“Plunder: The Crime Of Our Time”–Danny Schechter Takes on Wall St. in New Film
His latest film features interviews with industry insiders to reveal how the financial crisis was built on a foundation of criminal activity.
Wall Street takes large, much larger sums of money than was involved in the Mafia scams. The regulatory system is such that they can get away with it.
The lack of media scrutiny, the absence of regulation, the widespread illusion that markets and real-estate could only go up, created a casino mentality and, an environment for successful fraudsters and white-collar criminals.
I’m focusing on crime and what I call the Crime Narrative. There is a right and wrong in this, not just a left and right.
And much of what’s happening now in Congress is actually both parties trying to angle for the mantle of going after Wall Street when they’ve actually been sitting around now for a year and a half not doing anything about the origins of the crisis.
Tories behind decision to stop British MP from speaking in Canada
Ottawa’s decision to stop British MP George Galloway from speaking in Canada was politically motivated and misused immigration laws designed to keep terrorists out of the country, Ms. Jackman said there has never been a suggestion that Mr. Galloway poses a threat to Canada’s security. In fact, she said, Ottawa decided to bar Mr. Galloway purely because it didn’t like his views on Middle Eastern politics, including his opposition to Canada’s role in Afghanistan.
Wind turbines making us sick: Protesters
Nearly 250 people descended on Queen’s Park Wednesday to protest the presence of the turbines near residential areas. They claim the turbines cause low-frequency noise and have sickened nearly 106 Ontario residents, causing a variety of health ailments ranging from hypertension to sleeplessness and nosebleeds in children.
RE-Thinking 2050: Europe’s Pathway to 100% Renewable Energy
a report outlining a pathway that would lead the European Union to 100-percent renewable energy by 2050. Factoring in everything from electricity, heating and cooling, as well as transport, the EREC report breaks down how different renewable technologies can contribute to a sustainable Europe.
A miniature magnetic field has been imaged on the surface of the moon, making it a rare, minimally protective lunar refuge from some aspects of the harsh solar wind. The 360-kilometer- (224-mile-) wide magnetosphere was detected by an instrument on the Indian Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft. The mini magnetosphere revealed itself by fewer hydrogen atoms scattering off the surface of the moon.