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Learn moreWhy bother cleaning clogged arteries when you can simply grow new ones?
A new species of human found in a South African cave lived around 1.95 million years ago, had smallish teeth and walked upright.
Why does warm water sometimes freezes faster than cold? A physicist says he has the answer.
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy The U.S. Supreme Court has decreed: corporations are now people. They have been given rights that only real people had before. Worse --corporations remain 'privilege...
Physicists have created a black hole in a laboratory. It's on the atomic scale, that is, very very small. But it's first time anything like this has ever been done and the experiment could prompt innovatio...
Military Police Complaints Commission told that military police had no idea what happened to Afghan prisoners after they were handed over to Afghan authorities, follow-up not part of job description. Swed...
The latest news about sea turtles makes me want to cry. Too many endangered turtles are still getting caught accidentally in fishing gear. Can environmental activists, engineers, the government, and fisher...
The Wildlife Conservation Society has just released a list of critically endangered species dubbed the “Rarest of the Rare” – a group of animals most in danger of extinction, from primates to horses. (Imag...
Not much is known about flocking behavior in birds. Why does a group of birds moving in one direction suddenly veer, dive and swoop all together without missing a wing beat? To find out, scientists from Br...
Astronomers have discovered the coolest brown dwarf to date with some peculiar characteristics. Has a new class of brown dwarf been discovered right on our interstellar doorstep?
posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at
CENSORED NEWS - 18 hours ago
By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/ It is spring, a time for less words and more beauty. Today's contribution is from the working group Referendum, which is underway online...
Climate change has claimed two more of the moving icefields at this national park, reducing their numbers to 25.
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy There is not a shred of credible and/or admissible evidence to support the Bush administration's official conspiracy theory of 911. The theory is ludicrous on its fa...
A young humpback whale is clinging to life on an East Hampton beach. Rescuers are debating whether or not to sedate and euthanize it, but bystanders are frustrated that more isn't being done to save the wh...
CANADA - Canada's economy is the fastest growing of all the G7 Nations according to a new report released today that estimates Canada's economic growth was 6.2% during January to March 2010. The G7 is an ...
Astronomers may have finally explained a mysterious eclipse first observed in the 19th century.
The other day, I was driving down the freeway and I noticed that more and more billboards are going digital. They're like giant LCD televisions in the sky, promoting this or that with video, animated graph...
[image: Colección de 13 imágenes dedicadas a los casinos]*Nota:* *Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías.* Esta es una colección de 13 wallpapers donde los juegos de casino...
So not to feel left out, scientists at Fermilab have released their own rap video, but will it top the famous European nerdcore "LHC Rap"?
A young humpback whale is clinging to life on an East Hampton beach. Rescuers are debating whether or not to sedate and euthanize it, but bystanders are frustrated that more isn't being done to save the wh...
The Soviets had long laid the blame for the 22,000 murders on Nazi Germany -- a lie told for decades to the Russian people.
posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at
CENSORED NEWS - 22 hours ago
VIDEO: Glimpses of Indigenous Struggle now available at Earthcycles, http://www.earthcycles.net/, as we prepare for the World's People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, live fr...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 1 day ago
*Electronic music is more then* strange hisses and blurps, computers, tone-generators and complex electronic equipment. About 1966 I had the pleasure to work for the Dutch "Philips" company, where I got a...
Overcoming a rare antenna breakdown, space shuttle Discovery successfully docked at the International Space Station early Wednesday.
"What to do with all that CO2?" It's a question that's always vexed me, especially when I'm stuck in traffic behind five semis, two SUVs, and we're all doing 85MPH while passing a plant like the one pictur...
Analysis of sandals buried with the boy king suggest the sometimes elaborate footwear was made to accommodate his club foot.
Southwest Airlines switches over to satellite navigation for landing approaches to save money on fuel.
*Today on Native America Calling* *Wednesday, April 07, 2010– Tweaking the NAGPRA Rules: *Last month the National Park Service published a final rule that may be the key to unlock the door for the return of...
