The credit ratings corporations are attacking a country for ideological reasons, Spain (and note a left wing-ish government) wants to run its economy in ways that interfere with the financier’s business, thus they pretend in some scientific objective empirical fashion the nation is downgraded, it is smoke and mirrors. This is a political campaign by global corporate capital to reorder our failing democracies into helpless profit centres for their predation.
When Will the Riots in AZ Begin?
Arizona police officer sues over immigration law
Racial profiling is illegal
Israeli-ordered Deportations Threaten Palestinians
( Am I the only one who sees the similarities in the three preceding articles ? )
National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill
increased money for border patrol and drug war agents, equipment, helicopters and unmanned drones
( Obama is different ? Uhuh )
Fighting to getting toxic waste out of Jersey City
Economides (x2) try their hand at CCS - and get it wrong
Free Choice Illusion
Harper Hillbillies