrong Way for Right WhalesMysterious whale die-off is largest on record Gandhi quotes Follow Joe Mohrâs cartoonery at JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons Related posts:Dances With the Moon: Earth Day is Coming! Can’t Spell HATE Without T-E-A (cartoon) Tea Partiers and Suicide Bombers (cartoon) ...
- Can’t Spell HATE Without T-E-A (cartoon)Opposition to health care reform, threats of holy book burning, anti-immigration legislation, opposition to gay marriage, and the growing influence of the horrifically xenophobic Hate-Everyone-Not-Like-Me Party…WOW! Is this 2010 or 1810??? We are on a fast track to SCARY!!! These hate-children of P ...
- Frankenfish Should be OK Because of BPA (cartoon)Bill McKibbenâs New Book: The Old Economy is Killing the Earth; Itâs Time for a New Living Economy Don’t Let Experimental Genetically Engineered Salmon Reach Your Plate Follow all of Mean Joe Green’s environmental cartoons on JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons. Related post ...
- Enter the 2011 Metropolis Next Gen Design Competit ...Calling all eco designers, sustainable builders, and green architects! Our friends at Metropolis Magazine recently launched their 2011 Next Generation Design Competition, and we’re thrilled to announce that this year’s challenge is to create a zero environmental footprint for a GSA office building ...
- Electric Concept Car Travels by Land, Sea and AirCan you imagine being able to drive your car to the airport, fly it over water and then land it on a faraway island? Well, designer Phil Pauley proposes a vehicle that can do all three. The Halo Intersceptor is a concept electric vehicle based on one car that can couple with several different attach ...
- DesignWeek LA 2010 Kicks Off This Week!Heads up Los Angeles design fans! DesignWeek LA is currently in full swing, bringing an explosion of design events to the greater Los Angeles area. The event runs straight through Sunday and the full list of events can be found on the DesignWeek LA website. We’ve also rounded up a list of must-see ...
- Clif Bar HQ to Get Largest Smart Solar Array in No ...Your next Clif Bar may be produced by the sun now that the food manufacturer is installing the biggest smart solar array in North America. The 530 kilowatt array, which is currently under construction at Clif Bar’s new Emeryville, California headquarters, features over 1,900 Suntech 270 watt solar ...
- Rainbow Floor Mat Made From Recycled Measuring Tap ...Looking for an eco-friendly floor mat that’s yards ahead of the competition? Then here’s the mat for the job! Woven from recycled tape measures, this colorful floor cover is tough and easy to clean. Plus, it’s a fresh alternative to boring black or grey rubber floor coverings. + Recycled Tape Meas ...
Pogue's Posts
- How Do You Test a Battery?Help David Pogue design a protocol for testing the battery life of a smartphone running Flash videos.
- Testing Videos on Cellphones - With FlashFlash on Android cellphones makes a world of watchable content available. Except for Hulu videos.
- Verizon Comes CleanVerizon acknowledges its $2 accidental-key-press problem on mobile phones - the same problem it denied last December.
- A Camera's Lens Isn't Its Most Important PartIn a digital world, the camera's sensor and the software take on greater importance.
- Why Credit Cards?Instead of credit cards, why not transfer the money directly between purchaser and provider?
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Exoplanet Wars: “First Habitable World” May Not Ex ...The first exoplanet discovered in the habitable zone could be a mirage, according to reports from an exoplanet meeting yesterday. A second team of astronomers couldn’t find the planet in their data. The long-sought planet, dubbed Gliese 581g, was detected using a combination of 122 observations ove ...
- Citizen Science: Trawl World War I Navy Records fo ...A new crowdsourced science project called Old Weather lets you look through handwritten ship captains’ logs from the early 20th century and help build better climate models at the same time. The project was launched Oct. 12 by the Zooniverse, the citizen-science powerhouse behind Galaxy Zoo and Moo ...
- Giant Pterosaurs Could Fly 10,000 Miles NonstopPITTSBURGH — Predating jet travel by at least 65 million years wasn’t a problem for the biggest pterosaurs. These prehistoric creatures might have been able to fly up to 10,000 miles nonstop, according to research presented Oct. 10 at the annual meeting of the Society for Vertebrate Paleontology. T ...
- Bonobo Females Handier With Tools Than MalesA new study of tool use in bonobos suggests females of this great ape species are handier than males. That’s also been seen in chimpanzees, but it was thought that chimps could be an aberration. Instead, the new study hints suggests that female-driven technological innovation could be the norm in h ...
- World’s Most Powerful Laser on Target for Awesome ...Scientists recently pulled together the pieces of the world’s most powerful laser and, in a first-ever complete dry run, pulled the trigger on a peppercorn-sized pellet of nuclear fuel. The energy crushed the capsule instantly, causing it to spew a shower of neutrons. In short: It worked. The firin ...
The Progressive Realist
- Strategy and the Scarcity of Human AttentionThe Australian surveys the vast military resources under the authority of US Pacific Command chief Admiral Bob Willard, the most important of America’s military proconsuls. Spencer Ackerman comments : tâs a reminder that the U.S.âs most important long-term commercial and security interests are f ...
- The al-Qosi Plea DealMarcy Wheeler points to an article from Al-Arabiya's Muna Shikaki , who reports that Osama bin Laden 's former cook, Ibrahim al-Qosi , who was the fourth person convicted by military commission in the system's history, has been moved into isolation in defiance of an alleged plea deal and the judge's ...
- Ahmadinejad Visits Lebanon to Thaw Relations with ...As international pressure on Iran continues to take its toll on the Islamic Republic, Iran has begun a quiet yet sweeping campaign to ease relations with Arab nations. In recent months, the number of diplomatic visits by Iranian diplomats and officials to Arab nations has dramatically increased, as ...
- In Iran, Film Festivals Become Political Battlefie ...The celebration of the 14th Festival of Iranian Cinema, started on September 14th, has been the source of tensions between the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and a number of well-known actors and directors. Famous figures in Iran’s film industry wore green in a show of support for Iran’s o ...
- Dick Cheney Defends Torture Because of Terrorist N ...Like the Crypt Keeper, Dick Cheney can't resist arising from his coffin to warn us about Teh Terrorist Threat and why the CheneyBush administration was correct in torturing Muslims who were alleged to be planning for our demise. It's all because these terrorists - who show the sophistication to use ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Happiness Is a Warm Gun.I think the issue of assigning blame to media personalities for encouraging violent acts is actually simple to understand. Everyone knows that as long as you're not directly advocating violence, there will never be sufficient evidence that you did so. In Glenn Beck 's case, I have no idea whether h ...
- DADT Enforcement Suspended.A federal judge in California has issued an injunction on the enforcement of "don't ask, don't tell." We'll have more to say later, but in the meantime, read Paul Waldman on why the public no longer supports DADT and Gabriel Arana on how the law never protected soldiers. --The Editors
- The Little Picture: Oktoberfest.(Flickr/ Reinhold Beringer ) Oktoberfest. On this day in 1810, the first Oktoberfest was held in Munich, Germany.
- Amy Wax and One of Her False Assertions.You've probably already seen Adam's Bloggingheads with Amy Wax , a law professor from the University of Pennsylvania, arguing over whether the focus on the struggles African Americans face is misplaced. As Jamelle already pointed out , she conveniently ignores the impact that government programs ...
- Getting Beyond HypocrisyI've often lamented, right here on TAPPED, the degree to which campaigns ignore the stuff government actually does (so-called policy) and obsess over the "character" of candidates, focusing on questions like which one is the bigger liar or who loves America more. These things are largely irrelevant ...
- Brazil Rises on the World Stage as Election of Fir ...NIKOLAS KOZLOFF FOR BUZZFLASH/TRUTHOUT An economic and social powerhouse, Brazil has burst forth on to the world stage with such tenacious drive and determination that observers may indeed wonder what sort of political impact the South American giant will have upon the wider region in the coming yea ...
- O’Donnell Blames The “Liberal Media” For “Characte ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH The main thing here that does Manage to fascinate Is if you lack character, what’s Left to assassinate? read more
- The People of Afghanistan Celebrate Life Just as W ...SANTWANA DASGUPTA FOR BUZZFLASH/TRUTHOUT From Kabul “Islam is a great religion” appears to be the mantra of the day, mouthed by many, including a variety of world leaders. It has since occurred to me that the constant parroting “Islam is a great religion” in some convoluted fashion contributes ...
- The Nazi Virus and Human ExperimentationBOB KOEHLER FOR BUZZFLASH I call it the Nazi virus. Even as we were prosecuting Nazis at Nuremberg for their barbaric behavior, including their notorious medical experiments on death camp inmates, we were, it turns out, conducting our own medical experiments on a vulnerable and unsuspecting popu ...
- GOP Candidate for Governor of New York: Porn Good; ...BARBARA'S BUZZ FROM ATLANTA http://www.mediaite.com/ online/carl-paladino-attacks- gays-children-shouldnt-be- brainwashed-into-homosexualty/ http://www.mediaite.com/ online/carl-paladino-tells- alan-colmes-sending- bestiality-emails-is-only- human/ "Carl Paladino Attacks Gays: Children Shouldn't Be ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- They hate us for our occupationsA new study by a University of Chicago professor reveals the obvious about what actually causes terrorism
- Collapsing Empire watchThe U.S. now ranks 49th in the world in life expectancy
- Professional Leftist Michael Hayden praises Obama' ...Democrats were once inflamed by Bush policies in these areas yet now are largely indifferent. What explains that?
- More terrorism fear-mongering exposed as frivolousThe claims that Terrorist trials in New York would endanger Americans has been exposed as a sham
- Opposition to the rule of lawThose claiming that terrorists don't belong in court -- because some might win -- reject basic American justice
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Blue skies science, pie in the sky?Lucy Marcus is the Founder and CEO of Marcus Venture Consulting, Ltd, a company that endeavours to foster sustainable success for funding organisations. She is non-executive chair of the Mobius Life Sciences Fund and chair of the audit committee for BioCity Nottingham. As the Science is Vital campai ...
- Science is vitalMore news that proves science is vital: Is your dog a "bowl half full" kind of dog" – Dogs are either optimists or pessimists, according to a new study that helps explain why some dogs are less than calm when you leave them alone. They see the bowl as half empty rather than half full. [...] Science ...
- Unlocking nano secretsAn open or shut case for nanotechnology secrets Should nanotechnology R&D be more open to allow it to thrive in the commercial world, or should companies working in this field be more secretive? Paradoxically, the answer seems to be that keeping secrets stifles innovation and reduces patent success. ...
- Current science newsA few grabs from the current science news: My interview with Lucy Marcus on funding blue skies research – My interview with Lucy Marcus on why blue skies research should receive continued funding is now online in The Euroscientist magazine Tabloid reporting goes pear-shaped – The newspapers have ext ...
- Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2010Watch the announcement of the 2010 Nobel Prize for Chemistry live: Winners: Heck, Negishi, Suzuki – carbon coupling (real chemistry). Three chemical reactions of major importance. Given that a chemical won the Physics prize this year, perhaps it will be something entirely physical that wins chemistr ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Equality California Praises Federal Court “Don't A ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 12, 2010 EQCA U.S. District Court Judge Virginia Phillips has issued an injunction ending enforcement of the discriminatory federal policy barring gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. In September, Judge Phillips ruled that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ...
- Judge Halts Enforcement of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 12, 2010 People for the American Way A federal judge in California today ordered the military to immediately stop enforcing the discriminatory Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. The Obama Administration has 60 days to appeal the ruling. Michael B. Keegan, President of Peo ...
- Kent State Tribunal Hears New Forensic Evidence of ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 12, 2010 Kent State Truth Tribunal The Kent State Truth Tribunal this weekend heard testimony from forensic audio scientist Stuart Allen that establishes clear orders to shoot live ammunition at unarmed protesting students by the Ohio National Guard. The tape also revea ...
- Obama Is Reckless and Misguided to Allow Deepwater ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 12, 2010 Public Citizen The Obama administration’s plan to allow oil companies to resume deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is misguided and reckless. We still have no way to address a catastrophic blowout in deep water, either by stemming the flow of oil or fi ...
- Supreme Court Will Not Yet Hear Case Of Denver Res ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 12, 2010 ACLU The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear a case brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of two Denver residents who were ejected from a speech by President Bush in 2005 for arriving in a car with a bumper sticker that read "No More B ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Former Guantánamo Prisoner, Tortured by Al-Qaeda a ...by Andy Worthington Last June, in the District Court in Washington D.C., a ruling was delivered on the habeas corpus petition of a Syrian prisoner in Guantánamo, Abdul Rahim al-Janko (also identified as Abdul Rahim al-Ginco), which exemplified all that was wrong with the Bush administration’s detent ...
- The Persistence of Resistanceby Jamal Elshayyal Ismail Nashwan recalls the events of May 31 as if it were yesterday. The moment masked Israeli commandos brought death aboard the Mavi Marmara as it attempted to break the siege on Gaza. But despite the near-death experience and spending time in an Israeli jail at 81-years-young, ...
- American Science’s Racist History Still Haunts the ...by Michelle Chen Early in America’s crusade to spread the wonders of modern medicine, a group of researchers in Guatemala did something unspeakable in the name of science. Documentation of the project is just now coming to light, more than 60 years later, and it reads like a ...
- Meg Whitman Reaps What Pete Wilson Sowedby Joseph Nevins The controversy surrounding California Republican gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman's employment of Nicky Diaz Santillan, an unauthorized immigrant housekeeper, is the latest in what has become a staple of U.S. politics. Since the early 1990s, hardly a political season has gone by w ...
- What If It Doesn’t Get Better? Queer and Aborigin ...Laurel Dykstra My mother says that when I was born she was given more tiny dresses than I could ever wear because they didn't have flowers at her father's funereal and, "people wanted to do something." My grandfather was a suicide. Sometime in the months between my conception and birth he walked the ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- China, Pakistan and the war for "Pipelineistan"By Steve Hynd I heartily recommend Pepe Escobar's piece China's Pipelineistan "War" over at Mother Jones today. Not only is it an informative read, but it also opens up questions about US threats to take the Af/Pak war fully into Pakistan. Would China stand idly by? Not likely. Here's an extended ex ...
- The Next Escalation Of A Failed War - Into Pakista ...By Steve Hynd It is a central tenet of counter-insurgency operations that they cannot be successful while the insurgents have a safe haven to operate from. It seems logical on the face of it, but from Laos to Cambodia to Afghanistan - in every situation where those safe havens exist aplenty in a hos ...
- P.M. Cameron Sidesteps British Law On Norgrave Dea ...By Steve Hynd From the New York Times: Prime Minister David Cameron said Monday that a British aid worker killed in an American rescue raid in Afghanistan last week may have been killed by a grenade detonated by a United States special forces unit — not by her Taliban captors, as the American comman ...
- Crumbs and insurance fraudBy Dave Anderson: The US supply line from Karachi to Peshwar through the Khyber Pass and onto Kabul is a gravy train. Everyone makes money on it. Truck owners and drivers have a deep-pocket bidder, security guards have plenty of work, peddlers have consistent traffic, whores have new drivers, the Pa ...
- Year Ten: Over 60% Of Afghans Suffer Mental Illnes ...By Steve Hynd If I were a well-known "progressive" military fanboy blogger, I would have titled this post something like "This is the Happy House" or "Welcome To My Nightmare" and topped the post with some belittling and mostly inappropriate music video to prove how switched on and hip I am. I'm not ...
Water Wars
- Water supply woesDuring the Tampa Bay water wars of the 1990s, one Pinellas County commissioner famously announced, "Keep the Suwannee River cold, because we're coming for it."
- What's happenin'• The Montana Tech Peace Seekers Club will show “Blue Gold: World Water Wars,” at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Butte Public Library. The film won the best environmental film award at the Vancouver Int
- Water supply woesDuring the Tampa Bay water wars of the 1990s, one Pinellas County commissioner famously announced, "Keep the Suwannee River cold, because we're coming for it."
- Southwest Montana SnapshotsDocumentary on water wars shown Tuesday at library
- Peru water wars threaten agricultural export boomICA (Peru), Sept 10 — The World Bank, which has lent millions of dollars to turn Peru’s fragile desert coast into verdant farmland, has stumbled into a film noir scene straight out of Roman Polanski’s “Chinatown” about the violent water wars of 1930s Los Angeles. When a World Bank employee went in A ...
WordPress | Economics
- The Specter of Protectionism! Death of the Gold St ...This is a good overview of monetary history from the Great Depression of 1929 till today. What is ce
- El Chorrilloyour tears are felt like polluted drops from the dark pillows of that which seems to be sleeping y
- The Tea Party Patriots--Libertarians or Ruling Cla ...Glenn Beck Part 1 – The Libertarian Hour 10/12/2010 Â Glenn Beck Part 2 – The Libertaria
- Irrational IrritationAccording to at least one commentator “everybody, everywhere” is “upset over the economy.” It may be
- Economic forecastingAll the major financial institutions employ highly-paid economic analysts, who often appear in the m
Electronic Intifada
- EU police mission complicit in Israeli, PA rights ...Rather than help nurture institutions for a future Palestinian state, a much-vaunted EU police training mission in the West Bank acts as a proxy for the Israeli occupation ...
- Alvin Ailey: don't dance around Israeli apartheidThe Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) is deeply disturbed by news reports that your company plans to participate, later this mont ...
- Israel's other "peace" plan: arm-twisting ObamaRather than investing wasted energy in doomed talks, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators appear to be adopting the same alternative strategy: cutting a deal directly with W ...
- Trying to watch the stars in the Palestinian deser ...The Electronic Intifada contributor Sarah Irving recounts an attempt to enjoy the Palestinian night sky despite the obstacles of the occupation.
- In south Lebanon, tourism develops despite threat ...KHIAM, Lebanon (IPS) - The contours of a modern medieval castle stretch along the Wazzani River delineating Lebanon's border with Israel. A few meters away from the United ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Plane crashes into Kabul mountainsA cargo plane has crashed into the mountains outside Kabul, killing all seven people on board.
- Karzai plans to bribe TalibanThe Afghanistan government is already in talks with the Taliban over a possible reconciliation.
- Afghan president confirms his talks with TalibanAfghan President Hamid Karzai has confirmed that talks with the Taliban will continue.
- Explosion aboard NATO chopper kills one in Afghani ...One person was killed and eight injured Tuesday in an explosion aboard a military helicopter in eastern Afghanistan, NATO said in a statement.
- NATO endorses Afghan govt's bid for peace acc ...The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has endorsed the Afghan government's attempt to strike a peace accord with the Taliban rebels to end a war, which is now in its tenth year, a news channel has reported.
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
on Government Oversight
- Mutual Back Scratching Between Veterans Affairs Ap ...Last week Bloomberg broke the news that the top Department of Veterans Affairs health care appointee is being investigated by Senator Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, for his cozy ties to Medtronic, the world’s largest medical device maker. In the two years...
