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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, April 12, 2010

12 Apr - Late Links

Arab homes from JerusalemImage via Wikipedia

Israeli hypocrisy this Holocaust Remembrance Day

Tomorrow, April 13, 2010, a new Israeli military order comes into place allowing the mass deportation of tens of thousands of Palestinians from the occupied West Bank.

Kevin Annett, beaten, exposes role of Canada's police and churches in sex crimes and child trafficking

Kevin Annett, a community minister, was assaulted by two men in Vancouver's downtown eastside on Wednesday, Jan. Jan. 6, 2010,  just two days after he published an article on church and government complicity in child trafficking on Canada's west coast.
Annett suffered cuts, bruises, and at least one broken rib as a result of the unprovoked beating by two men, one of whom is linked to a downtown church agency.
Today, after being beaten, Annett released a new article on the role of Vancouver police in sex crimes http://www.censored-news.blogspot.com/
Annett begins the article with this quote: "Ten of the last dozen women to be taken to the killing site at Piggy's Palace were accompanied by Mounties or regular cops. You think it was just Willie Picton who was killing them?"
The article continues, "She told me the man's name, a senior RCMP officer, and then said, 'Who doesn't matter. They're all doing it. It's called the ‘hooker game'. The Vancouver cops will pick up girls off the street, drug them with scopolamine and film them as they f--k them, in a cop club downtown on Georgia street . Then sometimes they kill the girls and film that too, and sell it for $25,000 as a snuff film."


Russell Means: The US Dog and Pony Show

Like the great Houdini, the US media has been a grand magician, convincing the public of the need to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan and gaining smiling approval for US military aid to Israel to imprison Palestine. The US media has been a grand escape artist, escaping the truth, while packing the pockets of the corporate thieves, from warmonger corporations to assassins, border wall builders, disaster profiteers and drug manufacturers. With smoke and mirrors, the US media has transformed truth into fiction and facts into lies.
Russell Means describes the latest dog and pony show of the US government. The listening sessions were held Tuesday and Wednesday in Albuquerque and on the Navajo Nation.

Nine Myths About Socialism in the US

Glenn Beck and other far right multi-millionaires are claiming that the US is hot on the path toward socialism. Part of their claim is that the US is much more generous and supportive of our working and poor people than other countries. People may wish it was so, but it is not.
As Sen. Patrick Moynihan used to say "Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But everyone is not entitled to their own facts."
The fact is that the US is not really all that generous to our working and poor people compared to other countries.
Consider the US in comparison to the rest of the 30 countries that join the US in making up the OECD - the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. These 30 countries include Canada and most comparable European countries, but also include some struggling countries like Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Korea, Mexico, Poland, Slovak Republic and Turkey.
When you look at how the US compares to these 30 countries, the hot air myths about the US government going all out toward socialism sort of disappear into thin air.

Infant mortality in the US is fourth worst among OECD countries - better only than Mexico, Turkey and the Slovak Republic. 

 Child poverty in the US, at over 20 percent or one out of every five kids, is double the average of the 30 OECD countries.

Educational achievement of US children is seventh worst in the OECD. On public spending for childcare and early education, the US is in the bottom third.

  It is only workers in the US who have no guaranteed days of paid leave at all.

More of the rich stay rich and more of the poor stay poor here in the US.

 US gives the smallest percentage of aid of any of the developed countries in the OECD.

What’s Wrong with Germany’s Signature on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

 Untold Story of Genocide of Canadian Aboriginal Peoples 

 Say No to GMOs 

( Not Whole WebPage )

what's a GMO?
Welcome to the Say No To GMOs! website. This site offers extensive information on the complex and controversial issue of genetic engineering.
What does GMO mean? Genetically Modified Organism is the most common usage (though 'manipulated' or even 'mutated' might also be appropriate!) The acronyms GEO (Genetically Engineered Organism) or simply GM or GE are also used.
Genetic engineering is a radical new technology that forces genetic information across the protective species barrier in an unnatural way.
Why be concerned? One of many good reasons is that these laboratory-created mutations are unlabeled, virtually untested and on grocery shelves everywhere.
Say No To GMOs! supports mandatory labeling, long-term independent safety testing, more stringent regulation and full corporate liability for damages resulting from the irresponsible introduction of GMOs to the food supply and environment.
getting started
If you're just starting to learn about GMOs, you might not know quite where to begin. These links provide an introduction to the issues, players and politics of the GMO controversy. Once you're a little more familiar with the issues, you can search the site or visit the yearly update pages to find additional information.
Say No To GMOs!

