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Learn moreEven women who are confident about their bodies have an internalized desire to be a certain size and shape.
Distant quasars are acting very strange: they're not acting strange. Usually the massive black holes powering these active galactic cores should exhibit some time dilation, but the most distant quasars don't.
** *Western Shoshones join Native American Grassroots Delegation to Bolivia Climate Summit* By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com Top photo: Timbisha Chairman Joe Kennedy The e...
geezerpower April 15, 2010 — Well, I went to a Tea Party today, in Salem Oregon, with hundreds of people attending. When I left at 11:30 AM there were at least several hundred. Like many of the events ...
The president has set a goal of sending astronauts into orbit above the Red Planet by the mid-2030s.
POLITICS - While the United States wanes in recession, China's economy continues to wax and grow at a phenomenal rate. In the first quarter of 2010 China's GDP grew 11.9%. The rapid increase in China's sp...
CANADA - Yesterday the Canadian dollar closed at 100.08 cents US, up .27 of a cent from Tuesday. This is the first time in two years the Canadian dollar has passed over parity. On November 7th 2007 the lo...
A toe belonging to King Tutankhamun’s father has been finally returned to Egypt.
I wrote a blog this morning about an unmanned aircraft designed to chase tornadoes. After I wrote that, I got out my iPod and listened to "This Tornado Loves You" by Neko Case from her latest CD Middle Cyc...
Genetic tests reveal that meat from whales hunted for Japanese "research" purposes is being traded illegally.
The active search for the long-lost bird of science and myth -- the ivory-billed woodpecker -- is officially ending. At least it is for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. “The preliminary conclusion we’ve com...
Iceland's erupting volcano is a pain in the neck for air travel. But it could be worse -- a lot worse.
That Twitter message you just posted about your ham sandwich might now become part of history.
Growing up in Vermont, the car wash was a fun ride that also happened to scrub off a winter's worth of salt. Little did I know how much water it wasted. Now a car wash in Minnesota is saving water ...
Earth should be warming more than it is, according to a new study. Scientists know the missing heat is there, somewhere in the atmosphere or in the oceans, but can't find it. Where is it?
Did ethnic prejudice spur the now infamous legend of the Donner Party's cannibalism?
If this is your first exposure to the Friday News Feedbag...we're glad to have you in the club. Welcome to Feedbag Nation, which stems from our weekly science news podcast that you can subscribe to here on...
This week NASA released a movie that captures a living planet, rather the just another postcard glamour shot.
Naturalist Mark Fraser shows us a crustacean that lives right in most of our backyards: isopod woodlice.
The supercharging of weather patterns by global warming is making parts of Earth's oceans much saltier.
You would think that with all of the gizmos, gadgets and devices tornado chasers have at their disposal, they would know everything there is to know about tornado formation. But not true. So for the first ...
Over at the Military Police Complaints Commission, Department of Justice lawyer Alain Préfontaine is trying to prove that diplomat Richard Colvin's emails flagging abuse of Afghan prisoners were so vaguely...
Fiery ash clouds drifting over Europe have canceled hundreds of flights.
President Obama plans to pitch his plan to combine public and private flights to take smaller space journeys with Mars as a gradual destination goal.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 1 day ago
*The Northern hemisphere of our planet* appears to be in upheaval. Dare I predict: more is to come? The BBC headlines (left) early this morning were quite revealing! It is not only the latest eruption of a...
When you go to the pharmacy to pick up your prescription, I'm sure you feel pretty much assured that the drugs you're getting are the real deal. Not so in many parts of the world. Fake pharmaceuticals are ...
The bizarre hexagon etched into the clouds above Saturn's north pole has foxed scientists for over quarter of a century, but the mystery may have been solved with some laboratory fluid dynamics.
After China's quake, it's hard not to wonder -- is something crazy going on with Earth's crust?
An enormous-toothed leech, pulled from the nose of a girl who was bathing in a river, has just been documented in the journal PLoS ONE. Named Tyrannobdella rex, which means "tyrant leech king," the new spe...
POLITICS - The following is a list of things uncovered by the FBI from the Hutaree Christian terrorist militia in Michigan (according to court papers released Monday): Dozens of assault Rifles Machine Gun...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 1 day ago
*When Lubarsky comes along and has Murphy with him* you are in deep trouble! They came along last Friday evening in a storm... When the lights went up and I proudly re-read my text on *Les Fradkin* I noti...
ENVIRONMENT - The number of earthquakes in recent years has been going up. The most recent was today's 6.9 magnitude earthquake in China which has killed over 400 people, but there is a lot of scientific d...
A trip to El Salvador inspires a husband and wife to build low-cost water purification units in their garage.
TECHNOLOGY - The following is what Microsoft predicts the future of computing will be like. Apparently the technology to do it is already available today, but the price needs to come down dramatically. Mic...
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy Radical right wingers --tea baggers et al --are accused of 'trawling for assassins. It's but one of several outrages now associated with the disingenuous, bigoted 't...
Can the the United States' Clean Water Act be used to combat carbon dioxide emissions?