- Morning Smoke: Whistleblowers, Wake-Up Calls, and ...Judge dismisses suit by Lockheed whistle-blower over F-35 software by Bob Cox [The Fort Worth Star-Telegram] Whistle. Then Worry and Wait. by Edward Wyatt [The New York Times] GTSI suspension a wake-up call: Experts ask if more will follow by...
- Pentagon Action Against Lockheed Part of Larger Cr ...Over the last few days, word got out that defense industry giant Lockheed Martin has lost government approval for its cost and schedule tracking systems on the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) and F-16 programs. The Pentagon has said problems with...
- Senate Report Says ArmorGroup Funded Warlords In B ..."Money is ammunition; don't put it in the wrong hands," Gen. David Petraeus warned in an August memo that gave counterinsurgency (COIN) guidance. But apparently the U.S. government is doing just that. Yesterday, the Senate Armed Services Committee released a...
- Morning Smoke: Senate Committee Finds Guards at U. ...Taliban Allies, Warlord Flunkies Guard U.S. Bases by Spencer Ackerman [Danger Room] Air Force report says V-22 has design flaw by Bob Cox [Sky Talk] Just How Much Did the Feds Screw Up Gulf Spill Estimates? by Kate Sheppard [Mother...
Digital Journal
- Canada's UN fiascoIn what may be considered a serious diplomatic blow, Canada has withdrawn from the contest to have a seat on the prestigious security council of the United Nations.
- Canada loses seat on United Nations Security Counc ...For the first time in the history of the United Nations Canada has lost it's seat on the United Nations Security Council. A disgraceful and embarrassing indictment of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's foreign policy in the eyes of the world.
- Artist photographs eternal McDonald's Happy Meal a ...A Manhattan artist photographed McDonald's Happy Meal everyday for six months. Surprisingly, the Happy Meal did not decay or decompose for six months and looked as fresh as the day it was ordered at a McDonald's location.
- Vancouver: Public forum on maternal healthMaternal health is a big issue around the world especially in developing countries. But developed countries like Canada are paying more and more attention to it too.
- Al Qaeda issues magazine on terror tactics, sugges ...Seeking more widespread media attention, Al Qaeda has issued an instruction manual for U.S. operatives on how to maximize casualties in attack tactics.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- A Homeless Family Finds a Community on TwitterI'll start at the beginning. Although this interview was taped in Dayton, Nevada, I first meet Kerry and his family months ago on Twitter. Kerry uses the handle @alleycat22469 , his wife Sabrina is @bully_lover78 and their 13-year-old son is @keifer1122 . As I think about this family I get emotio ...
- Kermit Speaks Up About Homelessness: An Interview ...Last week Kermit the Frog became an unexpected mascot-of-sorts for the ongoing conversation about ending homelessness. Sky Soleil, a Los Angeles-based performer, received a tremendous amount of online attention when he posted a video on YouTube of an impressive puppet lip dub featuring two Kermit pu ...
- Hate Crimes Follow Local Laws That Criminalize Hom ...When cities and towns enact laws that prohibit loitering, panhandling, camping, eating in public or otherwise make it a crime to be homeless, the justification is often that public safety benefits. As it turns out, violent crimes against homeless people are more common in areas that criminalize home ...
- How Did You Observe World Homeless Day?Yesterday was the first ever " World Homeless Day ," a day of activism in recognition of the continuing problem of worldwide homelessness. It was an international grassroots event, but the focus was on local measures . After all, if every community wiped out its unique "homeless problem," there woul ...
- The End of D.C.'s Political Tent CityYou may be wondering what has become of the tent city that was erected in July on a vacant lot owned by the D.C. government ( and the citizens of the District ) called Parcel 42 . Well, after three months, it has been shut down by city officials. This action was part of a national effort to bring at ...
- Canada’s loss at the UN - What’s your reaction?UN members denied Canada a coveted seat at the UN Security Council Tuesday. In a last ditch effort to avoid a complete defeat, Canada withdrew its bid before what was expected to be a complete drumming by member states as support swung to Portugal over Canada. At home, the Stephen Harper’s governme ...
- No seat at the table for Harper foreign policyPrime Minister Stephen Harper came into office vowing to “bring Canada back as a credible player on the world stage“. Today in New York, however, Canada’s chance to play a role at the UN Security Council came to an abrupt end when UN members considered the record of his government and voted to giv ...
- Steven Staples on Canada’s secret military base fi ...
- Communist Chinese threaten VietnamU.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is visiting Vietnam to discuss how to respond to the actions of an “increasingly assertive China” in the region (Thom Shanker, “In Vietnam, Gates Faces Balancing Act With Assertive China,” New York Times, 10 October 2010): Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates land ...
- Canada part of a new nuclear disarmament initiativ ...In late September, Canada joined with nine other countries to form the Cross-Regional Group on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, a group of countries that seeks to bring new life to nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament efforts (”Germany joins new international initiative for nuclear disarmamen ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-12-10Today, back LIVE in the studio, Kevin reveals vital information behind the corruption within the banking industry and exactly how town hall meetings are 100% complete scams! Plus, be the first to know about Kevin’s newest product line that will absolutely revolutionize the health industry! Self Help ...
- Wall Street Pay to Hit Record High This YearOctober 12th, 2010 Daily Finance By: Melly Alazraki Pay on Wall Street is on pace to break a record high for a second consecutive year, according to a study conducted by The Wall Street Journal, growing 4% in 2010 at nearly three dozen of the top financial institutions. The 35 top publicly held secu ...
- Foreclosures Go From Sluggish to FrozenOctober 11th, 2010 Housing Watch By: Alec Foege Before four leading banks suspended foreclosures due to improper approvals, the process was already bogged down in the 23 states that require a judge to sign off on all foreclosure cases. In those states, the housing recovery has faltered, some economi ...
- Blue Buffalo Dog Food RecalledOctober 12th, 2010 WebMD By: Daniel J. DeNoon The Blue Buffalo Company Ltd. is recalling several lots of its “Blue” brand dog food, which may have excessive amounts of vitamin D. So far 36 dogs have had symptoms, which include lethargy, unusually frequent water consumption and urination, and, in som ...
- Stop Drinking Diet Coke Glenn Beck!October 9th, 2010 InfoWars.com By: Kurt Nimmo On Friday, Glenn Beck announced on his radio show that he will be taking a brief leave of absence for medical reasons. “There is something wrong with my voice, and we’re not sure what it is,” Beck said, according to a transcript on his website. “They’re ...
Pambazuka News
- Black Congress to convene in D.C. to set black age ...As criticisms of President Obama’s war and economic policies mount, the group that first questioned his intentions regarding the concerns of the black community is holding a national Congress to define a black agenda to serve the interests of black p...
- Haiti: Women demand role in reconstructionWomen's civil society groups were noticeable by their absence from the landmark Haiti donor conference on 31 March, which secured pledges of US$5.3 billion over the next two years to support the country’s post-quake recovery. Their lack of a presenc...
- African diplomats reject anti-Cuba resolution pass ...The ambassador of the Republic of Congo to Cuba, Pascal Onguemby, rejected the lies included in an anti-Cuba resolution recently approved by the European Parliament. Addressing participants in the inauguration of the Eleventh International Conference...
- USA: Black coalition to protest expanding U.S. war ...A newly-formed Black coalition has announced a rally and march on the White House to take place November 7, 2009 beginning in Washington, D.C.’s historic Malcolm X Park. The rally and march are to protest the expanding U.S. wars and other policy ini...
- Brazil: Bloggers on why there is still racism in t ...Two weeks ago, Global Voices Online reported the story of Januário Alves de Santana, a black man who had been beaten and punched by security guards of one of the largest international retailers in Brazil. He was waiting for his family in the car park...
War in Context
- Might the US be holding a fugitive Mossad agent in ...Eight months after the murder of the Hamas commander, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, in Dubai, two reports in the last few days present intriguingly contradictory pictures. First came a Wall Street Journal report on Friday with the headline, “In Global Hunt for Hit Men, Tantalizing Trail Goes Cold.” The Jour ...
- Israel is ceasing to be a Jewish state and turning ...Carlo Strenger has an interesting op-ed in Haaretz. It’s worth reading the whole piece (part of which appears below). Comments of mine follow. There is nothing left to say about how bad, harmful and useless the new citizenship law is: Labor Party Minister Isaac Herzog has warned that it is another ...
- Pepe Escobar: Pipelineistan’s new Silk RoadReprinted with permission of TomDispatch.com Back before email, a world traveler who wanted to keep in touch and couldn’t just pop into the nearest Internet café might drop you a series of postcards from one exotic locale after another. Pepe Escobar, that edgy, peripatetic globe-trotting reporter f ...
- Pamela Geller’s English friends — Islamophobes uni ...Pamela Geller — “hate monger and anti-mosque queen bee,” as she has been dubbed by Charles Johnson at the conservative blog where she got her start — has “helped bring into the mainstream a concept that after 9/11 percolated mainly on the fringes of American politics: that terrorism by Muslims sprin ...
- Tea Party teaming up with English fascistsThe Observer reports: The English Defence League, a far-right grouping aimed at combating the “Islamification” of British cities, has developed strong links with the American Tea Party movement. An Observer investigation has established that the EDL has made contact with anti-jihad groups within t ...
Watts Up With That?
- Population Bomb: new study discusses population im ...A new study in PNAS by O’Neill et al. (2010) describe “population shifts” as having a substantial influence upon greenhouse gas emissions. From the abstract of Global demographic trends and future carbon emission: Substantial changes in population size, age structure, … Continue reading →
- Supposed new planet 20-light years away has been u ...Another case of putting the cart before the horse when it comes to grandiose claims of scientific discovery?  According to a social networker at a Torino astrophysics conference, purported Earth-like planet Gliese 581(g) may no longer exist. However, before … Continue reading →
- Peer Reviewed Study: CO2 warming effect cut by 65% ...Estimated CO2 Warming Cut By 65% Submitted by Doug L. Hoffman, Resilient Earth via ICECAP Any competent researcher involved with the science behind climate change will admit that CO2 is far from the only influence on global climate. It has … Continue reading →
- Go Ice Go!While not hugely significant by itself, it is interesting to note that the DMI 30% Arctic extent has reached its highest number for this date, exceeding 2006. The refreeze has been very fast: Here’s the zoom: The JAXA 15% plot … Continue reading →
- Fiat LuxGuest Post by Thomas Fuller There are a lot of people concerned about the pace of innovation as it relates to climate change and energy efficiency, because of fears about global warming. Innovation has led to energy efficiency gains of … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Psywar: The Real Battlefield is the Mindhttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ denjobi | September 18, 2010 This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the “elitist theory of democracy” and the relationship between war, propaganda and class. Includes original interviews with ...
- Michael Parenti: Does Capitalism work? (2002)by Michael Parenti Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.michaelparenti.org buddhagem | August 07, 2007 The myth that capitalism works conveniently ignores reality. In this video, political scientist and activist Michael Parenti debunks this popular myth. Does Capitalism work? see Dr. Michael Parenti: ...
- The Top Censored Stories From 2009-2010The Top Censored Stories From 2009-2010 by Project Censored Global Research, October 11, 2010 Project Censored 1. Global Plans to Replace the Dollar 2. US Department of Defense is the Worst Polluter on the Planet 3. Internet Privacy and Personal Access at Risk 4. ICE Operates Secret Detention and Co ...
- Predatory Finance: The New Mode of Global Warfare ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ by Michael Hudson Global Research, October 12, 2010 “Coming events cast their shadows forward.” – Goethe What is to stop U.S. banks and their customers from creating $1 trillion, $10 trillion or even $50 trillion on their computer keyboards to buy up all the bond ...
- Why the Left Gets No Respect By Robert S. Beckerby Robert S. Becker Featured Writer Dandelion Salad rbecker@cal.net October 12, 2010 Is it a mystery why a six-pack of rightwingnuts, loonier and less qualified than the Wasilla quitter, are vying for Senate seats while the most principled Democrat, Russ Feingold, faces ruin? Hot-dogging prayer war ...
Your New Reality
- No titleRepublicans Finally Outdo Nazis For War Propaganda The 'Ground Zero Mosque' is actually one floor of an office tower, blocks away from the still empty World Trade Centre site, and the Republicans know it. But this is a religious war, after all. Note that the ad clearly states that the entire Mus ...
- No titleLife under occupation :
- No titleIf you've found your way here after listening to my 'Weird & Unusual News' spot on ABC Newcastle today, here are links to the two main stories that were discussed : 'Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard's Spiritual Day Of Reckoning On August 15' 'Five Human Senses? Actually, We Have More Than 2 ...
- No titleCreating new realities? It's the CIA's main mission, isn't it?
- No titleThis is as close to a video of an actual nightmare as I've ever seen. Chris Cunningham's Rubber Johnny : What Chris Cunningham has been working on lately : "I've been living next to the railway line for 12 years and I've become obsessed with the harmonics of the trains on the lines. "For yea ...
Wired - Science
- Exoplanet Wars: “First Habitable World” May Not Ex ...The first exoplanet discovered in the habitable zone could be a mirage, according to reports from an exoplanet meeting yesterday. A second team of astronomers couldn’t find the planet in their data. The long-sought planet, dubbed Gliese 581g, was detected using a combination of 122 observations ove ...
- Citizen Science: Trawl World War I Navy Records fo ...A new crowdsourced science project called Old Weather lets you look through handwritten ship captains’ logs from the early 20th century and help build better climate models at the same time. The project was launched Oct. 12 by the Zooniverse, the citizen-science powerhouse behind Galaxy Zoo and Moo ...
- Giant Pterosaurs Could Fly 10,000 Miles NonstopPITTSBURGH — Predating jet travel by at least 65 million years wasn’t a problem for the biggest pterosaurs. These prehistoric creatures might have been able to fly up to 10,000 miles nonstop, according to research presented Oct. 10 at the annual meeting of the Society for Vertebrate Paleontology. T ...
- Bonobo Females Handier With Tools Than MalesA new study of tool use in bonobos suggests females of this great ape species are handier than males. That’s also been seen in chimpanzees, but it was thought that chimps could be an aberration. Instead, the new study hints suggests that female-driven technological innovation could be the norm in h ...
- World’s Most Powerful Laser on Target for Awesome ...Scientists recently pulled together the pieces of the world’s most powerful laser and, in a first-ever complete dry run, pulled the trigger on a peppercorn-sized pellet of nuclear fuel. The energy crushed the capsule instantly, causing it to spew a shower of neutrons. In short: It worked. The firin ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Gush Shalom: An extreme right racist militia is ac ...Carmiel Deputy Mayor: "Carmiel is a Jewish city, plain and simple. It was founded for the purpose of Judaizing the Galilee. In my opinion it is not proper for Arab families to live here. In recent... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Jonathan Cook: Israel’s other ‘peace’ planA ghost of the Camp David talks of summer 2000 haunted the meeting of the Arab League in Libya, as its foreign ministers decided to give a little more time to the peace talks between Israel and the... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- PA adopts textbook, banned in Israel, offering bot ..."Ramallah approved the project only after PA officials read the textbook, while in Israel the book was banned even though officials in Jerusalem did not even check its contents," said one official.... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Noam Chomsky in Turkey: EU racism, Kurds, Gaza Fl ..."This is clearly a serious criminal attack," he said. "It is hijacking in international waters and there were quite brutal murders." But, although this case is more extreme than others, he said,... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, no ...
- Israeli academic: Loyalty oath resembles racist la ...Over 100 people demonstrated against loyalty oath in Tel Aviv; warn 'Israel is becoming a fascist state.' The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA website for much more...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russia loses money, reputation over S-300 sale ban ...By banning the sale of S-300 air defense missile systems to Tehran, Moscow will lose not only money, but face, a representative of Russia’s military-industrial complex said on Tuesday.
- Russia to keep on pushing for European security tr ...Russia will continue to push for a pan-European security treaty, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday after talks with his German counterpart Christian Wulff.
- Kaliningrad shipyard to build three frigates for R ...The first three frigates for Russia's Black Sea Fleet will be built at the Yantar Shipyard in the Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad, a shipyard spokesman said on Tuesday.
- Russia reveals detailed data on defense spending u ...Russia has made public for the first time in many years a detailed account of its defense spending until 2013.
- Russian Air Force to receive first Su-35 by yearen ...The Russian Defense Ministry will receive its first Su-35 fighter plane by the end of the year, Russia's Sukhoi Aircraft Design Bureau said on Monday.
- Diagnosing Autism with MRI Is One Step CloserUniversity of Utah (U of U) medical researchers have made an important step in diagnosing autism through using MRI, an advance that eventually could help health care providers identify the problem much earlier in children and lead to improved treatment and outcomes for those with the disorder.
- Forget the Coppertone: Water Fleas in Mountain Pon ...Water fleas from clear-water alpine ponds are better able to withstand UV radiation, even with little natural protection, than fleas in nearby ponds with water that isn't as clear.
- Penn's Abramson Cancer Center Hailed as "Exception ...The University of Pennsylvania's Abramson Cancer Center has been rated as "exceptional" by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) during a competitive research funding review by the government agency.
- Despite Brain Damage, Working Memory Functions - W ...Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, led by Larry R. Squire, PhD, professor of psychiatry, psychology and neurosciences at UC San Diego and a scientist at the VA San Diego Healthcare System, report that working memory of relational information - where an object ...
- Midterm Elections: Young Voters Lack Interest, Wan ...Analysis by American U students finds young voters diverge from older voters in government size, other areas.
Natural Health News
- 10 Things You Didn't Know About SoundCNN lists 10 things about sound and health that you probably didn’t know: 1.) You are a chord. Matter is vibrating energy, which means that you a collection of vibrations, also known as a chord. 2.) You are healthy when that chord is in complete harmony. �Socrates said that: "Rhythm and harmony fi ...
- How to Brand a Disease -- and Sell a CureThe manner in which prescription drugs are marketed today can be readily understood if you read the 1928 book, "Propaganda," by Edward Bernays, the father of PR. �Bernays knew that public relations business was less about selling things than about creating the conditions for things to sell themselve ...
- Why Some Doctors Have Stopped Getting MammogramsA recent study from Norway reviewed the histories of 40,000 women with breast cancer.� It concluded that 2,500 women would need to do a mammogram to prevent one death from breast cancer.� What’s more, 10 women out of those 2,500 will get an incorrect cancer diagnosis based on the mammogram, and will ...
- Waking Up is Hard to Do5 Minnesota anesthetists show off their singing skills.
- Comic KittiesSometimes cats are funny just by being cats.
- The Republican Right's Mad Tea PartyIt has gone beyond referring to the rabidly self-righteous group as the Tea Party. This is something out of Lewis Carroll. Call it the Mad Republican Tea Party. Just when some believed that things could not get anymore weird, along comes Republican Mad Tea Party congressional candidate Rich Iott o ...
- TN Wingnuts - Islam Is Not A ReligionIt is odd for an Atheist to be defending religious freedom. I have a very negative opinion of all religion, but I have a strong, well, faith, for lack of a better word in the idea that everyone should be allowed to practice or not as they choose. Neither I nor anyone else should be the arbiter of wh ...
