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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

25 Apr - Anti Immigration Cabal

12 11 08 Bearman Cartoon Illegal Immigration T...Image by Bearman2007 via Flickr

Escape from poverty (personal or for relatives staying behind) is a traditional push factor, the availability of jobs is the related pull factor.
The main problem with push-and-pull theories is three-fold: first, they state the obvious,second, they are unable to explain the emergence of migrant flows, third, they are unable to explain the stability of the emerging patterns of migration.
For some migrants, education is the primary pull factor.
Non-economic push factors include persecution (religious and otherwise), frequent abuse, bullying, oppression, ethnic cleansing and even genocide, and risks to civilians during war. Political motives traditionally motivate refugee flows—to escape dictatorship for instance.

What are the pros and cons of immigration?

( An absolute posse of organizations promote penning up of people by borders : institutional suppression of free movement.  This is an interesting condition for a nation founded on immigration which continually claims to promote freedom. )

Southern Poverty Law Center

Anti-Immigration Groups
Behind the recent upswing in anti-immigration activism are an array of groups, including the 10 listed here. Most of these groups regularly work together, and their leaders frequently hold cross-memberships in several organizations at once. Some of the groups have clear ties to openly racist organizations, and even some of those that don't still espouse thinly disguised bigotry.
In the eyes of most of these groups, immigrants (typically, non-white immigrants) are responsible for nearly all the country's ills, from poverty and inner city decay to crime, urban sprawl and environmental degradation.
Many of them also believe there is a secret a plot by the Mexican government and American Hispanics to wrest the Southwest away from the United States in order to create "Aztlan," a Hispanic nation. Only four of the 10 groups described below are designated as "hate groups" by the Southern Poverty Law Center (see The Year in Hate).

The Naked Emperor: Immigration Cannot Save Social Security
like most of claims of the Open Borders lobby, this one isn't true either.

A new study by economist John Attarian, a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan and a free-lance writer, takes the untruth apart in a new monograph, "Immigration: Wrong Answer for Social Security," available from Americans for Immigration Control.

Big Labor Joins With Big Business (And Big Churches) To Betray American Workers

Americans for Immigration Control

2009   Total Lobbying Expenditures: $25,000

Americans for Immigration Control(AIC)

Founded: 1983
Members: 250,000
Budget: $5,000,000

( Time for a tax audit, hm ? )

AIC, founded in 1983, is about stopping the millions of illegal aliens who sneak across our border from Mexico every year.

The American Immigration Control Foundation (AIC Foundation) is a non-profit research and educational organization. Our primary goal is to inform Americans of the need for a reasonable immigration policy based on the nation’s interests and capacity to assimilate newcomers. AIC Foundation is the nation’s largest publisher and distributor of publications on America’s immigration crisis. As a nonprofit organization, we offer these publications at modest or reduced prices to allow widest possible readership.

Online Organization Registration
State:     VA
Status:     REVOKED
Initial Date of Registration:     1/28/1992
File No.:     920349
Registered Agent    
Washington, DC 20005

Americans for Immigration Control - organization summary
AIC is an American non-partisan grassroots activist organization with more than a quarter of a million members - citizens of all races, creeds, and colors. AIC is concerned about stopping the millions of illegal aliens who sneak across our border from Mexico every year.

Thairish - Care2
The people of no property, the peasants, on racial and religious grounds by the Rifles of Eton and British imperialists still cause mayhem on a daily basis

Eton has a history of expensively educating leaders worldwide many from its ex-colonies, who have ordered the bloody massacres of "restless natives". To order such atrocities you must see the demonized victims as sub-human or second class. That is the ethos of Eton. That is a pattern worldwide of their Eton educated leaders and systemic in the countries they rule, with their "divide and conquer" class education of Eton.

Businesses rush to enroll in E-Verify program
Companies with federal contracts must enroll in E-Verify, an Internet-based system run by the Department of Homeland Security, to check the immigration status of both current workers and prospective hires.

There are 190 organisations in Ireland advocating for immigration (Read here). We are the only organised voice for immigration control.

The stronger our organisation, the stronger that voice.


( immigrationcontrol.org, not .com )

 Referendum on Children's Rights

There is a grave danger that we are about to repeat the mistake of 12 years ago, and put into the constitution measures which will cause us severe difficulties in controlling immigration.

The proposed wording for a referendum on children says the following:

“In the resolution of all disputes concerning the guardianship, adoption, custody, care or upbringing of a child, the welfare and best interests of the child shall be the first and paramount consideration”.

Neighbors in German Capital in Uproar over Iraqi Building

The High Court has overturned a verdict forcing TV2 to disclose its source.
The case involves a leak to the media in April 2007 of an impending Danish military operation in Iraq, prior to the operation taking place. The issue became politically toxic as unsubstantiated claims were made that politicians of the Parliamentary Foreign Policy Committee had leaked the information.

At the same time, the Danish forces claimed that the leak had endangered the lives of military personnel due to take part in the impending attack.

Sweden appears prepared to return the oldest Codex Holmiensis to Denmark.
The oldest known copy of the Jutland Code (Jyske Lov) – or Codex Holmiensis – may soon be on its way back to Denmark from Sweden if negotiations between Swedish and Danish museum authorities and ministries of culture prove successful.

Signed in 1241 by the Danish King Valdemar II, the codex determined laws to be adhered to in Funen and Jutland and down to the Eider River. The codex preamble states: “With law shall the nation be built”, a phrase visible to this day above the Copenhagen District Courthouse.

The copy in Sweden, termed Codex Holmiensis C37, is not the original document, but said to be the oldest known copy.

Currently at the Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm, where it has been for the past 300 years, Sweden has previously declined to return one of Denmark’s most important historical documents, claiming it was taken as war booty in the 17th century.

When half of England was Viking

Argentina rules on marijuana use
The supreme court in Argentina has ruled that it is unconstitutional to punish people for using marijuana for personal consumption.
Mexico eases drug possession law
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'Drugs gang' arrested in Colombia
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World drugs in graphics
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