Think twice before beaming up any life from Saturn's moon Titan. It's very likely the sludge will explode and/or overwhelm your entire spaceship crew, eventually killing them with the stench.
Beautifully decorated, the tomb of Ken Amun features scenes from the Book of the Dead.
A prototype robot, jointly developed by NASA and General Motors, will be flown to the International Space Station for tests working alongside the live-aboard crew. Robonaut 2, nicknamed R2, won't be making...
The eruption under the ice cap was 10 to 20 times more powerful than one last month.
A nitrogen valve in the cooling system of the space station is not budging, and may pose a problem.
These exoplanets are orbiting backwards, and they're turning theories of planet formation upside-down.
As clean as the drinking water is in the United States compared to other countries, it still contains trace amounts of cancer-causing contaminants. But this past March, the Environmental Protection Agency ...
Officials in New York have identified two strains of simian foamy virus in wildlife imported as food—known as “bushmeat”—from three primate species: two mangabey monkeys and a chimpanzee. Concern is rising...
A small amount of oil is detected on North West Island, a breeding site for hundreds of thousands of seabirds and turtles.
If it seems like cockroaches have been around forever, they nearly have. Check out this 300-million-year-old cockroach ancestor that lived several million years before the world's first dinosaurs emerged. ...
** *Please meet the Native American delegates and send a special measure of love to the sponsors* Updated Thursday morning *By Brenda Norrell, Human Rights Editor* *UN OBSERVER & International Report at t...
For Immediate Release April 13, 2010 Last evening, in the final daylight hours, members of the Men's Council for the Kanienkehaka Kaianerehkowa Kanonhsesne were called to the scene of an incident where a ...
Is the lack of noise in your green office building making you uncomfortable on the job?
A witness appearing before the Foreign Affairs Committee on the Situation at Rights and Democracy today was simultaneously smeared in a Canwest editorial. (h/t Dr. Dawg) After hearing his new allegations o...
A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in northwestern China has left at least 300 people dead.
Blend extreme skiing with skydiving, and what do you get? One of the craziest, most dangerous sports on the planet.
Blood from a stone? Try growing crops in water-poor areas where unpredictable weather can wreak havoc. Happily for cash-strapped farmers, a prototype device is managing to coax agricultural miracles out of...
Press Release *Two Akwesasne men were rammed by a boat in Akwesasne waters by two Royal Canadian Mounted Police* Today at 2:55pm Tuesday April 13th, 2010 Press Release On Monday April 12th, 11:00 p.m., Two...
Amid growing concern for the future of NASA's human spaceflight plans, the White House has announced a possible reprieve for the Constellation's Orion capsule.
A new radio telescope is under construction, consisting of 44 stations spread across Europe. Not only will LOFAR peer deep into the cosmos with unprecedented detail, it will also listen out for ET's transm...
The sun erupted today, blasting a huge coronal mass ejection (CME) into space. This is the largest event of its kind since the sun's extended solar minimum.
The lone copy of a 30-minute silent film about the 16th president has surfaced in the unlikeliest of places.
Japanese whalers are blaming activists for a paltry catch this year. Is the crew of the Sea Shepherd right to crow about their victory?
*Hollywood stars join politicians at Bolivia's 'cool' global warming summit* Evo Morales says talks will give a voice to world's poorest and encourage governments to be ambitious after Copenhagen http://w...
We're hearing a lot about a Tennessee family who sent their troubled 7-year-old son, adopted from Russia, alone on a plane back to his home country with a note saying they no longer wanted to parent the ch...
Engineers deal with time a lot, in everything from computers to airplanes to anything that moves.
Today's Wanker Award once again goes to Con MP Jim Abbott at today's Rights and Democracy committee hearings. Abbott twice states he finds it "quite breathtaking" that former Liberal MP and previous R&D ...
In an exclusive interview with Newsmax, the Connecticut independent discloses that he probably will run for re-election in 2012, most likely as independent, and eschew the Democratic and Republican lines...
iPad? So yesterday. Why waste your time with a laptop-sized touch-screen when you can make the entire floor of a room in your house one giant iPad?! At least, that's what one tech company is hoping for. Pa...
POLITICS - American President Barack Obama has issued an executive order called the "National Export Initiative" which aims to double American exports overseas by 2015 in an effort to boost the American ec...
La Palma, an island in the Canary Islands, has an animal problem: wild ferrets that are multiplying there and could damage the ecosystem. Humans are largely to blame, as people use ferrets to hunt for rabb...
In 1964, the former first lady sat down for a series of discussions about her marriage and life in the White House.
For more infographic fun, see this from Gizmodo.
Is *Australopithecus sediba* the missing link between humans and ape-like beings? Many are claiming it could be.
Trace metals consistent with rocky, possibly watery bodies have been discovered in stars far beyond our solar system.
Director James Cameron is drawing attention to what he calls a real-life "Avatar" confrontation in Brazil.
The Japanese Hinode spacecraft watched a tightly wound magnetic "flux rope" snap on the surface of the sun, an event that generated a coronal mass ejection. Could this help future space weather prediction?