- R.I.P. Tony CurtisActor Tony Curtis dies at Las Vegas-area home AP, September 30, 2010 The Oscar-nominated actor died Wednesday evening of cardiac arrest at home in the Las Vegas-area city of Henderson, Clark County Coroner Mike Murphy said Thursday. He was 85. "He died peacefully here, surrounded by those who love ...
- Teen Kills Self Over Sex Tape OutingTyler Clemeti, was by all accounts a fairly shy freshman at Rutgers University. He may or may not have been gay, but we know for sure that he had at least one sexual encounter with a man. How do we know that? Well after the spy video that his roommate and another student made was released to the int ...
- The September Jobs Report & The Demise of the US E ...RTAmerica | October 08, 2010 Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. September Jobs Report Reveals America’s Emerging Third World Economy Paul Craig Roberts, October 08, 2010 For a number of years I reported on the monthly non-fa ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- Chinese Currency Manipulation and the WTOby Roger Alford If passed, the House bill, " Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act " (H.R. 2378) has all the markings of a major trade battle before the WTO. At bottom, the law requires the United States administrative agencies to treaty currency manipulation as a subsidy that would be subject to co ...
- On the Wittes/Heller Debate over Al-Aulaqiby John Dehn by John Dehn [John Dehn is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Law at the United States Military Academy. The views expressed in this post are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Defense, U.S. Army, U.S. Military Academy, or any other department ...
- No More Non-Citizen Law Clerks?by Peter Spiro by Peter Spiro That appears to be the upshot of section 704 of Public Law 111-117, a doorstop appropriations measure enacted last December: SEC. 704. Unless otherwise specified during the current fiscal year, no part of any appropriation contained in this or any other Act shall be ...
- More on the Trade in Rare Earth Elements and Natio ...by Chris Borgen by Chris Borgen A while back I wrote a sort post on the violent political economy of rare earth elements, also known as REE’s. A recent Congressional Research Service report (.pdf is here) describes the central (and until recently under-reported) role of REE’s in the modern econo ...
- The ACLU/CCR Reply Brief in Al-Aulaqi (and My Repl ...by Kevin Jon Heller You can find the brief here . I was going to write about the "political question" section, but Ben Wittes beat me to it . Here is what he says (emphasis added): Fifth, the groups’ arguments that the case does not present a political question are deeply radical and fascinat ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Conspicuous by her absenceForbes magazine today released its list of the top 100 most powerful women in the world. It features notables like Singapore's Ho Ching at #30, Finland president Tarja Halonen at #62, Icelandic leader Johanna Sigurdardottir at #80, and even reformed...
- First published review of Arthur Allan Thomas: The ...I'll add more reviews as they come in, but here's the first, courtesy of Newstalk ZB today: Books - Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story 29/09/2010 Whether you concur with Wishart or not, you need to read this book. Arthur...
- I hate Ian Wishart because...For some years now I've "enjoyed" a growing amount of internet 'hate mail' biffed my way on websites, virtually all from people I've never met and most from people who've never actually read my work themselves but who've relied on...
- Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story...a cop kill ...The new book on the Crewe murders, Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story, is finally on sale. Available from Whitcoulls, PaperPlus, Take Note, Borders, The Warehouse, Dymocks and all good independent bookstores. The radio ad is available here: ThomasBook1
- New Arthur Allan Thomas book just over a week awayLaunching 27 September...the cat will well and truly be set amongst the pigeons...
The World We Live In
- Domain Name Being ChangedSome of your might have noticed that i have not been posting for a while. It was mostly out of frustration, you see when i started this site, I figured i would use it as a space to publish information, that i felt needed more attention in our life’s. New, views or even just facts [...]
- One Facebook, Two Faces: A Piece By A Virtually De ...I had been banned from Facebook and my account had been disabled a night before Facebook was banned in Pakistan. Before all this happened, I visited the blasphemous page “Draw Muhammad Day” and the content on the page hurt me badly. Once again a certain group of westerners called it the “freedom of ...
- New Chemical Element Discovered In PakistanPakistani researchers have discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element, so far only discovered and found in Pakistan , has been named Zardarium (Symbol = Zm). It has one Presitron, 1 Priministron, 77 Ministrons, 98 deputy Ministrons, 298 National Assemblions, and 100 Senatr ...
- At least we are not DubaiWe haven’t got a lot to be thankful for these days in Pakistan. But at least we are not Dubai. Fed up with loadshedding, bombs, and TV cynicism pervading Pakistan, I recently escaped to Dubai for a holiday. Big mistake. Huge. Ten days later I returned, gasping for Karachi’s polluted, but far sweete ...
- 9/11 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests?The claim that no Arab names appeared on the flight manifests for the planes hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001 arose shortly after the terrorist attacks, and variations on the theme have persisted to this day. The claim initially arose when lists of passengers published by CNN, The Guar ...
Center for Food Safety
- Federal Court Strikes Down Ohio Ban On rBGH-Free L ...Relying on evidence of compositional differences between milk from cows treated with rbST/rbGH and milk from untreated cows, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals today struck down an Ohio state ban on labels pertaining to the use of artificial hormones in dairy products (IDFA et al v. Boggs, U.S. Cour ...
- Center for Food Safety Testifies at Congressional ...Congress Sharply Critical of USDA’s Biotech Crop Oversight Failures, Calls for New Regulations Live webcast: “Are ‘Superweeds’ an Outgrowth of USDA Biotech Policy? (Part II),” at: http://domesticpolicy.oversight.house.gov, 2pm EDT. Today the Domestic Policy Subcommittee of the House Oversight and G ...
- Thirty Eight Representatives And Senators Call On ...Over Fifty Organizations and Businesses Endorse Congressional Letters; CFS Calls upon FDA to Reject Approval of GE Salmon The Center for Food Safety applauds the 38 Representatives and Senators for requesting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) halt the approval of the long-shelved AquaBoun ...
- Federal Court Finds USDA Broke The Law In Allowing ...Court To Consider Appropriate Remedy For Industry’s Rush To Plant Monsanto’s Herbicide Resistant Crop Late yesterday, Judge Jeffrey White, federal district judge for the Northern District of California, ruled that Plaintiffs Center for Food Safety, Organic Seed Alliance, High Mowing Organic Seeds, a ...
- Misguided FDA Opposition to Labeling Could Leave P ...Recent Poll Shows 91% of Americans Oppose GE Animals; CFS calls for clear, mandatory labeling After a two-day public hearing on the approval of the first genetically engineered (GE) animal intended for human consumption, the AquAdvantage GE salmon, FDA held a public hearing today to discuss whether ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- Christopher Columbus Day Is a CrockChristopher Columbus Day Is a Crock | The Stir : "It's easy to ignore this. It was a long time ago and who doesn't like the day off? But, his crimes against humanity are not easily forgotten. In other words, we don't celebrate Adolf Hitler Day or Pol Pot Week for a reason. Here are some of the thin ...
- A Witness to Iraq’s Health Crisis: Nahoko Takato S ...A Witness to Iraq’s Health Crisis: Nahoko Takato Speaks about her Experiences as an Activist and Aid Worker in Iraq :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1] : Nahoko Takato, a Japanese aid worker, quickly developed strong connections in Ramadi ...
- Notorious Body Part Snatcher Dr. Hiss Autopsied Ra ...Notorious Body Part Snatcher Dr. Hiss Autopsied Rachel Corrie – Parts Still Missing :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1] : Sometimes, reading an article about war, I want to puke. Recovering from Max Blumenthal’s latest bombshell from Haif ...
- The Myth of the Founding FathersTom Turnipseed: The Myth of the Founding Fathers By TOM TURNIPSEED Led by Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, Tea Party worshippers of the Founding Fathers want to return to the “good ol’ days” of 1787, when most African-Americans were slaves, many poor whites were indentured servants, and women couldn’t v ...
- Defend and Free Diop!Diop Olugbala Convicted! Defend and Free Diop! PHILADELPHIA-On Tuesday, August 24, the US government gave another example of its desperation in the face of popular resistance with the conviction of Diop Olugbala in Philadelphia. Despite all the efforts to paint imperialism with a new, benign and fr ...
- Banksy Writes on Springfield’s WallsBanksy, the famous British graffiti artist and activist, created this opening sequence for The Simpsons; it is brilliant, and sobering at the same time. Of course it is overstated…that’s the heart of comedy. South Korea is prosperous in comparison even to China. But, I venture to guess that most peo ...
- More Evidence of Nuclear Cover-Up in VenezuelaPhoto by Daniella Zalcman Hugo Chavez seems to believe the clichéd proverb: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. For years there have been underreported accounts of Chavez’s collabroation with Iran’s “secret” nuclear program. Venezuela has the world’s largest uranium deposits in the mountains where ...
- Google TV Arriving SoonI am angry that the MPAA and RIAA punish the world by creating a byzantine bureaucracy in their licensing…which leaves us who live outside the US in the dark. Hopefully Google TV will figure out a way to break that. If it did, it could sweep Apple TV away completely. Related posts:Google Chrome is n ...
- La Trampa de Lobo (‘Wolf”s Trap)Photo by CescoMad President Porfirio Lobo has opened a forum to debate the now infamous constituent assembly in Honduras. His reason, this is the condition that Jose Miguel Insulza gave him for Honduras re-inclusion in the OAS. This is Machiavellian of Insulza, because should te assembly go forward, ...
- Police Protest Endangers EcuadorPhoto by philippe leroyer A protest against a congressional measure to reduce perks for Ecuadorian police escalated to a violent confrontation that threatens the stability of the South American nation. President Rafael Correa tried to quell the police force by going to their barracks to speak to the ...
Green Times
- Environmental News 12/10/2010Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
- Environmental News 11/10/2010Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
- Enjoy the marketGoing to a market is a good way to spend some spare time. Buy yourself some organic (glossary/food-drink/organic-food.html) vegetables or some oranges to make a fresh orange juice (food-drink/why-organic-juice-is-good-for-you.html). It’s also a great place to take nice colourful pictures. Picture ...
- Plastic SoupThis sticker refers to The Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the Pacific Ocean. It says: ‘In some parts of the ocean there is more plastic than plankton.’ Watch the video about the Plastic Soup (videos/plastic-soup.html) or read the article Midway to... Disposable Hell (wildlife/midway-to-disposable-h ...
- Stop Your TV Ending Up In LandfillAustralians generate 140,000 tonnes of e-waste each year. And with the rapid introduction of 3D TV, it’s likely to become an even bigger pile…
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Judge Orders Injunction on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'ShareThis Breaking: Judge Orders Injunction on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' 12 Oct 2010 A federal judge issued a worldwide injunction Tuesday stopping enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy, ending the military's 17-year-old ban on openly gay troops. U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips' land ...
- Wall Street Pay: A Record $144 BillionShareThis Wall Street Pay: A Record $144 Billion 11 Oct 2010 Pay on Wall Street is on pace to break a record high for a second consecutive year, according to a study conducted by The Wall Street Journal. About three dozen of the top publicly held securities and investment-services firms--which inclu ...
- Commonwealth Games terror threat as intelligence c ...ShareThis Commonwealth Games terror threat as intelligence chiefs warn of Mumbai style attack ahead of closing ceremony 12 Oct 2010 Indian intelligence warned today of a militant terrorist plot to attack Delhi on Thursday� during the build-up to the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games. Offici ...
- White House to Lift Ban on Deep-Water DrillingShareThis Obusha surrenders again: White House to Lift Ban on Deep-Water Drilling 12 Oct 2010 The Obama administration on Tuesday plans to announce that it is lifting the moratorium on deep-water oil drilling, after putting in place new rules intended to tighten safety. President Obama imposed the m ...
- Terror threat to restaurants as Al Qaeda calls for ...ShareThis Terror threat to restaurants as Al Qaeda calls for attacks on government workers in D.C. 11 Oct 2010 The terror group tied to the Ft. Hood killings and the Christmas Day undies airbomber urge wannabe American jihadis to open fire on crowded restaurants in the nation's capital to massacre U ...
Daily Loaf
- Big LGBT news: FL won’t appeal gay adoption ruling ...DCF won't appeal the ruling against the FL gay adoption ban, and a federal judge has ruled Don't Ask Don't Tell unconstitutional.
- Amateur food photographers, take your best shot an ...Jordan Winery is giving amateur food photographers the chance to win a line of pretty sweet-looking kitchen gadgets just for doing what they always do -- photographing their food.
- October is Fair Trade Month: Be a conscious consum ...It is also a time when many green products as well fair trade and handmade goods will be widely advertised and sold, so why not learn more about Fair Trade practices so you can become a more educated consumer?
- Harry Reid’s aide dismisses Meek dropping out rumo ...Although it’s doubtful any of this is actually positive for his chances, the Democratic party establishment is coming out strongly today in dismissing any suggestions that they’d prefer that Kendrick Meek drop out of the three way U.S. Senate race with Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist. The Daily Beas ...
- Ask Dream Momma: dreaming of a baby hippoDream Momma navigates the murky depths of a dream about a dolphin and baby hippo.
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Works in progress: the partitions of Iraq and Pale ...By Rela Mazali Works in Progress: - The partition of Palestine (most recently into Gaza Strip; East Jerusalem; West Bank) - The partition of Iraq In Iraq, the occupation is attempting “ethnic” partition. See: Statement issued this week (October 10, 2010) by the BRussels Tribunal, stating among ot ...
- “We will not be citizens of a fascist state ...From Gush Shalom October 10, 2010 A protest rally against the government’s “Loyalty Oath Bill” was held outside the Tel Aviv house where Ben-Gurion read the 1948 the Declaration of Independence. There, today, the “Declaration of Independence from Fascism” was signed. “We are citizens of the Israel w ...
- Abdallah Abu Rahmah gets one year in prison despit ...from the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee Bil’in protest organizer Abdallah Abu Rahmah was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment today, for his involvement in his village’s unarmed struggle against the wall. Abdallah Abu Rahmah was sentenced today to 12 months in prison, plus 6 month ...
- No positive evidence supporting accusations agains ...By Rela Mazali On May 8th, Jewish Peace News posted news of the arrest or, more precisely, abduction, of human rights defender Ameer Makhoul, “Director of Ittijah â The Union of Arab Community-Based Associations â ⦠in the dead of night, while he and his family slept in their home in Haifa.” ...
- Audrey Farber responds to proposed loyalty oathsby Audrey Farber A part of me wants to give at least a hesitant nod of acknowledgement to the less-extreme-right in the Knesset who recognize that there is something less-than-savory in Liebermanâs loyalty oath. In Lieberman-land, all naturalized citizens will swear loyalty to Israel as a Jewish a ...
Politics in the Zeros
- Feds order HSBC to boost money-laundering controlsBut we’ll have none of those tacky criminal indictments, just more wrist-slaps and fines. After all, we can’t be roiling the markets by implying that banksters are gangsters. Oh, wait…
- Huge protests in France. Ports shut. Millions in t ...The French protests are against government plans to raise retirement ages and privatize industry. The US needs protests like this. They are huge, broad-based, and enjoy wide support. They can and often do genuinely have a political effect.
- Federal Judge blocks military from enforcing DADTWill Obama do the right thing and support the decision? After all he did promise to end DADT. I’m not holding my breath.
- Google invests in 6 GW 350 mile offshore wind off ...Well done Google. Let’s hope the much needed project gets past the legions of NIMBYs who will surely object Inhabitat has the details.
- It’s called only class war when it’s aimed at the ...Marc Cooper I know itâs obvious. I know itâs like shooting fish in a barrel. But, for Chrissakes, why is denouncing the wealthiest for being greedy â which they areâ “class warfare” but cutting off unemployment insurance for common people, bestowing a trillion or two in tax breaks for the ri ...
- Yediot: NIS 9 million for settlement “touris ...The fact that these grants will fund highly politicized and inflammatory projects is best exemplified by the NIS 2 million slated for the “City of David” project in Silwan. This East Jerusalem settlement in the guise of an “archeological park” is at the cutting edge of efforts to insert Israelis i ...
- Yediot: Despite Berlusconi’s promises, Italy ...Paper sanctions Menahem Ganz, Yediot, September 14 2010 [page 19, Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] Rome — Half a year after returning from a visit to Israel, in the course of which Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi promised to act to reduce the volume of trade between Italy and Ira ...
- Yediot to Abe Foxman: Are we anti-Semitic too?Not exactly, but close. For those of you who have missed the latest chapter of what Matt Duss calls “the continuing attempt to redefine ‘blood libel’ as ‘saying things about Israel I don’t particularly like’”, here’s a brief: This week’s TIME Magazine cover story was a feature by Karl Vick, entitle ...
- The new frontiers of Israeli diplomacy: Lieberman ...This morning’s Israel Hayom reports: (full translated text at bottom): a decision was made that, for the first time, the Foreign Minister will address the UN General Assembly in New York at the end of the month You don’t need to be an expert to understand that this is not a very wise matching of [.. ...
- Maariv: French and American envoys working to re-s ...Maariv summarizes a news item from the Lebanese A-Safir. It’s unclear, however, whether the section on Mitchell visit is also from that source. The byline is unusual. Bardenstein is the junior diplomatic affairs correspondent and probably does not speak Arabic. Items based on direct monitoring of ...
Deadline Live
- Inflation and the Federal Reserve Fiat SystemI recently engaged in an email exchange with a reader. He was interested in finding out more information about the subjects broached in my article about the financial mess in Iceland released earlier this year. I assumed he was looking for information about central banking and told him about a book ...
- Clinton Heckled in Blue New York, Says Half of Rep ...Clinton Heckled in Blue New York, Says Half of Republicans Need Psychiatric Help
- Police: We Stand With Cop Accused Of 2 State Shoot ...October 12, 2010 News Corp
- Video: Dr. Ron Paul on Lawrence O’Donnell ...Lawrence O’Donnell proves that his new show, “The Last Word,” is just as anti-freedom as Olbermann and Maddow’s. His staff lies to Dr. Paul and asks him questions about other candidates even though he explicitly stated that he would only do the interview if they didn’t ask those types of questions. ...
- Family Farm Ordered to Destroy 50,000 Pounds of Ch ...Morningland Dairy is the latest attempt by the FDA to fulfill the Healthy People 2020 objective to kill raw dairy. Morningland is owned by Joseph and Denise Dixon, who operate the cheese plant and make raw cheese from cows kept right on the property and managed by one of their eldest daughters. They ...
The Air Vent
- DrewskinatorThe great thing about the Air Vent is that the readers here value reality above the argument itself. Drewski left a little gem for us “‘ignorant bloggers”. Loud and wrong are two traits one should endeavor to disassociate with the greatest vigor. In the spirit of possible incorrectness by myself ...
- When the TRUTH hurtsThis is a little reply to Michael Mann’s recent op-ed. Since our government friendly papers wouldn’t consider carrying honest writing on the topic, I’ll post it here, on my free blog in the middle of nowhere. Get the anti-science bent out of politics By Michael E. Mann Friday, October 8, 2010 As a ...
- As Copygate turnsI’ve spent the last several hours looking at references and such from the alleged plagiarism included in the Wegman report. Deep climate has been ranting on about it for a long time now, I’ve found the discussion both tedious and uninteresting but primarily the lack of organization of the story co ...
