Drill Oil and USA & World to Hell?
Tell Us and Them What YOU want!
The USA and world will soon be out of oil regardless. Consequences of too little too late. Links for more info and ACTION. Click here to tell us what you demand.

We at SEN are convinced that in any event, the USA energy and climate bill is at risk of being “FAR too little, FAR too late, FAR too much wrong, FAR too little right”. The very expression “Drill baby drill!” reflects the drooling of a wealthy few. “Clean coal” and nuclear are not solutions in our view. They are costly and deadly risks at best. How many other nations will join our death-defying and oil-drilling march to hell?

Click here for the outcome of “too little too late”
Click for facts: the USA & world will soon be out of oil
Click here to say what YOU demand, we’ll tell THEM
Scroll down for tools & links for further info & ACTION
( Regardless of my tendency to think the industry that's been busy funding disinformation may be in the position of the 'Boy Who Cried 'Wolf' on Climate Change, I agree with Resource Depletion and Pollution as being critical problems. )
Nonprofit Group Will Prod Companies to Report Their Water Use
The Carbon Disclosure Project, an investor-backed nonprofit organization that has persuaded some of the world’s largest corporations to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions, will announce on Wednesday that it is asking 302 global companies to begin issuing detailed reports on their water use.
Suzanne DeChillo/The New York Times
The New York office of the Carbon Disclosure Project, which has prodded companies to reveal their greenhouse gas emissions.
Times Topic: Global Warming
“For investors, it’s a material issue,” Marcus Norton, head of the new project, called C.D.P. Water Disclosure, said in an interview by phone from London. “It matters because long-term investors in particular see that water scarcity is going to impact companies’ operations and supply chains.”
Companies increasingly are running into water-related obstacles. Last week, New York State denied a permit for Entergy’s Indian Point nuclear power plant because of its enormous consumption of cooling water.
A few days earlier, the Environmental Protection Agency issued new water quality rules that could limit mining company operations. And in California, regulators recently pressured the utility giant FPL Group to use more water-efficient technology in a solar power plant project while denying access to water supplies to other developers.
Norges Bank Investment Management in Oslo has identified 1,100 companies in its portfolio facing water risks, according to Anne Kvam, global head of ownership strategies for the bank, which manages $441 billion.
“As investors, we need to know if companies are in industry sectors or regions where water supplies are scarce and how they are managing those supplies,” Ms. Kvam said. “It’s a challenging thing to get good information about water management.”
( My paranoia about government and corporate control of necessities of life has been going on for a while now.
Water* - Wealth and Power | Environment + NWO )
SideBar Search for Water Related Terms
Water Power
Add-ons for

Currently installed on my computer : disabled only means I want the option to run it, but don't want to routinely allocate resources to do so. Feedly I love : but running together with LastPass & Zemanta freezes things up. For that matter, when connectivity is an issue, I often don't run both of them together either - but they can be disabled from the toolbar without restarting Firefox. Regardless, I never can get totally window/tab happy without problems.
404 File is Not Found ?
Aardvark 3.0
Add to Netvibes 0.8.1
Advanced Dork ( disabled )
Auto Dial 8
BlogRovR 1.1.804 ( disabled )
Clipmarks 4.01
Cooliris 1.11.5 ( may not operate with Firefox 3.5 and better : I put in Phoenity Next 3.0.14 for Ubuntu )
Customize Google 0.76
Diigo Bookmarks & Web Annotations
DOM Inspector 2.0.0 ( disabled )
feedly 2.14 ( disabled )
Find in Tabs
Foxsaver ( disabled )
Foxtab 1.3 ( disabled )
Groowe Search Toolbar 1.6.9
Image 0.3.1
JavaScript Debugger
LastPass 1.66.0
Media Converter 1.0.3 ( disabled )
NoScript ( Really not necessary for Ubuntu : but I got used to it for Windows and do run some WINE Windows Emulator apps )
PDF Download ( disabled )
Perspectives 3.0.3
PostRank 1.1.3 ( disabled )
Prism for Firfox 1.02b
Shareholic 1.9.6
( perhaps more than I need : but it saves on buttons )
StumbleUpon 3.63
( I'll sometimes stow toolbars by unchecking in 'View' to reduce clutter if I'm not using them. For instance ; Navigation,Bookmarks and Diigo are open ; Growe,LastPass and StumbleUpon are not right now. Why Bookmarks and Diigo ? I have Foxmarks,Del.icio.us,Google Bookmarks,Smart Bookmarks/Yahoo! Bookmarks - they've had 2 sites !, and Diigo. Redundancy is nice. Furl and Marigold are now dead so you can understand why. )
Tab PopUp 1.2.1
Taboo 0.6.1
Ubuntu Firefox Modifications 0.7
Ubuntu-it Menu
WebChunks 0.20 ( disabled )
WOT 20091028
( Web of Trust is a safety co-op which I've used for years. )
Zemanta 0.7.1
So there's my list of toys, with some frankly not used and others sporadically if at all. And why do I list Firefox when I use other browsers ?
It's my 'old reliable' in which I can hold down the left mouse button to outline text,Right-Left Click to Copy, and Left-Right-Left Click to Paste...complete with links from the original page.

Aardvark 3.0
Add to Netvibes 0.8.1
Advanced Dork ( disabled )
Auto Dial 8
BlogRovR 1.1.804 ( disabled )
Clipmarks 4.01
Cooliris 1.11.5 ( may not operate with Firefox 3.5 and better : I put in Phoenity Next 3.0.14 for Ubuntu )
Customize Google 0.76
Diigo Bookmarks & Web Annotations
DOM Inspector 2.0.0 ( disabled )
feedly 2.14 ( disabled )
Find in Tabs
Foxsaver ( disabled )
Foxtab 1.3 ( disabled )
Groowe Search Toolbar 1.6.9
Image 0.3.1
JavaScript Debugger
LastPass 1.66.0
Media Converter 1.0.3 ( disabled )
NoScript ( Really not necessary for Ubuntu : but I got used to it for Windows and do run some WINE Windows Emulator apps )
PDF Download ( disabled )
Perspectives 3.0.3
PostRank 1.1.3 ( disabled )
Prism for Firfox 1.02b
Shareholic 1.9.6
( perhaps more than I need : but it saves on buttons )
StumbleUpon 3.63
( I'll sometimes stow toolbars by unchecking in 'View' to reduce clutter if I'm not using them. For instance ; Navigation,Bookmarks and Diigo are open ; Growe,LastPass and StumbleUpon are not right now. Why Bookmarks and Diigo ? I have Foxmarks,Del.icio.us,Google Bookmarks,Smart Bookmarks/Yahoo! Bookmarks - they've had 2 sites !, and Diigo. Redundancy is nice. Furl and Marigold are now dead so you can understand why. )
Tab PopUp 1.2.1
Taboo 0.6.1
Ubuntu Firefox Modifications 0.7
Ubuntu-it Menu
WebChunks 0.20 ( disabled )
WOT 20091028
( Web of Trust is a safety co-op which I've used for years. )
Zemanta 0.7.1
So there's my list of toys, with some frankly not used and others sporadically if at all. And why do I list Firefox when I use other browsers ?
It's my 'old reliable' in which I can hold down the left mouse button to outline text,Right-Left Click to Copy, and Left-Right-Left Click to Paste...complete with links from the original page.