As the shuttle approaches retirement, a new deal has been signed by NASA to pay Russia $55.8 million per seat for six Soyuz flights to the space station from 2013 to 2014.
The initial shock and a brief tsunami warning sent residents fleeing from their homes.
Arctic sea ice extent is at its largest extent since 1979 entering this year's melt season. Scientists will have to wait out the summer to to see how much of the thin, newly-formed ice survives.
It will be some time before we know for sure how the tragic explosion happened, but the findings could affect safety laws for mines across the country.
CANADA - The RCMP has been ordered to up security around Canada's Parliament Hill following security concerns that a gunman might try to attack the center of Canada's government. Thus RCMP officers will n...
*While searching for videos to stream on Earthcycles in advance of the Bolivia Climate Summit, I found this wonderful video of our champion Floyd Westerman. --Brenda* Floyd Red Crow Westerman and Trevy ...
CANADA - The Canadian dollar briefly hit 100.12 cents US today, despite reports that Canada's economy during 2009 was actually in a deficit. The Canadian dollar is hot right now because of high oil prices....
Join the Yankton Sioux, and the sounds of Elk Soldier, for the Decolonization Gathering, with special guest speakers Philip Lane, Jr., Chris Matonumpa, Mary Louise Defender Wilson, Simon Sedillo and more, ...
TECHNOLOGY - Think you're safe from thieves while you go to work or on vacation? Think again. Smart thieves are using information from your Twitter and Facebook accounts to determine when you go on vacat...
CARS - Imagine if someone could hack into your car and turn your brakes on or off just by using a laptop remotely. Well it could happen and its possible Toyota has been a victim of computer hackers from r...
A blast of solar wind is currently pummeling Earth's magnetosphere, sparking the strongest geomagnetic storm so far this year, producing some stunning aurorae.
[image: Paisajes de Italia (32 wallpapers de ensueño)]*Nota:* *Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías.* Sin tantos preámbulos, esta es una hermosa colección de 32 wallpaper...
Some folks wash their hands or take Vitamin C, zinc or echinacea to keep colds and flus at bay. But a new study shows that looking at sick people could do it. Mark Schaller, a psychologist at the Universit...
It's time for a musical interlude as BBC Radio 1 plays host to DJ James Zabiela who mixes an inspiring selection of tunes with a decidedly spacey theme.
*Listen and watch the Native American environmental movement icons of this era!* Norman Patrick Brown, Navajo, says there’s over 1,000 radioactive tailings sites today on the Navajo Nation. “How does on...
How could a colorful, 6-foot-long lizard go undocumented for so long?
The Internet has come a long way since it transmitted its first message, "lo," in 1969.
The Internet, GPS and state-of-the-art eye tracking technology could be combined to enhance everyday experiences.
Most robots are programmed. But this robot learns like a child, which can teach researchers more about human cognition.
BREAKING NEWS: Former Cherokee Nation Chief Wilma Mankiller dies Former Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Wilma Mankiller died in the morning hours of April 6 at her home in rural Adair County. (Courtesy ph...
A hairless, long-tailed animal touted as being an "Oriental yeti" may actually be a sick, common mammal.
*The Working Group "Climate Migrants" is at work online, as part of the World's People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, April 19--23, 2010 * *CLIMATE MIGRANTS GLOBAL CONTEXT ...
Jordan Romero will be attempting to summit the world's highest peak with his father and father's girlfriend.
Without a functioning antenna, the astronauts aboard cannot relay data to Mission Control.
The common symptoms of allergies may be generated by a defense the body developed to fight off parasites.
Twenty-five coal miners died after an explosion ripped through a West Virginia mine.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 2 days ago
*Earthquakes keep us busy*. Are we getting accustomed to them? Italy, exactly one year ago. l'Aquila despite promises still a ruin. Haiti, hyped, with its impact on international "help" behaviors, but aft...
Just for fun -- and for all you 2012 Mayan calendar and Nostradamus doomsday soothsayers -- what would happen if the LHC went haywire and a permanent black hole were really made?