- Backlash ContinuesWe do indeed live in interesting times. As sent to me by email bu a reader and as usual already covered at WUWT, yet another scientist has expressed his contempt for the obvious biases which pervade government funded sciences. Hal Lewis, resigned from the American Physical Society over the blatant ...
- CopygateI’m not sure what this has to do with climate, but I believe deep climate was the original discoverer of the problem. Now it appears that Bradly is demanding an investigation. From Eli Rabbit’s post regarding the Wegman report: “Clearly, text was just lifted verbatim from my book and placed in t ...
Focal Point
- It's a Trap! NYC Law Would Force "Crisis Pregnancy ...Excellent: City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and Councilwoman�Jessica S. Lappin (D) have introduced legislation to require so-called " crisis pregnancy centers " in New York City to disclose that they are not full-service reproductive health centers.� CPCs are self-proclaimed sub-specialty of th ...
- Pregnant 13-year-old Peruvian Rape Victm Denied Me ...Republican senate candidate Sharron Angle says that teenagers who are raped should make lemonade out of lemons by bearing their attackers' children. Angle is one of several senate candidates who do not believe that abortion should be legal under any circumstances, even in cases of rape or incest. ...
- Candidate Visits Mailbox "HQ" of American Future F ...Rep Bruce Braley (D-Ia) paid a visit to the "headquarters," of the American Future Fund , a shadowy 501(c)4 group that has spent nearly $1 million to defeat him in the upcoming election. American Future Fund , a conservative nonprofit based in Des Moines, has repeatedly attacked Braley in the h ...
- Bullying PSA: It Gets Worse You may have heard about Dan Savage's video outreach campaign, "It Gets Better." The campaign was inspired by a spate of news stories about gay teens committing suicide in the face of bullying, and by Focus on the Family's bizarre assertion that anti-bullying programs are a conspiracy to turn kids g ...
- Sen. Jim DeMint Doesn't Think Gays and Loose Women ...That's funny , because I don't think that bigots should be senators. [Photo: Gage Skidmore , Creative Commons.]
Inside Facebook
- New Facebook Security Features: One-Time Passwords ...Facebook has launched two new security features to help users stay in control of their accounts. Users can now receive a one-time password from Facebook via text message, and file security information to aide with account retrieval. The previously announced security feature which allows users to end ...
- New Official Facebook Stats Show More Sharing Per ...As it tends to do every few months, Facebook has quietly made another round of updates to its official company Statistics page. Most of the changes are about increased sharing. Even as the number of users increases, the average user appears to be getting more engaged. Here’s how the changes compare ...
- Top 20 Growing Facebook Pages: Turkey, The Simpson ...There’s an interesting mix of Pages on our list of Top 20 Growing Facebook Pages this week, everything from a Turkish politician to big brands like Coca-Cola to TV shows and movies to a boatload of musicians. We compile the list using our PageData tool, which counts the number of Likes added to a P ...
- Kontagent’s Social Analytics Suite V2.0 includes E ...Social application analytics platform provider Kontagent today launches Social Analytics Suite v2.0. The update includes new features such as social event tracking for monitoring user actions, and dynamic funnels for visualizing drop-offs in installations, monetization, sharing, and more. Social app ...
- Facebook Updates New Groups InterfaceFacebook has made a number of changes to the user interface for its new Groups feature. Facebook has changed the “Edit Notifications” button to read “Edit Settings”, and users can now opt not to add a bookmark for a Group to their home page. Facebook also now shows the email address for a Group in [ ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Federal Judge Bars Enforcement of Don ...truthout: Federal Judge Bars Enforcement of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell http://bit.ly/9IPQLD #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: Proposed Chuitna Coal Mine in Alaska Thr ...truthout: Proposed Chuitna Coal Mine in Alaska Threatens Salmon http://bit.ly/dpbXOi #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: As Fraud Scandal Grows, White House Oppo ...truthout: As Fraud Scandal Grows, White House Opposes National Moratorium on Foreclosures http://bit.ly/chQEe3 #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: Gulf Drilling Ban Lifted; Salazar Declar ...truthout: Gulf Drilling Ban Lifted; Salazar Declares "Immediate Crisis" Is Over http://bit.ly/dvGMfR #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: Random Thoughts http://bit.ly/9Qm0mq #Tr ...truthout: Random Thoughts http://bit.ly/9Qm0mq #Truthout #p2 #p2b
ReDress News
- Israel's other “peace” plan: arm-twisting ObamaJonathan Cook argues that by rejecting Obama’s reckless and extravagant incentives to Israel in return for a temporary freeze on settlement-building, Netanyahu hopes to persuade the White House “to reaffirm a promise made in a 2004 letter from … George W. Bush that Israel will not be required to wit ...
- Three faces of Binyamin NetanyahuUri Avnery considers the three faces of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu: the unprincipled conman, the street-wise trickster and the advocate of Greater Israel. He concludes that while Netanyahu displays all three faces, the third is the one that represents him most.
- Arab regime credibility hanging by its last invisi ...Alan Hart views the state of Arab impotence in the face of Israel and the Zionist-lobby-controlled US, arguing that if the Arabs were serious and united, the mere threat of their using the oil weapon would have been sufficient to galvanize the US into reigning in Israel.
- Reaping what you sow: how US policies breed terrorPaul J. Balles argues that rather than blame the reactions of "extremists" on Islam, Americans ought to look at their own unjust and murderous policies in the Middle East and Afghanistan as causes of “terrorism”.
- Leaked letter reveals Obama’s contempt for interna ...Stuart Littlewood views US President Barack Obama’s willingness to ride roughshod over international law and the Geneva Conventions by granting Israel reckless and extravagant favours – courtesy of US taxpayers – in return for Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu saving Obama’s political bacon ...
Amazon Rainforest
- Second rancher sentenced for contract kill of Doro ...A second rancher has been sentenced for his role in the murder of Dorothy Stang, an American nun who was gunned down in 2005 for her efforts on behalf of poor farmers in the Amazon Rainforest. Regivaldo Galvao was sentenced to 30 years in prison by a jury in the city of Pará. Last month [...]
- Yasuni National Park- SAVED!President Raphael Correa now has approved an agreement to leave Ecuador’s largest oil reserves, amounting to some 900 million barrels, underground in Yasuni National Park in exchange for more than $3 billion. Under the unprecedented agreement, known as the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the government of Ec ...
- Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil spi ...In the space of a week, a Chevron technical team has discovered two fresh oil spills in Ecuador’s oil-producing Amazon region. One covers three hectares (7.4 acres) near state-owned oil company Petroecuador’s Guanta production station in the heart of Cofan indigenous country. The other impacts half ...
- Amazon River dolphin new stunning photos!The Amazon River dolphin (Bufeo, Bufeo Colorado, Boto, Boto Cor de Rosa, Boutu, Nay, Tonina) or Pink River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is a freshwater River dolphin endemic to the Orinoco, Amazon and Araguaia/Tocantins River systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. These we ...
- Belo Monte dam auction proceeds despite protests!Bidding for electricity generated by Brazil’s planned Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon rainforest has been marked by protests and legal confusion. A court injunction issued late Monday suspended the dam auction overnight, throwing the bidding process into a state of chaos. Just moments before the aucti ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- American Conservative Magazine Beats UK Papers in ...UK-US Media Reports⦠Only When itâs Safe to Publish? Yesterday this made the headlines in UK: Britain Held Secret War Talks With US Generals 11 Months Before Iraq Invasion America’s most senior general flew into Britain for top secret talks on the invasion of Iraq 11 months before the attack on ...
- 9/11 Commissioner’s Turkey Baste: Chicken or the E ...The Roots of Lee Hamilton’s Six Figure Earnings We all know the relevance and importance of a solid and sound background check when it comes to our elected and appointed officials and commissioners. Of course we all want to know about that big ‘conflict of interest’ factor. Okay, not all of us, espe ...
- Jamiol Presents
- ‘This’ is the ‘Real’ Picture of Our War: Isn’t it ...Seeking Unison in Justified Outrage Please take a moment and look at these pictures. Really look at them. Not just a cursory glance or a rushed and distracted glance. Isn’t it heartbreaking looking at them? Isn’t it revolting and outrageous? Next, please read, process, and think about the followi ...
- Matt Bryza: From Evasive to Perjurer?Obama’s Nominee for Azerbaijan Ambassadorship Misleads Congress on the Issues of Conflict of Interest & Questionable Ties In response to questions at the hearing that he was too close to Azerbaijani Government officials with highly questionable ties, Matt Bryza remained evasive and provided half-ans ...
Afro Spear
- “My Challenge to the Race Hustlers” By ...Op-ed submission by Project 21 At a recent press conference sponsored by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Walter Fauntroy blasted Glenn Beck’s August 28 “Restoring Honor” rally by saying that when one refers to the Ku Klux Klan and the tea party movement, âyou have to use [the term ...
- Black Blogger Network Monthly Blogging ContestHello Afrospear family, I am Jessica Ann Mitchell, the facilitator of The Black Love Speak Column (BlackLoveSpeak.com). A few months ago I started another website, BlackBloggerNetwork.com. The purpose of the site is to support the initiatives of Black Bloggers. In an effort to encourage healthy dial ...
- More on U.S. experiments on people of African desc ...Thanks to Ana for sharing this information. This article at The Silver People Chronicle: The Back Punch Revisted-”We can End the Silence”, is shockingly eye-opening by revealing the experiments that were done on people of African descent in Panama by the U.S. government.  On Friday, October 1st 2 ...
- sat’day riddymz
- If They’d Do Syphilis, Why Not AIDS?!From Black Agenda Report… “…Nearly forty years after the Tuskegee horror was made widely known, on October 1, 2010 the Obama administration acknowledged that from 1946 to 1948, United States government scientists infected prisoners and mental patients with syphilis in the central American nation of ...
Expose the BNP
- Expose the BNP: activists’ meetingOver the summer we have seen the extreme right enter parliament in Sweden and racist deportations of Roma people from France. Here at home the EDL have continued to target cities with Muslim communities, while the police are bringing trumped-up charges against anti-fascists. November 6 sees a nation ...
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep his po ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative candidat ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop denying ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well ...
- No to Monsanto and GMO: Action Central"SEN is greatly concerned that Monsanto and GMO give rise to a threat that if unchecked could eventually prove as catastrophic to mankind and the sustainability of all life on earth as global warming. We must scream bloody murder, and do so with facts." -- Gregory Hilbert, Co-Founder Sustainability ...
- Bill Gates On Climate Change & Energy: We Must and ...Whether you know a little or a lot about Climate Change (aka Global Warming), SEN urges you to watch this one-hour video, because you will learn a great deal either way. Gates lays out a sweeping set of ideas for reducing CO2 emmissions to zero. Gates is no fool when it comes to matters of [...]
- Week 2 – Worldwide Campaign to Save the Gran ...The Grand Canyon is one of the world's most pristine and majestic treasures. Mother Nature needs our help to save it. We all need to act to protect the Grand Canyon. Pledge to do your part. Help us by adding your signature to the petitions and ask everyone you know and who cares for earth to do the ...
- Seize BP Demonstrations NationwideSEN believes these demonstrations will help awaken politicians to outrage over inadequate regulation and control of international corporations, even if they do not succeed in gaining temporary seizure of BP on the basis of national emergency and evidence of criminal neglect and fraud by BP.
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on FoxSEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
If Americans Knew
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed at ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage at h ...
- An Open Letter to the Southern Poverty Law Clinic: ...I am disturbed by an article that the Center published in the fall 2007 issue of "Intelligence Report"--the Center's magazine. The item "Navy Extremist Disciplined--But Not for Extremism" is on page 11. The article focuses on Navy officer John Sharpe Jr.
- NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again on Ga ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner whic ...
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
David J. Gregory
- Conservative ConundrumJoe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow of water, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe to take because s ...
- Never Forget: Bad Wars Aren’t Possible Unles ...This is a very good article from Michael Moore, what he delineates are the reasons we are still in such a mess as a Nation and a people. These reasons are blatant and should never be allowed to happen again. Even though Obama seems to be tied to the Bush Doctrine of appeasing the military-industrial ...
- Truth for Tea Baggers!War Machine, all the money for killing, nothing for helping to save lives, war is much more profitable, especially when you supply both sides! Sheeple time to wake up….
- Rand Paul the road to disasterDo you remember Rand Paul? He’s the Republican candidate for Senate in Kentucky that went on Rachel Maddow to oppose provisions in the Civil Rights Actafter his surprise victory in the primary. He’s taken max-out checks from Citizens United – the group whose lawsuit led to the new avalanche of corpo ...
Unsuitable Blog
- What I Am Doing For 10/10/10After all, it is a special day.
- Brilliant Rant About Symbolic Action and 10:10I have been sent a link to this wonderful “rant” – no, it’s not a rant, it’s telling it like it is – on the Powershift forum. Here’s the Richard Curtis video he refers to, and if Mr Curtis would like my opinions on 10:10 then I would love him to bring his little red [...]
- Reveal Handbags : Revile Fashion> Dear Keith, > For your next high-fashion piece, consider REVEAL, the hottest eco-luxury handbags. made of recycled plastic bottles. REVEAL just launched their new Recycled Collection, and it’s perfect for women who are SEXY with SUBSTANCE. You know which women we are referring to. it’s your super ...
- 10 Things That Will Actually Make a Difference On ...As I write, thousands of activities are being planned around the world to coincide with the date 10 October 2010, which has been fortuitously chosen for its parallels with the aim to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 10% by the end of 2010 (well that’s one plan blown, then). Anyone on any ma ...
- Rebecca Spillson’s Propaganda Machine Underm ...Everything’s fine on the Alabama coast, especially at Gulf Shores / Orange Beach, especially now it’s Shrimp Festival time. Hey! Those persistent organic toxins aren’t going to eat themselves: Yes, that really was posted on YouTube in the last few days, [dreamily] almost as though nothing had happen ...
Subalternate Reality
- Newt Comes Out As A Muslim-BaiterEarly this week, disgraced former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich warned that “a commitment to religious freedom and God-given rights is being replaced by a secular oppression…” Just hours after those words appeared on Human Events, Gingrich issued a statement forcefully opposing the constructi ...
- Wealthy Far More Likely To Default On Mortgagescrossposted at Political Correction For much of the past two years, Congressional Republicans have wasted few opportunities to blame poor and working class Americans for the financial meltdown and the subsequent recession. They’ve argued that through well-intentioned government initiatives, includ ...
- GOP House Candidate: Mosque Near Ground Zero Is A ...Conservative activists and the Muslim-baiters among them are furious about a proposed Islamic community center to be built near Ground Zero. The debate has become entirely unhinged and some of the more hateful folks are using the controversy as a rallying cry to oppose the construction of all futur ...
- Ex-Muslim Ergun Caner Is A FraudErgun Caner is one of the most prominent figures in the evangelical movement. He is also one of the most deceptive. A self-professed Muslim convert to Christianity, Caner plays an important, and arguably dangerous, role in the community. After the 9/11 attacks, when many Americans were searching for ...
- Aliou KumbayaMy brother Aliou Niasse has saved the day. He was the first to spot smoke coming out of the Nissan Pathfinder that Faisal Shahzad intended to detonate in crowded Times Square. Thankfully, the incompetence of Shahzab and the alertness of Niasse and two other gentlemen, both of whom are Vietnam War v ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- LocalWiki to Create Collaborative, Community-Owned ...So much of the unique knowledge and experiences we acquire through years of living in a community gets spread only by word of mouth, or worse it just stays "locked up" in our heads. But this is great stuff, valuable expert knowledge that can benefit everyone. After all, when it comes to the communit ...
- 'Sourcing Through Texting' Brings Public into Radi ...If a large truck illegally barrels through a neighborhood and no reporters are around to see it, does it make the news? It does if local residents with mobile phones can text truck sightings to a local public radio station. This is the premise behind a new pilot project called Sourcing Through T ...
- How to Build a Website: One Piece at a TimeThe likelihood that an online video editing site, a 21st century technological innovation if ever there were one, would draw inspiration from a 34-year-old Johnny Cash song about a broken-down, piece of junk Cadillac is, admittedly, a tad anachronistic. But as my partner, Nonny de la Peña, and I ...
- An Anaylsis of Six Journalism StartupsIn the last few weeks there has been some interesting and exciting news in the journalism startup world. I wanted to take some time to highlight new players and provide my own personal analysis. Collaborative Storytelling: Three New Startups Kommons.com Kommons was founded by the young Cody ...
- SeedSpeak To Sprout Community Improvement Projects ...The excitement continues to build in the Phoenix community over a new mobile and web platform that will help people sow positive change in the community. Since the June Knight News Challenge funding announcement, my development partner Cody Shotwell and I have fielded dozens of calls and emails from ...
Cutting Edge News
- War on Terror - Pakistan Goes Rogue and Worries Eu ...Something brewing in Europe has spooked counterterrorism officials. On Oct. 3, the State Department issued a rare warning to Americans, urging them to show vigilance during their trips. Over the last week, European counterterrorism officials have escalated their precautions: The Eiffel Tower has bee ...
- The Edge of Terrorism - Common-Sense Security Meas ...The recent warnings by the U.S. government of possible terrorist attacks in Europe illustrate the fact that jihadist terrorism is a threat the world will have to live with for the foreseeable future. Certainly, every effort should be made to disrupt terrorist groups and independent cells, or lone wo ...
- The Terrorism Edge - Terrorism, Vigilance, and the ...The U.S. government issued a warning on October 3 advising Americans traveling to Europe to be “vigilant.” U.S. intelligence apparently has acquired information indicating that al Qaeda is planning to carry out attacks in European cities similar to those carried out in Mumbai, India, in November 200 ...
- Book Review - Hitler's First War--Another Hitler B ...Hitler's First War: Adolf Hitler, the Men of the List Regiment, and the First World War. Thomas Weber. Oxford University Press. 2010. 416 pages. Early on in reading this book, I showed it to a colleague who teaches a course in Nazi Germany, offering to pass along the galleys when I was through. "No ...
- Book Review - Makers of Ancient Strategy: the Weav ...Makers of Ancient Strategy: From the Persian Wars to the Fall of Rome. Victor Davis Hanson. Princeton University Press. 2010. 298 pages. Affluent Western democracies have âdifficulty maintaining popular support for costly counterinsurgency wars,â laments Victor Davis Hanson, the accomplished his ...
High Country News
- Gas drilling has blighted my life We need energy -- but not at the cost of clean water
- In defense of wood heatWhy not burn trees where they'll do some good -- in your woodstove?
- The birds and the bee(tle)sA controversial tamarisk control program is shut down over worries that it threatens rare southwestern willow flycatchers.
- Down the Black HoleThis summer, journalist Jeremy Miller descended two notorious Utah slot canyons with an equally notorious guide.
- Fighting the logic of fireWhen her new home is threatened by the Fourmile Fire in Boulder, Colo., a writer reassesses her love for the West.
