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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

27 October - Geopolitics/News

Dual disasters in Indonesia

VIDEO: Media under threat   SA

75% Incapacity Benefit Claimants Found NOT Fit for Work  UK

The Broken of Britain 

Physicians speak out about the risks and dangers of vaccination
( There's a  nearly new file in the Topical Index - Vaccines )

Iraq Calls for International Help to Clear Landmines 
Iraq called for international help on Monday to help clear the estimated 20 million mines which pose a death threat in one of the world's most heavily mined countries after three decades of conflict.

Iraq city with soaring child cancer rates gets new hospital  Basra

N Korea demands food from S Korea
South Korea was a major donor of food to North Korea for about a decade until conservative President Lee Myung-bak halted unconditional assistance when he took office in early 2008.

Earlier this week, South Korea sent 5 000 tons of rice to flood victims in North Korea, but it was aimed at relief and contrasted with the 300 000 - 400 000 tons of rice that Lee's two liberal predecessors had shipped to the North annually.

"The Khyber Pass"... 
As has been widely reported, on September 30th Pakistan closed the Torkam checkpoint — aka, the infamous Khyber pass — to NATO convoys. When open it's the easiest transit point for matériel into Afghanistan, and the busiest. Losing access materially affects NATO's military operations.  Accounts of this incident reveal a possible mainstream news lapse of the first order.

If Past Is Prologue 
When the rules of governance — the Constitution — decree, in the abstract, that a wealthy minority shall control national policy, then that's what happens. Never mind that the rules were developed around a polity, a society, and an economy that no longer exist. Same rules, new players, same result.

 The Geopolitical Agenda behind the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize
With almost flawless political timing, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee of the Norwegian Parliament announced the giving of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Chinese critic, political activist Liu Xiaobo. The announcement came just as US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geither was upping the pressure on the government of China to agree to a substantial revaluation of the Yuan, a move that would do little for the embattled dollar but cause great harm to China’s economy. The Nobel Prize theater is part of an escalating long-term pressure strategy of Washington against China.
It is not likely to succeed any more than Washington’s calculated incitement of Tibetan riots around circles tied to the Dalai Lama in March 2008, or its covert encouragement of unrest in China’s Xinjiang Province in July 2009, or its attempt to activate a destabilization in China’s neighbor country, Mýanmar in 2007, the so-called Saffron Revolution. The circles running these pin-prick operations are aware of that. What they are doing is carefully preparing the international climate to turn the Peoples Republic of China from a partner and "friend" into the new “enemy image.” It’s a very high risk strategy on Washington’s part. It is also rooted in a certain desperation over the USA’s geopolitical situation.
What few know is that Tiananmen Square in June 1989 was an early attempt of the US intelligence to interfere in the internal affairs of the Peoples’ Republic of China and to implement what later came to be called Color Revolutions. Similar Color Revolutions were later run by Washington in Serbia against Milosevic, in Ukraine with the so-called Orange Revolution, Georgia’s Rose Revolution and other geopolitical destabilizations aimed at creating Washington-friendly regime changes.
About the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament little is made public. Their website stresses their complete independence which is less than credible if one looks to the list of names they have awarded the prize to. It includes the Dalai Lama, Burmese jailed opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, Barack Obama who got the award after only two weeks in office and despite the fact his military buildup of the war in Afghanistan was explicit before his nomination, Henry Kissinger who as Secretary of State backed repressive death squad regimes of Latin American dictators during the 1970’s. And of course, just when Wall Street banks and Anglo-American establishment decides to promote the fraud of global warming, the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to the discredited UN IPCC and to global warming promoter Al Gore. To put the facts in the open, evidence is clear that the Nobel Peace Prize is part of the geopolitical instruments of the NATO circles used to put pressure on governments it does not completely approve of. Norway is a founding member of NATO and has extremely close ties to leading US circles.
The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo, far from a gesture in promotion of peace ought better to be seen for what it is: a US-guided, NGO-fostered part of a declaration of irregular warfare against the sovereign existence of China.
The official presence of NATO in Afghanistan, far away from the North Atlantic area of NATO ought to signal that all this is not about promotion of democracy or freedom of expression, but about a declining hegemon desperately trying every weapon in its arsenal to reverse reality.