*The following is excerpted verbatim from Wikileaks. It is an account of the murder of civilians by the U.S. military which has absolutely NO legitimate business in Iraq in the first place! Out of Iraq now...
WikiLeaks has acquired from whistleblowers in the US military a video and the chilling conversations between two Apache helicopter pilots as they open fire on people milling about on a street in Baghdad in...
Six out of seven of the world's marine turtle species are at risk of extinction. Fisheries aren't helping.
The CITES conservation meeting last month failed to protect shark species in danger of overfishing and habitat loss. What's next for the vulnerable predators?
Not being one to put all my eggs in one alternative fuel basket, I've long been tracking progress in cellulosic ethanol development--the kind of biofuel made from tough, inedible plant parts including agri...
A recent poll by Harris interactive found that 14 percent of Americans suspect that President Barack Obama may be the Antichrist. Nearly a quarter of Republicans, and 16 percent of Democrats, responded thi...
If this is your first exposure to the Friday News Feedbag...we're glad to have you in the club. Welcome to Feedbag Nation, which stems from our weekly science news podcast that you can subscribe to here on...
One of the world's most beautiful tortoises, Madagascar's radiated tortoise, is on the brink of extinction because illegal pet traders covet the eye-catching reptile, which is also hunted for its meat, acc...
Watch Video: http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2010/04/05-6 A secret video showing US air crew falsely claiming to have encountered a firefight in Baghdad and then laughing at the dead after launching an...
*Corporate Polluter Mouthpiece Disguised as News Reporter *By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com *Photo: Navajos protesting the power plant at Dooda (NO) Desert Rock, Navajoland...
Wind power is unreliable at small scales. But zoom out -- say, to the entire east coast of the U.S. -- and good breezes are always blowing. The finding could be a revelation for green energy.
An old toy has inspired some new tricks.
Listen to your elders -- research has proven they are, in fact, wiser when it comes to dealing with social conflict and change.
On April 13 in New York City, Bonhams will auction off pages from the Apollo 13 mission manual, with handwritten notes by flight commander Jim Lovell.
*The Rights of Mother Earth: Bolivia Births a New Revolution *By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/ *Conference registration*: http://pwccc.wordpress.com With the World's Peop...
Dogs and whales seem to enjoy a special connection, although researchers aren't yet certain what underlies it. Study the video and photographs showing the apparent dog/whale link and see what you think.
About 2 tons of oil have already spilled out into this fragile ecosystem.
I invite you to take a journey with game designer Jesse Schell as his mind goes for a little stroll in the near future.That's why I urge people to watch until the very end of the video where Schell suddenl...
The structure is a stone wall that blocked two-thirds of the entrance to the cave.
*Censored Today: Indian prisoner rights, residential school abuse, voices at the border and the puppet masters* By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/ Photo: Mohawk Splitting t...
*Defenders of the Land Call Out: Canada G8/G20 Dear Friends and Supporters: *I have the privilege to forward this public Call Out on behalf of the “Defenders of the Land” for support and action regarding Ca...
A lack of data makes it impossible to know exactly how much Americans throw out, and experts say enthusiasm for recycling is waning.
The mission to stockpile the space station also brings a record number of women (four) to space.
Space Coast residents got an early wake-up call today: Shuttle Discovery's thunderous roar off the launch pad just before dawn.
Steve is trolling for someone new to prorogue parliament on demand. He is apparently pissed at Governor General Michaëlle Jean because the first time round she kept him hanging for a couple of hours over wh...
The four-man, three-woman crew slated to fly aboard shuttle Discovery this morning are climbing aboard their ship, aiming for a 6:21 a.m. EST blastoff. The shuttle is slated to spend 13 days in orbit, nine...
Shuttle Discovery will carry equipment and experiments to the space station on Monday. However, one payload is particularly exciting. Discovery News speaks with the president of Kentucky Space to find out ...
The earthquake hit near the U.S.-Mexico border, approximately 100 miles southeast of San Diego.