- The Ayodhya Verdict: Beyond The Liberal Brahmanic ...By Feroze Mithiborwala The Ayodhya Verdict was a judicial demolition and justification of the destruction of the Babri Masjid. The verdict is basically a mockery and stands in utter contempt of the Indian constitution, as was the demolition. The verdict is an affront to the very vision of an India ...
- Soils And Souls: The Promise Of The LandBy Robert Jensen While evil lurks in many places, it is most concentrated in fossil fuels. Perennial polycultures can deliver us from that evil
- On Climate Models, The Case For Living With Uncert ...By Fred Pearce As climate science advances, predictions about the extent of future warming and its effects are likely to become less not more precise. That may make it more difficult to convince the public of the reality of climate change, but it hardly diminishes the urgency of taking action
- The Promise Of Fusion: Energy Miracle Or Mirage?By Alex Salkever The U.S. has invested billions of dollars trying to create a controlled form of nuclear fusion that could be the energy source for an endless supply of electricity. But as a federal laboratory prepares for a key test, major questions remain about pulling off this long-dreamed-of te ...
- Israels New Loyalty OathBy Stephen Lendman Since inception, Israels democracy was illusory, but of late its further eroded. The Cabinets October 10 adopted Law of Citizenship amendment requires all non-Jews wanting it to pledge loyalty to the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, its latest anti-democratic mea ...
Contagious Love Experiment
- Dangerous Activity Thwarted in Afghanistan!
- Tenth Year of War, March to Stop Deployment of Tra ...Thursday marked the beginning of the 10th year of war in Afghanistan. There is much to protest about U.S. action there–some performed a die-in to highlight the use of drones (http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/asia/200657/us-drone-kills-7-militants-in-nw-pakistan)–and a group of veterans of The Global ...
- WAR IS OVER… If You Claim It?In the midst of pleasant nods about “the end of the Iraq War,” Mr. Stephen Colbert celebrates in style… (Click The Word-What if they threw a peace and nobody came) The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The Word – What If You Threw a Peace and Nobody Came? www.colbertnation.com Colbert Repo ...
- Vigiling in AfghanistanMore amazing work from Our Journey to Smile
- 92219 Pieces of my Broken Afghan HeartThe following letter was sent to me from the young people in Afghanistan who tried to come to the U.S. this summer for our speaking tour. The U.S. embassy flatly denied them, but their voices continue to cry out. The official narrative of the Afghan War is that it has greatly served the people of A ...
Yid With Lid
- New Poll: American Jews Abandoning ObamaAmerican Jews, 78% of whom voted to make Barack Obama president are continuing to move away from Obama and his policies. According to a survey conducted by the A merican Jewish Committee (AJC) , 51% of Jews approve of the way Obama is doing his job. While that number may seem high keep in mind that ...
- Climate Change Guru Begs Liberal Elite "Please Vot ...Micheal Mann of the University of Pennsylvania is one of the biggest names in "climate science." Mann is the inventor of the Hockey Stick graph, a representation of the Earth's temperatures during the past 1000 years, which shows relatively consistent temperatures for most of that time until recent ...
- Despite His Protests to the Contrary, The Facts P ...Always the first to hop onto the most negative campaigning possible, Congressman Alan Grayson decided to hop on that "outside source" conspiracy theory being pushed by the White House.� In an OpEd posted on the Hill and the Huffington Post the incumbent from the 8th district of Florida made the case ...
- A Great New Campaign Poll ToolPlease email me at yidwithlid@aol.com to be put onto my mailing list. Feel free to reproduce any article but please link back to http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com
- The P.J. O’Rourke InterviewJohn Hawkins just completed a fantastic interview with P.J. O'Rourke author, satirist, all-around observer of American Political Life: Here are some excerpts from the interview: On the trade gap: (Adam Smith) said the exports, that's real stuff, and you're giving it away in favor of ...
The Real Agenda
- Gobiernos se Preparan para Confiscar PensionesPor Luis R. Miranda Octubre 12, 2010 Mientras las organizaciones financieras supranacionales se afianzan más en el poder, y los países miembros sucumben ante sus directrices, la clase media y media alta en todas las naciones miembros sufren el embate de la más grande redistribución de recursos en la ...
- Researcher of Colony Collapse Study Funded by Baye ...Bromenshenk's company, Bee Alert Technology, which is developing hand-held acoustic scanners that use sound to detect various bee ailments, will profit more from a finding that disease, and not pesticides, is harming bees. Two years ago Bromenshenk acknowledged as much to me when I was reporting on ...
- Iraq Invasion’s Atrocities, Unearthing the U ...Over the last several weeks I have again researched in depth, invasion's atrocities in Iraq, unearthing the unthinkable, switching off emotion and reading of terror, torture, monstrous wickednesses, word after sickening word.
- A Royal Society: Aquecimento Global é IncertoO órgão cientÃfico mais importante do Reino Unido deu um passo para trás e admitiu que é “desconhecido” quanto mais quente o planeta vai se tornar. A Royal Society lançou um novo guia que apresenta um recuo de sua posição de vanguarda anterior sobre a ameaça das alterações climáticas e o ...
- Salmão Transgénico tem Genes de Enguia, Insetos e ...Esta nova espécie de salmão, literalmente, cultivadas em laboratório, acabará com a população natural em apenas algumas gerações. Genes de enguia, insetos e outros estão contidos na nova espécie do “frankenpeixe”. Com a FDA (Food and Drug Administration) dos Estados Unidos preparada para aprovar o c ...
Wind Watch
- Frasers looking for relief from wind turbinesLINGAN — Sitting at their kitchen table Bruce and Janet Fraser stare out the window to see five sleek giants just beyond their backyard, churning in a counter-clockwise direction and changing line with the wind speed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It’s become the couple’s nightmare. “It’s in you ...
- Proposals for National Forest draw questionsVERONA — The U.S. Forest Service on Tuesday night outlined the six proposals for management of George Washington National Forest that have divided conservationists, industry, localities and the public. The forest service is scheduled to decide on a comprehensive plan of action for the 1-million-acre ...
- Italy supervisor sees progress in lawsuitItaly, N.Y. — Town Supervisor Brad Jones says he’s satisfied with the way things went during a Sept. 27 courtroom session in Rochester before Judge John J. Ark. Ark is presiding over the case filed by Ecogen LLC against the Town of Italy. Ecogen is trying to force the town to permit the construction ...
- County sets tight standards on large windGoodhue County commissioners agreed to impose rigid new standards on commercial wind developers Tuesday, in a narrow vote aimed at influencing the stateâs upcoming permitting decision on the proposed Goodhue Wind project. The County Board voted 3-2 in favor of an updated county wind ordinance, whi ...
- For those near, the miserable hum of clean energyVINALHAVEN, Me. — Like nearly all of the residents on this island in Penobscot Bay, Art Lindgren and his wife, Cheryl, celebrated the arrival of three giant wind turbines late last year. That was before they were turned on. “In the first 10 minutes, our jaws dropped to the ground,” Mr. Lindgren said ...
Not My Tribe
- Real Manly Macho Robust Christian Men…According to the Tennessee Fire-non-Fighter who watched his neighbors’ house burn to the ground, with the fire crew standing around to make sure fire didn’t spread to their own properties, called his actions “Robust, Masculine Christianity” a new-old method of trying to justify ones evil deeds by re ...
- American Nazis get fewer recruitsCongratulations to Norway for booting the Israeli weapons program from Norwegian deep water testing facilities. Norway declared last week that German-manufactured submarines destined for Israel would not be permitted to use its submarine base on the southern coast, on account of the ongoing Israeli ...
- If foreign citizens aren’t allowed to vote..… and the “U.S.” Chamber of Commerce is opposed to Undocumented Workers unless they can really exploit them heavily, and use their presence to exploit the OTHER American Workers, Why then has the Chamber been accepting and funneling into congressional races HUGE amounts of campaign contributions fro ...
- The Census and Original Intent of the Founding Ari ...Since we have a lot of loudmouth Know-it-all know-nothings running their collective head, in chorus, paid by the richest men in America to cement the notion of an American Aristocracy based on personal wealth, Who tell us every hour of every day that they, and ONLY They, know the original intent of ...
- Muddy wellies across white canvasNorway prides itself on its ubiquitous and egalitarian middle class, making of its opera house a celebration of folkstheatre –and it’s no empty boast– a Norwegian newspaper addresses eight pages to culture versus only one to sport. But the architects behind the glacier-slopped Oslo Opera House have ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- LOWKEY - TERRORIST? (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)GlobalFaction YouTube.com September 10, 2010 Brand new track Produced by Red Skull taken from the highly anticipated album Soundtrack To The Struggle by Lowkey. Follow his progress on www.twitter.com/lowkeyuk and http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lowkey/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBanBpnAS2s ...
- What I usually think of when I visit JREF...Related Info: JREF Forum posts: "Comprehensive characteristics of the pseudoskeptic"
- How NWO shills are compromised ..."Attorney Steven Eggleston was suspicious when his boss pressed him to attend a weekend male retreat , but refused to tell him what would be happening there, saying participants were sworn to secrecy . So he did a Google search and found out why. Men would be holding hands and walking naked, blind ...
- 9/11 Truth Movement: Year in Review (2009-2010)By: AdamT. and John-Michael P. Talboo 9/11 Truth Movement: Year in Review (2009-2010) 9/11 Truth Movement: Year in Review (2008-2009) Factual back-up, sources, and further research materials: http://911debunkers.blogspot.com/2009/09/911-truth-movement-year-in-review.html Everlast Stone in M ...
- Top Ten Signs Your Country May Be Going Fascist
- The Downside of Gluten-Free FoodHad you been living on a remote tropical island for the past 10 years and just returned home, you’d be surprised by some of the changes on your local supermarket shelves. One of the hottest trends in the last few years is the growth in availability of gluten-free products. Gluten is a protein found ...
- Rethinking the MultivitaminFor years, many people opted to take a daily multivitamin as an insurance policy. Physicians and dietitians alike said that if it won’t help, at least it won’t hurt. But two new studies show that this may not be true. The first, a review of 63 randomized, controlled trials (the gold standard resea ...
- Five Food Industry Tactics to Downplay Contributio ...To avoid public criticism and forestall government intervention, the food and beverage industry hopes that self-regulation is sufficient and also seeks to establish public-private partnerships. This reaction is common in industries under threat and can take helpful or harmful forms… This is the th ...
- Do We Really Have Free Choice When it Comes to Foo ...Lately, many readers have left comments with a similar theme – food choices are personal; the government should not intervene; no to a “nanny state”; people can choose for themselves, etc… Let’s address this issue briefly today. While we certainly are not living in a Matrix (the movie) world, much ...
- New York, San Francisco at the Cutting Edge in War ...Two interesting developments that caught our attention this week, one from each coast. In California: The San Francisco Board of Supervisors Land Use Committee voted 3-0 in favor of an ordinance to limit toy giveaways in children’s meals that have excessive calories, sodium and fat. If the measure ...
- Increasing Your Blog’s Interactivity: 10 Tips for ...Guest post by Alexis Bonari Success in attracting and retaining readers is often influenced by a blog’s level of interactivity. Many readers are more active than passive and want to feel like they have a role in affecting a blog’s content, design, structure, and overall ongoing conversation. Posts ...
- 5 Facebook Apps That Really Make MoneyGuest post by Alexis Bonari If you aren't on Facebook by now, you are probably the only one who isn't. My grandmother has a Facebook page and anyone who can type, is able to start their own page with no problem. Most everyone uses Facebook as a social meeting place, but did you know that you coul ...
- Online Profits Re-Opens (and now it’s free)!Daniel Scocco of Daily Blog Tips started a membership site, Online Profits , last year to help people learn about making money online. Daniel has just re-launched and re-vamped Online Profits, and this time there is no charge to get all of the valuable content. The only requirement is that you open ...
- 3 Ways to Ensure Internet Marketing Continues to W ...This is a guest post by Susan White Gone are the days when Internet marketing was perceived as the bold, new and innovative way to market and publicize your products and services. Today, email marketing and other forms of pushing your products on the web are passé. The Internet is growing faster th ...
- Cloud Living Now Available From Glen AllsoppOne of my friends has just launched a new product that I think may be of interest to many Traffikd readers. Glen Allsopp has written an e-book, Cloud Living , based on his experiences from making a five-figure monthly income from his websites. Cloud Living is actually more than an e-book, it i ...
Survival International
- Survival publishes ‘Top 5 Hall of Shame’ for Colum ...Peru's isolated Indians have made it clear they want outsiders to stay out. © Heinz Plenge Pardo / Frankfurt Zoological Society Survival is marking Columbus Day (October 12th/ October 11th in US) by publishing its ‘Top 5 Hall of Shame’ – the key companies violating tribal peoples’ rights worldw ...
- Aboriginal anger at gas project plansThe proposed gas project in Western Australia has become highly contentious © Keith Wood/ Wilderness Society Preliminary work has started on a controversial gas project on the Western Australian coast. The state’s premier has aroused fury by announcing that land for the development will be comp ...
- Mapuche hunger strike ends Mapuche protests are often met with a violent police response © Flickr user antitezo, Creative Commons license Many of the 34 Mapuche prisoners on hunger strike in Chile have ended their protest, after reaching an agreement with the Chilean government. Around ten of the prisoners, however, sa ...
- US Congress’ historic hearing on Papuan human righ ...The US Congress held an open hearing last week to hear testimonies from Papuans and academics about human rights violations in West Papua. The hearing, hosted by the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment, was titled, ‘Crimes against humanity: When will Indonesia’s military be ...
- Church demands end to armed attacks on Guarani Guarani Indians often suffer violent attacks after they return to their ancestral land © CIMI Brazilian bishops have demanded that the government take urgent action to put an end to armed attacks on Guarani communities in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, south of the Amazon. Last month, Guara ...
Greg Palast
- Crisis in EcuadorGreg Palast Interviews President ...Ecuador news today Ecuador's president attacked by police. Country's leader trapped in hospital after assault, as government declares a one-week state of emergency. In February 2008 Greg Palast met with Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa. They discussed the Lawsuit against Chevron, Eradicating F ...
- Tonight: Palast on Firedoglake.comLive-Chat on New ...Join the conversation tonight. Greg will be discussing Big Easy to Big Empty - The Untold Story of the Drowning of New Orleans. You can ask Greg questions on live-chat tonight at 8pm ET on the Firedoglake.com homepage. If you're not already registered, go to Firedoglake.com and register to get your ...
- Palast at the 2010 Fighting Bob FestWatch Greg Palast's speech at the Barrymore Theater on September 10, 2010 for the opening of the annual Fighting Bob Fest Festival in Wisconsin. *** Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Armed Madhouse and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Palast is a Nation Institute/Puffi ...
- Bush'd again? New Orleans, Mr. O and Mr. Goby Greg Palast for The Huffington Post Five years ago this week, a beast drowned New Orleans. Don't blame Katrina: the lady never, in fact, touched the city. The hurricane swept east of it. You want to know the name of the S.O.B. who attacked New Orleans? Locals call him "Mr. Go" - the Mississippi ...
- No “Home Sweet Home”Five years after KatrinaMatt Pascarella and I encountered Patricia Thomas while she was breaking into a home at the Lafitte Housing Project in New Orleans. It was her own home. Nevertheless, if caught, she'd end up in the slammer. So would we. Matt was my producer for the film, Big Easy to Big Empty, and he encouraged [.. ...
Telegraph UK - oil
- Vladimir Putin calls for calm in battle for Arctic ...Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, called for calm in the battle for the Arctic's vast untapped energy resources, accusing unnamed forces of trying to stir up trouble.
- Deepwater lessons Telegraph View: It is crucial that we learn from the oil-spill catastrophe.
- Greenpeace claims to have shut down Greenland oil ...Greenpeace claims its activists have shut down a ''dangerous'' oil drilling operation by a British energy company in the Arctic.
- BP handout 'saved the summer' in Florida Visitor numbers in Florida have risen despite the BP oil spill, thanks to a £20m promotion, reports Richard Luscombe.
- Microbe eating spilled oil in Gulf of MexicoA newly discovered species of microbe is breaking down oil from the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico much faster than scientists thought possible.
Ian Welsh
- Apparently Axelrod and the Administration Want a D ...Seriously, when the Administration says they oppose a countrywide freeze on foreclosures only weeks before the election, it’s hard to interpret their statements any other way. I’m guessing the calculation is that Obama’s squeeze of entitlement spending for the middle class is more likely to pass if ...
- How the Foreclosure mess would play out in an actu ...Here’s how this plays out in an actual free market society which follows the law (ie., not this one.) You go through and figure out if you can prove title to the property. If you can’t, those who were insured go to the title insurance companies. A huge legal battle ensures, with the title insuranc ...
- How the Foreclosure mess would play out in an actu ...Here’s how this plays out in an actual free market society which follows the law (ie., not this one.) You go through and figure out if you can prove title to the property. If you can’t, those who were insured go to the title insurance companies. A huge legal battle ensures, with the title insuranc ...
- Objectively worse off under ObamaI keep hearing people saying that Hispanics are angry with Democrats because comprehensive immigration reform hasn’t been pushed. That’s part of it, but in suggesting that Democrats sins are passive, it is effectively a lie. Under Obama deportations have actually increased, and this is entirely an ...
- Waiting for a ‘decent interval’Joel Hafvenstein at Registan has an interesting piece on the incompatibility of the Karzai governing and patronage style that has so far cemented his personal and broader coalition’s hold onto power, and legitimacy. As long as Western money, Western troops and Western air power is flowing into Afg ...
Age of Autism
- Autism Speaks: From the Town of BedrockBy Teresa Conrick "NEW YORK, N.Y. (September 30, 2010) – Autism Speaks is pleased to announce the 2010 class of Dennis Weatherstone Pre-Doctoral Fellows. Made possible by a multi-year grant from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation named in honor of former...
- Pediatrician Dr. Bob Sears Discusses Vaccine Dose ...You can send an email to Fox to share your story at friends@foxnews.com. Dr. Bob Sears was on Fox & Friends today talking about the safety of the combined pediatric vaccine schedule and more. Tomorrow the American Academy of Pediatrics,...
- Angie Dickinson Shares Story of Aspergian DaughterAngie Dickinson Breaks Her Silence and Reveals the Heartbreak of Mothering a Daughter with Asperger's by Ed Leibowitz Please go to Parent Dish to read and comment on the full article. Composer Burt Bacharach and his actress wife, Angie Dickinson,...
- Merck Study Shows Gardasil Does Not Raise Autoimmu ...Read the full press release from S.A.N.E.-Vax.org. North Hollywood, CA, September 22, 2010 — According to an article posted on Sept. 3 in Infectious Disease News data was presented at the 50th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy showing...
- Dr. Bob Sears on Fox and Friends Saturday Talking ...Saturday:Tune into Fox and Friends around (time change!) 7:50am Eastern (check your local listings) to see Dr. Bob Sears. They will be looking at the April 2008 NVAC report HERE that states in a table on page 33 of the...
