Our diets and our health from the womb to the grave are now shaped by three sectors of the economy: the processed foods corporations, the medical/pharmaceutical giants, and the chemical industry. Together these economic interests have fostered a belief system — a belief that most of us have naively embraced — promoting synthetics as benign and superior to naturally occurring foods and medicines. Blinded by ambition and the spirit of progress and commerce, we have unwittingly created an unstoppable force.
1936: | a report published by a committee of the U.S. Senate warns the American public: “Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certaindangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our foods come are brought into proper mineral balance?” |
Case About Bird Flu - Jane Burgermeister
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk is set to seal a key gas deal with Russia’s Gazprom days after the death of opponents to the contract — including Polish President Lech Kaczynski — in a mysterious plane crash in Smolensk, Russia, reports Polskaweb.
Under the contract worth an estimated 100 billion dollars – the biggest business deal in the history of Poland – Poland is to increase its imports of Russian gas.
The contract to buy gas from Gazprom until 2037 will make Poland 100% dependent on Russian gas for the next 28 years in spite of the announcement of the discovery of huge gas reserves in Poland in April just before the memorial service in Katyn, Smolensk.
Poland could have 3 trillion cubic metres of reserves of shale gas, enough to satisfy domestic demand for more than 200 years.
Under the contract worth an estimated 100 billion dollars – the biggest business deal in the history of Poland – Poland is to increase its imports of Russian gas.
The contract to buy gas from Gazprom until 2037 will make Poland 100% dependent on Russian gas for the next 28 years in spite of the announcement of the discovery of huge gas reserves in Poland in April just before the memorial service in Katyn, Smolensk.
Poland could have 3 trillion cubic metres of reserves of shale gas, enough to satisfy domestic demand for more than 200 years.
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Big Government in Bed with Big Business
The Obama Democrats portray the Dodd bill as a brave attempt to clamp tougher regulation on Wall Street. They know that polls show voters strongly reject just about all their programs to expand the size and scope of government, with the conspicuous exception of financial regulation.
Republicans have been accurately attacking the Dodd bill for authorizing bailouts of big Wall Street firms and giving them unfair advantages over small competitors. They might want to add that it authorizes Gangster Government -- the channeling of vast sums from the politically unprotected to the politically connected.
Losing the Stomach for Humanitarian Interventions
"Europeans and Americans both find the Kantian vision of a bureaucratic world state incorporating basic European cultural ideas about states and laws very natural," Mead writes. But others -- East Asians, South Asians, Middle Easterners, Latin Americans -- don't.
They bridle at International Monetary Fund restraints and conduct their affairs so as to be independent of it. They have blocked agreement in the Doha trade talks. They create their own regional economic institutions -- ASEAN, Mercosur -- that may resemble the European Union but also declare their independence of it. They bridle at outside interference, as India did when Obama agreed to recognize as legitimate China's interest in South Asian affairs.
Moreover, the economic interests of the rapidly growing nations of what we once called the Third World are in conflict with the slow-growth environmental policies of Europe and North America. This was made clear, Mead points out, at last year's Copenhagen summit, which was supposed to produce a binding treaty pledging to reduce carbon emissions.
( You remember. The one where the 'substitution scam' was blown before the 'to be suckered' signed. )
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Visual Economics
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Indian Copyright Bill Declares Private, Personal Copying "Fair Dealing"
limits the prohibition on breaking DRM so that it's only illegal to do so if you're also violating copyright
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a growing trend toward a new kind of software platform.
Ubuntu Linux Claims 12,000 Cloud Deployments
The innovator: Anna Bullus
The chewing-gum recycler, 25, on her groundbreaking pink bubble bins
Electrical Mass Destruction EMP Weapon Design
Debunking snopes.com
It is run by a husband and wife team - that's right, no big office of investigators or researchers, no team of lawyers. It's just a mom-and-pop operation that began as a hobby.