Untold Story of Genocide of Canadian Aboriginal Peoples 

 Say No to GMOs 

GMO Basics
10 Reasons Why We Don't Need GM Foods (pdf-36kb)
10 Reasons Why GM Won't Feed The World (pdf-72kb)
GM Food: A Guide for the Confused - Clear answers to common questions about GMOs.
Why GM Free? - All the reasons you need to Say No To GMOs!
Who's Afraid of GMOs? Me! - A thoughtful rebuttal to the 'GMOs will feed the world' argument and more.
The Myths Of Agricultural Biotechnology - Exposing the flawed premises of biotech in agriculture.
Confronting Contamination - The only way to stop GMO contamination is to stop growing GMOs.

lab animals fed GE and non-GE soy Are GMOs Safe?
State-of-the-Science on the Health Risks of GM Foods (pdf-933kb) - Well-referenced summary of current research.
Monsanto Corn Unfit For Consumption - MON863, approved and on the market, caused serious damage to the liver and kidneys of rats which consumed it during feeding trials. Read the abstract and commentary.
Genetically Modified Soy Affects Posterity - In a recent Russian study, the three-week mortality rate of offspring fed GE-soy was 50%! Does that get your attention?
Scrambling and Gambling with the Genome - The process of genetic engineering is neither predictable nor reliable. Can you say 'Russian roulette'?.
Unraveling the DNA Myth - The basic assumptions of genetic engineering are debunked by Dr. Barry Commoner.
Risks of GM Food - Professor David Schubert of the Salk Institute offers insight and words of caution.
A Deadly Epidemic and the Attempt to Hide its Link to Genetic Engineering - How this happened and why it didn't make the news.
The Virus Hazard - Genetically engineering crops using genetic material from viruses has serious implications that are dismissed by industry and regulatory agencies.
See Scientists Speak and Scientific Studies for more information on the safety of GMOs.

don't count on seeing a label anytime soon Regulation and Labeling
How It Happened That We Don't Regulate Biotech - In the '70s when gene splicing was in its infancy, a questionable study was used in its defense.
Are GMOs Being Regulated or Not? - How and why regulatory oversight of agricultural biotechnology is failing to protect the public interest.
Should Genetically Modified Foods Be Labeled? - Comprehensive discussion of the FDA's twisted GMO labeling rationale by Craig Holderge.
Sensible Regulations For GE Food Crops - Read this if you think that GMOs are being adequately regulated and tested.
Deficiencies in Federal Regulatory Oversight of Genetically Engineered Crops (Word document)
Investigate more about Regulatory issues.

what are GMOs doing to our children GMOs and Childern
Genetically Engineered Foods Pose Higher Risk for Children - Why children are at risk from the effects of genetically engineered food.
"Agriscience Bus" Takes Teachers For a Ride - How industry enlists teachers to influence future generations' acceptance of GMOs.
Corporate ties to academia also influence curriculum and research.

under a corporate thumb Corporate Control
Force-Feeding the World - America's 'GM or Death' ultimatum to Africa reveals the depravity of its GM marketing policy by Robert Vint
Monsanto: A Profile of Corporate Arrogance - Monsanto currently dominates the GMO seed market. Want to know more about their history and MO?
Corporate Serfdom Official - Corporate ownership of life-forms is very profitable and a way to dominate and control the food chain.
Food as Political Weapon - Illuminating Acres USA Interview with Indian journalist, Devinder Sharma
US States Passing Laws to Block Local GMO-free Ordinances - Democracy and grassroots action face challenges from corporate money and influence.
Learn more about how GMOs will impact the global south

do you want drugs in your corn flakes? Pharm Crops
Biohazards: The Next Generation - Crop plants are now being genetically engineered to manufacture industrial and pharmaceutical proteins. Have you lost your appetite yet?
Fear of Pharming - Growing drugs in food crops is a bad idea, period, but the industry keeps pushing forward.
Nanofood - Do we really need another untested technology polluting our food, environment and bodies.
In addition to pharm crops and trees, other GMOs in development include genetically engineered animals, fish, insects and even humans.