Global BDS Movement
- Palestinian Civil Society Urges COOP to Boycott Ag ...COOP ITALIA Via del Lavoro 6/8 40033 Casalecchio di Reno BOITALIA 7 October 2010 Dear COOP board members, read more
- Open letter to UK Trades Union Congress General Se ...4th October 2010 Brendan Barber General Secretary Trades Union Congress Congress House Great Russell Street London WC1B 3LS Dear Mr Barber, The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), of which all of Palestinian trade union federations are members, war read m ...
- TIAA-CREF: Divest from InjusticeOccupied Palestine, October 4th 2010 - The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), on behalf of its constituent organizations and unions representing the majority of Palestinian civil society, calls upon the US non-profit pension fund TIAA-CREF to li read more
- Czech public figures call on Václav Havel: “Do not ...[ ISM Czech Republic ] - In response to news about Václav Havel’s support for an international campaign to fight so-called ’delegitimisation’ of Israel and to fight against the worldwide boycott movement against Israelinitiated by the former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar, ISM Czech Republ ...
- Open letter to OECD regarding decision to host tou ...18 September 2010 read more
Farm Wars
- Mr. Ed McWhinney BurgersMr. Ed McWhinney Burgers - yum!!!
- Food as a Weapon with Professor PoochensteinFood as a Weapon Power Point Presentation with Professor Poochenstein.
- The Truth Squad Radio Show with Special Guest Mich ...This Sunday we will be talking about chemtrails with our special guest Michael J. Murphy, co-producer of the film "What in the World are they Spraying?"
- Seed Savers Exchange and the Svalbard Doomsday Vau ...Seed Savers' members' heirloom seed collection is being pirated into the Svalbard seedbank, under the UN FAO treaty.
- Barry Soetoro In the Crosshairs!Poor Mr. Obama and Congress must be all tuckered out from all that reading before passing all those wonderful bills that they so graciously foisted on the public.
Open Your Eyes News
- Finance Leaders Call for IMF Role in Averting Prot ...Bloomberg – Global governments tasked the International Monetary Fund with calming the recent outbreak of tensions over currencies amid signs they are already triggering a protectionist backlash. Officials including U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner and Egyptian Finance Minister Youssef Bo ...
- Anguish for families of Iraq’s disappearedAsia Times – Each day before noon prayers, Sahera Ibrahim lights a candle at the Sunni shrine of Abu Hanifa in the Adhamiya district of east Baghdad to pray for the return of her son. Ibrahim is among thousands of Iraqis whose loved ones disappeared during the worst days of sectarian warfare between ...
- Iceland ‘best country for gender equality ...BBC – Iceland remains the country that has the greatest equality between men and women, according to an annual report by the World Economic Forum (WEF). It is the second year in succession that Iceland has topped the foundation’s Global Gender Gap Report. Nordic nations dominate the top of the list ...
- Asian powers guard against inflows after IMFReuters – Asian authorities anxious about currency appreciation moved to stem foreign capital inflows on Monday while a European official stepped up rhetoric about a strong euro after IMF meetings failed to defuse tensions about exchange rates. China temporarily raised reserve requirements for six l ...
- Women make better politicians than men, claims Fre ...Daily Telegraph – Women make better politicians than men because they are not prisoners to their libido and testosterone, Christine Lagarde, France’s finance minister, has claimed. Read Article
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- Gulf oil spill: Reaction to lifting of drilling mo ...Reaction to the Obama administration's move to lift the 4-month-old moratorium on deep-water drilling was swift Tuesday. The American Petroleum Institute welcomed the move but asked for swift approval of permits: While we are pleased that the Interior Department has...
- Coastal Commission to take up Malibu lagoon restor ...Once backfilled to create baseball diamonds, Malibu lagoon these days looks like an ordinary tidal wetland. But its restoration was botched, critics say, and they want the Coastal Commission to approve a $7-million project to set it right. Steep banks...
- Bison's last stand against Yellowstone wolfTourists, scientists and a host of wildlife photographers got a rare front-row seat to a compelling wildlife drama this week at Yellowstone National Park. On Sunday, a large male wolf from the Canyon Pack was seen stalking an injured or...
- Slowing population: Would it curb climate change?Ever since belching smokestacks arose during the Industrial Revolution, greenhouse gases and human population have climbed in lockstep to higher and higher levels. And while scientists warn that humanity must dramatically slash future carbon-dioxide emissions to avert extended droughts, floods...
- For now, no more wolves for ArizonaThe U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife has delayed releasing additional Mexican gray wolves in Arizona until sometime next year. The gray-wolf population is stagnating in the Southwest, and the animal is vilified by some ranchers as an unwelcome predator...
- Filmmakers Gear Up for ‘One Day on Earth’ (Wired)DIY Filmmakers Gear Up for âOne Day on Earthâ (Wired) – Anyone who registers at the One Day on Earth site can submit footage, which will be archived for perusal by other members of the projectâs online community. [T]he One Day on Earth project is backed by the United Nations, American Red Cros ...
- ‘One Day on Earth’ project (NYTimes)Numerology Meets Filmmaking in âOne Day on Earthâ Project (New York Times) – What will you be doing on 10-10-10? The organizers of One Day on Earth donât care what the answer is as long as you videotape yourself doing it. The goal: To compile an online archive and subsequent feature film showc ...
- Write a post for clean water (Mashable)Write a Post for Clean Water [Blog Action Day 2010] (Mashable) – On October 15, thousands of bloggers across more than 100 countries will participate in Blog Action Day to debate, brainstorm and raise awareness around clean water. Blog Action Day has set up its very own Twitter account, @blogactiond ...
- Reducing poverty through water, sanitation (MediaG ...Reducing poverty through water and sanitation (MediaGlobal) – Nicole Wickenhauser, senior manager at Water.org, told MediaGlobal, âClose to half of all people in developing countries are suffering at any given time from a health problem caused by water and sanitations deficits. Lack of access to c ...
- One Day on Earth project (DSLR NS)âOne Day on Earthâ project needs your help (DSLR News Shooter) – On October 10th, 2010 the records of filmmaking history will have a note called âOne Day on Earthâ. The United Nations, over 70 nonprofits from around the world, and thousands of filmmakers have teamed up with âOne Day on Ear ...
Before It's News
- Stirrin_the_Pot_at_the_AJCs_Political_Insider
- Electrified_by_Jesus_Gospel_Radio_Mix_-_Grandpa_Cr ...
- 13_Year_Old_Girl_Beaten_To_Death_For_Refusing_To_P ...
- Developing:_Rescuers_Make_Final_Preparations_For_C ...
- Antipredator_Adaptions_and_Camouflage_of_the_Endan ...
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley break ...
Margaret's News
- Violent Hunter of Progressives Tips His Hat to Gle ...When do we say enough is enough ? Do we wait for something to happen before we decide that words of TV personalities can and do incite some people into committing acts of violence ? Submitted by Linda R. to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- New Book Exposes the Dirty Truth Behind Coca-Cola: ...Coke has been accused of violence against union members in South America, water pollution overseas, and contributing to child health problems. Is it true? Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Business �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Latino Children in America are More Likely to be H ...It is shameful that a third of Latino children should have to worry about where they'll get their next meal.Nearly 30 percent of Latino children and their families receive assistance from Feeding America food banks each year. Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a ...
- Nobel Winner's Wife Under House ArrestChina on Monday blocked European diplomats from meeting with the wife of the jailed Nobel Peace Prize winner, cut off her phone communication and canceled meetings with Norwegian officials - acting on its fury over the award. Submitted by Naoko I. to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Israel makes settlement offer; Palestinians say noPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered the Palestinians a trade off on Monday to revive peace talks they quit -- a new freeze on building in settlements if they recognize Israel as a Jewish state. The Palestinians rejected that offer. Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a ...
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- American Sporting Centers Going SolarThe National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has created tools, guidelines and comprehensive software to help American sports franchises reduce their carbon footprint, specifically the NRDC has been pushing solar power. read more
- Raymond Schonfeld: Thailand's Developing Solar Ind ...Energy independence, that is a country's ability to meet its energy demand by producing its own energy, is seen by many as a vital global development.� Beyond politics, since oil and gas reserves are not located in every country of th ...
- United Solar Completes One of the Largest Solar Ro ...United Solar (UNI-SOLAR), a subsidiary of� Energy Conversion Devices (NYSE: ENER ), has completed one of France's largest rooftop solar installations in Paris. read more
- Maldives President Nasheed Installs Solar PV Syste ...Maldives presidential palace solar installation Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed, who once famously held a cabinet meeting underwater to draw attention to climate change ...
- A New Leader: Spire Produces World's Most Efficien ...Spire Corporation (Nasdaq: SPIR ) has created the most efficient concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) solar cell the world has ever seen. read more
News Blaze
- Secretary Clinton Meets with Embassy Staff and The ...Madam Secretary, thank you very much for taking the time to meet with all of us here today. It's an honor for you - for us to have you join us, and it's an honor for me to introduce you to the very special people of the U.S. Embassy here in Saraje
- University of Leicester: Black History in FootballAs part of Black History Month, the University of Leicester's Department of Sociology is holding a discussion on the role of Black History in football.
- Malaria Outbreak in Flood-Affected Pakistani Provi ...Malaria is endemic in rural areas of Pakistan where there are two seasonal peaks - in August, when the milder vivax-malaria is mostly seen, and October, when the potentially fatal falciparum-malaria is common.
- Secretary Clinton Speaks at Town Hall at National ...Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning and welcome to this special event. Let me introduce myself. My name is Aida Daguda and I am director of Civil Society Promotion Center, Bosnian organization existing since 1996.
- Thousands of Former Fighters Take Part in a New UN ...The seven ex-combatants - three women and four men - were disarmed, registered and issued certificates during the launch of the scheme yesterday in Torit, the capital of Eastern Equatoria state in southern Sudan.
Historical Notes
- Fidel Castro
- Fidel Castro History ArchiveTab seemed to migrate to others !
- Castro Speech database
- OCT. 7TH MANKATO STUDENT STRIKEThis Thursday students of Minnesota State University, Mankato walked out of class to protest the $8 million being slashed from their budget. This Thursday students of Minnesota State University, Mankato walked out of class to protest the ...
- Greek police officer convicted of Alexandros murde ...police.jpg The police officer charged with the murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, which sparked heavy writing across the country, has been found guilty. Al Jazeera reported that i ...
- New Zealand: Direct Action vs Burger Fuelburgerfuel 2.jpg After protests in Auckland and Wellington, and further planned protests outside Burger Fuel fast food stores across the North Island and in Sydney, Burger Fuel has recently backed down a ...
- New Zealand: Secondary School Teacher's StrikePPTA Strike 15th Sept 2010 001.jpg On September 15th over 1,000 teachers and supporters from Wellington, Hutt Valley and Kapiti Coast marched from Wellington High School to Parliament as part of a nation ...
- New Zealand: A Mini Strike Wave?PPTA Strike 15th Sept 2010 029.jpg If you believe the media, there seems to be heaps of unruly workers going out on strike at the moment. And yes, it appears so – the recent teachers’ strike of up to 16, ...
Free Range International
- What A MessI’m not referring to the controversy surrounding the attempted rescue of Linda Norgrove which is currently consuming the news cycle. My experience is that Special Operations folks do not attempt rescue operations unless the odds are stacked in their favor. Â I don’t know anything about what happened ...
- Meet a Couple of Hero’sHero is one of those terms which comes up often in reporting about the military. Â Not every service member is a hero nor is every hero we encounter in our lives associated with the military. Â I point this out because the label “hero” is at risk of becoming a meaningless cliche as we approach the [ ...
- Five Hundred Meter WarHerschel Smith at the Captains Journal has put up a great post which addresses a topic near and dear to my heart; infantry tactics. The post is The Five Hundred Meter War which had the video below from James Foley, a professional journalist writing at Global Post embedded in it. His full report ca ...
- A New Way Forward?A very tense week for those of us outside the wire has finally passed which means it is time for some good news. We have been on a restricted movement routine (for the first time in five years) which provided the opportunity to digest a report from The Afghanistan Study Group entitled A New Way For ...
- Rocky RoadAs the summer started I was optimistic regarding the chances that we would see some indications that we are gaining ground in Afghanistan but that has not happened. Incident rates are skyrocketing which in and of itself is not a negative thing if it is our side who are instigating the incidents but ...
The Story Behind the Story
- INSIDERS REPORT: OBAMA SUFFERING FROM SEVERE DEPR ...So you state that President Obama is depressed? How did you come by this information? From a direct source still working within the White House on a daily basis. As I had stated previously, tensions at the White House have reached a critical stage. The infighting among staff is off the charts. ...
- Obama Begins Cashing in On Carbon Credits in KENYAThe new world currency apparently will be tied to “carbon credits” as the standard of value.  Never mind that global warming (aka CLIMATE-GATE) is a massive hoax and fraud. Rather than issue worthless fiat paper money, why not issue ‘carbon credits’ on a global scale. Keep in mind that any an ...
- America’s Entitlement ElitistsAmerica is Great —– Because America is Good!! By A. True Ott, PhD, June 1, 2010 The famous French statesman and historian Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) traveled widely through America in the year 1832. Following his tour of America, he wrote extensively about what he saw and experienced here. ...
- SENATORS TO BE ADDED TO UNEMPLOYMENT ROLLSALL the senators on this list need to be OUT OF OFFICE by November 15. It will soon be payback time for these senators – forward this list to everyone you know. Don’t forget. November 2nd is “Take out the trash day” !!!!!! The following senators voted against making English the official langua ...
- IMPORTANT BREAKING NEWS — Horowitz and Kane ...In a most cowardly and dastardly fashion, Leonard G. Horowitz and his consort/accomplice Sherri Kane have chosen to target me, A. True Ott, PhD in a clear and actionable case of libel where they accuse me of being “A Satanist” with only the flimsiest of circumstantial hearsay as their “evidence”.  ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny hou ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work www.tumbleweedhouses.com The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plans fo ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being pro ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re in ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human effect ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain temper ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here’s ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing to do ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM says t ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- James Cameron (Oct 2, 2010)He's one of Hollywood's most powerful figures, and, he's been one of the oil sands most vocal critics. That combination had the oil industry on edge when Avatar director, Canadian James Cameron visited Alberta.
- Robert Fowler, Held Hostage by al Qaeda in Africa ...Kidnapped by al Qaeda. The very thought causes shudders. But it happened to this week's guest: one of Canada's former senior diplomats in Africa on a special mission for the United Nations. The challenge: solving a dispute between the government of Niger and the rebel movement MNJ. This week, the Un ...
- Steve Nash, Two-time NBA MVP (Sept 19, 2009)He's one of the best basketball players on the planet, and he's made millions at it. But there's more to this week's guest than just the game. A lot more. This Canadian now makes his name on the courts, in the movies, and doing some pretty good things around the world. This week, he's our guest.
- Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of Canada (Sept ...We know it was a recession, but do we know if it's really a recovery? And what about that huge deficit? A dollar again approaching parity with its US counterpart? And the unemployment rate -- could it soon be in double digits? Difficult questions for this week's guest, the man who has to consider th ...
- Dr. Shana Kelley, University of Toronto (October 3 ...Research labs around the world are on the constant hunt for new ways of fighting one of the world's great killers - cancer. In one lab in Toronto, exciting promise on a new technique for early detection. The possibilities are endless: for fighting cancer, and other diseases, both here in our world, ...
Scotts Contracting
- Connecting Small-scale Renewables to the Smart Gri ...On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: By Dick DeBlasio, NREL Smart grid enthusiasm is everywhere, and much is rooted in the opportunity to increase reliance on renewable energy sources such as biomass, geothermal heat, … Continue reading → - Solar Power in the Desert California StyleOn Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: Energy Commission approves 959 MW of solar power in California desert Sacramento, Calif., October 1, 2010 â Following the recent success of licensing solar energy facilities, the California … Continue reading → - Is New York the new Windy City?On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: NYISO: New York grid ready for more wind power Rensselaer, N.Y., September 30, 2010 â According to a study issued by the New York Independent System Operator, wind … Continue reading → - Shocking news: Taxes are Eliminated on Renewble En ...On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: Ohio governor signs order eliminating tax on renewable energy Columbus, Ohio, October 1, 2010 â Gov. Ted Strickland signed an executive order implementing the elimination of Ohio’s tangible … Continue reading → - Power Naps Decrease Computer Energy UseOn Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: Dear Scotty, Thanks to you, we’re on track with our goals for the October 10 Coal Challenge, but the deadline is just a few days away. Repower at … Continue reading →
The View From Abroad
- Statist Policies Cause More Harm Than GoodA sure fire way to make a situation worse is to involve the government.
- Republican Proposals Reaffirm the Party’s Commitme ...The House Republican's "A Pledge to America" is a pathetic policy proposal.
- Deregulation Did Not Cause the Financial Crisis, W ...Statists criticize "libertarian" deregulation for the financial crisis. It's all a smokescreen to hide the real cause: the welfare state.
- Deregulation did not Cause the Financial Crisis, W ...Statists criticize "libertarian" deregulation for the financial crisis. It's all a smokescreen to hide the real cause: the welfare state.
- Obama’s Policies Hurt the Working ClassThe unintended consequences of Obama's Cash for Clunkers and credit card reform are hurting the working class.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- The White Noise of WarThe hearts and minds of Pakistan have spoken. But they can't be heard above the white noise of war.
- How Green Grows My War EconomyNot for the first time, the Defense Department announced a green initiative.
- Backed-up NATO Vehicles Stood in Mute Testimony to ...6,500 halted vehicles an indication of the power of veto Pakistan has over the war in Afghanistan.
- Mock Drone AttackIPS'ers take to the streets to show the public what a drone attack looks like from the point of civilians.
- U.S. Base Deal for Colombia: Back to the Status Qu ...Despite a legal setback, the State Department says that existing agreements permit the United States to continue its military presence in Colombia.
- Crackdown on California Attorneys for Mortgage Fra ...The indictment last week of a California attorney was just the latest move by federal and state prosecutors and government agencies to impose civil penalties or prison time against Golden State lawyers allegedly involved in mortgage or foreclosure fraud. The U.S. Attorney's Office for Los Angeles in ...
- Malpractice Suit Against Weil Gotshal Sent to Stat ...
- Church Financier Faces Ponzi Scheme Trial
- The Careerist: Ladies Get Lucky in WashingtonCheck out some of the latest posts on the lawjobs.com blog, The Careerist. Ladies Get Lucky in Washington Plus Life Perfect After Law? Only if You Buy the Pitch Also Lawyers Gone Rogue: A roundup of misbehaving lawyers
- Judge Defends Filming TV Show Audition in Courtroo ...A California judge under fire for filming a TV show audition without the knowledge of litigants in her courtroom has denied that she violated judicial canons. San Diego County Superior Court Judge DeAnn Salcido also responded to charges that she failed to promote public confidence in the integrity o ...
- یه روز یه ترک و یه رشتی و یه اصفهانییه روز یه ترک و یه رشتی و یه اصفهانی ...!
