Images of Suicidal Thoughts
A small percent of depressed patients develop thoughts of suicide while taking drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which are the most commonly prescribed drug for depression.
And to make things worse, there's no way to predict or test whether an antidepressant drug is making a patient better or worse.
But researchers at UCLA are working to change that.
I was and continue to be exasperated that no one is talking about this, and most people aren’t noticing.
What's Going On In The Air? Yes, We Are Being Sprayed.
After I returned from Italy at the end of July, I began photographing the Phoenix sky with
the intention that when there was a break in the action, I could post this article.
Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened yet. We have been inundated unceasingly with aerial chemical assaults.
Looking Beyond the Sonoma Chemtrails
It was not a volcano or its ash what caused major disruptions in air travel for the past several days, but a bunch of flawed computer models scientists used to forecast how the volcanic eruption would affect air travel throughout the European continent.
- Fixed Earth
- Whistleblower 'Deep Shield'
- The Chemtrail Smoking Gun (2003)
- Global Warming and Ice Ages by Edward Teller (1997)
- Satellite View of Earth
- Watch the Sky Over the SF Bay
- Towercam from Mt Wilson, California
- Hermosa Beach, CA Webcam
- Latest Chemtrail Videos on Youtube
- California Sky Watch
- Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Bases
- Geroengineering: A Climate Change Manhattan Project
- Geo-Engineering Watch
- Cell Tower Locations
- Caltrans Live Cameras
- SF Traffic Webcams
- Project Blue Beam
- Chemtrail Pics
- Don't Chemtrails Me Bro
- "Toxic Skies" Watch the Movie Online Now
- Strange Days Strange Skies
- Photos of Sonoma Chemtrails
- Excellent Video: Don't Talk About the Weather
- HR 2977: Chemtrails are an Exotic Weapons System
- Operation Cloverleaf
- Bariumblues.com
- Chemtrails, an Introduction
- The Illuminati/Chemtrail Connection (2004)
- German Scientist Exposes Chemtrails as Military Operation
- KSLA Is U.S. Gov't. Secretly Testing Americans 'Again'?
- KNBC 'Toxic Sky' with Bill Moyer in 2006
- Dr. Staninger speaks on Morgellons
- Aerosol Crimes & Cover Up
- Watch "Aerosol Crimes"
- I See Lines website
- Open Your Eyes
- Weather Control
- Chemtrails Video
- Chemtrail Activist
- More Photos of Chemtrails
- UK Agencies Deny Evidence of Widespread Illegal Aerosol Operations
- Strange Days Strange Skies
- Sonoma News Today
- Whatsup?
Three Observations On Arizona Immigration Law Where People Can Be Asked For Documentation As If We Live In A Police State Run By A Dictator
Volcanic Ash Threat in Europe was All a 'Mistake', Authorities Say
It was not a volcano or its ash what caused major disruptions in air travel for the past several days, but a bunch of flawed computer models scientists used to forecast how the volcanic eruption would affect air travel throughout the European continent. As reported yesterday, other reasons are being looked at to explain why flights were suspended if the famous ash cloud did not reach Europe in the way it was originally described. Today, authorities are blaming defective computer models and not the volcanic eruption.
The Real Agenda
The Great Global Warming Swindle
The Ice is Melting, the Hurricanes are blowing. and it is all YOUR FAULT SCARED Don't Be, Its not True.
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