silent forests of the future Environment
Genetically Engineered Trees - Genetic engineering may do as much damage to forests and wildlife habitat as chain saws and sprawl.
Why Is Release Of Transgenic Crops Into The Environment A Risk? - What are GMOs doing to our environment?

( Related files and posts
Corporate Farming
Health & Wellness
Environment & Sickening Practices
Green Acres - Food and Junk Food
Once World's Bread Basket, Iraq Now Farming Basket Case )

On Languages of Power and Powerlessness

The disciplining force of society is at its most effective when its human origins are denied or covered up. The admission that society - with all its prescriptions and proscriptions, rewards for obedience and punishments for veering off the line - rests ultimately on man-made choices and decisions invites critical scrutiny, dissent and resistance: What has been done by humans can be undone by humans. No wonder that throughout the modern era, attempts were made and continue to be made to represent the grounds for the demands of power-holders as beyond human capacity.

 But, whether they are endowed with charisma or not, democratically elected political rulers tend all too often to surrender to the same temptation and resort to similar stratagems. One of the most popular expedients they use is the TINA (There Is No Alternative) formula, suggesting that in no way have their policies been selected arbitrarily; that they are not in fact a result of choice at all, since no other effective policies existed.

Another more widespread stratagem is disguising political choices as expert solutions. President Obama’s advisers said they had found in the campaign that using experts, even those not widely known, rather than employing familiar political faces, was far more effective in engaging grassroots supporters. The lines of expert reasoning, like those of God, are by definition impenetrable and incomprehensible for ordinary minds (neither divine nor risen by training to divine level) - and so, in practice, immune to lay criticism. The data that the experts invoke in support of their recommendations are unavailable to people with no access to laboratories, observatories and whatever other sites they have been derived from.

( Old Daffynition : X is mathematical symbol for an unknown quantity, a spurt happens when pressurized water escapes , therefore an expert is an 'unknown drip under pressure.'
Now you know why they call them 'anonymous sources' ! )


Disposable Workers of the oil and Gas Fields


High Country News

If you don’t have a college degree, it’s the best job in the West. Unless you die, unnoticed.

Joe Laster’s death received almost no news coverage. The Associated Press published a few basics, a total of 101 words. Two investigators from Wyoming’s workplace overseer, the Department of Employment’s Workers’ Safety and Compensation Division, completed an investigation months later. The agency found that Tyvo LLC had violated safety regulations, citing the company for failing to have a guard on the driveshaft that grabbed Laster’s glove, for inadequate training, and for having no first-aid supplies at the site. The agency slapped Tyvo with a fine: $3,375


The Butterfly Sting

How a federal wildlife agent brought down one of the world's most notorious insect thieves.

The Trouble with Wilbur

Feral pigs


As the economy has globalized, illegal trafficking of wildlife has gotten worse in the West.

A once and future abundance

In The Living Shore, food writer Rowan Jacobsen’s interest in the vanishing Olympia oyster leads him to a consuming fascination with threatened coastal ecosystems.

Our dirty past, our dirty present

Soon after the EPA was founded 40 years ago, it began photographing American environmental problems for its Documerica Project.

Just a few Faces in Frackland

It is so easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless in this struggle to get the real story about drilling for natural gas into the eyes and ears of the residents in the areas where this is happening.

This past weekend I took a trip to Washington County, PA to visit some of the folks in Hickory. This is the site of some of the very first hydro-fracked wells that existed in PA.After all, some of these wells went in back in 2005 so it seems that by this point they should all be millionaires living the good life, the economy should be well on the upturn with plenty of jobs…..at least this is what the gas industry keep telling us will be.
I have to say that isn’t quite how it’s gone down for the residents there.

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