- Visit is bad timing for LebanonMahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad will savour every moment. Stung by opposition at home, where even his own fundamentalist friends now dislike him, he will be feted in Lebanon on Wednesday, a country where he can expect genuine welcome from at least part of the population. While he celebrates Iran’s close ties t ...
- Iran Accuses Foreigners of 'Anti-revolutionary' Ti ...Iran says it suspects two foreigners who were arrested as they were interviewing the son of a woman sentenced to death by stoning have links to foreign anti-government groups. Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast says the two entered Iran with tourist visas and not journalist visas. In a T ...
- دفاع دوباره هاشمی رفسنجانی از وقف دانشگاه آزاد هاشمی رفسنجانی در واکنش به حکم ابطال وقف دانشگاه آزاد، به یادآوری نظر موافق آیتالله خمینی با ماهیت غیردولتی این مرکز آموزشی پرداخته است. وی در وبسایت خود نوشته که آیتالله خمینی جلوی مخالفان دانشگاه آزاد ایستاد.
- قطع دست یک نفر به جرم سرقت در ایرانمحمد ذوقی، دادستان شهر مشهد، از قطع دست یک زندانی متهم به سرقت در زندان این شهر و در مقابل چشمان تعدادی از دیگر زندانیان متهم به سرقت، خبر داد. read more
Most Revolutionary Act
- Bankrupt the CIA: Boycott HeroinThe above title is an example of a novel international counterculture offensive called “culture jamming” or “meme warfare,” popularized by the Vancouver-based Adbusters Magazine and Adbusters Media Foundation ( https://www.adbusters.org/ ). A “meme,” as defined in Adbusters founder Kalle Lasn’s 2000 ...
- Addressing Overpopulation: Too Important to Leave ...I have blogged before about chronic disease (and the need to produce extra farm labor) being the primary population pressure in the third world. Demographers seeking to understand first world population pressures simply look at the US with its 2.1 fertility rate – compared to a 1.1 – 1.4 rate in the ...
- Dropping Fertility Rates: A Capitalist’s Wo ...The most famous “involuntary” solution to population explosion is China’s infamous “one-child” policy, accompanied by mandatory abortion for women who conceive a second child. The main problem I see with such a policy in western democracies is achieving majority support for it. Without majority su ...
- Population and Resource Wars: Lessons from the Old ...In the 18 th century political, economist Thomas Malthus made the observation that human beings have always outstripped their food supply. He also observed that when populations reach the limit of their ability to provide for themselves some external force – usually famine, epidemics, or war – inter ...
- Population and Sustainability: Addressing the Tabo ...More and more activists in the sustainability movement are coming to the conclusion that carbon emissions can’t be reduced to a safe range without curbing population growth. However at present it’s considered politically incorrect to even mention population control. The right accuses you of infringi ...
Free Movement
- Winding downI have taken the surprisingly easy decision to wind down Free Movement. For reasons that continue to escape me and which have never been explained by John O, formerly of NCADC, he left that organisation in April 2010 and set up a website called, imaginatively enough, Free Movement. It can be found a ...
- New Immigration Rules laidNew Immigration Rules have just been laid in Statement of Changes CM 7944. The main change is that the English language requirement for spouses and partners has been introduced, as expected. It takes effect for new applications made on or after 29 November 2010. Those with applications in before tha ...
- Zimbabwe removals still suspendedAs recently as 14 September 2010 the Government’s position was that it is not enforcing returns to Zimbabwe. In a debate in the Commons on that day the following question and answer were given: Keith Vaz (Leicester East) (Lab): Given the critical situation in Zimbabwe, does it remain the Government’ ...
- Entry clearance deception refusalsPractitioners have seen a considerable increase in the number of applications for entry clearance that have been refused on the general grounds for refusal. The reasons are often opaque at best. Some simply refer to the contents of a Document Verification Report (DVR) and do not disclose this report ...
- New Zimbabwe fact finding reportUKBA has published a new fact finding report on the situation in Zimbabwe. It is, probably not by co-incidence, just in time for the new test case on Zimbabwe, due to begin on 20 October 2010 and in which the Immigration Advosory Service are again acting. Presumably, UKBA will be seeking to argue th ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- Kent State Truth Tribunal Hears New Forensic Evide ...October 12, New York City, NY – The Kent State Truth Tribunal this weekend heard testimony from forensic audio scientist Stuart Allen that establishes clear orders to shoot live ammunition at unarmed protesting students by the Ohio National Guard. The tape also reveals startling evidence of an a ...
- Forensic Scientist to Present New Evidence of Comm ...October 5, New York City, NY – On October 9th &10th, 2010 filmmaker Michael Moore will again livecast the hearings of the Kent State Truth Tribunal (KSTT), streaming real time accounts of participants, witnesses and family members of the 1970 Kent State shootings that left four students dead and ...
- U.S. REP. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS CALLS FOR FORECLOSURE ...TUCSON – U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords today called for an immediate three-month national moratorium on foreclosures so lenders and loan servicers can address rampant problems that have led to homeowners being wrongly removed from their homes. “Foreclosures are at an all-time high nationally and Ari ...
- Banks Should Follow Chase and Declare Moratorium o ...The rest of the banking industry should follow JPMorgan Chase’s example and declare a nationwide moratorium on home foreclosures, AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker said today. Chase has announced it is temporarily halting the processing of home foreclosures. In rallies and town hall ...
- It's time for nation to stand together for job ...In Washington this Saturday, I will join tens of thousands of Americans to march for jobs, justice and education. The march is called together under the banner of One Nation: Working Together, a large coalition of more than 400 organizations. Why do we march? We march for hope. We've seen the politi ...
- Paladino apologizes "if" gays were offended by his ...New York Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino issued a statement this afternoon apologizing "for any comment that may have offended the Gay and Lesbian Community or their family members."
- Chile leader tells mom her son will be first outThe president of Chile has made it official, telling the mother of Florencio Avalos that he'll be the first of 33 men to be rescued from the collapsed mine where they've been trapped for 69 days
- Howard Fineman's Clinton cluelessnessFor his inaugural piece at the Huffington�Post, Howard Fineman has written the kind of column that irritates me to no end, suggesting that Bill Clinton has some kind of special formula that allows him to connect with voters that Barack Obama can't reach.
- Ad attacks on China cross the lineAdam Hanft dissects and deconstructs political advertising at Spin Season , where this originally appeared.
- O'Donnell channels viral Antoine Dodson videoDelaware Tea Party Senate Candidate Christine O'Donnell's newest ad contains a bizarre reference to Antoine Dodson, the Alabama man who rocketed to fame over the summer after his rant to a local TV�news station about the attempted rape of his sister went viral .
SMB News
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the disq ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, believed ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage to t ...
- Nato’s 27 fuel tankers torched in ShikarpurFor SMB News Nato’s 27 fuel tankers torched in Shikarpur SHIKARPUR: More than 27 oil tankers, meant for Nato’s fuel supply and three other vehicles, have been torched after some unidentified attackers fired rockets, which resulted in eruption of raging ablaze, meanwhile two men suffered injuries in ...
- Obama to demand India for Kashmir issue resolutionFor SMB News Obama to demand India for Kashmir issue resolutionWASHINGTON: Go for a Kashmir solution and help bring stability to the region for a ticket to UN Security Council membership and fulfilling your big power aspirations. That’s the broad message President Barack Obama will be bringing to Ne ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Ottawa abusing the public trustPoliticization of information must end.
- Boomerang on provinces If you’re a provincial politician enlisting in Ottawa’s crusade against crime, be careful what you ask for. You may get stuck with the bill.
- Keep this Miller legacyA successful community program, serving Toronto’s most disadvantaged neighbourhoods, is set to expire; yet one of the leading mayoral candidates is unwilling to commit to continuing it. That’s a shame.
- All negative, all the timeA year from an election, where are the constructive ideas?
- Ottawa’s head in sandJob numbers suggest this is no time for austerity.
Energy Collective
- Connecticut, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania Enjoyi ...When people think of the best states for solar power, California is often the first state to come to mind as it has strong financial incentives for solar power but also possesses an abundance of sunshine that makes solar power seem logical. However, many state governments on the east coast of the U. ...
- “The Marines Go Green” and Civilians GainA good deal has been written about the military’s recent efforts to “go green,” but Fred Kaplan’s piece for Slate last week is unique in its exploration of the potential civilian�benefits�of such an initiative. Kaplan does well to�delineate�the�military’s�history as a robust market for innovative te ...
- Department of Energy Offers Conditional Commitment ...U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced a conditional commitment to provide a partial guarantee for a $1.3 billion loan in support of the world's largest wind farm to date. The loan will finance the Caithness Shepherds Flat wind project, an 845 megawatt wind-powered electrical generating f ...
- Anatomy of a Senate climate bill deathThis is a cross post by CAP’s Daniel J. Weiss.
- Doc alert: Monitoring Climate Change ImpactsCurrently available as a free PDF, is the PNAS publication Monitoring Climate Change Impacts: Metrics at the Intersection of the Human and Earth Systems. The document is 110 pages, 42MB. From the report’s summary:
EU Times
- Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist grou ...Two Israeli groups set up training courses in Wikipedia editing with aims to ‘show the other side’ over borders and culture. Since the earliest days of the worldwide web, the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has seen its rhetorical counterpart fought out on the talkboards and chatrooms of ...
- Abbas, Palestinians should die: Israeli rabbiAn influential Israeli rabbi has said God should strike the Palestinians and their leader with a plague, calling for their death in a fiery sermon before Middle East peace talks set to begin next week. “Abu Mazen and all these evil people should perish from this earth,” Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual ...
- Ahmadinejad: Israel ‘too weak to face Iran&# ...Ahmadinejad dismisses US as “unable to beat a small army in Iraq.” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected fears of an attack on Iran, taunting Israel as “too weak to face up to Iran militarily,” and the US as unable to beat even a small army in Iraq, speaking in an interview with Al-Jazeera ...
- Gerald Celente: America Is Becoming The Soviet Uni ...For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: America is becoming the Soviet Union! Is he right? Tweet This! Share this on Facebook Digg this! Share this on del.icio.us Post this to MySpace Share this on Technorati Share this on Reddit Add this to Google Bookmarks Post on Google Buzz Bu ...
- Muslims Give Obama Highest Job Approval; Mormons, ...Muslim Americans continue to give President Barack Obama the highest job approval rating of any major religious group in the U.S., while Mormons give the president the lowest ratings. The differences in Obama’s approval ratings across the religious groups included in this analysis have held fairly c ...
Stonecipher News
- Washington State Fathers Network Annual ConferenceThe Fathers Network is a group of men who have children that have a disability. According to Roseberg & Wilcox (2006), “The Washington State Fathers Network (WSFN) has served over 1,000 families in the past 20 years. Founded on the belief that men are crucial in the lives of children, WSFN is a pow ...
- Your Child Has A Learning Disability. So What's Ne ...From my Factoidz page : Learning Disabilities was included in the 1975 authorization of the federal law Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) after an organization of parents formed the first Association of Children with Learning Disabilities (Heward, 2009). In the text, Exceptional Chil ...
- Dumbing Down Society Pt 2: Mercury in Foods and Va ...According to Vigilant , "Even though mercury is known to degenerate brain neurons and disrupt the central nervous system, it is still found in processed foods and mandatory vaccines. In this second part of the series examining the intentional dumbing-down of society, this article will discuss the pr ...
- Waking up TeensAccording to Science Daily, "Teenagers' morning drowsiness is often caused by out-of-tune body clocks, in a condition known as "delayed sleep phase syndrome." Scientists now say that timing exposure to blue light -- avoiding it during the first two hours of being wake, then getting a good dose of it ...
- The Special Education ProfessionFrom my Factoidz page : Persons who desire to become special educators do so for numerous reasons. Whether making a decision to become a special educator as the initial step into the educational system, or move to special education from the ranks of general education, the teacher that chooses this f ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- The Hills: Lauren Conrad Reveals Why She Is Retur ...The Hills star Lauren Conrad recently appeared at a book signing in LA and Pop US caught up with her to discuss her return to reality television , which will document Lauren starting up her own company. She also discusses her book and the possibility of it being turned into a... Tags: the hills rea ...
- A Reader Asks a Question - Part III'm so scintillating, I know. At least in my own mind. Lovely Melisa asks: Where do you see yourself in ten years? Alive, I hope. All kidding aside, I don't have many goals. I'm hopeful that I will have received my black belt in Muay Thai boxing. I have about 8 months left in the... Tags: muay thai ...
- Is Affordable Housing a Lost Dream for the Poor?By Dr. Ada Fisher The... Tags: urban renewal affordable housing cultural diversity supreme court amoco oil company salisbury durham harlem ada fisher cabrini green
- The Gathering Note joins TumblrI’ve started a Tumblr version of The Gathering Note as a forum for readers to add their own content. I will periodically pluck compelling audience reviews, photos, videos, etc for further commentary or for stand alone posts over here. Anonymous posts are okay — provided they... Tags: classical mus ...
- Switching to Better CoffeeOctober is Fair Trade month, which means it’s the perfect month for us to get moving on a change we’ve long hoped to make in our office kitchen - buying better coffee. Our decision to buy better coffee was spearheaded by one of our Life Cycle Assessment specialists, who... Tags: coffee life cycle as ...
- IBM and Oracle Are Behind OpenJDK!Years from now, when we all bore our grandchildren with stories of the history of the Java programming language, the date of 11 October 2010 may be considered a landmark date in Java's history. For on that date, the two biggest players in all of Javadom agreed to collaborate on OpenJDK. In this post ...
- Red Hat hails IBM's move to Oracle OpenJDK So now we've got, Oracle, IBM and Red Hat all on the same basic page when it comes to Java and its open source implementation. "We are pleased to see IBM joining Oracle on the OpenJDK," Mark Little, Sr. Director of Engineering, Middleware, Red Hat and JCP Executive Committee member said in an e ...
- Java Trap, 2010 EditionAs a member of the Apache Software Foundation, my views on open source tend to gravitate towards more liberal licenses, like the Apache License (v2.0), BSD, or MIT licenses.... More than 6 years ago, "Free but Shackled - The Java Trap" was published by Richard. While I don't agree with the moral a ...
- EU to push patent-free eGovernment "Because of their positive effect on interoperability, the use of [...] open specifications [...] has been promoted in many policy statements and is encouraged for European public service delivery," according to a draft EIF seen by EurActiv. The BSA alleges that in its current form, the EIF will en ...
- IBM joining OpenJDK repeat after me pragmatic, ...This is really a blast against the Java community. The JSPA dictates that companies leading a JSR have to provide a license to anybody requesting it. That is the very foundation of the JCP: to create a market place where all competitors are on an equal-playing-field. Yet, in that case, SUN refused t ...
- 7/7 Inquest: Causing More Questions Than Answers7/7 inquest raises more questions about alleged DNA evidence than it answers, and ignores important anomalies that shed doubt on official story.
- Should I Drink This?An investigation in to the use of Fluoride in our drinking water.
- Introducing Resistance RadioResistance Radio Network launched with MistrBrit, Keelan Balderson, 9/11 researcher Tod Fletcher and more.
- Hague’s British Sovereignty Legislation Is S ...Why William Hague's new British Sovereignty Legislation does nothing to halt the EU superstate, and how the media are framing the debate.
- Terror Alert Fashback: Mumbai Attack Involved CIA ...If the Mumbai attacks were launched by the CIA & ISI, what does it mean when they warn that Mumbai is coming to Europe?
Waterkeeper Alliance
- Siphoning at Savannah River raises unanswerable qu ...Siphoning at Savannah River raises unanswerable questions
- Organization to focus on cleaner water�Organization to focus on cleaner water�
- Biosolids plan gets blessing of stateBiosolids plan gets blessing of state
- Ga senators file legislation aimed at fixing water ...Ga senators file legislation aimed at fixing water woes
- Canadian Nuclear Association clings to inaccurate, ...Canadian Nuclear Association clings to inaccurate, unsupported claims
Politics in the Zeros
- Feds order HSBC to boost money-laundering controlsBut we’ll have none of those tacky criminal indictments, just more wrist-slaps and fines. After all, we can’t be roiling the markets by implying that banksters are gangsters. Oh, wait…
- Huge protests in France. Ports shut. Millions in t ...The French protests are against government plans to raise retirement ages and privatize industry. The US needs protests like this. They are huge, broad-based, and enjoy wide support. They can and often do genuinely have a political effect.
- Federal Judge blocks military from enforcing DADTWill Obama do the right thing and support the decision? After all he did promise to end DADT. I’m not holding my breath.
- Google invests in 6 GW 350 mile offshore wind off ...Well done Google. Let’s hope the much needed project gets past the legions of NIMBYs who will surely object Inhabitat has the details.
- It’s called only class war when it’s aimed at the ...Marc Cooper I know itâs obvious. I know itâs like shooting fish in a barrel. But, for Chrissakes, why is denouncing the wealthiest for being greedy â which they areâ “class warfare” but cutting off unemployment insurance for common people, bestowing a trillion or two in tax breaks for the ri ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- Friends and family farewell Carmen Thomas in Auckl ...A funeral service is being held today for Auckland woman Carmen Thomas
- Wellington mayoral result set to be announced toda ...The winner of Wellington's tight mayoral race will be announced this afternoon
- One dead in house fire at Shannon, north of LevinOne person is dead following a house fire in Shannon, 16km north of Levin, early today
- United front for South Island mayors mootedMayors across the South Island say they will put up a united front to fight the economic pulling power of the emerging Auckland Super City
- High factor sunscreen not a shield of armour says ...The Cancer Society is warning a new high factor sunscreen is not a "shield of armour"
Just World News
- Jones's departure-- linked to dog-wagging?I am still trying to get my head around why-- less than a month before a crucial mid-term election, Obama's national security adviser Gen. Jim Jones felt he should leave. Of course, it is not clear at all whether he took the initiative to leave the White House, or was pushed. But the timing looks ...
- Chas Freeman book: Buy it on Amazon!We've done it! The paperback version of Amb. Chas Freeman's book, America's Misadventures in the Middle East , is now available for purchase through Amazon . The paperback, hardcover, and e-book versions of the book will all be available through other sales channels in the near future. But for now ...
- When is an act of war not an act of war?The inimitable Matt Duss has a great post on Wonk Room today in which he notes that recent polling data from CBS News and Vanity Fair "indicates pretty strongly that Americans are not in favor of a U.S. war with Iran ." He adds, however, that supporters of a U.S. war on Iran realize that a "war", a ...
- 23% of Israelis ready to leave Israel at any hint ...In the latest issue of the always informative journal Middle East Policy , University of Pennsylvania prof Ian Lustick expresses the notable observation that, Last year, a poll by David Menashri of the Iran center at Tel Aviv University reported ... that 70 percent of Israeli Jews said they would n ...
- That all-American urge to punishOn Thursday afternoon I took the long drive down to the far southeastern corner of Virginia and took part in solemn observances to mark-- and protest-- our state's killing of one of its citizens, Teresa Lewis. It was a big and moving event. I was there not only as an individual but also in my capac ...
First Truths
- Mortgage Liens On Our LivesThe state, though it assures us of the goodwill behind its housing policies, has succeeded in a master stroke of subterfuge that further condenses wealth in the troves of the elite. The mortgage fiasco once again demonstrates that the state will mobilize when the interests of its club members are im ...
- Terrorism By Any Other NameIn federal court on Tuesday, Faisal Shahzad, whose attempt to bomb Times Square with homemade explosives was thwarted back in May, was handed a life sentence. In a statement made during a hearing, Shahzad, an American radicalized by the United States’ sanguinary, terroristic crusade against the Mu ...
- Sounding OffIn a society that fully and consistently honors individual sovereignty, observing the nonaggression principle, an independent right to free speech is unnecessary and redundant. By making the coercive land monopolization of government impossible, libertarian anarchism preempts free speech as an issue ...
- The Pretended Populism of PoliticsIn contemporary politics, populism implies, and is drawn on to justify, the boundless proliferation of statism. And, though the irony is seldom acknowledged, there is something thoroughly perverse about the idea that an organization of exclusivity, every action of which plants more deeply the roots ...
- Experts in the Ministry of CrimeA few days ago, I was reminded of a New York Times column, The Establishment Lives! , in which David Brooks, trumpeting the efficacy of the omnipresent, total state, wrote: If you wanted to devise a name for this approach, you might pick the phrase economist Arnold Kling has used: Progressive Cor ...
Media Co-Op
- 10 Indigenous Struggles Canadian Climate and Envir ...Statement from Climate Justice Montreal for October 12 Day of Action for Climate Justice 10 INDIGENOUS STRUGGLES Canadian climate and environmental activists should support A RECLAIM COLUMBUS DAY STATEMENT by CLIMATE JUSTICE MONTREAL ...
- Activists drop banner off Lakeshore Ave demanding ...For Immediate Release Tuesday October 12, 2010 Toronto – At 8:00am this morning, activists from Environmental Justice Toronto risked arrest by hanging a banner off the Lakeshore Ave Expressway that said “Freedom for Alex Hundert,” a community organizer who has been in jail since being re-arrested af ...
- Dike raising takes bite out of South Fraser Perime ...PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release October 11th, 2010 Dike raising takes bite out of South Fraser Perimeter Road freeway [ photos attached ] SURREY – On Sunday October 10th about 250 people dug up part of a freeway construction site in Surrey Sunday to fill sandbags and raise the dike ...
- Mass-marketing "Heritage"A case-study of ongoing gentrification in the East Side Located on Salsbury Drive, the new target for gentrification is a set of three buildings. Lovingly called "The Mansion" but also known as the Jeffs Residence, the complex is made up of 17 ...
- Vigil of HopeDominion Stories
David Seaton's News Links
- Tea Party: Nixon's chickens come home to roostDavid Seaton's News Links The political climate in America is toxic and it has been ever since Richard Nixon launched his Southern Strategy and caused Republicans to pause from their golf and stock coupon clipping long enough to plunge into neofascist populism and charismatic religion. The fiscal co ...
- What makes the Kochs and the neocons nervous enoug ...David Seaton's News Links If you study the following two clippings from the UK's Guardian and from Germany's Der Spiegel you can why the Kochs, libertarians of every stripe, AIPAC and the neocons, have every reason to have (as the British would put it) their knickers in a twist. Speculation that go ...
- American fascism and musical chairsDavid Seaton's News Links I've had a few comments on my last post from people who didn't really see any similarities between today's America and Germany and Italy of the 1920s and 30s. I'm sorry if my previous� post on American fascism wasn't as clear as I would have wished. When I talk about fas ...
- Fascism is coming to the USA... Literally (no kidd ...David Seaton's News Links I thought twice before using the word "fascism" in the title of this post, because by now the word "fascism" and "fascist" have become degraded into simply all purpose terms of abuse without any concrete meaning, except disaproval: so perhaps it might be a good thing to go ...
- Erdogan and the future of... Egypt�"For too long, many nations, including my own, tolerated, even excused, oppression in the Middle East in the name of stability. Oppression became common, but stability never arrived. We must take a different approach. We must help the reformers of the Middle East as they work for freedom, and striv ...
EWG - Environmental Working Group
- EWG Asks FDA Advisors to Back Sunscreen Regulation ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs – 202-667-6982 WASHINGTON, Oct. 7, -- Environmental Working Group (EWG) asked a prestigious expert advisory panel to urge the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue long-awaited regulations for... [[ This is a content summary only. Vis ...
- 50 Groups Challenge Government Grant to Pro-Pestic ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 OAKLAND, Calif. – More than 50 organizations concerned about the risks of pesticides to human health and the environment have joined forces to fight California officials’ award of a $180,000... [[ This is a content summary only. Vi ...
- Few Sunscreens Shield From UVA RaysContact: EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982. alex@ewg.org Washington, D.C. â With fall here, millions of Americans are outside at football and soccer games, cross-country meets, school fairs, picking apples and raking leaves. As temperatures lower and bathing suits go in ...
- Three Top Scientists Honored with Prestigious Hein ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 Washington, D.C. -- Among this year’s recipients of the prestigious Heinz Family Philanthropies Global Change Awards are three preeminent scientists working to advance our understanding of the impacts that chemical exposures hav ...
- Pesticide Industry to Use Tax Dollars to Attack Cr ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs â 202-667-6982 WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 -- The California Department of Food and Agriculture has awarded $180,000 in federal funds to finance an agribusiness-chemical industry plan to combat its critics – Environmental Working Group and other hea ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- Half a Teaspoon of This Each Day Can Optimize Chol ...A 12-week London study was recently conducted involving 58 type 2 diabetics with hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels over 7 percent. Hemoglobin A1c is a marker for long-term glycemic control in diabetics. After 12 weeks on 2g of cinnamon per day, study subjects had significantly lower HbA1c levels, as we ...
- Amazing Guitarist! You won't believe the treatment this young guitar prodigy gives an old Beatles classic!
- Recent Barbaric Experiments in Medicine The following scientific experiments are considered sick, unethical or just plain sadistic by today's standards: 1939 ‘Monster Study,’ which involved berating and ridiculing children. World War II Porton Down Experiments, during which military servicemen were exposed to toxic nerve agen ...
- The Healing Power of Probiotics Impresses Research ...A breakthrough study has revealed for the first time that probiotic bacteria appear to affect gene activity and cellular reactions in the human intestine. According to NUTRAingredients.com: “Consumption of a dairy drink containing three strains of probiotic bacteria was associated with changes i ...
- Banned in Europe for Causing 83,000 Heart Attacks ...A September 23, 2010 article in the New England Journal of Medicine announced that, finally, the FDA has stepped forward and decided on regulatory action for Avandia, a diabetes drug that last year claimed 1,354 lives as a result of cardiac-associated problems. The FDA is restricting access to Avan ...
- A 29-Year-Old Woman With Flulike Symptoms [Clinica ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Noninferiority Trials [Capitol Health Call](No abstract is available for this citation)
- Ghost Busting [Capitol Health Call](No abstract is available for this citation)
- Coverage Being Questioned? [Capitol Health Call](No abstract is available for this citation)
- VA Drug Formulary [Capitol Health Call](No abstract is available for this citation)
Survival - tribal peoples
- Survival publishes ‘Top 5 Hall of Shame’ for Colum ...Peru's isolated Indians have made it clear they want outsiders to stay out. © Heinz Plenge Pardo / Frankfurt Zoological Society Survival is marking Columbus Day (October 12th/ October 11th in US) by publishing its ‘Top 5 Hall of Shame’ – the key companies violating tribal peoples’ rights worldw ...
- Aboriginal anger at gas project plansThe proposed gas project in Western Australia has become highly contentious © Keith Wood/ Wilderness Society Preliminary work has started on a controversial gas project on the Western Australian coast. The state’s premier has aroused fury by announcing that land for the development will be comp ...
- Mapuche hunger strike ends Mapuche protests are often met with a violent police response © Flickr user antitezo, Creative Commons license Many of the 34 Mapuche prisoners on hunger strike in Chile have ended their protest, after reaching an agreement with the Chilean government. Around ten of the prisoners, however, sa ...
- US Congress’ historic hearing on Papuan human righ ...The US Congress held an open hearing last week to hear testimonies from Papuans and academics about human rights violations in West Papua. The hearing, hosted by the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment, was titled, ‘Crimes against humanity: When will Indonesia’s military be ...
- Church demands end to armed attacks on Guarani Guarani Indians often suffer violent attacks after they return to their ancestral land © CIMI Brazilian bishops have demanded that the government take urgent action to put an end to armed attacks on Guarani communities in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, south of the Amazon. Last month, Guara ...
Montreal Gazette
- Reinstate the bidding on metro-car contractThe excuse Quebec Transportation Minister Sam Hamad hurriedly threw out last week for withdrawing the call was quickly discredited by the head of the Societe de transport de Montreal himself, Michel Labrecque. Hamad insisted that replacing 500 metro cars, some that date from the metro's open ...
- Quebecers thirst for an alternativeQuebecers craving to escape the endless sterile sovereignty struggle -- and we are legion -- have a faint hint of new hope this month, in the news that Francois Legault, one of the most capable ministers in the last Parti Quebecois government, is toying with launching a new political party.
- No easy fixes for health systemAs a perennial political hot potato, the health system is rivalled in Quebec by only la question nationale, and elsewhere in Canada by no other issue. Pollster Nik Nanos reports that last month 35 per cent of Canadian called health care their top issue of Canada-wide concern, far ahead of th ...
- Prosecution of David Chen amounts to persecutionThe Toronto shopkeeper is charged, with two of his clerks, with assaulting and forcibly confining Anthony Bennett, a notorious shoplifter with 43 convictions. One day in May 2009, just an hour after videotape showed Bennett stealing potted plants from Chen's Lucky Moose market, Bennett retur ...
- She did us all proudCanadians have had the same queen since 1952, but in the same period we have had 10 governors-general. Today the number increases to 11.
Food World Order
- 3/4's of US obese or overweight by 2020, says alar ...from natural news : America is already on the verge of drowning in sick-care bankruptcy, but the situation is about to get even worse. According to a new study released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , three-fourths of Americans will be obese or overweight by 2020 . Tha ...
- wheat bread sales top white bread for first timefrom allgov : For the first time in consumer history, Americans are buying more wheat bread than white bread . From July 2009 to July 2010, sales of wheat bread increased 0.6%, totaling $2.6 billion, while white bread sales declined 7%, to $2.5 billion. Americans seem to be turning to wheat bread fo ...
- cattle cloned from dead animals to produce 'that m ...from bbc : Some of the cattle cloned to boost food production in the US have been created from the cells of dead animals , according to a US cloning company. Farmers say it is being done because it is only possible to tell that the animal's meat is of exceptionally high quality by inspecting its car ...
- fda uses massive egg recall to push for egg pasteu ...from natural news : Amid the massive egg recall currently underway over potential salmonella poisoning, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been working hard to push its pasteurization agenda . The agency recently made an announcement recommending that all grocery stores and restaurants ...
- 8/19 binge & purge: sour, sugar & service'fructose-slurping' cancer could sour the soda business * gm salmon: aquabounty tech seeks fda approval of fast-growing salmon * sugar beetdown; monsanto wins again * dems may use food-stamp money to pay for michelle's nutrition initiative * US food crops absorb toxic pharmaceuticals & p ...
- Vatican Bank Investigated For Alleged Money Launde ...source: NPR.org, September 21, 2010 Angelo Carconi /Associated Press Italian financial Police officers talk to each other in front of St. Peter's square at the Vatican, Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2010. (AP Photo/Angelo Carconi)
- Pakistani Christians not beneficiary of Church run ...source: Pakistan Christian Post, May 17 2010 Lahore: May 17, 2010. (PCP) The admissions are underway in convents and other missionary schools administered by Catholic Church of Pakistan and Church of Pakistan in major cities of Punjab province of Pakistan. The Christian parents are standing i ...
- Vishal Arora: A Christian fundamentalist masquera ...source: Sathya Sai blog, 19 May 2010 Vishal Arora is an independent & freelance journalist and writer living in New Delhi, India. Vishal Aroras articles have appeared in Hindustan Times , The Indian Express , The Deccan Herald , The Tribune , The Statesman , Mint , Indo-Asian News ...
- Christian casteism: Only in India: A Brahmin groom ...source: Times of India, May 16, 2010 MUMBAI: When Winnie D'Souza wanted to marry her daughter into a decent' family, she scanned the matrimonial columns of Catholic periodicals in Panaji. After shortlisting a few young men, D'Souza made inquiries about their caste. She wanted her dau ...
- Rwanda: Will the Vatican Ever Accept That Genocide ...source: AllAfrica.com, 27 May 2010 Tom Ndahiro Kigali This church's lack of courage and humility made it develop what philosopher Bertrand Russell, in his book "The Conquest of Happiness" termed "persecution mania" which he says is "a recognised form of insanity."
Whole Truth Coalition
- Police Officers Sent on Hypnosis Courses in the &# ...Officers are being encouraged to sign up to a course by Tom Silver, who is better known as a ‘celebrity hypnotherapist’ on American chat shows, in an attempt to gain more information from suspects. Mr Silver, who has appeared on the Montel Williams and Ricki Lake chat shows on US TV, where he gave a ...
- Plan to Oust Saddam Drawn up Two Years Before the ...‘A secret plan to foster an internal coup against Saddam Hussein was drawn up by the Government two years before the invasion of Iraq, The Independent can reveal. Whitehall officials drafted the “contract with the Iraqi people” as a way of signalling to dissenters in Iraq that an overthrow of Sadda ...
- Berlusconi Pushing for Israeli Membership of the E ...Italian Prime Minister says Israel should join the European Union, in a u-turn from his earlier remarks criticizing Israel’s settlement policy as an impediment to peace. “My greatest desire, as long as I am a protagonist in politics, is to bring Israel into membership of the European Union,” said Si ...
- Iceland President Accuses England, Holland of Fina ...
- Child Rapists Protected By The StateIn the October 2009 print edition of the UK Column, we reported in our article “BBC Hides Truth of Girl’s Sexual Abuse Ordeal” the shocking ordeal of Downs Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who was horribly abused by an Aberdeen paedophile ring, over a period of ten years. After investigating and planni ...
The Economic Collapse
- 10 Reasons Why Ordinary Hard-Working Americans Are ...American families better get ready to tighten their belts again. There is every indication that we are all going to really start feeling the squeeze in the months ahead. The price of gas is starting to spike again. The price of food is moving north. Health insurance premium incr ...
- ForeclosuregateIf you work in the mortgage industry or for a title insurer, you might not want to make any plans for the next six months. Foreclosuregate is about to explode. It is being alleged that many prominent mortgage lenders have been using materially flawed paperwork to evict homeowners. ...
- More Bad News: 10 Things You Should Know About The ...On Friday, headlines across the United States declared that "unemployment remains unchanged at 9.6%". Many analysts rejoiced and heralded this announcement as a sign that we have hit bottom and that things will be turning around soon. But is that the truth? A closer look at the u ...
- Where Are The Jobs?Most Americans don't really care about the economic minutiae that many of us who study the U.S. economy love to pour over. When it comes to the economy, the typical American citizen just wants to be able to get a good job, make a decent living and put bread on the table for the fam ...
- Federal Reserve Officials: Americans Are Saving To ...Some top Federal Reserve officials have come up with a really bizarre proposal for stimulating the U.S. economy. As unbelievable as it sounds, what they actually propose to do is to purposely raise the rate of inflation so that Americans will stop saving so much money and will star ...
- The Big Population QuestionHerman Daly doesn't dodge tough topics or prickly problems. In this post he provides perceptive perspectives on population and a hopeful future for humanity.
- Food and Agriculture in a Steady State EconomyFossil-fueled factory farms and livestock slums slip out of style in a steady state economy
- Muddled Media MessagesPuzzling product placements and pernicious prevarications permeate mainstream media.
- Steady State Transportation: Closing the Door on t ...The trouble with transportation is petroleum, and the problems are providing a chance for true transformation.
- Opportunity Cost of GrowthHerman Daly swims upstream like a salmon, fighting the flow of fallacious philosophy from growth economists -- you won't want to miss his final refrain on this one.
The Talking Clock
- How the European Empire plans to drive car owners ...The European Empire plans to infuriate British car drivers by spying on their every move and helping themselves to your money as a result. Writing for Bristol's Evening Post, Trevor Coleman - UKIP MEP for the South West - details the road pricing scheme that the European Empire plans to introduce ...
- UKIP Leadership Special: The Talking Clock intervi ...Following our first three exclusive UKIP leadership contest interviews, The Talking Clock is proud to once again continue assisting UKIP members in their decision making - and to inform the wider public about the characters involved in the race to lead Britain's fourth biggest party. We invited a ...
- Temperatures rise at UKIP leadership hustings in L ...The candidates at the UKIP hustings in London yesterday.Image copyright The Talking Clock 2010. The Talking Clock popped along to yesterday's UKIP Leadership hustings event in London. As we're attempting to be completely neutral on all four candidates - for as long as possible, anyway - we're n ...
- Sunday Paper Review: 3rd October 2010All of the newspapers have stories concerning a warning to be given to U.S. tourists to avoid high profile European sites due to fears of terrorism. All very dramatic. Anyone would think Obama was facing a personal and party political disaster at the ballot box in November... What else can we fin ...
- Douglas Carswell defends bloggers from elitist BBC ...Conservative MP Douglas Carswell has leapt to the defence of we humble bloggers after criticism from an employee of BBC - and ergo a public servant - who we won't name as he doesn't deserve the oxygen of publicity. Yes, let us remember. The BBC - an ultra-leftist biased broadcaster which is stron ...
Facing South
- Is Big Business reluctant to invest in Tea Party c ...One of the big stories of the 2010 elections is the record amount of campaign cash flooding into races, especially "independent expenditures" from corporate-backed outfits like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ($ 12.4 million and counting ). But so far, corporate PACS and donors have been ski ...
- Tracking corporate traitorsBy Phil Mattera, Dirt Diggers Digest Not too many years ago, America was up in arms about offshore outsourcing. The news media were filled with reports of the wholesale migration of both white collar and industrial jobs to low-wage havens in Asia. The mood of panic was reflected in articles such ...
- Nuclear project cancellation leaves Georgia standi ...Apparently even billions of dollars in loan guarantees from the federal government are not enough to help the nuclear industry overcome the financial risks of building new reactors. On Friday, Constellation Energy announced that it was withdrawing from a proposal to build a new reactor at ...
- Oil spill commission hits feds on flow rate, dispe ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica After the release of four reports by the presidential commission investigating BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill, much of the attention has been paid to criticism that the administration had inaccurately estimated the amount of oil involved -- both in gauging flow rate ...
- POPE THE VOTE? Conservative NC benefactor steps up ...Ask a casual political observer to name the nation's biggest Republican operatives, and a few would come readily to mind. Most could you tell you about Karl Rove -- the legendary Bush adviser and GOP strategist who this year aims to spend $52 million by November to help elect conservative candidate ...
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